#you know I never really got the appeal of Mettaton when I was a kid- BUT I FINALLY GET IT NOW. I SO GET IT
hplonesomeart · 12 days
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Guys call me crazy but I think the crazy robots would get along swimmingly. The tragic fact that these two don’t have more art interacting is an offense in my rule book and I have come to remedy that. They say you must manifest what you want to see in the world and this is me doing that jskjsksp. I will take initiative! Enjoy a smidgen of Mr. Puzzles and Mettaton art then. Although I think the only reason they initially decided to co-host collaborate together here was the prospect of getting more stars/ratings- because that’s show business babyyyy leverage off of famous people for viewssss/j
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Also here is version without the speech/dialogue bubbles! Just two gay bots being fabulous and gossiping or something (platonically. Or you could lean into this being a ship I don’t really care lol). Maybe they’ll exchange some advice about the logistics of incorporating musical numbers in the boardcasts without losing too much revenue on the budget idk. Because if you think about it Mettaton did a musical number in a dress with Frisk and then Mr. Puzzles had his whole Creative Control moment. And both where marvelous performances by the way absolutely slay ✨
My “toxic trait” is supporting the theatrical livelihoods of fictional computers who have committed atrocities, and they both will probably never make an apology video for the attempted murders and trauma inflicting. Wow so girlboss of them :))
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strawberrah · 3 years
undertale/deltarune for the fandom thing!!!!
Aaaaa thank you for the ask!! :] 
Undertale The first character I first fell in love with: Asriel!! I’m a big fan of the “kid who gets superpowers and uses them just like a kid would” trope when done right. He’s still one of my favourite boss battles! The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Chara! They canonically appear what, once? In the no mercy route? So it doesn’t really make sense why I love them as much as I do...but I do. I’m a sucker for Narrator!Chara what can I say The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Mettaton. I don’t hate him, I’m just not crazy about him. The character I love that everyone else hates: Chara again! I think they’re more popular nowadays, but when I first got into the fandom they were still the eeeevil monster who forced Frisk to kill everyone. I always hated that :/ The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Toriel to a degree? I still like her, but after replaying Undertale recently and hearing her line about how she thinks Asgore should have just killed ONE child and then crossed the barrier to obtain the remaining human souls....yikes?? I get where she’s coming from, but unpopular opinion: She was VERY unfair to Asgore. Sure Toriel he’ll just cross the barrier like his children did, you know, the children that died.  The character I would totally smooch: Nappstablook because how could I NOT The character I’d want to be like: I don’t think I want to be like any of these people The character I’d slap: Asgore but gently A pairing that I love: Platonic Chara/Asriel! I don’t think I seriously ship anyone in Undertale tbh A pairing that I despise: PAPYTON. Sorry Papyton shippers I just find it hard to get on board with ships where the two characters never interact, and honestly I just don’t see what the appeal is. Also I’m a staunch believer in aromantic!Papyrus :]
Deltarune The first character I first fell in love with: Ralsei!!! He’s just so sweet and adorable while still being interesting, I want to know more about who he is and his relation to Asriel...and I want his plushie SO BAD The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I absolutely detested Berdly when I first saw him, but now he’s one of my favourites. He’s just a funny little gamer man with transmasc swag The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Spamton. I like him plenty, but not enough to put up with the entire deltarune tag being overrun by him!!! The character I love that everyone else hates: Berdly!! I hate when people say he’s transphobic/homophobic when it’s canon that there’s nothing wrong with him he’s just annoying. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Aw man...Noelle. SUPER unpopular opinion: I don’t particularly care for Susie/Noelle. I almost feel like when Noelle is around Susie, everything she does becomes singularly about Susie and it kind of smothers the rest of her personality and relationships? I think I’ll like them more when/if Noelle becomes more confident around her so that their personalities can bounce off each other in a more fun and interesting way. The character I would totally smooch: Ralsei platonically :] The character I’d want to be like: I want the same vibes as Roulx Kaard even though I probably shouldn’t The character I’d slap: King I don’t CARE if your son is a squishy little pumpkin you cannot throw him off a roof A pairing that I love: Platonic Noelle/Berdly, I really want to see more of their friendship!! Berdly is kind of weird, but he obviously cares about Noelle a lot. A pairing that I despise: Kris X Ralsei is the BANE of my existence. It’s obvious that Ralsei has SOME relation to Asriel, Kris’ brother, so it makes me super uncomfortable when people say things like “Oh I hope Ralsei isn’t Kris’ brother so I can ship them!!!” its so gross.
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llama-lord · 4 years
My Full Personal Interpretation of Chara
It’s my view that Chara was severely abused during their time on the surface, and began to view crying as weakness because of it. I'm not sure if Chara was actually trying to commit suicide, but I think they had suicidal tendencies, showing little concern for their own life. Undertale's intro shows Chara tripping instead of jumping, but it also shows them clearly seeing the hole and approaching it beforehand. Given that the injuries Chara sustained from the fall were far from fatal, as they were able to walk with Asriel's assistance, their cry for help could've been out of pain and/or survival instinct, rather than a genuine desire to live.
Pre-death Chara hated Humanity, but there was always a look of hope in their eyes (in the neutral ending where Asgore commits suicide, he tells Frisk “I'm reminded of the human that fell here long ago... You have the same feeling of hope in your eyes”), they loved Monsterkind, they loved Toriel and Asgore (while it’s possible that Toriel knitted the Mr. Dad Guy Sweater for Asgore, I think it’s more likely that it was Chara. “Mr. Dad Guy” is an awkward name, one that sounds like a middle ground between “Mr. Dreemurr” and “Dad”), and they loved Asriel more than anything. However, while Chara was capable of and showed genuine love and kindness to the Dreemurrs, sharing countless tender moments with them, they could be a bully sometimes. Although Chara never physically hurt Asriel, they frequently shamed and sometimes mocked Asriel for crying (mirroring their own treatment on the surface), and liked to playfully toy with his emotions from time to time. With no other friends and due to his own insecurities, Asriel looked up to Chara and came to idolize them. That said, while Chara's and Asriel's relationship was unhealthy, I doubt it was ever intentionally abusive until the plan came forth. Had Chara been made fully aware of how much damage they were doing to Asriel, I think they would've been horrified.
