#embracing creativity
intuitiveart · 1 year
Exploring Intuitive Art
Hey there, lovely weirdos! It’s Erin Meyers here, your local awkward intuitive artist, ready to share an exciting journey with you. I’m thrilled to connect with you and delve into the world of creativity, self-expression, and embracing the joy of the artistic process. Throughout the years, my artistic exploration has expanded beyond traditional paint and canvas. While I still adore the tactile…
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artspace11275201418 · 9 months
Understanding the Essence of Home Decor in Indian Homes
Beyond aesthetics, home design is a representation of one's comfort, culture, and sense of style.
Indian homes have a unique combination of charm and functionality thanks to the deep roots of history, history, and modern concepts in their interior design.
We just want to give an overview of "What is Home Decor?" with the help of our blog. Along with "How does it reflect our culture?"
If you want to decor your home with an environmental touch must visit this link: https://amzn.to/4acM5yV
if you want to enhance your knowledge of home decor must read these books via the link: https://amzn.to/3RjhrLt
Section 1: The Importance and Value of the Design of the Interior:-
a. Defining home decor
The idea of "home" in Indian culture is more than just a physical place; it's a feeling that reflects our cultural history, values, and individual preferences.
Hence, home décor turns into an artist's canvas, with each brushstroke creating a story that profoundly expresses our goals and sense of self.
In the Indian context, home decor is defined as an investigation into fusing modernism and heritage to produce a harmonious symphony of hues, textures, and patterns that speak to our souls. 
It's more than just decorating spaces—it's a celebration of our heritage and a reflection of who we are.
The diverse array of ethnic elements that make up Indian house design is one of its distinguishing characteristics. 
Indian home design has been known for its modern take on traditional aspects in recent years.
Sleek modern styles mixed with elaborate traditional handicrafts provide a distinctive combination that appeals to the changing tastes of Indian homeowners today.
Indian house design is all about the small things. Each piece of item has a tale to tell, and each nook and cranny has a distinct charm. 
It's important to create environments that speak to our feelings, goals, and beliefs rather than just following trends.
b. The sentimental bond
Few strands in the enormous canvas of human experience are as complex and profound as the emotive ties that crisscross our lives. 
These intangible relationships, which are frequently imperceptible to the naked eye, can mold our identities, emotions, and memories while serving as a bridge between the past and the present.
We are bonded to people, places, things, and experiences that have a particular place in our hearts by the sentimental link, an ethereal but unbreakable force.
 In the emotionally rich and traditional land of India, these relationships are valued, honored, and interwoven into our very being.
In India, family is the foundation of emotive ties. It captures a complex network of ties between generations bound by love, morals, and common experiences. 
Our emotional landscape is anchored by the warmth of family ties, the links between siblings, and the wisdom of elders, who give us a sense of security and belonging.
Indian cultural customs and ceremonies have a great deal of emotive significance. Our connection to our ancestry is strengthened by the festivals, 
rituals, and practices that have been passed down through the ages. These common experiences strengthen our sense of belonging and highlight the importance of our cultural heritage.
A sentimental tie is a storehouse of feelings, including happiness, fond memories, love, and occasionally even sadness. 
Our lives are enhanced by the intricate interactions of emotions that give them depth and significance. 
These ties serve as compass points, assisting us in navigating the ambiguities of life, providing solace during difficult times, and commemorating our victories.
c. Cultural connection
In India, cultural ties serve as the dynamic core that binds together a wide range of customs, beliefs, and behaviors. 
It's the vibrant tapestry that represents our common heritage and is weaved by celebrations, artwork, food, and customs. These relationships create a strong sense of identity and belonging by bridging generations. 
Our rich cultural heritage, which is nurtured by everything from the delicious spices in every meal to the rhythmic beats of classical dance, unites us in a joyful celebration of difference."
Section 2: Basics of Indian decoration:- 
a. Traditional influences
"In India, traditional influences refer to the ageless murmurs that shape our traditions, beliefs, and way of life. They permeate our identity through vivid artwork, dexterous craftsmanship, and time-honored customs. 
These inspirations are the lights that illuminate our cultural path, from the contemplative rhythms of classical music to the expressive brushstrokes of Madhubani paintings. 
They embrace age-old knowledge and craft a resilient story that unites generations and gives our lives a strong sense of pride in our history."
b. Modern trends
Indian modern trends are a changing canvas that combines innovation and custom. They are the perfect example of a dynamic transition in aesthetics, technology, and lifestyle. 
