#do you think instead of getting it checked out by a doctor i can just rearrange my route to work so it only goes on paved sidewalks
chris-prank · 2 days
I would like to request a headcanon where after the reader is “captured” by Vincent and taken to his private hideout, the reader agrees to answer some of his questions, but before Vincent leaves, the reader breaks the bonds, destroys the security cameras and pins Vincent to the wall saying something like: I've already done my part so I want to receive my reward Doctor~~!; With a mischievous smile as they runs their finger down his jaw to his lips.
Love love this scenario idea 🙏🏻 also I didn’t know if you were expecting nsfw or not so I decided to go with suggestive just to be sure!
CW: Very suggestive!
For an interrogation… Dr. Seraph’s questions were strange to say the least. You’re pretty sure that at some point, between asking about the weakness of your teammates and the code to access the hero headquarters, he asked about the brand of shampoo you used. Not to mention that you were getting bored at this point. It was fun to be tied up to an extent, but after a while it was just making your arms numb.
After checking his notes, he sighed. “I would have liked to continue this private dat— interrogation, b-but Fatalité wanted to ask you some questions himself…” You swore his face was twisted in some form of disappointment as he spoke, “d-don’t try anything while I’m gone, okay hero?”
As Dr. Seraph turned his back to you, you made a wicked smile. With a simple pull, you ripped the ropes in pieces then swiftly destroyed the security cameras with the flick of the wrist. It all happened in a matter of seconds, much to the obliviousness of the mad scientist. Next thing he knew, he was on the ground with your perfect strong body restricting his movements. If Fatalité knew the happy and lewd thoughts that were going through his sidekick's mind, despite the situation, he surely would have him killed on the spot. You were here for an interrogation and maybe some torture, not to break your binds and turn the table on them!
“Where do you think you’re going, mm?” You cooed while reaching out to caress his face, “ I’ve done my part after all, don’t I deserve a reward Doctor?”
Oh god, hearing you say “doctor” in that alluring voice mixed with the tingling feeling of your finger traveling down his jaw was too much for him to handle. Once it was pressed over his lips, he could only guess what you wanted out of him. Taking this gamble that could absolutely end with your face twisted in disgust, he slightly opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to press it against your finger. Seeing your eyes glint in satisfaction, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his lips around the digit.
“So eager to please.~”
Dr. Seraph, the incarnation of brilliance and innovation at the price of the life of innocents, was blushing and hollowing his cheeks to suck with more fervor. All his previous worries had vanished, replaced by visions more obscene then the last. He could only hope this wasn’t just one of his wet dreams. But suddenly you put an end to his ecstasy by withdrawing your finger from his warm mouth, not without pulling some whines out of him.
“I w-wasn’t done.” He complained, as he gave you puppy eyes.
“I know you weren't Angel, but what about we finish our little interrogation at my place instead ?”
We can all thank mellsfern for the nickname “Angel” for Vincent 😌
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impactdial · 2 days
white coat syndrome
warnings: fear of fatphobia (no actual fatphobia takes place), very slight implied disordered eating, medical setting/language used
small Usopp-centric drabble I made myself finish, so I'm not too happy with it towards the end, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! also, sorry I couldn't resist throwing in a bit of implied sanuso too!
Usopp bounces his leg anxiously, habitually nibbling his thumb as he glances over at Chopper sifting through several papers scattered across his desk and scribbling notes every so often. The reindeer's stethoscope still dangles from his furred neck, possibly still warmed from contact with Usopp's bare chest, and the cuff of the sphygmomanometer lays just to the side of where Usopp's slouching on the infirmary cot.
He had been dreading this interaction ever since the Strawhats had reunited and Chopper had insisted he wanted to update everyone's medical files for posterity's sake, examining them individually and addressing any medical concerns. Usopp normally didn't mind Chopper's thorough prodding. He trusted the young doctor's knowledge and capability, but after he'd heard Chopper's brutal verbal beat down directed towards Zoro's apparent nonchalant reply that he'd knowingly neglected his established pain management, he was more than a little anxious about what the reindeer would say to him.
Usopp was very aware he had physically changed a lot in two years. He was, of course, proud of the amount of muscle he had managed to gain during his training on Boin, a testament of his own growth and dedication to his friends, but-Well-
Boin still had heartily rich foods, and even with daily exercise and mindful rationing, he couldn't lose all the weight he had gained during his time there. There's a generous distribution of fat padding his frame, most of which he's gained in his soft stomach and broad thighs. Usopp's not disappointed in the slightest at this development; no, far from it. He's quite proud of the fact that once he's dug his heels in, it's a formidable task to move him. He'd gladly throw his weight around, finally feeling the confidence of strength in ways he previously couldn't. Even roughhousing with Luffy has left the rubber man at least a little winded and sweating.
But just because he felt that way about his body didn't mean others would feel the same. He was almost sure someone would playfully tease him about having to borrow both Zoro and Franky's shirts in the meantime, since his old clothing obviously no longer fit him. The closest incident had been Luffy's crude, unfiltered observation of how big he thought Usopp’s backside had gotten (followed by Nami's swift smack to the back of their captain's head, telling him he can't just say that out loud).
Chopper hums, checking over his notes again before hopping out of his chair and retrieving the sphygomanometer.
"I'd like to take your blood pressure again, if that's ok with you?" Chopper asks, his blue nose twitching inquisitively. He must have notice the way Usopp nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden question because he quickly adds, "It was a little high when I checked it earlier so I just wanna double check!"
The process doesn't take long, the same as earlier while Chopper was taking his vitals, the cuff snug around Usopp's thick bicep as Chopper listens with his stethoscope. Soon, he's done and beaming brightly at the sniper.
"Much better!" The little doctor praises, removing his stethoscope from his ears. He takes a few more notes before turning back to Usopp, still smiling.
"I think that covers everything! I'd like to get you started on a new antidepressant which I think I can have ready by tomorrow," Chopper explains, gesturing cheerfully with his pen gripped between the split of his hoof. "Oh, and I trust you know what you're doing with your herbs, but I'd prefer for you to come to the infirmary for your hormones so I can give them to you subcutaneously instead of orally!"
Usopp nods hollowly as he absorbs Chopper's words, absentmindedly rubbing at his inner arm.
"That's all?" He blurts out before he can even think about what he's said, immediately regretting it. He debates aborting this conversation and beating a hasty retreat straight to his workshop.
Chopper tilts his head curiously, ears perked as he squints thoughtfully. "Mm, yeah, I think so! Besides getting you back on track with your medication, there wasn't anything else. You're in good health!"
"Oh. Um, cool?"
The reindeer's blue nose twitches again, quietly observing Usopp's fidgeting and apparent discomfort. "Unless there was something else you wanted to talk about...?" He offers carefully.
Usopp hems and haws, his leg bouncing noticeably faster than before. "I mean-I just thought you'd, uh, you know. Wanna talk about my weight?"
The young doctor waits patiently for the sniper to elaborate further, the two of them just staring at each other for a moment.
Finally, Usopp breaks and breathes out a long, defeated sigh that ends in a weak chuckle, shoving strays curls away from his face before gesturing vaguely to himself.
"I got fat? You don't want to put me on a diet, or something?" The sniper grumbles, feeling increasingly silly now that he's voiced what he's been dreading for the last hour. Chopper seems genuinely surprised by this revelation though, his eyes widening for a moment before his brow furrows and Usopp watches a hoof begin to touch the edge of his presumed file contemplatively.
"I don't think that's necessary," The reindeer replies, hoisting himself up onto the cot beside the space Usopp currently occupies, the file resting in his lap. "I think you should keep in mind it's perfectly normal for fat distribution to change as you age, and there's a genetic factor as well!"
Usopp shrugs his shoulders, plucking at the fabric of his overalls disinterestedly. "I guess so."
“And,” Chopper continues with an indignant huff, “Hormones change how your body holds fat, so I’m not too concerned about it as far as that goes, considering you’re on testosterone. Plus, you have to account for your muscle mass now! Also–”
The doctor abruptly lets out a shriek of laughter, doubling over as Usopp tickles under his chin. Chopper shoves at his arm, trying to squirm away while he gasps for breath between snorting laughter.The sniper grins widely at Chopper’s reaction, amused. 
“I get it, Chopper,” Usopp says, clicking his tongue in feigned annoyance, then teasingly tugging the reindeer’s cap to obscure his sight. Chopper swats at his hand, snorting. 
“Good! You’re my patient, and I’d never lie about your health to you!” The young doctor replies, thumping his hoof against his chest confidently. 
With the tension broken, the infirmary feels less stifling and the earlier tension Usopp had been carrying dissipates. They finish up after that, Chopper reminding the sniper to stop by his office for his medication, and Usopp spends several productive hours in his workshop afterwards. That night at dinner he blinks in surprise as Sanji wordlessly serves him a dessert that looks suspiciously similar to what he’d also served Nami and Robin. He stares for a brief moment at the fancy bowl of sorbet before glancing back up at their cook, who’s still flitting around the table collecting the used dishware but Usopp can see him glancing over his shoulder every so often, like he’ll tell the sniper off if he doesn’t eat it. 
It’s the sweetest thing he’s had in a long, long time. He savors every bite.
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audiovideodisco · 3 days
I know you, let me in.
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Where you’re a doctor on House’s diagnostic team, and the end of a particularly hard case causes a severe panic attack.
cw: panic attacks, medicine and medical jargon, dissociation, breathing difficulties
word count: 1.2k
requested?: no
sfw?: yes
ship: reader x wilson
characteristics: n/a
It’s the end of a long case, your patient was rapidly deteriorating and for a while it was touch and go. After a few days of that spiralling hell hole, House managed to connect the dots of their symptoms and save their life, with the help of you and the other ducklings.
You sat on a bench in the hallway, just short of the DDX office. You felt like you couldn’t catch your breath, clutching a hand to your heart as if it might help your lungs take a fucking chill pill - it didn’t.
After a few minutes, it had gotten worse, a lot worse. At least it felt that way. Your vision was swimming, your chest was burning and your lungs were screaming for air, as if you were trapped in a room without oxygen. There were faint voices, but you had no idea if they were coming from around you, or if they were fabrications of your mind. There was pressure on your shoulders, pushing you- no, pulling you? You couldn’t tell that either. Suddenly you felt yourself falling miles down, but that same pressure appeared to cushion your fall.
“Hey- can you hear me? [L/N]? Get me some diazepam, quickly!” Wilson shouted to Cameron and then to Chase,
“Get me a resus bag-“ Within a minute, he had both, injecting the diazepam, while Chase used the resus bag to help regulate your breathing. The diazepam began to work, and the help breathing allowed your body to stop hyperventilating. After a while, Chase moved the bag off of your face, pushing your hair away to check for any injuries when you fell down from the bench. He looked at your eyes with his light, and noticed your pupils responding slowly to the light.
“I think they’ve dissociated… We need to get them out of this bloody corridor.”
Wilson and Cameron nodded in agreement, Wilson sliding his arms under your legs and back, lifting you up and taking you to his office, placing you on the couch as gently as he could.
“Are they alright?” Cameron asked, shifting nervously on her heels.
“Yeah. They’re… Physically, they’ll be alright. I’m going to wait for them to come back around.” Wilson basically mutters, turning the light off and turning on a lamp in the corner.
“Don’t you need us to-“ Chase started, but Wilson stopped him,
“Uh- no, no… I’m just going to get some paperwork done while I monitor them. They’ll be okay. I’ve got the resus bag if I need it.”
“Shouldn’t we admit them?”
“No- they’d walk out and never come back. Especially over a panic attack.” Wilson says, closing his blinds to make sure House wasn’t able to nosey around if he was still here.
“How did you know it was a panic attack?”
“I’ve… I’ve seen it before. Although not that bad. They made me promise not to tell anyone. Doesn’t matter when you were both there to see it.”
Your fellow doctors nod and look at each other, feeling a little guilty you felt you have to hide it from them.
“Call if you need anything.” Cameron offered, before leaving and shutting the door with a soft click behind them.
Wilson’s gaze moved from the door to you, seeing how exhausted you looked.
Wilson wasn’t able to bring himself to do any paperwork, he was too worried about you. Instead, when he received no answer, he walked over to the couch and sat on the arm, letting his hand reach down to your face. Your eyelids twitched a little as you stared at nothing, and it made his heart clench at the sight of you suffering. His fingers lightly stroked your cheek as he looked down at you, lying on the couch. He hoped the gentle touch might help you escape your own mental prison, he wasn’t complaining that he had to be so close to you, he just wished it wasn’t in this situation.
After a little while, you began to come back to earth, feeling super disoriented and groggy.
“Hey… there they are… you feeling alright? Breathing okay? [Y/N]?”
“Why- When did I come to your office? I remember being on the bench and then- then I couldn’t breathe…”
Wilson hadn’t stopped gently stroking your face, listening to you intently.
“You had a pretty intense panic attack. Needed diazepam and a resus bag to bring you out of it. Then you sort of, just, dissociated… Chase checked your pupillary reflex…”
“Shit… I’m sorry.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for, love, it happens. All that matters is that you’re okay.”
Your heart almost stopped at his words… love?
“Uh, Wilson…?”
“Yes, [L/N]?”
“You’ve never called me that before.”
“What? [L/N]? Yes I have-“
“No… love.”
Wilson went bright red and suddenly his fingers on your face stopped in their tracks, and you immediately regretted saying anything.
