#deep foundation solutions
foundationsolution · 2 months
Unmasking Mil: The Imperative Sub-Fractional Unit Of Measurement
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Born out of the necessity of precision in various industries, units of measurement have established themselves as essential elements for numerous professions. Among these rudimentary parts of technical and scientific verges, lies the frequently used yet often misunderstood unit called ‘mil.’ Not to be mistaken with its phonetic twin ‘mile,’ this minuscule unit plays a major role in defining thinness and thickness in several fields. Fundamentally, one ‘mil’ equals 1/1000 (0.001) inch – a seemingly minute detail that everyone from industrial CNC machinists to electronics engineers can’t afford to overlook.
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worfsbarmitzvah · 1 month
maybe this isn’t the most coexistence-pilled sentiment but i get so angry sometimes when i think about how people took our g-d and decided he was everyone’s g-d, took our holy texts and decided they were everyone’s holy texts, took our holy land and decided it was everyone’s holy land, and we’re expected to just accept that. goyim think they can tell us we’re worshipping our own g-d wrong because they decided he was their g-d too. they think they can criticize how we engage with our own torah because they stole it and changed it and added shit and rewrote it when it was ALWAYS OUR TORAH. they call yerushalayim “the holy land of three religions” because apparently if you colonize someone hard enough you get to claim their holy land as your holy land too and the entire world will just nod their heads right along because the entire foundation of their global society is based on the colonization of ours. and i know it’s antithetical to peace and so i push aside this feeling when i talk about actual solutions and real world actions and consequences but that deep angry part of me does think it’s complete fucking bullshit that christianity and islam get to plunder our entire culture for themselves in between mass murdering us and nobody calls them on it
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elysiansparadise · 2 months
In a world where everything seems superficial, they seek to get to the truth and know the essence behind everything.
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Sagittarius Rising: The Wanderer
There is an air of mystery in their relaxed and contemplative appearance. Natives with a strong physique, gifted with the charisma and wisdom of Jupiter, these natives tend to look older when they are young and younger when older. A charming enigma, they can go from being hilarious, witty and jovial, to being rational, analytical and observant. An insatiable thirst to see beyond appearances, seemingly perfect systems and the masks people seem to wear. Strong will and mind, endowed with courage and bravery, no obstacle seems greater if they take a look at everything that forged them. They are people devoted to the beliefs they have and, no matter how open-minded, making them change their minds is not an easy task. Adventurous and curious when something catches their attention, rooted when making a decision. An inquisitive mind with idealistic overtones, a strong need for independence and a character with ambivert tendencies.
When we see Capricorn in their 2nd house, we can define that they firmly believe in the value of hard work and effort. From a very early age they learned that the best things in life or the most valuable things require work, sometimes giving up things that, although deep-rooted, only cause pain. They are willing to make sacrifices and work intensely long hours to achieve their goals. They do not usually take unnecessary risks and prefer safe and stable investments, both economic and time and energy. They have a strong ambition to achieve success and feel proud of themselves. They set high goals for themselves and are willing to work hard and persevere to achieve them. These natives are the clear representation of valuing quality over quantity, and can be considered picky by other people. Their self-esteem and self-worth are often linked to their achievements of all kinds, leading them to feel that sense of security when they have achieved their goals. They think long term and plan their future with vision and strategy. Their focus is on building a solid foundation that will provide them with lasting security and prosperity. It is likely that they grew up feeling that many things were missing in their lives, materially, emotionally or even spiritually.
Since they have Aquarius in the 3rd house, these natives are very open to new and different ideas, a trait that is often constantly associated with this rising. They enjoy discussing and debating theories and concepts on many diverse topics, from the simplest to the most profound. They have the quality of adapting well to different communication styles and are able to speak with people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives, ironically, they hardly feel that other people understand their way of thinking. Sometimes they may even feel judged for the way they communicate and think. They value mental independence and prefer to think for themselves rather than blindly following what others say. Their thinking is free and they do not easily conform to traditional opinions, nor are they afraid to question them. They have strong intellectual intuition and can reach conclusions quickly through intuitive perceptions. They are not afraid to question or debate regardless of the person they are dealing with. They are prone to feeling creative during short trips and can be inspired by things that to others may be very mundane or simple. Their rational nature helps them find ingenious solutions to complex problems. They have an insatiable intellectual curiosity and love to learn about a wide range of topics. There are chances of being only children, having some kind of distance from their siblings, or feeling very different from them. They can treat friends fraternally.
There is a lot of depth in the overlay of Pisces in the 4th house, as it is a part of the natives that others do not have a notion of so easily. In their childhood they could have been sensitive children, with that curiosity about the world around them, to understand how things worked, the people around them and, even at their young age, how life worked. There may have been that feeling of being lost, of not finding your place and a longing for that security that is associated with the word 'home'. For these natives, it is an important refuge for them, a place where they can retreat and recharge their energies, and I clarify, this does not necessarily have to be the one in which they were born, but rather the one they create. They dream of a quiet home, in which they can lower the volume of the outside chaos. Many of these natives need a serene space to maintain their emotional balance. They can find comfort in movies, books, music or even in the art they create, whatever it may be. This placement sometimes suggests someone who from an early age had to take care of someone else, whether it was a sibling, an older relative, or even their own parents. They are very perceptive people of the emotions of others, especially those that are deeper, those that others seek to hide. They can also be very intuitive with the emotional needs of their family members. They like to create a welcoming and hospitable environment in their home, as they enjoy making others feel welcome and comfortable in their space. They need a space where they can escape the demands of the outside world and find solace. They look for an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity at home.
With Aries in the 5th house, these natives tend to have a passionate approach to romances. Romance with them feels like an awakening, the awakening of excitement, intrigue, and a desire to explore new things with them. An emotion that drives you in your daily life, that motivates you and drives you to live the day as if it were your last. They greatly value their independence but once they know that you are what they want, they jump in with enthusiasm and can be very direct and honest in expressing their feelings. They like certainty and indecision in a person may seem unattractive to them. There are no grey tones, half-hearted feelings or unfinished ideas, they are looking for a lover as willing, daring and passionate as they are. Love makes them feel alive, fills them with enthusiasm and the desire to go after what they want. It is very likely that once they find love they will feel more ambitious, creative and confident. They value their independence and freedom in love, so they will not tolerate any type of relationship that restricts them or makes them feel limited or incapable of being themselves. They will always focus on motivating their partner and encouraging them to do what they are passionate about, they will never limit them in any way. These natives attract a lot of attention and stand out for their attractiveness, confidence, and sexy and independent aura. Many of them enjoy playful competitiveness. Their self-expression is direct and unfiltered. They are not afraid to be themselves and express their opinions and desires clearly and forcefully. If they decide to have children, they will be active, expressive, playful and very authentic. They can be parents who prioritise that their children have a strong sense of self-acceptance, that they are not afraid of anything and that they feel empowered.
Something that these natives will prioritise a lot no matter what their well-being is, from physical, to emotional and mental, which we attribute to Taurus in the 6th house. When they see that something is not positive in their lives, they do not hesitate to keep it away from them, because they are in constant search to keep what gives them pleasure and comfort close, distancing themselves from what sinks them and prevents them from growing. They can be very selective about what they make part of their day to day, and this includes the people they surround themselves with. They are people who will make part of their routine things that they find pleasant or comfortable, so they may have problems doing chores or things that they find boring or repetitive, postponing them and falling into procrastination tendencies. Taking care of their body and emotional tranquillity is something of great importance to them, so it is common for natives with this placement to exercise, do or have skincare routines, read constantly, meditate or practise similar activities. Many of them have this need to stay active, to be constantly doing things and even if they stay busy, they may have that feeling that they are not using properly most of their time or that they could be doing even more productive things. This placement tells us about the importance of comfort for them when choosing a job, without forgetting that it can also indicate earning a lot of money doing something that they really like and gives satisfaction. In their work they can enjoy not only a good reputation, but lasting bonds and courtesy with others. Taurus being here shows us natives who can be very devoted and constant with any task they have to do, investing a lot of time in it. A good work ethic is possible and a calm and relaxed way of working, as they dislike putting themselves under constant stress.
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They highly value their independence, it is difficult to get their attention, and it is even more difficult to awaken in them that desire to have a long-term relationship, and it is not because of fear of commitment, but on the contrary, they think deeply and are very clear about what they want in a relationship and a partner for the long run. This rational and analytical, but above all precise approach is thanks to Gemini in the 7th house, as it means that Mercury is ruling this house. These natives do not have a long list of requirements that you have to meet to be their life partner, but they know perfectly well what things they do not want to deal with. Their discernment makes them realise this easily, and their blunt personality makes them not hesitate to make it clear. They want a partner who makes them look twice, who awakens their curiosity, interest and that has a magnetism that attracts them. They are fascinated by people who always have something to say, those with a clever and agile mind that fills them with excitement and makes them discover sides of themselves that they didn't even know they had. Someone that speaks their mind, that turns daily and boring into exciting and pleasant. They have a fear of deception and sudden distancing from their special person, so they will look for a partner who seeks to be present without the native asking for it. They are people who think a lot when it comes to being with another person. They want to find someone who will erase their doubts with actions and words, a person who will constantly let them know their intentions, feelings and thoughts, someone who will surprise them, not necessarily with seemingly big and outlandish things but by showing that they are not the same as the rest of the people that the natives to found throughout their lives. Good communication is something of utmost importance when thinking about a potential long-term partner, much more than other aspects even. For them it is crucial that this person can talk to them about anything regardless of the weight of the situation. Their future spouse is a person with great intelligence, good social skills and a person who uses his resources and knowledge astutely, someone who is difficult to catch off guard, open-minded and often a fascinating communicator. They will enjoy a marriage with adventures, fun and many learnings. Both the natives and their partners will feel intrigued and strongly attracted to each other, they will be intellectually stimulated and may even feel that they are both friends and partners.
One of the aspects of their personality that is less talked about but that is very determining in them is Cancer in the 8th house. These natives experience their emotions in a very intense and deep way. Their emotional world is rich and complex, and they can be very sensitive to the energies and emotions of others. Although they are protectors and caregivers, they can hide their own emotional vulnerability. Many of them, due to their experiences, are often afraid of showing their weaknesses and tend to build a protective shell around their emotions. They have an innate capacity for emotional healing, both for themselves and for others, transforming themselves and those around them internally. They can be excellent counselors, therapists, or emotional healers. They are firm protectors of what they consider family [whether biological or not], they will keep those they love safe and will not hesitate to attack to defend them if necessary. Their approach to sexuality is deeply tied to their emotions as it is crucial for them to feel a strong emotional connection to fully enjoy their sex life. They may have deep fears of abandonment or betrayal in their intimate relationships. They need to feel a deep emotional and spiritual connection with their partners and can be very protective and nurturing in their intimate relationships, being attentive to their partner's needs. They love the idea of ​​having a relationship where both can be vulnerable with the other and where both fiercely defend the other, giving themselves body and soul to the other.
These natives usually have Leo in the 9th house, which tells us that their pride lies in their intelligence, talents and abilities. They are excellent and fierce debaters who will always seek to speak their truth without filters and without trying to win the good side of others. Strongly tied to their convictions, they give great importance to justice and will always act according to what they consider optimal and most correct in certain situations. Since I mention their strong and fixed opinions, it is worth mentioning that it is difficult to change their minds. If the native is not grounded enough, they are likely to believe that they have the absolute truth and refuse to listen to other people. Their intelligence and ability to create is great and they can bring many interesting and successful projects to life. They will have a lot of happiness traveling or connecting with other cultures, as well as a source of ideas and the ability to create warm memories in places far from home. They may feel very different from people from whatever group they belong to, from school, or even from the stereotypes of their countries. They have a strong passion for knowledge and education, as they love to learn and may have a great interest in philosophical, spiritual or cultural topics. They can communicate their ideas passionately and effectively, motivating others to learn and explore. They have academic ambition and in some cases this placement leads them to seek high achievements in their education. 
