#mutuals. come visit me NOW you HAVE to try this soup
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 3 months ago
sick and twisted and fucked up that yuo cant send people soup through the internet
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bloopitynoot · 4 months ago
Reading SVSSS: Bonus- Chapter 32
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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Yes it is 8 am and yes I am eating chicken gnocchi soup for breakfast. I stand that soup is and always will be a breakfast food.
No hot drinks today! This wedding required a feast :'3
I can't believe this is it! The series finale if you will.
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I have been waiting 32 chapters for this moment. at last!!!
This man (SQQ) has been sleeping with this other man for what- months(?) years(?) at this point and he is STILL over here totally bewildered at the fact that LBH does not want to marry a woman. p355
This is kind of sweet though. I'm so glad Cang Qiong Mountain sect has embraced these two absolute weirdos. I love that they can visit now! It warms my romantic heart that they can travel for a while and then come "home" for a time. p355
omg these two are so embarrassing. The way in which LBH is asking him to marry him is so awkward. p359
oh no, now I feel like an asshole because LBH was SO NERVOUS the days leading up to him asking. (granted totally fair with how SQQ acts towards him/about their relationship- I too would not know if he wanted to actually marry me or not in this situation). I just want to pinch LBH's cheeks though, why is he so cute. p360
aaaaaah- this is so cute. SQQ being actually happy about him asking instead of trying to gaslight himself and side step his feelings or "reluctantly" agreeing to marry LBH pp360-361
my heaaaaaaaart LBH's confession pp362-363
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The fact that LBH had wedding outfits ready. I need to know two things; 1. where/how did he get them and 2. how long has he had them and had this planned. p363
I truly don't know if MXTX has written a tender sex scene. Why does it always have to be a little traumatic? Granted I have only read SVSSS and MDZS BUT both of these series have either uncomfortable (SVSSS) or just have freak4freak energy (MDZS-but I will take this over crying and bleeding) there's never something soft and lubed. I hope that TGCH has something (no spoilers pls) but my bar is so low. (okay but wangxian was fine for the most part- they just were also dry and mutually unhinged). pp366-367
NO LOL the wife-ing of SQQ. p370
Okay okay- the ending was so sweet. The little shy embarrassed SQQ calling Binghe husband and him pretending not to hear. My headcanon is that eventually over time SQQ feels less and less embarrassed, works through his internalized homophobia, and learns to say what he actually feels more often. Even without my hopes and dreams, I still think this ending was such good character growth for SQQ.
Holy shit we did it!
Thank you to everyone who joined me on this reading journey. It has been so fun getting to read the books along with you and talk about the experience.
I am a little bit sad that it is over :'3
I do however, now have a pile of fanfic to start working through and am so stoked to continue this journey via fan works. Thank you, thank you to everyone who sent me fics to read!!
In terms of what is next- I will likely spend some time reading SVSSS fanfic- if I get to a point where like Wangxian, I have hundreds of fics in my collection, I may start recing Bingqiu!
BUT in terms of danmei, I am hoping to read TGCF next and round out my MXTX collection (likely end of December start)!
This has been such an amazing experience that I will continue to live blog future danmei series :)
Thank you thank you again!
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atopearth · 3 months ago
Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi Part 8 - Saitani Umetaro Route
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Out of all the LIs, I think the one who most obviously likes Suzuka is Ume. He always makes time to talk to her, checks up on how she is and how she's going etc, he's a good friend all the time and that makes me happy. It's nice that Ume is straightforward about his feelings, but that straightforwardness just makes Suzuka think he's flirty and joking so it backfires on him haha! I don't blame her, it's hard to take him seriously when he says it so much. One thing I enjoyed is that when Ume helped her out against some ronin, it wasn't because she was incapable of handling them herself but because he cares so much for her that he wanted to protect her, and you can really see that. He can be too much though lmao, sneaking into her room at night is crazy🤣 He really is the best guy when it comes to talking though haha, he does his best to cheer Suzuka up and always makes sure to visit her as much as he can despite how busy he must be, and he's always honest about his feelings. He also makes sure to do fun things and give her whatever new things he gets his hands on, he's basically her boyfriend haha!
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It was really sweet when Ume made sure to look after her and even got red bean soup for her when she wasn't drinking at the party and didn't have much of an appetite. I think the fact that he personally went to get food for her was really kind of him. Lmao at Suzuka chasing after Ume to get him to buy dango because he ignored her when he was trying to escape from the Mimawarigumi. He's really spoiled her too much haha. The CG of an embarrassed Suzuka punching Ume is hilarious. He totally deserved that for being a pervert hahaha. I actually feel bad for Suzuka though. She does agree and like Ume's ideals, but she can't betray the Shinsengumi and Lady Teruhime because of the repercussions. At least she properly voiced that she wished that she could go with Ume. It's sad that she regrets not going with Ume and thinks about how much happier she would be beside him. Life is tough when you're tied down by responsibility and human connections.
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I didn't expect Oishi to be killed in this route, and I'm sad that in Ume's last moments, all he got to say was to ask for Suzuka's life to be spared. I wanted them to get to talk more. I wanted them to get to share their feelings properly. Now it's just sad. Even though it's revealed that Ume gets to survive, it's kinda sad that he was basically imprisoned for the whole time the war was going on and was only able to escape after everything was over. Considering his ideals and dreams for the future, it's sad that he was powerless and wasn't able to do anything he wanted to do. But it's nice to see that his desire for Japan to adopt foreign things whilst keeping what makes it Japan still remains. His heart was not crushed and I guess we should be happy about that.
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Overall, I like Ume but I have to say his route doesn't really hit the right keys for me. Personally, I really enjoyed all the events with him talking with Suzuka, flirting with her, cheering her up and just getting to know her better in general. You could really feel how much he cared and how much he liked her so it was sweet to watch how they both came to enjoy each other's company quite a bit and developed a mutually enjoyable relationship they both wanted to keep even if they didn't put the label of a romantic relationship on it yet. However, I think the route really didn't delve into his background as Sakamoto much at all, and his "death" was quite bland with no impact, and it didn't help that it just kinda ended with, he was stuck somewhere but now he's back and we can live happily ever after lol. It felt like the writers weren't sure what to do after his "death" and what kind of happy ending it should be so in that aspect, the ending was quite disappointing for me even though I enjoyed their romance quite a bit.
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goo-stew-4-you · 9 months ago
I will have spent 8 hours in the Detroit airport. Eight. Hours. Honestly, it hasn't been as horrible of a time as I expected. I did every activity I could think of that did not require a single brain cell to do. I walked around every terminal, overstuffed luggage and backpack in tow. I rode the monorail multiple times, which is a silly addition to an airport that is basically one large hallway. I drank a Heineken at a Longhorn Steakhouse, where I received undesirable service for my meatless salad and bowl of French onion soup (which I pretended didn't have beef broth in). I watch two movies while positioning myself in some semblance of a comfortable position. I people-watched.
The funny thing about the Detroit airport is the frequency of my visits to it. My travel itineraries seem to always be as complicated as possible, and despite this truism, this is my third time in this airport. I am not well-traveled; a fun fact I always use is that I have never been west of West Virginia. This is somewhat of a lie. I, after all, have been to both the Detroit AND the Chicago airport. I still don't think that counts. But this year has been shockingly full of airfare, starting with Venice and now to Montana.
Travel is a weird concept to me. I understand the want to experience new things, there's something so exciting about learning about new cultures, new languages, histories of far-off places, and eating different foods. But when people list "travel" as one of their hobbies, I read "rich." Maybe that's cynical of me. But travel itself is not a hobby. Do you love waiting around airports? Do you love neck pillows? Do you love screaming babies and loud coughs and knee-rubbing with someone your mother's age? Or maybe they like the activities they do while traveling. But., then, those activities tend to be placed there, specifically for tourists. You go to Paris and you see the Eiffel Tower. You pay your way through cities and even the countryside. And then, when it comes to non-western countries, it's the authenticity of the places that people go to see. When white people go to Africa, they want to see safaris and huts made of straw. They don't want to see the amenities of the modern world, they don't want to see poverty imposed by Western countries, and they don't want to see the influence of the West. But that's the beauty of globalism, that neoliberals in the West preach so much about, is it not? What sickens me the most is that countless places in the world have "tourism-based economies". Basically, they rely on the rich to visit their area for whatever attraction there is - this doesn't just mean old churches or typical tourist traps. Yes, hikers, climbers, divers, and general outdoors-people be wary that the experience that you're seeking in these tourism-based economies has been handcrafted by municipalities to live up to the construct of your imagined vacation. The "authenticity" factor plays right into a white-savior persona. Who benefits from tourism is not a coincidence; sure, some mom-and-pop shops may be run by locals, who benefit financially from tourism, but rather than a sustainable, mutually beneficial economy, one based on tourism lines the pockets of lobbyists, politicians, and corporations. It all seems like a ploy that I hate being a part of.
Then again, I want to see the world. I want to experience new cultures, and try new foods. I want to chat with locals and hear their experiences with tourism. But that's counter-intuitive, isn't it? And, if a tourism-based economy is already in place somewhere I want to go, wouldn't I only be benefitting the people who work in that industry? Plus, if I am seeking the "authentic" experience, the experience that's off the beaten path, the local's recommendation, what does that say about me? And, if I tell my friends about these incredible places with incredible people, doesn't that only encourage them to check it out, leading to the likely gentrification of the unique location.
Maybe I'm overthinking this -- I never want to be a burden, even in the grand scheme of it all. This is why I try to fill my time with mindless activities at the airport, so I don't feel so bad about what I'm doing.
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wondernimbus · 5 years ago
meet the weasleys — george weasley
pairing: george weasley x female!reader
summary: george takes reader to meet his family.
requests are closed for now. please refrain from plagiarizing my work!
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"I’m nervous."
"Well, don't be."
"Thank you, George. That somehow just alleviated all of my worries."
George snickers and squeezes her hand in reassurance. “Just relax. My family doesn't bite—or, well, Ron used to, but that was back when he was, what, five? And besides, you already know him, and he's never bit you before, has he?"
"Not helping."
"And you've met most of my family already."
“I haven't met your mum. Or your dad. Or Bill and Charlie,” she argues, eyes worriedly darting from George’s own to the wooden door in front of them.
George laughs again. His eyes don’t fail to catch onto the way she’s frantically tapping her foot against the ground, how she keeps worrying at her bottom lip. The sight has him grinning widely; he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t horribly endeared.
“Listen,” he says, removing his fingers from her own in favor of turning her around to face him. George’s hands go to her neck, cradling the sides of her cheeks. “They’re going to love you. And if they don’t—well, I can always find a different family.”
”George,” she sighs.
”Only joking,” he grins, and leans in to press a very brief kiss to the tip of her nose. “But I mean it. They’ll adore you. Possibly even more than I do, although that’s up for debate.”
She lets out a long breath, pursing her lips together in a feeble attempt at a smile, but George commends her for trying. He drops his hands back to his sides and laces his fingers through her own again, turning to face the door like they’re about to venture into some sort of grand adventure and not into his family’s living room—and George is about to twist open the knob, until [Y/N] goes, “Wait.”
He glances at her. Her eyes are wide and the look on her face still so uncertain. Sucking in a breath through her teeth, she asks him, “How do I look?”
The grin on George’s face is so impossibly wide. “Like a billion galleons,” he tells her. Just because he can’t resist the urge, he swoops down to press one more chaste kiss to her lips. And then finally, he twists the knob.
The moment George steps foot through the door, he’s immediately enveloped by the wafting scent of something being cooked on the stove. It smells familiar, like he should know what it is, but George has never been much of a chef. But he recognizes the sounds—the voices—coming from the kitchen despite all of them mingling together to form one raucous chorus of chatter. He knows exactly which voice belongs to who—knows that the loud shriek is his mum reprimanding one of them, knows that the sound of someone whining is very likely Ron. That laugh is Bill’s, too, mingled with Fred’s voice. George just knows, automatically, without even having to think about it. George knows, too, without looking down on the “welcome” mat in front of the door, that there are going to be muddy boots on top it—and there they are. He steps around them. George knows that there is going to be a quilt magically knitting itself together on the couch without even having to look at it—and there it is.
And just like that, he knows he’s home.
Something about having [Y/N] in the vicinity of a place so important to him—a place that’s part of him—has his heart feeling full. He pauses for a moment in the doorway, taking it all in, but he’s snapped out of his brief spell of inexplicable happiness when his father comes lumbering out of the door leading to the kitchen.
“George!” his dad exclaims loudly, and just like that all chatter from the room behind him ceases (“They’re here?!” he hears his mother panic). “We didn’t hear you come in!”
”Likely because mum was too busy screaming,” George grins, and walks forward to envelop his father in a hug.
”Ah, yes—Fred arrived half an hour ago and terrified Ron out of his wits with some sort of fake—no, actually, nevermind that! This must be [Y/N].”
Arthur’s eyes have landed on her, and George actually has to give her a little nudge for her to say something. Her eyes widen like she’s surprised at being addressed (as though the entire point of this gathering hadn’t been to get to introduce her), but then her lips break out into a smile and she steps forward to shake his father’s outstretched hand.
”It’s really nice to meet you,” she says, eyes crinkling at the edges. George stands to the side watching the scene unfold, feeling oddly proud.
”Yes, of course!” Arthur nods with remarkable enthusiasm, smiling just as wide. “I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you! You’re Muggle-born, correct?”
She lets out a tinkling laugh. “Yes, that’s right.”
”Brilliant!” he claps his hands together—but George knows exactly where this is going, so he cuts his father off and says, “I think we can address the function of a rubber duck later over dinner, dad.”
Arthur pauses, seemingly dejected, but then gathers himself and nods. “Oh, right, well, I suppose—“
And there’s George’s mum, Molly, coming from the kitchen, hurriedly pulling off her oven mitts to rush straight towards [Y/N] and envelop her in a big, warm hug. “Oh!” [Y/N] exclaims, obviously taken a bit by surprise given that the two of them have never met before, but eventually she breaks out into light laughs and hugs her back. [Y/N] meets George’s gaze over Molly’s shoulder; he gives her this encouraging sort of smile, and then jokingly complains, ”Blimey. S’pose I’m not missed here anymore.”
”Oh, quiet, you!” Molly frets, waving a dismissive hand in the air (George laughs) and then pulling away from [Y/N] to grip her by the arms and gush, “You’re far prettier than I could have ever imagined!”
[Y/N] flushes a shade of vibrant pink. “Oh, no—but thank you—“
”Have you gotten your vision checked lately, [Y/N]?” It’s Fred, leaning on the kitchen doorframe with a toy snake dangling from his hand. “Or do you really want to be with Georgey despite his baffling similarities to a mountain troll?"
”We’re twins, you prat.” George smacks the back of Fred’s head.
“Ah, right.” Fred is grinning despite having received a blow to the head. “It’s lovely seeing you, future-sister-in-law.”
Fred and [Y/N] have known each other just as long as she and George have, having gone to Hogwarts at the same time all those years ago. All three of them had bonded over their mutual love for pranks, although [Y/N] had always been their babysitter of sorts—the one who made sure none of their jokes went too far out of line. George loved her for it; loved how considerate and gentle she was despite her undeniable mischief. But he’d only really gotten himself to tell her after the war; one brief visit of hers to the joke shop turned into two, and then three, and then suddenly [Y/N] was always hanging around somewhere in Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, helping the business run along. It was Fred who convinced George, only six months ago, to confess his admiration for her after five years of holding himself back.
After the war, George had all the time in the world to take as many risks as he could. So he told her—and now here they are: [Y/N] ruffling Fred’s hair fondly, George trying to fend off his mother’s hands trying to fix his hair (“don’t you think you need a haircut, sweetie?”), and Ron making his grand entrance from behind Fred.
”Ron!” [Y/N] exclaims, catching sight of him, and then jokingly she adds, “I haven’t seen you in ages—last time I saw you you were the size of a Pygmy Puff.”
Ron scoffs out a laugh. “You’re only two years older than me, you know,” he huffs, but lets her hug him, anyway.
Brief introductions are made as Bill and Charlie enter the room. George watches as [Y/N] shakes their hands—Charlie hugs her, as he’s always been big on affection—and just like that George knows that she’s won all of them over, the way she’d done to him. The way she still does to him, after all this time.
Five minutes later they're being ushered into the garden behind the Burrow, where a long wooden table has been set up. There are golden streamers draped all around the bushes and hanging from the branches of trees, but that's hardly what captures George and [Y/N]'s attention first because at the very end of the long table, a large banner is floating in mid-air: one that says "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!" in glittering silver letters.
George doesn't miss the look on [Y/N]'s face when she sees this; her eyes almost seem to well up with tears, and despite the picture-perfect setting in front of him—despite the golden streamers and the balloons and the faerie lights hanging in mid-air—it's that look on [Y/N]'s face that has his breath catching in his throat and his heart doing odd little double-takes inside his chest.
He loves her, he realizes. It’s nothing new—shouldn't be anything new to him, as he's known it for quite a while now—but still there are moments like this one where he pauses and has to take a while to let it sink in; the fact that the woman next to him, whose smile reminds him of every single happy moment he has ever lived through, loves him just as much as he loves her.
Knowing that is absolutely surreal.
"We didn't expect you to arrive so early!" Molly says, obviously harried as she passes by them bearing a cauldron of steaming soup. “The cookies are still baking—and [Y/N], honey, I sent Ginny upstairs to go fetch your sweater, she should be down any time soon—Ron, Fred, will you stop that!”
The two, who had been wrestling with the toy snake Fred held in his hands earlier, immediately drop their hands to their sides. “T’was Fred who started it,” grumbles Ron.
”And I plan on ending it!” Fred emits some sort of war-cry, but stops when he spots the look on his mother’s face. “Kidding, mum.”