EDIT: I view the mindset that "big kids don't cry" as being picked up by Chara on the surface due to mistreatment. They shamed Asriel for crying under the distorted belief that they were toughening him up.
While I think Toriel and Asgore were decent parents, they never noticed Chara's darker tendencies, nor did they ever ask them questions about their life on the surface. When Asgore told Chara that they were "the future of Humans and Monsters" (I highly doubt Chara’s deathbed was the only time Asgore said this, given the weight of the title, and his bad habit of placing enormous responsibilities onto the shoulders of young children, seeing how he gave Frisk, a child no older than 12, the duty to "seek the truth" of the Prophecy so they can free everyone in the alternate Neutral Route where he commits suicide), his intent was to refer to Chara as living proof that the two species could coexist. However, Chara took it the wrong way, believing it now meant that they were responsible for everyone, giving them a complex, putting pressure on them as one of the Royal Children.
EDIT: I placed too much blame on Asgore in my initial write-up. It’s far more likely that Chara developed a complex from living with Monsters, and that being called "The Future of Humans and Monsters" was simply the icing on the cake.
EDIT: I think Toriel and Asgore may have recognized signs of abuse in Char, or just felt that something was off about them, but I doubt either of them realized how bad their issues were.
Poisoning Asgore was a genuine accident. I don’t believe Chara "laughed the pain away" nor laughed sadistically. There is a recurring theme of characters laughing and joking in stressful moments (Snowdrake's Father when he talks about his son ran away after his mother disappeared, Snowdrake's Mother during her fight in the True Lab, Mettaton NEO, Undyne when Frisk is beating her to death in the Neutral Route, Toriel when you oneshot her in the Genocide Route or betrayal kill her, Asriel when you hug him, Asgore when he kills himself in the alternate neutral ending, and Migospel, especially Migospel, as his entire theme is him putting up a happy facade to hide his pain). The only times we ever see sadistic laughter in Undertale are from Asriel, who is soulless, and Chara in the Genocide Route, which I don’t believe is an accurate reflection of the person they were in life. So, while I doubt that Chara felt particularly terrible over accidentally poisoning Asgore, I believe their laughter was relatively dry, hollow, and empty.
EDIT: I think Chara freaked out when Asgore got sick, but calmed down after realizing that he wouldn't die. There was still some guilt, but most of it left at that point.
Due to a combination of Chara shaming him for his tears in the past, and his own idolization of them, Asriel now looked down on crying, and saw Chara's (relatively) calm reaction as preferable to his, saying "I should have laughed it off, like you did".
Then came the plan. I think Chara was motivated by both revenge and a wish to free Monsterkind. Chara chose to commit suicide rather than kill the Dreemurrs for their Boss Monster SOULs. I've seen people theorize that Chara picking death of buttercups was self-punishment for what they did to Asgore. I'm neutral on this theory, but I'll acknowledge that there are far less painful ways to die that would've still appeared accidental. And in this moment, yes, Chara was intentionally manipulative (which is abusive). They belittled Asriel's emotions and played up his desire to be a hero by telling him that he could free everyone. When Chara discovered their shared control with Asriel after their SOUL was absorbed, they resolved to walk to the village themselves. When the villagers attacked, Chara tried to kill them all, and that's when he resisted. Asriel had just enough control to walk back to the Throne Room, where he died.
EDIT: I doubt Chara was lying to Asriel when they told him that they only wanted 6 SOULs. Chara had no way of knowing of whether they’d even be conscious, let alone share control with Asriel, after they died. That, and going back to their village would’ve re-opened old wounds, which leads me to believe that their attempt to destroy it was an impulsive act fueled by a power trip, not a pre-planned one.
I doubt post-death Chara is entirely soulless, because they would need a way to manifest themselves. However, Chara’s dialogue at the end of the Genocide Route implies that something happened to their SOUL, saying that “My 'human soul’...My ‘determination’...They were not mine, but YOURS.” While Asriel’s SOUL was completely destroyed, Chara’s SOUL shattered into fragments. At least one of these fragments latched onto Frisk's SOUL after they fell, due to the amount of determination that Frisk had, and their shared SOUL trait.
Fast forward to Frisk's fall. I'll state my main points here. I fully believe the narrator theory, but disagree with the possession theory almost entirely (more on that soon).
If you do not believe the narrator theory, you can skip the bolded passage below.
While Chara does not make a physical appearance in True Pacifist Route, I think they become a better person from it. Chara realizes that they were wrong, that Asriel was right, and that not all Humans are bad. And while Chara doesn't save Asriel or your friends, they give you a push in the end, saying "you can SAVE something else".
Asriel's admission that "Chara wasn't really the greatest person" rings true. Chara was far from perfect. However, I see this statement less as him actually condemning Chara, and more as him taking them off the pedestal he’d placed them on, and realizing that they weren’t a good role model. When Asriel addresses “Chara” after the True Pacifist Route, he has low expectations for them, saying "You’ve probably heard this a hundred times already, haven’t you…?", when he asks them not to reset. However, the fact that he was willing to even make an appeal to begin with, saying "Take a deep breath. There's nothing left to worry about", shows that, despite everything, he still has hope, even though it’s not much, that Chara will do the right thing.