With Virgo in the 10th house, these natives are seen as reliable and responsible people in their professional field, coupled with their serious and committed approach to their work, earning them the respect of their colleagues and superiors. Their integrity and work ethic are fundamental to them, and they do everything they can to avoid mistakes or failures. For them it is always crucial to charge and show that they act based on their principles, seeking to do things correctly. They stand out for being adaptable and able to adjust to the changing demands not only of the professional environment, but of what they experience throughout their lives. They are extremely dedicated to their work. They have a strong and admirable work ethic and are diligent and meticulous in everything they do. Always seeking to improve and achieve high quality standards. They can be very critical of themselves and others, especially those who boast of being superior in role or morals. They can be excellent in roles that involve analysis, administration, or any type of detailed work. They may choose jobs in which they maintain order, have control of a specific area or a specific group of people, that are related to analysis and research, or something that involves supporting or helping others. They do not seek recognition or glory, but are satisfied with doing their job well. They are not interested in pleasing others or meeting other people's expectations, rather they constantly strive to meet the expectations of a single person, themselves.
Natives with Libra in the 11th house are selective with friends, thinking a lot before giving that title to someone; Despite their initial wariness, they remain cordial enough. As friends these natives can be very supportive and caring, giving not only sympathy and affection, but also bringing realism to the lives of their friends and colleagues. This placement gives them the tendency to be popular and/or recognized either in their environment or on the internet. They value their friendships very much and will always focus on them being fair relationships in which they get the same as they give to others. They can create very strong ties with friends and vice versa, in some cases it can be expressed in friends being very attached to the native and relying on them, although there may be a risk of dependence on either party. They are very good at working as a team and can count on diplomacy. They are the kind of people who seek social justice, can defend others from injustice and prevent them from getting hurt. They hate injustice and discrimination, because they believe in equality regardless of gender, age, race or beliefs. They are skilled at mediating and resolving conflicts within their social groups. Their natural diplomacy allows them to find fair and balanced solutions to disagreements. They have the ability to positively influence the groups to which they belong. Their ability to see both sides of a situation allows them to provide balanced and fair perspectives. This house is also related to earnings through their work, with Venus ruling this house we can also determine that they can have many economic benefits in a job that they genuinely like.
What lies within you, love? How does Scorpio in the 12th house play a role? When someone sees you they immediately perceive your strength, they sense your impetus and courage, many even tremble at the power that you naturally emanate, but only those who dare to look directly into your intense and sharp gaze, realize the pain that has forged your shell and attitude. You are secretive with many aspects of your life, you deeply bury the gray and overwhelming tints that life has poured on you. You don't let anyone know for fear that it will be used against you. You have learned to watch you back, that trust is not something that is given to just anyone. From betrayals, disappointments, people's cruelty and prejudices... you have been through a lot and yet you remain firm, because you know that you yourself are your most faithful companion and your strength. Fear of betrayal, revealing too much of yourself and being judged or ignored, fear of loving someone who doesn't love you with the same depth. You have a fascinating mind, a fervent desire to get to the bottom of things, and the ambition that allows you to achieve it. It is difficult to hide things from you, because your keen intuition accompanied by your need to discover the truth are your most lethal weapon. You feel things deeply, many times more than you would like, and for you there is no middle ground. You are decisive and do not hesitate, things may be black or white, yes or no, all or nothing… Unlike other people, you find refuge in the spaces where you are on your own. At the end of the day it is better than the masked crowds, those who smile in front of you and conspire behind your back. You have the ability to sense when someone is not what they seem, you can detect people who have shady intentions for miles, a gift that experience has given you. All of these traits protect your noble and loyal heart, the one that makes you capable of completely surrendering to something or someone that makes you feel safe and comfortable. It's never too much for you when it comes to someone you love or something you're passionate about.
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
On Steve Rogers, loss, and loneliness
Unlike some of the other characters, Steve's hurt isn't as plain to the eye. His demeanour is usually one of stoicism and optimism, and it is easy to forget that his story is steeped in loss and loneliness.
Steve's introduction highlighted how alone he was - an orphan, armed with a list of ailments, and hiding behind a newspaper to avoid small chat with other recruits. When rejected by the recruitment centre, Steve shrugs and heads to watch a movie - alone.
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Steve is a loner, we are shown, and then just as abruptly - perhaps just like the way it had happened many years ago - Bucky crashes into Steve's world and hooks an arm around his shoulders and noisily talks about an expo and dispels all of Steve's melancholic air. Steve is a loner, except for Bucky.
But Bucky is now leaving to go to war.
Steve is used to being stoic, because there were no adults around him to spoil him. He is used to being buoyant, because Sarah taught him how to pick himself up and carry on. Steve is used facing the empty house and lonely silence -- except for Bucky, who filled his room with chatter, "We can put the couch cushions on the floor, like when we were kids."
So when we hear the anxious strain in his voice as he is informed by Bucky that he is leaving -- it also becomes plain that Steve is also used to loss, or the threat of loss shadowing him, everyday.
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In his short life, he has already lost so much. He has lost his health (my thought is he was probably healthier in his early childhood until he caught scarlet fever, and then his health got a lot worse after that). He has lost his father, and all the security of having a family breadwinner. He has lost his mother - to long hours of work and eventually to the disease she was battling against.
What he dreads would happen, does happen. Life seems to have a way of chasing him down like that. Sarah gets sick, and his fear of coming home to find her gone...one day inevitably comes true.
At his darkest moment, Bucky squeezes his shoulder and promises, "You don't have to do it (alone). I'm with you to the end of the line."
It's just enough for Steve to square his shoulders and push on, as Sarah had always taught him to do. Deep inside - possibly buried so deep that he can barely put it into words, he knows that he pulled through because "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky."
I'm going to pause here and emphasise how deeply lonely (and young) Steve was, and how, naturally, the only stable presence — ie Bucky — in his life, through periods of terrible grief and uncertainty, is going to be such a deep-rooted emotional foundation for him (regardless of how you ship).
When the draft does come for Bucky, it's not just Bucky who's unhappy, it's Steve who's also aghast. Suddenly, the possibility of losing his last bastion looms over him, and he remembers the fear and anxiety and the devastating grief of losing Sarah. But it is also a war that needs fighting - so he comes up with a solution: sign himself up. He can't keep Bucky from the war, but he wants to fight alongside him. Besides Bucky, what else does he have to lose?
"Men are laying down their lives, I have no right to do any less. That's what you don't understand, Bucky."
He says this angrily, because the words he can't say aloud are, "You are laying down your life, Bucky, and I might never see you again, and I can't go through all that again, not by myself."
When he hears about the 107th being captured, he has to go. He is saving Bucky, sure, but he is also saving himself, because the pillar, the lifebuoy, the harness that has kept him afloat all those years is Bucky, and he's terrified of sinking.
The serum makes him taller and more women pause to smile at him, but he is still incredibly alone. He sits alone during break, he draws alone in his book, he runs off alone and none of the USO girls even notices until it's his turn on stage.
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But Bucky notices him immediately, and says, "I thought you were smaller," and, "Did it hurt?"
Steve doesn't really believe in miracles. His whole life feels like one bad luck after another, even if he forces one foot in front of another and keeps marching on. But maybe at that moment, he feels like Bucky is his miracle. Bucky, who always seems to notice when he's alone and pulls him into his social circle. Bucky, who had seen him lose his dad and Sarah and promised him the end of the line. Bucky, who he - and all the commanders - thought was dead, pulls through and gives him another promise - that he would follow the little guy back into war.
When Steve is finally thrust into the frontline, the losses keeps mounting, man after man are falling, condolence letter after letter is being written. And then towards the end of 1944, the tides seem to finally turn. German forces are waning, the Allied forces are advancing, and quietly, secretly, Steve dreams of home.
And that dream dies with Bucky.
"Honour the dignity of his choice," he is told, but he can't shake off the guilt.
He pushes himself forward, step by dragging step. Nazi Germany is falling. He is taking down Hydra with his own hands…and at the end, he buries them all in the ocean with himself.
His is sinking, but he isn’t afraid, because he is going where all the people who mattered are waiting.
And he is denied even that.
He opens his eyes to a world he doesn’t recognise. They tell him they had won the war.
But no one wants to speak with him about what was lost.
A folder of old photos, the museum of unmoving murals, the silent movies of a smile he would never see again.
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He thought he had lost all there was to lose, but somehow life always seem to find something else to take.
What we see of off-duty Steve in the modern world is once again a figure of loneliness. He goes to the gym alone, he goes for a ride on the train alone, he sits at the cafe alone, he goes for runs alone, he goes to the museum alone.
Only during those solitary moments he could truly be Steve Rogers, instead of trying to meet everyone's expectations of Captain America. He is just shy of 27 years old, but suddenly, he can no longer lay claim to youth. Only a dream ago he was "just a kid from Brooklyn", and now he's an "old-fashioned" (as per Coulson) "older fellow" (as per Tony).
He's in the history books, he's on the television, he's in the classrooms; everyone knows of Captain America, but Steve Rogers is lost.
He had been willing to lose his life on the Valkyrie, but what he lost was every living connection and his own identity.
"Must have freaked you out, coming home after the whole defrosting thing," the friendly man says to him on their first meeting, but Sam only knows half of it.
The too soft bed and the too quiet room is one thing, the unshakeable nightmares another, but the worst of it is -- this isn't home.
He is marooned in a place that bears eerie resemblance to the world he knew, without being familiar.
Until the moment Bucky's mask comes off.
It's like the anchor dropping. He's now got a connection tethering him to this strange place, someone with "shared experience" that means he is no longer alone, and he is no longer a ghost forgotten by the seventy years of lost time.
"He doesn't know you."
"He will."
He has to believe that Bucky will, because Bucky is proof that Steve Rogers exists.
And once again, Bucky is his miracle. On the brink of killing them both, Bucky reels back from his brainwashing and hauls them both to safety.
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Even if Bucky leaves after that, he's left behind something Steve hasn't had for a long time -- hope, and belonging.
"Family, stability. The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago," he says to Tony as he prepares to meet the ragged team of enhanced people that is to become the Avengers. "I'm home."
Stoic and buoyant as he has always been, Steve sets to work building that home for himself. Gradually, we see Steve open up. He forms new connections and new friendships, he talks about his vulnerabilities with people he trusts, and he reclaims his own identity. He looks for Bucky, and waits until Bucky is ready to build that home for himself.
Until it is once again blown apart by the end of Infinity War - he loses not just Bucky, the anchor to his past, but the new family he has made apart from Natasha.
That's why it makes sense that Steve, not Tony, is the one working so hard to reverse the Snap. His family was 5 years ago, Tony's family is now. The people who rallied behind Steve and not Captain America, the people who followed him after he dropped the shield, the people with whom he no longer needed to be endlessly lonely and tirelessly stoic and who loved him for who Steve Rogers was, they all vanished in the Snap.
So even if there was only a small hope, Steve wants them back.
And that's why his decision to leave everything he had built, the sacrifices he had made to bring them back, in order to go into a life of incredibly loneliness and deception is still the dumbest narrative faux pas in the MCU.