It takes a good half-hour or so before the last of the dishes are finally set on the table and everyone is seated. There’s food of all sorts in front of them—treacle tarts, cakes, pudding, pie—and [Y/N], who initially thought she’d feel too nervous to eat anything, eats with ease. Like everyone else around the table, she’s wearing a fuzzy red sweater with her initial sewn in front; a gift to her from Molly. The moment she’d laid eyes on it she knew it was her favorite thing in the entire world.
She tells this to George, who raises his eyebrows and replies snarkily, “I’m gonna have to ask for you to return the necklace I gave you, then.”
”Oh, sod off,” she laughs, rolling her eyes, but she lets him spoon pie into her mouth.
“Gah, get a room!” complains Fred.
”It’s not like they’re snogging,” says Charlie.
”Would you like us to?” grins George, earning him a slap to the shoulder from [Y/N].
”There are children here, George,” she scolds.
”You’re only two years older!” protests Ron.
No one really notices, but the sun has long since sunken below the horizon. Everyone around the table is immersed in chatter; Ron, for example, has been roped into a passionate debate with Fred and George about the true purpose of Pygmy Puffs. (“They only exist to ask for food and jump around and make annoying little noises!” says Ron, to which George responds with, “That sounds like you, Ron.”) [Y/N], meanwhile, is offering an explanation to Arthur about the rubber duck.
“They don’t do much of anything, really. They float and squirt and sometimes they make noises.”
But Arthur looks disappointed, as though he’d been expecting something much more grand. So [Y/N], not wanting to bring down his mood, decides to add, ”I believe they’re also used to keep—um—Grindylows away from your bathwater.”
Mr. Weasley positively beams with joy. “Is that right? I told you, Molly, rubber ducks are magnificent little things!”
Molly gives her husband an exasperated look, but it disappears the moment she turns to [Y/N]. “We’re so glad to have you here, sweetie,” she tells her, reaching over the table to grasp her hand and offering her the most motherly smile [Y/N] has ever seen. “We’ve heard so many good things about you. George speaks so very highly of you—and he was right, you really are perfect for him!"
[Y/N] flushes, smiling. “Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.”
”Oh, no, no, call me Molly,” she laughs, waving a hand in the air. “You’re part of the family now, dear. No need for formalities.”
And [Y/N] does feel like it—like she’s part of this table. This family. Not just the girlfriend of one of their sons but someone who actually belongs.
It’s odd, in a magical sort of way, how all of their random conversations blend together to form one harmonious burst of chatter, how everything and everyone in that table just works. Like puzzle pieces from different sets, she thinks to herself. And they shouldn't fit, but they do.
So this is home for George. This is the place he grew up in. This is where his heart lives.
She can't help the way her eyes stray to him every now and then, noting the sheer joy reflected in his eyes, the way the smile on his lips never really goes away. How, even when Ron flicks a strawberry at his face—even when George threatens to send a whole army of pygmy puffs after him—there's still that joyful glint in his eyes.
With the end of winter right around the corner, surrounded by the family that has welcomed her with open arms, holding the hand of her very favorite person underneath table, fireflies flitting around above them as laughter echoes around the table: [Y/N] feels safe. Happy.
So this is home.
The next morning, [Y/N] and George find themselves walking along the edge of the woods where meadow rues grow, a little ways away from the Burrow. They walk unhurried, the soles of their feet swishing against the blades of grass with each step, hands hanging loosely intertwined between them.
They’d woken up before anyone else, when the sun had just barely begun to rise. George had told her to "Get up, I want to take you somewhere" and admittedly she'd whined a little, claiming to need five more minutes of sleep, but George, laughing, threw her over his shoulder and threatened to carry her all the way there if she didn't oblige.
But now, she's glad she came with.
At one point she stops walking, lifts her face to the sky and closes her eyes against the warmth of the sun, taking a deep breath and soaking in everything that the morning wants to bring her. George watches her without question, a fond little smile already tugging on the edges of his lips without him even realizing. [Y/N] is beautiful in the sunlight—or any light at all, actually. George isn't entirely convinced someone like her—someone so breathtakingly beautiful and gentle and patient—would want someone like him. But when he tugs on her hand, turning her around to face him, and when he cups her jaw and guides her closer to press their mouths together, she lets him. She doesn't even think about it. Just melts into him like it's the only thing she knows how to do.
And then she pulls back slightly but stays close, runs a palm down the length of George’s arm and links their fingers together.
"It’s not much," he tells her, voice uncharacteristically quiet. A little unsure. "But it's home." Because, now that the excitement from yesterday has faded, George knows what his house could look like to someone who hasn't lived there all their life—knows that it looks messy, like pieces of it were thrown together haphazardly. It’s not a manor. Nothing like the kind of houses you see featured on Witch Weekly. He knows that [Y/N] isn't the type to care, but still—
"I love it," she pulls away, throwing her head back in an actual laugh—the kind that reminds George of everything good in the world. "I love this place, George. And your brothers and Ginny and your parents. Yesterday was.." she pauses, calming down a little, taking in a deep breath as she squeezes his hand in her own. "It was magical."
Quietly, with her eyes skittering away to look back at the Burrow behind them, she tells him, "I'm really happy, George."
George knows he'll remember this moment forever. The day is just beginning, and he is standing on the edge of a forest-line with a girl who looks at him like in spite of however many weird things he does, whatever dumb things he says, however embarrassing and difficult and painful some days might be, George is still worthy of being hers.
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years ago
hello! do you have any fics where charles meets edie/erik's family for the first time?
Hi anon. I have plenty of fics where Charles meets Edie and/or Erik's family. I hope you enjoy!!!
Charles Meets Edie/Erik’s family for the first time
In the Bleak Midwinter – keire_ke
Summary: It is not easy to find out, well into the second decade of the twenty-first century, that your mother arranged a marriage for you. It is even less easy to convince her that you have no interest in the very fertile Magda, she of the wide hips and lustrous auburn hair. Fortunately, with a good friend at his side over the holiday weekend, Erik is sure he will prevail.
A Road Trip to Pennsylvania - Aainiouu
Summary: For a year Charles has nurtured the biggest and most embarrassing crush known to man towards Erik. They are friends and roommates and when Erik asks Charles to accompany him to home on Thanksgiving of course Charles goes.
Fools and Their Mamas – LoveSupreme
Summary: Charles FINALLY gets to meet Erik's mother in person! Sure she doesn't know any English (besides knowing when Erik is cursing and thus requiring a good smack) and sure Charles doesn't have a great history when it comes to mothers, but Erik is sure everything will be stupendous, when he has brain power left over from trying to find a way to ask Charles to move to the Lensherr estate.
A Nice Boy (The Family Matters Edition) – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik's not sure whether the problem is that he doesn't want his parents to meet Charles or that he doesn't want Charles to meet his parents. Either way, he never invites Charles to brunch. Why should he? It's not like they're dating.
First Impressions – Ook
Summary: The first time Erik Lensherr, CEO of Eisenhardt Enterprises, met Charles Xavier he might just have called him a homeless drop out and accused him of being a junkie, before realising he was a waiter. He almost apologised.
The second time Erik Lensherr met Charles Xavier, he was volunteering at the soup kitchen, and Erik definitely (In Charles's opinion) accused him of being a thoughtless freeloader and slacker. He did apologise. Eventually.
The third time Erik met Charles, he hit him with his car. This was definitely not on purpose. Erik didn't actually ever say he was sorry, but he did end up taking Charles home with him, that time.
Food, Family, and Friends with Benefits – endingthemes
Summary: “Everyone,” Edie says, voice bursting with pride. “Erik’s here, and he’s brought his friend.” She takes Charles’ arm and pulls him forward, presenting him like a shiny object. “This is Charles.”
Charles manages a weak wave and an even weaker, “Hello.”
(In which Charles gets dragged along to his fuck buddy's parent's house to celebrate a Jewish holiday, and things get weird.)
Impulse Decisions – listerinezero
Summary: Erik wakes up in Las Vegas with a hell of a hangover, a telepath in his bed, and a ring on his finger. Now what?
Look Up, You’re Standing Next To Me, What A Feeling – luninosity
Summary: Charles, when uncertain, buries the uncertainty beneath extra certainty about everything else, which reads an awful lot like arrogance to anyone who doesn’t know better. Erik does know better. His mother doesn’t.
I ♥ NY (It’s My Friends I’m Not Sure Of) – oddegg
Summary: Erik is a single, successful man who likes quick sex with no strings attached. Then, he meets college professor Charles and it's love at first sight, at least for him. Charles, who heard of Erik's notorious ways, wants nothing to do with him besides being friends. Cue Erik bending over backwards to steal Charles' heart.
Mutually Beneficial Transaction – Pookaseraph
Summary: In his sophomore year at Columbia University, Erik, feeling slowly strangled by his mounting college debt, places an add on a sugar daddies website. He doesn't know exactly what to expect from it, but when he's contacted by a man named Charles who seems less creepy than the other people who have responded to his profile, he decides to give it a shot. Charles is nothing like what he expected, and Erik finds himself slowly falling in love with his sugar daddy while trying to find out exactly what caused this amazing guy to buy his emotional and sexual intimacy when he clearly deserves so much more than that.
Math Reasons – pearl_o, pocky_slash
Summary: "Mom says Erik always knows what he wants, it just sometimes takes him a little while to actually realize it," Ruth said.
Charles fell in love with Erik the first night they met, the first week of freshman year. Two years of friendship, adventures, arguments, hijinks, secrets, and summer visits later, Erik is starting to catch up.
Miss Missing You – WaxRhapsodic
Summary: In his head he knew it was unfair to compare Charles and Magda, but he couldn’t help the giddiness he felt around Charles. Erik had never felt this way about anyone before, and he relished the live wire of emotion coiled in his chest.
Erik and Magda are separated when he meets a charming young professor out on the town.
Soul of my soul – ikeracity
Summary: You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
Heart of my heart – pinkoptics
Summary: You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Of course, imprinting on the guardian of one of your grade one students isn’t ideal.
Then again, when has Erik’s life ever been ideal?
Love Over Challah – sebastian2017
Summary: As his first Shabbat alone with David approaches, Charles realizes he's overlooked one important detail: he's not actually sure how to have a Shabbat dinner. Thankfully, he meets Edie Lehnsherr, who just so happens to be having dinner with her son and grandchildren that very Friday and would love to have Charles and David over to celebrate the Shabbat with.
Charles and Erik meet while celebrating the Shabbat and bond over mutant activism and their adorable children.
When, how, and because we do – aesc, pearl_o
Summary: Erik brings Charles home to meet his mother. AU of Tough little baby telepath.
And your smile, oh darling, your smile – lavenderlotion
Summary: Charles turned back around to find Mrs. Lehnsherr still standing in the doorway, watching them with a smile and some very warm thoughts that made Charles feel very soft in his chest, right by his heart. "You have a lovely home, Mrs. Lehnsherr. It's very, very nice," Charles told her seriously, meaning every word and hoping that Mrs. Lehnsherr would believe him and not think him just terrible for the way that he had first thought the house too small.
Hearts and Bones – pocky_slash
Summary: Modern, non-powered AU. An impending visit with Erik's parents leaves Charles anxious and Erik unsure how to proceed.
Good manners (will get you far) – ximeria
Summary: Charles had been looking forward to the performance at the Met for ages. Little did he know, things would not go according to plan.
The Gift of the Magi, But Screw it Up – librata
Summary: He doesn't know if he's buying too much, too little, or even the right things at all, because he's never entertained a guest as important as Edie Lehnsherr.
‘How to Parent’ by Edie Lehnsherr – SprinkleofSunshine
Summary: Edie prided herself on being a good mother. The best mother even. After all, she had several mugs in her cupboards declaring that truth gifted by her two children over the years. However, something is going on with her son, Erik, and it's her duty to find out what....
Defying Expectations – Baamon5evr
Summary: Charles and Erik meet each other’s family. Neither of them gets what they expect.
Meeting the Parents – melonbutterfly
Summary: Erik takes Charles home to introduce him to his family.
Charles Does Not Buy a Shamwow – magneto
Summary: Charles and Erik are spending the first few days of their university's winter break alone at Erik's mother's house. Then, Erik's mother decides to come home early unannounced... while Erik and Charles are naked on the living room couch.
87 notes · View notes
saintorchid · 4 years ago
Smells Like Home
A/N: Yeah this is pure fluff baby. One of my mutuals informed me that there is bath and body works candle that smells exactly like Nanami. And you know what I did? I wrote a fic. Enjoy!
Warnings: none/I don't own bath and body works pls don't sue me
(bath and body works if you see this please think of it as free advertising please and thank you)
Two months ago at a shopping center, you and Nanami decided to pick up some necessities and maybe indulge a little.
Of course, going anywhere with your boyfriend Nanami requires some organization. Before leaving the house, you and Nanami created a list of the stores you planned to visit and things that the two of you needed to buy. If you know one thing about Nanami, he hates being in public. He instead stays at home with you, cuddled on the couch while you play with his golden hair. But now he’s in public with you holding your hand while you hum a song that’s been stuck in your head since last week.
Nanami looks at you while you checked the list you two made before leaving the house. He sees you muttering under your breath, “Okay, we picked up the new curtains, got some cleaning supplies yadda yadda yadda.”
You looked at the list to double-check that you two bought all the stuff you needed before heading home and cooking dinner. Nanami knows that you like to indulge yourself whenever you go out in public. You’ll sometimes buy under-eye masks for him and a new lipstick for yourself or a unique floral blanket. After living with you, he knows about your blanket obsession. Due to your obsession with soft fluffy blankets, you have a designated closet for blankets. He doesn’t mind. He likes to see you happy.
He smiles at the thought that crossed his mind and looked at you, still focused on the list. He breaks your train of thought.
Nanami speaks in a soft voice only reserved for you to hear, “Dear, is there any other store you would like to visit before we leave?”
You looked at the man with a gentle expression on his face. You spoke, “Actually, yes. Can we go to bath and body works? I’m running out of my favorite lotion.”
Nanami replies to you, “Of course we can go.” He could never say no to you. He’ll do anything for you to see a smile on your face. Both of you walked into the fragrant store, greeted by the salesperson.
You ask the salesperson where you could find your lotion, and she takes you to the lotion display. Before Nanami could join you, he received a call from his work. He stops you in your tracks.
“Hey honey, I have to take this call. It’s from work. It might take some time, depending on the situation. I’ll wait outside until you’re done.”
You reply, “Okay, sounds good, love.”
You and the salesperson resume on your journey to buy your lotion; after looking and finding your lotion, you come across a new candle display. Intrigued, you picked up the candle called “mahogany teakwood high intensity.” You smelled the candle and immediately thought it smelled just like Nanami. You didn’t even notice, but you headed to the register with the lotion and candle in hand. You paid for the items and headed out of the store. You found your boyfriend waiting for you with his hand held out. You grasp his hand, feeling how rough and calloused it is but always so gentle with you.
-Present Day-
Nanami yells at you from across the house, “Hey honey, have you seen my tie?” While he yelled at you, you were preparing his lunch for his business trip. Lately, business trips have frequently been happening. You understood that it was apart of his job, but still, you missed him dearly.
As you were chopping some fruit, you replied, “Did you check in your dress pocket? You tend to put them there when you prepare your suits!”
Nanami reached into his dress pocket, feeling the silk material between his fingers. He yells back a thank you. As he finished preparing his materials for the business meeting, he heads downstairs to put on his shoes and kiss you goodbye. You handed him his lunch, wishing him to come back soon and to be careful.
He kisses you goodbye, but before he turns his head, you grab him by his tie and kiss him harshly. Surprised by the sudden action, he kisses you once more.
“Honey, I have to go, or I’ll be late. You know how I like to be punctual.”
“One more,” You held his face with your hands.
“One more, what?” Nanami whispers. He knows that you get embarrassed when you ask for kisses. Seeing you get flustered makes his heart race.
“Kiss me one more time before you leave, please,” You look into his eyes, seeing his pupils dilate. You would do anything to have him stay a second more, but his job is important.
He grins and pours every single drop of love he has for you into a single kiss.
The two of you stand embracing each other. Nanami can be a minute or two late.
“How long will you be gone again?” You said into his chest.
“Four days and three nights,” Nanami kissed your forehead.
He lets go putting on his shoes and double-checking if he has everything. Once he’s sure, he says goodbye, and he’ll text you when he arrives at his destination.
The two of you exchanged ‘I love you's, and Nanami closed the door. It does hurt him to leave you, but he always brings you a souvenir from his trip to make it up to you.
For the next two days, you did some chores around the house, read the book you have been putting off, and looked for recipes for future dinners. On the coffee table of your living room, you lit the candle you bought two months ago. It smells just like Nanami. You used this candle every time Nanami went on a business trip. It was used to compensate for him not being with you. The scent of the candle does feel like he’s right next to you. You yearned for him, but his trip was going to be over soon, which you were thankful for.
The third day rolls around. You headed out to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for today's dinner. After grocery shopping, you went to your local cafe ordering a drink and some pastries for you and Nanami to try.
You arrived at your empty home. Like a ritual, you put away the groceries and put the pastries on the table. You took a bath and put on a new set of clothes consisting of a pair of leggings and Nanami’s sweater. It was about six pm when you decided to continue to read your book. As always, you lit the candle on the coffee table. Its scent started to fill the room. As you read for an hour, you decided to start on today's dinner.
You put on your apron and washed the vegetables that you were going to use in your soup. You got into a rhythm: chop, toss the vegetables into the pot, stir, and clean.
Since you fell into a rhythm, you didn’t notice Nanami leaning against the island in the kitchen. Nanami’s business trip ended much quicker than he expected. Everyone on his team was super efficient and was very progressive on the current project they were working on, which made him more grateful.
You stopped chopping and put the rest of the ingredients into the pot string gently. It didn’t register in your mind that Nanami's two arms wrapped around your waist. Your body immediately recognizes his presence. You turn your head to see a man with a content smile on his face. Before you could say anything, he says, “I’m home.”