These themes construct a tale of development, from modern architecture that embraces sustainability to the blending of traditional patterns in fashion. 
They reimagine entertainment, design, and the arts under the influence of global dynamics, transforming our always-shifting environment. 
Contemporary fashion embraces variety, pushing the envelope while honoring our cultural heritage and ushering in a new era that combines innovation with India's timeless character.
c. Textures and colors
India's textures and hues are an infinite variety of feelings that give life a richness and complexity. 
They represent our vast history, every color and texture ringing with historical anecdotes. Our environments are reflected in the color schemes of our homes and clothing, from the earthy reds of Rajasthan to the tranquil blues of Kerala.
 From the smooth feel of silk to the rugged beauty of handcrafted ceramics, textures convey stories. Collectively, they create a vibrant cultural symphony that evokes nostalgia while reflecting India's many shades."
Section 3: Décor Ideas for Individual Rooms:-
a. Living Area
Incorporate antiquity and modernity to create a more luxurious living room atmosphere. For a hint of culture, add colorful pillows, rugs with deep hues, and traditional artwork. 
Combine modern ideas with wooden furniture, and let enough of natural light fill the room. Use a visually arresting centerpiece or textured wallpaper on an accent wall to create a focal point. 
For a revitalizing atmosphere, add indoor plants to balance the space. Add some warmth with ceramics or brass accents to create a warm yet fashionable gathering place.
b. Bedroom
Create a calm haven by utilizing calming hues like pastels or neutrals. With a sumptuous rug, opulent bedding, and layered textiles, embrace comfort. 
Use a canopy bed or a striking headboard to create a sophisticated focal point that will elevate the room.
 For a calming atmosphere, add ambient lighting with pendant lights or bedside lamps. 
Add unique touches to the space, such as framed paintings, ornamental mirrors, or a comfortable reading corner, to make it a relaxing retreat.
c. Dining Room and Kitchen
Dining Room: Strike a balance between style and utility to create a welcoming ambiance. For an elegant touch, choose a sleek dining set that is paired with ambient lighting, such as pendant lights or a spectacular chandelier. 
Add mirrors or elegant artwork to the walls to improve the overall aesthetic appeal. To display elaborate china or cultural antiques, think about building a display cabinet. 
Create a comfortable eating experience by bringing in fresh flowers or a luxuriant centerpiece to balance the room.
Kitchen: Bring life to the center of your house by fusing design and utility. Make the most of storage space with modular options and give your space personality with colorful backsplashes or tiles.
 For a vibrant kitchen, garnish counters with bright kitchenware, sleek equipment, and potted herbs. Fit task lighting to make workspaces more productive, and don't overlook a comfortable breakfast nook or
Section 4: DIY and Budget-Friendly Decor Tips:-
a. DIY projects
Embrace your creativity by doing do-it-yourself projects that add flair to your home. Utilize old sarees to create colorful quilts or pillow covers that will add a touch of tradition to your décor.
 Turn clay pots into artistic planters by painting them by hand to give your landscape a creative touch. Recycled frames can be used to create a gallery wall that showcases special memories.
 Try your hand at tie-dying linens or drapes to add a pop of color. Repurpose wooden crates to create multipurpose coffee tables or storage units, combining creativity and utility.
 Take a stab at creating homemade candles with spices for delicious aromas. Allow these tasks to showcase your individuality and give your house more charm.
b. Budget-friendly options
Makeover your room on a budget with do-it-yourself magic. Repurpose worn-out furniture by painting and sanding it to give your décor a fresh look. 
Use inexpensive canvas boards, acrylic paints, and stencils to create customized wall art. Create decorative objects out of recycled materials, such as pen holders made from tin cans or glass bottles transformed into vases. 
For a splash of color, sew the leftover colored fabric into table runners or pillows. For storage that is free of clutter, create personalized organizers out of cardboard or mason jars.
Explore creating your own terrariums at home with inexpensive succulents and glass jars. These low-cost ideas spark creativity without going over budget.
Section 5: Balancing Modern and Tradition in Home Decor
a. Combining the New and the Old
Combine modern flare with affordable old charm. Repurpose worn-out sarees or dupattas to create chic pillowcases or comforters that combine traditional textiles with contemporary furnishings. 
Give old furniture a new coat of paint or find inventive uses for it, such as turning an old door into a headboard or a vintage trunk into a coffee table. 
