#Creative writing
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pheonix518 · 2 days ago
constantly switching between all three. People are worried, the doctors have run their tests and there is no cure.
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byoldervine · 3 days ago
Idk who needs to hear this but just because your writing isn’t good yet doesn’t mean it’s bad either
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creativepromptsforwriting · 12 hours ago
Hero x Villain Prompts
They may be archenemies, but outsiders couldn't really tell, because they only call each other by cute nicknames.
One of the villain's experiments goes wrong (or right?) and it body-swaps them with the hero. Now they are having an annoying sidekick by their side and get to know the hero and their life more.
The villain has lost their immortality and when the hero finds out, the villain expects them to finally end their feud for good.
Being friends with both the designated hero and the villain was taking a toll on them.
The hero and the villain grew up together on the same street and it's still always awkward to meet each other's mothers and them treating them like the little boys they once were.
When the villain loses their memories, the city decides that they can end the fighting by acting like the villain is just a normal person. But they have to live with the hero, in case they get their memories back.
The hero and the villain have to work together to defeat the greater evil, putting aside their differences and issues with each other.
The villain disguises themself to get close to the hero as a new friend. And they get really close. So close that they don't want to think about eventually having to betray their new friend.
More: Hero & Villain Masterpost
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 days ago
Writing Notes: Intimacy
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Intimacy - an integral part of a healthy relationship and essential in building bonds within interpersonal relationships.
To honestly know and feel emotionally close to another person, developing intimacy with them through appreciation and affection is crucial.
Feeling close and comfortable with partners is the key to long-lasting relationships.
Ways to Build Intimacy in a Relationship
It takes effort to build and maintain intimate relationships as people can grow and change. Consider the following ways to increase the level of intimacy in relationships:
Show your appreciation. Showing appreciation demonstrates that you value the other person in a relationship. You can show appreciation by saying thank you, buying gifts, and returning favors.
Display physical affection. Intimacy commonly refers to sexual activity, but there are many ways to build physical intimacy. Hug your loved ones and give them a shoulder to lean on to strengthen the bond between you. If you are in a sexual relationship, holding hands in public and cuddling can help maintain intimacy and a healthy sex life.
Work on communication. No matter how long you’ve known each other, there’s always more to discover about your loved ones. Human beings grow and change. Make an effort to learn about each other on a deeper level by asking questions and listening. The more you talk to each other, the more layers you will uncover about the other person. Communication can help build emotional closeness.
Spend time together. Schedule time together to share an experience and learn more about each other. Prioritizing friend dates and romantic dates can strengthen your relationships.
Work on a project together. Do an activity together you both enjoy. Activities, particularly challenging ones, can give you time to bond and can help build your experiential intimacy.
Intellectual Intimacy - the intellectual connection between two people in a romantic relationship.
To share intimacy of any sort, people need to feel they can be their true selves around their significant other.
On an intellectual level, this means feeling happy to freely share opinions about current events, enjoy similar forms of entertainment, or learn how to do new things together.
Benefits of Intellectual Intimacy
Intellectual intimacy helps build a foundation for successful relationships. Here are just three key benefits to expect when you become more intellectually intimate with your partner:
Greater intellectual stimulation: Both parties in a relationship stand to gain from intellectual intimacy on a purely individual level. If you and your partner share the same interests, it’s far easier to stimulate each other on an intellectual plane than if you had no common ground.
Increased connection: Even though intellectual intimacy might sound quite cerebral, it can bring about an extensive degree of emotional closeness as well. It can help improve your mental health and counteract any insecurities you might have since you’ll develop greater confidence as you see a person you love taking your thoughts and interests seriously. This mutual sense of love and respect is essential to any healthy relationship.
More common ground: The more things you share in common, the more opportunities you have to create a feeling of safety and security for your partner. People feel at ease around others who see the world in roughly the same way as they do. This can help both of you get over any residual fear of intimacy and improve the well-being of your relationship.
How to Build Intellectual Intimacy
Sharing similar interests is just the beginning of intellectual intimacy. Keep these tips in mind while building intimacy with your significant other on an intellectual level:
Ask about your partner’s opinions. Create a safe space for your partner to earnestly share their opinions about both trivial and deep topics. Allow them to work through insecurities and past traumas with you. Talk about your opinions on world events.
Learn new skills together. The more common interests you share, the richer your connection will be. Find hobbies you both have an interest in and commit to pursuing them together. If you’re having a hard time deciding on a specific pursuit, consider asking a therapist or relationship coach for advice.
