#limb length discrepancy
ouchiemyspine · 1 year
last 11 mins of disability pride month for me - I'd like to say , hope everyone with limb length discrepancy had a great one 🥳 we are not talked about enough
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drforambhuta · 6 months
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Common Pediatric Orthopedic Conditions:
1. Developmental Hip Dysplasia (DDH): DDH involves hip joint abnormalities, requiring early screening and treatment like braces or surgery for severe cases, particularly common in females and breech-positioned infants.
2. Clubfoot (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus): This condition, affecting 1 in 1000 births, demands personalized treatment plans, ranging from casting to corrective surgeries, to address inwardly twisted feet and tight Achilles tendons.
3. Scoliosis: Vigilant monitoring and intervention, including bracing or surgery for moderate to severe cases, are essential to manage lateral spine curvature during adolescence and mitigate associated symptoms.
4. Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Characterized by knee pain in active adolescents, this condition necessitates conservative measures like rest and physical therapy to alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrence.
5. Pediatric Fractures: Children's fractures require appropriate immobilization and follow-up care to ensure optimal healing and minimize long-term complications, with surgery reserved for complex cases.
6. Neuromuscular Conditions: Disorders like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy require multidisciplinary management to address musculoskeletal abnormalities and optimize mobility through tailored interventions.
7. Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD): LLD may be managed conservatively with orthotic devices for mild cases or surgical procedures for significant discrepancies to achieve functional harmony.
8. Pediatric Sports Injuries: Prevention strategies and prompt management of sports-related injuries are crucial for minimizing downtime and preventing long-term complications in children and adolescents.
9. Genetic Disorders: Conditions like Marfan syndrome and osteogenesis imperfecta require a multidisciplinary approach to address musculoskeletal manifestations and associated complications through various treatment modalities.
Orthopedic conditions can be detected and treated early-on in children by opting for a regular full body health checkup for children at a good hospital.
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ask-doctor-isami · 4 hours
Yuri receives a text from Romeo? It's rather unexpected that he has his number still.
Send me Kirisaki's measurements
WtA, IS, ULC, LLC, W, H, StW, AL, UAC, LAC, B, and N should be enough.
No, his shoe size too
RS on all fingers
How many piercings does he have and where
That's a lot of acronyms. Did he get all that? / @ficoandleo
Yuri stares at the text, initially startled that Romeo would ever text him first. He can understand most of the acronyms, they're not too dissimilar to the medical ones and he'd already been through a panic about LLD with Jiro early on into the repair process.
He wants....all of Jiro's measurements? It's not like he doesn't have the numbers, he re-inspects them regularly. He's just not sure why Romeo, of all people, wants them.
[Why do you need all these? Don't tell me you've finally warmed up to Mortkranken and want to give the overworked ghouls a present.]
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Pediatric Orthopedic Doctor in Indore | Dr. Pushpvardhan Mandlecha
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hi! I have a character that has a slight limp due to injury, Im not sure if it counts as a disability or if this is the correct place to ask since what I find online differs a lot, but I figured it wasn’t wrong to ask. I’d like to know if there’s some advice from someone with personal experience. I know it depends on many factors, like the type of injury, the severity, etc. But I think all kind of input would be nice! I’m specially interested in difficulties people don’t usually consider (Does your bad leg bothers you even if you’re sitting down? Is there something that aggravates it that isn’t usually considered?) and misconceptions people may have (How much can you actually endure? Can you actually push yourself to do something (like run) or is it straight up imposible?). Most of the things I find online are about cures and hypotheticals so I’d like to know more about the mechanics about living with one. Any advice would be useful! Thanks!
Yes, a limp can be a disability, especially if the underlying cause of it affects the person in other ways too. That being said, there are people who have permanent limps that wouldn't consider themselves to be disabled, which may be why you've found some conflicting information online.
