#eating a soup right now
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tomofjoy · 3 days ago
yeah so today i forgot that the human body does in fact need food to function so i was just sitting at the art club praying i dont faint or something lol
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sergle · 6 months ago
we're beginning to approach the 1 year anniversary of my breast reduction!!!
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strawberrylind · 4 months ago
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months ago
Fluffvember Day 15 - In the Firelight
Twilight was cold.
A land that bathed in shadow naturally didn't have the same warmth to it as the land of Light. But the coolness of it was crisp and pleasant, refreshing and soothing.
Midna was used to the cold of Twilight. But this chill was far different, and even she shivered a little when she wasn't hiding in the shadows.
So she wasn't surprised when, halfway through traversing the manor those beast people lived in, Link finally succumbed to something. They'd been traipsing around in this forsaken frozen wasteland for at least a week, between tracking down the mirror share and then exploring the mansion. They'd been here for half a day and had already been misled what felt like a dozen times, leaving Midna growing progressively more frustrated despite her effort to just stay at a level of exasperation instead of outright anger.
The Yeti woman was sick. Midna tried to be patient. But the more they moved, the more she'd noticed that Link too was sniffling and shivering, that with each blow from an ice monster he slowed down even more.
When he couldn't swing the ball and chain that he'd collected, Midna had finally stepped in, forcing him to take a break.
"We'll resume tomorrow," she said evenly, trying to keep the annoyance out of her town. It wasn't his fault. He'd gone out of his way so many times for her. The least she could do was be patient one more day and make sure the idiot didn't get himself killed over a cold.
So here Link sat, curled in on himself by the fire. Midna wished she could go to the next room herself and get the soup that was being made for other sick occupant of the room, but she couldn't. So she watched Link shiver, feeling helpless.
Her frustration grew, and she aimed it at Zant. No one would be suffering if it weren't for him.
"Link," she said softly. "You need to eat. Why don't you have some of that soup? We've gathered half the ingredients, anyway."
She couldn't quite help the sarcasm in her tone, but Link smiled at it, typically finding amusement in her quips. She smiled back, though she wasn't sure he could see it.
Sniffling, Link moved to get up, shuffling sluggishly towards the other room. Yeto was kind, fretting over Link's state and asking if perhaps he had gotten his wife's illness. He insisted he would make soup for him too, offering him a large helping and shooing him back to the other room.
"Aw, they're adopting you," Midna teased with a snicker.
Link raised an eyebrow at her, but whatever reply he had was covered by a heavy cough. Sniffling, he slumped on the ground, sipping at the soup.
"Oh, little human sick, uh?" Yeta asked in her soft, weak voice. "Cold?"
"I'll be fine," Link said shakily with a gentle smile. The sight of it made Midna sigh a little - Link was...
She'd never met a man like him. She'd just say that.
"Eat," she ordered mildly. "You can cheer up everyone else with your chubby cheeks and cute little smile later."
Link flinched, looking at her, blushing. Midna felt her heart rate spike--that--she hadn't--that came out wrong. Thankfully, his reaction seemed less flustered and more embarrassed, as to him she was nothing more than a shadowy imp, but...
She shook her head. She wished she wasn't starting to hold such feelings, but...
It didn't matter. None of it mattered. What mattered was defeating Zant and getting home. The separation between Light and Dark had to be maintained.
The Ordonian Hero sighed, sipping the soup a bit more before just holding it in his hands, shivering.
"Ah, yes, cold," the strange, large woman commented, nodding. "Little human should come here."
"He's already by the fire," Midna said, though she knew she couldn't be heard. It was a little frustrating right now.
Well. It had been frustrating this entire time. She wasn't in the habit of being quiet or ignored. This entire certainly had been humbling.
Link looked like he was going to argue something similar and say he was fine, but Yeta shifted a little in her bundled up state, humming quietly. "Cold, uh? Come here, blankets warm. Fever warm."
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable," Link said, though the way his teeth chattered didn't do him many favors.
Yeta shifted again, coughing as she did so, and Link hastily moved to her to prevent her from straining herself.
"We find key in morning," she said as she shuffled closer to Link, pressing him between herself and some cushions just by the fire.
Midna snickered as Link was practically drowning in the Yeti's quilts and fur, but his shivering at least stopped. He barely got through half his stew before he started falling asleep.
Yeta hummed, watching him a moment, and then looked at his shadow. "Voice sleep too, uh?"
Midna jumped, startled. Did she--?
Shaking her head, she grew quiet, watching Link in the firelight. Honestly, he looked far more comfortable than he had in a while, despite the cold that was running him down. Yeta smiled and closed her eyes.
The Twilight princess had to marvel at the kindness she'd seen on this journey. It...
Her people were not cruel. But being in her position, she wasn't entirely used to seeing people at their best. This had...
If she could take anything from this disaster and adventure, it was that people could be kind. And Link was the prime example.
Midna sighed, heart warm, and disappeared into the shadows.
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mistythedritten · 27 days ago
I need three hands so I can eat soup and play Minecraft at the same time
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 3 months ago
sick and twisted and fucked up that yuo cant send people soup through the internet
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essektheylyss · 6 months ago
I was personally assaulted (honorific) by this essay on ambition. It's very good.