Plan a vacation together. When you go through life together, you grow closer simply by experiencing the same things. Put your heads together to plan a romantic getaway. Along the way, you’ll learn how both of you think and problem-solve, as well as how you can complement each other. This allows you to pair experiential intimacy with intellectual closeness.
Share your favorite media with each other. Watch movies and television shows together. Read the same books. Share memes and online videos with each other that you think the other will find funny. Send each other news articles. You'll feel closer to each other when you share a similar attitude and outlook about the world.
Talk about core values. Spend time learning how your partner feels about the world. It’s better to seek out commonalities in a relationship than to constantly attack another person’s point of view. Be honest with each other about your personal values so you can be sure you’re a good match.
Types of Intimacy
Intellectual intimacy is one aspect of a loving relationship. Consider 3 more types of closeness worth cultivating:
Emotional intimacy: Connecting on an emotional level is essential to any relationship. Emotional intimacy means learning to share the ups and downs of each other’s lives through good times and bad. It means being a shoulder to cry on, a person to laugh with, or a calming presence in times of stress. At the same time, it means relying on your partner to provide you with emotional support when you need it, too.
Sexual intimacy: Your sex life is one part of your relationship, but it’s still an important one. Physical intimacy often operates as an outward act to solidify how both you and your partner feel about each other on a deeper level. When you connect with your significant other on an emotional and intellectual level, you’ll likely have a richer sexual relationship as a result.
Spiritual intimacy: If you hold spiritual beliefs, sharing the same worldview with your partner affords you both an opportunity for even deeper intimacy. In contrast, if you come from different schools of thought, you can still learn a lot from each other and grow closer as a result.
Spiritual Intimacy - the connection between two people over a system of beliefs. 
Romantic partners might be devoted to more than just each other.
Both people, or maybe just one, might also have a religious life in which they believe in the existence of a god, a higher power, or some other divine or special being. Couples who have a spiritual life will find spiritual intimacy integral to their relationship’s well-being.
Couples building spiritual intimacy will find that practicing religion together can strengthen emotional intimacy and fortify a long-term or marriage relationship.
For some, spiritual matters are crucial to finding a partner of the same faith.
Historically, this was common practice—single people and matchmakers would seek out like-minded individuals as partners—and still is in some parts of the world.
Today, however, spiritual relationships can be more fluid; people with different views on God’s love, the afterlife, and prayer are more likely to intermingle and experience a rich spiritual closeness.
Examples of Spiritual Intimacy
Spiritual intimacy can take many forms, many of which benefit the spouses or partners and the health of their relationship. Signs of spiritual intimacy include:
Clear support: Faith offers many people a support system. You can give your partner prayer requests in hard times to know they are considering you and your relationship needs.
Emotional closeness: Discussing faith can mean pondering life’s big questions. This can open couples up to one another and lead to sharing feelings and tighter bonds.
Physical intimacy: Some faiths prescribe how to practice physical intimacy. This can give couples clear guidelines with which to work. Similarly, practicing faith can bring people closer, intensifying their sexual chemistry.
Strong trust: Sharing a set of beliefs can elicit greater trust. Knowing another person’s value system often means understanding how they will behave and what practices they will follow.
How to Foster a Spiritual Connection With Someone
You can engender a stronger spiritual relationship in a few ways. Consider the following methods to promote spiritual growth in a relationship:
Celebrate high holidays. Infuse the high holidays with festive flair and enthusiasm. You can also celebrate the holidays of other religions with friends and family who practice them to give you a deeper appreciation of others’ faith.
Commit to self-love. Practice kindness when it comes to yourself and your interactions with your partner and others. When you love your true self and practice radical self-acceptance, you are better prepared to accept and love others, too—maybe even despite their flaws.
Practice your faith. Set aside time to practice your religion with your partner. You might attend a study group (such as a Bible study), visit a house of worship, or even listen to a spiritual podcast together.
Share your weaknesses. To forge a deeper connection, share your shortcomings and the ways in which faith has been instrumental in your personal growth. Be truthful with your partner.
Emotional Intimacy - the vulnerability and trust that significant others build with one another to sustain a healthy relationship.
This form of intimacy shows emotional support between romantic partners.
Intimate relationships rely on more than physical attraction; building emotional bonds can increase relationship satisfaction and make each person feel appreciated, heard, and loved.
A lack of emotional intimacy can make partners feel distant and unloved.
