amostheamazing · 3 years
Who: @emmelinevancx​ Where: St Mungo's corridor
Tw: amelia's death mention
Whilst Amos would usually be the type to play up an injury to get attention and comfort, this morning he couldn't wait to get out of St Mungo's. He had argued last night that he was fine and didn't need to be kept in over night, but they weren't having any of it. At least he'd found out from them that Arthur was alright and hadn't seriously been injured. Still there were other people he needed to see. Right now he didn't know how to process what had happened to Amelia, it was like he had distanced himself from the emotions. A coping habit he didn't know he had perhaps. Literal seconds after he was discharged he ran off in search of his best friend. Running instead straight in to Emmeline. "Emsy? Hey" Amos didn't quite know what the right think to say was "how are you holding up? Were you injured?"
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cooler-than-red · 3 years
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Artemis Blake - 11. bisexual. insists she hates school but gets top marks anyways. weird obsession with fire. knows way too much about classic art and mythology.
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Lily Evans - 11. straight. actually tries in school. works insanely well under pressure. gets mad easily but can't hold grudges.
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Marlene McKinnon - 11. raging lesbian. lives life to the fullest. embrace femininity. is up for absolutely anything.
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Mary Macdonald - 11. sexually confused. confused in general. only cares about her friends and her art. literal ray of sunshine.
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Sirius Black - 11. chaotic bisexual. loves his friends more than life itself. pretends not to care (about anything). cares so much (about everything). hates saying goodbye. feels too much.
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James Potter - 11. straight. the mom friend. can be mean, but never to his friends. the most supportive person in the world. student athlete.
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Remus Lupin - 11. gay. always looks as though he hasn't slept in years. never goes anywhere without a book. chocolate and tea and sweaters. could speak only in classic literature quotes. fears losing his friends over everything.
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Peter Pettigrew - 11. asexual biromantic. morally gray. just wants to play chess with everyone. not very good at school but loves nature and music. awkward because he 'doesn't know how actual people work.' loves sweaters almost as much as Remus.
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Frank Longbottom - 12. straight. sports guy. golden boy. everyone falls in love with him because he radiates life and light. is kind to everyone. loves dogs and cool cars.
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Alice Fortescue - 12. straight. hopeless romantic. loves books and poetry. always carries a notebook around, but nobody has ever seen what's inside of it. insanely smart, but always off in her own world. shy and quiet.
/AND THE STARS\ - on wattpad now! 
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froget-me-nots · 4 years
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fawley-en-face · 5 years
Family Dinner
“I come bearing- oh. You’re not Emmeline.”
Henry blinked at the young blonde woman in the doorway, who was absolutely certainly not Emmeline Vance mom. She was pretty, in a pixie-whisp sort of way, except that Henry was fairly sure Emmeline was still dating Maura Mulciber? Who, granted, was in Germany, but as far as he knew they were still steady. Emmeline wasn’t cheating, was she? No, unthinkable.
So who was this stranger? And, more importantly; was she single. 
“I- I brought wine,” he said, after a moment of startled silence. There was a bottle in his hand as a dinner gift, since Henry knew better than to even attempt to cook and bring a dish himself. 
@advance-emmeline @nottsofiya
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thebaileyshaw · 5 years
Human Interaction 102
How to Meet Men. How to Meet women. Flirting for Fun. The Modern Wix’s Guide to Sex and Love. The Art of the Affair.
Bailey couldn’t take this shop seriously any more. The titles of the books in this section were bad enough, but she’d dared to flip through a few and they were practically useless. She wasn’t looking for a partner, she didn’t want to sleep around- for Merlin’s sake, she’d never even been kissed- and she wasn’t trying to become some maneating femme fatale. She just wanted to understand why she kept getting distracted by stupid things, and why the simplest of words seemed to have such a strong affect on people.
When she heard movement in the aisle she glanced up, ready to make a hasty retreat; this place wasn’t worth her time anyway, and she didn’t want to have to deal with someone else seriously contemplating getting life advice here. 
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head-grl · 5 years
alice: focus team. emmeline and i will prepare for the trip. peter, keep an eye on everything.
emmeline: let’s go then.
peter: on it.
alice: penny, talk to no one. go nowhere. do nothing.
penny: i won’t let you down.
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mxrcusflint · 7 years
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@harrypotternetwork​ creation event: draco malfoy
n e i t h e r -- b o t h
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hollidaytaylor · 3 years
WHEN: Friday, 28 January, 1981 WHERE: Kiddie party; The Copse, London WHO: Holliday Taylor + Emmeline Vance ( @vanceofmyheart​ )
You had to be quiet when hiding in the bed of your best mate, smoking marijuana with a complete stranger. She still giggled mercilessly, Holliday’s sides now aching, “You did what? Nooo!”
