#emi journals
emimayooo · 4 months
Emi in Japan (2024) – Day 2/Day 3
(Link to Day 1, which was my first entry.)
Hey guys,
Gosh but I’ve been so busy! There’s so much to do for such a little town. Then again, I do have a lot of connections here😁
On Day 2, I went to the local 7/11 to buy brekkie…but also to say hi to the cuuuuutest dog who chills there every morning😍❤️. I’m friends with the owner’s family so I easily found out her name, which is Tasha. She looks like a border collie but I think she’s just a mutt🤔
Anyway! I met her on Day 1 when I arrived and just about fell in love. She’s so sweet and absolutely loooves belly rubs. I couldn’t wait to see her after that, but when I did go again, she was already being pet by other customers…a heartbreaker, that one is😔💔
For lunch, I visited I-san (not her real name), who is an old lady I befriended in 2022 when I was living here as my grandpa’s caretaker. She had a cat named Nyanko-sensei, who saw me reading in the next door park, and ran to my side for pets😍❤️
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Unfortunately, Nyanko-sensei passed away last year after a long battle with mouth cancer😢. I-san has been sad ever since because she raised him from when he was small enough to fit in her palm. He was her baby. When we reunited, she hugged me and cried and thanked me for the photos of Nyanko-sensei I sent her earlier in the year. I also saw her calendar, which had my name written on it😭❤️. How sweet.
I-san was busy cleaning her place, so I went to have lunch without her at the local restaurant, run by a former English teacher, his wife and mother-in-law. I first went here in 2019 and have frequented this place every time I come back. The English teacher always loves it when I visit because he loves to practice his English. His wife was my mum’s classmate in primary school. Small town and all that.
Anyway, I had the tonkatsu set. Soooo yummy!
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Afterwards, I visited I-san again. We had tea and ice cream together as I listened to her talk about Nyanko-sensei and life. She cried multiple times when talking about Nyanko-sensei, it broke my heart. Told me how she holds his urn every night and talks to him and cries😢💔
But she shared some good times about him too and we had a lot of laughs. Sometime soon, she’s going to let me wear her kimono that she wore for her coming of age, which was 64 years ago😱! I’ve never worn a kimono before, only yukata, so I’m very excited and honoured🥰❤️
For dinner, two of my mum’s friends came over…AND TWO DOGS, JILL AND TOM😍❤️❤️❤️
They’re both toy poodles. Jill is 9 years old. Tom is four months and they’ve only had him for three weeks. Jill, old lady that she is, cannot stand Tom’s puppy energy lol. But they were both absolute daaaarlings during dinner🥰❤️! For some reason, Jill really went to town on cherry tomatoes and shaved daikon lol. Granny likes her veggies!
Now, onto day 3, which is today!
For breakfast, I had potato chips lol. Afterwards, I went to 7/11 to print photos of Nyanko-sensei for I-san and stared longingly at Tasha as two high school boys rubbed her belly instead of me. Then I went to pick up I-san for lunch. She was all dressed up! Adorable. She said my messy bun would be perfect for when I wore the kimono lmao.
We had lunch at the same place I went on Day 2, since it's only a few minutes walk away and she goes there multiple times a week anyway. I gave her the photos and she was absolutely delighted. While we ate, she talked a lot of nature, and was joyful at the sight of the butterflies working hard to help the plants grow. She hopes her cucumbers will grow soon.
Afterwards, I went home because I had to work on uni stuff, blergh. I sprinted with my friends of the FAW Server who helped me get through it. Even when my American friends went to bed, I kept going. I called it a day when it reached 8pm. Btw, I started at like 12:30 lol which is pretty crazy even for me.
I did have dinner in between, though. My mum prepared me the leftover curry from Day 1 and also made some wonton soup. It was very yum. Then we chatted away until it was bedtime. It's been nice spending time with my mum like this, especially since our relationship has deteriorated as I've gotten older. I hope we have more times like this.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! I'm going to meet a fandom friend in Tokyo. This'll be my second time meeting a fandom friend IRL, since @runetari was my first. Tari and I became friends in 2020 during my Sylvgrid era, and we finally got to meet in April this year. It was so, so fun. I hope I have just as a great time hanging out with my second fandom friend as I did with Tari.
That's all from me today. I hope you enjoyed reading my journal🥰❤️
With love,
Emi xoxo
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rieamena · 3 months
wipe my mind, i'd still be stuck on you
kenji sato & baseball critic!reader
contains: fem!reader, established relationship (5 and a half-ish years), going public, petnames, reader and ami are close friends & spend time with her and chiho (ami's daughter), singing, kenji being whipped for you and vice versa, championship baseball game, children mention!!!, emi mention!!! (she's at kaiju island!!), proposal, engagement, fluff, suggestive, angst if you squint hard, lowercase intended!!! !!!: the song in the second part is stuck on you by grentperez wc: 3.4k
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people always wondered how you managed to get the most in-depth and provocative interviews with ken sato. without fail, each and every one of your published articles presented the baseball star in a new light. "mr. sato, i'm sure your fans are wondering just how you were able to overcome your slump. some are even saying that you had special help from someone significant to you. so tell us, is there someone significant to you right now?" your eyes captured ken's as you spoke into your recording device. both of you sat cross legged on your shared bed, free hands intertwined, sharing a dopey smile. you moved the device closer to him, squeezing his hand when he just stared at you lovingly instead of answering the question. "i'd say that significant isn't the right word to describe her. actually, there aren't any words to describe just how much she means to me. she's my everything. my sun, moon, sky, and stars." ken pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, his words soothing your heart. "and i'm sure she feels the exact same way about you." drawing circles into his hand, you looked at the gold ring attached to a matching chain around kenji's neck. "eyeing my necklace, are you?" you scoffed and rolled your eyes, "well, what does it symbolize?" kenji fiddled with the ring, twirling it between his fingers. "it's a promise ring. if i'm being fully honest, i cried when she gave it to me. i never thought i could be so close and intimate with someone. i didn't fit in back in LA and i'm still struggling to fit in here, but none of that mattered to her. for once, someone saw me for me. no matter what happens, i'll always stand by her side and i'll always love her." before you knew it, ken's lips were hovering over yours, his hand delicate on your face, as you subconsciously leaned into his touch. "i'll always love you too." it was a kiss full of passion and love. it managed to convey kenji's innermost thoughts and feelings to which you shared yours as well. pulling away from your boyfriend's lips and settling into the crook of his neck, small, blinking digital numbers stole your attention. a quiet giggle escaped your lips as you stopped the recording, "guess i'll be keeping this for myself." ken pressed a kiss to your forehead, whispering softly, "or you could show the world how much ken sato loves his pretty girl."
you sighed, "we've talked about this, love. i don't want to go public because—""you're scared about the public's opinion." kenji cut you off, recalling the numerous times he's had this conversation with you. "ken, its not just that! i could lose my credibility as a baseball journalist!" you professed, separating from the warmth of his body, "people would think that i got interviews from pure favoritism. and some would think that i… offered you favors. …going public might ruin my career and i don't know how i'd be able to…," your words died down as your head returned to kenji's chest, your lips taking in a shaky breath, "i love journalism and i love baseball and doing something that bridges the gap between those two is one of the best things in my life right now." laying your hand flat against his chest, rubbing softly, you continued, "please ken, believe me when i say that i really do want to take your last name, i want to walk down the aisle to you, i want to do it all and i want to do it with just you, but right now," you looked up at kenji, whose eyes expressed deep apologies, "we're both doing so well. i don't want a single thing to knock us off our highs." a couple moments of silence passed before ken responded. "i understand… sorry for upsetting you." you shook your head, "don't apologize. you wanted to know the whole truth. nothing wrong about that…" rubbing the side of your arm, kenji repositioned both of your bodies to be laying down. "let's take a little rest," he whispered, bringing your body closer to his. you hummed in response, snuggling even closer to your lover, wanting to feel his warmth mix with yours. "mmm, i'd like that…" your voice drifted away, body entering a state of slumber in kenji's arms.
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"honey?" ken's voice called, "i brought the stuff you wanted!" "i'm in the kitchen!", calling back, hands occupied with coating and frying some pork loin. your nimble hands dropped the meat into the pan of hot oil, watching it sizzle and crisp. "hi baby." ken dropped the bags of groceries on the kitchen island, wanting to wrap his hands around your waist instead. "tonkatsu?" kenji perched his chin atop your head, peering down at the frying pork. "yeah, we haven't had it in a while, and i know how much you love it." ken smiled, one that you could feel. "you know me so well." you smiled back, flipping the pork cutlets to ensure they cooked evenly. "how was your day?" "a bit busy, but it's better now," ken said, his hands moving to gently massage your shoulders. "can i help with anything?" "actually, could you start on the salad? the veggies are all washed and ready to go." kenji moved to the counter, grabbing a knife and chopping board. the two of you worked in comfortable silence, the sound of sizzling oil and the rhythmic chopping of vegetables filling the kitchen. "feels like we're missing something…", you put in the last pork chop, "mina, play some music please." a soft drum beat escaped from the mini speaker kept in the kitchen for times like this. almost instantaneously, kenji looked at you, tossing a wooden spoon from the utensil vase, picking up one for himself as well. "you could wipe my mind, i'd still be—", he sang into the spoon before pointing at you. like clockwork, you finished, "stuck on you." "i climbed the highs, nothin' i—", you pointed back at him, the man in question already belting the rest of the lyric, "wouldn't do~" your bodies got closer, "i'll be holdin' up to every word, every promise that you ever heard." kenji takes your hand in his and spins you around, hugging you close. "i'm makin' up for all the days that passed us by." it was a part of the song but he whispered it instead, giving your lips a quick peck after. bringing your hands up to his face, your thumbs continuously caressed ken's cheeks, a soft smile on your features. a small whine escaped ken when you suddenly stopped your ministrations, your eyes blowing wide. his followed suit, realizing what the problem was. both of you looked at the pan full of hot oil, a deep brown pork chop forgotten at the expense of the impromptu concert. "oh shit, it's burning!"
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you walked through the front doors, slipping off your shoes and setting down your bags. entering the elevator, you shot a quick text to ami, letting her know that you got home safely. walking through the curve, you approached kenji, his body sprawled out on the ridiculously large couch staring at his phone intently. sitting up as soon as he felt your presence, ken quickly threw his phone out of reach for the both of you, waving you over. "eventful day?" you nodded, glancing at his phone before looking back at him. "have something to tell me?", you questioned, causing your boyfriend to smile, patting his lap. shuffling over, you laid your head on kenji's thighs, reveling in the plush firmness of them, "nothing my pretty little journalist needs to worry her head about." his hands poked and pinched your cheeks teasingly before being swatted away by yours. "what did you do today with ami and chiho?" ken's voice was light, unsure if concealing his plans caused you to be annoyed. "we went to the mall to get chiho some new clothes—," you took one of his hands in yours, playing with his fingers as you recalled your day, "—i got you something too. it's on our dresser." kenji's hand playing with your hair, occasionally massaging your head relaxed you as you continued speaking, "then we went to a cafe and had some desserts. i had a strawberry cream cake—that's in the fridge—ami had tiramisu and chiho had the cutest mini ice cream. wait." you pulled out your phone, muttering that you had to remember to send these pictures to ami. finding a photo you took of the table adorned with desserts, you handed your phone to your boyfriend, telling him to swipe to see the rest whenever. "after that, ami had to pick something up from a nearby shop so chiho and i just chilled until she came back." ken swiped to numerous pictures you took with chiho, smiling softly, imagining that you were taking photos with your child instead of ami's. peeking over at your phone, you squealed, "isn't she sooo cute? ken, you don't understand!!! she's like emi! …but smaller. and she's so full of energy!" "baby fever?" "...maybe." putting your phone down, ken relaxed his arms on the top brim of the couch, body on full display. "i could give you a chiho of our own." he looked down at you, a smirk on his face, causing you to choke on air, "you—! you!" "[name] sato does have a nice ring to it, don't you think?" "kenji!" "i meant it, you know."
