#demon hunter!au
iamvegorott · 2 months
Idk how this came to me but I feel like Host becoming a demon would make him a force to be reckoned with. 😈
However I feel like if he did ever go feral, the worst he'll do is a raid a bakery or a donut shop and when someone finds him they think he's soaked in blood when in actuality he ate a bunch of jelly filled donuts 😂
I love this idea so much more than I should XD
Everyone panicking because Host went feral and ran off. Night just asks where the nearest bakery is
He shows up and watches a Human run away screaming that "There's blood everywhere!" and Night is still casually strolling.
Night finds Host in the bakery covered in red jelly and thinks he looks adorable
Host hisses when Night first approaches before relaxing at realizing it's his mate and Night is just so weak when Host starts purring
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starry-songs-canvas · 4 months
Take Care of Him
The boy, who had Damian’s face, couldn’t be more different than Dick’s (alive?) baby brother.
Aside from his Snow White hair, he smiled and laughed freely, making puns on top of his embarrassing story about his supposed twin brother.  
(“Clones don’t have childhood memories right?  So if I have an embarrassing story or two, that’ll give you a way to check that I’m not a clone AND give you ammunition for teasing!”)
“—And that’s how his face—and his pride—was forever wounded by Sparta the warrior cat!”  Danny finished his story with a flourish, cracking up immediately after.
“Huh, and to think he left it at “training”, obviously he didn’t think anyone would let the cat out of the bag.”  Dick said, laughing even as he eyed the lookalike.
Danny snorted.  “Yeah, I doubt he thought anything as Cat-astropic as that would happen.”
They sat in silence for a moment, overlooking the buildings below, with the Dalv. Co. Labs smoking in the distance and the breeze blowing past the two, yet only seeming to affect Nightwing and not the phantom beside him.
“Is he safe?  Is he happy?” Danny murmurs as he looks up at the stars, looking every bit the forlorn ghost he claimed to be.
“…We keep each other safe.  And I’d say once he got past the stabbing faze, he’s pretty happy in Gotham.”
“But I’m sure it’d make him happy to see you again.”  Dick thought back to the comments the vampire-ghost they’d fought earlier.  It didn’t sound exactly, “happy” or “safe” for Danny.  Or anyone else involved.
Danny shook his head.  “Nah.  He’s… moved on.  And with how crazy my after-life is?  I’m already dealing with ghosts, ghost-hunters, and my—err—that frootloop from earlier.  I do not need to add furries and murder-ninjas to the mix.”
Danny sighed as he floated into a standing position.  “Speaking of which, if you could just, maybe not tell him you saw me?  Better to let dead dogs lie.”
Danny’s piercing Lazarus green eyes looked at Dick and he saw the exact same expression B had on whenever he “had to do it alone”.
“Just, take care of him, Kay?  Or I’ll haunt you to the ends of the universe!”  He said, throwing up a peace sign as he turned invisible.
Dick snorted, “Yeah, sure kid.”
Dick got up and started off toward the bat-plane.  He had a brother to interrogate, and another brother/clone of his brother to find.
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aimasup · 6 months
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haha what if they were a 2000s DVD 3D-animated children's christian cartoon that got discontinued because the main villain went off script haha unless -
calling this the veggietales au until we have a better name
addendum: guess what ship this AU started out for. you'll never get it right
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somerandomcockroach · 2 months
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nohomie · 5 months
Character Intro:
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Lore dump below:
Okioki so in this AU, Mythic and Man used to be at odds with one another before they formed an alliance but it wasnt always the case even before then.
Demons have always been opportunists so theyd frequently offer their service to humans and even mythics too at times. As time passed, contracts became a demon's life and blood. Its deeply ingrained to their culture, from their coming of age, to their social standing, to their literal power. It became law that demons are required to accomplish ongoing contracts on the surface, otherwise they would be forbidden to return to their home in the underworld. Albeit there are some leniency for demons who have long term contracts, their travel between the two worlds are heavily limited. Demons who have met a certain number of successful deals is given special privilages like being able to access both worlds freely with none of the paperwork required. Literally free travel to hell and back. You can actually tell how many successful deals a demon has made by the markings on their skin.
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keferon · 1 month
I think your Monster Hunter AU is really cool and I wanted to know if you’d be cool if I tried to write something in the universe? (Specifically about Prowl haha, I saw him once and thought 👀 “man i wonder if tarantulas was in this au how spooky he’d be given he’s spooky enough in canon”)
Would also love to know your thoughts/if you had any of what Prowl could be up to, I know the au is Lost Light focused so I totally get it if you don’t have any/etc.
Hope you have a good day! Love your art!
Hoooo boy okay okay. Prowl.
He's a Golem created by Orion.
