#Kim Bong-sik
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gacha-incels · 5 months ago
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this article has been MTL and edited from the original Korean into english. it's not going to be 1:1 with the original but all the basic information should be there. if you see any discrepancies please lmk and I'll edit it asap. thanks everyone for your help and patience
Seoul Police Identify 52 Suspects in 'Deepfake' Sex Crime Cases... 79% Are Teenagers
The Seoul police, having formed a "Task Force for Focused Response to Deepfake Sex Crimes," announced that they have identified 52 suspects in their crackdown on illegal deepfake sexual content. They are also conducting a pre-investigation into the corporation and representative of Telegram for allegedly aiding and abetting related sex crimes.
At a regular press briefing on the 9th, Kim Bong-sik, the commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, stated, "As of September 6th, we are investigating 101 cases related to deepfake sex crimes. We have identified 52 suspects so far." Among the 52 identified suspects, 39 (79%) were teenagers and 11 (21%) were in their 20s. Commissioner Kim noted, "In cooperation with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, we are educating students through resource officers (SPOs) to raise awareness that deepfake sex crimes are serious offenses."
Additionally, the police are conducting a pre-investigation into Telegram's corporation and representative on charges of aiding and abetting the distribution of sex crime videos (violations of the Youth Protection Act and the Sexual Violence Punishment Act). A police official commented, "We are currently reviewing the facts and legal issues regarding Telegram's involvement. We are determined to investigate and are collecting cases of criminal punishment against Telegram users and examples from abroad."
When asked whether domestic criminal procedures against Telegram would be feasible even if the company were indicted, Commissioner Kim responded, "If the charges and facts of the crime are established, an arrest warrant can be issued, and through that, an Interpol warrant is possible. We can also consider cooperating with overseas investigative authorities."
Bang Jun-ho, Reporter
original plain text:
‘딥페이크 성범죄 집중대응 티에프’(TF·태스크포스)를 꾸리고 불법합성물 성범죄 집중 단속에 나선 서울 경찰이 피의자 52명을 특정했다고 밝혔다. 관련 성범죄를 방조한 혐의로 텔레그램 법인과 대표에 대한 입건 전 조사도 진행 중이다.
김봉식 서울경찰청장은 9일 정례기자간담회에서 “9월6일 기준 딥페이크 성범죄와 관련해 101건을 수사 중”이라며 “그중 피의자 52명을 특정했다”고 밝혔다. 경찰이 특정한 피의자 52명 중에선 10대가 39명(79%), 20대가 11명(21%)로 대부분을 차지했다. 김 청장은 “서울시, 서울시교육청과 공조해 학교전담경찰관(SPO)을 통해 학생들을 상대로 (딥페이크 성범죄가)중대한 범죄라는 것을 홍보하는 교육을 하고 있다”고 덧붙였다.
경찰은 이와 함께 성범죄 영상물이 유포되는 창구 노릇을 해 온 텔레그램 법인과 대표에 대해서도 성범죄를 방조한 혐의(청소년성보호법·성폭력처벌법 위반)를 적용해 입건 전 조사를 벌이고 있다. 경찰 관계자는 “현재 (텔레그램의 방조혐의에 대한) 사실관계와 법리 검토를 진행하고 있다”며 “수사에 대한 의지는 분명히 있다. 기존 텔레그램 이용자들의 형사처벌 사례와 외국 사례를 취합하고 있다”고 밝혔다.
‘입건된다 해도 현실적으로 텔레그램에 대한 국내 형사 절차가 가능하냐’는 질문에 김 청장은 “혐의내용과 범죄 사실이 특정되면 체포영장은 발부받을 수 있고, 이를 통해 인터폴 수배는 가능하다고 본다”며 “해외 수사당국과 공조방안도 검토해볼 수 있다”고 답했다.
방준호 기자 [email protected]
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midnight--sadness · 10 days ago
i have an idea and need your thoughts on it ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)✨ on my way home i was listening to big time rush, and i was like woah... a boyband AU with squid game guys. i mean the cast already has idols/rappers, so why not? daeho, subong a.k.a. thanos, myunggi, and fuck it i'm including youngsik too just so there are enough people here. BUT THEN I WAS THINKING HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR, THE GIRLS SHOULD BE IN A GIRLGROUP. hyunju, junhee, semi, and jiyeong :3 both groups are very popular, very cool concepts, and their fanbases are mostly chill with each other (there are always weirdos around but hey what can you do). minsu is the stressed out manager for the guys, saebyeok is the trusted bodyguard for the girls.
then they have this youtube video of these two groups interviewing each other going super viral. lots of views, fans are loving it, and one of the questions asked was about who their influences are. what inspired them to do music?
many of them answer their own personal favorites, but two names keep popping up - gihun and inho (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ two icons back in the day. they're legends in the music industry, highly respected solo artists active in the 90's & 2000's but after then have settled down together. occassionally making apperances (both individually and together) in morning shows, series, commercials, etc.
i will expand more about inhun in this AU another time (。•ㅅ•。)~✧ need some time to cook, and it's gonna be delicious i hope
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i love everything about this!!!!! 🙏🙏🥰🥰😫😫😫😫
the two groups have collabs and features in each other's music and they get along rlly rlly well, to the point where there were dating rumors!! (which were true bc junhee and myunggi dated for 5 secs until he pissed her off and she broke up with him 😌)
the fans are say saebyeok should have been an idol too with her looks but she cannot be bothered and prefers scaring people
maybe, gihun and inho retiring together and appearing separately bc no one knows of their decades long relationship, until they all appear in a survival show type stuff where the groups have to spend a week with a mentor or whatever and that's how they meet inhun? 🥹 maybe idk i dont wanna intrude on ur anon 🥰
or or gihun is the girls' manager?
not only are u gonna cook anon u are going to devour!!! this au seems amazing 🫶💖
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year ago
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Currently Watching
Director Jeong Dong-yun
Writer Eun-kyung Kang
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ruleof3bobby · 2 months ago
PARASITE (2019) Grade: A
Excellent. Perfect filmmaking. The script, DP, the direction / composition is perfect. Great twist and turns, ending was perfect, went smoothly with there rest of the story. You could analyze every shot, with every reviewing you could/would catch something new.
