#education agency
mystudyinaustralia · 7 months
Journeying Through the Employer Nomination Scheme: The Essential 186 Visa Handbook
Australia's Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS), which includes the Subclass 186 Visa, underscores the nation's dedication to attracting skilled international workers to address labor shortages and fortify its economy. This visa pathway enables skilled workers nominated by an Australian employer to secure permanent residency. In this article, we provide an in-depth exploration of the 186 Visa, illuminating its eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits for both employers and prospective migrants.
Understanding the 186 Visa
Eligibility Criteria:
The Subclass 186 Visa comprises three streams: the Temporary Residence Transition stream, the Direct Entry stream, and the Agreement stream, each tailored to specific circumstances.
Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) Stream: Designed for temporary residents who have served their nominating employer for at least three years in the same occupation while holding a Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa, subclass 457, or 482.
Direct Entry (DE) Stream: Intended for individuals with little to no prior work experience in Australia or temporary residents ineligible for the TRT stream. Applicants undergo a formal skills assessment and meet English language proficiency requirements.
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Agreement Stream: Reserved for individuals sponsored through a labor agreement.
Employer Nomination:
Applicants must be nominated by an approved Australian employer, demonstrating a genuine need for the nominated position and meeting sponsorship obligations. Employers must also evidence efforts to recruit Australian citizens or permanent residents before nominating foreign workers.
Application Process:
Following nomination by an employer, applicants proceed with the visa application process. They submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via SkillSelect (for the DE stream), await an invitation to apply, furnish supporting documents, undergo health and character assessments, and pay the requisite fees. Upon approval, successful applicants attain permanent residency in Australia.
Benefits of the 186 Visa:
Permanent Residency: Primary among its benefits is the attainment of permanent residency status, granting visa holders unrestricted rights to live, work, and study in Australia indefinitely.
Employment Opportunities: The visa opens doors to diverse employment prospects in Australia's flourishing economy, allowing holders to contribute their skills and expertise to the workforce.
Access to Public Services: Permanent residents gain access to Australia's public services, including healthcare through Medicare, social security benefits, and education and training programs at domestic rates.
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Pathway to Citizenship: Permanent residents can pursue Australian citizenship after fulfilling residency requirements and passing the citizenship test, providing additional privileges such as voting rights and eligibility for an Australian passport.
The Subclass 186 Visa under the Employer Nomination Scheme offers a vital pathway for skilled workers to establish permanent residency in Australia, fostering economic growth and cultural diversity. For employers addressing critical skill gaps and individuals aspiring to a future in Australia, the 186 Visa presents a promising opportunity for success and prosperity. Contact My Study in Australia to explore this visa further.
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phonoix · 21 days
I'm so tired, I'm so so tired.
Watching TV shows has become the most tiring thing in this dystopian, late-stage capitalistic hellscape.
It doesn't matter how much we love those shows, how much we talk about them, how much we promote it online. Big streaming services will just cancel them on a Friday night and then let them slowly fall into oblivion. If by SOME MIRACLE the show doesn't get cancelled after the first season, it'll just decline over the years, some crazy writer will cook up a poorly written plot, or they'll just lose interest in the project and then leave the fans in the trenches.
Big corporate streaming services just think that views are gonna materialize out of thin air??? They barely promote their new shows and they DEMAND high views just to let them keep going? It's THEIR JOB to promote shows, but obviously they couldn't care less, they only care about money, and they leave the promoting job to the fans which is batshit insane if you ask me.
Streaming services were supposed to be the solution, the chosen one if you will, but they turned out to be the villains.
Owning a movie or a show is now absolutely impossible because God forbid they release DVDs anymore. Streaming services will just randomly DELETE their cancelled shows and movies from their platforms. Fans are now supposed to be PR teams for Netflix, HBO, Prime and whatever other stupid streaming apps out there because they couldn't be bothered to,,, idk,,, do their job and promote their own shows!? They're literally acting like villains.
It feels dystopic really.
