#david refers to them as an 'us' in a very intentional way
journal-three · 1 year
I feel so stupid saying this but Staged is genuinely an AU Crowley and Aziraphale.
I've seen comments saying it and went "that's stupid stop projecting" but I've watched 2 seasons and it. actually is.
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freedelusionshere · 1 month
Syd is staying at The Bear
Started thinking about this after getting into a meta discussion with @gingergofastboatsmojito, but I would really love it if Syd chose to stay at The Bear and turn down Chef Adam entirely for sensible business reasons in addition to the fact that she has deep feelings for what she built with Carmen?
Her dad constantly puts pressure on her about the financial side of things and finding a good partner. I think this is a reference to Sheridan Road and maybe someone not holding her down in the past when she tried to have her own business, and it blew up in her face.
The show makes it clear that Syd does understand how to run a business right out of the gate but has avoided saying exactly what happened with Sheridan Road up until this point, and that has to be intentional. Some thoughts:
She writes that whole huge business plan for The Beef and hands it to Carmy in S1 and it has charts and numbers and everything. Carmy has never done this himself but does understand how to make the kitchen run like it's been run at other fine dining places he's had an open door to work at. That becomes very clear in S2 when he buys $11K worth of Dystopian Butter (LOL) like he's Chef David or something.
Carmy is bad with money and operations. Syd and Sugar are not, but Carmy wants to be in control, so Syd is starting to not trust that he's going to be a good partner. Then, what does she do? She goes around in S2 and talks to other owners and chefs and does her research and they all tell her their horror stories and give her advice. She is thinking about all this stuff in the background when Carmy ditches for Claire, which leads up to S3.
Carmy, after losing it in the walk-in in the S2 finale, is terrified because they finished the service just fine without him, and he knows Syd has every reason to leave him now. His pivot is to tell her that he will get her the Michelin star and offers her a partnership, but of course he has to be creatively in control because he's retained stars (never won them). But really, this is all about impressing Syd and also competing with her, and it mirrors the story Syd's dad tells her about her mother in S2 when they got a flat tire, and he was fumbling around trying to pretend he knows what he's doing while her mother just got out of the car and changed the damn tire.
Syd avoids signing the agreement, because she doesn't want to read what is in it. She's already got one foot out the door mentally and is afraid it will give her a reason to stay, and she knows these people are sincere and cares about them. The same people that repeatedly bring it up and try to get her to sign it, but things are starting to get too real real, and it's triggering all her shit about Sheridan Road all over again. Chef Adam approaches her to poach her from The Bear and it gives her an out that promises the financial stability and promises of the control she's always wanted. But at what cost?
With all of these things taken as a whole, Syd has access to Nat and Pete, who can help her run numbers, she can figure out who the backers are, Richie worked around people who worked closely with Chef Adam who she has now been introduced to. She can look at the timeline Chef Adam is presenting, and the show has told us that Syd should know Chef Adam is "off" (he's applying way too much pressure already) and will turn him down. But it also would be great if Syd makes Carm have to counter-offer, to give her more creative control, hash out their differences, etc.
Also, Syd can present her own business plan to someone like, say, Chef Terry, for The Bear, and possibly secure financial support for The Bear when Cicero's money goes sideways (and make Carmy fall in love with her even more than he is already). This allows Syd resolution to her past so she can move forward with Carmy as her partner, do the family style with the cola ribs and risotto like they originally planned, and fend off stuff like Chef Adam trying to poach their staff in S4 for his fine dining underworld nightmare restaurant.
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parentsday · 6 months
i think david was a lot more like max as a kid but he softened the story he told to max nikki and neil in the car
thank you for the ask anon !! for your reference reading this made me grimace in a way that a wounded dog would upon seeing a piece of meat !! but seriously this is a topic that is very important to my personal and possibly general understanding of these two characters, so im just gonna say that i agree with you and such interpretation of david’s character is very easy to call accurate to canon as both david and max are written with obvious intent to be seen as parallels of one another, more so than they are written to be character foils.
max and david are set to be read as opposites in the show from the very start and i think this is also the easiest and safest way to perceive both of their characters if this shows meta doesn’t interest you. their standpoints and life views are seemingly removed as far away from each other as humanly possible and we are reminded of it more than necessary in the earlier content. the show tries really hard to make it look like david is an inherently good person put against max’s necessary evil, so it seems only right to view them this way. and yet the first two seasons of the show do a spectacular job at showing us that david is not at all as good of a person as he tries to be (not tries to appear, but tries to be, important bc first one is max’s perspective on david’s person while the second one is a description actually accurate to him). early seasons david is undeniably selfish and just as much of an asshole as max is, keep in mind that this is not my personal view on his character but a fact in canon that we are reminded of time and time again and is also something that gets lampshaded by the writers during the parents day episode. he pushes his positive perspective of the way things should be just as hard as max pushes his negative one, if not more, he behaves in his own personal interests instead of interests of others or the interests of camp constantly and guess who is the only other character in the show who does this just as often (the answer is max). the only reason why it’s not always easy to pin point this stuff is because they are constantly posed in situations that require them to act dissimilarly enough for it to create a contrast which isn’t always easy to pick up on as something intentionally vague and done for specific narrative purpose. this similarity extends onto the fact that they are both victims of abuse and the show is well aware of it and uses it to its own advantage. both max and david deal with their trauma in drastically different ways as seen by the way they talk about the world surrounding them, but the core of it is the same and that’s the important part of it.
so i believe it’s very safe to say that even if david didn’t say anything that would allude to him changing the story about his younger self to be nicer than it actually was, it sure was implied by the writers in the subtext of that episode, maybe in the subtext of the show in its entirety. early camp camp content surrounding these two based itself very heavily on david’s belief that his similarity to max is what will push this kid to become just like him in the future, so it really is not out of the left field to assume david was a lot more like max when he was younger. most probably because in many ways he still is just like him.
tldr; david sees himself in max in more ways than one and the show’s writing feels the same way because they intentionally wrote them to be as similar as possible. the writers rely heavily on these two being narrative parallels to make their characters work in the way they do so your headcanon is as real as it gets anon ^^
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Hi! I’ve been following you for a while and so have seen a lot of your 911 content and it’s made me pretty interested in watching the show. (I thought Buck/Eddie was canon for the longest time because of your blog and was genuinely disappointed when i realised they weren’t😭)
I’m very aware though that it may be another queerbaiting situation and I don’t know if I have the energy to invest in that D: Do you think there’s any hope for Buck/Eddie? Should I watch the show despite that?