In mythology, Golems are essentially living statues made of clay mixed with blood and animated by magic. They are stupid and exist for primitive manual labor.
In my universe, a Golem is basically the same thing, but made of metal.
Orion assembled his golem from empty armor, parts stolen from the medbay, and his own energon. And then he went and got a Wisdom artifact and put it in the golem's head, because the rules strictly forbid giving golems internal organs like sparks or processors.
As a result, the golem was very light because it was essentially empty inside, so even when it moved it did so very quietly for a mech its size. Orion had been startled the first fifteen times the golem would appear completely silent beside him. On the sixteenth time, he called the golem Prowl.
Prowl is basically not a real mech. He has no spark, he has no need to eat or sleep. His only and primary task is to serve Orion. Thanks to the artifact, he is freakishly intelligent, not only compared to normal golems, but to normal mechs as well.
Orion keeps his origin a secret from everyone except Ratchet and Shockwave (because Shockwave was the one who taught him how to create golems), so all the mechs in the Order are convinced that Prowl is just Orion's very tedious assistant, not...you know...a walking puppet who has incredible intellectual abilities, but almost no emotions or conscience:)
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beethatwee · 27 days
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A possible scene for a future chapter. I wanted to draw glowy magic stuff mostly
Moon gives only one warning
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for-those-who-wait · 3 months
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I just binge-read saw the devil walking in the daylight (but he didn't see me) on AO3 by @glupblorbo and had to very quickly doodle some scenes from chapters 10 and 15 because holy crap if it didn't completely possess my brain for the past few hours please go read it, it's so good
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depravitycentral · 4 months
I don’t know if this appeals to anyone but me, but I’ve been watching a lot of period pieces about Regency Era England (specifically the 1995 Pride and Prejudice and Bridgerton) and I can’t stop thinking about the way women were actually treated like property, their only purpose to wed and produce children. Imagine the yandere possibilities, and the absolute lack of control you’d have over your fate.
Specifically, I can’t stop thinking about the lack of care and the disregard for social customs and norms yanderes could exhibit in that era. The rules are so very strict, and so very numerous – really, can he be blamed for not adhering to each and every one? Sure, he doesn’t treat any other woman this way, but is it such a crazy notion that he breaks a rule here or there? Surely not – not when it’s so very obvious that the proposal is coming, that he’s absolutely hell bent on keeping you pristine and pretty and pregnant in his own abode, not the pathetic pile of wood and roofing you call your home.
Maybe he’s always been one for attending the local and regional balls – for appearances, yes, but also because there’s nothing more that he loves than being in a room with all sorts of beautiful women and alcohol. Maybe he likes to play the politics game, stringing along every girl he can find so that he gets his pick of wives, so that he can bed any woman he so pleases without as much as a goodbye. Except that once his feelings for you form, his composure crumbles a bit.
He’s standing much, much too close to you throughout the entirety of your dance with him. His hips are tightly pressed against your ass as he follows the 1, 2, 3 of the waltz, the shuddering breath you hear at your ear making your skin crawl.
Maybe he’s insisted on keeping his hand much too low as he guides you through the dance, almost able to feel the hem of your underclothes under the layers of your dress, his fingers eager as he presses them tighter and tighter against you.
He’ll speak to you during the dance, his voice low and whispered and his mouth much too close to your ear, the audible wet sound of him licking his lips seeming louder than the quartet in the corner of the dancefloor.
He’s even asking you to remove your gloves, won’t you? I wouldn’t want to ruin the delicate silk – what would your dear mother think of me? And once they’re off (because really, his tone left very little room for rebuttal), his bare skin is pressing against yours, his palms clammy and sweating and absolutely engulfing yours with the way he keeps grabbing at more more more, wanting to feel every inch of you possible.
And then of course there’s those who aren’t as bold with physicality – no, the mere thought of being any closer to you than society permits is enough to get them hot under the collar, so nervous and flustered that they’re sure they’ll trip over themselves, that they’ll make an absolute fool in front of you. Instead, they resort to more classy measures – that is, it’s a bit jarring when they quickly approach you the moment you’ve entered the ballroom, swallowing harshly and asking in a voice that’s just a hair too high-pitched if they could perhaps have the honor of claiming your first dance this evening?
You can’t exactly say no – and even as you watch him eagerly scribble his name down on the first dance slot, then the second, then the third and fifth and tenth, what can you really say? He’s wealthier than your family, and your mother watches from the corner with a glint in her eye because oh, isn’t this just such an advantageous match?
