#dumb gay bugs
silly-billy-skilly · 4 months
Gayass bug
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Yall think shrignold has some internalized homophobia plot twist I think he might
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snakeyp00 · 4 months
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*trips and falls over* oh noooooo *picks up raikov headcanons* *picks up raikov headcanons* *picks up raikov headcanons* *picks up raikov headca
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troublesomecousin · 1 month
Kevin has a tattoo of a green carnation and some lavender on his chest. It sits about the same place as if placed in a lapel.
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pepsi-gods · 1 month
Best part about liking a ship nobody knows or makes content about is the fact that I can imagine my head canons are actually canon and lie to my friends.
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onlinelvrs · 8 months
there’s this boy i met online on one of the servers i used to have on discord (emoji server) and it’s derange how some kid born and raised in the philippines can be so attracted to nazi germany. loves everything about nazis and military stuff. now he says he’s not into nazis bc he realizes it was dumb but i just tell him. sure u don’t. now that my emoji server is dead i added him to a blank server just so i can randomly see him say deranged stuff.
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Something that really bugs me about the misuse of that lesbian dv statistic is that whenever anyone brings it up it’s not out of care for lesbians. Not about wanting to help or be there or offer resources.
It’s only ever used as an excuse to be homophobic, dunk on lesbians and somehow paint us as stupid for “choosing” to be gay and like “haha this why men are great and you are dumb dykes”
I hate it so goddamn much
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ricksanchezbignaturals · 11 months
i rewatched s7e3 and the weird sort of straight washing that happened with unity was worse than i realized in my first 1 and a half viewings. so im here to be a little bit more of a hater lol.
okay so like fuck this bitch in particular
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now, i understand that unity has appeared in the comics which i haven't read so it's possible there's some lore there that idk about, but here's the deal as i understand it and why this specific alien acting like the face of unity bugs me so much. this alien is part of a species that, as of the episode in season 2, was very recently assimilated by unity. so like im not sure why there's so much focus placed on her specifically. having her act as a representative of sorts made sense in the first episode, she was a president on the newly assimilated planet that rick and the kids were visiting. but like, that's it, right? it doesn't make sense to me why she would be any more important than any of the other, what? trillions of life forms unity has under its belt? like the only reason for her to be here at all is to be recognizable to the audience, which like, fine. i think it's a little dumb, but whatever. the problem isn't having her as a symbol (personally i think it'd be cooler to not have an entity like unity tied down to being primarily represented through one body but i digress), the problem is that she's treated like more than that in this episode.
this is a part i didn't notice until my rewatch that really irked me.
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these are concurrent shots from the scene when rick shows up and starts spraying unity. we see it in virginia telling rick to take it easy through the body of this human, then we see it continuing the conversation from its spaceship in the body of the alien. i am like super not a fan of the implications of that. this alien is not supposed to be unity any more than any one of my cells is me, but here it's depicted as though whenever unity does something in any of its bodies, it's coming from this lady. and like, that'd be super lame even if it wasn't an obvious womanification of a nongendered entity.
now im no english major so i don't have an elegant transition to put here, but yes, it is time to talk about pronouns. yeah yeah, ik, trans person gets hung up on pronouns, bite me okay, it's relevant. i went back and watched the first unity episode to be sure id remembered correctly, and yes, in that episode nobody uses gendered pronouns for unity. morty says "they" which seems more to be referring to a number of bodies, and other than that, people mostly say "unity" or "it". as for the new episode i noticed rick using nongendered pronouns twice
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but after that he goes with she/her for the rest of the episode
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and yeah, i think that is pretty disappointing. i didn't catch that "it" until my rewatch, but the use of "them" did make me really happy but then everybody started she/hering it. the combination of all that emphasis being put on a female body and people calling unity she so much makes for an episode that manages to be significantly less queer than the one that came out in 2015. it feels weirdly cowardly after that "we're all a little gay" bit in the last episode and doesn't inspire much confidence in me regarding rick's relationships with nonwomen. like stuff can be gay if it's for a joke, but there's more money on the line now than back in season 2, so rick's ex lover needed straightening up.
idk. i still like the episode because im easy and focusing on rick's mental health and relationships always makes me happy, but man, i am certainly not happy with how they handled unity. they really did it dirty, watered it down to being pretty much just another alien lady.