(On another note, the fact that you returned in the first place, after Asriel asked you not to, after he said that he couldn’t come back, after you were EXPLICITLY told that the game would end after you left the Underground, doesn’t speak well of your intentions. Flowey’s expectations for Chara weren’t very high to begin with, but I believe that your return further lowered them. It serves as proof to him that maybe Chara hasn’t learned anything from this.)
Then there's the Genocide Route. Yes, the player not only starts, but is responsible for the overwhelming majority of the Genocide Route. No, I don't believe Frisk is possessed, at all, not until we are very close to the end. Until that point, Chara simply provides a Monster counts for us, and Frisk's more aggressive personality is simply a reflection of our actions. With Chara's SOUL fragmented, severely restricting their ability to feel love and compassion (they might benefit from Frisk's SOUL), there's hardly anything left to restrain their worst traits. Once we kill all 20 Monsters in the Ruins, feeding a desire for power, Chara is on board with us. Their dialogue changes from less joking and increasingly apathetic (“Not worth talking to”, “Forgettable”), with a trace of violent overtones (“Where are the knives”), to outright sadistic as we progress (laughing at the RG 01/02).
EDIT: Judging from the dialogue for the stove after killing Toriel and the dialogue for killing dogs in a Neutral Run, I think Chara may (at least initially) have shame for what they are witnessing in the Genocide Route. However the thrill of gaining power ultimately overrides it. It’s essentially a guilty pleasure.
EDIT: Looking back, while Chara doesn’t actually kill anyone before Sans, it’s plausible that they helped us deal more damage in certain fights. A possible reason why we deal so much damage to Toriel in the Genocide Route is that Chara lashed out. Flowey has feelings of abandonment associated with Toriel (”She'll find another kid, and instantly forget about you. You'll NEVER see her again.”). Given that Toriel refers to Frisk as “my child”, and Chara’s final pre-death memory was of their betrayal, Chara could’ve felt betrayed by her, even though she was a decent parent.
I doubt Asriel’s “recognition” of Chara in the Genocide Route is an accurate reflection of what they were like in life. There is ample evidence to conclude that, not only did Asriel genuinely think that Frisk was Chara in EVERY route, but also that he held onto this delusion the ENTIRE time. Furthermore, there are multiple inconsistencies with the interpretation that Asriel will only quickly conclude that Frisk is Chara in the Genocide Route, and takes much more time to do so in the True Pacifist Route:
1. Omega Flowey toys with Frisk in the Neutral Route, despite seemingly wanting their SOUL.
2. Flowey’s dialogue for sparing Asgore in an aborted Genocide Run directly contradicts the notion that he thinks Chara would only be cruel.
3. Omega Flowey saw the name of Frisk’s SAVE file right before the fight, which alone should’ve been enough evidence to make him think that they are Chara.
4. Flowey’s spare dialogue doesn’t change in an aborted Genocide Run, directly contradicting the notion that he doesn’t think Chara would care about anyone else, as he still threatens to kill “everyone they love”.
Here’s something to consider:
Given how long it took for Flowey to go insane, he is likely aware that Chara will not necessarily be as violent as he is. By giving him evidence for him to conclude that they actually are (killing everyone in the Ruins), Flowey gains enough confidence to drop his charade.
Perhaps the strongest piece of evidence that Flowey thinks that Frisk is Chara in every route is his reaction to being spared in a Neutral Run. He should not be confused by the concept of mercy, as he has undoubtedly been shown mercy himself many times during his own resets.
In other words, it’s not that Flowey can’t understand the concept of mercy itself, it’s that he can’t understand why this person specifically would show him mercy. Although Flowey is aware that Chara may not necessarily be as violent as he is, this scenario is different. If there was ANY time to have a kill-or-be-killed mindset, this was it. Flowey gave us every possible reason he could for us to kill him, and sparing him is the strongest challenge to his delusion that Frisk is Chara. He simply cannot understand why “Chara”, who tried to kill the villagers when he refused, would show him mercy after what he said and did.
Asriel makes three colossal mistakes in the Genocide Route. First, he talks as if he's equal to Chara in strength, that he could kill them if he wanted to, saying "Creatures like us wouldn't hesitate to kill each other if we got in each other's way", making them turn on him (I see this line as serving as proof to Chara that Asriel hadn’t learned anything from the village incident). Asriel flees to the Throne Room. We fight Sans, with Chara making the final attack for us. We confront Asgore, who Chara attacks for us. This is where Asriel makes his 2nd mistake, destroying Asgore's SOUL, trapping us in the Underground. His final and fatal mistake is when he begs for his life instead of hiding in the ground. The Chara who Asriel begs for mercy from is, for the most part, soulless; they cannot and do not feel any love or compassion for him anymore. Asriel neglected his own belief that Chara was soulless, when he told them "No... you're empty inside, just like me". Asriel has given Chara plenty of reasons to be angry, and with nothing left to hold that anger back, Chara proceeds to hack him to pieces. This is when Chara finally makes a physical appearance. While there are plenty of other Monsters left in the Underground, murdering the person they loved the most in life is the point of no return for them. This is important because I don't believe that Chara would've intentionally killed Asriel prior to their death, even at their absolute worst, even if he betrayed them. But here? Chara sees killing Asriel as the elimination of the one person who always held them back, and the final step to abandoning their humanity and ridding themselves of the emotions that they now believe only ever hurt them. They've found a better partner, us, one who will always give them what they want. With their goal to achieve power in this world accomplished, Chara believes that its existence no longer serves a purpose, and asks us to erase it. And if we refuse, they think it's hilarious, that we believe we have a choice here. When Chara says "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?", it doesn't mean they were possessing Frisk, nor does it mean that we never had in control. We controlled Frisk, we had countless chances to abandon this path, but we pushed all the way to the end. Chara has been betrayed before, and was caught completely off-guard. But this time, they came prepared. If their partner tries to turn their back on them like Asriel did, they'll override their decision, because they have final say, and they WILL get what they want.