To give some context for my further answers: I have a pretty bad limp in my right leg, which was caused by a past injury and has only gotten worse over time due to my chronic pain and issues with my joints -- especially those in the lower half of my body. I use a cane full time because of it and have used a wheelchair before when it gets bad.
You are right that it depends a lot on somebody's specific situation such as the cause and severity of their limp, but it also depends on other factors such as the part of their leg that is affected and any other conditions they may have.
Keep in mind that a limp is always the result of something, not the cause.
In my case, it's from my past injury to the leg as well as my chronic pain and other condition(s). However, the root cause isn't always pain in the leg or even in the leg at all. A limp can also be caused from an injury to the spine/back or other places in the body, chronic conditions such as arthritis, limb differences such as a leg length discrepancy, several neurological conditions, and a whole host of other things.
Because of all the different causes of a limp and the different factors that can impact somebody's situation, people's experiences can differ greatly. I can only speak from my own experience, so please keep that in mind.
Now, to address some specific questions you've asked:
Does your bad leg bother you even if you're sitting down?
I'm at the point where I don't typically notice my pain unless it's much better or much worse than usual. It's just a constant sensation in my life that I've gotten used to (For lack of a better term).
That said: I find that my bad leg is usually bothering me regardless of the position, though sitting or laying down is almost always better for it. It doesn't stop the pain entirely, but it does help to ease it and prevent my leg from feeling stiff or cramping.
With that in mind, it depends on how I'm sitting. Having my leg folded up (Such as when sitting cross legged) or sitting on my leg is the worst, even compared to standing, especially when in close quarters such as the back or middle seat in a car.
Most of the time, I'm fine with sitting in a chair normally or even cross legged with my bad leg pulled up but having my leg stretched out is better since it doesn't start to cramp or seize up.
The best position I've found is sitting normally on a chair with my bad leg outstretched and propped up slightly on a stool or a lower chair. Propping it up too high (Such as straight out or above the chair I'm sitting on) causes my knee to overextend, which makes my pain worse, while propping it up too low is just an awkward position and doesn't help.
On days when it's worse, sitting down doesn't do much for me except stop the pain from actively getting worse. These are usually the days where I can't stand for longer than a minute or two unassisted and for around five minutes with my cane or another support.
Is there something that aggravates it that isn't usually considered?
To be honest, I rarely see characters with limps in the media I consume so I'm not sure what kind of things are already considered as it is. That said, here are some of the factors I find make it worse:
Overuse: Being on my feet or pushing myself the previous day can cause the next day to be much worse. Before I stopped being able to play sports, I found that my limp was always worse after a hockey game or a particularly active practice. I'm still fairly active even without organized sports (Though I do play wheelchair basketball on occasion) and I now find that my leg is worse and my limp is more pronounced after I've been hiking or walking around.
Underuse: On the other hand, spending the day in bed or in one position also doesn't do me any good. My leg begins to ache and cramp up if I can't stretch it frequently. In general, a good balance for me has always been shorter, frequent walks throughout the day or one longer but slow-paced walk.
Standing Still: This may sound counter-intuitive but standing still (Or generally keeping my leg in the same position for so long) actually aggravates my leg more than being active does. Walking around allows me to move and stretch my leg out. Keeping it in one position too long makes the pain worse and causes it to seize up and cramp. If I'm able to, I'll usually try walking back and forth or even just taking a few steps but sometimes this isn't possible when waiting in line.
Weather: When there's a sudden shift in the weather, especially in the air pressure or when it becomes damp, my leg tends to ache more and be more stiff. Usually this is when a big storm is coming or there's a drastic shift in temperature but even just cold or damp weather in general makes it worse. I don't fully understand the science behind it myself, but this article [Link] goes into it a bit.