(also to be clear, i am not trying to shit on the writers here. obviously idk exactly what went on, but im pretty comfortable placing the blame squarely on execs)
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teddie-bear420 · 7 months
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The princess of hell and her trusty knight are on a mission to save sinners souls!
Doodles and rambles under the cut, and I mean like walls of text
be aware I make shit up a lot, I was very high on drugs and gay sex
Welcome to the show I’ve made in my head, ok where to begin? I guess with how boring I find Charlie nd vaggie in the show proper, I like them, they just don’t have any real spice to them. Charlie is a just a girl, she has no real friends and just surrounds herself with others problems. Check out the beginning of episode four, husk just says that out loud, we saw it once with angel dust and then they totally drop it for the rest of the show. I wanted to see Charlie fail and get back up again, but we don’t see that! Idk maybe I want more out of the text but I hated to see Charlie act like a baby, not a young woman, I makes me so mad that she isn’t really friends with anyone, no fun dynamics, Charlie kinda just looks at her guests and ‘employees’ but she never sees them. I mean like give me some bff moments with Charlie, she has no friends, she a loser baby!
Vaggie is the best better at making friends, and enemies honestly she is the second protagonist. I hated her until I saw her fuck ass bob. I fell in love
Ok so I made a prequel hazbin design that I just fell in love with, here she is. Ok so girls is bugs, vaggie is a moth and lute is a mantis, they grew up together in heaven. Being raised to be an exorcist was pretty sweet except for the military indoctrination!
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Wonderful lute convo here
So vaggie is now in hell and is saved by Charlie, who believes that vag is a sinner. Eventually they get together romantically and start working on the happy hotel project, then they get angle dust as a guest. You know the deal, but how did vag get with Charlie? Who asked who out? I love how loyal vaggie is to Charlie but WHY is she so loyal? I think because Charlie wanted to ask about vaggies life and she took the opportunity to become a new person !
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I think having char be the ray of sunshine in such a violent place attracts the lost and broken to her is cool. Vaggie tells ridiculous lies about her human life like being ran over by a horse. And being a pirate captain. Vaggies colors go from green to purple, aesthetic goes from Joan of arc lesbian to a captain Ching Shih lesbian yknow what I mean?
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Charlie is taken in with this eccentric woman and befriends her. And also when Charlie and vaggie start to get closer char gifts her the red ribbon that vaggie wears all the time. The pink red is Charlies color and it sticks to all of her friends! Like when angel and Charlie get really close she gifts him the hot pink gloves and he wears them for the duration of the show. (I’ll write about that in another post lol)
MY CHARLIE loves to feed people food she’s made, so she just keeps feeding vaggie and the she starts to beef up, buff 5’4 vaggie lets gooooo. They cook food together and help sinners together. I forgot to mention that Charlie in my perfect world does actual charity work, she works down at the soup kitchen and cleans up the parks and gives people work, Charlie is just constantly busy and never gives herself a day off. Vaggie does her best to help while constantly working on her prodigious.
These girls also work at the local theater! They do a lot of dress up! And i really liked the idea that Charlie is astanged from her dad and is no contact with him. So she isn’t some princess that’s throwing money at the poor. She builds her own motel for the happy hotel project so that when it is destroyed they can build the hotel proper and have an actual emotional impact.
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A little comic I sketched of out, Charlie was calling her dad for help with the hotel but he completely shuts her down and calls her idea dumb, I liked when Lucifer was a shitty dad that called Charlie a failure, instead of some sad loser who forgets to call his daughter, like I have a shitty dad and he tore down lots of my ideas and then is confused when I don’t talk to him.
Like idk how there are so many characters with daddy issues but they all are poorly written…
What else is there? Ermmm, I suppose I like Charlie as a demon that looks the most human out of the cast, like sure she has clown makeup as skin but giving her round ears and a demon tail looks super cute. And in the first few episodes Charlie hides her tail and uses it as a belt, and as a show of faith she reveals her tail to the hazbin gang!
