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New Crow Time 🐦‍⬛🦊🌟
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over christmas when i came out fully to my mom she did tell me i was beautiful and gave me some of her old jewelry and told me she was excited to have another daughter and that was all wonderful, but the part that meant the most to me was when i told her "i want to get my facial hair taken care of sooner than later, the whole "girl" thing is a lot easier to swallow when im shaved" and she examined my use of the phrase "it's a lot easier to swallow" and said "Scout, I didn't have a good relationship with my mother. you know that." (i did know that, my grandma was NOT good to my mother) "but your grandma kim [friend of my grandma's, unrelated by blood in any way, but was adopted as a grandma through familial osmosis] was the greatest woman who's ever been in my life. and up until the day she died, she had a beard and a moustache [which is true, my grandma kim, a cis woman, had VERY thick facial hair]. if you kept your facial hair for the rest of your life i wouldnt think of you as less of a woman" and ya know what? THAT'S the part of her support that made me cry.
my grandma kim was an amazing woman and she had peach fuzz that she didnt give a FUCK about. and everyone loved her.
you can have your own fuzz too, and that doesn't make you not a woman.
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"Re Blog" to PERMANENTLY become some sort of fucked up creature or demented beast
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“If you have time to be on social media, you also have time for…” “If you have time to watch Netflix, you also have time for…” Yeah, but do I have the energy for it? Do I have the emotional and mental capacity for it? Am I pain-free enough for it? Can I focus on it? Can I do it without leaving my bed? Can I safely do it without risk of (physically or emotionally) injuring myself by pushing past my boundaries?
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I know that skinny jeans are supposed to be for old ladies now, but like… I’m six foot one, I have small hips and long legs, I just look better in them???
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In light of the Panera lemonade thing, I feel like now is a good time to remind people that caffeine has an effective dose that is much closer to overdose amounts than most other drugs (including illegal and heavily stigmatized drugs), that caffeine overdoses are both common and under-reported, that not being able to get through a single day without a drug that was not prescribed to treat a medical condition is not normal, and that the sort of capitalist grind culture that normalizes all of this is bad, actually.
Caffeine headaches are a withdrawal symptom. If you get caffeine headaches when you don't get your coffee fix, you are addicted to caffeine.
Heart palpitations and feelings of impending doom are overdose symptoms, and tolerance can vary enough due to external factors that a high level of caffeine that's fine for you one day could be dangerous for you on another. If you get "panic attacks" and if you regularly drink more than one cup of coffee per day, tell your doctor about your caffeine habits, because those panic attacks may be misdiagnosed caffeine overdoses.
I'm not anti-caffeine – in fact, I'm not anti- any drug. I think adults can make informed choices about their own health, and I think that they should be allowed to do so. But the key to that is the informed part, and an awful lot of people consume genuinely risky amounts of caffeine without knowing any of the risks. In law school, I polled my friends, and discovered that a shockingly high percentage of them had had what were likely caffeine overdoses without realizing that that was what they were, or that they were dangerous. Having a little bit too much coffee and then spending all afternoon feeling like you're close to having a heart attack isn't an everyday occurrence, and it shouldn't be treated like one! Some of these same friends had abused stimulant medications like adderall and ritalin as productivity aids, and I absolutely guarantee that if they'd had the same level of symptoms from an accidental extra dosing of those drugs, rather than of caffeine, they'd have gone to the hospital. But Starbucks and Panera don't hand out adderall and ritalin, and people don't think that merch about adderall and ritalin dependency is cute or quirky, or that an adderall or ritalin habit is indicative of being a hard worker.
I love a cup o' joe in the morning too, but caffeine is a drug, y'all. Stop treating it like it's not.
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People who are starved out of conversation will approach it as if it was sacred, people who are starved out of touch experience any touch given to them as the highest form of intimacy, people starved out of gentleness will react to it as if it’s an invasion, an attempt to break them down, and people starved out of a community will approach it as if it was a minefield.
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Watching something about conspiracy theories like:
-that’s nazi propaganda
-that’s been proven to be not true
-you might be on to something, but you need to bring it back about two or three notches
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"No one remembered my birthday-" Well, but did YOU tell anyone it was coming up and you wanted to celebrate it with them?
"I wish someone would see through it when I tell people I'm fine-" Well, but have YOU considered not lying when people ask you how you're doing?
"I am so resentful of my friend because they keep doing this thing that really bothers me-" Well, but have YOU directly communicated that the thing is bothering you?
"I am burning out because my friend keeps expecting me to help them with serious struggles-" Well, but have YOU tried to establish the boundaries you need to feel okay?
"No one ever asks me about this thing I really care about-" Well, but have YOU brought it up yourself?
"I miss my friend but they haven't texted me-" Well, but have YOU been reaching out to them?
Sometimes people are mean, uncaring assholes, in which case you get to be mad. But sometimes you just need to communicate better. Try communication before you assume someone doesn't care!
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if you are sick, i don't give a shit if it's just a cold, wear a FUCKING MASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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why are we only now finding out im transgender dont i mention my tits and over reliance on energy drinks like every other day ?
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"oh, if you make out with friends, you could ruin the friendship" so who am i supposed to kiss? my enemies? get a grip
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Is also musical instrument
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Shots fired to keep rent low:
ACAB, pro-kink, sex work is work, faggots and dykes and dykefags are my weed-smoking communist lovers, filth is my life, watch a fucked up movie, kill the puritanical cop in your head, and be excellent to each other
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