Other Injuries/Pain: Though this isn't something people tend to think about, having pain in other parts of the body (Especially the opposite leg) can make my limp worse. If it's pain in a completely different part of the body such as a headache or stomach ache, it usually has no effect. For pain in my back, arms, or other leg, however, it can have a big effect. This is usually because my bad leg has to compensate in some way. This could mean putting more weight on my bad leg to take weight off of a sprained ankle on my 'good' leg, walking with a slightly different gait to avoid worsening back pain, or needing to use my cane on the other side to compensate for shoulder/arm pain.
Poor Footwear: This is one I am... very guilty of. My combat boots don't have the best support but they're what I have right now and I can’t afford better footwear or orthotics right now. This is to say, wearing poor footwear such as flipflops, sandals, or other shoes without proper support will make a limp worse. I don't personally notice much of a difference with my boots since I use them all the time regardless but wearing flipflops is very difficult because I have no stability in them.
Something to note is that sometimes bad days can come on with seemingly no cause at all. Though I don't doubt that there is something influencing it in the background, it's not always possible to pinpoint what it is.
How much can you actually endure? Can you actually push yourself to do something (Like run) or is it straight up impossible?
On a good day, I'm sure I could run for a bit if I absolutely had to but I would certainly be paying for it later. Running puts a lot of strain on my leg and I know from experience that on a very bad day, I wouldn't be able to get very far without my leg giving out, even if it was a life or death situation. I'm unsure how adrenaline would effect that, however.
Something to keep in mind is that for a lot of people with limps and/or chronic pain (Myself included), the pain is rarely linear. There are days where I feel great and I barely notice it and there are other days where I can hardly walk without wanting to cry from the pain. And I have a fairly high pain tolerance.
In general, I am fairly fast with my cane. I'm able to walk at the same speed as most people my age and I generally tend to outpace them on a good day. My cane helps me avoid putting too much weight/strain on my leg and also helps with my balance issues. Without my cane, I'm usually in too much pain and don't have the stability to walk normally.
Whenever I do have to push myself to do something (Such as navigating the stairs during a fire drill or carrying my gecko's terrarium into my room), I try to get ahead of the pain if it doesn't show up immediately. Ice packs help to mitigate any swelling or pain that might come and I usually have pain meds with me to take just in case. I usually take a Tylenol (Or the generic version) and an Advil (Or the generic version). This is at the advice of my doctor to help with my specific issues, I strongly advise against mixing pain meds without approval from your doctor.
Phew, that was more than I thought I'd type about this! Hopefully some of this is helpful, I'm also happy to answer any more questions you might have!
~ Mod Icarus
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pixies-and-poets · 10 months
Hello everyone!
Super Mario RPG has been in my life for over 15 years, but it wasn't until the remake came out that I gave it significant space in my brain. Both the absolute joy and love that the remake invokes, as well as the renewed fandom around it, have gotten me obsessed with some of these characters like never before.
Even so, I've been a bit hesitant to write or put some of my ideas out there... it's a very old fandom, one in which I feel so many interesting story ideas and philosophical angles to these characters must have already been explored, since the days of forum roleplays and the heyday of sprite comics which I remember from my earliest years online. It makes it somewhat intimidating for me to write down my own ideas for fear of retreading old ground that I didn't even know had been trod. Or perhaps just not being nearly as interesting as fanon that has existed before.
....But I'm also really obsessed and I need to get some stuff out of my brain. So I'm just gonna try some things! For fun!
And therefore I present to you, my first ever SMRPG writing. Let me know if you like it, and there will be more!
PS: the way I'm resolving the name discrepancy between some of the characters mentioned here, is that I take their remake names to be the names Smithy gave them, and their "original" names to be the names they eventually take for themselves. That just feels right to me. But that is not yet relevant to this story.
So, without further ado...
The Forging
This one wasn’t much to look at. Yet.
Smithy had given this project days of nonstop planning and engineering- then hours upon hours of heating, hammering, grinding, polishing, the bright sparks flying ceaselessly in his workshop, the sound of his hammer ringing out like a song on repeat. Everything was calculated to ensure just the right amount of sturdiness and strength while maintaining a lightweight flexibility. The perfect incarnation of a spear.
