#Michael has joined the party
witheredapple · 1 month
Lucifer: Michael? What are you doing down here?
Michael: I heard you had a son with Diavolo and I thought it would be nice to see my nephew for the first time
Lucifer: Not your nephew, Michael
Michael: *Looks at Satan*
Satan: ?
Michael: *looks him up and down* hm, he’s not identical to Diavolo as they said he was
Michael: But I guess I can see a bit of Diavolo’s features in him
Satan: WHAT?!
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please tell us more about your mad theory about the tories getting rid of Sunak?
So the Tories currently have two (2) major problems.
Problem the first: they are about to lose power as soon as the GE rolls around, which it must do by January 2025 at the absolute latest. And the country is baying for one sooner.
This is very much preoccupying their minds at the minute. The rich and powerful will never willingly let you vote away their wealth and power, and to put this into perspective, the Tory party has ruled this country either jointly or alone for over a decade at this point. One of David Cameron's strategies as leader was to focus on recruitment of young and exciting diverse Tories into the party, which is how we got such stellar entries as Liz Truss and Priti Patel and Suella Braverman. These are MPs, therefore, who have never known political life outside of being on the winning side. They are seeing the end of the gravy train in sight, and they are taking it as well as you'd expect.
This is why the infighting is so rife (partly; bear with). The main thing they care about right now is making the party electable again, and fast.
Problem the second: like all good fascist dictators, when Boris Johnson came to power, he fired everyone who said anything bad about him for disloyalty, and promoted all his personal friends. This is how we got such stellar entries as Nadine Dorries and Jacob Rees Mogg and Michael Fabricant. But THAT'S an issue because saying bad things about BJ is basically what intelligent people did, because the man was a useless blundering oaf who killed horrifying numbers of his own electorate via the world's second worst mismanagement of a global pandemic. So removing anyone who criticised him meant, in very real terms, removing the only Tories with half a brain who were even a fraction capable of doing joined up thinking required to run a country. Like, fuck every Tory with a cactus, obviously, but they did at least used to have competent, high calibre politicians, however evil and grotesque they were. David Cameron should die in a cesspit, but he was capable of remembering to put the bins out (before wage cutting the refuse collectors).
And therein lies the real problem: okay, BJ is gone, the party is in ruin, they're staring down the barrel of the most humiliating election defeat in history. They need someone competent that they all like who can take the reins and make people like them again.
But who's left?
There's no one. There's no one left. Not just because the remaining Tories are too low calibre to lead; they're too low calibre to even be able to pick someone without shrieking like cliquey little harridans on the playground about how the wrong in-group got in. Half of them are still BJ loyalists who hate anyone who criticise The Great Brexit Leader. The other half hate BJ for managing to make everyone hate the Tories so much that they're in this mess. Both halves are willing to sabotage the chosen leader of the other, locked in a battle of mutually assured destruction.
So how does Sunak fit into this?
He's unpopular in the party to a truly staggering degree, and not much better in the eyes of the public. He's tried to take a centrist stance on BJ, but that's actually just pissed off both sides. He did manage to stabilise the economy somewhat after the appalling mess Liz Truss threw it into, but he hasn't actually fixed it - we're still mid-cost of living crisis, we're still inexplicably not rich after Brexit like Boris prommied, inflation is still at an all time high as public services crash. The public hates him.
And he hasn't made the public stop hating the Tories. That petition calling for a GE is great, because it won't happen - BUT, it does force the issue to be debated in Parliament with opposition parties getting to stick the boot in, which means the humiliation continues. The Tories are starting to get desperate again.
And because this lot of Tories are, as mentioned, utterly terrible low-calibre political idiots, their response to this pressure has for the last four years been to oust the leader and get another.
And the first letters of no confidence have been sent into the 1922 Committee already. The devil moves fast, but knuckle dragging Tories with a fifth of a braincell each move faster.
And thanks to the absolute fucking state of them all... I cannot believe I'm saying these words, but genuinely the best person they have left who could possibly do the job is, of all fucking people, Michael Fucking Gove, and it won't even be him because he was mean to Boris once.
So yeah. I reckon Sunak may be out in six months. Fuck knows who we get instead. Probably Penny Mordaunt.
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goddessofvalyria · 28 days
MANEATER | Michael Gavey x fem!reader.
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Summary: The popular girl meet Michael Gavey, the nerd boy who has a crush on her at the party. This one-shot is based on "Maneater" a song by Nelly Furtado.
TW: 18+, MINORS DNI, She/Her pronouns (she is described very beautiful, charming and fashionable and she has a friend named Milly), she and Milly kissing for joke making Michael horny. Oral (f receiving), masturbation (f and m receiving) SMUT, sexual tension, sex, sex, sex, Michael being insecure and virgin.
English is not my first language, be kind <3
This is my Masterlist
Words: 5421
Oxford, 2006.
The club was located a few minutes outside Oxford University. As soon as we entered, it was a whirlwind of lights and deafening music. She and her best friend Milly arrived together and as soon as we entered, she felt all eyes on her. Sure, she was the most beautiful girl in the whole university, the most popular and also the biggest bitch. She was wearing a sparkly top and a glittery fishnet skirt, her hair left loose and a strong perfume covering her skin. She was so beautiful and confident, she walked through the crowd leaving the scent in her wake. Michael Gavey, the nerd of Oxford was there all alone. His only friend Oliver Quick had convinced him, before leaving him alone and joining Felix Catto's group. She saw immediately, his face was a mask of discomfort in the crowd, his gaze searching for something - or someone. Oliver and Felix were already drunk, a cumbersome and provocative presence, making a mess with their group of stupid friends. Michael wanted to go back to his dorm and study or maybe read something about math, he had no idea why he had agreed to go to a place where he felt out of place and uncomfortable. He was wearing a shirt and cargo pants, his sweater over his shoulders and his rectangular glasses on his face. He hated that place. He had tried to socialize, but they had all kicked him out.
Milly grabbed her friend's hand and dragged her to the dance floor. They danced to the music, trying to get lost in it, but she could still feel everyone's eyes on her and she couldn't help but appreciate it. She loved being looked at, especially by boys and their ugly, jealous girlfriends. That was shortly after, when Michael Gavey saw her. She was the most beautiful girl in all of Oxford and everyone, absolutely everyone had a crush on her. And he, like a poor fool, had fallen for it. It was enough for him to see her in the hallways of the school at the beginning of the year, her hair loose, dressed in mini skirt, a top that she wore without a bra and the trail of perfume she left when she passed in front of him. She had noticed it several times, but Michael knew that those like her were maneaters, girls who only wanted to appear and never really be. Girls like her were diabolical and in his sarcastic nerd mind, even a little slutty. It was not new that she had fucked with some boys in her math class and other rumors said that she had had a threesome with Felix Catton and Oliver Quick. But this last gossip, was just his supposition.
"She would fuck them all, if she could" Michael spat acidly, watching her dance and move her ass. She and her best friend danced almost in symbiosis, moving in sync against each other. Michael continued to watch them, but he knew the technique of those two damn girls: they acted that way to excite the boys and then fuck them in the bathrooms. One was more diabolical than the other.
She noticed, Michael Gavey was not taking his eyes off her and her best friend, so she looked at Milly. "The loser is watching us" he shouts in her ear. "Michael Gavey, the fucking nerd loser who wants to fuck?" Milly laughed.
"Yes exactly, little Mikey" she laughed. "What do you say, we make him lose his mind?" she joked. "He's looking at us like he wants to get a hand job right here and now" Milly continues. "I'm in" she agrees, so the two girls come closer and kiss with tongue. It's not the first time they've done it, in a disco, they do it almost all the time. It's their technique and it's always worked. The relationship between her and Milly is purely platonic, as they consider each other like sisters.
Michael Gavey froze when he saw them kiss. His heart skipped a beat, and his face flushed a deep crimson. For a moment, he couldn’t move, couldn’t think—his mind was a whirl of conflicting emotions, a cocktail of lust, disgust, and shame. He had heard the rumors, the whispers in the halls, and the taunting jeers from guys like Felix, but seeing it with his own eyes was something else entirely. He had known she was provocative, knew she liked the attention, but this was different. This was cruel.
The kiss between her and Milly was anything but innocent; it was a performance, deliberate and calculated. Michael’s stomach twisted as he realized they were doing it for the attention—his attention. It was as if they knew he was watching, knew he was the one fool enough to be entranced by their display. He could feel the mocking laughter bubbling up in his throat, but it was aimed at himself. He had always been the outsider, the nerd who didn’t belong, and now he was the butt of their joke.
As they pulled apart, their eyes flicked towards him, confirming his suspicions. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms. He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t tear his eyes from her. She was laughing, that cruel, beautiful laugh that made him feel so small. He hated her in that moment, hated her for making him feel this way, for making him want something he could never have.
But even as he felt the anger rise within him, there was another emotion lurking just beneath the surface—desire. It disgusted him, this twisted need to be noticed by her, to be the focus of her attention, even if it was only to be humiliated. He cursed himself for it, but the desire was there all the same, gnawing at him, making him feel dirty and pathetic.
Michael turned away, his face burning with shame. He could still hear their laughter over the thumping bass of the music, and it felt like knives in his chest. He had to get out of there, away from the lights, the noise, and the suffocating sense of inadequacy that clung to him like a second skin. He pushed through the crowd, his movements jerky and frantic, desperate to escape the scene, to find a quiet corner where he could be alone with his humiliation.
The music pulsed around them as she and Milly continued to dance. She tried to shake off the tension, losing herself in the rhythm of the song. Milly moved closer to her, a sly smile on her face. “Sister, did you see Michael Gavey’s face when he saw us kiss?” she shouted over the music, laughing. “Damn, I bet he got horny…”
“He’s always so into studying, like having fun is a mortal sin.” She took a cigarette from her clutch and put it between her lips. Milly nodded vigorously, her smile growing wider. “That’s right! He’s such a loser. Sometimes I wonder if he even knows how to have fun, but he definitely got horny a little while ago and is probably in the bathroom jerking off.”
Milly took her hand, spinning her around. “Speaking of Michael Gavey, have you heard the gossip about him?” I raised an eyebrow, curious. “What gossip?”
“He’s a fucking virgin and he thinks you’re a whore because Oliver Quick, that bastard, spread the word that you, him and Felix Catton had a threesome.” Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. “Really? What the fuck, men are so pathetic when you reject them.” Milly nodded, her eyes shining with excitement at the gossip. “Yeah, it’s pretty disgusting, isn’t it? Imagine their disappointment though, you, the most beautiful girl in Oxford rejecting those two…”
“I decide which boy I fuck when and how,” she replied, visibly annoyed by the gossip. “But if you…” she immediately understood her friend’s intentions. “No!” I held up my hands as I took another cigarette from my clutch. “Not tonight.” “Seduce and fuck Michael Gavey, go ahead, make your fantasy come true. Let's see if you can loosen him up a bit," I looked at her, surprised and amused. "He disgusts me" she replied rudely. "He's a virgin and he's definitely never kissed anyone, he'd come like a boy in his pants on his first kiss."
Milly shrugged, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Why not? It could be fun, and who knows, maybe you'd discover something interesting. Maybe he's not as boring as he seems." She thought about it for a moment, the idea of ​​accepting the challenge mixed with curiosity. "Okay, I accept the challenge," I finally said, a determined smile on my face. "I'll show you that I'm not afraid."
Milly applauded, enthusiastically "Maybe you'll end up having more fun than you imagine" "With a little virgin?" she approached the aicha dancing to the music. "Who knows, maybe the little virgin has a big dick under those cargo pants and is waiting for you to teach him how to use it." "There he is, he's back," Milly said. "Go and fuck him" The challenge was on, and she knew that tonight would be just the beginning of a dangerous and intriguing game.
The music throbbed around them, adrenaline pumping through their veins. She walked over to Milly’s brother David, who was one of the DJs. “Put this on.” He gave her a knowing smile. “What are you two doing?” “We’re just having fun.” As the music changed to Nelly Furtado’s “Maneater,” she felt the energy in the room rise. She moved toward Michael, feeling everyone’s eyes on her as I made my way through the crowd. The nerd was still looking at her, visibly uncomfortable, but still excited from earlier. With a bold smile, she walked over to him and grabbed his hand.
“Come dance with me, nerd.” He looked hesitant, but before he could refuse, she dragged him onto the dance floor. The music engulfed them, and I began to move to the beat, trying to shake the rigid composure that seemed to bind him. “Honey, if you want to have fun, you’ve got the wrong guy!” From a distance, I could hear the laughter and the derisive shouts towards Michael. The boys in Felix Catton’s group were shouting something incomprehensible, but the tone was clearly provocative. He couldn’t let them ruin his fun.
Everyone’s eyes were on us, but she didn’t care and had only one mission: to make Michael Gavey, the math nerd, give in to her taunts and prove to Milly that she could have any boy she wanted. “So, Michael,” she said, walking closer to him, a provocative smile on my lips. “You…” he looked shocked, her hands on him were simply wonderful. “There are rumors about you,” Michael said stiffly. “Oh yeah? The ones that say I’m a whore? Maybe because the little nerd loser has voiced his thoughts” she moved closer to him, their faces face to face. "I know it was you, I know it was you who started spread around the university the rumor that I had a threesome with Catton and Quick" she grabbed Michael by the shirt. "But no, I didn't fuck them." Michael felt the heat of her body against his. "I think underneath all that composure there's someone who knows how to have fun, huh nerd?"
He laughed softly, shaking his head. “They say you’re a loser, show me you’re not.” She started dancing closer to him, their bodies in sync with the beat of the music. I turned, resting my back against his chest, my hips against his. Every move was a studied tease, every look an invitation. He could feel the tension building, but it was an electrifying tension, full of anticipation. Michael began to relax, responding to my movements. His hands settled delicately on his hips, following the beat of the music. It was clear he was giving in, giving in to the attraction between us.
“See? It’s not that hard, Mikey.” She turned, whispering the words in his ear, her breath hot against his skin. He smiled, looking down for a moment. “You nerdy little loser.” She brought her hand close to his face, tracing the outline of his jaw with her nails. “You’re horny, aren’t you?” Did you like watching me kiss my friend?"
She pulled away slightly, looking him in the eyes. "Mh?" Michael seemed ready to accept the challenge. "Tell me" she slid her hand down his chest, letting it slide down to his cargo belt. "Did you go to the bathroom to jerk off, Mikey?" She grabbed his face with one hand. "Or did you come in my boxers like a little boy?" she continued to tease, Michael felt his cock harden. No, he hadn't gone to the bathroom, but to the bar to drink a bottle of water. At one point, we heard Oliver Quick's voice, closer this time
. "Look who's finally woken up! Michael Gavey the nerd finally having fun, I wonder if he'll be able to fuck her!" Anger shot through her, but she decided to take advantage of the opportunity: she moved even closer to Michael, their lips just inches apart. "Ignore him" she said softly, coaxing him. Her breathing increased, Michael looked at her red lips. "He doesn't have this" she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up at his face. Thanks to the high heels, the height difference had decreased considerably.
"You really are a handsome boy" she murmured persuasively. "I like nerdy boys, they turn me on." She blew on his lips and when she heard Felix and the others mocking Michael again, she kissed him with her tongue in front of them.
Michael’s mind was still reeling from the taunts and the scene he had just witnessed when she suddenly turned her attention to him. He barely had time to register what was happening before she was standing right in front of him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. The air between them crackled with tension, and Michael felt his pulse quicken, his breath catching in his throat.
Without a word, she leaned in, her lips inches from his. He could smell her perfume—intoxicating and sweet, wrapping around him like a drug. His mind screamed at him to pull away, to leave before things spiraled out of control, but his body refused to obey. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, helpless in the face of her allure.
And then, she kissed him.
It was sudden, intense, and completely unexpected. Her lips were soft against his, warm and inviting, and Michael felt a rush of heat flood through his body. His hands moved of their own accord, one tangling in her hair, the other grasping her waist as he pulled her closer. The kiss deepened, their tongues brushing together in a dance that was both electric and desperate.
Every rational thought flew out of Michael’s mind, replaced by a primal hunger that consumed him. He had never felt anything like this before—the raw, unfiltered need that surged through his veins. He could feel her pressing against him, her body fitting perfectly against his, and it drove him wild. The world around them disappeared, the pounding music and the crowd fading into nothingness as they lost themselves in each other.
She was equally caught up in the moment, her usual cool demeanor giving way to something more passionate, more real. Her hands roamed over his chest, pulling him even closer as if she couldn’t get enough. The kiss was messy, needy, and full of the kind of desire neither of them had expected to feel—at least, not for each other.
As the kiss finally broke, both of them were left breathless, their eyes locked in a moment of shared disbelief. Michael’s heart was racing, his body humming with the aftershocks of what had just happened. He saw the same confusion in her eyes, the same unexpected lust that had taken them both by surprise.
Michael was horny as hell and she was soaking wet between his thighs.
She could hear whistles from her best friend in the distance, but she ignored them. "Can I… can I kiss you again?" Michael asked, she nodded. "Michael, put your tongue down my throat, don't let me do it all by myself. Now, fuck, grab me and touch me Michael. I know you want it, everyone does."
