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nightglider124 · 5 months ago
Night!! I was so surprised so see you post; it’s been ages since you’ve been active :(
I know, friend ❤️
I disappeared completely a couple of years back. I do still plan to return and finish up fics that I left alone. But, there’s also a lot of things that have kept me away from here and its life stuff, both good and exciting things as well as unfortunate events in my life as well.
I only really pop on here and there, check the robstar and dickkory tags for anything good and then click off.
I will come back to my precious fics at some point, I swear by it. I just can’t give you a timeframe 🫠
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prim-underscore · 2 years ago
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A scene based on Star by @nightglider124
Commission from @lirannq
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
'Who am I to Complain?'
As part of my own contribution to this year's first day of Spring 2024, aka the in universe birthday of one Richard John Grayson-Wayne, the First Robin and the crime fighter known as Nightwing, I would like this opportunity finally....FINALLY...posting up for you all a fic that's been in my drafts for pretty much the better part of any entire year. Originally meant on being released last Christmas, various forms of delay, writer's block and other general distractions have prevented me from finally finishing such a project. Well finally after such anticipation at least on my end, I have managed creating a final form for this story I think can satisfy.
For very quick context, this story is a component of my long running idea proposing and lore building of my own version of the DC Comics Universe. In particular, it takes within the long storyline both @thattimdrakeguy and I have crafted for the better part of two years, the first part being involved within the hypothetical Nightwing solo book, 'Clipped Wings' and its follow up crossover with Detective Comics proper, "Blue Hawk Down'. For more information regarding the general summaries of events, check out the links here and here.
I shall like to dedicate this story to my mutuals and friends @adalineozie @meara-eldestofthemall @nightglider124 @faesystem @confusedhummingbird @spider-jaysart @mothnem @lightdusk96 @camo-wolf @sbd-laytall @theredheaded-stuff @celaenaeiln @starlightbelle @shootingstarssel @avaraydrake @pin-crusher2000 @sillymanwithocs @batboyblog @bluegarners @tarisilmarwen @orange-s-mario @altinyns-multimedia-museblog @katmaatui and so many others
Constructive Criticisms are Generally Welcome; Replies and Especially Reblogs are greatly appreciated
The Following May Contain Graphic Scenes of Violence, References to Sexual Assault and other themes not suitable for a Young Audience. Viewer Discretion is Heavily Advised
As per usual, All Rights and Copyrights to Characters and Concepts seen in this work are owned by DC Comics, Inc, a subsidiary of DC Entertaiment and Warner Bros. Discovery
With all that....Happy Birthday Dick Grayson....Here's my gift of Grade A angst for you
Sigh. Cough Cough
Look at yourself. Just Honest to God, Dick, just look at yourself.
Take a good look at those cuts, that blood all over your ugly as hell face, that blood pouring out of your stupid, big fat hole you call a mouth. You wanna know who’s Goddamn fault it was for all this? You wanna know who's responsible for you being more pathetic and a freak than you already are? Cough Cough
Don’t try to deny it. Why should you? 
After all, you allowed this to happen to you, right? Not just with what happened tonight but over these last few weeks. You know what I’m talking about. Losing your home and failing to find out how despite insisting you paid for it. What will Kory Cough say now when she comes back and sees that home you wanted to allow her into isn’t even yours anymore? What kind of fiance are you to allow that? 
  Why stop there? Here you are, without any place to call a house, your face gushing and oozing red as it had been lately, broke, nobody likes you, not a single damn soul cares about you. You wanna know who’s fault it is? Yours. In fact, as you right now are flinging that bottle of peroxide into your ugly face and stinging from it as you deserve, how about we explore what even happened tonight that led to this, shall we? 
  I think I should…Cough
 Three Hours Earlier….
“Tell Us Goddamnit, You Blue Wearing Cunt!!” 
As if I would. How do I tell these bastards where the hell Bruce is if I wasn’t even able to speak to him for weeks by now? 
I know what you’re thinking, ‘but are you his…’
Stop right there right now. If you’re gonna pull that whole ‘you’re his son’  bullshit on me, for one thing, at the very most I was adopted, I ain’t his real kid. I never deserved being his real kid at all given who we are. Another thing too; if he were to come to my help, he would’ve done so about…God knows how many times by now lately. I would handle it anyways, what kind of person needs any sort of father or even friends when it was their own damn fault they wound up taking two  bullets to the hamstrings? 
Why yes, that’s what I’m going through and yes it was my Goddamn fault being this utterly stupid and an utter embarrassment with my training for getting caught by those sickos like I was. Now you are thinking, everyone has an off day and…
Crap! Two on the calves and two more on my hamstrings, I can tell. 
“Motherfucker….” Damn it all they weren’t supposed to hear that. Great, now they laugh at it. 
The hell’s wrong with me? There’s no time to let them know what’s going with my nerves acting up. 
“You know, guys” (Cough) Keep it in, Grayson! You got something to say these assholes need to hear Damnit! “ You’re getting absolutely nowhere right now. If I knew where Batman was, I still wouldn’t tell you. So what the hell makes you think I do then after an hour and…” 
“Shut the fuck up, Birdfreak!” 
A kick right to my face? Yeah, another in my long line of failures and that one was justified; I should’ve seen that one coming. Hey, compared to the bullet holes though, it’s nothing really. Besides why even be hurt by that when I have this lowlife staring directly at my ugly mug of a face right now? 
“You know him, more than us here! You have to know where he went! We got a sweet little gig here and I ain’t rushing to see that pointy eared son of a dick trying to ruin it! ‘Sides, you’re in our hands now, so you see; once we’re all done here one way or another, we can get that dough from the cops since they’re looking for you more than us! Now you tell us if he knows about this place and if he’s coming, will ya?! We ain’t got all night and I’m missing my game!” 
Sweet little gig? As in the child trafficking operation they got here right now? Some of those children right behind me behind a cage like animals, forced to see me pinned on my torso and face, taking crap in many ways from them? They call that ‘sweet’ in mine and their faces?! 
“You calling that a game? Selling kids to sexual slavery? I really hate to see what’ll be your idea for a movie if that’s what you.re saying” That quip, I couldn’t help, it was damn true and these creeps needed to hear that. It was about as much a fact as Bruce hates me right now and rightfully so. 
Yet all they do is laugh even harder than before. They’re really….really starting to get on my nerves. 
Their ringleader grins ever so much in my face. His disgusting and unbearable cigarette smoke billows in my face. “So what?”  
So what? So what?? Is that really your best retort to me? It’s unbelievable, just what kind of devils and evils dwell in this city. But it’s evil I hunt for every single night. No one around me sees what I have to or does what I do around these parts. Not Bruce, not Tim, not Kory, no Donna….no one. On that note,  no one should have to. Maybe it’s my failure to stop evil like this and everything I do, everything so wrong and never good enough, that’s why I’m certain Bruce decided just to cut me off. 
No job, no place I can call a house or a home to stay in, no money, no spare clothes, no answering my calls, nothing. It’s been about three months of this so far, a three month test to see if I break if I had nothing, only for the big bad bat wanting me to literally cry my way back home to him. You know what? Screw you too, Bruce. Or whoever was doing all this. I know that, even for you Bruce, ins outs of everything, even you normally won’t stoop this low. It’s not just nothing I’ve been trying to figure out suggests otherwise. Maybe it’s just this….paranoia….no I can’t be paranoid. What’s happening is real and I need to deal with it and…
“Hey Cockscuker, you listening to me??” 
Oh right, this asshole. 
Looking at him, I can’t help myself but make my eyes go towards his own. What does he think would work now to make me talk? 
In his hands was some sort of object. It looks bladed, I can tell based on the glistening of the steel coming from the moonlight coming in through the window. Once he gets a bit closer, I see it now….oh of course….a damn pizza cutter. Oh and just my luck too, in his other hand is a goddamn cheese grater. I guess either this warehouse is for kitchen  tools or just my karma telling me how much I fucking suck and rightfully so again. Maybe the latter. 
The asshole only grins at me. “Okay then, maybe some…slices can get ya to talk. What do you say?” 
I take a deep breath and brace my teeth within my mouth. No use crying out, screaming or any of that weakness than I already showed earlier . This frankly I deserve, and come on. 
I’ve taken a few swings from a baseball bat from Two Face, got injected with Slade’s nanoscopic probes that were shredding my cells inside and out, got blasted by an alternate Luthor, forcibly swallowed a heart paralyzing pill by Slade and the actual Luthor (that bald cunt)….and now just a circular blade and a metal sheet with blades on it on my forehead and face?
Seems fitting enough to take; whatever I’ve done and didn’t do in my vow to protect the innocent and never strive off the path of justice, being a terrible friend, never good enough for Batman as I had always been, letting the only two people that actually had any right to care for me fall to the sandy and hard floor, shattering almost every bone in their bodies when I had only one job to do which was catch them….yeah this is appropriate. This is exactly what I deserve after all of that. Losing my home, my job, and my means to do basically anything for myself, I deserve that.
Who am I to complain, really? 
  Back at the Present Day….
“Ah Fuck!” 
Peroxide…it never fails to emit any sort of sting on any sort of cut, don’t it, Dick? 
Oh but you gonna start cussing and feeling it now? What the hell’s wrong with you? You can’t handle just a tiny sting of this shit without any yells? 
Suck it up, will ya? You’re acting like a spoiled brat. 
Who are you to complain about really?
Oh and by the way, there goes the last of our Peroxide, just circling down this old bathroom sink drain into God knows sewer pipes along with the blood it splashed off. You're gonna have to fetch some more, Dick. It’s not like Bruce is gonna get us anymore. 
Fuck Him. 
We’ve been putting up with his shit every since we lost are damn place to stay in, then our jobs all over this city, villain after villain breaking out, us being blamed for the Mayor, his wife and girl getting ripped to shreds and blood all over one day with one of your Wingdings, making you hunted down from pretty much everyone (for what only $1.5 Billion Alive? Oh c’mon that's too generous of a bounty for you. I’d put myself at about only 25 cents given your piss poor track record); You know for sure Bruce did all this, all behind the scenes, pulling every string he can to get us like this. 
 And why? Letting him know that you can take care of ourselves that one time and him being this offended by it? Well, fuck it, You’ve been showing him alright! Things are shittybut maybe that’s just how he likes it for you. Nothing gonna change that anytime soon; might as well make it the best for you, because it’s all you can do by now. 
  So now, no shoes, no fucking good socks at all, only one pair of torn sweats, that black tee, suit and toothbrush in your bag, here in this damn blizzard….every breathe getting…heavier….kinda….getting hard to stay awa…Cough Cough Cough
  Hey! Cut it out, Dickface! Cough Keep going at least somewhere! Anywhere out of this snow…so much of it….Wait, that spot there, in this alley. That’ll work for now. 