“It’s… It’s okay, Wilson, I-“
“I’m so sorry, [Y/N], I really hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” He said, clearly annoyed with himself as he moved away from the couch, pacing a little.
You sit up, feeling your face where his fingers were.
“I don’t mind…”
Wilson stopped in his tracks and looked at you.
“You don’t?”
“No- I- well…”
Wilson walked slowly over to sit on the couch next to you, turning a little so he could look at you, your knees touching.
“I think, maybe I should’ve said this a long time ago, fuck it, I really like you. If I’ve misunderstood then we can pretend I never said-“
Your eyes widen and you feel your heart racing again, this time more pleasant than the last.
“You do?”
“Yeah. House has been bullying me about it for months. I’m surprised you never noticed.”
“I just assumed he was trying to get a rise out of me…”
The tension in the room grew thick as your eyes met, his hand resting on your knee, then slowly gravitating along your thigh. Your faces got closer as you both leaned in without much thought, breath fanning against each other’s faces, until…
Wilson closed the gap, pressing his lips to yours and his other hand threading into your hair. The kiss was soft but passionate, and as your breathing grew erratic again, you gripped his shirt, a little scared, but not pulling away.
In response, he moved his hands under your thighs, pulling you onto his lap, then gently rubbing circles into the small of your back, helping you to relax again. Kissing him a little deeper, a smile spreads across your face into the kiss.
Eventually you both pull back, resting your forehead against his.
“So… can I take you out for dinner tonight? Or tomorrow if you’re not feeling up to it.”
“You sure you want this? I’m not the easiest person to- well- I’m kinda messed up…”
Wilson smiled with a small chuckle, putting his hands on your cheeks,
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He looked you in the eyes, moving closer and whispering softly against your lips, before kissing you again,
“I’ve got you.”
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It is festive season in South Asia, and women are some of the most overworked among all social groups.
Suddenly, it is not just you, your partner/parents/siblings anymore - it is the entire extended clan, khandaan, their nosy relatives even with several degrees of separation.
The bulk of festive burden falls on women. From the cooking, an extensive menu that comprises unhealthy food which will not be fully consumed because everyone is diabetic or dieting, and the heartbroken woman has to finish what she painstakingly prepared or watch it go to the trash, to endless decor needs, shopping and gifting the extended family (a fine art which, god forbid you gift one relative something and another differently, tempers erupt) not to mention your own professional deadlines because your boss wants everything early so he can justify the 3-4-5 fay holidays.
Then comes the dieting because you KNOW you will be judged for your appearance, the clothing choices, the exhaustion of dealing with nasty relatives and the politics.
And if you're queer, in the closet or struggling or even simply wanting to be single or avoid marriage, suddenly your life is everyone's business, and this endless social nightmare, the bullying and the ostracism is the opposite of divine, it is debasing. God forbid if you are part of an inter-caste or inter-faith coupling, the negativity is worse.
Here are a few tips on how you can take care of yourself during this season.
You've gotta put yourself first. You cannot fight multiple battles on multiple fronts if you cannot take care of yourself first. FEED YOURSELF FIRST.
Look in the mirror ' and tell yourself - this festive season I am celebrating ME - I will feed myself first. You cannot fight big battles on an empty tank.
1. Food: eat before everyone else - get in the kitchen, make yourself something healthy in half an hour, cut a salad, a bunch of fruits and eat first. Cut up a few veggies at night, put it in a tiffin box and leave it in the fridge. When everyone is snoozing, have that. They will balance out all the junk that will go into your stomach. Don't start any ridiculous fast that will drain you. Get a doctor's note if you are being pressured and say - sorry maa ji. Health reasons I have to be careful.
2. Get a pre-festival health checkup. Go to the doctor and get your stats checked. Some labs offer full-body general health checkups at discounted rates. Grab a package and finish it. When you know where you are struggling, yiu can avoid making it worse.
3. Protect your money. Festive seasons have a pile of insidious stupid expenses that pile up and guess who pays ? The woman, the wife, the daughter in law. Do you think your Husband or inlaws will shell money out for that cute decor and diya set? No way. If you hold them accountable, they will probably give some money for all the gifts relatives give. Remove your credit cards and debit cards from online shopping sites. Pretend something is wrong with your card and it got blocked. Make your husband or In-laws pay instead.
So get realistic, set up a budget and empty your bank account into an FD. Congratulations, you only have a SMALL amount of money left for decorations - use that to get inventive and clever. Pull out old newspapers, and get into wealth-from-waste mode.
If you are even smarter, you will quietly set up an alternative savings account WITHOUT a debit card or credit card and squirrel away your Dussehra - Diwali bonus into it. If your husband asks, "Sorry yar, iss bar company mein bonus nahi de rahe hain, kaafi projects mein behind hue and they arent doing that well"
If you are still living with your parents make it a point to save every money gift you get. Take the cash, hide it safely and don't touch it. First opportunity - put it in the bank account (your own, not a shared one)
4. Secure your Jewelry. A pot of desi women are given gold and precipus jewelry during their marriage but this is often sneakily taken away by your mother in law in order to "safeguard it". It is usually in the bank or a locker you do not have access to.
So, this festive season, go FULL on TRADITIONAL. Wear that old saree, and ask mom in law for your jewelry because your extended family etc are mentioning seeing those pieces from your wedding, because they got sentimental. And then sneakily after the festivities, hide them in your own little locker (which you bought beforehand) and quietly head to the bank, and deposit it in a safe deposit box in YOUR name.
Remember, GOLD is one of the most secure available financial assets for a desi woman. But the gold you have is often controlled by your in-laws once you marry over. So make sure you take iy back bit by bit. And when they ask - make excuses like - the clasp is broken, need repairs, mom wants to upgrade it a little etc. And never give it back to your inlaws. Your gold is YOUR legal property. It should not go to your inlaws.
5. Mentally prepare for tough conversations.
Festive seasons are hard on women and they socially slaughter your dignity. Prepare snarky, sarcastic answers or don't hesitate to shut down what comes your way. But since many of you are raised to be docile, remember to anticipate all the tough topics someone will raise to criticize you, think of their personaliry and prepare some snarky answers beforehand. If a relative is asking abiut your marriage, ask them when their son is going to move out or if they're still a financial burden. Ask if their husbands have stopped ogling the maid. Don't be scared of going offensive. These guys are not your friends and won't hesitate to pull you down.
6. Prepare Me time. Make a set of activities, like groceries etc, that that can leave you alone and give you breathing space from the khandaan. Take longer to shop alone and take a break in the neighbourhood park. Use this time to meditate, check in with yourself and your goals and give youraelf a spiritual pat kn the back.
7. Prep an easy menu and donate the remaining. Plan a food menu that is not extensive. Order delicacies if possible, instead of Doing it Yourself. There is no BEST BAHU and BEST WIFE contest to win. Get the load of cooking off your back. If there is food leftover, call an orphanage and send it to them. Do not eat excessively out of guilt. Donate it to those who need it. When the burden of cooking is reduced the guilt of forced eating goes doen and you won't be putting junk in your body.
Remember - you are your own best friend. Festivals will take a lot out of you. They will cause families to get into unnecessary pissing contests and you have to bear the laborous brunt. So safeguard your time and energy.
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unopenablebox · 6 months
i seem to have some kind of mysterious big toe injury that only becomes noticeable when i walk on brick sidewalks
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floral-hex · 4 months
health whining
Dilemma: breathing trouble. Still. For weeks. Another bad night where I’m afraid to go to sleep.
Options, if I go somewhere:
ER. No copay. Can go right now. Will most definitely feel shitty for presumably wasting their time and will probably be told to see ENT (ENT appointment in almost 2 weeks but issue is affecting me NOW).
Urgent care. There is a copay. I’ll have to wait 2 more hours. If equipment is needed (I dunno, endoscopy scopes. Who knows), they most definitely won’t have it. Will also probably tell me to go see ENT.
#I haven’t been able to figure out what’s causing these issues and I’m getting grumpy#thinking back on when I saw my primary and realizing how he really didn’t help me at all#I’ve told him over a couple appointments that I have trouble breathing and then we just kind of move past it#it’s amazing what you’ll let slide when you find a doctor that’s nice#so… nice… but ineffectual#might go back to my old dr. the one that was pretty shitty when my insurance changed#which is like… y’all were jerks to me before… but also otherwise the most responsive & helpful clinic I’ve been to#so… I could swallow my pride and go back. it was nothing to them. could be nothing to me too#put aside a dumb grudge to actually get some real help from more seasoned drs instead of this nice new baby face one#I’ve taken multiple different drugs tonight (some otc. some prescription. some other) but not much is helping#ok so basically right now I’m fixated on my tonsils and my nasal/throat area#just want someone to stick a camera down my nose + check out my tonsils (which are I think pretty big and blocking stuff)#so what do I do? I don’t want to bother the ER with this. but I keep freaking out about breathing and they have supplies urgent care doesnt#Ok I took an anti anxiety and it calmed me down a lot but I’m still hung up on breathing#I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think there’s anything either could do to help me TODAY#I don’t think I can afford the copay anyway#ugh I’m not doing so good#you can ignore this#text
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nexus-nebulae · 8 months
damn i actually had a pretty good streak there of not having bad insomnia days. that's pretty impressive for me like i haven't really had one since early January
#usually i get them like. maybe once a week#i think it's partially my new meds?#got some meds for anxiety and oh my GOD i finally have something that WORKS instead of fucking lexapro AGAIN#literally all my doctors would go LEXAPRO!! even though it's never fuckin worked for me#BUT I'm on remeron now and it's WORKING#and i made sure to make my Scheduled Pill Time as something i could almost never miss (my mom getting home from work)#bc it's around the same time every day within a half hour range and since i have an outside reminder it helps me actually form a habit#i cannot form habits without outside help it's just. nearly impossible for me#and the meds do make me kind of tired but not enough that I'm fucking constantly sleeping like when i was on seroquel#i can actually fucking THINK through this tired it doesn't just completely take me out 100% of the time#I'm just Slightly Sleepy instead of a zombie#and it helps remind me that I'm tired bc usually i don't notice any physical feelings#(is there a word for that??????? i tried googling but it constantly gave me alexythemia which is not feeling EMOTION)#(when this is like. i can't feel tired or hungry or pain sometimes. or at least i lose the ability to be aware that I'm feeling it)#but anyway the new meds make me just tired enough to remember i need sleep#and i mean. i am sleeping slightly early but 8:30 isn't that bad i don't think#at least i have time to. you know. do stuff between the hours of 5-8 (the only hours my mom is home + stores is open)#and tbh staying up alone all night isn't. the best. for my mental health#i don't handle being alone well. and Pulse is being a dick about system barriers :P (/lh we know why it's needed rn)#we have. a deep deep fear of isolation. like not just being alone but Not Being Able To Call For Help At All#at least with phone/computer we have One outlet for help with emergency services so that helps slightly#we worry a lot about. what would happen. if we had a medical emergency. and nobody knew bc i couldn't contact anyone#mostly. the fear of Something Bad happening and not being found until hours or days later#i like being awake during the day tho bc theres Way More Options for help#and like the fear of Not Being Found doesn't go away like. ever#but at least when people are awake and around its lessened a lot#the fear increases exponentially with each possible second added to the wait time#so knowing that it's just One hour until mom is home and can check on me is a lot better than Nobody's Awake For 5 More Hours#(and my mom is deaf too so i can't just like. scream for help to wake her up)#(not that i can physically scream at all anyway my voice just cannot handle that anymore)
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
Also on topic of Consent: whenever somebody says "Kids should have bodily autonomy!" some guy always is like "You are too unrealistic. What will you do when a kid is seeing the doctor and doesn't want to get a shot? Would you just let them refuse the shot?"
Yeah I probably would. You're straight up asking the wrong person if you want the nice normal answer here. Doctors and nurses forcibly doing (relatively routine) things to my body against my protests when I was a small kid fucked me up so bad that as an adult anything medical related is a huge trigger for me, I've had persistent intrusive thoughts and recurring nightmares about medical procedures, and I can't have even the most basic tests and health checks done on top of it.
I hate talking about it because I can't get comfortable calling it "trauma" and I don't have any other words that are useful, but it's made my life so much harder and really scary since if I start having a weird symptom, there's nothing I can move myself to do about it.
I figured out a loophole where going to a pharmacy instead of a doctor's office for vaccines reduces some of the stress, but I was still in stress and misery for days before I went to get my tetanus shot. The repulsion is so intense it feels like I literally don't have control over myself, it feels like I can't make appointments or plans about such things out of my own free will, and so every year I have guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt about how I should get the flu shot, and it does nothing but ineffectually hurt me.
Vaccines save lives and all that, but when it comes right down to it, I don't think it's actually a net benefit to public health to give any percentage of kids lifelong psychological scars so deep and painful they're almost completely barred from accessing health care as adults.
I know I'm not the only one, far from it.
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bunnis-monsters · 1 month
I have a feeling the bee hybrids don't know what a period is and when their queen gets one for the first time they all just panic
The second they smell blood they’re already in a frenzy, flying to their queen. Already, several of her attendants are absolutely inconsolable, sobbing as they try to check you over.
You wince in pain and they all gasp, shocked that they hadn’t been able to prevent this from happening!
“G-guys, if you would just listen-“
Frenzied buzzing fills the air as you’re surrounded from all sides, your clothes being ripped off so they can inspect you!
The second they spot blood on your cunt, they’re all panicking!
“My queen!”
“My queen, was someone too rough with you!?”
“Someone, fetch the doctor!”
