#disability advocate
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asexual-amanita · 8 days ago
Should people with Tourette’s be allowed in public spaces?
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Your immediate answer is probably yes, but it gets more complicated than just being at stores and daily necessities. Many people have very strong opinions on where I, and people like me, should be allowed.
As someone diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, I am very aware of how my tics can be ‘annoying’ or ‘disruptive’. For the longest time I completely avoided places like libraries and movie theatres because I knew people would think of me as an annoyance and distraction to their peace.
When I did begin to venture into these places, I would get asked to leave, or receive dirty looks and comments about how people “like me” should just stay at home. This was frankly upsetting, because I, like any teenager, wish to be like everyone else, and do the things that everybody does.
Despite this, I believe that we should be allowed in public places, even places like museums, libraries, theatres, and places you typically are supposed to be quiet in. We cannot control our tics, and have just as much right to occupy public spaces and a neurotypical person.
Saying that the tics of people with Tourette’s are “inconvenient” is like saying the seizures from someone with epilepsy are inconvenient. It’s not fair to us. Sure, it annoys you, but imagine how we feel, dealing with our symptoms on a daily basis.
Overall, I deserve the same amount of respect as anyone else. Your reaction to my disability shouldn’t prohibit me from going about my daily life. And frankly, if you can’t handle being around me with my Tourette’s, leave. Your reaction is not my problem.
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Understanding Schizophrenic Hallucinations: Beyond Sight and Sound
When most people think of hallucinations, they often envision vivid visual experiences or unsettling auditory sensations. However, hallucinations associated with schizophrenia encompass a much broader range of experiences that can involve all five senses. It's essential to unpack this complexity to foster a more profound understanding of what individuals living with schizophrenia may face.
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The Nature of Hallucinations
Hallucinations can be defined as perceptions that occur without any external stimulus. They can manifest in various forms:
1. **Auditory Hallucinations**: This is perhaps the most well-known type. Many individuals hear voices that may comment on their actions, converse with one another, or even issue commands. These voices can feel incredibly real and can lead to feelings of confusion, distress, or fear. The tone of these voices can vary significantly; they might be familiar or completely alien, nurturing or abusive.
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2. **Visual Hallucinations**: Some individuals report seeing things that aren't there—shadows, figures, or even detailed scenes. These visual experiences can be disorienting and frightening, impacting one’s sense of reality. For example, someone may see a person standing in the corner of a room, only to realize that there is no one there.
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3. **Olfactory Hallucinations**: While less talked about, smell can play a significant role in hallucinations. Some individuals might perceive foul odors that others do not notice, sometimes associated with memories or feelings of disgust. Conversely, they may experience pleasant smells that provide a fleeting sense of comfort.
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4. **Gustatory Hallucinations**: Taste, too, can be impacted. An individual with schizophrenia might experience tastes that are not present, such as bitterness or metallic flavors that can be unsettling and contribute to a general feeling of unease.
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5. **Tactile Hallucinations**: These involve the sensation of physical touch or movement on the skin. Someone might feel as though insects are crawling on them, or they may experience phantom sensations that can provoke anxiety or distress. This can lead to confusion about what is real and what is not, often exacerbating feelings of fear and paranoia.
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🧠Schizophrenia Sucks🧠
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The Emotional and Psychological Impact
The presence of these hallucinations can lead to significant emotional turmoil. Individuals may feel isolated, fearing that no one can understand their experiences. The unpredictability of when these hallucinations will occur can cause anxiety and make daily life challenging. The reality of living with such experiences is not just about the sensations themselves but also about their implications for one’s mental state and social interactions.
Moreover, hallucinations can interfere with one’s ability to distinguish between reality and illusion, leading to potential misunderstandings in social situations. This misunderstanding can result in strained relationships with friends, family, and coworkers, as others may not comprehend the challenges involved.
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Seeking Support and Understanding
Living with hallucinations requires a robust support system. Therapy, medication, and open lines of communication with loved ones are crucial in managing these symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help individuals develop coping strategies and tools to navigate their experiences, while medication may assist in reducing the frequency and intensity of hallucinations.
Raising awareness about the multifaceted nature of hallucinations in schizophrenia can foster a more compassionate approach from society. Understanding that these experiences can involve all five senses can encourage empathy and support for those affected.