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sanvees · 3 months
I just don't understand how you like S*l? He is actually right up there with T**g for being the worst. There is nothing good about him, sorry.
i don't understand the wild and weird hate against sol (or even remotely comparing him to tong) but here we are, anon. like if joe out right saying sol is a good person can't convince ya'll... idk why you're asking me?
anyway... you asked for my thoughts and opinions, so you shall receive.
sol is just a really interesting dude to me. he's just some guy that i think is really neat. he's a thai kpop idol and FAMOUS famous but he isn't like tong about it. he's kind and just a really good-hearted person. he's the sunny type, cheerful, caring, and loyal to his friends. like joe, sol is a sunflower in the toxic showbiz world msi is set in.
(tbh i see him and ming, who is also a fascinating character, as kind of two sides of the same "rich and famous" coin. ming is cold, aloof, calculating with walls as high as elon crust's ego is inflated. and then there is sol, open and kind-hearted. which is exactly why he and joe hit it off. funny though, ming and sol are petty but like on completely opposite ends of the petty spectrum.)
after lovingly bugging @zhouxiangs for novel spoilers i really wished the series had touched more on sol and joe's history instead of just a few throwaway lines here and there because sol's story ;3; my smol bean of a son. (and this is where media literacy and nuance comes in :D but y'all barely have any of that.)
joe and sol were very close . they ate, trained, and slept (sleeping type of slept lol) together. they did everything together. and then sol found out joe was gay (in the novel sol was also struggling with his sexuality) and then joe confessed to sol. joe liked sol first (not this weird warped reality y'all are living in where sol has been obsessing over joe). but anyway, sol was young and scared and dumb. he was afraid of being taken advantage of and also of his own feelings for joe and he ran away. joe got over it and never held it against him.
while in korea, it seemed that sol struggled to connect with people and went through some tough times as a trainee (i'm quoting from porsche's interview) and he realized his true feelings for joe so when he had the chance to return to thailand he took it and he sought out joe to reconnect. as a friend, as more.
was he supposed to have some sort of psychic link with joe that he was already seeing someone? obviously not. but when joe made it clear he liked ming, sol backed off romantically. he didn't back off as a friend though. (idk about y'all friendless gremlins but if one of my close friends was in the situationship from hell that joe was in... i'd also try and make them see reason, open their eyes. like sol once having feelings for joe does not diminish his friendship with joe. at all. (yes the scene of joe and sol in the van in ep 6 means everything to me. joe and sol were friends, brothers even. and that scene showed it.)
fyi, novel sol recognized joe too :D
ANYWAY, it was interesting to see the change in sol after joe's death. he isn't his usual cheerful self, but he's still kind and polite if a bit more reserved. and i for one love the cattiness with ming he has going on? LEAVE MING ALONE i see y'all shouting but me I WANT HIM TO PUNCH MING IN THE NUTS ONCE (if y'all can project, so can i) like ming deserves to catch a bit of shit from sol (his 'khun chai ming' sent meeee), since his and tong's bullshit directly contributed to the death of his best friend.
is sol perfect? no. (the fight with ming where joe got hurt. or the phone call scene that resulted in joe effectively being cut out of sol's life. again.) but are any of these characters perfect? absolutely not.
sol though is strangely villainized and for what? because he's trying to help and protect his friend (and is maybe being snotty with ming but... deserved tbh lol)? because he might be feeling a little righteous and fafo with the guy who took his friend away from him? because he once had feelings for joe but then redirected them into being a decent human and a good friend?
sponsored by: @zhouxiangs and porsche/lotte interview with iqiyi.
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
So the story is that the Three Little Pigs sell Bugs their straw and wood houses, the Big Bad Wolf blows them down, and Bugs decides to get revenge - by dressing himself up as Little Red Riding Hood, getting the Wolf to play his part in that story, and then messing with him as only Bugs can. Here's the video if you've never seen it: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vk41x
Bugs Bunny is an icon and he was so good for his role in this short. When he and the wolf realized they could work together against the pigs... oh my God. Come on Tumblr, you have to admit they had a little gay tension between them. Besides, at the end, when the brick house comes down and the wolf, so surprised and proud of himself exclaims "I did it!" and then it pans over to Bugs with the bomb and he slyly adds "We did it!" communist Bugs canon.
