teddy-tonks · 9 months
9. Is there a book you’re planning to read this year? 
Just one? I have a whole list. I won't bore you with them all but these are a few; The Day of the Jackal, The Cement Garden, Terms of Endearment, High-Rise and When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit.
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
"Yes, thanks, sitting down sounds great" when Ted had looked all of the chairs in the ball had been taken. He really should've thought about putting his jacket over one and reserving it, but well it was too late now. Besides, then he would never have been presented with this option. Which as ever, was unusual but wildly interesting. He followed Andromeda as she led the way and then sat down next to her on the bench. Ted ran his hand over his knee nervously. He pulled out a flask that he'd brought with him and took a sip. Something about being with Andromeda in this kind of environment was making him feel more nervous than usual. "Would you like some?" he held it out for her "it's a popular alcoholic muggle drink- I find its quite nice and sweet to drink- up to you of course." Ted wasn't just being nice about her dress earlier, she did look, well there was no other word for it...beautiful. Ridiculous that that's what he thought but to deny it but would be a complete lie. "Would you tell me something I don't know about you?" Ted wanted to know more, it was that simple, and whilst he enjoyed their conversations before book club, they often had a time limit. Tonight felt slightly different "doesn't have to be anything crazy, don't worry, I just feel like I hardly know you still and i'd like to learn more- if that's okay"
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She turned to see who had the bravery to make such a comment about one of the Heiresses to the House of Black. Her glare cuts through as her eyes met the person who made the statement. He was further away she could make out between the distance and the liqueur in her system from the spiked punch. Before she processed who, he had already seemed to stumble on his words. It was clear it was Ted and suddenly the words took a new meaning. It was different, but Andromeda couldn't put her finger on it. Ted wasn't the pureblood boys who chased after the status and the impressive potential dowery that accompanied her hand in marriage. Like many things with Ted, she let him get away with it this time. And only this time. Andromeda eyed Ted up and down. A three piece suit, shaped up nice considering the quality of his clothes previously. Not that it meant much of anything, but it was an observation regardless. She could see where he was boiling. That wasn't the case when the dresses are made for style rather than practicality. Though, she shrugged.
"Would you like to come sit with me, then?"
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
Ted hadn't realised it was Narcissa that had been in the way. Perhaps if he had he would've just gone without the cheese tart. He didn't know why but Narcissa always intimidated him. She wasn't like Bellatrix. Bellatrix in a way was easier to pinpoint. But it was hard for him to understand Narcissa. He found that unsettling, he liked answers and Narcissa was one big question mark. It wasn't that he had anything overly against Narcissa, she just made him feel on guard. It was probably more of a him problem, but it didn't stop Ted from feeling that way. "Narcissa" he greeted her with a nod. He quickly grabbed the cheese tart. "Having a nice evening?" he asked mostly to kill the silence that was building between them.
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how late is she obligated to stay? merlin, narcissa remembers a time she looked forwards to the yule ball. she would have counted the days on a calendar, whispered about outfits and hairstyles with childish glee. now it all seems like a chore. like staring down the future - one of endless parties just like this, where people say words that mean nothing and expect you to smile and nod along. her gaze is fixed, empty, upon the table of food when a voice catches her ear. narcissa turns her head to see who it is and blinks. he looks vaguely familiar. "of course." her shoes click the polished floor as she steps to the side so he might get to whatever it is he's looking to grab.
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
Ted couldn't stop the blush that rose on his cheeks as Indi adjusted his bowtie. He wasnt used to people confident approaching his personal space like that. The bow tie was the thing he'd like the most about this suit. The thing that had seemed most him. People often commented on how alike Ted and his mum were but he wonder if he'd had the chance how much him and his dad might've had in common.
"Err, thanks" he ran a hand through his hair, messing up the neat style that Charity has helped him with. "Are you enjoying the ball?" what a lame question Ted he thought to himself. "It's kind of cool seeing everything decorated like this- I love Christmas anyway and this just makes it all feel even closer."
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where: the great hall. who: ted; @teddy-tonks.
Indi had been waiting for the ball for some time. She couldn’t wait to see everyone dressed in their finest. She had put a lot of thought in her outfit — dressed in tandem with Alice, of course. She was still upset that Regulus went with Pandora but Alice was a wonderful date. Indi had decided to get the two drinks — sadly not spiked as far as she knew.
