astralfortune · 9 hours
Group POV? What next, RO POV?
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astralfortune · 13 hours
You know, I'm starting to think Xanthe would look very nice with short hair... she just kinda gives that vibe to me
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astralfortune · 2 days
Please tell me the demos not over
Lol the demo is far from over but I don't have a specific time frame for when the next update will be. It's a pretty big one so all I can say is that it won't be out for a while.
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astralfortune · 2 days
Love the demo! Can't wait for more 🫰
Thank you! I'm excited to put it out when the time's right <3
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astralfortune · 2 days
hello! i really loved your demo, it was so cute and i already love all the ROs :)
will we be able to customize our MC's appearance?
Thank you thank you! And of course you'll be able to customize your MC! There's going to be quite a few choices but nothing too excessive. And it'll be included in the next update along with choosing your apartment aesthetic and small personality choices. The next update is basically character creation time!
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astralfortune · 2 days
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That's a whole lotta people! Thank you all for the support and interest! The next update is slowly coming along little by little but there's still tons to do before it's ready. In the meantime please be patient and feel free to send asks whenever you feel like it. Prompts especially are helpful since I use them as practice and an exercise to improve my writing! It doesn't have to come from the list I reblogged a while ago, I'm basically up for anything!
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astralfortune · 2 days
I can't remember if i've sent an ask already but... I think this may be one of my new favs. I can't wait to see how this all plays out lol.
I love band/group artist IFs, but it has never crossed my mind that I would enjoy playing as a manager of one, it gives a whole new perspective!!
Hehe thank you! I'm excited to see what people think of what I have planned! Writing the MC as a manager is just an excuse for me not to worry too much about being specific about writing music lol but I love the idea of someone working in the background to bring out the best in people. Sort of like an unsung hero who goes through massive lengths to support the group.
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astralfortune · 3 days
I just played through the demo and I really enjoyed it! The MC is so relatable to me and I like your writing style
Thank you so much! I'm still not completely confident with my writing so this means a lot <3
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astralfortune · 4 days
Today's plan is cleaning up the stat page. This isn't going to be a stat heavy game, most of the checks will be on the mc's relationship with Fortune, not on their skills or personality. For example, how much the group is willing to share or involve the mc in their life.
Of course, that doesn't mean all the choices are meaningless. There will be consequences and different branches at different points throughout the story. I plan for this to be a fairly short, linear story but most of the value will be in how the world reacts to the mc and what kind of person they are.
Anyway, enjoy another shitty meme.
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astralfortune · 8 days
Fun Fact #8
There's a rumor that Astral Agency is training a rookie to be their first solo artist. But no one knows when that will be or what kind of person will be debuting. Much less if the rumor is even true.
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astralfortune · 8 days
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Orange Emoji OC Asks 🔶
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🧡 (orange heart) - Is your oc honest? Why or why not? Are there only specific people they’re honest to?
🔥 (fire) - What drives your character in life? Is it a belief? A person? A goal? Whatever it is, what do they want from it and what are they willing to do to get it?
🌇 (sunset) - What does it take for your character to trust someone? Do they have to prove themselves? Or does your character not trust anyone no matter what? What made them this way?
🌅 (sunrise) - What does your oc look forward to every day? Do they have something to look forward to in the first place? What makes them wake up in the morning? Why do they want to be alive?
🐦‍🔥 (phoenix) - What has your oc had to overcome to get to where they are now? Were the challenges emotional or physical? Would you say they had to go through a “rebirth”? How did they change, if at all?
🍊(orange) - Is your oc more selfish or selfless? Are they willing to sacrifice themselves or their goals for others? Why are they this way?
🐅 (tiger) - What makes your character angry? Are they angry often? Does it take a lot to make them upset or are they quick to anger?
🍁 (maple leaf) - What brings your character joy? Do they find happiness in the small things? Does it take a lot to cheer them up?
🎃 (jack-o’-lantern) - What is your character’s greatest fear? Is it something primal like the dark or something specific like killer clowns? Did they gain this fear after a bad experience? Whatever it is, why are they scared of it?
🐹 (hamster) - How does your oc feel about animals? Have they ever had a pet? What made them feel this way towards animals?
🥕 (carrot) - How does your character treat themselves after a long day? Do they buy something new? Maybe they eat a sweet treat? Call someone they love? Take a hot bath?
🔸 (orange diamond) - Is your oc rich? Do they want to be? What’s their financial situation like? How does it affect how they see the world?
✴️ (eight-pointed star) - Is there anyone your oc admires or looks up to? What qualities of this person does your oc admire? Do they want to be like this person one day?