I'm pretty sure she uses her hood as a parachute at some point. (A note from tournament Mod: She does.)
she is so iconic. to me at least (watched hoodwinked appx 500000000 times during family road trips)
This delivery girl knows karate! Watch Hoodwinked
my first exposure to a real adaption of a classic story in video. Girl twists the whole story up compared to the original. Love how it's like an old fashioned PI show but still so 2005 in vibes.
A classic fairy-tale-with-a-twist-movie that if anyone hasn't seen they should. This story takes various elements not just from Red Riding Hood's story but other fairy tales to retell the story with Red as the true center and hero of the story and reframes it as a mystery. It's also one of the few good retellings that makes the wolf good while not framing him as a love interest, which allows the plot to remain focused on Red.
best movie ever
Listen. I don't necessarily think she should win this movie is fucking insane and not all of that insanity is necessarily good. HOWEVER. I have a pitch for you. Wouldn't it be so fucking funny to put Red Puckett on this poll as a wild card? Like how many people would be like "fucking HOODWINKED?". Also what other tellings of red riding hood go the crime mystery route? Like cmon
She's the protagonist of what I believe is one of the funniest and best written films of all time. She's so smart and talented
The entire Hoodwinked series is just really funny to me. I also think she's an absolute badass as she knows kung-fu and takes no shit from the wolf. Also her granny appears above her when they are both flying and somehow she sees her as a big cloud head despite it just being her granny doing a ski jump. She had to be high because she met a weed loving Billy goat literally right before that.
the creators said 'what if red riding hood did karate and was voiced by Anne Hathaway' and simply did not wait for an answer.
because she's the funniest answer
Okay as a child I watched this movie and liked it a lot, but by coincidence, I happened to watch it on Eid twice in a row (I'm Muslim). So for a few years in a row I made it a tradition to watch this movie on Eid while drinking orange juice (very important piece of the puzzle). This movie is so dumb and goofy, I really enjoy it, and also she's voiced by Princess Mia Thermopolis herself.
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"I don't dislike Rhaenyra, I really don't. But it is BAFFLING to me that her struggles are 'I'm just a princess, I'm not even queen :(((( My life SUCKS :((('
Alicent's fans have the most mediocre opinions about Rhaenyra because they are only capable of victimizing Alicent. Also, during episode 7, when the eye incident occurs, Alicent and Rhaenyra haven't been friends for over 9 years. Alicent's only actions after the time jump are to pick on Rhaenyra and her children. Why should Rhaenyra care about Alicent? Alicent's speech in that episode is pure hypocrisy; she had already let Larys get away with murdering two people and stayed silent because it benefited her. Justice and duty can be forgotten as long as it benefits Alicent.
Alicent is also not the eternal victim that OP believes she is..
People who think Rhaenyra's struggles are "but I wanna be queen :(" really don't have good media comprehension. If we look at everyone else in HOTD the same way op is looking at Rhaenyra, then literally all of their struggles are "but I want that privilege!"
Rhaenys and Corlys want the throne or their blood to be on the throne. Viserys wants to be able to chill in his room with his figurines with no responsibility. Daemon wants to be Hand, the heir, or the prince consort. Alicent wants to chill with privilege and no responsibility at first, then wants her blood to be on the throne. Aegon wants to be prince with no responsibility or consequences. Helaena wants to chill alone with bugs and her kids. Aemond wants to be king.
Literally every person in this show wants to stay privileged but on their terms. That's not actually their issues and struggles, but if we're dumbing down Rhaenyra's story, everyone gets dumbed down too.
Rhaenyra has been demeaned and treated as less than because of her gender her entire life. She was forced into a marriage with a gay man who couldn't give her children while a majority of her worth still lay in her ability to give birth. Viserys never actually went out of his way to support her until his literal last day, he does the bare minimum to protect her or her children in court. She was abused by Alicent for a decade at least until she was driven from the capital. She was usurped, her children murdered, and was murdered by her brother. She is so much more than wanting to be queen, TG stans just hate to see that.