At the contact with his lips she sighed, she felt Michael's hands go down to my hips and grab me. "You smell good" Michael whispered, his erection pressing against her hips. Aware that she was half naked, she had to admit that I had lost the bet with Milly. That situation had aroused her and now I just wanted to take him to one of the bathrooms and fuck him.
"I… I want" he whispered between kisses. "Do you want what?" she asked wickedly. "I want to touch you, I want…fuck." Michael panted, her cheeks red. "Do you want to finger me, Mikey?" she spoke, drawing the words out of him. "Yes, I want… to do things to you… what the fuck…" he looked at her as if he wanted to devour her.
"Then do it to me here and now, no one will see us," she moved closer to Michael, pulled him close to her. "Have you ever touched a woman?" she whispered trying to make him feel at ease, he shook his head. "No, he admitted with shame. "But I would like to, I would like to so much."
Michael moved his hand away. on the hem of her mesh miniskirt that showed her thong. "Put your hand under my miniskirt, move my panties to the side and put your fingers in me" she whispered kissing his neck. "Move your middle and ring fingers in and out, your thumb on my clit. I know you're a good, smart boy, I know you'll treat me like I deserve" she connected their lips in a dirty kiss, Michael followed her orders and disappeared his fingers between her thighs. Her skin was smooth, warm.
He slipped his hand between them, with one finger he moved her panties to the side and used his middle and index finger to penetrate her, her pussy was soaking wet, hot and tight. He had seen some porn, locked in his room, nothing compared to this.
"My Good boy" she whispered moaning in her ear, Michael immediately found her clit and began to circle it with his thumb. "You're a fucking whore" he whispered in her ear. "And I want you just like that for me, for your fucking math nerd" she began to move her hips against his fingers, then slipped a hand into his boxers.
"Let me return the favor, nerdy boy" he whispered, letting her finger him. "I know you took pictures" he continued, pulling out his secret weapon. "You do hand jobs on those, huh?" She kissed his neck, Michael pinching her clit. "You're smart then" he whispered. "Cum for me," Michael whispered shortly after, feeling his cheeks flush and his erection ache in her smooth hand.
"Fuck Gavey, don't come in your pants" she whispered, moving her hand, caressing the tip of it. "Come on my fingers," Michael had his forehead resting on her shoulder, and she felt her legs tremble. "Mikey, oh fuck" she whispered kissing him and shortly after came on his fingers.
"My good girl" Michael whispered excitedly. "Do you want to have sex?" she asked feeling his excitement dripping down her thighs. Michael nodded, "Fuck yes" he whispered out of himself not recognizing himself anymore.
"Let's go to the bathroom Michael, I have the condoms" she gave him one last kiss to calm him down, took his hand and they disappeared behind the doors of the women's bathroom.
No one had noticed what had happened except Milly who had been watching them the whole time, but now she too found herself busy with one of the boys, more precisely with Felix Catton. She wanted to make him pay.
She grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him toward the bathroom, her grip firm and determined. The club's lights and noise faded as they hurried down the hallway, her intentions clear as she led him to one of the stalls. Once inside, she slammed the door shut behind them, locking it with a quick twist of her wrist. The small, confined space was suddenly filled with an intense, almost palpable tension.
Without giving him a chance to think, she pushed Michael against the door and kissed him fiercely, her hands gripping his shoulders. Michael was overwhelmed, his mind spinning from the intensity of her kiss and the suddenness of it all. His back hit the cold metal of the door, and a shiver ran down his spine, but it wasn’t from the cold.
In between kisses, he managed to stammer, “I—I’m a virgin…”
She paused for a brief moment, her eyes searching his, but instead of laughing or mocking him, she nodded, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Don’t worry” she whispered, her voice low and reassuring. “I’ll take care of you.”
Then, she kissed him again, more gently this time, her hands moving to cup his face. Michael’s heart pounded in his chest, his nerves and excitement mixing in a heady rush that made his legs feel weak. He had never been in a situation like this before, had never imagined that she would be the one to lead him into it. But there was no hesitation in her, no doubt, and it gave him a strange kind of confidence.
She pressed closer to him, her body warm against his, as her hands began to explore, pulling his shirt up and over his head. Michael’s breath hitched as she continued, her touch both firm and tender, guiding him as their clothes quickly became a forgotten heap on the bathroom floor.
Her naked body was fucking divine, she was a fucking Goddess. Michael held her out. "First… I… wonder if… I can taste you" he whispered shyly, his cock was erect, long and hard. She licked her lips. "Yes" she whispered. "But you have to kneel down, pretty boy" she whispered almost with amusement.
Michael was embarrassed, but he knelt down in front of her kissing her on her cunt. "You smell good and you look so beautiful" he whispered looking up at her. She brought her hands up to his face, grabbing his glasses and taking them off. "You're so sweet" she whispered throwing them on the pile of clothes. "How… how do I do this?" he asked placing his hands on her thighs.
"Let me show you" she replied amused, lifting one leg up to Michael's shoulder. "Open me up like this first" she whispered bringing two fingers to her pussy. "With two fingers" she opened for him. "And then you lick me" she lowered her face, caressing his lips. "I know you can do it, Mikey" Michael nodded burying his head between her thighs, fuck it was wonderful. Slowly he licked her on her opening, licked her on the clit and soon after he put his tongue inside her, fucking her. "Fuck, Mikey" she panted feeling his long and thick tongue. "Fuck" she continued, Michael licked her, tasting her and it was incredibly sweet.
He grabbed her thighs with both hands, his nose pressed against her clit, "Pretty girl" he whispered between the licks and soon after, without restraint, she came on his lips, panting like a whore. Michael licked her and got up from her, holding her tightly in his arms. He looked at her.
"Do you want?" he asked, unsure if he had tired her. "Yes" she whispered, grabbing her purse, she took the condom and ripped it off with her teeth. "You're fucking hard Mikey" she murmured, putting it on him. "Now pick me up and lean me against the door" she clung to him, planting a kiss on his lips. Michael did as she ordered. "And now let me do it" she brought her legs behind his hips, pushing him against her pussy. Michael took hold of himself and entered her.
"Oh god!" he gasped, feeling his cock buried in her pussy. "Now move, my good boy" she teased, Michael began to push into her, he lowered his face to her breast and sucked on her nipple, she moaned, pulling his hair. Soon she concentrated on the thrusts, both of them lost in pleasure, Michael touched her deeply, fucking her so good. Every thrust was pure pleasure, his cock inside her filling her to perfection.
As they moved together, the initial awkwardness melted away, replaced by something raw and powerful. Michael’s nerves faded, overtaken by the growing pleasure that coursed through him, each touch and movement heightening the connection between them. For a few brief, intense moments, nothing else existed but the two of them, lost in each other and the wildness of the moment.
"Mikey, Mikey"! she gasped, squeezing herself, he felt her pussy contract around his cock. "Cum for me, fuck" he ordered. He brought his fingers to her clit and as she had taught him, the moves were fast, but gentle. She came with an orgasm that overwhelmed her, Michael filled the condom and pulled out of her, holding her in his arms.
Michael felt every sensation intensely—the warmth of her skin, the rhythm of her breath, the softness of her lips as they kissed again and again. "You are beautiful" he whispered again, squeezing her, then came the shame of what he had done and her cheeks blushed shamefully.
When it was over, they were both breathless, their bodies slick with sweat, their heartbeats racing in unison. Michael leaned back against the door, his mind still struggling to process what had just happened. She looked at him with a mix of satisfaction and something almost tender in her gaze, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead.
She adjusted Michael’s glasses back on his face, her fingers brushing lightly against his skin. Michael, still catching his breath, felt a rush of shame wash over him. He couldn’t quite meet her eyes, a mix of guilt and embarrassment gnawing at him, but at the same time, he couldn’t deny that he had enjoyed every moment of what had just happened.
She looked at him, her expression softening. “You were… wow,” she admitted, a hint of genuine surprise in her voice. “I didn’t expect that.”
Michael looked up, trying to read her face, unsure of what she meant. But before he could ask, she continued, her tone shifting slightly. “I should probably tell you… this started as a bet” she confessed, her voice low, almost hesitant. “But honestly, even if it hadn’t been, I would have found a way to get close to you eventually. Maybe I would have asked for help with math or something.”
At her words, Michael’s stomach dropped, the humiliation cutting deeper now. His fists clenched at his sides, anger and hurt flashing through him. He had been nothing more than a game to her, a joke. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words caught in his throat.
Seeing the hurt in his eyes, she quickly added, “But that doesn’t change what just happened. It was real for me, Michael. I didn’t expect to feel anything, but… I did. You were incredible.”
Michael’s anger faltered at her honesty, the rawness in her voice catching him off guard. He hesitated, still processing everything, but then, in a small, uncertain voice, he asked, “Would you… would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?”
She smiled, a genuine warmth spreading across her face. “Are you asking me to out on a date, Mickey?” she replied, without hesitation. “But yes, I’d like that.”
Relief washed over Michael, and a shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips. They quickly dressed, the earlier tension replaced by a new, tentative connection. As they exited the club, the cool night air wrapped around them, a stark contrast to the heat they had just shared.
They walked hand in hand, the noise of the club fading behind them as they made their way back toward the university. The campus loomed ahead, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, the night quiet and peaceful around them. Neither of them spoke much, but the silence was comfortable, filled with the unspoken promise of something new and unexpected.
For the first time that night, Michael felt a sense of calm, a strange mix of contentment and anticipation. As they walked together, he couldn’t help but feel that, despite everything, this might just be the start of something real.
As they walked hand in hand, Michael felt a gnawing guilt bubbling up inside him. He couldn’t ignore it any longer. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his voice tinged with regret. “For calling you a bitch and a whore… and for spreading those rumors about you. I didn’t know you, and I… I was wrong.”
She stopped walking and turned to face him, her expression softer than he expected. “It’s okay, Michael” she said, her voice gentle. “Honestly, I was trying to get your attention. I just… didn’t know how to go about it.”
Michael looked at her, uncertainty clouding his thoughts. “But why me? I’m just… a nerd, a loser. I never thought someone like you would even notice me.”
A smile tugged at her lips, and she squeezed his hand. “I like nerds, Michael. I’ve always found them interesting, different. You’re smart, and you’re real. That’s what caught my eye.”
As they continued walking, she winced slightly, her pace slowing. “These heels are killing me, she admitted, glancing down at her feet with a small, pained smile.
Without a second thought, Michael offered, “I could carry you if you want.”
She looked at him in surprise, then nodded, a playful grin on her face. “You’d do that?”
Michael nodded, his heart pounding a little faster. He bent down and lifted her into his arms, her weight light and warm against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and before he knew it, she leaned in and kissed him again, her lips soft and warm.
But this time, something was different. Michael didn’t feel the rush of excitement he expected. Instead, a strange sadness settled over him. He had been so wrong about her, so blinded by his own insecurities and misconceptions. The girl in his arms wasn’t the person he had thought she was—she was more, and he had misjudged her so badly.
As they continued their walk toward the university, her head resting on his shoulder, Michael couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted inside him. He wasn’t the same awkward, resentful nerd he had been just a few hours ago. He didn’t quite know who he was becoming, but he knew one thing for certain—he didn’t want to make the same mistakes again.
Michael couldn’t help but think about how wrong he’d been, but before he could dwell on it too long, she broke the silence with a teasing grin. “You know, you really are a maneater,” he said, half-jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.
She smirked and leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a playful whisper. “Actually, Mikey, you ate me out in that bathroom.”
Michael blinked in surprise before a laugh bubbled up from his chest, the tension between them melting away. She was funny, confident, and completely unexpected. All he wanted now was her—just her, in all her unpredictable, fascinating glory.
She looked at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Michael, do you like that for our date see each other in your room, have sex again… and then watch a film… like, maybe one of the Star Wars movies while we eat some junk food?”
Michael’s heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. The idea of spending more time with her, doing something as simple as watching a movie, felt oddly perfect. And the fact that she wanted to watch Star Wars? That was a dream come true.
He grinned, excitement bubbling up inside him. “That sounds amazing,” he said, his voice full of eager anticipation.
She smiled back at him, and as they continued their walk, Michael couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest nerd in the world.
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ktownshizzle · 1 month
Wild & Free (Teaser)
Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Everybody says they want to marry Min Yoongi. But what if he only wants to say 'yes' to you.
Alternatively: While on the last leg of their PTD tour, Yoongi discovers there was such a thing as drive-thru weddings in Vegas, something that his pretty little brain can't seem to process having lived the last decade of every second of his life being planned by his management team, which includes you. When he goes down a rabbit hole of Youtube videos about The Little White Chapel (Omo! Michael Jordan got married there!), he starts getting all sorts of ideas - all of it starring him and you.
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Childhood friends to lovers, Idol!au, Coworkers to lovers (reader is a HYBE employee)
Notes: What can I say? We got all the tropes in this bad boy, because I don’t know when I can write again, so let’s put everything in this sucker and call it a day! This is canon-ish. I included some real-life events during this period, but it may or may not be loosely rearranged to fit the narrative - just go with it. Ginger Yoongi, because this is the LOOK I don’t give a damn what haters say. I have not written in a decade and this is me attempting to pick things back up, I hope you like it xo
BTW, the teaser scene is inspired by that leaked video of the BTS tour crew’s  private party in Vegas. It’s here if you want to see it. Enjoy! xo
Read the teaser under the cut!
!!!! Edit: Read Part 1 here !!!!
P.S. Leave a comment to be part of the taglist 🙂
"Yoongi, marry me!" You shout at the top of your lungs, earning laughs from the people around you. On the other side of the room, a couple of other people shout the same catchphrase, including Taehyung, who seems to get the most kick out of it out of all the members.
Coerced to do one of those Tik Tok dance challenges, Yoongi stands in front of the room, hides his face behind his hands and you watch in delight as he awkwardly sways his hips side to side. More cheers erupt and two seconds after he decides he was done.
"Hajimaaaa!" Your friend says to no one and everyone, cheeks burning as he stalks back to the chair he was occupying across yours.
You push his beer bottle towards him, "Good job, gramps."
"Fuck off," he says with no real bite, taking a long swig off his drink to cool off his reddened cheeks.
It's great to finally get some down time with the crew. After such a fast-paced, high production tour, everybody needed to blow off some steam. This Korean BBQ restaurant off the Strip was the perfect venue to get the team together for samgyupsal and drinks. The vibes were, as the kids say, immaculate.
You are already sufficiently buzzed so you sit down as Seokjin takes his turn to do the challenge. He really seems to be more into it than the man currently giving you a look.
"I heard you." He narrows his eyes at you, a small smile playing on his lips.
"What? It's the new viral catchphrase," you shrugged. "Everybody and their grandma is saying it these days."
"Not their grandma."
"You should be flattered."
Stop, you thought he would say. But his response catches you off guard.
"Only ‘cause you said it."
And he has the audacity to lick his bottom lip, a ghost of a smirk forming.
Fuck. Your throat dries up. When did it get so hot here?
“And in case you were wondering…” he leans forward, a dopey-ass grin now on his face. “The answer is yes.”
WHAT DO WE THINK? Join the taglist by leaving a comment so I can let you know when this story drops.
Tag: @jajabro @yooglefics
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vettelsvee · 18 days
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MEETING SERIES | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | ask me anything or let's talk! history series (sebastian vettel series saga)
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sebastian vettel x toro rosso intern!reader | based on 2008 f1 season
for more information to the reader: ❥ this series is the first volume of history series, that goes through the story of seb and y/n during their 15 years formula 1 journey ❥ i wouldn't say this first part has exactly a defined trope, but it is a slightly friends to lovers and right person, wrong time and love triangle (or even square) ❥ some parts might include sensitive content. pay attention to trigger warnings at the beginning of each part. ❥ english is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes that you can read here! ❥ DRIVER X OC VERSION AVAILABLE ON WATTPAD SOON
started: SEPTEMBER 3RD 2024 currently status: on going | last updated: september 3rd masterlist under the cut !
taglist: [feel free to tell me so you don't miss anything!]
a/n: i don't have enough words to talk about history series... i absolutely love it, and i hope you do as much as i do because I started writing it in the worst moment of my life. these characters and this story is literally a piece of me, of the most intimate one. hope you like this one and remember, feedback and your comments are truly appreciated <3
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SEBASTIAN VETTEL HAD BECOME A RISING STAR, AND NO ONE DOUBTED IT. Since he was a child, the young German had wanted to participate in the highest category of motorsport. With a lot of effort not only on his part but also from his parents, and even with the support of his idol, Michael Schumacher, the boy gradually advanced through the different motorsport categories until he finally secured the much-desired position of test driver for BMW Sauber in 2006. A year later, to his surprise, he was not only part of Formula 1 as the third driver of that team, but also replacing Robert Kubica after his catastrophic accident, and signing his first contract as a driver for the Toro Rosso team from July onwards the following year.