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korelist · 6 months ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,9 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: Crash Course in Romance (English title) / Ilta Scandal (Korean title)
Hangul: 일타 스캔들
Director: Yoo Je-Won
Writer: Yang Hee-Seung
Date: 2023
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Jeon Do-Yeon, Jung Kyoung-Ho, Roh Yoon-Seo, Oh Eui-Sik, Kim Mi-Kyung, Lee Bong-Ryun, Jang Young-Nam, Shin Jae-Ha
2023 (59th) BaekSang Arts Awards - April 28, 2023 Best New Actress (Roh Yoon-Seo)
Hospital Playlist ile hayatımıza giren Jung Kyoung-Ho için izleme listemizin en üstüne çıkan bir dizi olsa da bence bir tık hayal kırıklığıydı. Bütün oyuncular çok başarılı olmasına rağmen hiçbiri birbiri ile uyumlu değil gibiydi. Nam Haeng-Seon(Jeon Do-Yeon) ulusal bir atletken ailesine bakmak için sporu bırakmış, kendine bir garnitür dükkanı açmış orta yaşlı bir kadındır. Kızı/yeğeni Nam Hae-E(Roh Yoon-Seo) tek meşgalesi ve odağıdır. Erkek kardeşi Nam Jae-Woo(Oh Eui-Sik) ise yetişkin bir erkek olmasına rağmen asperger sendromludur. Ablası evden kaçınca yeğenine bakmak zorunda kalmış, bir süre sonra anne-kız olmuş ve öyle hitap etmeye başlamışlar. Liseye giden ve üniversiteye hazırlanan Hae-E, annesini zorlamamak için dershaneye gitmeyi teklif etmese de okulda olduk��a başarılıdır.
Choi Chi-Yeol(Jung Kyoung-Ho) ise ülkenin en iyi matematik hocası olarak nam salmış ekranlarda tanınan bir yüzdür. Bu kısım biraz abartılı gelse de bu şekilde uygun görülmüş. Bir matematik hocası adeta bir idol gibi anlatılmış. Her davranışı takip ediliyor, yanlış bir şey yaparsa manşet oluyor falan, garip. Son derece ciddi, mesafeli sadece şov amaçlı cringe davranan bu matematik öğretmeni de kendi içinde sorunları olan bir adamdır. Uyku bozukluğu yaşamakta ve yediği hiçbir şeyden tat almamaktadır.
Haeng-Seon, kızını iyi bir üniversiteye gönderebilmek için dershaneye yazdırmaya karar verir. Chi-Yeol ise yiyebildiği tek şeyin Haeng-Seon’un mezeleri olduğunu fark eder. Bu şekilde bir araya gelen ikilinin yaşadıkları dizinin konusunu oluşturuyor. Dizideki romantizm dozu yerlerdeydi. Fiziksel çekim buz tutmuştu. Hae-E’nin okulda yaşadığı minik romantik anlar ana karakterlerinkinden çok daha tatlıydı.
Dizinin ağırlığı ise annelerdeydi. Dizide ana karakterimiz ve onun annesi hariç bütün anneler inanılmaz itici karakterlerdi. İtina ile her model anne terörünü yansıtmışlardı. Sert anne, ilgili ama titiz anne, pimpirikli anne, takıntılı anne, ilgisiz anne… Kısacası anneler kafayı çocuklarının üniversiteye girmesi ile bozmuştu. Sürekli ders çalışsınlar; yemesinler, içmesinler, gülmesinler, konuşmasınlar, dikkatlerini dağıtacak hiçbir şey olmaksızın ders çalışsınlar. Yalnızca bizim başrol annemiz kızı ne ile mutlu olacaksa onu yapmasını istiyor ama bir yandan da diğer çocukların imkanlarından eksik kalmaması için uğraşıyordu. Onun annesi Jung Yeong-Sun(Kim Mi-Kyung) de zamanında ufak bir restoran işletiyormuş. Dizilerin kadrolu annesi Kim Mi-Kyung’u görünce mutlu oluyor insan.
Valla dizide yine geçmişe dayalı bir tanışma hikayesine dayandırsalar da ikiliyi bir türlü yakıştıramadım. Adam zaten belli bir yaşın üzerinde yetişkin hali vakti yerinde popüler bir karakterken, kadın ondan büyük ve paspal bir tarzı olduğu için çok daha da büyük görünüyordu. Zaten büyük kadın genç adam durumu vardı bunu saklamadılar ama yaşları da büyük olunca hiç olmamıştı. Tek eksik buydu. Fazlası ise dizideki seri katil mevzusuydu. Bir anda seri katil çıkıverdi. Başka bir dizi  ile crosover yapmış gibi oldu. Sanki yanlış bölüm açmışsınız gibi düşünün. Bir gizemler, göndermeler, benzetmeler falan yapıldı. Ama her dizi izleyicisi, yani,  ilk defa dizi izlemeyen herkes, katilin kim olduğunu ilk 5 dakikada anladı. Anladık yani. O yaratılan gizem de katil mevzusu da gereksizdi.
Toparlayacak olursak, tek düşündükleri nas��l olduğu önemsiz bir şekilde üniversiteye girsin diyen anneler. At gibi yarış halinde hiçbir sosyal aktivitesi olmayan bunalmış gençler. Üniversite sınavı ile insan değerlendiren bir sistem. Annelerin çocuklarını yarıştırmasının yanında kendi aralarında da yarışıyor olması. Usulsüzlük, soru çalma, özel öğretmen gibi illegal çözümler. Ve alakaya maydanoz katil. Dizinin konusu bu. Bu anlamda başrol kadın karakterini çok beğendim. Kendi başarısızlığından bir başarı hikayesi yaratmış kızının da başarısız olmasından korkmayan ve ona da bu özgüveni aşılamış bir karakterdi. Güçlü, kendinden emin ve hayatın ne getireceğinin hesabını yapmayan sağlam bir kadın. Bunun yanı sıra iletişimi güçlü, kızına da zaman ayıran ve sosyal becerileri için onu destekleyip teşvik eden bir yanı da vardı.
