#sin analysis
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pm-my-beloved · 3 months ago
Expresions of Sins
You guys know how we have Mirror Dungeon floor packs, I have seen some (Including myself) look at the sin weaknesses ones to interpret what sin... weaknesses in EGO could mean.
ONLY NOW have I thought to notice the theme packs of USERS of those sins. While i don't think those are representing what sins themselves are using, I do think they might signify the main expressions of those sins, or maybe degrees of that expression
Beware, this is going to be more chaotic, as I am writing this RAW without any particular deep analysis, more as a jump-off point for thinking, and all of it might just be making a lot out of nothing BUT WHATEVER ANYWAYS STARTING WITH
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Wrath, which is represented with words "Repressed" and "Unbound", quite contradictory adjectives to attach to the same word. With the fact that "Unbound" one is the one with warning signs, it might reffer to degrees. Repressed is expression of wrath that is still somewhat managable when we contain the rage against injusticies or what we hate, while unbound is when this sin goes beyond control, when the fires of hatred overtake our actions (Hi sinclair and Ishmael)
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Addiction and Tangling. Personal reading here, Addiction is something that comes up because theres lack in your life that you feel the need to fill, so here its pursuit of lust in search to fix what we are lacking, while tangling is when we are completly out of control of it, when instead of pursuing lust, its lust that controls us (hi bloodfiends)
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Treadwheeling is basically a meaningless action that brings no change, so treadwheel sloth is acts which either perpetuate status quo, or have no bearing on reality, actions that change nothing. Then Inert sloth, is when we stop taking actions all-together of our own volition, rather, just flow according to our preexisting pressures and circumstances (oh hi yi sang)
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Here my reading is as such Devoured Gluttony somewhat implies that there is some form of satiantion to this hunger, this craving according to which someone acts, while excessive suggests that there never will be any form of satisfaction to ones pursuits (Oh hi faust, what are you doing here)
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Yeahhh i've got nothing.
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Vain pride seems to imply simply perceiving oneself as better to others, while tyrannical being such certainty in ones superiority or rightousness as to impose it onto others.
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With how I read envy as at its core inferiority, the Insignificance here seems to read to me as acting in perception of oneself as not worth the time, effort or attention (Oh hi heathcliff), while pitiful is when that goes to level where one perceives ones existance as lamentable to a point where one deserves some sort of compensation for it.
Sorry for complete chaos of this one, I can't really focus my thoughts RN and wanted to put this out.
Also, @lu-is-not-ok pinging the OG sin interpreter to see his potential thoughts if he feels like those theme packs hold any sort of significance.
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lu-is-not-ok · 5 months ago
So, Jia Xichun has Gloom for Skill 1, Gluttony for Skill 2 and Envy for Skill 3. What the hell does that mean.
So I wasn't initially going to make a full on analysis, as I don't want to burn myself out on Sin Analyses all over again... But then I thought about it. And thought about it some more... and oh, girl... Oh dear... Oh honey...
So yeah we're doing this
Gloom S1: Gloom as a Sin is associated with negative emotions, dwelling on the past, sinking into despair, and self-destruction. The two Sinners we have with a Gloom S1 - Yi Sang and Gregor - are both people who get easily thrown into reminiscing about their past by seemingly minor happenings, especially Gregor who's quite literally got PTSD.
The easiest way to read this is as a reflection of Xichun's trauma with the Jia Family, and the anxiety she's developed because of it. She's shown to be extremely concerned with building a faction, likely something required of her as one of the candidates for the Family Head, and for a brief moment she even suspects Hong Lu of potentially trying to kill her if she joins up with him, even though Wei points out that Hong Lu is different to the rest of her siblings.
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There's also something else I've noticed in the few lines Xichun gets thus far in this Canto - the way she reminisces about her home and past. Unlike Hong Lu, who brings up anecdotes of his life seemingly to try and lighten the mood, unaware that they sound fucking insane to any normal listener, Xichun is very very aware of them being bad memories. And the moments she's pushed into reminiscing seem... very interesting.
The first time is when she manages to shut Hong Lu up and make him stop bothering her by telling him not to embarrass her (which is a line that makes me insane for a completely different reason unrelated to this post), causing her to reminisce and compare Hong Lu's current state to how he was the last time they met.
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The second time is when she's failing to extract any useful info from the Priest, comparing the state he's in to the state people tortured by the Jia Family would be reduced to (one of those people likely being Hong Lu himself, judging by his completely silent reaction).
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Compare this to the one time Hong Lu reminisces about something towards Xichun. He compares their current predicament, of only temporarily working together, to a truce made over some snacks. He understands what she's saying, he's just either refusing or straight up unable to comprehend the severity of what she's saying. You can tell if she were the one reminiscing here it would be a much darker memory than this.