You stopped stirring and lowered the heat on the stove, letting the soup simmer for thirty minutes.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. He picks you up and carries you to the living room sofa.
You ask him how his trip was while stroking his face. He softly rubs circles on your hand that cupped his face. He tells you that the business trip ended early due to everything running so smoothly. You were so happy that you embraced him, knocking the two of you back onto the sofa.
The two of you laugh, enjoying each other's presence. Nanami strokes your hair. In the corner of his eye, he notices the candle. “Hey honey, what’s that?” He asks you.
“Oh, the candle? I bought it two months ago when we went shopping. It smells just like you, so I bought it. I light it every time you leave for a business trip. It makes me feel like you are still here with me.” You see his cheeks dusted in a faint pink.
Nanami feels so guilty about how any trips that he had to go on these past few months, leaving you all alone in the house. He speaks, telling you not to worry because, luckily for him, this would be his last business trip until the new year rolls around.
You were beyond ecstatic. You peppered his face with kisses while saying ‘thank you’ and ‘I love you between each kiss.
“I guess you won’t be needing that candle for quite some time, huh?”
You roll your eyes at his remark smiling bashfully. It’s been thirty minutes, and the soup was ready.
“C’mon, let's have dinner,” You said while grabbing Nanami’s hand heading towards the kitchen table.
The two of you eat, enjoying dinner. After dinner, Nanami washed the dishes while you prepared some tea for the pastries you bought earlier.
The two of you tried each other's pastry, critiquing the taste and presentation. Having Nanami be home felt like you were whole again. Little did you know he felt the same way.
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scriptaed · 4 years ago
...cause i like you?!
Tumblr media
genre: fluff/crack; e2l!au;
pairing: jin x reader;
length: 2.1k;
synopsis: just the thought of it, no, the mere possibility of it boggles the ever so egotistical mind that belonged to kim seokjin. him? and... her? his arch enemy? his sworn nemesis whose incessant badgering he simply refuses to surrender to? struck with a capricious cold, jin’s teapot of a mind attempts to conceal its steam fall short when you pay an unexpected visit and all mayhem is set loose. when did it happen? how did it happen? no... no, it can’t be... he can’t... possibly... like her?! 
You [4:05 P.M.] are you sure this is the right address????
Dipshit Tae [4:05 P.M.] yes for hundredth time
Dipshit Tae [4:05 P.M.] why would i give you the wrong address??
You [4:06 P.M.] you mean why WOULDN’T you give me the wrong address..
You [4:06 P.M.] is that loser even home? 
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] yeah, he should be. he was texting me about how bored he was just a while ago.
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] uh… yeah, he was :) I swear :) which is exactly why you’re there because YOU have a car and I don’t! 
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] aren't I a good wingman? :)
You [4:06 P.M.] I DON'T LIKE HIM 
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M.] awww I can see you blushing through text you
You [4:06 P.M.] I hate your guts also why isn’t he answering the door
Dipshit Tae [4:06 P.M] he’s not?? try ringing the doorbell
You [4:07 P.M.] you think I haven’t, dumbass? 
Dipshit Tae [4:07 P.M.] hold on, let me call him 
"God," your breath marks the air in white puffs as you pace in place before his house, "hurry up—"
—swoosh, the door opens magically and, lo and behold, there stands the devilish man himself, Kim Seokjin… except unlike the formidable foe, this skeptical phenomenon stands before you, lips gaping and doe-like eyes widening in utter shock rendered by your presence. You only manage a quick scan of his donned baby pink bathrobe matched with pink bunny slippers until the both of you practically jump back into an ephemeral moment seemingly frozen in time. 
Just as his phone rings, Jin quickly slams the door on you. His efforts prove fruitless, however, once you somehow manage to stick your foot in between his doorframe and the merciless force of his, which fortunately comes to an abrupt stop before your potential stop to the emergency room. There are trivial incidents like these—when he ignores the itch to tease you on the days you wear a frown or when he reluctantly chooses to lose an argument although you are very clearly in the wrong—that you bestow him the honorable badge of consideration… but the stubborn part of you theorizes he’s just trying to avoid a hefty hospital fee. 
“Ahem, ahem,” the boy feigns a cough into his phone, “Taehyung, can’t you tell I’m sick?”
Scoffing into the air, you call out loudly, “sick enough to slam the door so hard—”
“—ahem,” he shoots you a death glare, “sorry, I’m just so very sick. Can’t talk. Need my beauty sleep. Bye—”
“—beauty sleep?! You? Beauty?” 
It’s almost impossible to hold in your cackles; in fact, it takes you only a split second to surrender to the crackling fireworks of your laughter. The quip’s effect is shortly lived, however, when his unusual lengthy silence has you gradually settling into the cold winter air beside him. With his eyes glaring at you from underneath the dampened locks of his bangs clearly fresh out of the shower, it’s nearly impossible to deny the tiniest thought that flashes across your mind.
Sometimes, just sometimes, Jin’s pretty damn hot. 
“Are you here to tease me or what?” he retorts, burying the phone into the fluff that is his robe. “I’m not in the mood.”
“What? Pshhh,” you wave a dismissive spare hand, “silly, no!” 
“Then?” he quirks a brow whilst slowly guarding himself behind the door. “Are you here to watch me wither on my deathbed?” 
“No, will you please just let me in? I’m freezing here. I heard you were sick and classes just became too quiet without you—” and when the boy remains unconvinced by your pleas, you let out a loud sigh as your hand raises to reveal a bag of much needed warm soup “—I have food.”
He immediately swings the door wide open, “come right on in.”
“Wow, so you’re not in the mood for me but you’re in the mood for food?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Rolling your eyes at his 90 degree bow, you march your way into his halls and directly to the kitchen as you have done so in the many times you had unfortunately been paired with the most self-absorbed classmate for a group project. At this point, you know his everything like the back of your hand. From his house and his obsession with pink to his hobbies and his quirky dialogue, you, his sworn nemesis, probably know him even better than his friends… and oddly enough, you take pride in that—although you’ll never admit it. 
“So,” you say nonchalantly as you set out the utensils on his kitchen island, “what could possibly be going on in that peculiar mind of yours?”  
“Peculiar? Aw, did Y/N just call me unique?” he snorts. “I said I wasn’t in the mood for you, not anything else.”
“Okay, so,” you gesture for him to dig in despite the evident hesitation in his eyes once he seats himself across from you, “why me specifically?”
“Cause—” he stares at you confidently but struggles to spill before playing with his spoon “—cause something’s been on my mind.”
You flash a cheeky grin, “you mean I’ve been on your mind?” 
“What?!” he almost springs from his seat in absolute denial, leaning forward across the counter enough for you to take a step back. “No! Wooow, that’s just… that’s… preposterous!” 
“Alright, alright, I was just joking,” you raise two merciful hands but leave the latter half of the sentiment to yourself—because who even uses the word preposterous nowadays? Your silence, however, rightfully ends when you notice him constantly probing around at the congee, as if looking for something lurking in the soup. “Don’t worry, Jin, I didn’t poison it.” 
“Ah,” he nods, thereby confirming your completely accurate reading of his mind. 
When another second passes and you’re finally at a loss for how to prolong a conversation with Jin, you subtly join in on his silent nods; but with each succeeding nod, you begin to notice his cheeks gradually burning a flush shade of pink much stronger than his robe. 
“Jin,” you frown, “are you okay? Your face is turning really red—”
“—it’s probably the steam from the bowl,” he blurts, eyes quickly averting to his bowl before downing a big spoonful of soup into his perpetually ravenous stomach, leaving you little to no time left for you to retort. An unsettling silence follows—an undeniable rarity between the rowdy atmosphere between you two—and you begin to wonder what exactly are you staying silent for. 
You can’t possibly be… waiting for his reaction to your cooking, are you? Why does it even matter to you? Why did the flow of things become so awkward? And why is he so… jumpy? Something must be definitely off today, but, oddly enough, you don’t exactly mind this change of pace from your usual bickering comedy duo selves.
Whatever it is, the silence is deafening and you swear he can even hear you gulp. 
“Did you…” he scrunches his brows and sets his spoon to the bowl with a clink, “...did you cook this?”
“Yeah, I did,” you follow suit with a frown, “is there something wrong with it…?”
“Yeah, no, of course you did,” he leans back into his seat with a loud huff and a cross of the arms, “you added too much salt.”
“Hey! What’re you imply—”
“—but,” he cocks his head, frowning as he drowns himself deep in his nonsensical thoughts, “it just doesn’t make sense…”
“Hello? Earth to Jin?” you wave a hand across his lost gaze that remains affixed to his mystery of a meal. “What are you going on about now?” 
“There’s too much salt in this soup. So, theoretically,” his two parallel hands tap the table sequentially, as if marking some sort of a complex timeline, “this should be a terrible meal… but…”
It takes everything in Jin to squeeze the grand reveal out of his zipped lips and very reluctantly so. 
“But… why does it taste so good?” The utter concentration in his dartlike eyes and sheer conviction in his nearly convincing albeit silly argument makes it almost sound like he’s questioning himself, especially when he continues rambling without your response—although, really, you had nothing but a flabbergasted look. “Everything you make should theoretically taste bad but why, when it’s you and only you, does it taste… so good? It makes me—” he clutches his chest dramatically, but noticeably on the opposite side of where his heart should’ve been, and locks a quizzical, almost desperate gaze with you “—so warm and fuzzy inside?”
“You mean your heart?” you point at his chest. “It’s on the opposite side, Jin.”
“And why,” he gasps for breath like a mad man, an emotionally mad and a mentally mad man, “why do I always let you tease me? Why do I let you win? I’m Jin, Kim Seokjin, for God’s sake! I never lose! And the most confusing part of it is: why do I always supposedly smile whenever I argue with you?!”
“Oh, can confirm, you definitely do that.”
He points an accusatory finger at you, “you do, too!” 
“What?” you gawk. “Do not!”
“Taehyung said so!” 
“I do?”
The both of you challenge the other in a stare off, eventually and silently admitting a mutual defeat to the subtle nagging side of you that had always taken note of that true albeit irking fact. 
“It just doesn’t make sense…” he begins pacing back and forth with a finger to his pursed lips. “I never had problems with my beauty sleep until I met you… I never lowered my food standards to such devastating levels until you started feeding me… I never enjoyed having someone trying to get under my skin until you came into my life… it all doesn’t make sense. The only possibility I can narrow it down to is—”
“—wait, Jin, are you—”
“—is it all cause I like you?!”
The both of your jaws drop open, possibly to the floor, staring at the other as if whatever had slipped from his mouth was the most preposterous thing he had ever suggested! In retrospect and to the general public, you know you should have seen this coming from a mile away. It’s impossible not to acknowledge the several times the lines between a vigorous argument and a flirty quarrel became blurred; but to you, the offensive enemy participating in a never-ending duel with the infamous Kim Seokjin, there’s nothing you could’ve done to anticipate this confession pulled out of thin air. 
Did you like it? 
The possibility of being something more than a fervent pair of enemies and a questionable pair of friends? 
Your mind says it’s unsure, but your smile says much more. 
You have to get out of this house, anywhere but here before the opposing enemy catches onto his advancement.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’re you smiling at? You’re the reason I’ve been losing sleep!” he warns sternly, pointing a finger at you whilst you gather your things. “Hey, you must be the reason I’m sick right now! Take accountability!”
“You mean I’m the reason why you’re lovesick now?” you stick a tongue out as you head out the kitchen and you can’t help but laugh at the way he follows like a lost puppy. “What? You want me to make more of my terrible food in return?”
“What? No, shut up! Hey, hey, hey!” he stutters over his own scramble of words, watching you pacing around his front entrance and calling out to you from the hallway. “Where are you going? I think I just confessed to you? No, I’m pretty sure I just did!”
You shrug, “and?” 
“And what’s your answer?” he throws his hand in the air, as if his mental stability depended on your very response. “Is it a yes or no? Do you like me, too?”
“Umm… I don’t know,” you hum, “I’ll let you know over dinner? At 6?” 
His eyes glimmer with hope, “d-dinner?”
“Yeah,” you reply with a cheeky grin before quipping, “hey, why’s your cheek so red?”
A loud huff of his follows your series of cackles and you can hear his last remark that has you undeniably smiling from ear to ear even through the closed door behind you. 
“Damn it, you know it’s cause I like you!”
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all-my-love-for-harry · 5 years ago
And now we’re four.
summary: a family of three becomes a family of four.
word count: 2.9k
Based on these requests:
“i love my little shy boy, it's so cute!! what do you think about artemis getting a little sibling? like maybe one of his friends is getting one and he asks y/n and harry if he can have one too? or maybe y/n and harry are actually trying for a baby? the thought of artemis with a little baby sibling is killing me omg”
“I absolutely love your shy!boy series! Harry, Artemis, and Y/N are just so damn adorable together. I was wondering how all three would handle if (Y/N) was pregnant?”
“Hii ! I’m in love with your shy little boy series !!!! I was wondering if maybe you could write something about Y/N being pregnant, and Harry being over the top obsessed with her pregnancy/ the little bub and how Artemis would react?🥺👉🏼👈🏼”
“Hello! I’m absolutely obsessed with the My Shy Little Boy series! Can we get a blurb about Artemis calling Harry, on Y/N’s phone, in the middle of the night because he’s scared?”
“Can you do one where Artemis is curious as to why one of his classmate's mum has a bump on her tummy and when he finds out why he keeps asking for a little sis/bro🥺”
a/n: i’ve got many request to expand this little family so i thought i’d give it a go! Sorry for taking so long!
you can find more of my shy little boy here
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
February, 2020.
Ever since signing those papers, no one could wipe off the smile in Harry’s face. The endless amount of love he had for his family only seemed to multiply. Despite how sad he felt after he couldn’t give the concert the night before his birthday, he still spent the best day with the love of his life and his son.
Unfortunately, that was the calm before the storm. The following weeks Harry would be very busy doing promo for the album. He had some interviews and shows between Los Angeles, Washington and the last stop would be New York.
Y/N and Artemis had to go back to London when their long weekend was over, to return to their normal routines. Although at first the little boy tried to throw a fuss, Harry was quick to promise it would only be for a short time and he’d call every single night before he went to bed so Artemis could talk to him about his day.
It was always the same with them, Artemis had this strong attachment to Harry, one that he devolved as soon as he started trusting him more. Not that Harry would ever complain, the feeling was mutual honestly. The two of them were inseparable, Artemis wanted to do whatever Harry was doing all the time and the latest loved every single second of it.
One year into their relationship, Harry started buying matching outfits for him and Artemis, claiming he wanted them to match at all times. It was the cutest thing for those who get the chance to watch it.
“Promise you’ll call every night?” Artemis asked Harry, who was crunched down at his eye level. He had big, crocodile tears rolling down. Harry’s heart broke as he pulled his little boy for another hug, squeezing him tight to his chest.
“I promise, monkey” After one last squeeze, he let go of Artemis and went back on his feet. “Please call me as soon as you land” He now told Y/N before embracing her.
“I will. I love you so much” She said before closing the short distance between her lips and his. Harry hummed into the kiss, memorizing this exact moments so the following weeks won’t be so hard to live. “Have a safe flight”
“You too, baby” He pecked her lips one more time before looking down at his son. “You gonna take care of mummy for me, champ?”
Artemis nodded while whipping his tears and taking a deep breath. A voice called their flight and that was their call to leave. Harry would be flying to Los Angeles later that day so he needed to get going too.
He looked at his family one last time and sighed, already missing them. It will definitely be hard, but he was confident they’ll pull through.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Harry woke up in the middle of the night because his phone wouldn’t stop ringing. He groaned before sticking one arm out of under his pillow and started to look for it. When he found it, he groaned even louder when he saw what time it was.
Without even looking at the ID, he answered the phone. His voice was deeper than usual and he was still half asleep but he managed to mumble ‘what’ to the other line.
“Daddy?” a shaky voice in the other end of the line answered him, making Harry jump out of the bed, immediately alarmed by the tone of his son’s voice.
“Hey, bud. What are you doing awake? Where’s mummy?”
“Daddy, I’m scared”
“Everything’s okay, baby. Tell me where you are”
“In yours and mummy’s bedroom” he mumbled.
“And where is mummy?”
“In the bathroom” he paused to take a deep breath. “I asked the voice in mummy’s phone to call you” Harry and Y/N had been teaching Artemis how to call them during an emergency using Siri.
“It’s okay, sweets. Can you tell me why are you afraid?” Harry was really hoping Artemis just had a nightmare or something, because he already felt powerless being miles away from them.
“I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to ask mum if I could sleep with her but when I entered the room she wasn’t there” He paused to breathe. “She’s throwing up in the bathroom, daddy. What do I do?”
In Artemis’ little six year old mind, he was responsible for his mum because Harry told him to take care of her. Before Harry could respond he heard how a door was opened and Y/N’s voice at the other end of the line.
Harry waited until Y/N had her phone back to talk again. “Hey, I’m sorry he woke you up” She said.
“He told me you were throwing up, are you okay?” Now he was worried for her.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I think I caught a stomach bug” She sighed. Y/N was now laying on her side of the bed while Artemis was cuddled to her side. “But I’m okay now”
“You sure?” Harry passed a hand through his face, rubbing the sleep off.
“Positive” She hummed. “When are you back?”
“Just two more weeks, baby. Please tell me if you’re still feeling bad tomorrow”
“I will. I bet it’ll be gone by tomorrow” She covered a yawn with the back of her hand.
“Would you put me on speaker? Wanna say goodnight to the lad” She did what Harry said and moved the phone closer to Artemis so he could hear clearly.
“Hey, monkey. Will you get some rest now?” Artemis hummed a yes. “I’m counting down the days to see you, kiddo”
“Me too, daddy”
“Good night, baby. I love you”
“I love you more” He yawned, cuddling even closer to Y/N. He was much more relaxed now that his mummy was okay.
“And I love you, Y/N”
“I love you, H. Sorry for waking you up again”
“No, please. Wake me up anytime, lover”
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
March, 2020.