But they’re confused… why do they feel so horny, why are her pheromones a mix of pain and need?
They all quieted down when you raised your voice, blinking their soft eyelashes and settling by your side. You sigh, petting them as they finally stop to listen to you.
“I’m alright, I just started my period. It’s… just my body preparing for a baby,”
The frenzied, frightened buzzing turns to excitement. That must be why they were so horny, they sensed your body needed to be bred.
Before you could continue explaining, there were several hybrids between your thighs, licking up some of the blood to taste. Usually they would never think of consuming their queen’s blood, but this was special!
“Mmm… my queen, your body needs to be filled…”
A few cocks prod at your sides and thighs, some of them too horny to really find a hole. You just smell so good and they want to breed you so bad that they just thrust into the air or press against your skin!
One finally finds your cunt, fucking into you as the others whine and jump your body. Your mouth is used as a nice warm hole to mate with, and your bee hybrids let out the cutest coos and buzzes.
You convince them no egg laying until your period is over… so they just give you lots of creampies instead!
Your period pain is soon forgotten after you’re thoroughly fucked and stuffed full of cum~
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Hi!! Can you please do one where y/n has been feeling really sick but doesn’t tell lando about it bc he’s been stressed at work and stuff. She ends up kind of being antisocial and rotting in bed bc of her sickness and lando ends up suggesting a break since she doesn’t seem to suit his lifestyle anymore. Y/n ends up running into landos mom at the dr office for a checkup where she finds out she’s pregnant. She asks Cisca to keep it a secret but she ofc tells lando she saw y/n at the dr office. Ending however you want! Thank youuuu
changed slightly buuuuut i like it
Warnings: hospitals, vivi knowing nothing about hospitals
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She was sick of everything. Not because she was literally sick of everything, but she was feeling hot and bothered, generally shitty, and her head fucking killed.
Everybody was pissing her off. Her co-workers, her boss. That random guy on the bus that was breathing just a little bit too loud. He noticed her glaring, but went right back to breathing just as loudly.
The minute she got into the apartment, she sagged. She checked the keys on the hook, except no keys were there. It was a little bit of a relief that her boyfriend wasn't home at that minute; there was no telling her close she would have been to snapping at him.
She crawled under the bedsheets, never to emerge again...
Except no because Lando wasn't going to let her rot in bed. When he got home that night, she explained it to him, explained that he was feeling so shitty. Immediately he'd gotten her pain killers, water, and toast.
After four days of her just rotting in their bed, Lando was sick of it. Well, not sick of it, but he was worried. Incredibly worried.
He sat by her bedside and brushed her hair away from her forehead. "I'm begging you to go to the hospital baby," he said and squeezed her hand. "Please."
She stared at him, looking positively grumpy. "I'm fine, Lan," she assured him as she sat up. "I'm gonna go into work tomorrow, I promise."
He released a sigh, but he trusted her. If she said she was fine, then she's fine.
"Keep me updated when I'm racing, please," he said and she agreed.
And she did go into work the next day, but she felt so fucking shitty. She had no choice but to go to the hospital.
Fucking hospitals, she hated them. Sitting there anxiously as she waited to be called into the doctors office. Her knee bounced and she kept her arms wrapped around her midsection, staring down at the floor.
But then she was called into the doctors office. Her steps were quicks as she rushed forward.
"Well, miss L/N," he said as he looked at the results from her bloodwork. "Congratulations, mom!" He pushed the results towards her.
With shaking hands, she picked up the paper and looked at it. Her information, stuff that was too much for her brain to read, and then the results. Yep, she was pregnant. "No," she whispered, shaking her head. "No. No, no, no."
Tears sprung to her eyes as she put the paper back onto the doctors desk. "I-I need to call my mother in law."
No, she couldn't call Lando. Not while he was racing, not while he was on the other side of the world. It would just worry him while he couldn't get to her. So, instead, she called her future mother in law.
Cisca Norris arrived at the hospital as soon as she could. She found her in the waiting room, where she had been stopping herself from freaking out. But her nails were digging into her palms, leaving little crescent shapes in her skin. "Oh, darling," Cisca said as she pulled her to her feet.
As soon as they got outside, she was in tears, barely able to keep herself standing. But Cisca got her into the car and calmed her down. She talked her through it, got her to the point where she was no longer crying.
"I think you should tell Lando," Cisca said, and she immediately shook her head.
"No, Cisca, I can't! I can't, I can't, I can't." It took everything in her to not break down into tears.
But Cisca just squeezed her hands. "You can do this." She waited for a confirming nod before she called Lando.
His voice came loud and clear through the car. "Hey mum," he said, seemingly without a care in the world.
She sucked in a breath. "Lan?" She squeezed.
"Baby?" He couldn't hide the concern in his voice.
Her entire body shook as she squeezed her eye shut. "Lando, you're gonna be a dad."
She was so quiet, it wasn't clear whether Lando had heard it or not. The slight pause he took didn't help. But then, "Holy shit! I'm gonna be a fucking dad! Let's go!"
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cyborg-franky · 6 months
How do the boys (Zoro, Law, Kid and Ace) try to impress the girl they have a crush on? How do they act when their love is around? 👀💕
I have just had a week of being uncreative so I hope I didn't get too rusty. And I hope you enjoy this <3
I made it gender neurtral. Law x GN Reader Zoro x GN Reader Kid x GN Reader Ace x GN Reader
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He scoffs at the notion of showing off in front of anyone., let alone a crush. He’s not that kind of person. He doesn’t need to put on a show to impress you.
Law knows his superior intellect and amazing devil fruit are all he needs to impress you anyway.
Without realizing it, he’ll often info dump to you about the things he’s interested in, how to fix this bone, and how to treat that burn. 
He’s the kind of guy who needs you to know he’s the most intelligent person in the room.
That doesn’t mean there's nothing there, his crush means alot to him, and he can come across as an asshole when they are standing there listening to him over-explaining things.
He knows you think he’s a fantastic fighter. 
He doesn’t ask you what you thought of his moves, though. Instead, he listens intently to the chatter around the Tang, basking in your indirect praise and remembering what you liked about his performance the most. As long as you’re watching, he’ll aim to do better next time.
You are flattered he invites you to so many of his doctor duties, but you don’t need him to over explain taking blood, plus the needles, no thank you.
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Most of the time he’s not the type to go out of his way to impress anyone.
Maybe around his crush, he lifts heavier things, making sure their eyes are on him while he shows off.
But he’ll act like it’s nothing that he goes this hard every workout session.
When he’s resting, he flexes and gives you a little show.
Zoro thinks he’s smooth, but it’s really obvious to you.
How he smirked at your reaction when he picked up another weight seemingly effortlessly, though he could feel the strain.
He's the type of guy who is always lifting whenever his crush is around. 
He was still acting nonchalant as you complimented his form, impressed with how much weight he was pressing. 
He also loves to show off his sword techniques in front of you when a battle breaks out. His focus never wavers, but there is that little extra something he puts on just for you.
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He’s a show-off, and he knows it. He gets louder and more volatile than usual. He has to make comments loudly to get your attention.
He works out in front of you whenever he gets a chance, putting on a theatrical display of his powers just for you. Not just in battle but as a general: Look what I can do! He claims he’s just fixing up the ship, but he needs your attention and praise as he swirls metal around in the sky, making things appear from thin air and turning junk into treasure.
“Get a load of this,” he barks, smirking as his metal arm grows. His massive fist clenches as he eyes you up, greedily absorbing every expression. 
“Pretty fuckin’ impressive, huh?” Oh, you know he knows it is, but you humor him by agreeing. You see how he puffs up his chest proudly cackles as he sends junk flying, making sure you can see just how powerful he is.
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Ace is strange, he’s both full of himself and lacks self confidence.
He’s on the striker, enjoying the nice weather and playing around with the waves, just needing off the main ship, doing tricks on his personal boat.
“Oh wow, Ace!” his attention snaps to you as you watch him.
That’s when he starts trying to impress you, knowing you like what you see. “Oh yeah? Check this out then!” He calls, a big grin on his freckled face. He uses his fire to power the striker, going faster and faster, fighting against the waves as he pulls off more complicated and challenging tricks, all for you.
His attention is always half on what he’s doing and how the expression on your face changes with each stunt, getting more daring.
He loves it, loves your claps, adores how you gasp, knowing you care about him. Everything goes to his head as the tricks get elaborate.
He always tries to show off whenever you're around from that day forward.
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overseer-picard · 5 months
I know we beat the "seasons are only 10 episodes now and it sucks" dead horse on the daily but another thing we lost when we stopped making the 24 episode 1 hour drama was the freedom to be narratively risky.
Star Trek, The X Files, and Doctor Who are great examples of this since they had the sandbox of Sci-Fi to play with. There are so many amazing, mind bending, soul stretching episodes that were teetering on the edge of flop or flying and through bold writing they didn't just fly but catapulted into the stratosphere of iconic. These episodes changed expectations and genre boundaries of what Sci-Fi could be for years to come.
We don't get episodes like this anymore because these new shows cannot afford the risk of a flop. The weekly episodic story structure that was once the foundation of television has been abandoned by Hollywood. The beautiful thing about this "simplistic" structure is that it provides a narrative safety net. You can take a risk and afford the miss because you can have a clean slate next week. You can't do that with continual narrative structures where only one story is being told over ten episodes (note to add: both structures are valuable, but total abandonment of one in favor of the other is detrimental).
These production companies gleefully hold the metaphorical gun of cancellation to the writer's heads and this actively ensures that stories are as safe as possible. This is creatively devastating, and ironically, guarantees catastrophic failure of shows. Safety is a bland cage.
Of course, the production think-tanks can't possibly take responsibility for their suffocating creative control so they blame the audiences for *checks notes* being on their phones too much, not subscribing enough, paying too little for ads, being too vocal online, not being vocal enough, being too demanding, being too liberal, being too conservative, whatever it takes to say "these failures are not our fault, you're just bad audiences".
Now, there are the episodes that did flop, but they flopped so spectacularly that we have entire days celebrating them decades later. These episodes took massive risks and instead of trying to back away from that creative intensity, these writers-of-old stepped up to bat, acknowledged they probably didn't have the screen-time to truly flesh out these concepts but by God they were going to try, and then hit so hard they shattered the bat. Sure they lost the game, but wow, what a thing to witness.
When I invariably get asked what my least favorite episodes of Star Trek are, I can't even remember because a "bad" episode to me is one that's simply forgettable.
There is no greater crime in the realm of artistic creation than being aesthetically beige and mind numbingly forgettable and yet for the past 15 years 8 out of 10 productions seem to be repeat offenders of exactly this.
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waitimcomingtoo · 7 months
How Do I Get You Alone?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: When you get stuck in the lab together during an earthquake, you and Peter share a moment but have to hide it from your dad
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Peter was working in the robotics lab in Stark tower one day like usual. He had his earbuds in and was blasting music so loudly that he didn’t hear you come in. He happened to look up and saw you standing in the middle of the lab with a clipboard in hand. He screamed in surprise and tore his earbuds out, allowing the music to sound throughout the echoey lab.
“Were you listening to Justin Bieber?” You asked as Peter quickly paused his music.
“No.” He scoffed and flipped his phone over so you couldn’t see that he was in fact listening to Justin Bieber. You nodded your head skeptically and started to walk around the lab as you wrote things down on your clipboard. Peter sucked in a sharp breath and felt his cheeks redden as he watched you. He’d been working with Tony for 6 years now and harbored a rather large yet secret crush on you for the duration of that time. It wasn’t often that you were alone together, so he needed to make every moment count.
“What are you doing here?”Peter wondered. “I mean, not that you can’t come in here. Obviously you can. Your daddy owns the building. I mean, your dad. Unless daddy is his preferred pronoun-“
“Peter. Relax.” You cut him off. “I’m just doing a routine checkup to make sure everything in the lab is working as it should be. Ignore me.”
Peter wanted to tell you that he could never ignore you but didn’t want to freak you out with his desperation, so he tried to tell an anecdote instead.
“You know, at my last routine checkup, my doctor said that my prostate actually-“
“Don’t finish that sentence.” You pointed at him as you cut him off again.
“You’re right. Good call.” He nodded and stayed silent. You gave him a tight smile before continuing to walk around the room and check things off. Peter watched you and had a millions things he wanted to say but none of them seemed cool enough to impress you.
“So is everything up to par?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.
“Par?” You asked in confusion.
“Oh. I didn’t know you were gonna ask what that meant. I just know it’s a phrase people use. I think it’s a golf term? But it might be a volleyball term.”
“Right. Well, everything looks good.” You said and put your clipboard down on the lab table. That’s when Peters dinosaur patterned lunchbox caught your eye.
“Except for this. Is this yours?” You asked and held the lunchbox up.
“No. I’ve never seen that. Someone else must’ve left it.” Peter lied.
“The label has your name and grade written on it. And the grade just says “college”.” You pointed out and turned the lunchbox to show him.
“Someone must’ve have written that as a joke.” He mumbled and looked down.
“Hm. Well someone packed you baby carrots and hummus. Probably also as a joke.” You humored him and Peter looked up in surprise. He never saw you as anything but serious but that almost seemed like a joke.
“Yeah. Probably.” He smiled. You looked at each other for a moment and he felt the overwhelming urge to just admit how he felt about you.
“So, uh, I don’t know if you like to eat dinner or anything but-“
Peter was cut off by a loud alarm ringing through the entire building. You immediately tensed up and looked around as the lights flashed red.
