#mindset coach
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mamipriestess · 9 months ago
Woke up and told myself and my subconscious today that I’m going to have such an amazing day, and so far I really am feeling so amazing and happy. 🫶🧚‍♀️🎀 remember today, YOU ARE THE GOD OF YOUR REALITY !!! YOU GET TO DECIDE! Perioddddtt
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jeanpatrice · 2 months ago
When you mentor others … you refine your own skills.
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coastalemp · 5 months ago
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369 Manifestation and Affirmation Journal, The Laws of Attraction: Manifest Your Desires, Dreams and Wishes
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georgialandersllc · 5 months ago
I have been working on;
Please follow Georgia's Edify on all social media platforms, and please don't forget my birthday is in December. You have three ways to give gifts on Amazon, Etsy, and a Donation. You may feel free to donate any amount, please, and thanks for being so kin
Daily writing promptWhat have you been working on?View all responses Myself My business Healing others My Purpose Reading the Bible daily Self-Growth Self-Love Self-Care Relationship with Our Heavenly Father Strengthen my Faith Stronger in Prayer Practice what God teaches me Thinking like A Boss Being what God called me to be Focusing on God Freedom I can do all things through…
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theawakenedstate · 2 years ago
3 Shocking Lessons on Life Purpose I Wish I Knew From the Start
I wanted to share with you 3 Lessons that have shocked me over the years when it comes to my Soul Purpose so you can benefit from them too!
I feel like this concept of finding our dharma and learning how to figure out our life purpose is probably one of the biggest questions that come up post-awakening besides “when does awakening end?” or “how do you really reach enlightenment?”
But our concept of true Purpose is closer than we think.
If you’re having trouble with the question:
“What is my life purpose?”
“I’m confused on what even that really means…”
” Is life purpose just ego talk?”
or maybe you’re even feeling a bit of simply….
I’m just feeling lost on my path, soul searching and when I discover my soul purpose everything will feel RIGHT – I’m suddenly be abundant, I’ll have everything I want – etc. etc.
Does any of that sound familiar?
It’s common to have these thoughts post-awakening and YET –
When you’re constantly looking around not filling fulfilled or torn on what direction to go because you know you’re meant for big things – yet
The ascension symptoms coming up keep making you feel like everything is far away and ‘you’re not there yet’
here’s the shocking truth.
Do you ever catch yourself going “But when i get there I will….” When I …. Then I….
When i finally reach enlightenment…
when i finally get the money…
When i Finally reach ASCENSION…
When I finally Heal I will….
This is an egoic pursuit. Functioning from a ‘means to an end goal chase’ that is NEVER ENDING.
One that makes you constantly thirsty for MORE. MORE MORE. And it’s normal – it’s called growth 
Just like my kids play pretend grocery store with fake credit cards and phones because ‘they’re not there yet’ as an adult. This longing we have to be somewhere we’re not is a normal part of our brain’s way to process GROWTH.
Even when you think you got your soul purpose figured out, there will inevitably be another layer even after enlightenment.
There will always be another LAYER..
Just when i think i got it – There’s another layer, because life is like an onion (just like the shrek anology lol)
Instead the Shocking Lesson:
Accept you will never get “there”, It’s about allowing the unfolding of the path on the journey. It’s always about co-creating in the now and being present on the journey.
2. Your Life Purpose is always rooted in your Authenticity and you have to dig to find out who that person is beyond conditioning.
Want to discover your Life Purpose? It’s rooted in YOU BEING YOU.
Your Authentic Self is within you, but chances are due to conditioning, suppression of our intuition, or true gifts – we have lost touch with this part of ourselves.
I’m sure most of you go ” But i do know my authentic self?!”
Most people actually don’t, it’s buried under layers of past conditioning of your identity where people told you ‘WHO TO BE, WHAT TO DO, WHERE TO BUILD YOUR CAREER”
One of the most eye-opening conversations to have with yourself is to ask yourself,
“Which beliefs are actually MINE?”
Because a lot of what you believe just comes from your parents or caregivers, a lot of what you believe comes from your past thoughts, beliefs, habits, actions and behaviors.
That’s why this month in the membership, we’re kicking it off with:
Soul Purpose work through the chakras, we’re doing an EXCAVATION – Digging into the Truth of who you are.
#2 The Shocking TRUTH AND LESSON:
Your authentic self is within you, but you need to be digging within to find out who that person really is beyond your past conditioning.
That’s WHERE YOUR PURPOSE LIVES AND BREATHES. It’s inside your Soul Blueprint within you.
