#donnies shell is still removable
a1sart · 2 years
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in celebration of my birthday have some fnaf au I’m working on
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kathaynesart · 4 months
Replica Donnie: the handsomest, bitchin, incorporated the flashiest purple tech into his every look mother fucker in the apocalypse. Didn't even have to try but still was the baddest bitch out there.
Donnie in the new comic teaser: Old Man Overalls with side pouches :))
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Hahah you’re too kind but hey, respect the overalls, bros! They're the international sign for "I'm actually a useful member of society."
Everyone else was doing their take on Donnie's new fit, so I couldn't resist! I don't know if Donnie still has his Ninpo so uh... until further notice consider this Replica Donnie in the canon outfit haha. Couple of tweaks: gave him Leo's kneepads, because *twinsies!* Also removed the back of his overalls to make room for the battle shell. The front flap clips onto his soft shell underneath. Finally... POCKETS AND SEAMS.
Also, did I mention I am VERY excited for this comic? Everyone be sure to thank Andy Suriano for being such a cool guy and giving us what we've wanted ever since the movie.
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
hey, a Kendratello Au question:
if Donnie DOES manage to somehow recover from Kendra and realize that he was being manipulated and used by her, will he develop some kind of trauma or PTSD? Or something probably worse than that?
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Draxum works in tandem with Leo to watch over Donnie’s health. But Leo let’s Draxum take the lead. They’re more worried about the immediate concerns, like Donnie’s fever, and mental health. His ninpo will grown stronger once those things are addressed. Splinter is pulled in five different directions. Donnie is his main focus, but Raph, April, and Mikey are ignoring their own health and need to be watched closely as well. He’s trusting Draxum in the first few days, and provided support where he’s better suited. They will all be needed at some point. Splinter knows this will be a looooong recovery, and keeps trying to remind the others that they need to rest too.
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They weren’t that bothered by the idea, when Kendra pitched it. But seeing how wrecked Donnie became, they started to feel bad. Which is why, when the family saves Donnie, Jeremy and Jason grab all of Donnie’s tech and find Raph to return it. Jeremy even grabbed S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s AI chip and removed all of Kendra mods. Donnie will still have to rebuild him, but he will be just like before.
When Raph brings Donnie his shell, Donnie’s thoughts are “at least I’ll have some protection when I irritate them too much.”
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Summary: Donnie gets sleepy, and when Donnie gets sleepy, he gets sweetly soft.
Warnings: Just really fluffy- tooth-rotting if you will.
Requested: Nah
GN Reader!
You hummed quietly as Donnie layed across your chest. Today had been particularly draining for your purple clad lover, and you were doing your best to help him relax.
You twirled his mask tails between your fingers as Donnie snuggled into your neck. The vibrations from your humming easing the tension that had built in his shoulders, and his eyelids began to grow heavy.
He sighed, looking up at you with a dopey smile and half lidded eyes, "You're so pretty." he muttered.
You chuckled, "You're prettier, Don."
He shook his head, moving a hand up to cup your cheek, "Nuh-uh." his tone was matter-of-fact, and he began to run his thumb over your cheek, "I love you."
You smiled, kissing the top of his head, "I love you too."
Donnie's sleepy smile widened, and he began to run a trail of soft kisses up your neck. The feather light contact tickled, and you couldn't help but giggle until his lips met yours.
Donnie pulled away, and you looked at him with a lovesick grin. Donnie returned it, then began to pepper your face with a series of kisses, muttering sweet nothings inbetween each one.
"I love you." smooch. "You're my darling." mwah. "You make me so happy." smooch.
When he deemed he had given you enough kisses, he rested his chin back on your chest, his sleepy smile still present.
You grinned, cupping his face in one hand, while your other worked to remove his mask. You set his mask off to the side, then began to scratch just under his chin in the way you knew he liked.
Donnie leaned into the contact churring softly. You giggled, trying your best to immitate the noise, and he looked up at you in delighted surprise. Donnie started chirping, and, once again, you did your best to copy his chirping.
At this point, the soft shell looked absolutely amazed, and you couldn't help but smile. He snuggled into your neck, still chirping softly.
"I love you, Dee." you whispered softly, kissing him soflty atop his head.
"I love you too, Dearest." he replied, kissing you just behind your ear.
And just like that, snuggled together is how you fell asleep. It's also how Raph found the two of you the next morning when he went to wake you for breakfast. He decided to let the two of you be for a little while longer.
Writing this one made me smile and kick my feet lol-
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raindropsyndrome · 1 year
Long caption warning 💀
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PLEASE. Ignore my spelling errors I’m so tired.
*cracks knuckles* Alright, some people on Instagram asked for this and so now I will share. (Angst warning pssshhh)
My timeline for my F!Donnie (starting just before CJ was introduced):
- Over the years, Donnie would join in battles, mostly providing long range defense, all the while blasting his tunes on full blast
- But that changed when he got Krang’d right to his head, Mikey was able to remove the infection, but this caused Don’s eyesight to become quite poor (and for him to not trust himself in combat afterwards.)
- After that incident, Donnie became absolutely fascinated with Krang tech and biology, subconsciously wondering if he could replicate that raw “power” he’d felt when the Krang was infecting him, and if he could control it, understand it.
- He didn’t like that, but over time he felt it was necessary to beating the Krang. “Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer” type deal
- So Donnie becomes “the guy in the chair” (oh yeah he also rebuilt Shelldon. Finally. </3)
- Cj was born, Cassandra had fallen in battle only a few months later, leaving the turtles and April to fully take care of CJ
- While Leo, being the leader, took on most of the responsibility, Donnie got to spend more time with CJ as a result of staying at their base more
- Donnie LOVED being around CJ, he would teach CJ everything he knew, even if CJ didn’t quite understand him yet. He even let CJ hang around in his lab, (as long as he touched NOTHING.) Donnie even upgraded Cassandra’s hockey stick and mask then gave them to CJ
- only a few years later had Raph fallen as well
- Donnie felt as if it was partially his fault Raph couldn’t get out alive, and so he begrudgingly quit his role as “the guy in the chair,” dedicating all of his time to his inventions
- He became MUCH more reclusive, leaving everyone in the dark about what (and how) he was doing. To CJ, he was more of a “presence” rather than an uncle now
- He then revealed his new invention, the Raph mech (Don has the shittiest coping skills known to man)
- Another couple years pass, Don still using all of his time to conduct his “experiments”
- Around this time, Leo had lost his arm. Donnie reconfigured one of his Raph mech’s arms to fit Leo to use as a prosthetic, the Raph mech was later decommissioned
- One day, Donnie oddly insisted on tagging along on a mission with Leo and Mikey
- HOLY MOLY LONG STORY SHORT, they get caught by a Krang soldier on their mission. But instead of taking cover, Donnie charges straight for the Krang mech
- Mikey and Leo watch in astonishment as Donnie manages to swiftly climb up onto the Krang mech and mount himself on its back, using his battle shell’s limbs for support
- To their horror, Donnie rips off his gloves and reveals his robotic arms, and starts tearing into the back of the mech, digging into the inside of it
- He deploys the wires and his own Krang biomass from his robotic arms, and shoves it all into the back of the Krang mech
- For a few moments, he struggles. Then, with purple glowing markings, his expression suddenly changes and the opening where the Krang soldier was mounted closed up, crushing the Krang inside
-ok so longer story shorter- through all of the struggle, the Krang he’d trapped in his prosthetic arms had been creeping onto him and was soon to make contact with his skin. And the building they were all in starts to collapse, (and when I say “building” I mean a giant NY style skyscraper,) and in an effort to save Mikey and Leo from being crushed, Donnie holds up what rubble he can with the now possessed mech, getting himself crushed, unable to hold up all the weight forever.
(But not before an epic and heartfelt monologue and musical number.)
Good god I’m so EMBARRASSING
I wish. I could wright fanfiction.
Goodbye now 🏃💨
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goodlucktai · 20 days
29 with Mikey and Leo please!
29. “Tell me where it hurts, and be specific.”
It really was his own fault. If Mikey didn’t want to be babied, he shouldn’t have broken his wrist. 
He was mostly just annoyed it happened in such a boring way, catching himself wrong falling off his skateboard.
Yes he’d decided to sneak off and find a sewer tunnel to attempt the full pipe loop a full two weeks before Draxum said the gross mystic mandrake tea would finish running its course, but he felt fine! His hands barely shook anymore, only when he overworked himself or let himself get too tired or too excited.
But from the look on everyone’s faces when he slunk home ungraciously dragging his board behind him, you’d think he was at death’s door. 
What was worse, Donnie wheeled him by the shoulders into the infirmary and deposited him right in front of Leonardo, the only person Mikey couldn’t out-stubborn, whose affable smile faded at once into that serious look that made all of his siblings straighten their spines and pay attention.  
If the skateboarding accident had happened pre-almost-apocalypse, Dr. Leo would have probably led with a joke instead of, “Tell me where it hurts, and be specific.”
Mikey resigned himself to a ridiculous amount of mother-henning for the duration his arm was stuck in its short cast. His brothers took his newly fragile hands so personally, like they were the ones who couldn’t hold an inking pen or color inside the lines or even cook a meal more complicated than lasagna without having to give up in the middle and have someone else take over. Like they were the ones who woke up shaking in the middle of the night from some distant, half-forgotten dream of disappearing into fragments of light, arms radiating pain like it was their job, a confused jumble of grief and fear and farewell on his tongue until he went and climbed into bed with papa or Raphie and let them hug it all away. 
Leo said Mikey’s wrist wouldn’t need the full six-to-twelve weeks that a baseline human’s would due to their genetic modifications—“Thank you, Barry,” they had chorused in varying degrees of sincerity (Mikey, Raph and Casey) and sarcasm (Leo, Donnie and Splinter)—but that he still needed to give it time to heal.
“You’re the toughest guy I know,” Leo had said, poking Mikey on the beak to stall the inevitable whine, “but you gotta give yourself a break, Miguelito.” 
He said it like his skin wasn’t still bruised like a peach and his shell all wired together from going one-on-one with an actual living nightmare even as he found the energy to take care of someone else. 
He sat there in the doctor’s seat, pressing carefully around the wet fiberglass to mold it to Mikey’s wrist, all his attention bent to the task. He always tended to his brothers’ hurts the same way, as if it was the most important and remarkable thing he’d ever do. 
Leo’s own casts had only been removed last month, and he was usually very good about following his own medical advice, if only because he knew his siblings would cite his behavior in a heartbeat if it meant they could loophole around doctor’s orders. So Mikey really had no choice but to sulk and accept the distant cousin of scolding he received. 
“It’s not a race,” Leo said, smiling at him. “No one’s gonna run off without you. Where would we go that’s half as good as where you’re at?” 
It was his knee-jerk reaction to smile at Mikey, like his day got better automatically when Mikey was in it, and it soothed that jangling, frustrated thing inside of Mikey’s chest that only got loud when no one took him seriously. Leo always took him seriously, was always the first of their siblings to believe he could do anything he said he could do, and that meant taking Mikey’s injuries seriously, too. 
He’d seen the way Leo had to run himself ragged making sure Donnie kept up with the treatments to his shell and Raph followed instructions on taking care of his eye to the letter. They were trying to spare Leo additional stress, but if they knew they were only compounding the stress he was already in and making it ten times worse, Mikey was pretty sure they’d shut up and take their medicine. 
