#Jason Todd is a Father
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bluejaysandblackbats · 11 months ago
To Touch Fate
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason attempts to settle down in Southern Italy and live a civilian life.
Chapters: 15/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Original Character(s), Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Angst, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd is a Father, Terry McGinnis is Batman, Retirement, Future Fic, Major Original Character(s)
Chapter Fifteen: Afterschool
The twins and Dario returned home without Domenico. Jason was out with Claudia, and Noemi was fast asleep, so Angelo was the only one awake to notice. “Kitty, where’s Dom?” Angelo asked. Katerina ran to her room, and Cecelia followed closely behind. Dario tried to run, and Angelo caught him. “Oh no, you don’t. Where’s Domonic?” 
Dario frowned. “He’s at your school,” Dario whispered. Angelo set Dario down before slipping on a jacket and shoes. “Where are you going?” 
“To get our brother. You stay here and wait for Papá. Don’t tell him where we went… No matter what, scricciolo. Can I trust you?” Angelo asked. Dario didn’t answer. “What am I saying? Dario, wash your hands and eat a popsicle.” Dario nodded and let Angelo leave. He ran down the street and past the gym until he reached his school. 
Angelo stopped, leaning over and struggling for air while he looked for Domenico, and listened until he heard the sound of a struggle behind the gym. “Domenico—!” The older boy swung and hit Domenico in the nose, and Domenico staggered back, wiping the tears from his eyes. 
“Go home!” Domenico shouted as he stood across from his opponent. The other boy stood nearly a foot taller than him. “Go home!” Domenico wiped the blood from his nose. 
“Stop it! What are you trying to prove by fighting him?” Angelo screamed despite his hoarse voice. “Nico, don’t touch him! It’s me that you have a problem with!” 
Nico tried to take advantage of Angelo’s presence to strike Domenico in the face with his fist. Domenico stumbled backward, and Angelo moved forward until Domenico shook his head. “Are you going to throw a punch, or what?” Nico asked. Domenico shook his head at Angelo, and in the same breath, he punched the boy as hard as he could in the stomach and throat, climbed up the gate, and jumped on his back. Domenico wrapped his legs around Nico’s neck until the older boy dropped.
“Dom, that’s enough!” Angelo screamed. Domenico got off Nico’s shoulders and punched him out. Angelo grabbed Domenico, who leaned on him for support. “Are you okay? Let’s get out of here.” 
Angelo picked Domenico up and carried him to a bench near Giorgio’s. Angelo looked into Domenico’s eyes. “Are you alright?” Angelo questioned. 
“Why do you care?” Domenico mumbled. 
“Dom, I didn’t mean—. I did mean it, but I didn’t mean to hurt you when I said it—.” 
“You did… And I do understand. You don’t think I get it?” Domenico snapped.
Angelo frowned. “Is that why you beat Nico up?” Angelo asked. Domenico shrugged as he wiped tears from his eyes. Angelo carried him home, and Jason swung the door open and took Domenico from Angelo. 
“Dom! What happened to your face?” Jason asked as he sat on the couch. Angelo grabbed the first aid kit, shining a light in Domenico’s eyes. “What happened?” 
“I got in a fight,” Domenico mumbled. He bowed his head. 
Noemi gasped when she saw Domenico and held his face in her hands. “ My poor baby! What happened to you ?” Noemi asked. 
“I got in a fight at Angelo’s school,” Domenico answered. 
“With a—? Did you win?” Noemi asked. 
“Mia amata!” Jason exclaimed. “Did you?” Domenico nodded. 
Noemi smiled with sad eyes. “Who was it?” Noemi asked.
“Nico,” Domenico answered. Jason and Noemi exchanged glances before laughing. Angelo sat on the coffee table across from Domenico and cleaned his face. 
“No more fighting kids twice your size. Okay? We’re gonna let this one slide,” Noemi replied. Jason nodded in agreeance. 
“Nothing’s broken… I’ve never seen you move so fast. You’re gonna have to show me how to do that,” Angelo whispered. Domenico laughed before bursting into tears. Angelo hugged him. “Dom, you’re the best. I know I don’t tell you that enough. I’m sorry.” Jason and Noemi slipped away to let them talk. 