EDIT: I’m on the fence on whether Chara actually hesitated to kill Flowey. I will say that, unlike with Asgore, they were willing to hear him out at the very least.
As far as the Soulless Pacifist Route goes, I fully believe that Chara kills your friends. However, this is not done out of malice. If Chara genuinely wanted your friends dead for good, they would’ve kept the world erased. This is simply a demonstration of power by Chara, to show that they are the one in control.
Other thoughts:
Despite Asriel’s betrayal, Chara doesn’t seem to hold any strong feelings of hatred or bitterness for him outside of the Genocide Route, and until the “Creatures like us...” line, given how there's no push to kill him in an aborted Genocide Run.
Everything after this point are mostly unsubstantiated headcanons and beliefs of mine. Feel free to continue reading if you are interested.
In my opinion, Asriel’s trauma is often underestimated in fan portrayals. While he has healed to some extent from the True Pacifist Route, taking Chara off the pedestal he once placed them on, his sense of self-worth is still in dire need of repair. How intentional the trauma inflicted on him was is simply a reflection on the perpetrator. It is irrelevant in measuring the damage.
I don’t think Chara is completely fixed by the True Pacifist Route? While Chara has certainly learned something from observing our actions, they still have plenty of work to do on themselves. However, while they can’t change what they did, with Frisk’s help, I think they can try to make up for it by becoming a better person.
While Chara is inherently in a better position than Asriel after the True Pacifist Route (Chara benefits from Frisk’s SOUL and fragments of their own SOUL, while Asriel is completely soulless) I think Asriel will be much easier to help. While Asriel could easily get his form restored by SOUL donations from 7 generous dying Humans, I doubt Chara will ever be able their own body again. The absolute best case scenario I see for Post-Pacifist Chara is them peacefully body-sharing with a consenting Frisk.
Asriel is not obligated to forgive Chara, or (while I doubt he’d be this bitter) even talk to them ever again. That said, Asgore and Toriel owe Chara a lengthy talk. Chara is responsible for their own actions, and their circumstances do not excuse them, but, while they failed themselves, Asgore and Toriel failed them too. This talk can be one for understanding, and, hopefully, reconciliation.
I strongly dislike the concept of killing off Chara under the guise of “setting them free”. It does not heal Asriel’s trauma, nor does it accomplish anything else.
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mtt-brand-trans · 5 years
What's up gamers today we're taking a stab at guessing why and how in the world a depressed, unhygienic, ketchup-chugging skeleton like Sans became an internet sex symbol if you like this video don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel and click that bell button to get notific
Here's a question for you: if you played all of Undertale without knowing anything about the fandom, and after you were done I asked you who you thought the fan favorite was, who would you say? No really, I'd like to know, because I have no good or honest answer to this question. Because the more I think about it, the more sure I am that, while in many fandoms it's clear who the fan favorite is going to be(and that character may even have been designed to be the fan favorite), Undertale doesn't really have that.
Most times, the fan favorite is a young guy with good looks(a specific kind of look too, usually what you would describe as a "pretty boy") that has a good sense of humor and/or is flirtatious and/or is flippant. Sans is a jokester, sure, but he's not a pretty boy. And as I said, he's depressed and chugs ketchup at local diners and is a slacker, and his jokes aren't flirty or insulting(aka "attractive" jokes), they're just bad puns. These things certainly makes him feel more like a real person(or as real as you can get when you're a skeleton), but they don't make for a good fan fave to drool over. So why was Sans chosen to be transformed through fanon as the fan favorite? I think the answer lies in the no mercy route.
I'm pretty sure we all know this is the biggest contributor to his popularity. Although nowadays I prefer the pacifist route, even I was fascinated with the no mercy route back in the day. And there's a perfectly good reason so many felt the same, for a lot of us(myself included) it was an introduction to "darker" stories, where bad things happened and they didn't get better, or were previously fans of games like fnaf. A lot of the fandom was my age at the time(14) or younger. And since the no mercy route was the main focus for so many fans, what, or who was the staple of it? Sans. And honestly, the sans fight really was made to make an impact. It takes a lot of tries, sometimes even more than undyne the undying, the music is the fourth iteration of Toby's signature song Megalovania, and Sans' dialogue reveals more about his character and opens up a possible mystery by saying strange things that he doesn't explain(remember how I said a lot of people were previously fnaf fans? Well it and similar games became popular largely because of the mysteries they presented. So Sans' popularity also grew because of his connection to the larger gaster mystery). So Sans ended up being the most popular character in Undertale, and Undertale became insanely popular, so by proxy Sans became a very popular character in general.
So here's a summary of why Sans is the fan favorite, even though when just looking at him by himself you'd never guess he'd have risen to this level of popularity(aka the TL;DR): Undertale has a distinct lack of characters that fit the typical "fan favorite" mold, and Sans was the character that most closely fit it. His popularity was largely helped by his significance in the no mercy run and his ties to the gaster mystery, which made him more appealing to young fans in particular, who loved the no mercy route because of its darkness and gaster because of the unsolved mystery. Thus, he became the most popular character in Undertale, and since Undertale was so popular itself, he got a huge fandom.
I also want to take this time to look at some other characters who had the potential to be the fan favorites had Sans not taken the role. Most/all of them fit other, "lesser" fan favorite archetypes that I will explain. A lot of these characters are still pretty popular.
This one's pretty obvious. If Sans didn't have ties to both the no mercy run and the Gaster mystery, then Gaster himself would be the fan favorite. Even with Sans(or sometimes because of him), he's inescapable. If he was the fan favorite, the loud part of the fandom would largely stay the same, there would just be less focus on the no mercy run.
