#democratic republic of korea
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troythecatfish · 1 month ago
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
In 1952, in the early stages of the Korean War, North Korea accused the United States of using biological weapons — a claim the US has always denied. Journalist and retired psychologist Jeffrey Kaye found a copy of a report by the International Scientific Commission on the issue, originally released in 1952. Its investigation concluded that the US used a number of biological weapons, including anthrax, plague, and cholera, and that the confessions of many captured American airmen provided confirmation.
Those confessions were characterized by the US as the result of torture and brainwashing, which Kaye now believes were exaggerated to discredit the biowarfare claims. He describes the events of March 25, 1952, when a swarm of fleas — later found to be infected with bubonic plague — was dropped from aircraft on the North Korean village of Kang-Sou.
Jeffrey Kaye is a retired psychologist and the author of Coverup at Guantánamo: The NCIS Investigation into the “Suicides” of Mohammed Al Hanashi and Abdul Rahman Al Amri (publisher: Jeffrey S. Kaye, PhD, 2nd edition: September 10, 2016). He has written widely about torture, asylum, and many other issues related to the US military.
Related: JFK Files Reveal US Biological War Plans Against Cuba
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mioritic · 21 days ago
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"Mangyongdae, cradle of revolution, where the great sun of the Korean people grew up. Here President Kim Il Sung was born on April 15, 1912, and spent much of his childhood fostering lofty revolutionary aspirations."
Editing Committee of the Album of the Korean Revolution Museum, The Korean Revolution Museum, vol. I (Tokyo: Miraisha, 1975)
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aire1111 · 21 days ago
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towerofglass · 3 months ago
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Emblem of the President of the State Affairs of North Korea
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workersolidarity · 1 year ago
🇰🇵 🚀 🚨
📹 Footage published by the DPRK showing the North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un, as he oversees the testing of long-range missile systems their military has been developing.
Despite wide-ranging and devastating Western economic sanctions, the DPRK has continued to develop nuclear weapons, along with the missile systems required to strike at the countries antagonizing the east Asian nation.
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rotten-gal13 · 5 months ago
I lied, put your clothes back on. I'm giving you a 4 hour long presentation on the North Korean government.
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miochimochi · 10 months ago
Being a condescending prick doesn’t make you more of an anarchist but it certainly paints you as a neoliberal stooge. Long live the democratic people’s republic of Korea, the ONLY true Korea, and death to her oppressors whom you so valiantly defend because you cannot fathom a world without the status quo.
The Kim Dynasty has been beyond a net negative to the innocents that are suffering underneath the regime. I stand against the status quo and the status quo is statism, a plague on mankind.
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
Reverend Moon Rises Above Ailing Businesses (1999)
By Don Kirk, International Herald Tribune Feb. 5, 1999
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▲ Pictured: Reverend Sun Myung Moon addresses the Third International Ocean Challenge in Kodiak Alaska, September 9 through October 18, 1998. Peter Kim translates. (source: tparents.org)
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church, opened a "world culture and sports festival" Thursday night asking participants: "What happens to us when we die?" His temporal business empire in South Korea, meanwhile, was asking: How do we repay debts approaching $2 billion
Weakness emerged within the Tong Il group, a conglomerate whose name means "unification," as Mr. Moon toured South Korea over the past week drumming up support for his church and his companies.
"The Tong Il companies suffer from bad management," said Huh Man Jo, who is monitoring the restructuring efforts of Korea's chaebol, or conglomerates, for the government's newly formed financial supervisory service. "They relied too much on church donations. It was a kind of moral hazard."
Mr. Huh said the debts of the group's 16 companies exceed 2 trillion won ($1.7 billion).
Its four leading companies, which manufacture products ranging from ginseng tea to tank guns, were all bankrupt awaiting reorganization under court supervision, he said.