But what it all amounted to, as far as an untrained eye could see, was an unassuming wire-frame of spindly limbs, attached to a cauldron-like lower belly for some weight. The inert body lay stretched out on the slab like a stick figure, more like the beginning sketch of a piece of art than its end product.
That was alright. It was only the beginning, after all. He still needed details: the flourishes of red that would bring his design to completion, the cape that would serve as the dramatic curtain to cloak his form. More than anything, of course, he needed life. He needed movement.
Of course, he didn’t have a head yet, and that didn’t help matters.
The head alone had taken Smithy a day in itself. But when finished, it was truly a masterpiece. The long and deadly point gleamed in the light of the forge, the very essence of both elegance and danger; below it, the “cheekbones” were two sharp and threatening downward curves, masterfully forged in their grace and symmetry. In between them, the eyes: open and blank. No thoughts stirred them just yet; but soon, there would be more than enough to animate them. This one was to be a thinker, after all.
He heated up the bottom tip once again, just enough so that it glowed, but didn’t melt - and using his tongs, pressed the final touch up inside what looked like the creature’s open snout. The red fibers of the mustache fused and glued themselves to the inner metal. There- the upward-pointing curves that reflected the downward ones above them, the spot of color- now the whole piece was perfection of both craftsmanship and design.
...And it made him look mature. Dignified. Adult. With Bowyer and Claymorton running around, they could certainly use a bit more of that around the place.
Smithy held the head at arm’s length, to admire it for a moment- and then approached the body on the slab. He slotted the head expertly into the joint where the spine arched back into what became a plume, clicking and snapping it into its place; it was meant to be removable, after all.
As he stood back again, the smith noticed that the yellow eyes had closed. Smithy smiled- there had been some reaction; good. He had not failed in his designs. Now his creation slept its primordial sleep, and would awaken when he commanded.
In the meantime, he would work on those final touches. He turned to his workbench to retrieve the accessories that had been created and set aside in advance. He slid and buckled the belt around the creature’s lower body- an unnecessary accoutrement, but a pleasing one. Two red “socks”- really, more like braces, around his ankles, attaching just so, to provide extra cushioning from leaps. And then- well, why not? He picked up the large red plume, which had been-
A scraping and rattling caught Smithy by surprise. He turned quickly, and saw that the Spear was moving his right hand. The skeletal steel fingers, as yet ungloved, scratched at the slab on which they rested. A drumming, a grasping- as if eager.
Suddenly the creature’s entire arm jolted, as if electrified- and his eyes flew open. As Smithy reached his side, the spear-being blinked, looking around groggily- and then he pulled himself up, resting on his elbows, his thin but supple spine curving into a more upright position. He blinked again, and turned his head- the movements of his eyes had already grown restless, darting around the room. They lit on Smithy, still holding the plume, and his eyes widened slightly in surprise.
“Well! You’re here early,” said the blacksmith in amusement. “You aren’t finished yet.” Hungry for life, this one.
The creation pushed himself upwards to a full sitting position. He looked down at his fingers, his shoes, his body… and then back at the other figure in the room.
“Who am I?” were his first words.
Smithy took a moment to respond. In his head, he was reacting to the question, comparing it to the others he had received. “What am I?” Boomer had asked. “Where am I?” was Claymorton’s question. “Who are you?!” was the inquiry from Bowyer, with a nya or two thrown in. And now…
“Your name is Speardovich. You are the sharp and shining spear of my army, who strikes with cleverness and cunning. You are a weapon.”
Feeling a bit silly with the plume in his hands, Smithy took hold of the wire that bent out from behind his creation’s head, and affixed the crest to its place. The activity seemed to startle the newborn being, and when it was done, he shook his head back and forth, feeling out his the new balance. He reached backwards with one of his clawlike hands and ran his fingers through the plume, as one might admire their own luxurious hair. He seemed to like it indeed.
