#stop doom scrolling
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stopdoomscrolling-cafe · 3 months ago
rock climbing
hey there! welcome back to the cafe!
i heard that you picked rock climbing from our menu! that's great! let’s chat about why rock climbing is an awesome hobby. 🧗‍♂️
rock climbing is fantastic for both your body and mind. it builds strength, endurance, and flexibility, while also boosting your problem-solving skills and mental focus. plus, it’s a great way to connect with nature and meet new people who share your passion for adventure.
ready to start climbing? here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get going:
find a climbing gym: start with indoor climbing to learn the basics in a controlled environment. many gyms offer beginner classes and have all the gear you need.
get the right gear: you’ll need climbing shoes, a harness, a chalk bag, and a belay device. most gyms rent these out, so you can try before you buy.
learn the basics: take a beginner’s class to learn essential techniques like belaying, knot tying, and basic climbing moves.
practice bouldering: bouldering is climbing without ropes on shorter walls. it’s a great way to build strength and technique.
try top-rope climbing: once you’re comfortable with bouldering, move on to top-rope climbing, where you’re secured by a rope from above.
join a climbing community: connect with other climbers to learn from their experiences and find climbing partners.
explore outdoor climbing: when you’re ready, take your skills outdoors. always go with experienced climbers and follow safety guidelines.
here are a couple of youtube videos to help you get started:
how to start rock climbing by rei
rock climbing basics for beginners by epic tv climbing daily
happy climbing! comment what type of climbing are you most excited to try? 🌟
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weezarddd · 4 months ago
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Yk, hearing about Mt. Fuji breaking its 130 year streak of snowing genuinely frightened me. No matter how much we scream at the people leading our countries, our WORLD, about the damage they are causing to it, nothing changes. Of course, I realized that this is absolutely just a money problem. Big corpos only care about money, that's already been hammered into our heads enough.
But that made me think... If they're only going to care about preserving the environment if it affects their money, then let's MAKE it affect their money. I know I'm only one person, and I don't have that loud of a voice... But I want to make a difference. I want EVERYONE to make a difference, because not using plastic straws or recycling our stuff at home doesn't do anything. They WANT us to think it's our fault, when the very factories and facilities they make money from are what's destroying our planet.
I don't know what to do exactly... Again, I'm only a small voice on Tumblr. I'm 17 and still have a whole life ahead of me that I want to experience... and I'm sure everyone here, and in the wider world, wants nothing more than to have a future that isn't cut short, because of silk-suited motherfuckers that see more value in our money than our life. The world isn't ending yet, and there is no way in hell I'm going to hand my life over to the corporate pigs that want to drain this planet until it's empty.
So everyone, let's do whatever we can to hit the corpos where it hurts. Let's make it so that they can't ignore us anymore.
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labelleizzy · 2 years ago
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infatuatedlilbitch · 16 days ago
Oh, so RFK Jr's brilliant plan as HHS Secretary is to "cure" ADHD with labor camps and ban all psychiatric meds? LMAO these are literally the rantings of a lunatic. And that's who they've installed at every level of government.
But here's the thing: You HAVE to see this as lunacy. You CANNOT take this seriously. The second you start thinking one man could actually do this, you're thinking about Kings. DON'T.
If fucking MITCH MCCONNELL - MITCH MCCONNELL of all people - can speak out against what Trump and Musk are doing, what's YOUR representative's excuse? This is the same Mitch McConnell I've been wishing on every goddamn star would pass the fuck away, and HE can say something?
So NO MORE posts about what Musk is doing unless you're posting it with YOUR representative's silence right next to it. Look them up. Call them out. Put a lil picture of them in all of your Elon callout posts. People should know what they look like. Everyone else in America who doesn't do their fucking job gets FIRED. Why are we letting these people collect paychecks for doing NOTHING?
Look at the French - they get it. The second their government tries any of this shit, garbage collectors stop collecting, workers walk out. No discussion. Because they remember something we forgot: THEY NEED US more than we need them.
And don't give me that "but we can't protest, we live paycheck to paycheck" bullshit. You're living paycheck to paycheck BECAUSE you won't protest. BECAUSE you won't unite. BECAUSE you're too scared to imagine what would happen if we ALL just stopped for ONE DAY.
Your representatives work for YOU. Start acting like it.
And if you're not ready to confront other aspects of solidarity yet? Fine. Just remember we're ALL united in oppression under being members of the working class. Start there.
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fantasticflumph · 2 months ago
i can't come to bed babe i need to gaze into the cursed amulet
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happy-mokka · 2 months ago
Luckily Tumblr was never a doom-scrolling place for me. Quite the opposite. I come here exactly for what you, Phoenix, described so beautifully. I might be less a fic-oriented person, but funny posts are just as much art to me. Making people smile is so important and this is what Tumblr is to me.