There's two ways Undyne would've become the fan favorite: being a lesbian icon like Catra from spop, making the fandom a lesbian haven, or through straight weeb men who fetishize lesbians. Those two types of fans already make up the Undyne fandom in our quiet little corner, but we would've seen this on a much larger SCALE(lol) if she had been the fan favorite. And let's be honest, what does Sans have that Undyne doesn't? Let's just look at the facts here: A glowing eye that only shows up on the no mercy run, of which they have one of two of the epic battles for that route that are famously hard to beat, both have a mysterious part of them that's not really explained(Undyne's missing eye, why she melted/came back to life instead of turning straight to dust, determination motif, UNDYNE'S MYSTERIOUS TOO GUYS), connections to a royal scientist, I could go on. I can really only think of one reason that Undyne, the buff angry wlw who isn't conventionally attractive, isn't very popular.........
Asriel falls under another type of fan favorite archetype that I like to call, "HOLY SHIT CUTE CHILD." The only other example I can think of right now is Niko from oneshot, who is the fan favorite of their game. And Asriel is indeed a cute child! I would've liked to see him be the fan favorite, because I think the Chara & Asriel subplot is underrated in this fandom. Asriel is fairly popular, but he's mostly seen either as flowey or by fans of the KFCA gang nowadays.
Frisk being the fan favorite would be a combination of "HOLY SHIT CUTE CHILD" and "protagonist that I can project onto," with a side of mystery due to their ambiguous backstory. So pretty much how they're portrayed now. They're best done by fans of the KFCA gang, but they're seen more often than Asriel, either as a prop in cool art of a place/another character, or to be the kid in those post-pacifist works.
He's another one that's already fairly popular, this is just about what the fandom would be like if he was The fan fave. And if I'm gonna he honest, I'm kinda surprised Mettaton isn't the fan favorite. He's pretty much exactly what the fan favorite archetype is. He's a pretty boy. He's one of the more popular characters in the fandom, sure, but compared to Sans he hardly shows up. And I honestly don't have any good guesses as to why this is. It could be that he's gay and trans coded, but too "flamboyant" and makes the cishet fans uncomfortable, but even that doesn't check out considering how much people fetishize him being trans. If anything, they like that, even if in the most gross way possible. So yeah, I've got nothing.
They were probably the fourth most popular character back in the day, after the skelebros and gaster of course. And just like Sans, it's because of their ties to the no mercy route. If they were the fan fave, the fandom would probably be a much darker place. Which is sad, because if you look at how KFCA fans depict them, they're great! But anyways, the fandom as a whole has always focused more on "demon" Chara than looking at maybe a more nicer side of them, so if they were the fan favorite, the fandom would be even more focused on the gritty and dark parts of the story. Oh, and people would keep misgendering them, too.
So there you have it, an in-depth analysis of how Sans became the fan favorite, and then what other fan favorites might look like I guess. Even after writing all of this, I still can't quite comprehend Sans' popularity. Fortunately I've found a good niche in the fandom that appreciates all the characters equally. KFCA fans, waterfall gang fans, gorls fans, etc. Everyone is good! But I've stayed holed up in that little community for so long that I don't know the fandom at large's current condition regarding aus, sans, etc., so really this meta is written from my memory of the fandom back in 2016, which is probably outdated somewhat lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the read!
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krat395 · 7 years
A Sweet Snorting Lizard Scientist (Chapter 1)
This story serves as a sequel to my lengthy previous story, “How To Make A Lizard, Ghost, and Robot Laugh.” Taking place two days later, Chara and MK go to Alphys’s house to spend their Friday night with the lovable nerdy lizard girl herself before Undyne returns from a short vacation with Gerson the following day. It doesn’t sound like there will be anything out of the ordinary on this particular night, but we’ll just have to find that out for ourselves. ;)
 NOTE: You don’t have to read “How To Make A Lizard, Ghost, and Robot Laugh” first if you don’t want to, but some of this story’s material might make more sense if you do. :)
 Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1: How To Make Another Lizard Laugh
 It is a Friday afternoon at Alphys and Undyne’s house and MK and Chara have just finished school and are on their way to visit Alphys. Last Tuesday, Undyne left to go on a short vacation with Gerson and she won’t be back until tomorrow. Undyne really loves spending time with Gerson and the two of them actually planned this vacation about a month in advance. With Undyne gone, Alphys has been occupying the house by herself. And right now, she is waiting for Chara and MK to arrive. Chara and MK made plans last Sunday to spend tonight with Alphys to keep her company as she waits for Undyne to return home from her vacation with Gerson tomorrow. And both Chara and MK are looking forward to spending time with her very much.
 At 3:30pm, Chara and MK showed up on Alphy’s doorstep and MK used his key to get himself and Chara into the house (Chara has a key as well).
 MK: *yelling* Alphys, Chara and I here!
Alphys: *in the kitchen* Coming MK! Just a second!
 Alphys then left the kitchen to greet her two guests.
 Alphys: Hi you guys.
MK and Chara: Hi Alphys.
Alphys: How did your exams go today?
 MK had a science exam earlier today and Chara had a math exam earlier today.
 MK: Oh just wonderful Alphys! I aced every single question, including the bonus ones! *gets his exam out of his bag* See for yourself! *hands his exam to Alphys*
Alphys: Wow! MK, that’s so awesome!
 Upon seeing MK’s exceptional exam score, Alphys gave MK a great big hug and lifted him off of the floor slightly while doing so.
 Alphys: I just knew your hard work would off in the end! *stops hugging MK* And how did you do on your math exam Chara?
Chara: I think I did really well Alphys. I’m not sure what my score was because my mom didn’t exactly have time to grade exams during the day like MK’s teacher did. But she’ll let me know yet tonight.
Alphys: Oh I see. Well, you’ll at least get to find out sooner than many of your fellow classmates. That’s a perk to being related to the teacher after all.