I'm going to be very firm in my answer here: it is not queerbaiting.
Regardless of whether or not the show goes canon, it is not queerbaiting.
When the Rizzoli & Isles marketing team from day one (literally before the pilot even aired) were putting out billboards and advertisements in magazines going "ooh are they just friends or are they partners in more ways than one?" - that was queerbaiting. They did this throughout the entire run of the show.
When the Teen Wolf team had the actors for the popular ship Sterek cuddling on a boat making shipping jokes and telling us to tune in to the new season of Teen Wolf and winking at us - that was queerbaiting.
When the BBC Sherlock writers threw in line after line of third parties stating that John was married to Sherlock, that Sherlock was John's boyfriend, that John was clearly in love with Sherlock, only for them to turn around and literally make fun of viewers for thinking that they were being serious - that was queerbaiting.
When the Supernatural writers made wink wink references to Dean Winchester knowing about/visiting popular gay bars in Miami and suggesting he and Cas run away to the one state that had gay marriage legalized at the time - that was queerbaiting.
The 911 writers haven't done one of those wink wink references since season two. They have not used the Buddie ship in marketing tools and advertisements. They have not had third parties joke that Buck and Eddie are gay for each other.
The fact that the writers are crafting a story where we, the viewers, see the only logical conclusion to the character arcs being Buck and Eddie falling for each other and dating is not queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is a tactic to lure in a queer audience without any intention of following through.
This 'queerbaiting' accusation is especially heinous in regards to 911 because 911 is a show that has five significant queer characters: Hen Wilson and her wife Karen, Athena's ex-husband Michael, Michael's fiancé David, and Maddie's coworker Josh. Michael and David are currently not on the show due to Michael's actor refusing to follow vaccination guidelines, but Hen and Karen just got a huge damn backstory episode showing how they fell in love.
911 loves and respects its queer characters and storylines, so to have the fandom constantly accusing them of queerbaiting because the ship they want to happen hasn't happened (yet), is insulting and disrespectful, in my very, very, very tired opinion.
So, to wit: whether or not they go canon, Buck and Eddie are not queerbaiting. 911 is not queerbaiting us. Full stop.
Now, we do not know for certain that they will be going canon. The show writers are not going to confirm that ahead of time, just like they wouldn't for a het ship like Bones/Booth, Castle/Beckett, or most recently Chenford over on The Rookie. That would be spoiling a big plot moment if that's where they're headed. So asking for confirmation from them is rather unfair. As I've said before and will say again: no, het ships do not get a guarantee and a pre-canon confirmation. If you think they do, then I would've loved to see where you were in the late 90s/early 00s when I was in the trenches.
However, with het ships, writers will play with the audience and tease them a bit more. Because with het ships, if they do that, they won't be queerbaiting if it doesn't happen. Therefore, the 911 writers are going to stay mum. We won't know from the writers if Buddie is going canon until it's shown on screen through a third party love confession or other means.
Although we do not have a confirmation that they're going canon, I have faith that they are. The writing points to it. I don't have time to list all the reasons. If you go into my blog and search '911 spec' or 'meta' you should get some good results. Otherwise if you go to @extasiswings blog and do some searching you'll see a lot of great meta from herself and others. @yramesoruniverse also has great meta. There are others but I'm fried and rushing out the door so can't think of anything specific at the moment.
My point is, people in this fandom have outlined how the writing in this show, to them, points to Buddie going canon, and I agree. Do some light digging and you'll see.
Finally, a ship going canon or not is not why you should ship something. Ship something because you love the dynamic. Geraskier is never going canon but I'm still having a rip-roaring good time with them. But at the end of the day, nonny, it's up to you.
If you want to wait and watch from the sidelines to see if Buddie goes canon before investing, that's totally valid and your choice. I can't decide that for you. I know what it's like to ship something and hope it goes canon only to have it not come to fruition (RIP Garcy, among others), and it sucks, so I get it if you don't want to do that. But it's your choice and yours alone.
I will say that 911 is a fantastic show even without Buddie going canon, and that I adore every single one of the characters, and I don't even like medical dramas. So I think it's a worthwhile show to get into, Buddie or no Buddie.
To summarize: We don't know if they're going canon yet but it's not queerbaiting, the show is good either way and worth a shot, only you can decide if you want to invest in a ship that may or may not go canon.
I hope you have a good day and take care of yourself. Stay safe.
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Summary of my Edinburgh Festival experience, celebrity gossip edition – comedians who referenced other comedians in their shows. Spoiler alert for everything, obviously.
Nish takes the main prize on this, with jokes affectionately making fun of the Off Menu and Parenting Hell guys, and non-affectionately making fun of Ricky Gervais and Jimmy Carr (the latter of which I hesitated to mention on Tumblr because it’s a WIP and I wasn’t sure he wanted it recorded, until he did that joke while streaming on NextUp, that has to make it fair to discuss). There were also little references to various comedians in a story from filming Hold the Front Page, and to Luke McQueen breaking Nish’s finger during football. Oh, and a bit about Russell Brand. Not a fan.
I heard a few other comedians take shots at Ricky Gervais in their sets, mainly just in passing. Sarah Keyworth actually took one of those out of their set, taking a joke that used to be specifically about Gervais and making it about comedians doing bigoted Netflix specials in general (again, though, has to be fair game to reference the original version as they filmed it at Access Festival for NextUp). It’s the only bit of their set that I thought was stronger in January than in August, but it was a small thing, and the set had improved in a whole bunch of other ways since then, and was very very good to begin with. An excellent show.
More surprisingly, David O’Doherty got a fairly small, but seemingly genuinely frosty dig at Jimmy Carr in his show. It was one of those moments where DO’D plays with the effect of suddenly turning off his gentle persona just for a moment, and it worked well. Got a massive cheer from the crowd, especially for something so quick.
DO’D also had a brief bit slagging off those comedians who claim they’re edgy enough to talk about anything but want to shut down discussions of allegations. A few comedians brought those guys up. Eleanor Morton focused a bunch of her show on discussing how to reconcile having to go around in a community where everyone knows the predators are still there but no one’s allowed to say their names, she discussed a few specific events with guys at that festival but of course didn’t name them. She also referenced an award-winning comedian who once assaulted her, and based on some vague circumstantial evidence I think I know who that is, though I sort of hope I’m wrong. Sort of. Doesn’t really matter, I guess, since a terrible thing happened whether it was by the guy I think it is or not.