I know I probably sound like a person yelling at a cloud but it's starting to become exhausting.
And I know that there are far worse things out there, that there are more important matters to focus on, but I'm so tired.
They're killing art. There are so many people out there that put all their love and all their passion and skills into creating amazing shows that SO MANY other people love and they feel represented by, but they don't care.
This is literally my last straw.
They're killing art with their greed.
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 4 months
I haven't read about this anywhere but... if edwin was in hell for such a long time, he had already seen everything around there (as you can see in his notebook), including the punishment inflicted over the people who sinned by lust.
my point is, that despite not knowing modern terminology, that boy knows what sex is, he had seen it, and probably his perspective of how it works is just another layer of his trauma.
Update: I had been unable to stop myself from spiralling about this and I'm just thinking about the implications and the way Edwin probably tried to get out of the lust room several times before, but also the way he struggled even with Charles' help, and how it must had been when he had to do it on his own...
Dammit this is horror fic material and I completely hate how my mind always goes straight to the darkest conclusions.
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eyesforahead · 1 year
Who's next? ;)
Wear headphones 🎧🎶
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gacha-incels · 5 days
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this article has been MTL and edited from the original Korean into english. it's not going to be 1:1 with the original but all the basic information should be there. if you see any discrepancies please lmk and I'll edit it asap. thanks everyone for your help and patience
Seoul Police Identify 52 Suspects in 'Deepfake' Sex Crime Cases... 79% Are Teenagers
The Seoul police, having formed a "Task Force for Focused Response to Deepfake Sex Crimes," announced that they have identified 52 suspects in their crackdown on illegal deepfake sexual content. They are also conducting a pre-investigation into the corporation and representative of Telegram for allegedly aiding and abetting related sex crimes.
At a regular press briefing on the 9th, Kim Bong-sik, the commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, stated, "As of September 6th, we are investigating 101 cases related to deepfake sex crimes. We have identified 52 suspects so far." Among the 52 identified suspects, 39 (79%) were teenagers and 11 (21%) were in their 20s. Commissioner Kim noted, "In cooperation with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, we are educating students through resource officers (SPOs) to raise awareness that deepfake sex crimes are serious offenses."
Additionally, the police are conducting a pre-investigation into Telegram's corporation and representative on charges of aiding and abetting the distribution of sex crime videos (violations of the Youth Protection Act and the Sexual Violence Punishment Act). A police official commented, "We are currently reviewing the facts and legal issues regarding Telegram's involvement. We are determined to investigate and are collecting cases of criminal punishment against Telegram users and examples from abroad."
When asked whether domestic criminal procedures against Telegram would be feasible even if the company were indicted, Commissioner Kim responded, "If the charges and facts of the crime are established, an arrest warrant can be issued, and through that, an Interpol warrant is possible. We can also consider cooperating with overseas investigative authorities."
Bang Jun-ho, Reporter
original plain text:
‘딥페이크 성범죄 집중대응 티에프’(TF·태스크포스)를 꾸리고 불법합성물 성범죄 집중 단속에 나선 서울 경찰이 피의자 52명을 특정했다고 밝혔다. 관련 성범죄를 방조한 혐의로 텔레그램 법인과 대표에 대한 입건 전 조사도 진행 중이다.
김봉식 서울경찰청장은 9일 정례기자간담회에서 “9월6일 기준 딥페이크 성범죄와 관련해 101건을 수사 중”이라며 “그중 피의자 52명을 특정했다”고 밝혔다. 경찰이 특정한 피의자 52명 중에선 10대가 39명(79%), 20대가 11명(21%)로 대부분을 차지했다. 김 청장은 “서울시, 서울시교육청과 공조해 학교전담경찰관(SPO)을 통해 학생들을 상대로 (딥페이크 성범죄가)중대한 범죄라는 것을 홍보하는 교육을 하고 있다”고 덧붙였다.