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runariya · 16 days
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pairing: alien!Jungkook x human seamstress!female reader genre: alien!AU, S2L, slow burn, angst rating: 18+, MDNI warnings: poor handling of sadness and fear, a lot of hurt, phone call with Namjoon, talk about bonding, tears, OC is rather dramatic, a little bit of fluff, JK calls OC "princess", showdown repeats itself, angst, hurt, sadness, a lot of tears, resignation, smut, oral (f.receiving), f!ngering, big d!ck JK, unprotected s€x (pls don't do it), doggy style, minor tentacle involvement, possessiveness, minor dirty talk, "good girl", hair gripping, lmk if I forgot something pls word count: ~5.3k
a/n: part of the "Dice With Destiny" project by @thebtswritersclub and @creativepromptsforwriting | I just couldn't help but dice again 🫣 sry
a/n 2: This work is purely fictional. All characters and events are entirely imaginary and do not reflect reality. No translations are allowed without permission. Thank you for understanding! 💕
1 • masterlist
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In the days that follow, you find yourself lost in a fog, unable to fully grasp the transformation that has occurred between you and Jungkook, no matter how many times you turn it over in your mind. It is as though the foundation of your relationship, once solid and easy, has shifted imperceptibly beneath your feet, leaving you both fumbling for a balance neither of you anticipated needing. And yet, despite this unspoken gulf now separating you, Jungkook appears determined—fiercely so—to drown the cracks with a wave of affection, as if by loving you more intensely, he could somehow compensate for the void that can never be entirely bridged, no matter how much either of you wills it so.
But the weight of it all begins to smother you, it’s a constant undercurrent, tugging at your every breath, pulling you under until the smallest things set you off without warning. You retreat, bit by bit, as your emotions swell and break uncontrollably. Tears fall from your eyes in the most inconvenient moments, anger flares up for no tangible reason, lashing out at those around you even when you know deep down they have done nothing to warrant it. It’s as if the shock of everything has numbed you to rationality, and yet the pain remains unbearable, a needle against your tender heart, piercing at both you and Jungkook alike. You can see the toll it takes on him, the hurt swimming in his gaze when he looks at you, though he tries so hard not to let it show. But what can you do? The aftermath of this storm offers no remedy, no balm, only a bitter reminder of what cannot be undone.
Your days blend into each other, and more often than not, you fall asleep hunched over your laptop in your shop, exhaustion overtaking you after hours spent desperately scouring every corner of the internet for some hope, some solution to this cruel fate. Is there truly no way for a Seraphenti to bond with someone of another species? The information you find is dishearteningly sparse, frustrating in its lack of clarity. Only six cases known. Six. Six Seraphenti who managed to bond with partners outside their own kind—yet even then, the bond wasn’t what it should normally have been, not in the way it’s supposed to be, not in the way you hoped it to be. The Seraphenti in those cases had not bonded directly with their partners; no, biology saw to that. Instead, they had bonded with themselves, two of their tentacles intertwining in an act of resigned finality, signalling that their search was over—though their true connection, the one to another soul, remained forever out of reach.
You reach out to these apex Seraphenti, hoping against hope that one of them might hold the answer you’re so desperately seeking. But five immediately pushed you towards the last one—Namjoon. He speaks to you in a voice that carries both understanding and kindness, a voice that you can’t help but find calming despite the ache coursing in your chest. “I believe it has to do with the love I have for her,” he tells you, his words careful. “And, of course, a great deal of willpower. I spoke to the others, and the common thread between us all seems to be just that—love, an unshakable love for our partners, and a strength of will that perhaps goes beyond what is typical. There’s no doubt in our hearts, none at all.”
His words, though kind, do little to soothe the ache biting away at you, the ache that grows more aggressive with each passing hour. Jungkook is as stubborn as they come, more determined than anyone you’ve ever known, and his willpower is unmatched—he’s accomplished everything he’s ever set his mind to, so how could this, of all things, be different? How could this be the one thing that eludes him? And then, the thought worms its way into your mind, an unwelcome intruder that refuses to leave: perhaps it’s not a question of willpower at all. Perhaps, despite all his love for you, it simply doesn’t reach the level required for a true bond. Perhaps it’s his love, after all, that falls short.
You don’t say this aloud, of course, though Namjoon seems to hear the unspoken despair in your long, weary sigh. “I’m sorry,” he tries gently, the regret in his voice evident even through the line. “I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear. But if there’s a way for him to bond with you—well, with himself, really—I think you don’t need to worry so much. I can tell how deeply you love him, and love… love is never wasted.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, the words barely a whisper. They hang in the air, heavy with resignation, as though you’re thanking him more out of habit than genuine belief that he might be right.
“No worries,” he replies, his tone warm. “If you have more questions, or if you ever want to meet up with me and the others, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here for you.”
“All right,” you whisper, forcing back the tears that threaten to spill over your red eyes. “Thank you. Goodbye.”
As you end the call, the silence that fills the room seems louder than it should be. You rub at your eyes, your face, trying to chase away the exhaustion that clings to you like a second skin. You want so desperately for things to work with Jungkook, for this cruel twist of fate to somehow resolve itself. But the fear is there too, circling in the back of your mind. What if it doesn’t? What if, no matter how much you want it, it simply can’t be? You’re not sure you could bear to stay in this place, to remain on this planet where every street corner, every familiar face, every stray memory would only remind you of what could have been but never was.
You had thought, for a fleeting moment, that you had found your home—not just here on this planet but with Jungkook. And now, it seems as though perhaps your destiny lies elsewhere, forever moving, drifting like a leaf caught on the wind. Maybe you’re not meant to belong anywhere, not to any one place, not to any one person, but only to yourself and your sewing machine, crafting a life from fragments as you pass through it. A quiet sob escapes your lips as you rise from your chair, gathering the scraps of fabric strewn about your workspace, though this time you don’t return them to their rightful places on the shelves. Instead, you fold them carefully, placing them in the moving boxes still scattered throughout your storeroom.
The act feels final, a quiet resignation, a silent acceptance of the hurt you know can’t be undone, no matter how much you might wish it could be. Perhaps this is the only option left to you—leaving it all behind, even Jungkook, so that he might find the happiness he deserves, even if it’s not with you.
And then, just as he does every evening, you hear his footsteps, soft yet unmistakable, on the old wooden floor of your shop. The sound sends a pang through your chest, knowing he’s come to take you home, to ensure you don’t walk alone in the dark all by yourself.
“Hey, princess,” he greets you softly, his voice warm yet tinged with the sadness you wish you didn’t have to see there, hurting you even more than it already does. Knowing that you are the cause of this, that his suffering stems from you when all you want is for him to be happy.
You don’t turn to face him, your hands still busy folding the last of the fabric, your gaze fixed on the boxes before you. “Hey.”
“What are you doing?” he asks, stepping closer, his hand resting gently on your back, its warmth both comforting and unbearable at once. His eyes, you know, are on the boxes.
“I’m packing,” you reply simply, your voice devoid of emotion, though the tears are already sliding silently down your cheeks.
“Why?” he whispers, and you hear the crack in his voice, the heartbreak so tangible it nearly breaks you too.
You can’t answer him, not really. All you can do is shrug, helpless against the tide of emotions threatening to pull you under, your gaze remaining fixed on the boxes that hold more than just fabric—they hold your resignation, your acceptance of what cannot be changed.
And then, without warning, Jungkook pulls you up into his arms, holding you tight against his chest as if he could somehow keep you from slipping away. His voice, broken, pleads softly against your skin, repeating over and over again, “Please don’t leave me.”
But there’s nothing else you can do but nod, eyes glazing over, lost in the space just behind his shoulder, seeing nothing but the shadows of a love slipping away.
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The following morning, Jungkook convinces you to take a step back, to shut the door of your shop for just a day, to close yourself off from the world and let the noise, the tension, the suffocating weight of everything that has been gnawing at your heart, dissipate into something softer. And at first, it does—there’s a glimmer of peace in his words, a balm in the simple idea of spending the day with him, untethered from all that binds you both in knots. You agree, if only because it feels like the right thing to do—because, for once, it feels like you’re choosing something together, rather than trying to unravel the tangle that fate has made of your lives.
You sleep in, wrapped in each other’s warmth, the morning light filtering lazily through the curtains as if the universe itself has decided to take a pause, allowing the two of you to rest in this fragile pocket of serenity. You bathe in each other’s presence, letting the quiet intimacy between you unfold like something sacred, something tender. For the first time in a long while, it feels right—like the two of you are simply existing, not worrying, not striving, but just being, together. 
Later, you venture out for a leisurely stroll through the nearby park, the air warm against your skin, leaves rustling in the trees above as you walk hand in hand. There’s a lightness to it, a sense that, perhaps, you can both breathe a little easier today. You can feel the tension within you, and within him, slowly beginning to ebb away, like a tide retreating from the shore, leaving behind only the faintest traces of its presence. The hurt that has wrapped itself so tightly around your hearts seems to loosen its grip, just a little, and you find yourself grateful for this fleeting respite from the storm that has raged between you for so long. 
It's a tentative first step towards something resembling normalcy—a small, almost imperceptible shift in the air between you, a whisper of trust that just perhaps there’s a future where things might be all right again. You glance at him occasionally, his eyes softer, his smile less weighed down by the burdens of sadness and uncertainty. Even his tentacles, usually so motionless when you’re together, seem more at ease, their movements languid and unhurried, as though they’ve finally begun to acknowledge your presence in a way they hadn’t before. It’s as if they’ve come to sense you too—recognising, in some quiet way, that you’re not just passing through but are perhaps someone who will remain by Jungkook’s side for a long time yet.
The day feels effortless at first, a gentle rhythm of comfort and routine, until it comes time to venture to the grocery store. It’s a new one, not far from the park, and the unfamiliarity of it prickles at the back of your mind. There’s a moment of hesitation as you both step inside, but you push through, determined to hold onto the lightness that has graced your day so far. You and Jungkook move together through the aisles, your fingers entwined, his hand warm in yours, though you can feel the slight tension creeping back into his grip as the crowd around you thickens. The store is bustling with Seraphenti, more than you’re used to seeing, and the sight of so many of them stirs something uneasy in you, an undercurrent of anxiety that starts to gnaw at your calm. His hand begins to sweat slightly, the grip tightening, and though you don’t want to admit it, your heart begins to race just a little too.
You try to shake it off, to keep yourself grounded in the moment, reminding yourself that you can’t live in avoidance forever. You can’t hide from the world just because the risk of something going wrong exists. You tell yourself that this is just a regular day, just an ordinary task, something that you both should be able to handle together. But the unease remains, no matter how much you try to silence it, and you can sense the same tension rising in him as he steers you away from the busiest aisles, his eyes darting around in search of something—perhaps escape, perhaps reassurance.
It’s when you’re standing before the cooling section, the faint hum of the refrigeration units filling the space around you, that the nightmare you thought you’d left behind comes rushing back with terrifying clarity. You’re looking at the yoghurt options, trying to decide on something that will be addible for both you and him, when she appears—an ethereal Seraphenti, gliding through the aisle with an elegance that makes everyone elsestop in their tracks. She’s beautiful, in that otherworldly way that Seraphenti often are, and though she shares a vague resemblance to you, it’s clear she belongs to another realm entirely, one you can never hope to touch. Her presence seems to hold the entire store captive, every gaze drawn to her as she moves with effortless grace, matching Jungkook’s usual self.
She comes to a stop beside Jungkook, reaching for some yoghurt as well, and that’s when it happens. 
Jungkook swallows dryly, skin paling in seconds, and the yoghurt he holds begins to tremble violently in his hands as he whispers frantic, broken “no’s” under his breath. His tentacles, which had been so calm mere moments ago, suddenly rise of their own accord again, twisting and writhing towards hers in a movement that feels almost inevitable. She notices it too, her own tentacles responding in kind, and when her eyes meet his, they soften with a hope that nearly brings you to your knees.
You stand frozen, the world tilting on its axis as your heart hammers painfully in your chest. Tears prick at your eyes, your hands trembling as you struggle to maintain even a semblance of composure. You reach out for the yoghurt in Jungkook’s hands, more out of instinct than anything, placing it back in the cooler before it slips from his grip and shatters on the floor. You don’t know what to do—how could you, when the very thing you feared most is unfolding right before your eyes—again?