Kiri Pritchard-McLean did name a name, when discussing sexual predators in comedy, but of course immediately asked us not to repeat what she’d said because she can’t afford to get sued. Honestly, I was surprised when she said not to repeat it, because I’ve heard that guy’s name mentioned so much in connection with being a predator that I forgot it’s just a rumour, and not something you’re allowed to officially say. So to be clear, Kiri didn’t reveal any unknown secrets. Just a well known one.
…On a lighter note, Mat Ewins has videos that featured Richard Gadd and Jordan Brookes. That was fun. Jordan Brookes had the Crizards guy doing backup dancing in his musical, and some other sketch comedians whom I did not recognize.
On a less light note, Ed Night talked some shit about Tom Binns, which was a bit of a left-field choice, he tied it into stuff about messed up ways people talk about mental health (ie. arguing that mental health medication can turn you into a sex offender).
I have to admit, I did not start this post with the intention of listing all the comedians who referenced rampant getting away with misconduct within the comedy industry. I was just remembering that it was fun when Jordan Brookes turned up in that Ewins video, so I thought I’d do a post where I try to collate all the comedians whom I saw referenced in other comedians’ shows. I feel like if I did this list 10-15 years ago, it would have a lot more comedians telling stories about hanging out with their comedy friends, and a lot less of the harrowing stuff. Not because the harrowing stuff wasn’t happening then, but because it was talked about less, so it is definitely for the best that it’s getting dragged into the open now. Sort of. Only sort of. There are a lot of ways I find comedians’ descriptions of the “industry” familiar, as someone who’s been in an insular community, and I’m sure this is also familiar to anyone who’s ever been in a community of any kind, which is most people. Some of those relatable descriptions about workings of communities are fun, and some of them are the trap where everyone is allowed to condemn awful behaviour in general terms, including the people committing the behaviour, because no one is allowed to discuss specific instances or specific names of predators or victims, and if you do then you’re the problematic person who doesn’t respect confidentiality (even if the victims of what you’re describing want the story out there), so talking about it changes nothing. Anyway. I genuinely did not intend for this post to go in this dark a direction.
…Zoe Coombs Marr directed Lou Wall’s show and they both gave each other shoutouts about that, that was sweet. There’s a non-harrowing instance of comedians referencing each other. Lou Wall also discussed doing various things with other comedians, some harrowing and some not. I was trying to find a lighter side and ended up at Lou Wall’s decidedly non-light show.
Luke McQueen broke Nish Kumar’s finger while playing football. That’s pretty funny. And the crowd did really like it when DO'D took a shot at Jimmy Carr. Also funny.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Black Residents Of Gullah-Geechee Enclave In Georgia Angered After Zoning Changes Pose Threat To Their Community
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This small enclave is home to a majority of Black residents who are members of the Hogg Hummock community, which is also sometimes referred to as Hog Hammock. According to The Cultural Landscape Foundation, “Hog Hammock was one of fifteen African American Saltwater Geechee settlements on Sapelo Island, Georgia.
The Geechee are descendants of enslaved West Africans brought to work on Sea Island plantations along the Atlantic coast.” Sapelo island is located approximately 60 miles south of Savannah, Georgia and is only reachable by boat.
Almost three decades ago, the county adopted the zoning restrictions, “with the stated intent to help Hogg Hummock’s 30 to 50 residents hold on to their land,” the Associated Press reports.
But the McIntosh County’s elected commissioners recently voted 3-2 vote to change the restrictions. Now, Black residents fear that wealthy buyers will be prioritized over them, which could lead to increases in taxes.
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Residents also anticipate this could cause them to be pressured to sell their land, most of which has been in their family for generations.  Atlanta resident Yolanda Grovner originally had a plan where she would ultimately retire on her island native father’s land that he owns in Hogg Hummock, but now she worries this might not be able to happen. Yolanda’s father George Grovner attended the meeting wearing a sticker, which read “Keep Sapelo Geechee,” in defiance of these planned zoning changes.
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“It’s going to be very, very difficult,” said Yolanda, continuing, “I think this is their way of pushing residents off the island.”
In recent years, the population on Hogg Hummock has been shrinking because some families have sold their land to outsiders. David Stevens, Chairman of the Commission, said he’s been a visitor on Sapelo Island since the 1980s, and places the blame for these changes on those who are selling their land.
This could be partly true, as the vote followed new construction builds. The commissioners ruling “raised the maximum size of a home in Hogg Hummock to 3,000 square feet (278 square meters) of total enclosed space. The previous limit was 1,400 square feet (130 square meters) of heated and air-conditioned space,” per the Associated Press.
Stevens stated, “I don’t need anybody to lecture me on the culture of Sapelo Island.” “If you don’t want these outsiders, if you don’t want these new homes being built...don’t sell your land,” Stevens concluded.
But the remaining residents have vowed to keep fighting these ordinance changes, and it’s not a new phenomenon for them to fight with the local government either. In 2012, dozens of residents and landowners were able to successfully appeal property tax increases.
In addition, many have spent years “fighting the county in federal court for basic services such as firefighting equipment and trash collection before county officials settled last year,” writes the Associated Press.
Maurice Bailey is a native of Hogg Hummock whose mother Cornelia Bailey had deep roots to the island. Bailey was a Sapelo Island celebrity, keeping the community’s voice alive with her storytelling before she died in 2017. Maurice said, “We’re still fighting all the time,” adding, “They’re not going to stop. The people moving in don’t respect us as people. They love our food, they love our culture. But they don’t love us.”
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Some legal experts have hinted at due process violations as well as concerns about encroachment under the equal protection clause.
This issue becomes more complicated given the racial demographics of the county. Hogg Hummock is on the National Register of Historic Places, and in order for the Gullah-Geechee community to receive protections “to preserve the community, residents depend on the local government in McIntosh County, where 65% of the 11,100 residents are white,” says the Associated Press.
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tokiro07 · 9 months
Undead Unluck ch.188 thoughts
[That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Fencing Prodigy]
(Contents: Apocalypse speculation, lore, thematic analysis - nature vs. nurture)
Huh, so Master Rule VIIII really was Language. Looks like I owe Nico an apology, I wasn't really familiar with your game. This just goes to show how much of a beast Nico was in the last loop, I guess, if he was able to take down a Master Rule 1v1!
Also, evidently, there's been a little update to the terminology - the ten Rules of the Master Room are being referred to here as Superior Rules, which I think is meant to differentiate them from the more generic "Master Rules" term that encompasses all 100 on the tablet. Might send a tweet to David Evelyn for clarification later, hopefully he can help
The big thing for this chapter, aside from the confirmation that Juiz and Victor really did get trans'd at some point down the line, is that we got some insight into Apocalypse of all characters! The first time we met him, he bit off Andy's hands for grabbing him, and yet he just kind of grumbles when Juiz flips through his pages. He even lets her cuddle him! How cute!