Kısacası izlenebilir ortalama bir diziydi.
Ha Hyun Sang - Alright
Raven Melus
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kikizubik · 4 months ago
My K-dramas list
Crash Landing on You (사랑의 불시착, 2019-20, 16 eps) This drama is my n1! It made me feel thigs and made me cry a lot. I enjoyed the found family aspect and the story was so different so far what I've watched. I was rooting for the couple so much and the fact they're married in real life! Chef kiss!
No gain No love (손해 보기 싫어서, 2024, 12 eps) Every episode was delight. I fell in love with main couple love story. Their chemistry was magnificent. Second couple had more screen time in my opinion, I was cheering for them, but my heart was stolen by Son Hae-yeong and Kim Ji-wook.I enjoyed the family aspect of it too! And it should've had at least 16 episodes, it ended so quickly. Hope they'll make more stories like this one!
Goblin (쓸쓸하고 찬란하神-도깨비, 2016-17, 16 eps.) Drama which made me watched other kdramas! I loved everything about it, the story, characters and the sountrack.
Doom at your service (어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다, 2021, 16 eps) The story premise was so good. I enjoyed every second of it. Only thing I didn't love that much was second couple, Na Ji-na was acting so childish.
Tomorrow (내일, 2022, 16 eps) every episode was masterpiece, every episode made me cry because the topics which have been shown was sad reality for so many people. The team was excellent, the chemistry between them was so nice. The camera, the script - I love every episode so much. Definitely need to check out webtoon comics.
The Judge from hell (지옥에서 온 판사, 2024, 14 eps) My first show with Park Shin-hye and not last. She was awesome. And the punishments which those monsters got, was satisfying!
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (갯마을 차차차, 2021, 16 eps) I really liked Shin Min-a acting in No gain no love, so of course I watched other drama with her. Enjoyed the story, the chemistry between her and Kim Son-ho, the people from the town. It was such a nice drama!
Welcome to Samdal-ri (웰컴투 삼달리, 2023-24, 16 eps) It had Hometown cha cha cha vibes. The story, sisters bond, friendship and love story in this story was everything. I loved every minute of it.
Fight for my way (쌈 마이웨이, 2017, 16 eps) This drama showed me that when it's done well Friends to lovers trope isn't bad at all.
The Sound of Magic (안나라수마나라, 2022, 6 eps) This was so beautiful drama! JCHW as Magician was brillians as his cast members! The songs were weak except the first song and A curse o Asphalt, those two I can listen to over and over.
Mr. Plankton (Mr. 플랑크톤, 2024, 10 eps) I didn't have high expectations, but it surprised me! I'm glad that I found out at the beginning how it will end. I could prepare myself for it. The story had original story line and Woo Do-hwan stole the show for me!
Marry My Husband (내 남편과 결혼해줘, 2024, 16 eps) I didn't plan to watch it, because the concept was same as Perfect Marriage Revenge. But it was so much better than PMR. It had revenge with R. I couldn't stop watching after episode 1, that addictive it was. The chemistry between couple was so good, side characters were loveable and the villains were amazing - I hated them with my whole soul, the actors did good job. And Yoo Ji-hyuk became my another favorite husband material.
Healer (힐러, 2014-15, 20 eps) I loved everything about it. I binged in 2 days. Healer and Ajumma hacker - the best combination! No love triangle!
Strong Woman Do Bong-soon (힘쎈 여자 도봉순, 2017, 16 eps) I started it because of Park Bo-yeong, but finished it because of Park Hyung-sik - his character Ahn Min-hyuk stole my heart. Overall I enjoyed it a lot. I binged it how intrigued I was. It had comedy, crime invesitgation what I should wish for more. The acting of main characters were flawless!
Suspicious partner (수상한 파트너, 2017, 20 eps) Combination comedy and suspense was so good. It had good balance. It wasn't the best drama, but I loved it either way. I fell in love with its characters.
Revenant (악귀, 2023, 12 eps) I'm not fan of horror, but I got influenced by some edits. It was pretty addictive and scary. The cast did such a good job. And Kim Tae-ri was excellent. Her performance was flawless. Can't wait to watch other shows and movies with her in it.
Gangnam B-Side (강남 비-사이드, 2024, 8 eps) I watched it because of JCW, I was hesitant at first, because I was afraid it would be too much for me, because of the topic, but it wasn't that brutal I was expected it'd be. The pacing of the story was good, the acting was perfect. I enjoyed the friendship theme. Bibi was so good, it's my first drama with her but definitely not last. Chemistry between her and JCW was pretty natural. The ending was satisfying, everything clicked together.
The Worst Evil (최악의 악, 2023, 12 eps) Let me tell ya, it was perfection. I don't even mind I was anxious every episode, because everything on this drama was just perfect. Acting, story, script, soundtrack.. The ending had to be like that, because the whole time it was coming to that point. I can't even watch fan edits, because they made me emotional, that big impacted this drama has over me.
A Business Proposal (사내 맞선, 2022, 12 eps) My first kdrama ever. I enjoyed about it how feel good this drama was. After watching some Turkish dramas where unnecesary drama was made, it was fresh air for me. I loved the friendship so much! And the family dynamic was nice, too.
Daily Dose of Sunshine (정신병동에도 아침이 와요, 2023, 12 eps) Park Bo-yeong was amazing. The story is one of those which everyone should watch once in their lifetime. The story is opening topics about mental illnesses and how big stigma it still is around people. Honestly, only thing I didn't like was the romance there, because it wasn't that necessary for the story itself.