Mikey wanted to be on Leo’s team, not playing against him. So he put his sulk away and put on his best listening face instead, rewarded when some nearly-invisible line of tension in Leo’s shoulders relaxed until it was gone.
Besides, it wasn’t all bad. He got to pick what color cast he wanted, and got everyone to sign it. And it wasn’t the most horrible thing in the world not to have to do any chores. 
And when Leo announced to the lair as a whole that he was going to visit his tío Hueso and bring back pizzas for dinner—in a tone that made it very clear he was not asking for permission or inviting any worrywart older siblings along—he followed it up with, “You coming, Angie?” 
Maybe because he had been under the scrutiny of worrywart older siblings, too, and understood better than anybody how close Mikey was to biting the next person who tried to baby him. Or maybe because Mikey was the exception to Leo’s rules and he always had been—always invited and always welcome and always wanted. 
In another place, in another time, Leo asked Mikey to die for him, and Mikey died for him. 
In this kinder one, Mikey jumped to his feet with a grin and said, “I’m with you!” and it didn’t cost him anything.
It should have been silly to say something out loud that they both knew was true, but sometimes it was nice to hear it.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
I hope this kills you and makes your day at the exact same time. I'm winging this btw and it's all improv in mah brain so it might be longer than expected, idfk, we'll see.
Thanks so much for existing and giving us this comic in the first place now suffer-
Leo watched as Donnie continued talking, his movements exaggerated and his words ecstatic. The holograhic screen lit up every surface within a 2-foot radius, the words big and bright against the darkened atmosphere. Beside himself, Mikey and Raph shivered on each side, looking anywhere but at Donnie's face. And even though Leo understood why they couldn't bare to look their brother in the eye right now, something deep inside of him still burned with annoyance. Because despite everything, it was still Donnie! They just couldn't see it yet!
Not like Leo could see very well past the hard, stable shell that his twin had built around himself. Not like he could tell how Donnie was really feeling. Not like his tireless efforts to reach out and help did anything noteworthy.
All it got him was...
"...Oh! And how could I forget the infirmary machinery as well!" Donnie continued, his voice raised in a professional manner that would make anyone else think he was just giving a regular presentation. "The infirmary duties will obviously be passed onto you, Leo, since aside from Casey, you're the most medically knowledgeable. Plus, I know you won't disappoint."
Of course, Leo wasn't anyone else. He could hear the manic cry for life and freedom and pain in his twin's voice, no matter how quiet. It was there, faint and far away, somewhere that not even Donnie could find it, but it was still there and it needed answering.
Donnie just kept refusing to look in the right direction.
It was well after midnight when Donnie pulled Leo aside for a chat about the affairs of taking on three positions at once. The leader of the resistance could barely piece together what Donnie was saying though, his words muffled by the bigger picture.
In the dead of night, as expected, Donnie's demeanor took a complete 180 shift, his expression barely masking the exhaustion and weakness he undoubtedly felt. His eyes were half-lidded and cloudy, a look that Leo's only ever seen thrice in those yellow and red irises. His shoulders, despite getting bonier and bonier by the day, were slouched in a lazy way that made the soft-shell look like a corpse. The purple hoodie he so much adored nearly reached his knees, the lost fat and muscle making the article of clothing seem bigger than it actually was.
But one of the worst aspects about Donnie's appearance didn't have anything to do with any signs of death or sickness. No... The thing that made Leo really want to throw up...?
Donatello was now shorter than Leonardo.
"C-come on, Donnie... Why would I need to learn any of this... Nerd... Stuff, if I already have you?"
A stupid question. Idiotic, dumb, foolish, stupid, demeaning, disgusting, stupid, gross, stupid stupid stupidstupidstupidstupid-
"Riiiiiight... Anyway, you'll need to remove that panel right there to get to the inner-workings of..."
But even though it was a stupid question, Donnie would've usually gone out of his way to answer it.
Why wouldn't he answer?
Two weeks.
It had only been two weeks.
But it felt like a lifetime.
Donnie wasn't dead yet, thank whatever god that's still out there that he wasn't, but Leo still felt like he was. Donnie was literally just there, he was just right in front of him, talking about the schematics of something or other, running his mouth like he's been doing for the past few days. Nothing truly notable about Donnie's health had really changed, no weakening brain cells or crippling disabilities. The only things that had changed were Donnie's height again and his now inability to walk.
His inability to walk. Just two weeks ago he was bouncing off the walls and biting people's noses off.
However, despite all of the physical evidence that Donnie was very clearly still here and alive, Leo couldn't help but feel like a part of him was gone. Dead, deceased, whisked away by the winds of time... It was hard to explain, even for him, how something inside of him just kind of... Faded away.
The Death, as Leo pessimistically liked to call it, was a slow and agonizing process, beginning all the way back when Donnie first revealed his worsening condition and then continuing on until now. It began with just a little click, a little pinprick of emptiness and loss and HURT that Leo didn't know how to fix. Then that pinprick slowly grew into a scab, then a paper cut, then a scratch, then a hole, and then finally evolved to a gaping wound that would take years to fix. It was just this... This agonizing feeling of emptiness and loneliness that Leo hadn't even felt when Raph first died. (Haha, funny. He's already died twice by now. Hilarious.) And no matter how hard Leo tried to heal it with potions and bandages and medicine and melatonin, it never went away.
Not even when Donnie stood directly in front of him.
And isn't that just hilarious? Isn't that great? Isn't that just Splendid? Isn't that just the coolest Revelation That LEO'S EVER FELT?? ISN'T THAT SO INTERESTING????
Isn't it funny?
Leo watched as Donnie continued talking, his movements exaggerated and his words ecstatic.
He watched the ghost wave goodbye with a dramatic flair and a little giddiness in his step, the small soft-shell turtle barely able to show his hand from inside the giant sleeve of his favorite hoodie.
Leonardo waved back, a sad, forced smile and a train track of dried tears gracing his face.
Red enveloped Leo's vision one final time, and soon enough...
The half of himself that somehow still remained...
Faded away.
Haha get Disaster Twin'd idiot-
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I mean. Thank you. This is amazing and I love it with all my heart💜💙
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aealzx · 8 months
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“You know, I think if we had a competition for the most gnarly injury you’d win it every time,” Leo commented while he focused on properly cleaning the four definitely infected slashes across Donnie’s back. It had been tense at first, considering it had been way longer than Leo would have liked before the wounds were properly addressed. The others had tried to take care of them without him since he'd been with Splinter at Big Mama's place, but they just didn’t have his eye for the important things. And Shredder really did some damage this time. At least Donnie's battle shell had managed to take the brunt of the blow. “Raph would win on the sheer number of injuries, of course. He goes through band aids like personal sized pizza. But you definitely, somehow, always end up with the most complicated ones.”
Leo was making jokes. And while it was exasperating to listen to, it was also reassuring for Donnie to hear. It meant that while he still felt awful and kept a fistful of Splinter’s robe, Leo was confident he would be just fine. “...I think this is a competition I’d rather lose,” Donnie responded, voice muffled by the pillow his face was mostly smothered in. Leo was being as gentle as possible, but the sterile saline still caused his tissue to sting, earning hisses and flinches from him.
Leo could only chuckle in response, tenderly pressing Donnie’s shell so he could see inside the gash better. “Don’t worry pops. He’ll be just fine. I can already see improvement because of the antibiotics,” he assured when he noticed Splinter giving him a mildly frustrated look. “This isn’t even as bad as the one he got when he was a tot - oh, another piece of metal. Hang on.” His assurance broke off as he was able to confirm that there was a foreign material that needed to be removed from the wound, setting one of the many bottles of saline down in exchange for needle pointed tweezers. Donnie already knew the drill by now, and responded by sucking in a stiff breath and tightening his grip on his dad, Splinter returning the motion by holding him a little more firmly. He wasn’t looking forward to the stitches, but he was looking for the long nap he was going to take once Leo was finally done.
And at least Leo’s hands had gotten a lot more steady over the years.
Here, have a little side turtle thing unrelated to any of my existing projects |D Or well, mostly unrelated. I started drawing this like 2 weeks ago and then forgot why I wanted to draw it other than Mikey mentioning it in CDK. And sometimes I like to draw angst, but then I ran out of the super angst desire for this one and ended up making it a little lighter in the text?
I just really wanted to get something up after this long |D Even if I am more in a state of "why did I draw this again? e,e" atm X'D
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adampalharine-art · 11 months
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Day 022
He was in the middle of feverish dreams with his brothers, finally waking up, opening his eyes but seeing nothing. That scares him, he puts his hand to his face, feeling the bandages on his face, that explains the blindness... He hoped.
Lou Jitsu: – Calm down... It's okay, boy. Are you okay...
He recognizes Lou Jitsu's voice, becoming calmer, but he feels claws on his hands, making them strange.
Mikey: – Where... Where am I?
Lou Jitsu: – You're safe, we're in the sewers, in an abandoned wing.
Mikey: – Sewers? – feel your body relaxing, but for a short time. – The... The little turtles! Where they are? They...
Lou Jitsu: – They are all here. – He picks up the four babies, placing them on Mikey's lap. – They started crying whenever I took them away from you. So I had to improvise a bed here.
Mikey: – They are... They are all here... – he tries to feel them with his hands. Rapha's thorns. Donnie's soft shell. Leo... or was it him? It didn't matter, they were all there, they were all safe and that was what really mattered. - Everybody is here. – he repeats, with the lump in his throat tighter than ever. – They are safe.
Lou Jitsu: – Are you... their father?
Mikey: – What? No! No... – he swallows, pursing his lips. – I... I'm nobody... I'm just another one of Draxun's experiments... One of his failures...
Lou Jitsu looks at the boy, looks at the drawings on his back, they look similar to one of the little ones. He thought there was something more.
Mikey: – I... I need to know... My eyes they...
Lou Jitsu: – What do you remember?
Mikey: – That everything was exploding and when I turned around... Flames...
Lou Jitsu: – I see… – he sighs. – A secondary explosion took you by surprise. It hit your face and then you felt a little... Weird...
Mikey: – Strange? Strange how?
Lou Jitsu: – You... You passed out for a few moments, but then you stood up, you were awake, but not conscious. He helped me get the kids here, and when we were safe, he just... collapsed. He was unconscious for two weeks.
Mikey: – And my injuries?
Lou Jitsu: – Third-degree burns on arms, legs and face. They're healing well, with no apparent infection, which was very lucky since we're... right in the sewer. You've been through the worst.
Mikey: – And... My eyes?
Lou Jitsu: – They… – swallows. – The fire hit them, I... I don't know if... They're fine, I'm not a doctor and I couldn't take you to one, so... - I had stolen medicines, bandages and whatever I could to take care of the boy.
Mikey – Can you take off the blindfold?
Lou Jitsu swallows hard, doing as the boy asks, removing the blindfold from his eyes. He keeps them closed for a while and when you open them he still sees only darkness.
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Could you write a Donnie 2012 with a fem reader who loves listening to him talk about whatever he's interested in, to the point that she'll shush the other turtles if they try to interrupt or shut him down? And like if they don't stop shutting him up she'll just yell at them lmao
if not that fine please ignore
ABSO-FUCKING-LUTLEY! Sorry for the delay! I momentarily died, can I promise it won't happen again? NO! But can I promise I will get to each ask? A HARD MAYBE! But I absolutely loved this idea.