“What’s that?” You asked and moved closer to Peter.
“I don’t know. It’s either the earthquake alarm or the tornado alarm.” Peter answered. Just then, the ground began to shake and your clipboard flew off the table. You looked at Peter with wide, fear filled eyes and moved to where he was.
“Definitely earthquake. Get down.” Peter instructed and ducked under the table. Once on the ground, he shot a web at each of the machines in the lab to keep them in place. You scooted beside Peter and held yourself tightly as your entire body shook with anxiety.
“What do we do?” You asked him. He’d never heard you sound so vulnerable so he put his own fear aside to be there for you.
“We’re gonna stay under the table and draw our knees in so that nothing falls and hurts us.” Peter calmly explained. You nodded many times and wrapped your arms around your knees.
“Okay.” You voice shook as you answered him.
“It’s gonna be okay. This will be over soon.” he assured you as the earth continued to shake.
“Have you ever been in an earthquake before?” You asked him.
“No. But I hear they’re not actually that bad.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“From the little voice inside my head that tells me every night that it wasn’t that embarrassing when I called the teacher “mom” that one time.” He weakly joked. You actually laughed for a second but went right back to being scared.
“That’s so embarrassing. You don’t even have a mom.” You laughed nervously. Peter had never told you that and wondered if that meant you had asked your dad about him.
“I know. And it actually happened multiple times.” He admitted.
“What? How? Wouldn’t the embarrassment of the first time make you hyper-vigilant of what you were saying so you never did it again?”
“Shh. The earth is shaking.” He said and waved his hand. You started to laugh until something fell off the table and you screamed.
“Shhh. We’re okay. You’re okay. I’m right here.” Peter said and wrapped his arm around you. He thought it might be too much but you immediately wrapped both arms around him and buried your face in his chest. He blinked in surprise before holding you tightly and keeping you as close as possible. Parts of the ceilings and things from the tables fell down and crashed onto the floor, leaving you screaming and shaking with fear each time.
“AHHH!” You screamed. “Something cold and wet just touched me.”
“It’s okay. It’s just my baby carrots.” Peter said and caught a few of the falling carrots.
“Peter.” You whined when you heard him eating them.
“I hope it knocks my hummus down too. Come on, earth. Shake my hummus onto the floor.” Peter called out.
“This isn’t funny.” You said just as Peter hummus fell in front of you.
“Holy shit.”Peter whispered. “Do you think I’m a witch?”
Before you could answer, an overheard light came crashing down in front of you and smashed against the floor, sending sparks flying everywhere. You screamed again and clung so tightly to Peter he thought he might bruise.
“Are you okay?” He whispered into your ear as he rubbed your back.
“No. The earth is spitting in half right now and we are im a very high floor of a very high tower.” You answered and he realized you were crying.
“Well when you put it like that….” He mumbled.
“I don’t know what to do.” You whimpered. “I don’t know how to get us out of here.”
“That’s okay. I don’t know what to do either. The only earthquake training I can remember is to tell someone you trust.”
“That’s not for earthquakes. And it’s different for me. I always know what to do. That’s my job.”
“Right now your job is don’t get squished.” Peter told you.
“You don’t understand. Knowing what to do the only thing I’m good at.”
“That’s not true. You’re so good at…” Peter trailed off when he realized he didn’t have any examples to give you off the top of his head.
“To be fair, I don’t really know you that well.” He said after a beat of silence.
“You’ve known me since you were 15.” You reminded him. You had pulled your head off of his chest to look him in the eyes but neither of you let go of the other.
“I know. But you’re kinda…” He trailed off again and shrugged his shoulders.
“Mean?” You said with a sad smile.
“No, no, no.” He quickly assured you. “I wasn’t gonna say mean.”
“But I am. I didn’t even say hi to you when I walked in. I never say hi to you. You’re always so nice to me and I’m always acting like I’m too cool to be nice back. I don’t know why I do that. I don’t mean it.”
“Hey, I never thought you were mean. I always thought of you as the cool, collected, stoic daughter of my boss.”
“I really thought the last word was gonna be another “c” word but you said stoic instead.” You laughed half heartedly.
“I know. I wanted to complete the trio but the only “c” word I could think of was conglomerate.” Peter admitted. You looked at him curiously and he turned red with embarrassment.
“It’s a type of rock.” He said quietly.
“Cumulonimbus.” You replied, making him smile.
“Constable.” He said back.
“That too. Thats a lot of “c” words. And we didn’t even say the naughty one. We make a good team.” Peter said with a soft smile. You smiled back and realized you had never been this close to him before this moment. Your smile faded and you gulped.
“Peter, I’m really scared.” You admitted. He nodded his head and rubbed your back up and down. You had your arms around his neck and he had his around your shoulder and waist to keep you as close as possible.
“Well, don’t be. This will all be over soon and we can leave. Everything will be fine.” He assured you.
“What if it’s not? We don’t even know what’s happening outside of this room. My dad could be…” You trailed off and your eyes filled with fear again.
“Hey, it’s okay. Your dad built a metal suit when he was trapped in a cave. The earth shaking a little is not gonna stop that man. I’ve seen him swallow Tylenol with no water.”
“Thank you.” You smiled softly as a tear rolled down your face.
“For what?”
“Distracting me.”
“Oh, well, you’re welcome. And, I don’t know, it’s kinda nice.”
“What is?” You wondered.
“Talking to you. We never really get to do that.” Peter pointed out.
“Yeah. Maybe after this, we could-“
You were cut off but another light exploding and showering the room with sparks. You let out a scream and buried your face in Peter’s neck again as he wrapped his arms around you to shield you from the sparks.
“It’s okay. I got you.” He said into your ear.
“Peter, I don’t want to die.” You cried into his shirt.
“You’re not gonna die. I’m not gonna let that happen.”
“Shhh. I would never let anything hurt you, okay? I have you. No matter what else you have in your head, I am with you and I am not going anywhere. You are going to be just fine. I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” Peter assured you as he cupped your face to make you look into his eyes. Once you processed what he had said, you pulled him by the shirt into a kiss. Peter’s eyes flew open but he quickly got over his initial shock and deepened the kiss. The room was crumbling around you but neither of you paid it any mind. You tangled your hands in his hair as you kissed him and he did the same to you. It didn’t feel like a first kiss. It felt comfortable and familiar and warm. By the time you pulled away to get some air, the earthquake had stopped.
“It stopped.” You realized.
“I love you too.” He said breathlessly.
“What?” You asked when you realized he had said something.
“I said we should get out of here and make sure everyone’s okay.” Peter quickly lied.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” You nodded and got off the floor. You helped Peter up before surveying the damage. The machines were okay but there were chunks of rubble and debris everywhere. Peter moved things out of the way with ease and never let go of your hand as he lead you out of the lab. He kept you close to his side as the two of you made your way to the living room. That’s where you found your dad and a few other team members.
“Oh, thank God you’re okay.” Tony said and let out a relieved sigh.
“I’m okay, daddy. Peter was there-“
Tony ran past you and grabbed his People’s Choice Award out of the rubble and gave it a kiss. You sighed and rolled your eyes until he noticed that everyone was looking at him.
“What? This are harder to win than an Oscar. They give those to any old hag.” Tony said in defense.
“I’m okay too, dad.” You said sarcastically.
“Oh yes. My precious angel princess baby. Are you okay?” Tony asked as he went over to give you a hug. You hugged him back for a while as Peter hung back and watched with a soft smile. You let go of Tony and wrapped your hand around Peter’s arm.
“We’re okay.” You answered.
“We?” Tony raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah. It would have been really bad for me if Peter wasn’t there. I had no idea what to do. But he pulled me under a table and kept me calm.”
“Peter did?” Tony laughed in surprise. “I’ve seen Peter scream at his own fart.”
“Hey, that was one time and I wasn’t expecting it to make a noise and I especially didn’t think it would echo like that.” Peter said in defense.
“Well I’m really grateful he was with me.” You told your dad.
“Wow. Thanks for not letting my daughter get squished, kid. I owe you one.” Tony said and proudly patted Peter on the back.
“Anytime.” Peter smiled weakly.
“Well, now that we know the most important people in the tower and possibly all of New York are okay, you should go see your aunt. She probably wants to know if you’re dead or alive right now. I mean, unless she doesn’t really care.” Tony shrugged. You made eye contact with Peter and gave him a sad smile. He nodded his head and understood what you mean, you didn’t want him to go so that you could talk about what had happed, but you couldn’t admit what happened in front of your dad.
“Right. I should go see her.” Peter said without taking his eyes off you. You kept your eyes on him as he left the building and wrapped your arms around once he was gone.
Peter had never gotten your number despite the years you had known each other but he was desperate to talk to you. The kiss was the only thing on his mind for days and it got to the point where he could no longer sleep. Tony was busy with construction to repair the damages from the earthquake so Peter couldn’t go over to see you. But to his surprise, he was sitting in his bed one day watching TV on his laptop when you appeared in his doorway.
“Hey. Your aunt let me in. And your doorman was reading a Highlights magazine so I don’t think he even saw me enter the building, so.” You said as you leaned against his wall. Peter quickly threw the covers off of himself and set his laptop down.
“Oh, hey. Come on in. I wasn’t touching my private parts or anything.” He said and immediately regretted it.
“Oh, I didn’t think you were.” You laughed awkwardly.
“Well I just didn’t want you to think that because my hands were hidden under the covers.” He tried to explain himself but there was no coming back from that.
“I wasn’t thinking that but now that you mention it I kinda think that is what you were doing.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“Psh. I wasn’t.” He scoffed and pushed his laptop away.
“Show me your laptop then.” You shrugged. Peter turned red and he handed him laptop over to you.
“Oh. The episode of Glee where they all switch characters. Nice.” You nodded when you saw what was last opened on his screen.
“Thank you.” He said sincerely.
“Weird thing to jack off too, though.” You shrugged as you sat down on his bed.
“No, I wasn’t-“ Peter quickly tried to explain himself until he realized you were just joking. He smiled shyly and shut the laptop to give you his full attention.
“So, I wanted to talk about the other day.” You began.
“The other day? Could you be more specific? I’ve been alive for a long time.” Peter played dumb and scratched his head.
“The day when there was an earthquake. And we kissed. And you peed your pants.”
“That pee was there when we got to the lab. I just happened to sit it in.” Peter insisted.
“Right.” You chuckled. “I wanted to talk about the kiss though. If that’s okay.”
There was a long, long pause between the two of you and Peter contemplated his next move. The kiss was all he was able to think about since it happened but he didn’t want to make it seem like he was desperate. You were staring into his eyes, hopeful for a certain response, but he was too stupid to give the right one.
“What kiss?” He said finally.
“Okay. This was a mistake. I’m gonna go.” You sighed and got off his bed.
“Wait.” Peter caught your hand and pulled you back towards him.
“Is that your jacking off hand?” You asked and pulled away from him.
“No. I wasn’t - never mind.” He whined. “My hands are clean. Just sit down.”
You rolled your eyes a little but sat back down on his bed.
“I also wanted to talk about the kiss. I’m just extremely nervous and constantly uncomfortable.” He admitted to you.
“I mean, same. So let’s make this as quick and painless as possible. All I wanted to say is that I think we should keep it between us. The kiss, I mean. We shouldn’t tell anyone.” You said and Peters world crumbled down.
“Oh.” He squeaked out. He was disappointed but you had an unreadable look on your face so he decided to play it neutral.
“So I should cancel the little banner and sea plane I hired to fly over the tower to announce our kiss to the pedestrians below?” He asked, making you smile in relief.
“Yes. I would appreciate that.” You chuckled.
“Will do.”
“Cool. So let’s just agree to keep this our secret.” You repeated and he nodded while avoiding eye contact with you. You stared at him for a minute and felt guilty for making him upset. You decided that he deserved to know the truth about that day.
“But, uh, that’s not the only reason I came over. I had a lot of things I wanted to say to you the day of the earthquake but with everything going on I wasn’t able to get you alone.” You continued, making Peter’s hope come back.
“Oh? What did you have to say?” He asked. You took a deep breath before looking into his eyes.
“Peter, when I kissed you-“
Just then, Ned came into Peter’s room for the planned hangout that Peter had entirely forgotten about. Your sentence stopped abruptly and Peter sighed in frustration.
“Hey Peter. I think your doorman is in diabetic shock again. I just walked right by him and he didn’t even move.” Ned said.
“We kissed during the earthquake.” Peter blurted and you threw your hands up in exasperation.
“Why would you say that? I just said we’re not telling anyone.”
“I’m sorry! He’s my best friend.” Peter explained before covering his mouth with his hand to keep from blurting anything else.
“No way. You guys kissed? So does that mean you’re like together now or no?” Ned asked and touched his two pointer fingers together.
“Well, we haven’t really talked about-“ You began.
“No. We’re not together.” Peter said with a tight smile.
“Got it. Friends with benefits. Nice.” Ned nodded.
“What? No. We’re not that either.” Peter laughed in embarrassment as his face turned red.
“Yeah, no one said anything about that. We’re barely even friends.” You added.
“Barely even friends but you made out? While the earth was shaking? What would Greta Thunberg say?” Ned asked and put his hands on his hips.
“It wasn’t making out, really.” You lied. “It was like a tiny little peck on the lips. It was nothing. Right, Peter?”
“Oh, yeah. Thats so right. We barely even kissed.” Peter added to your lie as he wondered why you were downplaying it so much.
