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Dev blog for Bridging the Gap
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astralfortune · 5 hours ago
Hello! Another ask, this time, it's a classic!
How would the ROs react to 'Would you love me if I was a worm?'
Hope you're doing great!
T/H - "Um, I guess? I didn't fall in love with you because of how you look, you know. As long as we're together I'm happy."
X - "Sure I would. You'd make a cute worm. Do you think I'd be a cute worm too?"
E - "Ah, I see what you're trying there. Are you doubting my love? Well, worm or not, you're stuck with me for good cause I love you that much!"
O - "Of course! I can use one of Athena's old enclosures and make you a lovely home!"
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astralfortune · 6 hours ago
What sort of fashion aesthetics do each of the Fortune members have? :3c
Ooh, how fun!
T/H - Chic Modernist
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X - Streetwear
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E - Vintage/Indie
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Avery - Acubi
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O - Pastel Soft Boy/Girl
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astralfortune · 1 day ago
hey so I don't know if I'm dumb or something but your pinned post makes it seem like our sibling/cousin is a RO
No, you're not dumb. It is me who is the dumb one.
This is what happens when you write late at night and don't bother to reread stuff.
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astralfortune · 2 days ago
X knows that mc was a popular Idol in the past and they had a crush on mc since it
That's an interesting theory! Whether it's correct or not... well... ��\_(ツ)_/¯
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astralfortune · 2 days ago
Helloo! I'm going around on a train asking this, and it's now your stop! How would the romanced ROs react to an affectionate biter MC? Like, when MC gets overwhelmed by cuteness or love, just comes up randomly and bites their shoulder (nibbles? No, that's too soft. Like, between a bite bite and nibbles, a soft nom nom). I'm imagining in private, cause, well, manager right?
'I love you' nom, 'how are you so cute' nom, 'what? you were being too adorable' nom. Zero sexual intention, 100 soft cuteness aggression. Just cuteness overload from whatever RO did (for MC of course, even if it doesn't seem cute to others)
(Also, just additionally, who would be ok with it in front of the band?)
Hello! I'm flattered to be on board lol
I feel like I've answered a question similar to this before... but I'll answer it again.
T/H - Secretly finds it kind of hot and is embarrassed by that. Please don't do it front of the others, they'll combust and never live it down but feel free to nom them in private.
X - The first time you bite them, they'll bite you back just as hard with a bit of confusion. Is that what you want? In the end, they don't mind the biting and chewing even if you do it front of the others. They'll take it all in stride with no fight.
E - Do it again. And again. And again. Yeah, they really like it. E finds it super adorable that this is your way of showing affection. And yes, you can do it in front of the others, they'll use it as a way to show off how in love they are.
O - Peppers you with kisses all over your face in return. O thinks it's strange, but if you get one way to express your affection in an aggressive manner, then they get one, too. But don't do it when the others are around. This type of love is only reserved for your eyes.
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astralfortune · 4 days ago
"You were never interested in making your own music when we were trainees." $!{e_name} muses as ${e_he} takes a sip of ${e_his} milk tea. "Even though it could have made you debut sooner. So what changed?"
$!{x_name} is hesitant to answer honestly, saying it out loud will mean giving a name to all the new feelings they've been having lately. ${x_he} pushes around the strawberry on the plate, watching in roll around like the thoughts in ${x_his} head, never settling on one spot because of ${x_his} own actions.
"There's something I want to say to someone." Simple and vague but enough to answer the question.
"Hm," $!{e_name} hums. Like always, ${e_he} always knows what $!{x_name} is actually saying. $!{e_his} next words are quiet, and $!{x_name} hears the resignation in them. "Good for them, then."
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astralfortune · 6 days ago
What is it about MC that X looks up to? Would the answer vary based on MCs work personally?
It'll be revealed in game if you follow X's route, though the answer is the same regardless of personality.
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astralfortune · 6 days ago
Regarding B!Avery and G!Avery. All I have to say is some people are normal, and some are social masochists
Why'd you have to go and say it like that 😭😭😭
Can't say I don't agree though
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astralfortune · 6 days ago
The readers had spoke author
X has a crush on mc
And yet their cries go unheard...
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astralfortune · 7 days ago
Hi there!
Hope your doing well. I've just found your Tumblr through another author. Your demo is pretty cool! I had a couple of things I was confused about. I had to Tumblr search to find out who Avery was. As there's A LOT about them but nothing in the pinned post. It would be helpful to maybe add something to your pinned post about other characters.
As when I went through the demo it just shoots straight to them leaving the car and then texting you. So we knew their your sibling but the demo has no context on how they belong to the story or the group etc.
By all means you don't have to but if you going to bring up lore about them it would be nice to give context to new followers and/or readers.
Many thanks!!
No, no, you're completely right. The blog's a bit of a mess right now and pretty inconsistent with what information is easy to find. It's kind of in a weird transition period as I'm in the middle of updating the pinned post and the demo along with it. I totally understand that there's a lot that isn't being explained outright and can be super confusing. I'm really sorry about this!
Thanks for bringing it up and please bear with me and the mess as I slowly clean it up over time ^_^
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astralfortune · 7 days ago
Results are in! Thanks for going along with my curiosity everyone! The results are surprising, though. I thought more people will be voting for B!Avery but it seems more people are interested in having a fluffy time with a G!Avery. I do think it might have been different if I added an option that said you chose both relationships if you're playing multiple runs. Oh well.
Anyway, thanks again for answering! I loved reading all the different reasons why people chose a good or bad relationship. I'll definitely keep them in mind when writing more scenes for the future!
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astralfortune · 7 days ago
Does Avery's appearance depend on the MC?
They'll have the same eye color but their hair is dyed. Which reminds me that I haven't even said anything about what they look like.
Oops... I'll add that to the list of things to do. My bad...
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astralfortune · 7 days ago
Aw, this IF is so fun. I really enjoyed the demo!!!
I'm SUPER excited to play a naturally shy Manager with their cheerleader lil' brother 🥺🩷
Thank you!! I'm happy you had fun with it <3
Avery will be rooting for you all the way! All they want is for you to be happy just as much as they are.
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astralfortune · 9 days ago
I think the anons are projecting, maybe THEY have a crush on X instead
I wouldn't be surprised. Things just out of reach can be more appealing 😔
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astralfortune · 9 days ago
We all know that X wants to get in mc pants so they can't be
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I'll say it a million times, X does not have a crush!
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astralfortune · 9 days ago
I did vote for G!Avery because, as others already pointed out, I have a good relationship with my brother and am very happy to be able to have a good relationship here too. But also because I tend to avoid conflicts, even in a story, so good relationship it is. Lol.
But I will try B!Avery too because I have FOMO.
I am just wondering because everyone here says that they want to hug them while they hate us. Will we be able to hate them too? I know we are their manager but having them passive aggressivly talk to each other would be kinds fun..
Is the opposite possible to hate them while they like us?
Lol I also prefer avoiding conflicts when I play IFs and I'm probably missing a lot of content when doing so.
As for your question, yes, you can snipe back and forth with Avery! And honestly, they kind of deserve it. For the opposite, I'll have to say most likely? I want to add that option, but it'll probably be added at a later time so I can keep the workload smaller for myself.
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astralfortune · 9 days ago
I take Bad!Avery because I want to hug her even if she is mean to me 🌹
Now I'm starting to think all these asks are from the same person...
Nothing wrong with them and I'm sure Avery will give in soon and willingly let you hug them!
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