If You Wish Upon Me (당신의 소원을 말하면, 2022, 16 eps) I went into this show blindly. I mainly picked it because of JCW. I didn't know anything about the story.After first episode I knew I will love it and also that every episode will be pretty emotional journey. I enjoyed the plot so much. I like that it's story about people who has their struggles, but they gather to help grant wishes of dying patients. It was so touching.What I love the most about this show is the journey of main character Yoon Kyeo Re. From not trusting anyone, because everyone in his life let him down, to embracing his true self and his new found family! I'm sucker for found family trope and this show served it so amazingly.I loved how the story is wrapped exactly how it begins. The circle of new beginning are repeating.What I didn't like was how was handled the fixation of Ha Joon Kyung on Yoon Kyeo Re. It wasn't satisfying at all.Overall very well done show which made you cry, but the acting and story is so good, so it's totally fine. I just wish the show to be longer, because I didn't want to say goodbye to the characters! They grew on me so much.
Melting me softly (날 녹여주오, 2019, 16 eps.) I had a really good time. When I'm thinking about it now, it wasn't the most perfect thing I've seen, it had its faults and loopholes, but you know what I don't care, because I was enjoying every minute when I was watching it. The comedy, soundtrack and the acting! JCW just know how made you cry or fell in love. Plus his looks with glasses were death to me, he's just that good looking in anything he wears, I guess. Also Won Ji ah was pretty good too, love her portrayal of Ko Mi ra who was a really awesome character.
Happiness (해피니스, 2021, 12 eps) I just say that everyone who was praising this show was right. It was so good! I loved (even though it irritated me, but in reality it would happended) how it showed how would people reacted in some pandemic moment. How people becomes selfish and dangerous. The main couple had stunning chemistry, so natural! And must say I enjoyed strong FL.
Brewing love (취하는 로맨스, 2024, 12 eps) I'm glad I didn't stop watching after first episode, because I didn't like that episode a lot, but it got better! I enjoyed the world of making beer and fact that ML was sensitive character, who can feel how someone is feeling, very new what I've seen so far. I also love about the drama the meaningful conversations and no love triangle, and just good time without frustration of miscommunication.
Queen Woo (우씨왕후, 2024, 8 eps) My first historical kdrama. I was shocked how many explicit scenes there were. But I enjoyed the strong female protagonist! The cast was so good, the costumes were stunning. Definitely not disappointed, only thing I was sad about was that JCW's character dies at the beginning. I loved their love story they really loved each other so much.
Shooting Stars (별똥별, 2022, 16 eps) I got crush on Kim Young-dae after watching No gan no love. Unfortunately I didn't love this drama, but I had a really good time. I enjoy the story setting, it shows how messed up is the entertainment industry in South Korea. The comedy was so good. I wasn't satisfied with how some plots were handled in the end. Overall it was fun drama!
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (이상한 변호사 우영우, 2022, 16 eps (S1)) I enjoyed every case. Joon-ho is such a green forest!
Backstreet Rookie (편의점 샛별이, 2020, 16 eps) First episode wasn't good, the problematic elements shocked me, but I give it a try, because of JCW and after second episode I was hooked. Enjoyed the comedy and serious topics which was added. I wasn't fan the romance though, it took them a long time than ML and his gf broke up, which I was frustrating with the gf behavior, I was sorry for her at the beginning, but I got mad at her soon after that. She was such a toxic victim acting person. The whole relationship was mostly about her and fact she was feeling embarrassed when she was with him!? And after break up, which she broke up with him and in bad way...she started chased him again! I was done with her acting. And another person annoyed me that much, which wasn't even punished is younger sister of FL. LIke what a brat. The chemistry was there, but I didn't feel the love. I hope they'd be in another drama together!
Love next door (엄��� 친구 아들, 2024, 16 eps) I enjoyed chemistry between charcters and also trope friends into lovers, which was executed so nicely. Enjoyed important messages in it, BUT a few last episodes was dragging to me. I guess, I lost interest in the end. But I was so rooting for second couple, so I needed to finish it. This gonna be my first kdrama where I prefer second couple more.
Lovestrunk  in the city (도시남녀의 사랑법, 2020-21, 17 eps) It had very interesting concept. And was suprised that episodes were short like 30 mins. What I loved the most about this show was friendship of Lee Eun-oh, Suh Rin-i and Kang Geon. Give me supportive friends and I will love it! Next thing is spoilers so what I didn't get was 2 months fling which he did like they knew each other for longer period time. Understand, that it can happended, but he was such a loser boyfriend. I was embarrassed for him for many times. But I loved how caring he was...The ending wasn't satisfying at all. It felt like there gonna be season 2, but I doubt it.
When the phone rings (지금 거신 전화는, 2024-25, 12 eps) It had very good start. I love the chemistry ad the acting. But the finale ruined it for me. Honestly, I don't mind the war-zone plot, I was annoyed with Hee joo decision to get kidnapped in that zone to find her husband. Like girl you could've been killed. What were you thinking?
Cinderella at 2 am (새벽 2시의 신데렐라, 2024, 10 eps) beginning started so high and it went down half way through the show, which was a shame. This is my second noona show (found out there's a name for older woman, younger man show recently) Moon Sang-min was such a cutie in the show. Most people prefer second couple and I don't blame them, but I love main couple, they were such cute idiots and I was there for it. But if I should choose only 1 drama with noona theme...No gain No love did it better in whole picture (characters, story itself).
Wedding Impossible (웨딩 임파서블, 2024, 12 eps) I had the same problem as with Cinderella at 2 am, it had a really good beginning but in the halfway it got a little dragged. Especially didn't enjoy what they did Dohan's story, I was picked this show up especially with the premise FL helps her friend and becomes his fake bride because he's gay. This theme wasn't handle very good. I started it because of Moon Sang-min and stayed because of him, because hist character Lee Ji-han was overdramatic and I was here for it! I was also in awe with FL Na Ah Jung - I love abour her she doesn't give a damn and tells you what she thinks!