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Xichun is a young woman who was left full of anxiety after having to live in the Jia Household, this anxiety only being made worse by the rivalry she's forced into against her siblings due to circumstances outside of her control.
This anxiety is likely the main cause for her hostility, which acts as her defense mechanism to push people who could harm her away from her, though in the process she ends up sabotaging herself by trying to push away the people who genuinely want to help her, like Hong Lu.
She's a deeply traumatized person, who gets reminded of her family's abuse whenever she sees people around her act in a similar way to the victims of the Jia Family.
That's what I believe her Gloom S1 is meant to reflect.
Gluttony S2: Gluttony as a Sin is associated with hunger, desire, inability to feel satisfied, and in certain cases survival. The two Sinners who have a Gluttony S2 - Gregor and Ishmael - are both heavily tied to survival, being the main focus of the "Survival is a Sin" scene in Canto 1 with Yuri. At the same time though, the object of their Gluttony differs - for Gregor, it's normalcy, a desire to escape the nightmare he lives in, one which he can't reach due to the scars left in him by the Smoke War; for Ishmael, it's finding Ahab, a desire that turns into an obsession with killing a survivor in an act of revenge, one if she were to fulfill would leave her empty and with no other reason to keep on living.
Xichun herself seems to continue the trend of Gluttony being tied to survival, as a lot of how she treats others can be very easily tied into her trying to avoid being picked off by her Family. The main object of desire in Xichun's case appears to be Power.
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The first thing Xichun notices and mentions upon seeing Hong Lu is his lack of a well-built faction, and from the way her own posse is described, it seems she herself took the time and effort to build a group that is more than capable of both protecting her and dealing serious harm. She appears to care a lot about the Power numbers give her, especially with how she describes the methods her siblings would use to kill her.
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It's not that Yuanchun or her other siblings would personally come after her, no, their Power, and by extention her own, come from the people who surround the siblings. The lackeys, the minions, the faction.
There is also... something else Xichun is searching for in La Manchaland, something that I believe ties back into this desire of hers. Xichun's sole reason for coming all this way is her search for a specific piece of information, and considering her reaction to the story being told by Sansón, it's not impossible for that info to be related to the Rivers of the deep.
...This is where I have to do a bit of speculation, as the Rivers are a part of PM's world we still don't know much about.
Here's what we know for sure about the Rivers:
At least some of them are analogous to the Rivers of Hades, as the River of Oblivion shares the name with one of them, Lethe.
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2. The Rivers seem to primarily possess powers that directly influence one's consciousness, whether it be giving one visions of the future that drive them into madness, or completely oblivionize one's identity.
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3. Considering the above use of 'well' as a synonym for the Rivers, it's very possible they're Heavily Connected to the Well LobCorp would draw from using Cogito.
So. We don't really know the reason for Xichun to be searching for info on the Rivers. However, from what little we know of what they might be able to do, it's not unlikely her goal is to try and use their Power in some way. It would fit with what we know of her so far, and while our own knowlege is limited, the fact that one of those Rivers was LobCorp's Well shows that when harnessed, they can be incredibly Powerful resources indeed.
Xichun is a person who has been put in a situation where her primary concern is her own survival, as she's put in constant danger by her Family. This has likely led to her developing an unsatiable desire for some form of Power.
This desire primarily manifests itself through Xichun's concern with surrounding herself with powerful people and building her own faction, as it's clear the biggest threat her fellow siblings pose to her is through their own lackeys. Her experience would have clearly taught her that's what being Powerful is all about.
However, due to the nature of this desire as something that cannot be satisfied, a faction is not enough for Xichun. While this is my speculation, I believe this same desire for Power is exactly why Xichun is searching for information on the Rivers within La Manchaland, likely believing that the Power they have would be a highly valuable resource to her.
That's what I believe her Gluttony S2 is meant to reflect.
Envy S3: Envy as a Sin is associated with a sense of inferiority, lack of control and free will, jealousy, and attempts to copy others. The one Sinner with an Envy S3 - Sinclair - is shown to be deeply insecure and easily manipulated into acting a certain way by people who show him attention. He's implied to covet the aura and the kind of presence Demian carries with him, and his fears and feelings of inferiority are the flaw he struggles with the most visibly.
Xichun, at her core, is a deeply insecure person. One of the first things she says about herself is expressing the opinion that she's nowhere close to the level her older siblings are at. She's someone who tries to do what they do, coveting the Power and status they hold, but is unable to match them in her own eyes.
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And then. There's this line.
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Xichun considers herself to be So below her other siblings, that she sees herself as such a non-threatening figure that there's a chance her siblings would straight up ignore her in their rivalries. This line, I think, exemplifies just how deep and pervasive Xichun's Envy is.
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There's also this moment, again further showing her lack of confidence, immediately putting herself down and claiming her prediction is probably wrong the moment she's asked to share it.
