#don’t have to see weird topics or ships i dislike
peachfruitcake · 1 year
Omgg how have I not see that they finally implemented a tag filtering system after all this time Help I’ve lived under a rock all this time cuz here I still thought we had to use chrome extensions to do that still 😭😭😭
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minsimagines · 1 year
pairing; pro hero!katsuki bakugou x f!reader
word count; 1,1k
warnings; mentions of sex, mentions of body parts, mentions of alcohol, enemies to lovers?, my bakugou is a bit of a douchebag but not so bad in this, 
+ my take on the characters and settings of mha is a little ooc on purpose, it’s almost a little au, but not completely. 
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“this is awkward.”
you glance up, wide eyed as if you’d forgotten he was sitting opposite of you, suddenly afraid he could read your mind, or see the memories of the prior evening replay in your eyes. 
the bar sat right off campus, tucked below a dungy alley between otherwise pristine buildings, hidden from the unbidden like a thought unuttered. 
this underground hideout was a world in its own right, governed by the high and mighty pro heroes who were never as righteous as they appeared on television. the very ones you’d found so undesirable — and you’d been vocal about this fact straight to his face only to have that attitude thrown back at you tenfold.
now here you sit, in the dark of their den of sins, where you know newer, stranger and lewder scenes are unfolding behind every door. the drink is good, you’d give them that, but does it really matter when your mouth is dry just thinking of the obscenity you’d indulged in the very night before? and is this atmosphere really awkward as he says, when he was inside you only hours before this meeting? aren’t you beyond awkward now? you’d have reminded him of this fact, if only you weren’t so sensitive to the topic of no longer being pure. 
not pure of your virginity — that was lost a few years ago. this new impurity was something you had never foreseen.
and, well, you were being awkward.
how had you sunk so low, you wonder? where had your anger and your self respect gone? he was the enemy. metaphorically. you did not like him, he was pretentious and mean, and he had ripped the world from under you — sat you on a sinking ship with only his arms as a lifeboat. 
he’s watching you with intensity that tells you he knows exactly what’s going through your mind. he notices your nerves, of course he does. those eyes miss nothing. the small hint of a smirk lingers on the edge of his lips.
“i don’t think it’s weird,” you clear your throat, swallowing. “it’s just… different.”
it’s true. within you, where you’d once harbored a livid dislike for him, now sat only the disdain for the fact that your anger toward him had changed. you were angry, he had made you see him differently and that was infuriating, but it was not truly him you were angry with — the choice had been yours. 
“different,” he echoes, eyes narrowing slightly as though he finds that amusing. 
had it been just his wicked idea of sex; had it just been his way of exuding his kinks onto your clean mind then this would have been different. this situation would have even been okay, because you would have known for a fact you were just an outlet, and that felt somehow easier to accept than what had truly happened. 
it had gone from longing looks and sultry whispers that had your knees weak to something obscene and overwhelming, and then it had simmered back down to the soft and stomach fluttering. of all the things you could have imagined him wanting to do to you, you’d never even dared think he would be intimate. 
that was the thing that made you so uncomfortable. 
you couldn’t get it out of your head, it replayed over and over. his breath on your neck, the weight of his warm body around yours, his breathy laugh when you’d given into the pleasure and fallen apart in his arms, the praises he had whispered into your skin as he buried himself to the hilt in your pussy. tucking you against his body. falling asleep to his fingertips against your scalp. 
he’d promised you the stars, and to your immense animosity, he’d delivered. 
“too different?” he asks. the heat of his gaze drops to your tank top, but there is the hint of something else in those eyes. 
it makes you reach over the small table, fingers gripping the tattooed forearm that rests on the surface. his eyes drop to look at your smaller hand on his wrist, before he glances up at you. 
“i’m… tougher than i look,” you utter, braver than you really are. it lures out the smirk he usually bears around you, when he finds you particularly alluring. he knows you’re bluffing, knows you only say it because even if his kind of sex isn’t what you seek in a lover, you have an infatuation with him that he seems more aware of than you are. 
but you know that you may even be willing to compromise, because just as possessive as the look in his eyes is, you too have grown to feel some kind of bond with him. it is tentative, at best, but it’s there. 
he has slowly been tearing you apart, piece by piece, until every little thing about you was  bared to him, and you were ripe for the taking. 
he’s no good for you, but the way he slides his arm back just to wrap his hand around yours reminds you that no one will make you feel this way. it’s nothing special, you’ve held hands with boys before, but none of them had given you this spark of electricity shooting up the veins of your arms. 
your heart crept out of your chest and slipped down your limb, in between your intertwined hands, free for him to do with as he pleases.
you want to withdraw from him, as if it would take your heart back, but what’s given cannot be taken back. and after this corruption, you find you almost like the risk of your heart’s safety being in the hands of another. 
his tongue rolls over his lower lip. you watch it, flashes of memories of what that muscle can do running havoc through your mind. 
“you sure about that, pretty girl?” he raises a brow.  
the earth may as well have shattered beneath your seats, for the tremble that rushed through your body at his tone. 
“no,” you admit softly, because when it all comes down to it, shy or not, he knows when you’re lying. he pries the answers from you anyway. 
“last night was foreplay.” he leans back, glances away, runs his available hand down his face to attempt to hide his grin. 
you release his hand only to smack his forearm, lips pressed thinly together. he chuckles, and you go in to hit him again to make a point. 
he’s quick. takes a hold of your smaller wrist, tugging you toward him. the table is small, he’s right in front of your face now, and he’s loving the way your eyes widen, your lips parting, your cheeks reddening.  
“if i could kill you, i would,” you grumble breathily.
“if,” he murmurs fondly.
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
I saw your rasey post and oohhh I agree with you so much I’m aroace so the whole people pushing platonic dynamics into romantic ones has always made me rlly uncomfortable I’m kinda glad I found someone with the same option!! I especially hate the 2k3 ver of the pairing cause Casey’s 23 in that series….while Raph’s 15 and it’s just ew throw it into a fire please….burn it!! But I think as a whole stuff like r(a)sey kinda plays into a bigger issue of some people not being able to invest in characters relationships unless they involve some form of shipping
I don’t care if people ship r@sey (03 tho I’m calling the cops on u cause that’s a no no) everyone got their opinions and I’ll respect that, HOWEVER I heavily dislike the ship and I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. It’s on my block tagged list for a reason.