Mr. Moon appeared oblivious to his earthly problems Thursday night. Alexander Haig, a former secretary of state and White House chief of staff during Richard Nixon's presidency, introduced him as "a leading force for inter-religious dialogue and understanding between peoples of all backgrounds."
The closest Mr. Moon came to mentioning the companies that he founded in the 1960s as the basis for his worldwide ministry was when he told a rapt audience that "Earth is but a speck of dust."
The spirit world that people enter after death transcends time and space, Mr. Moon said, speaking in Korean after a six-course banquet. Interpreters translated into seven languages for an audience that included former Third World heads of state and ambassadors. "There are no factories there to produce food," Mr. Moon said. "There are no automobile factories. There is nothing like that."
In the real world, the Tong Il group's flagship Tong Il Heavy Industries Co., founded in 1962, has suffered the most of any of the companies in the group.
The factory, which produces motor vehicle transmissions, has had to lay off 40 percent of its or conglomerates, for the government.
2,000 workers as a result of sagging car sales in South Korea, said Seo Pyong Kyu, a manager in the group's financial planning department.
"There is a cash flow deficit," Mr. Seo said. "Production is very low."
Church donations, a traditional source of funding in hard times, "have helped but are very much limited," said Mr. Seo. "Maybe we can expect the Reverend Moon to help, but it is not certain."
Mr. Moon, who maintains a headquarters in New York but has been spending much of his time on a vast farm project in Brazil, focused throughout his speaking tour of South Korea on the theme of "family ethics and world peace," the topic of a three-day series of seminars sponsored by the church. The festival is scheduled to wind up Sunday with a mass wedding in which 40,000 couples will exchange vows in Seoul's Olympic Stadium in a ceremony broadcast worldwide by cable. As in previous mass weddings, Mr. Moon himself has personally selected many of the marriage partners flying in from throughout the world, from submitted photographs and brief biographies.
Periodically, however, the realities of South Korea's economic crisis intruded upon his national tour.
At stops on the way, workers who had lost their jobs staged demonstrations accusing Mr. Moon's lieutenants of illegally dismissing them without pay. During an appearance in Pusan, South Korea's largest port city, workers from Tong Il Oil Heavy Industries briefly threatened violence.
Mr. Moon did not talk directly to the workers, leaving negotiations to his lieutenants. The response from management was not sympathetic.
"They want to get money from the company," said Ahn Ho Yeol, vice president in charge of the Korean branch of its Youth Federation for World Peace. "We cannot make money. They did not work. We did not offer them money."
Mr. Moon opened his remarks Thursday night by calling for "the realization of a culture of love, a global culture of heart."
Pak Bo Hee, who co-founded The Washington Times with Mr. Moon, goes to North Korea on Monday to negotiate the rights to open a tourist service to the North and to join the celebration of the 57th birthday of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il on Feb. 16.
Tong Il Heavy Industries, meanwhile, survives on military contracts that it first obtained during the rule of Park Chung Hee, a former general who ruled South Korea for 18 years until his assassination in 1979. "We make rifles and cannon for tanks," said a company official. "The contract is going on."
Source: NY Times
Related articles and notes
Two articles below shed light on the relationship between Moon and Alexander Haig, who in the article above called Moon “ a leading force for inter-religious dialogue and understanding between peoples of all backgrounds."
Excerpted from article: taken from a Facts and Details article n Sun Myung Moon
“After Moon’s release from a US prison after serving 13 months he was still welcomed by the great and good. At various times he met or received support from the British prime ministers Margaret Thatcher and Edward Heath, ex-presidents Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr, Canadian ex-premier Brian Mulroney, US senators Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, William Fulbright and Orrin Hatch, Reagan’s defence secretary Caspar Weinberger, the former Nato chief general Alexander Haig, former US education secretary William Bennett, Boston University president John Silber, Christian Coalition ex-chief Ralph Reed, and the rightwing Christian leader the Rev Jerry Falwell.