Domenico sobbed as he held onto Angelo. “I wanted to hurt him because he hurt you,” Domenico cried, “I’m sorry. I just—. I want you to like me again.” He gasped in between sobs, and Angelo rubbed his back. 
“I never stopped liking you. You’re my little brother. I wouldn’t be me without you… And now I owe you because I can tell everyone at school that Nico got beat up by a little kid,” Angelo chuckled. Domenico looked at Angelo with tears in his eyes and laughed. “You’re the best.” Angelo took the ice pack and held it to Domenico’s eye. 
“My head hurts,” Domenico whispered. 
“Mine too… Are you hungry?” Angelo asked. Domenico nodded. “papá brought home some melon gazpacho. I’ll make you a bowl.” 
Domenico nodded. “I had to take those punches, so it’d look like a normal fight,” Domenico explained, “I want you to know I’d never let a guy like that beat me up. I don’t care how big he is.” 
Angelo laughed. “You’re too smart for your own good. Are you sure you don’t want to go to school with me?” Angelo asked. Domenico laughed, shaking his head. 
“Too much science. I’d be bored,” Domenico replied. Angelo stuck his tongue out at his brother. “Angelo?” Angelo took a ladle and spooned gazpacho into two bowls. 
“When I get better, you can do your homework in my room like you used to,” Angelo whispered. Domenico smiled. Dario entered the living room with a popsicle and started crying once he saw Domenico’s face. 
“Come here, topino,” Domenico whispered, reaching for Dario. He scooped his younger brother up and squeezed him. “I won.” Dario frowned as he kissed Domenico’s cheek. “How are you today?” 
“Papá gave me an extra popsicle. I talked to a girl in my class. She made me a paper frog,” Dario whispered. 
Domenico kissed his cheek. “Topino! I’m so proud of you! Tell big brother,” Domenico replied. Dario let Domenico hold his paper frog as he hopped off Domenico’s lap. 
While Dario was distracted, Domenico crept to the twins’ room. “I lived,” Domenico joked. Cecelia crossed her arms. 
“You’re going to get in trouble,” Cecelia muttered as she turned up her nose. 
Katerina ran to him and punched his shoulder. “Oww! I used that flying triangle thing you taught me,” Domenico answered. 
“Did you win?” Katerina asked. 
“Kitty! Dom’s about to get in trouble, and that’s all you care about?” Cecelia questioned. 
“Did you get enough momentum on your jump?” Katerina questioned. Domenico nodded. 
“I won… And I didn’t get in trouble,” Domenico replied as he tapped Cecelia’s nose. “Don’t be mad at me.” 
Jason knocked on the bedroom door. “Showers and homework,” Jason reminded softly. Cecelia high-fived Jason and took her pajamas to the bathroom. “Thank you, Sheils.” 
“No problem, Papá,” Cecelia answered.
“And stop teaching your brother how to kill people. I hear everything,” Jason whispered before kissing her cheek. “Also, thank you for giving Claudia something to do today… And no more fights. They’ll start noticing that you kids can do more than just box.” Domenico nodded. “You okay?” 
“Uh-huh…” Jason gestured with a tilt of his head for Domenico to follow him. They sat in Domenico and Dario’s room on the floor. Jason pulled at one of Domenico’s curls. “Papá, I’m okay—.”
“You don’t have to prove that you are who you are… Not to me… Not to anyone. Do you understand?” Jason asked. 
“Yes, Papá… But—. Well, how will—? I don’t want to be different—.”
“You’re not. You look like me, fight like Katerina, act like Mamma… And you’re responsible like Angelo. If anyone knew you, they’d see that you’re the same as your siblings in all the ways that matter,” Jason whispered. He lifted Domenico’s chin with his knuckle and smiled. “Your brothers and sisters are crazy about you. Mamma and I adore you… You want a hug, don’t you?” Domenico nodded. 
Jason pulled him into his arms and took a deep breath. “I love you, Papá,” Domenico whispered. 
“You’re so much like me… It’s scary. Do you know that? I want you to be better than me, though,” Jason replied. 