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bitchronan · 7 years
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@hogwartsgirlgang event: house pride; slytherin girls, class of ‘78
↳ “There's something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls.”
cora nott - victoria kholod
emmeline vance - ruari luke
iona greengrass - devon ross
corrina yaxley - sohnia ahmed
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gryffindorsdoe-blog · 7 years
emmeline - 17 - two miles from you - intellectual badass. pls don't call me emily.
swipes right. emmeline’s cute and smart, there’s no reason to swipe left to be honest.
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Sirius & @ms-emmelinevance​ Emmeline’s Flat
“Sirius is going to love you,” was the last thing Snuffles heard before Emmeline stepped out of the room. The entire thing was all too risky, with the final decision being to come clean about his animagus form. It wouldn’t have done well to scare the shit out of her while she was on a run so, admittedly not his best decision, her home was the next best idea. There wasn’t an easy way of handling the situation and rolling with her having come across him while transformed had him thinking there was no time like the present.
He waited until he was certain she wasn’t coming back then shifted to human, absentmindedly toying with the hem of his shirt while he waited for her to return. “Look, there’s a simple explanation for...” The rest of it was lost since he caught her expression, leaving him certain he made a mistake.
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rowle-inglikeastone · 3 years
Panic rises in her throat, burning as it spreads across her chest. Her fingertips tingle. Her muscles tighten, ready to run or fight or apparate. Someone is following her, she just knows it. All she can hear is the echo of his footsteps, some faceless being she cannot bring herself to turn around and pick out in the crowd. Lyanna just knows he is there, hunting her. Her hands trembled, eyes darting around for a path to escape. She recognizes Emmeline, remembering her from school and recognizing her poking around the ministry as well. Not Lyanna’s first choice but the other woman was an Auror and maybe that would be enough to deter her pursuer. 
Lyanna makes quick work of catching up, sliding an arm through the other woman’s and smiling up at her. “Hello, so glad o see you! I was hoping to catch you before work,” her tone is exaggerated and uncharacteristically friendly. In a much softer more hurried whisper, Lyanna makes eye contact with Emmeline, “someone is following me. Please pretend. Please. . .please just help me right now.”
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cooler-than-red · 3 years
winter, 1995
Harry stared at the swirling liquid in the Pensieve, trying to make out the figures in the memory at the bottom. It was a scene he'd watched before, not too long ago. His father sitting under a beech tree on the Hogwarts grounds with the other Marauders on the last day of their exams. He looked around Dumbledore's office for a moment, torn between doing what he was supposed to and seeing his father again. In one motion, he tipped his head forward and was pulled into the swirling Pensieve.
He fell through the darkness, unable to see anything until he landed gracefully next to his father under the tree. Harry looked around in wonder, realizing that this was the same memory, but somehow different. He wasn't looking at the grounds through the lens of Snape's memories, but of someone different. Harry watched as James pulled out the familiar snitch and let it flutter out of his hand, reaching out to catch it at the last second. Lupin had pulled out a book and was reading. Sirius stared around at the students milling over the grass. Before, Harry thought he looked rather haughty and bored, but now he realized Sirius was scanning the crowd carefully. He was looking for someone.
Harry followed Sirius' gaze to a group of girls who were settled under the next tree over, but then realized that wasn't exactly where he was looking. Sirius was staring right at a girl leaned up against the tree-trunk, so deeply invested in something she was writing that she didn't seem to notice anything going on around her. Her uniform was untidy and seemed almost slept in, and each of her shoes were laced up differently. She tried to tuck her long dark hair behind one ear, but it slipped out and obscured her face again.
"Sirius, stop staring at her," Remus said without looking up from his book.
"I'm not staring at her." Sirius' eyes quickly flicked away from the girl.
"You are, and it's creepy."
Sirius turned back to the group and watched James playing with the snitch for a minute. "Put that away, will you?" he said finally, as James made a fine catch and Peter let out a cheer. "Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement.
"If it bothers you," James said with a grin. He stuffed the snitch back into his pocket.
Harry looked over again and saw that the girl under the tree was standing up and dusting off her robes, holding the piece of parchment she'd been writing on. A pretty blonde girl sitting nearby looked up at her. "Where are you going?" she asked pleasantly.
"Got to talk to the boys, Marley." The girl's voice was soft and slightly raspy. The blonde girl rolled her eyes and laid back on the soft grass behind her.
"Good luck with that one."
The disheveled girl gave a half smile and started over to the Marauder's tree. James, Sirius, and Peter all looked up when she approached them, but she didn't give any of them a second glance. "Moony, will you read over this real quick?" she asked, handing the parchment down to Remus. Without taking his eyes off of his book, Remus took the paper from her. She sat down between James and Peter and tucked her legs under herself.
