#doctor Armstrong
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jtownraindancer · 2 years ago
No thoughts, only Toby Stephens giggling. 😌💕
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i-smoke-chapstick · 2 years ago
I could go on forever about “and then there were none” but I’ll start with saying this:
The most interesting character in that show was Armstrong. he had so many qualities to him, the desperation especially. His character really showed the severity of the situation amongst a deteriorating consciousness. The idea of being a doctor who really at his core only wants to save himself? Throwing all the .punches when he should be healing? God there is so much symbolism within him. He’s the most unhealthy character; even when pitted against the judge or Vera. He is so girlfailure in the most drugged up messy Lindsay Lohan way possible that it is astounding to me. Within ever peice of literature I’ve ever read or seen, I’ve never seen a character so expertly written to embody both hypocrisy and originality?? He’s unlike any other character on that show. Sure, The other characters start to go a lil insane and see their murder victims. But he’s the only character going absolutely fucking batshit to the point he makes an ALIIANCE w wargrave?? Even his death is symbolic, dying away from the others on the other rocks OFF the island. Out of all the characters, even the REAL MURDERER, he is the black sheep.
Conclusion is Armstrong is the most interesting character I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching mansplain manipulate himself to death
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greyhoundone · 11 days ago
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Doctor Who: The Masque of Mandragora Giuliano and Marco
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gl-saveme · 5 months ago
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The Secret of Us, Affair, Petrichor, and Cranium
AKA Lingling Kwong as Dr. Fahlada, Lookmhee Punyapat as Dr. Wan, Charlotte Austin as Dr. Cherran, and now FREENBECKY?!
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workinghandinhand · 9 months ago
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funny drawings from magma w/ friendz 😜😜😜 all was drawn with mouse and lasso tool
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avengersome · 7 months ago
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Samuel West - The War Doctor Rises: Morbius the Mighty (behind the scenes for Big Finish)
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Samuel West, Pamela Nomvele & Gareth Armstrong - The War Doctor Rises: Morbius the Mighty (behind the scenes for Big Finish)
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cheerfullycatholic · 11 months ago
After how Cara was treated in the first poll this may be a bad decision but I had fun making it so here's another one
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lulu2992 · 1 year ago
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
Aside from the places that still exist in the game, I also found a few that don’t!
Part 5: Cut locations
In the files, each location on the map has a code. Thanks to location-specific Gun For Hire comments (found in a document that DanaDuchy shared here) and other information available in oasisstrings, I tried to find which code corresponded to which location. That took me some time because I had to take my companions to several places to see which comments would be triggered, find those comments in the files, and look at the associated location code. Sometimes, I even had to go find and hire new fighters who had the “right voice” if I knew they had something to say about a place I wanted to identify! When I was done matching all in-game locations with codes, I realized there were more.
The code looks different depending on how important the place is. For example, Fall’s End is D2_HERO_01, the Baron Lumber Mill is H5_MEGA_01, and the 8-Bit Pizza Bar is E5_POI_08 (I suppose “POI” means “Point Of Interest”). That helped me find which code was which location, but in the case of deleted content, also gives information on how big the place was supposed to be before it got cut.
Using NPC comments, as well as deleted notes and other information available in oasisstrings, here are the cut Far Cry 5 locations I could find and their description in the unreleased encyclopedia (or at least what I can hypothesize about those places).
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
(Below, for clarity, “RF” means “Resistance Female” and “RM” is for “Resistance Male”, which are the characters’ names in the files)
Fumaroles (F5_POI_03)
A hole in the planet's crust that belches steam and gases. According to Montana Parks and Recreation officials, fumaroles are not portals to hell.
Here, Guns For Hire would say:
RF1: "Took a field trip here once. Don't remember anything about this."
RM1: "Damn, look what they've done to this place."
Hurk: "Daddy calls this the Devil's Asshole because it smells so bad."
Old Lakeside Camp (E6_POI_05)
Probably some good memories were made here under the stars.
Pilgrimage Footbridge (E7_POI_01)
Located on high cliffs and above water, it's a part of Faith's pilgrimage. Not for the faint of heart.
Here, Guns For Hire would say:
RF2: "Wonder how many folks they've already forced to march over this bridge. Makes me sick."
RM2: "Please let's not cross that footbridge."
High Cave (F7_POI_01)
A cave that is high
Here, Guns For Hire would say:
Jess: "Check out that cave. I used to smoke tons of weed in there when I was a kid."
Western Radio Tower (code unknown)
A large aerial tower used to transmit and boost radio signals.
Abandoned Motel (D6_POI_01)
(no description found)
There was a note called “Abandoned Motel note”. Its content is unknown.