“I can’t do that—.” 
“That’s where you’re wrong. You can do anything,” Jason smiled.
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noka-exe · 1 month ago
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doomed family
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demonicsuffrage · 2 months ago
The justice league sees Batman periodically updating a database of his, at the oddest of times, and naturally they think it's got something to do with his contingency plans or a dataset about the Gotham rogues, but in reality it's just him keeping record of his many children's changing tastes
Superman: Woah, he's writing down with such concentration, wonder what could be in there, maybe a new villain in Gotham?
Bruce, writing: "Dick has refused his favourite Pb&J five mornings in a row. Delete from favourites. Ask for new favourite food."
"Jason didn't seem as Eager to read the new book by his favourite author, put it in neutral category."
"Tim chose a green shirt instead of a red one at the mall today. More research needed."
"Cass listened to arctic monkeys on repeat this week. Update to favourites."
"Duke expressed an interest in slam poetry and called band practice lame. Put poetry in favourites and band in neutral."
"Damian watched Bluey for a total of 50 hours this week. Update to favourites."
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prlssprfctn · 1 month ago
Give me Bruce and Jason, who are not on the war path anymore, but they are still awkward and absolutely clueless on how to make things up, so they pretend that they need something from each other in order to spend some time together. Even if these things are absolutely simple, and both of them could handle it themselves, if they wanted to.
Bruce, calling Jason in the random Friday night: So, Alfred left for a week. And I promised kids to do a homemade cake for them. And you know how useless I am in the kitchen. So.
Jason, who knows that Bruce is, in fact, not useless in the kitchen, but low-key misses cooking with him, because the last time they did it, it was Alfred's birthday before his death, and they did the cake together: Theoretically, I agree.
Bruce, sighing in relief: Theoretically, I will need you in Manor tomorrow in the morning. And I theoretically will pay for that.
Jason: Theoretically, see you tomorrow.
Bruce: Theoretically, thank you.
Jason, dealing Bruce in the middle of the night: Old man. Bail me out of the prison. I am in CGDP's building.
Bruce, knowing well that Jason wouldn't be caught in the first place, if he didn't want all of this to happen, and even if he did, he would easily escape without him, getting involved, but also knowing that today is anniversary of the day Bruce adopted Jason, and it is his way to spend time together: ...Okay. May I ask what did you do?
Jason: ...Stole Gordon's tires.
Bruce, stifling his laughter: I see. I will be here in a few minutes.
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frownyalfred · 2 months ago
actually the idea that Dick, the eldest, the only one who ever wore the cowl long term, the only one who raised a Robin on his own, is also the only one who can successfully, perfectly replicate that barked ROBIN! in Bruce's voice? the only one who can pull that exact tone from the depths of his soul, to the point where his voice is identical, so identical that old Robins like Jason are obeying before their minds even realize their bodies are moving? that Dick is the only one, has always been the only one, who can channel Bruce's voice? can channel Batman himself? I am going feral
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everwalldigan · 8 months ago
I love the idea of all the robins kinda being clones of each other with just a few differences and a concussed Bruce not being able to tell who he’s squinting at so he just says generic statements and avoids saying any names
Bruce (sitting at the breakfast table): so… how’s the weather… dick?
Jason (grinning): you do know I’m gonna hold this against you for like, the next 2 months right
Bruce: (groans into his hands)
Bruce (walking into the living room): hey have you read through the files I gave you yesterday?
Dick: (confused cause he took a day off to surprise Bruce) ?
Bruce: so?
Dick: er… no?
Bruce: Dick?? What are you doing here?
Bruce (walks into the kitchen with a fresh concussion): Jason? I thought you were on a mission with the outlaws?
Tim: (frozen through mid fridge raid, having assumed they were past Bruce calling him Jason since yk. He’s a shit brickhouse now and Tim is, well, obviously not): uh?
Bruce: *turns around and leaves*
Bruce: Oh hey Cass, when did you arrive from Babs’?
