#hilariously I was complaining immediately before reading it that SO MUCH of the discussion around burnout and overwork are like
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essektheylyss · 6 months ago
I was personally assaulted (honorific) by this essay on ambition. It's very good.
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still-a-morosexual-help · 3 years ago
*I wrote this days after the lesson was first posted and never bothered to go back and edit it so meaning there will be me theorizing about the next lesson as well
*I write a small para for each chapter and I write it immediately after finishing that chapter so there’ll be theorizing about the next chapter too
*I swear more than usual here
*Some of the dialogue is heavily plagiarized and a few is lifted directly from the story, the game is to figure which is which.
*Summaries and Discussions/theories for all the other lessons can be found on this blog under #obey me spoilers or #my theories or #my headcanons
MC wakes up to Belphie and Satan planning on kidnapping them, deciding to wake them up and then arguing about which small prank they should play to wake them up (satan suggests holding their nose till they wake up and Belphie says they’d have to be careful with that method cause it could kill a human). MC decides it’d be best nor to let them go ahead with anyone of this and wakes up screaming to scare them both. They complain about being reverse pranked and say that breakfast is ready. Belphie also gives them the star of diligence for all that happened last lesson. Belphie asks if once MC becomes an actual sorcerer if Solomon will teach them higher level magic. Satan say it’d be a great boost to the anti-lucifer league. Belphie wonders what the final exam would be (and I just realised these two exams will be the final exam holy shit) and satan asks MC if they’re confident, they say ‘after all the BS I’ve been through? FUCK YEAH!’ Satan says it’s good to be motivated but to stay focused, Belphie says past experience shows that MC can stand to lose a little focus and still be okay. There’s a commotion and they realise that it’s probably Beel rampaging cause he got too hungry.
Asmo scolds Beel for his rampage, Beel apologizes and Asmo tells him not to apologize through a mouthful of food cause it seems less sincere. Asmo asks if he even regrets it and Beel ignores him to go reheat the meat pies which pisses asmo off more. Belphie tells him to drop it and that it was partly their fault for taking so long to come back. Asmo then scolds Belphie for being too soft with Beel. Lucifer asks about MC’s star and congratulates them. MC thanks him and questions him being so happy about them nearly being done. He says them becoming a proper sorcerer is important for all the brothers and that personally Lucifer wants them to become more powerful than Solomon so that they can finally shut him up and make him stop pestering Lucifer for a pact. Belphie questions Lucifer more about Solomon and Lucifer complains, also saying that there are plenty of demons willing to forge a pact with him but Asmo says Solomon’s very particular about who he makes pacts with. Asmo says word for word, “It may not seem like it, but he’s got a very cold-blooded side to him. He probably picks his targets purely based on whether they’ll be of use to him.” (I just think it’s really interesting that asmo calls them ‘targets’ though the character relationship diagram did say that Solomon considers others his playthings). Asmo uses Mammon as an example of a demon Solomon wouldn’t want to forge a pact with but Mammon doesn’t respond instant he’s silent and distracted/worried. Asmo pokes at Mammon again asking if he agrees. Mammon distractedly agrees. Asmo’s smile instantly falls, shocked and upset that Mammon isn’t biting back and arguing or saying something mean in return (why is this my brother & I???). Satan says that Levi will also be useless to Solomon. Levi responds the same way as Mammon did which freaks out both Satan and Belphie. MC asks Mammon & Levi what’s wrong. Belphie states how weird they’re being and Asmo also asks what happened, looking particularly upset. Lucifer calls out to the both of them too. But before they get a response Barbatos calls Lucifer asking them all to come to the hotel immediately.
On the way over Satan says Barbatos asking them over this early is strange and asks if he gave Lucifer a reason, Lucifer said Barbatos had promised to explain when they got there. Satan asks if this is wise considering two of them were already acting odd. Lucifer turns to them and says he’s not going to ask what their behaviour’s about rn but when they go back home the two of them have to explain to him what happened. They both give distracted noncommittal hums as answers. Satan says they’re like completely different people rn and Asmo says whatever the reason behind their behaviour it’s probably stupid. Asmo then asks MC about how he should paint his nails next time, MC can say a mature look,  =a feminine look or a simple look. Then he remembers he’s supposed to enrol in a cooking class that makes food to “cleanse the soul” it’ll be hard with new nails. He also worries about whether food that ‘cleanses the soul’ could exorcise him. MC after all the BS they’ve gone through is extremely paranoid and says it sounds sus Asmo says the 7 of them are also pretty suspicious and that given their limited time in the human world he wants to do everything he can. Behind them Levi meows. Asmo says that though the demons are here just on break the angels are gonna be here long term (guys guys guys what if S4’s after the brothers leave and it’s an angel focused season with them bringing in Michael and Raphael and the brothers only show up for small bits??? I’d cry I’ll get Mammon withdrawal). Levi meows again. Asmo says he wants to stay and have fun in the human world for longer too. Levi meows thrice in a row. Asmo finally snaps and yells at Levi. Levi says he just wants to talk to MC for a bit (remembered the girl in college who used to meow at me whenever we passed by each other). Satan says he knows that Levi’s done something bad that’s gonna piss off Lucifer and now he’s trying to drag MC away from the others to find away to fix it. Levi tries to deny it but Satan just congratulates him and says depending on how this turns out they may invite him to the ant-lucifer league. Belphie asks what he did and Levi tries to deny it until Beel stops walking in stunned silence and Belphie asks him what happened. Beel says he just remembered something awful.
Beel wants to go back to get his abandoned meat pies, Mammon breaks outta whatever stupor he was in to say that’s insane and MC suggests heading through the market. Beel loves the idea and hugs MC, with Asmo saying he wants to hug MC too. At the market people stare at them, Lucifer says it’s natural with how big a group they are, Asmo contributes it to his beauty, I say it’s Satan’s ugly ass clothes. Mammon says people oughta pay them if they’re gonna stare, Levi says it’s embarrassing and MC tells him he’s being too self-conscious, Levi replies saying it feels like he’s being made to do an embarrassing public dare. The butcher greets all of them, surprised to see all of them at once, Beel places his order and the butchers asks if they’re friends, family
(members of a cult? Orgy?) MC can look over at either Mammon or Lucifer and get them to answer. Mammon says that  except for MC they’re brothers though he doesn’t like being stuck with them for brothers but what can ya do. Belphie says Mammon’s got that last bit backwards. Lucifer says the same as Mammon’s first part but adds on that the others can be embarrassing. Satan says ‘like you’re not!?’ The butcher looks at this back of idiots who all look roughly the same age and nothing alike and says “ah. I see.” Then says “MC is your friend or
”Asmo laughs and calls the butcher nosy and says he and MC are a couple and that they’re they love of his life (the butcher previously also was introduced to Beel & MC and Mammon & Mc as couples
), Mammon says MC’s his servant (what a dick. I love him so much), Belphie says he thought the story was they hired MC as their babysitter (and that doesn’t sound shady at all) MC can say they’re a.) family This makes Beel & lucifer really happy and they agree. b.) their master, Mammon says MC’s got it wrong and it’s the other way around. Levi says that at least in Mammon’s case they got it right. c.) their babysitter – Satan protests to being called a baby. The Butcher’s like right
.I kind of don’t wanna ask for anymore details but it’s nice you’re all so close.
Up in the hotel Beel is on his 37th meat pie much to Asmo’s dismay. Diavolo greets them and apologizes for the time, MC asks ‘what kinda bullfuckery is going on now’. Since last night there’ve been rumours of an evil spirit (aren’t diavolo & Barbatos also technically evil spirits
) Last night a guest had coming running to the front desk, seeming very pale and petrified with fear insisting there was something in the room with them. Though they don’t say a word Mammon gets shocked by this and Levi gets upset. Several staff members had gone to investigate but what they’d seen had left them shaking and unable to speak. They shock was so much that everyone who’d seen it had been admitted to the hospital. Mammon starts nervously laughing, saying it must have been all in their imagination, the way he words it makes it sound like he’s implying evil spirits aren’t real which I find hilarious. Levi, stuttering, backs him up. Satan says they can’t have all imagined it (isn’t this a thing though? Wait lemme google it up. Mass hallucinations or epidemic hysteria. The first two examples are during the middle ages and they both happened to nuns which is odd. The first was a nun who kept biting other nuns and it spread till the nuns were biting each other. The other was a nun who kept meowing and well that spread. Hey you guys need to read the wiki page for the examples of this it’s really fucking interesting). Mammon ignores Satan and tries to leave citing ‘stuff’ he’s gotta do. And Levi suddenly remembers some of his prior commitments as well. Asmo calls them out for being suspicious and Mammon stutters through the whole sentence denying it. Lucifer bans them from leaving which upsets them and Satan realises that they were called to get rid of the spirit. MC (who’s a shit) asks why the demon king’s son can’t take care of it or if it’s safe for demons to exorcise evil spirits. He says he’s got meetings the whole morning and that the spirit is something he can’t keep waiting till later. He says that though to humans they may seem similar, demons and evil spirits are very different beings. He also says the spirit is the kind that’ll be hard even for demons to handle alone. Asmo asks if that means Diavolo knows what it is. He says it’s a bogeyman (Me: *snort*)
The twins are surprised, Diavolo asks MC whether they know what it is. Bogeymen are well known even in the human world, with children fearing they may be hiding in dark corners of their rooms, they don’t have their own form and instead appear as your greatest fear (and isn’t this the thing from harry potter? A boggart right?) Belphie asks how it could have ended up in Corvo and Lucifer turns to the two obvious suspects as they try to inch their way towards the door. Through stutters they try to explain that they weren’t trying to run away. Lucifer’s so pissed at this point his text has stopped appearing in bold and is now appearing in red. Mammon throws Levi under the bus, saying he wouldn’t stop adding all these new upgrades to crowe, levi says it was Mammon doing that using Levi’s account and money. Levi said Mammon wanted to try an effect called “Pandora’s Gacha” which would give you a random effect that you weren’t told about beforehand. When Lucifer yells at them to quiet his text is both bold and red so you know he’s seconds away from murdering them. He makes them explain everything properly from the beginning and there’s a flashback.  They’re both in Levi’s room, realising how badly they fucked up, as black mist starts to swirl around them (they also keep finishing each other’s sentences as they talk about how fucked they are which I thought was cute). Levi says he has no idea what they summoned but that it should definitely not be loose in the human world and Mammon cusses out crowe (which fair? Which did an update to crowe let loose an evil spirit? Maybe cause crowe’s also connected to the devildom but I can’t imagine anyone in the devildom wanting to be surprised with an evil spirit either
 and shouldn’t they correct that bug before someone in the human world summons something that only crowe in the devildom is supposed to summon. But I guess Levi’s crowe is a prototype). Crowe actually answers Mammon and starts telling what it is an what it does as the mist starts taking form. Crowe congratulates them on winning a ‘super special rare effect’, Mammon asks how they could congratulate them when this sucks. The mist forms into Lucifer in his demon form resulting in the two of them screaming and panicking, Mammon’s chanting ‘no’ over and over again and Levi shrieks at Crowe to get rid of it and Crowe asks if he wants to transfer the bogeyman to another location. Crowe asks permission to use 1000DP to install an update to do that, which makes Levi hesitate but Mammon agrees. Crowe asks where they would like to send it. Levi starts stuttering saying he doesn’t know and Mammon says anywhere but here. Levi then stutters out hotel corvo. (So I have questions: Does the bogeyman appear as what you fear the most in general or what you fear the most at the time you see it? Like since before it formed a shape they were already freaking out about Lucifer getting pissed at them so in that one moment that’s what they were scared of more than anything else. Also does it transform into your collective fear? Like since Mammon & Levi met it together it transformed into a pissed demon Lucifer cause that’s the one thing they both fear the most but if it met the two of them individually would it transform into something they alone fear the most? I’m asking cause the two of them seem to piss off Lucifer so much, and despite knowing the consequences for their actions this does not stop them from doing more things to piss off Lucifer, and they’ve been doing this for thousands upon thousands of years that it doesn’t make sense that the thing they fear the most would be Lucifer.)
Back in the present mammon happily compliments Levi on his quick thinking of transferring it to Corvo, Levi happily takes the compliment, calling himself a genius and saying he’d seen an ad for corvo right before the whole bogeyman thing appeared and it popped into his head. “How very interesting
” Says Lucifer with a smile on his face and remembering where they are right now Levi gasps. Lucifer quotes back what they just said to each other before transforming into his demon form making the two of them start screaming again. Belphie says the two of them redefine stupid. Barbatos, with a smile, says he’s pleased they found the cause of all this. And Satan remarks that Barbatos seems really pissed. Beel says the way he’s smiling makes it scarier and actually reminds him of Satan (I love the smiling despite being consumed with seething murderous rage thing some of the demons do. We even saw Mammon do it in that one Devilgram where the brothers for once actually managed to piss him off enough to make him transform into his demon form.) Barbatos says he’ll leave the clean up to Lucifer and the others. Lucifer, now back to normal, agrees despite looking upset and saying he’d rather not. Barbatos drags diavolo to his meeting despite Diavolo protesting and saying he doesn’t want to leave as things get interesting and asking if he can reschedule the meetings, Barbatos says Diavolo had promised to be professional and get all his work done if Barbatos let him come and stay in the human world. Diavolo asks MC if they can have a gossip session about everything that’s gonna happen later and they promise to. Diavolo complains again and Barbatos smiles and goes ‘Young Master.’ And Diavolo immediately fold and leaves. Belphie comments on how even Diavolo wouldn’t dare cross Barbatos when he’s pissed. Asmo and Satan say Levi and Mammon should fix this mess. Mammon says as brothers they should stick together. Belphie says he doesn’t get to play the brother card at his convenience. Asmo asks if MC agrees with him. Levi gives them puppy dog eyes and asks if MC will abandon them. If MC says they should all work together Mammon gets all sparkly eyed and says he knew MC would agree and Levi gets all sparkly eyed and says MC’s the best. Belphie says he doesn’t want to be stuck dealing with this. If MC says it’s their fault and they should figure it out Mammon asks them if that doesn’t sound too harsh and Levi says he understands that nobody cares about them. Satan calls them tweedled-dee and tweedled-dum and says they brought it on themselves. Beel asks Lucifer what they’ll do. Lucifer says Mammon & Levi should deal with it, Levi tries to protest but Asmo says they should have known this would happen. They’re interrupted by Simeon and Solomon, with Solomon saying he wants MC to take care of this.
Lucifer asks why they’re here. Solomon says Barbatos told him and that the bogeyman was a perfect opportunity that they can’t let go to waste and that he wants to make it MC’s final exam. MC can say it sounds exciting or crazy, MC’s a lunatic so after they say the first Solomon is pleased and says he’d expect nothing less from his apprentice and that this is gonna be hard but it’ll make it more rewarding. Simeon laughs and says Solomon seems to have rubbed off on MC, he pauses and adds “in a good way”. Solomon smiling says that they’ll have Simeon with them as help. Simeon says he’d only come by to deliver cakes but had gotten kidnapped by Solomon. MC says they could use Simeon’s help, he’s silent for a moment but agrees though he says he doesn’t know how much help he’ll be. The others agree to come along to watch/help MC’s exam. Mammon gets all sparkly at the thought of his ‘sweet little brothers’ coming to help but Belphie says none of them are doing it for him or Levi but for MC instead. Levi says he feels like they really lucked out here. Solomon asks Lucifer if he has any protests. Lucifer looks tired and done but agrees to it all. They end up in a really creepy bloodstained hall bathed in red light. Beel asks Levi not to walk plastered on to him. Levi stutters and says he can’t. Mammon, also thoroughly freaked out, holds on to MC as they walk and says the hallway is really creepy. Asmo scolds him for using this as an excuse to hold MC. Lucifer tells them all to stfu. From the far end of the fall they hear growling until from the shadows something roars and comes charging towards them.  Mammon screams.
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writingtoforgetreality · 4 years ago
Basement Of No Hope (Rob Benedict x Reader)
Summary: Louden Swain had a few upcoming gigs & you decided to rent a house in the area. Jason & you tagged along, being the opening act for each show. The house was big, six bedrooms, enough for everyone. When you could not agree on who would occupy which room, you let a good old game of rock paper scissors decide for you. Today was your lucky day, apparently.
Words: 2,430
Warnings: language, mentions of nightmare (I had to bring some angst in there, okay?), Rob being dramatic af (other people write songs about heartbreak, dude, but it’s alright), strong dislike of basements (from personal experience lmao), soooo much fluff it’s kinda disgusting
Inspired by: “Basement Of No Hope” by Louden Swain (aka Robbie & his dramatic ass writing a song because he lost a game of rock paper scissors – no, really
if you haven’t watched the video, pls do, it’s hilarious)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❀
You were at the airport in Nashville, currently waiting on your luggage. The flight had been rather relaxing, you even managed to get an hour or two of sleep in. Rob’s shoulder was used as a pillow but he did not seem to mind. Here you were, with the Swain boys & Jason. The following nights, Louden Swain had multiple gigs lined up, all in the area. They had asked Jason & you to join, to be their opening act. Having a few songs on your own & being more than comfortable to perform next to Jason, you agreed. Of course you did. Rob & you were
something, after all. Neither of you knew what you were but you were something. Best friends, but you were best friends with all of the boys. The only difference was that you did not want to kiss them when you looked them in the eyes. Rob was the exception. Everyone was aware of your crush on him. Everyone but him, it seemed.
Two vans were waiting for you all. They were supposed to bring you to your accommodation for the next few days. Rob, Jason & you were occupying one car while Billy, Stephen & Mike seated themselves in the other. Most people were confused because you only ever hung out with men but you did have girlfriends, too. Well, they were Rob’s friends first but you guys hit it off immediately. Besides, it was great to hang out with people who shared your passion for music. Your music career was still in the starting blocks but you had released your debut EP not too long ago & luckily, a lot of Louden Swain’s fans loved your music as well.
It was late when you arrived at your destination. Lazily, everyone dragged their suitcases inside, putting them in the entrance area. The moment you wanted to grab your stuff, Rob beat you to it, sent you a wink & left you standing outside, dumbfounded. He could be such a dork. After shaking your head & chuckling quietly to yourself, you followed him inside. Looked like you were interrupting a heated discussion. Listening to it for a few moments, you could make out that apparently, they were arguing about who would get what room to sleep in. Rolling your eyes, you were annoyed by their childish behavior. It was moments like this where you asked yourself if they were grown ass men or defiant children. Today, it was the latter.
“Guys, guys, guys. Can y’all turn it down for a second?” your voice was loud but not loud enough for them to hear you. Crossing your arms over your chest, you tried again, this time literally yelling.
“GUYS! SHUT UP FOR FUCKS SAKE!” like a switch, the discussion died down & five pairs of eyes were looking at you.
“Thanks. Okay, let’s try this again, shall we? Billy, what’s the matter?” knowing Billy was usually the one to keep it cool in situations like these, you turned to him & waited for his answer.
“Really? You’re asking him?” Rob chimed in. Rolling your eyes once more, you focused on Billy, waiting for his explanation.
“So, there are six bedrooms for six people, right?” you nodded, signaling him that you understood & he continued. “Stephen checked all of them. They are okay. All except one. The one in the basement. It’s
creepy.” he finished. Letting out a quick laugh, you were not sure if he was kidding or not. But his look told you that he was being serious.
“You’ve got to be kidding me
” you mumbled under your breath.
“No, really, (Y/N). You gotta check it out. It’s bad.” Jason spoke up & motioned for you to follow him. Heading downstairs you were shocked to say the least. Okay, you had to admit, it was not luxurious whatsoever. The exact opposite. When you made your way back to the entrance area, the boys were waiting for you reaction.
“Okay, I get it. But guys, come on, it’s late
Can’t we just go to bed &, I don’t know, deal with this later?” an exhausted sigh escaped you.
“Sure, you can take the bedroom in the basement then.” Stephen suggested.
“Forget it. I won’t sleep down there. Dude, I’m scared of basements, you know that.” being annoyed at Stephen for even bringing this up. Good Lord, this was bound to be a long night.
“Let’s play rock paper scissors to decide.” Mike said after a few seconds of silence. Rob eyed him carefully, not really knowing if he was serious or not. But before you had enough time to tell them how stupid Mike’s idea was, the other four agreed with him.
You were standing in a circle, ready to beat the boys. As long as you did not have to sleep in the basement, you were good to go. Literally every other room would do. Stephen shortly explained the rules. Getting in position, you started with your first round. The first round ended quickly. Everyone won against Rob & when the realization set in, you all started laughing so hard that tears made their way down your cheeks almost instantly. Rob cursed & complained about how everyone had cheated which made this entire thing even funnier. He was pissed. Like, deeply pissed. And even though you felt a little amount of pity for him, the majority of you was just happy that you did not have to reside in that creepy ass bedroom downstairs. Rob grabbed his stuff & made his way downstairs, not longer caring about the rest of the game.
“Go fuck yourself.” was the last thing you heard from him. Again, you all ended up laughing like crazy. This was too good to be true.
Billy lost next, followed by Mike & Jason which left Stephen & you for the final battle. The first round went to Stephen. You won the second one. The last one would settle who would get to sleep in a nice king-size bed. The second place would get a great room, too, so whatever was about to happen
it would be a win-win situation. The others were circling you, cheering for the both of you. Stephen told you to close your eyes, he would do the same, so that the others knew the outcome before you. The damage was done, you went for scissors.
“Guess (Y/N) gets her well needed beauty sleep.” Billy joked & you opened your eyes. Stephen lost with paper. But before you performed a little winning dance, you made sure to playingly slap Billy for his awful joke.