Y/N Y/L/N WAS BECOMING INCREASINGLY AWARE THAT HER DREAMS DID NOT SEEM AS ATTAINABLE AS SHE HAD FIRST BELIEVED. The Austrian saw her life change in the blink of an eye following the death of her mother. As if losing someone as important as the woman who gave her life wasn’t enough, the absence of her father, despite still being present, deeply affected her. The girl, responsible for taking care of her two younger sisters and working wherever she had the chance to so she could to keep her family from falling apart, saw the perfect opportunity to join the motorsport world when her university offered her the chance to apply for an internship program that Scuderia Toro Rosso Formula 1 would launch the following year. Fearful of rejection, but knowing she already had a "no" by default, Y/N decided to apply and was quite surprised to be accepted.
However, the fairy tale Y/N believed she would live at the start of March 2008 was not what she had initially thought. Becoming just another member of the team, but constantly being overlooked; wanting to participate in any opportunity given to her, but never receiving one… instead, the opposite simply because she was a woman and a Mechanical Engineering student. The exception to all of this? Sebastian Vettel, who seemed particularly interested in doing everything possible to ensure that girl was not merely a spectator in that circus… even if it meant putting his personal life, and especially his relationship with his girlfriend, at risk.
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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01. WELCOME TO TORO ROSSO!: y/n arrives to the formula 1 paddock for the first time in her life after being accepted as an intern in the toro rosso internship program and meet not only one, but two german drivers that have quite particular and different interests in her
02. WE CAN BE FRIENDS: toro rosso hosts a welcome party during the malayan gp. y/n feels so bad for going and, for the first time in less than two week being there, she feels like she doesn't belong there... until seb tries to make her feel like home
03. ARE YOU OK?: after having an incident with seb's race engineer and seb not being able to help, y/n goes on a date with nico rosberg and things turn out to be quite different from what she imagined
04. SO... APRIL 27TH?: once again, seb dnfs during the bahrain gp. however, this helps him to think about how can he surprise his favourite girl on the paddock for her upcoming birthday
05. BIRTHDAY SURPRISES: without having not expectations of having a good birthday, seb ends up making y/n the happiest girl on earth when he gives her the most incredible birthday surprise she could have ever asked for... especially the race being held in cataluña, her second home
06. WHO'S Y/N?: seb is announced as a red bull driver for the upcoming 2009 to surprise of everyone but, to surprise of hanna, she finds out who's y/n... sort of
07. YOU'RE BACK!: after disappearing from the paddock for four months straight, y/n is back, surprising seb but, at the same time, her being disappointed at him
08. ARE YOU SURE, SEBASTIAN VETTEL?: y/n knows she doesn't belong to formula 1 world anymore, but the only thing that keeps her going is seb. seb, however, is in some trouble as he didn't only get the first pole position of his career, but also he's feeling confused about y/n, her friend for six months, and hanna, her girlfriend for two years
09. FIRST VICTORY: not giving a shit about getting in some trouble, y/n decides to step up and ends up acting like a race engineer for seb because after all he tried to do for her, she can't see him losing a race once again
10. THERE'S A REASON WHY YOU LIED: seb is so happy about his first victory, but as soon as hanna asks him who's the girl that's next to him in pictures that were taken that same morning, he knows he's in big trouble for hiding her who really is y/n
11. SORRY: y/n is told that by the end of the season she won't be a part of the toro rosso team anymore. seb, as soon as he finds out, and as a future red bull driver for the upcoming season, sets himself the goal of not letting y/n go in every single aspect of his life
12. GOODBYES ARE BITTERSWEET: last race of the season and, also, last time y/n and seb are seeing each other... for now
13. I WANNA BE THERE, WITH YOU: seb comes back home and, as soon as he sees hanna, he knows that things with her won't be the same anymore
14. SHE DESERVES A CHANCE: seb, trying to make up his mind and not to jump on conclusions, has a meeting with red bull with only one goal for him: make them know that y/n is more than worth enough of being a race engineer intern in their team for the upcoming season
15. YOU'LL FIND ME IN THE STARS: y/n receives the best and worst news ever during christmas, not knowing that she's about to go through the worst time of her life and there's nothing she can do about the damage she's gonna suffer from everyone... including seb
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darlingshane · 3 months
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Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: Thanks to your friend Claire you get a chance to rectify a mistake you did many years ago when you went out with Michael the first time around.
CW: 18+, smut, some angst, making out, vaginal sex, smoking, drinking, Michael is a recovering addict, talk about addiction, reader has a secret, old friends, confessions, scars, pet names, brief appearances of Carmy, Richie and Claire.
Word Count: 6,2k
A/N: I realized after writing this that I made Michael younger by saying reader was friends with Claire, and implied that they were all close in age, but it's all really vague. The timelines don't make sense in The Bear anyway, so don't look too closely. This was just for fun. -- Also, reader has a nickname. Don't ask me why, it just came out like that. They simply call her Zu or Zuzu.
— Links: AO3 // Michael Masterlist.
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“You remember Mikey and Richie, right?” your friend Claire asks, pointing at the two guys coming into the backyard with Carmy to join the party.
“Hm. I think so,” you say casually before taking a long sip of your glass.
You do remember both, actually.
Michael especially.
It’s hard to forget one of the most embarrassing nights of your life. It was over a decade ago when you had the slim chance to make out with the guy you’ve had a crush on for years and only accomplished to make a fool out of yourself.
It’ll forever haunt you.
Michael finally asked you out at the end of your senior year, and you said yes. You went to a movie, got some food afterward, then you ended at a house party from one of his friends. Everything was going great, you were dancing and laughing, he got close, you got closer. You started kissing and then ended up in one of the rooms. Door closed. That was it. It was only you and him making out and everything was going perfect. It seemed like a dream to find that he wanted you almost as much as you wanted him. Perhaps he wasn’t into you as you were, but it was hard to think critically at that moment with his hands and lips all over you.
Now, you had fooled around before with the only guy you ever dated in high-school, but you never went all the way or ever touched you like Michael’s hands did. And given your inexperience in the field, only a few minutes of heavy petting, and you were ready to explode. There was a surge awakening something in your core that you weren’t too familiar with. Not even your own fingers ever managed to make you feel something that powerful. And when he started pressing himself between your legs that pressure building between your thighs decided to set itself free. All of a sudden, you were clutching your knees so hard to his hips, your whole body trembled underneath as you came in your panties.
You’ve heard about boys precociously coming more often than not, but never realized that was something that could happen to girls too. It made you feel nothing but pure embarrassment. You tried to hide it but all the magic was gone. And after that, you excused yourself to the bathroom to put yourself together and couldn’t handle going back to face him. So, you sneaked out the bathroom window like the biggest dork.
You never talked to him again after that.
Back then, you all ran in the same circles, but you stood away from those circles during the last couple of weeks of school to avoid running into him again. You saw him from afar a couple of times and that was it. Soon after, everyone went on separate ways for work, college or wherever they end up. You, for example, left Chicago after graduating and ended up living a good chunk of those years in Denver. The few times you’ve come to your home city, you never really tried to see him again. You ran into Natalie a handful of times, and saw Carmy when you were visiting Claire but never crossed paths directly with Michael again until today.
“Zu… you and I both know that you do remember him,” Claire nudges your elbow. “Don’t tell me you still wouldn’t hit that today if you could. And you’re single now, so…”
“Please, tell me you didn’t set this up.”
She doesn't deny it, just gives you that obvious look under her framing, evil, perfect eyebrows. Claire knew pretty well you were head over heels for Michael Berzatto once upon a time, but you never told her about that night. It’s probably safe to say he didn’t tell anyone about it either. Otherwise, you’d have heard about it by now. Someone would’ve teased you about it for sure, but no one ever did.
It really takes you aback to see him once more.
You wish she’d have given you the heads-up so you could prepare mentally to see him again. Though, it was a long time ago, you’ve often looked with regret at leaving him hanging. You’ve wondered way too many times what he thought about that night. It's not like he was infatuated with you, as far as you know. He never showed any interest before that week, so it's hard to imagine him being too heartbroken about it.
Carmy glances around looking for the two of you. Claire lifts her arm to call his attention.
“Oh, look, here's your chance.” Your friend teases you as they come closer.
“Cool it, C, please?” you say between teeth and throw back your cup before the three of them come to a stop in front of you.
She beams as Carmy quietly greets you with a one arm short hug.
“You made it! Thought you'd be too cool for a thing like this.”
“Nope, we're two fucking losers showing up at a kegger cause we got nothing better to do,” Richie chuckles. “What are we celebrating again?”
“We're not celebrating anything. We're here for moral support for Kerry. Her boyfriend just broke up with her, and she needed some people around.”
“And you thought that throwing a keg party was a good idea?” Michael finally opens his mouth and his voice just transports you back to that unforgettable night and that last thing he said to you…
You smell so fucking good.
It echoes in your head. It's printed on your skin how those words vibrated when he was tongue-deep devouring your neck.
It’s hard to keep your eyes off Michael. He still has that alluring presence that mesmerized you the first time you met him. Even more so, you'd say. His features are sharper, his stubbled jaw makes him look more rugged than you remember. Though you miss his mop of curls, the crew cut and the fade on his nape suits him really well. His outfit hasn't changed much from a casual t-shirt with jeans. You take in every detail in a once-over. Your stare lingers for a moment on the way the hem of his short sleeves hugging tightly his toned biceps, and how his veins draw the length of his arms. His shoulders seem broader in his relaxed stance. There's a tiny scar adoring his cupid's bow that you only see when he runs his tongue across his lips.
You have to make an effort to tear your eyes away from him before turning into a total creep.
“You guys remember Zuzu here, from school?” Claire's head tilts in your direction while the younger Berzatto links an arm around her waist.
“You two were practically inseparable, how could anyone forget?” Says Richie again, offering his hand up to you. “It's good to see you again, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, it's good to be back,” you shake his hand firmly and then hold it up to Michael, and try to keep your pulse steady when he wraps his large paw around yours.
“You've moved back?” it's Michael that asks this time, trying to lock eyes with you, but you refuse to let him.
“I'm in the process of it. I'm staying with Claire for a couple of weeks while I get all my stuff back, and set up everything…”
You explain while Carmy fetches three cups from the table. He fills them using the keg’s tap, and brings them over. He hands one to Richie. Michael waves his off and lights up a cigarette instead.
“You should ask her to hang out sometime. She doesn't know how to have fun anymore.”
Daggers shootout of your eyes when you glance at Claire.
“I'm here, am I?”
“Yeah but you don't seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“I mean you brought me to the most depressing kegger I've ever been to. I didn't know people still did this, but they're lamer than I remember.”
“Pfft, she's got a point there,” Michael scoffs. “I can come up with a hundred things on the spot that would be better than… whatever this is.”
“It was last minute. What would you guys have done, huh?”
“DJ for starters,” Richie chimes in.
“Food,” Michael adds.
“Better beer,” Carmy suggests.
“Strippers,” you say, and they all burst into laughter.
“I could definitely go for some strippers,” Richie holds his hand up for you to give him a high-five, and you quickly smack his palm.
While you empty your cups gulp after gulp, you chat with them for a bit, noticing more often than not Michael staring at you even when you're not the one talking. Maybe it's only in your head, but it still makes you anxious to find his eyes glancing at you as if he was trying to figure you out.
It's certainly not only in your head, cause when your phone beeps in your pocket, you check it out to see a text message from Claire who just coincidentally has her phone in her hand right next to you.
Be careful, big bear is checking you out. — it reads on your screen.
Raising a brow at your annoying, dear friend, you shake your head before typing.
Did you tell him anything about me?
I’d never sell you out.
. . .
You start typing a response but your phone starts ringing, and it’s a call you must take. So you hold that thought, and go find a quieter place away from the house by walking out to the street and pace slowly down the pavement while you talk to your mother for a couple of minutes.
When you go back inside, the group has split. You go around the house to find Richie playing poker with some guys at the dining table. Carmy and Claire are talking with Kerry on the couch, and when you look to the side you spot Michael leaning against the archway between the living room and kitchen, lighting up a second cigarette before seeing you there standing. He gives you a quick nod, and you can only nod back, and turn around to press your teeth on the brim of your solo cup until it rips.
Being here in this house, this room with all these people and music playing feels like a time capsule. It transports you back to that time. As much as you've grown out of your old self, you can help but feel that old awkwardness creeping in to undo all the work you’ve done to come out of your shell.
When you discard the cup, you go upstairs to find a bathroom since the one in the hallway was occupied. Once you're done in the bathroom, you come out to find Michael climbing up the same stairs before crossing paths with you.
“Hey, Zuzu.” His lips quirk up as you both stop in front of the other.
“Hey,” you say back.
“Thought you left.”
“No, I just went to the bathroom,” you use your thumb to point at the door, as he leans back on the wall behind him, crossing one foot over the other.
“So you know where the bathroom is?”
“Last time I saw you, you said you were going to the bathroom but never came back. Figure it was your version of the old dad excuse of – I went out for cigarettes. And then ran for the hills.”
He’s smiling, but his tone sounds passive-aggressive, and you can’t tell at all if he’s joking or not.
“Oh, you remember that, huh?” You choose to believe he’s kidding around.
“I haven’t thought about it in a while. Then I saw you here… I wasn’t going to say anything but I… I guess I’ve always wondered what happened.”
“Why? Did I hurt your ego?”
“No, my ego’s intact. But I got really worried when you didn’t come back. Thought maybe I made you feel uncomfortable or something… I just… You don’t owe me anything, but I just wanted to know if you were okay.”
With a long sigh, you prop your back on the opposite wall and collect your thoughts.
This is it. Your moment to explain if you want. You have nothing to lose. The fact that he remembers could mean that he liked you more than he led.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Michael. It was me… I uh… I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I had never hooked up with someone like that until you. I had some experience, but not that kind of experience if you know what I mean.”
You pause and he nods kindly at your confession.
“I guess I was afraid of going too far, or not going far enough, or disappointing you. I wanted to go back so badly, but I couldn't.”
“You could’ve told me that. You could've said– hey, maybe we should slow down… I’d have never pushed you to do anything that you didn’t want.”
“I didn’t know that. I’m not good at reading people. Guys especially. I wasn’t sure how you’re going to react, and I just bolted. I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t apologize,” he waves you off. “I get it.”
“It was one of those moments that I wish I could go back and do things differently, you know? I've done a lot of things in my life that I regret, but that one was just embarrassing.”
“Don't beat yourself up, sweetheart. We were kids. There's nothing to be embarrassed about anymore. Sorry I asked… Didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything.”
“It's okay.” You pause and bite the inside of your cheek for a moment. “Can I ask you something now?”
“Did you even like me? Or was it like a one time kinda thing?”
He bashfully scratches the back of his head before answering.
“I asked you out, didn't I?”
“That's not really an answer, Berzatto.”
“Of course I liked you. I always thought you were kind and funny and easygoing. And yeah, for a moment I really saw us together. Is that a good enough answer for you?”
“That's perfect…” you sigh, glancing at the floor for a beat. “Talk about bad timing, huh?”
“Hey, we could have a do-over.” He suggests.
“Tell me you’re joking.” You scoff.
“Not if you want to. You said you wish you could go back… I’m down if you’re down.”
“That easy, huh?”
“Yeah, why not? I hate when people complicate things. I’m not seeing anyone, Claire said you aren’t either… It’s easy math for me.”
“And I thought I was the crazy one,” you chuckle.
“Is it crazy? Think about it. What are the odds of you and me running into each other over a decade later? It seems like fate to me.”
“Hm, fate looks a lot like Claire.”
“So what if she played a hand? She didn't know that I'd show up for sure. I almost didn't. If it wasn't for Paulie coming to cover Gary's shift, I'd be stuck at the shop right now.”
“Maybe you're right.”
“No buts. I just… I'm not the same person you knew. Maybe I’m not as easygoing, kind and funny as I was.”
“I’ll be the judge of that but hey, I'm not the same person either. We could just hang out and see if we like those people. What do you say?”
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try.”
“Yeah?” the corner of his mouth pulls up.
“Yeah, it just so happens I'm free today. I could come over later if you want.”
Since you're staying at Claire's and don't feel comfortable bringing anyone to her apartment, you agree to meet at his place an hour after the party.
Once you’ve exchanged numbers, you receive a text with his address.
You use that hour to go by Claire's place and pamper yourself a little. You're not really sure if it's a date or not but in any case you prepare yourself mentally and physically as if it was. You've older now, and have more confidence and experience than all those years ago. It doesn’t matter if you haven't been with a guy in a while, you can't pass up a chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity to rectify that awful night. Or at least replace it with a new memory. Hopefully.
Claire comes back just in time to see you doing your makeup.
“You going out?”
You nod as she leans on the bathroom’s door frame.
“Michael? Wow, you didn’t waste time. I left you alone for five minutes. See, I was right. You two would be perfect for each other.”
“Don’t ring the bells just yet. We're just hanging out.”
“Does he know about Sam?”
“No, I don't think so. Unless you or Carmen told him. I can’t keep track of what you guys tell others.”
“We didn't. It's your story to tell. But I'm just saying, you don't have to keep it a secret.”
“It's not a secret. It just didn't come up.”
“Well, you should give him a chance, he might surprise you.”
“I'll try.”
It's the last thing you say before heading out to meet Michael.