Like I’m all for shipping, I’m a shipper at heart, but NOT EVERY SINGLE FRIENDSHIP NEEDS TO TURN ROMANTIC. Raph and Casey friendship is and has always been special to me. So people shipping them just shows that some people just can’t comprehend two people just being friends without making it weird. Raph and Casey friendship is one of the most iconic things in TMNT! So shipping them together just ruins it (for me personally) and it’s really annoying seeing fans be like “oh! In the new show Tales of the TMNT I hope they add Casey so Raph can crush on him!” Umm, how about NO??? We already got one Turtle crushing on April we DO NOT need the Turtles crushing on every single human friend they make in this franchise! 🤦‍♀️ Just give MM Raph his Mona Lisa god dammit
Another TMNT ship that comes to mine regarding this topic is April x Donnie in Rottmnt. Yes, I used to ship them but I realized that doing that and hoping for them to be a couple just ruins the special bond that they have! Platonic rise Apritello is better than romantic rise Apritello. I stand by that. Plus I ship Donnie with Kendra so-
Honestly if I had to ship Casey with ANY of the Turtles, it would be Leo. Raph and Donnie is too predictable, overrated and, well, dumb. Also Mikey is a character who has one too many love interests already. Leo x Casey would be far more interesting to see happen in any future TMNT project.
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monkiekidtwt · 1 year
Genuine question, no hate! Why stay on lmk Twitter and repost stuff to here abt it if you dislike it so much? And why are we all arguing over which platform is better? They are all good and bad, there's no better over the other.
To answer this seriously: the reason I stay is because it’s where the majority of LMK fans are. It’s the only place where Monkie Kid News and other such resources resides, and it is often the place that first gets wind of stuff like new releases. If I want to have my finger on the pulse of the show, I sort of have no choice to be. So, while I’m there, I repost the good stuff.
I’ve never engaged in arguments that one social media is better than the other, mind. Just said that Twitter sucks. But the reasons why I dislike Twitter (especially fandom Twitter) are as follows:
A culture of directly harassing people for minor infractions, or what turns out to be misinformation (just the other day, a minor was harassed for something it turned out they didn’t do)
Idolization of big name fans (like I said in an earlier post; if you criticize a big name fan, then you’re gonna get dogpiled to hell and back, and if a big name fan says something, everyone will pretend they’ve always agreed, even if they’ve expressed the opposite recently)
Literal 24/7, unavoidable discourse that nobody tags (today, the topic of fandom-wide discussion was people who treat Mei like she gets in the way of Spicynoodles, which literally nobody does)
It is so hard to optimize your experience and curate your feed, because tagging is not built into the system (like, what would I filter other than ‘Spicynoodles’ to stop seeing the previous discourse, when the majority of them are just text posts with no tags? what if I like that ship and don’t wanna mute it?)
Even if you could curate it better, general social media stuff that everyone knows about Twitter at this point makes it so that you’re always seeing stuff that upsets you (it’s designed to addict you, and feeds you the algorithm which is designed to show you posts that make you upset or angry for engagement, plus more!)
And that’s not even getting into the Elon Musk of it all, or the fact that I’ve had multiple friends on there both watch and be victims of horrific harassment campaigns on LMKtwt that left them with literal trauma symptoms.
Compare this to tumblr:
The culture here is largely “block and move on”
The tagging system makes it easy for people to tag their discourse so I don’t have to see it
Since there is no algorithm, there is no issue with being fed posts to upset me
Harassment is less normalized, and when you are harassed, it’s usually via anon, which you can turn off to shut them up
I have never personally seen any people showing weird behavior towards fellow fans, which is either a sign that it doesn’t happen or that you’re able to curate your feed with minimum effort to never see it
Twitter is an infinitely worse experience, culturally and by social media design, but I stay there because it is where most of the LEGO Monkie Kid fandom is, plus the chill people that reside there sometimes.
So, that’s 1) why I hate it there, and 2) why I’m there anyway. And I run this blog to share the goodies with tumblr, so that nobody else has to feel obligated to be on LMKtwt like I feel that I do. Which is why I make jokes about making such a huge sacrifice for the sake of LMK tumblr, via running this blog.
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hainethehero · 22 days
Me again!
“When did the rules of fandom and fanfic become so absolutely strict & rigid to the point where people aren't allowed to like what they like??!!!” – bit off topic, but oh boy, have you not noticed the rise of “purity culture” in fandom in the past 10(?) years? People have been getting a LOT of hate for ships they ship or tropes they like. It’s definitely not restricted to buddie fandom or 911 fandom.
“Why do you care if people really like Eddie or not? Are you the Eddie police?” – This made me laugh. And the answer to the first question is pretty easy – if people really like Eddie, they’re more likely to post content about him that I can reblog and enjoy, such as fics or gifsets or meta etc. If everybody disliked Eddie, I’d have nothing fun to read/look at/engage with! So in that sense, I do care to an extent.
“I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, they like him. And I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, it's also respectfully none of your concern.” – Well, you’re right it’s not my concern per se, except that if I go scrolling a diaz/eddie-named blog, hoping for good Eddie content to reblog, and I run into a heap of BT posts or LJFR posts or Tommy posts, it’s a bit of a jumpscare/disappointment (which has happened several times). And yes, I filter tags, but people don’t always tag appropriately!
“your absolutely strange questions about what I envision for Eddie/who he'd end up with (I think u should be concerned with what you envision for him & not some stranger on the internet” – Why is it so strange to want to know what somebody else thinks and perhaps gain a fresh perspective? I already know what I would like for Eddie. I was curious about what you thought.
“He'd still be Buck's best friend if BT ended up as endgame
He'd be in a polyamorous relationship with them and get all the d*ck he wants (my personal preference)
Or the writers will give him another gf” - Anyway, so you like the option of eddie in a throuple with buck and tommy? Ok cool! My curiosity is satisfied!
What gets me about the whole "purity culture" in fandom that you're talking about, is that YOU'RE DOING IT. 🤣 you're doing it right now!