#3. Your Mindset is Everything and it will reveal your Purpose to You
One of the reasons i switched from just “Energy healer/Teacher” to Mindset Coach is I began to Realize – I’ve been teaching Mindset the whole time…and watering it down with words in the new age community.
Your Mindset is a Vibration you’re emitting.
Every word, thought, action, habit has a vibration behind it.
Have you ever asked yourself, where do my thoughts come from?
I used to never have the answer for this – then I studied how the mind works.
Your thoughts come from your beliefs – and your beliefs create the Paradigm of your Identity.
So If you REALLY want to change your negative thoughts,
You need to start learning how to change the Beliefs that are powering those thoughts, to begin with.
Your mindset holds the vibration.
Your Beliefs dominate the thoughts.
Your Actions are influenced by the Feelings that produce those thoughts.
And your Paradigm is established on a rocky inauthentic vibration that is made NOT EVEN FROM YOU!
Shocking Lesson on Purpose:
Your Inauthentic Vibrations are stopping you from Seeing your Soul Purpose.
What you believe, think and even habits you have are not even YOURS – Your Purpose lives inside the person who is BEYOND CONDITIONING.
How you find it – Lives in understanding your Mindset.
So What do you think? Shocking right? Let me know how this lands for you by dropping a comment!
that’s why we’re kicking off the brand new Monthly membership: The Soul-aligned Life Academy immediately with
A Soul Excavation into uncovering the depths of Your Soul’s Authentic True self.
When we tap into this place inside of ourselves, we begin to wake up our Authentic Self and step more into our Spiritual Alignment in our daily lives.
We walk forward with clarity, confidence and conviction of tapping into our Life’s Dharma or Soul Truth inside of us.
Learn in 7 Lessons How to easily begin covering, excavating, and unlocking your Soul’s Dharma or Life Purpose
Learn more about the new Academy at the Link below! theawakenedstate.net/the-soul-aligned-life-academy-membership/
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3 Shocking Lessons on Life Purpose I Wish I Knew From the Start
I wanted to share with you 3 Lessons that have shocked me over the years when it comes to my Soul Purpose so you can benefit from them too! I feel like this concept of finding our dharma and learning how to figure out our life purpose is probably one of the biggest questions that […]
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culturedsociety · 1 year ago
The Healing Power of Nature: How Ecotherapy Enhances Holistic Wellness
In a world filled with constant distractions and stress, it's easy to lose touch with our inner selves and neglect our well-being. However, amidst the chaos, there is a powerful remedy that can restore our balance and rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and souls. Welcome to the world of ecotherapy, where the healing power of nature takes center stage. In this article, we will explore how immersing ourselves in the natural world can enhance our holistic wellness and pave the way for a happier and healthier life.
Reconnecting with Our Roots:
As humans, we have an innate connection with nature. However, with the rise of urbanization and technology, we have become increasingly disconnected from the environment that sustains us. Ecotherapy aims to bridge this gap by encouraging individuals to reconnect with nature on a profound level. By spending time outdoors, whether it be in forests, parks, or gardens, we can tap into the therapeutic benefits that the natural world offers.
Reducing Stress and Anxiety:
Nature has a remarkable ability to calm our racing minds and soothe our anxious souls. Numerous studies have shown that spending time in green spaces can reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature have a profound impact on our nervous system, promoting relaxation and restoring inner peace. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in a park or a hike in the mountains, immersing ourselves in nature provides a much-needed respite from the demands of modern life.
Enhancing Physical Well-being:
Ecotherapy not only nurtures our mental and emotional well-being but also improves our physical health. Engaging in outdoor activities, such as hiking, gardening, earthing, or simply walking, increases our physical fitness, strengthens our immune system, and boosts our overall vitality. Breathing in fresh air rich with oxygen invigorates our lungs, while exposure to natural sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D, essential for bone health and a strong immune system. Nature's healing touch extends far beyond our emotions, encompassing every aspect of our well-being.
"The grandest but most difficult goal to achieve in life is to still the mind. All magnificence and power comes from that."  -- Sri Avinash
Fostering Mindfulness and Presence:
One of the greatest gifts that nature bestows upon us is the ability to be fully present in the moment. In a world that often pulls us in a thousand different directions, ecotherapy offers a sanctuary where we can cultivate mindfulness and connect with the present moment. Whether we're observing the intricate beauty of a flower, listening to the soothing sound of a babbling brook, or feeling the earth beneath our feet, nature teaches us to slow down, savor the present, and embrace the wonders that surround us.