Even the grouches who only attended the ball in which they met you upon a friend’s request act out in unexpected ways. They seem distracted, clutching onto their lemonade glass with a grip tight enough to turn their knuckles white, their shoulders visibly tense as their eyes scan the room over and over. They’re looking for you, of course. Mentally guessing at what colors you’d be donning this evening, how your hair is styled, what sorts of jewels and precious jewelry sits so prettily in the hollow of your throat or dangles against the sensitive skin of the juncture of your neck and jaw.
And once they've found you, they may not have the courage to speak with you or dance with you. But suddenly you've gained a permanent shadow for the evening. Where you go, he goes. He’s following you a good five feet behind, snaking around fellow attendees and keeping his eyes locked on your figure, biting his lip as he mentally notes who’s eye you’re catching, who’s speaking with you, who’s approaching you with a request to dance.
He’s standing directly behind you as you dance with some low-level baron, some insignificant man who can’t hold a candle to the riches, comfort and adoration that he can give you. And he's just staring, too – eyes like daggers as he watches the interaction, letting the anger simmer and fester until he finally, finally approaches you, his voice gruff and choppy as he compliments your dress (something like this dress is much more handsome than the last one you wore) and practically demands your next dance. Yes, it’s awkward, and yes, he leads far, far too much.
But really, the truly terrible thing to think about is what happens after the ball – when they call upon you in the sanctity of your own home, all sorts of love declarations falling from their lips that are much too hyper specific and draw upon knowledge you know you’ve never shared with him. But you must be kind; he’s of higher rank, after all, in a position where a few bad words could ruin your family forever.
It’s just that when he drops to one knee and proposes, it’s difficult to remember your delicate position because he’s managed to find the ring of your dreams, and he’s going on about how he’s had your bedchamber already decorated to fit all your tastes, how he has a wardrobe full of new dresses he’s had custom-fit to you, how he’s already decided that you’re to have a son first, but then all daughters and you’ll name them James, Eleanor, Kathryn, Marta…
And as he embraces you, the hug either much too tight or much too stiff, it’ll feel like a cage locking into place around you. Because really, what can you do? If you try to fight him, he has the wealth and connections to force your family into consenting. And even if your parents refuse to hand you off to a man you clearly despise and fear, it’s not so difficult to spread the rumors about your purity, to claim that he’d witnessed a servant passionately embracing you, that he’d seen you naked in the arms of some butcher’s boy…
It’s your word against his, and oh, isn’t he so kind for still having you after your reputation’s been destroyed? Isn’t he so dreamy and chivalrous for saving you from a life of destitution and outcast? Even if he’s the one to blame for that life in the first place?
And he’ll be so good to you, he promises. He’ll explain each and every aspect of the wedding night, of the consummation of a marriage, showing you exactly how deeply he’s been desiring you, how long he’s been craving you, how many times he’s fucked his fist and been thinking of you you you in those tempting dresses you wear, of those hips that you sway and move like a fucking minx at every dance you attend…
He’ll leave you wanting for nothing – aside from perhaps your freedom, and perhaps your sanity. But he’s sure you’ll learn to love him.
You must, after all.
Specifically the image of a few characters in the traditional regency dress is making me feral - imagine Aizawa, who's known as the reclusive Duke of the area, his public appearances next to none and his temperament difficult to handle. But alas, what's this? A few snarky comments from you - also standing against the ballroom's wall - about the ridiculousness of women's fashion and the discomfort of dancing in heels has him chuckling a bit, your obvious lack of knowledge of his position making him feel oddly seen. And when you find yourself falling into his company at the next ball he's forced to attend, Aizawa decides there's something particularly agreeable about your smile - finding himself wanting to know if your lips taste as good as they look. And when he loses his composure and blurts these words out, don't expect him to cut off contact with you - instead, he'll immediately speak with your father, requesting your hand in marriage and hoping that in time you might learn to forgive his dismissal of your opinion. Perhaps a child would help distract you, yes?
Imagine Rengoku, who's introduced to you by the ball's hostess, Shinobu. Imagine Rengoku, who immediately dances with you and keeps returning to fill up your dance card, that smile blinding as he spends the evening on the dancefloor by your side. Imagine Rengoku, who calls upon you everyday after first meeting you, his visits growing in frequency - sometimes multiple a day - and duration as the weeks drag on. Imagine the way he'll end each visit by grasping your hand in his and giving it a much-too-long kiss, assuring you that it's only taking this long for him to propose to and wed you because he's having an entirely new manor built - one he thinks you'll like a bit more. Nevermind that you don't wish him to continue his visits or leave you alone - do you like floral or patterned wallpapers more?
