#covid conspiracy
personal-blog243 · 2 years
A message for U.S. conservatives about Covid:
If you believed that the “Wuhan red death China virus” was manufactured as a bio weapon to commit genocide and take over the world (or at least the U.S.); why wouldn’t you protect yourself from it? I know you also believe the vaccines were manufactured by the communist authoritarian red Chinese as a bio weapon too, but do you know how frustrating it is to be surrounded by people who have the facts so twisted that they refuse to care about millions of people dying? Ask yourself which U.S. political party are the real authoritarians; the ones who want you to protect yourself and others from the pandemic, or the ones who want you to work for the “economy” that you know damn well will never trickle down. You can’t work when you are sick or taking care of sick family members, so who’s trying to protect the “economy” here?
actual leftists don’t like big pharma, stop fucking accusing whoever you think “the left” is of that. NOBODY ever fucking said there weren’t conflicts of interest involved in the handling of this pandemic, but that’s not a reason to stop trying to protect yourself and others. I will never forget how easily this got politicized. Please consider the possibility that it is you who have been brainwashed.
I know we are basically out of the pandemic stage where I live (cases, deaths, hospitalizations, are all WAY WAY DOWN in my state thank GOD), but I just had to get this out of my system because if we don’t have closure and fully process what happened then it will happen again.
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stlhandyman · 2 years
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timez haven't changed much eh?
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liberalsarecool · 7 months
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Trace all the x/Twitter accounts and Facebook placements to Russia. #ActiveMeasures
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sjw-irritant · 14 days
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
How covid conspiracy theories led to an alarming resurgence in AIDS denialism - Published Aug 7, 2024
Widespread distrust of our public health system is reviving long-debunked ideas on HIV and AIDS—and energizing a broad movement that questions the foundations of disease prevention.
Several million people were listening in February when Joe Rogan falsely declared that “party drugs” were an “important factor in AIDS.” His guest on The Joe Rogan Experience, the former evolutionary biology professor turned contrarian podcaster Bret Weinstein, agreed with him: The “evidence” that AIDS is not caused by HIV is, he said, “surprisingly compelling.”
During the show, Rogan also asserted that AZT, the earliest drug used in the treatment of AIDS, killed people “quicker” than the disease itself—another claim that’s been widely repeated even though it is just as untrue.
Speaking to the biggest podcast audience in the world, the two men were promoting dangerous and false ideas—ideas that were in fact debunked and thoroughly disproved decades ago.
But it wasn’t just them. A few months later, the New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers, four-time winner of the NFL’s MVP award, alleged that Anthony Fauci, who led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for 38 years, had orchestrated the government's response to the AIDS crisis for personal gain and to promote AZT, which Rodgers also depicted as “killing people.” Though he was speaking to a much smaller audience, on a podcast hosted by a jujitsu fighter turned conspiracy theorist, a clip of the interview was re-shared on X, where it’s been viewed more than 13 million times.
Rodgers was repeating claims that appear in The Real Anthony Fauci, a 2021 book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—a work that has renewed relevance as the anti-vaccine activist makes a long-shot but far-from-inconsequential run for the White House. The book, which depicts the elderly immunologist as a Machiavellian figure who used both the AIDS and covid pandemics for his own ends, has reportedly sold 1.3 million copies across all formats.
“When I hear [misinformation] like that, I just hope it doesn’t get traction,” says Seth Kalichman, a professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut and the author of Denying AIDS: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, and Human Tragedy.
But it already has. These comments and others like them add up to a small but unmistakable resurgence in AIDS denialism—a false collection of theories arguing either that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS or that there’s no such thing as HIV at all.
The ideas here were initially promoted by a cadre of scientists from unrelated fields, as well as many science-adjacent figures and self-proclaimed investigative journalists, back in the 1980s and ’90s. But as more and more evidence stacked up against them, and as more people with HIV and AIDS started living longer lives thanks to effective new treatments, their claims largely fell out of favor.
At least until the coronavirus arrived.
Read the full article at either link! (the covidsafehotties archive is always free of annoying in-line ads, jsky!)
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Dr. Anthony Fauci voluntarily testified before a House committee and debunked MAGA Republican conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
While Donald Trump and his lickspittles were telling Americans to drink bleach, take useless malaria pills, stick ultraviolet lights up their butts, and eat horse paste, Dr. Fauci headed an effort to develop vaccines for COVID-19.
A reminder to people with short memories who view the Trump administration as some sort of bucolic paradise: The last quarter of that administration included the worst government response to an infectious disease outbreak since 1920. Trumpsters who want us to ignore Trump's horribly botched response to the pandemic are like cruise-liner enthusiasts who want us to ignore the last 2% of the voyage of the Titanic.
Economic activity ground to a halt in 2020 as the US slid into a recession. I took this picture of a sign at a dollar store which had been completely closed for almost two months.