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"[name]? i've been calling you for—" kenji opened the door to your study, stopping in his tracks. you were passed out on your laptop, blue light glasses falling off and your favorite pen — the one he gave to you as a 'just because' gift — threatening to slip from your fingers. letting out a quiet sigh, ken walked over to you, taking shallow breaths as he slowly packed up your things and set them at the side of your desk. when you stirred in your seat, he froze, not wanting to wake you up from your nap. gently pulling the laptop from your grasp, kenji looked at the screen. an article titled 'inside the mind of ken sato: an exclusive interview' was scheduled to post at eight the next morning. shutting it closed, ken moved over to your limp body. bending his knees, he laid your back against one of his forearms, his other hooked under your knees. walking over to the loveseat you kept, ken's eyes never left your sleeping figure. he laid you down softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek before draping a nearby blanket over you. getting his laptop and putting on those blue light glasses of yours, kenji settled himself on the floor, occasionally looking back at you as he scrolled through pinterest, saving various images to his 'us' and 'wedding plans' boards. when he felt a hand on his head, rubbing softly, ken switched to a new tab. turning around, he whispered, "you're awake." he didn't expect your eyes to still be closed, realizing that you've been playing with his hair habitually rather than purposefully. "thank you ken…" your voice had the post-nap drowsiness but managed to convey your gratitude. "don't sweat it, princess."
opening your eyes slowly, kenji's face was the first thing you saw, causing you to sigh in delight. "god, you're stunning." ken's lips curved into a small grin, his head tilting. "thank you...?" "no no, i meant it like—" you sobered up after being drunk off sleep, collecting your thoughts, "when you get to re-experience something life changing as if it was the first time. thats what it felt like, like i was seeing you for the first time all over again." ken turned away from you, covering his face with his hands, feeling it heat up. "hey, don't do that! i was still admiring you," a groan escaped kenji's lips as you pried his hands away, "damn, can't a girl call her boyfriend pretty nowadays?" you slid off the loveseat, placing yourself right next to ken. "i like to think i look better from the front angle." he smirked, moving the laptop from his lap to the sofa. "you look good at all angles," you repositioned yourself, your core pressing into kenji's as you straddled his hips. by routine, his hands gripped your waist, squeezing and massaging slightly.  "but i'd be lying if i said front angle kenji wasn't one of my favorites." kenji kept a hand stationed at your waist, the other moving down to grope your ass. low and heavy moans broke from him as you rocked your hips back and forth, giving you both the friction you've been waiting for. "you gotta get on top of me more often, baby. 'can't believe i was missing out on this." his eyes scanned over your figure, drinking it in. slowing your motions, your hands found home on kenji's shoulders. "keep acting like that and i'm gonna have to start going dress shopping." ken laughed at your comment, the implication not fully registering yet. "wait, what?"
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the roar of the crowd filled the air as the yomiuri giants claimed the championship title. the atmosphere was electric, a whirlwind of cheers and applause. kenji, bathed in the triumphant glow of victory, made his way through the sea of elated teammates and ecstatic fans. his eyes locked onto yours, and in an instant, he was in front of your premium best view stadium seat. without a word, he pulled you close and kissed you deeply, the world around you fading into oblivion. the force of your embrace caused you to topple over the railing, crashing into Kenji with a fervent hug. "ken! ken! oh my god, you did it! you did it! you were so cool!! you hit the ball like wapow—" you rambled, your excitement bubbling over as you mimicked his winning hit. "huh? where did he—?" your eyes darted left and right in the search for him, only to find him behind you, down on one knee. the prettiest ring you had ever seen rested in a small black velvet box, glinting under the stadium lights. kenji looked up at you, his usual confidence giving way to a nervous chuckle. "you found me…" he muttered, his voice tinged with vulnerability only you got to experience. kenji took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "i don't know how i lived before i met you," he confessed, the words heavy with emotion. the stadium seemed to hold its breath, the noise of the celebration fading into the background as the moment unfolded. your heart pounded in your chest as kenji's words hung in the air. the world seemed to stand still, every sound and sight melting away except for him, kneeling before you. "[name]," he continued, his voice trembling slightly, "from the moment i met you, my life changed in ways i never thought possible. you've been my rock, my partner, and my biggest supporter. every day with you has been a gift, and i can't imagine facing any challenge, celebrating any victory, or living any day without you by my side." he paused, taking a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "you have this… incredible… ability to make everything brighter," he looks away, choking on his words, tears welling and slipping from the corners of his eyes. "to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. your laughter is my favorite sound, and your smile, my favorite sight. you've shown me what true love is, and for that, i am forever grateful." kenji's voice grew softer, more intimate, as he continued. "in the highs and lows, you've been there. you believed in me, even when i didn't believe in myself. you've given me courage, strength, and a love that I know will last far beyond a lifetime."
tears were already streaming down your face, each word leaving ken's lips caused your waterline to fill up and spill over. your body shook, as you took in the view of your boyfriend, wiping away his tears with your hand. "i want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you've made me. i want to be the reason you smile every day. what i'm trying to say is…, [name], can i have the honor of being your husband?" even if you had spoken any quieter, kenji still would've heard you, at that moment, the only thing he focused on was you. "yes, kenji. let's get married." he pushed back a sob, rising to his feet and taking your left hand in his, slipping the ring on your finger. "wait…", you spoke, voice hoarse from all the crying. hands trailing down ken's neck, you felt the dainty chain he always kept on him, pulling it out from underneath his uniform. the promise ring laid on his chest as you unlooped it from the chain and pushed it onto his ring finger, as he did with your ring. flashing your signature smile, albeit more tired, you exclaimed, "there…! now we match!" the sob kenji previously choked back resurfaced as he picked you up and spun you around, your laughter mixing with his. as he set you down gently, your foreheads rested against each other, the world around you forgotten. in that perfect, intimate moment, everything felt just right. "what a way to tell everyone, ken. you never cease to amaze me…" "i'll have you on your toes. no way the marriage is getting boring with me around." "please, it wouldn't be boring either way."
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extras —
you dragged yourself into the living room, dropping your bag and collapsing onto the couch with a heavy sigh. "i'm so tired… that article took everything out of me. and he was being so unnecessarily difficult!" ken looked up from his book, concern etched on his face. "you should—oh, i don't know—quit your job." "ken," you replied, giving him a pointed look. "hey, i'm just saying. i have more than enough to support us both and then some. no need for you to overwork yourself like this." he set the book aside and moved closer, taking your hand in his. "how about this? once the season is over, we take a couple weeks off for vacation. we'll travel anywhere you wanna go!" you smiled, the idea of a vacation sounding like a dream. "and if japan needs saving?" ken fell silent, embarrassed that being ultraman completely slipped his mind. "oh right. can't forget about that." you both laughed, the tension from your long day starting to ease. ken's thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of your hand. "but seriously," he continued, his tone softening. "i hate seeing you so stressed. you're amazing at what you do, but you deserve a break too. we'll figure it out together, okay?" you nodded, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "okay. a vacation sounds perfect. and maybe i will think about taking it easy for a while." ken leaned in and kissed your forehead. "that's my girl. now, let's plan this vacation of ours. we’ve got the whole world to explore."
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"babe, can you look through my phone for something? i took a picture of something i wore the other day," you asked, tossing your phone to kenji. "alright." catching it with ease, he started scrolling through your photo app. "this the one?" he asked, showing you the picture. you nodded, finding the same clothing pieces in your closet. kenji continued to scroll through your photo app, and suddenly he stumbled upon an album named 'mine <3'. "oh, you love love me," he teased, turning the phone towards you and revealing the numerous pictures you had of him. you rolled your eyes, trying to play off the blush creeping up your cheeks. "don't flatter yourself," you scoffed, a playful smile tugging at your lips. kenji chuckled, encapsulating you in a side hug. "too late. i'm already flattered." he looked at you with those warm eyes that always made your heart skip a beat. you shook your head, laughing softly. "you're impossible." "and you love it." he said, his voice low and affectionate. you couldn't deny it, the brightest smile etched on your face as you pushed kenji away. "yeah, whatever."
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whew... its been a wild four days but i'm actually so proud of myself. personally, i love how this came out and i really can't believe that i typed all of this like me??? what?!?! i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did <33 i'll be doing requests + asks for this so if you wanna see something or know something, send me an ask! love yall <33 ps: formatting this post was literal hell. solely bc tumblr decided to stop allowing me to save in rich text.
taglist <3
@lovingyeet @yellowheartz @darlinggreenwitch @meikoo @moonjellyfishie
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 10 months
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1) Persephonesmind ( Mindset )
Alessia has really great content on developing a postive and strong mindset. She is so underrated . She speaks softly , if you prefer someone who is more compassionate while speaking then her videos are really good for you !
2) Simonesquared ( Mindset , manifestation, self improvement )
Simone has two channels - one is simonessquared & other one is simmonesimmo . She has everything , she posted some videos related to manifestation, rewiring subconscious mind , study tips , mindset etc . She is so funny which makes her entertaining too !!
3) Lana Blakely( Mindset )
Lana has really amazing tips on developing self love , healthy habits , relationships etc . Her voice is really comforting , her videos will help you alot !
4) Daiz /Daisy Choii ( Productivity )
Discovering her was a blessing ! She posts vlogs related to studying, organizing her desks , travelling , room makeover etc. She will motivate you to become more productive .
5) Saranghoe ( Productivity )
She posts vlogs regarding morning & night routines ,studying , organizing her room etc .She is another youtube who will help you to romanticize your life & motivate you to be more productive .
6) Yoora Jung ( Productivity )
I love Yoora so much ! She posts vlogs regarding studying, working out , travelling etc. She will motivate you to study harder , be more productive & romanticize your life.
7) Princess Jess ( Wonyoungism , Productivity )
Princess Jess is so wonyoung coded and I love it ! She is so underrated, If you don't know her , please check her videos out ! She has great content on wonyoungism . She posts videos regarding weight loss tips ,morning & night routines inspired by Wonyoung , Wonyoung essentials , style inspired by Wonyoung.
8) Best dressed ( Fashion , Vlogs )
She posts videos regarding fashion & her favorite movies , vlogs related to traveling , apartment makeover etc . My favorite video of hers is 50 outfits when you have nothing to wear . Do check her channel out !
9) DN. Beauty Natural ( Health , beauty )
This channel is pretty underrated , it deserves more . They have great exercises for both your face & body . They will help you get your dream body & enhance your natural beauty !
10 ) Emi Wong ( Health )
Emi has good exercises related to weight loss , getting a good posture etc. She also has kpop workouts( most of them are on blackpink songs )
11) Mish Choi (Health )
She has amazing workouts inspired by kpop idols. My favorite workout of her is the Blackpink Jennie pilates & IU yoga .
12) Hina fit ( Health )
She also has amazing workouts inspired by kpop idols & on kpop songs too.
13) Chloe Ting ( Health )
Chloe is a life saver. She posts videos related to workouts, healthy recipes , results from her workouts , house tour etc.