Basically: Female reader who loves to listen to Donnie
To say you were smitten with this nerdy turtle was an understatement
God you loved his voice
The way his eyes would light up when he came up with a new invention
The way his fists would ball up and shake in excitement when a plan/blueprint was coming together
He would constantly sit in his lab, telling you ALLLLLLL about the new inventions he made as you laid your head on the table and listened to him, a smile on your face every time.
One time Leo walked into the lab as Donnie did one of his rants with you, his back turned away as he illustrated something on a nearby white board
Before Leo even took a breath to speak to you, you have immediately put a hand on his mouth to keep him from talking, not tearing your eyes away from Donnie as he ranting, not noticing Leo in the room
As you removed your hand, you made a shooing motion with his hand to get Leo out. Leo was confused but obliged, turning around and shutting the lab door
Donnie of course heard the door and stopped ranting to turn towards the door
"Did someone walk in here?-"
"Nope! Nobody at all, now, what was it you were saying about the new additions to the Shell-Raiser?"
"Oh! Right! Anyway-"
God you loved him
One time though, he sat with you on the couch, leaning against your shoulder as he scribbled out designs for a new inventions for his brothers to try out on their next mission
Of course, in the middle of it, the three other brothers decided now was the perfect time to argue about who got to watch their show next
With their bickering, Donnie sighed, he could never get a moment of peace, could he?
Clears throat, "Anyway, what were you saying Donnie?"
Sorry if this was so short! Requests are still open!
(I'm running out of Donnie Gifs to use y'all, this'll have to do ;-;)
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afreakingdork · 6 months
Weak Spot - Chapter 62
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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The previous chapter art was removed 4/30/2024, but as of 9/2/2024, Mikey thinks it's pretty cool that we got a new one by @unknownfanartist
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Fem!Reader References/Warnings: cast removal, crutches, muscle weakness, general injury recovery
Getting your cast off should have made you happy.
It should have come with a sense of relief. The thing had yellowed with age and stunk to high heaven, but you were numb as the many little saws buzzed around you. You only watched listlessly as bits of fiberglass shattered and nicked the doctor’s mask. You should have some anxiety, you thought. You should be worried that their hand might not be as steady as you’d hoped and they might dip and slice your skin.
You felt nothing.
You only stared on as you were helped out and you saw your legs for the first time.
Pruned from trapped moisture, somehow flaking, and a sickly color, they did not look like your own.
Words pelted you next and you heard them vaguely.
There was a new schedule.
New aftercare.
More healing.
You would never be done healing.
Your body would always be different.
These legs were not your own.
You couldn’t stand without an aid.
Donnie was everything.
After the incident with Leo, he went above and beyond where he’d already stepped up. He cut the others out of the support system. They were still there, the backup they needed to be for him, but Donnie decided in seeing your tears that he was the only one made to aid you. He moved around attentively, pampering you and getting everything you needed. He shifted his focus away from himself and helped however he could with your physical therapy.
You hadn’t told him what happened to Leo.
A piece of you had been extinguished in the exchange, not that you completely understood why.
Something was fundamentally wrong with the picture and the only element out of place was you.
Leo was right, you’d come in and changed something about their dynamic. You had tentatively seen it as good, but in practice you weren’t as sure anymore. You’d been reassured from countless sources, but it all seemed for not after being told point blank that you had upset the status quo and nothing could be put back. You had two happy years with the man you loved, but there was irreparable damage. 
It manifested in your mate in a very real way.
He could no longer act.
The feelings he once pushed away as unnecessary were now a threat to him and everyone around.
You’d robbed him of his joy.
The one he’d found after such an agonizing journey.
You hated it.
You hated every moment he came near.
You hated every little look he gave you, checking in to see if it had been the right one.
You hated how every time, he’d smother even that reaction.
He was a shell. 
He was unsure. 
You were the same.
Then, there was Leo.
After the incident, he had taken a five day sabbatical where on rotation you learned from both Raph and Mikey that he only left the gym when it wasn’t open. He worked himself out until his body gave out and the tiny owner had called Raph away on day three to pick up the passed out husk of his brother. They had their own med bay you learned. Leo slept the last two days and drained multiple IV bags.
When he returned, he was a shadow of his former self.
There were no words left to barb and he parted no attention. Lucinda even greeted him and he only looked away. She’d wanted to ask, you saw it in her eyes, but you held the same empty look.
She’d said nothing and for the last week and a half in your cast, the apartment was trapped in haunting silence.
“It’ll be a wheelchair ride to the car.” A nurse told you.
You only nodded.
Donnie was beside you and you leaned against him.
Despite everything, he was still a comfort.
His hand settled on your shoulder and eventually your chariot approached.
Both in the form of Donnie’s car and a mobilized chair, you stared at your legs all the way.
They moved around you as you were helped into the car.
They sat uselessly in front of you.
You didn’t dare touch them in the ride over.
Crutches took your attention and you headed for the elevator.
You could hear Donnie thinking about getting another apartment.
Stairs got in the way. 
Raph was somewhere.
You vaguely saw him already on your floor when you exited the metal box.
A coordinated clinking took you to your door.
You entered and made it far enough to the partition between the living and bedroom before you stopped.
Donnie and Raph spoke something paltry to each other.
You needed to wash up.
You still stank.
You assumed that’s why the other two had kept their distance.
Raph exceeded the elevator weight limit.
You knew that.
You didn’t care about facts.
Donnie appeared in what you figured was a creep.
You only passed him a glance before finally heading towards the bathroom.
He wandered after.
Had you snapped at him?
You could barely recall.
You thought you should have.
He was around too much, wasn’t he?
He was always there.
He was your blight like the other turtles were to him.
A hovering avatar of your failings.
You felt a few tears loose down your cheeks.
You didn’t think that.
You were free of your cast.
You should have been happy.
Not bitter.
You quaked to a halt just in the bathroom’s entrance.
Donnie was behind you.
“Stay with me…?” You begged him through a sob.
He said nothing and only appeared nodding in your vision.
A bath.
You were supposed to take a bath.
You needed to ease into these legs.
Muscle loss.
Physical therapy.
A spray turned on and you collapsed onto the seat of the toilet, letting your crutches go. Donnie caught them and shut the door properly before kneeling down in front of you. Words would need to be spared now, you thought, but you could only stare at him with what you could feel were soulless eyes.
He took them in with a glance that might have broken into sadness if this were any other world. In your current reality, his own shifted to a similar empty state as that was what was required. As the water warmed up, you were stripped. Not speaking made it more difficult, but you relied on your memory of how to move together.
The movement of Donnie’s beak said a lot.
Now in an especially enclosed space he was trapped with your wretched scent. You smelled it too, but you’d been locked into it for so long it lingered like the rot of your soul. The sink and wash cloths had only ever done so much.
You wanted to be boiled.
You wanted to scrub until there was nothing left.
You’d swirl and go straight down the drain and out of sight.
Your ass hit the cold porcelain and for the first time in over two months you felt something other than musty gauze there. It knocked you out of your stupor where Donnie was stripping without pretense. You didn’t watch him and instead reached through the curtain to touch the stream. It was sufficiently hot and you made a grab for the sink to pull yourself up. Donnie caught your wrist before you could and you sent the barest form of ire up at him.
He took it with the faintest crack of affection in his gaze.
It was something and your heart clenched.
How long had it been since he let something leak?
Not long, you knew.
A week or so at most.
You’d been downplaying them.
Each time he tried a little harder you’d lumped it into an anomaly pile.
You were in a constant state of twisting what you saw to your own view.
You were the numb one and Donnie was curtailing himself to you. 
There was more there, in the way Donnie led you to the curtain. He had your weight, but at the same time you had full control. He was there if you fell, but otherwise you were the dancer that instructed. He, your studious partner, waited as you pulled back the shower curtain and he hopped you up the little step. The warm water splashed your toes and you yearned to bury into the spray. A stepwise process still necessary, you waited for Donnie to follow behind and close the curtain before you moved.
Showers washed away so much. 
You felt not just the grime slipping away, but the sludge attached to your soul. It schlepped off in layers and you watched it metaphorically spin out and disappear down the hole that you thought you might too. Looking now, it was too small and nowhere near enough to encapsulate you. You felt your partner’s grip switch. 
With one hand firm on your waist, the other ghosted over your arm. A move he’d done dozens of times, it was both your ways of recuperating with your partner. He drew strength from you in swipes and soon the lopsided display rotated you like a boat with one oar. Turned to face him with the spray at your back, you thought this was a sign. You started with flat hands over his wet plastron. A smooth glide, you withheld your features as you drifted up to his shoulders. You found him there, watching you with metered affection that you spied as more cracks. Wary of them, you had enough wherewithal to send him a worried look which he took in kind as a palm cascaded down to your hip.
His veneer split. Stroking along his shoulder blades, you grabbed the bulb of his shoulder just in time for a gooey expression to form on his face. Tinged with longing, it swirled as he opened up and you saw a gleam in his pupil. All looks reserved for his precious mate, you leaned into him though you couldn’t safely arch your back. It meant mostly a tip of your body without joints, but it still drew you closer to him.
“I love you.” He spoke without holding back.
Your entire being squeezed.
“I love you so much.” He cast the spell anew and brushed dripping water from your chin.
“Donnie…” You murmured and wanted to wrap him up.
You had the leverage, but there were so many threats. One slip would spell more injuries, but you wanted to launch yourself at him. You wanted to drape around him and tell him you alone could keep his ninpo from spawning. A theory already proven to be ineffective, you didn’t care. You would try harder. You had further mobility now and your mate needed you. You decided you could find a way; you could always find a way.
“Y/N.” He nosed over your shoulder as he reached behind you.
Washing, you were supposed to be washing up, but you could only choke on a sob. “I missed you so much.”
When he reappeared as a gelatinized version of himself, you could still see the upturned corners of his lips. “Tell me?”
You heard a cap pop and could mentally see him applying soap to a loofa in a silky drove. “Tell you what?”
“How much…?” He stalled with a press of suds to your shoulder and a wet look.
You knew his suffering was equal to yours, only different.
In that moment, in its current presentation, it seemed new.
He looked youthful and lonely.
He looked as though he’d been punished unjustly.
He was sat in a corner for a crime he didn’t commit. 
He needed care.
He needed reassurance.
You drifted up his neck and to his jaw. “I miss you constantly. I’ve been miserable. You’re right there, but you’re not. I get pieces of you and that’s never going to be enough. Not when I’ve had the whole thing…”
“Whole thing…” He scolded and his lips warbled as he tried to divert attention into scrubbing your back. “Watching you deepen into your withdrawal has been…”
You shuffled a little closer to him and he slid his steadying hand more securely around you.
“It’s torture.” He rotated you out of the spray so he could reach more of you. “You need so much more of me than I can offer. I attend to all your physicalities, but the emotional aspect…!” He choked and shifted away to wash your arms. “To know that I no longer have the facilities to be a proper partner…”
“You’re wrong.” You pulled his chin so he was forced to look at you. “You’ve done so much. Do you know how many people can’t step up when their significant other gets sick? Truly sick, truly injured!”
He scoffed. “I would attend to you for multiple lifetimes.”
