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lowcountry-gothic · 2 years ago
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Corey Alston (Mount Pleasant, SC)
“​​My name is Corey Alston. I'm a fifth generation Sweetgrass Basket Weaver. I currently run the family business in the Charleston City Market. Sweetgrass Basket Weaving has been a major part of the Gullah Geechee Culture dating back to days of Enslavement. This coastal art form has been recognized as South Carolina State Handcraft and has been known to be kept alive the longest along Sweetgrass Basket Makers HWY of South Carolina. This skill is one of the rare arts of our country that is founded nowhere else in America. Gullah Sweetgrass Baskets are a national treasure.
“​​Being chosen as one of the artisans of Mt. Pleasant does not only bring awareness to my skill set and my culture as a Gullah Geechee representative, but in collaboration with Acres of Ancestry raises awareness of the unjustifiable treatment that Black and minority farmers have endured. The more that this topic is brought to the forefront, the more that our nation's leaders will see that treating white farmers one way and then treating Black farmers another way will not be accepted. I applaud Acres of Ancestry for working tirelessly on making sure that everyone understands what our elder farmers are going through.
“​​These two Sweetgrass Baskets are called ‘Poppa’ and ‘Big Momma.’ It took six months to complete ‘Big Momma’ and four months to complete ‘Poppa.’ They both measure 36 inches tall.”
​​—Corey Alston, fifth generation basket weaver and cultural preservationist from Mount Pleasant, SC, Artisan Statement
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womenaremypriority · 7 months ago
Interested in linguistics? Want to watch a bunch of lovely, everyday women talking with not much else happening? Do I have the youtube channel for you!
This one is too short 😭 ^
The woman here talks at the start but spends most of the video singing, it’s beautiful
Thankfully this video is so long!
This one is so surreal for me because the rhythm and tone and whatnot are so English-sounding but it’s very much not English.
This is so soothing. She reads a book near the end and the way her voice drifts from English to Shetlandic is soooo lovely.
This is so long! I knew this channel was a blessing but most videos are quite short, it’s so amazing when they’re able to get a lot. Unfortunately only a few of these have optional subtitles to turn on, either in the language being spoken or English. There are auto-generated ones but I’d imagine those are quite inaccurate. I believe they’re looking for more translators to help, however.
This is an odd post but I genuinely just love these videos and watching them. Especially when they’re women, I love how different and interesting women are. I had to share because I know radblr is full of smart women who are interested in supporting other women.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year ago
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According to Dr. Yvonne Chireau, "Hoodoo is an African American-based tradition that makes use of natural and supernatural elements in order to create and effect change in the human experience."
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 Hoodoo was created by African Americans, who were among over 12 million enslaved Africans from various Central and West African ethnic groups being transported to the Americas from the 16th to 19th centuries (1514 to 1867) as part of the transatlantic slave trade. The transatlantic slave trade to the United States occurred between 1619 and 1808, and the illegal slave trade in the United States occurred between 1808 and 1860. Between 1619 and 1860 approximately 500,000 enslaved Africans were transported to the United States. 
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From Central Africa, Hoodoo has Bakongo magical influence from the Bakongo religion incorporating the Kongo cosmogram, Simbi water spirits, and Nkisi and Minkisi practices. The West African influence is Vodun from the Fon and Ewe people in Benin and Togo following some elements from the Yoruba religion.  After their contact with European slave traders and missionaries, some Africans converted to Christianity willingly, while other enslaved Africans were forced to become Christian which resulted in a syncretization of African spiritual practices and beliefs with the Christian faith. 
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Enslaved and free Africans learned regional indigenous botanical knowledge after they arrived to the United States. The extent to which Hoodoo could be practiced varied by region and the temperament of the slaveholders. For example, the Gullah people of the coastal Southeast experienced an isolation and relative freedom that allowed retention of various traditional West African cultural practices. Gullah people and enslaved African-Americans in the Mississippi Delta, where the concentration of slaves was dense, Hoodoo was practiced under a large cover of secrecy. The reason for secrecy among enslaved and free African Americans was that slave codes prohibited large gatherings of enslaved and free African people. Slaveholders experienced how slave religion ignited slave revolts among enslaved and free African people, and some leaders of slave insurrections were African ministers or conjure doctors
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brownsugarcoffy · 4 months ago
The Touch of The Haint Blues.