14) Study to Success ( Academics )
I love her aesthetic,she has great tips on how to become that student , how to study when you are tired , romantizing school etc. She also posts study vlogs and morning & night routines.
15) Study quill ( Academics )
She not only gives tips on studying but she has videos on self care , Journaling , dorm tour etc.
💗🩰I wasn't able to mention all youtubers in the last post so I had to post another part . I hope this post helped you. Please remember to consume content that makes you feel good & helps you become your best version. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF , LOVE YOURSELF & PROTECT YOUR ENERGY.💗🩰
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ftmtftm · 1 year
ftmtftm's reading (and watching) list
So I've been putting this list together to help people understand my beliefs and also to expand their own. This is a list of theorists, poets, authors, artists, and people that I often source from whose works have deeply impacted my framework of the world. I hope someone else can find them useful as well.
I've included several videos because I know how inaccessible academic text can be, but I do encourage you to read the text if you're able and seek out copies of books listed at your local libraries or independent book sellers/second hand book shops! When I could not find a PDF for a written work I have added Thrift Books links. Also double check the Internet Archive, Trans Reads, and The Anarchist Library for more readings!!
If any of these links break please let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix them. I'll be adding to this list as time goes on as currently these are just the books I can see on my bookshelf and videos I could remember I've seen before!
3.4.2024 - This list is slightly outdated in that there are several authors and works I need to add. Please seach the names James Baldwin and Audre Lorde or simply my reading list tag on my blog for additional resources.
Kimberlé Crenshaw:
Critial Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed The Movement - thrift books
Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color - PDF
The Urgency of Intersectionality - video
Kimberlé Crenshaw Intersectionality is NOT identity - video exerpt from her WOW keynote speech
Angela Davis:
Angela Davis Criticizes "Mainstream Feminism" / Bourgeois Feminism - video
Angela Davis What it means to be a Revolutionary (1972 Interview) - video
Roxane Gay:
Bad Feminist: Essays - Internet Archive
Roxane Gay: Confessions of a bad feminist - video
Roxane Gay, Feminism and Difficult Women - video
bell hooks:
Feminism is for Everybody - PDF
The Will to Change - Internet Archive / audio book - YouTube
All About Love - PDF / audio book - YouTube
Teaching to Transgress PDF / audio book - YouTube
Speaking Freely: bell hooks - video
bell hooks & john a. powell: Belonging Through Connection (Othering & Belonging Conference 2015) - video
bell hooks & Gloria Steinem at Eugene Lang College - video (intro ends 7:24)
Emi Koyama:
The Transfeminist Manifesto - PDF
Ijeoma Oluo:
So You Want to Talk About Race - thrift books
Ijeoma Oluo Talks at Google - video
Public Presentation with Ijeoma Olua - video
History / Journals
P. Carl:
Becoming a Man - thrift books
Library Labyrinth Live Presents: P. Carl Becoming a Man - video (intro ends approx. 3:20)
P. Carl Prologue UCCS - video (audio quality poor)
Keith Haring:
Journals - PDF
Keith Haring Documentary - video
Keith Haring On The Fence - video
Jack Lowery:
It Was Vulgar & It Was Beautiful: How AIDS Activists Used Art to Fight a Pandemic - thrift books
Susan Stryker:
Transgender History - PDF
Transitions, with Susan Stryker - podcast - YouTube
Lou Sullivan:
We Both Laughed in Pleasure: The Selected Diaries of Lou Sullivan 1961-1991 - trans reads
Trans Oral History: Meeting Lou Sullivan - video
A series of video interviews with Lou - playlist
Fiction / Poetry
Chinua Achebe:
Things Fall Apart (novel) - PDF
I'm trying hard to not add too much of my own commentary to this post but personally I really think it's helpful to read Things Fall Apart in theoretical conversation with The Will to Change by bell hooks and in direct conversation with one of the works it was written in response to, The Heart of Darkness
Arundhati Roy:
The God of Small Things (novel) - thrift books
Arundhati Roy talks about her life and views on the world - video
Warsan Shire:
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head (poetry collection) - thrift books
Warsan Shire reads her poetry - video
Zadie Smith:
White Teeth (novel) - Internet Archive
White Teeth (4 part Real Drama adaptation) - videos
Zadie Smith Interview: On Bad Girls, Good Guys and the Complicated Midlife - video
A Conversation with Zadie Smith - video
Pamela Sneed:
Funeral Diva (poetry and prose collection) - thrift books
Pamela Sneed Discusses "Funeral Diva" - video
I offer you a secret meme for your time (with books I still need to add to this list):
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poemsfor-her · 1 year
GLOW UP QUIDE 𖹭⠀࣭⠀ֹ⠀͡꒱
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— When you think of the word "glow up" , your mind automatically thinks of changing your appearence, right? For me the beauty is in our soul. If you think nasty and degrading thoughts of yourself that can be damaging in so many ways.
let's get some things clear here:
First of all, beauty standards always change, as trends come and go, and you will never be enough "pretty" for someone; because beauty is subjective and you might be the dream person for someone and for someone not. which is ok! there are so many beautiful flowers. i personally perfer tulips and peonies, but someone might prefer roses or sunflowers. that doesn't make a flower less beautiful because every flower is beautiful in it's own way.
— do you know yourself? we spend so much time trying to know others, but do we even know ourselves? go on pinterest and find some questions to ask yourself. here are some:
1. what qualities do i like about myself?
2. what qualities of others do i admire?
3. what am i scared of?
4. what would i like my mornings to look like?
5. who inspires me?
if someone asks me any of these questions i would answer them all in a second, because i know myself.
— SHADOW WORK. Grab a pen and a journal, go on pinterest and search "shadow work prompts". I Personally, don't know much about this subject, but i know it's talked about by many people i look up to. It helped them heal from trauma.
some videos i suggest you watch that helped me so much in changing my mindset:
why you'll never be pretty enough - zoe unlimited.
you don't need to glow up, our obssesion with glow up culture needs to STOP.
what type of pretty you are.
— I suggest watching every commentary video of zoeunlimited. Her videos changed my views on various topics.
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— you are perfect just the way you are. embrace yourself. there is only one you in this world. many women look the same to me these days and it's a tiring and sad thing. Everyone is following the standard that is going to probably change in a month. As Hwasa said "I am my own beauty standard" and thank you Hwasa for that!
Embrace your features, look for makeup that suits your face shape and eyes. I know that eyeliner doesn't work with my eyes so i don't apply it. I also know that a lot of bronzer doesn't suit me.
Wear whatever you like and don't be afraid to express yourself.
When it comes to exercising, ALWAYS DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Think of it as: "My body deserves to be healthy"
strech when you wake up, do yoga, workout or go for a walk/run. whatever you like!
eat healthy but don't pressure yourself too much. have it balanced. you can eat a healthy meal but that doesn't mean you can't eat a cake. BALANCE IS EVERYTHING.
my favorite fitness youtubers:
lily sabri
yoga with bird
mady morrison
emi wong
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— if you follow my posts you know how much i respect and talk about education and it's importance. As my favorite saying goes "BEAUTY IS DANGEROUS, BUT INTELLIGENCE IS LETHAL." I stand by this!!!! READ BOOKS, FOCUS ON YOUR STUDYING, WRITE, PAINT, LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE AND DRAW.
here are some book suggestions:
i who have never known men
the great gatsby
the prophet
my body
the art of war
search some famous musicians or artists and get to know their work. i seriously find this so attractive.
watch documentaries.
watch news, read articles and just generally know what is happening in the world.
get to know your country's history.
watch some iconic movies.
beauty fades, but knowledge always stays.
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that's it! if you have some questions send me an ask ♡
with love, t
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opera-ghosts · 3 months
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Nipper and His Master’s Voice
The famous Nipper picture as revised for the Gramophone Company, from an oleograph
For much of the 20th century, one of the world’s most famous trade marks was a picture of a small terrier staring into the brass trumpet of a primitive gramophone.  “His Master’s Voice” read the caption.
The picture was painted, probably in 1898, by the Huguenot artist Francis Barraud; the dog, ‘Nipper’ (he tended to nip people’s legs), had belonged to his elder brother Mark but was inherited by Francis on Mark’s death.  Nipper himself had died, in 1895, before the picture was painted.  Originally, the dog was shown listening to a cylinder phonograph, on which the user could record his own voice; thus, Nipper could have heard the voice of his master emerging from the trumpet.  As Gramophones played only pre-recorded discs, a dog could hear only a master who happened to be a recording artist.
The story goes that Barraud offered his picture to the Edison Bell company (responsible for the phonograph in question), but they rather sniffily turned their nose up at the idea.  Then a friend suggested that Barraud improve the picture with one of the brass horns used by the new Gramophone Company, so the artist approached them at their offices in Maiden Lane, off the Strand, for the loan of a brass horn to copy.  “Yes, certainly”, was their response, “and if you replace the phonograph with a Gramophone, we will buy the picture.”
The Gramophone Company took delivery of the revised picture in October 1899; they paid Barraud £100 (£50 for the painting and £50 for the Copyright).   Barraud had copyrighted the original painting in February 1899.  No one knew what sort of phonograph was in that picture, until in 1972 the late Frank Andrews, of the City of London Phonograph & Gramophone Society (CLPGS), realised that Barraud’s copyright application would have been accompanied by a photograph. Searching through a box of applications in the Public Record Office in Chancery Lane, he found that photograph, showing the dog in front of an Edison Bell phonograph with a rather ungainly black horn.  An illustrated booklet was published in 1973, The Story of ‘Nipper’ and the ‘His Master’s’ Voice Picture, written by Leonard Petts, then archivist at EMI, with assistance from Frank Andrews.
Francis Barraud talked of how “It suddenly occurred to me that to have my dog listening to the phonograph, with an intelligent and rather puzzled expression, and call it ‘His Master’s Voice’, would make an excellent subject” but recently two possible sources for the title, at least, have been put forward in For the Record,* the journal of the CLPGS.  In 1888 a painting was exhibited by Sir William Orchardson called Her Mother’s Voice. It is in the Tate Gallery, a typical Victorian narrative picture of a widower listening to his daughter singing and reminding him of her mother.  A more probable source is an engraving which appeared in the magazine Black & White in 1891, of a scene in which members of the Browning Society listened, a year after the poet’s death, to a recording of his voice. It was captioned ‘Listening to the Master’s Voice’. Barraud is likely to have been aware of this scene (its title might in turn have been inspired by the Orchardson picture).  (*FtR 52, 2014 and 76, 2020)
In 1950, a party from EMI, with two members of the Barraud family, went to a courtyard in Kingston-upon-Thames where it was said that Nipper had been buried.  Excavations near the stump of a mulberry tree in what was now a garage parking area revealed no bones that could be definitely identified as those of Nipper, but the site, then behind a bank, is widely regarded as Nipper’s resting place.
The picture, without its title, was registered by The Gramophone Company as a Trade Mark in December 1900 (it had been registered in the USA in July by Emile Berliner, the inventor of the Gramophone).  In later years, up to his death in 1924, Francis Barraud was engaged to paint copies of the picture for the Company’s various offices; the original remained in the EMI boardroom for many years, and close inspection shows the pentimenti where the phonograph was overpainted.  The picture was reproduced in Gramophone Company publicity from the outset, but did not replace their existing ‘Recording Angel’ trade mark.  In the USA, the Victor Talking Machine Company, which was affiliated to the Gramophone Co, made more use of it as a trade mark. The two firms divided the world between them (Victor supplied the Americas and Far East; Gramophone supplied Europe and the British Empire apart from Canada) and thus Nipper and the Gramophone became a worldwide emblem very quickly.  Ultimately, it was the British company which used it most prominently, for when a court decided in 1910 that the word Gramophone was no longer a proprietary name, the company registered the picture with the title ‘His Master’s Voice’ and the title alone as Trade Marks. ‘His Master’s Voice’ then became their brand name. It was a clumsy epithet, but public usage soon abbreviated it to HMV, as eventually, after WW2, did the company.