🏵️ (rosette) - What is your character’s most prized possession? Is it something they could never bear to part with? What makes this object so special?
🦊 (fox) - How intelligent is your oc? Are they a mastermind pulling all the strings? Or are they more dim-witted with a big heart? If they are smart, what do they use their intelligence for? To create? To get ahead?
🦺 (safety vest) - Is your character a cautious person or are they more reckless? Do they think before they act or do they act according to their heart’s desires? Why?
🥭 (mango) - What is your character’s general outlook on life? Are they a pessimist, optimist, realist or something else? Whatever they may be, how does this outlook affect the way they live their life?
📙 (book) - Does your oc keep a journal of some kind? Is it just a diary or does it hold a secondary purpose like a dream journal? What’s in it that they would never want anyone to see? If they don’t have a journal, what would they write in it if they did have one?
🎇 (sparkler) - If your oc had the chance to start their life over again, what would they change, if anything? How would this change them and the people around them? Would their lives be better or worse? Would they change anything in the first place?
🍑 (peach) - [18+ only, that means who answers/asks this and the targeted character must be 18+] What are your character’s thoughts on sex if they have any? What is their sexuality? What is their sex life like? Do they even have one?
🏀 (basketball) - Is your character physically active? Are there any sports they like to play/watch? Do they hate sports? If so, why?
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astralfortune · 9 days
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Manager, how do you have time to decorate with all the work you do?
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astralfortune · 10 days
7. “Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding
Sounds like MC ngl but also me... hate being late so much that they would still show up to the groups practice or events on time after getting into a hit and run or something 😭 we love unhinged and dysfunctional ppl in this household ❤️
Today really isn’t your day. Your alarm didn’t go off so you had to get ready in a rush, resulting in you barely making it to your office on time for a meeting with the director for an upcoming photoshoot. Only to realize that you’ve left your files on your desk causing you to run back to your office to grab them. After that, you had multiple phone calls to make with different departments to keep everyone on track. And just when you thought you had a moment to catch your breath, a fellow staff member pulls you aside to discuss the schedule for next week.
All of this leads to you practically running down the hall to the practice room where you’re sure Fortune is waiting for you. You almost skid to a stop in front of the door and swiftly pull it open. In your haste, you somehow manage to slam the door on your face. More specifically, your nose. You barely register the blood dripping down as you stride to the front of the room.
“I’m going to assume that everyone’s already warmed up.” You start speaking, ignoring the stares the group gives you.
“Wait, hang on-” E tries to interrupt.
“We have a lot to go over today, so let’s start with going over the choreography for your title track.” You press on, looking down at your tablet.
“No, seriously-”
“We’ll start with the count and then slowly speed up. Hopefully we’ll be able to do a full run through by the end of the session.”
“Is that blood?” E looks at their group mates. “That’s totally blood, right?”
You roll your eyes. “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what matters is-”
They call out your name bluntly. “You are literally bleeding.” 
You groan and finally look up to face the group. “It’s just a nosebleed, nothing serious. It’ll go away soon.” You don’t get why they’re making such a big deal out of this. It’s not like you’re seriously injured or anything.
E shakes their head. “Yeah, no. We’re going to take care of this first,” They approach you and take your hand, dragging you to one of the seats on the side of the practice room. “Sit.”
You do as they say, knowing you’re outnumbered four to one. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to let them win without a fight. X goes to get a first aid kit and E and O take their place sitting on either side of you. The leader pulls out a tissue from a tissue box and kneels in front of you, pressing the tissue against your nose to soak up the blood. 
While all this is happening, you don’t hold back on your complaints about them wasting time on you, “I told you, I’m fine. Look, I’ll just go to the bathroom and while I’m gone you all can practice. We only have three hours here.”
You know for a fact that they’re all ignoring you.
X comes back, first aid kit in hand. It’s at this point all the adrenaline has left your body and you can feel your nose start to throb. X joins the rest of you, setting the kit on the floor. “You’ve got blood on your shirt,” They comment idly, handing you an ice pack. You’re not sure where they got it or how they knew to get one but you appreciate it nonetheless. “You should get your nose checked out, just in case.”
“Ever so eloquent, X,” O teases the vice leader with a snicker. “But I have a stain removal stick in my bag, I’ll go get it.” They get up to get the stick as you press the ice pack gently on your nose, soothing the pain slightly.
Now that things have calmed down, the group leader finally speaks up. “I know what you’re thinking. But don’t worry, we can make up for the lost time. What’s more important is taking care of you first. None of us will be able to focus if you’re hurt like this.” You glare at them, their attempt at guilt tripping you working too well. They only smirk at your glare just as O returns, passing the stain removal stick to you and reclaiming their spot. E rests their head on your shoulder, already starting to chatter away about some mundane stories while the rest of the group relaxes in a circle around you.