Empress Ki (기황후, 2013-14, 51 eps) The beginning was nice, but I was dying half way through. I was watching it because of JCW, but his character was so annoying and childish and I know that if that character was played by different actor I would loath him so much. The biggest red flag ever. I loved the main heroine though, she was clever and strong. Like yeah she was good at everything but I don't mind, I just loved her and she deserved so much more... The romance was I don't know... the chemistry was there but I didn't feel it it¨s some epic love. Tal Tal was side character which stole my heart, his tactic mind and fact he started having respect towards Ki through time, they were besties for me. Even though I wasn't that big fan of the show like most of the people, the characters have grown on me and the finale destroyed me big time. The soundtrack was so nice!
Perfect Marriage Revenge (완벽한 결혼의 정석 , 2023, 12 eps.) It had so much potential, but it didn't live up to it. I enjoyed ML, he was another green forest. But I was expecting a little more satisfying revenge from FL. Nervertheless it was solid drama, I like it.
Link: Eat, Love, Die (링크: 먹고 사랑하라, 죽이게, 2022, 16 eps) Interesting plot, but that slow pacing of the story was killing me. I'd prefer 12 eps, because it'd be enough. I enjoyed the main characters, plus FL's mom and grandma who were stealer of the show how hillarious they were. The characters were main reason I finished it.
The K2 (더 케이투, 2016, 16 eps) Ji Chang-wook has become my favorite actor. I love how he can play anything. And the action is so good when he's there. I was excited after a few episodes in, the action, political schemes. But in the end only Ji Chang wook and Song Jun-a were saving this show. Her villain character Choi Yoo-jin was magnificent and interesting persona. Thanks to them I wanted to finish it and I did!
My sweet mobster (놀아주는 여자, 2024, 16 eps) I enjoyed the idea of the show. Loved the guys and their boss. But it was dragging a bit in the end. It took me a while to finish it because of it.
Family Matters (가족계획, 2024, 6 eps) It was good to see Bae Doona again after so long. The story was interesting. Hope they are planning second season, because it definitely deserves it.
The Trunk (트렁크, 2024, 8 eps) The plot was very confusing at first, it took me 2 episode to understand it. Pacing was very slow and if there wouldn't be main couple I'd just give up, but I enjoy them. Their chemistry was natural and fact, they healed each other at some point!
Family by choice (조립식 가족, 2024, 16 eps) I must say I was pleasantly suprised how well they did the remake of Go ahead. The essense of that show was there, but it made it more its own show.
Face Me (페이스 미, 2024, 12 eps) Beginning was promising, but it flopped in half way. I can't blame cast too much, because main issue was script, they couldn't do better job because of it. I was missing development of characters and the fact the killer was obvious from very beginning wasn't cool, I love being surprised.
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soopcak3 · 1 month ago
I will write for…
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year ago
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Currently Watching
Director Jeong Dong-yun
Writer Eun-kyung Kang
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 30 days ago
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gacha-incels · 4 months ago
Women Gather in Hyehwa After 6 Years… "We Must Stop Deepfake Crimes Now"
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this is an article about the hyehwa station protest. the article is originally in Korean and has been mtl and edited into English. because of this it’s not going to be 1:1 but the basic info should be there. if you see any discrepancies please lmk and I’ll edit it asap. thanks everyone for your help and understanding. published sept 21 2024 reporter: Choi Eun-seo
5,000 Gather to Demand Severe Punishment for Deepfake Exploitation "Repeating Misogynistic Crimes, Women Live in Constant Fear" "Government Must Strongly Punish Illegal AI-Generated Content"
A group formed around women's universities in Seoul, named "Joint Action to Condemn Misogynistic Violence," held a protest near Hyehwa Station in Seoul's Jongno District on the afternoon of September 21, calling for severe punishment for deepfake sexual exploitation under the slogan, "Punish Those Who Created, Sold, and Watched."
Due to the growing issue of deepfake (AI-based image synthesis) sex crimes, women have taken to the streets. They argue that the government’s lukewarm response to eradicating online sexual exploitation and illegal recordings has worsened the situation and are demanding strict punishment.
The protest, organized by "Joint Action to Condemn Misogynistic Violence," was attended by an estimated 5,000 participants.
"This Issue Isn't New… Women Are Giving Up Their Everyday Lives"
The area near Exit 2 of Hyehwa Station, where the protest was held, is the same location where protests against biased investigations into illegal filming took place for six months in 2018. At that time, protesters claimed that the woman involved in the illegal filming case at Hongik University, where a male nude model was photographed, was unusually quickly arrested, arguing that the police were conducting a biased investigation favoring male criminals.
Six years later, women gathered again at Hyehwa Station, shouting slogans like "We told you not to illegally film women, and now you're making deepfakes?" They condemned the repeated misogynistic crimes. The Joint Action stated, "The deepfake sexual exploitation crime crisis is not new," adding that "for decades, women have been continually exposed to sex crimes, with their faces and personal information posted on male-dominated communities." The group criticized the government for downplaying the severity of the issue and neglecting to protect the victims. "As a result, women across the country live in constant fear, wondering if they too will become victims, and have had to give up on their daily lives."
Testimonies from deepfake victims followed. A student, identified as "A," attending a university known to be affected by the crimes, said, "After the crimes became known, female students were trying to understand the situation, but the atmosphere at school deteriorated with remarks like 'Feminists are making a fuss' and 'This is stirring up gender conflict.'" She continued, "The reality is that we have to live in fear of becoming victims every time we work with male students on group projects or participate in social activities," stressing that "before telling us not to view every man as a potential perpetrator, we should blame the society that forces us to be suspicious of all men."