Damian: (slowly turns around in the black hoodie he’s wearing) we’re not even the same gender
Bruce: (under his breath) yeah but the same height
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parker-artio · 1 month ago
Bruce Wayne is definitely that father. The father who buys stuff in bulk the second he hears his kids like it. You open the pantry the day after you mention around Bruce you like any kind of food, and that’s the only thing you see for the next five months.
Tim snacking on something he found in the foyer, working on a case while needing a nap, seeing Bruce enter: mh..
Bruce seeing him: hm?
Tim holding up the snack: Mhm.
Bruce: hmm…
Tim the next day, freshly awake from a 10 hour long coma nap, entering the foyer: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Said snack being the only thing on the first 10 shelves.
Bruce walking by: I went shopping.
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bruciemilf · 5 months ago
Something something violence has always been the primary love language for Waynes, something something.
It breaks me that Bruce loves Jason so deeply, and Jason is so completely unaware of it. He comes to the conclusion that love is religion. You have to see to believe.
I’m just thinking about Jason watching evidence of how wrecked Bruce is after his death. He stalks Batman, always, tracks down every movement and breath. He waits for the perfect moment to shoot.
Your father only dies once, after all.
That moment, mysteriously, doesn’t come.
Jason’s never been scared of Bruce. Fear, to him, is darkness and cold and a bleach white face laughing at him. Fear of Bruce not being there at all. That’s fear.
I need a scene where Jason, — Red Hood, — watches Batman pin down a mugger.
He doesn’t know what that man says. Something about getting on him for not being there when Wayne’s boy got killed.
He’s never been scared of Bruce.
But when he punches that man, over and over and over, when his throat makes those horrible sounds of gasping effort, animal and feral, he’s afraid. Afraid Bruce won’t stop.
He’s about to jump in when another, smaller pair of feet runs up to the scene and Jesus Christ that’s a kid — A kid wearing Jason’s old uniform. Wrapping his arms around Batman’s and clinging.
The man on the ground is motionless. If he didn’t blink, Jason wouldn’t know there was a face anymore.
But that’s not the worst part.
The worst part is Bruce crying. Gasping, punched out noises, his hands drenched with red, squeezing the kid so close to him.
“My baby. Oh my baby.”
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somnoir · 3 months ago
My father's secretary
Danny Fenton did not expect to be secretary material but after 7 years of being a hero and having Jazz as his elder sister, he was damn good at it. He needed a job, he knew that, and Wayne Enterprises was willing to hire a 21 year old taking online college classes for aerospace engineering.
And he was fucking thankful for that cause Mr. Wayne was pretty neat and bought him good food and coffee whenever he looked out of it. Half his family were already in Gotham with only his parents in Amity. They were finally reformed and now their research finally advocated for the rights of ghosts and spread awareness on their culture. Good for them.
Jazz and Dante were in Arkham working as a psychologist and guard. Elle was still in school, enrolled into Gotham Academy once Vlad insisted on paying her tuition. To be fair, he was paying for Danny's tuition too.
But back to his secretary duties. His boss was Bruce Wayne, yes, but he did often work with the man's son and the current CEO. Tim was nice and had the same caffeine addiction as him. (Jazz highly discouraged this friendship in case they both made a monstrosity of coffee and energy drinks.)
But Mr. Wayne was the best. He was rather clumsy and a bit airheaded but he was the best fucking boss he could ever ask for. The man's paternal instincts were on point and Danny was almost intimidated when the man started handing him extra cash whenever Danny came to the office looking more tired than usual. When that failed, Mr. Wayne resorted to giving him more material things.
Now, he doesn't want to take advantage of this ridiculously kind man with a lack of self preservation (God, was this what Jazz felt about him?). But Mr. Wayne had given him this amazing coffee maker and then proceeded to give Danny the best toaster ever. And Danny has always been known to resolutely be against Billionaires adopting him. But Mr. Wayne?
Danny had honed his back talking skills to perfection to talk down arrogant elites that kept demanding for his boss. He mastered his customer service voice and that condescending look he saw the receptionists give people like they were tantruming toddlers. Danny was ready to fight for that man (Vlad was choking somewhere as the Fentons worriedly look at him).