Examples of Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy can take many forms. Consider the following qualities of an emotionally intimate partner and examples of how to express emotional intimacy:
Appreciative: Expressing thanks is a small act that can quickly communicate how much your partner means to you and how you appreciate their help and support.
Vulnerable: Being vulnerable is a crucial aspect of emotional intimacy. Openly expressing your feelings invites your partner to do the same and shows that no topic is taboo.
Supportive: Stay attuned to your partner’s needs to build emotional intimacy. If your partner experiences stress, be present and available and volunteer to step in and assist.
Thoughtful: Sometimes, it’s the little things that display emotional intelligence: You can buy your partner flowers or gifts, take them out for a date night, or write them a card on a special day or anniversary. Proactively showing affection is an excellent way to express love for your partner.
How to Build Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy contributes to the success of a sustained relationship. Consider the following methods to build emotional vulnerability in a relationship:
Ask your partner how they feel. Sharing your emotions is a necessary process in a successful relationship. Ask your partner how they feel, and know they may return the question to you. Be thoughtful about what you share and express. Practicing vulnerability with each other can help build trust in a relationship.
Change up your routine. Changing daily habits and patterns in your relationship can show new paths outside the comfort zone that may invite greater vulnerability.
Give affirmations freely. Sometimes, you get what you give. If you readily provide words of affirmation, your partner may return compliments to you and stimulate a stronger emotional bond.
Keep a journal. You may have an easier time writing down feelings than expressing them outwardly. Keep a journal to connect with your emotions and better understand how to communicate them with others.
See a relationship coach. Therapists or relationship coaches can help partners better understand how they communicate and show emotional intimacy toward one another.
Sexual Intimacy - a connection between sexual partners that relies on simultaneous physical attraction and emotional vulnerability.
The physical act of sex can be stimulating, but deeper feelings, trust, and care promote sexual chemistry in intimate relationships.
Building sexual intimacy through an emotional connection can lead to more satisfying sexual experiences.
Sexual, emotional, experiential, intellectual, and physical intimacy all contribute to healthy, lasting relationships.
Sexually Intimate vs. Sexually Disconnected
Sexually intimate and sexually disconnected relationships can both involve physical contact and genital stimulation, but they differ emotionally.
Sexual intimacy comes from a positive place: a generosity between sexual partners and a desire to pleasure one another.
Sexual intimacy necessitates vulnerability, risk-taking, and trust.
Sexually disconnected partners, meanwhile, might have sex but struggle with trust and other forms of intimacy, such as nonsexual physical touch or emotional intimacy.
In disconnected relationships, partners want to experience sexual pleasure, but the sex often becomes more rote and less intense.
This might happen to long-term relationships or married couples not working on spicing up their sex life.
Sometimes, couples without intimacy stop having sex entirely, which can breed resentment.
Benefits of Sexual Intimacy
Building sexual intimacy can have several physical and mental health benefits. Consider the following advantages:
Connectivity: Sexual intimacy brings two people closer through communication and understanding. Deep emotional bonds can lead to better sex. Emotional connectedness is an important factor for sexual activity involving kink and sexual fantasies.
Endorphins: Sex releases feel-good endorphins that lead to stress reduction and happiness, which help your overall well-being.
Mental health: Sex can center your breathing and help you relax, improving your mental health.
Self-esteem: Awakening your sexual self and feeling desired by another can increase your self-esteem and make you move through the world more confidently.
How to Build Sexual Intimacy
If you have intimacy issues or want to build sexual chemistry with a new partner, try these tactics:
Ask your partner what they want. All relationships require open communication, particularly when it comes to sex. See if your partner has any preferences and support their desires.
Delay sex. With new couples, delaying sex can increase desire. Waiting a little longer to have sex can keep a charge in the air and boost your sex drive.
Give new positions a try. Change your regular sexual practices; you may find that you like something new. You can also try having sex at different times of the day to see if your mood shifts.
Keep a journal. Writing about intimacy in a journal can help you identify issues and relationship needs.
See a sex therapist. Couples and individuals can also start sex therapy. Professional sex therapists give partners prompts and techniques to break down barriers, speak more openly, and engage in more vulnerable sexual activity.
Nonphysical Ways to Foster Sexual Intimacy
Kissing and vaginal, anal, and oral sex involve physical touch, but there are also nonphysical ways for romantic partners to practice foreplay or foster sexual intimacy. 
Sexting—sending sexy text messages—is one way to stimulate you and your partner, and sustained eye contact or verbal banter and flirting are other methods to manifest attraction.
