#danny phantom: Astral projection
ecto-stone · 24 days
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SSR -Ember Mclain. Ghost Faction-Hypercarry Burst DPS
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sonnyaavce · 4 months
Chapter 1
The team remained neutral as the sprite slowly floated down the flight of stairs, his form flickering in luminescence as it guides them to where his body is, but according to Robin it was just an ‘empty room’
‘Are we sure he isn’t taking us out in secret?’ commented Wally in the shared mind link, Artemis glared at him annoyed and whacked him hardly on the shoulder ‘stop being such a baby! He’s harmless enough!’
‘But how sure are we that he won’t harm us once he’s back on his body!’ fumbled the speedster towards the archer ‘there’s always a catch, no favor is free!’ 
‘I see your point Kidd but as Artemis and Zatanna says he’s a projection not a physical entity’ adds Megan as she floats  closer to Robin and Connor ‘But if what our mentors told us is true about this mission, then there’s a possibility that they unintentionally missed some important information’
‘what we know about this mission is that this was once a facility own by and organization called GIW, who were using some type of pure concentrated Lazarus water to power up some kind of weaponry's and clean energy plants; we also know that they moved theirs bases all around the globe by using some kind of portal, so that’s all the information that we have on paper but if what Megan says it’s true then..’ ponders Kaldur, his steps faltering a bit as he slows down.
Robin scoffed at this ‘I bet this is one of Batman usual test-‘ when a screech interrupted him; the group managed to catch themselves before running down the stairs.
“Why the fuck would you keep doing t-?!” growled Connor at the figure, before freezing in shock as the visage of the small kid started to glitch, in and out of focus. Like an old DVD player making interference. Arms going missing for a second before the legs and the head followed suit.
A silent scream muted in the child’s face, horror margin it was the last visage they managed to catch before the small child disappeared again. Shit.
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frostbytemyrik · 4 months
You've heard of "Danny Phantom Corpse AUs," right? Where every time Danny goes ghost, he dies, leaving behind a body he has to worry about hiding or destroying (and creating a new one every time he turns human again)?
I propose a similar concept: ASTRAL PROJECTION AU! Same concept, but the body Danny leaves behind is alive and he has to go back in to "change back."
Pros (for Danny):
Go ghost almost anywhere! With family? In class? On a roller coaster? Just invisibly slip out! Hit da bricks!
No need to worry about changing back and revealing himself to a ghost or hunter if he's defeated! Sorry, Reality Trip.
Cons (pros for writers who love drama/humor):
Now we gotta find a safe place to put the living body so it doesn't die
Danny passing out in the middle of class even more often than usual, and if he's in ghost form he isn't actually technically getting restful sleep, so he appears to sleep all day yet is always tired
Being knocked out in ghost form doesn't automatically send his soul back to his body
Living bodies without souls are sitting ducks for being overshadowed, and if nobody's in the body and caring for it for too long, uh...Danny would be a ghost full-time. Thankfully that would take days, but then there's the problem of his body being unresponsive when concerned family/acquaintances/etc. discover him.
Depending on how 'alive' he still is (as in whether he's fully living and can leave, or the portal accident left him braindead so he's just possessing his own body), he may not be able to return instantly, feel what his body feels while outside it, or even be able to locate it if it's moved (or he forgets where he left it)
Additional thoughts:
He can still use powers while in his body, but things like flying, intangibility, or invisibility are more draining since he's using those powers on a body. It's akin to turning someone else invisible/intangible or carrying them while flying.
If he can still experience his body's senses, Tucker and Sam can use his body as a communication device with him when he's out. The Danno Phone™️
If he's possessing his own body rather than still being connected to it, devices such as ghost shields could not let him in (or just rip him from his own body), adding an extra thing to juggle when keeping his powers and identity secret.
Feel free to use/modify this idea as desired. Honestly I'd love to see stuff on this.
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So, I've seen a shit ton of batpham where Danny was rescued from / escaped vivisection to go to Gotham where he met the bats blah blah blah. But what if he didn't? What if he was still being vivisected and like astral projected to Wayne Manor or something. Cue the following scenario:
Alfred: I will ready my gun.
Bruce: How did the Anti-Ecto acts pass? How did the JL not notice? What do you mean you're dead?!
Dick, Tim, Jason, Damian, Cass, Steph, Babs, and Duke: Are these plans for killing the GIW? Why, yes. Yes, they are.