You helped move his hand so he could wash your chest. “Not even want, I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”
Donnie slowed as if that was a revelation and looked at you with tempered hope.
“Silly.” You moved to wipe his eyes and he delicately closed his lids so you could brush over them. “You know that.”
“Time and time again my warning that grievous harm will come to you as long as you stay by my side comes to fruition, you should not-”
You pressed a finger to his lips to quiet him.
He searched you in an attempt to break your resolve.
You brushed your digit side by side until he pressed a slight kiss into it. “Do you think what happened is actually your fault?”
You moved your finger away and he spoke immediately. “No.”
“Not that you allowed us to get drugged and taken?” You squeezed the words for what they were worth to translate your own feelings on the matter.
“I had every precaution in place, but there are gaps that cannot be accounted for-”
“Do you blame yourself for that?”
His pupils slowed and he dove into yours to scrounge up every bit of your meaning. “No…”
“Do you know how much growth that is?” You couldn’t help but smile.
He sneered lightly, but there was an obvious raise to his spirits.
You hugged into him and felt the little bubbles of soap pop between you.
He stood still as if to immortalize your affection before he moved to return it. “Do you hear yourself? You are celebrating that I am not performing self-flagellation over nearly losing you.”
“You see it too though, don’t you?” You turned your head and rested it against his plastron.
He squeezed you tighter instead of responding.
“I’m still here.”
“Don’t go.” He forced out.
“I’m right here.” You pulled away to look at him.
He came right down and his arm dipped, holding you upright around your thighs. “Y/N, please, there cannot be a repeat of this.”
“There won’t.”
“We’ll never go to the Hidden City again.”
“We won’t.”
“You’ll stay.”
“Stay with me.” You saw obvious tears prick the corner of his eyes. “Please, please, please… Don’t… Don’t ever…!”
“I won’t go.” It took a little too much movement, but you finally slotted your arms around his head. “You’re stuck with me.”
He tried to squeeze in another ‘please,’ but he interrupted himself as he kissed you.
You returned it, but felt the distinct lack of heat.
It was a reassurance and you poured all of yourself into it.
He broke it out of a smile that burst forth between you.
You pecked across him as an encouragement.
“Get you cleaned up.” He decided and swallowed thickly.
You moved away as much as his hold allowed and he was methodically washing you. Running between foam and rinses, you had enough strength to scrub his plastron, but anything further that required a bend proved to be too difficult. He cared little and openly ate up the attention. You leaned into it, feeling slight guilt over denying him more, but you reminded yourself that this was unavoidable on both your parts. Donnie had to keep his emotions in check and you had to recover which was annoyingly no alive person’s fault.
Finishing your proper shower under Donnie’s steady grip, you then languished in letting the spray run directly over your face when you felt your boyfriend nose your mating mark playfully. You turned slightly, moving out of the shower’s line and he followed with pressed kisses there.
 “Donnie…?” As far as you knew, this was part of the unspoken territory that couldn’t be crossed.
“Won’t break skin. No more injuries of any kind.” He let the water rinse the spot before mouthing over. “Still… Want to renew so badly.”
“Please…” You folded an arm around you to reach him.
He slid his fingers into yours with his free hand and the other supporting you shifted so he could give one of your butt cheeks a quick squeeze.
“Part of you kept from me.” He gave a testy little growl.
You leaned away in a turn to kiss him.
He ignored you and instead put on a show of opening up his mouth. His teeth gleamed a ferocious row and he angled them with a panting desire to sink them into your shoulder.
“Please…” You repeated much quieter.
“You’re mine.” A heat lingered against him and he lost sharp will as his maw came down.
His sharpened canines pricked the most, but he bit without breaking skin. “All yours.”
His hold shifted to wrap around your belly and he metered different pressures.
While there was a certain sexual edge to the move, it spoke more of a hunger.
Of things he’d been denied.
Things he couldn’t have.
All that he wanted.
He wrapped it in a nibble as his starvation would go on.
He could only have a taste and he released with a few little licks over the reddened skin.
“I love you.” You told him.
“I love you.” He nuzzled into the side of your head and reached past you to shut the water off.
Before the cold could set in, you were hoisted up just like you were and protested with little bubbles of laughter as he swung you up and out of the tub. Landing on a soft mat, he pulled down a towel to wrap you up in and you were soon sat on the toilet again. Both to be dried and while he toweled himself off, he eventually came around with several bottles.
From getting your cast off you were told to moisturize heavily and Donnie started with a cream for that. Knelt in front of your legs like your knight, you saw he took pleasure in rubbing the lotion into your skin. Taking particular care both for its purpose and because your legs had been locked away for so long, your stems soon took on a shine both from the cream and from the worked up blood flow.
You twisted your toes through the shaking weakness from having been upright for so long, but for the first time since the cast removal, your lower body felt like your own.
Donnie procured another bottle, a new formulation of his muscle cream and added that on next. He’d concocted a slew of new products with computer screens alone and sent them off to be formulated and tested. All done with rush orders, you were soon inundated with all sorts of medicinal ointments. From salves to heal scars to potent oils that stimulated cell regeneration, you noticed there was some labeling that had Old Lady Nagami’s flare, but you didn’t bring attention to it.
You had mostly applied them yourself, but now you wished you’d deferred to Donnie. This could have been stolen moments of intimacy you both craved all along and you berated yourself for not allowing him that much. You only felt you’d taken enough so any little thing you could do yourself felt like a load off of him. He’d also stepped aside whenever possible to not subvert your independence. You adored him and as he finished up with a smile saying he had a job well done, he turned that up to you and all of that must have been plastered on your face.
From his knees he rose up to kiss you reassurances.
You lingered in them before mumbling against his lips. “Let me.”
“What? Anything.” He nosed you slightly.
You giggled at how quickly he complied. “You must be sore too.”
He came away with a furrowed brow ridge.
“Switch with me in your lap.”
He gave the idea a once over before a quick nod and lifted you right up. He then dutifully switched, sitting on the toilet lid and dropping you onto his thighs where he then fetched his cream from a drawer. He passed it over and you scooped a good handful out before pulling one of his arms close to work it into his aged scars.
Within a few strokes he immediately wilted around you like a drapery. You staved off laughing by chewing your lip and the faintest little churr cropped up that startled both of you.
Having both shot away, you shared a surprise stare before you were both tentatively slow moving back into place for fear you wouldn’t be able to replicate it. Taking much longer than the first as awareness was difficult to offset, the tiny vibration eventually picked up as you trended down to his forearms. Music to your ears, you languished in it and rubbed his wrist even though the cream was soaked into his muscles.
He was the one who grew tired of the imbalance and eventually broke to turn you around to reach his other arm. You cuddled close to him, repeating the process and eventually the churr he met you with was one you considered his norm. Overjoyed with his comfort, you felt lulled and your rub lost cohesion as he slid down to his hands.
“Sleep…” He managed around the rumble.
“You too?” You teased lightly.
“Who’s on duty…?”
You had to think about it. “Raph.”
“Yes.” It almost sounded like a cheer and he nuzzled into your neck.
“Why’s it okay with him?” Though you knew Raph distanced himself as best he could, he and Donnie interacted so little that you weren’t sure what their dynamic was like, even with all the weeks of him being around.
“He hesitates.” Donnie reluctantly lifted his head. “Avoids. If I had to take my pick…”
You nodded, not wanting to push the subject when you were both so comfortable.
Lifted back on jittery legs, your towel was adjusted and the door opened with a shift in humidity. Chilled by it, Donnie quickly wiped your crutches down and passed them off before you thunked over to get some pajamas in a perilous game of not letting your covers fall in the process.
“Raphael.” Donnie peered around the partition.
“I didn’t hear nothing!” Raph called from somewhere distant.
Grabbing comfy clothes, you thought you could place him squished right by the door. Of the three, he was the one that seemed the most out of place in your apartment. He tried to minimize himself as best he could and you often had to tell him to sit on the couch even though he long should have known it was available to him.
“Guilt over nothing.” Donnie let a certain disdain fill his voice. “Y/N is going to nap.”
There was a beat of silence as Raph parsed the meaning there. “Understood.”
“And sit down.” Donnie gave an annoyed command and then followed after where you waved a pair of sweats for him.
He took them with a kiss to your cheek and you could tell he was just fatigued enough to not put on his emotional block.
You sat on the bed to get dressed and once you were clad you fell back into the covers letting the many balms on your body swallow you up until Donnie’s voice broke through. “Get under.”
“Throw a blanket on top of me.” You groaned, not wanting to move.
He clicked his tongue, scolding, at you before hoisting you up to pull you under the blankets with him.
You wiggled as much as you could on weary hips to get close.
He tucked you both in and you watched each other until lids grew heavy enough to fall.
You weren’t totally sure, but it seemed like Donnie was trying to meditate. It was never particularly obvious, but he would clearly drift when his attention wasn’t on you. Different from his usual trains of thought, it left his features empty in a way that you thought illustrated his thoughts. When he was on the path of mental conquest, that fortitude showed up with a furrowed brow and narrowed gaze. Now, however, you often found him with loose features and a slightly unfocused gaze.
You’d meant to ask, but the first time you roused him from the state, he’d surfaced with a knife-sharp gaze that said it was not to be discussed in company.
Such company was thankfully Mikey at the time who hadn’t even noticed anything was off.
You imagined that was probably why Donnie chanced it. You were left to mull things over which meant you ran various simulations the best you could. It helped you place a few things in perspective since it wasn’t something up for debate. The first of which regarded the level of vulnerability. Donnie never chanced the lowered guard that came with meditating around Leo. He also rarely breached his emotional moat which made you think this had to do with his ninpo. All of which made sense when you thought of Raph.
The eldest had told you point blank that he honed in on ninpo frequencies by meditating and you had filled Donnie in on everything that had happened on your last unwilling trip to the lair. You might have been surprised your genius hadn’t thought of it sooner, but you imagined it had a lot to do with you. Meditation took time, as far as you understood, and a certain level of calm that you bet Donnie wasn’t capable of considering the circumstances you were both currently stuck with.
From your healing to the brothers constant vigil, Donnie had to hold tight to his sanity by any means. Now that the entire set of turtles had settled into this new sort of treaty they were forced into and you were out of your cast and nearing the end of your obvious healing, that meant Donnie could practice more sensitive exercises to get his ninpo under control. He didn’t chance it often, but you had seen him trying to drift in every way except for folding his legs up and assuming a Siddhasana.
The logistics were something you were ruminating when Leo stood up from where he was pretending not to monitor your sitting leg exercises.
The tenuous relationship between the two of you had stretched on, but in the last few weeks you could at least manage being in the same room together.
Donnie hovered closer regardless and it pained you that you still hadn’t been able to tell your boyfriend what had transpired.
Glancing first at Leo and then at a clock, it was two minutes until the hour which meant it was time for a change over. Leo passed Donnie a single nod to translate this before stepping away to make space for a portal behind the couch. The schedule dictated Mikey was next, so Leo sliced through and you expected the orange brother to pop out with his usual buoyant energy.
Instead Leo walked out only for Mikey to emerge with an angry figure that stomped all the way around to you.
With his hands folded on his hips, he held a height over you and a face that begged you to ask.
“You… okay?” You set your weight down and tried not to laugh at how silly he was being.
“No!” Mikey took his opening and was only careful in dropping down into the couch beside you so as not to jostle you. “I’m mad!”