What's adding to this disease of purity culture in fandom is what most of the toxic buddie stans are doing RIGHT NOW. Yall are hating on Tommy with absolutely bad faith arguments and using every opportunity you can to deny the fact that you just don't like him because he's in the say of your preferred ship.
"I got a jumpscare seeing Tommy when I was looking thru the eddie tag" lmao okay that was funny. But like, the insane hatred for him is so weird. Y'all know whether buddie becomes canon or not, you can still make them endgame through fanfic right????
And yes, if more people were concerned with how they felt about their characters, instead of how other feel, we would avoid all this fandom war. You asking if people who had Eddie as their pfp really liked him or not IS entitled. You don't know why they have him as their pfp, so why question it? You're not entitled to know.
And in the referred ask, you wanting to know how someone who liked BT and Buddie would envision Eddie fitting in to the relationship- was totally your confusion at not being able to fathom that people could like both and still want buddie or BT to be endgame. Which is a trait I've observed in MOST buddie stans and some BT fans (which I DID address in my OP).
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 3 months
Byler VS Mileven: Thoughts, opinions, etc.
Warning: If you are a Byler or Mileven endgame person, please stay off this. I’m gonna critique both of your ships.
To get the most controversial out of the way, let’s talk about Byler.
Byler is a ship between Will x Mike. If you are on Tumblr, a Stranger Things fan, and you don’t know that, what are you doing? Byler is like, 80% of the Stranger Things fandom. Anyways, so these are my thoughts on Byler. I don’t think it’s gonna be endgame and I don’t think it’s be healthy even if it was. Mike seems really… uh, what’s the word, rude to Will? Especially in the last 2 seasons. Mike was literally pushing Will away in the 3rd season over a girl. Yes, I do agree Will is gay. I have no real doubt about it. But if Mike really loved Will…
1. He’d probably show true signs of affection. No, not smiling at Will. No, not grabbing his hand (I do that with my friends no matter what gender they are.) Like, actual signs of affection, not just friendship signs.
2. He’d probably be more coy with Will. Just as Will is showing affection to Mike in obvious ways, Mike should probably recuperate these feelings. This leads to my 3rd and final point…
3. Is Mike just stupid? Listen. How come we, the outsiders, the people watching, the people not even being INTERACTED with, are noticing all the signs of Will’s obvious gayness, when MIKE, the person being DIRECTLY TALKED TO AND INTERACTED WITH is not getting the hint. Sorry, this topic just gets me heated. I know this is the 80’s and being gay is still taboo, but being Bi/Gay is not unknown. Mike probably would know if he himself is bi, non the less, his own friend. Will is as subtle as 100 nukes going off at once. So why is Mike not getting it?
So yeah, that’s my thoughts on Byler. Overall, I don’t have a problem with the ship. It’s just that people are thinking it’s going to 100% being endgame, and hey, maybe I’m wrong. I’m just saying Byler is not 100% on the board of endgame ships, if there are any.
Now let’s talk about Mileven.
This is the ship of Mike and El. This is a canon (for now) ship. So, obviously since I dislike Byler, I must be for Mileven, right?
I am for NEITHER. NON. NEIN. NIE. Here are my reasons for my dislike of Mileven. I don’t think they’re gonna break up, but I sure as heck hope they do. El deserves better. Sure, Mike was forced to, but he could have chosen not to lie to El if he truly loved her. Second, he was overprotective of El, and El deserves to have her independence. Luckily, she does in S3 and 4. Mike was great to her in the first two seasons, being not overprotective, but just caring and wanting to make sure she’s ok. He seemed to have chemistry, and then, the next season… well… it sort of turned toxic. Mike got really weird and mean to like, a lot of people. If he truly loved El, he would have…
1. Stayed like how he was in the first 2 seasons. Protective, but not overly so. The relationship shouldn’t have become the stereotypical and annoying break-up get-back-together plot. I feel like Lumax was the way they should’ve went with the relationship.
2. Again, he wouldn’t lie. He should’ve stayed with El and not have lied, because that only made the whole thing worse. Then that lead to Mike and Will fighting, because Mike is a moron (are you seeing a pattern here? That both of these ships’s issues are a lot because of Mike? Huh) and wouldn’t even listen to his own “crush.”
3. He would, as I mentioned with Will, be more coy with her. Mike in the recent seasons (also notice how I keep mentioning the first and latest 2 seasons? Odd) has been acting strange around Eleven. Almost like she’s pulling her along on a relationship that doesn’t really exist anymore. I think he’s worried El will be mad at him and not help him if he breaks up with her. But again, that isn’t healthy. That isn’t love.
So those are my thoughts on the ships. If you disagree with me and fight in the comments like a bunch of barbarians, I will not care. You can like what you like, just leave me out of it.
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driedupeyeballs · 7 months
30 for the twst ask thing!!
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30. What’s your hottest Twst take?
Got a little out of hand here
Honestly idk if I have any hot takes I’m vanilla as fuck
Shipping Rugkali is my hottest take 😔 /j
Idk I’ll try??