Teenagers Also Call for Prevention… "Government Regulation Is Desperately Needed"
On September 10, Seoul Metropolitan Police Commissioner Kim Bong-sik speaks at a ceremony for a joint response agreement on deepfake crimes involving children and adolescents. The agreement was made between the Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, Seoul Metropolitan Police, and the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education.
This deepfake sex crime issue has become even more severe as most perpetrators and victims are teenagers. According to the National Police Agency, of the 318 suspects arrested this year, 251 (78.9%) were teenagers. About 60% of the deepfake crime victims, investigated over the past three years, were also minors.
A high school sophomore, "B," who spoke at the event, said, "I was afraid to participate in this protest, but I realized that nothing will change if I remain silent," urging action to prevent recurrence. She added, "If we don't put an end to this deepfake crime now, more advanced forms of misogynistic crimes will continue."
There were also calls for the government to take stricter measures against companies involved in related industries. A woman from Gyeongnam, identified as "C," said, "The government must strictly regulate AI businesses to ensure that illegal synthesis cannot occur. Those that do not comply should be severely punished to prevent similar crimes from happening again."
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alloveydovey · 9 months ago
Saw people comparing the chemistry in lovely runner to the one in strong woman do bong soon, and look, I’ll be the first one to admit that strong woman do bong soon had the shittiest premise (at least, in my opinion). But if there is something that still hasn’t been topped for me, it‘s the incredible chemistry between Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik. Like, I used to believe SWDBS was so overrated, and I honestly didn’t understand the hype, but rewatching recently, I realized that their natural banter and playful energy are hard to come by in dramas. And so yeah, obviously, Byeon Woo Seok and Kim Hye Yoon have great chemistry…. But they’re not comparable at all, please.
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thedeathdeelers · 8 months ago
Okay firstly sorry for being unhinged and replying back like straight away loll
Secondly yes to everything you said 😌 (and omg pls dont apologise for your essay pls keep writing them hehe 😁)
And also just the desperation and fear in his voice when he calls out for Sol, he's so scared he's gonna lose her again 😭😭😭 like wheeeeww his performance was top notch man. Like you said he's confused and overwhelmed but just the way he calls out for Sol in that desperate voice like it's instinct ohhh *insert someone sedate me gif* I never want to get over this drama ever 🥹
Oh oh that scene after where they're cuddling on the couch is ssoooooo darnnn cutteeeee the way they're hugging it's just all tooo cutteee 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kim Hye Yoon was phenomenal too, I loved every single bit of her performance. Her silly antics, the anguish and pain at losing her legs, and later at losing Sun jae, ohhh my heaarrttt it's been ages since a drama was this gooooodd I think last time I was this besotted was Strong Girl Do Bong Soon. Like park hyung sik was a loser too but he was kind of cool loser you know 😂😅 oh also Shooting Stars, loved that one as well. But man, did lovely runner do a number on me 🫡🫡
oh no please don’t apologise!!’ i know what it’s like to be excited about something it’s fine 😌 sorry that i’m replying a bit late!!
the fear of losing her just as he starts to remember her!!! nearly getting hit by the car, by our very own taxi man — even tho he doesn’t know sunjae in this timeline fate still tried to intervene but!! he was saved!! and now he’s desperate to get to her in case fate repeats itself and just as soon as they’re about to be together it takes everything away
plus. he doesn’t want to waste anymore time. he’s already wasted 34 years….😭
honestly the micro-expressions and just the eyes!! the eyes!!! so good 😭
the LR writers really said “ok youve had enough angst have some fluff” and then have us the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff 😭 they win at everything i love them sm
it’s the soft, quiet moments that make the best fluff- just then sat with their arms around each other cause that’s all they need- each other. aaAAH
the show wouldn’t have been as good as it was without both leads- kim hye yoon’s acting was phenomenal- switching between silly as heck to the most heartbreaking facial expressions you e ever seen- her eyes as she stares up at college student sunjae when he tells her she doesn’t have to run away from him anymore??? that it’s okay??? killed me. makes you understand why sunjae is willing to gamble him life away for her, fr
and like you said- sometimes i can’t believe the same actress did sol pre-time travel, ie sat in that hospital bed, and sol going to eclipse concert and sol accidentally shoving her fingers up sunjae’s nose. the raaange, honestly!
but yeah same! it’s been a longgggg time since i’ve obsessed and loved a show from start to finish this much! apart like the examples you’ve mentioned (loved sh**ting stars!) and strong girl with the best park hyung sik (i myself like to call him Elf Man), i always love and still carry in my heart Doom at your Service, crash landing on you, W (altho i haven’t watched that one in a hot minute), tail of the nine tailed and alchemy of souls (altho alchemy of souls is so different from everything else haha)
but yeah..lovely runner…,kinda feels like it’s in a league of its own tbh ♥️
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shewholovestoread · 1 year ago
Part 1 is here
The Characters:
The cast is uniformly awesome. Park Seo-joon's character, Jang Tae-sang starts off as someone who is only concerned about saving his own hide but he infuses his character with so much heart that even in the initial episodes, you end up rooting for him. The show is, very much, his hero's journey, going from someone who only cared about his own survival to one who's willing to risk his own life to protect others.
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Han So-hee's character, Yoon Chae-ok was an absolute badass. She was more than capable of handling the shit that came her way. I loved that she was so confident of her abilities, she was excellent at her job. So-hee imbues her character with such deep emotion that you can tell that it's always on the simmer, her desperation warring with the bone-deep dread that her mother is dead. And then the final straw is the soul crushing horror they're confronted with when they infiltrate the hospital and find out what's been going on.
I also liked how the relationship between Tae-sang and Chae-ok developed. They start off at loggerheads with Tae-sang mocking the loss of her mother and Chae-ok seeing him as a profiteer, an opportunist. In a desperate fight for their survival against both the monster and the Japanese forces, they're forced to put aside their differences and work together and this is where they truly shine.
