#dosen't care
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return-of-the-queen-au · 2 years ago
don't you ever get that feeling when looking at a fan version of your favorite character and you wanna scream "HE WOULD NOT FUCKING DO THAT" even though it's really just you not liking the fan thing? Like I'm sorry dude my brain's mean😔
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onepiecehiperfixation · 5 months ago
*Sanji and Zoro bring a throwing up Usopp* *Sanji is the first to get in* Chopper*in his office*: Sanji I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. How you feeling *Zoro walking behind carrying Usopp* Sanji*akwardly*: Good.. All good. *after they put Usopp down* Zoro: What's with the doc? Why is he asking if you are okay? Sanji: I wasn't feeling well, so he checked me out. Zoro: Chopper... Is specializied in heart medicine. Are you saying you had a heart attack? Sanji: No, I'm not saying I had a heart attack. I'm saying I DIDN'T had a heart attack. Zoro: You did THINK you had a heart attack. Sanji*lighting his cigarette*: Can we just drop this mosshead? Chopper* coughs*: Uhm could you guys let me check Usopp. Zoro*petty*: Yeah, great idea. Sanji shouldn't be excerting himself right now. Sanji: Seriously moss? *Chopper and Usopp looking at eachother*
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mkpersephone · 6 months ago
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You're already living in hell Xavier...
Comic: World War Hulk: X-Men #3
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ixtab · 6 months ago
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architectural-sims · 1 year ago
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Henford Hall -December, 18:39PM
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symphoneydw · 9 months ago
Do you have noticed this ?
If you have always watched each episode (4 60th special episodes + S14) until the end credits (and you're brain is overflow by Rose Tyler), I supposed yes.
At the end credits, you have the 4 main productions society. In "BBC Studios Productions" and "Bad Wolf" in this order.
BUT, until the 4 episode special (aka EP.0 of S14), the order change, now "Bad Wolf" in first. And until "Church on Ruby Road", the order stay like this : Bad Wolf / BBC Studios Productions
Plz RTD don't play with Bad Wolf like this, not in DW. Sometimes I hope it's just a mistake in the final production, or just fan service 😭 but my brain immediately take this from a clue : Rose linked in someway to S14 events/final.
My english is so bad uh
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smlsqueens · 1 year ago
My queen was so valid for this 😭
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ask-victor-blake · 1 year ago
greetings Mr. Blake.
apologies if you do not know me, but I was pointed to you by a (younger?) Mr. Edgeworth who informed me that you allegedly have some knowledge of mythology - old tales of gods and monsters that while you do not worship, or even believe in necessarily, but are still fascinated by.
but perhaps it is too complicated of a question. for now I will simply ask this: what is your favourite mythical creature, and why?
best wishes, @voorice-corp
What an amazing question!
[(talk of horror and a tini tiny bit of cannibalism under the cut)]
while I don't particularly worship anything myself I do find myself quite fascinated with phenomena surrounding folklore and the occult, how people become so engrossed in the subject that they start believing in it and fearing it entirely! One of my favorites I would say- is... the Wendigo! Though its pretrial in media such as horror movies can be a bit lackluster I do fairly enjoy hearing the stories and texts from Wendigo "sightings."
I find the Wendigo particularly interesting due to its ability to drive its victims insane by giving them an unsatiable hunger for human flesh just like itself, this act is called "Wendigo psychosis." I feel more drawn to this phenomenon from my own run-ins with cannibalism or- well- Vincent's. I haven't committed cannibalism myself but from what I've heard from Vince it's fairly terrifying to him
It also doesn't help with the fact that we live in a dense forest, where Wendigos are said to roam
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icewindandboringhorror · 2 years ago
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A dramatic lighting sunlight window boye
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brainyrot · 1 year ago
Can you please explain the joke
The joke is me being so tired I have no idea what I just wrote
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joethehoeee · 2 years ago
Ofc I love my boy and decided to draw him again-
And as a short info for everyone: You can use him in fanfics or fanarts if you want. Just give credits in the notes and nothing more. I just wanted to clear that :D
And his original info post is this one.
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I wanted to show some emotions and yes they are silly but he is too so it dosen't really matter.
And yes two of them are basically the same (happy/excitement) but you can mostly see how happy he is if and how much he wags his tail.
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Again some infos:
The first one is basically his daily mood. He dosen't like people or trolls... or almost anything-
And yes he loves blueberries and rocks. Don’t ask why. He just does. He also collects rocks that he finds beautiful, sometimes leaving them on Strickler's door as gifts and as a token of his unspoken love for him (ofc a kind of father/son love). Strickler threw it away the first time he got one because he didn't knew about it. Kodin was very sad (as you can see-). Strickler eventually got it back and collects them in in a small box since then. Strickler never admits that he secretly likes and kept them although Kodin found them as he accidently knocked over the box while he searched for a book. Kodin ofc also collects them for himself and sorted them on his desk.