"Hello, Artemis," Sirius said in a would-be cheerful voice. The girl ignored him and turned to James.
"What's the plan for tonight, Potter?" she asked with a smile. "Marlene said something about a party, but I wasn't sure if you all were in on it." Her gaze flicked to Sirius and then away again.
James let out a heavy sigh. "Will you two just make up already?" he said, looking back and forth between Sirius and Artemis.
"That wasn't an answer," Artemis said drily. "And no. Remus, are you almost done?"
Sirius was looking at Artemis with a hurt expression. "Listen," he said softly. Harry was surprised at how genuine he sounded. "I already apologized- what more do you want me to do? Just tell me, and I'll-"
"Shutting up would be nice," Artemis snapped. "Moony?"
"Yeah. Finished." Remus handed the paper back to her. "I wrote some suggestions down, but other than that it was good. Slughorn'll love it."
"Thanks." Artemis looked down at the paper, reading over Remus's suggestions. Sirius stared longingly at her for another moment, then seemed to recover.
"I'm bored," he said, his voice returning to its usual haughty tone. "Wish it was the full moon." He looked at Artemis again, as though expecting a reaction. One never came.
"You might," Lupin said darkly, returning to his book. "We've still got Transfiguration, if you're bored you could test me... Here." He held out his book.
Sirius snorted. "I don't need to look at that rubbish, I know it all." Artemis scoffed but didn't say anything.
"This'll liven you up, Padfoot," said James quietly. "Look who it is..."
Sirius's head turned. He had become very still, like a dog that has scented a rabbit. "Excellent," he said softly. "Snivellus."
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marlsmcks · 2 years
It was a Friday, not that their work week really followed such a schedule. But there’s an odd silence to the department these last few years. Post-war times, if she ever paid attention to History of Magic, could be turmoil. Maybe, she was missing something. Maybe she was simply as unaware as ever. Whatever. It something Marlene cannot particularly pinpoint the words that would put it best. Then again, words of substance were not her strong suit. The ride started in silence, the elevator back to the Ministry atrium where a bustle of wixen would be flooing themselves out of office for the weekend. The monotony struck her, thinking this is what she was supposed to want. She’d done her time in more ways than one, she was allowed to be done as some would say. She could have a quiet life with the necessities, but it was an unsettling sea of gray and black robes that emptied out before her which made her wince internally. How would she ever fit into this?
“Aye,” she started a light whisper just to break the Godric forsaken silence. A light grin making its way with her eyes trailing to Emmeline on her side, a little twinkle that could only suggest mischief “Look at this.” She peaked her bag out towards the brunette, just the hint of a glimmer of a bottle of firewhiskey. Dark and lovely, with hints of something warm, fervent, reddish, and raging. “S’not mine.” She emphasized quickly, expecting a scolding from the slightly older auror. “Found it in an abandoned desk in the back because...you know.” She shrugged, leaving the implication where it was to be interpreted. “Either a sweaty pub or a cwtch on the couch with this. Take your pick darling.”
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fawley-en-face · 5 years
Not Again
Emmeline was complicated. She was strict but honest. She’d quite literally saved his life, and kept coming back even when he wasn’t in immediate danger anymore. She was one of the only authority figures in his life that he actually trusted and didn’t mind having around. 
And she’d been at the Potter wedding. Once he’d shaken himself out of the horror of discovering what Nigel was, all he could think about was finding out who’d died. 
War happened. Casualties were expected. Henry didn’t care about the dead. Except when the dead were his people. The ones he relied on to keep him from self-destructing since these days he felt like a grenade made of glass. Emmeline couldn’t die. She could not. He refused to loose anyone else.
So when he finally found her he didn’t hesitate to throw his arms around her neck and pull her into a deep hug, pressing his face against her neck. 
“I’m glad you aren’t dead,” he mumbled against the fabric of her shirt. 
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antonalog · 2 years
Antonin turns around from the bar where he’s been plopping an outrageous amount of cherries into Connie’s shirley temple, only to find she’s run off. A flash of brown hair. A giggle. He spots her running and hops over the counter, long legs quickly closing the distance, even among the crowd. “Let go my daughter,” black eyes blaze, wand already out and poking into the neck of who ever has their arms around Connie. She isn’t his daughter, he and Iris aren’t even courting technically but it was the first word in English he could grab. 
A very tenuous moment passes before he recognizes Emmeline and slowly he lowers his wand. Antonin frowns at the little girl and the auror, “vhat you doink? Vhy you run avay,” his attention shifts back to the adult woman, “vhy you lettink my girl run up to you Emmeline? Give me vorries you try hurt her.”
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