#does this show has issues? yah
ivys-garden · 6 months
I, like many of yall, have noticed a vocal minority of people showing there support for Wilbursoot, going as far as to attack shubble and her supporters. In this post I'll go through the main points I've seen them argue with and explain why I believe that they are all wrong.
“Shubble was the real abuser” - No. If she was, William would have spoken up. There is no evidence for this, well, that isn't faked or saying one thing is another (like the guy saying a pic of will crying was because of shubble or the guy trying to pass a stream of a completely different girl of as shubble abusing will… live. On stream. Yah, think we would have heard of that before now.)
“She has no proof” - genuinely fuck of. In domestic abuse cases there won't always be hard proof, that's one of the reasons the police struggle to do anything about it. If a wife is struck by a husband and it leaves no mark that doesn't mean it didn't happen “why didn't she show the bruises” have you guys ever been bruised? Bruises heal quickly, and she doesn't have any to show since the allegations came out after their break up, all the bruises would have healed. “Why didn't she take photos at the time?” Look at it this way, if I punch you across the face you will have a lot of thoughts, none of them will be “I should take a photo of this so people belive me what I say it happened”
(Also don't pretend that people wouldn't just say the evidence was fake if she did have pictures)
Oh and she does have evidence, the fact William admitted to it.
“She just did it for attention” - bitch, shubble doesn't need attention she was doing great. Just because you never heard of her didn't mean she was some underground indie youtuber, she didn't need to lie to get attention. Also lying about domestic abuse is not a good way to do this since it's really easy to disprove. The other party would come out instantly to tell everyone the truth. William didn't do that because shubble WAS telling the truth.
“Her story changed” - no. It didn't. Even the idea that she changed whether or not wilbur bruised with the bites or made her bled (both of which are still bad, btw) is made up, she never said that, as was clarified by shubble herself
“She encouraged death threats” - She openly decouraged death threats. Saying she was like: “everyone go and tell people to kill themselves” is literally putting words in her mouth
Also, this by no means goes for everyone, but arguing about death threats while, wilbur hasn't told his supports not to send death threats and that wilburs supporters have been saiding threats to shubble and her fans while condemning the few shubble fans who sent death threats, is kinda stupid
(Also this is by no means the main point but I have seen people who support wilbur literally begging for death threats, soooooooo)
(Oh aslo I was mistaken in the early version where I said shubble had implied that she didn't belive wilbur could change, that was another misconception and I'm sorry for spreading it. Shubble does belive that people can change IF they put in the work to do so)
Also remember, William has not been shown to actually change yet. He still hasn't even given shubble an apology that takes proper accountability, when he does that, apologies to everyone else he's wronged, and puts in the effort to actually be better moving forward, then we can forgive him. But at the moment he has not shown that.
So until then: support shubble. Belive victims. Raise awareness for these issues in the gaming space (this has been going on for a long time). And don't engage with people who make up evidence to support there parasocial relationships, don't send death threats (obviously, because that's wrong) but also don't engage in any other way. This will be my last post on this subject. Move on from William and the support for him will die down when they realise there's no one to disagree with, and then William, Shubble and all of us can move past this and into the future as a (hopefully) better space
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oy yoo joonghyuk, your looking kinda rough there. you good blud?
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ok i really like this because i feel like previously the comic had an issue with making me care about yjh regressions. like theyd say they happened but didnt show it in a way that made me actually care but like with this now i understand and i can care about the pain his character went through more rather than just 'oh yeah the regressions happened hes sad about that but your not gonna get to see why and any of the pain he went through'
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oh gohd. i. i dont like this.
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YEAH. YA SHOULDVE. ok so i didnt take screenshots for a while but i think its really funny she got eaten. i dont like her. i know she tried her best and was going through a tough time but when your a parent trying your best isnt enough. you are raising a human being obviously your not going to be perfect but being a bad parent and trying to excuse it with 'i tried my best' is crazy. any other situation trying your best will always be enough because thats all you can do but a parent should do more than their best. i just. ugh. i think shes a very interesting and compelling character and a very realistic and human one at that but if she was real id want to fist fight her.
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YAH KILL HIS ASS. her only saving grace in my eyes. the only thing ill ever say she did right. but then she went and put dokjas traumatic childhood on blast to the whole world while he was still a kid without his permission so i still dont like her 😋
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honestly outside of writing the book and not getting dokja away from the abuse eairlier she was actually an amazing mom, she taught him many important things and even here always taught him the right lesson. BUT WHY THE FUCK YOU WRITE THAT DAMN BOOK-
also she basically abandoned him in a sense so hate her for that too ✌️
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WHAT. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS. ok most big twists i was already spoiled for but- ARE YOU TELLING ME DOKJA WAS THE ONE TO ACTUALLY KILL HIM?!??!!? OHHHHHH OH MY GOD. ok thats gonna fuck up his psyche to remember that but good for him yes kill that dude. also more points for her your slightly less of a shitty mom in my eyes you took the fall for him thats wonderful thats good parenting there (not the murder the being willing to take the fall in this situation)
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thats actually insane because that means there was a reason behind the book. the book was to make sure no one ever thought it was dokja. i mean i dont think anyone wouldve suspected that so still she prob didnt need to write it but. THAT MEANS THERE WAS A REASON FOR THE BOOK. MY WHOLE ARGUMENT HAS BEEN THROWN OUT THE WINDOW I LOVE BEING PROVEN WRONG OHHH THIS IS AMAZING AND CRAZY. i still have my annoyances with her parenting but like. +50 parent points for this you go girl AND YOU GO DOKJA MURDER HIS ASS
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oh. LMAO. DUMB ASS WAY TO DIE FUCKER. HAHAHAH DOKJA DIDNT EVEN MURDER HIM THIS DUMBASS SLIPPED AND FELL ONTO THE KNIFE AS DOKJA WAS HOLDING IT LMAOOOOOOOOOO THATS SO HILARIOUS. FUCKING IDIOT. so neither of them actually killed him thats hilarious thats so fucking funny pathetic death for a pathetic man.