To accentuate older pieces, add contemporary accents like bright rugs or sleek lights. For unique dinner settings, mix and match your tableware by combining vintage silverware with contemporary dishes.
Combine family heirloom paintings or old photos with contemporary frames to create a gallery wall. These inexpensive concepts successfully combine the historical richness
b. Environmentally friendly interior design
Choose sustainable methods while designing your interiors to show your support for the environment. Select furniture made from wood that has been responsibly harvested or recycled. 
Make sure the air inside your home is clean by choosing low-VOC paints and finishes. Reduce energy use by incorporating energy-efficient lighting, such as solar-powered fixtures or LED bulbs. 
For drapes and upholstery, use organic fibers like cotton, hemp, or bamboo to reduce your influence on the environment.
 Accept indoor plants as a natural way to provide some greenery and air cleaning. 
Repurpose resources to support a circular economy. Examples include turning old doors into tables and decorating with recycled glass. 
In summary:- 
home décor is a medium for expressing oneself and fusing cultures; it goes beyond simple aesthetics.
It's an example of a personal style that respects tradition. Indian homes become distinctive havens that express coziness, history, and modern elegance through the fusion of traditional components and contemporary trends.
Each decor decision turns a house into a beloved home by embracing creativity, sustainability, and the emotional bond with spaces. 
This creates a sense of coziness and belonging that pierces the inhabitants' souls.
** With the support of this content, we are just beginning to find out the definition of home décor.
We are talking about every topic included in this blog in my upcoming blog.
Please share your thoughts with me so that I can make my stuff even better.
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hplonesomeart · 14 days
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Guys call me crazy but I think the crazy robots would get along swimmingly. The tragic fact that these two don’t have more art interacting is an offense in my rule book and I have come to remedy that. They say you must manifest what you want to see in the world and this is me doing that jskjsksp. I will take initiative! Enjoy a smidgen of Mr. Puzzles and Mettaton art then. Although I think the only reason they initially decided to co-host collaborate together here was the prospect of getting more stars/ratings- because that’s show business babyyyy leverage off of famous people for viewssss/j
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Also here is version without the speech/dialogue bubbles! Just two gay bots being fabulous and gossiping or something (platonically. Or you could lean into this being a ship I don’t really care lol). Maybe they’ll exchange some advice about the logistics of incorporating musical numbers in the boardcasts without losing too much revenue on the budget idk. Because if you think about it Mettaton did a musical number in a dress with Frisk and then Mr. Puzzles had his whole Creative Control moment. And both where marvelous performances by the way absolutely slay ✨
My “toxic trait” is supporting the theatrical livelihoods of fictional computers who have committed atrocities, and they both will probably never make an apology video for the attempted murders and trauma inflicting. Wow so girlboss of them :))
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ring-a-ling-a-lune · 8 months
Scrolling Instagram is always a mistake, but I’ve been seeing a lot of focus on tropes lately. Writers selling their stories using a bulleted list instead of, like, snippets or summaries, people who only consume media with certain themes while never bothering to branch out, stuff like that. I don’t have particularly strong feelings on tropes, but I do feel that reducing a piece of media to neat little boxes is kind of limiting.
It’s like looking at the foundation of a house. You can build something on that? Cool. But you haven’t. It’s not a house. It’s a slab of stone. One with potential, yes, but a slab nonetheless. I don’t care if it’s “friends to enemies, morally gray” if you CANNOT give me any characterization or depth outside of that.
You need to build on these things. A trope is a foundation. It is the base. YOU build from there. YOU put in the legwork to create. Use other tropes as the supports and cornerstones, but flesh out the walls yourself. Give me something that is hand crafted and made with earnest, even if it’s a shack.
“Ahh this work is shallow and falling apart!” In your attempt to remodel the house (you forcibly put things in boxes), you removed a load-bearing wall (erased important nuance), and now the structure is sagging (it’s narratively weak and cannot hold its own).
Maybe I’m being dramatic. If that’s the case, feel free to call me a goober and a loser and a fun-void. I don’t think I’m (entirely) wrong tho. Who knows.
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kuwdora · 2 months
who found a new photoshop painting technique and is having a goddamn blast?? *raises hand* here's a little yen painting i did practicing this technique.
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yeah, yeahhhhh i guess i'm embracing my season of art and vids.