On the way there, you think carefully about what Claire said and decide to tell him upfront about Sam. It shouldn’t be a dealbreaker. You’re just hanging out. But because you know guys, and you’ve been burned in that department before, you ready yourself for any outcome.
Michael offers you a drink after closing the door to his apartment. You can tell he’s done the same as you. He’s showered, his hair is still damp, his face is clean-shaven now, and he’s wearing a different t-shirt now sans The Beef logo.
Opting for having a drink, he pours a tequila shot for you on the breakfast bar after giving you a short tour of his one-bedroom apartment while he sips from a mug filled with fresh coffee.
“I uh… I have to tell you something,” you start after downing your shot and sitting on one of the barstools.
“I don’t do this often, you know? Going to a guy's place like this– I mean, I have. A couple of times. But this isn’t a frequent occurrence in my life. Or a priority.”
He opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn't. He stares at you instead, asking you to keep going with his curious gaze, as he leans his forearms on the counter.
“This shouldn’t affect you but for the sake of honesty, I thought you should know that I have a daughter.”
“Why would that affect me?”
“Like I said, it shouldn’t. But a lot of guys tend to get weird upon knowing that about me.”
“Well, that's on them. We agreed this was just to get to know each other, right? We can't do it if we pick and choose the parts we want to share.”
You nod firmly. “You're right.”
“Can I ask how old she is?”
“Yeah, she’s three. She called earlier, well, my mom did, and said she was having so much fun she wanted to stay the night.”
“That’s beautiful, Zu. Guess you have to take your chances whenever you can, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“And the father?”
“He’s not in the picture. He pays for the frame, but he’ll never be in it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“His loss.”
He props a hand on the edge of the bar, using the other to pick up the bottle and fill your empty shot glass.
“If we’re laying our cards on the table, I think it’s only fair to confess something too before moving forward.”
Now it’s your time to give him the same curious look he gave you before as he explains.
“I don’t do this often either. At least not as much as I used to. And I’ve never said out loud this to anyone that wasn’t in a room filled with people like me… Not even my family.”
You can see he’s struggling to find the words and courage to admit something, but you don’t push on it until he’s ready to say–
“I’m a recovering addict.” His voice is even, tinged with a dab of shame. But he looks you directly in the eye to gauge your reaction. “It’s been almost a year and just starting to feel back to normal. Or whatever that means. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have felt confident enough to invite anyone here. Hell, going to a party would’ve been unthinkable for me… But I’m still trying to figure it all out, you know? If that’s a dealbreaker for you…”
“It’s not. I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m glad you told me. I uh… I hope this question doesn’t come across as judgmental but is it safe for you to keep alcohol in the house?” you point to the tequila bottle.
“Alcohol isn’t my poison,” he scoffs. “But I don’t drink anymore either if I can help it.”
“You go to meetings?”
“Yeah, NA. Every week.”
“And your family doesn’t know?”
“They know some of it, but not how bad it got.”
“I feel out of my depth here but wouldn’t it be better to have someone close to talk to?”
He shrugs, “you know the Berzattos. We all have problems, we’ll rather pretend everything’s good than to admit we’re all batshit.”
“Sorry for prying.”
“No, it’s fine. I opened that door. Richie knows though. He’s seen the worst of it, has picked me up many times when I couldn’t even get up. He’s always been there, even when he doesn’t know what to say.”
“That’s good. And if it helps, I don’t think you’re crazy. It’s brave to admit that you have a problem, let alone face it on your own. Takes courage.”
“Guess a single mom would know a thing or two about courage.”
“I suppose so,” you gaze at your shot glass before tilting it over your lips.
“One more?”
“No, no. Two is enough for me. Thanks.”
You stare at the other, not sure how to proceed after that. Shit, maybe you went too deep too fast, but it’s good to have everything out in the open. If anything, it only makes him more attractive to see that he can look at his own flaws and own them. Most guys you’ve ever been with never had the balls to look you in the eye and confess something so fucked up and personal.
“Do you wanna keep talking or should we try…?” you trail off.
“Whatever you want sweetheart. I love talking to you.” He lifts his coffee mug up to his lips and takes a long sip.
“Is that a line?”
“No, it’s the truth.”
He grins, placing his mug down, and you just know it’s definitely a line by the way his lips curve up lopsided. Which you don’t hate. Though you like talking to him as well, you’d rather be doing something else than spend all night rehashing all your problems.
Standing up from your barstool, you go around the bar to face him closer. You lick your lips and tentatively cup his face before placing a small kiss on his coffee-tainted lips. His face heats up beneath your palms, and you watch his mouth curl on both sides before locking eyes with him. It’s not until you look at him up close that you can notice the difference in his beautiful browns from all those years ago. They were once eager, sparkly, and mischievous. There’s still some of that, and much more depth than you remember. There’s a lot of sadness too, and a new shade of tenderness you haven’t seen in anyone before.
“Do you think you can kiss me the way you did last time?” Your mouth draws a smile.
“I think I can do better.”
“Yeah? I’d like to see that.”
You both laugh for a beat before noticing his knuckles caressing your neck.
“Do you wanna go slow?” His fingers trail slowly up to your jaw as you nod a “yeah, slow is good.”
Fast would be okay too but you wanna taste this moment like you never got to.
As your hands slide down to hold his sides, his palms reach up to cradle your face. His head leans to the side at the same time his tongue juts out to wet his lips. His face dips, quickly shortening the distance to your mouth to capture the flavor of your kiss. It seems like a terrible combination to mix coffee and tequila, but it works. Having his tongue stirring both inside your mouth is purely delicious. You swirl with him, gently, taking your time to get used to a new flavored cocktail that probably already exists somewhere. But this one is special, cause it has you and him putting that extra ingredient.
He was right, you realize. He's grown to be a better kisser than in that old memory that's been torturing you for years. You have to keep your mind out of that night. This is a different time, different day, and two different people that have nothing to do with those old versions of themselves.
As the kiss grows tiredly eager, you both start panting for air between the sloppy movement of your lips locked together. He parts momentarily to guide you toward the couch. He sits down, pulling you down to straddle his lap.
His palms land on your hips while you take the reins again and seize his mouth at once, wanting to swallow every single drop of that magical drink called Michael Berzatto. Your fingers curl around his neck, capturing his taut muscles bulging out at the hot rush coursing through his veins. His hands become anxious, greedy for more of you. They slip under the hem of your shirt at the back to feel the warmth of your skin.
There's a thread of anticipation weaving inside your body, sending your hips to grind over his denim bulge, making him sigh with groan when you hit the right spot. You do it again, and again, until you feel him growing between two layers of annoying denim.
The dirty work of your mouth becomes too wild to tame. Even for you. You've managed to hold yourself in the past when you needed to, but this time you're not sure that you want to hold back.
Michael's fingers fumble under your shirt to open the clasp of your bra. After a coup of tries, you feel the tight elastic decompress from your skin as one of his hands travels to the front to feel your breasts.
“Is this okay?” he mumbles into the frenzy of your tongue.
“Hm, yeah, that’s fucking perfect.” Your breathing catches as his knuckles softly brush the underside of your boob.
He's rock hard by the time his paw extends fully to mold one of your boobs to the shape of his fingers. Your nipple shrinks into a hard pebble under his firm touch. He thoroughly massages your flesh before switching to the other side.
You pull away from his lips to glance down at his hand enjoying its time in the valley of your chest. He seems either quite taken with it, or perhaps he's afraid of moving forward without your approval.
You clear your throat before suggesting. “Do you think we should move this party to the bedroom?”
“Yeah, I'd like that.”
You peel yourself off him to stand up and then follow him into his room. Before doing anything else, you pull up your phone from your pocket and place it on the nightstand to make sure you can find it fast in case it rings.
Michael moods the lights to just one on the night table with a soft glow of yellow and watches you taking off your clothes for a beat before mirroring you.
It's surprising how your nerves don't even present a threat at this moment, but you're not going to question or overthink right now why you're so damn calm when you lay almost naked on his bed.
You leave your panties on and prop yourself on your elbows watching him like prey as he slips off his shirt and jeans. His chiseled body is something to admire. You can tell he's been working out. Maybe to smooth that edge the drugs gave him. He was already a pretty athletic guy back then but didn't have the same defined shapes that now sculpture his body like a Greek marble statue.
Biting your lip you glance further down to see him push down his boxers to uncover his generous erection. You can't help but admire your own work, swelled to a nice shade of deep pink and pointing up to his abdomen between the grooves of Apollo’s belt.
Your knees push together, feeling your arousal pooling in your folds when he turns around to show you his buttocks. With his back on sight, he collects something from a dresser drawer.
There's a condom in his hand when he faces you again.
“You good down there, sweetheart?” he asks, his eyes casting a dark shade from above, adding more gusto to the overly sexual charge blowing off the charts before even touching each other's naked bodies.
“Uh-hm. Could I just first…” Before he can wrap his dick in latex, you extend your hand to feel his full hardness in your palm. You wait for him to nod and give you permission to curl your fingers around it to feel it throb and ache for more friction.
It's as unexpected for you as it is for him to have you openly telling him what you want to do. If there’s something you've learned from all your past mistakes is that sex is better when you can communicate what you want. Even if it's just a one time thing, it's better to keep an open line between you two. As much as you’d want him to jump on top of you and rearrange your insides, the build up is more gratifying to you than just getting things done as fast as possible. The buzz lasts even longer. And if this is a one time thing, you sure want to remember every second of how being with him felt.
Michael puts one knee on the edge of the bed and observes your kind hand sliding down his shaft. His eyes become glossy. A gulp moves his throat up and down as he swallows a grunt when you tighten your hold around him and press down tighter, coaxing a nice wet drop to spill out of his tip.
Licking his lips, he puts his hand around your wrist to stop you before you go too far. He wants to come. But he wants to do it with you tightly wrapped around him.
He removes the wrapper of the prophylactic and rolls it on.
When she realizes you still have your underwear on, he slides them down your legs carefully, as if he was unwrapping the finest china. He notices the faint scar left on your lower abdomen from your c-section and as Michael climbs on top of you, he leaves a trail of kisses from that scar up to your neck.
As his head is closer, you hook a finger on the gold chain hanging around his neck, pulling his face down to seize his lips. At the same time, he parts your knees to nestle in between.
Adjusting your position, you lay back on the mattress with him following your cue and letting your tongue invite itself past his teeth to keep savoring everything he has to offer as your hips fit together. When his cock presses against your clit you can’t help but jolt and grind against its solid hardness. The thin layer of latex collects your dampness as you do. You grip his sides as he uses the advantage of being on top of you to kiss you back with a burning ache that sets your core in fire the longer you rub against the other.
“How does it feel, sweetheart?” His voice tenses in his throat. “You like it like that, huh.”
“Yeah, it feels so fucking good.” But you can’t bear that thought for longer than that. You need him inside pushing past your entrance, stretching your walls to the shape of his erection.
“Fuck me,” you moan before sucking his lip into your mouth.
His hand snakes down your torso to taste with his finger the arousal covering your sex.
“God you’re so wet, sweetheart,” he purrs, probing a finger before smoothly burying himself inside you.
Your eyes shine behind a layer of gloss that wells up at the corners as he pushes a couple of times carefully until you get used to his size molding the shape of your walls.
After a few experimental thrusts, he lowers his body on top of yours, letting his weight do all the work as he gradually moves faster.
“You’re gonna make me come,” he pants over your lips, feeling the tight grip of your pussy contracting every time his cock pushes deeper inside.
“That’s the idea,” you wink at him as your palms slide down his back to grab his ass.
You keep eye contact with him and stay quiet as the only sound that fills the room is your skin meeting over and over until your moans seep in. You watch his forehead and neck quickly get covered in sweat beads. He takes a deep breath before letting his grunts join the symphony. His forehead falls on top of yours, as the rhythm of his thrust picks up. His muscles strain under your palms that go back up to hold tightly to his sides the closer he drives you to the edge. Your nails dig on his ribs pushing him thrust his hips even sharper. You can feel him throb and jerk inside you as he exerts his body for your pleasure. It’s easy to tell he wants to come desperately, but he holds and holds his release for you until you reach that point.
“Come for me, sweetheart,” there’s an edge of urgency in his breathless voice as he tucks one hand underneath to rub your clit and get you to come faster.
“I… almost… fuck,” you try to word something out, but you’re so close you can only cling to his sides as your body aches for a release.
The tears collecting in your ears trickle down your cheeks when you close your eyes at that very crucial point when your orgasm reaches the highest peak. The powerful force makes your body shake like a damn earthquake, leaving your core in shambles. One of his hands holds your trembling thigh, feeling its vibrations on his palm until it passes. At that point, he cannot longer hold his own, and the squeeze of your opening around his pulsating erection just makes him spill everything into the condom. His teeth are clenched on your neck, printing a loud grunt on your skin as he comes undone. Your pussy still contracts around him up until the final drop is ejected.
That sweet orgasm slowly ebbs, but the buzz in your head lingers for longer than that. He lazily stays on top of you for a minute until he can finally push himself off you.
Painting together, you stare at the ceiling as the breeze slipping in from the open window cools your body.
“That was…”
“Yeah.” He scoffs, half glancing at you with a giddy smile.
You don't really need to give it a word. You both know how amazing that was. It’s safe to say that this is how it was supposed to be. If you had gotten your way the first time around, it probably wouldn't have been nearly as good. And now you don't have to wonder anymore or feel ashamed for leaving cause this night definitely overwrites that fiasco.
When your breathing evens out, you both turn to your side and face each other to bask in the afterglow plastered on your faces. One of his hands slips across your jaw, as his thumb caresses your cheek when you place your head on the pillow.
Your face heats up as he leans closer to place a tender kiss on your sweaty temple. As his hand slides down your warm body, he watches it draw the curves of your body as one of his fingers sticks out around your hips to draw the scar he saw before peaking just over your pubic hair. You let him do it for a second before you put a palm over it. Then, he slips his fingers between your legs to seize the mess he’s made out of you. Your juices still cling to your skin when his fingers start circling around your clit.
“Can I make you come again?”
“Please,” you let out a half laugh and push your knee higher to make room for his wandering fingers that explore all over your pussy. His eyes stay fixed on yours as he easily takes you to have a quick orgasm. It’s not as explosive, but it’s a nice aftershock that leaves your body melting into the mattress.
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vilsoo · 11 months
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succubus!reader x michael afton || WC: 5,413
𖤐 SYNOPSIS. ever since michael found you as a succubus, he’s never been so in love. you usually feed off humans, but with michael’s sexual energy keeping you alive, you never ate anyone in years. that is, until, halloween night occurs…
𖤐 WARNINGS. established relationship, university au, halloween setting, malewife himbo bf/girlboss demon gf dynamic, revenge, murder, flesh eating, gore, blood mentions, tentacle bondage, msub!michael.
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[RIDE ANNOUNCER] This is a high speed roller coaster with sudden stops and drops! All riders must store loose items inside of a locker. This ride contains flashing scenes, special effects, and content warnings posted. Please remember to stay seated and keep all arms and legs inside when the vehicle is in motion. Any kind of photography is not allowed during the ride. Thanks for your attention and cooperation. We hope you enjoy.
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Is it possible to fall in love with a woman after they had just murdered someone?
For Michael Afton, the answer is yes.
Months ago during the beginning of the semester, Michael wasn’t always great at making friends. Even though this was university, it felt like high school again, where he remained an outcast and was reluctant to be involved with the student body, college clubs, or majority of big events like football games. He was academically focused; the typical nerdy student majoring in engineering. Always studying by himself in the library and sometimes tutoring other students so he could earn some money on the side. Back then he realized that having friends or even being in a relationship was the least of his priorities.
But it wasn’t until he first laid his eyes on you.
You were so beautiful. Also an inquisitive, scholarly student with good grades, staying on top of your classes, and involved with many extra curriculars. As badly as he wanted to talk to you, he viewed you as way out of his league. Always keeping in touch with your friend groups on campus and focusing on the clubs and committees you joined. There was never a chance for Michael to even be with you. So to avoid rejection and humiliation, he’d rather keep his crush a little secret, admiring and fantasizing about you from afar.
When October came around and a big Halloween party was taking place, Michael was invited by one of the students he was tutoring. He wasn’t the best at social gatherings and has never been to college parties, but the only reason he came was because you were attending as well. And that the first time he ever drank and slightly withdrew from his comfort zone from the alcohol, talking to people from campus and collecting all the courage to talk to you.
That night, however, you were busy with another man. A man that Michael has never seen before. Spending a lot of time together, dancing, drinking, and always leaving the vicinity together… As much as Michael wanted to admit that he was jealous deep down, he forced himself to move on. He’d always believed that there was no way in Hell that he was going to have a chance with you that time.
“…Hey, has anybody seen Y/N?”
A few hours later into the party the question started floating in the air, suddenly capturing Michael’s attention. The thought of you had completely slipped his mind as he started drinking more throughout the night until you were back to being his main focus. Recalling the last time he’s seen you was with that man he assumed doesn’t attend the university. As he lingered in his thoughts, his skin started crawl.
Suspicion. Piercing curiosity. An urge to look for you and make sure you were safe.