As for Alicent, she only cares about "duty and sacrifice" when it benefits her and/or her family. She clings to the morals of the Seven until it's her faction going against them. She's obsessed with her and Rhaenyra's former friendship until she can use it to try guilting/manipulating Rhaenyra.
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In Driftmark, Rhaenyra was right on about Alicent. Alicent has been far from the saint her fans view her as and far from the martyr she thinks she herself is. She has abused Rhaenyra and supported Larys, allowed Aegon's bullying of Aemond and Criston's of the Velaryon boys.
Alicent should be asking herself where duty is and asking her faction where their sacrifice is. Rhaenyra has done her duty, she married who her father told her, she had children to be her heirs and Laenor claimed as his own as well (even though she had a lot of trauma surrounding childbirth). She has served on the small council despite how the men on the council don't respect her and Alicent constantly undermines her. Rhaenyra's only crime is refusing to sacrifice herself to serve the men around her.
Op purposefully twisting the events of the show to support their view that Alicent "always defended Rhaenyra" and "only did what she was told" is so frustrating. That view deliberately ignores that Alicent stopped defending Rhaenyra in episode five, the same episode where she chose to declare war on Rhaenyra. The ten year gap was her acting entirely independently from Otto. It also ignores how Alicent raised her children to hate Rhaenyra and her children, that's not defending Rhaenyra or doing what she's told, since Alicent had the most control over her children's lives.
Alicent isn't a perpetual victim, she's victimized by the patriarchy (show only), but quickly becomes a perpetrator of abuse and a constant supporter of the patriarchy. She sacrifices her own daughter in the name of Aegon's ascension. She hates Rhaenyra for not bending to the men around her and punishes her for it. Alicent benefits from bending to the patriarchy by second half of the season, and doesn't stop until she causes the Dance. She may work for the betterment of the men around her, but she does it of her own freewill after marrying Viserys.
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shigayokagayama · 1 month
gender+random headcanon for tome? or tsubomi, whichever one you're feeling
why not both?
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gender Headcanon:
trans girl! ive actually thought about this one a lot but her whole arc of like. coming out of her mostly male friendgroup and trying to totally remake herself to fit into a girl friendgroup and make herself more palatable to girls her age before realizing that all her friends have weird hobbies too and you dont have to stifle all your interests to fit in with other girls fits the experience of a lot of trans girls i know
A ship I have with said character:
her and keiko from the reigen manga
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A BROTP I have with said character:
her and mob's friendship is very special to me but her and the whole telepathy club ouuughhhhhhh alien arc my beloved... i miss when youd get like 20 posts a day of her and takenaka messing with each other with telepathy shenanigans they mean the world to me. i also think she and teru would get along really well theyd be terrible influences on each other.
A NOTP I have with said character:
i really cannot see her with mob i know this is punching down because theres maybe 1 person on the planet who ships this but theyre definitely a "mob-kun youre my best friend and i love you but i would never date you under any circumstances" sorta friendship. also not really a notp just a "?" but of the possible femslash ships i feel like her and tsubomi appeals to me the least. probably just because they never interact and we dont know enough about tsubomi's interests to know if theyd have anything in common. it gives "pair the spares but we dont like mezato" to me.
A random headcanon:
tome mentions in one of the semi canon anthologies that kijibayashi asked her out when they were first years and im incorporating that into my worldview. i also think she and takenaka had a like one week long middle school "relationship" that consisted primarily of them being too awkward to speak to each other or be in each other presence until they broke up over text just because it makes alien arc even funnier. also more of a reigen headcanon than a her headcanon but in the context of reigen manga i think it makes sense if reigen was very similar to her in middle school then when he was approaching highschool he was like "well i cant stay passionate about things forever" and dedicated himself solely to being a good student and good employee til he burned himself out.
General Opinion over said character:
she is solidly my second favorite mp100 character i love her so so much shes so special to me shes like. level of favorite character where i get excited handflaps seeing art of her. daughter of all time.