“I can see that.” Your smile was only dimmed by a minor wince as you pulled your legs up onto the couch so you could turn to him. “Want to rant?”
“Finally! Yes!” Mikey threw his limbs out before he turned toward you to tuck into the details. “So I’m trying to do my daily meditation, right?”
You blinked to attention.
That was almost too apropos.
It was clear it struck your partner similarly as Donnie was still nearby and had lifted his head where he was once casually looking through something on his phone.
“What?” Mikey noticed your distraction with a crouch of his brow ridge. “Don’t tell me I don’t look like I meditate because that stereotype’s been beaten to death!”
“No, no… I was…” You waffled and tried not to look around the room. “Meditation helps… healing. You caught me off guard because I was thinking about it, but wasn’t sure if that was real or not.”
All of Mikey’s suspicions evaporated. “Oh-me-gosh! Yes! I’m not going to lie to you, there’s a bunch of misconceptions and finding actual thought out studies is both impossible and annoying, but there is good evidence for it, I swear!”
“Thought out… studies…?” You mouthed, feeling a sense of déjà vu.
“Yes! You can prove anything with a survey as long as you control who you ask! I immediately dump a study if I can’t find out-” He held up both hands ready to count. “-who ran it, what’s the goal, the poll, how many people were involved, and a breakdown of the demographics!”
You pressed your lip to a thin line and did everything in your power not to look at Donnie.
“Trust me, it’s a whole thing.” Mikey dropped his hands and shook his head.
“I guess… I didn’t realize you’d be so thorough.” You admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.
“Yeah, well…” Mikey shrugged. “I’m on my own healing journey. You’re on yours and I’ve been long trying to stop pushing my beliefs on others if I can help it, but I am here if you have any questions.”
“Yeah… Maybe, but you were mad about something, weren’t you?”
“Yes!” Mikey threw his head up as if he could spout fire. “No matter what I did there was something! First, there was a gnat that kept trying to go up my nose, then Raph had this fuzzy thing stuck to his shell, but he was being such a pain about holding still because it tickled, then Dad thought, I don’t know, freaking 3pm smoothies during the same time I always meditate is a thing now!”
You watched Mikey’s rant fondly.
“Like that’s when his show is! He hasn’t drinken a smoothie in months and I’m supposed to believe that’s not a personal attack!?” Mikey looked at you as if you could sympathize.
Your life had been pretty planned out as of late and you didn’t.
“Doesn’t matter.” Mikey sighed deeply. “I never got to and now we’re here. What are you doing there?”
“Strengthening the legs.” You glanced down to the weights on the ground.
“I know a version of those bad boys all too well. They’re so small.” He nodded with a weight of knowledge.
“Yeah…” There were so many things you hadn’t been able to discuss and it seemed silly you’d never tried. “Leo said you did physical therapy?”
“Still do.” Mikey stretched out his arms for you to see. “Though they call it occupational therapy after a certain point. Don’t know the difference, but it feels pretty much the same.”
He did nothing to cover the golden cracks that split his skin and you chanced following a fissure with a finger.
Along the line there was no texture to it, almost as if the glow was an illusion.
“It’s mystic scarring.” Mikey explained. 
“Ah…” He’d offered so you thought you shouldn’t feel bad, but part of you wanted to apologize.
“Got it saving Leo.” He thought for a moment. “Not Donatello related.” He looked over his shoulder at Donnie. “No offense.”
Donnie barely bobbed with a shrug. “I’ll take only my appropriate credit.”
Mikey rolled his eyes back to you. “Almost got ripped to stardust, but Raph helped stabilize me. He’s got some scars too, but he never shows ‘em. I think he thinks I’ll think…” He had to stop and go over what he’d said and punctuated counting with wags of his fingers. “He doesn’t want me to feel guilty!”
You nodded lightly.
“Everyone lived.” Mikey nodded. “That’s what was important. Then it was all healing, kinda like you, but it’s always a thing which is its own thing and then the other injuries…” This time Mikey pointedly looked at Donnie. “Full offense.”
Donnie gave a malicious sweeping bow with an arm.
Mikey sneered his cut lip before returning to you. “So my healing’s always ongoing.”
You tapped your leg.
“Ask.” He urged you with a knowing cock of his brow ridge.
“What?” You hadn’t thought of anything in particular.
“You were on the receiving end. Someone-!” Mikey didn’t look this time, but it was obvious he was again directing his attention toward Donnie. “-is in a less hateful mood so I think we’re safe to touch on more sensitive stuff: don’t you want to ask about the healing spell?”
You watched him before the nebulous thoughts converged for you. “Why… haven’t you healed yourself?”
Mikey gave a single sharp nod that said that was what he was looking for before he sank back into the couch. “I’m not schooled like Lee. He’s got human medical training where mine is mystic, but let’s say that was schooling and I got heavy into self teaching after having my face split open.”
You saw Donnie move slightly out of the corner of your eye, but this time Mikey let him be.
“It’s called Anosmia: the whole no taste, no smell thing. The attack severed not only my brain nerves attached to the old nose bulb, but also different nerves in my brain for other stuff. I’m not big on getting into it because it’s all kind of boring.” He flapped a dismissive hand. “Leo mentioned he explained the healing I did to you?”
You gave a single nod, not wanting to interrupt.
Mikey passed you an appreciative smile for it. “The smaller the parts, the harder they are to connect and you can imagine how small neurons are. That meant trying to reconnect the brain bits was not only the toughest, but also had the highest chance of something going wrong. You miss a connection or hook up the wrong parts? You might not be able to wiggle your toes ever again or forget you even had them to begin with!” He grew quiet and narrowed his gaze. “Thing is, I’d already been there, done that with the whole life changing injury so when I had to do it a second time around…”
You waited.
“I knew more.” Mikey tipped with an anticlimactic lean to his body. “I knew there was a lot that medicine or mysticism couldn’t obviously do and I’d already gone down the rabbit hole of self improvement. If it exists, I’ve tried it. If it can help, you can bet I’m into it. I’ve got opinions on everything!”
You always admired how steadfast Mikey was, even if it came as a detriment to him and those around.
Mikey leaned in even though you knew it wouldn’t offset Donnie’s hearing. “Wanna know my goal?”
“Of course.”
“I think I can fix it.” He bobbed his brow ridge before tossing himself back into the couch.
“Regain my sense of smell and taste.” Mikey gestured lazily to his face.
“Is that… possible?”
Mikey smiled out to the living room. “Weirder things have happened and you can train neurons. Everyone else in my family has written it off, but I don’t know… I’ll keep trying. I’ll take the health nut whacko label and own it and one day I’ll be able to smell freshly baked cookies again.”
He was so staunch you believed he could do it and shared that with a smile.
Mikey returned it. “Wanna meditate? It’s pretty quiet here. You can see how it makes you feel and I can give you tips if you wanna keep going.”
That was almost too easy.
For a moment, you felt like Mikey did know about Donnie.
He’d noticed and all this was a farce.
Except, Mikey was still looking at you with nothing but patient eyes.
You also felt as though those eyes held a nefarious purpose.
“Yeah…” He spoke a little too knowingly.
You bristled ever so slightly.
“It’s boring so I get if not. I kinda just wanted to get my dang session in though!” He chuckled with obvious guilt. “Plus it’ll help me with being bugged out and all.”
He had the terrible power of disarming those around him too quickly. “You seem alright now.”
“I’m chill, but that doesn’t mean I’m cool, you know?”
You stared for a moment. “I really don’t.”
“Huh…” His pupils darted as he thought back over what he said. “Yeah, I have no idea what I meant.”
You shook your head.
Between the similarities to S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to this evil edge every single turtle man had, your perception of all of them was always warped and compared to Donnie.
“Fuck it.” You came away needing very much to stop judging this lot and treat them like the new individuals they really were to you. “Let’s meditate.”
“Yeah!” Mikey held out a high five that you took.
You wiggled in preparation of sitting cross legged.
“No, no, no.” Mikey laughed and held out a hand to stop you. “None of that… Or I mean, unless you want to.”
“I don’t think I can…” You admitted.
“Right, beginner…” He obviously put himself into a new mindset as if swapping clothes. “Okay, here’s the deal: forget everything you know about meditation. There’s no talking; I’m not into guided meditation because the voices get so annoying when I’m trying to chill. There’s no real pose to get into it; just vibe however you want. It’s boring; it’s so freaking boring. When I started, way, way back when dad taught us as kids, I felt like I would explode. Meditation and ADHD are a nightmare combo, but I’ve learned to make it work, but what works for me isn’t necessarily going to work for you, make sense?”
You took a moment to sift through everything he’d said. “Not… really…?”
“Yeah…” Mikey had a look that said he agreed.
You gave him a more abysmal stare.
“Never was good at explaining!!” Mikey tittered before he thought hard. “I guess what I’m trying to say is: use this first session to just… relax.”
You watched as he looked at you with mirth.
“Your biggest goal is to not fall asleep at first, but basically don’t punish yourself. This is all about calming down and getting in touch with your body. For me, my mind always wanders so I have to focus. I do a whole thing where I check in with myself. I start with the top of my head and “feel” down each part of my body slowly to help keep myself focused. You might think of things you need to do or… anything, and that’s fine, but it can stress some people out. You mostly just want to be… okay with being with yourself. The calm comes with that.”
Again taking a moment to think, this time you were slow to nod your head. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” He perked up a bit.
“How do you sit?”
“Up!” Mikey shifted until his posture was straight and he relaxed. “I also do eyes closed, but some people start eyes open and then drift close.”
“There’s no wrong way I’m hearing.” You jeered lightly, getting into a similar position as him.
He started to close his eyes, but craned one open to watch you. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
You giggled.
“I’ll count us down and then just… float.”
You settled and took a deep breath before a thought caught you. “Do you ever…float away? For real?”
“Yes.” In his profile you saw his grin split his face. “I’ve come to many times having left the ground.”
“ Sounds like enlightenment.” You pretended to be in awe.
A laugh caught him and he had to sigh back into position. “Not a chance. I also sometimes wake up from just sleeping flying which is such a pain.”
You wanted to ask more about that, but you resigned yourself to the exercise.
“Alright.” Mikey’s voice took on a calm. “There’s no time limit so just whenever you’re feeling over it, we can stop. I think like ten to fifteen is good, but hey, do you.” He inhaled long and slow. “Return to yourself.”
You unconsciously breathed in time.
“And be.” He exhaled slowly and you followed suit.
For a moment, you waited for something to happen even though you knew nothing would.
Then something about having to sit in silence struck you. You wondered if there was space for music or if the guided meditation was something you’d prefer. Currently, you felt like you were in a sort of limbo and wished he had started a timer.
Then you thought about what Mikey did.
Starting from the top of your head, you focused all your energy there and something about it reminded you of Donnie’s battle shell. Finding purpose in that idea, you slid down your head, shifting through your brows and eyes and thought of the shell’s arms gently tapping each zone. The metallic arms whirled in your ears as a memory and you let them drift along your lobes and through to your neck. There the pair split apart and cascaded down each shoulder.
One gave a little extra squeeze to where the tissue had healed on your left side. It was slightly numb to the touch, but always felt dense when you tried to lift the limb. Now, instead, the arms locked around your arms and gently rolled their grip down. Testing your flesh in little squeezes, it got to your fingertips and switched to your legs.