Could he have been rougher with Andy because he knew he was Undead and could take it? Is he sweeter on Juiz specifically? Or was he mad at Victor for forgetting Juiz and finding someone else? Or all of the above?
Either way, it definitely seems likely that Fuuko's assessment of him is right and that he doesn't want to see Juiz getting hurt anymore. Perhaps it was the mere exposure effect, and he got attached after seeing so much of her, or perhaps she said something that touched him in an earlier loop. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope we get to learn more about Apocalypse through Juiz's arc!
Of course, the thing that's the most interesting about this chapter to me personally is the lore drop! Any new info we can get on the mechanics of the loops is greatly appreciated!
I've always wondered about what happened to Juiz and Victor's families since they've been looping and therefore wouldn't need to be born again, but I never considered the possibility that parenthood was a rule that didn't exist at some point. Were there even people other than Juiz and Victor in the initial world? Were Juiz and Victor Adam and Eve?
It makes sense, then, that if Juiz didn't have parents originally that her soul would need to reincarnate somewhere, so going to a couple that never had children seems like a very elegant solution. On the reverse, this also suggests that Fuuko's parents are still a couple in this world, but never had her at all. That's kind of sad to think about, isn't it? That even with her parents alive again, it's not like they can become a family like before. Maybe she can use Remember, but the ethical implications of going up to a couple and forcing them to realize that they lost an entire lifetime with their daugther AND to remember their horrible explosive death? I'm sure it'd be handwaved away for the sake of narrative catharsis, but putting it in real terms like that is pretty upsetting
Then there's the implications of reincarnation as a concept, but fortunately they're a lot more hopeful than they appear. As Apocalypse says, Julia's name and appearance are dictated by her parents, so for all intents and purposes, Julia is a distinct person from Juiz. However, Julia was never technically supposed to exist at all, this is effectively just a new body for Juiz's soul to inhabit, so as evidenced by her retaining the same non-verbal tics and a talent for fencing, this is most likely the same Juiz in terms of personality!
While her nature is undoubtedly the same, we can't rule out the effects of her new nurturing. What kind of parents did she have? What sort of environment was she raised in? What friends did she make? UU has always taken a pretty hard stance that people are defined by their relationships, so there's almost no way that Julia will behave 1:1 with Juiz, even if the most important aspects of her are retained. How different Juiz and Julia are will likely be an extremely important detail to consider when weighing the options of whether or not to use Remember once all of the Union has been assembled, but we'll likely have to wait a while on that one
Finally, I'm very interested in what Juiz meant when she said there was a way for someone to understand her relationship with Victor without him cheating on her. Obviously I get that Fuuko is the person who understands her, and I know it happened because Juiz used Remember to reset Victor's memories, but is the implication that Juiz was always planning to do that? Or did she have something else in mind that we'll understand better later?
This conversation does paint Juiz and Fuuko's discussion about the Rio mission a lot differently, though. Juiz told Fuuko to fall in love with Andy so she could draw out as much of Unluck's power as possible, but now it seems like her motive was to raise Fuuko to be her successor from the beginning, knowing that Fuuko would be the one who would help the new her reenter the fight without letting Victor keep her out. I really do wonder how many steps ahead Juiz was looking or how many contingencies she was accounting for, again I really hope we get some exposition on that
Tangentially, I'd also like to point to the panel of Fuuko saying she fell in love with the same man as Juiz: look at Gina's smile! She knows she fell in love with him in the previous loop, and now she's absolutely in love with Fuuko too! She knows exactly what it's like to be on one side of a love triangle, and she is sympathizing hard. UU's gonna end up having the best polycule since 100 Girlfriends, just you watch!!!
Until next time, let's enjoy life
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doll-elvis · 1 year
What does Reeca Smith look like? I tried looking up photos but nothing seems to come up..
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I got a few asks about Reeca Smith so I thought I would combine them here <3, thank you guys for the questions !!
As for the first ask: sorry some of these are aren’t the best quality 😩 but all these pictures of Reeca in 1974 were taken from the documentary “Elvis: Heartbreaker” also called “Elvis’ Women” or “Loving Elvis” depending on the country where you are streaming it
Reeca is on the right in this group photo
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And this is Reeca pictured with the Trans Am that Elvis purchased for her ⬇️
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If you’re in the North America and unable to watch the documentary, here is a tutorial that I posted awhile back, it still works and I use this method myself !! ⬇️
Second ask: As for any intimacy, this is all that Reeca has said on the subject ⬇️
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Since she didn't mention kissing or any other form of intimacy in her most recent interview, I'm assuming it wasn't something that played a major role in their relationship. She has stated that Elvis and her would mostly just talk, and that he especially enjoyed just reading the Bible to her. I think Reeca’s dynamic with Elvis was exactly the same as girls like Heidi, Frances, Gloria and Arlene. All of those girls have only ever talked about Elvis in high regards, and I think that really does speak volumes
However, although these girls don’t see themselves as victims, and while I do truly believe that Elvis never took advantage of them, it still doesn’t justify the kissing. Like you said this is obviously a very hard pill to swallow for any Elvis fan but it personally helps me to try to understand Elvis’ intentions and his mindset when he involved himself with those girls. And so when they all say that it was very innocent, I believe them, and I can honestly say without a doubt, that I think Elvis had good/pure intentions and that the situation wasn’t as black and white as some people try to make it seem
As for the third ask: In terms of Reeca overstating her importance, that very well could be possible, but to give her the benefit of the doubt, Elvis invited a lot of people on tour 😩 and they weren’t always girls that he was dating, for example Jeanne Lemay Dumas who was Linda’s friend and the Alden sisters (Ginger’s family)
If she was invited by Elvis like she says, that doesn‘t mean that Reeca would have been his main girl or anything like that on the tour, it’s likely that he still would have had either Sheila or Linda with him as his girlfriend. Also Reeca was good friends with Ricky Stanley who accompanied Elvis on tours, so that could have been another factor
Infact the very first day that Reeca hanged out with Elvis, Linda, Ricky and David Stanley accompanied them. And in that amazon documentary Linda acknowledged Reeca and also referred to her as one of Elvis’ “dalliances”, so she was at least aware of Reeca’s friendship/relationship with Elvis
** also I saw you mentioned Elvis possibly dating Maggie Smith and I got another ask about her that I am currently researching for (desperately trying to find a copy of this book written about her 😩) and so hopefully I will have more info on her by then
quote from Maggie (Magnolia) Smith 💗
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but just from the little research I have done so far, it’s looking like it’s unlikely that they ever dated. Maggie Smith herself hasn’t said that she dated him, Marty Lacker said she was someone Elvis felt sorry for and therefore given a job, and Nurse Tish and Mary Jenkins also only referred to her as one of the maids/employees. Only Nancy Rooks has said that she dated Elvis so I’m still trying to figure out who is telling the truth 😭 like why would Nancy just make that up?