Xichun feels a deep sense of inferiority, often comparing herself to her siblings and feeling jealous of their own Power and status. She feels self-conscious about her own lack of those things compared to her Family, to the point where she considers herself completely irrelevant at points of notable weakness.
It's very likely that everything Xichun does stems from that feeling of not being the one in control of the situation, of being so weak that her siblings would feel she's not worth the effort. She needs Power, she needs to be on the same level as her other siblings, because without it, she's considered nothing.
Perhaps it's part of what infuriates her about Hong Lu's behavior. We've seen he's extremely self-sacrificial, willing to just lay down and accept pain simply because he knows why other people would want to inflict that on him. He's someone who seems to put himself in a position of weakness willingly. Of course Xichun would hate seeing that, as someone who doesn't have the choice not to be in a similar position herself.
That's what I believe her Envy S3 is meant to reflect.
I love her. I'm so scared for her.
It makes me wonder if the choice to give her white bits in her hair is meant to invoke the idea of someone's hair turning white prematurely from stress. After all, if there's anyone in the Jia Family who would be stressed to the point of that happening, it would be the one who considers herself the weakest out of all of them...
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fadingwinnerpirate · 3 months ago
My Interpretation of what the Sins mean in Limbus Company
Alright so, I've wanted to do this for a while, but it took me a while to come up with a definition for every Sin that was satisfying for me personally. Fortunately, with the end of Canto 7, I've finally put the pieces together!
Also, shout-out to @lu-is-not-ok for inspiring me to do this (also some of my interpretations probably overlap with his). Without further ado, let us begin!
Wrath: in my opinion, Wrath is the Sin of defiance, the sin of not being satisfied with one's condition in life and seeking to change it, even to the point of self-destruction, like a fire that inevitably burns itself out. The best example of a Wrathful character I can think of would be Angela, before the true end of the game, where she was so focused on screwing over A that she literally made herself vulnerable to injury. For a more Limbus-y example, Ishmael is probably the best, considering that the unofficial subtitle for Canto 5 was "Blind Obsession" and her whole "thing" in that Canto was destroying her mental state in order to get at Ahab.
I think all Sins are associated with a certain emotional state, and they're certainly related to the primary status effects. Wrath is related to the emotion of anger and the status of Burn. If you need evidence of Wrath being related to anger, I refer you to the end of 5-35. As for why Wrath is associated with Burn, I personally have two reasons for it, one being, "fuck you, you think I can only hit you on /my/ turn?!" And the other being that Burn is a stand in for the sabotage that often comes with rebellion, where you're able to soften up the enemy without having to directly engage them, which makes overthrowing them easier than it would be.
Lust: Alright, this is the Sin that I had the most trouble with while I was thinking of this on my own, so it might not be the best reasoned part of this analysis. With that being said, Lust is the Sin of emotional fulfillment, to the point of insanity. This might be a hard idea to grasp at first, so I'll explain it with the example that gave me this breakthrough, the Bloodfiends. All of the Bloodfiend IDs we have have a Lust skill, which represents the thirst for blood, but it manifests differently based on their generation. The Third Kindred have a Gluttony skill, which represents the hunger of their disease, but the Second Kindred don't, because they don't feel that hunger as intensely as the Third Kindred.
This means that Lust must represent the emotional dependency that the Bloodfiends have on blood, since that is what is shared between all Kindred, they "need" blood to feel "happiness". This means, in a broader sense, that Lust is the desire to feel happy/content with the work that you've done, even if that means sacrificing your morals or common sense in order to do so. Lust is thus associated with the emotion of happiness and the status of Bleed. I think I've already made my case for Lust being associated with happiness, but why is it associated with Bleed? Honestly, I'm not sure, but my best guess is that it has to do with the concept of "completing one's work". Bleed is essentially that anime trope where someone swings their sword and the other guy explodes ten seconds later, so it isn't unreasonable to associate it with the Sin that's about finding fulfillment in life.
Sloth: This is the Sin of compliance, of not fighting against the flow, even if it would be in your best interest to fight against it (aka the Sin of the US lol). In some ways it is the opposite of Wrath, but that doesn't mean that they can't go together. Such a combination to me suggests the idea of "useless wrath," or fighting a war that you don't think you can win. For a good exploration of this concept, I recommend "Understanding That 'Rat in a Cage' Song" by 12tone on YouTube. For an exploration of Sloth by itself, let's look at Yi Sang. Dude is depressed for real. Ever since the League of Nine disbanded, he physically could not muster the energy to resist other people if he wanted to. Even when he escaped N Corp., it was only because of the instructions that Sang Yi gave him that he even tried to escape. It was not until the very end of Canto 4 that he was able to find his own strength, his "Wings". As a side note before we move on, a lot of this also applies to Gregor, please keep an eye on him, and anyone in your real life who acts like Greg, they need as much support as you can muster.