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ok but objectively letting him die was the good choice. like. mf deserved it.
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outro-jo · 1 year
skz helping with body image issues
pairing: skz x gn reader
type: scenario
warnings: discusses issues with body image, specifically with a plus sized reader but nothing too intense
request: yes
please read info before requesting!
masterlist | info
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chan- words of encouragement are his forte. he’s adamant about wanting to make you feel better and remind you of how incredible you are. he always knows just what to say.
“i think you’re gorgeous and your size doesn’t matter to me.”
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minho- he’s so silly. he will playfully fuss at you while kissing your face to get you laughing and get you out of the cycle of self negativity. once he sees you smiling again, he knows he’s done his job.
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changbin- cannot fathom you feeling this way about yourself. obviously he can because he definitely has his own body issues, but to him you’re so divinely perfect he can’t imagine a negative thing ever being said or thought about you. he just tries to reassure you any way that he can.
“yah, how could you say that? your body is perfect”
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hyunjin- he usually responds with affection and kind words. though he says he’s not too keen on skinship, he feels the best way to tell people what he thinks is to show them. he does his best to reassure you even when it’s hard.
“can i show you just how beautiful you are?”
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jisung- it makes him sad when he sees you in your head, feeling bad about yourself. he has you tell him all your concerns and the things you hate and then he tells you why he loves them and continues telling you everything he loves about your body. it’s the small things that stick out the most in your mind and help quiet those nasty thoughts. of course, it’s all followed up with lots of kisses.
“i love this about you. i think it’s so beautiful.”
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felix- he’s very observant when it comes to you so he sees when you’re more withdrawn and he can definitely relate to body image issues. the only comments he ever makes about you are extremely positive. he wants his voice to be louder than the hurtful ones in your head. he does his best to always be a space you can come to to vent and receive love and encouragement whenever you’re ready to talk about it.
“i’m sorry you’re going through this. just know that i love you so much and i think you’re beautiful always.”
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seungmin- bless him, he isn’t the best with words sometimes but he just wants to be there for you. he listens to your feelings intently with your hand in his and his thumb rubbing soothing circles to the back sweetly.
“i can’t change your mind on any of these thoughts, but i want you to know that i think you’re beautiful. you’re perfect in my eyes.”
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jeongin- our clever baby bread flips the script on you. once you’ve finished saying what you need to and letting it all out, he starts talking about all the things he dislikes about himself. not in a degrading way, more as matter of fact. when you’re thoroughly confused he asks if you still love him despite these flaws, which of course you do!
“it’s the same with you, love. i don’t see things like you do. you’re still beautiful to me and i love you so much.”
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squib-2006 · 1 year
Dr pt2 spoiler warning
This was a fantastic set of episodes
• Kai and wyldfire are everything. Kai having to deal with someone who acts like he did in the earlier seasons is poetic justice and funny as hell.
• I also like how they kinda tried to explain why Kai seemed calm after sea bound and nyas seaifcation. I guess Kai meditating with wu would make him calmer. At least it confirms that Kai was upset (even if they didn’t show it)
•I am kinda upset that nothing from skybound was brought up with the Djinn. I personally don’t really like skybound but I still find that it could be used more than just oh yah that happened right wink wink. I mean we had to suffer through skybound for something right?
• I actually really liked sora and nyas whole plot with the Djinns curse. It was fun and had a nice conclusion.
• Coles return is great I love his little gang in the land of forgotten things. My favorite has to be the skeleton girl (I forgot her name probably cuz they only say it like 2 times) she’s funny.
• I do wish there was a scene where nyas like btw I found Cole and the other ninja react. I mean she does mention it at the end but no one except Zane has any real reaction.
• Beatrix going off the rails was really funny. It felt like someone gave a teen with daddy issues an insta death weapon.
• rapton switching sides kinda came out of left field for me. Like the guy isn’t the brightest bulb in the box I think it would be more likely for other characters to switch sides. Also how did he recover from being tased so quickly? Man was out cold and not two minutes later he was up and walking around.
• kinda felt that the whole being sucked into non existence should have had more lasting effects (totally not because I want to traumatize or brutally injure Kai no why would I want that /s) tho fake out deaths are pretty par for the course with ninjago, this one actually didn’t make me feel all that much cuz I knew the moment wyldfire got pulled in that this was a fake out. They wouldn’t kill one of there new characters that quickly.
•so wus just legitimately fudging dead. Never thought we would see the day when this old mad would just peace out. Also ghost wu legit looks like he’s slowly loosing his form or something cuz in the first half he appears with his full body but in the last scene he’s in he’s just a chest and a head. It might have just been a stylistic thing tho.
•I’m not mad jay only showed up for around 30 seconds (this just might be my bias tho cuz jays probably the ninja I care the least about, not that I hate him or anything he’s just not that interesting to me) it’s kinda refreshing for me cuz nya gets to be her own character for a bit and not be completely attached to Jay and Jay gets to take up less screen time (if I am being honest Jay had so much focus in the wild brain seasons it kinda got annoying to me personally) idk if he’s actually lost his memories or if that leak is wrong cuz it would make sense cuz he has not searched for the ninja (specifically nya cuz that man is a simp for his gf) Arin missing him by a second is hilarious to me.
•not sure about how I feel about Lloyd being the linchpin for the entire thing. Part of me thinks that it would have fit the shows themes better if all of them used their elemental powers or something else to power the cores to fix everything. But another part of me understands that Lloyd get main character privileges cuz he’s the son of ninjago god.
•still kinda frustrated that they are changing how elemental powers work. Originally they were from the first spinjitzu master, but the whole source dragon being the source (for lack of a better word) of the elemental powers, it completely retcons and nerfs the first spinjitzu master. It would have made more sense if they still came from the powers of the fsm and were gifted through the source dragons to people.
•the implication of the cursed realm merging with the rest of the realms brings up the question if the departed realm merged to? Does that mean no one can die??? Or is there some sort of force that still keeps the departed realm separated from the rest (like how the people in the land of the forgotten can’t leave) or can some dude just wander in to the departed realm and see like there dead grandma chilling with the fsm having tea or some crap like that.