When she got to the station she turned to her right and saw Ted. “Good evening, Ted,” she gave him a warm smile.” She liked Ted. He was sweet and didn’t give the Scamander the typical Scamander conversation. He was looking quite dapper.
"I like the bowtie, good sir." She smiled, fixing it so it was straight. “Just right.”
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
send  🌿  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  under  mistletoe . (indi)
"Hey, you dropped this" Ted picked up the piece of parchment he'd seen fall from the book Indi was holding and jogged to catch up with her. As always at Hogwarts the corridors had been fully decked out for Christmas. Ted was just glad this one wasn't one that took to snowing whenever it felt like it. Ted handed over the parchment when he reached her "There you go- didn't want you to lose it- thought it might be important." He had only just finished his sentence when the corridor decided to mock him and a branch of mistletoe appeared above the two of them. Ted blushed almost instantly, embarrassed by the situation. Indi was pretty, there was no doubt about it, but being caught until mistletoe with anyone was just awkward. "I-err- we should definitely just ignore that right" he laughed lightly.
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
*♡ ˙ ˖ ✧・゚  —  holiday ask meme  !  —  ・゚✧ ˖ ˙ ♡ *
send  🎄 for  our  muses  to  decorate  the  christmas  tree  together .
send  🌿  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  under  mistletoe .
send  ⛄️  for  our  muses  to  build  a  snowman  together .
send  ❄️  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  indoors  due  to  a  snowstorm .
send  🛩  for  your muse  to  surprise  mine  by  making  it  home  for  the  holidays .
send  🍪  for  our  muses  to  bake  cookies  for  santa  together .
send  🎁  for  my  muse  to  try  &  guess  what  yours  got  them  for  christmas .
send  🙈  for  our  muses  to  stay  up  waiting  for  santa .
send  🥶️ for  our  muses  to  warm  up  by  cuddling  close  to  a  fire .
send  💝 for  my  muse  to  give  yours  a  handmade  gift .
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
Where: The ball; food table Who: @c1ssa
Ted had danced enough now that he needed an energy refill. He'd found his own way to enjoy the ball. He couldn't dance much to the slow songs, but he could sway well enough and that would do for him. He was much more of a dance stupidly to fast songs kind of person anyway. Hogwarts had outdone itself in terms of the food on offer tonight too. Ted was busy piling his plate high. There was one cheese tart he couldn't get to since someone was stood in the way. He tried to get their attention with a quiet 'excuse me' but they clearly didn't hear him. "Sorry- I just need to get to to the-"
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
For Ted there was nobody he'd rather go to this thing with than Charity. He was excited for the party aspect of it all, but was a little intimidated by the fact it was a formal ball. He'd never been to anything like this before. Going with Charity made him feel at ease. Besides it wasn't like he had anybody to ask as a real date anyway. Ted was absolutely ready to move on from Dorcas, but he just didn't feel that kind of way about anyone at the moment. A first date at a ball also seemed like a lot of pressure.
"Please don't" he gave Charity what he hoped was a pleading look "I have like two weeks of having to deal with Gran calling me that soon" Dapper wasn't something he was used to being called either. "The suit was dads- mum made some adjustments so it fit me properly- I kind of love it- you look amazing of course, but what's new." He adjusted his bow tie "you ready to go in?"
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Who: Charity & @teddy-tonks When: The start of the Yule Ball Where: Corridor
"Well, would you look at you?" Charity gasped at her best friend as he came around the corner. She and Ted had been friends for years now, and it only made sense that the two of them would attend the ball together. Neither one of them date dates, and there would be absolutely no jealousy or hard feelings if either one of them were whisked away by somebody else. Really, Charity didn't need a date to attend, she would have been happy to attend alone as all she really wanted to do was dance the night away. But it would have been awkward not to have somebody she could rely on when the slow songs came on.
"I think I'm going to have to refer to you as Edward all night," She teased, knowing he much preferred to go by his nickname, "You look much too dapper to be called Ted all night."