In conclusion, hallucinations in schizophrenia are a complex and often misunderstood aspect of the disorder. They are not limited to just seeing and hearing; they can encompass smells, tastes, and tactile sensations as well. By sharing these experiences and advocating for greater understanding, we can help create a more supportive environment for individuals living with schizophrenia, paving the way for healing and connection.
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mburley92 · 1 year ago
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trashpandafeminism · 2 years ago
The cannabis industry is booming, but it's leaving many disabled women behind. Dispensaries often lack accessibility features, and many jobs in the industry require physical labor or inflexible schedules that don't work for everyone. It's time for change. 
We need to work together to make the cannabis industry more inclusive for everyone, including disabled women. This means improving accessibility, offering more flexible work arrangements, and breaking down barriers to entry.
Let's create a future where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed in the cannabis industry.
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familythings · 7 months ago
Ana Victoria: The World’s First Lawyer With Down Syndrome
Ana Victoria is courageously breaking down barriers and reshaping the perception of pursuing a career in law. As the world’s first lawyer with Down syndrome, she serves as an inspiration not only to individuals with disabilities but to everyone striving to challenge societal limitations. Born in a time when opportunities for people with Down syndrome were often limited, Ana Victoria was…
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Anne Sullivan began teaching six-year-old Helen Keller, who lost her hearing and sight after a dreadful illness at the age of 19 months. March 3, 1887. Image: Helen Keller (left) in 1899 with lifelong companion and teacher Anne Sullivan (right). Photo taken by Alexander Graham Bell at his School of Vocal Physiology and Mechanics of Speech. (Public Domain). On this day in history, March 3, 1887,…
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glitchdollmemoria · 2 years ago
please can we stop describing bigots as delusional. please. im so fucking tired. someone being sucked into a hate group surrounded by others who believe minorities should be oppressed and encouraging them to believe in conspiracy theories that the rest of the group believes, is fundamentally different from someone having a mental illness that causes delusions.
delusions, by definition, cannot be explained by things like cultural background - such as having a belief constantly reinforced by intentional attempts to rationalize it for the sake of maintaining power over minorities. yes, someone can be both delusional and a bigot, and yes conspiracy theories can feed into delusions, but the two are not fucking synonymous.
i did not spend my teen years convinced that i was being stalked by demons just to hear so many of you people equate my disability with incel behavior and genocidal propaganda. stop reinforcing harmful connotations about mental health struggles.
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cure-icy-writes · 2 years ago
I stand in front of a crowd and tap the microphone. "Disabled people deserve full bodily autonomy," I announce, and the crowd devolves into shouting. I am being asked about every single contingency in which bodily autonomy can possibly be taken away. I am not allowed to ask these people why they want so badly to control disabled people's lives. I am a representative, after all.
A man in the third row calls me a whore. A woman up near the front calls me a filthy god-hating anarchist. I am the villain of the story. I'm ruining their childhoods when I point out the flaws and ableist tropes in media that I never said they weren't allowed to enjoy. I'm policing their language when I ask them not to use slurs.
Someone else calls me a fascist. A Creationist with Calvinist leanings is using the same arguments against me as the literal social Darwinist. The topic of "faking disability" is brought up and everyone suddenly has a story to share and presents it to me. I am horrified by most of these stories because they feature ambulatory wheelchair users being harassed and young people with invisible disabilities being chased out of bathrooms.
I tap the microphone again and announce, louder, "Autism speaks is actually a hate organization." At this rate, I'm never going to get to my powerpoint on the social/medical model of disability and why the intersection is important. But I am a representative, and in between the name calling and accusations, they are asking me questions. And so I answer.
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ontheoutside-lookingin · 9 months ago
Clinical misdiagnosis is more common than self misdiagnosis. Just for the record, in case anyone is still skeptical of self diagnosis :) it’s not up for debate btw
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zebulontheplanet · 2 years ago
See people say “IQ means nothing” “IQ Isn’t important”
You’re forgetting about us with intellectual disabilities. Those of us who can’t learn like you, who can’t process things like you. It’s frustrating to see people saying that IQ means nothing when it does mean something. Intellectual disability literally makes your brain work differently.
It’s frustrating to also see this from advocates. People who are supposed to be advocating for us and making our voices heard. Please don’t undermine intellectual disabilities. Don’t make it seem like a bad things. Like something that should be shunned or not spoken about. Speak about us.
Some of us need help. Some of us need things explained to us more. To be taught to us differently.
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crazycatsiren · 5 months ago
I'm all for "ignore the idiots" as a general rule in life. But when I'm out in public and people are being ableist to me, I'm no longer staying silent.