•Lloyd going I forgot there are two of them now towards Kai and wyldfires antics is peak writing. And all the arson and explosions the two created is just beautiful.
•I think the Kai and wyldfire duo should be called like the arsonist or the kaboom duo
•THE HUGGG!!!! My boi was so happy looking when the tackle hug was done.
•I just cant get my brain to shut up about these two. They give off tired dad who sometimes gives in to his old chaotic ways he’s sworn he’s grown out of and living embodiment of chaos and fun daughter who drags her dad into crazy things.
Tdlr I loved this second half and had a few issues with it but it was still really good.
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
That’s an autistic boy if i ever did see one. Tom is me i am tom. The no shoes thing is definitely a sensory issue, i like to think its the socks more than its the shoes, likely the seams around the toes. I feel like if tom is forced to wear socks and shoes he’s got very specific sensory needs. Absolutely no ankle socks, those were sent by the government to make your ankles feel like they’re being strangled by their oppressive regime, only gym socks pulled up as far as they can physically stretch with sneakers that are tied so tight he takes them off and there’s an indent of the laces on his foot and absolutely zero circulation from the ankle down
Tom runs a very successful horror blog, he talks about behind the scenes info for his favourite movies and also provides ratings of movies both new and old. It’s really funny to watch him in the cinema because he sits with a little norepad and makes notes the whole time so he can come up with a decicive score on the blog. He spends a lot of time in the movies, its where most of the money he threatens out of other students ends up. He goes to watch movies a minimum of 5 times to make sure he didn’t miss any details or lose any plot points that might bump up his initial scores. He has a secret spreadsheet and everything, its insane commitment, but special interest is gonna special interest, am i right gamers?
A very very good student when he applies himself, especially as a creative writer, if you look past all the blood, gore, and general slasher rapiness in his works you can definitely see all the signs of a promising novelist or screenwriter. In the poetry department, he’s not so stellar. Tom is still of the mindset that all poems must rhyme and are generally quite superficial and pointless pieces of writing. And they’re completely separate to all the private free form stuff he writes in his journal from time to time. Those aren’t poems at all they’re just… succinct vents
Tom is also a greatly talented drummer, the kid has rhythm all the way up to his eyeballs, and if he wasn’t so scared i think he’d be a great asset to bullworth’s marching band. But he knows he’d get torn to shreds by his friends so he stays well enough way no matter how hard miss peters begs for him to try out. He borrows a drum kit Russel keeps in his garage and practices using karaoke tracks of songs he illegally torrented onto his iPod, no sheet music, just vibes.
Tom’s face bruise is actually part bruise and port wine stain birthmark, hence why it stays that lovely purple hue forever. The redness in his eye is from repeated blows to the head from both friends and foes but the purple skin around his eye is (mostly) just birthmark
The rest of his bruises are actually just from minor injuries. I think tom has elhers danos syndrome (EDS) so the kid bruises like a peach. Minor bumps from passersby in the busy halls of bullworth leave him looking like he was in a full on beat down. That’s not to say that he’s not often in huge scuffles because he absolutely is, he’s just a little more physically delicate than the other bullies
Tom has the hots for angie (at least in my save he does) so he tries to act like a sweetheart whenever he’s around her. He knows that she knows he’s a bully but i think tom really wants to show her that he’s more than that, he’s better than that. Tom doesnt even like being a bully all that much, it’s just the hard facts of life at bullworth that you’re either in or out, and god knows he wouldn’t last a day if he was out.
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loiteringandlurking · 8 months
ohhhhgggKAY y'all
I have some personal albert hc's based on a character workshop today (very based off of other peoples Albert hc's)
- he has a mother and two younger sisters, his dad either walked out or died
- his mother is either sick or drunk so it's mostly up to him to provide for his family.
- his closest/only friends are the New York newsies. he's very apprehensive of katherine at first.
- he wears his newsie hat backwards (though we knew this)
- he's super hyper masc and stoic and cold to hide his insecurities about his feminine traits- he wants to go to culinary school and become a chef, and is also grappling with his sexuality and a crush on jack/race
- the abscencr of his father also played a hand in his demeanour and insecurities, he never really had a male role model to show him how to act.
- he has anger/emotional processing issues becuase if his mental health, sexuality and absent father. it's very rare to see him smile, and the only times he really does in the show is during numbers like kony.
- during his rare downtime while he's not selling papes or caring for his mum and sisters he likes to visit this one diner downtown. sometimes they give him food for free or just let him watch the process in the kitchen. they don't let him help because they'd have to pay him and also hes too dirty but it's his comfort place. he would never tell the other newsies. the line cook there is a gay guy and he and Albert talk a lot about everything that albert would never open up to anyone else about.
anyway yah! that's my albert! my silly guy!
ps im starting on the writing reqs :3c
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lunarsun12 · 3 months
Ghost Jay
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Jay and Sunghoon were gathered at living room, to watch Queen of tears. Sunoo was there, until Niki kept on telling him the spoiler. Which lead to Sunoo being disinterested.
At the end of the show, Sunghoon was talking to Jay and there was no reply. Just a blank stare from Jay, which freaked Sunghoon out and ran to hide.
After Sunghoon left, Sunoo in the living room to grab his phone until he saw Jay and gave a scream.
What possessed Jay?
Back At Enhypen Chat
Today 3:00am
Niki🕺: Sunoo shut up! I know you trying to take embarrassing photos of people sleeping
Sunoo☀️: I’m scared! Appa has been sitting in the same position for many hours. Staring at the wall
Niki🕺: I don’t believe you! Let me see
There was a second scream…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Who hurt you Niki! I’m here!
Niki🕺: UNCLE JAY IS POSSESSED! He has been staring at the wall like Sunoo said
Sunoo☀️: Me and Niki are hiding in my room! We have a ghost!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Kids, don’t be scared! It’s probably Jay hyung doing something relaxing!!
