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bitchronan · 7 days ago
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Happy late Valentine’s Day 😭 this is so embarrassing to post i literally never make stuff like this but i am twenty years old i think i deserve to draw a couple smooches
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bitchronan · 11 days ago
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bitchronan · 12 days ago
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I fear I peaked when I wrote this specific sentence
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bitchronan · 15 days ago
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feeling targeted.
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bitchronan · 16 days ago
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#you don't have to say it back to me
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bitchronan · 18 days ago
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i bet on losing dogs
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bitchronan · 19 days ago
as soon as I'm done watching a movie
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bitchronan · 20 days ago
so i think about AFTG as a tv show a lot, and while i think it IS most definitely doable, it would be difficult to do right. i would have it 3 seasons, 10/12 episodes per season. exy games are done in montages with a series of action shots intercut with commentary, probably music playing overtop. the casting would be difficult to get right, and the level of scar makeup on neil alone would be intense. i think it'd probably have to be an 18 due purely to violence, alcohol and drug use, all the usual stuff. you could probably get it down to a 15 if you tried but i feel like that would water down a lot of what makes it such a unique series which is how messy and dark a lot of it is.
the tricky bit, in my opinion, is actually teaching the audience about the characters. 70% of AFTG is neil talking to himself, honestly. a not insignificant amount of what we know about kevin, riko, andrew, etc, is stuff that neil already knows and tells us through his internal monologue. now you could do a lot of this with neil simply narrating parts of the story, which would work, but personally protagonist narration to me feels tacky. of course, some of these background details are provided to us through characters like nicky or matt, which is immensely helpful, but at the start of TFC, neil just knows stuff about the foxes, which is a little difficult to convey without neil himself telling us this stuff as the story progresses. my personal solution to this would be to alter certain parts of the dialogue so that the characters tell the story through what they give away individually (for example, when neil and wymack meet at the start, neil says something about janie smalls (he knows about it), then about how wymack only recruits kids from broken homes. in the book, this is all internal, so the audience would need this transmitted in some way to then be curious about why wymack wanted neil and why neil was so insistent that he couldn't go.) i'd also keep neil knowing kevin a secret until the binder is revealed– that reveals neil's motivation to not join the foxes after he's already there. it also means that when neil provides 'half truths' to andrew to justify that he's not one of riko's spies, he's also justifying himself to the audience. we learn about neil at the same pace the foxes do, in a way.
but the narration issue this becomes a whole NEW problem considering his own backstory, his multiple identities– neil or somebody else has to tell the audience that neil josten is an alias or they won't get it. (personally, i'd start the first episode with neil burning his mother's car, 'don't stop, don't slow down, be anybody but yourself, never be anybody for too long', then a one year later skip to the actual start of the book. this gives the audience a piece of neil's backstory to intrigue him to his character, without revealing too much of who he really is.)
aaron and andrew themselves are an enigma on their own. either you stumble across the perfect set of twins, who are both actors, somehow, or you cast a really good actor who is able to pull them off as individual people whilst also capturing the intricacies of how they interact with each other. i think this could be done with the latter solution, and as it would decrease the amount of times theyre in a shot together, it might hint cinematically at their cracks in their relationship, a subplot further explored as neil gets to know his team.
i've got pages and pages of notes on this concept, if anybody would like to hear more about it i'd be happy to talk :)
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bitchronan · 21 days ago
tfc trailer would go so insanely hard because i'd end it with the bit on KF where the crowd all starts chanting KING KING KING and the camera cuts progressively faster between neil and kevin and andrew in the crowd and then right before riko steps onstage we get black screen and then the date the season comes out. Somebody give me infinite money i could DO IT
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bitchronan · 21 days ago
I should do a reread sometime soon as well. Always refreshes my brain. Some good fanfic out there too.
just one of the most tender and nuanced and beautiful romances I think I’ve ever read??? and political intrigue and machinations that still blow my mind after like 3/4 reads??? I haven’t read nearly enough captive prince fic so recs are so welcome
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bitchronan · 22 days ago
finished my captive prince reread. I am but a hollow shell of a person
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bitchronan · 1 month ago
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*throws this at you and runs away*
Insp: @dykekarkat
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bitchronan · 1 month ago
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bitchronan · 2 months ago
just remembered that mf who stole my netflix template and tried to claim they made it in indesign even tho it was a .psd file maybe that’s why I can’t experience joy anymore
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bitchronan · 2 months ago
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I just - I just feel - I just feel like….
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bitchronan · 2 months ago
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bitchronan · 2 months ago
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Now the searchers have departed, and life has grown quiet around me, I have come to realize that while for years I might have imagined myself to be somewhere else, in reality I have been there all the time: up at the top by the muddy wheel-ruts in the new grass, where the sky is dark over the shivering apple blossoms and the first chill of the snow that will fall that night is already in the air. — The Secret History, Donna Tartt.
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