Bad parents Maddie and Jack optional. Fright Night needs to be there ("No, this is my emotional support nightmare, thank you very much!). Clockwork 'cause we love him. Jazz being awesome as usual. Ghost King optional. Bonus points if Skulker teams up with the bats because "only I am allowed to beat the shit out of the kid". John Constantine being terrified ("Bruce. Why are you asking about the Infinite Realms? Just curiosity, right? Right?").
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elffhuntr456 · 14 days
The DC x DP Justice League problem
I've noticed a pattern when it comes to DC x DP crossovers where when the Justice League has to deal with anything involving the Danny phantom world They are out matched and outclassed in every way.
I know most people in the DC x DP fandoms haven't ever picked up a comic, or watched DC media that wasn't animated (or sometimes haven't even watched Danny phantom) in their lives but at some point it gets ridiculous how incompetent the regular JL is made when it comes to combating the supernatural. 
And as an all-things DC enjoyer this hurts me.
Like Superman, multiple times in the past has gone up against ghosts, ghosts like beings, and ghostly Abilities using his powers like for example:
Superman was able to freeze Ghost Soldier, who could turn intangible, using his freeze breath.
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He could Freeze Zatanna's astral form
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He was able to decimate the Phantom Stranger's physical AND metaphysical form.
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He used his freeze breath to freeze the essence/spirit of H'el in time.
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When the Fortress Of Solitude's security program projections were turned into ghosts, he could still blast them with his heat vision.
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He withstood being stabbed through his heart and soul with magic a sword.
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He tanked silver banshees scream (which affects the spirit) head on.
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His super vision can also look past someone's body and minde to examine their soul.
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When it comes to Wonder Woman her shield, blade, braces, lasso, tiara, and entire body are all blessed with the power of the literal gods there is no way she wouldn't be able to go straight up to a ghost and punch it intangibility or not.
Her lasso can even drag a soul out of someone's body if needed.
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Same goes for Captain Marvel and his lightning.
All of Hawkman and Hawkwoman's armor (the little of it they actually wear) and weapons are made out of nth metal, which is a metal in DC that affects supernatural beings just like ghost, zombies, vampire, Spirits, specters, shade's, werewolves, "the Lazarus demon" and reanimated corpses, just like any other creature no matter how strong.
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Batman and Green Arrow have an entire arsenal of made the stuff too just in case.
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In injustice both Green Arrow and Green Lantern have whole suits made out of it.
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And even if you don't count injustice, (which is understandable) Green lanterns can easily have their rings copy the atomic structure of any thing they need (like kryptonite for example) and since their suits are made from their rings, they would still have no problem making a suit (or really any weapon they need out of the stuff).
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Batman has a pair of gloves that John Constantine gave him specifically used to fight ghosts.
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And it's been stated that the Batcave has supernatural barriers and wards to stop ghosts and stuff from getting in. (so no just casual walking into the bat cave).
And when it comes to the whole "ghost king summoning" thing I get it it's a fun concept to play around with, but the JL and JL Dark have so many other options other than to summon what they usually believe to be an interdimensional eldritch being into their world.
like the phantom zone projector something that was able to work on Mister Mxyzptlk a full-blown reality warper from the 5th dimension.
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Or contacting the other supernatural experts that aren't just Constantine and Zatanna (which are usually the only contact for supernatural problems the JL has in most fic's for some reason).
Or batman just contacting the strongest supernatural being he knows, who without a doubt would come stop a major supernatural threat (as its usually depicted)
SPAWN. (The guys so op in supernatural power it's crazy)
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There are so many other options than summoning the ghost king.
And in a lot of fic's the supernatural members (or just any member that would could help in a given situation) are off world (for some reason?) so they can't be contacted.
That just doesn't make much sense when the JL has the technology of so many advanced civilizations and individual people (witch some are said to be among the smartest in the universe) at their disposal, they should be able to contact their people halfway across the universe.
All of this is to say that due to widespread ignorance of the world of Detective Comics and the capabilities of its hero's (and sometimes Danny Phantom) that most DC x DP situations, stories, and scenarios end up with the Justice League a collection of the earths greatest hero's, being completely and utterly helpless and incompetent against any problems coming from the world of Danny Phantom (or just the supernatural in general).
This is to no one's fault of course, believe me no one knows all of DC lore and all it's details in its entirety.
But being someone why knows a lot about DC and seeing how useless a lot of DC characters are portrayed in most situations when you know they really wouldn't be having that much of an issue handling it, creates a weird disconnect between the two fandoms where it always seems more like the Danny Phantom fandom with DC characters stapled to it.