You hear that, laying on this backpack now….yeah this’ll work….at least not being out in that wind, though…..so much snow….it’s everywhere. It’s been everywhere these last few days. Fitting really, since well you do hear that right?
  C’mon pick it up, Dick, your ears can’t be that piss poor 
  “May I, as your new Mayor, wish us all in this dear Bludhaven…..”
   Yeah, there it is…..old Mafia boss now politician giving his speech for what today is. 
    “A Good…Merry ... .Christmas…!” 
   Okay, you get the idea. At least that’s one thing you got right….
   Getting sleepy now….
…...pretty cold…..tomorrow might be better….
But at least that’s one thing, Dick….
…this damn city….all of its people….they got a good Christmas….
Gotta close your eyes now…..
Wait….that the Redbird….isn't that….can’t be Timmy…..
Cough Cough
 Heh…looks like he tripped…Not real though….can’t be…..Bruce doesn’t care….you don’t need him…..but yeah….need rest…..you gave them a good Christmas 
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devlovesrobstar · 9 months ago
What are the best fanfics for robstar on tumblr specifically or on another platform? btw i loveeee ur blog sm <3
My favorites kind of depend on my mood, but really anything by irish_urn, Nightglider124, and bittybelle on Ao3 are all really good <3
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graysonfamfan2021 · 11 months ago
Tag 🏷️ game
I’m tagging my besties @ambeauty , @escapism-through-imagination , @ships-bynoa , @ meerakory, @literaryspinster , @dasakuryo @ambelle , @not-so-mundane-after-all , @wonderbatwayne , @nightglider124 , @selinascatnip , @pandoraimperatrix , @ablogthatishenceforthmine, @spaceprincessem , @shrutithemisfit , @amberpride , @beas-mind and @jonskory
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robxstar · 1 year ago
I didn’t know deviant art had fics is there any fic u can link here that u recommend?
Honestly, DevART is not my go-to for TT fics, like there's one or two but you can usually find them crossposted on the normal platforms too.
That being said, "Surge" by nightglider124 is really good.
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 9 months ago
@confusedhummingbird @pin-crusher2000 @spider-jaysart @camo-wolf @meara-eldestofthemall @nightglider124 @sbd-laytall @sillymanwithocs
yayyyy mutuals hiiiiiiiii reblog if you love your mutualssssssss hiii mutuals
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nightglider124 · 2 years ago
Titans: Season 4 - Ep 12: Finale, Dickkory + Whole Show - Thoughts
Oof, this is gonna be a long ass post. I'm gonna put into words my thoughts on the finale, my thoughts on dickkory in the finale as well as dickkory in general in the show and lastly a few thoughts on Titans as a whole since it began 4 years ago.
No word of a lie, I just sat and rewatched the finale with a notebook, noting every. single. thought. So... buckle up and good luck if you're gonna try reading to the end. XD
Episode 12: Titans Forever (Series Finale)
So, first, I'm just gonna talk about the finale without gushing over Dickkory. I will, obviously but I'm gonna separate them out.
I love that it got straight back into the action with little to no filler. Filler stuff fucks me off when you're so close to the end like in a finale, there should be no filler and for that, Titans got points from me.
I really liked that Rachel did her lil soul self projection - that was cool and not something we've seen her do before in the show (I don't think) so I found that a cool thing to throw in rather than having Kory just blow the door up which let's face it, still would have been boss af.
Lmao, Sebastian continues to be just such a little whiny bitch. XD I've said it every week but he's just so annoying. Don't get me wrong, I think Joseph Morgan did it well and he is a good actor but God, Sebastian is just so unlikeable for me. He fucking sucks and if I was in STAR labs, I would have thrown a punch like FUCK. The only time I was nervous of him was when he had my girl Kory for a hot minute. I did not enjoy that.
LOL. Trigon got like 2 mins of screen time and was then just gone. It was hilarious to me, I gotta be honest. Like Trigon was built up and then just got hacked by his son lmaooo. It had me laughing, ngl. Drinking the blood from his heart was weird af but was in keeping with the rest of the Blood cult and what the show has shown them to be like including Sebastian but still. Grim.
I really loved the title intro; how the images on the TITANS was the core four and then flashed as usual to the four of them from season 1. Idk if that was intentional but it felt like it and I appreciated it a lot.
GAR'S CRYING FACE THROUGHOUT THIS FUCKING EPISODE. MY POOR BABY, GOD DAMN IT. Conner's 'death', Kory's 'death'... like fuck give him a break.
GLAD TO FINALLY SEE GOOD BOI KRYPTO. I was wondering where the heck he had been, honestly. Good to see him there at the end. XD
Lmao, so I get it was to show like Dick was hopeful Conner would be okay but him whipping out his phone to make a dinner reservation had me cackling like bro, pick a better moment pls. Out of context, that would be so fucking funny. XD
I adored Tim's little rejoin with the team. He is such a Robin nerd, I love him. Everyone smirking like the cutie he is was sweet af.
Also really loved Kory and Rachel's power merge. It did fuck all cos he wasn't actually there but it made me happy. My girls. <3
Sebastian riding up to STAR Labs on his little blue bike - bitch, someone should have sniped your fucking ass off of it then & there.
I felt bad for Dr Espenson; I liked her. What a grim way to go too. Screaming, bleeding - ick.
Bernard literally getting up to see everyone getting murdered and was like well shit, fuck, I gotta move. XD
Lmao, Dick literally keeping a secret about a womhole; I was just... this is so on brand for him ffs. XD
Sebastian just being like, 'Fuck your password' and Calliope accepting it made me giggle. Idk why.
I really liked the explanation from Calliope about how powerful Kory really can be - Her strength is always downplayed in every media format, I swear. It fucks me off so badly. The woman can literally go toe to toe with Superman ffs like acknowledge her power, DC, you little bitch. God.
Kory getting controlled was a no no for me. When her eyes went red and she went a' wandering, I was like NOOO KORY! STOPPP! SNAP OUTTA IT!
I really liked the scene with Kory and Sebastian like my heart was racing and in my mouth cos it was like don't fucking touch her, you psycho but the tension was really good in that scene, I thought.
I won't lie, some scenes were weirdly paced however, I think it would work fine if you were binge watching the whole season. I like that it's straight in but it felt a tad all over the place in some parts but again, I don't think it would be an issue if you're just watching all the episodes together.
"You're no God." - Fucking GET HIM, Kory. Get wrecked, Sebastian, you glorified mama's boy.
The team takedown of the metahuman assault squad was rad; I loved the teamwork and the moves and it felt good to watch. I very much enjoyed it.
"I won't help you destroy my home - Either one of them" - Oh, Kory <3 You literally are such a sweetheart and I loved that it wasn't left to be ambiguous like gasp, which did she mean?
Gar & Tim's friendship gives me life. They're just such bros; the shoulder taps and smirks like they are SUCH boys. I love them.
I SNORTED at the way Dick just pops outta nowhere and sucker punches Sebastian. It was so funny. XD
"For the record, that game you made fucking sucks." LOL TIM, my fucking soul mate. I was DYING. XD
Gar almost getting dragged into the wormhole had me on EDGE. Like, not my sweet, cinnamon boy, no thank you.
Rachel waking Kory; I was SOBBING. The flashes of Kory memories. My actual heart hurt.
Nightwing literally fighting until he is deadass on the floor was giving me life. We love to see a determined fool.
Superboy showing up last minute was pretty dope like a secret weapon, I liked it and was wondering like is Conner gonna appear orrr...? XD
LOL Conner with Tim & Gar was cute and great. "Wait, was I dead?" and Tim brushing it off like, "I'll explain later" had me creasing.
My God, Kory's sudden power up and her just soaring straight through the fucking roof had be cheering loudly like it was the best and is a favourite scene by loads. It was so frickin' cool and something I like to see Kory do in shows and movies and shit cos she is just so slept on by DC. She is fucking amazing and yet... we never get to see her like that or very rarely. I loved it.
The kids' sad faces when Kory is like 'No' to throwing Sebastian through the wormhole. I die. Rachel especially - Her face was so sad and if you look closely, you can see Rachel is like sobbing but trying to restrain her emotions after Kory lets go of her hand. She knew. She knew what mama Kory was gonna do.
Honestly, this scene with Kory still making the sacrifice was hard on my emotions and was the one that had me closest to tears - I was full on at the edge of crying ugly ass tears.
Kory's supernova was perfect to me. Like, yes, look at that damn powerhouse goddess.
Ryan's crying face had me wanting to cry this whole episode, omg.
Firstly... the Christmas scene is so weirdly placed, I thought and I have to say it. I don't get, and I've seen others question this too, if it's meant to be a flashback or a future vision. I assume it's the end of S3 cos Kory's hair, Tim isn't yet there, Rachel's hair is purple still... but Dickkory?? EXCUSE ME that is a bit cozy for just friends? Dick's hand on her waist and they are literally standing so close together wtf?? It was so freakin' cute regardless but yeah, it felt randomly placed. I agree, it should have been maybe used as a flash forward instead? Idk.
The float back down from space and the focus on her - Just really made me smile cos like it reminds me why Kory is and will forever be my favourite DC character and just fictional character in general. Thanks to Anna like Titans Kory has joined the roster for my top versions of Kory, idgaf what anyone thinks. I love her.
The dinner scene was so bittersweet like it makes sense for the young ones to go - it was foreshadowed multiple times for each of them really but I was so sad. I not like team splits. I recently watched a new hero movie... hint hint where this is the same ending and I sobbed in the cinema. I hate these endings but I also get it. Like I said, bittersweet.
Gar embracing The Red & doing something for him felt right and a 'Good for him' moment.
Rachel going to college!! I like the Bludhaven Easter egg - it made me smile.
Tim is such a cutie and I really love Jay's portrayal of him.
Conner, we all knew that was coming too. All the babies flying the nest, I am SOBBING.
Love Krypto sat at the fucking table of this fancy ass restaurant lmaooo.
I really loved the finale, I will be honest. I really didn't have issues with it other than the small few I've listed. Like, I wish we had more time with the characters but the episode ending left me on a high but that could be cos it ended on my babies... It felt like an upbeat way to end the series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Episode 12: Titans Forever (Series Finale) - Dickkory & DK Thoughts
So, I'm gonna basically do the same as above. Ima go through the episode and just gush about the DK scenes lmao.
I really did feel like there was Dickkory moments in every scene. There were individual scenes but I felt it was always there in the background. All of Dick's choices and his motivations etc, I felt like he always had Kory in his mind, personally.
