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jacqjohnsonart · 24 hours ago
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Jolteon whose name is Toaster! ✨💛
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quillpokebiology · 18 hours ago
I completely forgot about the crossbreed poll and I feel really bad for not finishing the charizard line so while I do that enjoy the Charmander crossed with goomy (called oil flame)
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pinap-juice · 1 day ago
Lumpy creature
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very cranky jigglypuff at the shelter will not stop using stockpile every time we try to work with her
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twinleaf-fines · 3 days ago
Hey Rotomblr I have a really wild take but I dunno if you're ready to hear it...
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mug-and-friends · 2 days ago
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So well hidden 🤣
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touristbree · 2 days ago
🔎Legends ZA Trailer 1 Analysis🔎
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We finally have a trailer for Pokemon Legends: ZA, and I am absolutely hyped for the game! Kalos was my first region and it’ll be fun to go back to it in such a creative way. We don’t know much, but we do have plenty to examine from the trailer and accompanying advertising.
Everything below is spoilers for today’s present.
The Setting
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[ID: First Image shows a Bunnelby and fletchling running down a street in Lumiose that’s been overgrown with plants. “The Wild Zone” is named in the image.
Second: The player character running down a similarly abandoned street, there’s a car left behind and more plants around]
It’s interesting that one of the wild zones looks like an abandoned street in Lumiose city, the stores are still intact and there’s an entire car left behind, implying that this was a recent change. Wild zones are clearly very new editions and I wonder how much of the city was set aside for them, and what happened to the people who lived and worked in those areas.
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[ID: An overview of as street covered in black and blue, futuristic scaffolding over very old looking buildings]
I noticed some construction scaffolding in the background and I have two theories about them:
1. Decoration: The scaffolding is just there for decorations in one part of the map to make it look like it’s actively under construction and provide more interesting spaces for battles.
2. Changing Map: Over the course of the game's story, scaffolding will appear over old buildings, cover them up, and then they get removed to reveal new buildings.The city evolves over the course of the story… but is that a good or bad thing?
Quasartico Inc.
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[ID: a large modern looking building with the Quasartico logo on it]
We get introduced to Quasartico Inc. and it’s CEO Jett, and everyone is in agreement that she is the villain of this new game. We don’t know her plans, but we know she wants to modernize Lumiose City, we see a lot of construction at one point and an abandoned street in another, this bitch is gentrifying this city.
In the trailer we get a look at AZ’s hotel, it’s an old building that I think will be under the threat of being demolished to make way for a new modern building. My only reason behind this is that AZ is living his best life with his Floette and that the player living there makes it an emotionally important location, threatening it would establish Quasartico as a major villain in the game.
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[ID: A comparison between the Looker Bureau im the trailer and in XY. Same being walls and tiled floors, the kitchen is more detailed in the trailer, there’s a board on the wall with notes about the city and papers and a laptop on the desk]
We also know that someone is keeping an eye on them, we get a quick glimpse at the Looker Bureau office from the postgame of XY. In the background there’s a board covered with notes and a map of the city meaning whoever is living here is keeping an eye on all the urbanization. When I first saw the trailer, I thought it had to be Emma from the XY postgame, but examining it a little closer I’m not as certain; Looking closely I noticed the picture of an Espurr on the desk, clearly meant to be Emma’s friend “Mimi”. The fact she’s in a framed picture gives me 4 theories:
1. Mimi died and this picture is in her memory, Emma is still at the Looker Bureau.
2. Looker is in the Bureau again and the picture is a reminder of Emma and Mimi.
3. Theory 1 but Looker has the picture.
4. I’m overthinking this, Mimi is fine and Emma just has a picture of her pet.
This game is looking amazing and it’s getting all the time it needs to marinate, I can’t wait to see who makes an appearance and I can’t wait to be introduced to the new cast of characters.
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vincevongliscor · 3 days ago
My Gliscor's favorite toy is this tube thing. It used to be a scratching post but then it fell apart cause he was being too aggressive with it. I'll often find him rolling on the ground with it lmao
...honestly more interested in people's Pokemon here. reblog with a fun fact about one of your partners.
i'll go first. my pikachu's favorite food is oran berry jam on toast.
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trainer-misfits · 1 day ago
My only wish is to enter NPC houses again
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manulm34art · 1 day ago
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pinap-juice · 1 day ago
They rhyme with woobats :)
What do ya dweebs think about hats?
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wishmaker-astra · 2 days ago
Hey, since a LOT of momentous stuff is happening tomorrow: have backup plans and alternative strategies. And be prepared for fallout or having to deal with outsized impacts.
Also, have some way to destress... and ways to deal with sudden mundanity after everything settles.
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freaky-fan-official · 2 days ago
things ive seen people call out during today's pokemon presents
first: we're in a weird spot rn. the switch 2 isn't out, and it's only the 29th anniversary. next year, when it's the 30th anniversary and the switch 2 has released, we'll most likely get gen 10 announcements and trailers. we could get teasers before then, but probably not before the switch 2 drops.
that said, let's talk z-a.
legends z-a will be releasing late this year. we could be getting multiple mini-trailers throughout the year revealing new forms -- including new megas! (since people were really disappointed about not seeing any today)
in overworld gameplay, we see a pokemon (flaaffy) get knocked out.. yet it didn't immediately despawn. instead it sat there, stunned, giving the player time to catch it. super nice quality-of-life thing!
the game's story centers around blending pokemon habitats with lumiose city. we'll probably unlock new areas (with new pokemon to catch) as we progress the plot/establish wild zones.
the game appears to be modern-day lumiose. however, it is possible (based on the technology we see around the wild zones) that we're in fact in the future!
it's been 12 years since datamining revealed eternal!floette in the game files. legends z-a will be the first time that it has ever actually appeared in a game outside of cutscenes, to my knowledge
the battle system seems to harken back to pokken tournament, which made me happy :]
someone pointed out that stealth rocks blocked talonflame in the trailer. that has some fascinating implications for move functionality. and is also very anime. moves could work completely differently.
the clip at the end with promotion matches could potentially mean we're getting ranked competitive for legends z-a!
also some things about pokemon champions:
pokemon champions is probably meant to be nintendo's answer to pokemon showdown. we don't know if that means it'll have team-builder features though
as of right now we know it'll have megas and teras, but we don't know if those are the ONLY gimmicks it'll have. only time will tell
it's probably also getting put out to quell backlash over legend z-a's battle system -- we can still have standard competitive while branching out into new things with the legends games.
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virtualvoiddelusion · 16 hours ago
MewTwo would disagree with you on that one
hey uh
so I get the whole Pokemon liberation thing
but I don't use Pokeballs, never have, and none of mine want to leave
how are you supposed to liberate Pokemon like them?
Run really fast.
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gotta-pet-em-all · 2 days ago
Man why couldn’t I have been in the plasma that lets you be bisexual
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lagjpeg · 2 days ago
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Happy Pokémon Day
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