Take-overs, sell-offs and globalisation of products caused EMI to drop the Nipper trade mark by the end of the 20th century, and it was sold to the newly independent HMV shops in 2003.
The famous Nipper picture as revised for the Gramophone Company, from an oleograph
Nipper (photograph by Barraud, Liverpool and Oxford Street, London)
The original picture, with a phonograph, as shown in Barraud’s copyright photograph of 1899 (National Archives: Copy 1/147)
His Master’s Voice, cartoon by Victor Gillam, 1903; already, the picture was well enough known to attract a political cartoonist.
Blue plaque at 126 Piccadilly, London, the location of Francis Barraud’s studio in 1899
Nipper needle tins, 1902-1960; the embossed tin (top left) is the earliest, 1902-3.  Top right is a cardboard packet from WW1, and bottom right, one of the many ‘clones’, mainly from overseas, trying to cash in on the dog’s popularity without infringing the trade mark
Copyright Christopher Proudfoot 12 March 2024 via huguenotmuseum.org
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FRANCIS BARRAUD (1856-1924) English artist with a version of His Master's Voice painting which he originally completed in 1899
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xkaidaxxxx · 8 months
Yusei Fudo x Chubby Reader pt.1
Sorry for errors
I accept story requests.
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You met Yusei in the middle of the night. You moved back into town once again. You hated moving then coming back to the same town. It was very annoying and frustrating. People come and go. “I didn’t ask to come back to this fucking place so don’t act like the decision you made was for me!” You yelled at your parents. You grabbed your purse and left the house. It was late. The street was wet and there were no stars in the sky. You continued walking. You weren’t lost. After all this is your home town you left and came back like 10 times already. It’s been 2 years since you’ve been there. At a distance you heard motors. A gun went off and the race began. As you crossed the street you paused seeing two duel runners pass by. You locked eyes with a guy a gasp leaving your throat. Once the moment happened you were shocked on how easily you could’ve died especially having an argument with your parents. Not getting a chance to say I love you nor Goodbye.
The following day
As you roamed the halls you bumped into many people. You were short and chubby. Not a good combination you thought. You finally got to your locker. “….excuse me your blocking my locker.” You spoke to a guy with blonde hair. He ignored you. “…excuse me sir.” You said once again. He looked down at you then went back talking to his friend. You’re a short tempered person. You’ve been working with patience. “ EXCUSE ME YOU’RE BLOCKING MY LOCKER.” Kicking his shin as you yelled. He groaned kneeling down rubbing his leg. “ you fucking fat ass that hurt!” He responded. Wherever you went people bullied you. They saw you as an easy target. You frowned putting your science and art journal away. “ you don’t get to be upset ugly. You kicked the living hell out of me. Do you have any idea who I am!?” Jack said. You held your tears back. You dominated your feelings. “Hey leave her alone. It’s not a big deal Jack.” Yusei commented. As you looked at each other everything went silent. It was him. The guy that was dueling. “Yeah whatever. You better watch your back loser.” Jack said leaving to his class. You noticed he put a box in his pocket. His dueling deck? “Sorry about him..that’s Jack Atlas. Not a very friendly guy. Do you need any help finding your way to class?” Yusei asked. “No I know where Ap Spanish Language is at. Thanks for standing up for me I appreciate it.” You said and ran along to class.
You sat down at the desk near the window. Loving the warmth of the sun. The last bell rang as the teacher told everyone to settle down and take out their journal and textbook. Yusei walked in, “ Yusei porque llegas tarde?” The teacher asked. You turn to face Yusei just as everyone did. “ Olvide mi libro.” He responded. He sat next to you. A group of girls whispered and shot a few glances. “Hoy van a responder las preguntas de las páginas 120-135 con su compañero.” The teacher said then sat down at his desk. “Alright…uhh?” “Oh I’m y/n” you responded. “I’m Yusei. Alright Y/n. Let’s get stated.” He replied. You both began the assignment. It was easy and difficult at the same time. You guys exchanged a few jokes. It was a fun class.
Days went on and these stupid group of girls wouldn’t stop bothering you. Of course you always end up crying or being saved by Yusei.
“You should stay away from Yusei. He doesn’t like girls like you. Like you being a blob of fat and with really ugly glasses. Word of advice stop eating and wear contacts.” Emi said soon after releasing the grip off your hair. You cried. This was every morning and evening. You walked home. Alone. Crying. “Hey y/n!” Yusei called out to you. You turned and waved. “Hey come with me. I’m dueling today. Come watch me. It’s so much fun.” He said dragging you along to the where the duels happen. Many people were there. “Don’t say Hi to anyone. Stay close alright.” He ordered. Walking through the crowd was scary. Some guys had tattoos or piercings or both. Girls were dressed up like they don’t own jeans or regular tops. They all looked like they had their own gang. You were correct. Yusei was one of the best and most popular duelist around. His is why girls were so jealous of you. Walking with the Yusei Fudo and your holding onto his arm.“Yusei?” You said holding his arm. “Stay quiet.” He said. Almost scolding you. You nodded after what felt forever you both reached your section. His friends all greeted him. You stood behind him feeling shy. “Yusei why did you bring his blob of fat here?” Emi asked with an angry tone. Everyone tolerated her due to how much money she has. Daddy’s money to be exact. “Don’t talk about her that way. She’s my friend and she’s very beautiful.” He responded. “Yeah…anyways you’re up.” She responded moving out of the way. You saw his duel runner. “Woah. This is yours?” You loved the red color. “Yes it’s mine. Do you want to ride?” He asks handing you an extra helmet. Before you knew it you were on the runner with him racing. You held onto his waist. “Relax, feel the wind blowing.” He said after making his move. You relaxed a bit then fell in love with the feeling. You giggled. “THIS IS AWESOME!!” You yelled as the speed picked up. He looked back at you. He loved your rosey cheeks. How your eyes sparkled. The way you giggled. After a few minutes the Duel ended with Yusei as the victory. “That was such a ru-“ you said being cut off by many girls surrounding him. You got pushed back getting comments such as “move fatty.” “You’re taking up so much space.” “Ugh piglet get out of here.” “What do you eat. Move it.” “How did you mange not to make him lose control of his runner you hippo.” Once you were all the way back tears ran down your cheeks. “You should lose a lot of weight and I mean ALOT of weight. Y/n no one will ever like you looking like that. You have a big stomach..your thighs can basically break anything. Your arms look…ugh. I’d die if I woke up looking fat one day.” Emi said making you cry. Your feelings were hurt. You walked away looking for an exit. “ Need a ride home?” Jack asked. You wiped your tears. “ N-No I don’t need your help.” He rolled his eyes making you sit on his runner. “You were about to walk into another groups section. Being from our team and alone. You’re an idiot. Fat added on that. You need my help.” He drove fast. “873 Asher drive.” You said crying. He’s helping you and being an asshole. “Quit crying loser. Toughen up. No one likes a baby cryer.” He said speeding up like never before thinking it would scare you. You smiled enjoying the rush. “Faster!” You yelled letting go of him raising your arms to the sky. He was shocked but listened to your command. Jack smirked. “Alright fatty see if you enjoy this!” He yelled driving faster. You saw the bridge that was broken in the middle. He jumped over. “ YEAH!!” You yelled laughing. Once you got home your hair was an ugly tangled mess. “I thought I’d scare you.” Was all jack said. “I love the rush. It makes me feel alive. Nice try.” You walked inside. Your parents looked at you upset and worried. “It’s late!! Where the hell were you?”your mom yelled and then embraced you. “Who was that guy you were with?” Your father asked. “I was watching my friend duel. I’m okay. It’s fun.” You replied with a smile on your face. They were shocked.
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ribbonreaper · 20 days
Emi’s Scrapbook Code
This is a How To of the code i’m using to hide my journal(s). I found the inspiration for it on pinterest years ago but I put my own spin on it, since that version seemed to easy.
First, draw a Tic tac toe field.
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Like this. Next, randomly assign Letters to these spots on the grid:
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For example, a finished grid could look like this:
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So, how do you get letters from this? By taking the 2 or 3 lines from the grid and the dot from the position.
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emimayooo · 4 months
Emi in Japan (2024) – May 30th to June 5th
(Link to Day 1) (Link to Day 2/3) (Link to Day 4) (Link to Day 5-6)
Hey guys,
Wow, it's been a hot minute since I've last journaled! I've just been soooo busy, but I've finally had some time to sit down and write.
Here are some highlights:
I finished my bachelor's degree! Next semester I'm off to post-grad because I am Not Sane! Fandom studies, here I come.
I met up with my fandom friend two more times before she goes home. The first, she came to my hometown, and the second, we went to Yokohama's Chinatown! We've had such a blast hanging out with each other IRL<3
I reunited with Tom, the love of my life. He's a five pound toy poodle who jumps like a bunny. I would die for him.
Now, onto the nitty gritty!
May 30th: Emi the Host
On Day 8, my fandom friend R visited my hometown!!! I was soooo friggin' excited that she was coming, especially since it was the first time a friend had ever visited me here.
Wearing my favourite sunhat, I went to meet her at the station. When she arrived, we walked to one of my favourite cafés, Chako. It's a loghouse with a super cute interior & exterior. Every time you go, they serve you a different tea cup. I just love it.
I had the margherita pizza and Vienna coffee (my second cup of coffee in my life!), while my friend had curry and an iced latte. It was very yum. And I paid, because in Japan, it's polite to let the host pay, because we're the one responsible for you! So let me pay, boy🫵🤡
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Afterwards, we ordered bubble tea and visited the local shrine. My friend insisted on paying for a small keychain I wanted, and while I resisted, I lost the battle when she brought up the strong USD lol. I just can't resist a good bargain...
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I initially wanted to take my friend to a park, but it seemed like it was going to rain, so we went back to my place. When I asked Jiji (grandpa) if he wanted to say hi, he said he was feeling too weak, so we went to the granny flat where I live without introducing them to each other.
While in the granny flat, we cooled down with the aircon on, snacked, and chatted about WIPs. My friend freaked the fuck out when I showed her my 90k draft for the longfic that made us friends LOL it was so cute and motivating. We also chatted about potentially co-writing a Sylvgrid fic together! Very exciting stuff.
While we were chatting, my grandpa came in! And he said he cooked for us motsu-ni (offal stew)! And oh my goodness it tasted so good and my friend loved it! And then he chatted with her with me as the interpretor, bragging about how handsome and cool he was in his youth. Oh Jiji XD!
I then walked my friend back to the station and waited with her until her train arrived. We said our goodbyes and promised to meet up again, which you will read about soon hehe!
June 1st: Tom, Beloved
On June 1st, I reunited with Tom the Toy Poodle. Guys, I'm in love with this dog. I want to kidnap him and take him home with me to Australia, he's just that cute! God, he's making me remember my Dog Person phase, which lasted until I ended up having my own cats. Now I love dogs, but worship cats.
Just look at him. HOW IS HE REAL???