Shooting Range (F5_POI_06)
(no description found)
There was a note called “Shooting Range note” that said, “Grace Armstrong should own this.”
Here, Guns For Hire would say:
Hurk: “Whoo-ya, let's fire off some rounds!”
MX Trail Head (D4_POI_06)
(no description found)
There was a note called “MX Trail Head note”. Its content is unknown.
Boulder field (E7_POI_02)
(no description found)
There was a note called “Boulder field note”. Its content is unknown.
Bob’s Gun Shop (G5_POI_07)
This one is interesting because it looks like it wasn’t completely cut but rather turned into another location with a new code: the Can of Worms Fishing Store (G4_POI_01). Look at the picture associated with the location (see link at the beginning of the post), compared to a screenshot I took of the Can of Worms Fishing Store:
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Here, Guns For Hire would say:
RF3: "Never fished outta here, myself."
(Unnamed location) (E4_HERO_01)
(no description found)
I didn’t find the name of this place, but it’s the one I’m the most curious about. The code says it’s a “HERO” type of location, which suggests it was probably important since, in this category, we also find Joseph’s Island (as a whole), Dutch’s Island (as a whole), John’s Gate, Seed Ranch, Fall’s End, the McKinley Dam, St. Francis Veteran’s Center, the Wolf’s Den, and Sacred Skies Youth Camp.
Here, Guns For Hire would say:
Nick: "I think my mic's on. ...The button's stuck... C'mon."
Sharky: "Did you know doctors used to finger blast women here when they were hysterical? I wish I was a doctor."
Grace: "I don't know much about this place. It's new to me."
Jess: "Fuckin' loonie bin. Always gave me the creeps."
Adelaide: "Can you think of anything scarier than places like this? Gives me the willies."
Hurk: "This is where I come to score chicks, man."
These comments, especially what Sharky, Jess, Adelaide, and even Hurk say, make me think it could be a psychiatric facility, possibly for women only. I really wish I knew more about this!
(Unnamed location) (J3_POI_01)
(no description found)
Here, Guns For Hire would say:
Nick: "Ugh. I hate seeing crashed planes. They look so much better in the sky."
This one could have something to do with the “Mayday” Prepper Stash, but I took Nick to that location and could never trigger his comment...
And that’s pretty much all the interesting things I found!
There were a few more “orphaned” codes that simply appeared in oasisstrings but for which I didn’t find any information. There was also this description:
The Forbeth family has loved the Father's message since day one. These people were told to prepare for the Collapse and abandoned their home.
Since the Rotten Mill (Joseph’s Island) apparently didn’t have a description yet, it could be for this place, but it could also be for another, deleted location.
Finally, it seems the Elk Jaw Lodge used to be called the “Bear Jaw Lodge”, and maybe there was a place called “Killburn Farm”, but maybe it was also one of the current in-game locations’ former name.
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jtownraindancer · 1 year ago
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gay dads judging you during brunch
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(and then there were none spoilers under the cut)
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this video really spoke to me
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sconesfortea · 1 year ago
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Countdown to the 60th anniversary rewatch | 7.00: The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe
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namedafterflowerstournament · 1 year ago
Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 3 Poll B
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Olivier is French for the name Oliver and olive tree.
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(Black-eyed susan and olives)
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intodarknes · 11 months ago
Okay I love Narvin interacting with eight. It’s fun to have the old Coordinator Narvin back. I am just a bit confused on where in the Gallifrey time line this falls. But when he said we and then stopped himself to say I, I was sitting like: Romana??? 👀 Do you mean Romana??? Is she part of the we??? Tell me more!!!
Erasure seems to have been released four years later, which explains that the Doctor and Narvin don’t seem to know each other. But is there any in world explanation for this somewhere? I could see four just forgetting a random encounter with a CIA agent, but Narvin surely wouldn’t forget meeting four, right?
Like I said I am a bit confused timeline wise. It doesn’t help that my memory of Gallifrey seasons around that were released around that time aren’t the freshest.
The concept of the Master having a companion on his own is awesome and I wish we would see that more often. Though I am a bit sorry for Sally.
Molly is as Great as ever!
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cakebatteronabrickwall · 2 years ago
John Mulaney's rehab experience is exactly how I imagine Kendall at rehab.
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spaceaudyssey · 10 months ago
On a lighter note, I guess we can all wake up Billy Joe Armstrong now??? Hheheheheh......
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nerds-yearbook · 11 months ago
Around Christmas time 1941, the Doctor (Doctor 11) took care of Madge Arwell and her children in appreciation of her help for him back in 1938. ("The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe", Doctor Who vlm 3, TV)
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