Chara: It sure is.
Alphys: Now how about you two take some time to make yourselves at home. I’ll order us some pizza in the meantime. Got any preferences for toppings?
Chara: *joking* How about anchovies?
Alphys and MK: ......... *both of them have WTF looks on their faces*
Chara: ......... (Well this is awkward.)
Alphys: …Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not an option Chara.
Chara: Pfft. I’m just kidding Alphys. Just get us what you usually do.
Alphys: Great! Consider it done! :3 (I know she was just kidding, but I do hope she knows enough not to say anything like that in front of Undyne!) It should take at least twenty minutes to get here. Feel free to take your things up to one of the guest bedrooms while we’re waiting.
Chara and MK: Sure thing Alphys.
 While Alphys ordered some pizza, Chara and MK took their things up to one of the guest bedrooms and officially started getting settled in. MK lied down on one of the beds with his legs and tail close together and Chara stood idly by his bed after placing her things on the opposite bed.  
 Chara: Well MK, here we are spending a Friday night with one of our dear friends. It’s gonna be so fun.
MK: It sure will. And after school’s done, there’ll be even more chances to hang out with our friends.
Chara: You got that right MK. These past few weeks of school have been pretty rough. But this final week should be a cake walk in comparison.
MK: Chara, don’t say cake walk! All that does is makes me hungry for cake! I LOVE CAKE!
 MK’s love for cake is just like Chara’s love for chocolate. Just the mere mention of it is enough to make his mouth water. MK loves many different types of cake, but his absolute favorite is black forest cake garnished with chocolate shavings, whipped cream, and maraschino cherries. :)
 Chara: I know you do MK. But I also happen to know something else you love.
 As Chara was talking, she grabbed a chair from the corner of the bedroom and placed it right next to the foot of the bed where MK’s feet are currently resting.
 MK: You do? What?
Chara: Foot rubs! *starts rubbing both of MK’s feet*
MK: *moan* That feels nice. Actually, I didn’t expect you to start doing stuff like this so early Chara.
Chara: Are you kidding? These adorable feet need all the attention they can get. Maybe consider this first foot rub as part of your reward for doing an amazing job on your science test.
MK: *moan* Can’t argue with that!
 Two days ago, MK and Chara discovered that they have something in common. That being, they both have strong foot fetishes (Chara’s is stronger than MK’s). Up until that point, MK never knew that Chara had a foot fetish. And in turn, Chara didn’t know that MK had one as well. But rather than telling MK about her foot fetish, Chara unintentionally showed him by doing foot fetish-related things to his feet such as licking them, sucking on them, and sniffing them. The same day, Chara and Frisk tickle tortured MK and then Blooky and Mettaton showed up and got involved in a “tickle war” with the three of them. And then later that day after MK had a very relaxing nap, he and Chara told each other about how their foot fetishes began.
 MK’s foot fetish began around the time the monsters started school on the surface (last October). MK likes female human feet the most (40% of the faculty and students at Toriel’s school are humans), but he also likes monster feet that look similar to that of humans (Undyne’s feet have some similarities to human feet). MK sees bare feet on a daily basis because all of the female human students in his class wear sandals/flip flops during warmer months and many of them often take off their sandals/flip flops and show their soles (his favorite parts of a girl’s feet) while sitting in their desk chairs during classes. And MK’s friend, Izzy (Isabella), just happens to be one of those girls and her attire, hairstyle, and toenail polish make her feet all the more appealing to MK. Izzy is an attractive 11-year-old girl with long straight blonde hair and when not wearing her dancing outfit, Izzy is often seen wearing a pink and blue striped sleeveless top, a pair of dark blue baggy jeans, a pair of pink flip flops, and blue toenail polish. MK tells Izzy practically everything but one thing he hasn’t told her about is his foot fetish. MK wants to tell Izzy that he likes her feet in addition to who she is as a person but he just doesn’t know how. The reason for this is because he’s got a good thing going with her and he fears that telling her about his foot fetish might possibly ruin their friendship. If only he knew that Izzy wouldn’t care if he has a foot fetish or not.
 And as for how Chara’s foot fetish began, there really isn’t much to say. It began when she was about 10 years old and she’s had it ever since (even after returning from the dead). Chara likes both male and female monster feet the most (She likes human feet too) and after seeing them on a daily basis for roughly two years in the Underground (She arrived there a few months before her eighth birthday), her feelings towards feet changed drastically. And then afterwards, she somehow managed not to tell any of the monsters how much she liked their feet for the last two years of her first life. It was a secret that she took to her grave. But then after returning from that grave, she managed to keep it a secret for an additional seven months until she inevitably lost control of herself by worshipping MK’s feet in front of Frisk and Blooky. How she managed keep her foot fetish a secret up until two days ago, she will never know.
 Fifteen minutes later…
 Chara: Alright Lizzy Boy, I think it’s time we head downstairs. We did come here to spend time with Alphys after all.
MK: *while wiggling and splaying his six toes* You’re TOEtally right Chara! *giggles at the pun he just made*
Chara: *friendly teasing* Hey now, leave the jokes and puns to Sans! And you better not be teasing with me with those cute toes of yours! Because every time you do that, it just makes me want to do this! *teasingly tickles MK’s soles*
 Chara doesn’t mind it at all when MK wiggles his toes and makes silly puns. She was just looking for some excuses to tickle his feet. ;)
Chara: Ok, at least I know your manners work. *stops tickling MK’s feet* Let’s head downstairs, shall we?
MK: *a bit giggly* Heeheeheehee! Yehehehes! Heeheeheehee! Let’s! Heeheeheehee!
 As soon as MK’s giggles went away, he and Chara headed downstairs. By the time the two children got downstairs, the pizza had arrived. And then the two children and Alphys were able to spend time together as they intended.