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robinasnyder · 7 months
I'm like losing it over this idea, but!
(And I'm sorry to people in the John Constantine tag who just want Constantine. I feel you, and I'm sorry.)
So, in the John Constantine Hellblazer (2019) by Spurrier and Campbell, and in the current John Constantine Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024), there's a pretty huge, big, important plot point where Constantine has died. Like he for real died. His body's dead. His soul is still occupying his dead body. He's still moving around like he's alive, but his body's rotting. (Spoilers for Dead in America from here, btw)
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Not to get into the plot too much, but for the 2019 run, there's something Constantine promised his soul to when he dies, and to escape that, he astral projected by having someone stop his heart, with the plan to revive it later. And he does get his soul back in his body, but the body's dead.
As of right now (Dead in America #2) we don't know why exactly this happened.
At the end of 2019, we get this:
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Now, mind these panels comes before John realizes he's dead (by like a page or two), but I do straight up love the idea that he's pissed off so many people that no afterlife actually *wants* to take him anymore.
Now, from Dead in America #2, we get this:
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Implying that there's something keeping his soul and body going despite the whole being dead thing. I'm assuming that we'll be told eventually, but no idea yet.
All of that to say this: John Constantine is basically possessing his own dead body, atm. So that means he would fall under the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Acts, right???
All I'm saying is that I love the idea of an entire government organization hunting John Constantine. All I'm saying is that I really, really need to see John Constantine being captured and experimented on by the Drs Fenton.
All I'm saying is that Danny would try to get him out, especially if he was trapped in the Fentons' basement. All I'm saying is that this would be such a perfect set up for some interesting darker fic.
The current run is pretty seperated from all other DC stuff. It's basically just Vertigo comics, just Constantine, Sandman, and Swamp Thing. Which means that if we're fully running this idea, then it's not like there's the Justice League or Batman to come fix things. It's just Danny, John Constantine in his own dead body, his son Noah who is mute, doesn't seem to know american sign, and doesn't know he's John’s son, and Nat, John's "bodyguard" with a hair-trigger temper.
So, yes to a Constantine vivisection/disection, yes to Danny having to run from home bc he's just "stolen" a "government resource", and yes to Danny either having to run off without his friends or tell them and drag them on the run too. Also yes to not just having an easy way to solve the government situation (especially bc John and co are also wanted for murder).
I'm just saying that there's never been a better time to write a darker or angsty Constantine and Danny Phantom crossover.
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a-m-w-worlds · 20 days
Danny Phantom Writing Prompt: Half-Nightmare AU
Most oneirologists scoffed at Jack and Maddie Fenton's outlandish beliefs on the nature of dreams and deemed their work nothing but parapsychology, after all, the dream world being a real place people could subconsciously travel to in their sleep? Ridiculous! And what about their belief that nightmares were actual monsters in this dream world that could in theory be captured, studied, and eventually eradicated? Pure science-fiction!
The Drs. Fenton knew the only way to prove their theories was to capture a nightmare, and the only way to do that was to create a portal to allow waking humans to enter the Nightmare Zone. The only thing they didn't account for was that the portal works both ways…
Danny Fenton wasn't interested in his parent's parapsychology bullcrap, the crystals littering the house that were supposed to "enhance astral projection", the dream diaries they nagged him and his sister to keep, not even the swirling purple portal in their basement. All he cared about was that their lab (if you could even call it that) was the best place in the house to take a quick cat nap. Dimly lit by flickering candles, heavily scented by fresh lavender, and filled with plenty of pillow-covered nooks to accommodate all sleeping positions, Danny fell asleep instantly. It was peaceful at first, until the nightmare came.
Every human is psychically linked to their own personal nightmare. This link is normally dormant while we're awake, only activating in our sleep. Active links magnetically draw our astral forms and nightmares together, allowing us to briefly glimpse into the dream world. But when you fall asleep in a room designed to enhance psychokinetic energy, next to a portal meant to allow for physical traversal between planes, something might just decide that link doesn't have to be one sided...
Danny awoke suddenly, terrified and frozen in place by a white-haired creature perching on his chest. Its skin was made of swirling shadow and its amethyst eyes glowed the same color as the portal. The link between Danny and his nightmare, supercharged by the environment and them both being in the same plane, was too strong to break when Danny woke. It glowed, crackling and pulsating between them, drawing them closer until the last things Danny saw were glowing eyes followed by shadow as the creature lunged. Its essence poured into Danny through his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes, seeping in through his very pores until the nightmare was completely gone from sight. Danny's eyes flashed purple for just a moment before they rolled back in his head and he passed out.