Excerpted from a paper: The Unificationist Funerary Tradition by Lukas Pokorny describes the seunghwa’s role and evolution in UC/FFWPU history
“[“Honoring a Legacy of Peace”] was held on 18 March 2010 in the New York UN headquarters, 37 “involving” the spirits of Alexander Haig (1924–2010), a general and Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan (1911–2004; p. 1981–1989); 38 former South Korean president and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kim Tae-jung 김대중/金大中 (1924–2009; p. 1998–2003); Hédi Annabi (1943–2010), the head of the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti, and some one-hundred of his staff, who died when the Port-au-Prince UN Headquarters collapsed during the Haiti Earthquake; former Costa Rican president Rodrigo Carazo Odio (1926–2009; p. 1978–82) called by Mun a Peace President (p’yŏnghwa’ŭi taet’ongnyŏng 평화의 대통령) for his role in the establishment of the University for Peace; former Indonesian president Abdurrahman Wahid (1940–2009; p. 1999–2001); former Icelandic prime minister Steingrímur Hermannsson (1928–2010), who hosted the 1986 Reykjavík Summit between Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev (b. 1931); the Senegalese head of the Tijaniyyah Sufi order Hassan Cissé 1945–2008); and the Indian politician and diplomat Laxmi Mall Singhvi (1931–2007), whom Mun called an Ambassador of Reconciliation and Peace (hwahae’wa p’yŏnghwa’ŭi taesa 화해와 평화의 대사). On 13 April 2010, the first of a corresponding series of events held in South Korea—the World Peace Leaders Memorial Unification Seunghwa Festival Commemoration Meeting (segye p’yŏnghwa chidoja ch’umo t’ongil sŭnghwa ch’ukche kinyŏm taehoe 세계평화지도자추모통일승화축제기념대회/世界平和指導者追慕統一昇華祝祭紀念大會)—was staged in Seoul. 39 There the Seunghwa Blessing was once again given to Haig, Kim, Annabi, Carazo Odio, and Wahid. Additional receivers were Douglas MacArthur (1880–1964); the former South Korean minister of labour Cho Ch’ŏl-gwŏn 조철권/趙澈權 (1929–2007); the former Nepalese prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala (1924–2010); the naval diver Han Chu-ho 한주호/韓主浩 (1958–2010), who died on a rescue mission for the Ch’ŏnan corvette which was scuppered by a North Korean torpedo in March 2010; 40 and, surprisingly, also the Unificationist elder Kim Wŏn-p’il 김원필/金元弼 (1928–2010), who had already obtained a World Seunghwa Ceremony a few days prior.
Excerpted from article: The below excerpt is from a Forbes article ‘Reaching for the Stars’ by Toni Fitzgerald that reveals that Paul Rogers, a professional Moonie, was able to make profit with Moon-associated businesses during the South Korean financial crisis. Rogers is known to have had strong business relationships with notable UC leaders, such as both Kwak and Pak. 
In the late 1990s, the darkest days of South Korea’s financial crisis, operators such as Paul Rogers of Lehman Brothers were parachuting in to pick through the bargains. But amid all the moneylosing units being shed by the country’s conglomerates, what caught his eye was something that wasn’t for sale: a vacant 12-acre lot. It was in the heart of Yeouido, the island in the Han River that serves as Seoul’s financial and broadcasting district.
Owned by Reverend Moon Song-myung’s Unification Church Foundation, the giant lot had sat empty for three decades. Best known internationally for its cultish practices and its members, called Moonies, the church is also a business empire with interests ranging from media properties to North Korean industrial ventures. And like other Korean conglomerates, it needed money. “Investment banks were making a quick buck from acquiring and flipping distressed assets,” says Rogers, then Lehman’s head of structured finance for Asia. “I saw a much bigger opportunity: developing whole city blocks and making an impact on Asian cities which are sorely in need of iconic but commercially successful projects.”