Sexuality Headcanon:
aro lesbian is fun for her i think!
Gender Headcanon:
one of my friends really likes transmasc tsubomi and i respect the vision. boy fans be like "not yet"
A ship I have with said character:
mezato and tsubomi. listen. listen to me. of all the femslash ships it makes the most sense. every time we ever hear mezato talk about tsubomi it gives "dear dumb diary". that girl is one long psychoanalytical speech about this girl she's never even had a conversation with from realizing she's bisexual and i think tsubomi would find mezato a really interesting person to interact with. they'd study each other like bugs. it's perfect.
A BROTP I have with said character:
her and mob staying friends is really important to me i like them a lot </3
A NOTP I have with said character:
honestly none really, like i said with tsubomi i dont really get tsutome but i dont dislike it. i prefer her and mob as friends but i dont necessarily think them getting together like. years post canon really ruins the message of the show or anything bc the whole point of the confession arc is that he was chasing this fake image he'd built of her as this perfect person so them getting to know each other and dating in the future wouldnt really ruin that i dont think.
A random headcanon:
i think she's a music person!!! one of her fanbook interviews mentioned that she likes to scream as loud as she can in empty piano rooms and it kind of put the idea of her going into music theory or smth when she's older into my head
General Opinion over said character:
i really really like her and find her narrative role interesting and i both wish we got more of her but also understand that knowing tsubomi would kind of ruin the plot of the show. seeing her only as glimpses and trying to extrapolate who she is through that is unfortunately the point </3
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flufallo · 4 months
Um.... I found a random quote generator
Cat king: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.
Charles: Actually, Edwin is my favourite.
Cat king: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
Edwin: Do you have a self-care routine?
Jenny: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents.
Charles : Do you guys want to see a butterfly?
Niko: Ooh, yes please!
Jenny, with their laptop open: I'm not going to stop working to look at a stupid bug!
Charles: It's not a bug though...
Jenny: ...
Niko: ...
Jenny: Well I still don't want to see.
Niko, realizing: Please don't throw-
Charles : Whee! *throws a stick of butter*
Monty: Edwin keeps forgetting which WiFi network they're supposed to use.
Monty: So I renamed ours to "Edwin, use this one" to help them out a little.
Charles: How would you like your coffee?
Crystal : As dark and as bitter as my soul.
Charles, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Cat king: Fuck you.
Esther : No u.
Cat king: I'm down.
Esther : You're like 2, what the fuck-
Cat king: I AM NOT 2!
Cat king: Monty is a strings kid. We must sacrifice them to the band gods.
Charles: Yes.
Crystal : You're right. It'd be a good initiation for me.
Monty: Wait, guys, what about the truce we signed-
Charles: What truce?
Cat king: *sigh* The truce that we must destroy all the choir kids and leave the strings alone.
Esther : Wait, I'm a choir kid!
Everyone else: *prepares for sacrifice*
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Jenny: The fuck, no I'm not.
Edwin : Excuse the hell out of you?
Cat king: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Charles: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Niko: Rude.
Esther : *punches the person*
Esther : At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Cat king: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Esther : Somehow that's worse
Jenny: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Monty: What makes a bigger memory than a passionate kiss?
Edwin: A stab wound.
Jenny: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Monty: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard.
Niko: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
Crystal : Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
Niko: I just want someone to take me out.
Crystal : On a date?
Cat king: With a sniper gun?
Esther : Both if you're not a coward.
Cat king: Is this mistletoe?
Edwin: Uh, no, no, that is basil.
Cat king: Too bad cause if it was mistletoe I was gonna kiss you.
Edwin: Yeah, no, it’s still basil.
Charles: You know what’s funny about Edwin? They’re my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt them is someone I’d murder, probably.
Charles: I’ve only had Edwin for a day and a half but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Cop: What are your names?
Esther: Don't tell them, Cat king.
Cop, writing: Cat king...
Esther: Crap.
Cat king: Nice going, Esther.
Cat king: Uh oh.
Monty: I’m taking a look at your numbers, and it doesn’t look good. You have a lot of measurements. Quite a few variables.