Those appendages were ones that you had been in a steady process of getting back under your control. It translated to your imaginary mech caressing you gently in a way that reminded you of Donnie’s massages. You were on a nightly rotation of receiving them and if you could manage, you returned the favor. It was exactly the little buoyancy you had thought the two of you needed and could easily be done in the privacy of the bathroom with only the faintest judgment from whatever turtle on duty.
Reaching your toes, you realized you’d forgotten about him.
Having momentarily gotten lost in your imagination, you cracked your eyes to find your vision blurry.
Something like coming out of sleep, you felt subdued and lingered in focus returning.
It came like a gentle current and with it you remembered that part of you had meant to use this time to siphon information so Donnie could get help in his meditation. If that were what he was doing, you also realized that he could just listen along meaning you had already done your part. Blinking off the last vestiges of peace, you turned your head slowly to first glimpse Mikey’s calm face. The picture of zen, you no longer saw the flecks of irritation that were now obviously gone from the man’s expression. Happy he’d gotten his, you looked past him and felt awe wash over you as you saw Donnie over by his computer.
Standing, but just seated on the edge of his computer desk, Donnie’s eyes were closed. His posture was closed off, but there was an air to him that was accentuated by the sleepy monitor glow behind him. With his arms folded in a loose hold, the tip of his body said one of his legs was kicked over the other which made him reclined. There were then his features, a similar slack to how you’d been catching them except there was a honed edge to it. Nothing that wrinkled the muscles in his face, you instead watched his pupils dart under his closed lids as if he was watching something get typed out. Staring in order to catch the exact movement, you found it wasn’t a side to side, but instead an indistinct roll as if many parts were being put in place.
You weren’t sure why, but you had the distinct thought that he was building something in there.
One little piece at a time, you imagined he’d taken care in laying out even the smallest screw before beginning the construction process.
This could work.
Another patently intrusive thought, you were sure that if Donnie kept this up then he’d find some relief from his ninpo.
You were flooded with pride.
Almost as soothing as the meditation itself, you took another dreamy stance, but this time in watching your partner. Curling up against the back of the sofa, you stared as he continued to run through his schematics. They detailed out like your feelings for him and all you could think of was how lucky you were to have him in your life. No matter how much strife it had come with, every moment with him was a precious one and it was in that headspace that Mikey came to.
His tongue darted in a roll of his jaw as if he too had awoken from a nap. Sucking saliva and rinsing with a swallow, Mikey stayed mostly silent as he adjusted his vision for your apartment. He looked straight in front of him, remembering where he was before he took great care in sneaking a look at you, an obvious case of not wanting to disturb you if you were still meditating.
He found you awake, but you held a finger to your lips.
The wrinkling of his gaze said he knew exactly what you were referring to and you pursed your lips with accusation.
He fluttered his lashes, similarly tucking his cheek against the couch while facing your direction.
You narrowed your gaze to translate your displeasure.
Mikey looked up roguishly before shooting you a wink.
You gave him one last sneer before you exhaled sharply to say you accepted that he was being sneaky since it helped Donnie.
Donnie’s prosthetic hit the floor a little heavy as he seemed jarred out of his meditation.
“So…?” Mikey led for you, even though there was a double entendre for your boyfriend.
“It was… interesting…” You spoke honestly. “I’m not sure I’d do it all the time, but I can see the use.”
“What’d you do?” Mikey wondered.
You thought of the best way to phrase it. “Thought about moving something with my mind.”
“Oh!” Mikey crooned. “That’s a cool way to start!”
“Well!” You pretended to take praise. “How was your body?”
“I’m all here.” He grinned brightly. “I did have a revelation!”
“I thought you weren’t going to reach enlightenment.” You teased, still curious.
Mikey held an impish hand to his chest before dropping it and the act. “I want to cook.”
You snorted. “Is that new?”
“Kinda…” He took on some level of nerves. “A potluck for one.”
“I want to celebrate you.”
You stared at him. “What?”
Mikey smiled, his cheek squished against the couch. “No rotation. All of us at once. We break bread to say ‘you made it.’”
Your eyes widened.
He wanted to throw what was essentially a family meal, but fold you and Donnie in.
He wanted an excuse.
“Next week is three months since the day you were taken in.”
Had it been that long already?
“There’s been huge progress all around.” Mikey was getting a little too close to naming Donnie.
You had a complaint on your lips.
In fact, you had thousands of them.
Of all the ways this could go badly.
Then you saw breakfast.
You saw four uncomfortable men under one roof.
And you.
And yet again.
You’d brought them together.
Wasn’t that what you were trying to avoid?
It all came back to Leo. 
Was he the only one?
You weren’t sure. 
“We’ve all been busting our butts, you most of all. I think we all could use a meal that’s way too big that says we’re moving to the next step.”
“Which is…?”
“Us heading back out.” Mikey’s crow’s feet looked particularly joyous. “We keep going.”
Your new normal.
“I’m thinking I’ll whip up a bunch of stuff, cook and finish some here. The place will smell so good.”
That did sound nice.
Your gaze lowered and you tried to picture all four together.
It had been so long and everything so tenuous it was hard to imagine.
You mostly saw Leo.
Distant Leo, doing his best to not fall apart again.
Your chest tightened.
Mikey lightly touched your leg. “No pressure.”
“That’s not…” You sent him a half sure grin before you looked at Donnie.
You weren’t going to sway him this time.
This decision was his alone.
You translated this to your partner where he seemed to be waiting.
He took you in with a tilted chin that had many reservations.
You softened your gaze saying you knew them all too well.
He looked one step away from chuffing before his body loosened with a relaxation you also felt.
The meditation had worked.
Donnie gave a slow singular nod and you bowed your head slightly to show you deferred to him.
He took a seat in his chair as if it was a great effort and slumped with his own sigh.
Returning to Mikey found the younger man watching with an interested twinkle in his eye.
“Okay.” You gave a tentative grin. “Let’s do it.”
“Yes!” Mikey hopped up and right back down so he was plopped closer to you with his phone manifesting in his hand. “Now tell me all your favorite foods, don’t hold back, go!”
You giggled and spent the rest of Mikey’s shift going on and on about food. From planning the menu to simply ranting about nearby restaurants, the time flew by. You soon had a menu laid out along with a detailed grocery list that Donnie had stepped in to say he would purchase. Even though you knew the action had an edge of fear to it, you took his participation as a good sign and Mikey offered to send you over the recipe list so you could send it to Donnie. You agreed and after lobbing way too many messages around your phone, Mikey soon shot upright. “Alrighty!”
You looked at him in confusion before going to check the time.
“Don’t wanna keep Raph waiting!” Mikey took a big step in front of you before rounding to where Leo’s portals usually appeared. “Oh, one more thing…”
“Yeah?” You did your best to look over the back of the couch.
You found Mikey staring at Donnie.
Your mate returned the gaze with growing concern.
“Think of this as thanks for your shitty bow!” Mikey split a manic grin.
Both you and Donnie tensed.
Mikey’s head snapped in your direction with a sickly tilt. “This bastard relapsed when you were in your coma.”
Donnie reared with the first bits of a snarl.
A blue portal appeared the second he tried and Mikey gave double peace signs while biting his tongue for a crazed expression as he fell backward through it.
You stared after.
Donnie made it several steps forward and you could feel the fumes coming off of him.
Raph then hurtled through the portal. “W-what happened?!”
You watched purple flicker and sputter in Donnie’s eye.
Raph’s own caught fire. “H-hey now…!”
“Relapsed…” You spoke fearfully.
“Y/N…” Donnie didn’t look at you and was instead locked onto the center of Raph’s plastron to where Mikey had been.
“Like… the drugs?” Against your leg’s weakness, you rose to better look over the couch. “You did drugs again…?” 
“Ah…” Raph didn’t drop his attention, but what was happening fell into place for him. “Yeah… You shot up a few times, didn’t you?”
Raph knew. 
Mikey knew. 
You didn’t know.
“I needed to stay awake!” Donnie roared, taking another step forward.
You saw a ghost of Raph in red slip from his form.
“Awake and numb!!!” Spittle flecked as Donnie panted through his teeth.
Flickers of purple shimmered in the air.
Raph’s projection grew the slightest amount. “Donatello…”
Donnie’s heavy breathing filled the space.
It would be better to diffuse the situation.
You weren’t even mad.
You were more haunted by the knowledge.
Donnie had been candid about making and taking drugs, but it had also seemed like he left them behind in the mania of his 20s.
You weren’t sure how to feel about them now.
They made sense to an extent, which placed you with a single question.
“Ha… have you since…?”
Donnie didn’t seem to be able to move, but his lips momentarily closed. “No…”
“Are you…?” He clearly wasn’t alright.
Not now.
Not in all the time since the attack.
There was something more.
Though there was glitter in the air and Donnie seemed to be close to hyperventilating, nothing had actually manifested.
No artillery. 
No guns. 
“Okay.” You finally spoke, a single note drop in the bucket.
It plopped and did nothing to change the amount held in the receptacle.
Things were different.
The lack of weaponry was a sign of that.
As Mikey had said: It was time to keep going.
“Okay.” You repeated, this time enforcing the syllables.
It wasn’t an immediate disengagement, but Donnie garnered enough strength from the sound to look at you.
His gaze pained with a broken blinker of purple and he continued to strain with his body.
The purple in the air flittered away and Raph’s projection slowly melded back with his body until Donnie slumped a certain amount.
A collective breath was released and only when Donnie collapsed back into his chair did Raph throw his hands up to claw them down his face. “Mikey! He’s such a little shit, I swear!”
You gave a puff of what wasn’t laughter and sank down into the couch.
“I did not want to get shot again!” Raph complained and had to take a step to anchor himself to the couch. “Not a way to start my shift.”
You sympathetically patted Raph’s hand where you could reach it. “Good news.”
“What’s that?” Raph’s face said he wanted more than the obvious.
You would exalt Donnie for successfully disengaging his ninpo for the first time later.
For now, there was something else to pass along.
“We’re having a dinner party.” You told him, feeling exhausted. “We’re what?” Raph deadpanned.
I'm so sleepy, but i love my betas @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
Damn, I just imagined what the sequel would be like:
After Dum Dum's morning medical check-up, Donnie headed to his laboratory. Upon entering, he went directly to his chair in front of the large digital screen of his computer, turning behind him to check that there were no intruders in the area. of his work. When he confirmed one hundred percent that there was no one, he turned his gaze back to the screen, grabbing the mouse and directing it to the recordings of the communicators, specifically Leo's. From his battle shell she took out some popcorn and a canned soft drink, settled into his chair, to finally listen to the recording.
"Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim: Hot Soup and Alien Worms - Episode 18: The Ambush of the Alien Worms"
Leo's voice on the communicator began to narrate and Donnie just listened.
The recording was at minute 18, the chapters normally lasted between twenty-one to twenty-three minutes, so it wasn't long before the plot ended in this episode. The narrative directed Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim being surrounded by the enemy, with no line of escape. Donatello leaned forward in his chair as if this way he could hear better, even though he was wearing his headphones.
"- Well, Jim… it was a pleasure fighting by your side.
-The pleasure was all mine.
The alien worms pounced of them.