Jason has heard about Danny Fenton a couple of times. Tim, Dick, and Bruce had mentioned him a lot. Bruce's new secretary that looked like he'd woken up from a coma and was comparable to a grumpy cat on his best days. He's seen the guy a couple times, noticed how he was almost as tall as Jason. Honestly, he kinda looked like a twig (but then that was because of Danny's suit that he made sure didn't completely fit him).
Seriously. Danny was willing to fucking fight anyone and everyone for Bruce Wayne.
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The guy was strange. Very strange. Especially when the pits seemed to either become frantic or calm whenever he was around. It depended on the situation really, but mostly the pits grew calmer around Fenton. Like a cat that finally saw its favorite person. It was so weird.
He was drawn to Fenton, sometimes finding himself walking towards the man before he snaps out of it.
It's on this day where Danny was by Bruce's side, a stylus and tablet in hand. He was furiously tapping away at his phone, cursing under his breath about bothersome and stuck up cialiteses.
"Jason!" Bruce happily greets, "Don't mind Danny for a bit. He's telling of some investors for trying to meddle with the company. Tim is too sleep deprived to handle it."
"Where is Tim?"
"Danny threatened to throw the company's coffee maker out the window if he doesn't take a nap." Bruce chuckles, glancing fondly at his fiesty secretary. "Danny?"
"Give me a minute, Mr. Wayne. Some people are trying to squeeze into your schedule when I specifically told them that they can't." Danny says, clearly irritated but looks at Bruce with an apologetic gaze. "No—Mr. Luthor, neither Mr. Drake nor Mr. Wayne are available on that day—"
And it dissolved into Danny telling of what Jason assumes was Lex Luthor to stop his attempts. In other words, corporate for Fuck off.
"He's good, isn't he?" Jason humms as he follows Bruce down the hall, glancing at the tired employees that looked utterly exhausted and horrifically motivated. "Looks like adoption bait."
"Unfortunately, Danny is a very much against Billionaires adopting him. His godfather is one and has attempted multiple times." Bruce sighs, feigning a sorrowful look as he sends Danny a small pout. "What did you do when he tried the fifth time again?"
"I blew up his car, Mr. Wayne." Danny nonchalantly says, "But that only made him want to adopt me more."
Jason blinks, baffled before he's laughing at the utter absurdity of the situation.
"That sounds similar to—"
Gunshots tore through the air as people immediately screamed. At the entrance of the building was the Joker in all his insanity, guns blazing. Jason froze, sucking in a deep breath as he took one step back. They weren't in costume, they weren't the Red Hood and Batman in that moment.
"Nightwing, Robin, and Spoiler are on their way." Oracle says through the comms but that doesn't comfort him in the slightest.
It's chaos in moments and people are ducking their heads to avoid the bullets. Jason and Bruce look right at each other, taking cover as bullets ruin the walls and furniture. But Bruce is dragged from his spot, pulled towards the Joker who laughs maniacally as he pressed a gun against Bruce's head.
"Mr. Wayne!" Many people yell as they all stared in horror as the Joker threatens Gotham's beloved prince.
Jason immediately remembers an explosion and a crowbar.
(Reminder, Danny Fenton was very much ready to go to war for Bruce Wayne).
A tablet and a stylus was suddenly shoved into his arms. Jason blinks, turning to Danny who tugs at his tie and rummages through the counter for something. The Joker sees this, clearly irritated.
"You! Eyes on me!" The Joker practically demands, hysterical that not everyone was paying attention.
Danny apparently doesn't give a damn before looking the Joker straight in the eye.
"Eyes in me." Danny repeats.
A second later something was thrown and a cutter was cutting through the Joker's eye.
Jason gaped at the seemingly harmless secretary, unable to comprehend that this man had just thrown a fucking cutter into the Joker's eye.
Bruce is set free.
Everyone is frozen in place.
Everyone watched as Bruce Wayne's tired and overworked secretary beats the shit out of the Joker, saying something about how he wasn't going to lose a good boss.
No one particularly knows what to do once Danny pulls out the cutter with the Jokers blood and... Fucking shit, was that his eyeball?!
Dick and Damian arrived at some point, also too shocked to do anything. When Danny was done and satisfied, with the Joker still alive, groaning and whimpering from the pain that Danny inflicted.