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June 2nd: And So It Ends
June 2nd was Hardcore, baby, for I worked on my last assignment for my bachelor's degree. I fought shitty weather, shitty wifi, and recorded my presentation inside the truck because the reception inside the granny flat is God Awful, but I did it. I did the damn thing. I Finished University.
But because I’m a clown I’m doing post-grad to study fandom wish me all the luck you have besties LOL🤡
For my thesis, I’m hoping to explore the cultural tensions between Eastern and Western fandom, specifically in terms of how religion has an impact on it. You know, what with antis mirroring the mindset of conservative cultural Christianity. We’ll see how I go with that!
For dinner, I went out with my mum and her two friends. I became so shy because they couldn’t stop gushing over how cute I was lol I am not kidding or bragging they just would Not Stop😅. Is this how Apple Pie feels when I smother her? Lol.
I'm starting to reach the age where my perpetual singleness is Notable. So of course, developments in my love life were inquired after. I told them I'm not that interested in romantic relationships. Which is true! My ideal life partner is a platonic one, since I'm aspec. I do have crushes, though, so I can see myself being in a romantic relationship. But I'd be perfectly happy never being romantically partnered for the rest of my life. I think I'd also be happy partnered with children. Either way, nae bother!
But yes, one of them definitely seems to have clocked that I'm surely some flavour of Queer, since she was like "so, you're not that interested in having a boyfriend–or whatever else–but it's friendship that's important to you?" and I was like "yep :D" and she was like "that's okay! you're still young after all" and I was like ":)". But we shall see how my love life, whether it be platonic or romantic, turns out.
June 3rd: It's So Flyday, Flyday, Chinatown!
On June 3rd, I met up with my fandom friend in Yokohama's Chinatown for one last meet-up! As ever, we had an absolute blast together. We explored the main road as well as the more hidden alleyways of Chinatown, until we found a cozy looking restaurant that was away from the hustle and bustle and the tourist crowd. My friend speaks some Mandarin, so it was really cool to see her talk with the waitress, haha. Now I know what my friends feel like when we go to Japanese restaurants together!
We had dim sim, this super yum fried tofu dish, and these chive pancakes. I loved it all, honestly!
After lunch, I got to pet the dogs who belonged to the people behind us. When we were eating, I kept sparing glances at the doggies lol (a dachshund and a jack russell) because omg were they so well-behaved and adorable in the dog pram. Just so so cute.
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To sign off our day in Chinatown, I asked my friend to get a caricature of us drawn, which she thankfully said yes to! While I can't show you the art because, well, it looks just like us LOL, do know that it's suuuuper adorable. I have a collection of caricatures for whenever I visit a new place, but this is the first one I've had drawn with another person. I'm kinda hooked lol now I want caricatures drawn with all my loved ones.
My friend and I said our final goodbyes, since she's leaving soon. I am so, so glad I got to meet her IRL, and I'm sure we'll see each other again, whether it be in Japan, the States or Australia<3.
(Side note: My grandpa needs to go under another round of radiation therapy, so my mum will be staying in Japan until the end of the mouth, instead of the planned June 4th. While I'm sad Jiji's gotta go through it again, I'm glad mum will be around! It's been nice spending time with her, for both me and Jiji.)
June 4th: Chillin' & Catchin Up'
June 4th was chill! What with uni being over, I find myself with a lot more free time. I went into Chichibu to browse the local BOOK-OFF, a secondhand store which sells books, CDs, figures, video games, you name it, they got it. I found a Sanji figure that I thought my dear friend @homelygrantaire would like and so I bought it on his behalf, before I then sent it off to their address. I learned a lot about international shipping in Japan from that experience, which is good for me to know, since I'm sure I'll need to send stuff back because Japan is shopping paradise right now LOL.
For lunch, I had this super average savoury crepe at a Gelato place. I should've just ordered gelato lol but I wanted a proper lunch and for some reason, most places are closed on Tuesdays here. But to make up for it, I got my favourite bubble tea and tried out a bakery I'd never been to before. I chatted with the elderly owner and found out that they'd been in business for 40 years. Wowza!
Once I got home, I caught up on my belated crit letters for the Fanauthor Workshop. Thanks for your patience, guys! I loved reading all your pieces.
(Btw, writerly mutuals, you should totally sign up for the asynchronous summer session so you can join us and make soooo many friends. Applications end June 14th!)
June 4th: I...WROTE?!
And so this brings us to today! Not much happened. Mum and I went to this AMAZING Chinese restaurant that is world class quality. Seriously, the owner trained as a chef in Ginza, Tokyo's luxury district. The man knows how to cook!
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Once I got home, I helped my mum and Jiji spread weed-killer lol which was a first. Then I had an afternoon nap. Night time, I realised I had free time...AND SO I WROTE!
Yes, besties, you read that right: I'm writing again! Woo!
I don't think I've written in like a month and half so it's been great getting back into it. I ended up revising my galeheart fairy tale au, which I hope to have finished sometime soon. I'm so sick of it living in my drafts, unposted, when it's so close to being done ugh. Hopefully it'll be out by the end of this month!
Thanks for reading my journal, guys. Each entry is getting longer and longer lmao but I hope you enjoy reading them, nonetheless. See you next time!
With love,
Emi xoxo
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mytimeinthesun · 1 year
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Girlweek day 4! It looks blurry as hell to me in the post editing but hopefully it won't be if you click on it!
Title reads: "Questionable Journalism: The Misadventures of Salt Middle School Newspaper Club's Top Investigators"
(sorry i chose really shitty contrasting colors and i'm too tired to fix it now >_>)
So I don't really know how to explain myself on this, I don't even know what it is. I was just thinking Emi needs better friends and I thought "Maybe she'd get along with Mezato"
Which turned into...the fake cover of some spin-off manga where Emi joins the newspaper club in the hopes of getting to experience/hear about more stuff in the world to fuel her writing, and gets shown the ropes by Mezato, and then they go investigate stuff together.
God I wish I had the spoons/skills to actually do this lol
No title version under the cut: (it was originally just this and then I realized I left a lotttt of empty space that ought to be filled, thus the fake manga cover)
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
To Touch Fate
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason attempts to settle down in Southern Italy and live a civilian life.
Chapters: 16/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Original Character(s), Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Angst, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd is a Father, Terry McGinnis is Batman, Retirement, Future Fic, Major Original Character(s)
Chapter Sixteen: Late Night
Angelo relapsed, and his fever spiked. Noemi called out of work to take care of him. Jason couldn’t sleep. So he was up every ten minutes, watching Angelo breathe. “Jason, you have to relax—.” 
“I can’t relax. Angelo’s never been this sick before,” Jason whispered. He checked Angelo’s forehead with his watch and took a deep breath. Noemi clicked her tongue.
“Giasone, do you need something to do?” Noemi asked. “Get him out of that sweatshirt. He’s too heavy for me to pick up. I have to get him more ice to chew.” Jason obeyed, slipping Angelo’s sweatshirt over his head. Angelo turned toward Jason, holding onto his father’s sweatshirt. Noemi returned with ice chips. 
“Hey… Hey, Angioletto,” Jason whispered as he nudged Angelo awake. “Mamma brought you something… Come on.” Angelo mumbled incoherently. 
“You’re too warm. Try to eat a little ice. If your temperature doesn’t go down, we might have to take you to the hospital,” Jason whispered. 
Angelo closed his eyes, and Jason jostled him to keep him awake. “You gotta get hydrated,” Jason whispered. Angelo didn’t answer. “Come on, Angioletto. Wake up.” 
After a few minutes, Jason propped Angelo up in a chair and searched the house for Noemi. “What’s wrong?” Noemi asked.
“I can’t wake him up. Emi, something’s wrong,” Jason whispered. Noemi nodded. “Don’t panic. Take him to the emergency room,” Noemi commanded, “I’ll stay here with the kids.” Jason nodded. “Don’t panic. I put his hospital bag in the car—.” 
Domenico stepped into the hallway, rubbing his eyes. He was wearing joggers and a sweatshirt. “I wanna go with Papá and Angel,” Domenico whispered. Noemi sighed.
“I’ll take him. Come on, Dom,” Jason whispered, “Grab something to do.” Jason carried Angelo to the car, buckled him in, and checked his temperature. Domenico clenched his fists at his sides. 
“Papá… What’s wrong with Angel?” Domenico whimpered as he got in the car. They rarely used the car except for emergencies and trips. Domenico hugged his knees in the car. 
“I don’t know, Dom… He might be dehydrated, or it might be some sort of infection, but—.” Jason took a deep breath. “Dom, can you read to me?” 
“I brought my journal… I don’t know if you’d like to hear—.” 
“I’d like to… I always love your journals. They’re so interesting,” Jason replied, trying to remain calm for Domenico’s sake.
“Okay… Um… I wrote something after last week…” 
Domenico cleared his throat. “ I saw a seal pup during my run this morning. I sat on a rock and watched him sleep. I didn’t expect to see one so close, but I sat there for almost an hour, watching and wondering. I wondered if Papá saw seals this close when he was my age. I think about Papá’s life a lot. I saw his home on a map at school. 
“ My American friend at school says everything moves slowly in Italy. I want to know what he means. I’m sure that Papá knows. One day… I’ll ask him ,” Domenico read. Jason smiled, finally able to relax. 
“I don’t talk about America much… Do I?” Jason questioned. “Are you afraid to ask me about my life there?”
“I don’t want to make you sad,” Domenico replied, “Sometimes you seem sad.” 
“No… I’m not sad. I worry about your Nonno Bruce sometimes, but that’s it. You can ask me anything,” Jason replied. 
“Did you go to the beach in the summer, too?” Domenico asked.
“Oh no… We couldn’t go to the beach. You could die there,” Jason replied, “And the docks were where all the criminals met up.”
“What did you do in the summer, then?” Domenico questioned.
Jason squinted as he tried to remember his childhood. It seemed so far away. “When I was your age, I would lay a blanket out on the fire escape and wait for the shaved ice man to come. I listened for the little bell on his cart. Sometimes, my mom, Catherine, would fill spray bottles with water and food coloring… And we’d go up to the roof and spray each other until we were covered in colors,” Jason whispered, “Sometimes I’d take the bus to the nice neighborhoods with my father and we’d—. This part is bad… Don’t do this. We used to steal money from rich people’s cars,” Jason confessed.
“Why?” Domenico asked.
“Well… We were hungry, and I was a little smaller than the twins and wearing my father’s old shirts. It was for survival. I never stole for fun. I knew what I was doing was wrong, and I stopped as soon as I was in a better situation,” Jason explained. 
The car jostled when they hit a bump in the road, and Jason tutted at Angelo. “I’m sorry, kids,” Jason apologized, “Dom, you have an American classmate now? When did he move here?” 
“It’s his first year in Italy. His parents are divorced, and his mom moved here for work… He’s from Metropolis. Is that like Gotham?” Domenico asked.
“No. That’s better than Gotham. I like Metropolis. If it wasn’t for the major property damage and the constant threat of malicious alien settlers, I think it’d be a good place to raise a family. It’s just—. There’s not enough space to grow… Are you and your American classmate friends?” Jason asked. 
“Um… Yeah. We want to go to the same schools when we’re older. I hope his mom lets him stay here,” Domenico replied. Jason nodded. 
