#disabled grief
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ethaninthewilde · 6 days ago
having a disability that would have been easily preventable had I just been treated properly as a child is a different type of grief.
the doctors told my parents I needed surgery. I spent my teenage years telling them i was in pain, asking for the surgery. and they refused. they refused. it wasn't even that we couldn't afford it or we lived somewhere we couldn't access the healthcare--we weren't bad for money, we lived the in the state's capital city. it would've been primarily covered by australia's public healthcare system. it wasn't a risky surgery. but they refused and i still don't know why. something that could've been easily done with and had no lasting impacts had they just gotten it treated has me now in a wheelchair. what was supposed to be one surgery is now at least four and it won't even fix all of it. i tell the surgeon what the condition is and he goes "but that's easily treatable as a child" i know. "why didn't the doctors pick up on it?" they did. "why didn't your parents get it fixed as a kid?" i don't know. i don't know. i will never know. fuck.
i haven't seen my dad in a while but when i talk about my wheelchair i wonder if he feels guilty. i try to love him but i can't help but feel like his choices stole my life from me. what could've been. what should've been. i love my disabled community and what it's given me and i try so hard to be okay with it all and most of the time i am but i miss skating. i miss hiking. i miss sailing and swimming and dance. and i could've had all of that if they'd just said yes to a single fucking basic surgery.
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tinkerotr · 1 year ago
as inclusive and accommodating as i am, it still took me until now to accept that it’s a grieving process, going from engaging with myself as able bodied, to disabled.
The amount of things I miss doing but that bring me no joy because they are painful, is so confusing. The frustration I feel whenever I’m faced with a new inconvenience i hadn’t experienced yet, because my body can no longer do that thing, is hard to get over.
Growing up and developing as unknowingly disabled, because of how high functioning i was and because of cultural reasons, has brought damage to my body but to my mental health mostly. it’s like i have to interact with a whole new person that i still don’t understand what she needs, and that frustrates me more often than anything.
and that makes me sad. there’s a little girl inside of me who was never attended to the way she needed, who felt pain and thought it was better to hide it, so that she’s easier to love. this little girl deserves to discover what she can and can’t do without judgement, and I want to try my best and offer her kindness, compassion, affection, and acceptance. She did everything for me, she kept me going to this day, i owe her that much.
grieving has many facets, and it’s often for the living.
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rabbit-heart4 · 1 year ago
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sopranoentravesti · 2 years ago
Man periodically I think about the people who supported the Ashley X treatment and wish them a very die.
(Un)friendly reminder that bodily autonomy is a disability rights issue as well as a trans and feminist issue.
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babygirlfeidu · 10 months ago
how nice it must be to not be disabled. how nice it must be to not feel at the mercy of your support system, who have the choice to walk away at any time from you, for whatever reason. how nice it must be to be able to live independently. how nice it must be to not need the constant aid of others to get by with daily living activities. how nice it must be to not need to create elaborate systems just to function. how nice it must be to be able to report your symptoms to a doctor and be told that there is a procedure that can cure the problem. how nice it must be that the cure doesnt rely on your willpower and determination to make yourself better, that an external source can improve things for you. how nice it must be to be able to look that cure in the face and say, no, id rather not after all.
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hanslwrites · 2 years ago
A Fruitless Wish
Would you scream with me Drive through the night The flickering fear of my wish growing with the shadow of every streetlight we pass along the way Where are we going...is it any better than where we've been?
Would you scream first When the sound sticks in my throat So desperate to open up that I shutdown at the magnitude of everything so long held in I can't, I can't, I can't - my usual refrain echoing endlessly inside my head A habit hard to break (don't let go, play nice, stay quiet) I can't. My voice breaks instead (I break a touch more with each second I deny myself)
Would you scream louder and longer Holding steady, an unwavering faith that I will join you (holding me steady without a touch) Your voice a rampage of emotion...what does it say? Is it my rage reflected and given over so much more easily by you? Is it a rallying cry? Telling me over and over: let go, just let go Or is it another thing entirely? A love song too raw for words
Would you scream with me, just because I asked No persuasion required, no second guessing My request a call to action taken up immediately Your pleasure evident at any way to help, however strange or brief
We can't scream forever, if I can scream at all But that journey would be taken together A string of moments that might make a little more sense of the world If only to us, if only for my heart feeling a little less broken, despite the rest of myself
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megthemariner · 2 months ago
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@ryebreadgf / The Truth About Grief, Fortesa Latifi / bone deep, m.v.e / Sidewalk, Richard Silken / unknown / 60 hours, m.v.e / @itsblackleader / Salt, Nayyirah Waheed / @heavensghost
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chronicallyjune · 6 months ago
The lull of September doesn't last long
The market sale ended up going well!! I ended up using some of the money to get some clothes that are more in line with my current vintage style, very nice. Lots of people said they liked my style and bought from me, I can't wait to sell again. It was a good way to turn something I'm known for and possibly seen weird for into a little bit of power. I was very grateful to my friend for helping me watch and manage my table, he seemed to like some of what I had too. (I would never convert someone to the vintage brain rot shhh)
Onto a different subject: grief
I don't want talking about this heavy topic turn into personal venting but I think it's important to talk about the experience of grief and mourning when you are disabled/chronically ill/neurodivergent/traumatized etc. I think a lot of able bodied and neurotypical people have expectations when it comes to grief and the loss of loved ones, especially the expectation that everyone will express these feelings in a similar way. As someone with a chronic illness on top of neurodivergence, I experience grief in a way that could be seen as atypical. I've already spent so long morning myself and my physical state in some small way every day, and I know what waits for me at the end of the path. I also have a hard time holding onto flimsy hopes and chances, I'm not big on believing in miracles. What seems to effect me the most emotionally (besides the stress which I'll get there in a minute) is the feeling of grief in others. The weight of grief in a room and in the air and over the phone becomes choking for me as a highly empathetic person, I tend to absorb other's feelings on the matter. Taking on all this usually leads to a lot of stress that effects me a lot physically and sometimes staying out of things is better for me personally because of my physical health. Even if it upsets others, my health and boundaries are important this time around. Last time I went through this I was sick for months, and I can't let myself get like that if I can help it. Its hard watching my body take on this stress outside of my control but I am prioritizing myself as much as I can. The company and support of friends has been good.