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Summary: Seeking escape from her hectic life in Philadelphia, Zara retreats to her grandmother’s abandoned home on St. Helena Island, hoping for peace. But peace is the last thing she finds when she uncovers her family's secret: the women are protectors against dark forces. Zara, once a skeptic, soon finds herself drawn to the island’s eerie charm—and to a mysterious, dark figure who appears in her dreams and watches her from the shadows. As their encounters grow more intense and charged with an undeniable pull, Zara must confront the dangerous attraction between them, and the powerful, untapped magic coursing through her veins. Is this forbidden connection the key to her survival—or her undoing?"
Characters: Zara(OC) x Roman Regins(AU Vampire)
Themes: Gullah Geehee Culture, Supernatural, Spirituality, Hoodoo, Violence, Vulgar Language, Sex, Angst, Witches, Vampires, etc...
Soundtrack: Love & Validation by Boys Noize x Kesley Lu
Coming Soon...
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azhvne-blog · 4 months ago
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petervintonjr · 6 months ago
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"I wonder if our white fellow men realize the true sense or meaning of brotherhood? For two hundred years we had toiled for them; the war of 1861 came and was ended, and we thought our race was forever freed from bondage, and that the two races could live in unity with each other, but when we read almost every day of what is being done to my race by some whites in the South, I sometimes ask, 'Was the war in vain? Has it brought freedom, in the full sense of the word, or has it not made our condition more hopeless?' In this 'land of the free' we are burned, tortured, and denied a fair trial, murdered for any imaginary wrong conceived in the brain of the negro-hating white man. There is no redress for us from a government which promised to protect all under its flag. It seems a mystery to me. They say, 'One flag, one nation, one country indivisible.' Is this true? Can we say this truthfully, when one race is allowed to burn, hang, and inflict the most horrible torture weekly, monthly, on another?"
Everybody raise a glass to the memory of Susie King Taylor (neé Baker), teacher, author, field nurse, and Civil War hero. Susie holds the singular distinction of being the first Black woman to write and publish a memoir of her wartime experiences. Born enslaved in 1848 Savannah, Georgia, Susie was fortunate enough to be able to attend secret schools taught by Black women --despite the state's harsh literacy laws regarding slaves. Her principal teacher was a free woman of color who is only ever named as "Mrs. Woodhouse," a friend of Susie's grandmother, Dolly Reed, and over the years Susie would herself surreptitiously educate other enslaved persons. At the age of 14 she became free when her uncle led her out to a Union gunboat patrolling near Fort Pulaski (in Confederate hands at the time). Along with many other formerly-enslaved Black refugees in the aftermath of the Battle of Port Royal, Susie sought safety behind Union lines on the South Carolina Sea Islands.
Expediency led Susie to attach herself to the 1st South Carolina Volunteers, later known as the 33rd U.S. Colored Troops --the very first Black regiment in the U.S. Army. Formed in 1862, this unit boasted a large number of Gullah recruits. Having originally signed on as a regimental laundress and cook, Taylor's literacy quickly elevated her to the role of reading and writing instructor for many of the black Union soldiers during their off-duty hours. She also served as a field nurse. Military governor Rufus Saxton took notice of Taylor's talents and entrusted her with munitions and equipment responsibilities far beyond the scope of a laundress. She married a Sergeant Edward King of Company E in 1864, and the 33rd Regiment itself ultimately dissolved in 1866. The Kings settled in Savannah and established a school for Black children; unfortunately Edward died in a dockside accident only a few months after the birth of their son. Susie moved to Boston in 1870 and joined the Women's Relief Corps (of which she would eventually become president).
By 1879 Susie had remarried a Russell Taylor of Boston, and while she continued her work with the Women's Relief Corps, had also begun work on a memoir of her time with the regiment --originally intended for her son, she instead opted to publish the essays in 1902 as Reminiscences of My Life in Camp with the 33D United States Colored Troops, Late 1St S. C. Volunteers.
So... yeah. Go pick that one up and give it your undivided attention. And then pour one out for Susie, who died on this date (October 6), 1912, in Boston. She is buried at Mount Hope Cemetery.
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deehaus-sys · 1 month ago
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Yayyy Haus Intro! (plus the text for the pictures!!!!)