The next time he woke Danny found himself in a hospital. He had been in a coma for three days. The doctors, not finding anything wrong with him, let him go home that same day. Despite this, Danny felt like there was something seriously wrong, he didn't really understand what though until that night. In his pajamas and lamp lit bedroom with his family already in bed and sleeping is when it happened. Danny's hand happened to slip into the darkness outside of his table lamps radius, where it disappeared. Only its barely visible, smoky outline remained. Panicked, Danny jerked his hand back into the light where it became fully visible and tangible again. Danny slept with the light on that night, scared of what would happen if he didn't.
The next day at school, after whipping around a corner while being chased by the school bully Dash Baxter, Danny accidently found himself careening into a shadow-filled dead end. His entire body devolved into a hazy, wispy outline. When Dash turned the corner, he did a double take; Danny had simply vanished. Dash couldn't see Danny in the shadows at all, not even the glowing purple eyes staring directly at him. This was how Danny learned he could camouflage in shadows.
Several nights later, while practicing how to camouflage and un-camouflage at will he stuck an arm into one shadow and saw it appear out of another shadow across the room. He yanked it back in surprise before replicating the action with the same results. Tentatively he stepped into one shadow and stepped out of the other. This was how he learned he could shadow travel.
Another couple nights later while practicing shadow traveling around the house, Danny sees something slither out of his parents dream lab in the basement. He recognizes it instantly as a nightmare. The nightmare doesn't pay him any attention, darting between the shadows and creeping upstairs. Danny follows quietly, at a safe distance and watches as the creature slips beneath his sister Jazz's bedroom door. Danny steps into a shadow and emerges from the darkness under his sister's bed. In horror he watches Jazz's nightmare perch on her chest before making the same move Danny's had over a week ago. Danny makes a wild grab at the creature, catching hold only to be absorbed into Jazz's mind alongside the nightmare. This is how Danny learned he could dream walk.
When Danny opens his eyes, he's standing inside Jazz's dream. It's pretty standard, just a classroom setting with only one desk where Jazz sits taking a test. She doesn't seem to see Danny. He walks around aimlessly, unsure of what to be doing, until the nightmare appears. The creature is far more substantial and menacing here. It takes the clock off the wall and places it on Jazz's desk where it transforms into an hourglass with sand trickling through it way too fast. Jazz's calm expression turns panicked as she rushes to fill in the test. With the flick of a wrist the nightmare manifests a dozen extra desks all occupied by students jeering and mocking Jazz. Danny realizes he has to do something but is unsure what. He confronts the nightmare, only to be pushed aside. The walls of the classroom begin closing in and Danny can feel his sister's anxiety morphing into genuine fear. She stands abruptly, hyperventilating as the jeering students are forced into her space. She pushes through them and races out the classroom door. Danny follows her into the hallway that's warped strangely in on itself. Ceilings were floors, floors were ceilings. "Jasmine…" The nightmare stands in the doorway. Jazz finally seems to see it and she and Danny start running, the nightmare launching itself after them, truly on the hunt now, growing larger and more frightening in pursuit. After seconds or an eternity it corners the siblings in a dead end and reaches its hand out for Jazz. She screams.
Danny and the nightmare are both forcefully ejected back into the physical world as Jazz, the real, physical Jazz, screams and bolts upright in bed. Before Danny can make a move, the once again smoky, insubstantial nightmare, who's eyes glow more brightly now, disappears into the darkness. Danny, camouflaged in the shadows, retreats as well when he hears his parents outside of Jazz's door.
The next day, after mulling over the night's events, Danny decides he needs to find a way to capture Jazz's nightmare if it comes back. He heads into his parent's lab (a place he's been avoiding), and tracks down one of the knick-knacks they believe can attract and trap "bad energy". That night Danny is prepared and waits for the nightmare to return, which it does. He follows it into Jazz's dream again and this time captures it easily. He manages to leave the dream under his own power this time and pats himself on the back for a job well done. This is how Danny Fenton learns he has the power to capture nightmares.
It's a good thing to, because with more and more nightmares finding their way into the physical world, the people of Amity Park were going to need a hero if they ever wanted a good night's sleep again.
I swear this was supposed to be a writing prompt, not a ficlet! I just had SO MANY IDEAS!