Will this be the end of Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim? Don't miss it in the next episode Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim: Hot Soup and Alien Worms - Episode 19: A Promise to the Stars"
The recording ended there, Donnie was left with his heart in his mouth because of the suspense of that ending, although he said to himself that episode 7 was even worse. He wanted to know what happened next, reviewing the recordings, there was only one left, thinking it was the final chapter, he clicked. The only thing he heard was creaking and grunting, loud banging sounds and metallic clashes. Was he using realistic sounds for the battle scenes? That is new.
"What, you finally realized that your life is insignificant, that you can no longer fight for it?"
The Kraang, it was the voice of the Kraang.
"Heh, in your dreams mutant mucus"
The next thing you heard was a slimy sound and Leo's voice screaming.
"At least your blood manages to combine those horrible marks you have"
If what he heard was horrible to Donnie (he didn't even know why he was still listening), the next thing was the worst sound he could have heard in his entire life.
Leo's crying, desperate, scared… alone, alone with that monster.
He couldn't take it anymore, his hand moved on its own, advancing the recording, only to hear Mikey's voice shouting for Leo's name.
"Hey guys, took you long enough"
It was the moment they had rescued him.
-End of recording-
Donnie removed the headphones and his gaze stayed on the screen for a long moment, thinking. Thinking about what he had just heard, analyzing the previous recordings with the last one, realizing that all those recordings of Leo narrating were much deeper than he believed. Before, I thought this fanfiction was nonsense and out of curiosity I grabbed it as entertainment, but for Leo it was something else, it was the only way in which Leo could be united with the world he had left, telling stories, it was his entertainment. He was his own sanity, he was his only company, listening to himself on a recording, like a narrator's voice in an action series, listening to his happy voice to replace the moments where he was crying or screaming.
This was the only thing Leo had left in that prison.
If he hadn't listened to that last recording, he might have tried to figure out how he was doing the next episode, perhaps with the rat fever in its stage 6, but now that doesn't matter anymore. He got up from his chair and left the laboratory, heading to the medical room, only to find Leo alone on the stretcher, watching how he trembled in his dreams, nightmares that surely took him back to that horrible place. He stayed next to him, caressing his shell so that he knew that he was no longer alone, and that he would never again need recordings and stories for company, now he was home with his family and Donnie was going to make sure of that.
Hey, I hope you don't mind this idea that occurred to me and is not my language, sorry if there was any mistake.
If you don't like me, I understand.
[ cw: torture implied / trauma / ]
❤️ I don’t mind at all, I love this! It adds such a sad but true note to my silly post, and I think you conveyed the nuance of the situation really well! Because yeah, although it’s funny to think about Leo making up crossover fanfiction of all things during his time in the Prison Dimension, it doesn’t change what he went through there, it just makes it more bearable for him.
Great writing, thank you!!❤️❤️
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TW for sensory type stuff and blood. Check the tags as well!
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Donnie sends weapon after weapon at the hand. It reminds him of a cockroach with its uncanny ability to dodge and survive. He considers the thought that like the bug, this hand was cut off something more powerful as an attempt to keep surviving.
He has to divert those thoughts. One wrong move and he’s spored all over again. Hopefully this has been enough time to give the universe’s new Phonora guest time to escape.
Maybe now is the time for him to get going as well.
Or, it would be, if more people didn’t start walking around!
Hold on, he recognizes one of them. It’s the Mikey who tried to steal from Leo’s Fanny Pack. There’s an alternative Donnie he sees with him that must be from the same universe. He’s aware that they’ve had to deal with the hallucinations as well.
Wait, is that also a mutated April!?
Mikey must have sent out help looking for Leo.
“You three! Get out of here! That hand is still in the area!”
He watches as the hand suddenly springs out at them. The other version of him shields his brother, and Mayhem April moves in front of them both.
No, this is not happening to them again.
That Mikey is small. Even in comparison to other Mikeys, he’s small. Malnutrition stunted his and that other Leo’s growth.
He’s too small to go through this again.
And, though he won’t admit it outright for no good reason, seeing another April further enforces his decision.
He creates and tosses a device at them. It becomes a shield type bubble around the three. The hand slaps against it and slides down.
Donnie smirks in pride.
Not this time, you demon.
The hand lands on the floor and turns back to him.
Uh oh.
Donnie whips around his tech bō, hoping to hit it back when it inevitably comes after him. He takes a step back, only for the floor to sink beneath his foot.
Are you kidding!?
How is a hand smart enough for booby traps!?
Darts carrying spores whiz by him, spraying in his face. He coughs and sputters.
“April! Mikey! Other me! Go back to Mikey! Make sure he’s safe!”
April’s face falling tells him all he needs to know.
He grips his tech bō tighter.
“Then get Raph! Warn him!”
“We’ll get you help! I swear!” April shouts.
They all try to get the ball moving somehow while in the cramped space. Donnie takes a breath, glad that he’s managed to save them at least.
“You’ve come back.” A voice squirms into his brain.
Donnie gets a full body shudder.
So this is what it’s decided to make him think about this time.
“Perhaps we were too hasty to remove you last time. Join us once again, we’ll put your mind to good use.”
The Kraang hive mind.
He takes a deep breath.
They’re long gone. It’s okay. He’ll never have to feel that way again-
He moves around as quickly as possible to stop the sensation. His eyes avoid where he left the others. He’s hoping they aren’t watching him lose his mind.
There still some level of pride he’d like to keep.
Or maybe….he just really, really, that’s two reallys, doesn’t want a Mikey and April specifically to see this.
His movements don’t quell his feeling of vulnerability. The battle shell is fully taken away and tendrils start poking into his soft shell.
There’s no way to move from whatever was doing this. It’s a hallucination, of course he can’t.
It’s everywhere.
He’s unable to ignore how well it’s replicating the worst thing he’s ever experienced.
His arms start to feel-
No! Why is it in his arms!?
That did not happen!
No, no no no, it’s in his legs!
It’s all over!
He moves around like a madman, as if they’ll leave his body if he does so enough. It’s taking all his strength not to scratch into his skin to make it end.
His breathing grows heavy, he squeezes his arms tightly enough for his nails to dig into them.
On the verge of shutting down, his thoughts go back to how being the ship felt. It was so much, flooding his senses as he was surrounded by feelings and touch and voices.
The same happens to him now. Being pulled away from reality into a sea of endless consciousnesses where you don’t know where you begin and end. You just exist within everything.
It’s suffocating.
He gets on his knees and rocks back and forth. It’s a useless attempt to self soothe. How could it possibly help?
Why can’t it just go away!?
I hurts!
He doesn’t want to feel it!
Make it stop! Please!
Leo! Raph! Mikey!
Oh Mikey……
What a poor excuse of an older brother he is.
Leo is probably in an as bad or even worse situation than Mikey is based on how long he’s been gone. He has no idea where Raph is.
Why did they separate!?
They should never leave each other’s side again at this point!
He wants to see them so badly….
A small, tiny part of him wishes the other versions of his family were still here.
Would the spores even let him see the real them?
He’d probably see them dead or missing pieces or something equally as horrible.
Does he dare look?
He pulls himself out of the grip of the hallucination just enough to take that chance.
The other Mikey is sobbing, beating his fist on the inside of the ball. April and the other Donnie are mostly successfully holding him back but he keeps wriggling away.
He’s….yelling his name?
Why does he care? He’s not his Donnie.
Maybe for the same reason Donnie protected them all.
Ah, sentimentality. It’s the folly of all of them, and most versions it seems like.
He shakily reaches up but doesn’t dare even think about getting rid of the bubble. There’s danger all around. It’s the only thing keeping them safe.
The other Mikey presses his face against the inside of the bubble.
Donnie smiles slightly.
“It’s okay.”
“No! It’s not okay! Donnie, do something! Please!” Mikey pleads.
“How!? We can’t get out of this bubble! I don’t even know how his device works!” The other Donnie insists.
Mikey gives him as big of puppy dog eyes as he can manage.
“Even your cutest face can’t change reality! He probably doesn’t even want us to try anything. You know why he did this.” Other Donnie continues.
Mikey looks back at the spored Donnie.
His eyes were filled with purple light that had begun changing to a very creepy blue. It hurt to see him so uncomfortable, so in pain. The blue only stopped getting worse when he saw Mikey.
That means Mikey can do something, right?
He quickly turns to April.
“What happened with his Mikey? And-!….Wait, where’s Karai?”
April frowns deeply.
“He got spored, again. Karai….trapped herself with him and Leo to stop him. He went crazy! We couldn’t snap him out of it. His arms-“
Donnie hits the bubble, startling all inside.
“Did he use his ninpo again!?”
He seems a lot more lucid.
April gets an idea. It’s a very painful one she knows she won’t feel good about even if it works, but it’s all she has.
“He did! Donnie, it’s…..it’s bad. Real bad. Leo is covered up by all these viney things too!”
The blue in Donnie’s eyes is nearly vaporized by all the purple. He grips his teeth and stands up, completely ignoring the squirming from before. The feeling is starting to go away entirely.
He grips his tech bō again and sees the hand making its way out of the room. The tech bō turns into a spear he launches right towards it. Black blood drips onto the ground but the hand isn’t still.
It squirms and writhes, trying to get away.
Donnie walks over, the hand removes itself from its arm portion and runs off. He lifts it up and smirks slightly as he looks it over.
At least he knows it could be injured.
“You did it!” Mikey cheers in relief.
Donnie looks back at him, smiling a bit more before a headache suddenly starts pounding in his head.
He won, didn’t he?
A different voice booms into his skull.
“Come to me. Feed me your fear.”
He’s still connected to the hive mind.
The hand scuttles off, knowing it barely escaped this time.
It doesn’t fear for the turtles’ lives as it does not have the capability of fearing anything.
That isn’t to say that it does want them dead.
It simply knows that it isn’t how this story will end.
The tragedy and angst has been so entertaining, but they will be saved. It’s proven already. It’s written in fate itself.
Three(?) down.
One to go.
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Hello i heard you need request! So Can you do a 2012 donnie cuddle fic?
Sweet Anon I thank you so much😭 This is gonna be so frakkin cute!!
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Summary: Donnie refuses to take a break, so you use your S/O privliges to coax him into cuddle time.
Warnings: Swearing!
Requested: Yes!
GN Reader!
You sighed as you rushed down the dark New York streets, hugging your arms closer to you to eliminate some of the fall chill.
You made your way down an alley, stopping at a manhole cover, you lift up the heavy peice of metal, and enter the sewer.
As quickly as you can you make your way to the underground home of your friends. Leo had called you while you were brushing your teeth, asking you to get down here and try to remove Donnie from his lab.
He said that you'd have the best chance since you were Donnie's S/O.
You slowly walked up the subway stairs, and into the main room of the Lair.
Leo sighed in relief, "Thank goodness you're here. Not even Sensei could get him to go to bed."
You rubbed your temple, walking towards the Lab, "I swear, he's going to be the death of me." you sigh, smiling reassuringly at the leader in blue, "Don't worry, Leo, I got this."
Leo nodded in thanks, walking away as you entered the Lab. You knocked gently on the wall by the door, trying to gain Donnie's attention.
The purple masked turtle looked up from his desk, gave you a quick smile then returned to his work.
You huffed, and walked over to stand behind your boyfriends chair, "Well, hello to you too, Sweetheart."