Right when Jungwon said it, there was another scream from the living room.
Jake🐶: Ermmm I don’t mean to be rude…why is uncle Jay staring at the wall? AT 3am!!
Sunoo☀️: ITS A GHOST! Hide Jake! Before he gets you!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: I go check on Jay! You kids are so dramatic
Few hours later….
Jay🦊: YAH! Heesung why did you wake me up!!
Heesung🦌: You made Jungwon cry! He won’t stop sniffing
Jay🦊: What that gotta do with me? You probably told him a scary story!
Jake🐶: Wait Uncle Jay was sleeping?
Jay🦊: Yeah! I fell asleep on the couch until Heesung hyung woke me up! Now he is making me apologise to Jungwon, for something I didn’t do!
Niki🕺: Uncle…your sleeping habits…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Actually, I wasn’t crying. I just had hay fever…
Jay🦊: What the issue? Do I snore?
Heesung🦌: Dude you really need to stop sleeping with your eyes open! It’s scared everyone except for me of course
Jay🦊: I do that?? WAIT why didn’t you all tell me about it!
Niki🕺: we only found out today!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Ahhh now it makes sense…Jay does that a lot when he is super tired…I used to share a room with him
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: I saw Jay sleeping and then Heesung came and screamed. Then he tried to play it off as me crying
Jay🦊: I should sleep in room more often and stop watching ‘Queen of tears’
Jake🐶: Has anyone seen Sunghoon? He is dead quiet and no way he is sleeping!
Sunoo☀️: I found him! He is huddling in the laundry room
Sunghoon❄️: Stop staring at me sunoo! We have a ghost!!
Heesung🦌: The ghost is your Appa sleeping…which I am totally not scared of
Jay🦊: Old habit die hard. Now excuse me, I will go back to sleep!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: IN YOUR ROOM! We barely got any sleep!
Jay🦊: Ok-
Before Jay texted back, someone came in with baseball bat and knocked him out. The person was Sunghoon.
Jake🐶: Sunghoon! It’s actually Jay sleeping habit! He sleeps with his eyes open
Sunghoon❄️: HE WAS SLEEPING! You could have told me sooner!
Jake🐶: I did…you didn’t listen like usual
Sunghoon❄️: I’m just gonna blame it on Sunoo like usual…
Niki🕺: Who said they were th nicest brother…they both seem equally as bad…
Jake🐶: THAT WHAT I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL! Why doesn’t anyone listen around here!!
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ca-suffit · 3 months
I've never really gotten why people are so into Loustat. Maybe if you only read the books? But in the show they're just not happy most of the time. And of course there's the whole domestic violence aspect of it. Whereas Loumand WERE happy together most of the time. They had interesting discussions, enjoyed art together, had long walks, and were sexually compatible. Yes of course there's the horror with Claudia, but as a couple, they were happy. So what's up with that?
it's hard to know where to start to answer this cuz there's so much I could get into. I'm gonna skip the book history cuz wiki is right there, but yah it's basically a book thing. they were the relationship that ppl wanted to see the most, bcuz they started the series (which wasn't a planned series to begin with) and ppl wanted to see them grow and heal their issues. anne rice had personal grief issues attached to their creation and louis in particular. that's why he's moved aside for a lot of the series but does return more in the end as a main, romantic focus.
all the vampires are p polyamorous, so even if there's main focuses at times, they are constantly moving around each other. loustat *are* going to be the underlying show focus, they've said, and they don't have to sideline louis like the books did if they don't want to. I expect they'll make him more prominent and generally make a better flowing story in a lot of ways than the books.
loumand is v short in the books but it's similar to the show in that louis is seeking someone who he thinks has more answers to life's meaning than lestat ever gave. the show deepens that a bit more too by making them both men of color who would understand similar ways of surviving in the world than lestat as a white man understood.
(as an aside to all the book stuff too, it has to be said that part of the fandom's preference of loustat is bcuz it's a relationship that has a white man in it tbh. it's not like ALL loustat ppl are racist or anything, but "loumanders" has been used in place of a racial slur here for a while so it's still def part of it from some. ppl will always say it's not racist, it's from the books....but........it v obviously both sometimes)
the show has also drastically changed the timeline of these relationships as well. the books had loustat lasting 60-70 years for the IWTV arc of it. loumand...I can't remember the exact time, if it's given, but it's a LOT shorter. the show has rly fleshed out both relationships in ways much more than the books give us.
re: the DV. armand is also abusing louis too tho. the show's addition of the drop is new but louis and lestat physically fight in the books a lot, and lestat is emotionally abusive. however, armand is abusive too, with his ability to get in other vampire's heads. the book relationship feels entirely forced in a lot of ways tbh. bcuz of louis' connection to humanity (idk if this is outright stated or my own thoughts), he's easy to mentally manipulate as a vampire. it happens a few times to him, but armand is the first.
so armand and lestat are kind of two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways. as individuals and as partners to louis.
I am interested to see where the show takes them all, bcuz lestat and armand *also* have a history.
I think the show is doing and will do a better job at exploring all these relationships and growing them out. where loustat is now won't always be who they are, same for whatever loumand becomes. all of these vampires still exist around each other in some capacity, bcuz their community is so small. they all have a history with each other somehow. the books never explored that v well but I expect the show to do it. claudia's death hangs over all of them and it's never addressed with armand again in the books, so I'm wondering how the show will do it. but it's an event and a grief (at least for loustat) that connects them all forever and is a major player in how loustat exist forever after and talk about themselves too.
so I literally don't blame anyone for disliking loustat for where it's at rn. I mean, u don't have to ever like it tbh! but we're v early for seeing all of this and getting the foundation for where the story is going from here on. I obviously don't know for sure, either, but this is the start of where everything else will branch off.
a lot of book ppl are trying to cram everything into the first series mainly bcuz ppl don't like seeing lestat being judged the way he is. but....this is supposed to be a long series? everything is not going to happen in S1 and S2 that mainly stem from book 1. I wish ppl could just relax and let the story tell itself. there were years in between the books being published, sometimes not even knowing another book was coming at all. the show is telling its own story and it's ok to go at the pace of where it's leading us.
omg this was long. idk if I rambled more than answered anything but lol. u can always ask more if u want.