“No need for beauty sleep, the princess is always looking flawless.” swaying your hips when you left for your earned room, carrying your suitcase with you. It was only then when you realized how heavy you had actually packed. In no way would you ask any of the guys to carry your luggage upstairs. Well, there was one person you would actually ask but this certain someone was residing in hell aka his incredible basement bedroom for the time being.
Wanting to experience the softness of the mattress as fast as possible, you quickly went to the bathroom to take a quick shower & to brush your teeth. You wrapped the towel around your body & walked back into your room to search for a suiting t-shirt to sleep in. In the end, you decided on one of Rob’s old shirts you stole from him a while ago. He was never wearing it anyway & it was freaking comfortable, so why not? Pushing it over your head, you did not bother with pants. The shirt was too big on you & you were in this room alone. A yawn escaped you & only a second later, the warmth of the bed was embracing you.
It did not take long before you shot up from your bed, breathing heavily. Shit, another nightmare. Usually, you could handle them just fine. Especially when you were with other people, they pretty much disappeared. You were confused why you had experienced one now. Unfortunately, or fortunately, you could not remember what it was about but since your heart was beating incredibly fast, you assumed it had been a bad one. There was no way you could be alone for the rest of the night. It was not something new to you to share a hotel room or a bed with one of the guys. Sometimes it was just easier, especially at Conventions, to share with another person in order to not take up too many rooms. Mostly, though, you did end up with Rob.
Looking to your door, you were contemplating going to him. But nope, that was not happening. He was sleeping in the basement & while basements themselves creeped you out, the thought of actually having to walk through the entire house by yourself scared you even more. Checking your phone for the time, you were shocked when it read 3:00 am. Shit, if you were not about to tell anyone about your nightmare you might as well not get any more sleep this night. The upcoming gig came into your mind & you knew you had to be well rested to perform perfectly.
It seemed like your hands were moving by themselves & all of a sudden you were calling Rob. Which was stupid, really. He would not hear his phone when he was asleep but you were desperate & still pretty shaken up from your previous nightmare.
“Yeah?” his sleepy voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Robbie?” your voice was small & you did not think it was possible, but your voice cracked by just saying his name. Damn nightmare.
“(Y/N)? You alright?” hearing bedsheets shuffling, you assumed Rob was sitting up. His voice was filled with concern. He knew you would not call for no reason, especially not in the middle of the night & definitely not when you were in the same house.
I-I had a nightmare & I just
I don’t even know why I’m calling you. I’m sor-“
“What room are you staying in?” right, he did not know because he was too pissed off to stay for the rest of that stupid game.
“The one with the king-size.” you mumbled, not really sure what he was getting at.
“Got it.” the call ended & you were left confused. Would he come to you?
The door squeaked open slightly after a soft knock. Your eyes had adjusted to the dark & you could see Rob’s silhouette in the doorway. He began walking over to you & took a seat on the bed. Immediately, you could feel his arms wrapping around your frame & pulling you close to his body. Being in his presence calmed you down in an instant & for a while, he just held you without saying anything.
“Looks like you won the game.” Rob’s whisper broke the silence in the room. You let out a chuckle & he did the same.
“Yeah, & you’re lucky enough I saved you from that hell hole. I’m sure that bed was uncomfortable as shit.” pulling away, you looked at his face. The darkness did not hide his features & you were happy that he was here with you right now.
“It was, which is why I haven’t slept yet.” he admitted with a laugh.
“You serious?”
“Yep. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m fucking tired
Do you wanna talk about it?” his eyes locked with yours & that was the point when you were sure that you were in love with him. The way he cared for you, genuinely cared, would forever be a mystery to you.
“I can’t remember what I saw but it was
bad.” sighing frustratedly. “I just knew I didn’t wanna be alone & I sure as hell didn’t wanna wander around the house all by myself. That’s why I called you.”
“Do you think you can go back to sleep?” because he would have stayed awake with you if that was what you needed.
“Yeah, now that you’re here
” if it were not for the dark room, Rob would have seen your blush. He simply nodded & pulled you down with him. His arm was draped over your waist & he hugged you close to his chest. A soft kiss was pressed onto your shoulder & this simple action sent goosebumps down your skin.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).” he mumbled into your neck.
“Night.” you whispered & soon enough, the both of you were fast asleep.
A loud voice woke you from your peaceful slumber. Whoever it was was about to get punched.
“Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty. Billy is making breakf-
Robbie?” of course it was Jason. He knew you could not stay mad at him & this man had never learned how to knock.
“Do I even wanna know? Um, you know what? I don’t
Anyway, breakfast is about to be done. At least I don’t have to go to the basement to wake Rob now.” the last part sounded farther in the distance because Jason was already turning around & walking out of your room. You could feel a chuckle behind you & soon, you found yourself laughing with Rob.
“Good morning, slept well?” turning around in his arms, you stared into perfectly blue eyes. When he saw you, he could not help the smile that was forming on his face.
“How could I not when you were literally next to me?” you blushed at his words. He could be so cute sometimes, it really was disgusting.
Getting up from the bed after a few more minutes of just enjoying being in Rob’s arms, he let out a whistle.
“My shirt looks good on you.” you brushed off the warmth that was spreading on your cheeks with a shake of your head.
“I’d hurry up, Robbie. Billy’s pancakes are to die for. Your fault if you’re too late.” you winked at him & put on some sweatpants before leaving Rob alone in the room. The two of you had spent nights sharing a bed before but there was never cuddling involved. Usually, you would stay on your sides & that was about it. Tonight changed everything. He knew you could tell as well. And that change was for the better. It was bound to happen. Literally everyone but you knew it would happen sooner or later. And here you were, after so long of keeping your feelings pushed down, finally moving into the right direction. All of it happened because a damn game of rock paper scissors...
Published (04/01/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @chelseashurley, @traubellianfirebuilder (thanks for your support <3)
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years ago
Roman and Logan’s Dark Strange Son Rewrite
Pairings: Romantic Logince, Platonic Loginceit/Roloceit
Word Count: 1282 Words
Summary: Logan And Roman set out to try to make things right, with only slight amounts of spite and pettiness toward their fellow light sides.
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, Unsympathetic Patton, Spiteful Roman, Petty Logan, Fighting Mention, Innuendo Mention, Slight Arachnophobia Mentions, let me know if I should tag something else
Chapter 1
The summon was sudden, making everyone sure that it was urgent and/or important.
"Okay, what do I do? Everyone either needs my help Friday or wants to hang out on Friday and on Friday, I'm supposed to be visiting my brother but nobody apparently noticed that I told them this months ago."
Then the arguments began, Patton keeping the majority of Thomas' attention, Virgil and Deceit fighting, Logan and Roman going through the checklist of friends that wanted Thomas' attention of Friday and calmly, albeit loudly to hear each other, discussing how to deal with said friend's request.
"So we just don't tell them and go visit your brother!? Patton announced.
"What? No!" Deceit snapped at him.
"Deceit, just give up. You don't get to win. Villains don't win." Virgil told him, scowling.
"Well isn't that hilariously ironic coming from you." Deceit snapped at him. Virgil just rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, Deceit, nobody asked you to be here." Thomas snapped at him.
"You're right, no one needed to call me to a discussion where you want to lie to every one of your friends for no reason at all. I guess I'm definitely not needed then, huh?" Deceit snapped.
"No, you're not. Go away!" Thomas snapped at him and Roman saw the look of betrayal in his eyes, maybe the beginnings of tears as well.
"Fine." Was the only thing Deceit said before sinking out.
"Good job, Thomas! You made him go away!" Thomas didn't smile, just rubbed his arm more, nervous. Roman felt tears in his own eyes he was shoving back because, if he cried now, they'd know he sided with Deceit and try to make him leave too.
Roman already knew he wanted to talk to his husband after this.
Getting back to the mind palace after a debate had a routine. They usually all needed to decompress from it. Roman began this time with changing from his normal prince suit with a groan as he tiredly leaned against his husband, who immediately loosened his tie.
Patton was currently complaining about Deceit, 'bad guy' this and 'evil' that while Virgil sulked on the couch at their decision. Deceit, albeit present for the debate, had returned to his room that was growing farther and farther from the dark side of the Mindscape, Roman could feel it. He vaguely wondered where Remus' was until Patton's complaining shook him from his thoughts.
"No wonder he's no good at trying to prove a good point! He doesn't even speak up! He'll never get accepted by Thomas at this rate!" Patton finally began snapping, obviously in reference to Deceit, the only side not present from the argument.
Logan and Roman look at each other as they heard him. Without responding or even engaging either the aqua or purple sides, both snuck their way upstairs to the third floor, to Logan's debate room, locking the door behind them.
"You wanted to talk? You dragged me up here." Roman asked.
"You seemed tense, I assumed you'd want to talk too." Logan answered, sitting on a desk. "Deceit didn't have a chance to get Thomas to listen to his side. Thomas was so focused on being a 'bad person' that he'd rather ignore the side protecting him from the world the most." Logan added.
"Because Patton kept his attention and Virgil kept fighting with him." Roman sat on the chair of the desk Logan was sitting at and laying his head on Logan's thigh.
"Should we ask his opinion then?" Logan offered.
"Absolutely. I know just where his room is. I can send a hawk with a message.” Roman exclaimed, rather proud of his idea.
"Or perhaps something that doesn’t prey on snakes." Logan corrected quickly.
"Ah, of course! No need to scare our scaly friend. I shall send a messenger dragon in place of a hawk!" Roman beamed and he summoned a small dragon into existence on his arm, the dragon rubbing its head against his neck as it awaited to be told where to go while Roman wrote up a note to stick in its message keeper on its left leg.
"To the yellow door in the grey area. It’s the only room there, Reign, you should be able to find it.” Roman instructed the dragon and let him out the window on the wall. Reign gave a final rub on Roman’s neck and then a small fiery breath of seemingly his way of saying yes.
"Isn't Reign busy attending to his children?" Logan asked.
"Royal is attending to their eggs today." Roman corrected him.
"I can't wait to see what the dragons look like. I mean, Reign and Royal have so many genetics so they can have a bunch of different morphs of children." Logan wondered aloud.
"So how long before Virgil and Patton think we're having too much fun up here?" Roman asked.
"If you're referring to intercourse, they've probably already noticed and made a reference to it. I can see why they never visit this room for this specific reason. Though, we should leave before they make any assumptions. If anything, your pet dragon will probably take a bit it he's going to the grey area." The logical side explained.
"Just keep an eye out. You were here when I sent him a message so he might come back to you instead." Roman unlocked the door and left the room, Logan leaving after leaving the window and door open for the dragon.
And lo and behold, Reign came back later seeming thoroughly happy having visited Deceit. He came straight to Logan, who had Roman laying on his lap, head and hair splayed on his lap and his arms wrapped protectively around his waist so he could cuddle with him. Reign landed on Logan's knees, pushing his snorting muzzle into the book Logan was currently reading in order to gain his attention.
"Oh hey, Reign. Did you return with a message?" The dragon chirped and raised his left foot, showing thee logical side that he did, indeed, have a message from Deceit in his holder. Logan gently opened the top of the message holder, as he'd watched Roman do far too many times, and he took out the paper inside  Just as he did, Roman began to wake up at the feeling of the movement.
"Oh, hey, Reign, you're back. Roman reached to pet the scaly friend as Logan read through the messages, both Roman's and Deceit's.
"What's that?" Patton asked cheerily.
"Probably a notice that the dragon eggs in Spider Woods have begin hatching and they need my assistance with caring for them." Roman made the excuse so easily while still half asleep that Logan might have to admit he would impressed. Patton visibly shuddered and didn't ask further so Logan went with the dragon thing.
"No, the dragons haven't hatched yet but they said it's close. Probably tonight around dinner time so they want you to check on them. I think I'll accompany you." Logan continued the excuse with the information of Deceit saying it was okay to meet up in the Imagination around six.
"Really, Lo? You wanna go into the Spider Woods to see dragons being born?" Virgil asked.
I mean, why not? I've got nothing else to do today. Plus dragons sound pretty cool to me." Logan told him.
Roman was busy cuddling Reign, petting him and kissing him and letting the dragon curl up and fall asleep against his chest. The remainder of the day was spent with Roman and Logan alone together going over ideas of what to and not to say before packing up food and leaving to meet Deceit near Spider Woods in the Imagination.
Taglist: @zozomind @im-default @imma-potatoo @genderfluidmoma
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apparently-artless · 4 years ago
The Other Way Around - 1st Chapter
A Daiya no Ace Fanfic
Warning: Not Beta Read, English Grammar Nazi be warned! ( `Ď )
Just as how the whole baseball team is protective of one Sawamura Eijun. The southpaw pitcher is also protective of his teammates – his second family away from home.
Note: Different settings and timelines for each character. Check out source below for AO3 version.
Characters: Sawamura Eijun, Okumura Koushuu, Seto Takuma, Asada Hirofumi, Okumura's classmates
Chapter 1: Okumura Koushuu
Summer had finally ended and so is Kƍshien. Seidou baseball team, the new champion of the said event, is busy preparing for the upcoming Fall Tournament now that the third year had retired. Sawamura Eijun, the new captain, was unanimously selected by their former two vice-captains and captain.
It’s a heavy burden considering he is still the team’s ace but he’s being supported accordingly by Kanemaru and Kominato as vice-captains. Besides, there’s Furuya and it’s not wrong to say that they have two aces in the team right now. After the summer tournament, Furuya and Sawamura had become even closer but the rivalry is still there. Their usual antics can still be heard from the bullpen and dugout. Needless to say, Sawamura is mostly the one doing the talking. But this time, Furuya is sharing the ace burden with Sawamura when he sees that Sawamura is trying to fulfill his responsibilities as the captain. He even requested Coach Kataoka to let him be the one in charge of the pitching team. Of course, Sawamura complained at first but eventually agreed upon seeing the determination in his rival’s eyes.
Summer ending also means classes resuming. During lunch break, Sawamura was on his way to the classroom of Seidou’s new main catcher, Okumura Koushuu. As soon as Sawamura arrived at 1-A room, he loudly announced himself as he looked for the catcher.
“I’m Sawamura Eijun of the baseball team! I would like to request the presence of our new main catcher, Okumura Koushuu! May I know where he is?” The southpaw declared while rotating his head from left to right.
There were several murmurs across the room as gazes traverse from the loud southpaw pitcher.
That’s Sawamura-senpai. The ace of the baseball team.
Wow! To think that someone as great as him is visiting our classroom.
His pitching is so sick! I saw him during the Kƍshien. Maybe I should go ahead and have him sign my baseball?
Eh? So Okumura is the new main catcher now? Even though he’s still a first-year? So cool!
As expected, Okumura-kun belongs to a different dimension.
The whisperings continued but Sawamura couldn’t care less. Fortunately, one of Okumura’s female classmates answered the pitcher’s inquiry.
“If you’re searching for Okumura-kun, he just went out for a bit. He’ll be back in a few minutes,” said the girl in glasses with a smile who appeared to be their class representative.
“Oh! Is that so? If that’s the case, I’ll just be waiting outside. Thank you so much, young lady!”
The girl blushed at being called a young lady. “N-No, it’s fine. You can stay inside. It’s not often that a senpai visits our room. Also, I think some of my classmates would want to talk to you. Would it be possible to indulge them while you wait for Okumura-kun to arrive?”
“I see. So the first years would like to hear the wisdom of this lowly pitcher,” Sawamura responded in a serious tone with his arms crossed and his eyes closed as he pondered on the girl’s request while trying to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. “Then, if that’s the case, feel free to ask me anything and I’ll make sure to respond to the best of my abilities!”
How many pitches do you have?
Were you a member of a senior league before you went to Seidou?
Do you plan to go pro after high school?
The southpaw pitcher was continued to be bombarded with questions that he unwittingly responded to as he scratched his head because the first years seemed to assume that he’s some big-shot when he’s actually not. At least, that’s how the boy perceived himself. After all, he still has a long way to go.
After about five minutes of waiting, Okumura arrived and noticed how half of the space of the room was vacated and most of his classmates were gathered in front. He only needed two seconds to process what’s happening inside as he heard his main battery partner's obnoxious way of laughing.
As he entered the room, most of his male classmates and some of his female classmates were listening attentively to the southpaw pitcher.
“Okumura-kun! You’ve finally arrived. Sawamura-senpai is looking for you. He’s been here for a while now,” said one of the first-year managers who is in the same class as Okumura.
But before Okumura could respond, Sawamura already noticed his arrival.
“Okumura-shounen! Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you,” Sawamura bellowed in the center of the crowd as he raised his left hand while waving enthusiastically at the catcher.
The whole class turned silent as they watched Okumura moved towards the front of the room where the pitcher and some of his classmates were gathered. As if intimidated by the boy’s aura, his classmates dispersed to give way to Okumura which he didn’t notice as he’s focused on the beaming second year.
“What are you doing here, Sawamura-senpai? Do you need something from me?” Okumura asked.
As soon as he spoke, some of his classmates seemed amazed hearing his voice.
So, he does speak.
I see. He’s still using Keigo when speaking to his senpai.
“Now, now! Don’t be so stiff Okumura-shounen! Why don’t we speak outside so I can discuss the details with you? You see, Furuya and I tried to come up with our training menu for the week for our pitchers and catchers. Since you’re the main catcher now, we thought it’d be best to seek your approval too! We’ll start the training this afternoon so I’d like you to check it now. Just check the ones for today then you can check the remaining ones once you have the time.”
So Sawamura-senpai calls Okumura-kun as Okumura-shounen?
Does he call other first years as ‘shounen’ too?
Okumura-kun doesn’t seem to mind.
Okumura’s classmates remained silent but they were obviously thinking at the back of their heads. They didn’t expect to see this side for both players. This is indeed a rare sight for them – a talking Okumura and a very serious Sawamura. Before Okumura arrived, Sawamura was wearing this idiotic look which made him appeared to be approachable. Had he shown this serious face right at the start, no one would have even tried talking to him.
“I wouldn’t mind doing this now. However,” Okumura paused as he looked at the two megane duo silently peeking at the front door of their classroom. “Taku, Hiro, what are you two doing here?”
“Ha-ha-ha. Koushuu, you found us,” Seto replied as he fake-laughed while Asada just smiled awkwardly.
“You’re not even making an effort to hide,” Okumura commented with his usual monotone.
“We heard Sawamura-senpai is in 1-A room right now so we decided to take a look.”
“Take a look? What are you talking about? You see him all the time in the dorm and during practice.”
We’re here to make sure nothing bad will happen between you two.
Asada and Seto thought to themselves as they immediately went to 1-A room upon hearing someone from their class that Sawamura was in fact visiting one of the first-year classes.
The conversation went on like this:
Boy A from class 1-C: Oi, you’re from 1-A, right?
Boy B from class 1-A who’s speaking to one of his friends in 1-C: Yep. Why do you ask though?
Boy A: Are you sure this is the time for you to be here?
Boy B: Huh?
Boy A: I heard that Sawamura-senpai is visiting your class. Don’t you want to check him out? You won’t even shut up last time after watching Kƍshien.
Boy B: Ehh? For real? Dude! Tell me that earlier!
And then the boy ran towards his own classroom. Seto and Asada who were nearby happened to hear the entire conversation. And in 1-A room, they could only think of one person as the main reason for the southpaw’s visit.
Going back to the present –
“Oh! Seto, Asada! You’re here as well! Feel free to join this tiny meeting. It’s good to be exposed to this type of planning. Especially you, Asada, since you’re one of our pitchers too,” Sawamura beamed in response upon seeing the two first years while naturally ignoring Okumura’s comment.
The four of them had forgotten the fact that they were still inside the classroom.
The boy in black glasses called Okumura by his first name.
So he has friends too.
Are they from other dimensions as well?
Sawamura was the first one to notice the weird silence emanating in the room, which is surprising, to be honest. He noticed too, that Okumura’s classmates seemed to be looking at him with curiosity. A realization suddenly dawned at the southpaw as he drew nearer to the boy.
“Oi, Okumura,” whispered Sawamura.
“Why are you whispering?”
“Your classmates are looking weirdly at you. Are you by any chance being bullied? Are you not getting along well with the class?”
“Huh? Just where did that come from?”
Seto and Asada who can hear their conversation just fine were trying their best not to laugh. Since the two were classmates, Seto had already explained to Asada how he worried a lot about Okumura being in a different class because he tends to be misunderstood by some of his classmates. Needless to say, he knows what’s actually going on in the minds of Okumura’s classmates. After all, those were his initial thoughts too when he became Okumura’s classmate for the first time.
“Or maybe it’s that! You’re the one bullying them? That won’t do Okumura-shounen! As one of the members of Seidou baseball team, you must not use your strength to bully the weak,” Sawamura whispered once more, his right arm placed on Okumura’s shoulder and his left arm covering his mouth as he spoke, as if the two of them are on the mound planning some tactics to strike the batter out.
Seto laughed some more but decided to stop this hilarious conversation seeing that Okumura is now trying his best not to smack the pitcher on the head.
“Senpai, no one’s bullying anyone,” the boy in black-rimmed glasses decided to join in on the ‘secret’ conversation. “Koushuu’s very quiet when he’s in class, you see. I bet some of his classmates are just fascinated to see him talking normally.”
Asada nodded as well.
“Oh! Is that so? Thank God you’re not being bullied, and you’re not the bully as well. Yosh! Let’s clear the misunderstanding right now!” Sawamura proudly declared as he faced Okumura’s classmates.
“Sawamura-senpai, wai – “
But Okumura’s attempt at stopping the pitcher was in vain as Sawamura addressed the entire class.
“Listen up, Class 1-A! Okumura-shounen here is a very passionate baseball player. If you want to know more about him, you may want to start with baseball first! And then everything will follow! These two young megane lads here with me,” announced the pitcher as he walked towards Asada and Seto and placed both his arms on their shoulders. “
assure you that Okumura will not bite people. While I can definitely understand that he seems like a wild wolf, there’s no need for you to be so guarded around him.”
