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abcphotoblog · 2 months ago
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Extraordinary problems require extraordinary solutions.
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latin-america-photography · 2 years ago
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An Embera Chamí indigenous woman with a child, displaced from their original territory by guerilla/paramilitary armed groups, begs for alms while Colombians passing by in the street in Cali, Colombia. - Copyright © 2022 Jan Sochor Photography
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denebola42-blog · 3 years ago
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Now I see why they cheat the system. We cheated them first. Fair is fair. Reminds me of the song I loved as a teen by Midnight Oil called Beds are Burning or something like that. I was pro indigenous since a youth though being tugged at by various forces. #nookspiration #literacymatters #displacedpeople #immigration #immigrants #dacadreamers #daca #maga #buildawall #politics #globalization #samsunggoals #humanrights in this book there's a part where an American corporation pulled a Walmart in Mexico on pig farmers. They sold pork below what the Mexican farmers could sell, stole all their business and they went out of business. They then bought them out and gave them jobs but kept them illegal in order to abuse them and keep them quiet about it. That's what we're dealing with. It took a bit of coffee to jog my memory. I think coffee with supplements and meds created the stiffness and soreness. I read you can't take those with coffee because it interacts. Take it with juice or water. Our corporations are assholes sometimes. Look at what's going on with Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp and also what corps put in our processed food. They don't care about us. We're cannon fodder in their war for profits.. (at North Ogden, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUswlmyvYLL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nekaybaaw · 4 years ago
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What exactly is FREEDOM and How far would YOU go to obtain it??? How much of yourself would you give to just, BE? How extreme are you about obtaining and keeping this FREEDOM in tact? What would you die for exactly? 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹 We are at an all time low when we allow something of this magnitude while others get FLEWD TF out and placed on AirBNB accommodations!!! This is more than problematic it’s fucking INHUMANE!!!! I’m tired of talking and talkers so miss me with it but do hit me if you have/want solutions implemented! #hatiansinhouston #texasborders #horses #borderpatrol #enslavement #captives #displacedpeople #haiti #wearehaiti #globalblackissues #globallyblack https://www.instagram.com/p/CUGKULCP2x3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ikmalfahmirasmi · 4 years ago
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🚨REMINDER: Are you a young changemaker in Asia-Pacific with an exciting business proposal to improve the lives of #migrants, #displacedpeople & their host communities among the urban poor? Apply to the Youth Innovation for Human Mobility initiative👉 bit.ly/youth4humanmobility #youthcolab #undp #citifoundation #unhabitat (at UNDP in Asia and the Pacific) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKoDZT4hZad/?igshid=w6cv0y56o6r9
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gullahislandfarmer · 5 years ago
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Historic Black Community threatened by encroachment and traffic problems. Phillips, around 550 acres of land at one time but now smaller, consists of around 300 houses and is home to roughly 750 people, according to John Wright, who heads the African-American Settlement Community Historical Commission, an organization launched in 2016 to “protect and preserve the existing characteristics of African-American Settlement Communities and enhance the quality of life for current and future generations of residents of the African-American settlement communities.” Wright, whose ancestors arrived in Phillips in the 1890s, said the group he leads is “100 percent with the community.” #gullahgeecheeheritagecorridor #gullah #gullahgeechee #gullahculture #geechee #historicpreservation #history #blackhistory #mtpleasantsc #gentrification #gentrified #displacedpeople #protectyourland #protectyourculture #blacklandowners #landowners #land #property #overdevelopment #suburbs (at Morning Glory Homestead) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-QbzrFgjQ/?igshid=152v1q2dqu85y
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grainfreeandhappykitchen · 5 years ago
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Smoothie bowl for breakfast, except this one melted a little by the time I took the photo. Keep safe people, don’t take unnecessary risks. Keep hydrated as today and tomorrow get very hot💗Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are battling fires, those that have lost loved ones, homes, pets and also animals that have lost their lives and their homes.....spare a thought, avoid these areas and help out in anyway if you can💗💗#weneedrain #firefighters #displacedpeople #bushfires #keepsafe #spareathought #helpthoseinneed #keepawayfrombushfires #australia #victoria #newsouthwales #queensland #australiancapitalterritory #southaustralia #northernterritory #westernaustralia #tasmania #summer #drysummer #grainfreeandhappykitchen #smoothiebowl #dairyfree #grainfree #glutenfree #refinedsugarfree #granola #cookfoodeatcleanlivehappy https://www.instagram.com/p/B61huM9goiy/?igshid=asxwymh0inou