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yaraaflor · 6 months
is there a reason you like dickhelena? what's your ideal idea of a relationship between them - a shorter thing or do you see them working out
omg tell me how this ask has been in my inbox a whole ass month and i never saw it... my bad anon i wasn't ignoring you lol i just never get asks ig. anyways! answer got long so it's under the cut.
dickhelena my beloved... well first of all i do NOT see them ever working out as a like. super long-term married couple type thing. i think their relationship could be functionally good in a lot of ways but they will always have a fundamentally different view of killing and the ethics of it. and i don't think dick would ever be able to fully get past that. like... how do i put this... i think he would be able to get over it TO A POINT out of love, but it would always be a source of tension between them, and at some point the issue would be forced, either by helena killing someone or them disagreeing about somebody else killing someone. i don't think dick's no-killing morality is quite as strong as bruce's, but it's not nothing to him. and i also think he would take issue with the why of it all - like helena killing people bc she believes they cannot be reformed, as opposed to like. idk kory who comes from a different culture and has had to kill her own oppressors.
and also i think bruce would be a permanent issue for them. like helena has a super complex relationship with bruce (and ofc dick does too but he's always going to be loyal to bruce, as his father figure), and bruce sure as hell would not approve of their relationship. which, dick wouldn't let bruce just trample all over his love life, but. at a certain point, having your SO and your family at odds with each other can become exhausting.
BUT just because i don't think they would last forever doesn't mean i don't think the relationship would be meaningful. i think they could have a lot of fun together, if they let themselves, and i think they could make each other happy for a time.
i think a key part of dickhelena is, even when they disagree, they're not incapable of understanding each other. they're both children of gotham who have lost a lot to violence and are trying to help others avoid that. and unlike a lot of the other bats, they both try to maintain an ordinary life and job alongside their vigilante work. they both have soft hearts and hard heads. the way they show it is pretty different, but it's there.
and i mean part of the draw of the relationship to me is the complexity of it. of being at odds about one or two major issues, but compatible in so many other ways. of having a kind of love-hate, flirting-fighting dynamic, and a bit of a messy history. but despite that, seeing the good in each other, and still seeing it even when things are over.
there's something to be said, imo, for relationships that don't work out, but don't end with bad blood either. like it's those relationships that often help people learn and grow, and i think they get overlooked in fandom a lot. for understandable reasons! we all have an otp we want to be in love forever. but for dick and helena, i think of them more as like a 'we didn't work out but it's not because the love wasn't there' type thing. love isn't always enough to make things last and that's important to realize.
....looking back i feel like to a certain extent my answer might not be satisfactory here bc a part of my reason for liking dickhelena is like... i just do? lol. like i love both their characters and i like them together and i think they have a certain chemistry that i can't really put into words. and i understand that not everyone feels that way about them which is fine.
but yah. sorry for making you wait for this anon lol
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kndrules · 7 months
Could u tell/show us more of ur hcs for Abby? She's always been one of my favs
YAH!! I really have to sit and think about this, because sometimes I have headcanons that I forget are Headcanons, you know what I mean?
(haha this turned out to be extremely long so I'm putting in a read more)
Okay- so I think her dad is originally Canadian and is half Cree. Since Cree is named after her voice actress, and her voice actress is named Cree because she is Cree, it makes perfect sense to me. Her dad was living in France for some kind of medical residency situation when he met her mom and they started their family. We know that Abby moved to the United States when she was a couple years old, like Nigel did. The only reason I can think that cree doesn't have a French accent would be that she tries really hard to fit in. But with one north American parent, she probably spent a decent amount of time in the states growing up too.
I think her family is a comfortable upper middle class. I haven't decided what I think her mom does for work. I have a very specific headcanon about her family having a nice finished basement that has gym equipment in it, cuz that's where Abby and wally work out together. Sector V will often have movie nights in Abby's basement too.
This is clear in canon, but she has a great relationship with her parents. Cree does too. Their family situation is complicated since the sisters have so much animosity towards each other but so much respect for their parents and their family in general
Abby IS fluent in French, the whole family is. They visit France to see family about once a year. Abby isn't close friends with Angeline, but because Angeline knows Creole French and has a girlfriend who lives in France, the two have kind of taught each other how to speak the others native dialect of French.
As an adult, Abby is going to start wearing glasses full time. This is a headcanon I forget to implement when I'm drawing her though 😅
In middle school and high school, Abby is an expert at floating around different social circles. She's tight with the popular kids but still has no issues being best friends with the nerds and weirdos (sector v, basically)
Her and Rachel end up becoming close, but in a way that still feels vaguely like a professional relationship. This is because they were both soopreme leaders at certain points and they both deal with a lot of social pressure. As adults, they have a new kind of professional relationship because they both become the core of Nigel's support system when he's in prison. Rachel becomes his lawyer as soon as she's able to and she works closely with Abby, since she's his best friend and a social worker (not HIS social worker, but she still brings her knowledge to his case)
After turning 13, Abby and Nigel become teen operatives. When Abby is soopreme leader, she abolishes decommissioning. In my adult AU, the divergence point is the teen-kid treaty from operation TREATY. Basically, the treaty goes well instead of...going horribly. As a result, the GKND doesn't target earth in the same way, and decommissioning becomes unnecessary. The hard line between kid and adult was a huge reason that "adulthood" was such a problem on earth. Wally, hoagie and Kuki stop being field operatives as teenagers (they still do some stuff for the knd, but to a lesser extent), whereas Abby and Nigel become a hardcore undercover duo.
Abby is very busy during her teen years. Shes in the top of her class and does a few extra curriculars. She also tutors Wally and is the biggest support he has in terms of school. She gets into a good college and pursues social work. I don't think she stays in that career forever though, because she needs to chill out at some point.