Y/N’s stomach bug hasn’t gotten any better. She kept throwing up every day, so Harry decided to change his flight and come home earlier than planned. He was supposed to go to Los Angeles for another week, but it was mostly to visit some people while he was still in the States so he figured he could do that other time.  
He was waiting for his flight to be called, bouncing his leg anxiously. He couldn’t wait to go back home and do absolutely nothing but spend time with his family until it was time to go on tour.
His phone started ringing so he grabbed it from the pocket of his jacked and smiled when he saw his mum was calling him.
“Hi, mum” He said cheerily.
“Hi, darling. How are you?”
“I’m good, waiting in the airport for my plane”
“I thought you would stay there until next week?”
“Y/N isn’t feeling great so I’m flying early” He shrugged. Taking the decision to change his flights wasn’t a hard one, his girlfriend was sick and it was his job to take care of both her and his son.
Anne smiled even though Harry wouldn’t be able to see her. “That’s nice. I’ll give her a call to see if she needs something”
“Thanks mum. I’m sure she’d appreciate that”
They kept talking for a little more, catching up. He was looking forward spending more time with his mum once he was back. “Harry” Anne called him.
“When are you gonna pop the question, son?”
“What question?” He asked, accent thicker.
“You know which one” He could feel his mum rolling her eyes. “When are you gonna ask Y/N to marry you?!”
“I won’t discuss this over the phone, mother” he chuckled. “Besides, I just made you a grandma recently, woman. Give me a break” Harry joked, making her laugh.
“I’m sorry! All I’m saying is you already have a son together, why not tight the knot?” she paused, dramatically sighing. “I’m getting old and I’d appreciate to watch my children get married”
He rolled his eyes. “One, you’re not old so stop that. And two, you have other child” A voice called Harry’s flight. “I gotta go, mum. I’ll call you when I land”
“Please do. I love you, honey”
“I love you more”
A long trip was waiting for him so he got comfortable on his seat after sending a quick text to Y/N. He’d be landing before lunch, meaning he would be able to pick Artemis up from school. He closed his eyes, hoping to take a quick nap during the flight.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Harry landed one hour before Artemis was supposed to get out from school, so the car he called drove him directly home. He thanked the driver and got his stuff out of the car, when he crossed the gates of the house, he saw Y/N’s car parked.
Y/N had told him she called in sick again because the headache she had in the morning was too strong that one of her mothers had to take Artemis to school. He was starting to get worried, thinking it could be something else and not just a stomach bug.
Opening the door, he called for his girlfriend but got no answer so he walked right upstairs to the master bedroom where she found her curled up in the middle of the bed.
“Hi, baby” He cooed, soothing her out of her sleep by caressing her cheek. Her eyes flutter open and a smile appear on her face when she saw him knelt down beside her, inches away from her face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. Gemma was here earlier actually, she brought me soup”
“That’s nice” He smiled softly. “I’ll go pick Artemis up, okay? Then we’ll go to the doctor”
“The doctor? Why?” she said, supporting her weight on one of her elbows.
“To check up on you. Perhaps isn’t a stomach bug” he shrugged, sitting on the empty space of the bed.
She wanted to protest, but she knew Harry would insist until she said yes so she nodded, flashing a little smile at him. “Okay, we’ll go”
He leaned to kiss her forehead, pleased with her answer. He looked at the clock in the wall and sighed. He should leave now to make it on time to Artemis’ school. “I’ll go for the monkey, okay?”
Y/N cuddled back in bed, sighing happily because Harry was finally back home. Her boyfriend smiled at seeing her getting cozy as he stood up from the bed. Harry went back downstairs and out to his car to drive to Artemis’ school.
Walking inside of the building, Harry greeted a couple of parents he knew. When he reached Artemis’ classroom, his smile grew bigger at the sight of his boy chatting with a little girl who was sitting next to him.
Artemis looked up and his eyes lighted up when he saw Harry. “Daddy” He stood from the little chair and ran towards him. “Daddy, you’re here!”
“Hey, monkey” Harry caught him in his arms. “I missed you. Are you ready to go?” His son nodded excitedly. “Go pick your backpack up” When he went back on his feet he recognized someone entering the classroom. “Cece?”
“Harry? Hi?” The blonde, pregnant woman smiled at him. “How are you?”
“I’m great, how are you? When’s the baby arriving?”
“Two months or so, we’re very excited”
“Well, congratulations. Hope it goes well”
“Thank you. Worst has already happened anyway, morning sickness was a bitch” She laughed. Harry chuckled too, something clicked on his brain, a small possibility crossing through his mind.
Could Y/N be…?
“Daddy, let’s go!” Artemis came running back.
“I’ll expect you and Y/N for the baby shower” Cece said.
“Of course. Take care, okay?” Harry smiled one last time before taking his son’s hand to walk out of the classroom.
“Daddy, what happened to Ximena’s mum?”
“What do you mean, mate? She’s pregnant”
“She’s gonna have a baby. Ximena will be a big sister”
“How does it work?” he asked confused. “She looks… different”
They reached Harry’s car and Artemis let his dad pick him up to put him in the car seat. “Well, is because there’s a baby growing inside of her tummy”
Artemis let out a little ‘ohh’, processing the information his daddy had just told him. “So Ximena will get a sister or a brother?”
“I didn’t ask Cece, baby” Harry went in the driver’s seat and started the car, driving away. “But either of them will be perfect”
“Can I get one?” He suddenly asked, kicking his legs back and forth.
“One what?” He already knew the answer but he wanted Artemis to say it anyway.
“A brother or a sister. I’d like one, please”
Harry breathed a laugh at his boy’s politeness. “Is not that easy mate. Takes a while”
Artemis didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride, singing along to the songs on the radio. Harry kept thinking about the possibility of Y/N being pregnant herself. It would make sense to him, all the mornings she’s been waking up to throw up, how she said to him over the phone that her nose was very sensitive lately, how her boobs kind of hurt all the time and lastly, one that Harry didn’t want to mention, how she’s been gaining a little weight.
They passed through a drugstore and Harry made an impulsive decision to stop there. “Are we home?”
“Not yet. I need to grab something real quick, let’s go”
They went inside and Harry grabbed a couple of pregnancy tests of one of the shelves. “What are those for?” Artemis asked.
“Nothing, baby. Let’s go” After he paid, they walked back to the car to continue their drive home.
The arrived and Harry sent him to clean up so he could go with Y/N. When he entered the room Y/N was exiting the bathroom. “You threw up again?” He asked, setting the plastic bag on the bed.
“No, I just wanted to pee” She smiled. “Where’s my baby?”
“Washing up” He smiled back. “So, I saw Cece today”
“Really? How is she?”
“She looks great. She also said she wants us on her baby shower, by the way” She hummed. “She mentioned how at the beginning of her pregnancy she had terrible morning sickness”
“Where is this going?” She asked confused. She sat on the bed and saw the bag. “Harry…”
“Look, it’s a possibility”
“I’m not pregnant” She assured him.
“Just take the tests, please. If it’s negative, then it’s negative”
“What if it’s positive?”
“Then we’ll figure it out” He took her hands. “Please”
She sighed. “I already know this will be negative” Y/N rolled her eyes but took the bag anyways. “And I just peed, fuck” Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Go check on Artemis while I take these”
Harry nodded and walked out of the room and to his son’s bedroom. He found him sitting on the floor with a picture book in his hands. “Daddy, I’m hungry”
“Let’s get you some lunch then, kiddo”
They went down and Harry let Artemis help in the kitchen, he was fixing something quick for lunch while waiting anxiously for Y/N to finish taking the tests.
“Harry?!” He heard from the top of the stairs.
“In a minute!” He exclaimed back. “Wait in the living room for us, mate. Turn on the telly, we won’t take long” Artemis nodded, walking towards the bedroom and doing what his daddy told him.
Harry ran upstairs to where Y/N was. “Have you look at them?”
“No, not yet” she sighed. “You do it”
“One line means negative, two lines mean you’re pregnant” He repeated the sentence over and over again. He closed his eyes for a second before letting out the air he was retaining.
He gasped when he opened his eyes and saw it.
Two lines.
With tearful eyes he took another test and saw the same result so he took the third one and smiled when he saw every single one of them had the same result. He looked at Y/N, no words needed.
“We’re having a baby” He said as he let tears roll down his eyes.
Y/N smiled before tears formed in her eyes as well. They were having a baby. She was going to be a mother again. Unconsciously, her hands travelled to her stomach. “Well, it wasn’t a stomach bug, wasn’t it?”
They both laughed through the tears as Harry took her in her arms, careful to not squeeze her too tight.
Harry’s heart was about to explode for the amount of love he was feeling right now. There was an actual baby growing inside of Y/N. He bowed to himself he’d be at all times for her, he won’t leave her side for any reason. He wanted to live the whole process. He could already imagine himself with his future newborn in his arms, so delicate and pure.
His heart and soul belonged to his family. But it wasn’t divided in two anymore. Because they weren’t three anymore. And that couldn’t be more exciting.  
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep @la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland @sweetenerstyle @cronias13 @vhsharry @maisley @seasidecrowbar @stylesfics-xx @autumnpauley20 @fineline-hs1
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supermarvelgirl15 · 4 years ago
Small Gestures
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Summary: It's always the smallest gestures that speak the loudest; the best gifts come from the heart.
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) × f!reader
Word Count: 1,920
Warnings: Minor spoilers for season 2, slight angst during one part
A/N: What? Me posting another fic? I know, I know, I'm surprised too. I'm just currently obsessed with Din Djarin. Also, there's a part where it's in Din's pov and it is not that good, I'm still trying to get the hang of writing him. Anyways, enjoy! And check out Is There a Problem Here? if you haven't already!
Main Masterlist
    At first, it was just small gestures. Making sure the other had eaten or had rested plenty. Helping cleaning their weapons or keeping up with the state of the Razor Crest. Even making sure that the Bacta spray or patch was being used correctly.
    It was those small gestures that knitted the strong partnership between Y/N and the Mandalorian. Their relationship was based on trust and taking care of each other. Together they took care of the Child until they were able to return him to the Jedi. Until then, they were deemed his parents and he was their foundling.
    They worked extremely well together in both battle and everyday tasks. If Din needed a tool to fix the wiring in the Razor Crest, Y/N would give it to him without him even asking. If Y/N needed cover as she ran to help the townspeople, they would just exchange a look and Din would do his job to protect her.
    Greef had once commented on how they were the most in sync duo he had ever met. He's sworn he has never heard the pair mutter a word to each other while they were working, that it was like they knew exactly what they were doing. The Mandalorian and Y/N just shook it off, claiming it was because they had worked together for a few years now.
    One time, after seeing how Y/N had brought up a cup of soup to the cockpit for Din to eat, claiming that he hadn't eaten all day, and how he didn't even argue, Cara realized how those small gestures were bigger than they appeared to be. She herself hadn't even realized that he hadn't eaten, and she was the one who was in the cockpit with him the entire time while Y/N was down in the hangar watching the Child.
    Later on she watched how Mando placed a blanket over Y/N after she had fallen asleep with the Child in her arms in the cot. The heating had given out once again, so it was quite cold in the Crest. Cara didn't dare mutter a word as she observed how he watched her, as if to make sure she was still breathing. It was then she knew that it was a mutual thing.
    When Y/N saw Din get swallowed by the krayt dragon, her heart dropped. He had told her to take care of the Child and ordered Cobb Vanth to get them both to safety. She didn't dare breathe as she hoped that his Beskar was enough to protect him.
    As the krayt dragon breached out of the sand and the Mandalorian had flown out of it just before it blew up, Y/N could've sobbed. She had never been so scared in her life and it wasn't even for her own sake. She would have rather go up against the army of Stormtroopers again than to go through that.
    Y/N made her way towards him, the Child in his pod following right behind her. Din watched as they approached, meeting her halfway.
    “Sorry, I didn't have time to explain,” he starts but is stopped when Y/N's hands come to grab either side of his helmet, pulling him closer to her. Her eyes scan over his body, ignoring the goop that he was covered in.
    “Don't ever, ever do that again,” she says sternly.
    Din and her stay like that, just staring at each other, the Child looking up at the both of them. They didn't break away until Cobb called them.
    When they had gotten back to the Razor Crest, Y/N went to venture the street vendors as Din talked to Peli Motto about transporting a traveler. She came across a vendor that was selling necklaces with black obsidian.
    She remembered being told that black obsidian was used for healing and protection. Din immediately came to mind, along with the feeling that she felt when she thought she wasn't going to see him again. Y/N knew it was just some stone, but that didn't stop her from telling the vendor that she would take one.
    Later, the passenger that they agreed to transport was asleep in the cockpit while both Din and Y/N took a break in the hangar, mostly to make sure the Child didn't eat any more of the lady's eggs.
    The Mandalorian was leaned up against the side of the wall, his head tilted back against it. Y/N wasn't sure if he fell asleep or if he was just relaxing for once. She held the necklace in her hand, rubbing her finger against the smooth surface.
    “What's that?” Din grumbled, sitting up straight as he looked at Y/N. She looked down at the object in her hand, becoming slightly nervous for a reason she wasn't used to.
    “Uh, it's black obsidian. It's used for healing and protection,” she answers him, fiddling with it some more before looking up at him. “I, uh, actually got it for you.”
    Din looks at the necklace in her hand for a couple seconds before looking back up at her. “For... Me?” He questions incredulously.
    Y/N nods slowly as she sticks her hand out to him, chewing on her bottom lip. Din reaches out and grabs it, his gloved hand lingering for only a brief second. Once it's in his own hands, he observes it more closely, rubbing his thumb around the hexagonal shape of the obsidian.
    “It's for when I can't be there. It'll protect you. I know it sounds stupid, but... It's a nice thought,” she shrugs before pulling the Child by the robe away from the egg container.
    Din smiles to himself as he watches her. “Thank you... Cyar'ika.”
    “It's like you don't even trust me anymore. It's starting to sound like you just don't want me around!”
    “I don't! I worked better on my own before you came along.”
    Din had been angry. It had just slipped, but those words dripped like venom from his tongue. He regretted saying such a thing to her. He didn't mean a word, but he knew Y/N wouldn't believe him.
    He was just on edge about what Bo-Katan had said about his Creed. Then Y/N had gotten shot during their raid on the Imperial ship, and it was like adding gasoline to a fire.
    All he had said when they left Nevarro was that she should stay behind once they reached Corvus. Y/N, of course, disagreed and that started their argument. He had already made her sit out when they took out the Imperial base, he should've known she wasn't going to sit on the bench again.
    In reality, he was worried and didn't want her to get even more hurt, so his solution was to make her stay in the Razor Crest while he worked the jobs. Din realized that he was asking her to quit her way of life and it made him feel like a hypocrite.
    For the rest of their flight to Corvus, Y/N stayed in the hangar, spending what time she had left with their Child and avoiding Din. He didn't see her again until they had landed.
    Y/N wouldn't look at him except for the occasional glance. A word wasn't said between them when Din checked her Bacta patch or when they made their way to the city.
    When they met Ahsoka Tano, she could feel the mixed emotions going on between the two. Anger. Worry. Sadness. Fear. Grief. Even the Child seemed to feel the tension going on between them.
    The Mandalorian knew he shouldn't had been as relieved as he was when Ahsoka said that she couldn't train Grogu, that he would have to choose his own destiny with the seeing stone, but he was grateful to spend more time with him. He knew Y/N was relieved as well.
    But once they were back in the Razor Crest, the tension between them returned. Din didn't know how he was going to apologise to her, he was sure she wouldn't even listen.
    Din reached into his pocket, pulling out a necklace that he had gotten made when they had visited Nevarro. He had meant to give it to her then, but the argument had occurred between them, so there was never a perfect time.
    He walked by her as she entertained Grogu, stopped in front of her, and dropped the necklace into her hand. Grogu climbed up into her lap, trying to see the shiny trinket. Y/N waited for him to say something, but was met with silence when he went up to the cockpit.
    Y/N looked over the necklace in her hand, flipping it over a couple times. She ran her finger over the letters that were ingrained into the metal bar. Vaii gar slanar, Ni slanar.
    She didn't know what it meant, but she knew that it had to be Mando'a. Din had taught her a few words in his Creed's language, but she didn't recognize these words though.
    Taking a deep breath, she sat Grogu down. The little one looked up at her curiously, tilting his head slightly. She told him to wait there for a few minutes before making her way to the cockpit.
    Y/N eyes widen slightly when she saw Din fiddling with the necklace she had gotten him a while ago, rubbing his thumb over the black obsidian. She didn't know that he held on to it, thinking that he had just put it up somewhere.
    “I didn't know you kept it,” she finally says, coming up to sit beside him. The Mandalorian looks up at her surprised, his eyes slightly wide under his helmet.
    Din looked back down at the stone in his hand. She thought he put it away? Why would he ever do that with something she gifted him? He realizes he probably would've thought the same thing if he was in her position.
    “Vaii gar slanar, Ni slanar.”
    The Mandalorian's head snaps back up to her, the modulator picking up his sharp inhale. “What?”
    “Vaii gar slanar, Ni slanar. I hope I'm saying that correctly. That's Mando'a, right?” She asks, showing him the necklace he gave her. He looks at it briefly before nodding slowly.
    Y/N looks back down at the necklace that was now around her neck. “What does it mean?”
    Din reaches over, rubbing his leather-clad thumb over the ingrained lettering. He looks at it for a few seconds before finally looking up at her, making eye contact through his visor.
    “Where you go, I go.”
    Y/N bit her lip, putting her hand over his, scanning his helmet. She always respected the Way, but right now, all she wanted was to rip the stupid thing off his head.
    “I'm sorry... About what I said,” Din apologizes, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand.
    She smiles slightly. “I know you are,” she replies as she gives his hand a comforting squeeze. Din let's out a sigh of relief, leaning forward to place his helmet against her forehead. Y/N closes her eyes, the Beskar cold to her skin.