Their conflicting approach, where one is willing to die instead of surrendering and the other is willing to surrender to fight another day is what saves them. Chae-ok's drive to fight and keep fighting even in the face or insurmountable odds is what keeps them going when lesser people would have turned back. Tae-sang's drive to survive, to live is what keeps them alive when faced with near certain death. They fight for each other, taking the lead when the other falters.
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I love that for people who seem so fundamentally different, they work so well together, perfectly complementing each other. I also love that when Tae-sang tries to save Chae-ok by asking her to leave, she refuses, she makes it clear that she doesn't need a knight in shining armour but a partner who treats her as their equal.
The other cast members are equally good, especially Kim Hae-sook as Nawol-deak, Tae-sang's 2nd in command. She's his pillar, the only person he can trust to take over the reins in his absence and she more than rises to the occasion. Unlike the others, she's unflappable, capable of thinking on her feet, weighing alternatives and wheeling and dealing the way Tae-sang does. She, like Tae-sang doesn't trust anyone (except Tae-sang.) She knows, only too well, how little it takes to break people, having gone through it herself.
Did anyone else wonder if it was Nawol-deak who gave up information that led to Tae-sang's mother getting arrested? Nawol implies that faced with relentless pain, people are willing to do anything to make it stop. That entire conversation and the flashback that followed, made me think if it was Nawol who finally broke and gave up information about her comrades.
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Then there was Choi Young-joon playing Lieutenant General Gato, the most hateful character on the show, followed very closely by Hyun Bong-sik's Ichiro. The absolute lack of humanity they exhibit is far more monstrous than any other monster they could create. I'm pretty sure Gato is a psychopath. His quest to make a monster has nothing to do with patriotism. His military rank is a means to an end, it gives him the power and authority he needs to conduct his experiments with little to no oversight. He doesn't see other people as human beings, they are all, both the soldiers and locals alike, test subjects. The locals are used as lab-rats and monster bait while the soldiers serve to test just how much damage the monster can withstand, it's killing power and finally whether it can think and solve problems. The only thing Gato sees as worthwhile is the monster itself.
I would not be surprised if, in part 2, there was increased tension between Gato and Ichiro. Ichiro sees the monster as a mindless killing machine while to Gato, it's a like piece of art, it's an extension of his own genius and he would not take kindly to another scientist taking over. We saw it in Part 1 when Ichiro tried to train the monster, taking a page out of Ivan Pavlov's experiment, Gato's displeasure at Ichiro inserting himself into his work. This is not a man who shares or tolerates interference of any kind. I see conflict brewing between them that will perhaps be the source of their own downfall.
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The other person who was absolutely spellbinding was Kim Soo-hyun as Lady Yukiko Maeda. Her portrayal is just... so intimidating. She's the perfect blend of gentility and menace. She has an ice cold demeanor that unsettles you even as her beauty disarms you and draws you in. By the time the show ends, there is no doubt who has the actual power in the Ishikawa home. This is a woman who will slit your throat and calmly drink tea and watch as you slowly drown in your own blood. it's a chilling portrayal and I can't wait to see more of her in Part 2.
I am excited for Part 2 to see how they close season 1 since season 2 is already in production. We do know that Chae-ok, her father and the rest from The House of Golden Treasure will launch a rescue mission for Tae-sang. I don't think Chae-ok will be content to leave Tae-sang behind, not to mention her mother's monster form is still inside.
Add to that, Myeong-ja is now infected and she will wreak havoc once she transforms (assuming she survives,) she is outside and she's pregnant. With Chae-ok's mother, we can see just how much the Najin caused her to mutate. I have a feeling that Myeong-ja's baby will be a hybrid, even more dangerous than the monster inside the hospital. It's also safe to assume that almost all of the antagonists will survive.
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If you're hoping for a clean resolution in the season finale, you're in for disappointment. I have a feeling that the season will end with a broadening of the threat and our heroes will have to contend with not just those despicable scientists, Gato and Ichiro, they will also have the Japanese army after them after Kwon Joon-taek ratted them out.
I'll be happy as long as the season doesn't end with a cliffhanger. Season 2 is scheduled to stream in 2024, so on the plus side, at the very least, it's not a long wait. For now, I shall patiently wait for Part 2 and hope for the best...