As for Elvis possibly wanting to pursue a serious relationship with Reeca, I don’t think he meant to do so until she was much older
Reeca said this about Elvis wanting a possible future with her ➡️ “He said ‘I know you’re are young but when you’re older, maybe in a couple years, maybe we can go places and have more of a relationship’”
I don’t believe their relationship ever became “serious”, especially since Reeca has never said that they formally dated. He only saw her September and November of 1974, and then for the last time in January of 1975. He was probably preoccupied with Sheila Ryan, Linda Thompson and Ann Pennington etc etc 🤧
I hope this helps anyone who wanted to know more about Reeca, I would love to hear what you guys think, or if you have any info yourself on Reeca or Maggie that you want to share 💗!!
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I seem to be extremely committed to doing deep dives this week since there's a lot of information to digest, so on that note, here's another one - get ready for a long post!
If you hadn't picked up on it already, Zava is Jewish coded.
I'm very interested to see if this gets explored any further as the season progresses, because both homophobia and antisemitism are big problems within football culture (if you've read David Baddiel's brilliant book Jews Don't Count and/or seen the accompanying documentary, then you'll know what I'm referring to.)
Looking at Zava joining the team through a Jewish lens actually brings up some intriguing insights into the ways in which Zava can both help and hinder AFC Richmond.
(Continued below the cut.)
Zava's mantra is a Polish proverb - Orzeł zawsze leci - The eagle always flies. (Thank you to those who clarified the mantra and its translation!)
The eagle is the symbol of mercy (rachamim) in Jewish thought.
There's a Talmudic passage which describes, in short, an eagle saving the life of a mountain goat's kid. When the mountain goat prepares to give birth, it ascends to the top of a mountain so its offspring will fall and perish. G‑d sends an eagle which catches the baby mountain goat on its wing and returns it to its mother atop the mountain. "If My timing was off," argues G‑d, "the goat would die."
One of the overarching themes of Ted Lasso season 3 is timing. So, in spite of the team's reservations, has Zava swooped in at the right time to save them?
If we take this analogy a little further, Rabbi Natan Slifkin writes - The nesher, king of birds, is the most prominent bird in the Torah. Although many assume that the nesher is the eagle, and some of the commentaries have identified it as such, the evidence shows that it is more likely a vulture – specifically, the griffon vulture.
The best-known Scriptural description of the nesher is also the most problematic to understand. It occurs in reference to God bringing the Jewish People out of Egypt:
“You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you (va’esa eschem) on the wings of nesharim, and brought you to Myself.” (Exodus 19:4)
Va’esa eschem is most commonly translated as “I carried you.” However, it is sometimes translated as “I elevated you.”
Rabbi Slifkin goes on to say that 'the nesher is the highest-flying bird, and God raised the Jewish People to spiritual heights above anything in the natural world with His miraculous redemption.'
Eagles represent freedom. There is, however, a duality to the symbolism of vultures - they can be a bad omen, or a symbol of rebirth. Is Zava an eagle, or is he in fact a vulture? Is he going to elevate Richmond with good intentions or let his ego rule the roost and risk putting the team's reputation in danger?
On the subject of eagles, we see Zava use of meditation and crystals as a pre-match warm-up. Aetites, also known as Eagle Stones, are believed to be called "preservation stones" or even tekumah within Judaism. They are predominantly associated with fertility and childbirth, but I figured it was a little interesting fact!
Speaking of fun facts - I'll end on this before this post gets too darn long - the Zava chant is sung to the tune of Hava Nagila. He's a revered player who gives every team he plays for a reason to celebrate. Will Richmond be celebrating too?
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professorspork · 1 year
u should like!! toootally drop blake and yang outfit references for ur newsbees au. for like. research purposes
!!! okay I can't tell if you're asking this for fanart reasons (EVERYONE SHOULD FEEL VERY FREE TO DO THAT) or for spank bank "my thirst requires an accurate theater of the mind" reasons (VALID) but
this makes me UNHINGED and i plan to be SO THOROUGH so THANK YOU FOR ASKING
i have put this under a cut to spare you all but i think you should click on it and admire the gilded age urchin chic
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first of all, let me say that Newsies Are Beautiful. They have never met two clashing patterns they didn't want to combine and I think they are perfect in every way
that said
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the classic Jack look could certainly use some tailoring before it's truly ready for the Yang prime time
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Fella 1 is a pretty bang-on Yang and you can tell that was his intention because he's growing out his hair, bless. sleeves rolled to show arm, shirt unbuttoned scandalously to show cleavage, open vest, neat cap, high socks. the lower half does lose points for the striped socks that remind me of the Wicked Witch of the East's feet sticking out and the fact that he's clearly in tap shoes as opposed to work boots like his friend Fella 3
Fella 2 gets EXTRA sock points for the argyle and the vest-but-no-collar combo which is very Nora. He also has a neat cap, which Blake always does because she's hiding her ears.
Fella 3 has a sloppy cap but is otherwise a bang-on Blake; kempt and tidy in ways Yang never is even though they are essentially wearing the exact same thing. Blake knows how to button buttons and Yang pretends she forgets every day
Fella 4's rocking the henley and suspenders combo which serves any member of our cast, a fucking classic
Fella 5 is wearing a tie he is trying so hard he wants to look nice at work, 100% a Jaune move
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sir that-- that's not how crutches are supposed to-- SIR--
this Crutchie exhibits excellent Newsie styling in a very Yang color palette. high socks, mixing of patterns, rolled sleeves; excellent. the slightly fancier waistcoat, actually buttoned, isn't something Yang would go for but certainly wouldn't be amiss on Blake, Ruby, or Velvet
Ruby also, of course, wears a signature red scarf instead of her cloak:
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like her scarf and hat just absolutely dwarf her, she's WEE SMOL
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above we see our previous example Crutchie not leaping through the air, and his outfit remains exemplary but for the backwards cap, which I shan't abide. the Jack to his left-- what with his WIDE open shirt, tight undershirt, rolled sleeves, and suspenders, is very Yang.