“Excatly. It was no big deal. We were both just scared and panicked so we kissed a little bit. It happens. But it didn’t mean anything.” You replied, making Peter freeze. He had spent so long thinking about the kiss only for you to say to his face that it meant nothing.
“Yeah. It meant nothing.” He said and looked down at his lap. You picked up on the sadness in his voice and looked over at him.
“Right.” You said weakly.
“Less than nothing.” Peter added and rubbed the back of his neck. You sighed and realized you had absolutely messed that up.
“I don’t know. I was really scared too but I did not try to french the lady I was hiding with in the TJ Maxx I was in.” Ned replied.
“You went to TJ Maxx without me?” Peter gasped.
“You know I’m a bigger maxxonista than you are. I can’t stay away.” Ned whispered harshly.
“The earth was crumbling. You could have died there.” You pointed out.
“There’s no place I’d rather spend my final moments in.” Ned shrugged.
“Anyways.” You interrupted. “I should get going. Uh, thanks, Peter. For what we talked about.”
“Yeah. No problem.” Peter smiled sadly.
“So what exactly did you guys talk about?” Ned asked suspiciously.
“Nothing. She just needed help with the Wordle.” Peter lied and you smiled in appreciation at him.
“And she came all the way here to ask? Damn, girl. How hot was that kiss? I’m genuinely asking. I’ve always said Peter and I should kiss just to know what the other is working with but he always says no.” Ned told you.
“You know what? I think you guys should do it. It’ll bring you closer as friends.” You told them.
“See, Peter? She gets it. Now pucker up.” Ned said and closed his eyes as he leaned in.
“No. I’m not kissing you. Not with those chapped lips.” Peter backed up. Ned gasped and touched his fingertips to his lips.
“Okay. Well, bye guys.” You smiled awkwardly and got off Peter’s bed. You were about to leave when Ned spoke up again.
“What was it?” He asked you.
“What?” You asked.
“The Wordle. I really want to get it right on the first try just once and really impress the people at The New York Times.” Ned explained.
“Oh, uh…” You trailed off and looked to Peter for help.
“Heavy.” Peter said quickly.
“Right. It was “heavy”. Now you know. So I’m gonna head out. Bye, Peter.” You waved to him.
“Bye.” He waved and felt that same sadness from the day of the kiss return.
“Bye, Ned.”
“Bye, sweetie.” Ned gave you a big smile before you left the room.
“You dirty fucking liar.” Ned said once you were gone.
“That’s not today’s Wordle. That was days ago. You lied. What are you hiding?” Ned asked.
“Nothing. She was just asking me not to tell anyone about the kiss.”
“If it was no big deal then why would she care?”
“Because it was a big deal!” Peter admitted. “It was the hugest deal. She had her hands all up in my hair and I had my hands all up in her sweater but over her undershirt because I’m a gentleman. We were going at it so hard, we didn’t even notice the earthquake stopped.”
“Oh my God.” Ned gasped. “That stuff never happens at TJ Maxx.”
“I know!” Peter jumped in excitement.
“You have to tell me everything. Who kissed who?”
“She kissed me. And unbuttoned three of my shirt buttons.” Peter said and held up three fingers.
“Woah. Three? Isn’t that moving kinda fast?”
“I don’t care. It was the greatest moment of my life. But I also thought it was gonna be the last moment of my life so I don’t know if that had any impact.”
“I doubt it.” Ned shrugged. “But what happens now?”
“I don’t know. We were talking about it but then you came in so we never got to finish. And I thought we were both into it but then she said all that stuff about it not being a big deal so now I don’t know where we stand. What do I do?”
“You need to finish the conversation. If you don’t, this kiss will just be a one time thing and you’ll never know what it meant to her or what it could have become. You need to find out how she felt about it before too much time passes.”
“I don’t know. What if she doesn’t want to talk about it because she’s embarrassed that it happened? Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to tell anyone.”
“Or maybe she faked the earthquake just to kiss you.” Ned suggested.
“That’s probably it, yeah.” Peter said sarcastically.
“Whatever the reason is, you need to talk to her. And soon.”
“You’re right.” Peter nodded and a silence feel between the boys as Peter thought everything over.
“Should we go to TJ Maxx?” Ned asked after a beat of silence.
“Well, yes.”
Peter didn’t hear from you for a while after that. He wasn’t allowed back at the tower until the reconstruction was complete so he couldn’t even go see you. He still wasn’t sleeping because now he couldn’t stop wondering about your last conversation. Not only had you downplayed the kiss, you also asked Peter not to tell anyone. That left him thinking that you regretted it and it didn’t mean anything to you despite how much it meant to Peter. After two weeks of hearing nothing, Peter got a text from Tony that the tower was open again and he could come back. Peter went over right away to see what Tony had done with the place and much to his surprise, you were there too.
“Oh. Hi.” You blinked in surprise when Peter walked into the main room of the tower.
“Hey.” Peter nodded curtly. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
“Neither was I. Dad? I thought we weren’t letting anyone in until all your Kids Choice awards were back-“
“I never said that.” Tony cut you off. “Never, ever said that. I invited Peter over to thank him for saving all my precious technology. Those webs were the only thing that kept all my billion dollar machines from smashing into tiny little expensive pieces.”
“It was no problem, sir. It’s my job to protect what’s yours.” Peter said without taking his eyes off you. You felt your face heat up and looked down.
“Okay. Weird way to phrase that.” Tony commented. “I also wanted to invite you to dinner tonight. The dining room is fully remodeled and I was gonna have family dinner tonight with all my girls. And you’re my honorary girl so I thought I’d invite you as well. What do you say, kid?”
“Oh, I don’t think he wants to do that.” You said and looked at Peter. He was thinking the same thing; if he came over for dinner, there was a 99% chance the news of the kiss would slip out and Tony would reign hell fire onto Peter.
“Yeah, that’s okay. I appreciate the invitation but my aunt is already cooking something.”
“Oh God. Your aunt is cooking? Then you simply have to come over. I’ve tasted her food. No one should be subjected to that. You’ve been through enough. Please, eat here.” Tony insisted. Peter looked to you for help and you shrugged in defeat.
“Okay. Sure. Thanks. I’ll eat dinner with your daughters and wife. Nothing weird is going to happen if I do that.” Peter nodded stiffly.
“Again, weird way to phrase that. But I’ll see you at 7. Sound good?” Tony asked. Peter looked at you again and you nodded your head.
“Yeah.” Peter sighed. “Sounds good.”
Part two
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prettyboykatsuki · 8 months
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✮ tags ; gn + afab!reader, soft dom!reader, sub!bakaugou, developing relationships, mutual pining and ambiguous relationships, anal play (m!recieving), dry orgasms, p in v, unprotected sex, 18+
✮ wc ; 6.7k
✮ a/n ; an anon comission from a beloved mutual im posting. also just dropping in to say hello
✮ synopsis ; katsuki is too fucking young to have erectile dysfunction, damn it.
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The sound of your typing is especially loud in the empty office. It’s a Saturday and neither of you are supposed to be clocked in, but when duty calls - it’s up to the two of you to answer. 
“...I’m going to tell you something. If you so much as fucking laugh I will kill you.”
You don’t look up from your screen.
“Well that’s one way to start a sentence. I’ll try not to laugh.”
Katsuki slams his hand on the desk. 
“I’m being serious,” He says in a half-yell. You look up from the edge of your laptop unflinchingly with a displeased frown, shaking your head and throwing your hand up half-heartedly. 
“Fine, fine - I promise I won’t laugh. Can you stop being all ominous? You sound like Tokoyami.” 
“There’s something wrong with me,” 
“Well yes,” 
“Not like that,” He hisses, taking a deep breath. He leans forward with his elbows on the table, hands clasped seriously as he covers his face. “...I think my fucking..thing..is broken.” 
There’s a loud noise like a muffled laugh but when Katsuki looks up your expression is completely blank. Your lips are pressed tight, eyes out of focus as you continue to type. Or pretend to. True to your word, you don’t laugh but Katsuki still wants to fucking kill you. 
“Oh? What uhm,” You clear your throat, lips trembling as you try to keep yourself together. “What brought you to that conclusion?” 
He nearly snaps his pen in half. 
“What do you fucking think?!” 
“Hey. Calm down. I’m doing my best not to laugh but you are not helping.” 
This is the sort of thing Katsuki would normally take to his grave. Not only is it genuinely humiliating, it is the sort of painful personal detail he wouldn’t share with anyone even if he was fucking them. It wouldn’t matter either, that his dick isn’t working - if the other ways he relieved stress were.
He’s got an average sex drive, sometimes lower but a high libido. Getting off is a physical response to a bodily need. Like eating food or taking a nap. It’s just because it’s a physical need, it is noticeable when the need doesn’t get met. He is painfully aware of it. It’s been weeks and he thinks he’s starting to lose his mind. Worse? He’s exhausted every human option trying to fix the problem himself, save for going to the dick doctor. His testosterone levels are fine, he gets check-ups more regularly than the average person. Given his reputation is at stake, he’d rather not get prescribed anything. He’s bought ginseng and shitty vitamins and medicine he had to ship from overseas. Anything and everything. 
Picking up viagra at the ripe age of twenty four would give him psychic damage he won’t recover from, this much Katsuki is sure of. So not that. But everything else, every natural remedy conceived - he’s tried. 
“I don’t know what to do anymore,” He says, pinching the bridge of his nose and willfully ignoring the sound of your strained huffing “I can’t fucking get….it up and I don’t know why. I’ve tried everything. Everything. I’m going crazy,” 
“You know, it really says something about our relationship that you can confide to me about these kinds of problems. Like I’m so proud of us,” 
“Shut up. I’m already miserable enough without wanting to fucking tell you - but the only other option is Shitty Hair and Izuku. I refuse to buy a single goddamn pill for it, and I know if I go to a doctor they’re gonna recommend it and—” He can’t finish the thought. It’s a little too sincere for the kind of conversation you’re having. 
You’re a tactless person, so of course - you don’t bother with going along with the mood. Instead you smile like the evil bastard you are. 
“You little—” He sighs rubbing his palms over his hands “And because I can trust you to be the least horrible option.” 
“So you acknowledge my valiant efforts as your underling and assistant and know you’d be nowhere without me?” 
“Shut up.” 
“Aw, you’re sweet,” You say, promptly ignoring him “But yeah, I mean - no judgement. I would ask if you’ve had anything major happen but I unfortunately already know that’s not really the case.”
Yes. You, of all people, would know that no major changes have happened in Katsuki’s external life that would make it hard for his dick to function. You spend so much time together. Minus the time he spends working and catching villains in the world - you’re practically glued to his side. You’re in charge of all of his affairs, his schedule, all other personal things. Katsuki is naturally neurotic, but you handle all of it with grace and care. You know everything about him, which is why he is asking you about this problem. 
(Does it border on unprofessional? Of course it does. But your relationship to each other degraded that border a long time ago. You’ve already slept in his bed and met all of his friends. And kissed him, but that’s irrelevant for now) 
“I need solutions,” Katsuki offers, totally and utterly defeated by the situation at hand. “I’ve done everything. Taken every goddamn herb, done every meditation. Nothing is working. Nothing. I’m going to go fucking crazy.” 
“Do you think just sleeping with someone would help? I know you don’t want to ask any of your friends, but maybe an escort? We can do it discreetly.” 
“Fuck no. If it were that easy I would’ve done it.” 
You pause. Katsuki can see the focus on your face and doesn’t know if it makes him feel better or worse. After an elongated period of silence, you perk up a little. You lock eyes with him and Katsuki briefly regrets bringing the whole conversation up in the first place. 
“Hate to ask,” You say, though there’s not enough embarrassment on your face to make anything of that statement. “But uh, have you tried getting off with other things. Like something that isn’t your dick.” 
He feels a flush creeping up his skin. “What the fuck are you talking about!”
“This is an important question,” You emphasize, an expression so alarmingly calm Katsuki doesn’t know if it makes him feel better or worse. “Cause if the answer is no, then that’s basically the best solution.” 
“How the fuck is that the best solution? Are you insane?” 
“Don’t be such a prude, Mr. Dynamight. You’ve bottomed before. It’s not that different. Have you ever tried it on your own?” 
“I fucking hate you.” He replies, closing his eyes and frowning. “No I haven’t. Why the hell would I do something so embarrassing.” 
“I know you’re super anal retentive - no pun intended there actually, but can you relax a little? It’s a good solution if nothing else is working. Your dick might be broken but an orgasm is an orgasm.” 
“Remind me to never ask you for shit again,” 
“I’d love that. Just keep me on payroll. Anyway,” You go back to typing. “I think that should be your first move,”
“How the—are you seriously telling me I should go fuck myself to solve my problem?” 
You giggle. “Well it sounds bad when you put it like that. But I guess yeah. I can help pick out some sex toys, maybe, do a little research. If you don’t want to do it in your apartment, there might be a love hotel,” 
A blush creeps up against the back of his neck. He covers his face with his hands. 
“I’m begging you to shut the fuck up. There’s no,” Another wave of humiliation sets in “There’s no way this is how I’m going about this. Like. Fucking none.” 
“The only other option is the good old fashioned doctors appointment, then. Which we can squeeze in over telehealth I think - since you got a check-up pretty recently. Want me to do that instead,” 
“Fuck, no. I just,” He groans, feeling the stress make his eye twitch “Fuck.” 