Seto and Asada were once more trying their best not to laugh at this awkward scenario. Okumura, on the other hand, was emitting an ominous aura towards his not-so-adorable senpai.
“Oh, of course! We’ll take note of that! Thank you for your guidance, Sawamura-senpai!” said the girl in glasses.
“No worries! Now, if you’ll excuse us. We still have some things to discuss.”
Okumura was speechless at the moment as he followed the three outside his room. There were various comments from Okumura’s classmates as the four players left.
Sawamura-senpai is a weird one.
Yep! But he’s still cool! At least, he’s looking out for his kouhais.
I wonder if Okumura would be willing to share some strategies when it comes to game-calling? I’m a catcher in our baseball community team.
“Senpai, you’re no longer allowed to go to my classroom. If you want to discuss something, meet me at the library,” Okumura finally spoke as soon as they stepped outside the room.
“Don’t be like that! We’re the main battery now! No need to hold back on me!”
“I am holding myself back, but for a different reason,” Okumura responded, his menacing aura oozing out again.
Seto and Asada initially laughed but tried their best to diffuse the tension between the two by telling them to continue with their meeting.
As stubborn as he is, Sawamura still visited Okumura at least once a week in his classroom. And each time, his class got to see a different side of the catcher. Gradually, Okumura started making conversation with his classmates as they realized that he is a normal student as well. Of course, his catching skills are still extraordinary.
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flowercrown-bard · 4 years ago
This is the secret santa gift for @yarpfish. thanks @thewitchersecretsanta for organizing this.
content warning: Christmas. I get that for those who don’t celebrate Christmas, it can be annoying to have the holiday shoved in their faces.
summary: Geralt really doesn’t want to play Santa for the primary school, unlike Jaskier, who may or may not be a bit angry that this handsom stranger got the part. And if they have to meet again to discuss Geralt’s audacity, well neither of them is going to complain.
Read on AO3
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Geralt stared at the text he had just gotten from his ex. Somewhere behind him, Lambert snorted und suddenly things made much more sense. Not complete sense, but at least he now knew whom to blame.
Geralt glared at Lambert. “Care to explain why Yen just send me a text saying Get the costume ready?” The days when he had worn costumes for Yennefer were long past.
“That, dear brother, means that you are going to be Santa. At the primary school.” Lambert barely managed to get the words out before his own laughter cut him short. “Oh you are going to look great! You already have the white hair. Now all you need it – “
“I need fuck all,” Geralt growled. “I am not going to play Santa.”
Yennefer looked up at Geralt from where she was sitting at her desk with not a hint of surprise, but abundance of smug amusement.
Geralt had all but stormed into her office past the young man who had just left it, looking crestfallen. Geralt didn’t care. He didn’t have time to think about some young father who had seen the principal of the primary school to complain about his child’s bad grades or whatever it was the man had been doing. Geralt had far more important things to care about. Like telling Yennefer that he was absolutely not going to dress up as Santa Clause and give gifts and sweets to the students.
“And why not?” Yennefer asked, one eyebrow lifted and her lips in a smirk.
Geralt huffed. “Are you serious, Yen? The real question is, why the hell would anyone think it would be a good idea to have me dress up and make an idiot of myself.”
“Lambert made some really good arguments.”
“Like it would be hilarious.” She ignored Geralt’s growl, suddenly turning serious. “And it would make Ciri happy.”
Geralt deflated. Fuck. Of course, Yen had to pull out the big guns and talk about Ciri. Christmas had always been her favourite time of the year and ever since she had found out that there would be a Santa coming to the school before the holidays, she had been adorably exited.
Geralt sighed.
“I really don’t want to do this.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “But fine. I’ll think about it.”
“You better do. If you decide to chicken out, I will have to accept the only other guy who volunteered-“
“I didn’t volunteer. Lambert dragged me into this mess.”
“- and he is an overexcited idiot. I’d rather dress up myself than have him in my office again.”
Geralt sighed and left the principal’s office. He had barely closed the doors behind him, when a shout made him turn around.
“YOU!” Geralt furrowed his eyes at the man stomping over to him, one hand on his hip, the other pointing at him, as if accusing him of a heinous crime. “How dare you!”
“Do I know you?” Geralt asked, suddenly unsure.
“I am Jaskier. And you, Sir, are the reason why all my hopes and dreams are crushed.”
Geralt blinked at him, dumbfounded. “I think you have me confused with someone else.” Looking more closely, he kind of looked like the man he had just brushed aside to enter the office. That had been rude, sure, but it didn’t classify as ruining someone’s dreams.
“Oh do I?” Jaskier came even closer, blue eyes flashing dangerously. “Then you aren’t the one that principal Vengerberg just told me about when she said they already had a better candidate for the –“ he looked around, scanning the halls for any passing students, before he whispered “ for the Santa actor.”
Geralt’s eyebrows shot up. That was what this is about? That man had jabbed a finger at a stranger’s chest because he didn’t get to dress up as Santa? Slowly but surely, Geralt started to understand what Yennefer had meant when she had said that the other volunteer was overexcited. He certainly was passionate, judging from the way his eyes were blazing and his chest was heaving. But Geralt wouldn’t exactly call him an idiot for it. His passion for dressing up as an old man with a beard was certainly strange. It was amusing. But for some reason it was also oddly charming. Especially because Jaskier seemed to do his best not to appear charming. If anything, it looked like he wanted to intimidated him. Geralt’s lips quirked up.
“Oh, don’t go smiling like that.” Jaskier said, angrily brushing his brown fringe out of his eyes. “I am clearly the better choice here. I mean look at you
He trailed off, taking his time to follow his own advice. Geralt felt strangely insecure under his scrutiny. Still, he felt disappointed for some reason when Jaskier looked back up again.
“Well, I mean
” Jaskier stumbled over his words. His tongue darted over his lips and Geralt had to force himself not to let his eyes linger.
Jaskier’s stuttering was interrupted by the sound of children running through the halls. Immediately, Jaskier shut up and Geralt found himself almost missing the sound of him searching for the right words.
Once the kids were gone, Jaskier relaxed slightly. He sighed, but his eyes were still narrowed at Geralt.
“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this with children around. Wouldn’t want to ruin any dreams of Santa.”
Geralt hummed in agreement. “So, should we go somewhere else?”
Jaskier looked away. “Oh, like, you mean right now?” He started to fidget. “I don’t really have much time.” He let out a tiny laugh. “To be honest, I thought I could just berate you a bit and you would relent.”
Geralt’s half smile turned into a full on smirk. “That’s the Christmas spirit.”
That laugh escaped Jaskier again, louder and more sincere this time and something in Geralt’s chest started to glow. He wished he could hear that sound again. “Of course,” Jaskier said. “You have to get past the masses in the stores somehow. It’s fight or go home without having bought presents for your loved ones.” He stopped himself and knitted his brows, as if he was berating himself for saying that. Geralt supposed it was a bit strange talking like this with someone he had just yelled at. But he found himself wanting to hear more about Jaskier’s fight to buy presents. Or about anything really.
He hesitated. “Maybe we could meet some other time?” His smirk widened. “So you can yell at me for crushing your dreams some more?”
Jaskier rubbed the back of his neck, lowering his eyes. “Ah, yes, sorry about that. I guess I was just really disappointed. Still am, to be honest.” For a moment, his smile faltered, before it came back full force. “But sure, let’s discuss this later. I promise I won’t yell at you then.” He thought for a second. “How does Saturday sound? At 5 pm? That’s when the Christmas market will begin and I’ve been waiting to go for months.”
Geralt nodded and tried his best not to let the warmth spread through him at the thought that Jaskier – who was still practically a stranger, as he would do well to remember – wanted to spend time with him at a place he was excited about.
“Great!” Jaskier beamed at him. He looked like he was ready to leave, when he halted. “I forgot to ask your name.” His smile turned mischievous and he winked at Geralt, as if he wasn’t already flustered enough. “I think I should know the name of the man who is crushing my dreams, don’t you?”
Geralt could just tell Jaskier the truth. That he didn’t even really want to play Santa. That Jaskier could have that honour all to himself. He could just turn around, go back into Yen’s office and announce that he had made his decision. And yet
 that would mean that this would be the end of his short acquaintance with Jaskier.
“Well then, Geralt. See you on Saturday.”
Geralt was late. He cursed himself for not thinking about the traffic. Of course everyone would rush to get to the opening of the Christmas market.
He weaved his way through the crowd, doing his best to spot a mop of brown hair or catch a glimpse of blue eyes. It was practically impossible. He was searching for ten minutes already. This was useless, but he couldn’t bring himself to turn around and leave.
He was just about to give up, when a shout reached his ears.
He whirled around, embarrassingly quickly. And there he stood. Squeezed between couples and exasperated parents running after their kids was Jaskier. He was beaming at Geralt, making his heart skip a beat.
Geralt should probably go towards him, but he was frozen to the spot. He could only watch, as Jaskier scrambled through the crowd until he was finally standing before him. His cheeks were red from the cold, he wore a cosy looking scarf and a beanie that hid almost all of his hair.
“So that’s why I couldn’t find you.” The words slipped out of Geralt’s mouth before he could think about how stupid they sounded. When Jaskier cocked his head to the side with a questioning look, Geralt could feel the heat rise into his cheeks. Gesturing vaguely towards Jaskier’s head he added: “The beanie. I was looking for your hair.”
Jaskier laughed, loudly and unashamed, but it didn’t sound like he was laughing at Geralt.
“And here I was thinking you wouldn’t show. Not that I could have blamed you,” he said with a sheepish grin. “I guess I didn’t make the best first impression.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.” Geralt hesitated. “You were
Geralt should probably just keep his mouth shut. All that left it was dumb. But the way Jaskier’s eyes lit up made it worth it.
“You’re pretty memorable too. Anyway – “Jaskier shoved something at him. More out of surprise than anything, Geralt took the mug. “I’m glad you showed up, or I would have been forced to drink two mugs of mulled wine. Oh, what a tragedy that would have been!” A moment later, he left the overdramatic tone behind and became sincere again. “But really, I’m glad you came.”
Jaskier lifted his mug to his lips and took a swig. Geralt could have sworn, he was trying to hide an embarrassed expression by doing so, but then his breath hitched when Jaskier’s tongue darted out to catch a droplet that clung to his lips and all other thoughts left him.
Someone shoved Jaskier from behind and he almost toppled over. Without thinking, Geralt stepped forward and caught him by the arm.
“Oh.” Jaskier lifted his head, looking up at Geralt in surprise. For a brief moment they just held each other’s gazes, before Jaskier cleared his throat. “Ah, thank you.”
He moved back and Geralt reluctantly let go of him.
“We should probably start moving. I don’t think people appreciate us blocking the way.”
“Good call.”
Jaskier all but dragged him to the nearest stall. Geralt didn’t pay attention to the wares. He was too distracted looking at Jaskier, the excitement evident in his eyes.
“What do you think, Geralt? It’s cute, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Cute.” Geralt shook his head, forcing himself to look at the key chain Jaskier was holding. It was a tiny white cuddly toy wolf.
“It’s you.”
Geralt’s brows shot up.
A blush rose in Jaskier’s cheeks. Or maybe that was just the alcohol mixing with the cold.
“Ah, you know
 because of the white hair – I don’t mean that in an offensive way, it looks really good, actually. And I don’t know if you notice, but you see, you keep growling and I just kind of
 you know what, forget I said anything.” He put the key chain back.
Something about the way Jaskier’s eyes were downcast and his brows furrowed didn’t sit right with Geralt. Maybe it was the alcohol talking or maybe it was just to see Jaskier smile, but Geralt plastered what he hoped was a teasing grin across his face.
“Do you think I’m cute too?”
Jaskier just stared at him for a second, the red in his face now unmistakably a flush. Shit, Geralt should not have said that. He was just about to play it off as a joke, when Jaskier sent him a mischievous wink. And didn’t say anything.
What the hell was that supposed to mean? You couldn’t just wink at someone and then not say anything! Maybe it hadn’t even been a wink. Maybe he had just blinked. With one eye. Surely, that’s something people did occasionally.
Before Geralt had come to a conclusion, Jaskier had already moved on to the next stall. Geralt stayed close behind him, telling himself that it was only so he wouldn’t lose Jaskier in the crowd. If their hands brushed together, then that was purely coincidentally.
Geralt couldn’t help the tiny smile, when Jaskier bought a Santa hat and put it on instead of his beanie. He spread his arms – as much as he could in the tiny space he had – and twirled around.
“How do I look?” He asked with a grin.
Geralt’s mouth went dry. Beautiful. Jaskier’s boyish smile made his heart race in his chest and the soft light from the Christmas decorations made Jaskier’s skin glow.
But then it hit him like a train, the reason why they were here. It wasn’t because Jaskier liked him, as much as it felt like they were friends. “You look like it was your dream to wear a Santa costume, for whatever reason.”
Jaskier’s smile fell a little and Geralt mentally cursed himself. He couldn’t have just let Jaskier enjoy himself. He just had to bring up the reason why they were here. He held his breath, hoping that Jaskier wouldn’t take the obvious hint and explain himself. Once this talk was over, there would be no more reason for them to spend time together.
“Ah, this is a rather fitting moment to talk about that, isn’t it?” He hesitated for a moment, before taking another sip of his drink. “Can we maybe keep walking while we talk? I don’t really like standing and facing you while I tell you my sob story. It’s kind of awkward.”
Geralt scowled, but did as Jaskier asked. “Is it a sob story? You don’t have to tell me, if it’s uncomfortable for you.” Just his luck to bring up something that took Jaskier’s joy away from something he had been looking forward to.
“Oh, no, don’t worry.” Jaskier let out a tiny laugh. “It’s not that bad. Honestly, I don’t know why I make such a big deal out of it. My parents
 they weren’t exactly the loving kind. It’s fine that we didn’t celebrate Christmas, I know a lot of people don’t and that’s cool. But as a child for me, it was kind of hard to see how the other kids would get presents and go to the markets and all that. And they got to believe in Santa.” He huffed. “My parents obviously never told me about Santa and I still feel like I missed out on a huge part of that childhood experience. Except for when the guy dressed up as Santa came to our school and gave us chocolates and whatnot. I knew Santa wasn’t real, but for this one day, I felt like I was allowed to be a child.” He looked down, clutching his mug with both hands, as if it was protecting him from something. “I still don’t celebrate Christmas. I would love to. But all of my friends are visiting their parents over the holidays and heaven knows I’d rather spend time on a Christmas market with a stranger I yelled at, than going back home.” He cracked a small smile and suddenly he looked so unbearably vulnerable.  “So, thanks for being that stranger saving me from spending this time alone. I know it sounds silly, but I want to be that person for someone else. I want to be that stranger that makes others happy, even if only for a few minutes, even if it is just by me dressing up as Santa for some kids who need it.”
He avoided Geralt’s eyes and something dropped in his stomach.
“It doesn’t sound silly.” There was so much more he wanted to say, but it all sounded too personal, so he hoped that that was enough.
Jaskier glanced at him and quirked a smile. “Thanks.”
Geralt didn’t know what else to say, so they just continued walking in silence. Well, almost in silence. It took him a while to realise, but as the tension left Jaskier’s shoulders, he started humming. Geralt vaguely recognised the Christmas carols, but he was too fixated on his voice. It sounded nice. Beautiful actually, even though it was little more than a faint melody almost drowned out in the shouting of the masses around them. He wanted to say something, compliment his voice, ask him to sing louder, but there was a tiny fear holding him back. Maybe Jaskier didn’t even realise he was singing. Maybe it was just something he did when he was comfortable and happy – god, Geralt hoped that Jaskier was happy around him – and calling attention to his humming might make him stop. So he just contented himself to listening to the humming, only interrupted whenever Jaskier took a sip of his mulled wine.
“Ah, bollocks,” Jaskier said quietly.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing just – “ Jaskier shrugged sheepishly. “I probably shouldn’t have finished the wine that quickly. The mug was the only thing keeping my hands warm.”
An unbidden urge overcame Geralt, to reach out and hold Jaskier’s hands, warming them with his own. He fought the urge down. It was stupid. Jaskier wouldn’t want that.
Instead Geralt grunted “Stay here.”
He didn’t wait for Jaskier’s response before going back a few stalls. When he came back, Jaskier was giving him a confused look, which changed completely when Geralt thrust out what he was holding in his hands. The smile that split Jaskier’s face was enough to warm Geralt against the cold winter air.
“Geralt, you didn’t!” There was something strange in his voice, something Geralt couldn’t quite name. He hoped it was something good.
“Just take them. I can’t have you freeze your fingers off.”
“I really can’t – “
“Call it a premature Christmas gift.”
Hesitating, Jaskier put on the gloves that had yellow flowers embroidered. For a moment Jaskier just looked at them, his eyes shining.
“You really are trying to convince me that you would be the better Santa, aren’t you?”
 that’s not
” Geralt stuttered, his heart clenching uncomfortably.
Jaskier laughed and shoved his arm playfully. Geralt’s heart skipped a beat, when Jaskier didn’t pull away, but let his hand linger on Geralt’s arm.
“I’m just joking.” He tilted his head. “But I am rather intrigued as to why you would want to play Santa for a primary school.”
Geralt grumbled, suddenly unsure what to say. He had known it would come to this eventually, but after what Jaskier had just told him, he felt bad admitting that it wasn’t really his own idea to do this.
“Come on.” Jaskier tugged at his arm.
Geralt growled.
“Oh hoho, my white wolf, you are not getting away with growling at me like this. I told you my story, now you tell me yours.”
Geralt froze. He didn’t know what to focus on here. The fact that Jaskier obviously wouldn’t relent? The way that Jaskier already had a Santa laugh, and an adorable one at that? Or the fact that Jaskier had just called him a white wolf. His white wolf. While his head was still processing all of that, his heart had already decided to latch onto that last detail, replaying the words over and over in his mind.
He made the mistake of looking at Jaskier. His blue eyes looked so curious, so honestly interested in what he had to say.
“It was my brother Lambert’s idea.” For a brief moment he contemplated leaving it at that, but then he remembered Yennefer’s words. “But really, I am doing it for my daughter. She has a difficult time in school and Yennefer – “ Did he imagine the sudden closed off lock in Jaskier’s eyes? “- my ex-wife, says that it would make her happy.” His voice grew softer. “And I think so too. I love Ciri and I know she loves me too, but sometimes I just have a hard time bonding with her. I don’t know what a girl her age likes to do. She likes when I take her to see my horse and she enjoys play fighting with me, but apart from that. I just don’t know if I am enough for her. I never planned on being a single dad. And Yennefer is right. Ciri loves Christmas.” He smiled weakly. “I think she might be the only person I know whose enthusiasm rivals yours.”
When he risked a side glance, he noticed how strangely quiet Jaskier was.
Fuck. He shouldn’t have said that. Just because Jaskier had told him of his parents didn’t mean he had to go and tell him about his worries about his own family.
He felt Jaskier’s hand slip from his arm and his heart sank. Of course he would fuck this up. He couldn’t just let Jaskier have a nice evening at the Christmas market.
But then Jaskier’s hand found his and squeezed carefully.
“I think you’re doing a great job. I’m sure you are a great dad. Look at you, talking about your little girl like she is the most precious thing in the world.”
“She is.”
“And I’m sure she knows you love her. Making children happy. That’s what all this is about, isn’t it?” Jaskier bit his lip. “I’m sure you’ll be a great Santa.” Something in his tone changed, took on a cheery note that didn’t sound quite right. “I mean look at you. You’re definitely going to be less exhausted from carrying the bag of presents than I would be, what with all your muscles.”
He poked Geralt’s arm with the hand still holding the empty mug, giving him a lopsided grin, that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Still, he sounded sincere when he said “It’s alright, Geralt. I can do it next year. You go make your daughter happy, will you?”
Jaskier hesitated for a heartbeat. Then he brushed his lips against Geralt’s cheek, quickly, a barely- there touch that set Geralt’s skin aflame, before slipping his hand free from Geralt’s and disappearing into the crowd.
“Yen, please.”
For the first time since Geralt had stomped into her office fifteen minutes ago, she looked at him. Really looked at him.
Geralt knew he was treading on thin ice. He knew that it was almost impossible to change Yennefer’s mind, especially if it was about a man she had no patience left for. But this was important. To Jaskier. Which meant it was also important to Geralt, for whichever reason.
He held his breath as he watched Yennefer contemplate what he had proposed. Something changed in her expression and a smirk stole onto her lips.
With a sigh, she finally nodded.
The beard was itching and Geralt was sweating under the Santa costume. He knew he looked ridiculous. When Lambert had seen him put on the costume, he had been unable to stop laughing – which was a blessing, since his laughing fits were the only thing keeping him from getting a good picture of Geralt in this ridiculous get up.
But it was good enough for the children. As Geralt asked them if they had been good kids this year, Ciri smiled at him. And when he turned and asked his elf-assistant to hand out the sweets, Jaskier’s whole face lit up. And somehow, returning the children’s smiles and relaxing came easy for him, when he knew he just had to look to the side to see that smile.
When Geralt stepped back and let Jaskier – wearing elf ears and ridiculously colourful tights and still somehow looking like the prettiest person Geralt had ever seen – sing carols with the children, his heart melted.
If anyone had told Geralt that he would long for time to slow down, while he was wearing this ridiculous costume, he would have laughed. But now the clocks all seemed to tick faster than normal, too fast, and before he knew it, his bag was empty and he was standing next to Jaskier just outside the school’s line of sight.
For a while they just stood there awkwardly, neither of them knowing what to say.
Finally, Jaskier broke the silence.