A handful of your friends were looking everywhere in the house for you as Michael decided to investigate outside. Even though he was outside of campus and wasn’t that familiar with the outskirts, he didn’t stop searching until he could find you that night. He searched until the path at his feet faded and lead into the dark woods, the verdant greens diminishing to sullen brown, as if he was entering forbidden territory. But it wasn’t until he noticed red.
A blood trail.
That mystifying Halloween night, right in the heart of the forest where danger and terror lurks, is the first time Michael saw a dead man’s body and his guts hideously torn apart, messy spikes of fresh blood splattered everywhere. The whole scene looked impossible for a rabid animal to even do that. But it wasn’t until he found you, on your knees and sitting on your ankles beside the corpse, blood draped all over your face, chin, and then your naked body.
And when your gaze flickered onto Michael, in your eyes he can sense longing, pining, regret, terror… a tumultuous storm surging in your mind, piercing right through him. He could’ve ran. He could’ve screamed that night. He should’ve been horrified by the scene in the first place. But every fiber of his fell frozen like he was in a surrendering state; placating, patient, consoling. Only for you. A rapport had already formed right there and then, right under the luminous moon…
“Help me, Michael…”
And just as you were about to collapse on the ground, he rushed over to hold your body in his arms, not caring about the dead man or the blood all over his hands and clothes. He only cared about you. A wave of relief may have washed over him, but he was taken over by this strange, formidable urgency to protect you. To be there for you. To cherish you with such powerful tenderness, nurturing you in such a delicate, vulnerable state.
That was the night you and Michael finally bonded. That special Halloween night you found each other. Comprehending the fact that you were a newborn succubus— the deadliest, macabre, and wanton creature to ever exist... Knowing that you eat men, feed off their flesh, and reap on them with sexual dreams and nightmares, suddenly lead him to a mind-blowing discovery…
Michael had fallen in love with you.
In just a year later, you two were official. A perfect boyfriend and girlfriend for each other, basking in a healthy, loving, long-term relationship. With Michael knowing what you’re capable of as a succubus, he never held it against you; especially finding out the dark and twisted origin of how you became a succubus… He still loves you, cherishes you, and will forever stay loyal to you. Dating you because you’re you was just what he wanted ever since the beginning of college. And even though there were various things he has to adapt to in this relationship, he never complained. He would sacrifice anything for you, including his time to skip class just so you two can have sex.
But for a very good reason.
During the first few months of his new relationship, he had to deal with your bloodlust. You would tend to be ravenous, feral, murderous, literally barbaric for man blood and flesh, for that was your only appetite as a newborn. Michael knew what he was getting into, knew that him ending up being killed and eaten by you one day would be inevitable just to keep yourself alive and beautiful. As cautious and wary as ever, he’d keep his distance as he was in desperate search for another way to satisfy your hunger besides murdering anyone. Then finally, he came to the conclusion that a succubus like his girlfriend can also thrive and feed off sexual energy. A perfect solution for your diet without anybody getting hurt and keeping you alive.
Having sex with you everyday and night didn’t even feel like a strict routine or sex ritual. Michael had you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even dessert. Nothing about this felt like a necessity just to keep you around forever; he really wanted to satisfy you deep down as long as you consented. And as the months passed by, perhaps deep down he was also a freaky sex demon that takes pleasure in pleasuring his beautiful girlfriend. A man possessed and bewitched by your ethereal presence, he’d make you feel various levels of pleasure and pain as he explores the regions of your body that you never knew existed— finding your weaknesses, turning them into his strengths, and then seducing you with them...
As goes for you, who trained yourself to only feed off the insatiable, wanton lust you have for Michael. You always find a human man like him weaving into your brain, coursing through your veins like you were downing a drug. Every second you see each other at school, your hearts pound as hard as the bed you shared in your new apartment rattles, feasting upon your lusts as if there were no more morrows. Michael had undying, blooming love for you— and you wallowed in his love like draping a warm blanket over you during cold Winter nights.
Halloween was right around the corner again. It was soon to be your one year anniversary, and though Michael had many, many plans on celebrating with you, one of them was going to this huge Halloween party just thirty minutes away from campus. But it wasn’t just some ordinary house party with spooky Halloween decor lazily thrown around and bowls of fruit punch and alcohol scattered on a kitchen island— this was a hardcore Halloween party with over 300 guests attending. Way more people, way more alcohol, and way more attractions than just music to dance to— there were rumors of a famous live band performing, people hosting escape rooms, haunted houses, and other cool horror-related shit that Michael couldn’t wait to experience with you.
It was an hour before the party. The two of you were at your apartment getting your costumes ready, since Halloween costumes were part of the dress code for this party. If you weren’t dressed, you weren’t allowed in.
“Are you… Jason Voorhees?” you marveled, passing by Michael standing in front of the body mirror putting on the iconic hockey mask.
Michael chuckled. “Yeah. Since we had a Friday the 13th this year... I just found this at Spirit Halloween and decided why not. What are you gonna be, hm?”
“Well, it’s a little basic…” You did some cute poses in front of the mirror in your costume; a cropped white puffer jacket with faux fur on the edges of your hood, a denim skirt, red laced stockings, and then fake blood splattered all over. “It was also last minute, so I just threw on some stuff to look like Jennifer Check from Jennifer’s Body.”
“Basic? You look beautiful,” he complimented as he stared at your reflection in the mirror, turning around to hold your waist. “The costume is also ironic. I love that. You ready to go?”
“Yeah. Let’s go before parking gets full.”
The thirty minute drive at night wasn’t that bad. You and Michael’s adrenaline started to rush in when luminous rays of colorful lights and fog were seen from a far distance behind the shadowy trees. There were so, so many people that Michael couldn’t even recognize. Some weren’t even students that attended the university. You were surfing through the crowd with him never letting go of your hand, everybody around dancing outdoors as the excitement buzzes around in this rave-like party. Spectrums within the bass-boosted music, the sound waves pulsing in your heart. In the air, you could immediately take in strong various drugs and alcohol invading your senses. You could hear the rustle of costumes, glasses clinking, people talking and laughing, and feel the whimsical energy flowing around.
You and Michael decided to drink and dance together, the dizzying lights and alcohol making you fall through space and only take in his face. As the ecstasy flowed in your bloodstream beyond all measure like a storm of electric emotion, your pupils dilating as you were filled with this hazy sweetness-like sensation. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you always felt this way for your own boyfriend; becoming a victim to your own deadly, rapacious desire, enlaved to the rhythm of such unquenchable fire.
Together on the dance floor, Michael kept caressing your waist as you kept moving your body on his. He cupped your face, lips meeting together and something like fire and passion ignited within your ribs, urging each other to deepen the kiss. As if the alcohol couldn’t intoxicate you more, Michael was all that you needed in your hazy, drunken world. You needed him more than ever. You wanted to sneak off and find some place private for the both of you. God, you were feeling so needy for him deep down that Michael already knew…
"…Thank you for having us tonight. It's so good to be here with y'all!" somebody exulted into the microphone on the stage nearby. "I hope y'all enjoy and have a happy fuckin' Halloween!"
The elated crowd cheers again as the drummer counts off with the sticks and the electric guitar riffs take over your ears. For some odd reason, the man’s voice that started singing sounded vaguely familiar to you. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but there’s a part of you that recognizes a voice like that…
With the heated moment between you and Michael now disrupted by the band performing, you both turn your heads towards the stage where the crowd started to increase. Still holding each other’s hands, your eyes weaved through the back of people’s heads and tried to see who was performing. The electronic punk riffs sounded incredibly vibrant, thrilling everybody in the rave. Dark red spotlights, increased fog from the machines, and the clashing of the drums and other electric instruments overpowering your ears… Even the music sounded familiar to you— this was a genre that you used to listen to, after all.
“Do you wanna stay and watch?” you hear Michael yell out, clutching your hand tighter.
Somehow the question flew over your head as if you were distracted and overstimulated at the same time. As if you were drawn into the hypnotizing performance, there was an odd feeling of curiosity weighing down on your shoulders. The set up, the music, the energy, the singer’s voice… was it deja vu? You were slightly emerged, as if you unadjusted from this atmosphere, and the more Michael studied your curiosity, the more he became concerned.
When the silhouettes of tall heads blocking your view parted for a few minutes, you could finally see the singer. And the moment you scrutinized his appearance, it felt as if the world around you slowed down.
His face heightened every nerve of your body, as if you were just electrocuted by the most hazardous downed powerline. You were in utter bewilderment and horror of everything that you took in, numerous daunting flashbacks running in your head. You held your breath as you relived a traumatic memory from last Halloween; the night you were reborn as a succubus… You had no idea if these were your memories— Hell, it felt like a past life regression coursing every fiber of your being. But for the first time in a long time, terror and fright seized you completely.
“That— that singer…” you drawled, eyes widening every second in horror.
Michael furrowed his brows from not being able to hear you, leaning his ear closer to you. “Wait, what?”
You remembered. You remembered everything.
That last night of your perfect life where everything felt so surreal— being noticed by your long admired idol. A diabolical, sinister plan disguised as an innocent groupie love, where you were betrayed, drugged, kidnapped, and murdered.
The fire. The alcohol. The party. The groupie sex.
His words. His threats. His intentions. His greedy thirst for fame.
The night where he cut out your heart and sacrificed you to the devil. The night when you woke up hours later with a repulsive thirst for flesh on your tongue. The night you were reborn as a succubus, killing the first innocent man you ever saw who was just camping alone in the woods…
It was him. It was really him.
With your eyes welling with tears, your mind started to scream at you. You wanted revenge. You wanted to fucking kill him. Your anger and surging vengeance ignited a dangerous flame taking over you like a goddamn baptism. Your mind turns darker than black as every painful memory rips through you. This was the night he will finally die— and you didn’t give a fucking damn about how many witnesses there will be for his death.
“Babe? Are you—“
Letting go of Michael’s hand before he could comprehend it, you were already out of the crowd and lurking in the shadows with your enhanced speed. Part of you wanted to make that man’s death public. But part of you wanted to take things the old fashioned way, luring him backstage and devouring his soul right back into Hell where he belonged.
But your insatiable lust for flesh and blood mixed with your rage had you impatient and ravenous. It’s been so, so long since you’ve ate a man. And for a valid reason, you were hysterical and feverish to finally eat one on Halloween again. Make that man die a slow, painful, agonizing death as you tie him up in the woods and tear apart each and every one of his organs and guts. You were back to your old roots of being a vicious, wild succubus who lacks control of your hunger.
Michael had to weave through the crowd desperately looking everywhere for you, sometimes pushing other people and mistaking some as you by accident because of your costume. When the song was finally over and he could see entire stage clearly, the band was making their way off and the crowd finally became loose again. He still couldn’t find you anywhere. He started panicking, making his way inside the estate to search.
Inside the estate, there was a private dressing room for the band where they kept their instruments and other possessions. You were there, waiting by the locked door, hearing the men laughing and conversing with each other. But the lead singer’s voice reverberating in the room sounded like nails to a chalkboard to you, your blood boiling every time he chuckles and gets all excited about bullshit. That man doesn’t get to laugh. He doesn’t deserve this kind of talent. You kept fantasizing about ripping out his voice box with your own bare hands, clawing at his throat like a goddamn vice.
Blending with the shadows to taunt them, you find your way inside and locked the door. The men were behind a huge curtain where they couldn’t see you, still laughing and drinking together. Such fickle souls, perfect to be tormented alone in a dismal night like this. As much as you wanted the lead singer gone, you couldn’t help but take predatory thrill in agonizing the rest of the men that was soon to face the worse demise. Maybe they weren’t all that innocent, either. They could add in to the main course for the night.
You decided to do this the old fashioned way, stripping off your puffer jacket, crop top, skirt, stockings, and shoes. You wanted to feel their splattering crimson blood all over your bare skin. Wearing nothing but a matching bra and panty set, you stayed behind the curtain and cleared your throat.
“Excuse me? Can you gentlemen help me with something, please?”
All of them suddenly stop talking at the sound of your coaxing, provocative, coy voice behind the curtain. You sauntered your way towards them, all of them holding their breaths in star struck silence, admiring your devilish beauty and stunning body. All doe-eyed, slothful, yearning, making eye contact with all five males. That glimmer in your eyes that makes a man lose his mind like your boyfriend…
“Woah. Didn’t know we got a groupie for tonight,” one of the men chuckled, their disgusting eyes that deserves to be gouged out staring at you from head to toe.
“How can we help you, miss?” said the lead singer, your nose involuntarily flaring in furtive anger at him.
“Well… if you wanna come behind the curtains here, I have something I’d like to show all of you. A gift from your biggest fan.”
The dumb men easily fell into your trap, following you behind the curtain only for them to realize you disappeared. Eyebrows furrowing, some baffled by where the hell you just went. But you were hanging right above on the high ceiling, like a predatory creature on all fours, using your succubus powers to fuck with the lights and make them flicker until they’re in the dark.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
“Why’s the door locked? I can’t fucking open it!”
“Goddamnit. We’re stuck in here! Where the hell is that bitch?”
It’s been so long since you’ve utilized your tentacles. With a disturbing screech and growl, your wings that you finally let free transfigured into slimy tentacles that snatched the men and threw them across the room one by one, leaving the lead singer alone on purpose. You grinned widely from hearing them scream, curse, and panic in a room where no one could find them nor hear them. Your tentacles shove right into their mouths, silencing them forever until you were ready to eat them for later. And when you left the singer in prolonged, tense silence, you can feel the rapid, erratic beating of his heart that was soon to be gone…
“I went through Hell and came back… to finally kill you.”
For the past ten minutes, you weren’t answering your phone. Michael searched most of the estate, underestimating how big and maze-like the structure of the place was that he literally got lost. But when he was passing by a group of girls coming from the restroom, he overheard a conversation that immediately caught his attention.
“…yeah, but I was a little shy to go inside the dressing room. Flirt With Death always has groupies in there fucking or something…”
It all finally registered in Michael’s brain. Why you suddenly ran away, why you’re nowhere to be found. He was disappointed in himself for not realizing earlier, not even recognizing the band playing that was right in front of his eyes. He decided to turn into another narrow hallway where there were few people, running through each room with panic as he was still looking for you. When he found a dressing room that was apparently locked, he looked for any objects or furniture nearby that could barge open the door.
Don’t fucking tell me you did it, Y/N…
He grabbed a heavy chair, smashing it several times on the door knob to break it. He knew that he was damaging property, but he did not give a shit. The party was loud enough to block the banging sounds. Nobody was around, there were not even any cameras that he could detect in the ceiling. But he kept jamming and jamming the knob until it finally broke off, hastily shoving the door open. And the moment he noticed the room was dark and quiet, he immediately knew.
“And If I ever find the people that did this to me, I want to kill them...” He recalled your words from a year ago when you told him the truth. “And you can’t stop me, Michael. They deserve to rot in Hell for this...”
You actually fucking did it.
When Michael switched on the lights, the entire dressing room was a wretched mess covered in blood. On the walls, on the floor, some splattered onto the ceiling… It was the scene of a fucking massacre. As if a giant bucket of blood spilled and flooded the entire place. He held his breath and his eyes widened in horror, scanning the corpses with all their guts and organs hideously torn apart and some spilling out, laying in a pool of fresh crimson blood.
His gaze slowly drifted to you in the middle of the room— your wings were spread, your eyes were a different color, and your half-naked body was completely draped in fresh blood. You were feeding on the man that you told him about, the man you’ve been wanting to kill for the longest; plunging to the depths of his rufescent flesh.
“…Babe?” Michael uttered, ever so slowly and cautiously ambling closer to you. You hissed at him and bared your fangs, immediately halting a few feet away from you in underlying fear.
You took a few moments to recognize Michael’s face, trying so hard to fight the urge of accidentally eating him as well. You were slowly coming down from your frenzied, blood lust state, your sharpened eyes scanning the bloody room. The band that became famous from the lead singer selling his soul is now dead. His diabolic soul finally rotting in Hell where he belongs…
Michael inched closer, watching the way your eyes turn back to its normal color and your wings closing. “Come. Let’s go home,” your loving boyfriend insisted, holding out his hand. “I’ll wash you up and then I’ll order us something to eat.”
Holding onto him and letting him cover you up with his jacket and his arm around you, it felt as if the raging and feral tides of your soul were finally at rest. His love for you was like floating in a warm pool of warm honey and velvet; you enthralled in this beautiful rhythm of sensations that fill your energies. Leaning over to give you a gentle, reassuring kiss that was so soft, so plush, a reminder that you belong to each other forever and nothing else in this world matters.
Because when you got home that night, Michael completely forgot about washing you up and instead pressed you against the door just to kiss you. Your lungs filling with wicked lust, bodies melting together like caramel as your needy desires take over. Not even waiting a fraction of a second to settle down at home, he couldn’t fucking wait any longer. And you couldn’t either…
“Mm— Michael,” you sighed out. “I thought you were… we were gonna…”
“Shh, shh. I’m gonna take care of you, I promise. But… after seeing you tonight like that, I— I feel like something awakened in me, or… fuck, I just want you right now…”
You chuckled. “Awakened something in you?”
As much as Michael wanted to admit it, he was ashamed. “Nah, forget it. C’mon, let’s shower together.”
“Uh-uh. I’m not gonna go until you tell me.”
