#doodle rambling
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doodle-bun-makes · 3 months ago
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the parasites won. AU of the canon Arcane AU where the zaundads adopt Viktor as well.
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doodle-bun-makes · 1 year ago
I don't want to take anything away from the original post, but I actually used to think that I was in a video game when I was younger (like 5-7) because I felt more like an avatar than a real human. Like I'm just a vesicle for something else to view the world from. I can interact, but I know I don't belong among the people I'm supposed to connect with
does anyone feel the layer of plexiglass between themselves and the rest of the world or is that just a me thing
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ravenmccookies · 7 months ago
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Weird phenomenon I've seen on tumblr
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iamespecter · 3 months ago
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Stomach hurty today, so have some doodles of the Digital Circus cast in my style being silly and chilling
close up of the Gummigoo plush message:
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sketchtastrophee · 25 days ago
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old art again!! this time a rough animation of sawyer and yarnaby 😎 (looks better if u click to view 😭)
im working on a short ppt animation rn. im thinking i should post it to my youtube channel, though im not sure if people here would see it. i think i can link videos on here?? idk
okay I'm gonna talk abt more chapter 4 stuff.. this time about prototype's previous identity.. ch4 spoilers and also a theory below..
hiding the solo yarnaby under here LOL
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people theorized 1006 was elliot, which was recently disproven in the chapter 4 tape where poppy refers to elliot as her dad and wishes he were there. in the same tape she addresses prototype as a completely different person. also recall that elliot died in the 90s, meanwhile prototype met theo in 1989. so yeah, they aren't the same person
I've also seen people say rich is prototype, which cannot be true either. in a ch4 tape he speaks to one of the employees under his supervision. the kid mentions his coworkers joking about him going missing. before the bbi, it would not make sense for this to be a common rumor at the company, which means this tape had to happen after harley was hired in 1990; at a time when the company would have a reason to silence people
prototype existed in 1989 at the minimum, but considering he says "it's always been about you and me" to poppy, he's likely the prototype of HER. she's elliots daughter, she died in the 60s, meaning prototype was probably created around that time as well.
this means that rich can't be the prototype because he was human long after prototype was made
if you want my take on who prototype truly is, i'd say his identity doesn't necessarily matter. i don't mean to say his origins aren't important, just that his name and specific role in the past probably doesn't mean anything in the long run. i've never believed he was elliot or rich, and maybe in the future i'll be proven wrong but for now i'll tell you the theory i've had since june of last year
elliot's daughter dies in the 60s. he divorced his wife in 1930, so his daughter is probably in her 30s when she dies. she gets sick or injured, maybe she's actively dying or already dead by the time elliot begins his research. he looks for ways to bring her back, but it doesn't work on the rats (as he mentioned a note in the 2nd chapter)
so what does he do? he tries it on something bigger as he said he would: a human. of course he's not going to try this experimental method on his own daughter, even if she's already dead, so he finds someone else to use it on. we know that elliot wasn't evil or anything, so it's unlikely he killed anybody to use for the experiment. considering the orphanage isn't open yet (it opened in the 70s, not the 60s), prototype probably wasn't an orphan child either. if i run with my simple version of the theory, elliot may have dug up a body in a graveyard and used that. maybe a fresh one, who knows. he tried it, it worked, then he revived his daughter with the same method.
this is likely what harley wanted to know about in the chapter 3 tape (the "i learn something new about you every day" one), and also what prototype is asking harley to figure out in the ch4 tape they're both in. in that case, sawyer never actually figured out how to revive people with the poppy substance. sure, he can transfer people into the toys, but he can't bring anybody back to life
more reason to believe prototype and poppy are of the same "batch" is because it seems they are the only two who don't need food. it's outright stated about him in the ch1 trailer, and insinuated with her saying the "toys will starve otherwise" when she's talking about how nasty them eating humans is. she refers to them, not herself. her and prototype are probably the only 2 who were ever brought back from the dead, which circles back around to his monologue and gives meaning to the "it's always been about you and me, poppy. what we are". when i heard him say that i felt like my theory was lowk confirmed 😭😭
no guarantee this is right, but it's been my guess for a long time
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notherpuppet · 1 month ago
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@/coma_0423’s cursed cat alastor will bring you happiness ♥️
Lulu scolds the cat
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ofcowardiceandkings · 4 months ago
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LINKTOBER 2024: MIRROR biro & white gel on brown paper
WELL finally getting a chance to post !!
i loved this years' prompts and was all set to do them, but life stuff happened so i only managed to get this one finished LOL i'll finish the ones i started sketching sometime i hope
1) there were a loooot of parallels in the story of this game 2) Rauru and Sonia are adorable i want more of them and their interactions with Zelda were so sweet 3) ANY time i can adventure with my cool smart gf is a great time ��� so give me more of that Nintendo i'll sell a kidney 💙💙💙
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acadieum · 16 days ago
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started my first re-listen of taz balance since starting it in 2018 (?)
and i just wanted to explore what their origin backgrounds were vs the characters they ended up becoming... they are interesting...