“Thank you, Geralt.” He sounded almost hesitant, but his voice is thick with emotion. “Really. I didn’t think Vengerberg would let me be a part of this and after what you had said at the market, I was so ready to just step back but then
” He looked down and Geralt’s heart dropped when he heard Jaskier sniffle and do his best to inconspicuously wipe away a stray tear. “then I got that call from her and I just
 I can’t thank you enough.”
Geralt shifted uncomfortably. “It’s nothing.”
Jaskier looked back up, his brows knitted together and a disbelieving smile on his lips. “Nothing? Geralt it’s everything! You made sure that I finally got to do what I had wanted to do since I was a kid!”
“You didn’t get to play Santa.”
“No,” Jaskier said. “But that’s not what it’s about. It’s about making others happy. And damn it, Geralt, you just keep making me so incredibly happy. Doing this with you was so much better than being Santa on my own.”
Geralt didn’t know what to say, so instead he just hummed and hoped it would be enough, that Jaskier would understand what he wasn’t able to put into words.
“Can I
 this is going to sound stupid and you can absolutely say no, but-“ Jaskier wet his lips with his tongue, looking nervous suddenly. “Can I hug you?”
Geralt’s heart sped up. His mouth went dry. His mind had no say, as he opened his arms.
Jaskier lit up like a beacon, before rushing to embrace Geralt. He wrapped his arms around him, holding him close.
Geralt wasn’t sure if he actually heard the muffled “Thank you” against his chest. His heart was beating far too loud and the only thing he could focus on was the feeling of Jaskier in his arms. It felt right somehow. He never wanted this hug to end.
His breath hitched when Jaskier snuggled even closer and –
“Oh gods, this is terrible.” Jaskier coughed, mixed in with laughter.
Geralt’s heart plummeted, when Jaskier drew back, still coughing.
“Are you alright?” It wasn’t what he wanted to ask, but it was better than Was being close to me that bad? Did I overstep by hugging you back? Did I fuck up again?
Jaskier let out another laugh, which was cut short by a cough.
“Sure, I just –“ He lifted his hand, pulling something from his mouth. “I may or may not have breathed in your beard. As adorable as it looks, it doesn’t taste very good. God, there is so much hair in my mouth.”
He spluttered, and scrunched his nose up in what Geralt could only describe as adorable. No man had the right to look that beautiful while wearing elf-ears and coughing up hair.
“I should take it off,” Geralt said, lifting his hands to finally take the itching thing off.
“No wait!” He was stopped by Jaskier’s hand on his. “I need to take a picture of us! I want to have something to remember this by.”
Geralt didn’t fight when Jaskier pulled out his phone. He even smiled – really smiled – when he saw himself next to Jaskier on the screen. They both looked stupid in their costumes and Geralt wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jaskier put the phone away and the uncomfortable silence came back.  
This was it. Every moment now Jaskier would turn around and leave and this would be the end of their short acquaintance.
Geralt should say something. Everything in him screamed to say something, anything, to make Jaskier stay a little longer. This was the perfect opportunity. He could give Jaskier his number under the pretence of being send the picture.
But the moment passed. Jaskier gave him a half-smile. He waved as he turned around and left Geralt standing in a Santa costume on his own. He had missed his chance.
Christmas eve was always wonderful for Geralt. It was true, his small family was chaotic and he and Lambert would bicker about anything, while Ciri and Eskel laughed at them and Vesemir grumbled something while shaking his head fondly. The Christmas tree might have the strangest decoration, due to all of them having vastly different tastes – Lambert insisted on the tackiest decoration, just for shits and giggles – and the food wasn’t very festive. Geralt wouldn’t have it any other way. It was family. It was home.
The ringing of the bell ripped Geralt out of his thoughts.
“I’ll go,” Ciri piped up and left the room to open the door.
A minute or so passed, before Geralt heard her shout from the entrance.
“Dad, can you come, please?” A pause and then added with a giggle, “It’s Santa.”
It wasn’t unusual. Around Christmastime there would always be a few people dressing up and visiting houses. Most of them expected money in return for singing some carols.
Geralt was already fishing for some cash from his wallet, as he walked up to the front door, without looking up at the Santa standing there.
As soon as he got there, Ciri dashed past him, back to the others.
“Hello, Geralt.”
His head snapped up. It couldn’t be. But there he was, leaning against the doorframe with a lopsided smile on his face and wearing the Santa hat he had bought at the Christmas market. Where the hat didn’t cover him, a few stray snowflakes covered his hair.
Jaskier was the last person he had expected to show up on his doorstep today – or ever. The small part of him that wasn’t occupied with how radiating Jaskier looked, had a hard time comprehending that he was really here.
And so the first thing he said to the most beautiful man he thought he’d never see again was as smooth as sandpaper.
“How the fuck did you find my house?”
Geralt winced as soon as the words had left him. That was the stupidest thing he could have said. The last thing he had wanted to do was make Jaskier feel like he wasn’t welcome.
But Jaskier snorted. “I asked Yennefer. It was terrifying.” With a cheeky wink he added, “but absolutely worth it, if only for the warm welcome I received from you.”
 ah. Fuck.” Jaskier’s smile widened as he watched Geralt stumble over what to say. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too.” Jaskier hesitated for a second, his hands rubbing together nervously. Something warm and fuzzy swelled in Geralt’s chest.
“You’re wearing the gloves,” he said without thinking, unable to keep the fondness out of his voice. “The ones I bought you.”
Jaskier startled. “Oh, yeah. Of course! They are my favourite; they are just so soft. Do you want to feel?”
Geralt nodded automatically. He would agree to anything, if it meant Jaskier would stay here a little longer, before realising that he had absolutely no good reason to be here and left. Geralt expected Jaskier to pull off one glove and hand it to Geralt. Instead, Jaskier took a step closer to him and reached for his cheek. Geralt didn’t dare breathe, as Jaskier caressed him. Despite the cloth preventing their skin from touching, it felt like Geralt was on fire where they touched. He prayed Jaskier didn’t notice him leaning into the touch.
It was over far too quickly.
Geralt swallowed. “It felt nice. The glove, I mean. It’s
 it’s nice.”
” Jaskier cleared his throat. “In fact it’s so nice that I figured I should give you something in return.”
Geralt drew back. “You don’t – Jaskier, I didn’t give them to you because I wanted anything in return. You were just cold and I thought
. I won’t take your money.”
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “Good thing I don’t want to give you money then.” He reached inside the pocket of his jacket and brought forth a small present, holding it out for Geralt. “Merry Christmas.”
Geralt barely registered the uncertain look on his face. His heart was too preoccupied pounding in his chest.
“It’s not much. And the packaging sucks, because I still have no idea how to wrap gifts. But I thought maybe you’d like it. As a reminder of when you didn’t crush my dreams.”
Geralt huffed out a laugh when he peeled off the wrapping paper with Hohoho written over it. It should have been festive, but it only made Geralt think of Jaskier’s laugh.
The last of the paper fell away and Geralt held two key chains in his hand.
Jaskier rubbed his fingers together. “I told you it’s not much. I know it’s not the greatest gift.”
“A horse?” he asked without thinking.
“You mentioned that you took your daughter to see your horse sometimes. So
 I assumed you like horses.” He pulled a face. “Sorry, that sounded weird.”
“I mentioned Roach once. In passing. And you remembered?”
Jaskier rolled his eyes, a timid smile appearing on his face. “Of course I remembered. How often do you meet a guy who actually has a horse? That’s pretty cool. You don’t just forget something like that.”
Geralt was sure his face was fully red. In a pitiful attempt to distract from the fact that he was incredibly close to hugging Jaskier once more, he looked back at the other keychain. He couldn’t keep the smile of his face.
“And a wolf.” He held it carefully in his hand, just like Jaskier had when he had seen it on the Christmas market.
“I went back there and got it for you.” There was the smallest hint of hesitation, before Jaskier added, “And to answer your question
I do think you’re cute too.”
Geralt’s words of thanks got stuck in his throat. He couldn’t have heard correctly. But the words repeated over and over in his head, the suddenly timid look on Jaskier’s face the proof that he had actually said it.
“Anyway.” Jaskier rubbed his neck. “I just wanted to give that to you. I probably should go now. Wouldn’t want to impose on you.” The words were rushed and he was already turning around. “So, have fun with your family. Merry Christmas.”
Panic rose in Geralt. He had missed so many chances, he couldn’t let this one slip through his fingers as well.
“Stay with me,” he blurted out, desperate to keep Jaskier from leaving. If he left now, Geralt was sure he wouldn’t be granted another chance. “You said you don’t have anyone to celebrate with. So do it with us. Lambert, my brother is a bit rough, but I’m sure you’d get along with Eskel.” Geralt knew he was rambling, but he needed Jaskier to stay. “And Ciri already adores you for dressing up as an elf and I’m sure my father would like to meet you. And we always cook too much anyway and -”
Jaskier came closer again, a soft expression on his face that Geralt longed to see more often.
“And it would make me happy,” he ended.
A heartbeat passed. And Geralt realised what he had just said. He had invited someone whom he had known for less than a week to spend Christmas with his family. It was stupid. No one in their right mind would say yes to that. Least of all Jaskier, who was sunshine and loud laughs and soft hums. There was no reason he would want to spend this day which he loved so much with Geralt of all people.
The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. “You don’t have to,” he forced himself to say. “Forget I said anything.”
“I’d rather not forget it,” Jaskier said softly and suddenly his eyes lit up like a lighthouse, shining through a tempest. “I’d love to celebrate with you.”
He hesitated for only the briefest moment, before standing on his tiptoes and pressed a kiss against Geralt’s cheek.
With a grin he added, “And I’m sure, Lambert isn’t so bad. If I remember correctly, he’s the one I have to thank for meeting you.”
“Don’t you dare thank him.” Geralt’s grin belied his growl. “If you tell him that something actually good came out of him going behind my back, he will never let me live it down.”
Jaskier laughed. “We can’t that now, can we? Don’t worry, I won’t tell him that I owe him my happiness.”
He followed Geralt inside the house and throughout the evening stayed true to his word. Still, Lambert sent Geralt a knowing smirk. Geralt was sure he wouldn’t hear the end of it, but looking at Jaskier smile and laugh with his family, looking like he fit right in, made him think that this was definitely worth enduring Lambert’s smugness.
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fictional-affliction · 5 years ago
The “oops I hired a porn star” au, part 1
This au wouldn’t leave me alone so I couldn’t help myself and wrote headcanons. Warning, this is trash, I’m trash, this whole thing is obviously for impure eyeballs only. You’ve been warned. (This first part is tame though)
Credit to @totaldramabullshit and some anons for putting the idea in my head
-So Courtney’s cousin is getting married and even though she can’t stand her she (along with Courtney’s sister) are bridesmaids. Her cousin has always been entitled and had everything handed to her and always teased Courtney when they were teens about how she dressed and being a nerd and now Courtney just knows she’s going to rub it in her face that she’s younger and getting married first.
-On top of that her mother, who she can never seem to impress is getting on her case that she’s thirty and single and if she doesn’t hurry up and find a man she will die alone.
-And her mother mentions offhandedly that Courtney’s ex boyfriend, that was a complete asshole and dumped her cause “she was boring and too driven”
is invited to the wedding so she should try to find a date.
-So Courtney’s pissed and knows she can’t go to this wedding without a date without looking pathetic. Her whole family is supposed to go to her uncle’s summer home for a few days leading up to the wedding and there’s no way around it.
-Courtney feels like she’s shit outta luck until Cate (her little sister if you haven’t seen dramarama) jokes that she should just hire a date. And it sounds desperate but the more she thinks about it the more it sounds like a good idea. She can set boundaries and when the wedding is over they can “break up” and her family will be none the wiser.
-She finds a talent agency online and it’s going to cost her a couple grand, but she surprisingly has her fair share of men to pick from. Just to spite her mother she picks the guy that she knows she would approve the least of. He’s attractive, but has tattoos and a nose ring. Not her type whatsoever and perfect for the job. Except she doesn’t realize just who she hired.
-Meanwhile Duncan’s agent contacts him about a job that’s not what he normally does but it pays well and he has been getting bored lately with the same old routine and figures why the hell why not.
-Courtney sets it up for them to meet to discuss details and being the lawyer that she is, has a ten page typed up contract ready for Duncan to sign.
-Duncan is happily surprised when she introduces herself with a business style handshake. He’d assumed that the woman who hired him to be her date wouldn’t have been nearly as good looking as her, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to complain. She was easily prettier than most of the girls he worked with and even in her business suit he could tell she had a great ass. He even whips out a pick up line to break the ice
“Sure you only want to pretend to be dating, cause I wouldn’t mind-“
-Courtney cuts him off harshly and sets him straight right away and shuts down any notion of flirting. She shoves the contract at him and starts going through the rules which clearly states “flirting and displays of affection will only be permitted when in the presence of-“
Duncan zones out after she talks through the first page, mesmerized and a little turned on at her intensity and dammit he’s always had a thing for feisty women.
-He signs the document even though he was more interested in checking her out than reading it and it suddenly occurs to him that she has no idea who he is or what exactly he does for a living. Cause there’s no way someone like her would have intentionally picked a porn star but he doesn’t say anything and decides to let her figure it out on her own.
-They bicker the whole entire flight and ride to her uncle’s summer home. Duncan mostly just doing things to rile Courtney up on purpose like protesting for ten minutes that he needs the window seat only to let her have it when she finally agrees, “accidentally” falling asleep with his head in her shoulder to which she gives up at the third attempt to get him to sit upright, and flirting with the flight attendants.
-By the time they arrive Courtney is thoroughly annoyed with Duncan and is in need of a large glass of wine but as the car pulls up to the estate, the sight of her family reminds her that it’s show time.
“Follow my lead and you better not screw this up!”
“Chill out Princess, I’m the actor here remember?”
-Her parents and sister come to greet them and immediately her parents are shocked while Cate tries to hold in her laughter and welcome them like nothing is amiss.
-Courtney plays the roll of smitten girlfriend very well by wrapping her arms around Duncan’s neck and pressing her body into his side, all which catch Duncan off guard but he gladly wraps his arms around her waist. Her mother’s eyes are practically bulging out of her head as Courtney introduces Duncan. Her dad tentatively shakes his hand and nudges her mom to do the same and Courtney is thrilled at their reactions.
-Courtney introduces Duncan to the rest of her family with much of the same act and they are all surprised that Courtney would date someone like Duncan let alone bring him to meet the family. Duncan has to admit it’s pretty fun freaking her well polished family out, he always did like to ruffle people’s feathers.
-Finally he meets the bride to be and her fiancĂ© and Courtney turns up the act even more, calling him babe and running her fingers through his hair which he likes entirely way too much. Her cousin makes a remark about how “she didn’t know Courtney had it in her or that she was into bad guys” it has a flirty edge though, her cousin always had a new boyfriend every week until she met her fiancĂ©.
“You look kind of familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?” Her cousin asks and Duncan with a completely straight face says
“Do you watch a lot of porn?” It’s dead silent and then all of a sudden the fiancĂ© starts to laugh which makes everyone else laugh.
-As soon as Courtney and Duncan get to the room they’ll be staying in Courtney drops the act but is in a great mood.
“That was perfect! And that porn line? Hilarious.” Then she’s back to being uptight. Reminding him no funny business and if he tries anything he’s sleeping on the floor, instead of in the bed with a wall of pillows between them.
“I won’t attack you in your sleep princess, besides, sexual favors cost extra.” She doesn’t realize he’s serious as she throws a pillow at his face.
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slinglouis · 5 years ago
september fic rec!
this one is coming at you all very late, but here are my favorite fics from august that i think you need to read this september! i read a TON of fics last month so these are the ones i absolutely loved! (**  my FAVORITE FAVORITES) 
mine would be you by crinkle-eyed-boo, 115k
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
robbers and cowards by louistomlinsons, 33k
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think that you’re enjoying yourself.” The familiar voice immediately gets Louis’ blood boiling, shoulders tensing as he calmly spins around, trying not to draw any suspicion to the pair. “You don’t know me at all,” Louis spits, managing to maintain the polite smile he’s been wearing all evening. “You’re just some asshole who always ruins my nights.” “If I keep ruining your nights, why do you keep going home with me?” Harry asks, taking a sip from his own wine glass. “I don’t go home with you by any choice of my own,” Louis says. “I think you’re annoying and I have no idea how I keep ending up in your bed.” “You end up in my bed because you knock on my apartment door at two in the morning.” Louis wants to punch the smirk right off of his face. “Maybe you should move,” is what he says instead. or a modern day robin hood au where louis and harry (don’t really) hate each other but they hate greedy billionaires more
Need So Much of You by lululawrence, 47k
“Alright, I’m just going to get right down to it,” Jess said. “We were contacted yesterday by Harry Styles’ team with some information regarding his own schedule and promotion that is going to have some bearing on Louis.”
“Me specifically or all former members of the band?” Louis asked, confused.
“You specifically,” Jess said, looking at Louis with a heavy gaze. “Harry’s going to start his own promo for his second album in the coming months, which is going to include a coming out.”
“That’s great,” he said, nodding. “Is that it? Or is there more?”
Mark shifted in his seat and Louis watched his expression change. “We’ve discussed it and we think it would be best if you came out as well and had a promotional relationship with Harry for the album drop through both of your tours next year.”
Louis started laughing in surprise, but no one else joined in. Shit, they were serious.
Or the would-have-been canon compliant, fake relationship, friends with benefits, friends to lovers fic where Louis wonders if this thing going on with Harry is going to break him or change everything for the better.
waiting for the tides to meet by nauticalleeds, 60k **
Louis lets out a deep breath, thinking about Harry’s soulmate. Thinking about how Harry’s soulmate is probably as beautiful as Harry, some person that Louis cannot compare to, and how the universe has chosen them to be Harry’s. Fuck the universe. “Fuck you,” he calls out to the universe. He’s aware of how crazy he sounds.
Maybe he is crazy, with how he’s falling for Harry. And fuck that, too.
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
Featuring a lovely cup of OT5, a road trip down the coast, and a scene where Harry eats a whole head of lettuce. Don't ask why.
Spirit to a Dove by alienharry, 97k **
For as long as it’s been on the air, Harry’s been an avid watcher of Trivialities. He’s always imagined what it’d be like to compete on the show himself, and when the opportunity arises, he’s fast tracked to join the new cast for the show’s eighth season.
Alliances are formed, strategies are planned, and Harry finds himself with his very own nemesis. Between trivia and physical challenges, Harry’s making the most of his time in the house, but nothing could’ve prepared him for Louis Tomlinson.
Stranger Stars by shaylea, 212k **
Five years ago, Africa offered a grieving Louis Tomlinson an escape from an England he couldn't tolerate. Now it's become home as he leads overland tours across the continent with his best friend and driver Zayn Malik. What's meant to be just another ordinary six-week trip from Cape Town to Nairobi turns into anything but, when future lawyer/current photographer and songwriter Harry Styles and his friends join Louis' latest set of passengers.
another hazy may by deLILah, 41k **
louis is a terrible poet and harry lives in the now and they have six weeks to fall in love but, really, it only takes six seconds. bookshop meets military meets summer romance au ft. marlboros, the backstreet boys, and underrated literary devices.
Anonymous Said by alivingfire, 21k
When Harry was sixteen, he reached out for someone, anyone, to help him through the hardest days of his life. When Louis was eighteen, he answered. While they didn't know each other's names or faces or lives at all, really, it didn't stop them from falling a little bit in love.
And when Harry moves to Manchester for uni two years later, he meets a boy in a bookshop named Louis and wonders why it all feels so easy.
Or: two boys, two blogs, two years of anonymous messages, and a bookshop where it all comes together.
kiwi by fondleeds, 24k
With a stuttered mixture of a laugh and a groan, Harry lets his head droop, pushes his forehead against Louis’ chest and leans into him, fingers curled around the railing.
"You’re driving me crazy,” he breathes.
Louis lets out a puff of laughter, and when Harry lifts his eyes, the look in Louis’ gaze is one he knows too well, so distinctively coy and mischievous and gently charming, his lips quirked up with a smirk. Harry’s heart falls into the palms of his playful hands. “You’re into it.”
AU. Harry plays on Saturday nights at The Motley. Louis bartends on Saturday nights at The Motley.
It’s a thing.
True Love’s Gold by alivingfire, 28k
Gemma starts responding to every single one of Harry’s texts—regardless of subject—with i don’t care, talk to louis. Liam lets Harry complain to him for hours on Skype, pretending he’s not doing other things while Harry whines about his problems. Niall thinks the whole thing is hilarious, texting Harry links to articles titled So, you want your man to propose? and 15 ways to get him ready for the aisle! and follows each of these up with page upon page of laughing emojis. Harry tries everything, literally everything he can think of short of grabbing Louis by tattooed forearm and yelling, “PROPOSE TO ME BEFORE I COMBUST.”
Or, it takes a village to arrange a proposal, but that doesn't mean it's going to go as planned.
When It’s Late At Night by Rearviewdreamer, 26k
Louis has zero interest in an ex-boybander turned solo artist when his appearance on the show gets announced, but that's exactly who he gets stuck with when Harry Styles shows up at the Late Late show to promote the release of his debut album. For an entire fucking week.
you’ve set on me by lissome, 31k
Harry’s been completely blindsided, is the thing. Like a car without headlights crashing into him. It’s not that he thought he’d never see Louis again in his life. It’s just this. He wasn’t ready for this.
au. louis' in an obscure band. harry's an international popstar. their paths aren't meant to cross, not like this, but when louis' band signs on as harry's opening act, both harry and louis are forced to confront the open wounds of their shared past.
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arolla-pine · 4 years ago
I, Marinette - p.5
(5) – The Musketeers
The lunch break was about to end soon. I managed to get the idea of Marinette’s schedule, I riffled “The three musketeers” and I ate lunch without any blunder. I agreed with Tikki a plan that she would pinch me every time I acted not like the character I embodied.