All of this means that Sloth's emotion is, in fact, the lack of emotion, as Sloth has no internality of its own, only continuing on as it is bidden. Sloth is associated with Tremor, and as Zwei Ishmael has told us, Tremor is essentially knocking your opponent off-balance so you have an easier time defeating them, which tracks with another trend of Sloth based design, which is outlasting the enemy, mostly by being tanky in some way. Since Sloth lacks emotions, it also lacks an emotional investment in conflict, and as any Ruina veteran can tell you, the more emotional a fight is, the more intense the fight is, which means the low intensity nature of Sloth lends itself well to this outlasting type of fighting style that Tremor and tankiness allow.
Bruh, it's midnight how am I only halfway done 😭
Gluttony: Gluttony is the Sin of desire, and for the longest time, I could not find a good way to make it distinct from Lust, or more accurately, make Lust distinct from Gluttony. This is because "desire" is a really broad concept that could theoretically encompass every other Sin except for maybe Sloth. However, since Limbus mostly represents Gluttony through the lens of consumption and hunger, that does narrow it a bit. Specifically, Gluttony is the need to survive or achieve something, and the horrible things that people can be pushed to in order to do so. Sinclair and Gregor are kind of the go-to for examples of Gluttony because they're the most "normal" of the crew, just trying to not die every 20 seconds, however I also want to mention Faust, since she has a surprising amount of Gluttony for someone so aloof, which suggests some kind of desperation she had that we haven't really gotten to see, even in Murder on the Warp Express.
This leads to Gluttony's emotion, which is desperation. That might be a weird thing to call an emotion, but think about it, hasn't every one felt a deep "need" to do something cloying at them deep in their stomach at some point? It might be a bit dramatic to call that "desperation" but I need to call it something, and that's what came first! Gluttony is associated with Rupture, which is probably the easiest connection to make between Sin and Status. Gluttony is all about trying to survive in a very "kill or be killed" kind of way and Rupture lets you deal more damage per attack, thus letting you kill your enemy before they can kill you.
Gloom: Most people think Gloom is the Sin of depression, but from the thinking and research I've done, I think it's more complicated than that. To me, Gloom is the Sin of introspection, of facing your own flaws and moving past them, of sinking into the murky depths of your /own/ mind and dredging up the confidence that is found by staring into that abyss. I mostly came to this conclusion because of how Gloom interacts with not just Sinking, but SP as a mechanic in general.
Identities with Gloom often have a focus on SP outside of using Sinking, like Red Eyes Ryoshu's Penitence status or Butler Outis' ridiculous SP gain. If Gloom were purely depressive, why is there so much focus on stabilizing your own mental state? This leads to Gloom's connection to Sinking. If Gloom is about introspection and, dare I say, Realization, then Sinking is forcing people to look at themselves and confront their flaws, and most people can't handle that without preparation so their morale falters, possibly throwing them into a panic. Emotionally, Gloom is most resonant with sadness, I feel. That might contrast with what I've been saying, but introspection can certainly be painful and the most Gloom based characters we've seen like Sinclair and Ishmael aren't the most upbeat people. This would technically make Gloom the opposite of Lust but they can certainly be combined to create what is known as a "well-rounded person". To better understand this concept I recommend seeing: a therapist.
Pride: To me, Pride is the Sin of going your own way and refining yourself regardless of what others think of your path. The best example of Pride would of course be the Blade Lineage. This Syndicate is a rough collection of swordsmen from S Corp. that were exiled and seek to restore the honor that's been lost in S Corp. Something interesting to note is the abundance of Sin Affinities among the BL IDs, which highlights how the Blade Lineage are unique people with their own talents and stories to tell, united by their common purpose.
Emotionally, Pride resonates with calmness. While not traditionally an emotion, calm is certainly a kind of emotional /state/ that allows you to focus on what you need and want to do with your life. Also, this is not the same thing as Sloth's emotion, if you mistake a lack of emotion for calmness, please refer to the end of the Gloom section. Pride relates to Poise, which is pretty simple, the calmness of Pride allows you to strike deeper than you ordinarily would.
Yeesh, it's 2 am. At least there's only one left.
Envy: Envy is the Sin of comparison, of acting because of what someone else has done. This is distinct from Sloth because Envy is about the response to others' actions, which can often mean fighting against the "flow" that Sloth would follow. It's also distinct from Wrath because Wrath can be self-motivated, without any one event or person to prompt the Wrathful actions, while Envy is defined by that prompt. The best example of Envy, would of course be Heathcliff. Basically everything this guy has ever done is because somebody else fucked with him somehow, be it Cathy giving him a crush, the people of Wuthering Heights beating him up, or even Dante and Cathy making the choice to erase her from the Mirror without his input, prompting him to care about the power of the Golden Bough for the first time since joining Limbus Company.