Also the small brown stone on his coat is from his dead Boyfriend. I believe that almost all changelings get one and It's inspired by Stricklers even tho you can't really see it-
And just to be clear, Kodin isn’t really that loving even if it sounds like that. He still mocks Strickler and ofc annoyes him but I want to show that they indeed also have a strong bond as a kind of family. They are mostly professional and show a kind of 'hatred' against each other if others are around (Like changelings mostly do). They do show their hidden appreciation and love if they are alone and mostly with small acts of kindness like the rocks or Strickler tells him he did a good Job but looks away from him. They do grow together and bond more as a family after the battle against Morgana.
Most people don’t trust him, obviously because he is a changeling, but also because he is knowen for not being very loyal or trustworthy. He ofc is only loyal to Strickler wich makes him very dangerous since he will stab everyone else in the back. He will tell Strickler every small detail that might be important to know for him. He wouldn't give Gunmar his loyalty but he would pretend for his master.
He also would never let anyone see his fear and if he comes to his death then he would probably still make a provocative comment to not show his weak side. He eventually will show his scared side to some people that are really close to him.
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ask-spamton-gpory-spamgon · 2 years ago
What is something you care desperately about? Something that you just couldn't live without?
Spamgon was made a lil uncomfortable
"... I care about my friends, amy, dave, ingo, emmet, grimsley, hemp, burgh, and many others I just ain't the [BEST THERE EVER WAS] with names"
"they make [LIVING] worth life YOU KNOW? THEY ARE [specil] TO ME I LOVE EM ALL
"i'm a lil worried about going into seeing professor [when life gives you lemons] because even if everything goes [GOOD AND WELL]"
"Will I even be the same pokemon mentally? IS MY OWN CORRUPTION WHAT MAKES ME ... WELL [mama me] IT'S ALOT TO THINK ABOUT! AND IT MAY SCARE ME BUT I KNOW [it meats] TO BE DONE!"
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magnilmagnus · 2 years ago
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Those Strange Autumns #3 "No time for References"
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zbdragons · 8 months ago
Had a dream where after telling my mom I don't entirely feel like a woman and that I sometimes wish I had a flat chest, she booked me an appointment for breast reduction. And while I thought it was just to discuss it, the doc started to give me anesthesia so I had to fight it to tell them I don't want it that much and definitely don't want it rn, hoping I could be understood before falling asleep.
Also for some reason my story was on the TV except they stopped before I could refuse. So after that I'd get messages from friends congratulating me on the surgery/ asking why I never told them ane I had to explain the situation every time
I'm sure this says nothing about me
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pokecraftking · 1 year ago
Granted at least with everything Fisk at the beginning, he mainly just wanted to wait for the police to get evidence to put him away for good, no use going to fisk tower and just beating the shit out of him obly for him to get out in like a few days max.
In general, I feel it's a case of, with Peter being Spider-man for a few years by the time the game is out, it's mainly a case of both going "listen, we don't like supervillains and/or a small army of inmates roaming the streets here, let's just focus on getting this bs dealt with" more than anything. I feel this also is helped by the fact he happens to be close with Yuri the police captain. (Also the fact he always puts other people's wellbeing first, including the officers).
Lastly I think the officers do know that TECHNICALLY what spider-man does is illegal, but just... either have way bigger issues (rhino, fisk and his men, etc), worry about the PR (tf will new york think if a couple cops just ARREST SPIDER-MAN), and are happy to let him help out where he does, including ways outside the law, so they don't see it worth the effort or detriment to the city.
I do also kinda dislike the whole Spider-Cop idea (though I like the jokes about it in-game), but i feel they make the spider-man/police relation in this game work, especially with the events of the game, and with how peter, in nearly every iteration, always priorities helping as many people, and there's only so much one Spider-Man can do in one city (pre-miles being also Spider-Man). He's not specifically pro-cop or anti-cop, he just wants to help as many people as possible.
the copification of peter parker in recent years is insidious and also gay
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catachan-jungle-fighter · 11 months ago
Forgotten Graves
John ran a hand across the rotten wood that made up the coffins that had been discovered in this small cave, a tattered Sixth Section Standard still limply waving over remains of forgotten Mad Wolves, the man uncaring of the wood seeming to turn to dust at his touch.
"Get recovery teams down here now... we are going to bring our brothers and sisters home, and I'll lay to rest some of my wayward children." John said quietly into his Vox, the man leaving the cave and beginning to cut down any nearby trees, in some vain hope of giving the dead proper coffins that hadn't been left to rot for who knows how long before they could be brought home.
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