Michael had to mentally prepare before cringing at his own words. Recollecting himself and trying not to make things awkward, he pursed his lips and finally confessed. “Ugh, fine... When I saw your, uh— tentacles… I just thought about, you know— if you could tie me up with them?”
Never in your years of living as a succubus had a filthy, raunchy idea like this ever cross your mind. But were you opposed to it? Deep down, you were turned on by it. Tying Michael to one of your dining chairs, his wrists bound behind him as you straddled on top and teased him with your tentacles. As you kept kissing him and grinding on his thigh, one of your tentacles were wrapped around his hard cock, stroking it simultaneously that his precum was already leaking. Hearing his cute moans and whimpers gradually get louder, struggling to kiss back or try to touch you when he forgot he was tied up… you were so turned on that you kept struggling to kiss back as well.
He will never stop recalling the time when he first saw you in your succubus form, the time when something shifted within him. Not only was he turned on by your hot physical appearance as a maneating demon, but by your feral, wild, vicious behavior of ripping apart men and eating them greedily. He felt inclined to obey you, and only you; like holding him captive and chaining him up tight in the dark, making him quiver and gasp for every unobtainable breath of air. Ruin him, hurt him, mark him, corrupt him, just fucking use him for your pleasure…
As you kept riding him and stroking him, the tip of your noses press against each other in the heat of the moment. His jaw was slackened and his brows were furrowed from the white-hot waves of sensation coursing in his body.
“Fuck, Y/N— you’re so… God, I love you. I fucking love you.”
“I love you, too,” you cooed sweetly in his ear, hearing him respond with a slutty groan when you increased the pace. He involuntarily bucks his hips into the grip of your slimy tentacles, throwing his head back and clenching his fists tighter.
“I’m not gonna last, babe. I’m not gonna last— I need you to ride me, please. Please sit on my dick. I’m begging you, Y/N— God, I need to cum inside you…”
Michael's pleads were so adorable to you, it would be absolutely ruthless to deny his orgasm like that. There was just something so beautiful about a man pleading to you if he could cum inside you; something so irresistible about hearing the urgency with which he begs for permission.
“Aw, look at you. So fucking needy for me,” you teased as the tentacle stroking his aching cock slipped away. “Once you come, I’m not gonna stop riding you... You have to fucking take it.”
After hearing your words, Michael felt like he was gonna fucking explode. He was shattered. His stomach was tied up in knots the moment you planted yourself on his cock with all your weight, throwing his head back in such euphoria. His face flushed red as he watched you ride him, his cock disappearing into your pussy like magic and then reappearing much more wet and slick. He wanted to fucking touch you so bad. He wanted to adjust himself so he could thrust up into you and slap your ass like he’d always do. But with you in complete control over him, he was in a fucking bliss— his orgasm was building up already without a warning.
“Fuck, fuck… I’m so close, Y/N.”
Dizzy with desire, you felt as if you were getting closer as well as you kept riding on his dick. You can feel himself throbbing as he could feel you pulsing around him. Your fingernails were digging onto his skin, drawing your mouth closer to his and kissing him while parting away just to moan pathetically. Your thighs started to twitch, and your body thundered with tension and neediness. Every goddamn thrust and movement of your hips had you seeing stars. It was hard to pinpoint the differences between your bloodlust frenzy and your sexual frenzy— both of them had your hunger consumed and your body ablaze…
“Oh my God… Keep fucking riding me like that. You enjoy bouncing on my cock like a hot little slut, huh?”
“I’m— I’m the one that’s supposed— supposed to tease you like that, fuck,” you whined out, immediately cut off by him kissing you and humming in your mouth.
“At least I can think straight when I’m fucking you. Whenever you come— ah, fuck— you always go so dumb on my cock.”
“Oh? But you love when I do that. Just keep thinking about… the times you fucked me so hard that, I— I lost my mind…”
“You’re gonna come, Y/N. I can already tell. Fuck, I wish I can fuck up into you right now so I can pound that pretty fucking pussy…”
You tried so hard not to give him the satisfaction so quick, but your body had already betrayed you. Your lips clashed with his in urgency as too many sensations hit you all at once. As you kept bouncing your ass on him, the sounds of sticky skin clapping together slowed down as you felt that erratic pounding in your pussy and the feeling of Michael’s cum shooting inside you and pooling down onto the base of his dick. His forehead falls onto yours, shutting his eyes as you both sat there for a few minutes collecting your breaths. You let the tentacles release him so he could finally hold you and run his hands all over you, keep you in place just so you could cockwarm him.
Your softened eyes meet with his, prompting you to smile at how cute he looks. His eyes glittered like he was smitten, madly in love, the same expression he always makes every morning when you wake up. After a couple of ardent kisses, the two of you just didn’t feel like moving yet.
“So. I hope you enjoyed our anniversary so far,” Michael chuckled. “Especially after you finally got your revenge. That was fucking badass.”
You mirrored his chuckle, smirking in amusement as you kept replaying the scenes in your head of murdering the men. “You still haven’t cleaned me up yet, you know.”
“Yeah… but if we were to shower together right now, you know damn well we’re gonna go for round two. Maybe three, four, or five…”
“Then what are we waiting for…?”
[RIDE ANNOUNCER] Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete stop. Then collect your belongings, watch your head, and step carefully out the vehicle. The nearest exit will be on your left. On behalf of all of our crew, thanks for riding with us, and we hope you have a happy and memorable visit here at Horrorland!
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ALL WORKS BELONG TO VILSOO © 2023. do not steal, plagiarize, translate, or repost/share any of my works on any social media where minors have access. art by rin237 on instagram ♥︎
obviously inspired by Jennifer’s Body (2009.) if you read my previous fic “ flirt with death “ this is the sequel.
𖤐 TAGS. @aft0nsimp @crysugu @rinshoe @kimekioo @porcelain_clown @willsdollface @zippertwat @strawstfu @maddietries @yourfavoriteobnoxiousomnisexual @nanananamiiii @bookmark-anon @bru1sedclavicle @hehehehesthings @dvafoxxystrashcan @dorkfilmz
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caramelcleopatraa · 6 months
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word count: 3.3k
x: finals are coming up, so i'm gonna be very busy, but i'm still writing y'all (this is the most consistent i've been lol) (excuse any errors of course) Hope you guys enjoyyy! leave comments... please. I love your comments.
content: Imani has a crush on Roman. Their friend group goes on live and her secret comes to the light. She thought that she was going to be rejected and move on, but things never go the way people expect. Roman Reigns x Imani, 18+ MDNI, oral (m recieving), cowg!rl, creamp!e
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Imani loved weekend kickbacks. Time to chillax with her favorite people, and get her mind off of things. It was moments like these she waited for. Drinks and joints in rotation, and endless fun for hours to come. Jimmy, Jey, Roman, Trinity Talia, and Imani. She wishes that she was only thinking about the good vibes that circulated in the atmosphere, but she was focused on something else. It wasn’t like she was necessarily trying to focus on Roman, but it was inevitable when she could see him so clearly from the kitchen. She knew that having a crush on him could possibly mess up the bond that the group has, but he was so gravitating, He was perfect in her eyes. She basically textbook described him when Trinity and Talia asked her to describe her dream man: Tall, muscular, sweet, absurdly attractive, charismatic, humorous, dedicated. God, she could go on to name every single one of his attributes that she loved. She tried to brush it off as a mistake at first, but there was no part about this that was a mistake. He had a tight grip on her, and he wasn't even aware. She wonders what would happen if he felt the same way. If those pretty brown eyes she daydreamed about would reciprocate the love she was anxiously waiting to give him. She could only imagine all of the things she could do for him, to him, and provide him. If she had him all to herself, how they would spend their nights alone. How it would feel to be wrapped in his embrace. How it would feel to get lost in him between the sheets for hours, and repeat it again the next day. If she had him all to herself.
“WE GETTIN TURNT!” Talia raised her glass in the air and yelled out to her viewers, watching her through the small rectangular frame. Jimmy came around the corner with uno cards in his hands as the six of us gathered around the table. Roman, Trinity, or Jey would pop into the frame to answer a couple of questions while Jimmy shuffles the cards and Imani gathers multiple bottles to bring to the table. “Mani! They have some questions for you!” Imani joins her party, sitting the bottles on the table and scanning through the comments.
‘Do you get to go backstage with the bloodline?’
“Yes! It's amazing, I'm not gonna lie.”
‘Please do a makeup tutorial!’
“Maybe, I don't have a youtube channel.”
‘Seen any guys that have caught your eye?’
“A couple, but they ain’t nothin’ important.”
“Oh word?” Talia and Trinity both look at her with curious faces, but Imani just giggles and goes back to answering questions. 
“Ooh this is a good one. Kiss, marry, fuck: Jason Momoa, Michael B. Jordan, and Roman Reigns,” Talia reads out loud. That question got everyone’s attention. Jimmy stopped fidgeting with the cards and Roman and Jey both put their phones down impatient for her answer. “Well?” Talia was definitely setting her up, and she could feel it. Thank god for her brown skin that covered her fastly spreading blush. “Do I have to answer this?” “Yes, you do. I'm intrigued now,” Trinity says, as Imani quickly takes a double take at the entire table to see them all staring at her. She sighs before surrendering and thinking hard about the question.
“I’ll… kiss… Michael B. Jordan, fuck Jason Momoa, and marry Roman Reigns.” She instantly regretted answering the question before Trinity pried at Imani to get out more information that everyone was itching to know. “Hmm, why marry Roman?” She quickly swiped her drink off of the table and took a long sip, hiding her face. In all honesty, she wanted to say that it was the easiest choice, but that would only make her sound suspicious. And that was not a conversation that she wanted to have in front of quite literally everyone. “I'm not interested in the other guys like that.” “So you’re interested in Roman?” ‘Wait- wait! Noo that's not what I meant!’
“No, I just wouldn't marry the other two men. It’s not that deep Trin,” Imani says, a failed attempt at dismissing the conversation. “You’ve never gotten this defensive before… don’t tell me that you in your feelings.” She could see Talia smirking at the corner of her eyes. She knew she had to stop this fast. “You’re reaching Talia,” Imani says, laughing to herself. “Oooooh Imani wants the Tribal Chief, huh?” Never in her life had she ever been more embarrassed. “Jimmy, for the love of god, please start dealing the cards,” Imani says, covering her face, her words muffled by her hands. Everyone laughs, finding amusement in her nervousness. She anxiously waited for Jimmy to start dealing the cards so this moment could pass.
11:27 pm
Several rounds of uno and spades passed, and the guests were slowly starting to make their way out. She noticed Talia, Trinity, Jey, and Jimmy momentarily texting throughout the night, which would probably explain why the four of them were explaining the consequence of Imani losing a couple of rounds. “Sooooo we thought of something. Don’t be mad! It’s just a punishment for losing so much,” Talia says, sticking out her tongue. “Your punishment is that you have to ask Roman to fuck you.” ‘ASK ROMAN TO WHATT!?!?’
Her surprised face told them everything they needed to know. “You'll be fine. Uce will probably be down to fuck either way,” Jey says. Imani gave Talia a death glare, making Talia laugh. “You’re trippin’ girl. Just approach him with the right energy and make him want to stay with you. I guess this answers the question of if you have a crush on him or not.” Before she could defend herself, Roman walks in from the restroom and the four of them are gone in the blink of an eye. ‘These trifling’ heifers’
“Guess they all left. I should be on my way out then. Thank you for the food and dr-” She steps in front of him, stopping him from exiting out the front door. He looks at her with confusion. “You okay?” Her heart was beating fast. She didn't fully think out what she was going to do after she stepped in front of him, but it was now or never. 
“Fuck me.”
“F-fuck me.” She couldn't look him in the eye the second time. The pressure weighing on her shoulders was too much. But the thing that was racking her brain the most was how close they were. She felt like this was a disaster taking place in real time. She hears a soft chuckle, looking up to see him lightly smiling at her. “Was this your punishment for losing?” She nods, and his smile stays fixed on his face. “Do you want me to?” 
‘...did he say what I think he just said?’
Her mind is searching for an answer, a reason to say no. But she can't find any. As embarrassing and confusing this was, she had daydreamed about this moment. Maybe he was just being nice and would give her a quick fuck to fulfill the punishment. That idea became her leading thought. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomf-” “Do you want me to fuck you Imani?”
‘Shit he’s not joking.’
She slowly nods, which prompts him to lock the front door behind you. Her head was spinning, trying her hardest to maintain her composure. “Ask me again.”
“Fuck me, please,” She says nervously, eyes returning her shiny tile floors. “I don’t believe you sweetheart. Ask me again.” His hand gently grabs at her chin, making Imani look at him. Once they made eye contact, she knew that she was done for. She was already feeling weak from just looking at him. She took a deep breath before finally saying, “Please fuck me Roman.”
He wasted no time pulling her into a heated kiss. Not that she minded. This felt like a wonderful dream that she didn't want to wake up from. Only this wasn't a dream, it was real life. She finally got to feel the body that she had been drooling over. Right now, he was hers, and she was going to make the most of it. 
Her curious hands creeped along his captivating body while they explored each other’s mouths, dragging her hands up his torso from underneath his shirt. He pulled away from her soft lips to trail wet kisses from her cheek to her neck. “Not shy anymore huh?” She couldn't be shy. Her desire for him had completely taken over. “I really need you right now Roman,” She pants out. 
“Bedroom?” She nods and takes his hand in hers, leading the way to her bedroom. The sway of her hips only made Roman more aroused, as he silently admired her body from behind.
They enter her bedroom and she doesn't get a chance to close the door before being pulled into his arms again, temporarily hoisting her in the air to lay her on the spacious bed. He pulls her into another messy kiss, setting his focus on getting rid of their bothersome clothes. He quickly tore his shirt from his body and she did the same with hers. Their lips connected again, moving in harmony. He started to make his way down her body, but she squeezed his shoulders, signaling him to stop. “I wanna make you feel good first.” Roman was surprised to say the least. He kissed her tummy and replied, “Are you sure?” She gives him a confident nod, with those big doe eyes and her beautiful smile. “Alright, what do you want me to do?” “Let’s switch places.”
She scooted to the side, giving him room to lay down on the bed. She crawled down to his waist, tugging both his sweatpants and boxers down. His dick springs out of his pants, finally free from cloth restraints. Her eyes locked with his before lowering down to lick the underside of him; from his balls to his mushroom tip. A wad of spit drips from her mouth and lands on his length, using her hand to lather him up. His soft hums let her know that he was feeling good, and she was determined to make him feel a whole lot better. 
Her juicy lips start at his tip, giving small kitten licks before taking the tip in her mouth. Her warm mouth felt so good on his dick. He didn't know that Imani was this nasty. She gives him kisses up and down his shaft before taking him in her mouth again. 
She didn’t waste any time trying to tease him. He was big, and filled mer mouth well, but it’s nothing she's never handled before. Before she continued, the warmth of her mouth left him once again. “Can you record this?” Just when he thought she couldn't get more nasty. 
“Record?” She nodded her head. “Only if you’re comfortable.” “I’m more than comfortable,” Roman says, while reaching into his sweatpants pocket. He grabs his phone and opens the camera app, pressing record. “It’s recording, baby.” 
She smiles at the camera, curling her fingers around the base of his dick and tapping him against her tongue. She takes him in her mouth again for the final time, keeping her hand put at the base. She bobs her head slowly, swiveling her head from left to right. 
She keeps moving slowly, making sure to fit all she can in her mouth. Her hand that stayed curled around his base, moved in juxtaposition, stroking the rest of him that her mouth couldn't get to. “Goddamn baby, that mouth feels so good. I need that mouth around my dick all the time.” She moans in response, giving him vibrations that made him feel oh so good. She had him moaning and groaning. She didn't mind that at all. She got a big ego boost that he was so vocal from her mouth working its magic. She took note of every moan, every twitch, and any reaction he made. Right now, she was focused on his pleasure. 
His grip on his phone tightened, trying his best to keep his composure. She moved her head faster, still bobbing up and down, and using her hand to stroke his remaining inches. “Ahh s-shit mama, you keep sucking my dick like that and imma cum in your mouth.” She looks at him, already staring at her every move while she’s giving him euphoria like pleasure. She moans around his dick again, feeling her panties dampen. Her other hand massaged his balls lightly. Her slurping sounds made him close to coming. 
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Those innocent eyes staring into him as he recorded her doing such lewd things. He tried his best not to tangle his hands in her hair and fuck her mouth full of him. But her mouth felt so good, and he wanted nothing more than to cum in her mouth. He couldn’t help himself when his hands disappeared into her hair, planting his feet on the bed and fucking up into her mouth. She put her hands behind her back, letting him use her as he pleased. His thrusts were quick, but soft, his balls slapping against her chin. “Oh fuck! I’m coming mama, ooh I'm comin’.” He kept her head steady while coming deep in her throat, and she accepted with jubilation. 
She bobbed her head a few more times, trying her best to overstimulate him the most she can, until his hand grabs her chin, lifting her up. “Slow down princess,” He says, ending the recording. She crawls up to meet him, giving him a quick passionate kiss. “See how good you taste?” Roman chuckles at her boldness. “Your turn. Lie down,” He says, trying to sit up, but fails due to her pushing him back down on the bed. “I need that dick right now daddy.”