Envy connects with the emotion of jealousy, a desire for what someone else has that you lack, which is pretty self-explanatory. But how does this have anything to do with Charge of all things? Well, I think that Charge is representative of the "journey" of Envy. You start out normally and don't have the full investment into the fight that you could have, but as the enemy continues to push you to your limits, the intensity increases and you put more and more effort behind your attacks to retaliate and push them back. It might be a bit generic, but that's kinda what Charge is, right?
Welp, that was a long read right, but we're finally done! Thank you for reading through my very indepth thoughts on this all the way through!
Worm regards, everyone!
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lopjh · 1 month ago
Corazón de Ballena - Sin Analysis (Limbus Company)
Alright, if anyone wants context, full Sin Analysis post is here:
TLDR: 7 Main Sins: Pride, Lust, Gloom, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy and Sloth. The higher Skill they are, the more deep-seated they are, so a S1: Wrath is surface level while and S3: Wrath is more deep-seated. Will also be analysing potential EGO and Sin costs.
S1: Pride - Pretty obvious right? Corazon is very prideful and sees himself as being the Best Most Awesome Pirate Ever. This is of course a surface-level reading of him, and this mask he puts on hides a lot of insecurity.
S2: Gluttony - This is twofold, both showcasing his greed for money in general, as well as his want for fulfillment, to become a cool awesome pirate, and will continue reaching for more ways to increase his presence or become better. Him wanting werewolf powers after Prudence got hers, him wanting to marry the rich old guy in Season 5 despite having plenty of money, him wanting a ghost mansion, etc. He is never satisfied with his lot in life, which is caused by his most deep-seated sin... S3: Envy - Envy isn't just jealousy (which does also fit with Corazon well), but with reactions and actions taken in response to others. The whole entire reason Corazon left home to become a pirate was because of wanting to spite his jerk father, and the whole reason he decided that 'pirate' was the profession to do was because he knew his father wouldn't like it. He is always trying to one-up others, show off in front of the group, and prove himself, the aforementioned werewolf bargaining with Prudence showing his envy for her as well. At his core, Corazon cares A LOT about how he's viewed by others, and both his Pride and Gluttony/Greed is in service of that.
EGO: "Heart of a..."
His Ego, if going by LCB Sinners methodology, is based on a tragic or major aspect of his life, and it only fits that it would be him betraying his crew and leaving them to their cursed fate.
It would be a Gloom EGO, due to memory evoking a lot of sadness from him due to him betraying and leaving his crew to die, that costs Gluttony(Due to the choice being made to prioritize his survival) and Pride(Doing it without thinking of the consequences of how it would affect the crew).
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outism-odyssey · 2 years ago
Outis Base EGO Sin Analysis
Right, I made this blog specifically to analyze her sins... and promptly forgot to do that!
For the meanings of each sin, I’ll be largely referring to this post from @lu-is-not-ok​ (its a very good post, do check it out!)
I originally meant to do her base ID and EGO in the same post, but, the EGO alone goes on for a while. (I’ll probably write up the base ID tomorrow)
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Sin Costs
To Páthos Máthos costs 2 pride and 2 sloth, and translates to "Suffering Becomes Experience". Pride generally represents ignoring consequences. Act now, deal with the problems later. And almost always, pride-related actions ate taken out of the belief the benefits will outweigh the consequences. Sloth, on the other hand, represents apathy and resignation. It has many uses, but a particular use I think resonates with this ego is to do things without ever complaining or acting out.
Together, these sins would suggest that Outis believes what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That she should press on, stoic and ignoring the pain, believing in the end she'll come out better for it. But, I don't think she actually believes that. Rather, it's what she *wants* to believe.
Early in canto 4, Outis tells the other sinners that "experiencing a certain pain will make you learn to fear and avoid it." And she says this in a very different tone of voice to the rest of her speech. It certainly doesn't sound like the words or tone of someone who thinks pain makes them stronger.
Her EGO's line is "the odyssey has a purpose." And in the context of her speech in canto 4? It sounds to me like she's trying to convince herself. She's trying to tell herself that there's meaning to her suffering, and that she hasn't just gone through all this for no reason. Telling herself that her odyssey did have a purpose.
Sin Resistances
There’s a few theories around about what exactly sin resistances on a sinner’s EGO means (like this one from analytical-machine!), but for this analysis I’ll be sticking to my own interpretation of it.
In the abnormality EGOs, I don’t believe resistances mean much of anything.it’s just the abnormality’s resistances, and it’s always identical across all sinners with the same EGO. But, the base EGOs are more interesting.
For a sinner’s base EGO, I believe the sins they’re fatal to are in some way connected to the origins of their traumas, while the sin they endure is how they’re trying to escape it - either literally or metaphorically.
For instance, Gregor has fatal for gloom and envy damage - respectively representing his PTSD and feelings towards G corp, and Hermann using him as a test subject and poster boy. On the other hand, he endures sloth. Gregor escaped the room he was locked into when, out of resignation, he cut the apple and was allowed to leave - resignation being heavily associated with sloth.