Before I went back to school I asked my kwami if we should inform Plagg about these temporary inconvenience, but Tikki decided not to. In her opinion that would make the situation even more complicated. Personally, I had rather positive opinion on Plagg but I thought that Tikki had known him for a few thousand years longer than me

I entered the school at the moment of school bell ringing. This time it was planned – just to avoid chatting with my friends. It was too risky for my real identity.
“So? Have you managed to read the book?” Alya asked me while we were heading to the staircase.
“I riffled through. I’ll try to stay invisible
” I muttered.
“I like the book so much!” Adrien joined us. “Such a lively plot, so many surprises
“You must be joking! That was terrible! Those descriptions
” Nino commented. “I was bored to death
“Impossible!” Adrien disagreed. “So many plot twists, duels, chases
“Love affairs
” I added under my breath.
“Love affairs, yes
” my ex-almost-boyfriend nodded. “Right
 There were some
” he chuckled uncomfortable and ruffled his hair.
“I think that morality wasn’t their strong suit.” I  blurted before I bit my tongue. There still was more Lena than Marinette in my behaviour.
“Why do you think so?” Alya laughed.
“Look at d’Artagnan
” I continued, because if I started I should finish. “First, he fell in love with someone else’s wife. OK, I get it, heart wants what it wants
 But her
 She reciprocated despite the fact she’d already been married!”
“With an old guy!” Alya exclaimed.
“But she married him, didn’t she?”
“Constance wasn’t a musketeer.” Adrien cut in.
“Right.” I nodded. “But I was talking about d’Artagnan. He was so in love with Constance, yet it didn’t stop him from an affair with Milady
“Femme fatale
” Adrien muttered.
I smiled to myself when I thought what would happen if he blurted out Cat Noir’s famous ‘M’Lady’
 He must have had strong self-control not to reveal his superhero-self.
“When I’m listening you guys, I’m starting thinking if we’ve read the same book
” Nino commented.
Alya and I began laughing. The situation was hilarious, indeed, and it only showed how differently we experienced the novel. And that was something I loved so much in reading!
“I’m so happy you haven’t found there those love affairs!” Alya winked at her boyfriend. “Who knows what would inspire you or
“Never!” Nino denied immediately and glared at her.
“Good!” she summed up the discussion and hugged him, but I could bet that she wanted to kiss him.
I felt uncomfortable. I remembered from the show that AlyaNino was only mentioned sometimes. I loved all subtle hints about their relationship like this one with Nino invited for a family diner with the Cesaires. I appreciated the moment when Alya took Nino’s hand – I found it so meaningful but still delicate. Now, I had an impression that they would start making out if they weren’t in the classroom
 That didn’t fit my image of their relationship.
My thinking about AlyaNino was interrupted by Caline Bustier who finally appeared and after short apologising for being late, she began the lesson. We sat down and took out books and tablets.
“I hope everyone has read the book
” the teacher said, and I caught Alya’s concerned glance. “If there’s anyone who hasn’t, please tell me now. Otherwise you won’t be able to fulfil the task for today lesson.”
I heard my colleagues’ whispers. Everyone was unsure what the teacher meant.
“Calm down!” Miss Bustier smiled. “It’s nothing stressful. I planned a group project for today. Please sit in groups of up to four!”
Chloe Bourgeois snorted and started complaining to Sabrina about how unfair this plan was. She was in a group with Sabrina, Mylùne and Alix, but I was sure she wanted Adrien instead. And only Adrien, excluding Nino

The boys sitting in front of my desk turned around, as if creating our group of four was as simple as possible. I ignored green flashes in Adrien’s eyes, trying to focus on the teacher. I waited for details of what we were going to do.
“Now, basing of the book you’ll decide on which character suits you the most.” Caline Bustier instructed us, and when all students began exchanging ideas, she added loudly: “Remember! You don’t choose for yourself. The character for you will be chosen by your partners in the group! Try to fit the personality of a musketeer to your colleague’s features.”
Wow, that sounded great! I liked analysing people’s minds

“Anyone has an idea, what’s to do?” Nino asked.
“Should we choose from the short list of four main characters?” I wondered quietly.
“I guess so
” Alya wasn’t sure.
“Ma’am, should we choose only between the four musketeers?” Adrien asked aloud.
“Yes, Adrien.” The teacher answered. “You choose only between those four. But
 Who did you want to consider?”
” The blond stopped and looked at me. Right, I was the author of that question.
“Milady de Winter or Constance?” I mumbled.
“You would have a candidate for Milady de Winter?” Caline Bustier smiled.
I was so close to blurt out that Chloe would be a good one. Or rather Lila! Yeah, she would be even better!
“So, who’s first?” Nino started.
“Let’s take Marinette!” Alya suggested with a malicious grin. ‘Et tu, Brute, contra me?’ I wanted to say, but bit my tongue.
” I muttered. “You’re going to deal with that or you need my help?”
“Oh, it’s so easy, Marinette! You’re a perfect d’Artagnan!” My friend laughed. “Nobody else is so unlucky to get in trouble! Besides, d’Artagnan was as clumsy as you are
“You’re a straight arrow, you know?” I winced.
“I don’t think Marinette is clumsy!” Adrien said. Well, well
 Adrien-she’s-just-a-friend had spoken! Oh, poor blind boy

“Besides, d’Artagnan was a perfect fencer. How could he be clumsy?” Nino added.
“He was in trouble because he offended by mistake some people or he associated with wrong people
” Alya was trying to defend her idea. “He was naïve. Remember how he believed in Milady’s lies?”
Honestly, while I was listening this description, I could find some similarities to Adrien. But I remembered to be more like Marinette instead of Lena. So I stayed quiet.
“Should I be so amorous too?” I asked sarcastically, and my friend burst out laughing.
“Great idea, girl!”
“You have fun I can see
” Caline Bustier appeared above our heads.
“We’re sorry
” we all mumbled.
“I’ve thought that you get into characters so well!” Our teacher joked. “For a moment I felt like I was in a tavern
Then Mme Bustier moved to another group, and we exchanged glances.
“I assume that now Porthos and Aramis should start fighting and Athos should start drinking
” I commented, and the boys chuckled.
“You’d drown your sorrows too if you had such a life!” Alya said.
“Sorrows can swim
” I recalled a phrase I’d heard ages ago.
I kept ignoring Adrien’s flashes, but when Alya and Nino exchanged their meaningful glances, I felt alarmed. Besides, Tikki was drilling in my hip. Too much of Lena, too little of Marinette!
“Who’s next?” I asked, just to draw my friends’ attention to the play.
“Maybe Adrien?” Alya decided.
“You’re a boss like Athos!” I commented.
“You’re right, Marinette!” Nino agreed in an amused voice.
“Do you want to be Milady de Winter?!” Alya glared at her boyfriend.
It was just on a tip of my tongue – the thought that Milady had an affair with d’Artagnan. But Tikki kept drilling and that helped me in staying quiet. However, it was quite possible that the thought dawned upon Adrien, because I noticed his glance at Nino, then at me, and then back at Nino. Wow
 It looked like the golden boy started thinking!
“Miss Bustier said that we should choose among the four musketeers only.” He reminded, and I smiled to myself. Definitely this dummy started thinking! But why now?! Couldn’t he do this yesterday?!
“I can be Athos.” Alya agreed. “Who’s next?”
“We have Porthos and Aramis left.” I noted. “An honest strongman vs. an ambitious swordsman.”
“It’s easy.” Alya shrugged. “Nino will be Porthos and Adrien will be Aramis.”
“You’re bossy again, Al
” Nino reminded. “Wasn’t Porthos a dumb one?”
“Less educated maybe. But not dumb.” I muttered. “And he gets married eventually. And Aramis
“Was a womaniser.” Alya finished.
“Hello!” Adrien cut in.
“I wanted to say that he was rather popular among women
” I explained uncomfortable. But I knew Alya was right, because Aramis not only was popular but did like women’s company. A lot.
“I’ve read that book, Marinette
” Adrien replied, looking me in the eye. “I know you’re trying to be politically correct, but Alya’s right.”
“OK, but admit that Aramis knew some foreign languages and was a perfect fencer. Seems to me that it suits you.”
“Thank you, Marinette. You’re very kind.” Adrien bowed in my direction like a real musketeer. He needed only a feathered hat.
“You’re welcome.” I bowed in reply.
“Geez, you both look like you were playing a part in ‘The three musketeers’!” Nino summed up. “If Mme Bustier thought that we were in a tavern before, I’d say now that you look like at Louis XIII ball
I chuckled, and soon my friends joined me. At the same moment our teacher clapped and laugh died in our mouths. At first I thought we were too loudly, but soon it was obvious that she wanted to draw the attention of the whole class.
“I can see that you’ve had a lot of fun with playing roles of the main four musketeers. For Monday you’ll write a paper with the characters’ description. Of all four musketeers!”
I heard some whines behind my back. That was a second paper to be prepared for Monday – the first one was about a planet for professor Mendeleiev. Thankfully, I didn’t have to write at least that one. I needed to go back to Marinette’s home and to start looking for a way back to my real life.
If my intuition was right, there was an akuma behind this and a supervillain would show up soon, because Hawkmoth would claim fulfilling their deal. In exchange for superpowers he always wanted the same – the Miraculouses of Ladybug and Cat Noir.
I, Marinette - p.4  <-  Previous part  |  Next part ->  I, Marinette - p.6
Read the story from the beginning
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thepeakyfckingblinders · 6 years ago
Delight || Michael Gray x reader
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Anon requested: 10 & 14 with michael, idk why but i read these and immediately thought of michael hilariously trying to calm his girl who’s losing it Summary: n.10 & 14 from prompt list:  "I swear to God, I’ll blind you” + “Have you totally lost your mind?”
Warnings: swearing, Michael being a flirty sexy bitch (and me loving him)
Author’s notes:
First of all, this gif makes me wet. That. damn. smirk.
I’m sorry for being this late, but I’ve been really busy in the past days and writing is never just easy, it demands concentration and effort, plus I don’t want you to be disappointed, so I’m always extra accurate while working. I hope this is worth the wait!
Let me know what you think and tell me if this is what you expected  ♡
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
The very first time you met Michael he was effectively still Henry, your favourite classmate at the night-school course in accountancy at Worcester College. Truth to be told, it wasn’t easy at all to attend those kinds of lessons, since the vast majority of people couldn’t afford something like that, but you had always been an excellent learner, whoever knew you noticed your uncommon intelligence, your lucid intellect, your charismatic personality and, for all these reasons, you eventually decided not to quit your studies, managing to combine your daily job with evening classes. Naturally, it took a lot of hard work and you’d found yourself about to give up everything more than once, but four years later, continuing your studies turned out to be the best decision you’d ever made: first and foremost because you had the chance to come across the love of your life, secondly because your degree allowed you to aim at pretty prestigious employment, considering the terrible men’s world you were living in. Moreover, your strong personality together with your determination drove you to constantly improve your job skills; in the space of a few years, you went from working as a simple personal assistant for an important Irish businessman to actually becoming his leading and most trusted secretary, so now, after countless months of unspeakable efforts and sacrifices, you clearly hoped to become to all intents and purposes his second in command. And you would have succeeded, if it hadn’t been for the fact that your direct competitor had a penis between his legs. “This is all fucking insane, fucking intolerable!” The door shut noisily behind your tense shoulders as you angrily shouted, entering the Shelbys’ earliest office in Small Heat; Michael was sitting there alone, with his feet comfortably placed on a desk, a fuming cigarette through his fingers and the latest edition of the Birmingham Daily Gazette held in his hands.
“Love?! Is everything okay?” His green eyes immediately gave you a look halfway between interrogative and worried, however you were too wrapped up in your heated discussion with yourself to mind his concern, so you just roughly threw your crimson red jacket on a random chair, before going back to curse against the whole world.
“Five damned years, five! I broke my back, not sleeping for days, always running from a place to another” Michael’s amused gaze followed your movements as you went up and down the room like a spinning top and your hands frenetically removed your emerald hairpin, letting your locks fall softly on your bare neck, just the way he liked it.  It was easy for him to understand what you were complaining about and, being aware of how much you cared for your career, he decided to simply let you blow off steam while enjoying the little comedy show you were putting on.
“I wore out and bought so many shoes, with all that money I would’ve set up my own fucking company by now! And all of this for what?!” Your mad outburst paused for a brief moment as you poured in a glass a massive amount of gin, then chugging it in the twinkling of an eye with a stern expression on your face “To have my job stolen by a total jerk, only because I’m a bloody woman!”
The crystal cup you had drunk from loudly crashed into a thousand little pieces when you violently flung it against the wall, in a fit of absolute blind rage; only then your boyfriend  rapidly got to his feet, reaching you on the other side of the office in a matter of seconds, in order to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself. “Jesus Christ, y/n, have you totally lost your mind?” His look softened as he held both your wrists in his big hands, ascertaining that you were okay and there was no blood on your velvet skin, then again a small grin appeared on his lips since an adorable frown formed on your flushed face. Your pupils rolled with annoyance and you slightly pushed him away, taking some unquiet steps in no particular direction.
“Yes, I fucking have! I’m a complete fool, to the point of thinking that in this shitty world people could achieve something by merit, regardless of their damned gender!” Once more Michael reached for you, his fingers went to lovingly caress your shoulders in attempt to calm you and keep you in one place, while his eyes captured yours with urgency. “C’mon, baby, I know you’re furious right now, but you can always start working for Tommy, he’s been begging you for months, plus we’re way better than those screwed idiots” Yet his warm voice didn’t succeed in soothing your terrible disappointment and you unwittingly got away from him again, your nerves still overcoming you. “You know I don’t want any special treatment, I need to make it with my own strength, not because I’m your stupid girlfriend!”
Your boyfriend smiled subconsciously realizing how proud he was of you and your incredible persistence, a sudden surge of tenderness caught him off guard, leading him to gently cup your face with both his hands.
“If you don’t slow down, I swear to God, I’ll blind you” He playfully whispered a few inches away from your nose, while pecking your lips several times, finally managing to defuse your fury, even if only a little. Indeed, for a brief moment, your mouth involuntary curved in an imperceptible grin, before you turned your back on him in search of your purse.
“Please, do it already, so I won’t have to see that bastard’s face ever again” You muttered, messing with the content of your bag, and a low laugh left his throat, Michael shook his head, resigned to your extreme stubbornness, as he watched you stand in front of the only mirror in the room, busy fixing your make-up without a real reason, merely to keep your nervous fingers occupied with something.
He took a moment for just observing your figure in pure delight, while you continued to wildly powder your nose and ramble about your discontent; he loved the contrast between your tiny self and the huge fire in your belly, he loved the fact that you were able to be both the sweetest creature on earth and the fiercest woman he knew, he loved the way your cheeks heated with strong emotions and how your hair nuzzled your skin whenever you let it down, and all of a sudden he found himself eager to make you his, right there and then. So he kept staring at you and removed his grey jacket, starting soon after to unbutton his matching waistcoat and then his shirt, always maintaining an alluring smirk on his magnetic face, even though you were not looking at him; at least not until you raised your eyes, noticing his silhouette through the mirror. Your mouth went totally dry in a single instant, you forgot what you were talking about, your irises drinking every drop of that stunning sight: Michael’s lean but toned shape, together with his flirtatious expression, literally mesmerized you as the afternoon light filtering from the windows emphasized the features of his solid chest and abdomen. “W-what are you doing?” That was everything you were capable of stumbling when his arms possessively gathered around your waist, pushing you against his body so that you could physically feel how much he wanted you in that moment, his lips left a wet kiss on your neck before slowly moving towards your ear.  “I’m being a good boyfriend, babydoll, ‘gonna help you relax a bit, yeah?”
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shadowthrone-ammanas · 5 years ago
Ghost Kid Chapter Ten: Repairs
Hat Kid was getting close to finishing her attempt at repairing the ship. She wouldn’t know if it was successful until she finished and turned it on. Once on, its self-diagnostics systems would tell her if the ship could fly and if so, how well.
It was nerve-wracking being so close to an answer on whether or not she was stuck here or if she’d have to truly start to consider how people back home might react to her new form. Despite that she buckled down on it, taking breaks only to read her book in lieu of sleeping.
The Subcon history book was dense and thick, lasting her far longer than any of the fairytale books had. The images of Subcon before it had been cursed were the most interesting. It was just a normal small kingdom surrounded by normal woods. It seemed to be a peaceful place, a few wars had been fought over it but not many and none of them particularly bad, all ending in peace treaties. It was actually kind of boring, not what Hat Kid had been expecting at all. It kept her busy when not working on her ship so she kept reading, hoping for more interesting stuff to pop up deeper in the book.
But eventually she reached a point where she finally, at long last had done everything she possibly could to repair her ship with what resources she had. She’d had to cut a few corners but in theory it might work. Only one way to find out.
The ship fired up just fine. Maybe it took a few seconds longer than normal but that might’ve just been her anticipation making it seem longer. She sat at the command desk
 where her body had been and thus where she’d died! 
 Nope, she wasn’t thinking about that right now even if she just realized she’d been avoiding this spot until now. But she had no choice, it was the ship’s command desk.
She quickly punched in some commands, starting the ship’s self-diagnostics. It took it a few minutes but the overall result came up yellow. More info revealed that it was functional but being careful was advised, especially when warp jumping. The computer also advised going home for immediate proper repair. But that was possible, according the computer which was rarely wrong, the ship could safely make it all the way back home. Meaning despite all odds she’d done it, she’d gotten her ship space worthy again. All she had to do now was fix the window and she was free to go home whenever she pleased because she already had all the Time Pieces back – she’d only been sticking around to do the Death Wish contracts.
It almost didn’t feel real. How long had she been working on this? Weeks and weeks for sure, months even. And now it was basically done. But
 did she still even want to go home?
Would she be accepted back as a ghost? Would returning dead count as having failed the final test? If so, they’d want take her ship away. Did she want to risk that with how strict the Headmaster was? Her ship meant everything to her, losing it or giving it up was out of the question, it was hers. But
 she’d worked so hard to go back home, both before and after her death. And it was home she couldn’t just abandon home without even trying even if it meant risking her ship, could she?
With a sigh, she exited through the broken window, floating down to the forest floor. If only she could take a nap, get away from thinking about this decision for a while. She could read, that helped a lot but
 she wasn’t in the mood to slog through more the history book right now.
Instead, she went for a wander. Getting away from the ship and just looking around the forest was nice, especially now that there weren’t any hazards to her. Eventually she inevitably ended up looking for Snatcher. It had been a while since she’d talked to him, days in fact. She found him in his favourite reading spot in the giant hollow.
“Snatcher,” she said in way of greeting as she floated in.
 hello,” he replied, not looking up from his book.
 I finished repairing my ship.” That got him to lower his book and look at her. “All I need to do now is fix the window and I can go home.”
“That’s great news,” he replied with a smile. “I’ll finally be rid of you. I can’t wait.”
“Yeah, but
” Hat Kid lifted a hand to rub the back her neck, far too used to the feel of her own ghostly form now. “I don’t know if I want to go to back home.”
Snatcher’s eyes narrowed as he actually closed his book now. “Why not?”
“I uh
 don’t know if
 they’d let me back like this. They might
 count my death as a failure and
 take away my ship.” And without that, what was the point? She had no family, a friend yes, but
 would Bow want her back like this?
“Who’s ‘they’?”
“The school. I didn’t teach myself how to fly and repair a space ship, you know, someone had to teach me.”
“Honestly kid, if you told me you did, I might actually believe you.” Oh! A compliment, that was unlike him. Exciting stuff. But before she could call him on it, he continued. “But why are they teaching children that stuff in the first place?”
Should Hat Kid answer this? She’d been told not to say anything about her home planet to any intelligent life she discovered. 
 He was her BFF though so it was probably fine, especially since he wasn’t likely to be able to do anything with the info even if he wanted to. Besides, the rule had been about intelligent life and Snatcher was not alive so telling him was technically not breaking the rules. So

“Well,” she said, “most of the kids aren’t given a real ship to fly until they’re a bit older. I’m what they call a ‘prodigy’ though, meaning I’m like real smart or something. I went through the classes super-fast so I would be allowed to fly a spaceship.” Once she’d learned that that was on the table, she’d been determined to do it no matter what it took. “Some of the teachers complained about how fast I was elevated because like a lot of the pilot tests and training things are super dangerous and people get hurt during them. They quickly stopped caring though after I aced the first one.” And she’d never cared, danger was fun and more than worth dealing with if it meant she got to fly her ship.
Snatcher frowned. “That sounds like a major lawsuit waiting to happen. They’re going to get sued into the ground sometime soon, the fact that they haven’t been already is a miracle.”
Hat Kid shrugged; she didn’t know much about that kind of thing. “I don’t know if they can be.” She didn’t really care either. “I’m pretty sure they’re heavily backed by the government or some big important organization that wants more trained pilots for their space fleet. They’re into ‘exploring outer space and expanding their galactic influence’ which I’m pretty sure means they’re into conquering weaker planets and expanding their space empire.”
Now Snatcher actually looked offended. It was comical. “That’s even worse kid. What the peck is wrong with your home planet?”
“I don’t know.” Hat Kid hadn’t thought anything was strange about it, though she had grown up with it so maybe he was right? She didn’t care though, she just wanted to fly her space ship. But
  “Why do you care so much?”
“I don’t.” Lies, he put on a calm demeanor now that didn’t change how openly offended he’d just been. “I’m just saying, a school training children and other young people to be part of basically their army is amoral. I have no doubt there’s a lot of brainwashing going on there. The fact that their training is dangerous makes it even worse, especially since they let literal children take part in it.”