“Maybe his mom can meet Emi and me… And we can—. You guys can stay over at each other’s houses. Does that sound okay?” Jason offered. Domenico made a soft noise. Angelo’s head drooped, and Jason reached out and held his head back. “You were always Angelo’s baby. He prayed for you before you were born. When you were born, Angelo used to lay you on his chest and hum so you could feel the vibration when your stomach hurt. It was a pretty cool trick. I used that with all the other kids. His bond with you is special. So, I—. Are you boys okay now?” 
“Uh-huh. We’re okay. He promised me I could sleep in his room sometimes when he gets better… How’d he get so sick?” Domenico asked. 
“I don’t know. I’ve been asking that all night,” Jason whispered. 
Domenico looked out the window and sighed. “Is it true that you gave up your American life because Mamma was pregnant?” Domenico asked. Jason nodded. 
“Yeah… And I was in love with Mamma… She—. I met Emi at a time in my life when I was ready to slow down. When Emi told me about Angelo, I knew it was okay. I could stop. I could settle down here and build a life,” Jason explained, “I’m lucky, Dom. Did you know that?” 
“What do you mean, Papá?” Domenico asked. 
“I didn’t think I’d ever have children… And if I did, I couldn’t imagine they’d want me around. You’re all so understanding and kind. I have the sweetest children in the world. That’s why I respect all of you so much. You could be angry or defy me, but you don’t. You’re wonderful kids,” Jason whispered. 
“No one’s papá is like you. You never yell at us and—. And you teach us cool stuff,” Domenico smiled. 
“I teach you too many things,” Jason half-joked, “And I still haven’t had the chance to thank you for getting Dario and your sisters to school.” Jason pulled into the parking lot. “Can I ask you one more favor? Can you watch Angelo while I get a chair for him?” 
“Of course, Papá,” Domenico replied. Jason left the two boys in the car, relieved that Domenico helped him take his mind off his worries.
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tobegiggledat · 2 years
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To the One I Greatly Cherish
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✦pairings: Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) x afab!reader, Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) x afab!reader
✦word count: 4.7k (this part only), 9.4k (total)
✦summary: A series of anonymous love letters fill your inbox days before the world's most notable romantic holiday, but who could possibly be your secret admirer? Will you be able to find out their identity in time for Valentine's Day?
✦warnings: slight angst, guilt, kissing, massages, mutual fingering, oral sex, clit-leashing, vaginal sex, dildos, praise, begging, pet names (angel)
✦a/n: A special fic for the folks that only got love from fictional characters this year (me)
This fic has different endings depending on who you think wrote the letters (you’ll have to choose a link at the bottom), but I’d recommend reading both for the full context.
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To the one I greatly cherish,
If you’re captivating eyes manage to stumble upon this message, then you must know how often you cross my mind.
And how there isn't a breath I take that isn't fueled by my desire to be with you one day.
Even from a distance, your presence will continue to consume me, although I'm afraid you won't understand.
Longing for you always,
Your Secret Admirer
It’s only been a day since you’ve discovered that someone wants to pursue you from afar.
The first message from this unknown sender was delivered with an eye-catching header to your school email address, one which you clicked with an urgency, zipping across the romantic lines before your cursor could keep up with you. The thought of it still sends a fresh rush of warm fervor through your system at the possibility of who it may be.
When was the last time someone yearned for you, let alone expressed it in such a heartfelt way?
A blaring bell chimes to interrupt your reminiscence. It's a signal for another day's work at U.A. High School, and as the Heroics Department’s Journalism teacher you mustn’t spend your time idly.
Dozens of students flock to their seats, some bright-eyed and eager to learn, while others give distant, dull gazes you’re certain wouldn’t falter even if the sky were to somehow collapse into your very classroom.
No matter, you’ll teach the subject with utmost enthusiasm as it’s one you’ve been passionate about since youth. Many of your teenage years were spent gathering first hand sources on heroic symbolism, the faults/benefits of quirk regulation, and more. You managed to garner a following for yourself on all socials—though whether you’re a good journalist or not has always been…up for debate.
Today’s lesson goes by swiftly, with you discussing privacy rights and the importance of examining a source’s background and potential interests. It's a lesson you could've used many years ago, nonetheless, you believe you'll shape your students into promising reporters even as you grow from your past mishaps.
The next period gives you an opportunity to collect your thoughts; an empty classroom makes for an empty mind, although your fingers itch to finally text your best friend about the whole “secret admirer” ordeal.
You: Gained a potential love interest today👀
Emi: Right, and it's not that one loser from the bar again is it?
You: Hmm, maybe. They're a secret admirer after all
Emi: So, secretly the loser from the bar?
You: I’d hope not, but the secret part does make that sound a bit more alluring.
You: Let's grab coffee later so I can tell you more.
Your phone slides from your hands and onto the desk in exchange for the stack of papers you were meant to grade. Your pointy, red pen taps against your bottom lip as you scan over the neat arrangement of letters at the top of the stack, checking and ticking along the margins then repeating this for the next page or until class ends.
The lunch bell inevitably releases you from your dreary task, and you're quick to align the correct stacks in their designated corners before gathering your lunch box and taking off toward your usual secluded spot.
Students line the walls in minimally chaotic rows, something you've come to appreciate as order is always upheld in U.A. despite how small.
You turn the corner into an empty hall, but your heart plunges into your ass upon looking to the very end of it to discover the long, violet strands and crimson lenses of Nemuri Kayama.
In an instant, you think to escape before she makes out your presence, but just when you turn on your heels to do so she gives you a condescending smirk while raising a palm to give a curt wave.
The controversy of your past always seems to linger.
“Afternoon, Kayama”, you keep your introduction brief upon clashing with her stark center amidst the path.
“Professor Kayama”, she corrects snobbishly. “Remember, this is a school environment, not one of your trashy articles.” Her shapely brows frown as she grits her teeth.
You give her a faux grin to appease her ridiculous standards of professionalism. “Trashy or blunt truths you chose to avoid?”
Her eyes nearly roll back into their sockets. “If you're the source of truth, then maybe the world is too incapable to seek it themselves.” Kayama whips her hair away with a pale hand, the click-clack of her heels echoing against the tile as she storms off.
You're just glad the whole thing is over with.
You stumble upon your destination; a quiet gated area outside the back of the school. The trees around it are ample of life, leaving shadowy freckles of shade across your skin as you sit beneath its thick heads of leaves.
Your head turns to and fro while you attempt to spot the signature dark wardrobe of your occasional accompanier, but it seems he hasn't arrived today.
Besides you and Aizawa, no one else has noticed this area's unusual privacy, but it makes things all the more peaceful.
You chow down on leftovers from yesterday's dinner then depart to begin teaching the last two classes; stringing together repetitions from the lesson earlier except with more exaggeration on the privacy aspect.
You head out to meet Emi minutes before the final bell rings, giving your class an early dismissal as long as they agree to go about it quietly.
You've known Emi since high school, although you ultimately decided to teach at U.A. for more newsgathering opportunities. Emi never lets you hear the end of it as she jokingly calls you the traitor of Ketsubutsu whenever you'd mention your experiences there.
While you weren't in the heroics program back when you were a student, you made notable achievements as an intern for a national website by investigating scandals of corrupt heroes and crafting opinion pieces on the ethics of hero society.
You met Emi at the beginning of your first-year orientation, with the two of you sitting beside each other at the assembly hall, playing off of each other's jokes in whispers and concealed giggles to keep yourselves entertained.
You could never bring yourself to admit that she's the funniest of the two of you, but you've always spoken of how you admire her approach to heroism as she brings smiles to civilian's faces even without the use of her quirk.
Sweet aromas of vanilla and herbs waft through the coffee shop air, with dim lights illuminating the rustic interior and dark wooden tables placed in all corners.
Emi’s seated near the end of the cafe and has already ordered you and her drinks. You make your way to her table, teeth gleaming and eyes bright while meeting her own eager, chartreuse ones.
“Hey, what’s the news?”Emi chirps, sliding a cup to your end of the table.
You hold the drink firmly before releasing a small sigh. “Not much to tell. I still don’t have the slightest clue as to who they might be.”
“I’m excited!” Her smile grows wider as she twists side to side with glee. “What’ll you do once you find out?”
“Probably marry them or something. I mean, no one has ever gone through this much effort for me”, you jape despite the depressing reality of your words, then take a sip of your drink, savoring the familiar flavors with each gulp.
She puckers her lips to give a playful pout. “Does this mean you’ll replace me?” She asks with fake weariness. “Does what we have mean so little to you?”
You reassure her teasingly, “Don’t worry, I’ll marry you next if things don’t work out this time.”
She taps her lips with her straw as if considering. “With such a good offer, I’m not sure if I want to help you with this anymore.”
“Oh, come on, Emi. You know I’ll always love you.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll help you”, she relents. “Maybe you should try picking a person close to you and observing them.”
“Hmm…funnily enough, I’m not that close to any of my coworkers. It’s weird I received a love letter through my school email at all.” You reach down to take another hefty sip.
“But there’s gotta be someone you know at least a little more than the others.”
You take a moment to ponder. “Sometimes, I sit with Aizawa during lunch, although we don’t talk often so we just enjoy each other’s silences.”
Emi’s brows raise noticeably. “Yikes…if anything I’d think he’s your least likely candidate.”
“I know, but there aren’t many options to choose from. Kayama hates me, I hardly get a chance to speak to Mic or Vlad outside of meetings, and All Might is…All Might.”
“Well, if Aizawa is your best bet there shouldn’t be harm in looking into him anyways, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so...”
You and Emi’s talk concludes with exchanged hugs before you take your train home, contemplating Emi’s suggestion and how to go about your approach.
When you arrive, you hastily discard your work clothes before putting on something more comfortable and lounging on your bed to reread the email you received.
Is this really something Aizawa would write, you hesitantly contemplate to yourself, scanning over the flowery words and recoiling at the idea of him putting them together—you ultimately decide it’s tomorrow's problem.
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
To the one I greatly cherish,
I hope you’re pleased reading my messages as much as I am while writing them.
As the time passes, I find my days to be progressively trivial without you.
My most profitable successes are worthless as they’re void of your companionship. My biggest fear overlaps with my inability to have you.
Will we ever be united? It’s up to fate to decide.
Continuing to be blessed by you,
Your Secret Admirer
Today’s letter creates new waves of violent jitters along your spine, coupling with the preexisting dread that’s already palpitating through your system at the thought of approaching Aizawa about it.
You’re unsure how you’d feel if you found out he truly had feelings for you, and while you told Emi you’d probably reciprocate them, you can’t say that for certain.
You've grown to respect Aizawa to some degree after investigating his days as the underground hero, Eraserhead, but nothing more as of yet.
Only time will tell, for now you’d just like to get to the bottom of who’s been plotting to romance you, once and for all.
The lunch bell eventually stirs to life, and with your steeled resolve, you hurriedly pace along the halls, toward the back of the school.
The dark blue doors feel heavy against your palms as you press on them to finally arrive at the shaded area. Its lulling atmosphere is as undisturbed as you expected, you spot Aizawa’s rugged form on a bench, faced away and gazing at the limited scenery of the campus.
“Hey, is it okay if I sit here?” You ask upon approaching him while awkwardly hovering outside his range of sight.
He nods slightly but makes no effort to turn your direction.
You take a seat beside him, picking at the prints of your fingers to occupy yourself and the silence. “It’s beautiful weather for February, isn’t it? I honestly expected a little more snow”, you finally attempt to break the tension.
He hums softly in agreement but nothing more.
“Valentine’s day is right around the corner, but I’m not one to usually celebrate it”, you pause, clenching your peeling fingers into a snug fist. “What about you—”
“You’re awfully chatty today”, Aizawa interrupts, his voice gruff with irritation as his hands hook along the sides of his scarf.