good Yang looks can also mean THE SHORTEST SLEEVES EVER, TO SHOW OFF THE GUNS:
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both excellent choices, and of course our lower fella (TURN THAT CAP AROUND YOUNG MAN) has got his bandana going, which is Quite Yang
all the guys in the background there are gold too tbh
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look at this king in this fashion pose but also YEAH WHY NOT BANDANAS ON THE ARMS BANDANAS EVERYWHERE the yang xiao long story
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^^ this outfit, on the other hand, is pretty exactly spot-on for Blake immediately post haircut/makeover
Weiss, I'm sure you've already guessed, is a Classic Katherine:
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she's buttoned-up, she's fancy, her shit matches and she's the only one in a skirt.
the only thing where my brain gets REALLY SPECIFIC is the finale so uh. spoiler warning I guess for screenshots of the Newsies film and vague references to a plot resolution if you're reading the AU without having watched it
but the finale looks are ICONIC and non-negotiable
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button shirt OVER henley OVER bandana and nothing's buttoned? suspenders on but hanging loose from the hips? hell yes.
i actually even managed to make that dirt smudge on David's tummy plot-relevant to Blake and that was completely subconscious and I didn't realize I did it until looking up these screenshots but there you have it. and by this point Weiss gets to be a little more loose and dressed-down, a la Sarah
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in conclusion they're in love look at those heart eyes oh my god
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mielwriting · 3 months
Your tag about the tumblr post gave me the urge to test how much I got for fun. I've been here too long. In order:
David Karp made tumblr and people were Like That about him
Dunno if this has specific context, though using tons of gifs and having a personal folder of them was a thing.
Heritage post with way too many additions all following the format [big fandom] fans grab your [associated weapon] to 'defend' tumblr
There used to be a dumb thing about 'fandom tumblr' vs 'hipster tumblr' (the latter basically being aesthetic blogs)
Self-explanatory, spn was popular and destiel was a ship
Glomping is tackle-hugging someone. It might be on here just to up the cringe factor.
Missing e was a browser extension that added very useful QoL improvements to tumblr like more streamlined reblogging and an outbox.
John Green was on tumblr and well-known for it.
Doctor who and sherlock references. SPN+dr who+sherlock was an unholy fandom trio you couldn't avoid even if you were into none of them.
SPN actor I think.
Somewhat obnoxious but well-intentioned heritage post from when supporting gay rights was still radical in western countries. What it says on the tin.
This might have been another heritage post. People hamming up how [specific popular fandom character] taught them [thing].
2000s fandom stuff. Lemons means nsfw.
Hannibal stuff
Welcome to night vale reference?
Thank you, o wise Tumblr Veteran!
Seriously, thank you. This is very helpful for a newbie. I know about John Green, and I've heard things about SuperWhoLock, and am kinda familiar with using citrus fruits as fruit warnings (what's the difference between lemon and lime?).
also. And feel free to monologue at me here. What's Welcome to Night Vale?
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silverview · 5 months
anyway, the bonnie episode of human capital is so BEYOND beyond. jonathan is such a perfect character who's completely made in the performance. he talks like he's in a permanent state of just having recovered from running up a flight of stairs. like he's always just a little bit out of breath. the effort involved in being the way that he is, and presumably in being as physically large as he sounds (i've never heard anyone sound so big), the fact that he presumably doesn't get much nourishment besides sugar and caffeine and alcohol – he's always struggling just a little bit. he's so hot i'm sorry.
and just. the way all the miners are. the way true blues are in general, the way david is around them, the fact that he's one of them. thinking about: in the jess episode, when he’s accused of being an orange, the tone of his voice when he responds – "actually, i..." despite EVERYTHING in that moment he somehow STILL manages to be a little bit smug, even at his MOST vulnerable and degraded and cringing he is STILL. a TINY BIT SMUG. about being a true blue. un FUCKING believable.
and thinking about: all the different hidden sides of david we get to see throughout human capital – high society snob (bonnie), culture nerd (hayley), slut (chip). the genuine darkness that comes out, more than ever before, in the bonnie episode.* like. david getting to surface these forgotten/repressed aspect of himself, and revealing them to the audience, while he’s cycling through all these different gigs – he’s recovering things he lost in prison, and rediscovering paths he never got to go down before. he's both remembering who he is and grappling with who he’s going to be, going forward. truly, in s1 we only got to see a very flattened, distorted version of him, with only occasional hints of the complexity that’s still in there – potential to be all these things, including a villain, and who knows what else. he has the capacity, a natural inclination even, for cruelty and egotism. maybe it won’t ever fully surface but it’s in there, and he’s aware of it.
*the fact that it’s lawrence on the receiving end of both his villain moments in that ep – smashing the glass, and the thing with the vat – refer back to my other post about how young david was partly messed up from being sexually harassed by the miners. not least lawrence, lbr. rip lawrence. you will always be remembered for calling people darling, telling us david’s canonical eye colour, and doing terrorism.🥤❤️
last thing – in the hayley ep – hayley echoes lines from the sharespace flashback in a way that’s clearly intentional (drunk and suggestible / dying to know what’s going on in that head of yours). in fact the flashback is echoing hayley, because it was written/released months later. but from david’s point of view, hayley is echoing that conversation he had with colin years ago. christ do you ever think about how triggering it must be for him to have hayley hitting on him. god. i mean i’ve written fic about that before but still. god.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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The One Who Wanders And Waits/The Wanderer (Space Boy) "The Magnificent Bastard behind an Ancient Conspiracy to ensure humanity someday reaches the Monolith. It's intentions are unknown due to its Blue-and-Orange Morality, but it has used it's emotion-manipulating powers to slowly brainwash the entire staff of the FCP so they'll be easy to manipulate so it can achieve it's goals. When he was a child, Oliver encountered The Wanderer, who drove Oliver to a five-year-long existential crisis over the vastness and emptiness of space. He made Oliver see the world in terms of “The Nothing in between the stars […] a vast Nothing. An emptiness.” Oliver thinks that most people willingly ignore the “Nothing” because they’re frightened by it, but he can no longer ignore that “The universe is almost entirely made up of Nothing. Even the atoms in our bodies consist primarily of empty space. We are all just bits of matter, floating in the void.” This post explains it better."