Imagine Akaashi, who's every woman's dream for both his looks and status. Imagine the way he holds you so delicately as he twirls you, those steel eyes of his practically cutting into you, his mid-dance questions starting off simple and innocent and slowly morphing into something that feels like an interrogation, something that feels too intimate and demanding and strange. Imagine the way he grasps onto your wrist - still gently but firm enough to eliminate your escape - as he guides you towards the refreshments table, insisting that you absolutely must drink something because he's noticed you haven't drunk anything since you arrived nearly an hour ago. But don't mention the fact that you didn't meet until roughly twenty minutes ago - long after you'd walked through the front doors.
Imagine Chrollo, who manages to charm his way into getting you alone with him on the balcony, those dark eyes smoldering as he compliments you. There's something stiff and rehearsed about it, and as you snort and ask him how many women he seduces in a night's work, something clicks in his brain. Imagine the way he doesn't leave your side for an instant after that, glued to your hip and seamlessly managing to evade each and every potential suitor from approaching you. Imagine the way he begins inviting you for long stays at his rather luxurious home, conveniently placing your bedchambers beside his own, spending night after night with his ear pressed against your shared wall and biting his lip as he fists his cock to the sound of you humming to yourself and washing your face with the pale of lukewarm water he'd used first then had the servants bring to you.
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emelinstriker · 4 months
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Have all the current prototype design doodles I drew this past month-
Also bonus doodles of the very first prototype design doodles in celebration of the AU technically being a month old now- Or like a month old behind the scenes at least lmao-
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mari-lair · 1 year
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Fire demon Killua!
a bit more about the au:
When you give a fire demon an unlit candle, it shows trust. If you give them a burning candle, it's a sight of love, as if to say "You have my heart". It can show you deeply treasure a friendship but it's far more used between families and lovers.
Killua is the only kid to be a fire demon like his dad, most of his siblings inherited their mother's power over shadows. Illumi and Silva were in charge of his training, so Killua is wary of darkness and hyperaware of how dangerous fire can be.
Killua's necklace is an enchanted Zoldyck relic that keeps him attached to the living world, if he breaks it or loses it he will be forced back to the underworld, where demons belong. He is weaker and loses some of his demoniac features outside cursed places (the underworld, summoning circles, and such), but he is still powerful.
The amulet needs a blood offering to work, it can be a demon's, human's, or animal's blood, if it doesn't receive it, it will take a good chunk of the user's blood.
Killua thinks the living world is beautiful, especially the sun and the sky, but knows he can turn things into ashes easily, so he holds back on his fire powers as best he can. When he makes an effort to stay calm his eyes are dark grey, they become blue when he is comfortable or uses his powers, and can become white in extreme situations.
Gon summons Killua on accident and asks him to be his friend, which Killua accepts, not reminding Gon a pact with a demon means he can take his soul in exchange later if he so desires.
Killua is hesitant to share anything about himself with Gon at first, so Gon is always proud when he figures out something about Killua on his own.
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deadvampire32 · 3 months
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Sasuke: Just because you’re a demon doesn’t make you immortal!
Naruto: heh I’m fine! You’re such a worrywart, dattebayo!
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phantom-dc · 1 year
More lore for the Demon AU
Following their dream, Jack and Maddie thought they had figured out how to create a portal to the Underworld. A summoning is a one way ticket, so the research was long and neccessary.
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But it didn't work. They left, angry and frustrated. Neither parent noticed that Danny had followed them, worried for their safety.
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Seeing that his patents had left the circle unattended, Danny went back to get his friends to help him clear the circle away, believing it to be dangerous. Remember, demons are known to be real. They arent seen as myths.
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As Sam pulled a knife out of the ground, she accidentally cut herself. Having the blood of a witch, it activayed the circle.
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Danny was standing in the middle of it. He never had time to react.
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The portal activated, turning Danny into a demon.
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Once the portal powered down, Sam and Tucker rushed to Danny's aid.
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Hearing people aproaching, they carried Danny away through the bushes. His parents, alerted by the light, never noticed them. In his weakened state, Danny transformed back into a human. Worried about what would happen, the three friends decided to keep this all a secret.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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I went looking thru my idea drafts and I found this silly idea I never drew, until noW
@naffeclipse the sillies
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decentsoupperson · 2 months
Ghost/Demon Hunters Au
Adam is trying to prove they are real, he has been a big believer since his encounter.
Lucifer is secretly a demon and Adams partner for the YouTube channel they do.
They go to haunted abandoned places to try and prove they are real while Lucifer tries to keep the existence and true identity a secret.
You know how animals for that eye thing whenever you take a picture of them with the flash on?
What if that was how Lucifer got exposed to Adam?
Adam, looking through the footage so he can edit it.
Sees Lucifer's eyes.
Adam: What the fuck?
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beethatwee · 2 months
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Stuff for The Other Side Of Things because I needed to jot down ideas
Moon’s a major ass, but there’s nothing like a little fucking around and finding out to humble him
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