 The first thing the three of them did was watch a movie together in Alphy’s living room and enjoy some pizza while doing so. And while watching the movie, Toriel sent Chara a text regarding her grade on her math exam. She got a 91% and Alphys and MK were very proud of her. And because she did so well, Chara believes that she deserves a reward. For her reward, Chara wants something from MK and MK, being the sweet lizard boy that he is, will be happy to provide that something for her later tonight.
 Two hours later…
 As soon as the movie was over, Alphys got up to stretch her legs and then Chara and MK got ready to initiate some special plans for Alphys. Chara and MK came up with these plans in private last Wednesday night. And it was all Chara’s idea.
 Alphys: So, what did you kids think of the movie?
Chara: It was really good Alphys. Thanks for suggesting it to us.
Alphys: *while smiling* You’re very welcome Chara. I knew you guys would enjoy it. After all, MK couldn’t stop laughing over there.
MK: *while thinking about a really funny scene from the movie* Hahahahahahaha! It was so funny! Hahahahahahaha!
Chara: Oh MK, you sure to love to laugh, don’t you?
MK: Hahahahahaha! I sure do!
Chara: What about you Alphys? Do you love to laugh?
Alphys: Of course I do Chara. Why do you ask?
Chara: Oh, just wondering because…
Alphys: Because why Chara?
Chara: *has an evil grin on her face*
Alphys: *nervous* C-Chara?
 As Chara left Alphys in question, MK creepily walked towards Alphys and made her even more nervous in the process.
 Alphys: C-Come on you two. This isn’t f-funny. W-What are you g-going to do to me?
Chara and MK: This!
 At that moment, MK latched onto Alphys’s sides and Chara dug her fingers into Alphys’s underarms. What followed immediately afterwards was loud adorable laughter and constant snorting from the lizard girl. (That’s right! Chara and MK made plans to tickle Alphys tonight! :D)
Chara: Oh my god, it’s even better than I imagined! Your laughter is SO CUTE Alphys!
Chara and MK: Yes it is!
 A few seconds later, Alphys fell to the living room floor while continuing to laugh and snort from the tickles. Shortly afterwards, Chara resumed her ticklish assault on Alphy’s underarms and then MK positioned himself over Alphys’s legs and rapidly skittered his robot fingers all over her soles. And then after that, MK stuck his tail underneath Alphy’s shirt and used it to tickle her sides, belly, and ribs. Alphy’s sides, belly, and ribs are her most sensitive areas and with a scaly tail constantly rubbing, wiggling, and poking those areas, Alphys’s already large smile got even larger to the point that she was unable to grit her teeth.
MK: Because we wanted to find out if your laughter is adorable Alphys! And it is!
Chara: Yeah Alphys! And because it’s so adorable, we want to hear more of it! And FYI, this was all my idea! *lies to Alphys* The only reason MK’s helping me is because I told him I would tickle torture him if he refused!
 Two days ago, MK also told Chara about the day he tickle tortured Undyne under her bed and all of the negative feelings he felt after doing so. And just as Frisk predicted, MK cried while talking about that incident with Chara. The whole experience was such a huge eye opener for him and it’s one that he’s not willing to repeat anytime soon. Right now, MK’s being as playful as possible with Alphys and he’s having massive amounts of fun doing so. Like Chara, MK thinks Alphys’s laughter is very adorable. And also like Chara, he doesn’t understand why Alphys doesn’t think her laughter is adorable. Undyne sure thinks it adorable! And Chara and MK just can’t get enough of her cute snorts as she laughs. :3
 Two minutes later, MK found out that the dead center portions of Alphys’s soles are the most sensitive areas of her feet. Undyne often refers to these as Alphys’s “sweet spots”. ;)
Chara: Way to go Lizzy Boy! Keep up the great work!
 For one minute, MK focused entirely on the dead center portions of Alphys’s soles with his robot fingers while continuing to use his tail to tickle her belly, sides, and ribs.
 One minute later…
 Chara: Alright Lizzy Boy! I think it’s time to slow up the tickling. Keep going, but go easier on her.
MK: Sure Chara.
 MK then did as Chara asked and slowed down his tickling by a large margin. He is now scribbling his fingers very lightly all over her soles and is wiggling his tail very slowly against her belly. In addition, Chara began wiggling her fingers lightly against Alphys’s underarms.
Chara: *has a WTF look on her face* What… the… hell?!
MK: *continues tickling Alphys very lightly* My exact reaction Chara!
 Chara and MK have just discovered that light tickling is actually more intense for Alphys and the two children are very surprised upon discovering this because up until now, they never knew that light tickles can actually be more intense than rapid tickles. It just depends on the person/monster.
 Chara: We didn’t know light tickling makes you laugh harder Alphys! If we had known that, we would’ve started out with light tickles and then switched to rapid tickles.
MK: Should I stop what I’m doing Chara?
Chara: No, keep going MK! She can deny it all she wants, but deep down I know she’s enjoying this! I mean look at her! She’s not even trying to fight back!
 Chara is right! Alphys is enjoying being tickled very much! :D She just isn’t telling the children that she’s enjoying it, at least not right now anyway.
 MK: Ok, if you insist Chara! *continues tickling Alphys*
 After about two minutes of light tickling, MK pulled two electric toothbrushes out of his pants pockets, turned both of them on, and then used both of them to tickle Alphys’s sweet spots on her feet. In addition, he pulled his tail out from under Alphys’s shirt and wrapped it around all six of her toes (not in between her toes) to prevent Alphys from wiggling her feet while he focuses on her sweet spots.
 Since Chara and MK made plans to tickle Alphys, she definitely made sure to bring her rainbow feather with her. And a few seconds later, Chara pulled out her rainbow feather and used it to tickle Alphys’s belly. What followed was even more sweet and adorable laughter from the lizard girl.