    Din watches her from beneath his helmet, seeing how content she looked. He reaches his other hand up, cupping her cheek, the fabric a warm contrast compared to his Beskar.
    “Close your eyes.”
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harrysbbby · 5 years ago
The Rule of Benefit - Part 1
My new series is here! It follows JJ and his friends-with-benefits co-worker Bridget “Jett” Moore. One simple rule: no feelings allowed. 
Words: 3k+
Warning: smut. this is also my first time writing it. so it's probably terrible. so apologies in advance. but otherwise enjoy. 
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gif by @rudypankows​
It wasn’t uncommon to see Jett’s nose buried in a book, even at work. Sat behind the large wooden desk, her head only lifted when the phone rang, or someone approached the desk. Working at the Kook Club was easy: good hours, great pay and the opportunity to do whatever she liked during the down times. With all the guests checked in for the night, and everyone seated in the dining room, Jett knew this was the perfect time to finish her extra credit essay.  
JJ was stood in the doorway to the dining room, watching the girl read, captured by her ability to unfalteringly concentrate.  
“Quit slacking, Maybank!” the duty manager called from near the kitchen. JJ quickly collected himself, rushing back through the kitchen doors to get his orders.
It was a few hours later when JJ finally approached your desk.
“Hey pretty girl, soup’s up.”
Jett’s head lifted out of her book to meet his blue eyes. She smiled. Working with JJ made the Kook Club bearable. He was funny, charming and not to mention hot. He would make her laugh by making silly faces through the dining room doors as he walked past or would make her smile by bringing her left over deserts from the kitchen.  
“Oh, hey there pretty boy,” the terms of endearment had resulted from a regular. The small, sweet but very rich middle-aged lady visited the club twice weekly at a minimum. She always called Jett ‘pretty girl’ and JJ ‘pretty boy’. Jett was convinced she was hitting on him, the way she would grip his bicep when ordering at the bar. JJ, on the other hand swore that she was into girls, supported by his observations of how she would linger at the desk when she would check in for a long weekend stay. So, they became a bit of a joke, but then the nicknames stuck. Jett didn’t mind. She quite liked them. “Did you say something about food?”
“Yep,” he smiled, leaning on the top of the desk, “Soup’s up. Literally. Chef made us soup with the leftovers. Want me to grab you some?”
As if on cue the girl’s stomach growled. She hadn’t even noticed the time passing by as engrossed in her book. It had been hours since she’d last eaten.
“Yes please,” she pouted at him, raising her hands in a begging motion. He laughed at her ruffling her brown straight hair. She scoffed, frantically trying to put it back into place so as to not look disheveled at the front desk.
“Coming right up, milady,” JJ curtsied as he walked away. Jett laughed at his actions just as the phone rang. JJ looked back to her over his shoulder. She was speaking animatedly on the phone.  JJ always admired her work ethic. He would never admit it to anyone, but he saw Jett as almost an inspiration- to get out of their lives, out of The Cut. She smiled at him and shooed him towards the kitchen. JJ saluted and disappeared behind the doors.
He retuned moments later, two bowls of soup and a plate of bread perfect balanced on his experienced hands. Jett was typing away on the computer, when she saw him approach. She quickly moved her textbooks out of the way, allowing JJ to place the food in front of her.
“We busy?” he motioned towards the screen where she had just been typing furiously.
“Yep, major group booking. We’re employed for the foreseeable future,” she grabbed the spoon he had collected for her, diving immediately into the soup. She hummed in delight, “It may be scraps but damn Chef really knows how to make them taste good.”
JJ hummed in agreement, a soup doused piece of bread filling his mouth. After swallowing most of it he started to speak.
“What’s for?” he grumbled out over his mouthful of food, pointing to the book that had been thrown aside for their lower-class feast. Jett laughed at the way JJ had asked her, covering his mouth as if it made him anymore polite.
“AP History,” she responded, “extra credit work.”
“Wow must be nice to be smart,” JJ joked, mouth now clear of food. Jett smiled softly.
“Quite boring, actually,” her voice was a lot less excitable as it usually was. JJ had noticed her change in demeanor of the past few weeks, “even worse when you’re poor and need it to get into a good school.”
“Amen,” JJ chimed, shoving another unnecessarily large piece of bread into his mouth. Jett grabbed an acceptably sized piece, dipping it into her soup. JJ rid his mouth of food completely this time before asking her, “are you okay? You’ve seemed a little off lately.”
So, he had noticed, Jett thought. She sighed placing her spoon against the side of her bowl.
“My, uh... my boyfriend broke up with me two weeks ago,” she said sadly. She noticed JJ’s concerned expression, “it was kind of mutual, I guess. He moved to the mainland. I guess I’m just kind of lonely.”
JJ nodded at her explanation, surveying the melancholy look on her face.  He had always found her hot but had never made a move because of said boyfriend. An idea sprung to mind.  
“My friends and I are having a party on Saturday. You should come, escape your studying for one night.”
Jett peered up at the boy’s pleading expression. Her internal war was overpowered by his puppy-dog eyes and pouty lips.
“Fine,” she relented, causing JJ to throw his arms up in the air, “it better be a good party, pretty boy.”
“They always are.”
JJ was right. Pogue boneyard parties were fun. Jett used to come with her ex-boyfriend every now and then. They would scrounge up some free booze, get a couple hits from some random’s blunt and blindly walk back to her house and have the most amazing, hazy sex.  
Jett adjusted her shoulders, shaking the thought from her mind. She couldn’t be hanging onto the nothing he had left her with. She would have to move on and forwards, no matter how hard it was.
She turned to see JJ by the keg, arms waving enthusiastically in the air. She headed over to him allowing him to pass her a cup filled with cheap beer.
“Hey, how was your shift today?” Jett asked him, bringing the cup all the way to her lips, taking a long sip, peering over the rim at the boy. He licked his lips, watching as her chocolate brown eyes stared at him. He cleared his throat quickly.
“You know, the usual. People being dicks, dicks being people.”
She threw head back emitting melodical laughter from her lips.  JJ’s mouth turned upward into a smile. She brought the cup up to her lips once again, still giggling.
“That’s very accurate of our clientele,” she said eyeing his smile, taking another large sip from her cup. Her drink was nearly gone already, the liquid heating her insides.  
She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the fact she was a horny and recently single, but JJ looked different. She had never noticed how blue his eyes were, or how deep the dimple in his right cheek ran or how the curve of his bicep was so prominent. She quickly took another sip, finishing up her cup.
Since she didn’t know anyone, JJ took the liberty of introducing her to his friends as they sat around one of the small bonfires, some of “JJ’s cousin’s good shit” being passed between them. At least that’s what Kiara had said. Jett knew of Kiara but had never properly met her before. She was of course familiar with her family’s business. Kiara spoke passionately about the harms of single use plastic as she passed the blunt to Pope. He was someone she already knew. He was in most of her classes, also vying for a scholarship like her’s. He bypassed the blunt, passing it to Jett. She took a long hit, before passing it to JJ, who was explaining to Kiara and Pope how he and Jett worked together at the country club. He passed the blunt to Sarah. Sarah was someone Jett knew. Her family’s presence at the club was a hyperbole. It usually meant a decent tip to be shared among the staff, and the few conversations she had had with Sarah were pleasant, but her brother was a different story.  
“Oh, yeah I thought you looked familiar!” Sarah exclaimed, coughing slightly as she passed the blunt to her boyfriend, who’s lap she sat on.  
John B took a hit before passing it back to Kiara, who was still chatting to JJ. Jett watched as John B grabbed Sarah’s head turning it towards him. She smiled seductively as he pulled his lips forward to meet his, smoke transpiring between the two of them. Jett cleared her throat abruptly.
“I need another drink,” she announced, leaving the group of friends to make her way back to the keg. As the liquid pour into her cup, she saw and arm lean against the keg, essentially trapping her between whoever it was and the metal. She knew exactly who it was.
“Rafe,” Jett said dryly, bringing her cup up to her lips and taking a swig as she turned to face up at the boy.
“Bridget, right?” he asked, leaning down to be at eye level with her. This brought their chests closer together, causing Jett to lean back, placing her hand which held her cup up against the boy. “I heard you’re back on the market.”
He winked. It caused a frown to spread over her face, rolling her eyes as she pushed past him.  
“I’m not for sale,” she heard one of the other Kook boys (Kelce maybe? She had seen him in the club a few times) whistle boyishly before bursting into hysterical laughter in Rafe’s face. Ignoring their antics, she made her way to a log further away, facing out at the ocean.
She stared out at the water, watching the waves tumble over and over. She reminded herself she needed to move on. She needed to be like the waves, take on the tumble, pick herself back up and get ready for the next. Jett was brought out of her thoughts when the sounds of skin flying across skin. She turned to see a tall, tanned skinny girl stomping away from JJ who cupped his hand over his cheek. Jett couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips, which caught the boy’s attention. He walked over to her, taking the spot next to her, rubbing his redden cheek gently.  
“What was that?” Jett asked amused. JJ huffed,
“Tourons. Apparently, I got with the wrong one and now I’m out of bounds with just about all of them.” Jett let out a puff of laughter at his dejectedness, before they lulled into a relatively comfortable silence. But JJ sensed something was up.
“Why’d you run off before?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” dismissed Jett, keeping her eyes trained on the ocean, eager to avoid JJ’s gaze.
“Yes, you do,” he countered, shift his body to face her. “Back there with John B and Sarah. Are you jealous?”
“Maybe,” Jett spoke quickly, now staring down at her cup. Was she really about to pour her heart out to JJ Maybank, her coworker? It was almost as if the alcohol itself whispered ‘yes’ to her as her mouth projectiled words without her control, “I don’t know. I miss having that; someone to turn to constantly. To touch you. Do things with. I guess I’ve just got an itch I can’t scratch.”
JJ remained silent, eyes scraping her body. They mainly focused between her hands and her lips, detailing every move she made as she spoke.
“That was too much information wasn’t it?” She threw her head back in frustration.
“That’s exactly what the right amount I needed to hear.”
Her brows pulled together in confusion, turning to face the boy for the first time. His eyes held a deep hunger and she could practically feel the heat radiating off him. She swallowed the lump of nervousness in her throat as he continued.
“You clearly have a problem no one else can fix. And I clearly have been exiled from Touron one-night stands. So, I propose a solution,” JJ stood up, hands gesturing enthusiastically as he spoke. “You and me. Sex. No strings attached.”
“What?” Jett asked incredulously.  
“It’s perfect! We both get what we want.”
She mulled over his words silently. She had to admit it would be convenient. She would finally solve her loneliness and would avoid the feelings that hurt her before.
“So, we’d be friends with benefits?” she asked, standing up, placing her hands delicately on his forearms, tracing back and forth. JJ smirked.
“Yeah, reckon you could handle it?” he asked queitly, leaning closer to her. Jett, flicked her hait back over her shoulder, looking up at the boy, hands still flowing softly across his skin.
“We need to lay some ground rules.”
“Absolutely,” JJ agreed. “This is not exclusive.”
“Done,” Jett settled. “No sex at work,” JJ went to object but, she brought a finger to his lips. “I need that job, pretty boy.”
He finger remained on his lips, causing his eyes to grow darker. He nodded in agreement.
“And finally, the most important rule of benefit: no feelings allowed.”
“Deal,” JJ whispered, pulling her hand away from his lips and pulling her in for a kiss. Jett dropped her cup half-filled with alcohol to the ground, wrapping her arms around his neck. She moaned into his mouth.
“Do you wanna--” JJ motioned over his shoulder.
“Yep,” Jett answered quickly allowing him to lead her away from the party.
They stumbled into the Chateau, leaving sloppy kisses along each other’s necks. JJ lead her into the spare room, shutting the door and pressing her up against in. Jett threw her head back against the wood, allowing JJ to explore her neck, sucking on the soft skin. She tugged on his hair, letting out a throaty moan. Keeping her hand his hair, she used it to spin them around, pinning JJ to the door. His eyes widen in surprised, then anticipation as she slipped to the floor in front of him.  She grabbed his belt undoing his pants quickly. Above her she could hear JJ’s breathing quicken as she pulled down his pants and underwear.
“Calm down pretty boy, gonna take good care of you.”
And with that she took his dick into her hand, pumping a few times before licking form the base to the tip. The moan that left JJ’s mouth was animalistic. His hands immediately flew to Jett’s hair, entangling themselves into it, pulling her closer towards him. Her head bobbed quickly, causing more grunts to escape from his lips. Jett could feel spit running down her chin as JJ pushed himself further into her mouth.
“Fuck, Jett. When did you get so good at this?” he asked, the sound of his head lightly thudding against the door as he screwed his eyes shut. She smiled sultrily, releasing him from her mouth, pumping his length as she looked up at him.
“Always have been. You’ve just been missing out.”
With a growl he picked her up by the sides, carrying her to the bed, flinging her across the sheets. He made quick work of ridding her of her shirt and bra. His mouth attached to one boob, his hands massaging the other.  Jett’s breathing quickened as she held his head to her, hips bucking up desperately. She whimpered needingly, craving his touch. He detached his lips, kissing slowly up her neck.  
“Patience pretty girl,” he whispered quietly. The hand that had been flicking at her nipple slid down her body and into the waistline of her shorts. He began to rub small circles over her clit. Jett let out a loud moan, hands instinctively coming over her mouth. With his free hand JJ grabbed her hands, placing them above her head. “Wanna be able to hear you.”
This caused an even louder moan to escape her lips, as JJ moved her panties to the side, easily slipping one finger in. Jett felt euphoric. JJ was already pleasing her better than her ex-boyfriend, and he had barely begun. She thought she could get used to their arrangement. He added another finger and began to pump faster. In contrast, he placed sweet kisses along her jaw, liking the feeling of her moans vibrating along his lips.  
“JJ, if you don’t stop, I’m gonna... ugh!” her eyes were screwed shut as her mouth was opened in a silent cry. JJ smiled against her skin, before retracting his hand. Jett’s body relaxed as he placed a kiss on her lips. He stood up ridding himself of his shirt and other items of clothing and she did the same.
She scooted back on the bed as a now naked JJ crawled on top of her, ripping open the condom wrapper with his teeth. He placed it over himself, lining himself up. He leant down next to Jett’s face.
“Ready to do this?” he asked her. She placed her hands on his shoulders and nodded.
“As I'll ever be.”
JJ pushed himself inside of her, their moans mixing in the hot, sticky air. He waited a moment before picking up his pace. Jett’s legs wrapped around his waist as she let out breathy groans. Her nails scrapped down his back, causing him to moan into her neck.
“Shit,” he cursed, his motions keeping a steady pace. He snuck a hand in between them to rub her clit.
“Oh my God, JJ,” she cried. She pulled one leg from around his body, slowly bringing it up to place it over his shoulder. JJ hesitated for a moment but seeing the look of sheer pleasure on Jett’s face, continued. The new angle elicited even more cried from her lips, her nails raking along his chest. JJ grunted, highly turned on by the girl beneath him. He wasn’t going to last much longer, and neither was she. His fingers worked quickly on her clit as his hips continued to meet hers. They yelled each other’s name in unison as they met their highs, JJ completing with a few final strokes.  
He pulled out, disposing of the condom before collapsing next to her. They were both sweaty messes, puffing heavily. Jett let out a breathy laugh, wiping the hair which was stuck to her forehead with the back of her hand. JJ pulled the covers out from underneath him, allowing Jett to crawl under with him. They laid next to each other, staring up at the ceiling still catching their breath.
“That was--” Jett started breathlessly.
“Yeah” JJ agreed.
She could get used to this.  
@downbytheouterbanks​ @thesailbells​ @sexualparkour​ @maybankxcameron​ @mileven-reddie @nikki082489​ @treestarrrrrrrr​ @mynamessusan​ @kristinaxilliano​ @love-bean​ @lauraxwndrlnd​ @jjsthumbring​ @obxmxybxnk​ @lovelymaybankk @http-cherries @belledutchess @wicked-laugh @jjswhore @sspidermanss @fandomobsessedlife @dolanfivsosxox @whenyouregrungeaff @poguestyleskye @iknowrocknroll567 @kingdomheartsfan109@dangerouswhispersblog @hopelesswritingxd @marveloucnco @riverdaleserpent04 @yeetingcelery @babyhoneystvles@ravngers @k3nz-doodl3 @famousstarsandkelly @readysteadygo23 @finelinetrack @sha-nah @silverstarsandsuns@awkwardnesshabitat @annedub @a-wade @ineedmorestyles @averagxfangirl @shreyaodedra06 @silverstarsandsuns@jjmaybangme @kisssmefree @shawnssongs @p0gues4l @hannahufflepuff @lovelymaybankk@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @softstarkey​ @kiarasflowr @drewstarkey @tcmhollnd @myrandom-fandomlife​ @jjtheangel @jjmaebank @masintahin @o-b-x @stilinskiandsuch @jellyfishbeansontoast @tessisawriter @cutiecolbsss@my-soul-is-the-moon @sunshinemadds @kisssmefree @certainstatesmantoadartisan @lefthandwritings @poguecollins@disagreeable-pink @tytheguyudontno @helplessquotess @taaniesha @obx-beach @thegeekyblondegirlwholovesstars@lcil123 @teenwaywardasgardian @sortagaysortahigh@jeyramarie @ellystone @classygirlything @marauderskeeper@rudyypankow  @ssjiara @bluebirdsbluebells @lavenderpope @rretrophilee @kitluvs1 @outerpogues @maaybanks@maebanks @thelocalpogue @heyhey-heyward @popcsheyward @maybe-maybanks @pixelated-pogues @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @maybankdreams @maybankiara @pogue-writings @honeymendesx @faded-blue @smiithys@justpeachykeeeen @justcallmesams @danicarosaline @free-pool-trash @saturnspack @velyssaraptor @no-shxt-sherl@saphira1412 @raekenliar @pancakefancake @imuniqueperson123 @marveling-avengers @lus-shh@hmspxgue @winterdameron @lolitstiana​ 
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worryinglyinnocent · 3 years ago
Fic: Haven (34/50)
Summary: They say Resembool is a haven, and they’re right. Lush pastures, quaint country town, farmers’ markets on Saturdays: a bucolic paradise.