There's eventually a huge scandal regarding Father's business practices which culminates in his arrest. When this happens, the DCFDTL enter the foster care system and Abby takes on their case personally, feeling a sense of obligation to help them. As I've said before, I headcanon that the DCFDTL cannot age. At this point however, I haven't worked out the kinks yet, but they're able to start aging again. For reasons.
Abby has a tumultuous relationship with Henrietta in middle and high school that ends with a very messy break up. While I'm grad school, Abby and Hoagie become each others biggest support and hang out all the time, which is how their romantic relationship develops. They get married and have two kids, Naomi and Hogarth (Garth) the Third.
I HAVE MORE TO SAY BUT Y'KNOW WHAT...this is getting out of hand so I'm going to stop. If anyone has more specific questions about Abby feel free to ask!
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myeyesblurry · 7 months
Just a reminder, I am a roleplay blog. Blurry is a character. This post is regarding the Sherlock BBC roleplayer drama.
If I talk about things on my blog, it's in character. If we talk in DM's it's a 50/50 if I'll be in character or not. You'll be able to tell, by the fact if I start slurring you or not. (If you request we talk mod to mod; sure. If not I'll let you know- but this has never happened. I don't have reason to not be kind or myself in general.) If i send asks, it's 90% of the time in character. I am quick to drop a character if the conversation gets serious and I am trying to comfort the people behind the blogs.
I don't have beef with anyone personally.
It's all roleplay.
I do have addiction issues, and yes I did go on a binge last month and overdose. I've been (rather painfully) sober since. I smoke weed now though, in attempts to help me stay away from harder drugs. It's worked so far. I mostly am here when sober, and again am sober now as I write all of this, and have been during a lot of this situation. The weed has been during weaker moments.
If you want to ask me about in character drama, I will GLADLY spill all I know! If we have the energy at the time, anyway. If there are gaps between posts or replies, remember I'm an addict and I have a disociative disorder. Simply put; my body might be here, but my mind isn't all of the time. I'm too tired or too high to be in it sometimes, and you get gaps. Days, weeks, whatever. Often not weeks, I think 3 weeks was the max recently.
If you want drama between mods; the character will not. And if I am not part of the mod drama, I have nothing to say. Do I know more than I let on? Yes. Do I talk about it? Not unless they're a dangerous person and I fear for you. Could I warn you again talking OOC with a character, while saying it's safe to talk to the character? Yah. Sure. Just be cautious and I need to remind you that these characters are not the mods, and that these characters are not your friend.
I will give people my personal blog or otherwise show my hand if I am trying to express I will be open/be your friend. I'm not saying every blog that doesn't tell you their main is bad, and I'm not saying any blog that does tell you their main is good.
But that to blindly trust a character, without establishing any real connection outside of that, and taking what they say as gospel or telling them secrets, is dangerous. Remember that just because one person speaks first, doesn't automatically mean they are in the right. Remember also; that neither is the second, middle, last, whoever! For clearance. Stories have two sides, and sometimes the truth is muddy and somewhere in the middle. Sometimes hearing more stories might help gather intel for you to make a decision, but can never truly be perfect.
If you need to ask about my personal experiences with someone, I can tell you as well, if I'm feeling up for it. If not, I won't lie, I'll say I'm not ready or it's private. I can't speak for anyone else, or tell a story that's happened to anyone else. I'll tell my personal story, if I have one, and you can use it to help guide on who you believe, if you want. But my personal experience will not be a public post on this blog. But private, dm's, or even on one of my personal blogs.
Remember the world isn't black and white, and that people can be good and make mistakes or do bad actions, and that bad people can make mistakes and do good actions. With or without manipulation. That if things sound insane, it might be because they are just exaggerating their story. That they might or might not be the victim, and that good can handle bad for a long time before they break, or any other situation. Good can do bad things, when they've suffered a long time; and that you can't always believe everyone's story to be gospel. Good, bad, we're just people.
These are real people, don't blur the lines of rp and them. They might do bad actions, and be good. They might do good actions, and be bad. But they could just be people, who make mistakes, have misunderstandings, and suffer the fallout for a long, long, time. Hold grudges and hold them long after others change, and when that happens, they could see any good action as manipulation or some other negativr reason for the way they're acting. That they could accidentally become manipulators themselves. Cycle of abuse is real, and the victim turns into a new abuser, but often the one they are abusing is a new innocent person, a new victim. No one deserves abuse, and often there's no reason behind it. Certainly not a good, justifiable, reason.
Remember any time you've acted crazy, sometimes you were pushed to it, sometimes it was deserved, sometimes you were in the wrong, but you felt it was the right often, or otherwise had a reason, didn't you? It's important to self reflect, because sometimes we make mistakes.
Often, someone being mean might be a bad day. Maybe they got in a fight with someone they like, or got shouted at, or one too many people cut them off (maybe drive faster bbg. thats a joke). It's not justified, but understanding is the first step. Maybe they're being mistreated, and it comes out, or they just simply don't have anything else to compare it to.
But at the end of the day, communication is key, and make your own judgements on your experiences or others if you listen. If you are weary but like their character, that's alright. These are real people and sometimes good and bad are just colors on a spectrum. You can be good, and do something bad.
People are just people, with traumas and triggers and it can be hard to stay out of a cycle of abuse when perhaps everything might be bringing them down. Not justified, but understanding.
And if someone is truly bad to you, mean to you, the block button is easy to find. If they start to do something, anon asks or messages, harass you, report for harassment and block again. Tell others and show them, maybe, so they can help, close friends, or people who listen.
Stay safe, everyone. Blocking and walking away is sometimes the best option.