*** Check blog intro post more details on us!***
Welcome welcome to Dee Haus!! Our DID-focused art blog! (A guide by Sibbin :))
Terms: (familiar term in quotations)
Haus: a black DID “system”
Famori: “alters” in de haus
Cooking/being in the kitchen: “fronting”
The term haus being used specifically for Black systems is not at all a thing, I’ont think. But our haus uses it for us, and as a system who is Black in de bodi and loves our kulcha and words, we would love to see it be claimed as that and invite any black-bodied system to do so!! We chose it because a lot of Black households use the term “house” instead of home I noticed, and then as we learned more about hoodoo and vodou, it turns out historic Black folk magic gatherings for protection were often in AAVE called the “haus” dey was under (like Marie Lavaeu haus) So if Haus is a place of protection and healing, what better a name for our system :) ((also: I'm not tryna limit haus' usage as a word only fa us since I know it exists in other languages too. But I long for our black community to have more words for us neurodivergent folx in it!))
Famori is combining two different words: family and ori, which is the Yoruban word for head, so head family! Not all systems are related to all their alters— but in Black families we tend to just call anyone we care about family, so I thought it’d work well.
We just call fronting cooking for some reason. Dass juss how our headspace came prepackaged, I guess? I think it’s because we often cook for the people we’re looking out for? I dunno, I think it’s cute.
Our names are also a mix of blaccent as well as Gullah Geechee english :) Sibbin is sibling, Bubba is brother, and Cuzzin is cousin. We aren’t all related like that and those aren’t our real names, but fa de blog dey cute.
Okey here de famori: (written from the pictures above)
Sibbin (they/them)
Sibbin is the main person to “cook”(front) in Dee Haus. They like making art and sharing messages. Also, Hello Kitty, Nintendo, and culture of any kind.
Fun Fact: doesn’t cuss ever
Creativity: +++
‘Tism: +++
Escapism: ++++
Confrontation: +
Panic Cooldown Rate: ++
Cooking skills: ++++
Bubba (he/him)
Bubba is the guardian of Dee Haus. He’s the most adventurous, and is much more punk attitude to protect (but he can be a big softie). He like making art & shopping.
Fun Fact: the only one who can drum IRL
Sass: ++++
Emo: +++
Doing stuff: ++
Confrontation: ++++
Panic Cooldown Rate: +++
Cooking skills: ++++
Cuzzin (they/he)
Cuzzin keeps “the books” (memory) in Dee Haus. They don’t like to “cook”, and don’t talk when they do. They like learning non-voiced languages, libraries, trees, and yellow.
Fun Fact: was the one who put us thru our kpop phase
Adulting: ++++
Remembering stuff: ++++
People: ++
Confrontation: +
Panic Cooldown Rate: +
Cooking skills: ++
Okee, I hope I explained everything well and made a good first impression, we’re all excited to share more and get to know folx :D
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frankiensteinsmonster · 2 years ago
ID in Alt Text!
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Hey, sorry I haven't been doing my daily outfit posts lately-- I guess I never mentioned why I started them, but it's this personal project that I'm working on where I take a picture (though, in all honesty, it's a lot of pictures lol) in whatever I'm wearing and I feature my cane to promote awareness and give representation to other cane users and members of the cpunk and Physically Disabled community. I'm working on building up the courage to take these pictures outside as well, because I do them on campus, but we deserve to see ourselves outside as well!
The reason I haven't been keeping up with it is because my partner and I have really been really struggling financially as well as with our mental health (and me with my physical health as well, obviously lol) we moved across the country to go to school and it is So Hard-- I had to drop three out of five of my classes because the course work was just too much in volume and I need a job really bad (which is going to be Hard to do since we don't even know why I'm in such chronic pain yet 🙃 it's hard not to feel defeated!)
Either way, I think going to start posting them with the tag #TheVainCanes and #MobilityAidVainity but I'm also going to host a poll for some options bc I want this to be a widespread community thing!
I'm choosing these names because I've seen from both ableds and disabled elitists this idea that we and our mobility aides need to look like they're fresh out the hospital for us to be Believed and deserving of respect, and anything beyond that voids our suffering and invalidates our experiences-- and I think that's reductive, harmful, and just plain wrong! Our mobility aides are an extension of ourselves and we deserve to dress them up however we want. We deserve representation, and the normalization of Joy and Having Personality While Disabled.
This will be intersectional as well (bc. I mean look at me. Also I don't need a reason!) , people from all identities are welcomed and encouraged to join! This is meant to be a celebration of Us, Disabled, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, and All That Jazz! (If you use a mobility aid, you're in!) We're beautiful gorgeous handsome devils and I think we'd do good seeing how good we all look in a designated tag
Also my cash app and Venmo are @/cherubpunque 👀 if anyone has some spare change I could have that would be an amazing help towards feeding me, my partner, and our two cats!!