But it’s more than that. Resembool is a haven for the runaways, the deserters, the people who don’t want to be found…
The Resembool community knows there’s something odd about Hohenheim, but they’re not going to let that stop them helping him out. This is Resembool after all, a place where no one has to hide and neighbours help neighbours, be they building a fence, chasing a sheep, or trying to save the country from an evil they inadvertently helped release centuries ago…
Or: A series of slices of life in an AU in which Hohenheim never leaves, and several broken state alchemists find hope and home in Resembool.
Rated: T
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [AO3]
Summary: Roy and Riza explore the depth of their feelings for each other. 
Characters: Roy, Riza
Pairing: Roy/Riza
Riza isn’t quite sure which of them really initiates it. They’ve been dancing around each other for a long time now, well, ever since Riza first arrived in Resembool. If she’s being completely honest, then it started far before that, before Ishval really. They’ve known each other since they were teenagers and Roy was studying alchemy under her father, and she thinks that the spark of attraction has always been there. Of course, then Ishval happened, and they were both too wrecked by everything that was going on to really find solace in each other there. After Riza came to Resembool and they were reunited, they were both too focussed on making sure that the other one was ok to really do anything about their feelings. Wellbeing took priority, as it should. 
Now, though, they’re in a much more stable place mentally. The nightmares will never go away, and Riza knows that she’ll keep on waking up screaming for the rest of her life. Not every night, but she knows it will never leave her. 
That’s been the beauty and the curse of living with the other deserters. They all know what she’s going through and they all try to help her through it in their own ways, all of them sympathetic to her plight but none of them really knowing the best way to get her to cope with it when they’re all in the same damaged boat. 
The fact remains that there are definitely feelings there, and Riza won’t deny them, but she’s always thought that there would be a better time to go over them. Now she has realised that if there is going to be a better time, then it won’t be until a long time in the future, and if there’s one thing that her life has taught her thus far, it’s that life itself is very short and she needs to make the most of things whilst she can. 
It’s a sentiment that she thinks Roy is beginning to share. Especially since they’re in the kitchen preparing dinner together, standing side by side, Riza stirring the pot on the stove whilst Roy chops vegetables, and before she knows it, they’re both looking at each other rather than what they’re supposed to be concentrating on, and then they’re leaning in, and then their lips are tentatively touching. 
Riza pulls away sharply, not because the kiss was unwanted but because she’s unprepared for what comes after. In all the nebulous daydreams she’s had of kissing Roy, it’s never been like this and she’s always known exactly what to say afterwards. 
For a long time, neither of them appear to be able to say anything, just looking at each other, a little scared as well as more than a little happy. 
This time, Riza decides to take the initiative, putting down the wooden spoon and cupping Roy’s face to pull him in for another kiss, still soft and chaste but definitely deliberate this time. He accepts readily, hands coming to her shoulders. 
As they break apart, Riza can see Alex standing in the kitchen doorway out of the corner of her eye. Silently, he steps backwards out of it and closes the door, and she smiles, turning her full attention back to Roy and closing her fingers over his on her shoulders. 
“Hey,” she says, since he shows no signs of filling the silence. No signs of being entirely conscious. 
“So… that happened.”
“Yeah. You kissed me.”
“I think it was more mutual that we kissed each other. But we liked it, though, didn’t we?” Riza pauses. “I did.”
Roy nods. “Yeah. I did too.”
It’s nothing like an epic romance novel in which there are heartfelt declarations of undying love and dashing knights sweeping their swooning damsels off their feet. In fact, it’s all a bit awkward and Riza has no idea what to say now. She doesn’t regret it though; she doesn’t think that anything could make her regret it, and maybe it’s all the better for being spontaneous. 
“I don’t really know what to say,” Roy admits. “When I pictured this happening before, it was always in very specific circumstances and I would have had some kind of speech prepared. Don’t ask me what the speech would have consisted of. But I would have been more prepared.”
“So would I. But I think it’s better this way. More natural. So much of everything that’s happened to us has been unplanned, I don’t think it would work if this was the one thing that we did decide needed meticulous preparation.”
There’s a rawness to it, an honesty that’s refreshing and that Riza appreciates. They don’t keep any secrets from each other, not now they’re both here against all the odds. Their feelings haven’t really been a secret, per se. There hasn’t been any subterfuge there. They just haven’t been overt about it. They’ve needed to concentrate on other things for so long that maybe it’s second nature. 
She reaches across and turns off the stove before the soup can boil over, and then she steps in closer to Roy, slipping her arms around his middle and resting her head against his shoulder. 
“This is nice,” she says softly. “And I think that this is the right time to do something about it. I’ve felt this way for a long time, but it was never the right time. And I realised that there’s never going to be a perfect moment. We just have to make the best of the imperfect moments that we’ve got.”
Even as the words come out of her mouth, though, Riza knows that they’re not exactly true. The moment is already perfect; they’ve made it perfect, and it was always going to be perfect as long as they got their act together and actually did something.
“Yeah.” Roy holds her tighter. “I know what you mean. We’ve only got one life to live. We might as well live it.”
“There’s no use in trying to deny ourselves something we both want out of a misguided sense of guilt.”
There’s silence for a long time after that, but then, they’ve never really needed words. Even back when they were first getting to know each other during their teen years, during Roy’s first awkward visits to the Hawkeye home. There were a lot of silences then, but they were never truly awkward silences. They’ve always been comfortable in each other’s company, and now they’re just as comfortable in each other’s arms. 
They don’t say it yet. Riza knows she feels it, but she knows it’ll take her a while to be ready to say it. It’s a serious phrase, for all it’s only three words. 
She closes her eyes and feels the comfort and warmth of Roy’s arms around her, and she thinks it instead. 
I love you. 
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starlightxsvt · 5 years ago
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Pairing: Jun x female reader
Genre: angst, crack, fluff, suggestive
Warnings: some cursing
Word count: 3k
"I didn't think you were the type to loose your sanity for a girl," you mumble as you drag Jun's sluggish body into his bedroom. "Me neither," comes his slurr, a drunk smile plastered on his face. You scoff, pushing him into the bed and reach for the half full plastic water bottle in his nightstand, helping him drink it up before laying him back on the bed.
"Mmm, dirty girl. Are you trying to take advantage of me?" Jun slurrs, a stupid smile plastered on his face as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. You smack him in on the shoulder grumbling, "I should have left you in the bar, idiot."
"But you didn't," Jun giggles staring at the ceiling, his arms and legs spread wide on the bed. You roll your eyes and offer, "Let me take off your jacket. It must feel uncomfortable."
"Mmm, you really horny, no Y/n?" He grins at you and you fume. Even though you know the boy is drunk, his teasing gets on your nerves. You heave in a deep sigh, getting yourself together. Ignoring his protests you get rid off Jun's jean jacket and manage to put a pillow under his head. Then you grab some painkillers and set them down on his nightstand saying, "I'm keeping some medicine here. Take them after you wake up."
You don't get any reply, instead Jun stares at his ceiling murmuring, "Why does she like him so much? What does he have that I don't?"
Your heart breaks for the boy. Softly you take a seat beside his head. You whisper, "It's okay, Jun. You'll find someone better. Maybe you've been trying too hard for her to notice that someone else may like you." Jun's eyes meet yours, "Really?" You swallow and nod. And she's right in front of you, Jun.
Jun sighs as he sloppily places his head on your lap, "You're really nice you know."
Your heart constricts. You say nothing, softly stroking his hair, hoping he'd fall asleep soon. "You should get a boyfriend. You've been single since birth," Jun yawns. "Don't worry, I'll help you find a nice guy..." his voice trails off as his breathes come out softer, more evenly.
You've known Jun since primary school. You were neighbors who visited each other often. From building legos to sneaking out late night for a drive, you've done it all with Jun. As time passed your feelings for Jun grew into something more than just fondness and friendship. Unfortunately, Jun didn't feel the same because he never showed any sign of such and went around dating girls. But that didn't mean he forgot about you, no. He was there for you when you needed him and he took it up to himself to protect you - like an elder brother. It hurt you, your feelings hanging on the tip of your tongue but you could never get them out.
And just like that, after graduation both of you moved out of your small town and into the city and shared an apartment - your parents more than happy that you had Jun by your side. Yes, he was by your side, just not the way you wanted.
Jun's crush is a mutual friend, you both met her after moving into the city. She is nice and pretty and when Jun asked her out, maybe for the first time in his life, he got rejected. Soon after she got engaged and tonight she had thrown a party inviting all of her friends to celebrate. At first you suggested not to go because you knew Jun would end up like this but he protested, saying he wasn't a coward.
You look at his relaxed features as he sleeps and your heart aches. You feel bad for him. But worse for yourself.
Morning comes quicker than you expected and after freshening up, you rush to Jun's room. He sits in the middle of his bed, hair sticking out in different directions, staring at the floor in an unfocused gaze. You note that the pills from his nightstand is gone so he must've taken them.
"How do you feel? Are you sober now?" You chirp, entering his room. "I'm moderately functional," comes his grumble as he stares at the floor. You frown, "I'll...take that as a no."
"No, I'm sober but I wanna get drunk again. My head hurts so fucking bad, nghh." He flops back into his bed and you smile fondly at him. "Should've thought about that before getting wasted." His reply is a groan as he rubs his face. You offer, "How about I make you some soup? Can you take a shower? I'm sure you'll feel better."
Few hours later, Jun joins you for brunch as he drinks his soup and you finish the leftover chocolate cake.
"How do you feel?"
"Could be better."
You chuckle. He looks better for sure. His hair is slightly damp and his toned body peeking from underneath the thin white tee he's wearing. You swallow trying to take your mind out of the gutter.
"What are you looking at?" Jun asks casting his eyes to your laptop in front of you. "Oh, um... apartments..." You swallow. Jun's brows knit together in confusion as he sits down beside you, "What? Why?"
'Well, I was thinking of moving out."
Jun stares at you like you've grown two heads before speaking, "What the fuck Y/n? Why-why would you do that?"
You swallow trying to think of a convincing answer, "Well, I wanted to move somewhere closer to work you know, not take the subway?"
"I can drop you to work, you just need to say-"
"No it's okay, I just-"
"Do you have a boyfriend Y/n? Is that what you are hiding? If you want to move in with someone else you can just tell me!"
"No! No- it's not that. Just, listen-"
"No Y/n. I don't want to listen. I'm hurt, okay? We've been living together for so long and now you suddenly start looking for apartments to move out without discussing with me. I thought we were best friends. If you don't like living with me, you could've just said it." Jun stands up to leave.
Before you know it, the words slip past your mouth, "It's because I like you, okay!" Your eyes go wide as realization hits you and Jun stares at you, stuck in his place. It's like the whole world stops as both of you stare at each other, your heart thrumming loudly in your chest.
It's do or die now.
"Yes, I like you. I like you since - I don't know, forever maybe. You're always caring and looking out for me and it's hard not to have feelings for you okay? But it's harder to be close to you and watch you pin over other girls when you're all I want. So yes, I wanna move out. I wanna stay away from you so that I don't cry everytime you fuck or get drunk over someone else. And I'm sorry if I hurt you but I think this is for the best."
By now, a stray tear rolls down your cheek and you suck in a breath, annoyed at yourself. Jun stands immobile, gazing at you and just when you're about to open your mouth, he comes right in front of you to engulf you in his arms. You stop breathing as he squeezes you against his chest, his head resting on your shoulder. "J-Jun..."
"Why didn't you say that before?"
"Say what?"
"That you like me," he releases you and meets your eyes as you swallow nervously, "I...I don't know. You were never interested in me and... I was scared, I guess."
"I liked you in middle school, then highschool but you never gave me any sign. Instead whenever we talked about dating you said you'd rather stay single. So I kept my feelings to myself."
You stare at him, flabbergasted, your jaw unhinged before you suddenly burst out, "Well if you at least asked me out properly instead of being a pussy, we would be dating by now!" Jun flinches slightly at your voice, then sighs. "Yea, right, I'm sorry." You sigh with frustration before murmuring, "I'm sorry too. We're just both big idiots."
A soft chuckle escapes Jun as he gazes at you fondly, "We are." You smile, suddenly feeling shy as you try to avoid eye contact. Jun whispers, "Y/n, let me do this properly. Will you be my girlfriend?"
You chew on your bottom lip, your insides warming up. Elated your almost jump on him, hugging him tightly, "Yes! Yes, I'd love to!" Jun pulls you back to look at you, a dazzling smile plastered in his face as his hands gently stroke your cheek. "I want to kiss you."
"About time, Wen Junhui."
His lips mold into yours, a perfect match. His hand tilts your neck, guiding you expertly through the kiss. Soft moans escape from both of you as your tongues collide and when you pull back you realise your legs are wrapped around his waist. You smile sheepishly, warmth on your cheeks as he pecks your forehead, heading for his bedroom. "About time we do the other thing."
You look up at him, burning in embarrassment as you ask, "Um, right now?" He peers down at you frowning, "What? Isn't it about time we cuddle? Wait- what were you thinking, dirty girl?"
"I- Wen Junhui, I swear to God!" You hit his chest as he howls with laughter, dropping you to the bed.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Let's do the dirty, shall we?"
A/N: Hello lovelies! Yep, reposting cuz Tumblr ate up my post ughh. Anyway, I was so stressed out because I wanted to write something fluffy and cute for our Junnie and it isn't really my forte. I really hope you enjoyed reading this and if you did please let me know. Your words really inspire me to keep writing. 💖
My masterlist -> here
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years ago
Best Boi Soup
A/N: So it's @trickkombowerskru 's birthday today, aka, my Tumblr wife. We met almost four years ago on this app and we've talked everyday ever since. I am very fortunate to have such a sweet and fun-loving friend to nerd out with everyday, I truly can't imagine life without her. Shes so very talented and smart and she always makes me laugh. So for her 22nd birthday I asked her what she'd like me to write for her and she said, "whatever you want" which might be a mistake lol. So I present to you Best Boi Soup.
A headcannon, blurb, list of the best bois we simp for. I hope you enjoy! Love you, bitch!
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You met Trick while working at a convince store in the rundown town you'd spent your whole life in.
He came in almost every shift you worked to buy a drink, a snack, and a pack of cigarettes.
Everyday he came in, and everyday you wrang him up. He was one of the many regulars you had. You saw him walk in, you greeted each other with a friendly smile and you'd turn around to grab his usual before turning back to the register to ring him up.
"Uh, not today. Thanks though." He shook his head and pushed the pack away from him. You raised your brow.
"Really?" You asked, a little surprised.
"Okay. Are you vaping now?" You started the small talk. Another part of your routine.
"No. Just, trying to quit." He flashed an awkward smile your way as he handed you the cash.
"Wow, good luck with that." You smiled back.
"No. Thanks. See ya."
"Yeah. See ya." And with that he sauntered out of the store and onto the grey street. Either headed home or to work.
"That Trick?" Your manager asked as he shuffled in from the back office.
"How's he doing?"
"He seems alright. He's quiting smoking."
"Oh really? Good for him." The old slob mumbled between his teeth as he chewed on a toothpick.
As time went on, your exchanges gradually shifted from friendly to borderline flirty. And you notice his purchasing habits begin to change. He starts brining healthier drinks to the counter, fruits and vegetables as snacks, a sandwich if he's hungry. You tease him for it at first, but he brushes you off with a playful smile.
One day your manager watches your playful exchange as he leans against the old counter. A sly smirk spreads across his face.
"That boy likes you, yknow." He says with a mischievous smile.
"Quit bullying me." You reply, still in a playful and joking tone.
"He only comes in here for you." He tells you.
"No he doesn't." You argue, crossing your arms.
"I've never seen him here when you aren't is all I'm sayin'." The old man chuckled as he raised his hands in defense.
"You're pulling my leg, leave me alone." And with that he had planted a terrible, terrible idea into your head.
Of course you had a crush on Trick. You always thought he was cute but as time went on the butterflies went away and you became good acquaintances, friends maybe. Just friends, right?
Oh no. The butterflies. They're back. Shit.
The next time you saw him, they ravaged your body. Making your knees weak and your cheeks burn. Your heart and raced and you started to sweat. Shit. Be cool. Be cool. Just be normal. This is normal.
"Hey, Y/N." He smiled as he placed his purchase on the counter.
"Hey. How's it going?" You asked, hoping he didn't notice your insuing panic.
"Nothing much. Um...well...actually..." was he blushing? "Y'know Todd?" Todd was a mutual friend of yours. You and Todd went to high school together. Todd and Trick worked together. He was another young adult trapped in that dead end town.
"So he's having a party tomorrow night at his new place and he wanted me to invite you."
"Todd wanted you to invite me?"
"Yeah, I was thinking I could pick you up? Around 5?" You hissed through your teeth.
"Actually I work-"
"She can go!" Your manager shouted, poking his head out from his office. "She can go." You turned back to Trick with a smile.
"So 5?" You asked.
Dating Trick, or Ryan as you now know, was easy. He was easy to be around, fun-loving, and sweet. He was thoughtful and caring in ways you'd never experienced before. He made you feel safe and happy.
He still stopped by your work everyday to brighten up your day and give you a sweet peck on the lips before heading back to work.
Things were good, until a little over a year into your relationship. You met his Dad.
You knew about Trick's abusive father. He's the reason some dates were cut short. The reason Ryan had to spend the night at your apartment so often in fear of going home. He tried to save up enough to move out, in fact you were in the process of saving so you could move in together.
You watched a man you hadn't recognized walk into the store one day. He was clearly a junky, which, wasn't abnormal there were plenty around here. But unlike the others, he made aggre eye contact. He shuffled around the store, browsing.