Your words are nearly caught on your tongue. “I’m sorry?”
“If this is for one of your news columns or something, I have no interest in gossiping.”
You sneer, turning fully to face him, but only his stoic, disinterested profile can be seen. “That’s not my field of work and you know it. Haven’t you read any of my reports?”
“Possibly, but it’s not like I’d remember those kinds of things.”
“Whatever, it’s nothing. Sorry to have bothered you.” You defeatedly rise from your seat, throat and eyes stinging from the heat that grows with each step you take toward the door.
This isn’t the first time your work has been reduced to pandering nonsense, but for some reason it hurts way more than usual.
“Fuck”, you mutter quietly, sniffling away in the nearest bathroom stall as you try to collect yourself.
Has it really been that long since you’ve written something that deconstructed the masses view on heroics? You must’ve grown too complacent at this school—in fact, this is where it all went wrong.
Choosing to become a teacher instead of risking your comfort to uncover hidden truths wasn’t what you initially planned.
But is it so wrong to change paths even when your prior choice was deemed more impactful?
Is it so wrong to write proposals about a hopeful, nonexistent future than to expose more darkness of a knowingly ineffective society? You’ve long realized the corruption runs deeper than you ever could’ve hoped to shed light on. You journal about the new era of quirks, searching for an ability that’ll make the old way of things seem outdated.
Is that too foolish to look forward to?
Your phone vibrates along your clothes’ seams, and you swiftly remove it from your pocket as you swipe away the last of your tears.
Emi: Soo, is Aizawa dying to be with you or what???
A small smile creeps up your cheeks at her overwhelming interest.
You: Nope. It was a complete shut down.
Emi: It’s okay. I’ve been there too, Aizawa’s tough.❤️
A hefty exhale escapes you before you finally make yourself presentable enough to return to your classroom and finish teaching for the rest of the day.
Once classes end, Mic summons all of the heroics teachers into the teacher’s lounge to invite everyone out for drinks in celebration of his podcast’s growing success.
You: I was invited to go to a club with my coworkers tomorrow night, should I go?
Emi: Yes!! How else will you find your true love?!
You: Yeah, but with Aizawa and Kayama it'll be awkward :(
Emi: Aizawa doesn't go out on school days so you should be down at least one problem
You: Fair enough, I’ll just try to avoid Kayama the whole night🥲
Now, the only thing left to do is prepare yourself for another long day of hardships…
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
To the one I greatly cherish,
Come find me on Valentine’s Day so that I'll be rightfully yours. Let your heart guide you to the correct choice if you feel the same as I.
Thinking of you fondly,
Your Secret Admirer
Unlike the emails from before, today's love letter arrives a half hour after school ends rather than before it starts, and is much briefer in length.
You’re expected to somehow discover the identity of your admirer within a few days and without much to go off of.
It’s almost like they never wanted to be discovered in the first place.
Sharp pin-pricks zip through palms and into your twitching fingertips as the nervous chill that’s pervaded your body attempts to find an outlet through your skin.
If only they knew their longing is being reciprocated…
You aid your shudders with disordered breaths, mentally counting each dry pant before drafting a text to update Emi on the state of your situation.
To pass the time before meeting with your coworkers and to get your mind off the whole letter ordeal, you spend the rest of the evening formulating your lesson plans for the next week.
It’s tedious but necessary work as you ultimately decide on journalism ethics and informed opinions for the topics.
Emi still hasn’t responded to your texts since before classes ended, although you know she’ll want you to persist with going out anyways.
Nighttime arrives and you promptly put together a casual yet tasteful look then exit your home with the weight of the world seemingly trapped in your chest. The ride there is even more disorienting with clammy passengers cramming all corners of the train and bracing themselves for each turn with the lack of space.
Luckily, the trip is short as you find yourself standing before the glowing green lights of the club’s name etched in neon, with purple hues also trailing the rim of it and leading down to the snowy glass doors.
You tug at the elongated handles, breath caught in your throat as you take your first steps toward the source of your unease.
Ambient music sweeps through your ears, its vibrations jolting enough to stir the hairs on your skin and rattle the depths of your bones. Your eyes drift across the arrangement of floundering civilians to spot the bright yellow of Mic’s hair as he’s seated on a stool closest to the front of the bar.
His hands flail outwardly to make exuberant gestures while he speaks to a hooded man beside him. Kayama also sits near Mic, slender fingers cupped around a glass with a salted rim and lemon. Her glossy lips meet the edge of it as her gaze passes between Mic and the unfamiliar man as they speak.
How long will you continue to watch from a distance?
Your hands cup the sides of your arms for comfort—but suddenly, as if Kayama could feel the force of your stare, her intense blue irises spot you in her periphery before promptly shifting away.
Your body moves backward mechanically to leave until you feel your phone chime against you.
Call me, the message from Emi reads, and you take off toward a dark, empty hallway at the end of the club to do just that.
Thankfully, the area is quiet and private enough for you to make the call.
“Hey, have you reached the bar yet?” Emi cheerfully answers after the first ring.
You press the phone tightly to your ear. “Yeah, but I’m not sure if I can do this anymore. I feel so out of place here”, your voice drifts as you speak, tone shaky and uncertain.
“I get what you mean. It must be exhausting to perform in front of people you’re not really familiar with.”
“Right. I just never expected having a secret admirer to be so…stressful.” Your head falls back against the wall as you shut your eyes gently. “How will I ever find out who they are if they never plan to reveal themselves?”
“I’m not sure, but if you really want to find out this may be your only chance.”
“Yeah, then I should probably get back to it... Thanks, Emi.” You take a last sigh of relief before reluctantly hanging up to go back to the rest of the group.
As you turn the corner to retreat, a dizzying force crashes into you and sends your heels tumbling backward, scrambling for a tidbit of balance.
Before an apology could form on your tongue, you recognize the passerby as no one other than Kayama and begin to pull yourself away.
“ ‘m sorry, just came to check up on you”, Kayama’s words are slightly slurred as she speaks. She clumsily swipes her purple wisps from her deeply stained cheeks. Her eyes are glassy, pupils blown as they examine you with an intrigue you’ve never witnessed from her.
“Are you drunk?” You ask hesitantly, but she only blinks at you slowly.
“Just tipsy, but come on.” Her hand locks around your wrist as she pulls you along the halls to lead you back to the bar, and for some reason you don’t pull away. You opt to be dictated by her impulse despite the conflict that’s always existed between you.
Mic and the stranger have gone off somewhere by the time you both return. Kayama pulls herself to the counter and orders another round of shots after awkwardly pointing along the lengthy menu provided to her.
Three clear glasses are slid in front of you with a smirk passing over Kayama’s lips.
You question if her actions are a drunken whim or a genuine attempt to mend your strained dynamic, but you don’t think it matters much.
This’ll make things easier, right?
Fuck it. You gulp down all three shots consecutively, jaw tightening as the burning liquid courses down your throat and through your chest. Heat seeps into your nerves while the alcohol begins to conquer your judgment.
Kayama’s smile grows wider, a giddy hum passing through her lips. “Let’s have some fun!” She redirects you once more, except to the dance floor as the next song begins to play.
Her body begins to sway delicately to the thrums of each beat, a series of synchronized yet hypnotic movements possessing her limbs as her piercing eyes remain on yours.
She shuffles a little closer then places a soft palm on your shoulder, trailing down along your sleeves then grasping your hand again tightly. She twirls away on the tips of her feet, free hand extended outward, before pulling into you and pressing her back firmly against your chest, while her hips curve into your own.
As quickly as she spins into you, she turns back to face you with her features no more than a breath away from yours. She stills for a moment, quietly taking in each ridge across your cheeks and the delicate shape of your lips.
“You’re really hot, y’know that?” She speaks tenderly against you, although there’s an underlying sadness as she utters it, one her facial expression seems to mimic as well.
“Buut…I still haven’t forgiven you”, she winks without any trace of her earlier gloom present. The heat of her closeness disappears to leave you cold and aching as she turns away to leave the club without another word.
Her words still echo across your synapses while the clarity of her silhouette slowly fades until gone completely.
You've wronged her but have yet to atone even though the guilt of your actions continue to fester and swell in your chest to engrave rotten, pus-filled holes in the walls of your heart. It oozes and drips into your veins as it spoils you, body and mind.
Would she ever accept your pleas of forgiveness if you were to give them to her? Does she too believe that the tight-walk around the conversation has gone on for too long?
You anxiously text Emi on the way home.
You: I think I may have found my secret admirer
Maybe the letters were a ruse to finally address things once and for all…
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
The very next morning Emi sends a message to your school email.
No service right now but email me back if you need anything :)
A wave of relief washes over you now that you’ve been given the reasoning for Emi’s lack of responses.
You’re eager to give her more juicy details on your valentine, but you’d rather discuss with her in person once classes end.
Today is a typical Friday, with students excitedly whispering discussions of their weekend plans, and teachers assigning the appropriate amount of coursework for the next two days off.
Despite the upcoming weekend, you won’t be at ease as Valentine’s Day will be on the approaching Monday and you’re still dissatisfied with your “investigation”.
You’ve yet to see Midnight, even after intentionally passing her classroom, but other than that classes go by swimmingly.
Emi receives your email begging her to let you come over to her apartment so that the two of you can chat and she obliges.
Still dressed in your work attire, you give a few taps on the beige door to Emi’s apartment, which opens the moment your knuckles retreat from its smooth wood.
"Hey, come on in”, Emi greets, swiftly turning so that you'd follow her into her lavish living room, adorned with patterned wallpaper and two lime-green suede sofas at the center.
She sits on the farthest end of one of the couches and you join right beside her. The small coffee table before you is already decorated with snacks and drinks, you smile at the thought of having another movie night or sleepover with her.
“So tell me about it already”, Emi says, eyes wide and fingers clasped together as if she’s pleading.
“Emi, you're not going to believe me when I tell you who it is”, you begin as you reach passively for a bottle of water to occupy your hands.
She gasps. “No way, is it Kayama?”
You nod with a smug grin. “I think so, but I'm not one-hundred percent sure yet.”
“What makes you think it's her? She totally hates you.”
“That's what I thought too, until she started dancing with me at the club the other night.”
Emi claps her palms over her mouth as you continue, her emerald brows nearly touching the soft hairs of her hairline.
“We were both a bit drunk but I still think it was odd she tried to initiate anything with me at all.”
“Did you get a chance to talk with Mic or the others?” Emi asks with undeviating attention.
“No, not once. I doubt they had anything to do with this otherwise they would've made an attempt to reach out to me.” You focus on the feeling of the cool condensation on your fingers as you speak, rolling the thin plastic bottle between each hand.
Emi hums in agreement. “Good point. And going by the emails, this person must really-really like you. They're not just someone who passed you by and thought you were cute.”
“Yeah, putting it that way means Midnight is the only one I’ve had a history with, even though we’ve…drifted apart.” You let out a deep sigh before finally taking a few gulps of water. “Emi, things would’ve been so much easier if you were the one behind this.” Your pouty eyes meet hers, and for a second her expression is unreadable.
“What if I actually was?” She asks softly, but her features are stern as she awaits your reply. Her body unconsciously shifts closer to you while yours goes rigid.
“You mean, you’re my secret admirer?”
“Mhmm.” Her stare slowly trails to your lips and lingers there for what feels like an eternity.
You swear your cheeks are searing to the touch as warmth spreads beneath your skin from the intensity of her look.