Chara: And just when I thought your laughter couldn’t get any cuter Alphys!
 Alphys is such a joyful bundle of ticklish nerves right now. She’s pounding her fists, shaking her head and tail frantically, and is squirming very heavily. And on top of all that, pure angelic laughter is constantly spilling from her mouth. She REALLY likes this, but she doesn’t want Chara and MK to know that just yet.
 6 minutes later…
Chara: Ok, time for a break!
 MK and Chara then stopped their ticklish assault on Alphys to give her a much needed breather and then Chara, believing that Alphys might try something funny during the break, placed her hands on Alphys’s sides to get ready to tickle her if she does something out of the ordinary (Asriel did the same thing last Saturday when he and Chara tickled Toriel). But Alphys appears to be too worn out from all of the tickles to try something funny, so it doesn’t look like there will be any problems.
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it-refused · 7 years
Prompt:  Sans & Frisk, rap battle
Thank you, @sexyshoelessgodofwar!  I hope you enjoy this, even if it doesn’t end up being what you wanted.
Rating: G
Characters: Frisk, Sans, Papyrus
It amazed Papyrus how different Frisk acted once they were on the surface and Queen Toriel finished the proper human adoption procedures.  They acted Underground as if they were being led from place to place.  Papyrus had trouble determining what actually interested the human, other than befriending Papyrus and a number of other less notable people.
Toriel seemed to believe that Frisk had not been having a good time with their human family.  Papyrus did not believe they were interested in discussing it, so he decided that Frisk's new family would just have to be a complete improvement from their previous one.  That was an easy task, since it now contained the Great Papyrus.
He became curious what the human was like, when they were secure.  How did they do in school?  What were their hobbies?  What music did they like?
They enjoyed lying on the floor and feeling like garbage with Undyne's old neighbor, Napstablook (they were a cousin of the ever-sexy Mettaton!  A celebrity!).  There was absolutely no part of that which appealed to Papyrus.  He attempted to join in once (A relative!  Of Mettaton's!) but had just come up with a list of things he could be doing instead of getting his clothes dirty.  
Frisk brought a cd with them, though, and that answered one of Papyrus' questions.
"RAP MUSIC IS NOT ONE OF MY FAVORITES," Papyrus said.  He could sense that the human was disappointed to not share a love of the same musical genre as Papyrus.  He quickly clarified.  "BUT IT IS VERY GOOD!  ...I BELIEVE MY BROTHER LIKES IT."  Papyrus remembered Sans listening to a cassette tape that fell into the dump more than a few times.
Frisk swore that Sans didn't actually live in the same house as Toriel and them, but like clockwork every day at the same time they found him napping in Toriel's chair by the fire.
Sans was snoring, a half-full bag of chips rising and falling on his chest.  Frisk knew that the snoring didn't mean he was completely asleep.  
They stood by the chair and stared at him.  They couldn't really believe what Papyrus had told them.  Maybe it had been some kind of prank on Sans' part. Pretending he had good taste.  Or maybe he just really loved the bad stuff.  That sounded like him.
"uh." Sans opened an eye.  "hey there, kiddo."
They said hello.
"oh.  i know what you're doing.  you've got another great joke for me, but you've got stage fright.  i'm a tough critic but i always like your jokes." He sat up and the bag and an avalanche of chip crumbs fell onto his lap and on the floor.
Frisk told Sans a bad joke they'd heard about skeletons.  
Sans chuckled. "wow.  good one, pal."  
No, Frisk just didn't believe it.  They had to ask Sans if he really liked rap.
They said Papyrus told them he liked rap.
"oh.  i guess. i mean, i'm pretty good at rapping."  
Ok.  That was just unbelievable.  Frisk called Papyrus and complained.
Now Frisk was sure Papyrus was for some reason in on the prank.  He probably thought he was pulling a real jape on them.  Well, he'd show both of them.
"it sounds like you boxed me in," Sans said.  "i guess i've got layers."
Frisk refused to accept this.  They challenged Sans to a rap duel.
"...nah.  this chair is real comfy."
Frisk told him he didn't have to stand up.
"see, i don't care if you buy it.  i'm just gifted when it comes to rapping.  paps even vouched for me.  are you calling my bro a liar?"
They challenged him again.  They said they weren't letting him nap until he proved himself.
Sans groaned. "c'mon, kid."
They stared at him.
It took several days of consistent hassling to get him to agree.
Frisk said they'd go first, and they felt their soul clench like it did when they got pulled into a fight with monsters.  There was no fight option, though.  They could ACT, use an ITEM, or show MERCY.
Sans stood in front of them, hands in his pockets, nodding off.  Frisk knew that they had to blow Sans away with their verse, and wake him up.  They mostly wanted to impress him enough that he'd admit he had been joking.
They started to rap. It was like fighting, actually.  They had to find the right rhythm. At least in this kind of battle, messing up didn't physically hurt.
When they were done, Sans nodded.  "nice."  That was his entire turn.
Frisk asked him if he was going to admit he couldn't rap.
"i thought you were going first."
Wow.  Wow. That was actually a really good burn.  They complimented Sans, and told him it was still his turn.
"oh.  looks like we got our wires crossed."  Sans took a box and a roll of wrapping paper out of his inventory.  There was even an already labeled tag.  It read "To: Frisk."  "i got you a present for this, but i guess you didn't get one for me."
They spent their turn staring at the label and going over old conversations in their head.  They asked Sans if he liked rap music.
"yeah i like it ok, i guess.  i found some tapes in the dump once and listened to 'em until they stopped working.  i wonder if i can find those songs again."
Frisk sighed and ended the battle.  They went online and helped Sans track down the ancient artist he remembered from his garbage cassette.
Frisk hung up the phone.  
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