경찰은 이와 함께 성범죄 영상물이 유포되는 창구 노릇을 해 온 텔레그램 법인과 대표에 대해서도 성범죄를 방조한 혐의(청소년성보호법·성폭력처벌법 위반)를 적용해 입건 전 조사를 벌이고 있다. 경찰 관계자는 “현재 (텔레그램의 방조혐의에 대한) 사실관계와 법리 검토를 진행하고 있다”며 “수사에 대한 의지는 분명히 있다. 기존 텔레그램 이용자들의 형사처벌 사례와 외국 사례를 취합하고 있다”고 밝혔다.
‘입건된다 해도 현실적으로 텔레그램에 대한 국내 형사 절차가 가능하냐’는 질문에 김 청장은 “혐의내용과 범죄 사실이 특정되면 체포영장은 발부받을 수 있고, 이를 통해 인터폴 수배는 가능하다고 본다”며 “해외 수사당국과 공조방안도 검토해볼 수 있다”고 답했다.
방준호 기자 [email protected]
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violeteyedkiller · 4 months
mun gets very riled up when people make a blanket statement of hunting being inherently bad
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a-feller · 7 months
Research project 2025. Vote knowing it exists.
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I'm asking because it's something I've been trying to figure out myself. Do you have any theories as to why there is such an overlap of TERFs and people convinced corsets are Evil? Why do these beliefs go toghter?
My guess would be that it’s because they define womanhood so much by suffering, that questioning anything they’ve been told was a mechanism of women’s suffering in the past feels like a threat to them. Even though obviously nobody who says “corsets were not universal torture devices“ is saying “women weren’t oppressed during these specific eras.” It’s a threat to their idea of what the past looks like, especially womanhood in the past, and that puts them on the defensive.
They also often hate femininity at large, and the corset tends to be seen as a symbol thereof. Even though, you know… A lot of masc presenting women in the past also wore them, simply as support garments. and even some men, for back support and/or body-shaping.
And most historical costumers and dress historians who get a wide platform nowadays tends to be feminine-presenting. So TERFs see this as feminine women (traitors!) “defending” their favorite imagined symbol of patriarchal control over women’s bodies and gender presentation, and therefore go ballistic. Even though that’s not what’s happening
(Note: not everyone who expresses these views is a terf, of course. Pop culture in general still tends to believe that corsets are inherently evil, and thus it’s a very common mindset. And not even everyone who buys into the whole “historical costumers/fem dress historians are tradwives serving the patriarchy“ concept is a terf. But as you say, there is a pretty broad overlap in that latter category.)
It’s also interesting to me what their definition of defense is. A lot of them blow a gasket if you even say “the corset is a neutral garment that served practical functions for many women, and most women seem to have felt neutrally about it, though obviously some strongly liked or disliked it” or “ I and some people I know personally find corsets comfortable to wear,”and react like you just built an altar to sacrifice goats to a corset
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lunarlegend · 3 months
i think i accidentally got someone in trouble in real life and i feel sort of bad about it
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omegaphilosophia · 24 days
The Philosophy of Agency
The philosophy of agency is a branch of philosophy that explores the nature of human action, the capacity for individuals to act, and the conditions under which actions are performed. It is primarily concerned with understanding what it means to be an agent, how agency is exercised, and what factors influence or determine an agent’s actions.
Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Agency:
Definition: Agency refers to the capacity of an individual to act independently, make choices, and impose those choices on the world. An agent is typically understood as a being with the ability to initiate actions based on desires, intentions, or reasons.
Central Question: What does it mean to be an agent, and what are the essential characteristics that distinguish agents from non-agents?
Free Will:
Relationship to Agency: Free will is a central concept in discussions of agency. It concerns the ability of individuals to make choices that are not determined by prior causes. The extent to which agents possess free will is a key area of debate in the philosophy of agency.
Debates: The debate between determinism (the view that all events, including human actions, are determined by preceding causes) and libertarianism (the view that free will is incompatible with determinism and that agents have the ability to choose freely) is crucial in understanding agency.