“I’m just kidding!” Emi suddenly beams then playfully taps your shoulder. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
“Don’t joke like that Emi. My heart was racing.” You can’t bring yourself to look her in the eyes.
“Good, that means you’ve fallen for me.”
Shortly after talking with Emi, she puts on a romcom that she's been wanting to see for ages, but you can hardly pay any attention to it.
Are you overthinking what she said earlier?
It feels like you’ve known Emi forever, but it’s still hard to tell when she’s being serious at times.
Maybe you shouldn’t brush off the possibility of there being some truth to what she suggested, after all, she could’ve easily sent you those emails at any moment.
You decide not to sleepover at Emi’s house that night due to the unusual nervousness that accompanies you at the thought of sharing a bed with her.
Under the comfort of your duvet, you look into the pitch-black darkness of your room, silently meditating on what you’ve gathered while looking into your admirer's identity.
You vividly recall Kayama’s fleeting interest in spending time with you and how it correlates with the sudden letters. Do her feelings for you remain despite all that’s happened?
You also begin to ruminate the feel of Emi’s harsh stare as she spoke with you earlier. When she entertained your misled thoughts about the emails, was it merely façade?
After deliberating, only one conclusion seems most sensical to you. The orchestrator of it all has to be
Emi ✦ Kayama
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mxmollusca · 7 months
fic first lines
post the first line from the last 10 fics you posted (and are there any patterns?) - I got tagged by both @epersonae and @scarrletmoon
I don't have 10 fics for OFMD because I am a slow-af writer, so hopefully my measly 7 will suffice.
An Arm and a Leg
(My first fic for this fandom, building my brand early with some good ol' fashioned magical realism with tentacles.)
Stede Bonnet felt decidedly unwell.
In Favor With Their Stars
(The story opens with a series of computer screens showing the computer processes of a spaceship computer, who also happens to be one of the main characters.)
Interplanetary Transport Ship/REVENGE
“Good morning, Edward.”
There's a Monster at the End of This Book
(surprise Vianton!)
Anton sat on the red velvet sofa, jogger-clad knees pressed together, a temporary resting place for nervous fingers that drummed impatiently.
The Sticking Place
(Sequel to An Arm and a Leg, starting with some journal entries.)
Personal Diary of Stede Bonnet
June 10th, 1718
It’s been three days since the onset of my new affliction, and I am pleasantly surprised to find the crew relatively unfazed by the news! 
The Ship of Theseus
(An audio/visual multimedia project written by me, with sound support and editing from @nordarknessdimsthesky and @emi--rose. The entirety of this piece is written from the computer's POV.)
>>2063-02-06 01:35:41
Wave Hello to the Void
(This story was cowritten with @zacharybosch and has art from @eefaevie. There is a lot of multimedia in this story, and it opens with a news article, followed by a video transcript, followed by prose.)
(News clipping)
Green Bank Register - 10/03/2023
Mothman sets fire to dumpster
GREEN BANK, WV - Today marks one week since the first sighting of a large, unidentified winged creature in the Green Bank area.
(YouTube Transcript)
The Beltsville Goatman: A Monsterlover's Exclusive - 09/28/2023
STEDE BONNET, a blonde man in his mid-40s, stands in front of a huge, white RV with the words “MONSTERLOVERS” emblazoned across the side parked in front of a large, empty field.
Stede Bonnet bounds down the steps of his Entegra RV, cellphone in hand, his fuzzy teal Monsterlovers-branded fleece fully zipped in defense of the October morning chill.
Works for Spiders
(This story is written from the POV of the surly house spider who lives in Stede and Ed's "inn".)
She is roused by distant vibrations, a rhythmic thumping reverberating through floorboards and beams and into the strands of her web to tickle against the fine black hairs lining her long legs.
Patterns? Perhaps I am allergic to consistency. I tend to be motivated by the novel. I'm here to fuck around and find out. I like to experiment with form and presentation. All I can promise is that it's only going to get weirder from here.
@oatmilktruther @petrichorca @veeagainsttheday @emi--rose @ghostalservice whatchu got
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lamexusesnlies · 1 month
hello. my name is emi. i love journaling but i’ve never really gotten into it. i will hopefully remember to post on here and not loose motivation. i absolutely love music. my taste is all over the place. i adore the neighbourhood, ariana grande, billie eilish, frank ocean, tv girl, melanie martinez ( her music more than her ), tyler the creator and many others.
i 100% support palestine, congo, sudan. and if you don’t then please leave my page and this earth x.
i’m also looking for mutals!!! i follow everyone back!! i don’t bite!!
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thelonelybrilliance · 9 months
2023 Reads: thelonelybrilliance
Final count 72! I set a goal of 52 originally but raised the bar when I realized that would only bring me into early November.
Decided it would be fun to share some stats and recommendations along with the full list.
First, ten recommendations:
The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner (best completed series)
Gregory Orr, The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write (best new poetry read)
Minka Kelly, Tell Me Everything (best memoir)
E.B. White, Here Is New York (best short read)
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist (best journals)
Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family (best children's lit)
Laurie Halse Anderson, Shout (best poetry memoir)
George Eliot, Middlemarch (best classic)
Michelle Zauner, Crying in H Mart (best food writing)
Red Rising series by Pierce Brown (best sci-fi/ongoing series + best audio drama (Red Rising (Book 1))
Of my 72 reads, 31 were rereads, 41 new . Four were audiobooks, the rest print (primarily e-books). My longest read was David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. My shortest read (I think? A lot of poetry collections are short) was the longform essay, Here Is New York by E.B. White. I read the most books in December (15) and the least in June (2). 50 authors were women, 21 were men, and one poetry collection was multi-author. My most-read authors were as follows:
Megan Whalen Turner (7 books)
Lucy Maud Montgomery (6 books)
Louise Glück (5 books)
Elizabeth Wein (5 books)
Jane Austen (3 books)
Pierce Brown (3 books)
Full list organized by month under the cut!
Favorites: Bold | Rereads: Underline
Fiction: Blue | Non-Fiction: Red | Poetry: Purple | Audiobook: *
Megan Whalen Turner, The Thief
2. Annie Chagnot & Emi Ikkanda (eds.), How Lovely the Ruins
3. Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen
4. Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice
5. Richard Siken, War of the Foxes
6. Jane Austen, Sense & Sensibility
7. Rita Dove, Playlist for the Apocalypse
8. Louise Glück, The Seven Ages
9. Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
10. Megan Whalen Turner, Moira's Pen
11. Megan Whalen Turner, The Queen of Attolia
12. Megan Whalen Turner, The King of Attolia
13. Megan Whalen Turner, A Conspiracy of Kings
14. Megan Whalen Turner, Thick as Thieves
15. Megan Whalen Turner, Return of the Thief
16. Elizabeth Wein, The Winter Prince
17. Elizabeth Wein, A Coalition of Lions
18. Elizabeth Wein, Sunbird
19. Elizabeth Wein, The Lion Hunter
20. Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
21. bell hooks, Applachian Elegy
22. Michael Gibney, Sous Chef: 24 Hours on the Line*
23. C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
24. Elizabeth Wein, The Empty Kingdom
25. Dorothy Dunnett, Spring of the Ram
26. Michael Bazzett, You Must Remember This
27. Lisa Ampelman, Romances
28. Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
29. Natalie Diaz, Post-Colonial Love Poem
30. Jenny Han, The Summer I Turned Pretty
31. Jenny Han, It's Not Summer Without You
32. Natalie Diaz, When My Brother Was an Aztec
33. Ocean Vuong, Time Is a Mother
34. L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Windy Poplars
35. Ocean Vuong, Night Sky with Exit Wounds
36. Gregory Orr, The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write
37. E.B. White, Here Is New York
38. Minka Kelly, Tell Me Everything
39. P.G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves
40. Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist
41. Jonathan Stroud, The Screaming Staircase*
42. Tobias Wolff, Old School
43. Emi Nietfeld, Acceptance*
44. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
45. R.F. Kuang, Yellowface
46. Louise Glück, Vita Nova
47. L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon
48. L.M. Montgomery, Emily Climbs
49. L.M. Montgomery, Emily's Quest
50. Ada Limón, The Hurting Kind
51. Ron Rash, Poems
52. Louise Glück, Meadowlands
53. Tom Perrotta, Election
54. L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea
55. Louise Glück, Averno
56. L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
57. Curtis Sittenfeld, Prep
58. Tom Perrotta, Tracy Flick Can't Win
59. Pierce Brown, Red Rising*
60. Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle
61. Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess
62. Pierce Brown, Iron Gold
63. Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family
64. William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying
65. George Eliot, Middlemarch
66. Louise Glück, Ararat
67. Michelle Zauner, Crying in H Mart
68. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
69. Kate Baer, And Yet
70. Marguerite de Angeli, The Lion in the Box
71. Pierce Brown, Golden Son
72. Laurie Halse Anderson, Shout
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deadmountaindaughter · 2 months
Hi! I’m Emi! I’m an 18-year-old transfem who cracked at least 30% because of tumblr and therefore naturally was obligated to inflict myself on y'all.
I'll be honest I was about to talk about what I'll mostly be posting here when I realized I have no clue. So instead here are various things I might post/mention:
-funny things from my life #emi irl
-writing/oc ideas, tagged with my project names(see below) or just #emi writes
-being weirdly introspective randomly out of nowhere and then going back to rbing memes #emi thinks
-overanalyzing songs, with or without fandoms attached #songs reimagined
occasionally mentioning:
-#the council of moms, for my 2 moms
-#that fucker, for That Fucker (you'll figure it out)
-#AK47, for my best friend
and here's some fandoms *deep inhale*:
Paranatural, The Locked Tomb, Homestuck, The Legend of Eli Monpress, Rolling with Difficulty, School Bus Graveyard, Aurora, El Goonish Shive, xkcd, Castoff, Cosmere, Earth 2068, Minecraft, Dark Matter, MTMTE/Lost Light, SCP, Owl House, Gravity Falls, Alan Becker, Greenglass House, and probably more I'm forgetting
I'm an aspiring writer, so you'll probably see stuff tagged/mentioning some of these(putting this under a cut if i can figure it out):
Aberrant: A three-ish part series(as in, there are three full series within this universe) about a bunch of queer magic teenagers doing their best to fix the world. So far the parts are Acclimation, Antiques, and Apocalypse, but those names might change. Aberrant is my biggest/main project. Literally begging you to ask me about this so I can infodump about my gay superhero babies.
Driftless: what if we put eldritch gods in Mean Girls and they were lesbians about it. In other words, the four de facto queens of their public school(who all hate each other) are abruptly given the powers and godly forms of four (mostly) dead eldritch deities, and it goes from there. Only two arcs plotted so far but I have a feeling tumblr will like this one so maybe you can bully me into writing more of it(please)
Mayview Middle and the Three-Body Problem(working title): my Paranatural fanfiction. Basically covering "what if the other two major clubs/groups at MM, the Journalism Club and Johnny's gang, ended up as spectrals as well". So far I have one arc, thirteen chapters(around 1k-2k each), fully written, and incredibly vague plans for three more arcs maybe? For some reason I can literally only write this while not taking notes during chem class, which is why I haven't written more. Now on AO3!
The Unliving Learning Community: less an actual writing project and more a collection of OCs. They're a small dorm/polycule made up of various supers who can't quite be considered human, or alive, or both, anymore. They're fun.
Orbit: Not much to this one yet. Basically just a high fantasy setting I'll eventually figure out something to do with.
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