#doom scrolling!
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stopdoomscrolling-cafe · 2 months ago
hey there! i see you've chosen chess off of our hobby menu. let's chat about why chess is such a fantastic hobby. ☕️♟️
chess is an excellent way to stimulate your mind, improve strategic thinking, and enhance problem-solving skills. it's also a great way to socialize and challenge yourself.
step-by-step guide to start playing chess as a hobby
step 1: learn the basics
understand the pieces: familiarize yourself with the names and movements of the pieces – pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, queens, and kings.
video resource: how to play chess for beginners
step 2: set up the board
arrange the pieces: learn how to set up the chessboard correctly, with each piece in its starting position. if you don't have a chess/checkers board and you're not ready to commit - make one out of cardboard!
video resource: how to set up a chessboard
step 3: learn basic rules
rules of the game: understand the basic rules, such as how to move pieces, check, and checkmate.
video resource: rules of chess
step 4: practice simple tactics
basic tactics: start practicing simple tactics like forks, pins, and skewers to improve your gameplay.
video resources: basic chess openings
step 5: play practice games
play games: play practice games with friends, family, or online to gain experience.
video resource: how to play chess online
step 6: study chess strategies
learn strategies: study different strategies and openings to enhance your understanding of the game.
article resource: beginner chess strategies
step 7: join a chess club
join a community: connect with other chess enthusiasts by joining a local chess club or online chess community.
chess is a rewarding hobby that offers endless learning and improvement opportunities. happy playing! ♟️✨
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nedcaratacus · 4 months ago
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thoughtportal · 1 year ago
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I hope we all make it
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cipheramnesia · 6 months ago
Everything about the USA will make you feel as if your whole ability to reason and think coherently has just flown away.
I'm thinking right now about a radio advertisement I overheard for Indeed - a theoretical jod search website. The advertisement, however, was directed at companies who were searching for employees. Presumably these companies pay Indeed to serve as a hub for their job postings and applicants. So Indeed wants people signed up, because more accounts shows more potential applicants and they can get more money from companies looking for employees. There's no money in actually connecting applicants to positions, so you sign up, make the account, discover you signed up for a portal that just sends you to other company's jobs pages with the same info and spams you with jobs you don't want, and you leave forever. Money in the bank.
Meanwhile on the hiring side, job postings make a business look good. If you always got job postings, you're growing. But keeping fresh postings in rotation is time consuming, especially when you're lean staffed on purpose with investors who demand you show an infinitely growing rate of improvement. So you pay Indeed a monthly fee to upload a bunch of jobs you aren't hiring for and use that to hook more investors to pay the first group.
And you end up with a company that gets paid to do nothing but generate fake data by other companies paying them to do nothing but post fake information, and the only part we (the ones looking for income to survive) play in this transaction is lending the process just enough legitimacy to make it legal. Money that doesn't exist cycles around between people doing nothing and as long as none of us can afford groceries or a home, the economy is considered "doing well," but the second one investor caves and demands to be paid, the economy collapses and suddenly 99% of the population in the USA can afford to eat again.
All you have to do is multiply that by a thousand companies doing it a thousand times a month and that's the USA baby, except also we supply billions of dollars of weapons killing people around the world.
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thebat-musicman · 30 days ago
AU where Jason was dead for 2 years longer than he was in canon
Leslie: The results are back. Jason, you’re physically two years younger than you should be.
Jason: You mean…
Tim, jumping out of his chair: YES!!!
Leslie: I’m sorry, Jason. Tim is physically older than you now.
Jason: This cannot be happening.
Tim, hugging him: Don’t worry, Jason. I’ll be the best big brother ever.
Jason, haunted: I’m going to ask the Joker to try again.
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ohitspurple2 · 4 months ago
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cat-cosplay · 4 months ago
Doomscrolling Checkpoint
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edlucavalden · 4 months ago
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Sleeping all day.. hey, we all have our bad days.. don't we?
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little-pissbaby · 7 months ago
"admit you like tiktok" "I only like them when I'm scrolling through them with you 🥹🥰" he literally has such a big crush on phil it's disgusting. do it more
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artsyaxolotl · 1 month ago
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💕Mental Health Checkpoint!💕
I don't know where we go from here. I don't know how it will be ok, but it will. It has to be. Take it easy today and try to give yourself a break. You're going to be ok.
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thoughtportal · 2 years ago
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infatuatedlilbitch · 15 days ago
Oh, so RFK Jr's brilliant plan as HHS Secretary is to "cure" ADHD with labor camps and ban all psychiatric meds? LMAO these are literally the rantings of a lunatic. And that's who they've installed at every level of government.
But here's the thing: You HAVE to see this as lunacy. You CANNOT take this seriously. The second you start thinking one man could actually do this, you're thinking about Kings. DON'T.
If fucking MITCH MCCONNELL - MITCH MCCONNELL of all people - can speak out against what Trump and Musk are doing, what's YOUR representative's excuse? This is the same Mitch McConnell I've been wishing on every goddamn star would pass the fuck away, and HE can say something?
So NO MORE posts about what Musk is doing unless you're posting it with YOUR representative's silence right next to it. Look them up. Call them out. Put a lil picture of them in all of your Elon callout posts. People should know what they look like. Everyone else in America who doesn't do their fucking job gets FIRED. Why are we letting these people collect paychecks for doing NOTHING?
Look at the French - they get it. The second their government tries any of this shit, garbage collectors stop collecting, workers walk out. No discussion. Because they remember something we forgot: THEY NEED US more than we need them.
And don't give me that "but we can't protest, we live paycheck to paycheck" bullshit. You're living paycheck to paycheck BECAUSE you won't protest. BECAUSE you won't unite. BECAUSE you're too scared to imagine what would happen if we ALL just stopped for ONE DAY.
Your representatives work for YOU. Start acting like it.
And if you're not ready to confront other aspects of solidarity yet? Fine. Just remember we're ALL united in oppression under being members of the working class. Start there.
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blondebrainpowered · 21 days ago
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writethatdown · 4 months ago
and I know for a fact that every deep conversation, every song, every book, every walk in nature, every ten second reflection while the coffee brews, every cry session, every laugh, every notes app rant, and every indulgence is revealing the next layer of yourself that you haven't met yet. and sometimes that is scary, other times beautiful — yet very necessary so that your soul and mind and belief is challenged and it rebirths itself with much more clear sense of what you are.
it terrifies me how doom scrolling is going to delay this process in most of us.
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unmortrickinal-and-dumb · 3 months ago
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Reposting my rick and morty art here to keep it separate from main ❤️ i love rick and morty ❤️
Spent some tome rewstching it, and now im rewatching it again and its like i got taken out back and shot
Anyway heres some memory/young rick stuff because i just think hes neat (and at the time i struggled a lot with drawing grandpa rick waaaa 😢)
Dont worry about that other red guy thats just my oc ermm 😓😓
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i-fucked-your-milkshake · 3 months ago
Ask not for whom the doom scrolls; it scrolls for thee.
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