“...What is a weapon?” he asked when he was satisfied with this, looking Smithy in the eyes again, curiously.
“Hmm! Good question.” But this would be easy enough, the blacksmith thought- it was long ago now, but he could still recall the essence of what he had told Boomer.
“A weapon is what we make here- what I make here. My name, by the way, is Smithy- your creator.” He turned back to his table, and came back a moment later with a red glove. He lifted the right wrist of his creation - still limp, weak, confused - and gently slid the hand inside. “Some would say a weapon is an implement designed to cause damage,” he said, as he fitted each finger delicately into its place; surprisingly deft with his own massive hand. “To hurt, to maim, to kill. To destroy.”
He stepped away, and came back with the glove’s left-handed counterpart. “Others would say,” he continued, as he again slid each wiry finger into where it belonged, “That a weapon enables self-defense. To defeat so-called evil, to allow people to live safe and free.”
Finished with the gloving, Smithy held his creation’s smaller hand in his own for just a moment- the one, long-fingered and designed for dexterity, atop the other built for strength. “But either way- a weapon is power. The very idea of power, distilled and manifested into an object. And that, my Speardovich, is what you are. Now- move your hands. Tell me, do those gloves fit well?”
The creation raised his hands, gazing at them, and wiggled and stretched his fingers. He did not answer for a moment.
“So?” prompted the smith. “Is something the matter?”
“I… don’t think it’s the gloves,” said the weapon at last, shaking his head. “It's- it's my hands themselves. They feel… incomplete. They…” he made a grabbing, clutching motion with both of them- he suddenly seemed pitiable, like a child needy for a parent, a role in which Smithy was clearly deficient. “I- I’m sorry, My Lord Smithy. I don’t have the words. I don’t understand-”
“Ah,” said Smithy. “I know what you need. Hold tight.”
He turned yet again to retrieve something, and in a moment returned holding a long rod with a shining steel point at one end. Wrapped near the tip was a bold ribbon of red fabric.
“This is yours,” said the smith. “Of course you yearn for it. It’s part of you.” He stretched out his large hands, presenting the object to his creation.
Said creation’s eyes had grown huge. “My spear,” he said, in awe. He did not need to ask what it was. Not this.
He took it, with desperate swiftness- and closed his eyes. He clutched it across his chest, in both his hands, and something spread across his wiry body, releasing tension he did not even know he had. He did not know the word just yet, but later he would look back and realize it was joy.
Suddenly, in an instinctive movement, he took the spear in his right hand and deftly twirled it, over his head, and to the side of the slab on which he had been born and still sat, pointing it downwards. His eyes opened and he sprang up, his young knees bending like a spring, and he stood upright, pointing and thrusting the spear before him in a series of expert stabs. 
Smithy grinned, giddy and foolish with pride at his work. “Yes!!” he cried. “There you are!! You know who you are, after all!!”
“Indeed,” said Speardovich, looking down from his great height at his creator. His voice had lost the slow, innocent wonder of his early questions- it was now rich and resonant with confidence. “I know who I am.”
“Come down here,” ordered Smithy, and the gangly outline of a figure obeyed, jumping nimbly to the floor. The weaponsmith carried over from the work-table the last accessory, the one that had taken up the vast majority of the space. He took the red-flowing cape and draped it over the back of his newest pride and joy. Speardovich bowed his head, resting the bottom of his spear on the ground, as Smithy proceeded with the cape, buckling the horn-shaped epaulets into the sockets he had forged for them.
“Now, my Spear,” said Smithy, “let us waste no time. I have so much more to tell you- of me, and you, and what you shall do for me. And of course, you will meet your colleagues.”
Speardovich raised himself to his full height- he was taller even than his maker- and hesitated. He tried to suppress his surprise and disappointment- colleagues. Just how many of them were there?? Would they compete for the glory their mutual creator had thus far lavished upon him? Or would they show him the respect and deference he so clearly deserved?