The freakin' RV scene with them had me feeling all kinds of ways. It had me giggling and tearing up. The banter about them first meeting and her stealing his car!! I am so happy that that got brought up since we never really had them talk about those things after S1. For a while, it felt like it just got retconned. Glad to see it was not and they reflected on it.
Dick's fucking sad eyes and his broken way of being like, "Please, don't." I die. Brenton expressions especially when Dick is with Kory have always been so top tier, I stg.
LOL, when they learn about Project Icarus, Dick's eyes keep shifting back and forth to Kory as if being like "Fuck, wifey so gon' be big mad."
UGH. The "Kory, wait!" when she leaves the RV and is getting into the porche. The way he calls and runs out after her felt very reminiscent of S1 in Angela's house after she attacks Rachel. Like, mmm, yes. It felt similar and I adored it.
Dick & Kory's continued banter in the porche. Their serious af conversation about what they're going to intermingled with the reference yet again to his car and how they're even for his car and Dick's smirk... I loved it sm.
I loved that Kory checked his ass about Project Icarus when he got into the porche before she could drive off. He's so quick to be like, "Babe, I didn't even know nothing." XDDD Honestly, it's giving husband and wife. It had me dying.
"We're stronger together; you know we are." - STOP IM SOBBING. I really loved that line.
Dick's eyes are literally trained on Kory so. much. in this episode. He is concerned af and I am so here for it.
Dick's concern in the lab when she is awol is so cute like he is STRESSIN' but we love to see it.
LOL, Dick at the doors like, "BERNARD!" Like fuck man, give him a second! XD He called out like 3 times and was so impatient, it was hilarious. He was really giving, "My wife is in there with a psycho pls open the fucking doors." XD
Dick's fighting was so love fuelled, i don't care what anyone says. He literally fights like not my alien Princess, you don't, you dick! xD I'm probs delusional but all I could think was Dick's more pissed cos Kory is in danger.
Dick was so hopeful after Sebastian went down. He was like woo, yeah, we did it, it's over. Let's throw him into space, no dead Kory today. And she is just like... I'm sorry and dfhjhsdlkh. I was in pain. You can see him crumbling and is still trying to find ways for her not to do this. I had full on tears in my eyes.
The face caress like... it's so painful. He looks so crestfallen. I cannot.
"I don't know how to do that... I can't" - He sounded so broken, my poor dumbass!! I was in pain with this whole sequence.
Dick's tearfilled eyes - I was honestly so emosh; Anna and Brenton did that scene so well.
I really love the pause on Dick whilst they think Kory is dead like it's as if he knows or legit just cannot fathom Kory being gone.
HIS LIL WALK BACK OVER TO HER ONCE SHE COMES DOWN FROM SPACE. IT WAS A WALK WITH PURPOSE. You CANNOT tell me he wasn't instantly like, "Ima kiss her" when she came back to Earth. He had that determination in his eyes. She was getting thoroughly kissed.
THE KISS!!!!! SQUEEEEEE. Guys, I fucking died. I know it was a very long time coming and overdue but it was a good kiss. Dick diving in for a second kiss made me melt. I loved it.
The boys all grinning in the back had me smilinggg. Whether it was cos mom and dad were kissing or cos Kory wasn't dead, Idc it was cute.
Kory's lil 'Whoa' after the kiss was so adorable.
THE HAND ON HER BACK. Dick's hand was glued to her as they went over for the group hug. He was not letting go and it was... so cute.
Honestly, Dick's heart eyes again at Dinner where she's like "Guess you never know what the future holds" and his smile like fuck man, she's yours. Quit it alreadyyy!
Sighhh, the whole conversation when they were alone was great and I espesh loved, "They're not even leaving us Krypto" XD
The 'It's weird' 'What? You and I alone together?' was cute and ughhhhh I was dying.
The damn stroller with the red balloon. We see you, Titans. GOD! I liked that we got the subtle hint without a flashforward to having had Mar'i. I put this in the tags of a reblog and like I would have still sobbed at that but I like the subtle route a lot.
LOL DICK's "Maybe we should get on that" HAD ME CHOKING HAHAHA like BRO, you are leaping ahead. Even Kory took a minute looking at him like is this guy for real rn?? Man went from 'I don't do feelings' to 'I've picked the paint for our baby's nursery' lightning fast XDDD. But, they defo went home after and slept together after those drinks. You can't convince me otherwise.
They were so giddy and cutesy. Like, ugh I'm not over it. I'm on such a dickkory high.
I LOVE the ending on the bridge. Sunshine Kory skipping ahead and holding hands with and dragging her smiley yet grumpy Dick along. It just felt so them and the little bubbly action from Kory felt VERY her. Like it really sang, Kory to me.
I'm so happy they ended with Dickkory in a place so happy and in love - it rarely happens in DC so I am thrilled.
Guys, I know at times, it felt neverending and I'm with other DK fans. I really wish they had done this with Dickkory earlier in the show, I really do. I feel like we could have skipped some exes and other shit and got to this point with them a lot sooner but it is what it is.
I'm actually just so happy that they ended it on such a fluffy, lighthearted note for them. Like, they are so loved up at the end of the show and it just makes me happy that we got that. Could they have done more with them through the whole show? Absolutely. Could they have gotten to this point with them earlier? Also, absolutely.
But, I am grateful for the moments through each season that we got with them. Like, I think if I was to rewatch from S1, bearing in mind that Dick's basically been a goner since the night at the motel in S1, I feel like the seasons and episodes would feel different.
I'm just really grateful that I have another show that gave me dickkory content. I've followed them through multiple versions. TT Cartoon, DCAU, comics, TT Cartoon comics, TTG (in parts), Live action... like I just love them in every universe, including this one even if it's been trying at times.
But, there was nothing ambiguous about this ending for me. The point is to end them on a high all giggly and happy and thoroughly in love. I look forward to the fic writers for live action dickkory to cook up some beautiful fics after this just to keep the joy going.
I WISH there could have been an S5 to see Dick and Kory in an actually established place but that's what imaginations are for and luckily for me, I can imagine dickkory scenarios til the cows come home XD.
I've really enjoyed this version of them. It's been different but I still love them. I love Brenton as Dick and Anna as Kory respectively and I think their chemistry has worked so well in this show and it doesn't hurt that they are so close in real life. It's really sweet.
Idk, I have no issues with how they were ended. I was scared we wouldn't get a kiss but that kiss was adorable and ugh the last scene on the bridge just makes me so smiley, even now after hours of rewatching it XD
Titans - Whole Show - Thoughts
I have always been very back and forth with Titans, I won't lie and tbh, anyone that follows me or knows me, knows that I've dipped in and out of Titans constantly.
However, going into Titans, I have ALWAYS said from day dot one that I was watching it for three specific things. Kory, Gar & Dickkory. That was it, hence I've never really cared for much beyond those things so my opinion will be wildly different from others, I am sure.
Season 1 got me invested. I loved the core four; hated the fucking pigeons and will die on my hill that they were a waste of screen time. But, our core four were the best thing about the first season, it was amazing.
Season 2 I enjoyed greatly but I did pull back a little but there were moments that brought me back in. And, there were some characters like Donna that reeled me back in cos I love her and I enjoyed hers and Kory's friendship as well as her friendship with Dick. I liked the storyline since Slade has always been a Titans douchebag but we love him.
Season 3, lmao, I dropped, I won't lie. I watched pieces from mutuals and sought out scenes and episodes of interest but honestly, it died a little for me in S3. It was based in Gotham and it had a tiny rekindle of another ship which... I saw zero value in doing. I was so anti season 3 lmao.
Season 4 pulled me right back in as it reminded me of S1. We'd lost the annoying af birds and it was back to core four plus Tim and Conner but like I was fully on board for them cos they didn't deter from the team vibe. Whereas, other side characters absolutely did and it was frustrating. Season 4 has definitely been my favourite season in the show.
It probably goes Seasons 4, 1, 2 & 3 tbh.
I've always had issues with Titans in various forms but y'know what? Overall, I've loved watching it. I wish some things had done better but I still loved the show that was given to fans overall.
I'm so sad it's ended but I am glad to have had some fan interactions through the course of the show. Dickkory fans especially know the DK desert is dry af most of the time so this was really nice to have the tag vibing most of the time.
I'm sad to see the show go and I hope we don't have to wait long to get something else Titans related that isn't a fucking backwards af comic from the assholes at DC. The irony, huh? XD
Thanks, Titans. It's been fun.
Dickkory friends, I look forward to forthcoming art and fics to read cos I need them to keep me on the high for the next few weeks. XD
P.S, well done if you actually read this whole thing. You're either amazing or insane. <3
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prim-underscore · 2 years ago
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A scene based on Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017) and Sofa by @nightglider124
Commission from Atworat Titiworapat
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
Memories, Held Back Feelings and a Vow (Snow Owl AU)
After much, much, much, trial, error, self inflicted perfectionism, Grade A writer's block and sheer reluctance to finally post this, here’s my latest official fanfic.
The following takes place in an Alternate Continuity of the DC Comics Universe in which the character of Mary Lloyd Grayson, mother of Richard John 'Dick' Grayson' aka the first Robin, the Boy Wonder, not only survived the infamous performance of Haly's Circus at Gotham but later went on being a crime fighter in her right, hence Snow Owl.
I would like to dedicate this fic to my many friends and mutuals on this beloved hellsite for your patience, honesty, and support throughout this time.
I shall tag the following: @thattimdrakeguy @spider-jaysart @celaenaeiln @mothnem @lightdusk96 @camo-wolf @missmadness145 @starlightbelle @adalineozie @tarisilmarwen @sillymanwithocs @bluerene @nightglider124 @bluegarners @orange-s-mario @vampirehal @snothing @confusedhummingbird @lesbiananitafite @richard-grayson-wayne @batboyblog @gothicghost2000 @sbd-laytall @wisegirlandseaweedbrainforever
Of course as with anything; All characters, concepts and locations both in story and in reference are owned by DC Comics Inc. and Dc Entertainment, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Discovery.
Please Reblog and/or Reply for any constructive criticisms. I will be more than happy to address them and they are very appreciated
And now, enjoy your feature presentation, thank you
As nighttime produced a clear and starry night that draped over the city of Bludhaven, its two protectors, Snow Owl and Robin the Boy Wonder had just barely wrapped up with patrol and stopped any plots and schemes from the superstitious cowardly lot that creates chaos in the streets. With the tight and combined efforts, the streets were safe, their job and their vow to protect innocents in pursuit of justice had prevailed, at least for the night. Thankfully, as they enter the bedroom window to Snow Owl’s room and slip off their respective boots before stepping on the bed right before them, they are reminded in their minds that the upcoming morning was a lazy Saturday so they could sleep in after such a wonderfully exhilarating night.