“What about all your contracts? You forced me to work for you, doing some pretty dangerous things. And the Death Wish contracts are super-duper dangerous, I almost died doing them more times than I can count. So, aren’t you just as bad as they are?”
“That’s different.” Snatcher made a dismissive gesture. “I’m not in charge of your wellbeing. People who take on the responsibility of raising and teaching children should at least try to raise them well.ïżœïżœïżœ
“So, what you’re saying is if you adopted a kid, you’d be a good parent?” Hat Kid would like to see that. She couldn’t even imagine Snatcher trying to be good, it’d be hilarious.
“Oh uh
 I guess I’d try to be.” Snatcher shrugged, examining his nonexistent nails. “I’m not going to adopt any children though. I hate kids, they’re the worst. There’s one in particular that won’t stop bothering me, she’s without a doubt the single most annoying person I’ve ever met.”
Hat Kid couldn’t help but giggle a bit. “I’ll take that as a compliment. You’re old so you must’ve met a lot of people, the fact that I’m the most annoying one is impressive.”
“I’m not old.” Despite his contrary words, his expression and tone were closer to being soft than he probably intended. “Or well
 maybe I am old in a way. Nothing wrong with being old though. And it wasn’t a compliment, it was an insult. Being annoying is a bad thing kid, it makes people not like you.”
“Well, you seem to like me plenty despite that so I’m not too worried.”
Snatcher scoffed. “In your dreams kid.” He could say that all he wanted but she knew the truth, this conversation confirmed it. But speaking of that, the thing she’d come here to discuss with him wasn’t resolved, they’d got sidetracked.
“But uh
 anyway,” she said. “I was tasked with visiting three planets to gather data and stuff, this one wasn’t really planned, as a final test. I was supposed to fly back home and graduate and the ship would officially be mine.” It already was hers as far as she was concerned. “But
 since I died, they might view it as a failure and take away my ship. I
 would rather not return if that’s what they’re going to do.”
“How likely is it that they’ll take your ship?”
 I don’t know but
 I fear it’s high.” Was she just being paranoid though? Or was she judging them accurately? “And I don’t know much about ghosts on my home planet but
 I know there are ghost hunters who hunt them. I don’t know what they do with them once they catch them though.” There was a very real possibility she’d find out if she went back. “So
 I don’t know if I should go home but I’ve worked so hard to go back and it’s still home so
 I’m not sure what I should do.”
 sounds like you’re in a bit of pickle.”
“Yeah, can you uh
 help me? Give me advice or something? I know you probably don’t have any experience in this kind of thing but
 I don’t know what to do.”
Snatcher was silent for a few seconds before replying. “Depending on the exact laws of your planet, you might be able to make a legal case for keeping your ship and graduating. You’re a child without a legal guardian though so that complicates things a bit on top of the fact that the school itself is already unethical so they wouldn’t play fair and they’d be able to get away with it because they have a lot of money and a powerful backer. And you’re a ghost, if they’re the kind who want to eradicate ghosts, then you’re probably screwed if you return. So, I would say, if you comfortable taking the risk, then go for it, otherwise, cut your losses and find a new home. You already said you don’t have any parents and the way you spoke about it suggested you don’t have any family either so there’s really nothing keeping you from not returning.” His tone suggested he thought that was the right course of action.
 okay. I need to think about it some more than I guess.” But really
 she’d already decided, hadn’t she? She’d just wanted someone to tell her that that was the right choice or at least an okay choice to make. And she needed one more thing
 “If I do decide not to go back though can I
 stay here?” Because where else would she go? She was a ghost, a haunted forest full of other ghosts would be the most logical place for her to call her new home. With a bit of work – and probably with Snatcher’s help if he was willing – she could get a docking bay for her ship in the forest so she could take off and land at will. She could take her ship to the nearest spaceport to repair it fully before returning and then from then on this would be her home base. Assuming of course that Snatcher was okay with her staying indefinitely.
Snatcher opened his mouth as if to answer but grimaced instead. “Uh
 you know what, fine,” he finally said, relaxing back into his chair. “Since you died, you’ve been less of a bother anyway, so I guess you can stay, provided you continue to stay out of my way.”
“All right, I can do that. Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go figure out what you want to do.” He made a shooing gesture towards her. “And then tell me so I know if I should expect you to stick around or not.” He picked up his book again, opening it and already ignoring her again.
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chonisbestmistake · 6 years ago
Jisoo x Female!Reader
Rated: M
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut. 
Word count: 3,667
“Jisoo, I need you.” 
“Oh really? I couldn`t tell by the way you were torturing me for almost two hours. Now be a good girl and let me enjoy the anniversary kiss I was promised.”
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NOTE: Here`s the shot i promised. And a moodboard as an apology for the delay.
Jealous. She was so fucking jealous. Every ones` beloved Jisoo, ever so calm and confident, was staring in your direction with an inconceivable intensity now, her eyes never leaving your figure. You knew that for sure, when you felt your skin tingle under her gaze, and you loved every second of it. The third anniversary came too quickly for you to notice and now you were celebrating it with your fans on VLive, casually sitting in your chair between Jennie and Lisa and enjoying the attention Jisoo was giving you silently. Driving her insane was so easy, yet so satisfying. Watching her glare at Lisa`s arm placed around your shoulders or at Jennie`s smile flying your way every now and then made you squirm in your seat, smile never leaving your lips, not even for a second. You knew she had a crush on you, even had the deep desire for you, you could say, yet you didn’t know when it happened; the only thing certain for you was that the idea of you belonging to this possessive Jisoo sparked something deep inside your belly every time you caught her staring at your lips. You knew you wanted her just as much, but a good old teasing until she can`t take it anymore seemed like a good idea with all of the attention you were receiving from her now. The girls were oblivious, she was a great actress after all, and you made sure to show no signs of realization to her just to drive her even more insane.
Rose got up to take 5 forks for a cake and you stole a glance at Jisoo. She looked concentrated, her eyes fixed on the dessert, arms folded before her on the table. You brushed it off since she wasn`t paying attention to you anymore and focused on what Jennie was talking about. As soon as you got your purple fork you dived into the cake, moaning in satisfaction from the sweet taste you had on your tongue. Maybe the noise was too load, judging by the way Jisoo`s ears perked up, eyes falling to your lips immediately. You smirked to yourself, starting the game all over again and brought the fork full of cake to Lisa`s mouth.
“Here baby, say aaah.” You whispered loud enough for Jisoo to hear and lightened up when Lisa happily obeyed.
You weren`t really worried about the fans because they knew you were clingy, really passionate and gave lots of kisses to your members, way more than Lisa did, so you didn`t think much about anything while feeding her in front of the camera. Well, besides teasing Jisoo like that. And judging by the looks, she was furious and frustrated, gripping Rose`s hand like there was no tomorrow.
“I`m thirsty.” She suddenly announced and you choked on the cake Lisa gave you a second ago. Thank God nobody noticed.
You couldn`t even process anything when you stood up and your legs carried you to the fridge like they were on the autopilot. Fixing a drink, you looked back and caught her staring right back at you with a deep emotion you couldn`t quite put a name on. But this expression was intense and you gulped, looking away and finishing the drink quickly. For some reason you felt like her revenge will be hard on you when you open your cards tonight and you`ll get your ass beaten at least, but it still made you feel excited and you couldn’t wait to taste her limits. Getting back to the table, you placed the glass in front of her with a grin plastered on your face and got an oh so shy thank you in return. Feeling the idea pop up in your mind, you hummed quietly to yourself and made your way to your seat. But instead of using your own chair you sat directly on Lisa`s lap and embraced her with a warm hug, owning a three teasing remarks and a scowl from Jisoo. She looked pissed off and you couldn`t help but kiss Lisa`s cheek very close to her lips, getting a reaction you were hoping for. She was not only annoyed, but angry, and you sent her a questioning glance before returning your attention to the girls. She seemed to catch on to your confused expression and looked away. She knew you caught her staring because you saw her swearing under her breath at the corner of your eye. The next thing you did was to lay on your members` laps completely, your head resting right on her knees. The girls started to complain, whining, but you didn`t gave them a second thought because your attention was on Jisoo`s face right above you, her eyes staring at you with so much desire you could swear they went completely black around the pupils. You swallowed quickly and grabbed her hand, resting it on your ribs just below your heaving chest, sending her a small smile and still trying to communicate with fans and girls in that position under the table as to not raise suspicions.
“Ah, i`m tired, it`s been 3 years, give an old lady the rest she deserves.” You joked and everyone let go of the fact that you literally couldn`t be seen on camera anymore.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the warmth beneath you, a little smile never leaving your face. She was staring down at you, you felt her palm tense on your ribs between yours, sweating. You sighed, preparing yourself for the next round of teasing Jisoo and got up because the girls couldn’t shut up about you two not giving them and the audience attention.
“Okay, nuggets, let`s play a little game, if the girls can`t entertain you enough.” You laughed and earned a glare from the trio. Jisoo seemed to lean forward at your words and you knew you had her around your little finger. She better prepare herself for what`s to come.
“How about this, blinks? On the count of three each of you starts writing the name of one of those lovely ladies here and I will kiss the one who gets the most comments. An anniversary kiss, how does that sound?” You smirked at the camera and started laughing at the girls` startled expressions.
The thing was – you played a role of the most loving and passionate member in a group, so you were given permission to fanservice as long as you wanted to with whoever you wanted. The outcome was huge every time you showed affection to your band mates and as long as it increased your group`s popularity the managers gave you the green light. It`s not like anyone could hold you back from kissing those pretty faces anyway. You pouted when Jennie made a disgusted face at you, but grinned when she broke the character and sent you a flying kiss, chuckling. You threw a quick glance at Jisoo who looked puzzled, confused and embarrassed at the same time at the idea of you kissing anyone or even her right now. Maybe she`ll get her kiss after all, who knows. You switched your attention to the camera and scrolled through the comments.
“Oh, I love all those yeses with the caps.” You snickered, mentally preparing yourself for your own game. You glanced at the girls and almost all of them were grinning right back at you so there were really no complaints.
“Ready? One, two, three, go!” The comments started flying like hot pancakes and you couldn’t even read them at first in that speed.
“Jeez, slow down, guys, I can`t even see the letters. It`s moving to quick!” The girls started laughing beside you when you tried to scroll through the comments with a sigh.
“Ugh, wait, I can see now. Jennie, Rose, Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo, Rose...” You tilted your head and went mute, counting the names in your head. The girls were chatting quietly, tired of waiting, but stopped after a minute when you raised your voice again. “Ah, Rosie, it`s your lucky day!” You sang and Rose`s face became crimson.  
Jennie and Lisa huffed, clearly upset it wasn’t them and Jisoo was just silent, giving eye daggers to the blonde. You leaned over Jennie and Jisoo in Rose`s way, and pouted your lips to the shy girl, you face inches away from Jisoo`s head. Great. Rose turned her cheek, leaning closer, a blushing mess already by that time, but you weren`t aiming for her cheekbones. Using your hand that wasn’t underneath supporting your weight, you took her jaw between your fingers and turned her head gently, pressing your lips to hers slightly for a second. She yelped and cupped her flushing cheeks, burying her red face in her palms. You giggled and sat on Lisa`s lap again.
“Woah, that was a real kiss, Y/N.” Jennie looked amused but grinned teasingly, Lisa laughing hysterically at Chaeyoung`s hilarious reaction. Jisoo was seething, her face red, trying to cover her emotions with fake shock and awkward laughter. Cute.
“Oh my God, why did you do it, Y/N?” Rose asked, hands still covering her lips, but it was obvious she wasn`t upset one bit.
“Well, it`s our anniversary, so it had to be special.” You answered simply, not taking your eyes off Jisoo, who was ready to fight a bitch, it seemed. You chuckled, taking her attention back to you. “Aw, Chu, you look like you want your anniversary kiss too?”
Her eyes went round at the thought that you caught her yet again, but grew a darker shade nonetheless. She was so fucking jealous, you could swear she wanted to rip your clothes apart at this point. Jennie tried to read the comments again and gave you a shocked expression.
“Woah, there are just literally screams here. Seems like they want more.” She giggled adorably and for a second you thought about giving in and just kissing her next, but the sad look plastered on Jisoo`s face now stopped you.
“Nuh, you guys are so greedy! But I promise I`ll give them kisses in private.” You winked at the screen and chuckled at the flying comments. Then you turned around and caught Jisoo`s eyes, slightly biting your lip just so anyone wouldn’t see your actions but her. Her eyes jumped down and stayed on your mouth for a second before she looked away in a hurry and changed the topic, the girls were talking about.
The discussion went on and you quickly changed your position from Lisa`s long legs to Jisoo`s lap, startling her in the process. You didn`t want her to take her attention elsewhere just yet. The girls didn`t really paid your actions attention, so you relaxed against her front, wrapping her arms around you and joining the conversation.  After a minute she seemed to come back from another planet and relaxed too, this time till the end of the VLive, since you gave her a break from your constant teasing. As soon as you said your goodbyes and the screen went black she pushed you off of her lap and went to her room without another glance or a word. The girls paused for a moment with puzzled looks, but you gave them the promise to figure out whatever it was and went after her, telling the girls not to disturb you two. You checked the living room but she wasn’t there so you made your way to her room and went in without knocking, making sure to close the door. She was on the bed, flat on her stomach and couldn’t see you, earphones` wires swaying gently to the little tilts of her head. She still looked pissed somehow, even with her back turned to you and you smirked, crawling on the bed. She felt the mattress sink down and pulled out her earpieces, turning her head, and glared at you when you laid on top of her, front to back, smiling sweetly.
“Go away, Y/N, i`m not in the mood.” She spat and your grin widened.
“Oh, I know. I made sure of it tonight.”  You sent her a toothy smile and her eyes grew darker. She seemed to be really angry now.
“You did all of that on purpose? You little
” She flipped both of you in the blink of an eye and you gasped at the sudden movement.
Now you were actually kind of scared to be honest. She looked mad on top of you, her pupils unmoving, hands gripping your arms tightly above you. She was hot and scary at the same time and you felt the heat start burning your insides deep down below your belly. You couldn`t help but gulp, your breathing becoming frequent somehow.
“Jisoo-ya, do you want me?” You panted and she froze upon you, startled by the sudden question, looking like a deer in a lovelights. You grinned, taking the upper hand on the situation again. Well, not physically, but emotionally at least. “What, cat got your tongue?”
“You knew? All this fucking time you knew how I felt and kept driving me insane?” She gasped, as if not believing that you were not only okay with her attraction towards you but teased her for it for a whole evening.
“You being jealous is so hot, I couldn`t resist.” You pouted, smirking and she closed her mouth, tilting her head slightly as if preparing to scold you. But you were not prepared for her next words.
“You`re so going to regret it.” She whispered, looking you in the eyes with those dark clouded orbs, and leaned forward, her lips ghosting over yours. “You enjoyed your pretty little game, huh? I`ll make you forget your name for it.”
To be honest, Jisoo was never ashamed of her feelings or emotions, but she admitted it so easily, mixing the revelation with dirty talking, that you couldn`t help but moan. Your eyes flew to the back of your head when her teeth suddenly made their way to your neck, biting fiercely into the soft flesh behind your ear. You cried out, pain mixing with pleasure, and she covered your mouth with her hand, shushing you quickly.
“Silence.” Was all she said and you couldn`t help but surrender in her arms. Her tongue made its way down your neck to your collarbones, leaving a wed trail, and you inhaled sharply when she went back and left a bruise on your pulse point. You kind of anticipated this turn of events tonight but were still excited nonetheless, sparkles flying through your veins and down your body, burning everything on their way. You felt yourself become kind of desperate, this teasing made you hot and bothered already, your hips kept pushing upwards against her warm body.
“Jisoo, I need you.” You breathed out and she let go of your neck, tugging at the skin. Meeting her eyes was a dangerous mistake.
“Oh really? I couldn`t tell by the way you were torturing me for almost two hours.” She rasped, chuckling lowly and you felt your insides tingle. “Now be a good girl and let me enjoy the anniversary kiss I was promised.”
She leaned in, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, and it felt like she was pulling your soul out of your body with her skilled mouth. You inhaled quickly, trying to adjust to her pace and gave in when she asked for permission to go deeper, biting and tugging at your bottom lip. After a minute she broke the kiss and sat up on your hips, her weight on you making you breathe out in pleasure.
She was in control now, yeah, you got it. And you let her play the part, taking your shirt off quickly and tossing it aside. She admired your lingerie for a few seconds, stopping your hands from unclasping your bra and then nodded, letting you take it off finally. Her eyes were fool of love yet her look was predatory, pupils moving over your body quickly to capture it in her mind.
“Beautiful.” She exhaled and tugged at your waistband. “Take it all off.”
And what could you do other than to satisfy her needs? She moved to the side, letting you pull off your jeans and you made sure it was in a slow motion just to tease her a little bit more.
“Let me.” She whispered when your hands reached your panties, stopping you with her palm on your hip.
You smirked, lying down and moved apart your hips, catching her stare right back at you in between your legs. She swallowed quickly and her lips tugged in a smile. Her hands rested on your knees and pushed your legs apart even more. Lust was almost dripping off of her when she neared your panties and started tugging them off with her teeth. Such view made you burn and curse under your breath, your head hitting the pillow underneath you. She pulled them off and tossed aside, taking off her own shirt in the process. You reached for her black lacy bra but she pushed your hands away. You couldn`t help but pout.
“Tease.” You rasped, offended.
“Says who?” She chuckled and leaned forward, pushing you down on the bed. Her fingertips danced over the skin of your left hip, eyes glued to your entrance. She was hesitating and you started to become needy.
“Are you going to stare all day or
?” You grinned, tilting your head playfully.
“Let me appreciate the view, God damn.  You`re so eager, huh?” She whispered, leaning down and tracing the skin of your inner thigh with the tip of her nose. You huffed, impatient, but stayed silent and let her take her time. She smiled against your skin when she neared the place you craved for her to touch, but left it unnoticed, moving to the other hip. Her palm went up to your abdomen and pushed down, making you lay still under her intense gaze.
“Jisoo.” You were breathless at this point, but still managed to let out a warning. Her hands stilled on your body for a moment, as her mouth on your hipbone, and then continued their own way when her lips fell above your clit. You closed your eyes in annoyance. “Jisoo.”
“Beg.” She whispered against your core. Well, that was unexpected, but you didn`t really care at this point, hot breath making your squirm under her body. You were on fire and you needed her right now.
“Please.” The word fell from your lips so easily and she finally leaned forward, making you gasp and then cry out immediately. You relaxed under her, sighing in pleasure, when the warmth spread across your hips, soothing the pain and then the other second everything turned into fire, burning your insides and you suddenly needed more. More of her tongue, more of her hands, more of Jisoo. Deeper.
“More.” You asked, but she just hummed in return, sucking lazily, not giving the pressure you needed so much. You huffed, knowing that she wanted to hear pleadings, not orders, and was driving you insane on purpose. You gave in one time, but now – two can play this game.
“Jisoo, I’m going to lose my fucking mind.” You rasped out, fire dancing under your skin when her hot tongue made its way up and down again. Your palms grasped the sheets, back arching and heart beating fast. The itching sensation on your wrists and deep down in your lower abdomen made you uneasy and desperate; it was almost painful how she was treating you with her tongue right now, you couldn`t lay still. She broke the contact to raise her head and you cried out at the loss, meeting her gaze with your blurry eyes.
“I can wait all night, you know.” She breathed out and the air touched your burning skin again, making you whine and lift your hips up. She pushed you down by the hips and you were on the verge of tears when she leaned down again and continued her actions like she was just casually enjoying her everyday meal and your suffering meant nothing to her.
“Please, Jisoo, please
I need you so much, I can`t take it anymore!” You whimpered, finally giving up because the pain in a mix with pleasure started to become unbearable.” Please, please
She smirked against your skin and pushed her tongue inside, making you gasp and moan like there was no tomorrow. Jisoo knew what she was doing and it was driving you insane, waves of pleasure rushing through your veins when she added her fingers to bring you on the new level of bliss. One of your hands sneaked its way to her head and grabbed her hair in a fist, the other one toying with your breasts. Your hips lifted up on the bed, back arching and you met Jisoo`s eyes, full of burning lust and desire. You felt your release approaching and held your breath, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You froze for a second, overwhelmed by pleasure, and then collapsed on the sheets, a moaning mess. Relaxed, you unfolded your tired legs, freeing Jisoo from your hips` death grip and took a good look at her glistening face. She smiled happily at you, eyes sparkling mischievously and licked her lips clean, never looking away. The corners of your lips tugged up without you knowing and you pulled her by the neck on top of you again, sighing when her lips met yours in a soft kiss.
“That was a whole ass torture, Miss Kim.” You breathed out against her mouth, pretending to be mad but failing miserably. You kissed her again when she chuckled, tasting yourself on her lips and moaning at the taste.
“Don`t act like you didn`t enjoy every second of it.” She smirked, laying completely on top of you and burying her face in your neck. Sighing, you relaxed under her weight, savoring the aftertaste on your lips.
“Oh, I would never.”
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raendown · 5 years ago
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 4024 Chapter: 20/? Summary: Not all wars are fought on the battlefield. Some are fought at the conference table, with whispers in the shadows, or even in the bedroom.
In a world where the Senju and Uchiha traditional lands were too far apart to have ever made them enemies, Butsuma and Tajima are the ones who come together and sign a treaty of peace. Madara isn’t happy to have his life signed away for him in a political marriage to strengthen the bond between their clans. He is even less happy to have Tobirama make assumptions of him from their very first night together. What follows from there is a journey of healing, of learning, and finding the places to belong in the places least expected.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 20
After all the worry that none of them could predict what Tajima’s next move would be there was a hilarious sort of irony in the way Madara exposed his first little plot entirely by accident – and without even picking up on the severity of what he’d uncovered. It didn’t seemed to have occurred to Tajima that his sons might be anything less than completely loyal to him in every way. The concept that Madara would pass on information to his husband should have been his first thought and it wasn’t clear if he was just that confident in his own authority or it this was nothing more than a fatal oversight.