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
Where: corridor outside the great hall Who: @blackestrose
Ted needed to get some fresh air. He had really been enjoying the evening so far. It was nice to let loose and dance with his friends. Just to be able to forget about the pressures of his final year at Hogwarts and what that meant for his life. Ted had just finished talking with one of the students from Ilvermorny when he headed out into the corridor. He wasn't used to wearing suits, especially not a three piece suit. When he'd told his mum about the ball, she'd found the suit immediately. Telling him that it used to be her favourite of his dad's. It felt special to have his dad with him in that way and Ted thought it rather suited him too. Regardless though, in a room full of people it was making him feel very warm. He found an empty corner of the corridor and shrugged off the jacket. Feeling the relief of the cooler air. He looked around, just people watching at the others in the corridor when his eyes landed on a figure down the furthest end. Even from here he could tell it was Andromeda. He was already starting to walk towards her before his brain could catch up with his actions. He couldn't deny that with every interaction they had he become more and more intrigued. The vinyl she'd lent him, whilst not exactly his style had been beautiful. "Seems a shame for you to be out here alone in a dress that pretty" Ted questioned whether he'd had too much of the punch already and cleared his throat. "I just mean- its very detailed" Ted adjusted the way he was holding his jacket "did you need some air too, its boiling in there." Ted had no idea what he was doing anymore, all he knew was that he couldn't seem to stay away from her and he had no idea why.
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teddy-tonks · 10 months
20. does your muse have any pre-bedtime rituals or routines (like facial care, meditation, shower, medications, etc)? do they have any pre-bedtime activities like reading, playing video games, going on their phone, etc?
Ted doesn't have a bedtime routine per say. He doesn't have a skincare routine apart from a special face wash, but he uses that in the mornings. Mostly, for Ted he'll brush his teeth get comfy in bed and most likely read a few chapters of bed, just depending on how tired he is.
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teddy-tonks · 10 months
Ted chuckled at Molly's comment. He got what she meant. Ted was by all means an extrovert. He was a people person and loved being in big crowds. However, being the centre of attention was something he would never be quite comfortable with. He was happy to just to be the person that made people laugh or lightened up the mood. But having all eyes on him. He could barely think of anything worse. Though he supposed he was being part of the problem right now by coming over to Molly. His intentions were harmless though. "They mean well i'm sure" Ted shrugged "i'm an only child so I cant say I know anything about sibling relationships."
Molly caught him of guard with her question. He wasn't really sure he was someone she should be taking advice from about the future. "I'm not sure it was easy" he thought out loud "it was more that magical creatures are the only thing i've really had any kind of affinity for- I did decent in other subjects but that was the one I had real instinct and love for- I guess i just went with my gut, not sure if that's a good thing but-"
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"The grapevine seems to be quite big right now." Molly's cheeks flushed. She wasn't one to shy away from praise but there was something different about finally having an official focus of study. It's like she was admitting she was growing up and had to start making plans for the future. That concept wasn't lost on her but putting the word "Charms" next to her name as she made it official that afternoon was something of a wake up call. Molly was carefree and never felt as old as she was. Twenty wasn't old but, at Hogwarts, it wasn't young either. It was time to look forward and give it at least a small amount of thought.
She cleared her throat. "Yes, my brothers are quite the support -- and obnoxious," she laughed. She didn't know Ted much but she knew he was in his last year and she wanted to pick his brain. "How did you pick your area of study? Was it easy?"
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teddy-tonks · 10 months
"Heard on the grapevine that you're now a charms goddess." Ted teased. He couldn't help it. In fairness to him, it had been the talk of the day. But also Ted knew sometimes about being unsure of what he wanted for the future. The last few weeks he felt like he was genuinely beginning to see where he wanted to go long term in his career. He hadn't shared it with anyone yet, not even Charity. He still needed to sit on it for a little while longer himself. Ted rarely kept secrets from Charity, usually he was a pretty open book generally, but this year seemed a little different for him. Maybe that was progress in a way. Before we would've felt too guilty to keep anything from his best friend, but now he knew certain things were for the best if wanted to continue to explore things for himself. Ted was indeed learning that being a little selfish sometimes could be a good thing. "Seriously though, I love that your brothers were so proud they had to basically tell the whole school, that was very sweet."
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where: great hall end of dinner. who: open; @noxstarters.