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 year ago
1940, Feb 14th: Jung Ui-hwan is born (inquiry report)
1965, Apr 28th : Ha Seong-min born
1966, May 18th : Jung Mi-ok was born (case file)
1966, Nov 4th : Cha Ju-man born (inquiry report; "google" info)
1977, Oct 13 : Park Jong-bae was born
~1977 : Jeon Gwang-sik was born
1978, Apr 18 : Hong Mi-yeon(Park Jong-bae's wife) was born
1988, Sept 6th : Bong Ye Bun was born
1990, Nov 28th : Kim Seon-woo's birthday (presumably, inquiry report)
1993 : Hyeon-ok's 21-25 fencing diary's year
2002, Jan : Assemblyman Yoon's Mujin redevelopment fraud file(Mi-ok's news) 2002 till 2005
2002, Mar 25 : Cha Ju-man's last address change/moved in to Mujin(inquiry report)
2005, Nov 13 (11:15?) : dod/tod(estd.) Jung Mi-ok (aged 40) [place: Mujin Port]
2005, Nov 14 (13:04) : Car and body of Jung Mi-ok recovered (ep 1 first scene)
2007, Jan 17th : Bong Ye-bun gets into Veterinary school
2007 : Jungsan Daily(newspaper Bong's mom wrote for) ceases publication
2012, Feb 1st : Bong Ye-bun gets veterinary license
2014 : The 7 years later in the vet office we see in episode 1 before it cuts to another 8 years(=15 years)
2015, Jul 12 : Justin(Park Kang-jun) is born
2015, Sep 15 : Cho Ae-ran gets into debt with Kim Seon-hwa of the Mujin Coffee Shop
~2016 : Jang-yeol meets Seung-gil (17th b'day)
~2017 : Seung-gil's 18th birthday
~2018 : Seung-gil's 19th birthday
2019, Sept 23rd : Cha Ju-man's lecture at Hankuk University
2019 : Kim Seon-woo drops out of Hankuk University after Cha Ju-man's lecture
~2020 : Bae Deok-hee joins the police department
2021, Sept 6: Ok-hui's memory of Ye-bun drunkenly dancing in front of a police car
2022, Sept 6 : Bong Ye-bun turns 35
2022, Sept 20: Kim Seon-woo's last address change date(as in the report)
2022, Sept 25 : dod Kim Si-a (aged 24) [place: Mujin Beach]
2022, Oct 6th : dod Park Seung-gil (aged 23) [place: Mujin General Hospital]
2022, Oct 20th : dod Lee Ji-suk (aged 27) [place: Road near fishing spot]
2022, Oct 20th : Cha Ju-man is elected
2022, Oct 21st : Cho Ae-ran's debt is paid off
2022, Nov 1 : dod Cha Ju-man(57) is murdered, Jung Ui-hwan framed
2022, ~Nov : Jung Ui-hwan(83) dies of his injury
2022, Nov 6th : Cha Ju-man's corruption is published about; day1/2 of Ui-hwan's funeral
2022, Nov 20 : dod Jeon Gwang-sik(45)
2022, Nov 28 : Kim Seon-woo officially turns 33
~2022, Nov 30 : dod Kim Seon-woo(33)
(ages might be in Korean system)
The Mujin Raincoat killer victims
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Cho Ae-ran
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Jung Ui-hwan
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Jung Mi-ok
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Bong Ye-bun
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Kim Seon-woo
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Cha Ju-man; has a spouse and a son; official birthplace is given in Incheon
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tobeflyhaikyuu · 1 year ago
The K-Dramas I've watched
Playful Kiss
Possibly the first kdramas i've ever watched, it was either this one or The Miracle. I enjoyed it at first but i found it was an adaptation of Itazura na Kiss and went to watch the other adaptations and hated the story as a whole. Also when I found the Thai version it was game over cus that version is so much better than the source material.
Weighlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
It was cute!! And very funny, I don't have much to say about it tho.
Ignoring the fact he is idk how many years old and she was 18-19 when they properly meet... it's kinda cute. And heartbreaking. The Goblin and Reaper duo is also just iconically hilarious.
Doom At Your Service
MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE EVER!! The writing is so good and the story is so beautiful and I mean, Park Bo-Young is one of my favorite actresses for a reason. I just cannot properly put into words how much i adore this show, honestly.
While You Were Sleeping
How I meet both Suzy and Lee Jong-Suk and i loved them and their characters both so much. The story was very engaging too.
Strong Woman Bong-Soon
Park Bo-Young and Park Hyung-sik <3 Do Bong-Soon and Ahn Min-Hyuk <3 They were too good in this man, I'd love to see them in another drama together. One thing that felt uncessary to me was the gangsters and their whole screentime, it just wasnt entertaining or important to the story afjsahfkdagj
True Beauty
Very funny, very entertaining. Also how I feel in love with Cha Eun-woo. Also yes I loved Seo-jun but it made a lot more sense for Joo-kyung to be with Su-ho, me thinks.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Entertaining but the depiction of mental disabilities is really just... atrocious. It's a little hard to rewatch tbh.
Business Proposal
Kim Se-jeong is a treasure. And this show was very funny and cute.
Alchemy Of Souls
Amazing, showstopping, spectacular, no wonder it was so popular.
My Only Love Song
Also one of the first ones i've watched, hilarious too. But i dont remember thinking much about the romance tbh. At least it's on the shorter end so if you dont feel like committing to 16+ 1-hour long episodes, this is a good one
W: Two Worlds
I. LOVE. THE. CONCEPT. OF. COMIC CHARACTERS. BEING SELF AWARE!!!! It's so interesting and I think W explored it so well, I'd love more kdramas like it.
The Miracle
I remember very little about this one lol but i do remember the over fatphobia, like yes its what the show criticizes but i remember feeling so uncomfortable watching it. it's been like 7 years tho so i cant properly talk about it
Extraordinary You
comic book characters being self aware <3 also think this was did a fantastic job with that concept. it also made me cry so badly, my heart still aches for Haru and Dan-Oh
This is the one last one I finished, and I binged it. Was not expecting to be so enthralled by a drama that's essencially about news reporting but I was.
Why Her
Reccommend to me by a close friend who adores pain... I was also not expecting to be so engaged with this one but I was and it was so painful, omg but so so good!
+ unfinished ones
Hotel Del Luna
Mr. Queen
Rookie Historian Goo Rae-Hyeong
Destined with You
Magic of the Abyss
Uncanny Counter
King: The Eternal Monarch
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
Run On
Crash Landing on You
Hospital Playlist
Crash Course In Romance
Romance Is A Bonus Book
A Love So Beautiful
King The Land
See You in My 19th Life
The King's Affection
Judge vs Judge
Tale of The Nine Tailed
Law School
Dr. Romantic
++ dropped
Shooting Stars
The Glory
Love Alarm
My ID is a Gangnam Beauty
Legend of the Blue Sea
Boys Over Flowers
The Heirs
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zheniakirsikkalove · 9 months ago
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Tunnel / 터널 - Korean Drama (2017) [ 18 + ]
Choi Jin-hyuk (최진혁) / Park Gwang-ho
Yoon Hyun-min (윤현민) / Kim Seon-jae
Lee Yoo-young (이유영) / Sin Jae-i [Park Yeon-ho]
Jo Hee-bong (조희봉) / Jeon Seong-sik
[ENG SUB] Tunnel (Scripted Trailer) CJ ENM
[터널] EP 01-01
[터널] EP02-02
[터널] EP 04-02
[터널] EP 04-06
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