#developing an abundance mindset
kajmasterclass · 1 month
#Master the $250k Milestone: Travis Greenlee's Secrets to Coaching Success Discover the secrets to building a thriving six-figure coaching bu#developing an abundance mindset#and designing world-class coaching programs. Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out#this episode offers invaluable insights to take your coaching business to the next level. ------------------------------------------------#enhance your skills#or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it furt#speaking engagements#or personalized coaching#contact [email protected] *KAJ RECOMMENDS:* (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content crea#Travis has spent the past 25 years helping heart-centered#passionate coaches to grow Thriving $250k+/yr Lifestyle Businesses while making a bigger impact#enjoying more personal freedom#and living the lives they truly love. Connect with Travis here:https://lifestylebusinessquest.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/travisgreen#Khudania Ajay (KAJ)#is a seasoned content entrepreneur#podcast host#and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (Indi#Reuters#and Press Trust of India#Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podc#Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaykhudania#Youtube
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svdaily · 1 year
Get out of the mindset that people are better than you, that you cannot reach their standard, that they are inherently above you. Money, status, confidence, love, these are all attainable and rejecting yourself first from your ideal lifestyle/relationship/self-concept will keep you settling for crumbs. All the greats surpass their own standards and do not concern themselves with conforming to someone else's benchmark. You cannot believe you deserve the best if you can't even imagine your proximity to the best. Believe in an abundance mindset, believe in your efforts, believe you are limitless, believe you are worthy. Believe you have a seat at the table and that any standard that rejects your best effort is a redirection to a better seat, or a better table.
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thepersonalquotes · 5 months
Thoughts create emotions, emotions create feelings and feelings create behaviour. So it’s very important that our thoughts are positive, to attract the right people, events and circumstances into our lives.
Avis J. Williams, The Psychic Mind: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development & Spiritual Growth
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Examples of Limiting Beliefs 💭👎🙊✨
Limiting beliefs are thoughts that make us think we can't do certain things. These thoughts can stop us from trying new stuff or achieving our goals. Our words and thoughts have power. They can influence our own feelings, behaviors, and perspectives, as well as those of others. For example, if we believe we're bad at something, like math, we might avoid it. This means we never get better or discover if we could actually enjoy it. These beliefs can come from past experiences, things people have told us, or what society expects. When we believe these negative thoughts, or speak negative words, we might miss out on opportunities, feel stressed, or even make decisions based on fear. These beliefs can also make us feel less confident, lower our motivation, and even stop us from being happy or connecting with others. To get over these beliefs, we need to understand them, question if they're really true, and then think in a more positive way.
“I can't handle failure."
"Others are better than me."
"I'm not worthy of success."
"I can't pursue my dream because it's impractical."
"I should always put others before myself."
"I'm bound to mess things up."
"I can't learn new things."
"I'm too different to fit in."
"Making money is wrong or evil."
"Rich people are greedy or unethical."
"I'll never be wealthy."
"It's not possible to earn money doing what I love."
"I don't deserve to be rich."
"Money doesn't come easily."
"There's never enough money."
"I have to work extremely hard to earn money."
"Wanting more money means I'm materialistic."
"I have to please everyone to be liked."
"I'm not good enough."
"I'll never be successful."
"I'm not smart enough."
"People don't like me."
"I'm bad with money."
"I can't do that; it's too hard."
"I'm too old to start something new."
"It's too late for me."
"I don't deserve happiness."
"I'm not creative."
"I can't change; it's just the way I am."
"I'm always unlucky."
"I don't have enough experience."
"I'll never find love."
"I have to be perfect to be loved."
"I always fail, so why try?"
"It's safer to stay in my comfort zone."
"I can't trust anyone."
"I'm not a leader."
"I should be content with what I have."
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nikasholistic · 8 months
Stop comparing yourself to others. Seriously, stop it. Stop looking at your life and feeling lack. Stop thinking that everyone is doing better than you. Those beliefs are only perpetuating the feeling of lack and not having enough in your reality. Let go of them. Instead, start focusing on everything you have. Start expressing gratitude for everything you have.