Since he goes first onto said bed, the Boy Wonder proceeds stepping unto the beige soft wall to wall carpeting, a quick yawn almost escaping his mouth as he does so. Shortly, his mother goes right after him, stepping off the bed on the opposite. As she closes the window right behind her, Snow Owl takes one quick last glimpse to the clear and star-filled skyline that hovered over the city they just finished patrolling across.
She looks to her son, now barely getting off her bed and stretching his arms out in hopes to loosen up that exhaustion he feels all across. “You know what, Snow Owl,” he says as he then lifts up one of his legs behind him, “We might need something much more discret for our security than just your window.”
His mother also proceeds to stretch out one of her own legs to shake off her own exhaustion, while shrugging her shoulders in agreement.
“Well, you do have a fair point there son. Last time I checked though we don’t have a chimney so sliding in like Santa Claus isn’t exactly an option as far as I know”, Snow Owl lightheartedly snarks while making her way to her dresser. From there, she takes out a light blue t-shirt and black sweatpants, meant to change into them once she showers off the dried up sweat and even grime they both got throughout this night.
Upon seeing his mother with some fresh laundry in her arms and realizing he best do the same, he makes his way to first his own bedroom for his own clothes to change into before heading for the bathroom.
“Don’t forget to make sure to get every single part washed up”, Snow Owl reminded her son while slipping off her domino mask and gloves, “you never know where any dirt or other stuff might be left on you...”
“Don’t worry, Mom, I got it”, Robin says with confidence and a firm understanding. “I'll also make sure not to take too long. We have to make sure the water bill doesn’t go up too high in how much we pay for it, right?”
Snow Owl nods. She remembers their last bill having an additional zero than their usual ones. She gives her son a thumbs up. “You got that right; I’ll make sure not to take too long as well. Good thinking.”
With a simple thumbs up to his mother, Robin also takes off his own mask and continues on his way. However, as he does so, there’s something about him, Snow Owl notices. For a briefest of seconds there, she thought she was looking at…someone else. Snow Owl cannot help herself from feeling a sort of…. feeling. Her love for her son allows her to see something in him. She cannot help but see…. her husband, the boy’s father in that smile, that confidence he exudes, just this sort of spirit present within him that reminds her of the man whose unfortunate tragedy those years ago molded the crime fighters they are today.
She closes her unmasked blue eyes as a sort of burning sensation starts slowly igniting in them. A sudden heaviness weighs upon her knees, her ability to stand up slightly slipping away and her breathing picks up. Grief, sorrow and loss. In trying to remember the good times and happy life she had with her husband, those emotions accompany them.
It’s a part of her that’s getting better every day but even after all this passed time, it’s still not easy to completely let go of. What does matter though are as such; in her and her son’s hearts and memories, her husband lives on, they both have brought in the criminals responsible for that loss to justice and above all else, they have each other. It’s those facts that helped Snow Owl overcome her grief numerous times before as it does now. She takes a deep breath in clearing her thoughts. Those thoughts might come back another day, but she’ll be a tad bit more prepared in dealing with them when the time comes. In the meantime, gently holding her domino mask in her hand and regaining her composure, Snow Owl fixes up her bed after the landing both Robin and her made on it and makes her way to the living room.
Once there, she takes note of the pillows, notebooks and pencils littered on the carpeted floor right in front of the couches. No doubt, her son was in the middle of homework duties before immediately jumping at the chance to join her on patrol. She cannot help but have a chuckle as she picks up the notebook and pencils, placing them on a nightstand next to said couches and the pillows back to where they go. Despite being one smart cookie, her son was never really the biggest fan of doing homework. But hey, at least he knows better than flunk it completely, lest he face her wrath. As she prepares to take her seat on the couch, finally giving her legs a break from their use throughout the entire day…. that feeling suddenly comes back to her. Next thing she knows, as her back lays down on the softness and smooth surface of the leather couch cushions, her mind has painted something else entirely for her eyes to see.
As she opens them, Snow Owl’s see…him. But wait is that…her son?
It can’t be right, his jawline looks a bit too firm, and the pupils in his eyes are a dark shade of green, almost emerald.
“Mary? Dear?”
That baritone in his voice and that nickname.
Suddenly the memory in her memory begins to play. She’s not in full control of her past self. She’s at that moment not Snow Owl, defender and hero for the downtrodden of the city of Bludhaven. She was Mary Elizabeth Lloyd-Grayson, wife of John ‘The Flying’ Grayson and mother of her son Richard, you can call him ‘Dick’ for short. Now, she’s not in the well-kept, simple and modern apartment within the smaller urban neighborhoods next to the gym she calls her job sight, she looks within her memories, finding herself at the small, thin steel made trailer, a bit more cramped in spacing but with also similar beige wall to wall carpeting. This wasn’t just a dream; this was her life.
She finally answers her husband who calls for her attention. “Yes John?”
John flashed a content smile as he heard his wife’s reply, “You know that I love ya, don’t ya?”
She nods with a peaceful and all too real smile on face. She doesn't even have to say a single word to let him know. John then leans to press a small yet all too loving kiss on his wife’s cheek.
“Well, it’s always good just to double check,” John says as he lifts himself off his seat and offers a hand for his wife to help her off her own like the gentleman he can be. She takes it and right on cue, both hear a familiar small voice call out from the entrance to the front door.
“Hey, guys! C’mon, we’re gonna be late for practice!”
Both parents chuckled at their seven-year old’s impatience since he was so excited to show them his newest tricks on the ropes. She cannot but smile upon seeing her little boy bounce on his two slipper clad feet right in front of the trailer door with a pouty look on his face. His father proceeds to lay a firm hand on his jet-black hair and slightly ruffle his fingers across it.
“All right, Little Man. We’ll be on the way”, John tells his boy with a firm smile. With her son excitedly leading the way and her husband by her side, she reaches for the handle of the door, turns it, and slowly opens the door, stepping out into the bright day ahead of them.
“Hey, Mom?”
A voice that belonged to her son but now very slightly older sounding snaps Snow Owl out of her memory. Her unmasked blue eyes open to see another smaller pair of blue eyes that belonged to her partner, her son. Instead of Robin the Boy Wonder, he was now Dick Grayson, clad in a blue cotton T shirt with an all too familiar red and yellow S shield that symbolizes Metropolis’ own resident hero, black sweatpants not dissimilar from his mother’s and in his hands his Robin outfit as he was taking the red, green and yellow modified acrobat suit to the laundry machine.
Upon bringing her senses back to the present, Snow Owl stands back up, remembering about her own clothes back at her bedroom and gives her a small smile.
“Sorry about that”, she says as she makes her way to said bedroom, “just was...,” she had to stop herself since usually, whether it was good memories or bad ones, any reminder of the life she had with John before it got so cruelly taken away always was a bit of a sore spot for her soul. She couldn’t bear having her son see if she could help it. He doesn’t need to see his mother in grief, he already has enough on his plate, especially his own reminders about the father he lost. Before even a sign of impending tears can make their way to her eyes, Snow Owl takes a deep yet quiet breath so that her curious son wouldn’t hopefully notice and collects herself before continuing her way to her bedroom...
“Were you thinking about Dad”, Dick asks just as Snow Owl reaches the hallway. She turns around with a surprised look on her face to see Dick’s own, which had a mix of curiosity but also...shame and guilt.
Unable to withhold her answer, Snow Owl sighs and looks at her boy with her head a bit down as she tries maintaining her composure. “Y-yes, Dick. I was”, she finally answers. Then it was her turn to ask something, “but, how do you know?”
Dick’s face scrunched up a bit upon hearing that, which immediately got her mother’s worry since she might have a suspicion about just how long he knew about her own grief despite herself trying to be strong as he is for her. Finally, Dick sighs sadly and looks up to his mother with his eyes having a guilty look on them before he finally opens his mouth to say what he has been meaning to for quite a bit.
“I... I kinda knew ever since at least... when we first moved in here”, Dick says with his voice beginning a hint of crack before taking a deep breath to collect himself before continuing with his answer. “It’s just... I sometimes hear you cry some nights when you can’t sleep, usually after you had a dream about what happened to Dad and well.... the fact he’s.... not here anymore. Is that true?”
Snow Owl stood there almost at a loss for words on how much her son knew about it all. Unable to come up with any counter at that moment, only able to nod slightly at her son’s inquiry.
Dick once more sighed sadly in guilt as he put his Robin outfit on top of a seat on the couch while taking a seat. “I just wanted to say.... I’m sorry.”
This got Snow Owl’s attention like something else, she was kind of expecting it but nonetheless found herself surprised. “w-Why would you be sorry?”
“b-Because....”, Dick once more had to breathe out before stating his answer, “because...I-I know I know shouldn’t worry about it since it’s your business, your own thing and all. I shouldn’t spy on you like that and….” Before Dick can go on, an ungloved hand rests upon his shoulders. He looks up to see his mother with a sympathetic look on her face.
“Dick”, Snow Owl says with an equally understanding tone, “you miss your dad as well?”
Once her question reaches his ears, Dick silently buries his face into his hands. He nods a ‘yes’ while his breathing starts getting a bit more ragged. He was trying best not to lose control of any impending tears himself.
“Dick,” Snow Owl calls with a concerned and worried tone to him, “Just breathe. Nice and easy, okay?”
Dick once more silently nods as he struggles to keep his breathing under control. After some effort and time put into it, Dick can collect himself just enough to speak coherent words again. He puts those words to the forefront by taking his face off his hands and looking up at his worried mother, tears seemingly wanting to be free from eyes but through sheer will of his own, he’s able to keep them in.
“Yeah,” Dick croaks out as he looks up to his mother’s worried face, “I miss Dad too.”
Snow Owl nods in understanding and sympathy. She now understands what goes through her son’s head with only a few words. They are both in the same boat regarding how that loss impacted them to this day more so than she thought. She does wonder something though before taking a seat next to him. “Well, why didn’t you tell me about that earlier?”
Dick takes a deep breath and clears his throat before looking back at his mother with hope for him, the tears in his eyes being all dried up. While the tears had certainly faded out, they left a sign via redness in Dick’s eyes. Nonetheless, he pushed himself onward with his answer. “It’s just that,” He briefly pauses to clear his throat before proceeding, “you go through enough. Some nights.... I....I can hear you cry yourself to sleep. Especially on Dad’s birthday...or yours.”
Snow Owl tries to reach a hand, but her son then continues.
“I mean...you have enough to worry about already. With your jobs, both at the gym and when you’re called up to protect Mrs. Drake, trying to keep our house clean,” Dick feels something in his voice start cracking very lightly before continuing, “me. It’s a lot, Mom and I can’t just make it worse and harder for you by bringing up Dad and how much I miss him all the time. Because...well, you miss him too.” Dick finally finishes, taking a deep breath to collect himself now that he has said what he needed. Now it was just a matter of his mother’s reaction to it.