Definition: Intentionality refers to the quality of mental states that are directed towards something, such as beliefs, desires, or intentions. An agent's actions are often said to be intentional if they are guided by specific goals or purposes.
Importance: The philosophy of agency examines how intentions translate into actions and how intentional actions differ from non-intentional or accidental behaviors.
Moral Responsibility:
Connection to Agency: Moral responsibility presupposes agency; that is, individuals are held morally responsible for their actions because they are agents capable of making decisions and acting on them.
Questions: How does the capacity for agency relate to moral responsibility? Are agents always morally responsible for their actions, or are there circumstances that mitigate or eliminate responsibility?
Definition: Autonomy refers to the capacity of an agent to govern themselves, make their own decisions, and act according to their own principles and values.
Relevance: Autonomy is often discussed in relation to agency, especially concerning the conditions that must be met for an action to be truly autonomous (e.g., freedom from coercion or manipulation).
Action Theory:
Field of Study: The philosophy of agency is closely related to action theory, which investigates the nature of actions, the processes leading to actions, and the distinctions between different kinds of actions (e.g., intentional vs. unintentional, voluntary vs. involuntary).
Key Questions: What distinguishes an action from a mere bodily movement? What role do reasons, beliefs, and desires play in the performance of an action?
The Role of Rationality:
Rational Agency: Many philosophical accounts of agency emphasize the role of rationality in guiding an agent’s actions. Rational agents are those who act based on reasons that align with their beliefs and desires.
Debate: There is debate over whether all agency must be rational or whether irrational or non-rational actions can still be considered genuine exercises of agency.
Major Theories of Agency:
Causal Theories of Action:
Overview: Causal theories assert that actions are events caused by mental states, such as beliefs and desires. An action is typically seen as the outcome of a causal chain that begins with an agent's intention.
Non-Causal Theories of Action:
Overview: Non-causal theories challenge the idea that actions must be caused by prior mental states. Instead, they propose that actions can be explained through reasons rather than causes, emphasizing the role of rational deliberation and choice.
Overview: Compatibilism is the view that free will and determinism are compatible. Compatibilists argue that agents can be free even if their actions are determined by prior causes, as long as those actions align with their desires and intentions.
Overview: Libertarianism asserts that agents have free will and that this freedom is incompatible with determinism. Libertarians believe that agents have the power to make genuinely free choices that are not determined by past events.
Structural Theories of Agency:
Overview: These theories emphasize the structures within which agency is exercised, such as social, economic, or institutional frameworks. They explore how these structures enable or constrain individual agency.
The philosophy of agency is a rich and complex field that examines the nature of human action, the conditions for exercising agency, and the implications for moral responsibility and autonomy. By exploring these issues, philosophers aim to better understand what it means to be a free and responsible agent in a world of complex influences and constraints.
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The FDA gives 0 f*cks about your baby⁉️🤔
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mystudyinaustralia · 7 months
Looking to streamline your Australian visa application process? Look no further than IEAA! With their expertise and guidance, navigating the complexities of Australian visa applications becomes seamless. Whether you're planning to study, work, or migrate to Australia, IEAA provides comprehensive support to ensure your visa application is successful. Visit their website at https://www.mystudyinaustralia.com/ to learn more about their services and how they can assist you in realizing your Australian dreams. Don't let visa hassles hold you back – trust IEAA to facilitate your journey to studying, working, or living in Australia hassle-free.
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Provide Online and Offline Full Advance Digital Marketing Course. Kindly Contact Us And Visit Your Website
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elizabethrobertajones · 11 months
Bug type pokemon
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Carbon Brand Solutions is a medical communication agency. As a pharmaceutical advertising agency (pharma advertising agency) based in Mulund, Mumbai, we design pharma LBLs, visual aids, patient education materials, medical flyers, brochures, and doctors' standees. We also engage in medical conferences and collaborate with KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders).
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queenboimler · 21 days
i think i've hit the point where I'm contemplating changing careers because this fucking law degree is taking too damn long!!!!!!!!
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