As if he hadn't almost killed the Joker, Danny turns to them with a tired smile.
"Mr. Wayne, I implore you not to die. I can't lose the best boss that I've had." He plainly says and takes the tablet and stylus back from Jason.
Jason thinks he might just marry this feral man.
Yeah, he was definitely going to marry Danny Fenton.
Part 2 | Masterpost
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enigmaris · 3 months ago
Danny Kills the Joker AU
Danny is on the run in gotham, as you do in dpxdc fics. His parents are dead and he is trying to stay out of Vlad's custody. Gotham has plenty of ectoplasm to hide his ecto signature. It also has a high enough population of homeless people that no one would even notice Danny just showing up.
He's been living rough in gotham, mostly sticking to Crime Alley and The Narrows, sleeping in abandoned buildings or in relatively clean parts of the sewer system. He eats what he can find and does his best never to be seen.
Not good enough since he along with like 30 other street kids get picked up by joker goons and tied up. Joker is planning an explosive party for the city to watch and he needed guests. Joker literally set up bombs of joker gas around the city that will go off and send the entire city into pandemonium, killing millions. The only way to stop the bombs is to kill his guests (homeless kids from Crime Alley) which the city can vote on. Kill themselves or kill kids.
Danny is sitting at the edge of the group, listening as Joker televises his new plan to the entire city.
He really, really hates clowns.
He is also not gonna let this guy kill all of these kids. He may not be a hero anymore but those protection instincts didnt die with his parents.
And also fuck that clown.
He phases through his bonds, and then starts asking the various kids to borrow their hat, gloves, and scarf. Gotham street kids take one look at this out of town kid and mentally wish him luck while planning out his funeral. They keep on acting terrified because as stupid as this kid is being, they're not snitches either.
Danny puts on the borrowed clothes to hide his face and hair. He can't be identified, or Vlad is gonna be on his ass tomorrow. Once fully covered he gets up and into view of the camera. The Joker notices him, turns around to laugh and jeer at him. Probably shoot him for being impolite and interrupting him. Danny doesnt even pause just walks right up to the clown and coldcocks him.
Based on the sound of bones snapping Danny admits he might have punched a little too hard. Danny checks the Jokers pulse and immediately panics. Danny has Batman levels of fear around killing and he is panicking about becoming Dan.
"Holy Shit I killed him!" He says, to the entire city because the camera is still rolling.
Danny running for his life, trying to hide away from his fear and guilt.
Red Hood becoming like his dad and drawing up mental adoption papers
Harley Quinn also drawing up adoption papers, paper ones, while Poison Ivy changes their home's 'no boys allowed' banner to 'son boy allowed'
Jokers goons trying to find Danny to kill him for killing their boss
City wide pandemonium as the jokers death is confirmed and people are partying in the streets, the mayor is planning on giving the street kid who did it the key to the fucking city
The batfam trying to find Danny to protect him from Jokers Goons (Bruce is third in line for custody not that he knows he is gonna have to fight both Harley and Jason for the honor)
The crime alley kids are still not snitching on the kid who saved them. Anyone who asks them about Danny only respond with 'what are you a cop? Fuck off pig'
Vlad Masters, as someone who has been punched by Danny, immediately recognizes the punch and flies to Gotham to find his wayward 'son'.
Vlad even meets with Brucie Wayne to ask for help in finding Danny. Bruce gets bad vibes from Vlad and is even more invested in finding Danny. The boy has dark hair, blue eyes, and a tragic orphan backstory. Its fate!
Danny meanwhile is hiding in some sewer somewhere breathing into a paper bag as he panics about becoming a world ending threat.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 7 months ago
To Touch Fate
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason attempts to settle down in Southern Italy and live a civilian life.
Chapters: 24/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Original Character(s), Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Angst, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd is a Father, Terry McGinnis is Batman, Retirement, Future Fic, Major Original Character(s)
Chapter Twenty-Four: Memory
Jason discreetly took Katerina, Domenico, and Angelo straight home. “We’re leaving the country by boat at the end of the school year. Six weeks. I need the three of you to spend that time studying, training in the gym, and loading the boat with supplies. I want you to pack like we’re going on a trip, but I don’t know how long we’ll be gone. Pack Sheila, Darius, and Claudia’s things. Do it quickly before they come home, and meet me at the car,” Jason explained.