At first, Snow Owl found herself at a loss for words once more. She hadn’t anticipated how much this life was hurting her son. The signs were all there though now that she can think; the dour look on her son’s face after dealing with bullies at school, the distant and heavy sighs he has whenever he visits the park and seeing other boys his age with their own fathers, while he’s there at the corner and just doing his own acrobatics or other such small things more or less with only his mother as his audience. In all that, all she was able to do was leave him be given he’s always been one to do it on his own. But she couldn’t just backpedal everything after what they had been through together. She takes a deep breath; she might not know what to say exactly but she has to say something. Something for her son to hear, something that can either cheer him up or get her message across to him. It’ll be preferable to remaining utterly silent. Damn if she does, damned if she doesn’t.
“Look, Dick, you’re right, I do miss your father as well”, Snow Owl says, hoping whatever words come out of her mouth will be some sort of breakthrough for him. “And yes, there are some moments and nights where I have thought of him and all he is, what he has done for our family back then and how much I’m sure he still matters to you and...
At that moment, Snow Owl freezes right in her tracks, looking ahead of her and seeing a truly distraught and baffled look on Dick’s face. That came out wrong, the tears in Dick’s began to reform, she had to do something about it, and fast if she is going to...
“Wait…what do you mean that you’re sure he still matters to me”, He was getting started with his rebuttal, Snow Owl for sure now knew she screwed this royal, and it was about to get worse, “Is that supposed to mean that…he doesn’t?”
She closes her eyes cause that Grayson temper was starting to quickly ignite inside of him, so best to let him let it here rather than trying to counter, it’ll only make far more violate. She sees Dick take a deep thought; he was going to say more, a lot more.
“Mom....What makes you believe that what happened to Dad doesn’t matter to me? Do you really believe that every single day I am reminded by my own memories of all those times we were all together and when we were happy doesn’t matter to me? You think the reason.... like just tonight Me joining you on patrol to make sure the people in this city don’t have to lose a loved one to crime like we lost Dad …. you think the reason is something other than Dad so therefore... It.......Doesn’t.... matter? Well get this, it does matter. My school, my crime fighting, where I’m from and what I do that isn’t crime fighting stuff. All that matters to me but who the hell are YOU to say that Dad doesn’t matter to me...Huh?! I get what you go through, why else do you think I try helping whatever I can; laundry, getting some days to make our dinners, paying our bills and watching out if we get things too pricey for us. You’re not the only one doing all that, Dad would’ve done it too, that’s why I do it because he would’ve...I can’t just let you be Miss Dad when I know how to do all that too, someone else must be like how Dad was back then. Thing is though” Dick was breathing heavily; he was losing more control of his tears now on the brink of spilling out of his eyes.
But he can’t stop right now, he had to keep going, she needed to hear this, two damn long years after the fact, she must. Taking one more deep breath, Dick continues, “Here’s the thing.... I....I don’t how I’m even able to do it! I just do it because it’s the right thing to do. But...but...I hate how my school can be. I hate how even if I do fit in the best I can and make sure my grades are top notch, I... I can’t help but feel like I still don’t fit given where I’m from and who I am. I hate how this entire city just, one day after another, no matter how much we try to help, they’re always.... ALWAYS...an ambulance that must get because we failed, and someone got hurt or even worse. I hate that we can’t see Pop Haly every day like we used to, Harry, Regina, Calvin, Raymond, Zitka...all of them, we had to leave them once we lost Dad. I hate, hate, hate, hate Zucco for what he done, for ruining you and me...I just...I HATE IT HERE!! I....just want...I want to go back to how it was before all this...If I’m gonna be someone who can help you take care of the house, can’t it be our real house...the trailer? I just want to go home...our real home” With that, at the end of what he had built up and hurting in his heart and soul for the longest time finally coming out, Dick once more tries his darn best to break through his tears, glaring hurt and heartbroken eyes towards Snow Owl’s own masked ones. Masked eyes, that were also beginning to develop tears of their own....and Dick saw this once he was able to focus on the sight in front of him.
Now he’s all too happy to stand up for what he thinks or believes in if need be; after all he’s done with that man dressed like a flying rodent during those times his mother and him work in Gotham. But this was Snow Owl, the one he was meant to help, both here at this quaint apartment with all he can do as the man of the house and in the streets of Bludhaven almost every night as the Boy Wonder, the one he made an oath by a candlelight to aid in protecting the innocent and stick to the path of righteousness when donning the red, green and yellow those two years ago, the one who makes him his breakfasts, lunches for school and even sometimes dinner when he’s not doing it, the one who was the very first face his eyes ever saw less than five minutes upon entering the world on his personal very first Day of Spring. Snow Owl is his mother and he just made her cry, breaking her heart. He broke her soul and reduced her to tears, tears she tries now to control herself and taking her own deep breaths.
“I...I’m sorry”, He immediately stands up, wiping away his own tears from his eyes and slowly walks his way out of the living room. Snow Owl is too lost within her thoughts to pick up on her son’s bare feet stepping on the carpet floor. Once she’s able to briefly come out of her thoughts to realize this, it was already too late. She only takes one step forwards before she then hears the door to Dick’s bedroom close. He was guilt ridden and self-hating; she hates it when this happens because it’s one of those case where she can’t be there for him no matter how much she really wants to be there for him, but knowing him, he’ll just gently tell her to leave him be, no matter how many knocks to his door she wants to do. Besides, if his guilt induced self-isolation wasn’t bad enough for her, Snow Owl has a whole cavalcade of other feelings and thoughts running through her head; Shame, her own guilt, helplessness, regret, and just overall, grief. As far as she knows, it’s justified she has these thoughts permeating her mind and soul; it’s a punishment for her.
What kind of Mother is she supposed to be? What kind of Mother allows her child to bottle in so much of this soul darkening negativity and sorrow in their hearts? What kind of Mother forces her only child to grow up far faster than he can handle? What kind of Mother spends more time grieving the loss of her beloved husband than trying to help her child recover from such a loss himself? What kind of Mother does all that and it only takes her child finally and seemingly buckling under all that pressure, all because she didn’t do anything prior to stop it and step up as that mother she should be?
Snow Owl, as she slumps into her seat on the couch, cannot help but come to that conclusion. She’s been a bad Mother and as of now, she’s lost in a sea of fog in her mind telling her very much that. Within that fog clouding her mind, some other words, some sounding awfully like herself or some even sounding like her own mother, start coming in from and reach her ears internally. The words themselves are not a pleasant type for her to hear.
Inside her, she felt a sense of failure; yet she also claims that no, a true failure would be if he outright stated he hated her straight to her face. Though he did hate where they were.
This place they live in indeed provides only bitterness over what they lost; though what other choice did Snow Owl and her son have frankly? Their old home was about to go bankrupt via all those lawsuits had they stayed there. It was either them or their home, there was no other way out and nowhere else to go.
Inside her, she now knows she shouldn’t have let her son join in her crusade to fight crime since he has already so much to do at a mere 12 years old; however even if Snow Owl wants to agree with that one, it wouldn’t have stopped her little boy from joining anyways. He was just as determined if not even more so to find the culprits responsible for what happened to John in that fateful performance. There was no stopping him and she knew it. What better way to help alleviate that burning passion of justice for their family than letting him in as her partner.
Despite her best efforts pointing out what was the reality of their lives up to this present day and how much could’ve been done given what they were faced with. But those harsh words kept going and going in her mind, her guilt and self-hatred, as far as she’s concerned well justified, pounding her consciousness like artillery shells exploding across the trenches of the Western Front a century ago. Every time she seemingly gets a rebuttal to those questions and her doubts, a new one would pop up in the middle of it. They just kept coming, each one pounding in her head with intensity, figuratively more artillery shells kept coming by the second.
It was that intense and no matter how hard she tries, they just keep going to the point she can barely even move out of her seat on the couch, her t-shirt and sweatpants still right to her side, awaiting the moment she can change into them after her shower. Finally after shutting her eyes, reigning herself in, Snow Owl notices her breath was getting heavier and with one gulp of her, she snaps her eyes open. Those voices and doubts had almost instantly stopped. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t feel like it was done. Far from it, she’s been dealing with them for years by now, and given what happened right now with her son…those are more that’ll come in the near future.
Realizing her clothes to her side and thinking to herself that maybe a shower can help clear her mind out of....
Suddenly, in her utility belt, Snow Owl’s communicator device starts buzzing, and upon looking at who’s calling, she can see it’s the BPD Chief. She knows this must be serious given how rarely he ever calls her unless there’s either a super criminal on the loose or probably some sort of morbid case not even the forensics department can stomach. She dreads if it’s that type since Dick might be the Boy Wonder but his pained look of discomfort upon seeing a cadaver that either hits too close to home or just unpleasant enough for him to start losing his lunch, that’s a look on his face Snow Owl strives into making sure he doesn’t have to feel if she can help it. Hence, usually in these cases would come Robin being noticeably absent from meeting with their allies.
Snow Owl in short order puts back on her domino mask and presses the answer button. About two seconds later, the face of the Chief of the BPD appears on her screen. “As much as you might or might not like me and how much I certainly don’t like you, it looks like there’s a little something I think you can handle over here. Even my crew certainly can’t stomach doing this one, maybe except our local Medical Examiner, I know for certain she likes you, but I don’t know why the hell she does, but even she might need you around for it.”
Snow Owl went through a torrent of emotions as the Chief spoke to her; amusement in hearing the jealousy in his voice over how much Robin and her were able to do compared to his crew, shrugging her shoulders in acknowledgement of her friendship with said Medical Examiner Trini, but at the end of it a cringed look on her face despite her best efforts to hide it since it was exactly what she was expected but not she didn’t want it, since he mentioned Trini at all can only mean one thing.
“Body turned up, Chief Bruno?” Snow Owl asks with the tiniest silver of nervousness in her voice despite her vocal range accommodating the stoic persona her mask dictates she shows. The fact right after Chief Bruno then sighs and shakes his head while pinching his nose only helps confirm it. However, it didn’t truly prepare Snow Owl for the Chief's next reply as he once more opened his eyes to see Bludhaven’s local vigilante’s masked eyes right back at him. “It’s male, found underneath Little Drawbridge by some kids, probably street punks, looks like it’s recent. We don’t have all the details of it yet, hence why we’ll need your stinking bird butt over here, but best we can tell, victim’s been dead for at least since yesterday and given by the marks we saw on him, no doubt first degree murder, combination of bullets and a knife......he’s a kid.... about 12 at most. Real nasty.”