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To kick things off, I am a 2S, Afroindigenous person (Gullah and Kanien'kehá:ka!) who experiences chronic pain and fatigue. I have PTSD and a few other brain things going on, less than perfect eyesight, and a great passion for Art, Music, Subculture, and Helping Others whenever and however I can! I'm majoring in art and am working towards becoming a published graphic novelist. Idk I just have a lot of love and support to give, and a big need for love and support for myself as well, and I'm hoping to offer us a good opportunity for us to connect in a space that's just for us! We're already living outside of society's expectations for health, so why should we let these folks decide the way we look while doing it? Express yourself! (I'll also be tagging myself in future as #mothie so you can find me in the tags! Anyways, I gotta go lay down. My back hurts.)
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bumblebeeappletree · 7 months ago
Hungry Planet showcases how scientists and communities are working to keep food on our plates for generations to come. In this episode, Niba visits Charleston, South Carolina, where she learns how Carolina Gold Rice became a staple of the U.S. thanks to the Gullah/Geechee community. Niba also talks to Dr. Terri Long to explore how her research on iron uptake in plants could fight malnutrition and anemia by revealing a path toward creating staple crops like rice that contain more iron.
Learn more:
Luana Graves Sellars https://lowcountrygull...
Rollen Chalmers https://rollensrawgrai...
Akua Page https://www.futnuss.com/
Dr. Terri Long https://cals.ncsu.edu/...
*additional credit: Production Assistant - Ariel Traylor
Hungry Planet is a joint production between Helicase Media LLC and STEMedia Inc.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 5 months ago
Someone made a reimagining of Gullah Gullah Island
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lowcountry-gothic · 11 months ago
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Chapel of Ease Ruins in St. Helena Island, South Carolina. Photos by Kim Graham.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year ago
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Historians from Southern Illinois University in the Africana Studies Department documented about 20 title words from the Kikongo language are in the Gullah language. These title words indicate continued African traditions in Hoodoo and conjure. The title words are spiritual in meaning. In Central Africa, spiritual priests and spiritual healers are called Nganga. 
In the South Carolina Lowcountry among Gullah people a male conjurer is called Nganga. Some Kikongo words have a "N" or "M" in the beginning of the word. However, when Bantu-Kongo people were enslaved in South Carolina the letters N and M were dropped from some of the title names. For example, in Central Africa the word to refer to spiritual mothers is Mama Mbondo. In the South Carolina Lowcountry in African American communities the word for a spiritual mother is Mama Bondo. In addition during slavery, it was documented there was a Kikongo speaking slave community in Charleston, South Carolina
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ausetkmt · 2 years ago
The Gullah and Geechee culture on the Sea Islands of Georgia has retained ethnic traditions from West Africa since the mid-1700s. Although the islands along the southeastern U.S. coast harbor the same collective of West Africans, the name Gullah has come to be the accepted name of the islanders in South Carolina, while Geechee refers to the islanders of Georgia. Modern-day researchers designate the region stretching from Sandy Island, South Carolina, to Amelia Island, Florida, as the Gullah Coast—the locale of the culture that built some of the richest plantations in the South.
Many traditions of the Gullah and Geechee culture were passed from one generation to the next through language, agriculture, and spirituality. The culture has been linked to specific West African ethnic groups who were enslaved on island plantations to grow rice, indigo, and cotton starting in 1750, when antislavery laws ended in the Georgia colony.
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Courtesy of Georgia Archives.
Rice plantations fostered Georgia’s successful economic competition with other slave-based rice economies along the Eastern Seaboard. Coastal plantations invested primarily in rice, and plantation owners sought out Africans from the Windward Coast of West Africa (Senegambia [later Senegal and the Gambia], Sierra Leone, and Liberia), where rice, indigo, and cotton were indigenous to the region. Over the ensuing centuries, the isolation of the rice-growing ethnic groups, who re-created their native cultures and traditions on the coastal Sea Islands, led to the formation of an identity recognized as Geechee/Gullah.
There is no single West African contribution to Geechee/Gullah culture, although dominant cultural patterns often correspond to various agricultural investments. For example, Africa’s Windward Coast was later commonly referred to as the Rice Coast in recognition of the large numbers of Africans enslaved from that area who worked on rice plantations in America.
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Photograph by WIDTTF 
Gullah is thought to be a shortened form of Angola, the name of the group first imported to the Carolinas during the early colonial period. Geechee, historically considered a negative word identifying Sea Islanders, became an acceptable term in light of contemporary evidence linking it to West Africa. Although the origins of the two words are not definitive, some enslaved Africans along the coast had names that were linked to the Kissi group, leading to speculation that the terms may also derive from that particular culture.