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katienumi · 6 years ago
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#TBT borderlxne April 1, 2019 The braid was made of extensions i had in April, July, August, November, December 2018. Through this artwork i aim to weave my silenced-ness into a wider, collective narrative. It’s about personal borders bridging political ones. Hair, Black hair is such a sense and sign of identity.  The war wages on and while we go natural or not, there is still a lot of rejection and shaming for using hair extensions: weaves or box braids. Supposedly we pretend to look white with fake fibres, honestly for me it is just a protective style. On the continent it was how we identified, when our ancestors were taken away, they braided seeds in cornrows. African rice is in maroon villages of Suriname.  When we were taken away our hair was shorn and we were scattered by language. We were told our hair needed to be relaxed. We were told and shown and done to a great deal. This action was done 9 days before the originally scheduled date of the referendum on whether to settle the centuries-long Belize-Guatemala dispute at the International Court of Justice (because of court proceedings in Belize on how the referendum was fired, the referendum was held on May 8, 2019) The audacity of this does make one contemplate Chronixx's "Capture Land" that Spain and the UK decided that Belize, (once called British Honduras, before that the Settlement) was either of their possession when all of this is Maya land boggles the mind. Then enslaved Africans were brought here, displaced and dispossessed. And no one asked us anything. Imagine claiming land that aint yours, bringing people as property and plopping them down to work said land and chasing the Indigenous owners off it (in the case of Belize, the Maya) "tale as old as time" huh? Settler mentality abounds. This action was to say Black Womxn erased from territorial concerns are attempting, as we always have done, to reclaim space, while trying to figure out who we are, where we come from, how we talk and how to get back home. #performance #belizeancontemporary #erasure #territorialdispute #settlermentality #displacedpeople #belizeguatemalaterritorialdispute (at Image Factory Art Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1eIBSeFcf6/?igshid=1y6iopoihmrr
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purplerainillustrators · 8 years ago
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"Displaced" by Lorenzo Gritti for Johns Hopskins Public Health Magazine. @hellogritti #purplerainillustrators #illustrationoftheday #illustration #displacedpeople #displaced #people #picame
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somasnakeoil-blog-blog · 6 years ago
#SidewalkProjectMalta Fundraiser with @shannonknox T-shirts kicks off tomorrow Thursday, October 18! First round of funds will go toward Itz’s music getting recorded and distro’d, then we’ll be working towards quality of life efforts for people living on top of each other at Hellfire, the camp these kids are at in Malta. Please help spread the word when the campaign drops, these folks need lots of help. Ample solicitation forthcoming!! Thanks again to @shannonknox for bringing us this project, creating the T-shirts and partnering on the effort! And @2nastyofficial for bringing the conversation to the table. Together we’re gonna bring some reparations. Art, music, love, connections across the world. Support us! Buy a fucking T-shirt! #solidaritywithrefugees #displacedpeople #artcanchangetheworld #punkcommunity #thesidewalkproject https://www.instagram.com/p/BpDT2V6jQv_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jpyy3vumkspz
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denebola42-blog · 3 years ago
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Nafta was probably not good for Mexico I've heard. This is from the book The Right to Stay Home. #immigration #immigrants #illegals #buildawall #maga #politics #humanrights #latinamerica #migrants #displacedpeople I'm buying as nook so i can quote it to Instagram. #nookspiration #literacymatters i have the Hardback book. Can't photograph and share online though. (at North Ogden, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUstoUdP1q3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The ethnic cleansing of Georgians in South Ossetia and other territories occupied by the Russian armed forces and those of South Ossetia during and after the Russia-Georgia war of 2008, has produced many deaths and thousands of exiles.  Tserovani was one of settlements built by the Georgian government for displaced people in South Ossetia six years ago. Standard houses, no plants or yards. Today is almost a little town with infrastructures. Many of the inhabitants are children. . . . . #Tserovani #Georgia #Settlement #refugees #war #russianoccupation #SouthOssetia #russiageorgiawar #ethniccleansing #Tbilisi #IDP #2008 #displacedpeople #carlo_bevilacqua #carlobevilacqua #reportage #photography #NGO #ONG #urbanchange #exiles #banishment #multimedia #transmedia #documentary #documentaryphotography # refugeecamp #idpsettlement
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worldhalalunion · 3 years ago
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According to the United Nations reports, the count of displaced people in the world is more than 84 millions. When the causes of these displacements are examined, it is seen that violence, human rights violations, insecurity and climate change factors trigger this mobility. It should also be noted that this figure means that much more people have been displaced than in World War II, and 42% are boys and girls under the age of 18.
#WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #Hallal #Standart #Standard #HalalCertification #DisplacedPeople
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alaturkanews · 4 years ago
Ancient city gives shelter to Afghanistan's displaced
Ancient city gives shelter to Afghanistan’s displaced
The ancient Kohna citadel, which once housed sultans from illustrious Islamic dynasties, is now giving shelter to hundreds who've been displaced in Afghanistan. Sena Saylan has the story. #DisplacedPeople Subscribe: http://trt.world/subscribe Livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive Facebook: http://trt.world/facebook Twitter: http://trt.world/twitter Instagram: http://trt.world/instagram Visit our…
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megaatomicwolfbouquet · 5 years ago
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The Salvation Army helps people in need wherever, whenever, and however we can.
Find out how to help: https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/. #charities #charity #fundraising #pintemoselmundodecolores #starkidsproject #nonprofits #fundraisingevent #philanthropyday #supportnonprofits #fundraisingforacause #nonprofitsofinstagram #childrenscharities #fundraisingevents #community #artroommobile #nonprofitsorganization #philanthropy #fundraisingproject #photooftheday #paqueticosdeamor #nonprofit #kettledrive #bondsoflove #homelessness #pageant #displacedpeople #help #winner #elite #bhfyp
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ucfpakistan · 5 years ago
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What #earthquake of #mirpur has brought to the natives, they are homeless, broken, hungry... #ucfpakistan #ucfDisasterRelief #disasterrelief #azadkashmir #mirpurazadkashmir #disasterrecovery #disasterrelief #charity #nonprofit #donate #volunteer #globalgoals #fundraising #socialgood #giveback #causes #nptech #cause #change #activism #dogood #ngo #now #helptheneedy #crowdfunding #socialgoodsummit #charitytuesday #donors #foundation #givingtuesday #grant #disasterresponse #firstsouthernbaptistchurch #ldscharities #gleaningsforthehungry #bhfyp #disasterresponse #teamrubicon #emergencyresponse #earthquake #australianaid #displacedpeople #risk #mitigation #response #emergencyschool #all #education #buildhope #spreadhope #displacedkids #displacedchildren #workingtogether #naturaldisasters #australianresponse #australianngo #displacedpersons #emergencyschools #lombokearthquake #gsd #disasterrelief #emergencymanagement #prevention #popupschools #helpingchildren #bhfyp #yourimpact #changinglives #training #givingkindness #humanitarian #disasterpreparedness #disasterstudies #disasterriskreduction #canada #naturalhazards #rebuild #disasterrecovery #emergencymanager #health #disaster #teamrubiconuk #haliforniaambassador #txcc #mountainman #trailwork #flooddamage #conservation #camplife #hurricaneprep #arizona #aleciaexplores #disasterresponseteam #trainlikeyouoperate #logistics #xpower (at Mirpur, Azad Kashmir) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PwN9XlF7r/?igshid=5n6gp27jiyk2
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