Excerpt from article: Excerpted from Joongang Daily's 2010 article on Kook Jin Moon, 'Business Engine Of A Global Faith' by Kim Hyung-eun
Chairman [Kook Jin Moon] Moon, in a recent interview with Forbes, said he has high hopes for TIC, and that he is proud the company produces axles for armored vehicles. TIC was established by merging several subsidiaries of Tongil Heavy Industries, which previously supplied hardware for the Korean armed forces.
Other units include building management company Seilo, helicopter operator Tongil Air Systems and agricultural company Pyeongnong.
Through these entities, Tongil Group finances about 20 religious and educational institutions, including the Sun Moon University, Sunhwa Arts High School, music group the Little Angels and others.
But Tongil Group is not the only fiefdom in the Unification Church's business empire. It's not to be confused with Unification Church International, which is run by Kook-jin's older brother Hyun-jin and whose major businesses include the The Washington Times and True World Foods in the U.S. as well as Marriott hotels and the Central City complex in Korea.
Video: A 1 minute clip from the Japanese news of a Japanese UC service in 1998 where a church leader begged and guilted members to make a donation. This was a year after the South Korean financial crash and UC families in Japan were forced to make a $16,000 donation. This was during Japan’s decade(s) of economic stagnation. 
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minnesotafollower · 30 days ago
Cuban Speech to Friends of U.N. Charter 
On February 25, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Parrilla gave the following speech at a meeting in New York City of the Group of Friends of the U.N. Charter.[1] “In the current international juncture, it is necessary to reflect on the United Nations Organization that we have built and which celebrates this year its eightieth anniversary. The aspiration to maintain peace, the purpose that guided the…
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kevinmmiller · 1 month ago
As Relates to the Situation Concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Conflict Which Has Persisted in the North Kivu, from Certain Outside Actors in the Region
Kim Jong Un, and his flagrant, and willful flouting of international norms, and behaviors, must end. His unfortunate triangulation of the Congolese Peoples, their prosperous land, with its abundance of resources, along with the Rwandan Military, must end.
As Relates to the Situation Concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Conflict Which Has Persisted in the North Kivu, from Certain Outside Actors in the Region Kim Jong Un, and his flagrant, and willful flouting of international norms, and behaviors, must end. His unfortunate triangulation of the Congolese Peoples, their prosperous land, with its abundance of resources, along…
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krockdove · 4 months ago
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talk about what's happening in South Korea and the alliance with the United States:
It turns out our shamful Army provoked North Korea and planned to do more. When Kim Jong-un warned us not to send drones to Pyongyang, we thought it was a lie, but turns out everything was the truth. so the war didn't break out because North Korea just let South Korea. And yet, the military stars insists that their resignations are injust. even though that bastards were literally trying to start a war and slaughter innocent people in the North and South. I knew the South Korean military was corrupt to begin with (ofc they have their origins in the Imperial Japanese Army) but this? and also turns out the Minister of Defense has been an avid reader of Hitler's autobiography, and Yoon officially insults China. Wtf.....He said China was sending spies, said they were working with the opposition and called them all commies, which is totally in line with the far right youtuber bullshit.
China has taken great offense to these statements (rightly so!) NK has declared that they are done with us, they already have allied themselves with Russia (yeah....maybe it's time to really recognize each other as two separated countries) so yoon ruin all of our diplomacy. wow. and US seems to be trying to work with the National Assembly and the opposition by deliberately sidelining the false government. Is this a only good sign? oh, no way.
I'm honestly not worried about China and North Korea, the problem is the traitors and the US. yes. Some people believe that the United States defends democracy in South Korea, but it's totally wrong, they don't hate Yoon because he's a far-right dictator, they hate him because he doesn't listen to them. which is pretty obvious because they get along with dictators like Netanyahu.