Everyone knows that the original show did not like to acknowledge the darker aspects and implications of ghosts (ya know, like them being dead) and even retconned them into being straight up interdimensional monsters later in the series. So, I found myself wondering, if they weren't going to use ghosts to their full potential, what could they have done instead? BOOM, Half-Nightmare AU!
Danny's powers in this are heavily inspired by Twyla Boogeyman from Monster High (one of my favorite characters!). Shadow travel and camouflage, being able to see nightmares and enter people's dreams, and eyes that glow in the dark, are all abilities that Twyla has demonstrated at one time or another. I also like imagining that this version of Danny often uses closets and underneath beds for shadow travel, just to play even more into the idea of a good boogeyman.
The choice to make the portal and Danny's alternate eye color purple instead of green was also very deliberate. Even before getting into Danny Phantom I heavily associated the color green with ghosts, so I just wanted to give this AU a little bit of color distinction. And I also felt that toxic, radioactive green was probably a little too harsh a color for the dream world.
I don't have any intention of actually doing anything with this AU, but I thought it was interesting enough to turn into a prompt and see if any artists or writers wanted to adopt my plot bunnies!
P.S. Oneirologists are neurologists who study dreams!
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halfagone · 1 year
Hi, Halfa!
What are your thoughts on the Corpse AU? And how would Danny's friends or the Batfam, if he was adopted, react to that?
Hi, Anony!! :D
Corpse AUs are so fascinating to me; I don't know if I'd ever be able to write one but I love to read them. @five-rivers' (Marsalias) Exhumed series is one of my favorites. The quiet horror that can so easily grow into a huge, messy reveal itches a very niche part of my brain.
Marsalias' version of the Corpse AU has it where Danny only shed one body, the one he lost in the portal. But I've seen other versions where, with every transformation, he sheds a body and then grows another when he transforms back. Which means that Danny frequently needs to hide his corpses in the woods or around town.
Obviously that shoots up the chance of an identity reveal, which- if that's not the point of your fic- can make things complicated. If you included Wes into this world as well that further antagonizes his character because that implies he's essentially watched Danny die and he still thinks it's a good idea to prove Danny is Phantom??? But that's a whole other story.
I'll likely never do a full-blown Corpse AU but I will admit that there is some canon proof that it's a possible thing. In "Splitting Images" we see Sidney Poindexter taking over Danny's body; it's played off as overshadowing but since Danny loses control of his body that directly implies that he and his body are not attached, so to speak.
I enjoy the Astral Projection concept that kinda goes along with that idea, but that's a story for another day.
At the same time, my favorite part of this AU is how it showcases Danny's regenerative abilities. I've made a random mention of it in my fic- Gold, Mine- that Danny can grow himself another 'meat suit'. Or, so long as he has his core, he can recreate flesh and bone. It also means that Danny's halfa status isn't at all dependent on having a living body... because he'll just make himself another one. That does mean that Danny will likely never 'completely die' and come back as a full-ghost. He is quite literally stuck as a halfa forever.
A Corpse AU would probably make the Accident a thousand times more traumatic for Tucker and Sam because they practically relive Danny's death every time he transforms. They have physical evidence of his death and they probably are busy hiding his body while he goes off to fight the ghost of the week. If this is a scenario where he can go back into his body afterwards, then that's probably much easier on their sanity. But if this is a situation where he doesn't... this is why things go badly very fast lol
As for the Batfam... I think it would fuck a good number of them up considering how many members they've lost and gotten back. Even just for Jason they probably have this reoccurring fear that he's going to go one day and not come back and be gone for good and that does things to a person. And then here you have Danny who essentially sheds a body and then possessing it when his soul is done astral projecting, and sometimes you have to wonder... "what happens if he can't come back this time?"
I can see many people begging Danny not to transform into Phantom. Not because his ghostly side scares them but they don't want to lose him. But even as a ghost they won't really lose him, right?
Trauma Central, folks.
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
Headcanons related to KP and Danny Phantom being in the same universe:
Magic is already shown to exist in Kim Possible, and Master Sensei can basically astral project from Japan to Middleton whenever he wants, so ghosts aren’t that much of a stretch.
Amity Park is also such an insulated community that it’s entirely feasible that Danny would’ve never heard of Kim, Ron or their world-saving business. Or at least, it’d be sooo far out into the periphery of his awareness that he doesn’t connect the dots until a long time after meeting Ron. And since all Danny’s business takes place exclusively in Amity or the Ghost Zone (season three Does Not Exist and it Cannot Hurt You; D-Stabilized is sadly the only episode released after season 2 as a Lost Episode), Kim wouldn’t have any reason to be called anywhere near Amity either.