Ok I’m like. The bigggest fucking Scarabia fan to an obnoxious degree and I am very passionate abt the fact that there was no villain in that arc and both kalim and Jamil were neither in the right nor in the wrong but I feel like that isn’t super controversial?? Also I could probably talk abt book four for multiple hours unending so let’s not open tjat can of worms
I do have some ship takes that would get me hung at the gallows by certain ppl tho like I do NOT like Leomal or jamikali rlly any rook ship (I don’t mind rookvil I actually kinda like it but anything else is HWEEh *chill runs down my body* but that may just be bcuz I don’t like rook-)
Is not liking rook a hot take?? I know I’m not the only rook hater in this shit. Ok I don’t hate him but like. HES WEIRD. HES WEIRD AND I DONT LIKE HIM. OR HIS HAIR
He has grown on me I will admit he has definitely grown on me (also I haven’t played book 7 yet) BUT unfortunately he is also annoying 💔
I got way off topic there but yeah ship takes I don’t get why Leomal and jamikali are like some of the most popular ships cuz like I love a good enemies/rivals to lovers just as much as the next guy but Leomal just… the vibes… the vibes are off
And don’t even get me STARTED on jamikali AAAA their dynamic is so interesting as like a non romantic thing and I am so fascinated by them I love fics of them that don’t ship them esp angst IF YOU HAVE ANY NON SHIP SCARABIA FIC RECS GIVE THEM TO ME IMMEDIATELY
I do not find Malleus particularly attractive. Like I love his character so much and he’s so like ack I wanna eat him and like. Have a long philosophical discussion w him and I definitely see the appeal w fanart n stuff but his canon design just doesn’t do it for me… idk why cuz like he doesn’t have any archetypes or design choices i dislike like generally I love long haired characters n like the tall dark and handsome type and horns n whatnot idk what it is abt him??? And even in some of his card arts I can see it like his broomquet groovy and he is OBJECTIVELY pretty jsut not like anymore than most of the other cast imo??? Maybe it’s just his live2d??? Idk idk I love malleus but I just don’t think he’s as hot as everyone considers him? Am I gonna be hung? Crucified? Idk. This was a rant and a half thanks for coming
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Hey dillo! I’m so sorry if this inconveniences you or anything but I accidentally sent in an ask for your round up event trying to swipe up on a notification 😭 (it was the one where the person said they hated being micro managed), so if you could answer this one instead that would be great. I’m gonna try to recreate it as best as I can.
🪕 - 🅡🅘🅓🅘🅝🅖 - ships, tell me a little about yourself (personality, general description, likes/dislikes, gender preference) and i'll ship you with somebody from the outsiders!
Personality- I’m kinda quiet depending on who I’m with, like if I’m with one of my irl friends who I’m close with you can’t get me to shut my mouth but the second I’m around someone I don’t like or don’t know you can’t get a word out of me.
I struggle with social anxiety and anxiety general, and I don’t take medication for it even though I probably should look into getting some to help with my anxiety. My anxiety can be a little weird as well. For example if I go to a sit down restaurant I can order what I want with no problems at all, but then other times the second I see the waiter/waitress my anxiety skyrockets.
I also have random moments were I feel really overwhelmed and like things are going awry and I’ll get frustrated really easily and admittedly have a bit of an attitude, but then other times I’ll be feeling myself even if I look crappy at the time. I can also get frustrated and anxious really easily if someone is micro managing me. I literally HATE being micro managed SO MUCH.
I also can be really easily entertained, and can sometimes getting distracted and off topic easily, as well as get bored of something very easily which causes me to switch interests quite frequently sometimes depending on the topic and how interested in it I am.
General description- I’d say I’m little over average height but not by much since I’m 5’5 (if I remember correctly I think I looked up what the average height for women is in America one time and the answer was something along the lines of 5’4).
I have kinda have medium-ish length hair, my hair is brown and it goes to my shoulder maybe a little bit past my shoulders, but I usually keep it back in a bun.
I’m not the tannest either since I don’t go places very much. I’m a bit of a homebody, I’d prefer to stay home and relax then go out and go somewhere fancy and what not. I do enjoy going on walks though, I could literally walk around town for hours and not get bored as long as the weather is nice and it doesn’t start raining half way through my walk or my legs don’t start hurting from how much walking I’ve done.
I’m also not the skinniest, I’m about 142-142.2 Lb. when if I haven’t eaten yet and about 145-145.8 Lb. depending on what I’ve eaten and how much I’ve eaten.
Likes- Some things that I like would probably include reading, and drawing even though I don’t really draw or read that much cuz I either struggle to find inspiration to draw and I’m also kinda picky with the stuff that I’ll read.
I also like to write, but like with drawing, I often struggle to find inspiration or motivation to write, and when I do write I’m very critical of my work which causes me to abandon whatever I’ve written half way through (sometimes not even half way through).
I also really like to watch movies too and have a ton of favorites.
Dislikes- Some things that I don’t like would probably be having to touch anything that’s dirty depending on what it is because I’m a bit of germaphobe. For example I could handle my dirty laundry with no problems but when it comes to touching someone else’s dirty clothes I stall so bad it’s ridiculous.
Another thing that I hate is certain textures, especially things that feels soggy, slimy, or anything like that I hate it so much.
I also have a mild case if trypophobia, so anything with clusters of holes I don’t necessarily hate depending on the image someone shows me, but if someone shows me something like a hand or any part of the human body with holes in it I feel very out of place and like I wanna bleach my eyes.
Another thing I really hate is arguing and yelling, I get super anxious when I hear people yelling or someone arguing with another person, or when someone yells at me I can get really anxious.
I also really hate having anxiety because it’s one of my life’s biggest inconveniences, and sometimes my anxiety can get so bad at times that I literally can’t eat no matter how hungry I am.
Gender preference- I don’t really have a gender preference when it comes to dating someone else. As long as they like me and I like them and things work out between us then cool, I’m happy with the relationship, and if things don’t work out then at least it was worth a shot to try dating but unfortunately things work and that’s fine.
When it comes to how someone refers to me, I don’t really care although I would prefer either she/her or she/they.
Sorry if this was confusing I tried to make it not be confusing as best as I could so I hope succeeded in not making it confusing. Also could I be referred to as 🍒 anon if that okay? Anyway I hope you have a good day/night!
I've got you covered, don't worry! And totally! That emoji is all yours now :D Sodapop for the ship! I think he'd help you work through some of that social anxiety and overwhelmedness, he's sort of outgoing so you can use him as a buffer for the social situations- he'd probably try and yank your hair from the bun, just cause he likes seeing it down, and he hates when people yell too, so you don't have to worry about big, shouting fights-
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auromelt · 11 months
do you dislike x reader for all fandoms or is your aversion to it specially for szam? i’m just asking~
oh don’t worry about it :) i’ll explain a bit under the cut
i avoid it for every fandom i’ve ever participated in. i don’t judge people who consume it and the premise of their fics etc looks super interesting sometimes but i have someone special to me irl so i don’t really like the concept of x reader for that reason. additionally i don’t see my faves in any sort of romantic light. kinda wish i did sometimes so i could be delusional over sexy little suzaki ryo instead of trying to smush his face into amagai’s. Anyways. on the topic of szam, i’ll admit that i Am a bit more averse to x readers, x OCs, and x other characters for them than i’ve been with any other ships before. no idea why. maybe part of me just wholeheartedly believes only they work and nobody should ever try to get in their way. but i don’t hate seeing them written or drawn with other people either yk, anything to raise their brand reputation 🙏 (no clue why i’m talking like a kpop stan rn) and i support all writers doing whatever they want. but overall i think in particular i don’t like reading or even seeing szam x reader or similar things because i’m annoyingly possessive over these characters that i didn’t create and i cannot trust myself to not be obnoxious over it.