I know most people consider South Korea a good ally of the United States abroad, but yeah....no. As a Korean, I can say this clearly. there's always things terrible and unsettling about our alliances, and the US is as scary as a crazy far-right dictator. The reason South Korea is an ally of the US and pro-American is because the US has killed or suppressed all the rebellious Koreans. and now could cause the US to come out hard to hold onto the shaky East Asian front, especially with Trump, no one knows what he'll do. if we get it all wrong, the era of US military rule could return, and then we will lose our sovereignty again and have to be bossed around by the US.....yea very bad senario, but there is possibility...
And they'll say they're PROTECTING us. They already spreaded in the propaganda that the United States protected the South from the evil North. The reality is much more brutal and messy. Many South Koreans who are devoted to the United States were brainwashed as children under a dictatorial government. US "invaded" our ancestral choseon in the first place, they were longtime capitalist allies with the Japanese empire that colonized Korea (they only briefly torn apart by ww2). When we demanded independence, US presidents treated us nothing and ignored us. And they didn't want to lose the peninsula to the Soviet, so they prevented us from having a unified government. They claimed they were protecting us from the communists, but we had never asked for help. We weren't even on bad terms with the USSR, because many independence fighters were socialists and communists!
From then on, communists in the south, those accused of being communists, children, women, and the elderly were purged and executed. The democracy US claimed to be practicing was the slaughter of all those who opposed them. We've been enemies for a long time, it's just that history has forced us to be allies.
So, why did South Korea get flooded with far-right ideologues like Yoon in the first place? It's because the US provided anti-communist education, which directly contributed to turning South Koreans to the far right. Yes, the US thinks Yoon is a nutcase, but they'll deny that the nutcase was fueled by their propaganda. It's because the US military didn't kill Japanese collaborators and gave them amnesty. It's their fault for propping up a dictatorial government and letting them slaughter civilians. It's US fault. It wouldn't have happened if it weren't US did. then they say they're helping Korea because they're righteous. oh really? you don't know WHY Korea is like this?
So I'm going to shout it out in advance:
United States, every time you pretend to be clean, it's so disgusting. The relationship between North and South Korea is over, the capitalists you planted in this land have sucked all the life out of it. The anti-communists you planted collaborate with the remnants of the Japanese regime to build a corrupt power, exploiting and humiliating the weak. You have supported and applauded governments that have imposed dictatorships and massacred civilians as good. We can't take time off work to make money, we can't take time off work to demonstrate under these conditions, we are miserable. If it weren't you, we might have had a unified government that didn't care if you were capitalist or communist. But you guys ended up being the heroes, and this time we're not going to let you do what you want.
Fuck you biden or trump, you're an ally doesn't mean you have the right to interfere in other's country, We don't want an accomplice from the genocide war criminal state Israel to manipulate us under the pretext of "helping" us. Free Palestine, Liberate the people of Gaza. While we drive out our dictators, may our comrades around the world who suffer under tyranny survive. May they continue to be remembered. And this time, don't invade our land under false pretenses. The Sixth Republic has just ended, and we will establish our own Seventh Republic. Stay out of our way.
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ghostofafool · 8 months ago
Credit to @layton-heritage-posts for the blank image!
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Am I doing this right?
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thebongomediaempire · 1 year ago
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A whole sweet potato? To share with the wwhole family? Wow, they're gonna be popular.
Well, poular THERE. 🤐
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ranjith11 · 2 years ago
10 Weird Things That Only Exist In North Korea
An enthralling journey into the reclusive nation of North Korea, unveiling a myriad of bizarre and unique phenomena that can't be found anywhere else on the globe. From eccentric architectural marvels and peculiar customs to mind-boggling rules and traditions deeply rooted in the nation's culture and regime, this video dives deep into the enigmatic world of North Korean oddities. Narrated with insightful commentary, striking visuals, and firsthand accounts, this exploration provides a rare window into the unusual and often misunderstood facets of North Korean life. Strap in for a captivating exploration that's as educational as it is astonishing!
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