Because a lot of times, people don't even realize what they're doing is wrong, because ableism is so normalized in our society, often people don't even think about treating those like me with respect.
So they need to learn, they need to know, they need to be aware and do better. I'm going to tell them it's not ok to act this way toward me just because I'm not like them. I'm not going to simply suffer in silence and let anybody just get away with being ableist bullies and carry on with their day, after they nearly ruin mine.
I deserve better. I matter.
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disability-kitties · 2 days ago
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Other Specified Dissociative Disorder Type 1a Kitty mock up design!
Designer: @andizoidart
Flag Design: @caeliangel
This Kitty is part of our Neurodivergent and Dissociation series!
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eeveeas123 · 5 months ago
Okay, autism is an every single day challenge, being autistic often means we’re extremely sensitive to things in our environments (External factors) and even things in our own minds/bodies (Internal factors). Sometimes this makes us uncomfortable to the point where we snap! Thinking “If I weren’t autistic, this wouldn’t be happening!”. I decided to tell you guys, what I LIKE about being autistic today! Rather than just my challenges:
🦓Having my autism service dog. Eevee has changed my life (And so has my previous service dogs, River and Viva). She’s able to calm me down with just a few kisses (Licks). I wouldn’t have met any of my pup friends if I wasn’t autistic because I wouldn’t have a service dog
🦓My “Autistic joy”. I can see the world in a way that makes some specific little things fill me with happiness! Stimming with something as simple as running water, tapping buttons or waving my hands, I feel very happy experiencing something that most wouldn’t even notice. Also, I can watch the same videos over and over because they’re never boring to me! I love collecting videos to watch at any time. Pokémon amplifies this by 100% (My special interest)
🦓My neurodivergent friends. I was in special education for middle school and high school. I wouldn’t have met my wonderful classmates teachers, educational assistants, etc. if I wasn’t autistic! Some were Down syndrome, some were cerebral palsy, some were autistic like me and many more. I’m so glad I met them! Good times!
🦓My imagination. I love creating stories by writing and it really is my purpose! I can almost live a fictional situation/scene inside my head and make something out of that. Most of my stories are based on my experiences (My main character is often autistic too!). I’m not saying a non-autistic person can’t write a good book, I just think I provide a fresh perspective!
Hopefully that makes you feel a bit better about being autistic, maybe take some time to reflect on these things and see if you feel them too!
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silenthillmutual · 9 days ago
Daniil compares himself to a fairytale princess?
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Eva: Good morning to our guest, Dr. Dankovsky from the Capital. Did you sleep comfortably? Daniil: It was atrocious. Never did I shut my eyes, but tossed and turned all night. Confess, did you put a hard pea under the mattress, Eva?
the pea under the mattress is a reference to the fairytale by hans christian andersen, the princess and the pea, which is about a princess being tested to see if she's a suitable wife for a prince. the queen doubts the princess' legitimacy, and decides to test if she's a princess by placing a pea under twenty mattresses and twenty featherbeds to see if she feels it.
this is just a really really funny reference for me on like several layers. so daniil is... calling himself a princess?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 year ago
I saw this on Reddit and instantly got so pissed off. This person is ableist as shit. Advocating for the death of disabled children? That’s just sickening. This person is so fucked up.
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My apologies for the cursing. This just really made me angry
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squarebracket-trickster · 6 months ago
Oh my god for the last time
Do not use AI for research even if it cites its sources. Have you verified the credibility of those sources?
Do not use AI for research even if its sources are credible. Have you checked to make sure they have the most up-to-date information?
Do not use AI for research even if the sources are recent. Is this information generally accepted by experts in the field, or is it a controversial stance? Did AI source the 9/10 dentists or the 1/10? You don't know. You have no way of knowing unless you do your own fucking research!
DO NOT USE AI FOR RESEARCH. for the love of god people
"But I'm just doing research for my novel. It's okay if it's not 100% accurate."
ChatGPT told a person to glue the cheese on their pizza to make it stick. It told someone else a poisonous mushroom was safe to eat. It told another kid that Greek was a combination of four different languages. It thought there were 2 r's in strawberry.
Your information will probably not be 100% accurate. It might not be 50% accurate. It might be so completely and utterly false it would make a flat eather look informed. Just use Wikipedia of you want something quick and dirty. It might not be 100% accurate either, but it won't tell you to eat glue.
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