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i love how ava’s being very anti instution is clear in your stuff, i feel like some fics forget that about her or in trying to show that beatrice knows her stuff accidentally make it come across as if ava isn’t politically aware & needs to be lectured on politics by Beatrice
when canonically ava’s literally a abuse survivor who was abused because of her disability and had religion used as justifiation for her abuse and so is kinda more than a little against institutions and systems
anyway as a disabled person it’s more than a bit exhausting to read “abled person lectures disabled person on politics” regardless of authorial intent, so just wanted to say thanks for staying away from that, reading your ava characterization is really a breath of fresh air
absolutely! ava is so so so smart!! most gaps she has, at least for me canonically, are because she just didn't have access to any sound schooling (obviously — especially with history, but also just basic civics? exposure to different politic? etc). so it's like, of course ava wouldn't know that the nazis persecuted & killed queer people if she learned subpar history (undoubtedly with the shittiest pedagogy on the planet) from nuns who hated her — but once she learns it, she's immediately like oh. that contextually makes sense in a horrible way. fuck them. like it's not an issue of politic but just of nuanced & additional information — in the real world i'm sure ava's politic would (of course) grow (as hopefully all of ours irl continue to do lol), but it wouldn't be a real shift in politic, especially bc of an able-bodied person lecturing her or something. it would just be one that contains more concrete events, history, current povs, etc, because she would just learn more & have access to stuff!
i also think like you said that when bea lectures in the show, that's mostly about ava just being goofy when she needs to be serious, or definitely just not understanding the insane situation she's found herself in — which contextually is fair, but i don't think would happen with politic or ethic sort of beyond the halo/battles, etc. even her like 'you should think about someone other than yourself' is mostly motivated by ava's mission/the ocs's mission; ava is selfish but she has every right to be. & of course that's ava's main character arc growth: realizing that, while she always wants to be selfish (kissing bea), she has been put into a role that is far greater than her. that's a politic in itself, really
in reality bea probably has more to learn about politic & anti-state ethic than ava lol. i get why this isn't A Thing in the show but if i choose to throw them into NOT the catholic church lol, it's a reality that bea is a queer woman of color, specifically an asian woman, which does matter — in ways that can hurt but also in finding community & history that informs/builds a particular politic. i feel like it's incomplete to not at least include that a LITTLE. but yah bea like... rly fucks w The Institution at least for some of the show. she's got a lot to unlearn!
& yes i TOTALLY agree that ava's abuse & disability (even if people choose to write her as no longer disabled which.... a choice but ok lol) would absolutely eventually really inform her politic. i simply haven't gotten to this yet but ava finding disability justice (& by that i obviously mean like intersectional disability justice led by & designed for queer & trans folks, especially qtpoc) would be so fucking cool for her! communal care? anti-state abolition? abolition of Institutions (psychiatric, medical, etc) that harm that are rooted in white supremacy (& specifically the church)... she would LOVE it. she would be so into it. it would be such a respite & passion & joy for her as she got older & realized she has such purpose through her experiences, without the halo & without any holy wars. also they would both be thoughtful about thinking transnationally which rocks.
anyway yah i feel like out of the two of them ava is actually the most likely to like a) access information in "non-academic" ways; b) have a more radical politic just inherently. not that i think bea is like a shitty neoliberal person forever or anything bc... she would also be v smart, but ava is awesome.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Do you think in Magicam monsters event that the princesses will have their own place to set up their Halloween since they are more of them? It makes me think Cinderella will be part of the Committee and since it is a scary event, she figure she might have scary theme like witches. I also think other princesses will help on other dorm's like with Mulan in Malleus' part as she can help take notes of their theme (Especially how Mulan weirded the parts about Mushu) and Ariel with Octavinelle.
I also like some of the princesses will go ape**** just like how Jamil willing to burn everything to Ortho willing to disintegrate. Example being Elsa who is always patient and conceal herself but seeing how they try to mess with her sister, she is willingly to freeze them. Merida will likely try to shoot them with her bow and arrow and we seen how angry Moana can be as she is gonna hit them with her paddle.
I also like to imagine the princess's reactions on other's attempted murder. Alice already expected Riddle to be angry as he attempt to and she is glad they able to stop him which shows improvement from chapter 1, Belle never thought Leona willingly to hurt the guests with an army once again, Ariel kinda expect Floyd to hurt others by squishing them, Jasmine knew she has issues with Jamil but knows he is patient which is why him attempt burn is the least expected and learn about his fear of bugs, Snow White didn't want Epel to cause trouble, Megera never thought Ortho willingly to kill them as she sees him being innocent, and Aurora and Mulan thought the guests would stop but they were never afraid of Malleus which anger him.
And so I like to think some of princesses will help scare them like Elsa giving a cold atmosphere and Tiana telling them a story of how the frogs she cooked are real people.
Ok ok, the witch idea is cute, it matches Grim, it's what I did for my Yuu. But then after reading this I thought of other potential costumes and I thought of a Haunted Doll/ puppet theme.
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Yes this is supposed to be Cinderella
Cinderella Is a good Halloween candidate. Though my logic with that is Cinderella-pumpkins-Halloween, lol. I think Belle would also be a good addition. Just because out of all the princesses, Belle has the most “creepy” stuff associated with her and her movie. Like the beasts castle, the dark forest that surrounds it, her literal monster boyfriend, yah know. I feel like she’d get into it. But yeah the two of them are on the committee for Ramshackle dorm. Belle wanted the library, but Idia called it first and she was salty as hell about it. But the girls set up their spot in the schools conservatory and set up a whimsical haunted toy makers shop. They stayed on budget by getting a bunch of second hand toys and found a discount fabric store in town. Cinderellas mice and bird frineds helped with the sewing while Belle found inspiration pictures. Rapunzel does their makeup. Elsa and Tiana crunched all the numbers to stay on budget. They even had plenty to set up a “Make your own” ragdoll craft area for guests. And Belle found a bunch of Halloween books and held “Storytime with Dolly”. 
The Magicam Monsters annoyed the princesses as much as everyone else. Some would pose with all the craft supplies and leave them there, not actually doing anything with it. Picking up the toys that were solely for display and not putting them back. Waving their selfie sticks around and knocking over the dolls. Some of them were porcelain and broke. Which may have been fine for Halloween decorations to be busted, but the plan was to clean up and re-donate a lot of the toys, and now they had even less stuff to give away. Not to mention a few of them were super creepy and taking pictures of the girls without asking. Making comments about how pretty they were, when did they get off, can I have your number? It was wearing down Belle and Cinderellas patience to the point they had either Mulan, Elsa, or Merida to act like security. 