Yeah, today may not have been your day, but with your group of misfits taking care of you, you feel like it’s gotten a little brighter.
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astralfortune · 11 days
How it's going right now:
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astralfortune · 12 days
You can choose between T/H or X. I like both 🤷🏻‍♀️😅
But the prompt is “Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.” 
The air is tense in the living room. The two of you are both sitting on the couch but there’s a noticeable gap between you and X. It’s not the first time you’ve had this discussion but it is the first time it’s turned into an argument. One that you’ve barely managed to keep quiet and out of the other members’ notice.
Neither of you speak up. It’s awkward and stifling and you hate it. Your mind keeps going back to the little things. The way you brush them off in front of others, how you keep any meetings a secret between the group. Maybe they all built up inside of X and they’ve finally reached their limit. You should apologize. Say you’ll do better. But the words don’t come out.
You don’t want to admit it, but you’re scared. Scared that bringing your relationship to light will ruin the tentative happiness you’ve found.
“Why do we have to keep hiding?” X breaks you out of your thoughts, their voice is harsh against your ears. You’ve never heard it sound like that before. “I’m tired of being kept a secret.”
“I’m so-”
“Sorry isn’t an answer.” They scooch down the couch and get closer to you. X gently grasps your hand and you can’t bring yourself to pull away. “I just don’t get why we have to hide from everyone. Why can’t we at least tell the group?”
You wonder the same thing yourself. Admitting to Fortune that the two of you have been dating shouldn’t be that big of a deal. In fact, you’re almost positive they would be thrilled to hear the news. But… “What if things change when it’s out in the open? What if the dynamic gets awkward?”
“We won’t know that unless we tell them. There’s no point in wondering about hypotheticals. You know that.” X is almost pleading for you to listen to them. Yet you remain stubborn and silent. Like always, you run when faced with the unknown.
Taking your silence for an answer, X sighs wearily. And for the first time in the many months you’ve known them, they let go first.
Standing up, they don’t even bother facing you. “If this is how things are going to be, then I think it’s best if we took some time apart. To reevaluate how we want our relationship to work.” Your head snaps up in shock. They can’t really be saying that, right? Your X, who's always been patient and supportive? Who's waited for so long to be with you?
“X, wait-” You stand up but stop yourself halfway when they shake their head.
“I’m… going back to my room. Tomorrow we’ll just act like nothing is wrong. And maybe someday, you’ll actually answer my question.” X walks away. Away from you, away from your relationship, you don’t know.
The one thing that you do know is that you still managed to ruin your newfound happiness without changing a thing.
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astralfortune · 15 days
Finished the outline for the next half of the first chapter and the second chapter. We really getting into the character customization now... so much coding to look forward to...yay...
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astralfortune · 17 days
“Come back to bed. Please.” 
This is for T/H.
Also lets say Mc is the one laying in bed.
Your eyes open with a few bleary blinks. It's not often you get nightmares. At least this one wasn't so bad that it jolted you awake. You reach your hand out towards the other side of the bed. Empty, but warm.
Your lips form into a frown and the first thought that comes through your sleepy mind is how rude your partner is for leaving you. You sit up on the mattress and sweep your eyes around your bedroom. There’s no sign of them but you see a light from the gap on the bottom of the door. Maybe they went out to get water? You bury your face in your hands and take a deep breath just as they enter with a full glass in hand.
They call out your name softly. “Is everything alright?”
Raising your head, you swallow and speak past your dry throat. “Come back to bed. Please.” Without another word, they walk over to you and hand you their glass and take their place next to you. You take the glass with a nod of thanks and drink from it.
You lay yourself back on the mattress, your partner doing the same along with you. “You still haven’t answered my question, you know.” Their voice is gentle as they pull you into their chest, holding you close. Their hold is grounding and you already feel yourself relaxing as you sink into their warmth.
“It’s nothing. Just a bad dream.” You close your eyes and murmur an answer. “I already feel better with you here.”
“You sure? If something is bothering you, you can tell me.” You open your eyes and smile at the worried expression on their face. You tilt your head upwards and peck their chin.
“I’m sure. You’re doing enough just by being here.”
“Good. That’s good.” They return your show of affection by kissing the top of your head. They sigh in contentment. “You’re already dozing off. Ready to go back to sleep?”
“Hm, yeah.” You can’t help the yawn that escapes you. “G’night.”
“Goodnight, love.”
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