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raven-master · 3 months
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Only 5% of college students with ADHD graduate. A statistic that's disheartening on my good days and terrifying on my bad ones. Still, I know that I (and many others!) have so, so much to offer in my field of work once I get past all the hurdles of getting a higher education.
Hang in there, fellow ADHD students, I see you and I love you.
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Azure sea of clouds With crashing waves of stillness Never the same sight
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clonerightsagenda · 10 months
Still stewing over how Riza watched Ed and Al swap sacrifices and probably learned some alchemy basics from her dad (and seems to have aptitude, given she's the one non-Xingese, non-chimera character to sense the homunculi), is willing to mutilate herself, and got pulled out of training to fight because she was just that good of a shot, so in the end she should've gone hey colonel I'm trading my dominant eye for one of yours. This works out for me too since I have to stay in the military for our Big Plan and would rather not be their star sniper anymore. Don't be dramatic about it.
Roy would not like that but what is he going to do, lie in his hospital bed and bitch about it? Ed couldn't refuse Al's sacrifice either. Second instance of someone forcing human transmutation on him but this time it's for his own good. Codependent bestie friendship bracelets partial blindness representing how uncomfortably far the other person will go even when you don't want them to. The Truth doesn't think they're quite grasping the lesson it wants them to learn but eh. Close enough. Leave the Ishvalans out of it.
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somethingformyself · 3 months
There are way too many small-time youtubers reacting to the show AND doing video essays that are absolutely not getting love from this fandom. Like, are ya'll waiting on certain big name youtubers to start the show and then run off to support them?
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intuitiveart · 1 year
Taking Breaks: Nurturing Intuition and Authenticity in Artistic Practice
Y'all ever feel guilty for taking breaks from your passion? I do. But listening to myself and what I really FEEL like doing is actually the best way for me to nurture authentic artistic expression. Give yourself a break!
Hey there, ya freaks! Today, I find myself engaged in a familiar internal dialogue: the resistance to taking breaks from my creative pursuits. As an artist, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constant productivity, even within the realm of intuitive painting. Intuitive painting, at its core, is about following your feelings and doing what your intuition truly desires. However, I often catch…
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empressessence · 5 months
The Art of Sacred Self-Care: Nurturing Your Inner Empress
Welcome back to Empress Essence, where we continue our journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In our last blog post, we explored the essence of feminine energy and the importance of embracing our inner Empress. Today, let us delve deeper into the practice of sacred self-care—a cornerstone of our journey towards embodying our fullest potential.
Honoring Your Temple: Your body is a sacred vessel—a temple that houses your divine essence. Treat it with the reverence it deserves by nourishing it with wholesome foods, movement, and rest. Practice self-care rituals that honor your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Whether it's a gentle yoga session, a nourishing meal, or a soothing bath, prioritize activities that replenish and rejuvenate your body.
Cultivating Mindfulness: In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to become disconnected from the present moment. Cultivate mindfulness as a means of anchoring yourself in the here and now. Take time each day to pause, breathe, and tune into your senses. Whether it's through meditation, mindful movement, or simply savoring a cup of tea, allow yourself to fully immerse in the richness of each moment.
Embracing Ritual and Ceremony: Rituals and ceremonies hold profound significance in honoring the sacred within and around us. Create rituals that speak to your soul—a morning gratitude practice, a full moon ceremony, or a sacred space for reflection and intention-setting. Infuse these rituals with meaning and intention, allowing them to serve as potent reminders of your connection to the divine.
Setting Boundaries: Boundaries are essential for preserving your energy and maintaining your inner harmony. Learn to discern what nurtures your soul and what depletes it. Set clear boundaries around your time, energy, and relationships, honoring your needs and priorities. Remember, saying no to what no longer serves you is an act of self-love and empowerment.
Cultivating Creativity: Creativity is a powerful expression of feminine energy—a force that flows through you, inspiring innovation, beauty, and growth. Engage in activities that ignite your creative spark—whether it's painting, writing, dancing, or gardening. Allow yourself the freedom to play, explore, and express your unique essence without inhibition.
As we conclude our exploration of sacred self-care, I invite you to incorporate these practices into your daily life with intention and reverence. Remember, nurturing your inner Empress is not selfish; it is an act of profound love and devotion to yourself and those around you. Embrace the art of sacred self-care and watch as it illuminates your path towards wholeness and fulfillment.
We invite you to share your own self-care rituals below, and stay tuned for upcoming  community events focused on sacred self-care practices.