tl;dr suzaama soulmates made for each other one and only don’t get between them don’t get around them don’t look at them only look at them et cetera et cetera i’m an annoying person who gets weird and freaky over suzaki ryo and my special person is sexy and gorgeous🫰
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realmythsmoved · 7 months
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point? How do you describe writing / rp to others? What is your favorite canon muse? Who is your favorite OC? How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC? FC or story first when you develop an OC? What’s something you find weird on here? What are things that you don’t wish to see on here?
I've liked writing since a young age, and I think it was my love of reading which spurred my love of writing. But for RPing, someone was looking for someone to write Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter in an RP group on a seperate site (not Tumblr) when I was like 13. Seeing as she was my favorite character, I decided to do it. I went on to RP many many more muses on other sites before moving to Tumblr.
My favorite canon muse that I RP now is a tie between Ciri, The Thirteenth Doctor, Dany, and Arya. As for favorite muses I've RPed ever, I'd also add Clara Oswald, Luna, and Cinna from The Hunger Games to the list. I might just bring Clara back one day heheh. <3
My favorite OC is super hard to choose and changes all the time but at the moment, I'd say it's a tie between Persephone, Victoria, Alex, Hope, Farryn, and Esme. Also Aphrodite, she's just fun to play for some reason. LOL.
How I create an OC varies from muse to muse. Usually I'll think of a backstory and personality for them first, and then choose a FC. But sometimes I have a vague concept and pick a FC and then further develop the muse.
I'd say I develop my OCs just through RPing them. The more I RP them, the more I get to know them as a person. And hopefully that comes across. <3
Usually story first, or at least a vague idea of one. Then FC. But it depends on the muse TBH.
I find the focus on graphics for promos and icons weird. Like no hate to anyone who enjoys making pretty promos and icons. But it shouldn't be a requirement or that important, in my opinion. I think the writing is what really matters. And everything else is extra, you know? I also find some callouts (not the serious ones) weird, in that people will put like "ships thing I dislike" or "likes character I hate" as a serious offense, almost like it's bigotry. And I find that strange as well. If someone's being offensive in how they write a muse, by all means call that out. But just someone shipping a ship or liking a character, I don't think needs to be mentioned most of the time. (Unpopular opinion, maybe? IDK. LOL)
I don't really mind most things. But I have to say, I get somewhat annoyed when there are people who spend their time in OOC posts getting upset at other people for liking XYZ thing they don't like. I get the need to rant. I get it. There are plenty of things I dislike. But I feel like as a RPC, if someone plays a muse you dislike or ships something you don't like, just do your best to ignore it. Blacklist tags, unfollow/block people as needed. But making tons of posts about it won't change other people's minds. And might upset some RP partners who don't feel the same way. So I feel like, if someone likes something you dislike, feel free to vent about it if you need to. I'm not going to tell people what to do. But maybe keep it to a minimum, if you can.
Also, any callouts that are pretty much just the same thing. Like "don't follow this person they ship XYZ thing." or "they write this muse" or "they write XYZ problematic topic". And for the last one, I get it. There are topics I won't write. But I feel like it's each RPers job to curate their own blog. And like just don't follow people who write things you don't want to, ya know? Or if you do follow, make your boundaries clear in your rules. And if someone doesn't respect those boundaries? Block them. That, to me seems a lot healthier than calling people out for writing XYZ thing that you dislike or think is wrong. Obviously, if someone writes a muse in a way that's offensive to a marginalized group or something, and they don't listen to feedback, a callout would make sense. But let's say someone writes a ship someone thinks is unhealthy, or a muse someone thinks is a bad person (depending on what that entails, etc. Like if someone's writing a bigoted muse, it might be worth looking into etc. But it really depends on the muse and their story. At least for me.), or even writes a topic that would be wrong if it was IRL. As long as that person is not forcing anyone to write XYZ with them, I don't personally see the need for a callout in that case. But this might be an unpopular opinion as well. Personally, I prefer to focus on callouts where someone is being prejudiced or disrespecting people's boundaries, etc. rather than "they wrote icky things or things I dislike." Now if someone tries to force someone else to write things they don't want to, in that case a callout would be warranted. Like if someone made me write incest or abuse or rape in a thread. Now if I agreed to write such topics that would be a different story, but since it's in my rules that I don't, due to how triggering they can be to others, I would expect that to be respected. But if someone else WANTS to write a thread about any of those topics, while I would not personally do so, I do respect their right to write about it if and only if, everyone who's writing it with them genuinely wants to explore such dark things. In my opinion, writing should be a safe place to explore everything and anything without any people being harmed. But if people are forced to write topics they don't want to, then real people are being harmed, and I would support any callouts of that nature. I hope I'm making some kind of sense. LOL. And if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. <3
Oh, and I forgot you on the other ask, but I also get happy when I see you on my dash, @uncxntrxllable ! <3 <3 <3
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dearestsilhouette · 8 months
Intro Post
Hello, my name is Mist, but you can call me River, Riveret, Soup, or really any other name under the sun that isn’t inappropriate.
I made this blog to chat with others and express myself to those who I know will validate me.
Here’s my pronoun page, please read it as it’s important.
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I have quite a few interests, but my main ones are:
Object shows
The Pink Corruption
CRK / Cookie Run Kingdom
Note: just because they’re my interests doesn’t mean I’m always going to post about them.
Another note: I do not associate myself with being in the jsab fandom and never will. I just like the game.
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I would appreciate it if you don’t interact with me if you:
Fall under basic DNI lists.
Are a NSFW, NSFT or minor DNI blog.
Support people, ships, or other miscellaneous things that are problematic.