The resistances for To Páthos Máthos are: Fatal: lust, envy Endured: gloom
The combination of lust and envy was odd. Lust is associated with self-indulgence, following your own whims and goals. But Envy is associated with taking action because of someone else. They seem like complete opposites. I kind of didn’t know what to do about them. But, @speedynamo​ had some great insight in some comments, and I’ll paraphrase those below.
For Outis’ envy weakness: In The Odyssey, Odysseus ended up in the trojan war because he was bound by a truce to support the Greeks if Helen were ever to be kidnapped. When Paris of Troy asked Aphrodite for the most beautiful woman on earth for marriage, Aphrodite gave him Helen - thus kicking off the war and dragging in Odysseus.
And for the lust: War's often promoted as something that will make you complete. And because of that, many people think the best way to achieve your desires is to go out, fight in war, and come back as a war hero.
Speedynamo mentioned that their analysis hinged on there being a very close equivalent to the Trojan war. And there certainly is: the smoke war! While the specifics probably aren’t identical, there is a good chance that Outis’ experience was similar. Something was stolen (likely Old L Corp’s singularity?), and a deal/truce involving it dragged Outis into the war, where she believed she could complete herself by becoming a war hero.
It probably didn’t work out that way, though. So, how does Outis deal with it? With her resisting gloom... it seems like she doesn’t handle it. Gloom as a sin is all about stewing in your negative emotions, buckling under pressure, letting those emotions control you. And while we never see her express this directly, there are a few rare moments where she seems to show this side of herself - like when she tells Dongrang the calf will remember him, or in her sunshower EGO’s corrosion line (which is a topic for another time)
But, with her mask(s) on constantly, it’s not often that you see this side to her.
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syntonylife · 1 year ago
Manifesting Mischief: A Playful Look at the 7 Deadly Sins through the Lens of the Law of Attraction
Unlocking Your Potential: Transforming Sins into Strengths with Self-Discovery and Manifestation Last week, while I was on a car journey with my friends while going to Porto, I was recounting how my hairdresser had decided to make me look ridiculous by giving me a dreadful fringe and miserably destroying my beautiful long hair. I complained to my friends, revealing to them that I am aware of…
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sinnbaddie · 1 year ago
This is the difference in their relationship with Sasuke.
By no means is Naruto the greatest friend to him and vice versa (I mean we can’t expect child soldiers to have healthy relationships let’s be serious), but the very fact that Naruto - instead of pushing his love onto him and his views - wanted to take on his burdens show how healthy his approach to Sasuke was.
Sakura wanted to push her love onto him, make him accept her while simultaneously changing him. She didn’t want the bad parts, she wanted him to change for her. Naruto accepted Sasuke as he was. The only thing he wanted to change was the darkness consuming him and he didn’t even want him to just stop, instead he told him he’d carry it with him and they’ll hold onto it together because Naruto knew that doing it alone would destroy him and nearly did.
The contrast between Sakura and Naruto’s view of Sasuke and their relationship is that Sakura wanted Sasuke to walk out of the darkness himself and Naruto wanted to shoulder it with him so he wasn’t alone and that’s why Naruto and Sasuke’s relationship is better.
Other characters, including Sakura herself see her “love” for Sasuke as a burden. Whereas Naruto, wants to take on Sasuke’s burdens because he loves him.
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whiskeysorrows · 2 months ago
the implications of the show possibly making armand muslim are devastating. marius renames arun 'amadeo' meaning 'lover or beloved of god' which was ALREADY gross in the books since it places him as this godlike figure armand had to worship. and then later on, with the cult in rome and santino, he was forced into worshipping satan which caused a whole crisis for him even when book armand was christian. but if show armand is muslim everything gets a whole lot worse. in islam the biggest most unforgivable sin (if you don't repent) is shirk, or idol worship. by fashioning himself as armand's god, marius not only removed armand's cultural identity from him, he has tainted his faith which is arguably one of the only things armand could've held onto. marius essentially damns armand in one of the most irreversible ways possible by grooming him the way he did with religion as a weapon. and it gets even worse with the cult since armand is not only forced to commit shirk but to reject allah, one of the last ties he has to his cultural identity, completely. armand therefore becomes a metaphor and an example of what colonialism inflicts upon the colonised
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While we're on the topic, depiction does not automatically equal glorifying or agreeing with that thing. So if you have a problem with a piece of media just because it has elements that show we live in a fallen world, that is incredibly unrealistic- and then you can't even appreciate 'good Christian' media. Christian literary giants still have those sinful elements in their work just as much if not more than secular ones do. Because you have to show the darkness for the light to pierce it.