Either way it played to the benefit of the village as a whole so none of them saw fit to complain when they eventually realized what happened. Well, none but Tajima but he was the grumpy sort of man who seemed to look for things to complain about no matter the situation.
Spending their lunch hour together by taking a walk through one of the newly built districts, still empty and awaiting new residents, Madara didn’t think much about bringing up the meeting he’d had with his father the day before. Two weeks had passed since Tobirama and Izuna returned from their mission and the initial panic of waiting for some big show down between their two founders had faded a little. He didn’t see anything very out of the ordinary in Tajima’s new squad of elite soldiers when it came up during one of his daily reports. Tobirama, on the other hand, seemed quite interested in them.
“What about their training is special?” was his first question. A little distracted with the way their arms were wound around each other, Madara answered in a distracted sort of voice.
“They’ve all been personally handpicked from our most elite fighters and I believe he’s working with them to further train their stealth capabilities. From what I understand the idea is to have a small squad of soldiers who are able to disappear in any environment, more so than a regular shinobi is expected to be capable of.” At the moment he cared more about the way his companion had to carefully measure each step to make his strides just a little shorter, ensuring they stayed together.
“I see.” Tobirama hummed thoughtfully. “That’s actually an excellent idea. Imagine all the missions that could be completed more easily with such a highly trained squad of specialists. And there are only Uchiha in that group right now?”
“Yeah, just a handful of distant cousins.”
“What if we added a few Yamanaka and Inuzuka? Some Hyuga as well, definitely a good sprinkling of Nara, even some of the Aburame would be great additions. Instead of a small squad we could have a whole division, give them special training in different areas and have them guard the village’s most important figures when they’re not out on assignments. Yes, I like this idea.” Tobirama grinned in a vicious sort of way. “We could do a lot of building on this idea.”
Madara forced himself to look away from that enticing expression. “Feel free to run with it. I’m not sure what his end goal was for this little group but I’m sure it’s in good hands with you. He’s proud but he’d never turned away an idea that would benefit him, although he usually finds a way to say the idea was his in the first place.”
“Very interesting indeed. I’ll bring this up during the next high council meeting and we can all discuss how many should be taken from each of the clans. They’ll all want to be represented of course.” Tobirama’s gaze was starting to take on a faraway quality that said he was rapidly getting lost inside his own head and Madara responded to that distraction almost without thought, bringing attention back to himself like a needy child.
“There’s still half an hour left of our lunch, should we head back towards the market and grab something sweet?”
“What would poor Susumu say if she knew you were cheating on her with another bakery?” Tobirama’s lips quirked up and Madara had to remind himself to breathe properly. He was married to a public menace.
Puffing himself up, he waved the idea aside. “What sensei doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Now let’s go find something with blueberries so we can both enjoy it.”
Tobirama looked delighted that Madara had remembered his favorite fruit, mentioned in passing in a random conversation over dinner some time back, and that was all the encouragement he needed to insist on following through with the idea. Giving a gentle tug on their entwined limbs, he steered them back the way they had come and followed his nose to the first street vendor with something blueberry on prominent display. They had to separate so they could both use their hands for eating and Madara desperately hoped it did not show on his face how pleased he was when Tobirama was the one to entwine them again after they had both wiped off their sticky fingers.
Returning to work after such a delightful time together was boring but it had to be done. Madara walked his partner to the office he technically shared with other people, though he could still usually be found alone, then stumped back to his own office where he found Hashirama snacking on cookies.
“Who baked these ones? I think I would have noticed Tobirama baking at home.” He sniffed at the tin and immediately turned up his nose. Lemon and ginger.
“Mito made them for me. Want one?” Hashirama pushed them closer to the edge of his desk but Madara shook his head as he began to root through the pile of scrolls in his inbox without even sitting down.
“I’m full already. And I don’t want anything your wife made. Somehow she would know which cookie I’m going to take and poison just that one.”
Hashirama made offended noises that Madara easily ignored. It was no secret that his best friend’s wife had never taken much of a shine to him. It didn’t matter if he showed up for dinner with good or poor manners, she would still go through the entire evening with her gaze sharp and her commentary even sharper.
For the most part the second half of their day was quiet. Which was to say that Hashirama managed to interrupt his train of thought only every twenty minutes or so, allowing Madara to get an impressive amount of paperwork done before he felt two distinct chakra signatures making their way towards him from opposite directions. Both of them were very familiar and more than welcome though he hoped they weren’t both hoping to walk him home.
The first to arrive was Tobirama, face held in a neutral expression that did not manage to hide the warmth in his eyes when he was greeted with a smile from both his brother and his husband. Only a few seconds after him Izuna stepped in to the room and his face pulled down in to a look of mild disgust upon being faced with his self-proclaimed nemesis.
“Well. There goes my plans.” He nodded to the other two and turned on his heel to leave. Madara had only just opened his mouth to call something that probably would have come out with an attitude when Tobirama beat him to it.
“Yes and we’re all simply devastated to be excluded from them,” he murmured. Izuna spun back around to glare.
“As if I would ever invite you anywhere!”
“Were you or were you not about to invite yourself in to the home I also happen to live in?” Tobirama lifted one shapely brow and smirked when Izuna had no rebuttal for that. He did always enjoy being right. And Madara was of the opinion that he was both unbearable and unbearably attractive in his smug celebration every time.
Movement from Hashirama's desk distracted him for a few seconds as the man half stood from his seat and then abruptly sat back down, clearly making a conscious decision not to intervene, and when Madara looked back at the two in the doorway both of them were visibly making an effort to contain themselves with sidelong glances in his direction. As sad as it was that they didn’t get along it was nice to see them both keeping to their agreement not to make things more difficult than they needed to be.
To his surprise, it was Tobirama who demurred with both hands raised in mock surrender.
“I had the pleasure of his company for our entire lunch hour and I will see him again at home. Releasing him in to your questionable care for part of the evening won’t kill me.” Looking over his shoulder to where Hashirama was doing his best to pretend he wasn’t eavesdropping, Tobirama gave an exaggerated sigh. “I suppose spending time with my own brother wouldn’t kill me either.”
“Aw, Tobi, that’s so sweet,” Hashirama drawled with a surprising amount of dry sarcasm.
“Yes, I thought so.”
“Don’t do me any favors,” Izuna snarled. “I don’t need handouts from you.” Over on his side of the room Madara very seriously contemplated smacking himself in the forehead with exasperation.
Luckily Tobirama seemed determined to walk away as the bigger man, refusing to rise to the bait. With a low nod as though deferring to Izuna’s decision he simply turned his head to look away and pretend his brother-in-law wasn’t there. Of course, Izuna had always been the type of person who almost went looking for things to be offended by so when he left he did so with narrowed eyes and vengeance waiting in the corners of his pursed lips. Hashirama looked wilted as he wandered after the younger man with no one to walk him home. They both knew he would cheer up the moment he saw his wife and remembered she was always there to walk with him.
Madara rubbed at the bridge of his nose. The fact that his precious people weren’t actively yelling at each other or hissing pointed insults like moody children was a great improvement and he was very satisfied with that. He really was. But that didn’t mean he had no room in him to wish that both of them could work a little harder to improve faster.
Still, having the chance to walk home at Tobirama’s side was an opportunity he would always be happy to snatch up when it was on offer. The more time they spent together the more he was coming to very much enjoy the odd sensation of butterflies in his stomach whenever he had the pleasure to be the focus of Tobirama’s attention. When he was younger he could remember the horrifically embarrassing talks Susumu-sensei had with him about the birds and the bees, what it would feel like when he wanted those things. But more importantly he could remember the rare softness in her tone when she spoke of what it would feel like to want nothing more than to hold someone’s hands and have them close.
Walking at Tobirama’s side as they made their way out of the office and down through the tower, he realized that was exactly what he felt like. He wanted to know what it was like to hold Tobirama’s hand, to be close to him and stay close to him without feeling self-conscious or worrying about whether he should hold himself back, push forward, whatever flavor of anxiety happened to hit him at any given time.
They were halfway home when he decided that if Tobirama could be bold enough to admit in front of other people that his company was a pleasure then he could be bold too.
Slipping his fingers in between Tobirama’s without making a big deal of it was an act of extreme precision and also one of the scariest things he had ever done – including the time he had accidentally consumed psychedelic fruit and thought the entire room was trying to eat him somehow. He waited until his husband was in the middle of a sentence and his eyes got caught on something in the opposite direction before making a move, reaching between them and weaving their hands together, telling himself firmly that it wasn’t that big of a deal. They had only just been walking around these streets with their arms entwined earlier; fingers shouldn’t have been any different.  
His cheeks burned when Tobirama’s sentence faltered and he worried the tips of his ears might start smoking from the sheer heat coming off of them but then Tobirama picked up the thread where he had allowed his words to fall apart and it was all so natural suddenly. So very normal. Of course they should hold hands as they walked home. They were married and married couples held hands sometimes, even if he was only just now remembering Tobirama’s preference to keep public displays like this to a tasteful minimum. That meant he only blushed all the more to not be pushed away.
When they got home they did have to let go of each other so they could set down the things they had brought home from the office and putter around the kitchen to decide what they should have for dinner but the atmosphere in their home felt just a little bit different from how it normally was. The mood between them felt more intimate somehow and he had the distinct impression that if he asked for a hug as he’d been dying to do since the night Tobirama returned from his mission that he would receive one without question. With a smile even. There was an odd sort of power in knowing that such intimacies might be available to him simply by requesting them.
Dinner was filled with good-natured bickering that kept them in high spirits, both with one hand on the table through the meal though neither of them moved to hold the other again. By the time he rose to bring his dishes to the sink Madara was feeling almost jittery. He’d never felt like this around anyone else so he wasn’t really sure what he was supposed to do with all these bubbles inside him but since he had decided not to be a coward about things he figured it was best to just go with the flow and do what felt natural.
So of course that was when he turned around and found Tobirama only a few inches away with plate in hand, obviously come to clean up his own mess. Both of them froze to find their faces so close. Madara noted absently that having to tilt his chin up to meet Tobirama’s eyes wasn’t nearly as aggravating as he’d been expecting. Instead of thinking about how much shorter he was he found his mind focusing on how much taller Tobirama was and it was an oddly comforting difference.
“Apologies,” his husband murmured. “I didn’t mean to invade your space.” Despite his words he made no move to step back, eyes darting around Madara's face as though searching for something.
“No, you’re fine. This is
fine.” Madara cleared his throat but refused to look away.
Carefully leaning to the left, Tobirama set his dishes down on the counter and then let his arms hang down at both sides without stepping away. The space between them was thick with a loaded silence and unspoken words as both of them stared at each other and slowly inched forwards.
While he had no idea what his face might be doing, Madara's inner thoughts were screaming nonsensical noises and mixed half sentences, most of which would probably have better suited a preteen with their first crush because he couldn’t help telling himself that this was it. This was the moment. Tobirama’s face was so close to his own and getting closer; they were going to kiss. For a moment he panicked because he had no idea how kissing worked beyond smashing two faces together.
And then panic didn’t matter as they both startled apart by a disgusted scoff from the doorway. When they both whipped around to look they found Izuna standing there with his arms crossed and his entire face pinched.
“I know I said I would spend time with my brother on my own terms but you don’t need to put on such a gross display just because I decided to come over. You won’t chase me off twice in one day so don’t bother trying.” He huffed and let his weight drop down on to one hip for an extra pop of attitude.
“We didn’t know you were coming!” Madara protested, already mourning the loss as Tobirama stepped away.
“Bull, you’re both sensors. Highly skilled ones, at that.”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t get distracted!”
He only realized his mistake when Izuna started pretending to gag and Tobirama turned away to clear his throat uncomfortably. Before their guest could recover Tobirama started for the doorway and pushed past him. “I suppose I’ll be spending some time with my own brother after all then.”
Without waiting for a response he was gone and Madara was left to glare at his sibling irritably. In return he got an equally bitchy look which honestly should not have surprised him but the idiot had always known how to press his buttons a little too well. Aiming one last scoff after Tobirama’s retreating form, Izuna invited himself in to the room and slumped down in the closest chair.
“Aren’t you happy to see me Aniki?” he taunted.
“You couldn’t have knocked on the front door like a normal person?” Stealing a glance of his own towards the door, Madara sighed. “Or maybe just waited five more minutes?” He looked back when Izuna scoffed.
“Look, I’m not even sorry I interrupted. What? Don’t look at me like that either. Just because I said I would try not to fight with him as much doesn’t mean I’m magically okay with this. I still hate him. He’s still not good enough for you.” He shrugged, entirely unconcerned with how his words might be taken.
Madara tried to hold it in but it didn’t last long. “It’s not your business to be okay with it! This is my marriage, not yours, so get your nose out of it!”
“I’m just looking out for you!” Izuna tilted his chair back on to two legs with a pitying look. “We both know how this is going to end so if it’s not going to work out anyway then why bother–”
“Well maybe I want it to work out!”
The sound of Izuna’s chair slamming back down on to four legs echoed loudly in the otherwise silent kitchen but Madara refused to flinch. He raised his chin instead, all but daring the other to say something, to refute him in some way. Growing up together had taught him that Izuna always had something to say but for the same reasons the idiot should know that Madara was not the sort to be swayed by uninvited temper tantrums.
He could definitely see one brewing though as his brother struggled to comprehend the idea that he might not still be looking forward to the day five years had passed and he became eligible by Senju traditions to seek a divorce. The very idea that he might decide to stay married did not appear to compute.
“Are you insane?” Izuna demanded.
“No! It’s my choice! Forgive me if I don’t think about your preferences when I consider what’s best for my own future!”
“This isn’t best! He’s a cold-hearted monster who only married you because his daddy said so! He doesn’t care about you, Aniki!”
Madara gripped the back of the chair in front of him until his knuckles turned white. “You don’t know anything about him. The Senju clan don’t like to show their emotions in front of people they don’t trust but that doesn’t mean they don’t have any! I think he does care about me!”
“He doesn’t love you, that’s for sure.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Neither do you!”
“Fuck you, Izuna!” In a fit of anger Madara threw the chair in his grip, sending it crashing in to the counter and splintering one of the legs off, but he had eyes only for the fool in front of him. “Get out of my house. Get out of my sight before one of us says something we’re going to regret – and believe me you will regret saying anything else you have hidden in that nasty little brain of yours. What I do with my time and who I spend it with is none of your concern and I am utterly sick of hearing you say the same things over and over again. I am sick of being angry at you for this. Just go.”
A second chair was almost broken when Izuna stood up and kicked it away from himself. “If I remember correctly you didn’t want this marriage from the start. Now he’s brainwashing you like a good little daddy’s boy – and worse than that, he’s turning you against me!”
“You’re doing that yourself,” Madara spat. “Are you so determined to get your way that you can’t let me be happy?”
Facing each other across the table as they were gave him a perfect view of the way Izuna’s expression shuttered and his anger faltered, stunned in to silence by his brother’s words. It took a few moments for Madara to see through his anger and understand what could have hit the other so hard. He knew his brother as well as Izuna knew him in turn just as he’d been thinking earlier. They both knew exactly what points to pressure and all the weakest spots to strike. Izuna might be a selfish brat when it came to the rest of the world but he worshipped his older brother and underneath the snarky attitude he wanted nothing more than for Madara to be happy.
And Madara was sure that in the back of his mind he had worked it out somehow to assure himself he was only doing what he needed to for Madara to be happy in the end, that the ends would justify the means when all was said and done. Up until now he almost certainly saw himself as the only one really looking out for who he saw as the victim in this situation. Being told now that he was actually a source of hurt instead of help would be difficult for a mind like his to comprehend.
“Well I was only trying to–”
“I really don’t care what you were trying to do,” Madara interrupted him again. “Maybe I would care about your intentions if you had listened to me when I told you my feelings on the matter had changed but you didn’t. You never want to listen. So just
To his surprise Izuna did leave. What did not surprise him was the dark anger that clouded the younger man’s face as he stomped back out of the house. This was clearly not the end of the conversation nor the last time they would talk about this. With the slamming of a door Madara found himself alone in a messy kitchen, his mood ruined after enjoying such a pleasant day. It would have been nice to spend time with his brother if only Izuna hadn’t been so determined in his belligerent attitude today. Now he had the rest of his night to spend alone without anyone to keep him company or help him get back to the contentment he had very much been enjoying right up until a hurricane arrived to rain on his parade.
Looking around at the mess they had made, he sighed. At least he had something to do to fill his time for the next couple of hours; kami only knew when Tobirama would come home so he might as well get started.
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wolfpawn · 5 years ago
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 21
Chapter Summary -  Six weeks have passed without contact and Tom hears the song Ain't No Sunshine, and only one person comes to mind, he looks at Danielle's Facebook page and comes to a small discovery, but he only knows half the story. When Benedict rings him up to vent his frustration, he finds out even more about Danielle and her recent work; but Benedict is not as negative about his feelings for her as Luke was.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
So apparently Irlam is the stunt co-ordinator for Game of Throne at present but was not for War Horse or The Hollow Crown, but hey, this is fiction, so we can bend the rules a little.
Also, I read before Benedict was having issues with his home and a boiler that was causing an issue with the neighbours, I am not so weird as to Google if that has been sorted.
So we'll just suspend belief a little, okay?
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
Ain’t no Sunshine when she’s gone
Tom found himself humming along to the song that was currently playing on his radio as he finished rinsing the protein shaker under the tap, cursing that he had to bulk up for another role, hating the long, strenuous process. As he began to sing the lyrics, a face came to his mind and he stopped singing; Danielle. He had not heard from her since he had left his mother’s six weeks before, he had not had the courage to ask her what happened with Paul, nor had he the restraint to hold back when she would inevitably tell him that she had forgiven him and taken him back. His curiosity getting the better of him, he went onto her Facebook page, hoping to see something there. Danielle was not the sort of woman to put up a hundred photos of her life or to put posts that cryptically made reference to her relationships, so he knew whatever it was he would find would be accurate. What he saw made him swallow hard.
There were several photos of her in a city, it wasn’t London, but familiar enough for him to recognise places, then one photo really caught his attention, a picture of her outside a football stadium and the caption ‘The place responsible for Wayne Rooney, level it’ and he recognised it immediately as Manchester. She was smiling happily and laughing in the photos, but all that went through his mind was the fact that someone had to be holding the camera, and only one person came to mind for that.
He was about to click off and throw his phone onto the sofa when a notification came up that she had changed her profile picture. As though wanting to have his heart torn from his chest, he clicked on it, wincing as he looked. It was her, sitting on what appeared to be the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. Her caption was simply ‘Bow down, Bitches’ and in it, he realised there was a few people tagged in the photo, all of whom he had never heard her mention before, but one name, he recognised. He clicked on it and realised he knew the man from his time on The Hollow Crown and War Horse, he was the stunt coordinator, Rowley Irlam, frowning, he wondered how Danielle had come to befriend him. A post on Rowley’s page caught his eye and he stared at the photo of Danielle, who had her arm around Rowley and another woman, all three smiling into the camera, the drinks on the table in front of them telling him it was some form of party; the caption caught his attention somewhat, ‘The newest member of the Behind The Scene geniuses that makes this great production possible, our new Safety Officer, Danielle Hughes, Keep us safe Danni.’ Tom stared at the words in front of him, ‘Safety Officer’ when had this happened, why did he not know about it? His mother and sister never mentioned anything, and usually, they were the first to discuss anything interesting in Danielle’s life.
He was about to ring his mum when his phone lit up in his hand, Benedict’s name greeting him. Sliding it to answer, he put it up to his ear. “Please tell me you’re in London.” Ben’s voice came over the line.
Tom chuckled slightly, “I am; you sound stressed.”
“I am selling this blasted house and moving to a remote mountain, where I have no neighbours, no moaning and no blasted complaining.” The older actor ranted.
“Still having issues with the boiler I take it?”
“I am going to pull the bloody thing off the wall. I am fit to strangle something.”
“Want to meet for lunch?” Tom offered, wanting to get out of his own head.
“I can’t, I have to wait for an engineer to come out, you’d think that in 2016 all you would have to do is just pull it out, get a proper one put in and not have anyone complain, but no, apparently getting a house done up in North London is nigh on an infringement on Human Rights on your neighbours.”
“You seem stressed.”
“No, really? Thank you for that Tom, I would never have gathered I was stressed.”
“Are Sophie and Christopher around or have they fled to somewhere less stressful, like Syria?”
“You are hilarious, no they are
I think she said Somerset or something, I was so stressed with this, I wasn’t paying full attention, don’t tell her that.”
“I am totally telling her that.”
“Asshole.” Ben retorted deadpan. “She is with her brother for the weekend, and thankfully so, they don’t need to be around this.” He sighed deeply before continuing. “Please keep me company.”
“Fine, I’ll have to see if Elle knows anyone who has riot gear, then I’ll be over.”
“I rather if she knew someone with Valium at this point.”
“I am sure she knows some.” Tom groused.
“What’s that about?”
“Your attitude, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I will be there soon, don’t tear up the boiler or kill a neighbour.”
“I’ll try, but I make no promises.” Ben hung up and Tom grabbed his jacket, not caring about changing his slightly messy clothes, considering he was going to Benedict’s semi-construction site of a home.
“It’s not too bad.” Tom looked around.
“It still looks like a shithole,” Benedict argued.
“You only have the boiler to deal with, really.”  Tom pointed out.
“I can’t put in the new central heating until I do that, and that means pulling up floorboards.”