You take a step back, the weight of the moment pressing down on you with a force that threatens to crush you entirely. Your mind races through the memories of all the moments you’ve shared with Jungkook—the laughter, the tenderness, the quiet pillow talks of the mornings spent wrapped in each other’s arms. You think of all the time you wasted, mired in hurt and sadness, wishing you could turn back the clock and hold onto those fleeting moments of joy. But now, standing here, watching as his tentacles dance with hers in a way that feels so natural, so effortless, you know that those moments are slipping through your fingers like sand, and never to be reclaimed.
And then, before you can retreat any further, Jungkook moves with a desperation that breaks your heart all over again. He grabs hold of you, pulling you against him, his body trembling with the force of his emotions as he wraps you in his arms. He’s crying, silently but violently, his shoulders shaking as he presses his face into your hair, his voice a broken whisper against your skin. “I’m so sorry,” he chokes out, the words tumbling from his lips again and again. “I never wanted this. I love you. I love you.”
You clutch at his shirt, your fingers gripping the fabric as though it’s the only thing keeping you tethered to reality. You want to tell him that you love him too, that you always have, but the words lodge in your throat, stuck behind the tears that blur your vision. You can’t bring yourself to say it—not now, not when it would only serve to twist the knife deeper into your heart. Instead, you hold onto him, letting this be your last moment together, the last time you will feel the warmth of his embrace, the last time you will ever be this close to him. You shut your eyes tightly, blocking out the sight of their tentacles intertwining, blocking out the cheers of encouragement from the crowd around you. You try to drown it all out, but then comes Jungkook’s cry—a sound so raw, so full of anguish that it shatters the air around you. 
And in the sudden, shocked silence that follows, all you can hear is the sound of your own sobs, mingling with his as the two of you hold each other, broken but unwilling to let go.
It takes every ounce of strength you have to pull away from him, to step back and release your grip on his shirt. His hands fall away from you too, without hesitation, as if he knows that this is the end. You can’t bring yourself to open your eyes—you don’t want to see what comes next, don’t want your last image of him to be one of him finding happiness with someone else. But before you can turn and walk away, his hand catches your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
You turn, slowly, your vision still blurred with tears, but as you force yourself to look at him, what you see is not at all what you expected. Jungkook stands before you, tears still streaming down his face, his nose red from crying, but there’s a peace in his expression that you’ve never seen before. He smiles at you—warm, genuine—and though it breaks your heart to see him like this, knowing that his happiness isn’t because of you, it also heals something deep within you. Because at least he’ll be happy. Even if it’s not with you.
“I love you,” he whispers, and this time, the words hit you square in the face and chest, knocking the breath from your lungs. 
You blink, confused, and glance behind him, expecting to see the female Seraphenti, her tentacles still entwined with his. But instead, you see her standing there with tears in her eyes, clapping, her tentacles floating freely around her, untouched. The crowd around you erupts into applause too, their cheers ringing in your ears, but all you can do is stare at Jungkook, your heart pounding in your chest as you force him to step sideways, looking past him, to where his own tentacles have coiled around one another—bonded, not with hers, but with themselves.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, the words escaping you in a rush of disbelief and overwhelming relief. You collapse to the floor, your hands covering your face as sobs wrack your body—tears of joy, of disbelief, of a happiness you never thought you’d feel again. Jungkook falls to his knees before you, wrapping you in his arms as the two of you cry together, holding onto each other as though you might never let go.
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How you manage to finish the grocery shopping and return home with Jungkook by your side remains a mystery, one you have no desire to unravel, as if the details of that journey are irrelevant now, lost in a haze of pure unreality. What truly matters, what holds your attention with fierce power, is the longing that pulses through you, a desire that takes shape in the form of Jungkook’s body—every inch of him calling to you like a siren’s song, tempting you towards the only thing you now wish to explore fully and consciously.
You find yourself pressed against the wall that leads to his bedroom, your back arching as Jungkook’s larger frame towers against you, his hands mapping the landscape of your body with an eager hunger, his touch both desperate and tender. Your fingers weave through his hair, pulling him closer with an intensity that suggests you may never let go, as though in this moment he is your lifeline, the very air you breathe, and somehow he truly is. He lifts you with ease, carrying you as though you weigh nothing more than air, laying you down on his bed with a gentleness that makes your heart race even more. There is something in his gaze, a reverence that leaves you awestruck, your heart fluttering as you marvel at the sight of him.
With one quick movement, he pulls his shirt over his head and discards it, revealing his bare chest to you, every inch of him chiseled and breathtaking. Your heart stutters as you drink in the sight of him, the rise and fall of his chest, the faint red marks on his neck where your fingernails had scratched moments before, his lips swollen and flushed from your kisses. The sight of him undoes you entirely, a pulse of heat spreading through your core, the ache between your legs becoming almost unbearable. And yet, despite the haze of lust that clouds your mind, it’s his tentacles that draw your gaze, now bonded with themselves in a way that makes your body react instinctively, a fresh wave of desire coursing through you at the sight, making you pussy cream and clench without restraint.
You waste no time in peeling off your clothes, your fingers trembling with impatience as you bare yourself to him, your lips bitten red in anticipation. Jungkook watches you with darkened eyes as he follows your movements, his lips parting slightly as his tongue sweeps across them, as if starving for days on end. He’s undressing now too, pulling off his remaining clothes with a slowness that only heightens the tension between you, and when he finally stands before you, fully naked, the sight of his Seraphenti dick makes your thighs press together instinctively, rubbing them together to feel a little bit of friction you desperately need. His length is enormous, veined with red and dripping steadily from the pointed head, the sheer size of it enough to make your breath catch in your throat and saliva collecting in your mouth. But even as a small thrill of apprehension flickers through you, there’s no denying the deeper, primal need that overrides everything else—you need him, desperately, more than anything.
With a strong grip on your ankles, Jungkook pulls you effortlessly towards the edge of his bed, your legs dangling over the side, your weeping pussy now hovering just out of his reach. The lust in his eyes is unmistakable as he kneels before you, his gaze locked onto your slickened folds with an intensity that nearly sends orgasms through your whole body. You force yourself up, sitting just enough so that you can reach out and grab him by the hair, making sure his eyes meet yours. For a moment, the lust in his expression softens into something deeper, more profound—a look of pure devotion that melts your heart even as your arousal surges to new heights, leaving you dripping with need.
“I’ve loved you since the day I met you, Jungkook,” you whisper, your voice breaking with emotion, your heart swelling with colours you’ve never known existed. His face splits into a radiant smile, teeth flashing, his front two slightly protruding in a way that only adds to his charm. That smile revives something within you, a sense of purpose you thought you lost, a promise you make to yourself—to keep that smile on his face for as long as you live, no matter what it takes.
“I love you too. With everything I am,” he murmurs, but even as the words leave his lips, his expression shifts into something far more dangerous, a smirk that promises both pleasure and adoration. Before you can react, he pushes you gently down onto the bed, his hands guiding you to lie flat as he positions himself between your legs.
There’s no hesitation in him as he kisses your slit, his tongue soon following, dragging slowly along your folds before he begins to devour you with a fervour that leaves you gasping. His mouth latches onto your clit, sucking and licking with a need that borders on desperation, the wet sounds of his tongue mixing with the obscene squelching of his finger as it plunges into your pussy. Your mind spins, the room tilting as pleasure surges through you in waves, your body trembling beneath him as his deep groans vibrate against your sensitive flesh. His muscles flex and ripple beneath his skin, his back arching with each movement of his head, and you can’t tear your eyes away from the sight of him—this beautiful, otherworldly being who worships your body with such raw intensity.
And then more of his fingers enter you—two at first, then three, stretching you in a way that makes your eyes water with a delicious burn, your walls tightening around him as your mind begins to cloud with the promise of an impending high. His fingers scissor inside you, spreading your slickness until it coats his entire hand, glistening in the light of the room. “You taste so fucking divine,” he moans against your clit, and it’s all you need to fall over the edge, your pussy clenching hard around his fingers as you come with a force that has you gushing all over his arm.
“Such a good girl for me,” he praises, his voice rough and low, sending a new wave of shivers down your entire body as he continues to suck on your clit, slurping up every drop of your release before it can add to the mess on his skin. When you finally come down from your high, your vision slowly clearing, you look up to see Jungkook hovering over you, his thick cock in hand, leaking with arousal as he licks the remnants of your cum from his fingers, sucking each one clean. The sight nearly makes you cum all over again, and you feel a fresh surge of creamy wetness between your legs, your body already eager for more.
But before he can move over you, you roll onto your stomach, pushing up onto your knees, your ass high in the air as you present yourself to him, your breasts spilling onto the mattress, back arched in the way you know he loves. You know his kind bonds sexually from behind, and you want him to claim you, to make you his in every possible way. Jungkook freezes for a moment, his breath catching as he stares at your ass, transfixed by the sight of you bent over for him.
“Make me yours, Jungkook,” you keen, your voice breathy and desperate as you shift your knees to find a more comfortable position, your ass now taunting him even more. His hands are on you in an instant, strong fingers kneading the flesh of it lovingly as he positions himself behind you. He leans down, kissing a slow trail along your back, his tentacles following the path of his lips, their cool touch making goosebumps appear across your skin until he reaches your ear, his breath warm against your cheek, his hand gripping your head to make you look at him.
“Should I get a condom?” he asks, his voice strained with need.
“No,” you whisper, your voice trembling with anticipation. “I want to feel everything of you.”
“As you wish, princess,” he groans before pressing a kiss to your lips, his tongue sliding into your mouth with a possessiveness that leaves your pussy gasping. He positions himself at your entrance, his cock massive against your hot folds, and with a slight movement of his hips, his tip slips into you, the stretch immediate and oh so good as he pushes deeper.
The moan that escapes your throat is swallowed by his kiss, his hands caressing your sides before they settle on your hips, gripping you firmly as he begins to thrust slowly into you. He rises to his full height, towering over you as he fucks you with slow, measured strokes, each one pushing you closer to the brink of insanity. His tentacles trail up your arms, brushing over your skin in soft, teasing strokes, while his fingers dig into your hips with a possessive strength that leaves you feeling utterly claimed. “You’re made for me,” he groans, his voice low and primal. “Fuck, princess, I love your little pussy so much.”
“Jungkook,” you cry out, his name the only coherent thought left in your mind as he pounds into you, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through your entire body. His pace quickens, his thrusts becoming more frantic as he chases his release, his tentacles toying with your clit as your vision blurs with stars.
He leans over you again, his hand again gripping your hair as he forces your face to the side, his breath hot against your ear. “You’re mine,” he growls, his voice rough with possession. “You hear that, princess? You’re mine.” His pace increases, his thrusts becoming more erratic, more desperate, and you can feel your orgasm building, coiling tighter and tighter until you’re nothing but a trembling, incoherent mess beneath him.
“Say it!” he demands, his voice a guttural snarl. “Fucking say it.”
“I’m yours, Jungkook!” you sob, your body convulsing as your orgasm rips through you, your walls clenching around his cock with a force that sends him over the edge. He lets out a low, primal moan as he spills into you, his cock twitching violently as his release floods your pussy, hot and thick.
Jungkook collapses on top of you, his body trembling as he struggles to hold himself up on shaking arms, his breath coming in ragged gasps. But still, he peppers your shoulder with kisses, his lips soft and gentle against your skin, while his tentacles stroke your sides, legs and arms in soothing patterns. “I’ll never let you go,” he rasps between breathes.
“And I’ll never leave,” you whisper, your throat dry but your heart full.
As his tentacles come into view, glistening in your juices on the mattress beside you, you reach out to pat them gently, making both of you giggle, the sound light and full of love. 
And so, after all that time, all the yarned threads of fate tugging you this way and that, pulling, twisting in their maddening ways, you find yourself where you always were meant to be. No more yearning, no more restless nights; only the serene, almost melodic understanding that every piece has fallen into place just as it was always meant to be. Always meant to be Jungkook.