At first you thought he was just going to steal, which you usually didn't pay any mind to. It wasn't your job. But soon he came up to the counter with beer and candy. You asked to see his ID, which was mandatory.
"Do I look underage to you!?" The man spat.
"No sir, it's just I can't sell it to you without ID. The register won't let me-"
"Goddammit. Fine." He mumbled as he reached into his pocket and gave you the card. You scanned his ID and continued checking him out. "You're Ryan's girl, ain't ya." You froze. Before you could speak, he interrupted you again. "Little shit thought he could hide you from me." He smiled a rotten toothed grin. He made you sick to your stomach.
All the pain, the trauma, the torture he put Ryan through. It all added up to this weak, distorted, junky. A bizarre idea of a person. You watched him take his receipt and leave without another word.
You didn't want to worry Ryan, so you decided not to tell him about his father's visit. But he just kept showing up to harass you. Sometimes he'd ask how Ryan was doing when he'd stay the night with you. Sometimes he'd comment on your body, try and flirt even. Giving a disgusting laugh when you didn't respond.
"He said he saw you today." Ryan said, hanging his head low as he watched you get into his van.
"Who said?" You asked, not thinking of it at first.
"My dad." You paused. "He said he's been...visiting you at work latley." He was visibly shaken.
"Are you okay?"
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"
"I didn't want to worry you. I'm fine, really. He hasn't done anything..." you tried to brush it off.
"Just because he hasn't, doesn't mean he won't." You watched him, his wild eyes looking out the windshield.
"Well then...what do you wanna do?"
Happily Ever After:
"Let's run away." He whispered softly against your forehead before leaving sweet kisses against the skin. Your bodies resting skin to skin against each other as you laid in your bed.
"What?" You giggled, pulling back to look up at him. He wore a sweet and confident smile for you.
"Let's run away together. Just you and me." He squeezed you tighter against him.
"Where would we go?"
"Anywhere. Just take me away from here." He begged as he left gentle kisses against your temple.
"What about work? What about moving in together?"
"We'll find other jobs. We'll take our money and run. Live in my van until we find a place."
"I thought that van was your dad's."
"We'll steal it."
"And what if the cops come after us?"
"He's too chicken shit to call the cops."
"You really wanna run away together?"
"With every fiber of my being."
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You met Klaus in rehab.
You were there for ...reasons. And Klaus was there for ...reasons...
Klaus was attractive, free flowing, free thinking, wild and fun. Everything you wanted and more. It's only natural that you were attracted to him so that hook up in rehab was only inevitable.
It was no surprise that it got him transferred thought. So you pouted about never seeing the best sex of your life ever again and went on with your life.
You struggled, as everyone in rehab does but you were lucky in that you made a good recovery. You worked hard to help yourself get out of your sticky situation and move on to bigger and better things.
That was, until you saw him again.
There he was, sitting there at the breakfast bar where you worked.
"Hey stranger." You mused as you filled his cup of coffee. Klaus's big green eyes looked up at you.
"Hhheyyyy..." He smiled up at you with a confused brow. You chuckled at him, taking his order and walking away. He looked up at you such sweet adoring eyes everytime you came by. "Hey." He grabbed your wrist to get your attention. His eyes searching yours for answers. "Do I know you. You seem familiar." You laughed at him.
"Rehab. Four years ago. Y/N, Y/L/N." He let out a high pitched laugh and a cheerful huff.
"That's right! We-uh-um-yknow." His fingers pointed back and forth in a funny suggestion. You giggled with him and nodded.
"Yes, 'we-uh-um-yknowed'. It got you kicked out, remember?You joked.
"Wow! Hah! It's uh. It's good to see you. You look...well you look, g-good."
"Thank you. So do you."
"Well, hah, I try." You shared a few laughs back and forth ending with you giving Klaus your number.
Dating Klaus was...strange. Just as strange as him.
Sometimes he'd disappear months on end, only sometimes leaving a "I'll be gone, love you" note or text. But you felt content with Klaus.
When he was around he shrouded you in love and affection. He appreciates your patience with him and his traumas. His PTSD coming and going as it pleases.
He's there for you when things get rough, and you're there for him. Unconditionally and truly.
He's hopelessly in love with you, terrified that his family business will endanger you. Trying to keep you as distant and as safe as possible. Only forced to get you involved in order to protect you. Even then, you better be able to handle yourself in case of emergencies.
Happily Ever After:
Your happily ever after consists of buying a plot of land in the middle of nowhere to live out your lives in peace.
Taking care of yourselves and one another in the comfort of your own private get away.
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You met Jasper during a rough time in both your lives. You were a grounder, one of the grounders tasked with spying on The 100.
You were always in the trees, hiding, watching, getting information for the planned attack.
Jasper caught your eye simply for the fact that he survived a spear to the chest. What kind of space magic was that? It also didn't hurt that he was cute and awkward and you kinda just wanted to jump some space boy bones.
Needless to say you developed a bit of a crush on Jasper without him even knowing of your existence. When Lincoln got involved, things got messy. You felt bad for The 100, after all, you saw no real reason why the grounders and the space people couldn't just work something out. But your people were fearful, and so were The 100. Or Skycrew as you called them.
So you helped in little ways you could, joining Lincoln and aiding their side when Mount Weather got involved.
Needless to say when Mount Weather went down, and you met Jasper for the first time, things were not as you had hoped.
Jasper was traumatized, haunted by the deaths of an entire civilization. Tortured by the death of his girlfriend. You felt bad for him. And he wasn't too fond of you.
Being a grounder meant you were his enemy to him. Grounders caused trouble, grounders were responsible in the first place. He associated you with his scar.
And while is rejection hurt at first, he warmed up to you as you worked along side Raven and the rest of his friends. Monty and you grew especially close because he was a good teacher, and he would listen to you about your experiences as a grounder. You had import information about the land that Skycrew did not.
Soon, Jasper got used to you being around. But that didn't mean he liked you.
One night in particular, you were fed up being bullied by Jasper. Jasper wasn't the only one who didn't trust you but, he certainly was the loudest.
You walked into the common place, noticing Jasper sitting at a table drinking as per usual. You tried to mind your own business but he taunted you.
"Hey grounder!" He knew your name. He refused to use it. You looked after a few calls. A sloppy smile stretched across his face. "Why don't you show me some of your grounder magic er whatever."
"Grounder magic?" You scoffed. Grounders were, out off all the groups, the most spiritual. And some skycrew had started rumors that you were a witch. You had taught Monty in particular how to grow and harvest herbs that could aid in healing wounds and help the sick. Your symbolic tattoos and dress didn't help your case. You liked to think you were an agent of peace, but clearly your efforts were for not.
"Magic." You scoffed at him.
"Yeah c'mon witch. Read my palm." He held out his hand with a drunken smile. Watching with heavy eyelids as you approached. Taking a seat on the bench beside him, slowly taking his hand in yours, and pressing it harshly against the metal table below. Jasper gave a sharp gasp of pain before you quickly let go and snatched the bottle of liquor from him. "Ow! Hey! Give that back!" He shouted after you.
You cursed him before drinking from the bottle and exiting to walk back to your room. Moonshine for dinner, you thought. You took large gulps from the bottle as you walked back to your room, already feeling dizzy by the time you got back. You entered the broom closet of a room, capping the bottle and tossing it onto your bed. Stripping of your clothes to change. You paused when you heard a loud knock at the door.
Jasper was on the other side, just as drunk as you, just as pissed. He froze when you opened the door, dressed down to just a bra and pants. Were always this hot? He asked himself.
"Piss off, Skycrew." You muttered, trying to shut the door. He wedged himself between the door and aggressively pushed his way through.
"I paid for that bottle with my own rations now hand it over!"
"Consider it payment for your palm reading you bastard!" You shouted back, trying to push him back out but failing to as he wrenched his way in. He lunged for the bottle, making you lunge for him in an immature and ridiculous mess of a scuffle. You pulled on the collar of his shirt, choking him enough to disorient and bring him back. He collapsed to the floor, reaching out and pulling on your ankle to get you down to his level.
Once on all fours, he climbed over you, only to get an elbow to his ribs. You pinned him down, sitting on his chest, legs on either side. Your hands pressing his wrists into the concrete floor below, and your chest pressed flush against his face.
In any other circumstances, Jasper would have shouted for you to get off. To let him go. But now, suddenly, in his half-drunk half-horny state, he relaxed into this position. He stopped fighting and for a moment so did you. Panting and content with your win, you released him. Looking down from your position on his chest. He was beet red.
His heavy eyes looking up at, dilated and needy. That look made you melt. Was he okay? Had you hurt him?
Jasper was more than okay, for once he had forgotten about everything. Nothing else mattered but you and your soft supple body. You went to get up off of him, but his hands came up and pressed you back down on him. Forcing your lips to meet his.
Drunken sex helped keep the two of you sane. Some nights you didn't even need to be drunk, you just needed him as he needed you. You chocked it up to a sex addiction, just another thing to make you both forget the atrocities of war. But, when the chip came around and everything went to shit. You worried for Jasper, as he worried for you.
Happily Ever After:
You watched out for one another, a bond built from pain and trauma grew into a friends with benefits sort of deal. Jasper let himself go, he let himself love again because of you.
Being up in space was weird. Six years and you still weren't used to it. You missed earth more than you could ever imagine but somehow, Jasper made it all okay. Jasper felt like your own tiny part of earth, he made you feel at home.
You'd spend the rest of your years in space with Jasper. Coming to the conclusion that this peaceful life in space was better than the chaos down below. You manned the ship with him. Growing old, having children together, and passing away of old age together. Finally getting the peaceful life you both desired.
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phoenix-downer · 3 years ago
Autumn Mending Chapter 2: Festivities and Memories
~4050 words. Romance, Angst, Pining, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Comfort, Healing, Making Up. For SoKai Day 2021.
Sequel to Kisses and Lies because I couldn’t just leave Sora and Kairi hanging, now could I?
Will have three chapters because the story took on a life of its own, and the actual final chapter will be the one posted on SoKai Day.
Summary: Sora and Kairi are still broken up, but with the help of old friends and Twilight Town’s autumn festival, the spark between them just might be rekindled.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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After her mission with Sora, Kairi had been left so confused. She’d thought, after that kiss, after that conversation, after the way Sora had looked at her, that he’d make a move. Ask to talk. Try to work things out.
But he didn’t. He was nice. He was cordial. But there was a giant wall around his heart, and no matter what she did, she couldn’t get past it. 
Breaking up with him was the worst mistake of her life. She could see that now, and how she regretted it more than anything. Because it was done out of fear. She’d been scared of the future. Scared he’d leave her alone again and never come home. Not like he’d done it on purpose before, but when he told her he was planning on continuing to fight instead of going to college or settling down, a deep, awful feeling of dread had settled in her stomach. 
Instead of discussing things with him, she’d talked at him and told him a bunch of things. Told him she was scared he was addicted to fighting and hopping from one world to the next. Told him she was afraid he wouldn’t ever want to settle down and start a family like she wanted to. Told him she feared he’d leave again on yet another dangerous journey and never come back this time. Told him she couldn’t live a life like that, couldn’t live a life where she never knew when her husband would be home, a life where her kids might be abandoned without any clue as to what happened to their dad and she’d be left to raise them alone. 
She’d never forget the look in his eyes that night on the beach. The hurt, the pain, the agony. The begging and pleading and promising to be everything she wanted and needed, then the tears and anguish when she told him it was over. They’d both cried their hearts out, and she assumed he would never forgive her after hurting him so deeply. Especially when he ran off the next day and avoided her for months afterwards. It wasn’t until Master Yen Sid had assigned them to go on that mission together that she got to talk to him again. 
How wonderful it was just to spend time with him once more. When she’d kissed him to fake out their enemies, it hadn’t been fake for her. She’d missed him so badly. Missed his smiles, his laughter, his heart. His hugs, his warmth, his kisses. His sass, his humor, his love. She wanted to talk to him about what had happened. Apologize for breaking his heart and beg for forgiveness and explain that the problem wasn’t him, no, it was her, it was always her, she was always the one making things difficult for them both—
But he’d been standoffish. He’d cut off her attempts to talk to him. Only near the end of the meal they’d shared in that food court was she able to confirm he still had feelings for her. It was his eyes that had given him away. It was always his eyes. They really were like the window to his soul, or more accurately, his heart. 
So then why did he act so awkward around her afterwards? Why did he avoid her? She despaired and figured she’d blown her final chance with him. So when the cute guy who worked at the souvenir shop asked her on a date, she thought heck, why not. Why not give another guy a chance. He was nice and the date was nice, but the moment he tried to kiss her at the end of the night, she knew this was wrong. It was all so wrong. 
Here she was, at the door to her parents’ house, the moon and stars shining down on her and this perfectly nice guy trying to kiss her, and all she could think about was Sora. She couldn’t get his face out of her mind, couldn’t help but wonder how he would feel if he knew this guy had almost kissed her. Couldn’t help but remember all the times he had kissed her.
Sora. It was always Sora. He would always have her heart. No matter what happened, that would never change. 
“You okay?” her date asked with a frown. “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked first—”
“No, it’s not you, it’s me,” she told him. “You’ve been wonderful and tonight was wonderful, but I… I can’t go out with you again. I’m sorry.”
She’d retreated inside the house and threw herself on her bed and cried. Sora was the only one she ever wanted to kiss for the rest of her life. Wiping her eyes, she dialed his number. It just rang and rang and rang. She tried texting him. Nothing. So she called his mother. 
“I’m sorry, Kairi, but you just missed him. He said he’d be leaving and wasn’t sure when he’d be back.” 
Her heart sank as she thanked his mom and hung up the phone. Her timing really was awful. And if he wasn’t picking up her calls, she only had so many ways to reach him. 
He avoided her attempts to contact him for the next few months until finally, finally, she got a lead. She was chatting on the phone with Olette when Olette casually mentioned that Sora would be visiting Twilight Town for the fall festival. 
“Oh really?”
“Yep! Are you gonna come too? I thought you two were still broken up.” 
“We are, but I think he might still have feelings for me. And, to be honest, I still have feelings for him too.” 
Olette squealed. “Then you have to come!”
“Really?” Kairi asked, then chewed her lip. “You don’t think he’d be upset?” She hadn’t gone chasing after him because she wanted to give him his space. He hadn’t blocked her number, but he hadn’t responded to any of her attempts to contact him either. The message he was sending her was loud and clear: I don’t want anything to do with you right now. 
“Maybe he will be,” Olette said, “but if he is, you can just apologize and leave.”
“I don’t know, I don’t want to ruin his visit,” Kairi said as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. 
“You won’t, trust me. If things get awkward, we can go do something else. I really do want to see you and hang out, you know.” 
So that was how Kairi had ended up here in Twilight Town, cautiously following Olette into the gang’s old hideout. Several different emotions warred on Sora’s face as he registered her presence. Shock. Frustration. Anger. Pain. But then, when their eyes met… the hurt and anger melted into something soft and vulnerable as he stared back at her. 
“Kairi?” he said, his voice far more tender than she deserved. 
“Um, hey,” she said back. “Listen, I know this is really last minute and unexpected, so Olette and I can go somewhere else if this is too awkward—”
“No, it’s okay. It’s… good to see you.” 
“It’s good to see you too,” she said, her voice breaking a little. They just stared at each other for a few moments until Pence cleared his throat. 
“So, um, shall we?” he asked, gesturing towards the makeshift curtain. 
“Let’s go,” Hayner agreed, and Sora stood. Kairi wasn’t sure what to do. Should she walk beside him? Give him his space? 
But their friends made that decision for them, because soon they were walking side by side through the back streets while Hayner, Pence, and Olette continued up ahead of them. Kairi loved seeing the little lanterns strung up between buildings and the fall leaves hanging on garlands, taking in all the delicious scents lingering in the air, and feeling the magical autumn atmosphere of the town. But no amount of good vibes could bridge the gap between her and Sora. 
“How have you been?” she finally asked because the awkward silence was unbearable. 
“Not too bad,” he replied, and his voice was surprisingly chipper, all things considered. “I’ve been saving munny, talking to Hiro about going to San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, that kind of a thing.”
She stole a glance at him. Saving munny? Going to a university? This was a far cry from the Sora who wanted to hop from world to world with no plan for the future. 
“What about you?” he asked. She couldn’t help but think he looked especially handsome today. Relaxed and casual and ready for the fall festival, and yet still put together. He always made everything look so effortless, even looking good.
“I’m still working at the crafts shop on Main Street,” she said, avoiding thoughts of how nice a hug from him would be right now. “Except for missions of course. And I’ve been thinking about going to a university too. Not sure which one though.” 
He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m sure you’ll do great wherever you decide to go.” 
She smiled sadly at him. That was Sora, always cheering her up and cheering her on even when he was upset. She wanted to say more, but they were at the festival now, and it was getting too loud to comfortably talk. Booth after booth lined the streets of Twilight Town, the trolley was decked out in fall leaves and decorations, and a few stages had been erected throughout the area for performances. 
First up for their little group were all the food booths, which was good because Kairi’s stomach was growling and she was craving delicious festival food. Pumpkin soup with piping hot bread, warm apple pie with cold ice cream, roasted chestnuts and salty pretzels, and her favorite, apple cider to wash it all down. The non-alcoholic kind because she wanted to be fully aware of whatever happened the next several hours. 
Sora got non-alcoholic apple cider too, as did Hayner, Pence, and Olette, and the five of them toasted each other. Sora’s hand shook a little when he accidentally brushed up against her hand, and their eyes met as they took their first sips of the cider. But instead of immediately looking away, his gaze lingered on her for a few more seconds.
Those few seconds made her want to hold his hand, to hug him, to apologize and explain everything that had happened—
But then the moment was over and he looked away. She ducked her head and tried not to let it get to her. Of course he was still guarded around her. Anyone would be. 