Well, there was only one way to find out- and he would maintain that respect with force, if need be.
He was, after all, a weapon.
“Lead the way, my Lord,” he said with a nod. Then he followed the heavy plod of his creator, his cape and his plume flowing behind him, his spear in his hand, his head held high.
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Do You Know This Disabled Character?
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Zane Obispo has a limb length discrepancy and uses a mobility aid
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garnetea · 1 year
if these lights could cry.
who yandere! trafalgar law x fem black! y/n. length 606 words! warnings i promise i really tried to make him in character okay.. i'm not even in the timeskip *sobbing*. angst/gore. and don't be horny about the boob contact, this is not glorification. unprofessional & dangerous surgery description. organs and blood and poetry and blaaaaah. no consent. unconscious reader. and insinuations of the reader dying that's you ;).
leman's letter! a little pre-description would be: yandere! law touching y/n in places "only they know", and turns out it's a surgery just so he can feel her organs, knowing he's the only one capable of caring for her inside and out. and the only one she must trust to do so at that, since she sleeps so soundly in his bed, with them being lovers and all. surely that's more than trust? surely it's consent? really, regardless, who is she to refuse a check-up if it's doctor's orders?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ★
Loosen your will, lose your drive; drift like lost wood and sink like an angel's feathered spine. Spiders thrive where memories spin forlorn, pearlescent webs of regret, and in that case, el hospital de tu corazon is a cave for bats and daddy long legs.
Spread your arms. Some sedation would do you well, wouldn't it?
Spread your legs. Some fucks to give would last this doctor the rest of the night.
Spread your belly button. Your guts, splice them. Your eyes- no, sorry, we won't dice them..
You're a prepossessing little patient with a particularly possessive, perfectionist lover. But you, you're so perfect, what is there for the doctor to heal or mend or replace? Not a single discrepancy in your spleen, your pancreas is in as little pain as preferred, your thoracic cavity is as hollow as a lost soul. And your heart.
"There's the fun part."
His hands, riddled with letters of death and intentions of.. something akin, softly palm the naked elegance of your breasts. Although consumed by anesthesia, your nipples naturally harden beneath the newfound company, slowly tightening and tickling against his palm creases. Yet he presses deeper- harder- urging your chest into the density of your thoracic cavity until he's sure you should fall apart from the pressure.
Yellow lamps see it all. Hanging from the ceiling, adding to the ambiance of your impending quietus. No amount of flickering or buzzing from the dust-worn bulbs could warn the lingering spirits of those who came before you. Are you to be an exception?
An incision-- no.. three slabs. Just skin, it's just skin, just cells, just tissue. Just an organ- an organ or two. Or five.
He's a doctor, isn't he? He must be sure you're pumping blood where it's due, not swelling or oozing where you shouldn't. Checking off his list: no tumors or cell degeneration, no irritable cysts or parasites. If this means sliding that annoying latex over his hands to ensure you're safe and sound inside and out, he's more than acquiescent to oblige. Hell, to volunteer.
"Just lucky to have me, I guess."
..Debatable. Since one kidney is currently being toyed, twisted, poked, prodded, and pulled out of it's cubby behind your trampoline of a digestion bag. Oh, I mean stomach.
However, stomachs don't usually get sliced open with silver scalpels just for the fact of doing so. Do they? Perhaps "digestion bag" is more appropriate, since you open up quite widely.
Biopsy's vary. Could be fifteen minutes, could be thirty.
For you, more hours fly past than fingers on your limp hands. Spiders crawl into the winter sunrise, abandoning you and your yellow lights of worry to run silent on misery and immobility. Resting points in between the achingly intimate hours hold no weight; they're only for letting your sensitive body lay and recuperate, with your limbs spread apart and numb like you're ready for the slaughter house. You're too perfect to take so much time out of Doctor Trafalgar's day and night. Or perhaps it's because you're so unprecedented in faultlessness that you must amount to such a duration of focus.