Major Tom (David Bowie) "An astronaut who was sent into deep space and vanishes -- possibly intentionally, depending on your reading of the lyrics. The line "And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear" emphasizes the mundane, capitalist nature of the world he left behind. This is further supported by the later portions of the song devoted to Major Tom's awe at the beauty and infinity of space, contrasted against the small, claustrophobic description of his spaceship as a 'tin can', which reduces humanity's great achievement of space travel to nothing more than cosmic debris. The line 'And I'm floating in a most peculiar way' may also refer to an inability to connect emotionally to others, feeding into the Vast's themes of disconnect and insignificance. The line "Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still," refers both to the lack of any body relative to which he can judge his motion and his own sense of peace about the phenomenon. This is followed by the line, "And I think my spaceship knows which way to go," which can be interpreted as Major Tom's realization that he doesn't need to be there anymore, and can just let go. The mission and the world will go on without him. Whether or not he intentionally sabotaged his equipment to drift off forever into space, the song's ending shows him peacefully floating off into eternity, accepting and possibly even enjoying his fate. This is also supported by Peter Schilling's interpretation of the Major in his song, Major Tom (Coming Home), which emphasizes in the final verse "Now the light commands/This is my home/I'm coming home." Major Tom has chosen the stars over the planet, and he is prepared to fall forever to reach them.
Space Oddity Major Tom (Coming Home)"
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Eh, since Will is pretty much going to be a central character in the next season, I think it is very likely that S5 starts with Vecna contacting Will before Will has a chance of spying on him or using the connection between them. That would put the Will at the center of the story, and that interaction would circle back to S1, this time not hiding behind a Demogorgon or a mind flayer. Vecna interacting with Mike before Will doesn't make any sense as the show's start, sorry.
Will is definitely going to be central to s5! I don't disagree with that!
However I don't think Will being central stops other characters, specifically El or Mike, or even other main characters, from having their moments at the center. That's going to happen regardless of how major of a role Will plays.
And I would probably agree with you if this was just some random character, but this is Mike we're talking about...
I don't personally like how every season starts cryptically in some far away place with unknown subjects. But that's how almost every season starts, and I'm being serious when I say every season is then followed shortly after by Mike being late.
And so I would argue that Mike being late in some capacity at the start of s5, would make sense, as it would just be following the exact formula it always has.
That doesn't mean I don't think Will wont play a big part in how this could play out though, arguably he would play the biggest part, just like he did in s1!
We also have them admitting s5 is similar to s1 with the show coming full circle in a lot of ways, and so what happens could very likely feel like deja vu, assuming it's something we're gonna have already seen play out in the past in some capacity.
Honestly, I think Noah's role will be comparable to s2, either that or a lot more than that, no less though!
And yet, I do disagree with bylers that have sort of convinced themselves that Will is going to be the official main character next season...
But here's the thing, the Duffers also said this about Amybeth's character Vickie when they announced her role on the show, saying she would play a major role in events to come (only for her to get like 3 scenes in s4... praying they do her justice in s5). They even said this in an interview when asked about the significance of clocks, word for word they said that clocks would play a major role in events to come.
This is a phrase they use, which says a lot while saying nothing at all.
And so to be clear, the Duffers saying that Will plays a big role in events to come, wasn't them saying that Noah is now magically the top billed cast member. They were literally saying that he is central because he is, just like he was in s1 and especially s2, meaning he wont be 'sidelined' like he was in s3-4 at the very least I pesornally think.
However, this doesn't mean he is literally the main character, as Noah is not going to get a raise with him literally surpassing Millie and Finn... That's not happening.
What I also want to remind everyone, is that a lot of what they say and do is intentional.
When it comes to Noah being all spoilery and stuff, I do think that is intentional.
Noah, along with David, were the only cast-memers to talk about s5 post-s4 initially. And we all know David is the Duffers known scapegoat, who is known for not being able to keep his secrets to himself...
Noah has also been referred to as the Tom Holland of the show. If you guys don't know, the phenomena of Tom spoiling things eventually got to a point where marketing for Marvel took advantage of all the attention Tom got for leaking things, and created even more hype by making it seem like it was him accidentally spoiling things sometimes, even though it was entirely intentional to create hype... sound familar?
This means that full serious, if Noah wasn't supposed to be doing something, he wouldn't be. It's very likely he has been told to be unhinged because it works out well for them at this time. Seeing as a majority of the audience still aren't clued in on the likelihood of Mike and Will yet, (or even gay Will Byers for that matter), it makes sense to have Noah kind of keep people intrigued, but not enough to sound any alarm bells to the majority. They need a scapegoat rn and it's Noah (David is who they usually use as their sort of voice of speculation for what's to come, and trust me he'll be back eventually).
It just so happens that Noah is great with fanfare, and it's clear at this point he's the only one actually comfortable with doing it, and so they're letting him run wild because he IS a major part of the overall story and his character is finally going to be able to be acknowledged more fully in the story after years of being sort of sidelined. This is what everyone expects, and this is what everyone assumed after those interviews with the Duffers dropped and the reaction from fans also wasn't horrible? Like I remember there was a bunch of hype around that time when they revealed this and that's when the Will focused s5 fan posters started dropping and there was even one with Will and Mike holding hands that got like almost 500k likes on Twitter. And that was probably like a big moment for them, I'm sure in terms of feeling confident about how they should proceed with s5 promotion.
And I think this also contributed to them kind of just going with it, because it also allows them to keep a lot of s5 under-wraps, having Noah who is great with fanfare, keep reminding people of byler as a concept, while the rest of the cast is silent for the most part. It works.
And even despite that, I also think we're going to be getting byler and potentially willel wonder twin in some capacity, which are VERY big revelations to the main audience, which they don't see coming. And them only hyping up Will's role in s5 supports the audience not being prepared to see all of that coming.
Not only does there have to be closure for Will and Mike AND Will and El, we also have Mike and El's relationship to resolve, AND all their personal arcs. Will's importance to the story isn't going to prevent the writers from making sure the other main characters arcs feel fulfilled. I don't think those things are mutually exclusive and I don't know why people think they have to be?
And so even though I do agree that Will's role will be comparable to s2 (most likely more) in s5, I don't think it's going to be enough to bypass Millie or Finn in the credits. Which means that there is still going to be a major component to those characters arcs for El and Mike in the story, alongside Will's. I don't necessarily think this means that their roles will be bigger or smaller in some major way, but more likely equal in terms of how they handle it in accordance with those arcs coming together, and to ensure we actually feel satisfied with where everything ends up.