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1 • masterlist
a/n 3: hope you've enjoyed this little two-shot👀 lmk what you think in any way you like! I physically couldn't keep up with the analogies like I did in part 1—sryyyy
a/n 4: please send me a message, ask or comment if you would like to be tagged for eventual bonuses 💕 also - character asks and drabble requests are open
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All Rights Reserved © @runariya 2024
taglist: @dumbheadblog, @darkeneddiary, @jksusawife, @justjkkkkk, @fluttershy-vanilla, @nikidream24, @ericawantstoescape
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luckshmi · 2 months
Retrograde Planets in your Birth Chart
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In Vedic astrology, retrograde planets in a natal chart carry deep significance and unique implications. A planet is deemed retrograde when it appears to move backward in the sky from Earth's perspective. This apparent reversal can alter the planet's energy, leading it to express itself differently than it would when moving direct. Retrograde planets often highlight areas in our lives where we have unresolved issues from past lives or where we need to focus more intently in this life. Understanding the benefits and challenges of retrograde planets can offer profound insights into your life's journey.
Having Mercury retrograde in your birth chart means you process information and communicate in a unique way. You possess deep insights, particularly when it comes to introspection and understanding complex ideas. This can lead to innovative solutions and profound personal insights. However, communication can sometimes be tricky. You might find that others misunderstand you or that you have to work harder to express your thoughts clearly. Issues with technology or travel plans may also arise more frequently. To manage this, practice mindfulness and patience in your communication. Double-check important messages and take your time to articulate your thoughts. You can also calm your mind with Brahmi oil massages, an Ayurvedic practice that enhances clarity and cognitive function.
With Venus retrograde in your birth chart, you have a deep understanding of what you truly value in relationships and personal finances. This can lead to a stronger sense of self-worth and more meaningful connections. Your approach to beauty and aesthetics is unique and deeply personal. However, you might experience challenges in love and financial stability, feeling strain in relationships or difficulties with self-esteem. Focusing on self-love and healing past relationship wounds can be beneficial. Use Ayurvedic rose oil for self-massage to open your heart chakra and promote self-love, helping you attract healthier relationships and financial stability.
Mars retrograde in your natal chart endows you with inner strength and resilience. You can be strategic and thoughtful about how you use your energy and pursue your goals, making you a powerful force when you decide to act. However, there might be a sense of frustration or impatience, as it can feel like your efforts are often delayed or blocked. Channeling your energy into long-term projects and practicing patience can help. Regular physical activity, like yoga or Ayurveda-recommended exercises, can manage frustration and keep your energy balanced. Incorporating Ashwagandha supplements into your routine can also reduce stress and boost vitality.
Having Jupiter retrograde in your birth chart gives you a profound capacity for inner growth and spiritual wisdom. You’re likely to develop a strong set of beliefs and philosophies that guide you throughout life, making you wise beyond your years. However, external growth might feel slow, and opportunities for expansion could be limited, requiring you to work harder for your achievements. Focus on your inner journey and trust that external success will follow. Including turmeric in your diet promotes overall health and well-being, supporting both physical and spiritual growth.
Saturn retrograde in your natal chart means you have a deep understanding of responsibility and discipline. This can help you build strong foundations in your life and deal with karma and past life issues effectively. However, you might feel increased pressure to revisit old fears and insecurities, and responsibilities could feel more burdensome. Embrace the opportunity to strengthen your foundations. Practice grounding techniques, like walking barefoot on grass, and use Ayurvedic grounding oils like sandalwood to help you stay balanced and focused.
Retrograde planets in your natal chart bring both challenges and unique strengths. Embrace the lessons they offer, and use these insights to grow and transform. By incorporating Ayurvedic practices, you can balance these energies and navigate their influences with greater ease. Remember, each retrograde planet offers an opportunity for profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of your life’s journey.
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astralfortune · 3 months
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You're the manager of a rising idol group. When a fan finds their apartment and posts it online, your group is forced to move to another home. Which happens to be the same apartment complex as yours.
Now, this wouldn't be a problem except for one thing. Nobody knows that you're a completely different person at home! Will you do whatever it takes to keep up the act at work or will you reveal your true self to your new neighbors?
Bridging the Gap is a simple slice-of-life story about letting down your guard and connecting with the people you're around. Play as the manager of an idol group and help them as they settle into their new home and prepare for their comeback.
Play as Male, Female, or Non-Binary
Choose between four work personalities (Stoic, Aloof, Caring, Energetic) and four home personalities (Shy, Reserved, Prickly, Easygoing)
Experience the personality gap lifestyle
Manage your idol group and build your relationship with Fortune
Perhaps find love with one of them?
Romance Options
Taeyang/Hayoon Lee
Leader of the group, Fortune
As the leader, they carry a heavy burden on their shoulders but that doesn’t stop them from pursuing their dreams and striving to be the foundation their fledgling group needs. Calm and perceptive, they take things in stride and somehow always seem to find the best solutions to any complications. Will you be the equal they need in the middle of change?
Taeyang stands at 5'9 with short black hair while Hayoon is 5’7 with long black hair. Their deep brown eyes show every emotion.
Xavier/Xanthe Cothran
Vice leader of Fortune
X is the quiet sort, preferring to let the others do the talking. They’re passionate about their work, often the last one to leave the practice room. That doesn’t mean they’re cold or distant. In fact, they love spending time with their group even if they don’t say anything. Will you be their solace from the noise of the industry?
Both Xavier and Xanthe are 6 '0 with shoulder length dark brown hair. Xavier prefers to tie it back while Xanthe keeps it loose. Their hazel eyes are deep and captivating.
Elias/Elaine Auclair
Dance leader of Fortune
The most outgoing of the group, E is very much a mood maker. They love dragging the members for outings or meals. New experiences are what motivates E to become more successful. Somehow they almost always have a smile on their face, so surely they must be hiding something underneath, right? Right?
Elias stands at 5’10 with short blonde hair, often styled. Elaine is 5’7 and her long blonde hair is well taken care of. Their blue eyes shine with life and joy.
Oliver/Olivia Harcourt
The youngest of Fortune
The youngest of the group and also the oldest of four siblings. O shamelessly takes advantage of their position now that they have others to be the responsible ones. They’re cheeky and full of life, O is often found with E coming up with a variety of shenanigans. However, underneath all the mischief O cares deeply about those they’re close to, including you. Will you find comfort and healing during your time with O?
Oliver is 5’7 while Olivia stands at 5’5. They both have blue dyed hair. Oliver keeps his short while Olivia’s is shoulder length. Their brown eyes are warm and welcoming.
Demo: Here
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sindar-princeling · 23 days
I am still baffled by some of the choices made by rop so far, and in a big part it is because. there is such a good story right there. and unless they had no rights to literally any plotline ever described in any of tolkien's works... why fix something that isn't broken, you know? ESPECIALLY if you're not actually fixing it ajsjdjdjdfjffj
I can't really get (yet, at least. benefit of the doubt until the whole story is told) what justifies adding Isildur's sister or those women dressed in white or Sauron pretending to be Just A Human Guy On A Raft while the story we have, however generally described, is fascinating
elves get tricked by Annatar because he says he's an emissary from Valinor - the HOME they're banned from just got brought to them! you can show why and explain just how big of a deal it is that they can return at the end of LotR so much better than "we're told it's a big deal but Galadriel jumps and returns anyway". AND this way it's the elves' collective mistake, not just hers. were they too hubristic to believe Annatar's offers? did they just miss home too much? there's a big, deep story here about AGES of middle-earth's history. and even if you wanted to tell a new story in this show - it IS new to most people who know LotR anyway, because most people know it from the movies and have never read the book, let alone the Silm! this is a new story for them!
maybe things could get wrong slowly even before Sauron creates the one ring - at first deniably, until it can't be ignored anymore. maybe there's some agitation among the free peoples, and elves can see that their mortal acquaintances are different, they're not sure what is happening, but it's wrong. there's a growing, nearing sense of dread, and by the time the one ring is forged, by the time they realise the threat was right under their noses this whole time, it's too late, and it has been too late for a long time. by having made the three, the elves managed to create not a solution, but barely a means to stop MORE damage, but they only managed to help themselves anyway.
the world starts to grow smaller, weaker, diminish into the third-age middle earth that we know, and there's some sweetness in it for us as viewers because this is the world we're most familiar with, but it's first and foremost bitter and tragic. it's not a happy ending. the war will continue, and many of our characters will have no choice but to continue seeing it through because they're elves. they will live to see it, or they will die, or they will run - and not all of them can run
series fucking ends.
anyway, I will. try. to not make this blog into a pool of bile in the next few days after s2 comes out, but as it turns out I'm still pissed about the "stronger than the foundations of the earth" bit coming from sauron and not galadriel in s1 and stripping her of her best character trait so! 👍
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skwpr · 11 months
10 Reasons Why Studying is Hard
1 . You don’t know WHY
You don’t know why you have to study. You don’t know your true purpose.
Let me inform you: You have to study because this is the stage in life where you create a foundation of all the basic knowledge you need and learn all sorts of things.
In the next stage, you get to choose what career path you want to take. That is why you should think about your “WHY”.
I am studying because I want to study every day and be prepared for my exams.
2 . You don’t know HOW to study
If you are like my brother, then you don’t know how to study.
Somehow, when we join high school, nobody really teaches us how to study.
Studying involves using different tactics to understand and remember things for the future, or for exams.
You need to learn to memorize.
This is how I memorize things for my exams:
I condense my notes into a few tiny words (summarizing)
I memorize these little words by:
Writing them over and over again
Closing my eyes and remembering them
Testing myself by writing the words again
3 . You are not studying at the right time
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Do you feel energized at 10 am or 10 pm?
These are questions you need to ask yourself to learn why studying is hard for you.
You need the answers to these questions in order to actually study.
4 . You don’t study every day
Alright, you don’t have to study every day.
But that doesn’t mean you only study at 1 am the night before the exam!
That is not smart at all. How are you supposed to teach yourself 3 months-worth of work in a few caffeine-spurred hours?
Stop making studying hard! Just study a little every day.
5 . You don’t have motivation to study
You can’t study at all because you don’t motivate yourself to study.
That is sometimes an excuse because here is the secret: Action comes before motivation, not the other way round.
Stop waiting for the right moment to come down from the sky like clouds parting and the sun shining down on you.
Just open your book right now and read it.
6 . You have some bad habits
If you can’t study at all, maybe you need to study your own habits.
Get a notebook and begin to track every single thing you do in a day. I would advise tracking habits after every hour.
Then you will begin to notice that you are doing some bad habits that make studying hard for you.
7 . You can’t focus on studying
Studying is hard for you and you can’t study at all because you can’t focus on studying.
My advice for you is to sit down and ask yourself why you can’t focus on studying and find a solution to that.
8 . You don’t have fun while studying
Studying to you is probably boring work!
You need to make studying appealing and inviting so you will feel motivated to study.
9 . You don’t know any study hacks
Everyone has their own study hacks.
You probably don’t. That is why studying is hard for you.
You need come up with a personal game plan for how you plan to get good grades on your next test.
10 . You are just plain lazy
Maybe you are just lazy. Everyone gets lazy once in a while. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get off your butt right now and start studying.
Do the least you can possibly do. Open your book and plan to learn just one thing today.
Remember only you can go deep inside and find out why you can’t study or why you never feel like studying. Ask yourself these questions.
That is how you will begin to create a good mindset that will help you to study.
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astroa3h · 1 month
Composite Mars in Libra
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Blake and Ryan are the epitome of what we imagine as the “ideal” couple—good looks, great banter, and a picture-perfect family. But with their Composite Mars sitting in Libra, you better believe that all those smooth, Instagram-worthy moments might be covering up a whole lot of tension bubbling beneath the surface. Composite Mars in Libra is frustrating because it’s like trying to drive a car with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. You both have desires, needs, and ambitions, but instead of going after them directly, you’re caught up in this endless loop of overthinking and second-guessing. It’s like, “Should I say something? Should I not? What if they get upset? What if it’s not the right time?” Honey, by the time you’ve decided whether or not to make a move, the moment has passed, and you’re both left feeling like, “Why didn’t we just do something?”