It's not that it took Molly that much longer than others to finally pick her area of study, but she hadn't wanted to pick something willy nilly just so she could say she was studying something. Not that there was anything wrong with universal studies in the long run. She thought she would. But through those classes she discovered her love of charms and how skilled she was. It was a pleasant surprise.
At dinner Molly told her brothers before anyone else. The two immediately made it a huge deal. They made sure everyone knew their little sister had decided on an area of study and was going to be a "charm master." Molly liked attention but they were ridiculous and she had to hide her face. People were excited for her but she was flustered.
"Thank you," she responded to a young Gryffindor. When she turned around she was surprised to see someone sitting close on the other side of her. "Oh. Hi there. You don't have to..."
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teddy-tonks · 10 months
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teddy-tonks · 10 months
Who: @blackestrose Where: Book club, before start time
Andromeda had surprised Ted a lot at Halloween. She'd surprised him a lot generally in fact. He'd almost choked on his drink when she'd approached him first on all hallows eve. That was something he had not been expecting at all. Her humouring him when he started conversation with her was one thing. But that. Well it had just convinced him that he wasn't crazy, there was some glimmer of hope when it came to her. He had previously though a friendship would be too much of a reach, but now he wondered what if. The fact she'd also gotten his character reference when even some of the muggleborns didn't had earned her major brownie points with Ted too. It was a huge part of why he was here, super early for book club once again just so they could talk in private. He readjusted the book he was holding under his arm as he walked into the classroom. The nerves appearing as they always did, he might be getting more confident in talking with Andromeda, but he was still nervous to start any conversation. For all Ted knew this was some master plan of hers to show him up somehow. But then, his gut kept saying that wasn't the case. "Hello" he said as he walked in and took his seat "bet you don't recognise me without the hooves now". Ted cringed internally at his own joke, but well it was an opening right.
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teddy-tonks · 10 months
Ted could be quite forgetful sometimes. Today was one of those days. They had been tasked with creating an elixir to bring to the next care of magical creatures class and Ted had completely forgotten about it. Which meant he was now rushing the night before to make something. Potions were not necessarily his forte, though he could manage to make things if the instructions were clear enough. It was just something he simply didn't have an affinity for. He had chosen what elixir he wanted to bring, it was one that would help calm a stressed out creature. Very helpful for when an injured creature needed to be assessed. He had copied down the recipe, he just needed the potions classroom for a spare cauldron. He didn't brew enough potions to need one himself. He wasn't expecting Emmeline to be in there when he arrived. "Sorry" he apologised scratching the back of his neck "I needed to borrow a cauldron- last minute homework emergency- is that alright?"
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who: open to all // @noxstarters where: potions classroom, after potions club
Within her books, between her cauldrons and notes; that was where Emmeline felt the most at home. With a small amount of people among those she would open up to, those things she considered dear to her where the true joy of each day. There was a certain comfort within these things, on that she could have never imagined giving up for anything else. With how life had gone, the friends she'd made, potions club had been the most obvious choice. Along with the major chosen, no step could have been easier.
Like so many times before the witch had finished that day's club meeting, the warmth of another brewing session, going over her notes. There were only three people the Slytherin would have ever shared those notes with. In this case it was just a simple note about a potion she wanted to try, one of the more complicated ones, yet when she heard steps near her, her head whipped around to face the source of it all.
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Whether it was the need for privacy or the ever-burning wish not to be disturbed, the piece of parchment within her hand was folded up as quickly as it had been unfolded moments prior to the interruption. "Is there something you need?" Not having paid much attention to who had been beside her to cause the disturbance, her voice was short with only her eyes showing a small flicker of an entirely different emotion. "Is it something related to potions?"
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teddy-tonks · 11 months
Where: Outside The Three Broomsticks Who: @alecctoccarrow
Ted was having a great time tonight. He loved the festival. Browsing through the stalls, looking at all the costumes. Some people's were seriously impressive. It also warmed his heart every time he saw a costume that had a muggle reference. He had lost Charity to the crowd some time ago, but he was content sat outside with his snacks and his drink just taking in the atmosphere. "There's a seat free if you need it" Ted told the person in front of him who seemed like they were looking for somewhere that was free.
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