Snow Owl couldn’t help but gasp. No wonder Bruno’s guys or even Trini need help with this one. Poor kid is probably about Dick’s own age and for someone to do such a horrible thing to him and seemingly dump him to hide their crime so carelessly and cruelly, that’s something she won’t stand. She makes a vow to prevent this from happening and strikes back against the criminal element if it does. One thing is for sure though as she takes a deep breath to process this news; Dick can’t come over tonight, not just because of the nature of this case but given his little moment he had not too long ago, he needs time to himself.
After taking one more deep breath, Snow Owl looks to the Chief on her communicator, “I’ll be there shortly. Tell Trini to meet me in the Examiner’s office and get that victim ready. I’ll bring over my tools for the autopsy if need be.” With a nod, the Chief disconnects, ending the call and allowing Snow Owl to head back to her bedroom and quickly find her boots. As slips them back on and prepares to open the window, she makes a vow within her mind; it was a vow for Dick.
“I know tonight was a little rough, but I want to let you know I’m not mad at you for saying you needed to after so long. There’s nothing wrong with feeling like the pressure is a bit much, especially with all that you have done for so long, too long already for me and this home we live in. I am so dearly sorry you had to bottle it all in when I should’ve said something to help with it. If you don’t accept my apologies and hold it against me, I’ll be fine with it. At least though, you must know that I will try to be better starting today. You made a vow to protect the innocent and be my partner as best as you can. Well, here’s my vow for you; I promise that I will try to be more open with myself for you if you ask. I’ll step up when I need to with the things that need to be done around here. I’ll be as much of your partner as you are mine. After all, family at the end of the day are just that. They’re partners to each other. Sure, I’m leaving you to take your time off for the night during this case, but I promise you, you can be involved in it in due course. I vow from here on out.... I’ll try, Dick. I’ll Try.’
With those words in her mind, Snow Owl, her secret identity being Mary Grayson, locks the windows after stepping out of them, double checks her utility belt for every tool she needs, takes out her escrima stick to fire off a grappling wire and makes her way to the BPD Precinct.
It’ll be Saturday tomorrow anyways so if this thing goes all-night, at least she can still sleep in. Still, a real shame that there’s no movie night but what can she do about it.
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graysonfamfan2021 · 4 months ago
10 characters 10 fandoms thanks 🙏 for tagging me @jonskory bestie
starfire obviously 🙄 as she’s a badass queen 👸 and a compassionate person in spite of the many things she has endured And and her intelligence her sass and she’s so iconic and very stylish and beautiful 🤩 and has a no nonsense personality and I’m a Dickkory shipper and I love ❤️ them sm
Dick Grayson as he’s the grumpy 😠 to kory’s sunshine ☀️ and he’s compassionate, selfless , charismatic, smart , has a great 😊 sense of humor and he’s the dad 👨 of the titans whereas kory is the cool 😎 mom .
Annabeth chase I love ❤️ her sm and she’s one ☝️ of my favorite 🤩 Percy Jackson along with Percy Jackson etc
Percy Jackson he’s so sassy 💁‍♂️ and sarcastic and I love ❤️ him sm and his relationship with Annabeth is so cute 🥰
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Storm ⛈️ my favorite 🤩 x men and she’s a goddess too and I love ❤️ how powerful and badass she is
Layla / Aisha my favorite 🤩 winx club fairy 🧚‍♀️ as I love ❤️ that she’s a tomboy princess 👑 and has water 💦 powers and her relationship with nabu is couple goals
Elina from Barbie fairytopia as I love ❤️ how kind and compassionate she is and how she deals with ableism as she’s a fairy 🧚‍♀️ without wings and I’m autistic and she’s one ☝️ of my favorite 🤩 Barbie protagonists
Annika another of my favorite 🤩 Barbie movie 🍿 protagonists and I love ❤️ how sassy 💁‍♀️ and feisty she is and that she wears purple outfits which is my favorite 🤩 color .
Iridessa she’s amazing 🤩 and I love ❤️ that she’s a light 💡 talent fairy 🧚‍♀️ and the voice of reason in the group .
Selina as I’m a batcat shipper and I love ❤️ how she’s an anti hero 🦸‍♀️ and the mother 👩 figure of the BatFamily.
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I’m tagging my Besties @ambelle , @ambeauty , @amberpride , @escapism-through-imagination , @selinascatnip , @ships-bynoa ,@itsjustafia , @ literaryspinster, @beas-mind , @nightglider124 , @nightqueens-world , @wonderbatwayne , @notsomundaneafterall etc
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
Reflections and a Movie Night Dare (Snow Owl AU)
If one can recall on this blog, I had recently posted a fic based on my Snow Owl AU (Mary Grayson Alive and a Crime Fighter) called ‘Memories, Held Back Feelings, and a Vow’; well, the following is a sort of alternate take on the same plot and premise presented there, only taken in a less dramatic fashion and tone. What happened was basically a friend and I looking over this story and deciding on taking a less fluffy and soft direction plant was written during a period I still grasping what was actually in character for Dick and Mary even under alternate circumstances so if it seems out of character for them, just a small heads up. So in a way, this is this story in a more unabridged version.
Anyways the following is dedicated to my good friends @confusedhummingbird @spider-jaysart @camo-wolf @theredheaded-stuff @lightdusk96 @nightglider124 @starlightbelle @adalineozie @sbd-laytall @bluegarners @celaenaeiln @pin-crusher2000 @acediscowlng @faesystem @mothnem @sillymanwithocs and many others
The following and characters and concepts are owned by DC Comics, part of DC Entertainment, a subsidiary of Warner Bros Discovery
And now, on with the show…..
As nighttime produced a clear and starry night that draped over the city of Bludhaven, its two protectors had just barely wrapped up with patrol and stopped any plots and schemes from the superstitious cowardly lot that created chaos in the streets. With the tight and combined efforts, the streets were safe, their job and their vow to protect innocents in pursuit of justice had prevailed, at least for the night. Thankfully, the upcoming morning was a lazy Saturday so they can sleep in after such a wonderfully exhilarating night.
Both protectors, Mother and Son, reach the staircase right outside the master bedroom's window, landing with the most graceful of ease without making any clanking noise on said stars. As Mother and Son reel in their grapple lines into their respective escrima sticks, the younger one of them, clad in a red vest, a green scaly pair of pants, black domino cape with a solid yellow cape, with a yellow utility belt and green pixies boots; he takes out the key in said belt to unlock the window and allow them both in. It was long yet another success for the Dynamic Duo of Bludhaven, Snow Owl and Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Finally, the window locks click with a turn from Robin's key, indicating that they are now ready to open. As they do so and both crime fighters lightly begin stepping into the master bedroom, both Snow Owl and Robin slip off their respective boots before taking steps onto the bed right next to the window. Rather than stepping onto the beige carpeting in this bedroom right away, the Boy Wonder proceeds to extend his arms and playfully flop back first on said bed and goofily stick his tongue to the side of his mouth. This display of silliness earns a giggle from his mother as she steps onto the bed and closes the windows, making sure the extra locks are secured in place as per post patrol tradition.
She looks to her son, still laying on the bed with his tongue still to the side of his mouth, his eyes peacefully shut, and panting happily after such a long night of crime fighting and swinging from one rooftop to the other. That patrol wiped Robin out since he was intentionally badly playing dead.
Even more confirmed by him breathing out with an exhausted yet cheerful tone, “Golly, I think I died right now, Snow Owl.”
His mother snickers sweetly at that bold claim as she proceeds to sit on the bed cross legged, and stretch her arms behind her back, popping a few sore joints.
“Well, last time I checked, dead bodies usually don’t say out loud they’re dead, unless they’re zombies of course”, Snow Owl lightheartedly snarks as she then climbs off the bed and makes her way to both her dresser. From there, she takes out a light blue t shirt and black sweatpants, meant to change into them once she showers off the dried up sweat and even grime, they both got throughout this night. As she returns to her bedroom, she can see Robin just lying there on her bed in the same position as she left him in.
Robin peeks one open seeing Snow Owl with a clean laundry set in her arms, knowing he best do the same. He happily yet tiredly swings his legs off the bed, standing up on the carpeted floor and starts taking steps on his way to first his own bedroom for his own clothes to change into before heading for the bathroom.
“Don’t forget to make sure to get every single part washed up”, Snow Owl reminded her son while slipping off her domino mask and gloves, “you never know where any dirt or other stuff might be left on you...”
“Oh relax, Mom, I got it”, Robin says with confidence and a firm understanding. “Oh, I'll make sure not to take too long. We gotta make sure the water bill doesn’t go up too high in how much we pay for it, right?”
Snow Owl nods. She remembers their last bill having an additional zero then their usual ones. She gives her son a thumbs up. “You got that right; I’ll make sure not to take too long as well. Good thinking.”
With a simple thumbs up to his mother, Robin also takes off his own mask and continues on his way. However, as he does so, there’s something about him, Snow Owl notices. For a briefest of seconds there, she thought she was looking at…someone else. Snow Owl cannot help herself from feeling a sort of…. feeling. Her love for her son allows her to see something in him. She cannot help but see…. her husband, the boy’s father in that smile, that confidence he exudes, just this sort of, spirit present within him that reminds her of the man whose unfortunate tragedy those years ago molded the both of them into the crime fighters they are today.
She closes her unmasked blue eyes as a sort of burning sensation starts slowly igniting in them. A sudden heaviness weighs upon her ability to stand up. That ability very lightly starts slipping away and her breathing picks up. Grief, sorrow and loss. In trying to remember the good times and happy life she had with her husband, those emotions accompany them.
It’s a part of her that’s getting better every day but even after all this passed time, it’s still not easy to completely let go off. What does matter though are as such; in her and her son’s hearts and memories, her husband lives on, they both have brought in the criminals responsible for that loss to justice and above all else, they have each other. It’s those facts that help Snow Owl overcome her grief numerous times before as it does now. She takes a deep breath in clearing her thoughts. Those thoughts might come back another day but she’ll be a tad bit more prepared in dealing with them when the time comes. In the meantime, gently holding her domino mask in her hand and regaining her composure, Snow Owl fixes up her bed after the landing both Robin and her made on it and makes her way to the living room.
Once there, she takes note of the pillows, notebooks and pencils littered on the carpeted floor right in front of the couches. No doubt, her son was in the middle of homework duties before immediately jumping at the chance to join her on patrol. She cannot help but have a chuckle as she picks up the notebook and pencils, placing them on a nightstand next to said couches and the pillows back to where they go. In spite of being one smart cookie, her son was never really the biggest fan of doing homework. But hey, at least he knows better than flunk it completely, lest he face her wrath. As she prepares to take her seat on the couch, finally giving her legs a break from their use throughout the entire day…. that feeling suddenly comes back to her. Next thing she knows, as her back lays down on the softness and smooth surface of the leather couch cushions, her mind has painted something else entirely for her eyes to see.