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yourloveaton · 1 month ago
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Outfit redesign concept for a multiverse PART 1
Grahhh !!! 🔥🔥
Some little outfit redesign concepts of ink and error for a multiverse me and my friend have started working on… (Trickster will be taking part in there too :3)
Though probably the ink design wont be used cuz it’s too complicated to draw AHAHAH we’re gonna simplify it eheh… For Error pookie… er.. eheh… idk… eheh….
Will probably have to do another revision of them as we develop the multiverse, right now it’s very new so !! Eheh nothings settled yet :33
Tbh I did these for fun so it’s not rlly the best but I hope it still looks nice to you guys !!! ✨
Ink Sans by comyet
Error Sans by loverofpiggies
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doodlethedrawer · 3 months ago
I've seen a few people now say that people won't be able to make dramatic winner art/animations out of Joel, and that couldn't be further from the truth
Yes, Joel doesn't take anything seriously. That what makes him terrifying.
Think about it. He's stuck in a death game and he is having fun. When everyone is chasing him down in the finale, he easily uses the teleport power to evade them while barely trying. He can taunt and laugh at them, confident he can't be caught, and he's RIGHT.
Joel feels no fear. He plays the game. He revels in the chaos with a smile on his face. If that is not an epic setup for a villain I don't know what is. It also creates a fun dynamic between him and the other winners. He doesn't care, he can taunt them with memories he's now regained ("Weren't you and Scar friends Grian? How's your soulmate Pearl?") and it throws them off because never has a winner been untouchable like this before. He has no guilt to grapple with, but everyone else does. That gives him innate power over the others
Joel himself is a wildcard. He enjoys the game as much as the watchers. He can adapt to anything, as proven by the series he won in. He has loyalties, sure, but in the end he didn't really care about killing Grian. He thrives when others struggle to survive, and he LOVES chaos.
In conclusion, Joel is the life series equivalent of Bill Cypher. In this essay I will-
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dailyhatsune · 9 months ago
Miku comes out to her dad
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memories of miku and mike at the pride parade
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doodle-bun-makes · 3 months ago
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There probably aren't a whole lot of kids in the undercity, so a new one would have to be exciting.
This is a continuation of my previous parasite victory
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d34rrumiruu · 2 months ago
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This is my first post contributing to the inkmare
i love inkmare
dream in denial his brother is making out with his bestfriend
OG post here
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the-phantom-peach · 1 year ago
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skyward sword… yeah <3
Crimson Loftwing
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
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vinnybox · 1 year ago
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I had a dream me and my friend turned into a rat and got bowls of noodles. The old lady who owned the restaurant didn't shoo us away like the other customers.
We had chopsticks to use and we were paying >:(
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remxedmoon · 6 months ago
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i hit 1k followers recently!!!! yipee!!!!!!! thank you all!!! so in celebration here’s all of my completed isat doodle pages, from oldest to newest. go nuts with them!! and maybe don’t look at the first doodle page too closely. it’s Old.
(no greyscale version below for once! just some mushy ramblings. you don’t have to read them don’t worry)
hhhhhha?? so many people. where did you come from. how did you all find me.
ok but seriously, thank you all so much for all the support. i never really. expected to make it this far? like, ever?? i’ve mentioned it a few times on here, but i’ve been a lurker for the past… 2 years, i think? and even before that, i never gained much traction outside of a couple posts. so this has been. very new to me!! in a nice way!! it’s weird to feel like an actual member of a community!! that people know about!
the idea of finally coming back to social media was Daunting (i literally got stress hives writing my first post lol) and the warm reception really. meant a lot?? i don’t think i would’ve ever gotten the courage to come back if i hadn’t been encouraged to by the people over at the isat discord!!
the fact that people actually care about my art still doesn’t feel real?? seeing people take inspiration from my art is just. surreal. just. auagssh. thank you all so so much for everything, i really do appreciate it!!! i’m really glad to be in this community. sorry if this all sounds sappy and long winded i’ve just got a lot of emotions about this whole thing!!
(also as a bonus for reading all this or whatever. here’s a concept page for isatscryption! it felt a little out of place next to my normal canvases so i’m putting it down here! yipee! sorry my notes here are so disjointed auauau…)
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