Linguist Lorenzo Dow Turner researched and documented spoken words on the coast during the 1930s, traced similarities to ethnic groups in West Africa, then published the Gullah dialect lexicon, Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect (1949). His research confirms the evolution of a new language based on West African influences and English. Many words in the coastal culture could be matched to ethnic groups in West Africa, thereby linking the Geechee/Gullah people to their origins. Margaret Washington Creel in A Peculiar People: Slave Religion and Community-Culture among the Gullahs (1988) identifies cultural and spiritual habits that relate to similar ethnic groups of West Africans who are linked by language. Her research on the coastal culture complements Turner’s findings that Africans on the Sea Islands created a new identity despite the tragic conditions of slavery.
Cultural Heritage
Documentation of the developing culture on the Georgia islands dates to the nineteenth century. By the late twentieth century, researchers and scholars had confirmed a distinctive group and identified specific commonalities with locations in West Africa. The rice growers’ cultural retention has been studied through language, cultural habits, and spirituality. The research of Mary A. Twining and Keith E. Baird in Sea Island Roots: African Presence in the Carolinas and Georgia (1991) investigates the common links of islanders to specific West African ethnicities.
The enslaved rice growers from West Africa brought with them knowledge of how to make tools needed for rice harvesting, including fanner baskets for winnowing rice. The sweetgrass baskets found on the coastal islands were made in the same styles as baskets found in the rice culture of West Africa. Sweetgrass baskets also were used for carrying laundry and storing food or firewood. Few present-day members of the Geechee/Gullah culture remember how to select palmetto, sweetgrass, and pine straw to create baskets, and the remaining weavers now make baskets as decorative art, primarily for tourists.
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Image from Richard N Horne
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Photograph by Sharon Maybarduk
In 1997 the two women met in the African village to share and reenact what was understood as a Mende funeral song, sung only by the women of Jabati’s family lineage, who conducted the funerals of the village. Evidence suggests that a female member of Moran’s family had been forced into captivity from the village nearly 200 years before. The return of the song and the visit from the Moran family led to a countrywide celebration that can be viewed in the documentary The Language You Cry In (1998). The discovery of the song and subsequent linguistic research confirmed yet another link between the cultures of West Africa and the Georgia coast.
Such corresponding practices as similar names, language structures, folktales, kinship patterns, and spiritual transference are but a few areas that suggest a particular link between the southeastern coastal culture of the United States and Sierra Leone in West Africa.
Thousands of enslaved laborers from Georgia and South Carolina who remained loyal to the British at the end of the American Revolution (1775-83) found safe haven in Nova Scotia in Canada and thus gained their freedom. Many returned to Sierra Leone in 1791 and the following year established Freetown, the capital city. Members of that group are identified today as Krio.
Fugitives from slavery were also harbored under Spanish protection in Florida prior to the Second Seminole War (1835-42). Native American refugees from around the South formed an alliance with self-emancipated Africans to create the Seminole Nation. The name Seminole is from the Spanish word cimarrón, meaning runaway. The 1842 agreement between the United States and Spain, which ended the Seminole hold on Florida, caused a migration to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). Some Seminoles followed Spanish protectors to Cuba and to Andros Island in the Bahamas.
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Photograph by Jennifer Cruse Sanders
During the 1900s, land on some of the islands—Cumberland, Jekyll, Ossabaw, Sapelo, and St. Simons —became resort locations and reserves for natural resources. The modern-day conflict over resort development on the islands presents yet another survival test for the Geechee/Gullah culture, the most intact West African culture in the United States. Efforts to educate the public by surviving members of the Geechee/Gullah community, including Cornelia Bailey of Sapelo Island and the Georgia Sea Island Singers, help to maintain and protect the culture’s unique heritage in the face of such challenges.
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pamwmsn · 8 months ago
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Donna Brass artwork. Gullah culture.
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broadcastarchive-umd · 2 years ago
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"Daughters of the Dust," made in association with the PBS series "American Playhouse," aired in July 1992. The film, set in the Sea Islands off the South Carolina-Georgia coast at the turn of the 19th century, followed members of a Gullah family on the eve of their migration north. After 13 seasons on PBS, "American Playhouse" was canceled in 1996.
UMD Special Collections  |  Tumblr Archive  |  Ask A Question
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year ago
💙 Happy Gullah-Geechee Heritage Month to our brothers & sisters of Gullah-Geechee Nation 💙
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