“You don’t want me to eat that pussy?” She runs her hand through her messy hair. “God yes I do, but I need you to fuck me right now.” Her eyes did more pleading than her words. 
“I wanna record this too,” she says, looking down at his chest, tracing the intricate tattoo. He feels around the bed, finally grabbing the phone and reopening the camera app. “Can you prop it up somewhere? I want you to be able to touch me.” “Already on it baby.” He climbed back further on your bed, propping the phone up against the lamp on the nightstand. While he did that, she slid off her shorts and panties, throwing them behind her. He pressed record again, and instructed her to adjust herself so the camera could capture everything. 
His hands landed on her ass as they both observed themself. His hands felt so good kneading her ass, and she saw his eyes drinking in every part of her body. He couldn't keep his hands off of her curvaceous body, and he didn't want to. “You like it?” Her soft hands massaged his shoulders, making him groan softly. “I love it baby, love this ass.” An unexpected slap to her ass made her jump. “You sound so good, daddy.” His hands move her hips along his dick, grinding her body against his. 
“How long have you been thinking about this?” She shies away from his gaze, a sudden flash of embarrassment runs through her body. She had forgotten about all of her feelings of distress and nervousness and realized that she was running on arousal and adrenaline. “A-a couple of months.” He lifts her hips and grabs his length, rubbing the tip along her slit. A few rubs up and down her slickness before impaling her on his dick. They moan simultaneously, relishing in the mind numbing pleasure. “You been thinking about taking this dick baby?” She gives him small head nods, still captured by the feeling of him inside of her. His hands cupped her chin, turning her head to the direction of the phone, steadily recording them. His hands were full of her ass, moving her up and down his shaft slowly. His unsteady breaths and her elongated moans were harmonious. “Go ‘head then. Bounce that ass on my dick.”
Her eyes focused on him as she steadied herself, her hands placed on either side of his head. She throws her ass back, his thighs catching it every time. His eyes were still glued to the phone, watching her beautiful body on top of him. But it wouldn’t be long until he faced her again, her soft titties hanging in front of his face. She had daydreamed about fucking Roman, and she was finally doing it. It gave her confidence knowing that he couldn't keep his hands off of her body. Her facial expression told her exactly how she was feeling. It was almost overwhelming how sexy she was. Beautiful smile, sexy body, paired with addicting moans that made him want to fuck her all night long. 
“Mmm~ look at you taking daddy’s dick. You’re doing so good,” Roman pants, grabbing at her breasts. His gentle praises and gruff voice was enough to make her cum. His dominating presence, his words, his touch. This man had her mind running laps. Even though he wasn’t putting in any effort, he was hitting all the right spots.
Her words were slurred, eyes rolled back, mouth wide open spewing salacious moans. Her hips slowed down, the constant rhythm created by her ass and his thighs meeting no longer lasted while she hid in the crook of his neck. Her body was decorated with a sheet of sweat that didn’t take away from her golden hue. “Look at me.” She rested on her elbows, locking her eyes onto his. Their faces were laced with lust, an unsatisfied want for each other. 
His strong arms caged her in, preventing her from squirming or escaping. She was still catching her breath while Roman planted his feet on the bed again. He places a tender kiss on her cheek before fucking up into her. She grabbed on to any part of his body that could, her eyes fluttering shut. A harsh slap to her ass makes her scream in pleasure. “I said look at me,” Roman says, demanding her full attention.
“Ohhh- my god! You feel so fucking g-good!” Roman loved watching her unravel. How she screamed for glory while he fucked her. God, he could make this his favorite hobby. Making her cum over and over again. “Mhm- fuckk- keep talking to me baby.” Her mind was foggy. She could only focus on one thing right now, how good he was dicking her down. Roman was making her feel so good. She looked at his phone propped up on the nightstand again to see their reflection. Her ass rippled from his hard strokes. That sight alone had her ready to cum. “Shhit! I’m finna cum on that big ass dick!” “Yeah? You finna cum?”
Her nails dug into his broad shoulders, feeling a knot build up in her stomach. “Cum with me Imani, let me feel you cum around my dick.”
Her eyes shut as she came, her orgasm hitting like a dam breaking, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. His hips slowed down, but still gave her deep strokes, coming deep inside her. High pitched moans and deep grunts filled the room. His hands lazily grab her hips, allowing her to move again. She reached to grab the phone and ended the video, dropping the phone somewhere as she laid limp against his chest. His thumbs worked small circles as they both caught their breath. “I’m gonna take a shower when I get up, wanna join me?” Imani hears him chuckle, still working small circles into her hips. “Nah, we’re not done. I gotta eat that pussy, Imani.”
If these were the punishments she got for losing in spades, maybe losing wasn't so bad after all.
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @cyberdejos2
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Kid MC: *who is now four years old* Papa! You're going to be late!
Simeon: Nn... Five more minutes...
Kid MC: *pouts* Papa! *starts shaking him by the shoulder*
Simeon: *chuckles* Papa will get up after five minutes.
Kid MC: *pouts even more*
Simeon: *acts cutely* Papa was very tired yesterday...
Simeon: Does Papa not deserve five more minutes of sleep?
Kid MC: ...
Kid MC: *hugs him* Sorry, Papa. You go sleep more.
Simeon: You're taking a nap with Papa?
Kid MC: But I'm not tired.
Simeon: Okay. Just hug Papa, okay?
Kid MC: Hm!
Simeon: *smiles*
Raphael: Simeon, we will have to go to the human world to buy some things Michael need.
Simeon: Um... Can you ask Luke instead? I'm sure he'll be happy to help.
Raphael: He has other things to do. Besides, you aren't that busy, Simeon.
Simeon: Well... I've got plans. *planning to throw a small birthday for MC*
Raphael: ...
Raphael: We just need to complete Michael's grocery list.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: As long as we return before it gets dark in the human world.
Raphael: Of course.
Luke: *holding the key to Simeon's room*
Luke: Michael asked me to investigate. I wonder if Simeon did something to gain suspicion.
Luke: *shakes his head* No! I'm sure I'll find nothing! Simeon has always been an honest angel! *inserts the key and turns the doorknob*
Luke: *as soon as he opens the door*
Kid MC: Did you forget something, Papa—
Luke: ...
Kid MC: *looks innocently at him* Hm? You're not Papa.
Luke: ...
Simeon: *has been looking at the birthday cake that is on the display*
Raphael: Do you want to buy that one?
Simeon: Yes. It looks delicious.
Raphael: Indeed. I'm sure your child will like it.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *turns his head at him*
Simeon: What are you talking about, Raphael?
Raphael: They're probably four years old now, aren't they?
Simeon: ...
Raphael: I'll buy that cake for you.
Michael: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday~ Happy birthday~
Michael: Happy birthday to you~! Make a wish, MC.
Kid MC: I'll wait for Papa!
Michael: He'll be arriving in a moment. Don't worry.
Simeon: MICHAEL!
Michael: He's just in time. *smiles* Please join us, Simeon.
Kid MC: Papa! *runs to hug him*
Simeon: *immediately kneels to check them* Are you okay? Did something happen?
Kid MC: Uncle Luke entered the room and they made a surprise birthday party!
Simeon: ...
Michael: *chuckles* That's right. Come, Simeon.
Michael: MC still need to make their wish.
Kid MC: Let's make a wish together, Papa!
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *nods* *forced a smile* Yes.
The angels: *looking at them with judging eyes*
Simeon: ...
Kid MC: Papa?
Simeon: *carries them up* *smiles genuinely this time* Happy birthday, my child. I'm sorry that Papa didn't hold a party until now.
Kid MC: It's okay! I know Papa is busy and we were playing hide-and-seek!
Simeon: *pressed his forehead against theirs* Thank you.
Kid MC: *smiling*
Michael: *observing them*
Luke: ...
Luke: Michael...
Michael: *smiles* It's alright, Luke. Trust me. There's nothing to worry about.
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batbabydamian · 15 days
DC November 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Morgan Evans
Art and Cover by Jon Mikel
Variant Cover by Patrick Ballesteros
Taking place after the events of “Merry Little Batman,” Gotham City finds itself reeling from the Joker’s attack, and Damian Wayne (a.k.a. Little Batman) is eager to get back into the fight. That’s going to be harder than it sounds, as Bruce now wants Damian to put the cowl aside and embrace the value of his secret identity. After a suspicious guest is found lurking around the Wayne New Year’s Eve Party, it’s up to Damian to find the balance between both of his personas and save the day yet again. See Little Batman in a new adventure from the film’s screenwriter, Morgan Evans, after catching the rerelease of the breakout movie in theaters this winter.
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Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Art and Cover by Javier Fernandez
Variant Covers: Simone Di Meo, Ashley Wood (1:25), Aaron Bartling, and Guillem March (Creature Commandos Variant)
What should have been a run-of-the-mill charity banquet for Bruce and Damian has, quite literally, gone up in flames—and now, without access to their costumes and gadgets, father and son find themselves fighting for their lives at the hands of the mysterious specter known only as Memento. But who is this new villain who set the blaze that threatens to disintegrate the Dynamic Duo, why does it replicate an infamous, century-old tragedy from Gotham’s history, and what is Memento’s connection to the Dark Knight’s past? Nothing can prepare you for the answers to these questions, so join us and bear witness to “Memento,” part two.
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Written by Matthew Rosenburg and Matthew Manning
Art by Otto Schmidt and Acky Bright
Cover by Otto Schmidt
Variant Covers: by Stephen Segovia and Homare
Gorilla Grodd and Aquaman have had little luck capturing the elusive Damian Wayne, but a mysterious figure arrives bearing a whispered prophecy that could turn the tide of war in their favor. Elsewhere, John Constantine might well be the human resistance’s last hope…just a shame he can’t remember what it was he was meant to be doing. Enter The Spectre to help guide his way! And in the shadows, a new Batman lurks…but what’s his connection to Bruce Wayne?
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Written by Jeff Parker
Art by Lukas Ketner
Cover by Bernard Chang
Variant Covers: Dan Mora, Dan Hipp (DC Holiday Surprise Rub & Sniff variant), Kevin Wada (1:25), Erica Henderson (1:50)
Horrors haunt the Christmas season as life-drained bodies litter the countryside, each marked with a strange symbol. The Justice League responds—but it’s a trap! The heroes are pulled from our world, but not before Batman helps Robin escape. Now Damian Wayne must seek out Zatanna and the one and only Santa Claus if there’s any hope of saving their friends and family. Santa comes to the aid of the DCU heroes in the crossover-event sequel you wished for! And you must have been extra good because a wintry mix of DC’s wildest characters arrive this time to face a powerful foe… the Silent Knight!
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*Clayton Henry Main Cover appearance
Written by Mark Waid and Mariko Tamaki
Art by Clayton Henry, Michael Shelfer, and Meghan Hetrick
Death to the Phantom Zone! Superman and Mon-El are reunited at last, but are our heroes too late to stop the impossible threat of Aethyr?! The mad wizard has breached the realm and begun decimating planet Earth…the Super-Family and the Justice League are holding on as best they can, but this sounds like a job for Superman! Plus, can Kara put her feelings aside and carry out the mission Superman gave her?
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mariacallous · 2 days
A well-known Georgian transgender model has been murdered, local officials said, a day after the government passed legislation that will impose sweeping curbs on LGBTQ+ rights in the country.
Georgia’s interior ministry said Kesaria Abramidze, 37, was believed to have been stabbed to death in her apartment in suburban Tbilisi on Wednesday.
Georgian media later reported that a man had been arrested in connection with the crime.
Abramidze was one of the country’s first openly trans public figures. Her death follows controversial legislation on “family values and the protection of minors” that will allow officials to outlaw Pride events and censor films and books.
The law, which was approved by the Georgian parliament on Tuesday in its third and final reading, includes bans on same-sex marriages and gender-affirming treatments. It is expected to be another point of contention between Georgia and the EU as the country seeks to join the bloc.
Critics argue that the bill, initially introduced by the ruling Georgian Dream party in the summer, mirrors laws enacted in neighbouring Russia, where authorities have implemented a series of repressive anti-LGBTQ+ measures over the past decade.
Although the motive behind Abramidze’s murder remains unclear, her death was swiftly cast by Georgian civil society as part of a state campaign against minorities in the country.
Under the Georgian Dream party, which has taken an increasingly anti-liberal stance, the country has seen a rise in violence against LGBTQ+ people.
Last year, hundreds of opponents of gay rights stormed an LGBTQ+ festival in Tbilisi, forcing the event to be cancelled. This year, tens of thousands of people marched in the capital to promote “traditional family values” at an event attended by the ruling party amd the deeply conservative and influential Orthodox church.
“There is a direct correlation between the use of hate speech in politics and hate crimes,” the Social Justice Center, a Tbilisi-based human rights group, said in its statement reacting to the murder.
“It has been almost a year that the Georgian Dream government has been aggressively using homo/bi/transphobic language and cultivating it with mass propaganda means,” it added.
On Wednesday, Josep Borrell, the EU’s top diplomat, called on the Georgian government to withdraw the “family values” law, warning it would harm Georgia’s chances of joining the bloc. The legislation would “increase discrimination & stigmatisation”, he said on X.
After Abramidze’s death, Michael Roth, the Social Democratic party chair of the Bundestag foreign affairs committee in Germany, echoed that call. “Those who sow hatred will reap violence. Kesaria Abramidze was killed just one day after the Georgian parliament passed the anti-LGBTI law,” Roth wrote on X.
The introduction of the law comes just five weeks before parliamentary elections that many see as a litmus test of whether Georgia, once one of the most pro-western former Soviet states, will now drift towards Russia.
The country’s pro-western president, Salome Zourabichvili, whose functions are mostly ceremonial, is expected to veto the law before it comes into effect. However, Georgian Dream and its allies have enough seats in parliament to override her veto.
Earlier this year, the Georgian Dream also pushed through the divisive “foreign influence” law, which western critics argue is authoritarian and Russian-inspired, and has derailed the country’s EU aspirations.
Meanwhile, tributes have started to pour in for Abramidze, who represented Georgia at Miss Trans Star International in 2018 and had more than 500,000 followers on Instagram.
“Kesaria was iconic! Provocative, wise, incredibly brave! A trailblazer for Georgia’s trans rights,” Maia Otarashvili, a Georgian political scientist, wrote on X.
Zourabichvili said the murder should be a “wake-up call” for Georgian society.
“A terrible murder! The death of this beautiful young woman … should not be in vain!” the president wrote on Facebook.
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wntrs0ldier · 1 year
An Offer · part 04
pairing: mob!bucky x reader words: 4,2k warnings: typical mafia (dark themes, language, violence, etc.)
<previous part | next part> | series masterlist
series summary: When your father dies, the only thing you can do for your family and the empire he built, is to marry a powerful man.
chapter sneak peek: “Bucky…” You hesitated, taking a little more time to sort out what you should really say. “Helps me with some business.” You reached for the glass of wine standing in front of you and took a sip.
“Always helpful,” Rebecca sneered. You noticed that she has been passionately ignoring her brother, but until now you were convinced that this was just a mistaken impression. “And, of course, he wants the best for you, doesn't he?” She faked a smile.
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The encounter with Bucky, which took place a few days ago, turned out to be a new source of worry, leaving you even more confused. Guided by common sense, you tried not to dwell on it, but every time you lost your guard and let your thoughts wander, you found yourself reliving that moment. And each time you asked yourself the same question, Why did an accidental contact lead to such a strong reaction? It wasn't that the two of you had started pawing each other; Bucky accidentally leaned against you. And then he looked at your lips to see if your body was thinking the same thing as his…
You drifted off again, and were made aware of it by the boiling kettle. The flashback of the touch immediately popped into your head like the words of a stupid song you couldn't stop humming. And although you lost your appetite for tea, you filled the cup with hot water.
Michael walked into the kitchen with a newspaper in his hands – the kind he used to bring your father every morning. With a heavy sigh, he put it down on the kitchen counter. When you peeked at him to figure out if that sigh meant he was in a bad mood, you met his gaze. Suddenly you felt uncomfortable.
“Stark is becoming impatient,” Michael began. “Since your father's death, no one really controls the distribution of Stark Industries products. If this outage continues, Stark will quit doing business with us,” he said. Having taken off his glasses, he massaged his closed eyelids. Working with Tony Stark was bringing in a huge amount of money for your Family. As such, you understood Michael's nervousness – you couldn't afford to dissolve your partnership. “In view of this, we have less and less time.”
Biting your lower lip, you ran your eyes nervously over the surface of the countertop. “What about Brock?” You didn't want to consider the possibility that Brock might have turned out to be your last resort, but you knew you should be prepared for it. “Any word from Rumlows?”
Michael shook his head. “I was approached by someone else,” he added. Your first instinct was to feel uneasy, but in the end you decided to give it a chance. It dawned on you that you had to stop being picky, even though it had seemed perfectly reasonable to you up to that point. You had the right to demand to be treated right by any person you were to marry. “John Walker would like to speak to you. Without me or any third parties present.”