I'm not saying we won't get any Will focused promotional content like posters and stuff, I do think it will feel like the s2 era again, with him finally being seen as a major focus substantially. And yet I'm willing guess that El will still be the main focus of the main poster, with Will and Mike being more so equal to match the triangle aesthetic (also likely Noah is going to be upped to next to Finn in the credits with Millie getting her own slate, THAT would mean Noah's role is so major they're willing to bump him up over Caleb and Gaten which is saying a lot, though going any further than that wouldn't be standard because it took a lot to have Millie go above Finn, they're not going to do that again.).
What I personally think is more likely is that we'll get something similar to s2, with willel giving reflection (twin) vibes perhaps, and Mike being more secondary to that to also fit the triangle vibes.
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With this being like a huge epic series, they're going to want those top first names to match with what the show started as so that it feels right. Why have Millie be above all the other kids if it doesn't feel right by the end of the story? If she's there, it will need to feel right narratively, not just based on their demand as actors by the end of this.
And this is also why I do think they have an obligation to make it more clear to the audience what Mike's arc is as a character, very likely related to him being in the closet for the last however many seasons. This would overlap with Will's arc because it also affected his ability to be his true self and El's arc because it also affected her ability to be her true self. And it also provides layers of importance to Karen's arc and Nancy's arc, and other characters arcs as well. That's what makes for a well rounded story, assuming they want us to be able to rewatch the show from beginning to end, and over and over again, feeling satisfied with how they closed everything off.
And arguably, circling back to the beginning of the show to see Mike at the center, would only really be satisfying if it ended with us feeling truly understanding of where his character ended up, making us root for him all over again.
That doesn't take away from Will being central, as he has always been central, since the beginning. Even when he was sidelined in s3-4, it was technically all preparing us for an end that would truly do him justice.
That doesn't mean they're not going to do all of the other characters justice though by any means. Both can coexist.!
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Adieu mv - a few rammblings
a few thoughts about the Adieu mv, in particular the latter scenes, also based on captions by Specter Berlin and David Gesslbauer on their IG with shots of the new video and borrowing some quotes from various wiki pages.
Feuer Frei / religion
These are the parts i still don't really get the meaning, the crosses used in the video, like this one..
but is it a 'latin' cross, and if so, a baptismal cross?
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or is it a tie-in with another Rammstein video, per this IG post
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the video of 'Feuer Frei' was shot in a church also echoes the blasts of figure in the hall of 'Doppelgänger' in the Adieu video. Also, Feuer Frei shows Till with a mohawk (but he had that in more videos...if the Adieu mohawk referenced the Feuer Frei mohawk, i'm just glad Paul didn't go back to the tonsure 😊)
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Death and immortality
While most hear just a 'goodbye' in Adieu, the video seems to go beyond that into the afterlife, both Specter and David have used the words 'immortals', 'live on forever' in posts. And taken like that (which i actually like a lot), it isn't 'the end' like many fear, but the continuation in the after life.
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Hell / Tartarus
The scene in the 'dungeon' or 'hell' (Specter mentions 'hell of a fanbase' but also 'best fanbase ever', he doesn't mean the former as an insult 😊)
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In one of the posts on IG one of them (that i can't find anymore) used the word 'Titans, and that gave me the idea that this isn't just any old hell, but Tartarus, the (Greek) mythological location where the Titans were confined after being overthrown by the Olympian gods.
The Titans were the twelve children of the primordial parents Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), with six male Titans (and six female Titans).
Originally, Tartarus was used only to confine dangers to the gods of Olympus. In later mythologies, Tartarus became a space dedicated to the imprisonment and torment of mortals who had sinned against the gods, and each punishment was unique to the condemned (best known for examples like Sisyphus who was forever forced to roll a large boulder up a hill for it to always roll back down or Tantalus who stood in a pool of water with a branch of fruit over his head but when he reached for the fruit or bent down for the water it would retract so he couldn't reach it).
That last bit imo is reflected in Rammstein imprisoned in a cage that seems like their small stage, or like the cell from the Mutter video, the band and the 'Damned' headbanging for all eternity.
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Interestingly in some version of the christian Bible there is also a reference to the Greek reading Tartarus as a footnote: "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment".
The Tartarus prisoners were guarded by the Hecatonchires or 'Hundred-handers', which in mythology were three monsters with 100 hands, but the 100 hands in this case might refer to the hands of the fans.
And what would immortality be without Valhalla (Norsk mythology)
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This scene is inspired by a movie (afaik), but even if it wasn't it is very reminiscent of the idea of the Valkyries riding to select heroes to enter Valhalla. Odin would select only those fighting in battles "He should have no fear in fighting battles, his own or others, and in the process dying for the cause. It all comes down to his intentions and how he performs in his life. Another way a person can be fearless is that he would accept any circumstance and still go on. Whatever life throws at him, he will endure it and go forward."
The ceiling
Because of the mythological themes and trying to piece in something 'religious' i first thought the final image was of a religious celing painting, like Michelangelo's 'Creation of Adam', or that is was 'just a pretty picture', making use of a beautiful location. But when i looked up which painting it was, it actually makes even more sense. From the 'Grand Foyer' in the 'Palais Garnier' (also Opéra Garnier, where a lot of the video seems to have been shot) in Paris, the ceilings are illustrations to various pieces performed in the building. The rectangular painting in the center of the ceiling, that is the last shot of the video, is by artist Paul Baudry
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...and is called "music" 😊
but i do hope we get a 'making of'...but i did hope that for 'Deutschland' as well 😊
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sunandsstars · 1 year
Umm, I just went on a rant about the latest discussion you've had, it was about how latin american (Im Hondurian) also have similarities in this matter, (history, not culture, cultures are very different) and as latin americans we get exited and filled with pride when our countries get mentioned in any movie or series that does take the time to learn more about them, like encanto from disney, and my comment got deleted by tumblr 🥴🥴, I hate this app so much 🫠, as a summary of it, other person, take a chill pill, there are thousands that have similar issues that you have, and we dont go with the offensive lense of life whenever something about our culture is mentioned or used as reference.
omg i got the notification for your comment but when i went to check it disappeared 💀 tumblr sucks ass
and learning that you’re Honduran is so interesting! it’s cool seeing people from different parts of the world pop up on my page
but yea, there are so many countries with terrible histories! and ofc they still face problems with oppression and such today. so bringing these stories out into the light is great for the world to educate themselves on your history and culture and see what’s happened with your countries, even if it’s told in a fictional movie like Avatar or Encanto!
fictional movies are also great bc it appeals to so many people (adults and kids). like no offence but i cannot sit through documentaries unless it was a david attenborough one
but i agree! people should look at the glass half full, we’re all human, we all want to learn. and the media is a great way to do that and access this information! not everything is made with hatred in mind and bad intentions ☹️
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