“And this is why I would never buy a house not already to my specification,” Tom commented. “It’ll get done.”
“Not if next door has anything to do with it, they are complaining mad, going on to the newspapers about it and everything. If they just gave me a month of work, I would have it sorted and there would be nothing more on it.” Benedict put on the kettle, “as it stands, I can’t get anywhere near sorted.”
“What do they have as their complaint?”
“It is disrupting the peace and tranquillity of the neighbourhood. If the daft cow did anything other than sitting on her arse all day, it wouldn’t even bother her.”
“What? It’s true.” Ben argued, putting the hot water into the mugs. “I know I am being an ass, but I am just so pissed about it, I just want it done, I mean, I bought this when Sophie was pregnant, we thought it would be done before the wedding, much less when Christopher was born.”
“How is he?”
“Growing like a weed, seriously, do children ever stop?”
“I can only say from the point of view of an uncle, but from my experience, no, it appears not.” He gave a small smile.
Benedict gave him an analytical look. “What’s going on?”
“Something is eating you, what is it?”
“Liar.” Benedict eyed him carefully, “Whatever it is, you are better off saying it now, here in my house where you have some privacy, not explode it out in public later where you will be heard by everyone.”
“What are you on about?”
“You hold stuff in and ruminate on it until finally, it becomes too much for you and you effectively eject out whatever it is that is bothering you on the nearest person, so spill, what is it?”
“And what about her?”
“She is in Ireland.”
“Well, I may be grasping at straws here, but it may have something to do with the fact that Danielle is Irish, and since it is only about a couple hundred kilometres to out left, it would not be too extreme an idea for her to go there from time to time.”
“Do you remember Rowley Irlam?”
“The name rings a bell.” Ben thought hard of the name.
“He was the stunt coordinator on War Horse.”
“Ah yes, and Hollow Crown too.”
“That guy, he has a post on Facebook.”
“People tend to do that on Facebook,” Benedict was unsure what that had to do anything.
“With Danielle.”
“Saying she is a new member of a team.”
“Well, that makes perfect sense considering
Wait, you don’t know, do you?”
“Know what?”
“That is why she was on set on Sherlock.”
“Danielle was working on the set of Sherlock as part of an interview for a job as a Safety Officer, apparently she has been studying for it since she came here.”
“What, she never said anything like that to me.” Tom became indignant.
“She was only really able to apply for things in the past few months apparently. It was sort of hard for her to tell you when you were not talking to her.”
“She never mentioned it before, when she was studying, I could have helped her.”
“Exactly.” Ben pointed out. “She didn’t want your help, she wanted to get there by herself, and not name drop. Besides, dropping your name and mine doesn’t help in production, we come with a nice big fat ‘P’ stamped on us, remember?”
Tom gave a grunt in response. “How do you know all this?”
“I asked her that time on set, I asked her why she was there, she explained everything to me, and when the stunt coordinator was talking to her, he said he had a friend that would be interested in her help for something in Coronation Street, I told her to tell me how she got on, apparently she did well, and said about heading home for a few weeks.
“She was on the set of Game of Thrones.”
Benedict took out his phone and typed for a moment. “Irlam is the stunt co-ordinator for it.”
“So she is on the set there?”
“Atta girl Danielle.” Benedict commended.
“She is doing well.”
“Are you surprised?”
“She never mentioned anything to me.”
“When were you last talking to her?”
“The last time I was home, about six weeks ago.”
Ben groaned. “What did you argue about this time?”
“Nothing, we didn’t argue.”
“Then why weren’t you talking?”
“Because I
it doesn’t matter.” Benedict gave Tom a sceptical look. “What?”
“Nothing.” He stated shaking his head.
“You sound like Luke.”
“Do I want to ask?”
“Luke is implying I am in lust with her and need to get over myself, that it will never work, she’s too normal and that’s why I want her.”
“I think it is a bit more than lust if I’m honest,” Benedict commented. “What do you think?”
“I think I
I have no idea,” Tom admitted.
“I think you need to get yourself sorted.”
“She has a boyfriend.”
“And? No offence to the guy, but he’s not Tom Hiddleston.” Benedict grinned.
“You are not helping me through this at all,” Tom growled.
“I want my friend to be happy, remember, I have said that to you before.”
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janiedean · 5 years ago
I was just wondering what do you think about posts that excuse Cersei's behaviour because she's mentally ill, or that if you critique its because your ableist and hate mentally ill people? Or some variation/combination of the two? Like it just bugs me in general when people automatically excuse and even justify horrible, violent and abusive behaviour just because someone's mentally ill, particularly as someone whose been on the receiving end of that behaviour from mentally ill people.
... I think I’ve made my opinion clear, but very briefly and hoping that I don’t unleash the kraken:
c.’s issues could have been solved if someone had sent her to a child psychologist before the age of then in modern au. period. because someone who grows up not having a shred of regret over having thrown a supposed friend in a well when they were twelve over a menial thing either should have had a completely different upbringing or should have gotten therapy. which doesn’t exist in westeros, but anyway, when discussing c’s issues that’s the crux of the matter;
c’s issues also hurt other people and I’m not talking about j., I’m talking about everyone around her or mostly, and the point is that the moment someone’s issues also mean hurting others... your freedom ends where others’s starts. assuming that her MH issues mean that she’s justified in behaving the way she does means that having MH issues is a free out of jail card for hurting others, which... it’s not;
spoilers: all three lannister siblings have mental health issues. same as like, 90% of the characters in these books. I’m 99% sure that the only two POV characters who doesn’t have issues that would require immediate therapy are davos (and he’s lost four kids, he has his problems) and asha, probably, and asha is just... very functional but it’s a miracle she came out like that considering her background. everyone else has issues over issues to different degrees, so... at this point disliking anyone in these books with this reasoning would mean hating mentally illy people while at the same time 85% of the characters you like most likely also have mental health issues and I’m talking just that, because I mean... if someone likes bran and not doran or viceversa I’m not going to assume that they’re ableist since both characters are disabled and both can’t walk, but most likely it’s just a personality preference, so saying that if you don’t like c. it’s because you hate mentally ill people or are ableist to me is ridiculous because like... I don’t like c. and my top five has three pov characters who have obviously mental health issues up the wazoo and one who most likely had plenty (and two out of those five also have become physically disabled as well during the series), I have gone to therapy for a damned long time myself and I hate mentally ill people now just because I don’t like a character who has MH issues? sorry but that’s like... ridiculous. you’re allowed to not like some characters because their personality is not your thing regardless of the issues they have;
also: again, c.’s issues hurt other people. those other people have no obligation to stick by if they feel like it’s detrimental to their health, same as no one has an obligation to stick by someone who is detrimental to their MH or well-being and also has no intention of changing/is aware of that. like, I can get behind wanting to support someone you love whose behavior hurts you who has realized it and is getting help/is actively trying to get better, but if that person doesn’t care or isn’t aware then no one has an obligation to stick by if it hurts them, so assuming that people who don’t like c. or whoever else or that characters in the books should stick by c. because of her issues if it hurts them is imvho not a thing people should even bring up because it implies that people have an obligation to excuse actions that are hurtful when the person who commits them has no interest in getting better, so... nah;
also there’s critique and critique and disliking a disabled character doesn’t automatically make you ableist same as disliking a woman doesn’t make you a misogynist, but like, going outside cersei: people can dislike tyrion just because they don’t gaf about him or because they don’t like the character or because they don’t find his personality that charming, but the moment the criticism turns into calling him a monster or joking about his height or basically sounding like tywin when he talks about tyrion then it’s definitely ableism and to be quite honest when it comes to tumblr there’s a lot more ableist critique thrown at tyrion than at cersei, because the ten of us who dislike her openly do it because she’s terrible while recognizing that she has issues which explain why she’s like that but don’t justify what she does at pretty much almost any point ever, the army of people who meta about tyrion as if he’s these books’s ultimate villain when 90% it’s because he could be in the way of their ship or say that he has male privilege over c. who therefore couldn’t have abused him (YES I had to read that with mine own eyes) and the likes most likely should check their priorities because that’s not hating him bc he’s a character you don’t like, that reeks of ableism 101 and of having skimmed his chapters (also tyrion has MH issues up the wazoo too but I don’t see people on here mentioning it). same way, one thing is disliking cat because she’s not your type of character, another is the fact that this entire fandom seems to have decided that blaming catelyn for every horrid thing that happened in these books that would not have happened had she just stayed home with the kids which imvho shows exactly the level of not-so-hidden misogyny rampant around here/directed at her specifically. but I don’t think that everyone who hates cat is misogynist or does it because of misogyny, I just think that a lot of fandom bias against her is... very misogynistic;
to sum up the above thing, considering that c. is also straight up written as a negative character and grrm has said time and time again that it’s her point in the narrative, assuming that someone would dislike her just because she’s MH is pretty much fried air as we say here because given what she’s pulled up until now, I think that she has enough of a CV that people have more than enough reasons to dislike her without bringing her mental health into account. because her issues might explain why she’s like that, but they don’t justify for shit anything she does, and if that’s valid for knowing why theon was the way he was in wf but doesn’t justify him killing the miller’s kids, knowing why jaime pushed bran but doesn’t justify it, knowing why sandor doesn’t disobey ethically horrid orders but doesn’t mean he hasn’t done pretty fucked up shit etc., then it’s also valid for c. and I really would like for characters to be judged evenly, thanks.
also: everyone has their limits when it comes to understanding/explaining where a person committing wrong actions comes from. if people can relate to c. and/or see themselves in her issues and have compassion for her, that’s their prerogative and I won’t go bitch at them for it same as I appreciate if people don’t bitch at me for having compassion for theon or sandor or jaime or whoever else. but at the same time assuming that everyone has your standards is ridiculous. for me c. was irredeemable after she basically went and laughed about the red wedding/thought she was so much better than cat because cat went insane after seeing robb die because to me people finding the red wedding funny or hilarious or well-deserved is the ultimate thing that will make me stop caring about them. if for someone jaime having pushed bran out of the window is irredeemable as long as they don’t come to me complaining about why I don’t think it is, it’s their prerogative.
but assuming that all of us need to find c. redeemable or understandable or relatable because people who like her do is ridiculous because you can’t expect anyone to relate to your favorites just because you do, and calling out the social justice card is ridiculous because fictional preferences are what they are and you can’t force yourself to like someone you despise just because they belong to X category - I wouldn’t tell people they have to like jaime because he has ptsd nor I’d expect them to be automatically ableist if they don’t gaf about jaime either way and don’t make jokes about him losing his guts with his hand or about how he’s the stupidest lannister, I’d expect people wouldn’t tell me I have to like c. because she has MH issues or whatnot. because there’s plenty of reasons to dislike c. and none of them have to do with her MH and most of her have to do with her abusive behavior.
also, last thing: the one time I actually met someone who was a self-proclaimed ‘I empathize with cersei on a personal level’ person, after three days in which they were an asshole to everyone in the group we were, the moment I called her out on it after she had been even more of an asshole when someone else tried to discuss it reasonably, I got backhanded in the face twice for it. now, I handled it and tbqh I didn’t mind it half as much as I could have because I didn’t gaf about this person and barely knew them. I also know that this person had issues (and later went to therapy so good for them), but as much as I could sympathize with her issues, forgive me if I don’t really think I want to see again someone who barely knew me and saw fit to hit me in the face twice. now, am I ableist for that? I really don’t think so. it’s the exact same principle. someone else might have had another reaction to it, but I’m not obliged to give them a second chance since they hurt me first and no one would say I’m ableist for it. it’s the exact same argument just brought to fictional level. one thing is disliking a character because of their issues only (ie theon and the castration jokes), another is disliking them because you think they’re boring and/or they’re not your kind of character.
and people need to realize that their favorite character can’t be everyone’s favorite character statistically. like. none of our faves are automatically everyone’s faves and that’s fine because that’s how the world works. *shrug*
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d-criss-news · 6 years ago
In a brilliant moment of serendipity, Darren Criss discovered he had been Emmy-nominated as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for The Assassination of Gianni Versace at an airport branch of Planet Hollywood. “We were sitting there looking at the most Hollywood thing we could. That just tickled me to no end,” regales the former Glee star, who played Kurt Hummel’s love interest, Blaine Anderson, in the musical comedy television show.
At the time, Darren was on his way to a gig in Aspen, Colorado. “The Emmy nominations were coming out at 8.30am and the flight was leaving at 9.45am and we – me, my fiancĂ©e, my manager, publicist, basically the work family – all wanted to go and watch it together, somewhere I would be close enough so that when it was announced I could run over to the gate.”
The punchline came while sitting there waiting for the nominations to be revealed: his Glee version of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” also started to play on the speakers. Looking around to see if perhaps one of the servers had clocked him and was being “cute”, because it was quite a bizarre coincidence, he realised that nope, “this is 8.30am in the international terminal and nobody gives a shit about my version of ‘Teenage Dream’,” he laughs. “But we just couldn’t fucking believe it, like what a crazy auspicious moment! But it was a nice little story.”
By now, it’s one that will have its ending fully wrapped up: the Emmys took place on September 17 in LA, which is where Darren is now on the other end of the phone. For context, it’s one of those intensely hot end-of-July days that everyone in London is complaining about. For Darren it’s a day of playing “Mr Octopus” as he puts it. “Today is insane. When you have ‘free time’, it’s actually more hectic because in the absence of stuff that you’re obligated to do you immediately see everything you’ve neglected a lot more clearly.”
In his perky twang, he gives me “the shorthand” of this: Elsie Fest to organise for autumn, the New York show-tune themed festival he founded; music to work on for Computer Games, the band he started with his brother; marketing for the new piano bar he and his fiancĂ©e, Mia Swier, have opened; projects he can’t talk about but is excited about; a wedding to plan “at some point” next year; work on the house; and that general life admin that creeps up on all of us. “Hey, we all got stuff,” he chimes.
And among all of this, he casually slips in: “I’m also reading scripts and trying to get another acting job if I can get one.” Which can’t help but make me laugh. If he can get one? Because, let’s be honest, regardless of the Emmys outcome (a big congratulations if you bagged it and if not, you were robbed!), his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan, as well as a stellar career to date (he replaced Daniel Radcliffe in How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying on Broadway to great success, is the mind behind A Very Potter Musicaland has starred in Hedwig and the Angry Inch), shouldn’t make that too hard. But it’s “cute” – as he would say – to know he doesn’t rest on his laurels.
Darren was terrifying and intriguing in his role as Cunanan, the serial killer who murdered four men before ending his violent spree with fashion designer Gianni Versace in FX’s American Crime Story retelling of the real-life event in Miami in 1997. When it aired earlier this year, I didn’t know anyone who wasn’t watching it. If you weren’t binge-streaming it, you were glued to BBC2 desperate for next week’s instalment to watch the unfolding plot of a story that in many ways is little known, certainly on the Cunanan front.
“A lot of it is pretty shrouded in mystery. There are two groups of people who have been particularly aware of the Cunanan story. Filipinos in my life all know someone who knew him,” says Darren, who, hailing from San Francisco, is also half Filipino, as was Cunanan. “And true crime addicts.” “The story itself, which is endlessly fascinating, is not only interesting but has significant social weight and things to be discussed and topics that I think are important. It goes on and on and on,” he enthuses. “The role is incredibly nuanced and varied and complex, which is something that actors wake up in the morning for.”
Where the first series spotlights The People v. OJ Simpson, a trial that arguably most people in the world – certainly in the US – are familiar with, the Versace murder, while shocking and awful (the designer himself being a significant cultural icon and his death a huge loss to the fashion industry) lent itself to more questions than answers. Which from Darren’s point of view gave him a certain amount of free rein. “You’re not stacked against people’s expectations of an impersonation of somebody. I think that helped audiences; it really gave me and our story a blank slate.”
It’s true. As a viewer, I couldn’t help but find my feelings and point of view change as the narrative revealed Cunanan’s own backstory. “That, to me, is the most heartening thing; that’s the most encouraging thing you could say – that’s the goal.”
His performance has been described as career-defining but it’s not the first time he’s had such an accolade aimed in his direction. Yet you can’t help but think that this one, Emmy nomination aside, might just be the one to carry a little more weight, such was the grit and darkness that came with it and played out by someone we’re more used to associating with the tween spark of Glee.
It seems, therefore, an apt time to ask what his fantasy role would be. “Oh man. I have a pretty wild imagination but I’d like to think that my brain isn’t good enough to imagine the part I’d want,” he says. “And, also, fantasies evolve throughout your life based on whatever situation you find yourself in.” American Crime Story, certainly, he says is the kind of role he’d been working and waiting his whole life to play – which is not to say he dreamt of being a serial killer! “Let’s keep turning left, turning hard rights and hard lefts as much as possible, as long as the story is good. The name of the game for me is variety and versatility. If every time I do a role we have people say that’s a real departure from the last thing that would be awesome.”
Darren got the acting bug – or “storytelling” bug as he prefers to call it – at a young age. He was a child at the heart of the Disney Renaissance era and Robin Williams lived locally in his native San Francisco. One day, when seeing Aladdin at the cinema (“I can’t even tell you how many times I went to go see it,”) and realising that the Genie was voiced by Williams, his eureka moment came.
“You know when you’re a kid and you have dreams of being something and they seem kind of far off from you unless there’s somebody you can see do it?” he offers. “I remember very distinctly watching this Genie bring so much joy to the people around me
 and I wanted in on that, I wanted to be the Genie. But once you realise you can’t necessarily do that and I found out the voice of the genie was Robin Williams, I was like that’s the guy, that’s the famous guy that lives in our city! I can do that and so he was really a massive inspiration for me.”
So, too, was Peter Coyote, another San Francisco-based actor, whom Darren in fact cold-called to find out what he should do to be an actor. He subsequently enrolled at the American Conservatory Theater’s Young Conservatory Programme before studying drama at college. A keen violinist, music and acting had always worked in constant tandem. “So that’s why it’s so hilarious to me that by the time I got Glee I’d already been doing this my whole life,” he says.
At the time of the Gianni Versace murder, Darren was 10 years old. “I did [remember it] in a sort of vague sense of pop cultural event. Obviously, Versace is a massive international figure so I was aware that he was murdered.” It wasn’t until much later in 2011, when his Hollywood lifestyle led him to the world of high fashion, that the dots joined.
“We were on tour for Glee and I popped down to Milan to go to this Versace fashion show, which was an amazing event and you’re there with Donatella and there in the house, the estate of the Versace family.” On a tour of it, Darren recalls seeing beautiful home pieces and fashion works. “There were a lot of things from his personal collection and [the steward] of course was saying ‘Well this was made after Gianni’s murder in 1997.’ It codified in my brain. He was taken away a little too early.”
For ACS producer Ryan Murphy, it was Darren who codified in the brain. The Glee co-creator had long had him in mind for the part. “People like Ryan have had their eye on the Cunanan story for a long time and we had worked closely in a few capacities.” Darren just had to play the waiting game. “I honestly said just let me know when you want to do this because obviously it would be a huge opportunity for me and I think it would be an incredible story but I don’t really have the keys for that car, man. You’re the driver, let me know when you want to pick me up!” Three years later and that proverbial beep came.
In real life, Darren has to be one of the most modest and upbeat people, armed with an always-look-on-the-bright-side-of-life attitude. You imagine he’s not all that good at sitting still, hence his potentially self-inflicted to-do list, which you also get the feeling is built from passion not pain. “I just feel so grateful at every turn of my career; if you’re able to do anything and that there’s any definition at all is a huge win so I’ll take it where I can get it,” he says referring to the praise he’s received in playing Cunanan, one he’s also quick to bring back down to earth with a very grounding analogy. “Every moment of your life is defining. The fact that I decided to have granola this morning defines the rest of the way my digestive system works
” he laughs. He has quite the way with words.
This too is helpful in a Hollywood landscape right now that, post-Weinstein and post-Trump, has found itself in troubling times. “What a big, big topic,” he begins. “It’s the Wild West right now, truly, there are so many things that I think it’s not necessarily Hollywood figuring itself out, it’s our whole society figuring it out as represented by Hollywood. It kind of gets the brunt of it because of its exposure and its influence,” he explains. “There are a lot of good things happening in it for people who have been marginalised and we’re setting new standards for ourselves that we should have set a long time ago, and in that sense it’s really good. But there are unfortunately other things that are happening where it’s hard to draw the line of what’s right and wrong and a lot of questions are being asked that we’ve never asked ourselves before about what’s appropriate.”
Social media, too, he thinks plays a significant role, moving faster than we are able to keep up with. “There’s a lot of things that are falling by the wayside as a result of that. I’m making very vague comments but yeah it’s very tricky,” he concludes before diplomatically topic-shifting to his own lack of social media usage. Firstly, because he’s a private person. And secondly, unlike so many people, he does realise the responsibility that comes with publishing a post. “Even when Twitter started and people would post joke-stuff and I would say ‘Woah, woah, that’s out there forever, are you sure? I think you think only I’m seeing this,’.” He says he’s always been uneasy with the idea of this kind of ‘stuff’ existing in perpetuity.
Which means that the answer to the next question requires some serious thought. Who would make for his fantasy dinner party guests? British comedian Eddie Izzard (because Darren is a big Anglophile); if we could roll back time, Sammy Davis Jr, “who the world knows as a great entertainer but he was also an insane dancer and musician”; Nat King Cole for the same reasons; and, his number one choice, Howard Ashman, the lyricist and dramaturge behind the previously mentioned Disney renaissance (aka Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast). “I’ve always admired his craftsmanship and he’s someone I’ve always thought, if I had a dinner, I’d really like to have a chat with. All of my heroes are the people who were hyphenates,” says Darren, which makes sense because he’s just the same. One small suggestion: hold the fantasy dinner party at Planet Hollywood. That would make a nice story.
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