The difference between depicting something and glorifying it is how the author uses different tools to depict what they're showing and saying and what message they're getting across with their work. So even if you're just looking at something to chill out on your down time, and don't want to or don't have the mental capacity to analyze it, at least think about what it is saying and why and how it all works together to tell the story and how the worse aspects of it contribute to the central themes.
AND EVEN THEN if a work DOES glorify something sinful because that's what the author believes in and wants to promote, that isn't an automatic no to you consuming that media either. That is up to you to use your wisdom and discernment to see if you can enjoy that media while ignoring or not supporting those particular aspects of the media or if you should blacklist it completely because its so sinful and by consuming it you are convicted that you are sinning, or that it might lead you to sin if you struggle with that thing.
There is more nuance than you think there is in everything. Be wise about it.
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The BAU on vacation:
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EMILY: By day, she sleeps by the pool in the sun reading Kurt Vonnegut books, cocktail in hand, and by night, she goes out, ‘sin to win’ style, thoroughly hungover the next day. Nobody knows where she goes or what she does, but it always seems like she’s had a crazy night.
REID & GIDEON: have a full itinerary planned exploring the best museums and most niche historical destinations. Reid acts as a tour guide and all around information repository. Both brought speedos, yet neither of them get in the pool or the ocean.
JJ & GARCIA: Undisputed karaoke queens. They are the first to arrive and last to leave at the karaoke bar each night, and come back to the hotel covered in glitter and boa feathers. Garcia is a nuisance at the front desk as she keeps getting logged out of the hotel WiFi.
HOTCH: Spends most of the vacation on the phone to his higher-ups at the FBI. He looks very official, sitting pin-straight on a deck chair, shades on, expression serious. Workers at the hotel keep offering to book him in with the masseuse, which he rejects—he looks like he could use it.
ELLE & MORGAN: gorgeous people flock to them as they sunbathe at the hotel’s poolside bar. They always enter the nightclubs together, but they always leave separately—and never alone…
BONUS: Spencer is a walking sunblock dispenser, yet Emily still gets sunburn—though she’d never admit it—as she claims she ‘doesn’t need it’. Morgan recounts his one night stands to Spencer, who just looks terribly confused and stares at Morgan in puzzlement as he gives him advice on flirting and smooth pick-up lines. JJ and Emily nurse their hangovers together at the hotel breakfast buffet, sitting together with their shades on and silently passing the coffee pot between them.
Check out my Masterlist for more BAU scenarios
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sinnbaddie · 5 months ago
Something something, Raph having no one to lean on because he’s the oldest sibling and his father while physically there isn’t emotionally there
Something something, Raph being pretty good at keeping it to himself but donnie noticing how lacking their father is with them and how Raph can’t lean on anyone but especially their own father
Something something, Donnie taking on a more parentified role in regards to Splinter because he can’t help but feel how unfair it is that Raph has to take care of not only himself but three younger siblings and he doesn’t know how to show his love for his older brother but he wants to ease his pain as much as he can
Donnie and Raph being the ones who noticed Splinter’s absence the most and having to make sure the others are ok even if they hurt because if they can’t help their brothers what’s the point of them?
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nyxofdemons · 2 years ago
okay so the main criticism i've been seeing against episode 8 is that beelzebub (among other things) is "too nice" to be the sin of gluttony, because she's an attentive hostess, because she expresses worry over blitz's excess drinking, etc., and i wanna talk about it.
the thing is, i feel like this complaint is rooted in the most basic, somewhat cliche idea of the sin of gluttony, and a somewhat boring approach to bee's character in general. the idea is that, as the sin of gluttony, bee should be encouraging over-indulgence, excess, and the self-destructive aspects of party culture and drinking.
but she's the queen bee. she clearly explains that she can feel the "energy" of everyone at her party, and i think that's very important to analyzing exactly what gluttony means to her. instead of indulging in food and alcohol and drugs and being selfish (as gluttony is generally expected to be about), bee feeds on the ENERGY of the demons around her. and in order to get the best energy she can, she needs to be making sure everyone is actually having FUN and having a good time. gluttony, in this sense, is about EXTRAVAGANCE, having the best quality of everything, rather than just everything in general.
i also think this is why she was so put-off by blitz's actions. when he chugs the entire barrel of alcohol and then is absolutely wasted beyond all reason for the rest of the party, he's NOT actually engaging in her sin. he's not being gluttonous; he's not drinking to have a good time or to indulge or to have fun - he's drowning himself in alcohol because he's trying to forget and ignore all his problems, which is a sin much more akin to pride. his energy feels bad to bee because he's not having fun, he's deeply hurt and trying to distract himself by being self-destructive, which is NOT what her sin is about.
(also, remember, this is supposed to be part TWO of the finale. meaning, this episode (and the introduction of bee's character) directly goes hand-in-hand with the introduction of asmodeus, who's entire club IS about indulgence and depravity and everything you'd expect from the sin of lust. bee and the gluttony party are meant to be a direct foil to the energy of ozzie's.)