Now for something else~
I have some plots for small oil paintings soon perhaps, I want to paint more for myself and personal inspiration more. I think it's something I deserve as an artist. I can't decide if i want to buy some cheap canvas or gesso pages in my sketch book (much harder to let it dry). But I've taken reference images I want to use for a small personal project. Once I get caught up and get past this work section here maybe I'll do that. (I need ADHD meds that work badly)
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jayne-hecate-writer · 2 years ago
Mountains... revisited
As a former climber, mountaineer and maniac for mountain sports, it was a joy to come back to the mountains once again, this time in a completely new way.
My dedication to mountain sports was prematurely stopped by illness and disability and so I sort of came to the conclusion that I would never see the mountains again. However, a strange series of events, the love of my friends and family and a determination to give it a shot, led to my return to the Snowdonia mountain range after a gap of twenty years. Obviously this came with a cost and that was in pain and suffering. My body has taken the hit surprisingly well, with only one minor meltdown and a complete failure to comply with my demands. However, this is why we have pain killers and comfortable beds.
The trip started with strapping my faithful friend, Sylvie my Suzuki SV650 to a trailer on the back of my car.
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With some glorious company in the form my wife, her daughter and her daughter's girlfriend, we set off on an adventure. Well once all of the annoying mechanical problems had been fixed! We won't go into them here, but let us just say that my patience has been truly tested.
Our adventure took us to North Wales, a place that I loved with a lot of climbing passion back in my twenties and thirties. This year I turn fifty and to be honest I am not sure how I feel about this. I am clearly no spring chicken, but I resent the idea that I am old, I still have toys, albeit big shiny silver ones and I am still very silly with my toys.
Carol rode from our home in Somerset to Wales on her trusty Kawasaki ZRX1100, a true beautiful beast of a bike and Alice rode her Kawasaki GTR1400, a machine that is a mix of sports bike and comfy sofa. The ride up was fun, but the wind on the bridge across the Severn was terrifying. The poor little car felt like it was going to be thrown off at any time.
We arrived safely at a beautiful little farm and set up base camp in a converted grain store. The roof was hilariously low and sloping, but inside it had a basic luxury that was joyous. We unloaded Sylvie and prepared for the week ahead. Our first ride out was a gentle local ride, taking in my old play ground of Tremadog. I spent many happy (and some terrifying) moments on the climbs at Tremadog and enjoyed camping in the field behind Eric's Café. To my utter horror Eric's has gone, replaced by some modern, electronic self service, anti-climber hipster shit hole. With security cameras, huge warning signs and strict private property notices, it has become a hugely unwelcoming place and with a heavy heart we quickly left.
The following day was the big ride out, the trip to Snowdon itself. More correctly known as Yr Wyddfa, the mountain is the second highest in the UK, being around 1030 metres above sea level. I have spent many happy hours playing in this region, climbing some of the classic lines and basically living in the moment. To return on my motorbike with my beautiful family wiped away those frivolous memories and gave me new, happier and more peaceful ones.
The ride was glorious, the roads were hard work, but I loved every second of it, even when I got beyond exhausted and moved into migraine territory. The last ten miles was the hardest, most demanding motorcycle riding I have ever done due to how poorly I was feeling and there were moments when I simply had to grit my teeth and hope for the best as I twisted my throttle and went for an over take. Once back at the house, I boiled over into a grotty, shivering, crying mess and after swallowing incredibly strong painkillers, retired to bed.
I have no regrets, the riding was amazing, even though it caused me a lot of pain. Sylvie was faultless and my little family were beautiful. So despite the pain, I could not be happier. I no longer have this chasm of grief in my heart for the mountains. Instead, I have softer, kinder and happier memories of being truly at peace with myself in an environment that I truly love.