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The whole Trump clan was disdainful of the sacrifices hundreds of millions of Americans were making.
Why has the U.S. COVID-19 response been so bad? Jared Kushner, Vanity Fair suggests.
At Times Square Jared and Ivanka's contemptuousness was made into an ad before Election Day.
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If you are looking for the Original Sin of Trump's pandemic response, it was on January 22nd when he basically told CNBC's Joe Kernen that COVID-19 was nothing to worry about.
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Of course it wasn't "just fine".
Trump did not declare a state of emergency for seven weeks. That gave the virus plenty of time for it to spread throughout the US.
Republicans know that their Dear Leader totally mishandled the pandemic response. That's why they repeatedly try to make Dr. Fauci a type of scapegoat for Trump's horrendous incompetence. Dr. Fauci has spent his entire career fighting disease. Donald Trump has spent his entire career narcissistically promoting himself.
Harry Truman had a sign on his desk saying: "The Buck Stops Here!" If Trump had a sign on his Oval Office desk (which he seldom used except for photo ops) it would be: "It's Everybody's Fault But Mine!"
Don't be hesitant to remind people of how awful 2020 was. And point the finger of blame at the orange blob who was responsible for the catastrophe.
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asexualsoup · 9 months
Relistened to all the Juno eps so far this season and I think I've stumbled across some subtle foreshadowing.
Twice across only three episodes, Juno says something along the lines of, "A lock isn't actually about keeping your things safe, it's just about buying yourself time."
The fact that it's come up twice makes me think it's trying to tell us something.
There's been a lot of talk about Nureyev's relationship to locks this season. And yeah he's a thief and locks are his thing, yada yada.
And there's also the metaphorical lock he's putting on his emotions right now.
But the specific use of locks in this way, with the way Juno says it, makes me think there's a good chance this comes into play in the actual plot later on. And in a pretty big way.
Like one of them (Juno or Nureyev) using a lock to literally buy time at some point this season.
I mean technically Nureyev already sorta did this when he got Juno locked up in jail lol. But I'm thinking more along the lines of another moment from an earlier season....involving a lock that is used to buy time........
....a pretty infamous scene involving a locked door.....with Nureyev stuck on the other side of it............
Long story short, I think it's very likely we're building up to a repeat of That Moment TM from Final Resting Place.
And honestly, I think the roles will be switched this time.
I think Juno will be on the other side of the door.
Prepare yourselves.
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angelsdean · 1 month
it’s as if ppl have forgotten others will lie for money and attention lol like sorry but I don’t believe a word some random tour guide says (even if it’s confirming my ship!) esp when it’s literally just reiterating what we already have heard misha say about the pre-covid heaven reunion but with random added embellishments to act like there’s “new” info on top of what we already know. also idk why anyone is celebrating that ending, it’s still so shitty like dean only able to “accept” his sexuality once he’s DEAD in heaven ??? When he’s been bisexual on our screens openly flirting with men and doing dudes since the 90s??? Get out of here with that bullshit lmao
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rednblacksalamander · 3 months
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nando161mando · 3 months
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donotdestroy · 4 months
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creature-wizard · 5 months
Ever since COVID vaccines started being a thing, conspiracy theorists started claiming they'd be used to alter people's DNA to turn them into zombies. Several predicted dates for the day the alleged malicious DNA in vaccinated people would activate and trigger the zombie outbreak have come and gone by now, and still no outbreak, lol.
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
Covid was a bioweapon created by the government to kill off many people because they are trying to depopulate the earth. Agree or disagree? Because it's the truth.
Coronavirus refers to any RNA viruses that effect our respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological systems.
Coronaviruses get their names because of their crown-shapes, and were first discovered/identified back in the 1960s. The start of the pandemic in 2020 was a type of coronavirus that was called SARS-CoV-2 which originated from wild animal(s). There were scientific theories about which animals and most agree it was from a wet market in Wuhan, China and that transmission to human beings was a result of close proximity and viral infection from the species (such as bats or pangolins).
Covid was not nor is a bioweapon created by the government. It was a result of what I explained above. Viruses have existed as long as this world has so to reduce this to a conspiracy theory is a one-dimensional take because any biologist, virologist, epidemiologist -any one in a science field with a degree with research in any of the topics and areas of study I mentioned understand how viruses work and operate.
Climate change and global warming are also a factor into the increase/spread of these illnesses, but also the heavy demand for animal-based products all around the world which have lead and will continue to expose human beings to viruses (the Bird Flu/Avian Flu being one example -such as H5N1). Thus, there are plenty of factors that can and will continue to lead to virus outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics -and the government wanting us to work through it is an evil of capitalism, not a government conspiracy.
All we can do is continue to monitor the developments of each virus as it enters into our communities, mitigate our risks, mask up, and take precautions when and where we can when it comes to potential exposure.
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sher-ee · 4 months
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