Domenico left the room immediately without complaint. Katerina and Angelo complained about the abrupt choice until Jason raised a finger to his lips. “We might not have to leave… If we go, it’ll only be until it’s safe to return,” Jason explained, “I don’t wanna be away from home any longer than we have to.”
Angelo and Katerina left, quietly obeying Jason’s gentle command. Once they finished packing, Jason helped them load their bags into the car. He drove them to the docks, leading the children to the boat. They hid their bags below deck. Domenico’s phone rang. “Go ahead. It’s okay. We’re done for today,” Jason whispered, “We’ll wait in the car.” 
Noemi went to the gym with Jason to spar. Noemi practiced throwing punches, and Jason playfully caught her wrist. “Giasone,” Noemi laughed. She looked into his eyes. 
“I want you,” Jason whispered. Noemi grinned. 
“You want me?” Noemi whispered. Jason nodded, releasing her wrist and dropping to his knees. “Focus, Giasone.” 
“I can’t,” Jason mumbled as he nuzzled against her open hand. Noemi lifted his chin. 
Jason chuckled, reaching underneath her sweatshirt. He stood over her, resting his chin atop her head. “What’s on your mind?” Noemi asked. Jason frowned. “I knew it. What is it?” 
“The children are upset… Rightfully, so. What if we have to uproot them? This has been our home for twenty-two years… Twenty-six years for you. Are you mad at me?” Jason questioned. Noemi held his face in her hands, turning his face toward hers. She clicked her tongue and stood on her tiptoes until he softened. 
“ You are home. This is simply a place we occupy together. My memories and my life… my children and my heart… They’re with you,” Noemi reassured him, “You worry so much. The children are young. This is what they know… But nothing has to change. You haven’t changed. I haven’t changed. They’ll be alright.” Jason took her hand, kissing her palm. 
“They’ll listen to you. You’ve always been gentler with words—.”
“You know… There’s one person who understands. I think he wants you to speak to him first. He’s desperately seeking your approval,” Noemi whispered. Jason furrowed his brows. 
“Dom? But he knows—?” 
“Don’t assume he knows anything. Talk to him and ask,” Noemi replied, “And I’ll talk to the others.”
Jason took Domenico on the train to visit Bari. “ Papá, what’s the matter ?” Domenico asked. 
“ We haven’t had a day alone in a long time… You never complain. You just—. I love you, Dom, ” Jason smiled. 
“I love you, too… But you didn’t tell me where we’re going,” Domenico replied.
“You used to like surprises, Dom. I think you’ll like this one… I want to reward you for how patient you’ve been with me,” Jason whispered. He messed up Domenico’s hair. “You are such a wonderful picture of what I could’ve been. I admire everything about you… And I—. I want your joy to be endless. I assumed you knew that, but I—. I should say it. Shouldn’t I?” 
Domenico smiled with tears in his eyes and nodded. “What’s this all about, Papá?” Domenico asked. 
“Emi brought it to my attention that I don’t tell you I’m proud of you. Monello, I’m always proud of you. You’re strong, you’re kind, you’re loyal… And you’re the most patient kid I’ve got. I’m proud of all of you for so many reasons. I should say it more. I know I needed to hear it when I was young,” Jason replied. Domenico hugged him. 
“Stop. I don’t want to cry on the train,” Domenico laughed. Jason smiled as he wrapped his arms around his son. The train stopped, and they got a ride to the stables. Domenico lit up when he heard Jason say it. 
“I thought it’d be fun… We haven’t gone horseback riding in a long time,” Jason whispered, “Text Emi and tell her we’ll be home late.” 
Domenico obeyed. “Do you remember when you took me to the stables for the first time? It was magic,” Domenico whispered. Jason’s mind drifted to a memory, and he smiled with sad eyes. “Are you remembering something?”