Your focus is so powerful. Whatever you focus on always grows. By focusing on your blessings, you attract more blessings in your reality. By focusing on gratitude, you send out a strong frequency of abundance. The Universe has to give you more abundance because you're broadcasting abundance. So focus on abundance in your life, and it will multiply. Focus on the things you want to experience in your life, and you’ll get them.
✨IG: nikasholistic✨
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spiritchill · 6 months
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Grow with the flow. ❤️✨
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omegaphilosophia · 6 months
The Philosophy of Abundance
The philosophy of abundance is a perspective or worldview that emphasizes the inherent richness, generosity, and potential for growth and fulfillment in the world. It contrasts with scarcity mentality, which focuses on limitations, competition, and the belief that resources are finite and insufficient for everyone's needs. The philosophy of abundance encompasses various principles and beliefs that shape attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions towards life, prosperity, and well-being. Here are some key aspects of the philosophy of abundance:
Gratitude and Appreciation: The philosophy of abundance encourages individuals to cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the abundance already present in their lives, including relationships, experiences, opportunities, and resources. By focusing on what one has rather than what is lacking, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment.
Positive Mindset: Adopting a positive mindset is central to the philosophy of abundance. It involves cultivating optimism, hope, and belief in one's ability to create and attract abundance in various areas of life, such as wealth, health, relationships, and personal growth. Positive thinking can lead to increased resilience, motivation, and creativity in overcoming challenges and pursuing goals.
Abundance Mentality: Abundance mentality is the belief that there is more than enough to go around for everyone, and that success and prosperity are not zero-sum games. It entails embracing a mindset of abundance in which opportunities, resources, and possibilities are plentiful and accessible to those who seek them. This mindset fosters collaboration, generosity, and a willingness to share and support others in their pursuits.
Law of Attraction: The philosophy of abundance is often associated with the law of attraction, which posits that individuals can attract positive or negative experiences into their lives based on their thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. By focusing on abundance and visualizing desired outcomes, individuals can purportedly manifest their dreams and goals more effectively.
Generosity and Sharing: Embracing abundance involves being generous and open-handed with one's time, energy, talents, and resources. Acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity contribute to the circulation of abundance in the world and create a ripple effect of positive impact on others. Giving without expecting anything in return fosters a sense of interconnectedness and abundance consciousness.
Growth Mindset: The philosophy of abundance encourages a growth mindset, characterized by a belief in the capacity for learning, development, and improvement over time. Embracing challenges, seeking opportunities for growth, and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success are key aspects of a growth-oriented approach to life.
Environmental Stewardship: Abundance philosophy extends to the natural world, emphasizing the importance of environmental stewardship, sustainability, and responsible use of resources. Recognizing the Earth's abundant natural resources and biodiversity, individuals are called to protect and preserve the planet for future generations.
Overall, the philosophy of abundance promotes a mindset of abundance, gratitude, generosity, and possibility, inviting individuals to embrace the richness and potential inherent in every aspect of life.
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saw this quote on pinterest and I'm absolutely obsessed!! it's just so true
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
We have our life currency, we trade it for the paper currency, and then we buy stuff that undermines our life currency. That's why we're seeing so much homeless and hopeless and all of that. But, I will invest it in my herbs, my clay, my water, my fruits, and my vegetation, to keep me going, because we will never have anything greater than who and what we already are butt naked. There's nothing that can be given us that is greater than us.
- Adama Alaji
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manifestisnow · 1 year
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If you want money to come into your life or you want to get healthy. By listening to a recording of Affirmations with earphones while you sleep for 21 to 30 nights. You can recondition your subconscious mind. Try these amazing FREE affirmation video program's on YouTube.
Wishing you a very prosperous and healthy life.
Have an amazing day on this beautiful planet :) ❤️
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audrinawf · 1 year
can I just say that your post about being in the vibration of money and wealth was so spot on cause it made me think of how a lot of people that live in stress and fear are also living in lack. like I’m only talking from my own situation but even when I was working the most hours and technically making more money I was so stressed and tired that I was spending more money unconsciously and that just became an evil cycle for me that repeated itself and even if I made good money I felt POOR
oh wow yes you’re correct on the lack mindset. and also interesting about the observation on making more money but also spending more to alleviate stress cause I have also done that but I had not previously made the connection to that.