Promoting Environmental Stewardship:
Engaging in ecotherapy not only benefits our personal well-being but also encourages us to become stewards of the environment. As we develop a deeper appreciation for nature's healing power, we naturally feel compelled to protect and preserve it for future generations. Ecotherapy fosters a sense of environmental consciousness, inspiring us to make sustainable choices, reduce our ecological footprint, and become advocates for the natural world.
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us not forget the profound healing power that nature offers. Through ecotherapy, we can reconnect with our roots, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance our physical well-being, foster mindfulness, and become environmental stewards. So, step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and let nature work its magic. Embrace the transformative journey of ecotherapy and unlock the path to holistic wellness.
Shining a glimmer of light,
Rebecca Muñoz
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psychedelicfaedreams · 2 years ago
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wavestatebliss · 2 years ago
Why did the personal development coach bring a ladder to their workshop?
Because they wanted to help people reach new heights... both literally and figuratively! 😁
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coachmuschhinsky · 6 days ago
Lifecoaching I københavn
Er du kreativ – men føler dig fastlåst i din karriere?
Mange kunstnere, musikere og kreative sjæle oplever på et tidspunkt, at deres passion og profession ikke længere matcher deres behov og ønsker. Skal du starte forfra? Eller kan du bruge dine erfaringer på en ny måde?
Som coach hjælper jeg kreative mennesker med at navigere i karriereforandringer, finde nye veje og bruge deres unikke kompetencer i andre roller. Hvis du overvejer et karriereskift – eller bare har brug for klarhed – så læs mere her: muschinsky.dk
#Coaching #Karriereudvikling #Kreativitet #PersonligUdvikling #NLP
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xaviercano · 2 months ago
Best Mindset Coaching Near Me in Texas
Looking for the best mindset coaching near me in Texas? Xavier Cano Success is here to help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. Whether you’re striving for personal growth, career success, or improved confidence, our expert coaching services are designed to guide you every step of the way. With a personalised approach, we help you overcome challenges, build a positive mindset, and create a clear path to success. Take the first step toward a better future today. 
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mamipriestess · 9 months ago
They are obsessed with you
They can’t ever get enough of you
They constantly want to be with you
You are addicting for them
They’ve never met anyone like you
You are their entire world and more
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aakanksha-churi · 2 months ago
Unlock the Secrets to Happiness: Ashu Khanna’s FREE Guide to Joy and Self-Awareness
Discover Ashu Khanna’s FREE booklet, your key to a life filled with joy, balance, and self-awareness. Gain actionable insights on emotional intelligence, stress management, and leading a purpose-driven life. Download now and unlock the secret to true happiness!
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georgialandersllc · 8 months ago
Find the Root so you can heal and transform spiritually. Please dont forget to book a Virtual Consultation and dont forget to like and Subscribe!
My job at Georgia’s Edify Instruct to guide you on your journey. Improve your life through valuable insights and teachings. Uplift and enlighten you to bring about positive change. Helping you find the root of what keeps you captive, which is crucial for true healing and transformation. Find the Root so you can heal and transform spiritually. Offering Virtual Consultations to provide peace…
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bestlifecoachinindia · 2 months ago
How to restart life in a good way? Life Coach Sangeeta Sharma
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lavonnecoaching · 5 months ago
Join our Free Online Success Circle
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i-am-life-by-design · 6 months ago
Why Every Entrepreneur Needs a Business Coach to Thrive in Today's Market
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While hard work is the foundation of success in business in today's fast-paced environment, more is needed. Strategic thinking and continuous self-improvement can be what separates the best from the rest. And most importantly, to become a master at your craft, oftentimes, it needs people who already experienced and mastered the craft by teaching people the right moves. That's when one realises the value of having a business coach. Whether an entrepreneur, small business owner, or even one on the highest executive levels, the right business coach will unlock your full potential and lead to further success.
At iamlifebydesign, we are most aware of personalized coaching falling under specifically tailored advice. While working with our experts, we help you get expert advice that goes beyond just general advice, giving specific actionable strategies in order to meet your own goals.
What is a Business Coach?
A business coach is more than just a consultant. It's the support one can receive with constant accountability and customized strategies to help individuals and organizations achieve their highest potential. With the coach, comes the clarity of what your goals are, the refining of your strategies, and developing skills that lead you to achieve them. A business coach challenges you, inspires you, and keeps you on track toward making sure the actions taken keep up with the commitment to your long-term vision.
What iamlifebydesign does is approach coaching with a whole element-integration, personal development along with business strategy. If it means scaling up your business, getting through tricky situations, or just reaching the next performance level on your business ladder, our coaching service will help you get there.