The doom scrolling for me was always the news outlets I regularly visited. But those I (had to) reduced to a bare minimum. Cancelled subscriptions even. Couldn't take the negativity anymore. It really helped. So I can really only support OPs statement!
"Surround yourself with good people; surround yourself with positivity and people who are going to challenge you to make you better." - Ali Krieger
"Positivity is like a muscle: keep exercising it, and it becomes a habit." - Natalie Massenet
Just a thought, but can we abandon the concept of doomscrolling, at least on Tumblr?
Can we call it glimmer-seeking or joy-questing instead?
Because I don’t know about you, but when I scroll through Tumblr, I’m hit with sparks of sheer joy at seeing my mutuals’ art and metas and writing and thoughts, their feral excitement and hyperfixated joy feeds my own - and it chases the dark away.
Here’s to many more years of joy-questing ✨
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xx-akubara-xx · 26 days ago
No art tonight.
Really don't want to do a hiatus but, I'm definitely slowing down everything.
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 7 months ago
i know this is hypocritical of me to say since this is tumblr, land of the chronically online, but social media is really rotting my mind. i'm saying this as someone who only has youtube, pinterest & tumblr. i just can't seem to focus and always reach to my laptop or phone the instant i get slightly bored or unoccupied. so, baby steps of control, i'm gonna close everything except my tab for music and i'm going to study now :)
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stopdoomscrolling-cafe · 3 months ago
oh, hey there! i see you've decided to pick scrapbooking from our hobby menu. why that is such a lovely and creative hobby! it's a wonderful way to preserve memories and unleash your creativity.
step-by-step guide to start scrapbooking as a hobby
step 1: gather your supplies
basic supplies: album, patterned paper, cardstock, adhesive, scissors, and embellishments.
video resource: must-have scrapbooking essentials
step 2: organize your photos
sort your photos: choose the ones you want to include in your scrapbook.
video resource: how to organize your photos
step 3: pick a theme
decide on a theme: it could be a vacation, a special event, or just everyday moments.
video resource: how to pick a scrapbooking theme
step 4: design your layout
plan your layout: decide on the arrangement of photos and embellishments on each page.
video resource: scrapbooking 101: get started
step 5: start scrapbooking
begin creating: start putting your photos and embellishments onto the pages.
video resource: scrapbook with me
step 6: add journaling
write captions: include dates, descriptions, and personal thoughts to make your scrapbook more meaningful.
video resource: how to journal in your scrapbook
step 7: protect your pages
use page protectors: keep your pages safe from damage.
video resource: how to use page protectors
scrapbooking is a fantastic way to document your life’s special moments and get creative at the same time. what kind of theme are you thinking of for your first scrapbook? 📸✨
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labelleizzy · 2 months ago
I focus in really tight on my Circle Of Control and my Circle Of Influence. I do what I can where I am, and I try to do something useful or kind every day. I swear at the news.
And lately, I remember that I am a student of history, and that there are many MANY cases throughout history, American history AND world history, where regular people just buckled down and survived, helped and loved their friends, families, and extended community.
We're not special. And it does me nor anyone any good to worry about what might be done, when we don't KNOW yet.
And block the despairing "we might as well give up now" blogs. All they do is deal psychic damage, and if it acts enough like an enemy, I treat it like an enemy.
Be one of Mister Rogers helpers. Actions engender hope, hope allows further actions. Take care of yourself too. Nothing more subversive than cozy, sassy self care when an enemy wants you to curl up like a pillbug.
anybody who figures out how to acknowledge & be mindful of our negative outlook for the future while also being sane enough to live their lives and obtain happiness should give me a call. i can't figure out how to do both of these things at once it's always gotta be one or the other and switching between the two every few weeks is not fun
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delis-4-meats · 2 months ago
Why is Mr. Jalapeno behind every TikTok picture thing for me?!?! 😭😭
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WHY IS HE HAUNTING ME?! I watched the live stream, I listened to the Ithaca Saga, hell I PRE-SAVED THE SAGA ON SPOTIFY!!
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Please Jorge Porge!! SET ME FREEEEEEEEEEE!!
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ahappydnp · 3 months ago
btw felt like i should say i did ask to be dropped from that poll tourney but i'm in no way like actually upset or mad at anyone definitely don't wish any negativity towards ops!
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bloodbatty · 4 months ago
Election Mood
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a-bucket-in-the-void · 4 months ago
y’all are all worried about the election, i got a test tomorrow i can’t worry about that
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pughat · 4 months ago
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butternutt613 · 15 days ago
I need to like lock up my TikTok so I focus on writing and not doom scrolling lmao
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