As she opens them, Snow Owl’s see…him. But wait is that…her son?
It can’t be right, his jawline looks a bit too firm, and the pupils in his eyes are a dark shade of green, almost emerald.
“Mary? Dear?”
That baritone in his voice and that nickname.
Suddenly the memory in her memory begins to play. She’s not in full control of her past self. She’s at that moment not Snow Owl, defender and hero for the downtrodden of the city of Bludhaven. She was Mary Elizabeth Lloyd-Grayson, wife of John ‘The Flying’ Grayson and mother of her son Richard, you can call him ‘Dick’ for short. At the moment she’s not in the well-kept, simple and modern apartment within the smaller urban neighborhoods next to the gym she calls her job sight, she looks within her memories, finding herself at the small, thin steel made trailer, a bit more cramped in spacing but with also similar beige wall to wall carpeting. This wasn’t just a dream; this was her life.
She finally answers her husband who calls for her attention. “Yes John?”
John flashed a content smile as he heard his wife’s reply, “You know that I love ya, don’t ya?”
She nods with a peaceful and all too real smile on face. She doesn't even have to say a single word to let him know. John then leans to press a small yet all too loving kiss on his wife’s cheek.
“Well, it’s always good just to double check,” John says as he lifts himself off his seat and offers a hand for his wife to help her off her own like the gentleman he can be. She takes it and right on cue, both of them hear a familiar small voice call out from the entrance to the front door.
“Hey, guys! C’mon, we’re gonna be late for practice!”
Both parents chuckle at their seven-year old’s impatience since he was so excited to show them his newest tricks on the ropes. She cannot but smile upon seeing her little boy bounce on his two legs right in front of the trailer door with a pouty look on his face. His father proceeds to lay a firm hand on his jet-black hair and slightly ruffle his fingers across it.
“All right, Little Man. We’ll be on the way”, John tells his boy with a firm smile. With her son excitedly leading the way and her husband by her side, she reaches for the handle of the door, turns it, and slowly opens the door, stepping out into the bright day ahead of them.
“Hey, Mom?”
A voice that belonged to her son but now very slightly older sounding snaps Snow Owl out of her memory. Her unmasked blue eyes open to see another smaller pair of blue eyes that belonged to her partner, her son. Instead of Robin the Boy Wonder, he was now Dick Grayson, clad in a blue cotton T shirt with an all too familiar red and yellow S shield that symbolizes Metropolis’ own resident hero, black sweatpants not dissimilar from his mother’s, his feet bare and digging into the carpeting and in his hands his Robin outfit as he was taking the red, green and yellow modified acrobat suit to the laundry machine.
Upon bringing her senses back to the present, Snow Owl stands back up, remembering about her own clothes back at her bedroom and gives her a small smile.
“Sorry about that”, she says as she makes her way to said bedroom, “just was...,” she had to stop herself since usually, whether it was good memories or bad ones, any reminder of the life she had with John before it got so cruelly taken away always was a bit of a sore spot for her soul. She couldn’t bear having her son see it if she could help it. He doesn’t need to see his mother in grief, he already has enough on his plate, especially his own reminders about the father he lost. Before even a sign of impending tears can make their way to her eyes, Snow Owl takes a deep yet quiet breath so that her curious son wouldn’t hopefully notice and collects herself before continuing on her way to her bedroom...
“Were you thinking about Dad”, Dick asks just as Snow Owl reaches the hallway. She turns around with a surprised look on her face to see Dick’s own, which had a mix of curiosity but also...shame and guilt.
Unable to withhold her answer, Snow Owl sighs and looks at her boy with her head a bit down as she tries maintaining her composure. “Y-yes, Dick. I was”, she finally answers. Then it was her turn to ask something, “but, how do you know?”
Dick’s face scrunched up a bit upon hearing that, which immediately got her mother’s worry since she might have a suspicion about just how long he knew about her own grief despite herself trying to be strong as he is for her. Finally, Dick sighs sadly and looks up to his mother with his eyes having a guilty look on them before he finally opens his mouth to say what he has been meaning to for quite a bit.
“I... I kinda knew ever since at least... when we first moved in here”, Dick says with his voice beginning a hint of crack before taking a deep breath to collect himself before continuing with his answer. “It’s just... I sometimes hear you cry some nights when you can’t sleep, usually after you had a dream about what happened to Dad and well.... the fact he’s.... not here anymore. Is that true?”
Snow Owl stood there almost at a loss for words on how much her son knew about it all. Unable to come up with any counter at that moment, only able to nod slightly at her son’s inquiry.
Dick once more sighed sadly in guilt as he put his Robin outfit on top of a seat on the couch while taking a seat. “I just wanted to say.... I’m sorry.”
This got Snow Owl’s attention like something else, she was kinda bit expecting it but nonetheless found herself surprised. “w-Why would you be sorry?”
“b-Because....”, Dick once more had to breathe out before stating his answer, “because...I-I know I know shouldn’t worry about it since it’s your business, your own thing and all. I shouldn’t spy on you like that and….” Before Dick can go on, an ungloved hand rests upon his shoulders. He looks up to see his mother with a sympathetic look on her face.
“Dick”, Snow Owl says with an equally understanding tone, “you miss your dad as well?”
Once her question reaches his ears, Dick silently buries his face into his hands. He nods a ‘yes’ while his breathing starts getting a bit more ragged. He was trying best not to lose control of any impending tears himself.
“Dick,” Snow Owl calls with a concerned and worried tone to him, “Just breathe. Nice and easy, okay?”
Dick once more silently nods as he struggles to keep his breathing under control. After some effort and time put into it, Dick is able to collect himself just enough to speak coherent words again. He puts those words to the forefront with taking his face in his hands and looking up at his worried mother, tears seemingly wanting to be free from eyes but through sheer will of his own, he’s able to keep them in.
“Yeah,” Dick croaks out as he looks up to his mother’s worried face, “I miss Dad too.”
Snow Owl nods in understanding and sympathy. She now has an understanding of what goes through her son’s head with only a few words. They are both in the same boat regarding how that loss impacted them to this day more so than she thought. She does wonder something though before taking a seat next to him. “Well,you can always be more open about that with me.”
Dick remained silent rather than immediately open up. Snow Owl knows for certain that when he is silent, her son can only be holding back something he wants to say yet something in him tells him not to. Maybe she can say something to help with that.
“I mean….it’s perfectly okay if you do miss him. It’s not like you don’t care about….”
At that, Dick’s head snapped forward before she finished, his tear filled eyes ablaze with shock and disbelief. “Don’t care?”, he growls while his breath picks up and his teeth grind, “Don’t….care?”
She takes a step back as Dick leaps out of his seat, planting his two feet on the carpeted floor with a vengeance, his breath shaky and his fists are clenched to his sides. “I…I do care….it’s why I didn’t want to say anything about it too much. You get it?”, by now, his voice was starting to rise, his anger was starting to creep in.
“ Of course, I miss him, I just do, I miss home, I miss my old friends, I miss Mr Haly, I….I just do…but…but I can’t just say it out loud all the time. Because it’ll just make it worse. I have to get used to being here, I have to make sure those bullies back at school don’t get to me when they keep…bringing….it…up all the dang time!” Dick looked up towards Snow Owl, still refusing to let those tears fall best he can but all those eyes had anyways was a blend of sadness and fury.
“Those cretins keep saying all sorts of total baloney and bull like ‘It’s what he deserved because he was cursed by marrying you, A...G word’ or ‘I was too stupid not to help him’ when you or me didn’t do anything or even know about it until it was too late! It was Zucco’s fault! Why can’t they just freaking understand that?! Even you can understand that better than they can! But I just….” Dick was starting to struggle finding the words by now.
What was racing through Snow Owl’s mind though wasn’t so much what he still has to say but rather what was said. She should’ve known it was bad, but not this bad. How? How did her little boy hold all this back for so long? Furthermore, why? Why hold this back for so long? She was deep down and rightfully afraid something like this would happen.
Dick was about to keep going, though she doesn’t know if he should. His body was trembling with so much and no doubt his eyes are at a boiling point with those tears who still refuse to fall, just out of sheer willpower alone from the looks of it. She couldn’t see him like this anymore. She kicked a hornet’s nest which was her son’s grief and anger, but she had to do something about that nest before the stings started coming in.
As Dick takes another breath now that he found something to say, Snow takes a step forward with a face that tries looking as stern as possible.
“Richard John Grayson, I’m sorry but that’s enough. You are going to hurt yourself like this.”
Just that alone was enough to snap Dick out of his thoughts. Within almost an instant, that firm and steel tone in his mother’s voice put a complete stop to whatever was racing through his mind. She was being serious, and the whole world slows down the instant she is serious. But there was something else within that firm time in her voice, something wrong, it sounded a bit cracked. Looking up to meet her face, Dick quickly found out why.
In Snow Owl’s own eyes, they were glistening with some wetness. Despite the firm stare she gives him, one single tear begins to roll down her cheek, probably one she doesn’t even notice. But he does. The moment he does, his heart accelerates once more, not from his grief and anger but guilt and horror. He thought to himself ‘What have I done?!’ Far as he was concerned, rightfully so.
Dick takes a major step forward with panic and worry in his eyes, much to his mother’s shock, making another tear fall from her eyes. “M….mom, p…please don’t cry! I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say all that! I…I….I just had so much in my mind and stuff, I just had to say it! I’m trying to be strong! I swear I’m trying but…but…I can’t! I just can’t! I’m sorry….I’m sorry….” By now, Dick had two tear streaks, one for each eye on his face. His speech was starting to break down a mumbling of both English and Romanes Chib. At that point, he collapses on his knees and buries his face in his left hand as he struggles to regain control, pounding the carpet floor with his right.
Snow Owl cannot help but stand there, one tear or two per eye and both eyes look down at the broken boy who was on his knees, trying to pull himself together. She had truly done it now. What kind of a mother was she? She hurt him, she made her 10 1/2 year old boy break down into tears and grief. She said the wrong thing twice by now. But the thing is….he’s her Little Robin. She can’t just leave him. She can’t let her own tears stop her from
Doing at least something…anything! She can’t afford to screw this one up this time.
After about half of a minute of trying to think of something, she might have a decent idea. Wiping away the tear streaks from her own eyes and taking a deep breath to collect herself, she crouches down to where her son and her can be face to face. She gently and very cautiously reaches out her right hand, ever so slowly and making sure Dick doesn’t immediately perk up and she doesn’t spook him off. After what seems like forever, her hand reaches his shaking and trembling shoulder and lays down upon it. Much to her internal relief, Dick doesn’t perk himself up in fear. Instead he merely utters, “It….it’s not your fault. None of this was your fault, Mom. It…it’s mine, I just thought I can handle losing Dad and what those bullies said about him better than I actually can….I didn’t mean to make you cry….I didn’t….”