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All photo's have been provided by my partner Carol, for which I am very grateful. A feature length Youtube video will no doubt follow soon given that both Carol and Alice are film makers of some talent. Until then, just know this. No matter what happens from now, in this moment, I am truly happy.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months ago
One thing I rarely see in injury and chronic pain fics is the grief that comes with missing out on stuff you love because you can no longer do them without hurting yourself. Writers who have been disabled their whole lives (or at least a long time) tend to forget that not all disabled people are used to being disabled. For able-bodied characters, especially athletic ones like vigilantes, a serious injury could mean a jarring change that includes giving up the things that mean the most to them.
I was physically fine until I was 18. Back then, my sense of self was entwined with interests that required a lot of movement and dexterity. I started doing MMA in middle school for self-defense. I loved parkour and even had a few hundred subscribers on my old YouTube channel. I learned to shoot and was gifted my first gun when I was 16. I took up multiple instruments. You get the idea.
My motorcycle accident fucked up the joints on my left side—my knee and shoulder especially, but also wrist to an extent. When it first happened, I thought I'd be on crutches for a bit but things would eventually get back to normal. The pain didn't go away even after I got rid of the crutches but I figured it was just residual and I should do what I'd been doing before. It's why I turned to substances—to block the pain and do what I love, but that's another topic. I didn't recognize my injury as a disabling thing until the end of the pandemic, when I put my parkour channel on an indefinite hiatus because it was seriously wearing my body down. It might sound silly to you but I was devastated. It's like if Spider-Man wasn't allowed to swing from buildings. It took me a long time to make peace with losing that part of me.
Another piece of that grief is even when you can do stuff, it's not the same because you have to exclude certain aspects of it for your own health. It's like the Robin that died and came back wrong. I can't use certain gym equipment and I have to tell my sparring partners what to avoid. I don't go to the shooting range much now because I can't extend my arm and hold a rifle for the amount of time it takes to aim without it starting to hurt. I'm a drummer, but I need breaks throughout the setlist and I can't do anything too fast or complex with the pedals, which means I can't play some of my favorite songs and my band is limited in what we write and perform. I can't take my motorcycle on road trips without frequent rest stops. Making accommodations helps physically, but emotionally, they're not always easy to accept because that means accepting the pain as a long-term disability rather than a temporary setback.
This got super long because I think it's unexplored in fics so some tips for creators:
First, learn how the body works and how stupidly fast and easy it is to get hurt. Mine was on a residential road because I didn't pay attention for 0.2 seconds
Learn the difference between internalized ableism and being upset over becoming disabled. I think a lot of writers skip over the feelings someone would naturally experience because it can be construed as ableism. Let them be in denial, sad, angry, etc. upon finding out because acceptance almost never happens right away. That's different from being a dick to themselves or others based on disability
Also, not everyone uses the same labels or has the same vocabulary to describe themselves. Different characters will have different ways of describing depending on their personality, level of knowledge, where they come from, and their relationship with their disability. I still don't really call myself disabled since I don't have it as bad as others so I tell people what happened instead (anyone who says "differently abled" will receive a different ability from me in the Denny's parking lot)
Think about how they cope with their new disability. Do they realize it's a disability right away? Do they talk to someone? Search desperately for a cure? Numb the pain? Turn to alternative methods? Do they worry about something else first, like money? Do they develop something else because of it, like a mental illness? Again, coping poorly is not ableism
What stays the same and what changes? I think about the difference between Forrest Gump and Lieutenant Dan after they were both wounded in battle
If they have a passion they can no longer pursue, it doesn't make much sense for them drop it so readily. Maybe they find a way to continue with accommodations (a good place to get creative!). Maybe they try and push through anyway. If they do ultimately resign, include the thought process and internal conflict behind it
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shadowmilksdoll · 2 months ago
ok.. I caved I didnt want to but ive been so broken by this year i did it.
i hate ever asking but im in a bind. i dont want donations or money if ur unable, we all have our struggles. but helping spread mutual aid for someone chronically ill and disabled would genuinely mean the world ;^; im struggling with a lot in my body, i have precancer so recovery can take longer than usual. (if needed i can show proof) and with the collapsed lung its been hell
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blindedbythedarkness · 24 days ago
"Haha look at these conspiracy theorists saying Covid isn't real and to stop being so afraid! What dumbassery!"
Okay but you're not wearing a mask. You understand how that's exactly what these people want right? You're giving them exactly what they want. For everyone to pretend there's no Covid anymore. Functionally, you are the same as this conspiracy theorist. Do better.
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strryhaze · 3 months ago
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rosemary kennedy
true compass, ted kennedy / irene from red velvet, gq magazine / if your hands are full of fire, l.a. johnson / would’ve could’ve should’ve, taylor swift .
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Very true.
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positivelyqueer · 10 months ago
hey, if you’re feeling upset or grieving over your disability or chronic illness, I’m here to sit with you. It’s okay if all you feel is hurt right now. You don’t have to rush to look for silver linings and disabled joy. Those things will be there when you’re ready. Right now we can just sit together and grieve what could have been, what was lost, and the hurt that we experience in the now. We’re going to get through this together.
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scribefindegil · 4 months ago
been really scared about burning out all my friends by asking for too much help but I think what's actually happened is that I've hit a wall where I myself am just too burned out to do the asking
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