“Yeah, but I’m not sad. I—? You make me remember what it felt like to be a kid,” Jason whispered, “Every time one of you kids gets to sixteen I take a breath. It’s a relief for me. You’re all babies to me. It doesn’t matter how old you all get, you’re all babies. My babies.”
Domenico showed Jason a picture. “I took this picture of you the last time we went. Here,” Domenico whispered as he gave Jason his phone. It was a picture of Jason on horseback with the sun behind him. “You’re my hero, Papá.” 
Jason shed a tear and took a breath. “Stop… You’re gonna make me cry in the car,” Jason laughed. 
Meanwhile, Noemi entertained Claudia and Dario by putting clay masks on their faces. “ Could I interest either of you in some pasticciotti? ” Noemi offered. 
“ Mamma? Can we have milk with it, too, please? ” Claudia questioned. Noemi adjusted Claudia’s cotton headscarf, making sure she didn’t get clay in her hair. 
Dario tugged on Noemi's dress. “ Mamma, aren’t you tired? ” Dario questioned. Noemi shook her head. 
“ I love doing this. You’re the only two that sit long enough to let me pamper you. Relax. I’ll bring your milk and pasticciotti. Stay put, ” Noemi grinned. She walked to the kitchen and put two pastries on a plate and poured two glasses of milk. She fed them with a fork and knife before the timer went off. “ If you’ll excuse me, I need to wash your masks off. ” Noemi carefully washed Claudia’s face before Dario’s, and she applied a few small droplets of oil to their faces. She used her thumbs and palms to massage it into their little faces. 
“ Mamma, do you know when Dom will come home? ” Dario questioned. 
“ Late. After dark, I think… Why? ” Noemi asked. 
“Benjamin’s here,” Dario whispered before the doorbell rang. 
Claudia jumped up. “Please, can I get it, Mamma?” Claudia asked. Noemi nodded, and Claudia rushed to the door. 
“Hi, sweet pea. Where’s your brother?” Benjamin asked as he lifted her up. 
“Dom’s not here. Papá took him to Bari to ride horses. Do you want to come in? Mamma’s home, so we can have visitors,” Claudia offered. Benjamin set her down. “Please?” 
“Okay… You look radiant by the way,” Benjamin smiled. 
“Mamma washed our faces!” Claudia exclaimed. 
Benjamin nodded. “Is it just the three of you today?” Benjamin asked. 
“Mhm… Katerina and Cecelia went swimming,” Claudia answered. 
“Benjamin, would you like a face mask?” Dario peeped. Noemi smiled at Benjamin and nodded. 
“I could do one for you,” Noemi whispered. Benjamin nodded awkwardly. She grabbed the powder container and prepped it with water to make a clay mask. “How is Signorina Ahmadi?” 
“Māmān is fine. She um—. She prolonged her trip, so I was sort of hoping I could stay here for a few days… But I—.” 
“Of course, you can stay here. Darius has been sleeping in Angel’s room for the past few days… It won’t be any trouble. You’ve stayed with us before. It’s no trouble,” Noemi replied, “Oh no, Benji, don’t smile. You’ll crack your face.”
“Oh, sorry, Dottore,” Benjamin replied. 
“It’s okay. And call me Emi. Today’s my day off. You’re so formal. I’m putting clay on your face. Everyone is always so serious,” Noemi chuckled.
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dcobsessionfunnel · 8 months ago
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POV: You work the night shift at a bat burger‘s
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hehether · 8 months ago
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Reverse! AU where most of them don't have no killing code, and Jason is a priest 🧍‍♂️
Vampire king Dick's dad was Edward Cullen Battinson trust me
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prlssprfctn · 24 days ago
Jason: Bruce used to say that I have this unhealthy habit of considering older women my mother figures and automatically agreeing with anything they say.
Talia: Beloved was not wrong. Honestly, you should focus more on your personal goals and not attach to women who show you even an ounce of kindness. Be colder.
Jason: Hey, good advice, mom.
Talia: ...Jason—
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sourkreem · 1 month ago
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father todd i cant get you out of my mind…
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theartistonthemoon · 1 month ago
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I ain’t saying NOTHING
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