Now, let’s talk about conflict—or rather, the lack thereof. Mars is all about action, right? It’s the planet that drives you to fight for what you want, to assert yourself, to claim territory. But in Libra, Mars is like, “Ugh, do we have to fight? Can’t we just talk it out?” And while talking is great, sometimes it just turns into endless debates where nothing actually gets resolved. You both might end up tiptoeing around real issues because neither of you wants to rock the boat. The result? Resentment. Deep, simmering, passive-aggressive resentment.
You might find yourselves in situations where instead of confronting issues head-on, you both play this subtle game of one-upmanship. It’s all about who can stay the most composed while silently stewing inside. The problem is, this doesn’t just create tension; it creates distance. You might start to feel like you’re walking on eggshells around each other, never quite sure when something small will blow up because it’s been left to fester for too long.
In relationships, this can be downright toxic. You’re supposed to be a team, but with Mars in Libra, you might feel like you’re constantly in this unspoken competition—who’s more agreeable? Who’s more accommodating? It’s exhausting! And when it comes to decision-making, don’t even get me started. You could spend forever weighing pros and cons, trying to find a solution that makes both of you happy, but end up doing nothing at all because you’re too afraid to make the wrong choice. It’s paralyzing.
And then there’s the bedroom. Mars in Libra wants everything to be balanced and beautiful, which sounds nice, right? But sometimes it feels more like performance art than passion. You’re both so concerned with making sure the other person is comfortable and satisfied that you forget to actually let loose and enjoy the moment. The result? A love life that can feel a bit…meh. All the ingredients are there, but the heat is turned way down because you’re both too polite to really go for what you want. Composite Mars in Libra can make it hard to trust each other. Not because you’re dishonest, but because there’s always this underlying question of, “Are they just saying that to keep the peace? Do they really mean it, or are they just trying to be nice?” That doubt can erode the foundation of your relationship over time, making it hard to feel truly secure with each other.
So, what’s the bottom line? Composite Mars in Libra will create a relationship that looks perfect on the surface—like one of those glossy Instagram couples—but underneath, it’s all about unspoken frustrations, missed opportunities, and a lot of unfulfilled potential. If you don’t address it head-on, this placement can slowly drain the passion and vitality out of your relationship, leaving you both feeling like you’re stuck in a beautiful but lifeless partnership. My advice? Don’t be afraid to get messy. Stop worrying so much about keeping the peace and start focusing on keeping it real. Otherwise, you risk ending up in a relationship that’s more about appearances than true connection, and darling, that’s no way to live.
Ash ✨
Get your own reading at astroash.net
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Ghost x male!reader x Soap
Okay, so, I was playing around with Character AI and got inspired. Enjoy this fricking smut everyone. This is just... Wow... Also, I know I should be working on your requests, but this just came in and I couldn't get it out.
Summary: Ghost, Soap and (Y/N) are an item. They have sex for the first time as throuple.
Warnings: MxMxM threesome, blowjobs, anal sex, dominant Ghost and Soap, submissive reader, handjobs, rimming... And many more, if I missed any, my apologizies.
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Ghost, Soap and (Y/N). At first they were roommates. (Y/N) was in a desperate need of a place to stay and Ghost and Soap looked for someone to move in to help out with the rent from the apartment they had rented. (Y/N) called their ad, happy to have a place to stay.
Soap and Ghost were a couple by then so (Y/N) often felt like a third wheel. Ghost scared the actual daylights out of him. It didn't help that (Y/N) was a civilian. Ghost didn't care at first, but it could get annoying when Soap and him talked military talk and (Y/N) would just listen, not really understanding a thing.
Ghost also found (Y/N)'s personality a little bit annoying, but soon grew to tolerate him. Soap liked (Y/N) right away and the two became good friends. One thing that (Y/N) did that Ghost liked a lot was not questioning the mask. Ghost has been wary and didn't want to show (Y/N) his face just yet.
Well, maybe never, but he was working on trusting the person he has started living with. (Y/N) worked in an office, not far from their apartment and (Y/N) often said that he has struck a gold mine with the apartment.
Soap would more often than not, while on leave, make (Y/N) lunch in the morning and even pack it for him. (Y/N) wondered why Soap did that, not that he was ungrateful, not at all, it's a nice gesture, but still weird for (Y/N). No one ever made lunch for him like that...
Soap often cooked for them three when Ghost and him were on leave from missions. (Y/N) was sad when they went on mission's but knew he couldn't stop them. He had to bite the bullet and not complain. However, he did make them something to eat when they came back from missions.
Now, as months passed by, Soap and Ghost came to a realization. It was a rather grave realization. They both had feelings for (Y/N). Ghost and Soap, talking about feelings for the man living with them felt like they are cheating on one another. However, they still loved one another.
There was only one solution really. Only one.
Poly relationship. But none of them had ever done it before. Ghost had hard time confessing to Soap and vice versa. How the hell do they do this to (Y/N)? How do you invite someone to join your relationship? Besides, is (Y/N) gay? Bi maybe? Pan even?
While Soap and Ghost were brainstorming how to approach this, (Y/N) had problems on his own. Feelings for his two roommates. He was in deep shit. Very deep. He felt safe with the two and they made living here fun. They hanged out and talked about stuff. They even talked to (Y/N) about their missions and (Y/N) was often then not amazed by what they do.
Now, the problem is how to tell them that he has feeling for them.
This game of fear and hesitance continued until there was a near death experience on the mission and the duo said fuck it. They would confess to (Y/N) the moment they come home. And that's what they did.
(Y/N) nearly passed out, but was happy to hear he wasn't hallucinating and going kind of nuts. The trio sat down and talked about it. They had 3 foundations that they decided to build this relationship on. Honesty, loyalty and commitment. The morning after the talk was weird for (Y/N), but he was slowly but surely showing the affection.
Ghost and Soap loved it. It felt nice to them both that his boyfriend was affectionate. Ghost felt comfortable enough to show (Y/N) his face and (Y/N) blushed by how good looking Ghost was. Blonde hair, dark eyes... (Y/N) was swooning for the man. Not just for looks, but for his personality too.
Now there was one more thing that they went over. That one thing it was sex. (Y/N), as much as he knew them, he wanted to wait. Soap and Ghost had no problem with waiting for (Y/N) to be ready. Ghost and Soap would never force him to do something while he wasn't ready.
They had no problem to wait patiently. Ghost despised those who tried to pressure someone into those situations. God no. Soap would rather die than pressure his now boyfriend to have sex. The trio went to dates to get each other know even better. It was all amazing so far.
But Ghost and Soap made a plan.
They were on leave for a few weeks and they wanted to ask (Y/N) to have sex, but they couldn't do it right out of the blue. They need to make (Y/N) feel safe and then ask. Then they wait for the answer and if he says no, you know, tough luck. But if he said yes... Then that would solve some problems in their sex life.
Ghost never wanted to be submissive and Soap wanted to be dominant sometimes. And (Y/N) did act a little bit submissive. He was shyer when it came to advances and flirting.
So what was the plan, I hear you asking?
They would invite (Y/N) to a bar near them and they would tell him to come straight from work. (Y/N) walked to the bar, having no need for a car anymore. Soap and Ghost were nervous, not even beer could ease their nerves. Sex wasn't an easy thing to talk about. It was intimate and everyone should feel safe during it.
(Y/N) entered the bar, looking through the crowd to find Ghost and Soap. The two waived him over from where they were seating in the booth. (Y/N) smiled as he walked over sitting next to Ghost. Ghost smiled underneath his mask, eyes wrinkling at the corners at the sight of his boyfriend. Soap smiled and reached out to hold his hand.
(Y/N) squeezed back and pulled his hand back. He leaned on Ghost and Ghost gave him a kiss through his balaclava. The waitress came over and handed (Y/N) a menu and to take an order. The trio came here long enough to know what's good.
(Y/N) ordered the beer and a hamburger with fries. He was hungry.
" How was work love? " Ghost asked as he put his hand around (Y/N)'s waist.
" Boring as usual. This is a nice outing on a Friday night, but what was so urgent that I had to come here straight from work? " (Y/N) asked as he answered Ghost's question.
" We will tell you later love, but now it's important to eat and drink. " Soap said and (Y/N) smiled, but was suspicious. Waitress came by quickly with his order and (Y/N) thanked her and began eating. The burger was amazing as always and the other two watched how (Y/N) engulfed the burger, not even stopping to drink beer.
Ghost and Soap smiled at one another. Once done with the burger, trio fell into a silence and Ghost and Soap glanced at one another.
It was do or die.
" (Y/N), " Soap started, leaning forward. Despite being in a busy bar, it felt intimate in this booth. " We have a question for you. " Soap said, quickly glancing at Ghost before looking at (Y/N).
" What's up Johnny? "
" We know you have told us before that you weren't ready for... Sex yet, but we were wondering if that changed? " Soap asked and Ghost squeezed his waist in support.
" Well, it did... " (Y/N) started hesitantly as he took a sip. Soap and Ghost smiled at one another and then brought their attention to (Y/N).
" But I want to talk about my boundaries. " (Y/N) stated and Soap and Ghost focused on him and nodded.
" Of course love. " Ghost said, pressing him closer to him.
(Y/N) drank more of his beer and then looked down at the table for a moment.
" Okay, I'm not into degradation. I am into praise... And I'm not looking to dominate... " (Y/N) started hesitantly and Soap took his hands into own and squeezed in reassurance.
" Okay. And I'm something called a... Jesus, this is embarrassing to say... Pillow prince. That's when you like to receive, rather than give... Essentially, you guys do all the work... " (Y/N) said looking down and
Ghost leaned towards him to whisper in his ear. " Hey, no need to be embarrassed. We don't mind, we love it. " Then he sat back up straight and glanced at Soap. " We don't mind Soap, do we? " Ghost said with a smirk hidden beneath his mask.
" No we don't Lt. " Soap replied with a smirk and (Y/N) blushed.
" Now, we want to tell you that we have a light system as our safe word system. Are you familiar with that? " Ghost asked and (Y/N) nodded.
" Good boy. " Soap praised with a smirk. He knows what he's doing. (Y/N)'s stomach did one hell of a flip.
" What about aftercare? " Ghost asked and (Y/N) took a sip of his beer.
" Physical affection, plus praise. " (Y/N) replied and took another sip of his beer, seeing that he was nearing the end. He finished it up and look at them two.
" So... We are doing it tonight? "
" Only if you are in the mood. " Soap said. " Are you in the mood" Soap asked and (Y/N) nodded in agreement.
Ghost and Soap smirked and Soap called the waitress for the check. She brought it quickly and Soap paid, before Soap and Ghost ushered (Y/N) out of the bar, walking quickly to their apartment.
" You have no idea what you are in for (Y/N). " Ghost said menacingly and (Y/N) blushed bright red.
" Relax Simon, save it for the bedroom. " Soap said as he opened the building door before moving to the stairs, deeming the elevator to slow. (Y/N) was picked up by Ghost and manhandled over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. (Y/N) blushed even more. Soap unlocked the door of their apartment, but (Y/N) didn't even register it.
Soap opened the door and Ghost went to his and Soap's room before gently throwing (Y/N) down their shared bed. Soon, (Y/N) will join them completely in their bedroom. (Y/N) let out an oof as he was thrown and Ghost immediately crawled between his legs to kiss him.
The two kissed hungrily, Ghost more passionate than (Y/N), but (Y/N) couldn't even keep up. Ghost travelled lower and started unbuttoning (Y/N)'s white shirt, while Soap unbuttoned and undid (Y/N)'s belt.