Sometimes, these acts lead to physical intimacy, such as hugging, kissing, or cuddling.
However, they do not have to—withholding from sex can augment sexual desire and lead to more satisfying sexual experiences.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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kzlatkova · 29 days ago
Anyone who's ever done anything creative needs to fucking see this.
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theaftersundown · 1 month ago
*writes two paragraphs after months of literally nothing and it took three hours*
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differentnighttale · 9 hours ago
Slay !!!!!!!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months ago
sometimes a theme recurs in your work without your permission. and sometimes it reaches a threshold where you're like. well now i think this is saying something about me against my will. don't know what though
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charbroiledchicken · 2 months ago
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if it's good enough for you, then it deserves to be made. don't let anyone else decide if your story is worth it or not.
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sourdough-seal · 11 months ago
“omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it
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differentnighttale · 20 hours ago
Disgusting teacher.
A lot of people speak other languages and even are Americans.
Poor students.
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soul-from-another-era · 8 months ago
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Unconditional love isn't a free pass to hurt me.
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hayatheauthor · 4 months ago
10 Non-Lethal Injuries to Add Pain to Your Writing
New Part: 10 Lethal Injury Ideas
If you need a simple way to make your characters feel pain, here are some ideas: 
1. Sprained Ankle
A common injury that can severely limit mobility. This is useful because your characters will have to experience a mild struggle and adapt their plans to their new lack of mobiliy. Perfect to add tension to a chase scene.
2. Rib Contusion
A painful bruise on the ribs can make breathing difficult, helping you sneak in those ragged wheezes during a fight scene. Could also be used for something sport-related! It's impactful enough to leave a lingering pain but not enough to hinder their overall movement.
3. Concussions
This common brain injury can lead to confusion, dizziness, and mood swings, affecting a character’s judgment heavily. It can also cause mild amnesia.
I enjoy using concussions when you need another character to subtly take over the fight/scene, it's an easy way to switch POVs. You could also use it if you need a 'cute' recovery moment with A and B.
4. Fractured Finger
A broken finger can complicate tasks that require fine motor skills. This would be perfect for characters like artists, writers, etc. Or, a fighter who brushes it off as nothing till they try to throw a punch and are hit with pain.
5. Road Rash
Road rash is an abrasion caused by friction. Aka scraping skin. The raw, painful sting resulting from a fall can be a quick but effective way to add pain to your writing. Tip: it's great if you need a mild injury for a child.
6. Shoulder Dislocation
This injury can be excruciating and often leads to an inability to use one arm, forcing characters to confront their limitations while adding urgency to their situation. Good for torture scenes.
7. Deep Laceration
A deep laceration is a cut that requires stitches. As someone who got stitches as a kid, they really aren't that bad! A 2-3 inch wound (in length) provides just enough pain and blood to add that dramatic flair to your writing while not severely deterring your character.
This is also a great wound to look back on since it often scars. Note: the deeper and wider the cut the worse your character's condition. Don't give them a 5 inch deep gash and call that mild.
8. Burns
Whether from fire, chemicals, or hot surfaces, burns can cause intense suffering and lingering trauma. Like the previous injury, the lasting physical and emotional trauma of a burn is a great wound for characters to look back on.
If you want to explore writing burns, read here.
9. Pulled Muscle
This can create ongoing pain and restrict movement, offering a window to force your character to lean on another. Note: I personally use muscle related injuries when I want to focus more on the pain and sprains to focus on a lack of mobility.
10. Tendonitis
Inflammation of a tendon can cause chronic pain and limit a character's ability to perform tasks they usually take for granted. When exploring tendonitis make sure you research well as this can easily turn into a more severe injury.
This is a quick, brief list of ideas to provide writers inspiration. Since it is a shorter blog, I have not covered the injuries in detail. This is inspiration, not a thorough guide. Happy writing! :)
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prompt-heaven · 1 year ago
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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when it's raining on the bus play music from a beloved movie and it's like the beginning of a story. notice the feeling of warmth you get when you put your clothes on. enjoy the noise of the typing on your phone or computer. touch your skin and smell your food. notice how pretty everyone is, and wonder what kind of film their story is.
Romanticizing your life sounds so stupid but it will help you cope. Taking extra time to make a yummie coffee in the morning, sitting outide observing the wind in the trees, writing poems, going to old book stores, watching your childhood favourite movies, listening to romantic jazz, writing in a coffee shop, making sure you have moody lighting in your room, putting on asmr rooms as a background noise while you work. It's not a solution, but it makes things a bit better.
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