Donnie sighed looked back up at you, "It's not that I'm not happy to see you, Dear, it's just I'm almost done with this Metalhead upgrade. Just let me finish this then we can-"
You cut him off, "Donnie, do you know what time it is?"
Donnie looked at you nervously, "Uhm, 2:00pm..?"
You crossed your arms and glared, "Try again, Love."
"How about 1:30 in the morning." You said, arms still crossed.
"It's not- Wait it's really that late?"
You nodded, then grabbed Donnie's arm and yanked him from his chair, "Yes, it's really that late. So, we are going to bed."
Donnie whined the whole way to his bed, complaining to you that he was almost done, and he only needed five more minutes.
He shut up really quick when you shot him a glare that relayed your message quite well.
He sighed as you helped remove his gear, knowing for a fact that no matter how much he argued, you were going to win.
You pulled him into the bed tucking the both of you in. Donnie felt his eyes grow heavy at the sense of calm that had formed, your warm hands that rested on his plastron making him even drowsier.
Donnie wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him and snuggling into your neck. You smelled nice. Like cinnamon and apple cider.
You kissed the top of his head, rubbing one hand over his shell, doing your best to sooth the genius into a much needed slumber.
"I love you, Dear." Donnie muttered
"I love you too, Sweetheart."
Donnie drifted off into an easy sleep, with you following close behind. The both of you wrapped warmly in each other's arms.
Here is your finished request Anon! I hope you enjoy reading it because I sure loved writing it!
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Sworn to Devotion: Chapter 3 - Part 1
>> Readers select the color Green.
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(Art by @lovelyladylavie)
April stares out into the city below her from one of the castle’s balconies, her arms resting on the dirty apricot-colored stone beneath her. Some buildings have pointed roofs made of rich mahogany; others have flat tops with red-brick chimneys. A wide array of colors decorate the outside walls of homes and businesses, creating a chaotic yet beautiful landscape for her to take in.
There is so much energy, so much life, in this kingdom. 
It’s such a stark contrast compared to the one she grew up in, with hundreds of grey stone houses with yellow-straw roofs. Orderly, but boring. 
But the kingdom she was born into will not be her home for much longer, will it?
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
The deep rumbling voice catches her off guard, and she turns her head to the side. It’s Prince Raph, or at least she thinks it is. Parts of his body are blurry, mixing in with the colors behind him like watercolor on a canvas. But his towering form is unmistakable, along with his spikey shell and long alligator-like tail. 
“Yeah, it is,” April admits, looking back over the sea of colors.
The two of them continue to watch over their kingdom, a light breeze ruffling the princess’s hair and the skirt of her shredded dress. It’s peaceful, and all she wants to do is sit back and enjoy the view. 
The sky suddenly changes from a light blue to navy blue, and lights from oil lamps and mystic crystals flicker on, transforming the city into a yokai-made night sky.
April gasps, “Wow…”
She’s so enraptured by the view that she almost doesn’t notice the tapping on her shoulder or the familiar voice of her knight.
“Not now, Dee,” she chides, still staring at the stunning scene in front of her. 
The tapping on her shoulder gets more insistent. “Princess April, you need to wake up!”
April turns her head to discover that the blurry imagination of Prince Raph has been replaced with a more well-defined Sir Donatello. She can see everything, from the dirt covering his kogake to the red jewels adorning his chest plate. She gasps as charming brown eyes stare into hers, and she feels a light blush dust her cheeks. 
The knight lifts his hand toward her face. “April! Wake up!”
The gentle but unexpected double tap on her cheek instantly brings April back to reality, her eyes snapping open.
Her brow instantly furrows. “Hey! What was tha-urmph!”
Her knight’s hand quickly covers her mouth. “Shh!” His voice is low and quick. “Quiet! The enemy’s nearby.”
April calms down—well, as much as she can—and strains her ears, trying to hear whatever caught her knight's attention. In the distance, she hears men shouting, and they’re not voices she recognizes.
She presses herself against the stone behind her as her knight removes his hand from her mouth and places it back on his bō. He turns his body slightly to look out into the forest while partially shielding her from view.
In the distance April can see the warm glow of a lit torch, and she bites her lip.
The ball of fire gets closer, and they notice that there are two people, both dressed in the same black outfits as the people who tried to kidnap her. They’re looking around, scanning the forest meticulously. 
The princess shrinks to make herself as small as possible, hiding behind her knight while peaking her eyes over his shoulder. 
And they still get closer.
As the man on the left swings his torch, he looks directly at them. He stops in his tracks and straightens up.
April stops breathing as Donnie readies his weapon. 
But before the man could inform his partner, or shout for backup, a mystic green light flashes out of nowhere and hits the two men in the back. The torch extinguishes as both men fall to the ground, either knocked out or dead.
A few seconds of tense silence pass before a lavender light flickers to life, illuminating the face of an older woman. She looks over the two bodies, pursing her lips with dissatisfaction.
April blinks her eyes. Wait, is her skin pink?
The woman—or maybe yokai—notices them, smiles, and hops over the bodies to make her way over to them. 
“Oh thank heavens I finally found you!” Her voice is sweet and bubbly as she walks over to them, her curly golden hair bouncing with each step. “I was so worried when I heard that the princess had been kidnapped! It’s so good to see you in one piece.”
The lady extends a hand, only to be thwacked by Sir Donatello’s bō. “Not so fast! I don’t know who you are and what your intentions are with the princess. Better start talking before I figure out what my F.A.B. spray does.”
The lady looks startled, blinking her eyes rapidly.
Princess April looks between the two. While her knight is correct—they don’t know who she is or what she’s up to—she did knock out the two men trying to her hunt down.
Maybe she’s trustworthy?
April gives their mysterious savior another look down. Her skin is definitely pastel pink, with a few dark fuchsia freckles dappled over her face and arms. She wears a rich purple dress paired with a pointy purple hat. 
The princess bites her lip. She looks friendly, but is she trustworthy?
April… >> Decides to trust their mysterious savior. >> Interrogates the lady. 
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cookieswithay · 9 months
🎄Christmas Rottmnt...headcanonsish!
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(🎅Rated E for everyone!)
• Leo, the snowman☃️
• "Okay, my little mistletoe~"
• Leo purred (with his usual charming smile.) He set his hands on the box. Sticking his fingers directly under the seams of the wrapping paper.
• "Let's see what you got me."
• With one motion, ALL the wrapping paper torn was off. Super confused and a little impressed, you looked too Donnie.
• "Leo has the "perfect" method to remove wrapping paper."
• He replied, deadpan. You snickered and looked back at your boyfriend, waiting for his reaction.
• He raised it up.
• "What's this?"
• He asked, softly. You cleared your throat. Time for the present's dramatic origin story! You sat down next to him.
• "I noticed whenever you post your "champion" pictures on Tok Tik, you only have shades and a robe hanging off of you."
• You looked down and tugged a loose thread out of your jeans.
• "So, I bought you a crown."
• "It'll look nice on you."
• ...That didn't sound nearly as powerful as it did in your head.
• Leo closed his mouth and put the his crown back in the box. He just stared at with a neutral expression. You looked around.
• "...Do you like it-?"
• The moment those words left your mouth, you were smooched and spun around in the air.
• "Oh my gosh! You are so thoughtful!"
• Leo shouted, still spinning you. You said a dizzy "yer welcome" and he finally stopped.
• "Hold on, I got the perfect thing."
• He said. He rummaged through his jean pockets. And out came the pinnacle of Christmas traditions.
• "Mistletoe~"
• Your cheeks burned. He's not gonna set you free in awhile.
• Donnie claus🎅
• "You're my secret Santa, right?"
• Donnie asked. You nodded quickly. That was his, alright. You made the "go on" motion. Normally, you're not one to rush, but you were dying to see his reaction. Noticing your eagerness, he snickered and slowly peeled the wrapping paper away.
• He looked closer.
• "Lou jitsu: the video game?"
• You slid next to him, bumping his shoulder.
• "Uh-huh. But unlike the original that only pixels, this is remastered."
• You replied, rolling the R. Noticing all the brothers looked puzzled, you decided to go with the simple yet awesome explanation. You stood up.
• "Let's just say I persuaded Jace into remaking the game this Christmas."
• You said with a smug smile. Obviously, you let your fist do the talking. You're real, like that. Donnie shot up next to you.
• "You shook down the purple dragons for me?"
• You nodded.
• "Even got 'im add to a dlc."
• "Plot written by me, of course."
• D took a breath, kissed you on the cheek, and headed towards the bathroom.
• "Where are you going?"
• Mikey asked. (Already tearing into his present.)
• "Too much eggnog."
• Donnie said, tearfully.
• Mikey, the red nosed reindeer🦌
• "Wow...it's so big!"
• Mikey laughed. He shook the box around. Which was bad for the gift.
• "Is it just one thing or a bunch of doohickeys?"
• You clamped your hands over his, your chest on his shell.
• "Just open it and find out."
• You said calmly, hiding your nervousness well. He nodded and got to shredding. He was gobsmacked when he saw the shinier box underneath.
• "Oh. Me. Gosh."
• "The Jupiter Jim super awesome fan box!?"
• You nodded, a little smile on your face. You gifted all the boys (and Splinter) Jupiter Jim stuff, but...your boyfriend got the best one.
• "Aw, what?"
• Leo whined in the background. You weren't sure why he was pouting. You got him the BIG set of JJ posters.
• "Posters, stickers, comic books,"
• "Ah! It's got everything!"
• Mikey looked at you with a HUGE smile. You suddenly lost your footing and was pulled into a very tight hug.
• "You're the nicest, sweetest, nicest, person ever."
• He gushed into your shoulder. You kissed him on the cheek and then realized your leg kinda hurts...Did this boy trip you?
• Raph Frost❄
• "Can I take off the blindfold now?"
• Raph asked, reaching for it. You answered with a sharp 'no' and he totally stopped. He was pretty confused since wrapping paper is enough to cover a gift. Why all the secrecy? After some scuffling and scolding Splinter for trying to "taste test" the gift, you put your hand on Raph's.
• "Okay...you can take it off now."
• You said, quietly. He snatched the 'fold off and looked down. His mouth instantly watered.
• "You made me a cake!?"
• You nodded, getting shy. You wiped your hands wiped on your apron.
• "Funds were kinda low this year, so I could only make you somethi-"
• Raph pulled you close.
• (With one hand, mind you.)
• "Are you kidding? I can't wait to eat this circle of festive goodness!"
• "Donnie grab the plates!"
• You felt, lowkey overwhelmed. You were expecting an awkward 'thank you' and the silent treatment. But...he's super happy. About an edible gift!?
• "You're okay with gift you can only have today!?"
• You asked, still squished against his plastron.
• "Of course, I got it from you after all."
• That one sentence...melted your frozen heart. Why is he the absolute sweetest?...But, it's just for today though! You sighed and laid into on his front shell.
• "Merry Christmas, ya dork."
Merry Christmas! This was a last minute post, but I'm glad I did it. Did you notice the difference of each reader? I hope so. Please be merry and reblog! That would make me happy. Stay warm today everyone🥰
(Reblog list: @usoppsstar, @takibikaen, @futuristicmage, @whattraintracks, @cottoncandyclown123,)
(Most of those people are the ones who read part 2 and 1 of Donnie 0 recently. Sorry if I missed you. Merry Christmas!)
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