Charles: Is that… bad?
Monty: Variables are the #1 risk factor for outcomes. The past is a big contributor to the future.
Charles: Isn’t that just causality?
Monty: Causality is the leading cause of death in this country.
Charles: So what are my odds?
Monty: Do you have a family history?
Charles: Of what?
Monty: Just, in general.
Charles: …Yes?
Monty: Oh no.
Niko, texting Edwin : *sends a voice message*
Edwin , texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent?
Niko: No, don’t worry, just listen later.
Edwin : *presses play*
Niko's voice message: THERE’S A FIRE-
Monty: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Esther , used to Monty being dumb: Sure...
Monty: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Esther : Okay?
Monty: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Esther :
Monty: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Esther : Jesus, that one is a little-
Jenny, interested: No, no, Monty, keep going.
Crystal : But we’re friends! I was building up to calling you a nickname soon!
Edwin: That’ll never happen! In fact, you just lost “Edwin” privileges. From now on, you can call me by my last name or ‘Hey, you.’.
Crystal : Come on, Edwin.
Edwin: *glares*
Crystal : Come on, Hey you.”
Crystal : That shirt looks great, Charles.
Charles: Thanks.
Crystal : But I bet it would look even better on Edwin's floor.
Edwin: Are you hitting on Charles... for me?
Cat king: What do we think of Monty?
Charles: *sighs* Nice pal.
Crystal : I think they're gay.
Esther : What am I supposed to do?
Monty: If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Esther : I’m an atheist.
Monty: Then just get ready to die I guess
*playing twister*
Crystal : Right hand red.
Charles: *ends up on top of Edwin *
Edwin: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Crystal : I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice
Cat king: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Edwin: We're chopsticks!
Cat king: Well... that's cute!
Cat king: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Charles: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Monty: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Edwin: Sure!
Edwin: Whats your favorite color?
Monty, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
Edwin: I love the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows
Cat king, to Esther : All right, let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’m going to go first– I hate you.
Cat king: I’m a bad person, I’m a very bad person, I’m a horrible person.
The Squad:
Cat king: No you’re not, Cat king! We still love you, Cat king!
Esther : This should be illegal!
Jenny: It is.
Jenny: What scares you guys the most?
Charles: Werewolves!
Niko: Sharks.
Edwin: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.
Monty: Edwin.
Charles: What do you think Cat king will do for a distraction?
Edwin: They'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Edwin: ...or they could do that.
Charles: Pfft, you should meet Niko, they're such a tsundere.
Monty: They... they just stabbed you.
Charles: So cute.
Cat king: All in all, a 100% successful trip.
Niko: But we lost Esther .
Cat king: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
*Cat king falls over*
Monty: Cat king! Are you alright?
Cat king: Is that you, God?
Monty: What?
Cat king: It's just, you sound a lot more like Monty than I expected.
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your-queer-dad · 2 months
hii dad
so, this happened a while ago, at the beggining of pride month but it is still bugging me
bc of pride, i wore a hidden pride bracelent, the flag of my orientation, something discret bc im not out to my family and most of my friends
my friend (who im out to, and is queer himself) saw and he kinda gave me a look and raised an eyebrow like saying "really? you are really wearing a pride bracelet?"
he talked before about how he finds it annoying/thinks is a phase to be really open about your queer identity (he called it the "activist phase" and said you grow out of it).
i know this stems off of internalized bullshit bc he "looks" gay so all his life he was excluded/bullied but let people be happy man, people shitted on you for being openly queer and you know how bad it felt, you should know better than to shit other people for being open about it
i wasnt even open about it. it was a silly bracelet than no one noticed, but his jugdement made me feel bad about wearing it. i wanted to take it off so badly bc i was ashamed (at the end i didnt but i still doubt every day to countine wearing it)
sorry, kinda dumb. i just cant stop thinking about it for the last month and needed to tell someone
Hey kiddo! I don't think it's dumb, I get why his judgement would affect you. Even if it's coming from a place of bad part experiences, it doesn't make it okay for him to say that. I'm sure the bracelet is amazing and there's no shame in being proud of who you are!!