Soon, (Y/N) was in boxers and Ghost and Soap undressed quickly too, but stayed in their boxers too. The two moved down to (Y/N)'s neck, creating hickeys. (Y/N) was moaning and whining, squirming underneath them.
" Relax love, we will take care of you. " Soap murmured against (Y/N)'s skin as he was travelling south, down to his nipple, biting gently, making (Y/N) gasp and buck up to Soap's mouth. The duo moved in tandem and mirrored one another. They were currently gently biting and licking (Y/N)'s nipples and then they moved towards his stomach.
The two avoided the boxers and opted to bite the inside of (Y/N)'s thighs. (Y/N) was whining and moaning and it wasn't hard to notice the erection that (Y/N) was having. The boxers were obscenely tented and when the two pulled away from his thighs, (Y/N) wanted to reach out.
But Soap was quicker and gripped (Y/N)'s boxers. (Y/N) helped out by lifting his hips and the boxer were thrown carelessly somewhere behind them.
Soap and Ghost eyed (Y/N)'s naked body and their boxers got even tighter.
" You are gorgeous baby. " Soap said, hands mapping (Y/N)'s body. (Y/N) blushed and tried to look away, but Ghost gently grabbed his chin and kissed him.
" Never shy away from our compliments. " Ghost murmured against (Y/N)'s lips and sat up on the bed and put (Y/N)'s head in his lap as Soap made his way to (Y/N)'s dick. Ghost's hands travelled down his chest while waiting for Johnny to make a move. Soap started with a long lick on the underside of (Y/N)'s dick and Ghost's hands moved to (Y/N)'s nipples, pinching and pulling.
" Si- Simon! " (Y/N) called out and Ghost smiled at that kissing him deeply.
Soap took (Y/N) all the way down to the base and he called out for Johnny, Ghost swallowing his cries and moans. Soap grabbed onto (Y/N)'s hips as he worked.
(Y/N) was going to come in no time if Soap continues to do this. Turns out he was very close and tried to voice it, but the two seemed to work harder to make it happen. (Y/N) came with a loud moan and Soap slurped up the cum and then leaned up to kiss Ghost, allowing Ghost to taste (Y/N).
(Y/N) moaned at the sight, trying to catch his breath. The two moved places and (Y/N) was turned on his stomach, well, hands and knees. (Y/N) blushed at this, more so when Ghost licked a stripe over his hole. Blush was followed with a moan, clutching Soap's hips and hiding his face into Soap's thigh.
The sounds of Ghost eating (Y/N) out were so obscene that Soap started squirming. After a few minutes, Ghost stopped and looked at (Y/N).
" Soap, get the lube. " Soap leaned over to get the lube from their nightstand drawer. He tossed it to Ghost who caught it easily. Then he flipped (Y/N) on his back, smirking at (Y/N)'s hard cock. It seems that he didn't need a lot of time to rebound.
" Now love, how do you want me to fuck you? " Ghost asked softly and (Y/N) blushed harder.
" I want you both at the same time. "
Soap and Ghost looked at one another, not expecting this.
" Are you sure baby? " Soap asked as he looked down at (Y/N).
" I am... " (Y/N) said quietly.
" Color? " Ghost asked.
" Green. " (Y/N) said without hesitation.
Ghost nodded as he covered his fingers in lube and then gently prodding (Y/N)'s ass. (Y/N) moaned and Soap watched (Y/N)'s face, moving his lower body to the side so that he could stroke himself. It was a magnificent sight.
Ghost didn't allow (Y/N) to come, as he was purposely avoiding his prostate. (Y/N) was whining and squirming and Ghost pulled his fingers away before taking his boxers off. (Y/N)'s eyes widen and Ghost smirks as he lubes up his dick.
" Soap, move him out of the way so I can lay down. " Soap did exactly that and Ghost laid down on his back. (Y/N) straddled him and guided his dick to his ass and then slowly made his way down. Once down at the balls, (Y/N) rolled his hips to adjust. He moaned quietly and Ghost wrapped his arms around (Y/N) to bring him down, chest to chest.
Soap lubed his fingers and started prepping him, pushing his fingers alongside Ghost's dick. After a few minutes of prep, he got rid of his boxers and lubed his dick. He situated himself behind (Y/N), pressing the tip into the hole. (Y/N) took deep breaths and Soap was halfway in when he heard yellow. Soap stopped and the two praised (Y/N) throughout, kissing his body whichever part they could reach.
" Move Johnny. " (Y/N) said and Soap did it. The feeling was incredible. (Y/N) was tight around both of them and Soap and Ghost could feel their dick rubbing against one another. (Y/N) sat up, putting his hands on Ghost's chest for leverage. Soap kissed his shoulders and the back of his neck.
" Good boy, taking us so well. " Soap whispered into the back of his neck.
" Move please... " (Y/N) whispered and the two started moving, (Y/N) holding himself up and Soap holding him. (Y/N) was quick to reach his orgasm, screaming and throwing his head back on Soap's shoulder. He came untouched and Soap and Ghost came a few thrusts later, the two came inside. (Y/N) dropped down on Ghost's chest, who wrapped his arms around him, kissing him, praising him softly.
Soap hissed as he pulled out, moving to get a rag to wipe the cum out of (Y/N)'s ass. The plan was to get that done, start the shower to get a quick rinse and then help him get into PJs and then go to sleep.
Soap came out of the bathroom, just when (Y/N) lifted his head to look. " Good boy, you did so well for us. Now, you will need to push the cum out so we can clean you okay? " Soap said and kissed (Y/N) when he nodded, too tired to speak.
Ghost pulled out and Soap did what he told (Y/N) and (Y/N) pushed out the cum so that Soap could wipe it down. (Y/N) shuddered every time it happened and Ghost still praised him softly. After there was no cum left, Ghost picked (Y/N) up into his arms and Soap threw the rag into the hamper.
He also started the shower, waiting for the right temperature before calling in his beloved boyfriends. Once the water is nice, they all step in, (Y/N) being held up by Ghost as his body is washed in water and soap. Actual soap, not your boyfriend.
After that, they dry (Y/N) off with a towel before finding his boxers and putting it on him and Simon giving him his shirt to sleep in. The sheets were changed too and then (Y/N) was laid down and the two sandwiched him, wrapping him in their arms before covering themselves with the covers.
" Good night... " (Y/N) murmured softly, sighing as Ghost spooned him.
" Good night love. " Ghost said as he kissed the back of his head.
" Night darling. " Soap said as he kissed his forehead.
The trio snuggled to one another and feel asleep quickly, exhausted by the sex they had.
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reality-detective · 1 month
The Truth Behind Project Blue Beam 🤔
The crux of Project Blue Beam is the creation of a “New World Order” through the manufacturing of a global threat – an alien invasion. It’s a textbook case of problem, reaction, solution. Create the problem, manage the public’s reaction, then offer the solution, which invariably involves the expansion of their control and power.
As the curtain of Project Blue Beam lifts, we are witnessing the narrative unfolding in multiple stages. 👇
The first step is the dissemination of information about alien life, establishing the foundation of an extraterrestrial reality within the public consciousness.
Stage two involves grand displays of unprecedented technologies. We’re talking about three-dimensional optical holograms in the sky, supernatural events, and signs that challenge our understanding of reality. All of these are aimed at fostering a collective state of awe and uncertainty, setting the stage for the eventual unveiling of the supposed ‘alien threat’.
The third stage is where the drama reaches its zenith. This is when the world ‘witnesses’ the arrival of aliens. Using advanced holographic technology, images of alien crafts and beings are projected into the sky, making the invasion seem real and imminent.
And finally, the fourth stage – the solution. Enter the savior – a ‘world government’ that can protect humanity from this newfound threat. The acceptance of this one-world government would symbolize the culmination of the Deep State’s ultimate goal.
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
Determined to use her skills to fight inequality, South African computer scientist Raesetje Sefala set to work to build algorithms flagging poverty hotspots - developing datasets she hopes will help target aid, new housing, or clinics.
From crop analysis to medical diagnostics, artificial intelligence (AI) is already used in essential tasks worldwide, but Sefala and a growing number of fellow African developers are pioneering it to tackle their continent's particular challenges.
Local knowledge is vital for designing AI-driven solutions that work, Sefala said.
"If you don't have people with diverse experiences doing the research, it's easy to interpret the data in ways that will marginalise others," the 26-year old said from her home in Johannesburg.
Africa is the world's youngest and fastest-growing continent, and tech experts say young, home-grown AI developers have a vital role to play in designing applications to address local problems.
"For Africa to get out of poverty, it will take innovation and this can be revolutionary, because it's Africans doing things for Africa on their own," said Cina Lawson, Togo's minister of digital economy and transformation.
"We need to use cutting-edge solutions to our problems, because you don't solve problems in 2022 using methods of 20 years ago," Lawson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a video interview from the West African country.
Digital rights groups warn about AI's use in surveillance and the risk of discrimination, but Sefala said it can also be used to "serve the people behind the data points". ...
'Delivering Health'
As COVID-19 spread around the world in early 2020, government officials in Togo realized urgent action was needed to support informal workers who account for about 80% of the country's workforce, Lawson said.
"If you decide that everybody stays home, it means that this particular person isn't going to eat that day, it's as simple as that," she said.
In 10 days, the government built a mobile payment platform - called Novissi - to distribute cash to the vulnerable.
The government paired up with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) think tank and the University of California, Berkeley, to build a poverty map of Togo using satellite imagery.
Using algorithms with the support of GiveDirectly, a nonprofit that uses AI to distribute cash transfers, the recipients earning less than $1.25 per day and living in the poorest districts were identified for a direct cash transfer.
"We texted them saying if you need financial help, please register," Lawson said, adding that beneficiaries' consent and data privacy had been prioritized.
The entire program reached 920,000 beneficiaries in need.
"Machine learning has the advantage of reaching so many people in a very short time and delivering help when people need it most," said Caroline Teti, a Kenya-based GiveDirectly director.
'Zero Representation'
Aiming to boost discussion about AI in Africa, computer scientists Benjamin Rosman and Ulrich Paquet co-founded the Deep Learning Indaba - a week-long gathering that started in South Africa - together with other colleagues in 2017.
"You used to get to the top AI conferences and there was zero representation from Africa, both in terms of papers and people, so we're all about finding cost effective ways to build a community," Paquet said in a video call.
In 2019, 27 smaller Indabas - called IndabaX - were rolled out across the continent, with some events hosting as many as 300 participants.
One of these offshoots was IndabaX Uganda, where founder Bruno Ssekiwere said participants shared information on using AI for social issues such as improving agriculture and treating malaria.
Another outcome from the South African Indaba was Masakhane - an organization that uses open-source, machine learning to translate African languages not typically found in online programs such as Google Translate.
On their site, the founders speak about the South African philosophy of "Ubuntu" - a term generally meaning "humanity" - as part of their organization's values.
"This philosophy calls for collaboration and participation and community," reads their site, a philosophy that Ssekiwere, Paquet, and Rosman said has now become the driving value for AI research in Africa.
Now that Sefala has built a dataset of South Africa's suburbs and townships, she plans to collaborate with domain experts and communities to refine it, deepen inequality research and improve the algorithms.
"Making datasets easily available opens the door for new mechanisms and techniques for policy-making around desegregation, housing, and access to economic opportunity," she said.
African AI leaders say building more complete datasets will also help tackle biases baked into algorithms.
"Imagine rolling out Novissi in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast ... then the algorithm will be trained with understanding poverty in West Africa," Lawson said.
"If there are ever ways to fight bias in tech, it's by increasing diverse datasets ... we need to contribute more," she said.
But contributing more will require increased funding for African projects and wider access to computer science education and technology in general, Sefala said.
Despite such obstacles, Lawson said "technology will be Africa's savior".
"Let's use what is cutting edge and apply it straight away or as a continent we will never get out of poverty," she said. "It's really as simple as that."