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leonardalphachurch · 2 months ago
the worst thing about south hate is that i’m constantly having to be like SHE DIDNT DO THAT. SHES NOT THAT BAD because people love to make things up and interpret her in the worst possible light and i NEVER get to appreciate how awful she actually is. free my GIRL she didn’t do all that she did other horrible things that are nuanced and terrible and we LOVE HER FOR IT
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spicylove4ever · 2 years ago
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"Queen Bee doesn't look like a properly designed Beelzebub! There's nothing on her design that says Glutony!"
Ok... so we're talking about the sin about over self-indulgence, about seeking satisfaction through something you ingest, waste of food, eat or drink stuff that is bad for your body, waste money on overly expensive food....
I wonder is there is a type of escenario where all that happens at once.... oh yes. PARTIES.
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A party queen. One with hair and tail made of the HONEY SHE MENTIONS DON'T STOP ON HER THEME SONG.
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A belly that I bet can digest everything so she's NEVER EVER FULL of food or drinks. Also, works as another big clue.
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Offers food and drink non-stop, is always up to get something in her, and has a pool full of what seems to be magical honey that she can turn into sweets.
.....nope. Not a convincing Glutony Queen at all. XD
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gameguy20100 · 1 year ago
You know, when you think about it, it makes sense Mammon is such a jerk. Out of all the sins, Greed is arguably the most selfish.
Ozzie always says that lust should be natural and enjoyed together. In fact, most of his establishments outright discourage indulging in lust on your own. You should get out there and indulge in your sick twisted fetishes with as many people as possible. As long as it's consensual. Because if only one person is enjoying it, that's not lust.
Bee always throws huge parties and encourages everyone to have fun indulging in Gluttony. But you shouldn't use it as a way to ignore your problems. That's not helping you, and it's just going to ruin everyone's fun. Don't be that jackass.
Even Lucifer, the embodiment of pride encourages you to stand up for yourself. "Don't take shit from other demons."
Greed? There's really no way to indulge in greed without hurting people because its very concept is taking what you want at the expense of other people. It's prioritizing your own needs over everything else.
So if you're wondering why Mammon is such a prick, it's because greed really is just inherently worse than Pride or Lust.
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j00d · 3 months ago
Octavia, Azathoth's Tears, and What It May Mean for Sinsmas
So... I'll admit, I might've been left in the oven for too long, but I have to ask:
This still of Octavia:
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Doesn't this remind anyone else of Azathoth's Tears?
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And how the colours in both previous pictures are similar to the colour of Octavia's power?
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Granted the colors aren't all 1:1 and could be coincidental, but I can't help but think that if this is, in fact, supposed to be one of Azathoth's Tears, it means that she's holding a symbolic manifestation of, as Stolas said, "tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be." Specifically... her own.
(But let me cook just a little bit more. I promise I turned the oven on broil and I'm just trying to get some nice kwispy browning on top.)
Based on the (admittedly limited) animation this clip of Octavia provides, I also believe she's singing. Here's the list of why I think that:
The framing of the animation
Octavia's mouth animations are slower than normal talking speed (speculative)
The second half of season 2 focuses on parallels and theme callbacks to the first half
Octavia's mental state last we saw her in Mastermind
The show's emphasis on incorporating musical theater language into the narrative (when emotions run too high to talk, you sing, and when emotions are too high to sing, you dance)
Viv's confirmation there's at least one song (diegetic or nondiegetic) included in every Helluva episode
I'm not 100% saying this is true, just that I think it's a decent argument to make, given what context we have.
Okay, let's assume there is an Octavia song in Sinsmas. What does singing have to do with the connection I made between the clip and Azathoth's Tears and the color of Octavia's powers?
If Octavia does get a song, it'll be about how her hopes and dreams concerning her own family are never going to exist and how she needs to let that go.
"You never loved Mother, and you don't love me. You love him."
If this quote is real and not a fabrication, then it also supports this idea due to how definitive it is. Compare it to her previous speculative tone in S2E2 when asking Loona, "Why does [Stolas] hate her more than he loves me?" The definitive nature makes me believe that she doesn't need to speculate anymore.
Regardless of whether she's actually correct or not, whether Stolas hates Stella, loves Octavia, and/or loves Blitz, she's already made up her mind about what's going on. Her letting go of this familial hope manifests as this definitive statement.
It's up in the air about how sympathetic or unsympathetic she'll be towards her father by the end of season 2, but if my theory crafting is true, we gonna get a pretty fucking huge character moment for Octavia one way or the other.
Or I need to get tf out of the oven.
Maybe Stolas' brain is being a bitch and hurting our already hurting birdie babe.
Now, if you'll excuse me, it's past 4AM, and if I don't get to bed in the next 10 seconds my fiancee will absolutely slaughter me worse than a goddamn D.H.O.R.K.S. agent.
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