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zukoromantic · 8 days
My precure color opinions because why not. Don't read if you think you'll be upset reading different opinions, i just wanna put this out there haha😭:
Summer is white, let her be white (this is the one i'm the most passionate about). I didn't even KNOW there was a debate on this until this year, what in the world. None of that rainbow or pink nonsense. I don't even know why she would be classified as rainbow officially. Especially when the color they TRY to force her into is pink (for example saying today's color is pink before the outro). I heard she was created to be white but i don't know the source of that so that might be wrong
i agree with Finale being golden, she gets to be golden as a treat <3. She is not purple, y'all are just mean, compare her to actual purple cures. A golden theme really suits her in my opinion, it's beautiful and elegant like her. There should be more golden cures that have some some golden accents imo :D
Parfait is green to me with rainbow sub-color, i KNOW it makes no sense and she is just a rainbow cure, but that's what she is in my brain somehow acejcdksvd
Cosmo is blue with rainbow sub-color, but SHOULD have been rainbow. Maybe with blue sub-color bc it Does with the team arrangement (also should have had her cat form in cure form but that's beside the point). I heard they WANTED to make her rainbow but weren't allowed?! Unsure about that too though
i haven't seen hugtto yet but ma cherie literally looks so pink acejcdjd. You're red? Whatever you say, girl, you can be anything you wanna be, who am i to tell you otherwise <3
Milky as green is fine, but i see why people want turquoise to just be its own category. I think her color shouldn't look different though, she looks great
similair for Lillian, except that i've seen some people giving her a wonderful light green and she would look gorgeous!
Nyammy can be a blue cure if she wants <3. Especially next to Lillian, it's obvious how white is their base color and they define themselves via the accents. But also she is literally the whitest cure ever made, let alone the whitest blue cure wcejev
Felice is fine as green cure and she's beautiful
there should be more pink non-leaders like Butterfly
bring back black as cure color. Also brown and grey would be gorgeous <3
i actually prefer when cures look kinda colorful and they AREN'T monotone. The main color is really more about the vibe in my opinion, like with Finale and Nyammy haha!
This is all light-hearted, just thought it would be fun to post these bc everyone has Some precure color opinions xD! 🙌 It's so funny how color discourse is such a serious topic in precure fandom CSJDVEK
If anyone wants to share their own opinions, you can tell but please only if it's in good faith 🙏
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mars-ipan · 3 months
hey folks did you know i love super dangan ronpa 2
#marzi speaks#thinking abt the themes in that story#ESPECIALLY the letting other people’s perceptions dictate who you are vs choosing who you are for yourself and not letting anyone stop you#like almost every single one of the sdr2 cast has a front they put on/identity they’re ‘supposed’ to be vs who they truly are#komaeda’s i could write an essay on so we’re gonna skip him bc. energy#hajime’s is obvious. i don’t need to explain that one. though he tries really hard to come off as more masculine as well which. augh#speaking of masculine souda is a victim of toxic masculinity. he was bullied and had a dad who sucked so he changed himself to look fiercer#ibuki left her band due to ‘creative differences’- she didn’t fit into that classic pop band mold and she allowed herself to deviate#mahiru puts extra pressure on men around her bc Her Dad Also Sucked and she’s sick of having to deal with weaponized incompetence#gundham is this sweet kind kind boy who hides it all underneath a veil of darkness. the darkness is not a lie either though he is both#sonia. literally a princess. has huge shoes to fill. in reality she’s a horror fiend who just wants to nerd out abt true crime#nekomaru’s heart condition would have taken him out of sports forever but he found another way and started team managing instead#fuyuhiko is set up to be the next head of the kuzuryu clan but on the inside he is so compassionate (and canonically a prude lmao)#peko is literally raised as a tool and tries to embrace this role even though the one she works for just wants her to be herself#i haven’t seen hiyoko’s ftes but i imagine she’d be far less cruel if she didn’t have to deal with constant infantilization and perverts#twogami just. as a whole. the whole character. yeah#there’s for sure more but i haven’t seen everyone’s ftes so. yanno#like fuck !!!!!! people will always have a perception of what they think you should be but you cannot truly be happy#until you allow yourself to disregard those expectations and forge your own path instead !!!! fuck !!!!!
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🍀Happy St. Patrick's Day, my wonderful friends! 🍀
Oliver and Cham have discovered the true treasures at the end of the rainbow: popcorn and friendship. 🌈🍿✨ Who needs gold when you have buttery snacks and great company, right? 😄
Here's to finding your own pot of gold today, whether it's laughter, love, or simply a moment of joy. 🌟
Wishing you all a fantastic Sunday and an amazing week ahead!