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un-monstre · 1 year ago
All this product placement for soup. It's like the writers were paid off by Big Soup
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biowho · 3 months ago
girl what's with these horrible asks you're getting, im so sorry 😭
I've had my comments restricted to folks had been following me for a week or more since MELE came out and I really don't want to turn anon asks off but eh. The thing is, I get 30 anons who are kind and voicing their genuine opinions or are telling me something funny or sweet or asking an actual question for every 1 who's just being mean for the sake of being mean who I block and move on with my day from. That last guy is already out of here, I've blocked him and I'm moving on like he should've (also sorry if I haven't responded to anyone reading this yet, you're either in my queue or in my drafts)
I'm not emotionally invested in the feelings of people hiding behind a screen with anger so strong for something so small as a video game. Like I'm a visibly queer person who has a basic grasp of empathy in a county that predominantly voted for Trump, I've been spit on by a Nazi while protesting, I've had a cop point of gun at my face at another. I have a whole list of things that make anon hate on tumblr.com look like chump change. If you want to bother me and get under my skin, it's not going to happen here
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lyxchen · 29 days ago
Ocd fucking sucks so much, imagine having to decide wether you're gonna think of some stupid reason to call somebody you're randomly getting worried about just to check on them or if you're just gonna sit in your anxiety and tell yourself that everything is fine and it's just the ocd
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briar--rising · 8 months ago
I have been successfully endoscopied and colonoscopied. And it's a good thing we did this, because they found a bunch of ulcers in my stomach and small intestine. They're going to do biopsies to see the cause/if I might have some kind of inflammatory bowel disease or something. So this whole process has really sucked but it seems like it might have been necessary.
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victorclays · 1 year ago
Googles how to tell a grown ass man to learn how to eat with his mouth closed and stop making slurping noises so i don't have to round house kick him in the throat
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months ago
girls who can’t regulate their own body temperature at all i’m kissing you on the forehead
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loregoddess · 4 months ago
1, 7, 11, and 36 for the tloz asks? (hope you feel better soon!!)
Thanks for the asks! (And I am on the mend, even if it's a bit slow-going, it was just a common cold luckily).
1) Is there a Zelda game(s) that you associate with each season or time of year? Not...particularly? There was no set pattern to how or when I would play/replay LoZ games, even when I was in school I was so efficient with my homework that I always had time to play games in the evening before bed, so I don't even have a "summer break" game per se. I do kinda associate certain games w/ periods of my life, like aLttP was the first game I played so I associate it w/ the first house I lived in, and WW and TP were the two games that I played a lot during middle school, and SS came out when I was in high school and also around the same time I got seriously into timeline theory for fun.
7) Favourite dungeons? If we count FSA as "oops all dungeons" where every stage is basically a dungeon, then The Village of the Blue Maiden, The Swamp, all three stages of The Dark World, the Pyramid, and the Tower of Winds were probably my favorites (although the entire game is a favorite, there isn't a single bad level in it). The Tower of the Gods was also an extremely cool dungeon from WW, and WW has the coolest "mini-dungeon" designs in general. I loved all the dungeons in TP, but my two favorite are Arbiter's Grounds and the Snowpeak Ruins, and TP's Hyrule Castle is one of my favorite iterations of Hyrule Castle as a dungeon (although aLttP's Hyrule Castle is a close second). I also have to say that EoW's dungeon design was S-tier, not a single bad dungeon in that game either, but my favorite was the final dungeon (redacted for spoilers) bc it hits sooo many design aesthetics that I love.
11) Favourite Ganon characterization? WW Gandondorf, hands down. As a certified villain-enjoyer, I like it when a villain has both a cool design and also some sort of narratively interesting motive beyond "heehee, I'm evil", and WW Ganondorf is the only Ganondorf to come close to that for me, since "envy of Hyrule's resources" is a more interesting motive than "I want power to rule the world/destroy it and remake it" (although world destruction to be remade by the antagonist can be a really interesting motive/narrative element, but LoZ does not execute it in the way that makes my brain want to spin like a centrifuge). In general I don't rely on LoZ for interesting villains, bc while Ganondorf's designs are usually very cool visually, his writing is rather flat, and even my beloved WW Ganondorf isn't as complex as some of my favorite villains/antagonists from other games.
36) Which game had the most engaging story, in your opinion? Most of the LoZ games are narratively engaging for me, since they all have interesting stories in their own right. My personal favorite is TP, because the time spent at the beginning of the game establishing Link's "normal" life was a bit longer, and really made the kidnapping of the Ordon children feel personal--and then how the rest of the story unfolds just, haunts me, haven't stopped thinking about TP since I fist played it.
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okkalo · 1 year ago
BAD BAD day for me guys bc WHERE is the broccoli and cheddar mac at panera that’s literally my favorite food of all time where is it im going to cry
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theskymother · 5 months ago
keep joining little things people are doing in their den like roleplays and fashion shows and stuff and then remembering that i am terrified of talking to people. is it fun? yes. am i also physically shaking the entire time? yes.
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