There’s a bit of silence and a little typing, like you’ve decided to leave him to his thoughts. Which he doesn’t blame you for, because all things fucking considered - there’s not really any more options. He’s a smart man and even he is fucking stumped. He’s going to have to give into something, eventually. He knows that, but it doesn’t make him feel any better. 
As soon as he gets close to giving up, you sit up straighter and give a deep long sigh. 
“Hey,” You scratch the side of your face awkwardly. “Do you want me to help you….?” 
He stares at you. “With what.” 
“With your dick being broken,” 
“Don’t yell anymore, you’re giving me a headache,” You express, rubbing your temples. “Look. You need to get off, and you’re probably going to have to use your ass to do it. You don’t want to do it by yourself, and you don’t want to do it with a friend or escort. You’d prefer not going to the doctor's office or taking any pills. I’m offering - I’m not really your friend per se and you trust me enough to ask about it.” 
He hates more than anything that you have a point. 
“You can’t be fucking serious right now.”
“Hey. If you want your dick to stay broken for a while until you figure it out, do you. I’m just saying. Offering solutions is what you pay me for,” 
He pulls back a little. 
“...Are you fine with that?” 
“Oh banging you? Is that what you’re worried about?” He winces at the direct and crass way you speak. “I like you plenty and you’ve got a pretty face. I’m down if you are,” 
“I can’t believe I’m considering this.” 
“Really? I totally can,” You snicker, and he really, really considers firing you. “It’s not the first time we’ve crossed boundaries with each other. Just consider it, okay? Before you actually blow a fuse.” 
He leans back in his chair and groans. 
“Fuck. Yeah, whatever.” 
It’s another week before Katsuki takes you up on your offer. 
Miraculous it took that long, given the amount he suffered stubbornly trying to fix the problem on his own. The lengths he went too are too embarrassing to even disclose or recount but it very quickly became clear that this was not an issue that was going to magically disappear - no matter how hard he tried. 
Against his better judgment and after a long, cold shower trying to talk himself out of reality - Katsuki sent you a one line text. 
Fine. Come Saturday. 
The only thing he could say without dying of complete fucking shame. He’s grateful that’s the time you decided to have some tact. 
(Not a lot, since the text back you sent was a peach emoji and a thumbs up. But whatever, he’ll take what he can get.) 
It’s Saturday now, and he’s clean. All of him. He’s clean, and just wearing his boxers - sitting on his couch. You’ll be here very soon, and he can’t believe he’s saying this, but he’s nervous. 
You did mention you were fine with it. He believes that because there’s been long standing tension between you two for god knows how long he’s not entirely blind too. You sleep at his place sometimes and spend all day with him, and then there was that one time you two kissed (very sober) during New Years. You don’t bring it up because you know he can’t deal with it. Yet he’s comforted by the fact you at least want it (because you’ve said so), and that you’re willing to do this despite the ambiguity in your relationship. 
He knows that is inevitably going to come up today. But he really wants to fucking cum. And if it’s with you, then it’s fine. If his head was a little clearer, he would probably reject this whole thing based on his own emotional disparity. God fucking knows he is not in any place to deal with any of that. His heart barely gets by in the office and now you were going to fuck him. 
Is he stupid? 
Usually no, but because there’s a soft dick and tight balls where his brain used to be, currently yes. Everything put together, it’s a recipe for disaster. He considers telling you to fuck off and forget all this happens. 
But then he thinks about the prospect of your hands and your voice and it’s enough to at least get his heart pumping, though his dick still refuses to cooperate.
More than anything, he does trust you. Shitty, smug little fucker you can be sometimes - there’s not a single person who goes out of their way for him. More than just your job, sometimes it feels like every little thing you do is for his sake. Everything you don’t ask of him, every secret you keep. You push him where he needs to go and encourage him to take risks in his career without imposing on him. 
He blushes again, laying on his couch. He was nervous before but it’s not any better. Maybe he’s not so much of a dumbass as he is a total fucking masochistic. Is the level of overthinking the shit Izuku goes through? No wonder he’s like that all the time. 
He almost jumps out of his skin when he hears the doorbell ring. 
He answers the door shirtless and finds you on the other side. You have a cardboard box and the most nonchalant expression he’s ever seen. Normally it would annoy him, but right now he’s kind of comforted by it. You look at him with a flat smile. 
“Hey sexy,” You say with no intonation. “Can I come in?” 
He gives you a look of disdain. “Don’t ever say that shit to me again. But come in,” 
You laugh quietly as he steps aside. You don’t have much with you other than the ominous box and your bag. 
“You look like you’ve showered,” You say, taking your shoes off and putting on the house slippers he keeps for you. You don’t even look at him as you go towards his bedroom upstairs. He follows you with mild (faux) annoyance.“What a shame.” 
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“I wanted to get a little romantical and help you clean up but you’ve taken that from me. I’m a little hurt.” 
“You’re such a dumbass. As if I’d let you do that,” 
“Don’t be such a spoilsport. I’m gonna be playing in your ass today anyway.” 
“Not the same thing.” 
“Tomato, to-mah-to,” You say with a wave of your hands. When you finally get upstairs, you look over your shoulder. Katsuki gets the message quickly enough, helping you with the door. You give him a little smile and let yourself in, dropping the box on the edge of his king sized mattress. 
He stands in the doorway for a short while, glancing at you before coming in. You put your bag somewhere on the floor before getting back to the box you’ve brought over. He can guess what’s in it, but he stands with you to open it anyways.
Predictably,  the thing is full of sex toys. The first question he wants to ask is how much you spent on all of it, but he bites his tongue. 
You look at him and do a little jazz hands gesture. “Tah-dah.” 
He gives you a displeased look, but you’re well used to this sort of thing from him. There isn’t actually a whole lot in the box. The theatrics of you bring it upstairs were more likely just you fucking with him for the sake of the bit.  He frowns. Typical. 
You do have some new things in the box. A few expensive look gadgets, like a pair of quirk canceling handcuffs (decorated with leopard print fur) and something that looks like it goes around his neck. The sex toys that are in there are noticeably high quality. You definitely used his dime to pay for this. 
“Handcuffs? Seriously?” 
“You’re too much of a control freak and I like not having my hands blown to bits,” You say, shaking your head. “We should establish some ground rules and stuff now.” 
“Haah? The fuck are you gonna do that we need rules.”
“I’m not just gonna jump scare you with dominating you. But that is what I’m doing.  What we’re doing.” You give him a more serious look, that makes him feel more shy than he cares to admit.  “You get what I’m saying? You have to trust me a little, okay?” 
He makes a petulant face at you. “I already trust you dipshit,” 
“This and that are different,” You say, shaking your head. He refrains from disagreeing with you a second time. They’re really not, but he has no desire to explain that. “I’m gonna touch you and be a little strict. Are you okay with that?” 
“I don’t care.” 
“That’s not an answer,” 
He grits. “I want to cum. And I…trust you or whatever. I already agreed to this. If it’s pissing me off, I’ll just kick you offa me. Anyway, ‘s fine.” 
“If you kick me I’m suing you for battery. We can have a safeword. I’m not going to duct tape your mouth and I’m gonna talk you through most of it - but just incase.” You say. He pauses, taken aback by how… delicately you’re treating him. He doesn’t know if he should be pissed about it or not. “Any word is fine. We can use the stoplight system too if you want.”
“Red for stop, yellow for slow, green for go.” 
“That’s fine. Easy to remember.” 
“Okay,” You nod to yourself, tucking the promise to memory before looking at him more seriously. “Are you okay with intimacy?” 
He stares at you. 
“The fuck…?” 
“Kissing and hand-holding and all that other stuff.” 
“Is it necessary?” 
“Strictly speaking, no,” You look at him knowingly this time. He’s taken aback, but you’re always like this. You look through him, not at him. “Are you okay with it?” 
The implication is there. Do you want it? is the question that goes unasked. Too direct for his tastes. He feels heat spread through his body, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“Yeah…’m fine with it.” 
Your smile is more genuine this time around. He turns away from you a little. 
“Okay. That’s everything out of the way. I’m gonna cuff your arms,” You say. It all feels a little sudden. He figures you’d mean business, but still - he’s not all that prepared. He’s had a week to mentally prepared but that feels like nothing compared to now.  There’s an authority to the way you talk now he isn’t sure he’s going to get used too. “Repeat your safewords to me when you turn around.” 
He frowns but listens. He puts his hands together in front of him, waiting for you to cuff him, shyness making him hot. 
“Uh. Red for stop, yellow for slow down, green for go.” 
“Good boy,” You say so smoothly it almost rolls off of him. The cuffs go around his wrists, and Katsuki can feel the familiar sensation of losing his quirk. Now it’s just the both of you. “I’m expecting a little pushback, but generally - you’re to listen to me. Clear?” 
“God, fuck - yeah clear,” Katsuki says, feeling ticklish all of a sudden. “All this shitty foreplay is making me feel weird.” 
You wrap your arm around his midriff in a sudden movement, making him twitch. He can feel your cheek pressed against his chest as your hands hover over his waistband. He takes in a sharp inhale. 
“It’s good that you’re feeling anything.” You say, breath just barely above a whisper. “Gonna take this off,” 
He just nods, silently. It’s still on soft, but something is happening in his gut at least. You help him take his boxers down. You’ve probably seen him naked before, more than once. You two being attached at the hip was no joke. This time there’s this lingering anticipation that’s there, and that changes things. 
He steps out of his boxers. He’s naked and you’re clothed and his head feels like it’s spinning. Your hand guides him to the edge of the bed. He sits and watches you, but you don’t undress. 
The first kiss (second kiss) that you exchange with Katsuki is pleasant. You bend down to do it. It’s a chaste way to meet his lips, weirdly soothing while his stomach is starting to tie in knots. It’s a little surprising how..comfortable it is. Your mouth is soft, your lips taste a little like chapstick and you smell nice. You pull away to kiss the corner of his mouth, trailing down his jaw. 
Your thumbs draw over the shell of his ear, rubbing the lobe tender. You’re so different. The contrast in your normal personality is a little too much for him to reconcile with easily, but you brush over these things well enough. He looks away when you meet his eyes. 
“Do you wanna lay down or kneel?” 
His throat is tight. “...Don’t care.” 
You laugh a little to yourself, another kiss. “Lay down then. It’d probably be easier if you put your ass up but knowing you, I doubt it.” 
He blushes, annoyed that he’s so obviously predictable to you. 
The sheets are soft where he lays. You don’t join him on the bed at first. He just waits there cuffed as you shuffle around for things - lubes and toys and pillows. When you do return to him, you pat his side and slide a pillow underneath his back. He quickly regrets laying down, because god the position is fucking exposing. 
You get between his legs and settle there comfortably. A hand rests on his bare thigh, rubbing your thumb into smooth, muscled skin. His breath is hitched. You lean down and kiss his hip. Still no dice on the erection, but you don’t seem discouraged. 
You flip the lube open and let it pour onto your fingertips. It’s pink lube. This is mildly irritating, but saying anything will feed into your satisfaction so Katsuki bites his tongue. He watches it as you warm it in your hands, patting his leg with your clean hand. 
“Legs up,” You instruct. “And deep breath. Try not to tense.” 
“Just goin’ for it, huh?”
You don’t reply to that, but you do smile. 
It’s not his first rodeo. His second or third, but certainly not his first - but he’s never had it done for a reason like this. There was an exchange prior, that someone was putting something in him for their pleasure too. This isn’t for that. This is just for him, with your skilled hands and your oddly gentle tendencies that he doesn’t see any other time. That proves to be too much, makes his belly feel honeyed with lust. 
The warm, thick sensation of lubed fingers presses against the tight rim of muscle. He breathes and unclenches. Tries not to think too hard about anything. He’s desperate, too desperate. At this point, it’s hard to be prideful. Your hands are noticeably daintier than the ones he’s had in him prior. It’s…weirdly nice. Makes the process easier somehow. He’s reminded that you’re just you, and that makes him more nervous. 
“That’s it, baby,”  You hum, so soft it’s startling. The way the blood starts to rush in that familiar way nearly makes him sick. Oh, fuck. No way. “Oh?” 
No way. No fucking way. No way that’s what does him in. 
You pause. He takes in a deep breath, ready to say anything to defend himself. Humiliation spreads through his whole body. He can feel how hard he’s starting to burn, like the blood in his body is struggling to keep up with the desire and pump of his heart. His chest and face start to flush a familiar rose as he grits his teeth and closes his eyes. 
Weeks. Weeks and weeks of trying to figure this out. And it was you calling him baby, of all things, to get him at half-mast. 
He’s too afraid to open his eyes, but forces himself too. He’s expecting a smug laugh or sarcastic jab but instead you just look surprised. You stare at him, unblinking. He’s so startled he stares back. 
“Do you wanna…keep going?” 
He gets hard. Fuck. 
“S-shit,” He says, wishing he could cover his face with his hands properly. “Yeah,” 
He can’t read your expression at all. Annoying. You don’t brush over it though - but you don’t force him to acknowledge it either. Maybe you’re just focused on the fact he finally has something to work with and don’t want to ruin it by making him talk about his feelings. 
“Baby,” You say again, smooth and deliberate. There’s that twitch again, something pooling in his gut. He starts to feel nervous. You’re doing the same as before, stretching him and teasing the rim - getting him ready for something else. “You like bein’ my baby, Katsuki?” 
He opens his mouth, only to close it again. He tries to choke some word about, telling you go fuck yourself - but he always ends up looking at your face. Your lashes on your cheek. Soft touches and even softer words. He stops knowing what he wants at some point.