The five of them enjoyed the festivities in town for a while (Hayner, Pence, and Olette even gave a rousing karaoke performance of an old classic on Twilight Town), then hopped the train to go out to one of the farms in the surrounding area. Here was where the fun would really begin: a pumpkin patch, hayrides, an apple orchard, a corn maze, cozy campfires, falling leaves… 
As they walked the short distance from the station to the farm, Kairi took in the scenery around them. The pathway was lined with trees shedding their brilliant red, yellow, gold, and orange leaves, and the temperature was perfect. If she and Sora were still dating, this was the moment she would’ve grabbed his hand and leaned against his shoulder and sighed happily. 
But they weren’t, so she kept her hands to herself and tried not to stare at his hands. They were so big and strong, so gentle yet firm. She always felt safe in his arms and melted at his touch.
“Alright, first up is pumpkin carving!” Pence said once they’d arrived at the farm. “So, we gotta grab our pumpkins from that patch over there, then once we’ve paid for them, the three of us always compete with each other to carve the best pumpkin, and you know what that means?”
“What?” Sora asked.
“You and Kairi are joining the competition too,” Hayner said with a grin. “No backing out!”
“You’re on,” Kairi said. She grabbed Olette’s hand, and they giggled and took off towards the pumpkin patch.
“We’ve gotta get the best ones before the boys take them,” Kairi said. 
“Absolutely,” Olette replied. As they carefully scoured the pumpkins for the best-looking ones, Olette scooted closer and lowered her voice. Even though the boys were a little ways away, better safe than sorry. 
“He seems happy to see you,” she said. 
Kairi stole a glance at Sora. He was currently fighting Hayner and Pence off of his choice pumpkin, laughing as he swatted their hands away, and when their eyes met, she couldn’t help but smile. 
“And you seem happy to see him too,” Olette added. 
“It’s just nice to see his smile,” Kairi said as she examined a big orange pumpkin. Yes, this one should do nicely. 
“Kairi, it’s totally obvious you’re still in love with him and he’s still in love with you! Why aren’t you saying anything?”
Kairi sighed and hoisted the pumpkin onto her hip. “It’s my fault we broke up. I’m the one who broke his heart, and he’s been avoiding me for months on end. There’s no way he still feels the same way he used to about me.”
Olette sighed as she selected a white pumpkin and stood. “Maybe not, but it’s clear he still feels something for you. Why are you denying it?”
“Because if he still loved me, he wouldn’t be pushing me away,” Kairi said, staring intently at her pumpkin like it held the answers to all her problems. 
“Maybe he’s pushing you away because he does still love you. Maybe being around you just hurts too much.”
Kairi stole another glance at him. Was it possible? Was it possible he’d fled, not because he hated her, but because he still loved her? Was it possible they could fix what went wrong and make things better than ever? If only she could apologize. That was all she wanted, to apologize and ask his forgiveness. Then maybe at least they’d find peace.
Their eyes met again, and he smiled. A soft, gentle smile that reached his eyes this time, and she blushed and smiled back. Then Hayner grabbed his arm and Pence snatched his pumpkin away, and he let out a shout and chased after them, leaving her and Olette in stitches, they were laughing so hard. 
When at last the pumpkin situation had been sorted, the five of them carried their pumpkins to the carving tables and got to work. Gutting the pumpkins was always messy, but the pumpkin seeds were well worth the effort. She would take those home and roast them later with oil and sea salt for a delicious snack. That taken care of, she stared at her pumpkin. What to carve? A typical Halloween creature, like a wolf or witch or bat? No, that didn’t feel right. Wait, she had the perfect idea. She grinned and began, and before long, she was etching the same drawing she’d sketched on the cave walls of the Secret Place all those years ago. On a whim she included the paopu part too because why not. 
When it was time for everyone to reveal their pumpkins to each other, Pence had made a very impressive ghost, Hayner had carved a vampire, and Olette had made an adorable cat. Kairi’s nerves got the better of her when it was time to reveal her pumpkin, however, and she clammed up and said, “I’ll reveal it later, when it’s dark and everyone’s lighting their pumpkins!”
That way she’d have time to get rid of this one and do another one that wouldn’t pressure Sora or put him on the spot. 
“Sora?” Hayner asked.
“Oh, um, I’ll do the same,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Alright, next on the agenda isssssss… apple picking!” Pence called out like he was announcing the Struggle Tournament. They went to the entrance of the apple orchard, where a nice old woman handed each of them a bag and a pair of scissors and told them they could keep whatever they could carry. 
The best part about apple picking on Twilight Town was the experience. While Kairi did intend on filling her bag to the brim with juicy ripe apples, a big part of apple picking was eating a couple of apples first before picking more to take home. There were so many different kinds to choose from, soft plump red ones, tart crunchy green ones, golden ones with a rich flavor, sweet multicolored ones with her favorite taste… a veritable feast of delicious fruit. 
When they’d gathered the first round of their bounty, the apples they would eat right then and there, they sprawled out on a picnic blanket on the grass and munched away. Kairi’s eyes traveled to Sora as they so often had today because she loved the perfect look of contentment he always got on his face when he was eating something especially delicious.
And these apples were delicious. Kairi had only plucked three so far because that was all she knew she could safely eat, but she wished her stomach were as big as her eyes. The apples were juicy and delicious and perfectly ripe, and she kept having to dab at her mouth and chin because the apples were just that good. 
Once they’d had their fill and had filled their bags, they went to a special tent that would keep their goodies for them until it was time to go home. Their arms free once more, it was time for the corn maze.
“Hayner and I have already tried the one this year,” Pence said, “and let me tell you, it’s so convoluted it’s easy to get lost. Some people call it the Eighth Wonder of Twilight Town.”
“We’ll see about that,” Olette said with a smirk. “Bet I can beat your record.” 
“Oh, you’re on,” Hayner said, a glint in his eye. The moment the group entered the corn maze and were surrounded by stalks, Hayner, Pence, and Olette took off, leaving Sora and Kairi behind. 
“So, that’s a thing,” Sora said with a chuckle. Kairi giggled awkwardly and glanced at the sky. They probably only had about another hour of daylight left, going by the sun’s position. 
“I hope we can finish this thing before dark.”
“If we work together I bet we could.”
She nodded. “Okay.” 
They walked largely in silence as they tried different routes. Some were dead ends, but little by little they were making progress. And it was nice to just… be with him again. Working together on something. The silence between them wasn’t awkward the way it had been earlier today, either. It just felt safe. Comfortable. The crunch of crushed corn stalks beneath their feet was soothing, too. 
Kairi wondered if now would be a good time to say something or apologize. 
“Sora?” she said as they rounded a corner. One of the corn stalks brushed against his arm, and it rustled when it moved back into position.
“What is it?” he asked. 
“Thank you, for letting me join you guys today. I know you didn’t really want to see me, but I’m glad you let me stay.”
He was silent for a few moments as they continued, an unreadable expression on his face. “Who says I didn’t want to see you?” he said at last. “I have to admit, it took me by surprise, but I’m glad you came.”
She fiddled with her sleeves. “I am too.” 
He looked at her, the sun setting behind him, and she thought he seemed more radiant than ever. How could she have agreed to be away from him for so long? She should’ve run after him the moment he ran away from her. The first time and the second time. She’d gone after him before, why had she let her fear and shame stop her this time?
She reached for his hand. “Sora, I—”
“There you guys are!” Pence called as he burst around the corner. “Buncha slowpokes.”
Aaaaand the moment was gone. Sora ribbed on Pence for calling him a slowpoke, and soon Hayner and Olette joined them too, and together the five of them finished (or, in Hayner, Pence, and Olette’s cases, re-finished) the maze. 
But as she got a little badge from the booth at the end of the maze that congratulated her on finishing, she noticed Sora was waiting for her. He must already have his badge, so maybe he wanted to talk more. The other three had gone on ahead to get them tickets for the hayride, as it was quickly getting dark. 
“You should put your badge on,” she said as she joined him and they started walking towards where the hayride would start. 
“Already have,” he replied, pulling back his hoodie and pointing to the badge. Twilight Town Fall Festival Corn Maze Completionist! was written on it in tiny letters, along with a photo of this year’s maze. “But you haven’t put yours on yet. Here, let me do it.”
As he gingerly lifted her shirt enough to stick the sharp part of the badge through, she wondered if he was as affected by their closeness as she was. He was focusing carefully on the badge so as not to accidentally poke her, and that meant she could take everything in. His scent, his warmth, his eyes. How she’d missed seeing him, talking to him, being with him.
“Thank you, for doing the maze with me,” she said. “It was a lot of fun.” 
He smiled and met her gaze. “Yeah, it was, wasn’t it? I missed doing this kind of thing with you.” 
“I did too.”
A few moments of silence lingered between them. But then he took a deep breath and said, “Kairi, what were you gonna tell me earlier? Before Pence interrupted us, I mean.” 
Her mouth went dry and her palms got all sweaty. “Oh, um, I wanted to… I wanted to…” 
He patiently waited, and she knew she had to do this, she had to get it all out.  
“I wanted to apologize,” she finally said. “For hurting you. For breaking up with you. I never should’ve done that.” 
He stared at her, his eyes wide and his mouth open. Something very vulnerable was in his expression too, and that vulnerability gave her the courage to continue. 
“The way I handled it was awful too, just talking at you instead of discussing things with you. Maybe if I had, we wouldn’t have—”
“Hey, lovebirds, the hayride is about to start!” Hayner called, and her chance was gone. Or so she thought.
“We’ll be there in a sec!” Sora shouted back. “If you need to go, go on without us!” He turned his attention back to her. “This is more important.”
She nodded and fiddled with her sleeves again.
“You aren’t the only one to blame for this whole mess,” he said sadly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I ran away like a coward instead of talking things through with you. I was so hurt that I—”
“Last call!” Hayner yelled, and Sora sighed, irritation flashing through his eyes.
“This hayride had better be the best hayride in all the worlds,” he grumbled. 
“It’s okay,” she said, “we can talk more about this later.” 
He nodded. “We will. I won’t run or hide this time, I promise.” 
She dared to offer her hand. “I know you won’t.” 
He smiled sadly and took her hand, and as they hurried to scramble onboard the hayride together, she couldn’t help but hope that maybe, just maybe, things would be okay between the two of them. Sora didn’t let go of her hand as they settled in on one of the bales next to Hayner, Pence, and Olette, so that was a good sign. And as their guide began telling ghost stories as the tractor and wagon rattled along, she rested her head on Sora’s shoulder. He didn’t push her away, just leaned his head against hers, and his closeness made her feel so warm inside despite the chilly night air.
She hoped and wished and prayed with all her heart that after this was over, they could mend the hurt between them for good. 
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fantasticstoryteller · 4 years ago
New Amsterdam Chapter 60
Matt felt slightly ill at the description of the stuff Peter had put up with (you don’t understand, I signed with his mother and his mother was the sweetest, most wonderful person you could ever meet) from his landlord. Things like his utilities suddenly being separate from his rent, when they were all included before. Things like calling for someone to fix his heater, being told if he wasn’t there to let the maintenance guy in it wouldn't get fixed, and then not sending the maintenance guy for three days—when it was negative ten degrees Fahrenheit outside. Things like the electricity in his apartment being “randomly” cut off—shortly before it was time for him to pay his rent. Then this latest stunt—changing the date of rent collection with two day’s notice.
He was also surprised at Peter’s attitude about it. As far as he could tell, the young man thought the shitty behavior he was experiencing was just stuff that happened to him, and Matt would desperately like to know why he thought that way. He was also shocked that Peter—Peter actually seemed to like and trust Deadpool. And Deadpool showed a side around Peter that Matt suspected no one else got to see; he was gentle and loving. And teasing, Matt recalled about the ball.
It was—odd, to say the least. Deadpool was explosion, noise and chaos. He was still those things around Peter but—they were softer, muted somehow. And Matt could not for the life of him figure out how the unassuming young man in front of him had possibly gotten that reaction out of Deadpool.
Matt could also tell that the feelings were mutual. Peter’s heartbeat slowed and his breathing evened out when Deadpool touched him. Even when he was scolding Deadpool his heartbeat had that slow, loving pattern. He relaxed around the murderous mercenary—and had even, at one point, called the man a hero. Which Deadpool, with a modesty that Matt couldn't quite credit even though he’d heard it with his own ears, had denied.
There was also something disturbingly familiar about the young man that Matt couldn't place, like a nostalgic taste on his tongue he couldn't quite recognize. He tried to set the sensation aside as he concentrated on the conversation and made mental notes even as he (with Peter’s permission) recorded it to go over it again later (with his law partner this time). He would bring the full force of the law down on the man—and if that didn’t work, if he managed to squeak away through a legal loophole somehow, well—Daredevil could pay him a visit.
At the end of the conversation, Matt turned off the recording device (an old cassette player—not as convenient as digital, but harder to hack and, more importantly, had grooves on the different buttons in shapes designed to tell what those buttons were for) and put it in his bag. “Thank you, Mr. Parker,” Matt said, having learned the young man’s full name over the course of the gentle interrogation—and over the dinner where Wade flirted shamelessly with his boyfriend and his boyfriend clumsily flirted back.
The fact that Deadpool, the same manic man that had literally blown himself up to take out a drug cartel dabbling in human trafficking, had a boyfriend that loved him was just a little mind-blowing. And a little thought provoking. One of the things that had happened when they were eating was Wade and Peter sitting, back to back, on the couch. After a moment Matt realized why—Wade didn’t want to show his skin (even Matt knew that the merc was sensitive about it)—and Peter respected that. They were an oddly good match. An oddly endearing match.
Matt hoped to Hell that they managed to find and stop whomever put the hit out on Peter, because if anything happened to that young man Deadpool would raze the city to the ground.
After dinner Deadpool gave Peter a quick hug and and cuddle and said he was going to walk Matt home; make sure he got home safely. Matt almost said something—until he realized that Deadpool was simply reinforcing the helpless persona that Matt wore as his civilian disguise. He didn’t believe that Deadpool was really going to walk him home—and was surprised when the guy stopped at a taco truck and ordered a huge amount of food.
“Did you not get enough to eat?” asked Matt.
“Of course I did,” Deadpool said as he went to pay the vendor—who waved it off.
“No payments from you, Senor Pool,” the man said with a heavy accent. “If not for you, who knows what happen to my sister, eh?”
“Just a masked madman doing my duty to protect the city!” Deadpool replied in the same voice he’d used before jumping off the catwalk above the gang.
They walked a little ways away, the smell of the food hanging around them before Matt made himself ask, “What is the food for?”
“A summoning spell,” said Deadpool.
Matt stopped walking. He could tell, from the tone of voice and steady heartbeat, that Deadpool was absolutely serious. “This I have got to see,” he said firmly. Deadpool started laughing and Matt half-heartedly smacked the merc with his cane. “Come on,” he said as he ducked into an alley and climbed up the side of the building—only to be overtaken by Wade who used a retractable grappling hook to get to the top. “All right,” said Matt when they were at the roof. “What are you doing?”
“I told you,” said Deadpool as the paper bag around the Mexican food crinkled several times. “I’m summoning!”
“You could try calling,” a dry voice announced behind them. Matt whirled, dropping into defensive stance. There were only two people that could come upon him unannounced like that—and both of them had tried to kill him. “Cute,” said the voice.
The feminine voice. The young, familiar feminine voice. Matt slowly pulled himself out of his stance as he listened for something from the girl’s direction. Then, realization dawned. “How’s Dora?” he asked as he (partially) relaxed.
“Dora says ‘hi’,” the girl responded.
“I didn’t call, because you never gave me your name.”
“I didn’t?” A pause. “I didn’t. Well, I can’t, but I’m going by Angel for now.” Matt heard the rustle of wings. “What did you want me for, Deadpool?” There was the crinkling sound of the bag being opened and the familiar sounds of mastication as the girl began to eat.
“Can you cook?”
“Yeah, Dad and Papa made sure I could.” The sound of fingers being licked as something moved along the girl’s chest with an odd sound—like it was rasping over metal? “I can do pancakes, most Mexican and Italian—don’t ask me to do tamales, they never come out right for some reason, but yeah. I can cook.” More chewing noises.
“Great! I want you to watch over Peter!”
“That might be a good idea,” Matt admitted. “The young man made soup explode.”
A pause. “Really?” the girl asked. She sounded a cross between impressed and horrified.
“Really,” confirmed Deadpool.
“Huh.” More chewing. A swallow. Then, “I can do it, but it won’t be free.”
“I figured that. Whatcha need, Baby Girl?”
Matt, expecting a cash amount, was mildly surprised when the girl said, “A new sketchbook and colored pencils.”
“Right. One drawing pad and crayons.”
“What’s wrong with crayons?”
A rustle of feathers in what Matt assumed was the winged girl’s version of a shrug. “Nothing’s wrong with crayons. I use pencils.”
“Deal. So, what brings you out to this negotiation? Are you here to draw up an official contract?” The girl sounded curious, as opposed to offended.
Matt felt a slight chill. The girl knew he was a lawyer. How? He hadn’t told her what he did, he hadn’t had much of a conversation with her before at all. She was also, he knew from the theater incident, aware of Daredevil to the point that she even knew his turf of protection. He knew better than to ask, however. “Deadpool’s boyfriend has a landlord that is pulling some illegal stunts, and he’s hired me to fix it—legally,” he added as he calmly explained.
He sensed the girl nod. “Do you want me to read the contract to you?” she asked. “I speak legalese, one of my uncles made sure I could.”
“Why would your uncle make sure you could?” asked Matt with curiosity.
Both the girl and Deadpool burst out laughing. After a full, solid minute of laughter the girl gasped and sighed. “Oh! Tell you what,” and Matt could tell from the tone that she was grinning, “if you can guess who I am, I’ll tell you everything I know.” Deadpool, amazingly, managed to laugh harder and Matt heard his body hit the roof as he doubled over with mirth.
The girl simply took another bite of food, and began to chew.
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