- dad x
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najikasunart · 1 year
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Redesigned 4swords!! More info about each under the cut:
(Left to right)
VIO - They/them and gay af. Huge nerd who drinks too much coffee. Loves soup and books. Scared of bugs that fly.
GREEN - He/him and intersex. Stupid dumb dork who wants to take it easy for once in his life. Will eat until physically ill then eat more. He’s colorblind.
SHADOW - They/them and ace. SUCH a little shit. Confused by food but thinks it’s neat. Still has floaty powers.
RED - He/she/they and demi. Loves everyone and everything and wants to always be hugged. Eats all the sweets and blames Green and Blue. Can cry on command.
BLUE - She/her and bi. Scary lady and we love her for that. Makes a killer banana bread. Wears bandages around her arms because she thinks it looks tough and cool.
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mayabunny23 · 10 months
Cringe ass Headcanons about the Don't Starve Together Gang's gender and sexuality
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Wilson - Aroace He cares more about science and being a smart ass than he does romance or sex.
Willow - Lesbian She seems like the type of girl that scares men away on purpose... Gremlin woman.
Wolfgang - Aroace He would rather settle down with a friend than a lover. The man also sees most of the people in the group as friends.
Wendy - Aroace She is a kid but even if she was an adult, her grief for her sister is stronger than any love for someone (be is romantic or what not)
WX-78 - Non-binary & Aroace They are canonically non-binary so the obvious is obvious. They don't feel romantic feelings but they can feel many other forms of love... they are not truly emotionless.
Wickerbottom - Asexual Biromantic She wouldn't mind a partner to help her at her library but she might not go with any of the people here... except maybe Wanda.
Woodie - Pansexual More like axe-sexual... Wait wouldn't that make every ship with him a polycule? He loves Lucy but if he was to love someone that wasn't a talking axe, he wouldn't care what gender they are.
Wes - Demiboy & Asexual Wes feels like the type to be referred to with he / them... Be it because of the character he plays or because that's what they refers to themself as.
Maxwell - Bisexual "I miss my wife, Wilson... I miss her a lot... I'll be back." he swings both ways but uh... who wants this pathetic man outside of Charlie?
Wigfrid - Demigirl & Bisexual This queen of theater (Sorry Charlie) uses she / them much the same way Wes does... that and she is just cool like that. Oh and she likes people.
Webber - Demiboy & Aroace His reasoning for being demiboy is because he is literally two beings and the spider is a they / it... also same thing as Wendy, his fixation on bugs and critters is stronger than dumb romantic love. (If he was like an adult)
Winona - Butch [Lesbian] Obvious thing is obvious, she has a girlfriend back on Earth that thinks she's dead. Also like look at her, she is straight up very butch leaning.
Warly - Gay The other side of the spectrum, Warly is probably gay... Totally not because Waokevale and another person influenced me with Warly x Woodie...
Wortox - Aroace Mortal concepts as "love" and "sex" doesn't interest this imp, he is only after chaos and fun.... Also Wortox gives zero DAMNs what pronouns you use on Wortox.
Wormwood - Non-Binary & Aroace The lad doesn't know or really feel that type of stuff [And it's not because he is a "kid", he is an adult.], Wormwood only uses he / him pronouns on himself because they sound nice but he doesn't mind any pronouns really.
Wurt - Aroace Wurt is a kid and she's more focus on creating a merm kingdom and learning to really care.
Walter - Aroace Kid doesn't care about romance but probably had a crush at some point.
Wanda - Asexual Lesbian Wanda doesn't have time to have sex with your mother, she is trying not to turn into dust.
Wonkey - Literally not even a real character.
If you scrolled down this far or read this, thanks! this is probably hell to read for people with like... reading issues (I have some form of it, don't worry)
I might do the DLC characters from Don't Starve next but uh... maybe never, just need to remember they exist.
ALSO!!!!!!! If none of the headcanons suit you then be happy knowing they are HEADcanons and are not real...
ALSO Also... sorry for no art bros, been doodling ocs shit for discord server and no one would be interested in that.
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