Before he can continue Snow Owl gives her son a quiet and easy ‘Shush’ before her hand on his shaking shoulder tightens very nicely and easily. “It’s not your fault at all either, Little Robin.”
Dick takes a deep breath and clears his throat before looking back at his mother, hopefully for him, the tears in his eyes being all dried up. While the tears had certainly faded out, they left a sign via redness in Dick’s eyes. Nonetheless, he pushed himself onward with his answer. “It’s just that,” He briefly pauses to clear his throat before proceeding, “you go through enough. Some nights.... I....I can hear you cry yourself to sleep. Especially on Dad’s birthday...or yours.”
Snow Owl tries to reach a hand but her son then continues with what he needed to say.
“I mean...you have enough to worry about already. With your jobs, both at the gym and when you’re called up to protect Mrs. Drake, trying to keep our house clean,” Dick feels something in his voice start cracking very lightly before continuing, “me. It’s a lot, Mom and I can’t just make it worse and harder for you by bringing up Dad and how much I miss all the time. Because...well, you miss him too.” Dick finally finishes, taking a deep breath to collect himself now that he has said what he needed. Now it was just a matter of his mother’s reaction to it.
Snow Owl closed her eyes and pondered what her son had said. He certainly has a point; she has a lot on her plate especially as of late. All of it to make sure the two have livelihoods in this city, merely only a few years after having no other choice but to leave the brightly colored and lively tents and trailers they called home, for most of her entire life. She cannot help but feel a bit grateful that her boy puts a lot of consideration and care into her wellbeing like he did. He has a caring heart and she can see it in him.
But therein lies a problem, he can be too caring to the point it harms him. It’s not just in this case; every now and again during their cases and capers, her partner would be the first one to charge in on a gang of thugs and henchmen should she find herself surrounded despite even orders to hold back. Oftentimes this leads to the two of them clearing out said thugs and henchmen, the bad guy stopped and the day saved, which is what Snow Owl and Robin should be all about. Though this still can lead to her son putting himself at unnecessary risks even if it means her safety, something that’s been at the back of her mind probably ever since he aided her in arresting the men responsible for the accident that claimed her husband in the first place. But she can sense something else regarding this; he doesn’t need Robin taken away from him even if for a brief time, that’ll make things right now dour than they are. Her boy needs something else than that, he needs her to let him know.
Once more, Snow Owl reaches out a gentle hand and this time with a beat of easing in, lays it on his shoulder and the two are able to see eye to eye. “I understand”, she says with a sympathetic and motherly tone. Finally, she has something to say to maybe put them both at ease.
“But you know what?”
“What”, Dick asks in response.
Snow Owl finally is able to gently bring up a small smile, assured of her answer. “At least, we both know your dad isn’t gone entirely and not just nothing. Because he's here...with us. Not right in front, but in our memories, and... with you and me, together.”
Dick asks, “Like a, in spirit, type of way or something? Even after.... I couldn’t be able to”
Snow Owl nods accordingly, “Like that. We might not hear or see him right here and right now. But the fact we’re talking about him right now and we have those memories and good times with him should be a sign of that. I truly thank you for thinking about my feelings and what I go through, Little Robin. I’m sure even your dad would do the same for me.”
Dick looked at his mother curiously, “You think so? I mean, that’ll mean then that...”
Mary quickly realizes where this might go and clears her throat to help them stay on topic, “Point being; you have a good heart, Dick. You care and you show it with your actions. That’s more than enough, you don’t need to make yourself emotionally hurt by holding it back from me. Though in fairness”, she pauses, realizing it should be advice for herself as well, “I shouldn’t probably be entirely holding it all in as well.”
“Does this mean we both might need to see those.... couch doctor guys you talk to,” Dick asks while struggling to think up the right word for it. Snow Owl is aware and more than happy to answer it for him.
“Therapists, Dick”, Snow Owl nods, “therapists. If only need be and our habit of holding back what’s in our minds gets too much for even the both of us. But at least for now, it looks like it’s just the both of us we need to talk to about it. So,” Snow Owl stands up from her seat, taking her clean laundry back in her hands, “maybe once every one or two weeks, maybe we can talk it out. Like just you and me about what we’re going through.” She leans in gently and closely to her son, with a motherly smile to it, “You think we can try that?”
Dick is silent for a bit, pondering in his head about his mother’s suggestion. She has a point; it’s something they both need to do unless they want to end up with another awkward conversation like this all over again. She doesn’t need that and neither does he. It will be something that can help him as much as it does for her. With that in mind, he in turn asks something to her.
“Maybe we can try either tomorrow or even this upcoming Sunday?” He asks her with hopeful and determined eyes.
Snow Owl’s unmasked blue eyes beam with happiness and pride for her son. Giving him a quick side hug before standing upright. At that moment, Dick has a small smile grace his face. Her words and actions had reached him and he was starting to feel better. Her son then perked up all the sudden with a now wider smile on his face. It’s like he just remembered something that he would like to remember.
He then hops out of his seat on the couch and his feet pad across the carpet floor to the cabinet holding up the TV and opens the drawer containing the remotes.
Snow Owl then remembers as well much to her joy. It was Saturday, the beginning of the weekend meaning the next day, the two would have the apartment to themselves. Sure, Dick does have some homework to work on if he has too but it’s not due until next Monday. The two can sleep in for tomorrow morning but tonight is truly something else for them. Sure enough, Dick, being the acrobat he is, does a quick front flip that he lands safely on the couch with those remotes in hand. From there, he flips on both the TV and the streaming device, immediately scrolling his way to the comedies.... the PG 13 to R Rated comedies.
Dick looks up to his mother with the remotes in hand as they continue their scrolling for their film for tonight. They have a sort of mischief and fun to them that Snow Owl notices.
“So.... what do you have in mind for tonight, Dick?”
Now it was his turn to answer all too happily; “Well.... I was kinda thinking.... how about we watch those.... you know films that have that guy with the nerdy glasses, scruffy beard and that weird laugh? Maybe like three of them.”
Oh yes, that guy. The two always have a riot of pure unbridled laughter and just a great time every time his films are playing for their movie nights. But three for one night? Her son was up to something; he was making their movie night a Dare, a Dare they’ve played before. So why not play it for tonight after all?
With a sly and confident smirk, Snow Owl replies thusly, “The usual wager? For the one to burst out laughing with each film first has to make the winner a bowl of their favorite ice cream?”
Dick’s eyes beamed expectedly yet joyful. She basically read his mind. “Remember, my flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip, right?”
With a chuckle, Snow Owl beams as well. “Yep, and I hope you remember mine would be Cookies N Cream.”
Dick smirks with confidence and a tiny healthy bit of hubris. “I know, Mom. But yeah, I’m getting my ice cream first. I got this all handled.”
“You’re on, just as soon as I get out of my shower”, Snow Owl gives Dick a prideful thumbs up before finally, with her clean laundry in hand, makes her way to the bathroom for her clean up. Before going in, she does remember to keep it quick since they don’t want a big water bill by the end of the month.
Fifteen Minutes Later......
Emerging from the bathroom Snow Owl entered, out came Mary Grayson, clad in her light blue Tee and similarly black sweatpants, finishing drying her untied dark red hair with a towel and her bare feet taking steps in the carpet floor. Once able to dry as much of her hair as she could and placing the towel on the rack in the bathroom, Mary makes her way back to the living room. The TV is left on with one particular film, ‘The Meeting’, the one about those nerdy glasses wearing, scruffy bearded, weird laugh having guy and a friend of his have an interview with an infamous dictator. This ought to be good; now it was just a matter of making sure she can hold back the laughter she knows she’ll get watching this film long enough until Dick does so first.
Speaking of whom, Dick was barely finishing up pouring the heated-up popcorn into two big bowls, one for him and one for his mother, and was making his way back to the living room where Mary was taking a seat on the couch, her feet propped up on a cushion in front of said seat, leaning her back onto the cushion behind her, letting herself relax and waiting for her bowl. She didn’t wait too long before Dick arrives with her white plastic bowl being offered, to which she happily takes and puts on her laps.
With his own blue bowl, Dick takes his own seat, sitting cross legged and his hand on the remote.
Just before he presses ‘Play’, Mary turns to him, she has something small to say. “Just to let you know, Dick. I’m very proud of your work, both at school and out there when we crime fight no matter what. I’m also proud of you being responsible for this house with all you do. So, if there’s times where I.... well seem a bit distant.... not being as directly there all the time.... letting you do your thing.... I just wanted to let you know that I am available if you need me for whatever reason...... and that you always have me to back you up. So, anything that might seem is between us is just simply something we can and will work out and not something so....”
“Mom”, Dick interrupts with a cheerful and understanding tone, “I get it. I love you too.” He beams a soft smile in her direction. It lets her confirm what they both need to say.
Once Mary smiles back and gives her son a small yet livingly air kiss, much to his playful yet lighthearted chagrin, he presses ‘Play’.
Let the Grayson Family Movie Night shenanigans begin.
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graysonfamfan2021 · 9 months ago
Tag game
List 5 topics you can talk about for an hour without preparing any materials and I was tagged by my bestie @st4r-fire
1. History European - American etc
2. Books 📚 from any genre mostly romantasy , science 🧪 fiction and historical romances and mysteries
3 . Dungeons and dragons 🐉
4. Sports 🏀 such as swimming and dancing 💃 and Zumba and yoga 🧘‍♀️ etc
5. Tv Shows: titans , doom patrol, teen titans, justice and static shock etc
I’m tagging my besties @ambelle , @ambeauty , @amberpride , @beas-mind , @meerakory, @notsomundaneafterall , @ablogthatishenceforthmine , @escapism-through-imagination @ships-bynoa , @thesassywitchofthenortheast , @pandoraimperatrix , @selinascatnip , @brunoartist , @lady-stirling , @literaryspinster , @spaceprincessem and @nightglider124
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 2 years ago
@adalineozie @camo-wolf Gosh Thanks Fellas
Tagging: @spider-jaysart @sillymanwithocs @nightglider124 @theredheaded-stuff
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dickkoryzine · 5 years ago
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[CONTRIBUTOR SPOTLIGHTS]  — @nightglider124 ⭐️🌌
As one of the writers for Celestials: A Dickkory Charity zine, we are so grateful for their work! Please make sure to visit their social media profiles for more!
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celestial-mari · 5 years ago
Hmmm... idk maybe... dickkory? I just simply dont think i have ever heard your opinion on them ;3
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LOL wow, guys I’m that transparent huh? Well they are my all-time favorite ship after all....
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