“Ugh,” His voice grows thicker. “Don’t ask me that,” 
(If he were more apt at honesty, he could admit to you that he just wants you. In whatever way. Sometimes you get like this, when you’re not screwing around - and you’re so good to him that it hurts. He likes your sarcasm and dryness. 
But he likes too when you’re this sweet on him too - even if that feels shameful as fuck. That feels like it’s crossing so many more lines that you’re usual self. He knows that better than anyone. It is crossing more lines than usual. 
He can’t help but think about it anyway.)
You laugh a little. His eyes go lidded as you continue to work him open. It’s a slow process. You circle his hole with your thumb each time before pushing in. You get one finger in without effort. The second one takes a little more. Another heaved breath and unclenching of his muscles. 
He hasn’t felt the sensation of something entering him in so long. He can’t remember when the last time was. He’s antsy as you pump your fingers in and out, stretching him slowly. You find the bottle with your free hand, flicking it open with your teeth and pouring lube onto him directly before you keep going. 
“That feel okay?” You mumbles
“Y-yeah. Feels fine,” He huffs, closing his eyes “Feels…good,” 
“It’ll feel better soon. Just need to,” You curve the two fingers inside of him up. They search and search and search until—
There. Shit, there. 
“Oh, shit,” He gasps, arching himself up as you rub it. You smile at him, pleased. “Fuck,” 
You whistle. Katsuki can feel his cock throb properly now, up at full attention. You don’t touch him though. Your other hand grips his thigh for support as you focus your wrist and energy on curling your fingers against his prostate. His stomach flutters, waist tightening.
He’s been fucked before, damn it, but this is different. This is controlled and concentrated. Your fingers are perfect in their motion, pinpoint pleasure making him break out into a feverishness. You’re annoyingly good at this. His whole nervous system feels like it’s being unraveled so slowly. Pulled apart like the slices of a fruit, something for you to pick off and eat.
His head feels like it’s full of cotton, tongue too big for his mouth. Thoughts clouded and inhibition lowered. Real pleasure. He hasn’t felt that in what has to be more than a month now. It’s overwhelming. He’s sensitive and muddy and acting stupidly - he’s well aware. It’s an out of body experience being so unwound in general but this after everything is overstimulating. 
God it feels good. How can anything feel this fucking good? 
His breathing is erratic, heart pumping trying to keep up with it. Euphoric little pricks start at his abdomen and shoot off through his whole body. Like the splintering ends of a falling star. 
He’s never had any orgasm that feels like it needs every muscle in his body to pump through him. It starts in his center and spreads out, melts him slowly. Usually the feeling of needing to cum is passing - just building pleasure until the orgasm hits and the high relaxes. His cock is leaking now with every little press along his insides. Little white dribbles of pre-cum sliding down his shift all the way down to his ass. He doesn’t want to think about how he looks, so he focuses on how it feels. 
“Fuck, that feels so good,” His voice almost gives. “Shit, I’m gonna cum if you don’t slow down.”
“You can cum if you want to, Katsuki,” As if to drive the point home by massaging his inner thigh, neglecting his cock “Guess you’re pretty sensitive inside, hm? Gonna make you cum like a girl,” 
His blush deepens.. 
“Haah, fuck - fuck I’m not sensitive. It’s just, hng. Been a while,” 
“Don’t be a liar or I won’t let you cum,” You tease. 
His eyes shoot wide, brows touching his hairline.  “Fuck, d-don’t you dare. .” 
You have the nerve to laugh at him. All things considered, maybe you’ve earned. “Just teasing. I’m awful but not that awful. “ 
“You’re not awful, fuck - just really,” He throws his head back against the sheets. “Need to cum, really need to—” 
“Gonna cum without even touching your cock,” You say, half-amused. He shudders when the realization dawns on him.“You’re so sweet.” 
He’s drooling. The strength goes out in his jaw as the feeling just builds and builds and builds. It goes on like it’ll never topple. 
When it does, it doesn’t feel so much like a rope unsnapping as much as it feels like everything is being pulled from under him. Like the loss of gravity. His abdomen goes tight, the anticipation of it making it impossible to breathe. So close, so close, so close. His brain feels shut off, mindlessly humping along air to capitalize on everything. You’re encouraging only eggs him on further. He lets out a garbled little noise, choking. His voice rasps as electricity flows through him. 
And he cums, there’s an orgasm - but nothing comes out. He cums so hard but his balls still feel so tight and full. It feels good but he’s still so fucking hard. It snaps him awake as his eyes open, and you’re staring at his cock a little awestruck. 
“Oh, poor baby,” You say - not exactly mocking him but not exactly being kind either. Katsuki stares at you lost and hazy. “A dry orgasm after all of that. That’s just cruel. 
He heaves. “What the….how am I supposed to?” 
His dick aches. Fuck he almost wants to cry. 
Your hand wraps around the base of his shaft in a sudden movement, making him hiss. He almost cusses you out. Sensitive, too sensitive. You put your thumb over the tip of his cock, more pre-cum leaking from it as you. You look mesmerized as it dribbles against your thumb
A long pause. 
“Hey,” Your expression is  serious. “Do you wanna fuck me?” 
“I’m really turned on right now, shit. I was planning on just helping you but, you didn’t cum yet and I’m...,” You’re looking at him so directly. His heart pounds. “You can say no,” 
Of course he wants to fuck you. That’s what he wants to say. He doesn’t know where he’d find the fucking gall. 
“....’s sensitive,” He says instead, flushing with embarrassment. You brighten up. “Just… give me a minute,” 
“I will but first,” You rummage through your items and pull out a plug. His eyes widen. “It’ll feel good, I promise.” 
He grumbles, but doesn’t reject you. You have some kind of miracle in you - so he feels more inclined to just give in to whatever you say. You look eager to do it. He doesn’t know how he feels about that. 
It’s easy enough to put the plug in when he’s already all soft. He’s still sensitive and swollen. He hisses as the cool metal of the plug slides into softened hole, before settling. You give him a little tap on his which he glares at you for. Your only response is laughter. 
There’s nothing to talk about while Katsuki watches you undress. You don’t take it all off - just your bottoms. It’s not that he has nothing on his mind. Just that… seeing you like that isn’t making him any less hard. He just… looks at you. Dumbly. You slide your shorts off in one go and your underwear along with it, and you’re all on display. 
It’s pretty. Your pussy is really pretty. A horrifyingly embarrassing thing for him to think but it’s true. There’s a fine layer of hair on your mound that he likes. You’re dripping wet like you said you were, and that doesn’t make the situation any easier. You give him a little smug grin as you settle over his lap. He stares at you completely absent-minded, flushed. 
“Like what you see?” You tease. He’s too struck to lie to you. 
“Yeah,” He rasps. He’s out of his mind right now. He blames it on his dick. “I wish I could take these fuckin’ cuffs off.” 
You look at him a little surprised. “You don’t like being cuffed and restrained?” 
His ears feel hot, heat prickling up his skin. “Didn’t say that just,” He groans even trying to say it. “...Wanna touch you,” 
He trails off. You use your hand to turn his face back to you, cupping his jaw as you bend forward to kiss him. He stares at you wide-eyed, making a noise of surprise. This kiss is different from all the others. Deeper, with more feeling. He gets into it, lifting his head to kiss you back. 
When you pull away, you’re all fluttered lashes and adoration. 
“After I drain your dick dry,” You say with a confidence that astounds him. “I’ll take them off and let you fuck me proper. But you have to tell me you want that, first. Do you wanna fuck me, baby?” 
“Shit. Y-yeah,” He nods, feeling absolutely swept up in your pace. 
“Say it.” 
“I wanna fuck you, dammit,” He stutters through the last of his sentence. “Don’t make me beg, my dick is going to blow off if you keep torturing me.” 
You laugh good naturedly and he feels a little proud that he made you laugh. The thought that he’s beyond whipped wipes the smile off his face completely, but whatever. 
You pull back, sitting up as you examine his cock. You hold it up to you, weighing your options. 
“I’m too horny to open myself up. I’m just gonna sit on it, ‘kay? Don’t buck your hips up,” 
He opens his mouth to protest, but the words die in his mouth. The warm, wet heat of your cunt is immediately overstimulating. He groans so gutterally it startles him. Like it’s punched out of him. This is the only pressure his hard cock has gotten in months and it’s making him feel like he’s on fire. 
You don’t give him a chance to cover. You lean over him as you maneuver his cock to your entrance with all disregard for his sanity. You hiss as the tip finds the spot. Fuck you’re wet. Your insides are so soft, so sticky - but you’re still so damn tight. 
As you promised you go slowly. It doesn’t help him losing his mind. Worsened by the fact he can see you on top of him, all bated breaths and shaky moans. There must be a dull pain, but you only give him a smile as you get the first inch. 
“You’re big,” You say breathlessly. His cock twitches to life. “Feels fucking good. Shit, that’s amazing. Haha, I can feel you so deep already.” 
“Please stop talking, before I, haah,” 
“Don’t cum yet,” You demand, lowering yourself further and further until you’ve bottomed out. Katsuki feels fucking crazy. “Let me get my fill first.” 
“Ngh, easier said than fucking done,” 
You just laugh. “Try your hardest, Mr. Hero. Show off your endurance, hm?” 
He groans as you start to move. You really don’t regard him at all. You lean over him with one hand and use your other to tease and toy with your clit as you ride his cock with reckless abandon. The room is quick to fill with noise - the sound of skin slapping skin, the skin sticking where your hips meet his thighs. 
 You’re moaning in little broken waves. He’s not going to last if he listens to you anymore. 
He’s biting the inside of his cheek trying not to cum, but you don’t make it easy. You’re riding him with so much force, using him. Your pussy is so tight it’s gripping him, sucking him dry. A vice-like grip, sticky and pliant over the hard curve of his cock. Everytime you bounce and throw your ass a little harder onto him, he can feel you. Feel himself and  how deep he is. His hands tighten into fists where they’re cuffed in front of him. 
He’s never been… used like this. But he doesn’t hate it the way you disregard him to chase your own pleasure while being so generally mindful of his own. You take and take and take but you make it feel so good. 
It’s not helped by the plug in his ass, brushing against his prostate every single time you move. Makes him jolt. Every fiber and nerve in his body is wound as tight as it can possibly go. All of his strength, sanity, and focus he has left in him is trying not to cum, not to buck his hips up and rut into you like a stupid animal no matter how much he wants too. 
He can feel you start to cum before you even tell him. Your walls pulse with need and your movement starts to get slower. The grip you have holding you up weakens slightly. 
“Gonna cum. Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum,” You say with a pant. You open your eyes and look down on him “Cum with me, okay? Don’t hold it in,” 
The words alone trigger a reaction. But with everything else, it’s like Katsuki explodes. Weeks worth of tension in his body, in his muscles, in his everything  - burst at the seams. You cum and he follows you nearly in succession. The hard pulsing of your swollen cunt suck around him like a vice and he goes practically limp feeling his dick finally drain. 
He cums and he can’t stop cumming. Pumps out so much white hot seed his head starts to cloud. He fucks up into you, sloppy and dumb. Chasing his high as he pours every ounce of his load into your pussy without so much as a modicum of shame. A month of dryness overwritten by the most intense orgasm he’s ever had in his fucking life. He doesn't know how long he stays there, painting your walls with his spend. It just goes on forever, longer than he’s ever experienced. 
He has his eyes closed as he goes limp. Fucking hell. 
It takes him a while to go soft again. When he finally does and returns to consciousness, he’s still nestled inside you. You give him a smile when his eyes finally open, leaning forward to kiss his hairline. 
“Still all there?” 
His voice is hoarse like he’s been screaming. “I feel like I fucking died,” 
You giggle. 
“So… no?” 
“Kind of. Barely. What the fuck is up with you.” He says laying his head back, sweat dripping down his back. “Shit.” 
“Did you like it?” 
He gives you an unimpressed look as you laugh. 
“I’m glad.” You say softly. You’re warm. God he’s down bad. “We have a lot to talk about later. You should take a little break for now.” 
He nods in agreement to both things before pausing. “For now..?” 
“You thought we were done?” You say with a tilted head. He gapes. “I thought you knew I was more ruthless than that.” 
He groans. 
“You’re insane.” 
You chuckle, leaning down to kiss him. 
“You love me.” 
He lets you kiss him some more and doesn’t bother denying it. 
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3K notes · View notes
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Surgeon!Female!Reader
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: fluff
Summary: After a ten-hour surgery, all you want to do is go home and be with your husband. When he comes into the ER needing surgery, your entire world is turned upside down.
Square Filled: "Oh, don't worry, this blood isn't mine." (2022) for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You trudge out of the OR into the scrub room to clean your hands and arms. The surgery you were just in lasted an atrocious ten hours. You’ve gone for more, but this was so tough since the patient’s heart kept arresting and her blood vessels were so friable that it was hard to do any kind of stitches. Still, you managed to get her fixed and stable enough to be transferred to the ICU.
All you want to do is go home to your husband and cuddle until you fall asleep in his arms. He understands your job and how you can’t always be home with him. He’s in the FBI so he has the same demand even if he’s doing work that’s completely different. The reason your marriage works is that you two make it a point to call each other every day, plan an at-home date every week, a date anywhere that’s not your house every month, and have a small vacation every six months.
He’s your rock and you don’t know what you’d do without him in your life. He’s your biggest supporter and the love of your life.