Global Justice and the Guys in White are probably both aware of the other’s existence, though GJ is likely just embarrassed by the GiW’s usual bordering-on-fanatical MO while GiW are of a mind that GJ gets entirely too much funding. Which... going solely off of how many entrances they have to their bases basically everywhere, miiight be fair.
Either way, they don’t talk to each other; they don’t talk about each other.
The idea that Danny, Sam and Tucker wouldn’t have heard about the Lorwardian invasion is a stretch, and they probably did hear mention of it.
After the fact had been largely resolved.
Besides, Sam and Tucker are busy trying to keep Danny from imploding under the stress of living with parents who want to dissect his alter ego while all three are attempting to live out their high school lives and hunt ghosts faster than their less competent competition can make bigger messes out of everything. Liiitle preoccupied, team Phantom.
Though one of the bonus members of team Phantom is aware of the KP & RS crime fighting team, and that’s Danielle; having no real ID or any documentation or a place to call her own, she checks in with Danny and the crew as regularly as she can but doesn’t have quite the same sense of responsibility or loyalty to Amity Park.
She knows. She probably even met Ron and fireworks went off in her head; because duh, Kim Possible’s boyfriend.
She just didn’t say anything because I assumed you already knew? Doesn’t everybody know who they are?
Any butt.
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Borrowed Power
Normally, Phantom ignores Undergrowth when they complain about people tapping into their abilities to manipulate plants. More often than not, it’s just some farmer that accidentally grew a larger than average pumpkin or something. But when word gets back to him that it was used to start a zombie apocalypse, however short-lived, he knows that it warrants further investigation. Danny Phantom X Harley Quinn crossover Set after season 3 of Harley Quinn, where Poison Ivy taps into “The Green”(in this case, Undergrowth’s powers) to take control of the plant zombies created by Bruce Wayne. (Ivy was totally astral projecting into the Ghost Zone before getting her power boost.)
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ecto-stone · 1 year
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Man i'm digging this Game already.
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r-a-m-s · 7 months
Ok so this post isn't 100% related to just RAMS and the storyline but I think it fits better here than my main.
I am OBSESSED with this little group I'm calling the superfreaks. They are so silly and I am writing a lil thing for them!! (reblog if you want a lil snip of it :D)
basically, theres 5 of them
THE COPYCAT - Felix! He can copy other peoples powers for 10 minutes at a time, and he can do multiple at once! The only downside is that he is more easily burnt out and overworked because of his constant inexperience with these new powers, meaning he doesn't know how to use them as well, so he has to be careful or he overloads.
THE STOPWATCH - Danny! Danny can freeze time when he holds his breath! I don't know as much about his powers as a whole BUT he's very silly and he has a crush on Kasey.
THE SPARKLER - Kasey! He/they pronouns. Kale's younger sibling. They have hard light projection powers, but usually he just sparkles and glows! Crush on Danny.
THE PHANTOM - Benji! He's dead (LIB things) and can fly, as well as has ghosty powers. Think Danny Phantom, but arguably cooler. Astral Projection, all that shit. He's so cool :holds him:
and last but not least,
THE MEDIC - Alfie! Healing powers. Cannot raise the dead though, it goes wrong every time. Healing powers work on anything living, including plants. He later learns he can manipulate plant growth as well.
if you have ANY questions, lemme know! i love these silly bois (gender neutral) and all that they can do.
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lexlokiy · 3 years
BRB writing a Danny Phantom AU where instead of "going ghost", Danny Astral projects his ghost form and has to leave his body/corpse lying in strange places while he fights other ghosts.
The establishing image for this AU is Danny's body lying peacefully in his bed, a ragged piece of cardboard clutched in his hands with a messy "I Ain't DeAD" scrawled in sharpie.
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how do you do fellow kids
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notxjustxstories · 4 years
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Nia Matthews, I’m a Few -- “I may be a clone, but at least I can come up with a plan to get us out of this.”
everything tag: @witchofinterest @perfectlystiles @foxesandmagic @megdonnellys @villanele @randomfandoming1 @ocfairygodmother@oreostars @bravelittleflower @ochub @abbysarcane @anotherunreadblog
(if you would like to be added, just shoot me an ask!)
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its-saturnus-c-daae · 6 years
Taokuoh. Astral Projection. 2017. Mutable.
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