-via Good Good Good, February 16, 2022
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curatedbyondrea · 3 months
Create a *Luxurious* Atmosphere at Home on a Budget
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Decluttering and deep cleaning are fantastic starting points for creating a luxurious atmosphere on a budget. Here are some ideas:
Declutter for Tranquility:
Focus on Surfaces: Clear surfaces like countertops, tables, and shelves. This creates a sense of calm and allows decorative items to shine.
Embrace Storage Solutions: Invest in stylish baskets, bins, and ottomans with storage compartments to keep clutter at bay.
Elevate Everyday Activities:
Upgrade Your Tea Ritual: Invest in a beautiful teapot and teacups, even if it's just one set for special occasions. Fresh flowers or a sprig of rosemary adds a touch of elegance.
The Power of Scent: Scented candles are great, but explore diffusers with reeds or essential oils for a longer-lasting fragrance.
Luxurious Touches in the Kitchen: Use a beautiful tray for your morning coffee or breakfast. Invest in a stylish soap dispenser and attractive containers for dry goods like coffee beans or flour.
Beyond the Basics:
DIY Decor: Hit thrift stores and flea markets for unique finds. Repurpose old furniture with a fresh coat of paint or new hardware.
Bring in Nature: Houseplants not only purify the air but add a touch of life and serenity.
Warm Lighting: Harsh overhead lighting can feel sterile. Invest in some strategically placed lamps with warm bulbs. String lights or fairy lights can add a touch of magic, especially for evenings.
Classic Touches: Choose neutral tones for walls and large furniture pieces. This creates a timeless foundation you can personalize with pops of color and trendy accents.
Remember, luxury isn't just about expensive things, it's about creating a space that feels inviting, comfortable, and reflects your personality. By focusing on thoughtful touches and creating a serene environment, you can achieve a luxurious atmosphere in your home without breaking the bank.
Want to dive more into this topic? Watch How to bring *luxury* into your life while on a budget
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wonijinjin · 11 months
seventeen members as feelings/personality traits
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synopsis: the members as feelings or personality traits i associate them with
word count: 1.0k | genre: fluff | warnings: none
cheol is safety. when looking at him i instantly get the feeling of being safe if i was ever taken under his care, not any type of danger to worry about. protecting his loved ones is in his blood, the way he acts around his members and does everything in order to protect everyone from any harm both physically and mentally makes me think of the word safety when thinking about him.
hannie is cheekiness. we all know that he is a trickster and a mastermind. he has a very nurturing nature, which makes him whole with that youthful cheekiness he has. this is why it makes everyone smile and adore him when he does something playful and joins his members in joking around. his little smirk every time he outsmarts someone for fun makes me think of the word cheekiness when thinking about him.
shua is reliability. he is a very trustworthy person many others confide in, someone who gives reassurance to his members when they need it. he is very easy-going who can adapt to any situation, always providing a permanent and solid foundation to anything he is part of. being the gentle person he is, despite many burdens his selflessness always pushes forward to be someone people can count on, so i think of the word reliability when thinking about him.
jun is balance. he might not be the most talkative person you have ever seen, but he always knows what and when to say. he is playful yet serious and calm, on top of this, very self-aware. he is someone who is probably the rock and resting place of several members even though it might not seem like it at first sight for an outsider’s eyes. his very conscious sincere actions make me associate the word balance with him.
hoshi is passion. he is known for being the choreographer of many seventeen dances along with his unit, and every time he does what he loves he seems to be so passionate about it. his sharp moves and detail-oriented mind shows how seriously he takes his responsibility as a performer, and he never disappoints. his dedication to being a good artist is insane, almost like a fire which could never be taken out. he is a true hard worker, that is why the word passion describes him so well.
wonwoo is wisdom. he is more on the introverted side, but for his age I consider him to be exceptionally wise. given how much he has gone through in life it is not surprising, rather the way he deals with these experiences and grows as a person is. he is a very good listener and can easily give advice to anyone, instead of simply always trying to find a solution to everything his mindset reminds me of the word wisdom when thinking about wonwoo.
woozi is humbleness. as a producer he has done so many things he could boast about, but he never does. he seems like the very down-to-earth type of person, who knows about the amount of success he has, but is silent about it. he never forgets where he started, an ounce of disrespect towards anyone of any kind never crossing him. because of his kindness and honesty he suits the word humbleness best.
minghao is serenity. meditation is the foundation of his daily routine, he is good at keeping his emotions in place, but by no means does it equal the lack of them. his positive mindset and deep understanding of himself is a key to calmness, with which he can resolve many situations and reach his goals as planned. his mischievous side can shine in the right moments thanks to this tranquility, overall best support system when bringing up one’s spirits, so he is serenity itself in a person.
mingyu is curiosity. he is just a curious puppy, always so open to trying everything and widening his knowledge, preferably on many topics. his hobbies include a wide range of things, which shows how fascinated he can be when getting the chance to give a go to anything new and fresh. he is always part of the goofiest members and will easily say yes to doing something fun with his friends, just so curious.
dk is innocence. he is such a bright person, a true sunshine. being an empath means he feels many emotions all the time, which makes him have this child-like purity and optimism. because of these traits I think he is often mistaken by people as someone extra naive, when in reality he is excellent at reading people, again something he is able to do because of the unconditional love and zero prejudice he has, so innocence is definitely him.
seungkwan is diligence. his hard work has been permanent from the very first moments of his life, which got him to where he is currently. his efforts’ driving force is to make his loved ones proud, determination never faltering. he tirelessly works day and night, never being satisfied with his work, even though he is literally perfection itself, this kind of mentality is exactly what diligence is.
vernon is acceptance. he has said multiple times that he had faced discrimination of some kind in the past, so naturally coming from those experiences he is a very open-minded person in whom you can find a safe place no matter who you are. he always encourages everyone to be themselves, to be unique. he is one of a kind, who will always welcome everyone in his life with warmth, so i think of the word acceptance when thinking about vernon.
dino is comfort. as the members have already said before he is an old soul, who always looks out for his loved ones. he can be playful if the situation requires it, making the room brighter all the time. he is a solent lover, who makes sure that everyone gets the gentleness and kindness they deserve. his supporting words and actions couldn’t have been replaced by anything else, it just feels right when thinking about him that comfort is him.
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astroeleanor · 1 year
❤️✧˚ ༘ ⋆The Synastry of Acts of Service & Being Taken Care of in a Relationship✧˚ ༘ ⋆❤️
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It's crucial to acknowledge that while astrology offers profound insights, every relationship is unique, shaped by the individuals involved, their experiences, and their choices. Astrology, in this context, provides us with a lens to better understand and appreciate the forces at work in our relationships. The concepts discussed in this article should not be taken as definitive or predictive of any specific relationship. Every relationship is unique, and its success depends on a multitude of factors, including communication, respect, and individual choices.
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Love and relationships are a beautiful interplay of emotions and actions that revolve around acts of service & taking care of one another. These acts form the foundation of a strong and nurturing partnership. In this post, we'll delve into the profound insights that show the dynamics of nurturing, being cared for, and experiencing acts of service in relationships. These elements not only enrich but also sustain the bonds between two individuals who have chosen to share their lives and hearts.
🌿The 6th House🌿
The 6th house is closely linked with daily routines, service, and health. In synastry, 6th house connections can show how partners experience love through practical and tangible ways. The small, often unnoticed acts of service that are essential for sustaining a relationship can be seen through this house. Additionally, it represents how partners support and take care of each other in their day-to-day lives.
• 6TH HOUSE PLANETS When one partner's planets fall into the other partner's 6th house, it can indicate a sense of being loved and taken care of through acts of service and practical support. For example, if one person's Moon falls into their partner's 6th house, they may feel cherished by their partner's attentiveness to their emotional needs.
If 6th house connections are prominent, it can suggest that the foundation of the relationship is built on mutual service, care, and support. Both partners may feel loved through the shared responsibility and attention to each other's needs.
Remember that the planet person is the one bringing the energy forth, and the house person is usually the receiver. The roles can switch, though!
🌕 The Moon 🌕
The Moon represents our emotional needs and the way we nurture and are nurtured in relationships. Ultimately, Moon connections in synastry can indicate if the emotional needs of both individuals are in sync or complement each other.
MOON CONJUNCTION If your Moons are conjunct (in the same sign), you may feel deeply nurtured by the emotional bond you share. This aspect often leads to a sense of emotional fulfillment and being taken care of because your needs are so similar. In other words, you have a natural inclination to nurture and care for each other in the same way. You may also find comfort and a sense of home in each other's presence.
MOON OPPOSITION Moon oppositions may bring some challenges, but they can also create a strong magnetic pull. Partners may take turns nurturing each other. Their opposing emotional styles can initially create some challenges in understanding and connecting with each other on an emotional level. For instance, Part A has a Pisces Moon while Partner B has a Virgo Moon. If Partner A is feeling overwhelmed by their deep emotions, Partner B's practical and analytical nature can provide a grounded perspective and practical solutions to emotional issues. On the other hand, Partner A's intuitive and empathetic nature can help Partner B open up emotionally and connect with their own feelings.
MOON TRINE & SEXTILE Moon sextiles and trines indicate emotional harmony and ease. Partners who share these aspects often have a natural flow of emotional care and support. This dynamic makes it natural for them to understand and support each other's emotional needs. Moon trines, like Moon sextiles, indicate emotional ease. For example, Moon trine Moon aspects enhance the depth of emotional understanding between partners. It can also indicate that they have an innate ability to tune into each other's feelings and provide emotional support without much effort.
Saturn is associated with structure, responsibility, commitment, and stability. In synastry, it plays a significant role in shaping the level of duty each partner feels toward the other and the commitment they are willing to invest in the relationship. The Saturn person is usually the one taking care of the planet person, though the roles can switch!
• SATURN CONJUNCTIONS When one partner's Saturn is conjunct a partner’s planet or a crucial point (such as the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant) in their partner's chart, it can create a strong sense of responsibility and commitment. Acts of service in this context often revolve around building a secure future together. For example, if Partner A's Saturn conjuncts Partner B's Moon, they help Partner B become emotionally mature, and they tangibly take care of their need for safety through acts of service.
• SATURN OPPOSITIONS Saturn oppositions can bring challenges related to sharing responsibilities and authority in the relationship, but they also provide opportunities for growth. The partners may find themselves taking on shared responsibilities and learning to navigate issues together. The Saturn person usually has the most responsibility. Moreover, Saturn oppositions can also create a sense of being taken care of through shared lessons and responsibilities a couple faces together. They may appreciate that they are helping each other grow and mature, even if it's not always easy.
• SATURN TRINES & SEXTILES These aspects indicate that both partners can excel in working together to achieve long-term goals. There’s mutual support and shared responsibilities that promote stability. Saturn trines or sextiles in synastry often bring cooperation and a sense of ease when working together towards long-term goals. Partners may share tasks and commitments in a way that promotes stability and balance. This can include financial planning, household duties, or even working together on professional projects.
• SATURN’S HOUSE The house placement of one partner’s Saturn into the other partner’s birth chart signifies a sense of responsibility and commitment related to the themes of that house. For example, if one person's Saturn falls in their partner's 3rd house of finances and possessions, they may feel loved through their partner's words of affirmation, love letters, kind text messages, etc.
🫀Venus & Jupiter🫀
Venus in synastry can show how partners spoil each other with acts of love and kindness. A partner’s Venus sextile, trine, or conjunct the other partner’s planets (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Ascendant) can indicate that they indulge each other with romantic gestures and expressions of love. The Venus person is usually the one indulging in kind acts of service, though the roles can switch.
Jupiter has a similar role, representing generosity and indulgence within relationships. A partner’s Jupiter sextile, trine, or conjunct the other partner’s planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter Ascendant) can indicate a sense of shared growth and abundance in the relationship. The Jupiter person is usually the one being generous and benevolent towards the planet person, though the roles can switch.
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