How a Business Coach Helps You Succeed
A business coach is like being an ambassador of your business. Here are some of the ways in which the business coach will be able to foster your success:
1. Strategic Planning
A full business plan provides the backbone of a solid and successful business. It is like a business coach that will help you design clear, actional steps into concrete tasks: what to do first, second, third, etc., by setting goals and then possible obstacles. Provided you are given good guidance, you look for the potential pitfalls before they happen and learn how to move through them successfully.
2. Accountability and Support
Perhaps the most important advantage in working with a business coach is keeping you accountable. It becomes fairly easy to lose focus or get submerged in the everyday hassle of running a business. A coach keeps you on your goals through regular feedback, follow-up check-ins, and motivations. In return, this constant encouragement keeps you moving forward on the path to achieving your success.
3. Leadership Development
As your business expands so does the call on your leadership skills. Business coaching will help you perfect your leadership skill as you're sure that you will have what it takes to lead your team to make tough choices and be to lead your firm right. Whether through communication, conflict resolution, or delegation, a coach will give you all the tools needed to be confident in the way you're leading.
4. High Performance
Life is moving at a rapid pace today, and because of that, what each person has to put in is high levels of performance, and to be successful, one must achieve and maintain a high level of performance. We associate private well-being with business success-that helps to sustain long-term success without burning through optimized mindset, your energy levels, and your focus and enables you to deliver at your best every day through business coaching delivery by iamlifebydesign.
The Role of a Business Coach in Social Selling
The digital world is one to respect in the exercise of social selling; it's a trend not only trendy but also potent enough to let businesses connect with potential clients via social media and bring relations and trust into the sale. With the business world getting increasingly interconnected, using social selling within your strategy should really be key to growth over a long period.
A business coach will introduce you to this new landscape by showing you how to make sense of best practices related to social selling. From building your right online presence to engaging your target audience or leveraging data analytics in order to optimize outreach, a coach will use the latest tools and techniques for staying ahead of the competition.
At iamlifebydesign, we support you to unleash the power of social selling in business. A strategy set in alignment with your business; this becomes not just the art of making sales but an approach to a sale that is full of principles of trust building and genuine engagement, ensuring relationships in the long term with your clients.
Business Coach vs. Business Strategist: What Do They Do?
A business coach thus gets confused with a business strategist. Indeed, although the latter two play a very key role in business development, their functions vary greatly.
Primary Functions of a Business Coach
The primary function of a business coach is to help you improve your mindset, leadership qualities, and results as a whole. Their work ensures a long-term route to success by realigning your personal strengths with your business objectives.
A business strategist, on the other hand, is more interested in having a well-structured detailed plan for business growth. They look at the trends in the market, spot the opportunities, and come up with strategies that would help give your business an edge over its competitors.
At iamlifebydesign, you get the best of the both worlds. Our business coaching program combines with the plan of a personal coach's solicitude for your growth, coupled with a business strategist's insight-a guarantee that, with personal development, there will come with it a clear action plan to achieve measurable success in your business.
Why Choose iamlifebydesign as Your Business Coach?
This is where choosing the right business coach will really play a big deal in your career or business. We, from iamlifebydesign, are proud to customize a one-on-one coaching experience into the unique needs and goals you have.
Here's why iamlifebydesign differs from others:
1. Holistic Approach
We believe it's not about tick-ticking your business milestones but probably much more important about personal fulfillment. With our holistic approach to coaching, integration of personal and professional development, you're going to grow your business while becoming the best version of yourself.
2. Proven Expertise
Our coaches have deep, rich experience in both business and personal development. Whether it's a peak performance coach, whether it is business strategy help or advice in social selling, we can assist you in being successful.
3. Tailor-made Solutions
No two businesses are alike, and this is the reason we have customized coaching solutions that meet specific challenges and objectives. Work closely with you and identify your needs to develop a plan that will work the best for you.
4. Long-Term Success
Our intent is to make you really sustainable in your success. We don't give you band-aids. We help you with long-term strategies that continue to propel you beyond the end of our coaching sessions.
Working with a business coach can prove to be the door in opening one's self to fullness and to enduring success. At iamlifebydesign, our expertise is matching a personal growth plan with business strategy for every specific need of each client. Whether you would want to enhance your skills in leadership, master the art of social selling, or develop a winning strategy for your business, we have the tools and the expertise that will get you on the right track.
We, at iamlifebydesign, are going to be the catalyst for bringing your business to the desired levels. Get in touch with us to avail our life coaching and discover just what we can help you achieve in fulfilling your wishes in life. Success is yours with the right guidance and support.
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