Are a proshipper / comshipper (technically falls under above rule but I want to make sure y’all understand this one).
Strongly enforce / project your religion onto others.
Go to blogs to be an asshat.
[ NOTE: I am fine with adult blogs interacting, just don’t be weird or creepy. I am a minor, I would NOT like to deal with that. ]
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I also have a few tags I use (which may be added onto).
Mist’s Shenanigans - Out of context posts, shitposts or just me being chaotic.
Mist’s Art - My art based posts. [NOTE: Some posts may contain vent art: these are tagged vent art and have a “continue under cut” as well.]
Mist’s Ask Responses - Ask responses.
Mist’s Submissions - My submissions.
Mist’s Thoughts - My thoughts, negative and positive. [Please look at the tone tags on these posts; I’d appreciate it.]
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Right before we get to the last of all of this, here’s some notes about me.
I am a minor. Please don’t be weird with me and keep that in mind when interacting.
I dislike the topic of religion due to past and current events in my life. It’d be immensely preferred if the topic is brought away from me.
I may have hyperactive-impulsive adhd (I am not diagnosed) meaning that I can be very disorganized, chaotic, forgetful and hyperactive at times I shouldn’t. Please bear with me, I’m trying my best here.
I curse; if you don’t like this, please tell me and I’ll try to tone it down.
I find it difficult to tell what tones people are in sometimes, so it’d be appreciated if you use some form of tone indicator like tone tags.
I love it when people interact with me. I love seeing notifications! Feel free to mass like and/or reblog my posts, as I don’t mind in the slightest.
I am the embodiment of the word ambivert. (Half joking here; I’m just extremely ambiverted.)
I myself may mass like and reblog people’s posts, please tell me if you don’t like this.
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Lastly, here’s some boundaries of mine. Please respect them.
If you know my real name, please do NOT use variations of it. I genuinely hate variations of my name being used on me and it makes me uncomfortable.
I dislike the topic of religion, as seen above. Please don’t bring it into casual conversation, as I’ve already been exposed to enough toxic religion related stuff.
Don’t reblog my vents unless there’s a tag explicitly saying you can. Please just comment or ignore them.
Please don’t censor tws. I have a few things filtered out and I don’t want to see them.
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Here’s some userboxes; thanks for reading!
(By the way, the only userbox that is mine is the minesweeper one; the others are not mine.)
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[ The separators were made by @cafekitsune, please go give them some love and check them out! /nf ]
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🔥 sasuke
Sorry it took me so long to get to this! I think I’ve probably said most stuff already but I always have thoughts about Sasuke so. I think people often mischaracterize him by either erasing his personality to make him into whatever they want a love interest and/or sympathetic victim to look like, or else they reduce his entire personality into saying snarky things or (if they dislike him) being randomly mean to everyone for no reason and don’t pay attention to how complex and genuine he is. He can be kind and respectful and he can also be bitter and disrespectful, but these qualities aren’t random, how he acts is clearly connected to the context of the situation and I think people often overlook that and act like he’s just unpredictable and irrational or something, which I think is clearly untrue if you look at what’s going on in each scene where he acts a certain way. He’s also very clear about what his reasons for doing things are!
In terms of fandom discourse ummm…I guess when it comes to SNS (the most divisive topic among followers of this blog by far) I do personally like some aspects of it and I think it can be really compelling either in the context of an altered version of the story or as something that’s moving and tragic and flawed in canon, but when people act like Sasuke stans who dislike it are wrong/just being irrational it annoys me because Naruto canonically does support the village and cover up the massacre and refuse to see Sasuke’s opposition to Konoha as legitimate, and that’s not something that suddenly happened in one chapter at the end even though people like to act like it did. I like picturing alternate versions of the story too, but it just seems weird to me to expect everyone to be able to just ignore his characterization in like 100+ canon episodes of the show or to act like it’s unreasonable to be bothered by Naruto’s actions to the point of not enjoying the ship. I get that people on both sides of the debate can be a little overdramatic at times but. Idk it just annoys me when people roll their eyes at the fact that people feel that way, because realistically Naruto does suck during the later part of the show. Also, while I don’t always agree with all other Sasuke stans on everything, I respect their opinions much much more than anyone whose anti Sasuke.
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fumifooms · 2 years
Kimbliza crumbs in canon
The ship of Solf Kimblee and Riza Hawkeye (kimbliza) is a rarepair, unsurprising since they share only one interaction and scene. That’s not to say the ship has 0 canon basis, however, and this masterpost is me just compiling things that makes me go “oh yeah, kimbliza”. I go over the iconic scene they have together first, but then I delve into more obscure bits and details that I haven’t seen others point out. This is meant to act as a masterpost of sorts. Under a cut bc this’ll be decently long. These keep me up at night 
Let’s first of all go over said scene they have together. Very similar in Brotherhood and the manga, but the manga is much easier to showcase here.
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Nothing short of Kimblee’s most iconic quotes being addressed to her! Their first and only interaction, quite the icebreaker. The first thing to notice is that he’s quite directly answering a question she asked, definitely didn’t ask him, but he all the same heard and wanted to tell her what he thought about it. Second is that he singled her out, even if he had been addressing his speech to the whole group. Third is how he was able to read her, it’s one thing to guess she dislikes her “job”, but another to assume a part of her would take pride in her skills which we’ll assume is at least partially right due to her reaction (It’s mostly simple philosophy/logic rather than him reading her well specifically, but still fun to point out). Most importantly is how impactful this interaction was for Riza. This interaction is clearly one that she remembers even now still (which can be assumed, for one, by how the Ishval scenes are contextualized by Riza talking to Ed about her experiences in Ishval) and that affected her a lot, both in the moment as seen with her frequent and intense panels in the scene and later on through the wake-up call she needed. It’s honestly not something you can say every day, that a character changed another’s perspective on such a topic like this.
Moving on, this impact can be seen quite clearly here.