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syntonylife · 6 months
Manifesting Mischief: A Playful Look at the 7 Deadly Sins through the Lens of the Law of Attraction
Unlocking Your Potential: Transforming Sins into Strengths with Self-Discovery and Manifestation Last week, while I was on a car journey with my friends while going to Porto, I was recounting how my hairdresser had decided to make me look ridiculous by giving me a dreadful fringe and miserably destroying my beautiful long hair. I complained to my friends, revealing to them that I am aware of…
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letsberealgenz · 7 months
3 Keys To Success You Must Know About
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3 keys. These are the keys that would elevate your growth to an entirely different level only if you understand this. What are you waiting for? Let’s dive into it!
Time is our biggest asset of life and with the fast pace of technology it has definitely reduce our reading retention span. So I am going to do you a big favor by keeping this short, simple and sweet. (YOU CAN SAVE THIS AS YOUR “READING LIST” FOR FUTURE REFERENCE)
Grow 1% better each day
Yes I know we have been hearing this a lot lately. But there’s always 1 question that lingers which is “how-to” do it. Spilling the magic portion.
Read for a couple of minutes. Even if time is constrained for you but there’s always time to at least read 1 page. Right?
Oh yes I have to say this. If you can’t read, listen to audiobooks/podcasts then. Life savior for real (alternative for reading.)
Learn a new skill/tool/technology that would help you to improve your productivity and get you closer to your goals.
3 steps to grow 1% better each day.
Just do it
The Nike slogan fits so well for our 2nd key to success. I believe more than ever today we live in a paralysis analysis society where we ALL can really make use of our research skill to the fullest.
Hey, I mean that’s great! I do this too all the time but the key is this. You have to know when to STOP collecting data/information and to just START executing your plan. For instance let me share with you a real-life scenario:
If you’re planning to grow your business digitally utilizing social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. It would make sense for you to research the do’s and don’ts for the platform. The algorithm and hacks for boosting your content. The best time to schedule your posts and a lot more that goes with the online tech.
But here’s the thing. Once you start digging into these articles there won’t be a “STOP” sign for real. It would take you down into a rabbit hole of links where you just wish to know more and more about what you’re researching about. You would reach to a point of even though you have everything that you need yet you still feel there’s something more for you out there.
So please avoid this and save yourself a ton of time and effort by just executing your plan. Just do it. You can only learn best when you just do it.
“Your action is the greatest teacher.”
Here’s the hack. Once you start executing your plan, with every post and step of yours you are going to extract the most valuable lesson which is your data. Every post of yours have its in-built data analytics where it greatly helps you to track on what’s working best for your business and what’s not.
So this gives you a room to improvise your next step. That's’ how you achieve tremendous success in a short span!
I should highlight this as the main key of success. Reflection is the game-changer for real. It gives you the room to:
Identify what works best for your growth.
Eliminate the unnecessary.
Improvise your current method.
Jot down your biggest achievement for the day.
Reflect on what you’ve learnt throughout the day.
Plan your next step strategically.
Gives you the idea on what to focus on.
These are just some of the main questions you can ask yourself or your team at the end of the day. Personally for me I insert this during my night journal. Here’s how you do it. Now it’s time to realize that it’s not only how you start your day but how you end it is way more important too!
Start applying these 3 keys into your life and comment your go-to key for success!
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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etherealstudiocraft · 9 months
Want 2024 to Be Your Most Awesome Year Ever? Shift Your Mindset First
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In the pursuit of making 2024 your most incredible year, there's a crucial element that often gets overlooked, your mindset. The way you perceive the world and approach challenges can have a profound impact on your success and happiness. In this article, we'll explore the importance of shifting your mindset and provide practical tips to help you achieve your dreams in 2024.
As we step into a new year, it's natural to have aspirations and dreams. We all want 2024 to be a year filled with success, happiness, and personal growth. However, achieving these goals requires more than just wishful thinking. It starts with a fundamental shift in your mindset.
Understanding the Power of Mindset
What is Mindset?
Your mindset is the collection of beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts that shape your perception of the world. It's the lens through which you view challenges, opportunities, and your own capabilities.
The Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
There are two primary types of mindsets: fixed and growth. Those with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence are static, leading to a fear of failure. In contrast, individuals with a growth mindset embrace challenges, view failures as opportunities to learn, and believe in their capacity for growth.
The Impact of Mindset on Success
Mindset and Goal Setting
Your mindset significantly influences how you approach and achieve your goals. A positive and determined mindset can lead to setting ambitious goals, taking persistent action, and overcoming challenges, while a negative mindset may result in self-doubt and a reluctance to aim high. In essence, your mindset shapes your attitude and behavior towards goal setting, ultimately impacting your success in achieving those goals.
Mindset and Resilience
Your mindset plays a crucial role in your resilience. A growth-oriented mindset encourages adaptability, learning from setbacks, and the ability to bounce back from challenges. In contrast, a fixed mindset may hinder resilience by seeing obstacles as insurmountable. Your mindset profoundly affects how you navigate and bounce back from life's ups and downs.
Steps to Transform Your Mindset
Transforming your mindset involves several essential steps:
Identify Limiting Beliefs: Recognize and challenge the beliefs that hold you back. Question negative thoughts and replace them with more empowering ones.
Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Avoid self-criticism and develop a nurturing inner dialogue.
Set Realistic Goals: Define achievable, meaningful goals that align with your aspirations. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps.
Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: View setbacks as valuable lessons rather than as a reflection of your abilities. Learn from your mistakes and use them as stepping stones to success.
The Dream Life Manifestation Kit 2024
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The Dream Life Manifestation Kit 2024 is a comprehensive and transformative tool designed to help you manifest your dreams and create your best year ever in 2024. It combines various elements and techniques to assist you in achieving your goals, enhancing your mindset, and attracting positivity and abundance into your life.
Here's a closer look at what the Dream Life Manifestation Kit 2024 encompasses:
Manifestation Journal: This journal is at the heart of the kit. It provides you with a dedicated space to document your dreams, set clear intentions, and track your progress. Through guided prompts and exercises, you'll gain clarity on your goals and develop a habit of positive thinking.
55 Printable Oracle Cards: Oracle cards are a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance. The kit includes 55 beautifully designed printable oracle cards, each with its own unique message and imagery. You can use these cards for daily inspiration, self-reflection, and gaining clarity on your path.
Vision Board Kit: Visualization is a key aspect of manifesting your desires. The Vision Board Kit included in this package helps you create a visually compelling representation of your goals. By regularly visualizing your dreams, you'll reinforce your commitment to achieving them.
Printable Money Manifestation Checks: These checks are not for financial transactions but serve as a symbolic tool to attract financial abundance into your life. By filling them out with specific intentions and displaying them in your space, you align your mindset with the concept of prosperity.
In conclusion, in your pursuit of making 2024 your most awesome year ever, remember that it all begins with your mindset. By adopting a growth mindset, identifying and challenging limiting beliefs, and using powerful tools like the Dream Life Manifestation Kit 2024, you can set yourself on the path to achieving your dreams.
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nikasholistic · 1 year
You’re the only person who’s thinking inside your mind. Make sure that your beliefs are working for you, not against you. Don’t uphold beliefs that don’t contribute to your highest good.
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theoceanchoseyou · 2 years
oversharing in the age of social media
i used to consider myself an open book, and in some ways, i still do! i did find some merit in sharing so much of myself online. i’ve gotten messages about how my vulnerability in posts has taught people how to navigate their emotions compassionately; it has shown some people that they’re not alone.
however, i realized that i was sharing so much with folks who hadn’t put an effort into making a deep connection with me. i decided that if i’m going to share parts of myself, it will be with people who genuinely want to get to know me. people who support and love me.
there’s a balance. i still post insights and advice that may bring folks value, but i’ve stopped sharing every personal detail.
social media makes it so easy to turn yourself into a “brand.” to share so much and turn every part of yourself into something others can consume. however, oversharing to an audience of acquaintances is not a replacement for true connection. this isn’t just being picky about who you share yourself with; this is preserving your energy for connection that goes beyond the surface.
being “mysterious” is protecting your peace. not everyone deserves access to you, and that’s okay. the people that do, will show it.
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