#daddy dia
luxthestrange · 2 years
Incorrect quotes#773 Dia & Supermarkets
In a supermarket, Diavolo is crying his heart out and Employe comes to him
Employee: Are you okay?
Dia*Sniffles and looks at employe*NO! I came here with my spouse and now I can't find them!
Employee: Aww, Im sure they are here somewhere big guy~*Offer hand to him*Come on I'll help you find them~
Dia*Wipes face with sleeve and grabs his hand,hiccups*O-ok...
At the courtesy booth
Employee: Can Mc come to the courtesy booth? We have a lil' gift for you~
Dia*Giggles as he licks a lollipop he was given*Hehehe~
Mc*Coming with a cart full of groceries and with Luke inside the cart,smilling*Im Mc-OH FOR GOD'S SAKE DIA
Dia: YAAAAAY!Mccccccc!~
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tbh...all the demons are like this by now...
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witheredapple · 2 months
Lucifer: Ok, fine! I slept with Diavolo back when I was an angel, ok?! But it was just sex! Nothing else happened.
The brothers:
The brothers: *Looks at Satan*
Diavolo: *gasps and cries happy tears* ...son?
Satan: NO!
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helloimamistake · 2 years
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Barbatos who literally have to take care of him for the rest of his life, only for him to only like his cooking and nothing else:
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tevanbuckley · 3 months
A large portion of bt fans (if not all) believe tommy will have a big part in the Gerrard storyline based on how often he was mentioned in bucktommy's scene, which is fair. And I truly hope he will, but my pessimistic side keeps wondering if that's the only purpose of it, to set up the storyline and that's it.
But I also think that they didn't have to add the bit about tommy's dad if they didn't wanna dig it up later, it added depth to his character.
I don't wanna get my hopes up too high, but I kinda can't help it. Tommy is interesting character to explore.
[disclaimer: the writers aren’t infallible and storylines don’t always live up to their potential, so like never say never ya know]
could tommy have been just a means to remind the audience about gerrard, sure, but out of everyone it’s tommy who gerrard goes out of his way to antagonise at the medal ceremony (even his jab at chimney comes after he steps between them), and it's tommy who name drops him again before the captaincy reveal at the end of 7.10. imo he's already tied into the story past the set up.
having said that, i'm not expecting the gerrard plot to really be about tommy. think of karen’s role in the mara/councilwoman arc, she’s present and important but she’s never the focus. so even if we do get some deeper info about tommy’s time at the 118, i'd expect that to be filtered through buck's pov.
re: his dad/family, I'm not sure if they're setting up something specific or fleshing out his character more generally. imo one of the (many) mistakes they made with taylor was trying to add that depth like ~4 seasons in instead of from the get go, and from what tim's said in interviews it seems like they were actively trying to learn from their mistakes with buck's previous LIs. which is another reason i think they at least plan on keeping him around, they've put a lot of work into him and if they scrap his character now they're back at square one.
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hermesmoly · 15 days
Always "Kore" for Persephone and never "Dia" for Hebe. They were both princesses of Olympus okay
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yutofia · 2 months
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jackalopesao3 · 10 months
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Do you mean to say your hot dad is flirting with me?
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luxthestrange · 2 years
Incorrect quotes#667 You had to bail them
The brothers got arrested in the human world...thats it...really
Mam*in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Luci*in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity
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Mc: Sorry it took me so long to bail you all out of jail*After You had to bail the brothers out...with the help of your...sugar daddy best friend Dia help*
Mam: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
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yoursselo · 1 year
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i hate him so much because what the actual fuck like who gave you permission to be this hot
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witheredapple · 1 month
Lucifer: Michael? What are you doing down here?
Michael: I heard you had a son with Diavolo and I thought it would be nice to see my nephew for the first time
Lucifer: Not your nephew, Michael
Michael: *Looks at Satan*
Satan: ?
Michael: *looks him up and down* hm, he’s not identical to Diavolo as they said he was
Michael: But I guess I can see a bit of Diavolo’s features in him
Satan: WHAT?!
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dias-sketchbook · 2 years
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Another NPC for a game! His name is Nemak but friends and fam call him Big Mak for short (he has also been dubbed Orc Daddy by my cousin lmao)
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mageofseven · 1 year
Imagine that instead of dating them, MC basically takes up the job of being the Boys' Mom (regardless of MC's actual gender).
None of those men have ever had a mom (Dia never met his, the angels and former angels never had one, Solomon probably doesn't even remember his, and how the fuck was Barb even made??), but feel strangely comfortable with this human playing such role in their life.
Some of the Boys love it and fight over MC, others complain but secretly love how much the human cares for them, and others try to be the best son possible for their new human Mommy 🥰
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xlucyx-universex · 11 months
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aló baby
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im back 🎃
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anifffff · 1 year
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daddy? sorry- daddy? sorry- daddy? sorry
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yutofia · 2 months
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
I am going a little bit insane over this 🥵💗💗
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