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Kimblee spoke of orders, and where blame should be held, in the one who orders or who obeys. Riza in the first scene was horrified at the war she was participating in, no doubt feeling extremely guilty, but she was still somewhat talking about it like some tragedy happening around her instead of something she was actively and willfully participating in. Of course Riza’s retrospective and growth on the topic can’t all be attributed to what Kimblee said to her, but it’s a direct link drawn that Kimblee made them all question themselves and shift their perspective. She went from “How is this all so messed up… Why is the military like this?” to “but we were the ones who carried it out” and wow, way to say Kimblee’s words have left a deep impact on her omg. (These scenes are like 1 chapter apart btw so like mentioned, the link drawn between them isn’t hard to miss at all) 
Now! Unrelated but oh so relevant: Kimblee liking/being interested in people with strong wills is an ongoing theme and big trait of his character, constantly praising and respecting those who he deems to have strong convictions they stand by, and his whole interest in battling and conflict being framed by wanting to see “a battle between strong wills”. This bit is one such moment:
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(manga cap taken from @everykimblee​ ) 
He is here talking about Winry (next panel is him saying she’s too young for him at Edward’s judgy gaze, no worries), but. His type is one that works hard and is serious/passionate about her work?? HMM GEE I WONDER WHO FITS THAT BILL!
Last but not least story-wise… Isn’t it kinda weird that Kimblee received a fatal would to the left side of his neck… Like Riza later received a fatal wound to the left side of her neck? If not character foils then how come their deaths directly parallel each other hm? I’m kinda joking but that is such a specific thing, how even…
Alas this is it for the manga portion, the veterans don’t ever mention Kimblee and Kimblee likewise never talks about them, and they don’t have other interactions together. 😔 The rest of this post is all about details and less plot points/character analysis
If there’s one thing Riza and Kimblee share beyond this sort of composed and regal air, it’s fashion sense. I MEAN EXCUSE ME??
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(One of her few Brotherhood out-of-uniform outfits, as seen in the scene where she meets up with Rebecca at a cafe. Also depicted in other scenes and official artworks, often with some minor variations)
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White + lavender is Kimblee’s whole scheme in the anime, and Riza is sporting that? White coat??? With lavender accessories?? Now now, this isn’t at all a point you can make for the manga verse, and the Brotherhood artists sure do seem to love their purple for some reason, but omfg. Do I truly need more to consider this a crumb? No.
Official art
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(For Brotherhood. She’s wearing lavender 🥰)
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(For the 2003 anime. Still a white coat :] )
Listen. I could try and analyze what their dynamic would be like based on canon. Do I want to? Not really, so the post ends here until I find more to add onto it. But the crumbs sure are yummy!
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nightglider124 · 2 years
titans fans think they own the dickkory tag but seem to forget that in no way did they invent it. Dickkory has been the ship name for decades for the two characters for the comics. It so happens that other versions of the ship (like titans) have tacked onto dickkory tag to make it easier to enjoy content. Robstar is used solely for the 03 cartoon. I don’t mean to hate, i like titans as well but it comes off as belittling other media forms to prop up others. Ie putting down the cartoon for the show even though they are completely different but still star our favourite dc characters and the reverse as well. I dont get why fans fee the need to be negative like cartoon fans hating on titans - they are completely different but they are both still valid. Just cos you don’t like one of the versions, doesn’t mean they need to be dicks about it. Sorry to vent, night but I see the bullshit on twitter and now here too. Its so stupid.
Sigh. In a way, I feel this, anon. I get what you mean with the end part of that - it is stupid. Titans, 03 show, ttg, dcau, comics… at the end of the day, i stay out of that bs drama with what is better or whatever cos that is childish af.
I very clearly have a favourite version which has always been the cartoon. Its what got me into DC and i grew up with it when fics and fanart were going strong and it was back in the early 2000’s, you know. The good ol’ days. 😂 But, despite that being my favourite, I also really enjoy Titans cos its a gritty version that is aimed at an older audience. I think that is what a lot of fans who prefer comics or the cartoon etc struggle with. I think they lean towards flat out disliking it bc it isn’t what they know and it’s different. There’s nothing wrong with not liking Titans. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea; hell, i dropped it for s3 bc i was so uninterested in what they were doing by the end of s2. I also did not care for all the side characters taking spotlight over the main ones but I digress. But, keep it out of the fan’s faces, you know?
Its rude and really annoying when you have fans shitting on your good time. Titans has had a good time so far with dickkory and so fans are allowed to enjoy that. The fact that other dickkory fans who dont like Titans are being dicks about it is weird, in my opinion.
Same as, i think fans who try and shit on fans who love the cartoon are lame af. Like so what if its old? So what if it was aimed at younger audiences? So what if you dont like it? Point is, other people do so leave them to enjoy it. My biggest gripe with the cartoon is people saying it was childish considering it actually tackled some deeper topics, despite being a kids show.
Main point here is, people who gatekeep tags and shit are losers. Like, no one owns anything and anyone acting like that is sus, imo.
I get so sick of seeing people fight over different versions of a ship considering at the end of the day, its all the same?? Like dickkory for example. You may not like them in one format but you do in another. Personally, i am so fucking starved for dickkory content, i will take it from anything. Any version is allowed to be in the tag, old or new like jeez.
They are all valid formats if it means i get to see my two idiots in love.
A lot of people hate the DCAU but i really enjoyed those animated movies cos of, you guessed it, dickkory. They showed their relationship so nicely in that. It was wholesome as fuck but was also a little flirty so it was aimed at the adults more so. I think some people see animated stuff and immediately think its shit and childish which literally isn’t the case at all.
The comics are the og sources for these characters and I’ve seen a lot of ‘comic gatekeepers’ moan about other forms of the characters as well through the years. Now, i’ve got knowledge of the comics but im not some purist who has read every single one, more so bc fuck, I can’t keep up and comics contradict all the time cos of dumbass writers (looking at you T*m T*aylor 👀) but, i still appreciate the comics being the thing that started it all off. Without the comics, I wouldn’t have my baby Koriand’r 🥰 so anytime something remotely to do with dickkory comes out in comics, im rooting for it, purely cos i like seeing some form of life for my ship.