He's had to redistribute anesthesia more times than he's enjoyed; you're such a handful. Surely you realize everyone has their reason to lose control.. Which cakey clump of you is pushing his limits this time?
"Jeez, Y/n, don't get so worked up. Going into cardiac arrest again just wastes more time. I can re-attach your heart to the left atrium in a second." A slowed stutter coruscates in his hand like a newborn baby's first and last breath, and he chuckles, comparing your blood hungry heart to such with lidded, heavy, restless eyes. "You're about to turn this into an exhumation."
★ garnetea productions. all rights reserved, do not plagiarize.
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imaganatomy · 1 year
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He only has a dozen digits, because on the last day of this limb difference awareness month... It can be as obvious as a stump, or as subtle as a finger or a length discrepancy.  
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henrysglock · 11 months
Warning: This blog is not a safe space for those who are anti-Palestine. That includes zionists. Also, I will be posting/reblogging ST5 leaks!
24 • he/him • pfp by @.stranger-comet
James' Master List
My Bullshit Theories:
The Big Analysis on The First Shadow (Nearly 50,000 words dissecting All That so you don't have to!)
Local Man Uses The Time Loop To Try And Change His Fate (An outline of the 27-year time loop that exists in Stranger Things Canon, plus an initial dive into the Upside Down's double agent)
D.A.D and The Squawk (The CONFIRMED direct connection between the radio-based Mindflayer Tracking device in TFS and the leaked radio station van)
Mirror, Mirror (The mirror in the Rainbow Room isn’t a mirror at all. It’s a window)
A Second El Has Hit The (Block) Towers (Instances of back-to-back duplicate El scenes in NINA)
This Silver Cat Has Nine Lives (There are nine distinct Brenners in the 4.01 massacre sequence alone)
Shattered Mirrors and Cracked Walls (An analysis of One’s dematerialization scene, the aftermath, and a determination that we’re being shown at least 4 timelines in the 4.07 massacre)
One Does Not Simply Lose A Gate (The 2nd part of the 4.07 massacre aftermath and proof that a timeline exists where Henry/Edward did nothing wrong)
Bloody Eyes, Changing Cracks, and Reversing Mirrors (The 3rd installment in the Cracks and Mirrors series: A pattern in El’s blood not only indicates 2 timelines, but also a non-Vecna One)
Well, Well...Look Whose Limbs Are Still Intact. (Part 4 of the Cracks and Mirrors series: El's eye blood pattern links to specific jumpsuits, it can be used as an indicator of attack style, and it revealed a second teen El in the 4.07 massacre.)
Where Is All The Blood Coming From? (A comparison between the 4.07 massacre's blood and the carnage resulting from democreature attacks)
Local Man Refuses to Pick A Damn Jumpsuit (Matching up the Dimension-X jumpsuits to 4.07 massacre jumpsuits)
Turn Around...Look At What You See...(At least one version of Brenner saw One killing Two in 1979 rather than El with the gate, and I've got receipts for it)
The Store Room Scene In NINA Is Actually A Bunch Of Different Versions of Events Frankenstein'd Together (Contains Concrete Proof)
The First Shadow: Impossible Timeline (The Timeline of the Newspapers Shown In The First Shadow Cannot Exist)
Why Do You, As The Big Bad, Have No Lines Or Powers? (Vecna’s physical form in the UD has no dialogue and doesn’t use psionic powers: evidence and theories)
Psycho Killer, Qu'est-ce Que C'est? (Neither Henry Nor Vecna Are Psychopaths: An In-Depth Behavioral Analysis)
Our Lord and Savior…Vecna? (Why Vecna/One is God, Based On Analysis Of ST4, The Bible, And Other Supporting Media)
The Very Special Easter of 1959 (The Order of Creel-Related Events As Compared To The Catholic Calendar. Read: More Proof That One Is God)
Paper Faces — POTO x ST fusion fic (Complete)
ptolemaea (blessed be the children) — Henry’s fix-it fic (4/?)