You’re scrubbing away the sweat and grime from your hands when your pager goes off. You grab a microfiber towel and dry your hands before checking the pager. 911 ER. You toss the towel away and run out of the room hoping you can get to the ER in time. There is a patient who needs your attention and might die if you’re not there. It amazes you that you have so much energy after a surgery like that and maybe it’s because of the silent promise of saving as many people as you can.
You push the double doors open that lead into the ER and look around to see if you can spot the patient that needs you.
“Dr. Y/N! I need you to know that everything is okay…”
You can’t hear anything your resident says because all you’re focused on is your husband lying on a stretcher covered in blood. Your entire world comes crashing to a stop. You’re a very skilled heart doctor but it feels like your own heart is going to stop at the thought of your life without Spencer in it. His coworkers, Derek and Emily, are by his side without blood on their clothes.
“Y/N!” Derek grabs your shoulders and snaps you out of the silent panic you’re in. “He’s okay, I promise he’ll be fine.”
“What happened? Spencer!”
You rush over to him, and he grabs your hand gently.
“Oh, don’t worry, this blood isn’t mine,” he mumbles.
“What happened?” you ask Derek and Emily.
“There was an accident. He tried to save our victim and got caught in the crossfire. She’s right behind him.”
“Y/N, we’ll take care of him.”
You turn to see your chief of surgery and your best friend who has a determined yet empathetic look on his face. You can’t take care of your husband because he’s your husband so the only person you trust to take care of him is the chief.
“Okay,” you whisper. “Don’t let him die, please.”
“We go it. Go to Trauma One!”
Spencer is wheeled to the first trauma room just as the victim comes in right behind him. She, you can help. Spencer is wheeled into surgery to fix an injury on his leg while the general surgeon and neurosurgeon take the victim to surgery. If there is anything to be done on her heart, they’ll call you in. You’re stuck thinking about Spencer instead of being in surgery to take your mind off it. You leave Trauma Two and walk over to Emily and Derek who are talking to each other.
“What happened to him?”
“There was a car accident, the car the victim was in. They skidded on a patch of ice and the car slammed into a tree, ejecting the victim out of the windshield. Spencer was the first to her which is how he got all of her blood on him. Another car came around the corner and didn’t see the crashed vehicle, and they collided with it, sending shrapnel into Spencer’s leg. He lost a lot of blood on the way over here.”
“Shit,” you whisper with tears in your eyes.
“He’s going to be okay. You have a talented team of doctors here.”
“I know,” you nod.
There is no choice but to wait for Spencer to get out of surgery. When he is, they take him to a private room where you can sit with him. It takes twenty minutes for him to come out of the anesthesia, but he’s still pretty loopy from it.
“Hey, baby, how are you doing?”
You take out your stethoscope and check his heart and lungs, relief clouding your head when you don’t hear anything bad about it.
“Doctor… I need… I need some… some flowers.”
“Flowers? For what?”
“My wife. Her birthday is this weekend, and I want to get her flowers.”
Your heart swells happily at his little confession. He knows how much you love getting flowers. They brighten up even the darkest of places.
“It’s very important, please.” He rolls his head to the side and looks at you through hooded eyes. He doesn’t seem to recognize it’s his wife right in front of him. “I need you… Can you write her a card for me?”
“What do you want it to say?”
“I love her. Her eyes are pretty. She makes me so happy. Just say that.”
“Okay,” you grin with tears in your eyes.
Spencer’s eyes close and you sit next to his bed. You grab his hand and kiss the back of it, content with staying just like this until he wakes up.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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flowering-thought · 28 days
Part 2? Fuck I've been thinking about them too much again so here I am ;-;
Supossed to be writing something else but this AU has me held by my nonexistent balls-
Brainrot gods please spare me I am nothing but a simple creature who doesn't get enough sleep
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior
COD Psych Ward Unit × Reader
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When you were first transferring shifts from night to day, you only had a weekend to adjust your schedule.
You had told the boys about it previously so they were very eager to actually get to see you in the light of day instead of the cold lights of the hospital at night.
What they weren't expecting was your disheveled form and the annoying laugh of the front desk person who witnessed your poor state early in the morning at breakfast.
Price was pretty sure the scrubs you were wearing were inside out and Ghost could tell from where he was sitting that you definitely had eyebags.
Soap noticed that the usually organized tote bag you brought to work was stuffed a bit more than usual and he could tell you were not very happy.
Gaz had assumed the change would be tough on you but not this tough. The sight of you was enough to make his heart clench and the need to hold you in his arms worsened.
They really hadn't expected you to be this tired. The moment you made it past the desk they saw your shoulders droop and your eyes close for a moment, likely getting your bearings before the annoying form of the one and only Philip Graves stepped in front of you, getting in the way of their view.
"Well, what do we have here? Some poor darlin' made their way to the wrong unit?" the Texan teased, a shit-eating grin tugged at his lips.
What he didn't expect was your eyes to open and softly glare at him, a wry smile appearing on your features as you raised your brow at him, "And I wasn't expecting a warm welcome from a cowboy wannabee? Go eat breakfast, cowboy. I gotta get ready for my shift." You fired at him and watched as he put his hands up and backed away, a genuine grin on his features.
You rolled your eyes and moved down the hall, using your badge to access the breakroom and put your stuff away. While you got ready in the breakroom, trying to make yourself look more presentable and put together before your shift officially started, a commotion was happening in the common area with Ghost tugging graved by the neck of his shirt.
"Keep your disgusting paws off Graves. The last thing they need is some bastard like you interrupting their day." He growled, his fist tight as Soap and Gaz stood just in case they needed to support their lieutenant.
Graves just gave them the biggest shit-eating grin, his hands still up as though surrendering, "I'm not sure what you mean boys? Just givin' my greetings to the miss?" he teased.
Ghost stared him down until he decided to let go, Graves shirt wrinkled and scrunched up from how tight his grip was. Unfortunately, having 141 show interest in you made multiple others notice and observe you. And to Graves? He was curious about you from the moment you stepped into the ward on your day shift with those sleepy eyes that made him think about holding you close under the sheets. What can he say? He's a sucker for pretty things like you.
The moment you stepped back into the hall, the first thing you did was check the schedule, seeing if anyone had any meetings with the doctors or group therapy which was usually every day in wards like these. Much to your surprise there was nothing. You even checked the chart and notes from doctors but it was practically just telling you to let them sit in the common area through the day and lock them up at night.
You hummed to yourself, looking from the schedule to the assortment of men scattered around the tables where shitty games were played and they all clearly looked bored.
You had never worked in a ward as lacking as this one. It's like they were just kept here under high security for the fuck of it. You huffed before checking the rules for nurses and the activities they were allowed to do with the patients. And as you expected you were allowed free reign.
You couldn't help but shake your head in disappointment. Well if you were going to get paid well then you're at least gonna make the patients happy even if you have to force them to participate in activities.
So there you were, standing at the windows where all the tables could see you with an Uno deck in your hands, "Hello! Nice to meet you all I'm coming from the night shift so you'll see me more often!" You greeted, multiple heads and chairs turning to face you.
You hated the shift in attention but kept a smile on your lips and tried to ignore the invasive stares. "I'm nurse (L/n). And the schedule here looks a little lackluster, so I thought maybe a friendly game of Uno?" You offered.
The boys all sat at one table and just couldn't help the little flutter in their chest at your sudden proclamation. Graves sat at a table with Konig and Horangi. Konig, with his constant leg shaking and Horangi, just played with a deck of cards in his hands. Nikolai, who was still eating, sat at a table on his own but put the plate down at the sudden mention of an "activity".
You felt very awkward with all the stares but kept up the smile on your face as you brought a couple extra chairs to an empty table, "If anyone wants to participate, just come sit over here.".
Soap was quick in his decision, immediately choosing a chair next to you and Gaz tried to be fast but sadly Graves beat him to it. Gaz tried to grab Graves by the back of his shirt like Ghost had but watched your brow lift at the sight of his agitation.
With a huff, Gaz sat next to Soap, clearly ticked off, and glared at Graves, who had the same grin as always. Horangi, who you had yet to officially talk to sat down at the table.
Nikolai joined after putting his plate away while the rest who didn't want to participate brought over chairs so they could watch.
You smiled happily as you opened the uno cards and started shuffling, you weren't the best but you tried anyway and then gave everyone their cards.
Horangi lifted his hand, his eyes shielded by his sunglasses so you couldn't tell if he was looking at you or the cards in his hands, "How exactly do you play this?" He asked, his fingers holding onto the cards and fiddling with them curiously.
You looked around as the rest also didn't seem to know how to play the very colorful game of Uno. You laughed as you explained, the sight of grown men not knowing how to play uno somehow very amusing.
After explaining the basics and the rules, Gaz was the first one to get a double plus four by Graves, with an argument breaking out between them about how it's unfair.
Graves ended up calling Gaz a sore loser which made you stop him, "Nope, no name calling Mr. Graves. Play nice or I'll make you quit the game now." You warned, watching as his brows lifted in surprise. Gaz gave him a triumphant smirk and settled back into playing despite the massive amount of cards now held in his hands.
It went on like that for a bit, with the first person to get Uno being Nikolai, who proudly and very loudly claimed victory. "I win so I'll be getting a reward yeah?" He asked, his eyes pointing straight to you.
You just smiled and nodded your head, "Mhm, I brought extra snacks for the dayshift so I'll share them with you.".
The next person to win Uno was surprisingly Soap who had been very secretive about the cards he had and tried his best not to get angry when the color changed to something he didn't need.
Unfortunately, Horangi had the most cards in his hands. The ever-growing pile in his hands looked so bad you wanted to offer to take some off his hands but part of you also wanted to win.
It went on like that till lunch, with you getting uno, then Graves, and lastly with Gaz. The only one who didn't was the last player Horangi who had what you figured had to be the record holder of cards at 36.
You had fairly given out the snacks you promised, with Nikolai getting extra for being the first Uno winner. But you did sneak Horangi some candy you kept in your pocket with a small smile and your index finger to your lips.
And the day went fast with you proposing activities and checking over charts and rules. Honestly part of you didn't understand why these men were here.
From what you had seen all had been a part of the military and all had the problems that came with it. Ptsd, Cptsd, paranoia, insomnia, things that weren't exactly too bad and could likely be treated outpatient with how well the men acted.
You've seen many kinds of people in psych wards, and these men were the kind that would maybe need a month at most, not long-term stays.
While you wondered about it at your little desk you saw the head nurse approaching, a grumpy-looking woman who always had her hair held back in a tight bun that you imagined definitely hurt her scalp.
She looked to be in a bad mood as normally she didn't approach any of the nurses during their shifts and especially not in front of patients.
"What are you doing?" Came the shrill voice you had yet to get used to.
You flinch, your eyes darting between your desk, the head nurse, and the men who all sat eating dinner as it was now later in the day.
You looked a little confused, your hands coming down to sit in your lap, your fingers fiddled with each other before you replied, "Checking charts ma'am? Also checking schedules so I can plan activities." You claimed, your tone coming off ever more confused as if to ask why she was questioning you.
Her eyes glared at you as her hand raised to her hip, "Goodness I know you've been here for maybe what? A month or two? But you don't have to try so hard. This is a very lax ward for nurses you don't have to entertain the patients or even talk to them. Just give them medication and send them on their way." She stated, as though it was the most natural thing.
You wanted to protest but before you could she slammed her hand down on your desk and got close to your face, "Just listen hm? They don't need any special attention. They don't need kind treatment and they definitely don't need to be rewarded. Yes, I can't punish you for doing so but I can make things more difficult if I have to." She warned.
Price hated it, the way your body curled in on itself, how your eyes widened at the woman in front of you. All of the boys practically had to fist their knees to stop themselves from getting up.
Graves was silent but inside he was fuming. It was your first day shift and you're getting scolded by the head nurse for being a good nurse? What kind of damn logic is that?
Konig was getting anxious just watching, his leg bouncing aggressively enough to shake the table he sat hunched over. Horangi would have tried to help him out, but his hand ghosted over the candy in his pocket to prevent himself from yelling at this crazy woman who called herself the head nurse. He always hated when foolish women yell at innocent people like you.
Nik had to look away at some point, his hand gripping the table so tight you'd imagine his veins would pop if he gripped it any tighter.
After the woman thought she had thoroughly warned you, she told you to get off your shift and head home. "What? I don't even have to sign out for thirty minutes!" You protested, standing up to face her better.
You were beginning to get upset at her actions. She had never been this tight on you during the night shift, so why was she like this now?
"Just be glad you're getting off early hm? Have a good night (L/n)." She said.
You looked at her before walking off, heading to the breakroom to grab your things from your locker. You silently fumed as you signed out at the front desk, the women who knew you at the front desk gave you a look of sympathy as you walked off and out of the building.
When you got in your car you had the urge to scream but you just turned your key in and blasted music, your grip on the steering wheel tight.
On your way home you stopped by multiple places, the store to get a month's worth of snacks and the crafts store to get stickers and other things. Among them, you saw a couple of fidget toys. Squishy things and others with all sorts of switches and flips.
You contemplated before grabbing a couple, remembering the chart.
While at the crafts store you also bought some games, simple things that would be safe to bring into the unit and enough to piss off the head nurse, "Don't need kind treatment my ass... fucking bitch.." You grumbled, opening up the door to your apartment and plopping down.
"If I'm gonna be the only nurse to do my job then I'm doing a damn good one." You confirmed out loud, talking to no one but yourself as you clutched the blankets closer before falling asleep.
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