TTG is also valid; its silly and fun and that’s okay too. The titans are like a chiller version of the justice league and they are a team that notoriously is a bit less serious in all formats; they still have very serious storylines but they are the younger team ya know? Again, i think thats why a lot of people don’t like TTG either which is FINE but dont be going into ttg tags and mouthing off about how shit you think it is. Like its bad fandom decorum. Personally, I don’t care much for ttg; i did at first. I liked it and watched it regularly but now i just dont. But again, im not out here bitching about how it isnt the og cartoon so its crap or it isnt titans so its stupid.
I didn’t mean to rant like this but I just find it so fucking ridiculous that we’re still at this point in fandom where people can’t just let others enjoy shit. It is pathetic especially when shit like this comes from people who are literally adults like come on ffs. Get a grip.
I will continue to stay in my dickkory bubble, enjoying it in all forms which I advise fans to do lmao, it’s much less annoying and bitter when you just let yourself enjoy your ship In whatever formats there are.
Need I remind people that dickkory, despite being hella popular and loved, hasn’t had anything substantially canon in a long time so if shows like Titans are feeding fans, don’t be a dick and rain on parades. It’s not fair when people just wanna enjoy it and it just makes you an ass.
Sorry, this got hella long lmao. Also, anon, i would avoid twitter. It’s too toxic there, i have found in the past. Though Tumblr has had its moments too and by the sounds of it, people be just as bad here. 🙄
I could literally write a book on this, that’s how many thoughts I have. I’ve been around the DC fandom and dickkory tags for a long time and I can’t believe people still can’t help themselves. Just let people enjoy things all round, ugh! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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chocochipbiscuit · 2 years
For the ask game: 1, 3 and 11!
1) do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
Answered here, but because I’m nothing if not loquacious, I feel like expanding!
Every story needs to have a good ending. I know a lot of emphasis is put on ‘strong hooks’ and openings, but the ending is the last thing the reader takes with them. There have been stories and games that I’ve loved…except for the endings, which then taint my willingness to re-engage with that media.
Sometimes I stumble. That’s what outlining and spitballing with friends is for. And when I’m doing something short, or a creative writing exercise, I’m not so invested in the ending; my prompt was to show the progression of time between four scenes? Okay! I can do that! And because it’s so short, a story might emerge (because humans are pattern-seeking creatures, and a ‘story’ has a narrative pattern that differentiates it from a series of unconnected events) but those exercises weren’t written to be ‘stories,’ they were written for me to practice or explore certain techniques.
3) on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
I almost exclusively write love stories in fandom. Shipping! Romance! Passionate smooches! I read a lot more broadly outside of fandom, but for fanfic specifically? I fall in love with characters and want to write about them falling in love in return. Relationships (whether established or getting together) offer new ways to explore characterization and the ‘what if’ nature of fanfic!!!!
11) what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
Answered here, but I realize that I forgot to answer the second half of the question!
I don’t think of what I do as ‘research’ generally, because usually I try to pick things I’m already interested in and know a little about. I don’t usually set out to look up specific questions, but instead try to soak up the ambience or topic and see what interesting details pop out. I will look up specifics to make sure it doesn’t contradict something I’m writing, but generally I just go with the ~vibes~ and try to make sure it makes sense.
ALTHOUGH. I WILL SAY ONE THING. As a former physics tutor and general science nerd, it does drive me absolutely BONKERS when science is misrepresented or deliberately watered down for the sake of a nonsensical analogy! One of my personal peeves is the use of Schroedinger’s cat (there was no real cat! It was a thought experiment meant to illustrate how fundamentally weird physics is at the quantum level and how it’s not necessarily directly applicable to the macro level!) So when it gets used as a weird smirky ‘well, it’s alive AND dead, we can never be fundamentally sure of ANYTHING’ then authors are completely missing the point!!!!
I also fully admit the irony of it because I wrote Schroedinger’s Pussy to play with the pop culture reference of it but ALSO maintain that it works as an analogy here because of the history of necromancy and nuclear war and the mass devastation/death that triggers their thanergetic surges, then WELL! Two angry lesbians in complete denial about their feelings and unwilling/unable to resolve their issues in a healthy manner seems like a PERFECT way to play with that trope!
I also dislike ‘ooooh quantum multiverse theory!!!’ when it’s used as an excuse for interdimensional hopping or to mire the characters/readers in solipsistic time loops.
…okay, this rant got a bit away from me. Nutshell summary: No, I will not write a pirates AU because I am currently not interested in learning more about boats and maritime trade routes and I do not see the point in writing a thing for which I will have to learn other things! But yes, I will write a mermaid AU where I look up whalefalls and the difference between jettison and salvage, because I find that much more interesting!
(Questions are from this ask game!)
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(very slight spoilers based on the trailer)
tiniest bit nervous about tomorrow’s episode because tbh i’ve never been a fan of the glaciator episodes, and so far this season has already been very romo which... don’t get me wrong, it’s fantastic! i love it!! but like
i’ve definitely been getting more romance-repulsed as i’ve gotten older and my tolerance for romance in media has absolutely gone down a lot, that’s why i’ve been more into video games recently than tv shows etc (i play the silly lawyer games all the time because there’s no romance and nothing to get in the way of me indulging in my aro headcanons... i play stardew so i can roommate with krobus asap and never have to think about romance...). it’s probably because this past year my family have been getting REALLY pushy about the marriage topic, just at the time where i’m really starting to be comfortable with being aroace and how i feel happier living my life, and it’s just all rather unpleasant, so using non-romance media to escape from all that has been a big thing for me recently.
BUT I JUST LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH. and i do like the ship and i DO like the way the romance has been portrayed. but at the same time it does set off my romo-repulsion, so it’s this weird state of liking it and disliking it and there’s already been so many episodes this week and gahhhhhh i’m not going to miss tomorrow’s one, no way, but i’m worried i’m going to dislike it and that’s a shame because so far i’ve thoroughly enjoyed this season, and i feel like “it was too shippy” is a stupid reason to dislike an episode. but like i said, the glaciator-type episodes have been :/ since the beginning for me, i just don’t like them for some reason. aaaaaa i’m probably just rambling about nothing at this point, idk what i want to say. i hate being romance-repulsed sometimes. and the thing is it used to not be like this, i have genuinely become more romo-repulsed as i’ve aged, so i can see the clear difference between how i used to be and how i am now and it sucks.
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