Trick of the Light — Henry-Brenner-El centric 4.07 rewrite (2/3)
Papa Warbucks — Henry/Brenner Sugar Daddy AU (1/?)
ABBEY (ft. Henry Creel)
The Colors of ST4 (ft. Le Monde)
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Mini Update
I was informed by another user that I was misusing the term hemiathropy for characters. Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD) is now what is used to describe characters with one limb growing smaller than the other. Hemihypertrophy is now used for characters who have a limb the grow larger due to overproduction in the body.
Hope that clears stuff up
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ouchiemyspine · 1 year
hey anyone else doesnt want to work towards getting better
idk if thats the right wording but im sick of constantly striving towards being able bodied when i know i wont be no matter what i do . i just want accommodations and to not get any worse . im tired . let me be as i am .
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
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This is soooo cursed lmao... why did you make me do this??? I don't know if the prompt is intended to be like. Wearing each other's literal clothes but i went with fully alternate versions of them wearing the other's regular clothes because. They are very different sizes and also gideon has a limb length discrepancy so literal clothing exchange seem weirder.
It also made them into, weirdly, more stock versions of fantasy characters. There's... well not a LOT of them, but a bigger tendancy for fat male fantasy characters (esp openly gay ones like gideon) to be dressed feminine and flowy and adorned, and putting neil in a sharp outfit in addition to being a stodgy middle aged elf just makes him look so forgettable lmao. Why did you make me draw him in paaaants lmaooooooo. Evil. Fucked up.
This was fun though! It was nice to work on something that took a couple hours rather than 12. If anyone else wants to send me an art ask, please do! My partner is abandoning me to visit their family for a week tomorrow so i need the enrichment (i will reblog it again tomorrow)
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
I don't have any good screens for him yet, but my newest salad has been made - an idea that I've been tossing around for a while. In the nature of Inquest experiments, I wondered if it was possible to bonsai a sylvari. Bonsai-ing a plant is highkey pretty mean, at least in my book, doing everything you can to stunt growth, force development in new areas, and direct the plants structure.
Enter Eunfionn, a secondborn, who had the misfortune of being captured by Inquest. Since it's a hc of mine that Sylvari are regenerative to some degree for limbs / appendages (unless a specific type of magic or cauterization occurred) the Inquest have done quite a lot of pruning to him, to test the limits of that regeneration.
As a result, he's a good deal shorter than many Sylvari, with some significant limb length discrepancies/structural changes. He's also my first official soundless kiddo. Eun has yet to reveal much of his personality yet? But the main thing I do get is just like... a very intense cold feeling. Not Villain/Evil but just analytical and cold. Most of my kiddos are hotheaded or down to earth so having one that's just EXTREME cold is a bit unusual for me.
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Pediatric Orthopedic Doctor in Indore | Dr. Pushpvardhan Mandlecha
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Families seeking expert care for their children turn to a Pediatric Orthopedic Doctor in Indore. These specialists address bone and joint concerns in growing children, offering tailored treatments that promote healthy development and a quick return to normal activities.
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kicksnscribs · 2 years
I’ve not been the same since I noticed that Noct has been wearing two different shoes through the majority of the game
Now this can be for one of two different reasons:
1) he was in a rush to get going and wasn’t paying much attention and grabbed anything he could find (SE would probably go for this lol)
2) it’s a result of his injury sustained as a kid that made him develop limb length discrepancy and the shoes are actually helping to correct this.
Which when you throw in all the other things going wrong with him physically you can’t help but feel bad for the guy, he’s probably dealing with a bunch of shit at once while trying to reclaim his throne. (The idea that I’ve personally decided to run with bc it makes the most sense honestly) not to mention the mental stress he’s dealing with also :(
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