Much love to each and every one of you! 💖
- G
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miss-celestia13 · 11 months
For Fun! Scottish Smut 😌
I wrote this ages ago as a joke for my friends, a smut scene written in Scottish slang! After all, all Scottish people are bilingual 🤣 I just discovered it in my notes as I was cleaning them out and thought I’d share it here for the laugh. I hope it makes you chuckle because it won’t set your knickers on fire 😂
Without further ado;
Jimmy and Senga’s mad night oot!
Words: 585
What some words mean:
Swalleys - swallows
Boattle - Bottle
Stoatin - stumbling
Spunked - Cummed
Tadger - Cock
Pump - Fuck/Sex/shag - rumpy-pumpy means the same thing!
Fanny - Cunt
Bean - Clit
I just had a full body cringe typing that last one, so you can figure the rest out or ask me if you get confused🤣
They wur passin the boattle ae Bucky between thum. Takin huge swalleys as they walked hame fae the pub. Stoatin’ aboot like a clumsy gazelle oan her primark special high heels, Senga wiz clingin’ tae Jimmys arm while he grabbed hur arse, and whispered sweet nuttins in hur ear.
“Jist you wait tae we git hame, doll. I’m gonnae pump you rotten.”
He always kent jist whit to say to make her knickers wet. No that she wiz wearing any. He’d gied her a gid wee finger poking in the pub loo’s jist afore they wur kicked oot for arguin way the barman when he widnae serve thum anymare vodka ridbulls. She’d loast thum somewhere ‘atween the mens loos and the bar. Stumblin upti the frunt door, Jimmy drapped hur keys twice afore he managed tae unlock it and dragged hur in.
He hud hur shoved against the door afore she kent what wiz happenin. Jimmy gied hur the sloppiest kiss ar hur life, tastin like drink, and regret as he forced his tongue doon hur throat. The hawf empty boattle ae Buckfast clattured tae the flair as he shoved a haund up her skurt and poked aboot until he foond her bean and gied it a wee flick so she jumped.
“Cannae wait any longer, doll.” He said, breath soaked in Bucky.
“Dinnae then, i wanted yeh tae shag me back at the pub.” She replied as he hiked hur skurt oer hur hips and pulled his hard tadger oot ae his best trackie bottoms.
She wiz soon oan hur knees in the hallway, Jimmy grabbed haud ae hur hips afore he pushed inside her wet fanny, sayin’ filthy hings as she shouted in surprise.
“Yer jist a wee durty. Ye’ll no be able tae walk the morra.”
Usually, when it came tae the auld rumpy-pumpy, Jimmy wiz a two-pump-chump in bed, bit when he hud a drink in him, he lasted at least ten and she’d only coonted two so far.
“Shut yer moof and dae it then.” She said and yelped when he smacked her arse and thrust harder.
Jimmy laughed as she pushed back tae make him go fastur and called him a useless basturt when he slowed right doon insteid.
“Calm doon wuman, a ken whit am dain!”
He did and he didnae. She’d coonted seven thrusts noo, and kent he didnae hae much left in him, so she took maetturs intae hur ain haunds and balanced oan wan elbay so she could fiddle wae hur bean. Jimmy was gruntin and groanin, sweaty haunds slidin oer hur arse as he loast all sense ae rhythm. A flew flicks and she wiz almost there, fingurs moving so quick as Jimmy pounded intae her fanny once, twice, and she felt her fanny flutter aroond his tadger jist afore he spunked in her.
There wiznae fireworks or stars when she came. No wae Jimmy, bit it felt gid and her boady wiz fizzing fae the drink and orgasm. Jimmy fell oan tap ae hur and crushed her intae the carpet. She wiznae comfy, but couldnae be arsed movin noo. And so Jimmy and Sengas mad night oot ended wae them both passed oot in hur hallway. Senga couldnae mind if he’d locked the door. Ah well, any cunt that tried to burgul thum wid be in fur a shoack when they foond thum bare arsed and covered in spunk. The thoat sent hur tae sleep wae a grin oan her face.
Oh, fuck me gently 🤣 I forgot how bad it is and I’m crying laughing that I’m posting it here 😂 hope it made you giggle or smile, at the least 🤭❤️
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hiraeth-22 · 11 months
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