The way they scared them off was making up a whole story about how one of the old headmages wanted a daughter so badly, he made a doll so life like that he wished her to be a real girl. Taking matters into his own hands, made a spell that would bring her to life. Only she needed to take the life of others to sustain it, turning them into lifeless dolls instead. Including her own father. Elsas magic gave the place an eerie chill and creepy wind. Cinderellas mice friends puppeteered the dolls to make them move, squeaking out their warnings to run before she got them too.
It was very cathartic for all of them. 
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alpona · 2 years
The 'Karizaki inner demon' talk:
So, we know the whole deal with George's father putting his own inner demon in George thing.
And I found it to be a very interesting new concept - look, so far in Revice, George is the only human who's had someone else's inner demon in him. How to do that? What are the effects exactly? That's a unique concept, unfortunately never explained or explored.
And I don't even see anyone mention this potential plot for future Revice projects.
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I was kind of hoping that Revice summer movie would touch on this topic at least, because Chic, the said demon, is one of the main villains in this movie!!
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But no, no explanation on this whatsoever. A surprising lack of, I'd say. Chic was causing a lot of chaos, but George didn't even have a proper talk with him? Chic is definitely interesting, everything demanded a proper face off or conversation at least, between these 2! Like come on! (I knew I can't expect karizaki family stuff in an igarashi familia movie, but just a few more lines maybe?)
And the movie doesn't even transition well from chimera special, I mean George's mood is nothing like in chimera. He was not supposed to be the usual peppy Kari-chan...? he was already unhinged in chimera special!
George-kun definitely has many issues to solve.
as I've mentioned before, George's unique state makes him the perfect specimen... Err I mean candidate... (Well yah specimen) For further experiments, right?? ( Btw, I promise I'm nowhere near being a mad scientist or a criminal consultant! 😇) If he's not doing that himself already, someone else definitely should, and would. Like how to put someone else's demon ? Does it only work with parent-child? (Inheriting traits analogy) and in a very rider-ish way, how many can a person take?
Also, how come Chic is so fully matured/intelligent like the Igarashi demons? It's been said that they're so powerful/fully functional because having giff cells, only Igarashi demons are like that, usually other people spawn a mindless monster. But chic is on par with vice, vail and Kagerou, even stronger than lovekov! So.... How? Kari-chan papa, what did you do? How? Is it because Chic was implanted and had years of time to mature? Or could you have secretly experimented on YOURSELF, senior karizaki?? 👀Or maYBe even oN George?!!
Most likely because his own subconsciousness was fused with his father's and that gave ride to an even bigger mad scientist type persona, but that's my assumption, I need the show to say these.
Experiment!! Answers!! (Again, I swear I'm not a criminal consultant)
The new organization in Live-Evil-demons v-cinema could've done this experiment, but nope. Now only the Juuga special remains. But I doubt I'll get to see this topic even there 😭.
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sallytwo · 1 year
27, 35 and 44? (hi sam :])
(hi yshm ^_^)
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
talii and jonathans concept was entirely based on im serious im sorry jeff rosenstock. ryan was inspired by no promises san fermin + lakeside view apartment view the mountain goats. talii and max's relationship was inspired by joe goes to school the mountain goats. THE ENTIRETY OF PAROUSIA. FROM DAY 1. WAS INSPIRED BY PINE POINT BY PUP!!! ALL OF IT
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35. Any sibling characters?
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YES !!! i love siblings. these are alekis sibligns i drew last year (he's the 3rd to right). since there was such a large age gap between him and his older siblings he had mad beef with them growing up and always had an inferioity complex but has a hugeeee soft spot for his little sister. his oldest brother is on a civilian starfleet shipping contract, his older sister is enlisted in starfleet working in engineering on cargo ships. after he disappeared his youngest sister was absolutely devastated and said she absolutely would not join starfleet and ended up in journalism instead. she accidentally tracks him down in season 2. its really bad for everyone.
(alsoooo just sidenote... how aleki took jonathan under his wing even though he's a bitch to everyone else.... how aleki always had a soft spot for his younger sister... yah....)
also special note to talii. her older brother died on the renaissance (she's certain he died, her mother still thinks he's out there somewhere, she has insane mommy issues over this) and she is always bringing it up to everyone. however she DOES have another brother (oldest) who she never mentions ever. he's kind of a shitbag drifter he's very estranged from the family (and he was when the renaissance disappeared too. so everyone's mad at him for that) buttt he's a good guy. talii just has problems disorder. he also shows up around season 2.
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There are people on this site who are sending nasty and passive aggressive anons to people who are *not* posting Andor content, calling them fascist or "problematic" somehow for not watching the show. And, like... what?
And now the discussion, rather than being about the quality of this piece of media and what Andor is commenting on and how well the show covers the issues it's portraying and the performances, is about anons and "those fans" ripping people apart for not watching the show and "boosting" its visibility. Rather than having a discussion about the themes and messages, we're having to discuss whether someone is actively reproducing oppressive power structures by *not* watching a show produced by a multi-billion dollar mega corporation that exploits and underpays its workers, plays a role in the cultural and economic imperialism of the American Empire, spends it's money supporting anti-LGBTQ legislation, and has an intense history of promoting antisemitism and minstrelsy in it's productions.
Meanwhile, black and brown fans have expressed that plot lines such as Clem's fate have turned them off of ever watching the show. But, yah, let's paint everyone who doesn't watch the show with a broad brush as just "fascist" and "problematic." Literally, what?
The discussion has gone from "this is genuinely a really good show" and what makes it good to "if you don't watch this, are you problematic?" And you know what that does? Shifting the conversation to "if you don't watch this show, then you're a horrible person" actually undermines how good the show is and undermines its messages. It also alienates people.
This isn't normal. This isn't healthy.
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