This was exactly what you had feared – John Walker joining in. And while he didn't seem as harmful as Brock, you didn't see him as the ideal candidate. But for all intents and purposes, you didn't see an ideal candidate in any man around. 
You swallowed hard. “Did he say anything else?”
“That he will reach you to discuss the details of the meeting.”
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The conversation with Michael was still looming in your head, effectively hindering your preparations for dinner at the Barnes house. All you could do was turn up there and look good, and even that was difficult to achieve. 
A long, warm bath has improved the state of your skin somewhat – until now it was a little too dry and ashen as a result of the stresses of recent weeks. However, it regained some of its softness. You dried and brushed your hair, moisturised your face and did your makeup a little more carefully than usual, trying to cover up every little imperfection – these, too, have intensified since the burden of serious decisions fell on you. You generally tried not to complain about your appearance, but lately you haven't felt particularly comfortable in your own skin. Still, you saw the positive side in worrying about your looks – it took your mind off the rest of your problems.
The day was inexorably turning into evening, but the weather had not changed much – the temperature outside remained pleasantly warm, perfectly reflecting the deep spring. So you decided to put on a white dress with tiny flowers; it had short, buff sleeves and reached past your knees. The hard part came when you had to deal with the tie at the back; it went in a zigzag from mid-shoulders to lower back. 
You breathed a sigh of relief when you heard a quiet knock on the door – Suzie appeared just in time. 
“I was just about to-” You looked back over the shoulder and felt a sudden wave of heat when you spotted Bucky instead of your sister. Although he'd announced to you that he was coming – this time he'd done it by text, not by standing outside your window – you hadn't expected him this early. And as much as you tried to push the memories of your last contact into some dark, forgotten corner of your mind, these blossomed with vivid colours. “I thought it was my sister.”
“I wanted to wait in the car, but she sent me here,” Bucky said, scratching the back of his head. “Need help with the dress?”
Staring at him blankly, you nodded after a while. 
“May I..?” 
Bucky came closer to you, so you turned again to let him work. 
“Try to straighten the string, okay?” you added quietly. You wanted it to be as perfect as possible. 
Bucky let out a heavy breath and you felt a cool blow on your half-naked back; this in turn made you shiver, much more gently than last time. His fingers slid under the string, and so involuntarily brushed your skin. You felt him hesitate for a moment, but then his fingers moved along the underside of the string, complying with your request and straightening it out. Soon he grabbed both ends and pulled them so that the front of the dress clung to your chest.
“Too tight?” he asked, presumably having heard your sharp sigh. You couldn't tell what it was the result of – the squeezing fabric or Bucky's closeness.
“It’s okay,” you croaked and you almost immediately scolded yourself for how weak and pathetic you sounded. 
Bucky tied the ends of the string in a double bow, probably as a precaution; in case it would come undone at the least appropriate moment. He did it in silence, and although this seemed perfectly natural for such an activity, you got the impression that an awkwardness had crept in between you, which you had managed to avoid at the very beginning of your relationship.
“Done,” Bucky said, and you turned around carefully. Just as carefully, you lifted your gaze to his face. He was surveying you, possibly even more intensely than usual. For a brief moment you wondered if he too was tormented by the same thoughts as you, and judging by the slightly pained look on his face, expressing some kind of longing, you could guess that he was indeed.
“Have you heard?” You spoke after a bit longer silence. 
“About what?” Bucky didn't even for a split second seem interested in the answer that might lie beneath your question. 
“John Walker asked me on a date,” you said calmly, moreover, you were almost tempted to smile – you didn't want to give the situation unnecessary tragedy.
A corner of his mouth lifted, but that gesture had not even a hint of enthusiasm in it. He didn't look surprised or angry. You figured the news had traveled fast, but even if Bucky hadn't been aware of John's offer until now, he predicted it – he told you about it at the very beginning.
“You look really nice,” Bucky’s voice sounded so soft that your face flushed. You wanted to check if he was telling the truth, but you were unable to take your eyes off his.
“Thank you.” You smiled slightly. “I’ll grab a few things and we can go,” you added. You had the irresistible feeling that if you didn't say it – didn’t say something – the mutual gazing at each other would get out of hand again.
“I’ll be in the car.”
You left the house with Suzie. Because of your hands being occupied with a cardboard box, she closed the door behind you, then you both headed to the gate. 
Bucky stood with his back up against his car. Your knowledge of vehicles ended with the identification of brands, but even if that skill was even more limited, you would have easily recognised this one – mainly because of the distinctive wild horse logo. A thought unknowingly popped into your head that the black, vintage Mustang suited its owner.
Pulling away from the car, Bucky pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. He opened the passenger door and put the seat down, allowing Suzie to get into the back. As your sister slipped inside and the front seat returned to its place, you also got in. Bucky walked around the front of the car and sat behind the wheel, his gaze immediately falling on the box you were holding. 
“I made a carrot cake,” you explained.
He raised his eyebrows with astonishment. 
“Barnes don’t eat cakes?” 
“We do,” Bucky differed. You glanced at the way his hand landed on the stick and put it in the right gear. He threw his arm over your headrest to look at the back window, and you felt butterflies in your stomach again. “It’s just… Baking is so…”
“I don’t know, wifely?”
You watched the profile of Bucky's face as he focused on the road. “Is there anything else wifely in me?” 
Bucky smirked under his nose. When the car stopped at the first traffic light, he leered at you. “In you? I'd have to check.” He shrugged. “But those nightgowns you wear…” He pressed his lips together, shaking his head slowly. “Fuck,” he said almost soundlessly, as if he didn't want Suzie to hear it.
You rolled your eyes and smacked his arm, and he snorted a quiet laugh.
For the rest of the way, you didn’t really talk. You were worried that Suzie might feel uncomfortable, or worse, pick up something she wasn't supposed to hear. She was nearly an adult, besides, she had grown up in the same environment as you, nevertheless, you preferred to spare her the awkwardness.
Not long after you had left the city behind, the car turned into a road along which big old trees were growing; their interlocking tops formed a kind of tunnel. At its exit was a large, green plot of land, and you couldn't really tell where it ended. The house on it – tall, with a surrounding porch and walls covered with ivy in places – was probably as old as the trees.
Absorbed in the views behind the window, you didn't even notice that the car had stopped. You only became aware of it when Bucky opened the door for you. You got out, still scanning the surroundings with your eyes, and Bucky freed your sister.
“This place…” You began, and only after a moment glanced at Bucky. He stood next to you and tilted his head slightly to the side. “It’s beautiful here.”
Bucky gave you a half-smile, and this time you could see an undeniable softness and happiness on his face. You were able to tell that he had positive feelings about his family home.
The front door – solid, heavy, with a colourful, floral stained glass window – swung almost wide open. And although you had never really met her, you recognised Winnifred Barnes in the woman who stepped out onto the porch. At first glance, you saw a striking resemblance between her and Bucky – he had her whole face; her big blue eyes, straight nose and strong jaw. 
“Y/N, Suzanne,” Mrs. Barnes beamed warmly at you and your sister. “I’m glad you could make it. Come inside.”
“Thank you for inviting us.” You handed Winnifred the package. “It’s just a cake,” you rushed to clarify, seeing the premature delight on the woman's face.
“That is so sweet of you, Y/N. Jamie,” she turned to Bucky. “Take our guests to the dining room, please.”
Having climbed the few steps leading up to the porch, Bucky joined you.
“Jamie?” you repeated, your mouth curved into a smile.
Bucky chuckled. “Yeah.” He scratched his neck.
You got to the dining room, and although the number of people there exceeded your expectations, you didn't feel overwhelmed by the company. You recognised Timothy first, since you had seen him relatively recently, then Steve Rogers, as he also figured quite vividly in your consciousness. As for the rest, you weren't as sure.
You guessed that one of the young women sitting at the table, who was an almost perfect, and certainly the most faithful copy of Winnifred, was Rebecca Barnes. There was an infant on her lap, banging a spoon on the table top and bursting into laughter after every sound. Rebecca, most likely used to this kind of noise, didn't pay much attention to it; she was busy talking to the person sitting right next to her. This time you assumed it was Josephine Barnes. In fact, you were even sure of it, mainly because of the similarity she shared with Winnifred, Bucky and Rebecca. She only had slightly softer facial features and a not-so-piercing gaze; you also noticed the visible tan.
You almost missed the last one – with her nose in a book she was the least conspicuous. Mary, you guessed. You recalled that she was not much younger than your own sister.
“You okay?” Bucky asked quietly, and it wasn't his voice that revived you, but his fingers hooked on your elbow. You felt electricity radiating from that spot.
Before you had time to reply, something crashed into your legs and embraced them tightly. You looked down, where you spotted a little girl with a grin that missed a few teeth. 
“Hi!” She exclaimed. 
“Hi.” You couldn’t help but smile, too. 
“Oh, Daisy,” Rebecca groaned, clearly embarrassed by the child's behaviour. You therefore concluded that Daisy was her daughter. “Stop that.”
“It’s all right,” you declared immediately. 
Still, Bucky crouched down and pulled the child away from your legs, and this little fuss threw you into the spotlight. Everyone at the table stopped whatever they were just doing and focused on you.
“Jamie brought home a girl?” Josephine asked with surprise and a kind of hope. “How long have you been together?” 
“Is that your girlfriend?” Mary joined the conversation. “Oh, she’s pretty.”
You pressed your lips together in a slight smile; you hoped to avoid becoming the main attraction, on the other hand, you could breathe a sigh of relief – your efforts to make your appearance tolerable had paid off.
“Alright, that's enough.” Bucky gave his sisters a threatening glare.
“They are not a couple,” Timothy, sitting at the head of the table, spoke, drawing everyone's attention. “As far as I know,” he added, raising his eyebrows. “Y/N,” he said to you, his friendly smile didn't match the mysterious expression on the rest of his face. “Sit next to Steve. I insist.” 
You led your eyes in that direction. Indeed, there were two empty chairs between Mary and Steve – probably for you and Suzie. “Of course.” You nodded politely and made your way to that seat, peeking at your sister to check on her. Steve rose and pulled back a chair for you, and once you had taken your seat, you glanced at Bucky confused; Timothy's request seemed more than a little odd to you.
Bucky clenched his jaw. Previous experience allowed you to recognise when he wasn’t pleased, and that was exactly what he looked like at the moment.
Winnifred also appeared in the dining room. As the lady of the house, she sat at the other end of the table. Soon after, the first dishes were served and the room filled with sounds of conversation. The men were talking about baseball, then boxing, and although Bucky was actively involved in the discussion, he seemed a little distracted. Whenever you glimpsed in his direction, you caught him staring at you – you could see that he was a bit disappointed, perhaps even resentful, and there was something dark in his eyes; as if the sea in his irises was hit by a storm. Especially when Steve included you in a conversation, smiled or laughed at something you said.
Winnifred asked about your gallery, the upcoming exhibition, and about Suzie's school. She praised your cake. In exchange you learned that Mary was studying for her biology exam even at dinner, Rebecca had expanded little George's diet – the baby previously sitting on her lap – with more fruit, and Josephine had returned to New York on a short break from her college. 
You were worried that you would feel uncomfortable here, especially as Timothy separated you from the only person you knew, but the atmosphere in the Barnes home was like a warm, safe hug. Even Suzie found common ground with Mary, so you didn't have to be concerned about her comfort.
“How did you two meet?” Josephine asked, and when you looked at her without understanding, she nodded discreetly at Bucky.
“Oh, but we-”
“Yeah, I know.” Josephine waved her hand dismissively. “But I'm interested in every detail. I can't remember the last time Jamie brought someone home.”
You plastered a slight smile on your face, knowing that it wasn't Bucky who invited you here, but his mum. “Actually, we met through your uncle,” you answered. You didn't want to spoil the mood with the subject of a funeral or an arranged marriage. “Bucky…” You hesitated, taking a little more time to sort out what you should really say. “Helps me with some business.” You reached for the glass of wine standing in front of you and took a sip.
“Always helpful,” Rebecca sneered. You noticed that she has been passionately ignoring her brother, but until now you were convinced that this was just a mistaken impression. “And, of course, he wants the best for you, doesn't he?” She faked a smile. 
“Rebecca, honey-” Winnifred interjected softly, and when she did, the table fell silent.
“No, mom.” She shook her head, as if that would prevent Mrs. Barnes from getting a word in edgewise. “It's not fair that some random girl can sit here with us and the father of my children can't.” Tears of anger shone in Rebecca's eyes. “Excuse me,” she said, then got up and left the room. 
You felt guilty. Not because you may have actually taken an undeserved seat at the table, but instead of shame or anxiety, you were intrigued by this unexpected burst. You took another sip of wine.
“What happened to mommy?” Daisy asked. 
“Nothing, baby,” Winnifred told her gently. “She’ll get better.”
With suspicion, Daisy turned her head at Bucky. “Is that true?”
He pressed his lips together in a pale smile. “Of course, Junebug. Cross my heart.” Bucky put his hand on his chest. “How about we watch ‘Finn and Jake’?” He suggested with theatrical excitement, which Daisy shared immediately – she nodded eagerly. “Yeah?” Bucky grinned again, more relaxed this time.
Daisy ran up to him, grabbed the hand he had held out and dragged him out of the dining room. Bucky glimpsed at you, giving you an apologetic look.
Josephine leaned out and laid her eyes on you. “I’m going for a smoke, wanna join?”
Josephine led you to a gazebo in the garden. As she said, she offered you a cigarette, and you both leaned against the railing. The evening gloom was dispelled by the lamps on the lawn and the lighting inside the gazebo; it was getting unpleasantly cold outside, but you preferred the low temperature outside to the tense atmosphere at the table. 
“I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I don't want you to think that my sister is some spoiled bitch,” Josephine began, and you looked at her rather blankly. You didn't want to show too much that she made you curious. “His name was Robbie. The father of her children, as she called him,” she said with distaste. “He was part of the Family. Jamie recruited him, so the whole thing still bothers him. And Robbie was a fucking asshole from the beginning. He spent late nights in bars, gambled all their money away, hung out with other girls. When Daisy was born, it only got worse. He complained that Becca was neglecting him. Didn't help with the baby, disappeared from the house more often and for much longer…” She continued. “Rebecca's only problem is that she has a soft heart. She never said a bad word about Robbie, but everyone knew what was going on. She thought another baby would change him, that it would fix their relationship, but…” Josephine shrugged. She took a puff, and for a brief moment said nothing, staring into nowhere. “So Jamie got rid of him.”
Your brows drew together involuntarily. “What do you mean..?”
“No one knows what really happened to Robbie. He vanished into thin air and never contacted Becca again.”
You felt like a child who had just heard a blood-curdling ghost story. Actually, you only felt that way partly – on the other hand, you were even more fascinated by Bucky. “Well…” You sighed, shaking the excess ash off the end of your cigarette. “He did what he thought was right,” you commented. This time, too, you preferred to be careful, thus not claiming out loud that Bucky had done the right thing. 
“Not according to Becca. She's better than she was at the beginning, but it's still a touchy subject for her.” 
You finished your cigarettes in silence, and that silence helped you to sink into your own thoughts; to see Bucky in a slightly different light.
“Are you sure there's nothing between you and Jamie?” Josephine spoke, a teasing smirk on her face. “I saw the way he looked at you the whole dinner. I know my brother, and if I were Steve I would keep my distance from you,” she giggled.
Your lips twitched in a slight smile. You noticed it too, and although you weren't the only people at the table, you secretly hoped you were the only ones aware of what was going on.
You could have talked to Josephine about it; told her that Bucky had no right to be jealous. You were strictly focused on marrying someone and Bucky excluded himself at his own request. You could have shared all this with Josephine, thereby taking some of the weight off your shoulders. But you didn't want to involve her.
“I’m sure,” you said. “It's strictly business between him and me.”
“Speak of the devil.”
Following Josephine's gaze, you peeked over your shoulder. Bucky was heading to the gazebo. Having caught your eyes, he smirked softly. You struggled to take your eyes off his face and lowered them to his hands – he was holding a piece of cloth that you couldn't identify in the darkness. Only when Bucky got under the roof of the gazebo did you notice that he had brought a sweatshirt. Moreover, he put it gently over your shoulders.
“Thanks,” you murmured, surprised at the gesture, and glanced at Josephine. From the expression on her face, you were convinced that she wanted to say, So there's nothing between you two, right?
“You sneak out to smoke?” Bucky addressed his sister, his forehead creased. “What are you? Sixteen?” 
“Oh, fuck off.” Josephine rolled her eyes.
Bucky reached out his hand, so she handed him the packet and the lighter. With a cigarette between his lips, he looked stunningly – more rough and intimidating. 
“I'll leave you two alone,” Josephine suggested, grinning. She pushed herself away from the railing, and you two watched her leave.
You slipped your arms into the sleeves of the sweatshirt and wrapped yourself in it, discreetly inhaling the familiar scent. You looked at Bucky, and he again gave you a gentle smile; it reached his eyes as well. However, it faded soon after.
“I’m sorry about before. Becca-”
“I had this conversation with Josephine,” you stopped him. “I know what happened and I get it. I don't blame her for reacting the way she did. Anyway, she was right. I’m some random girl who-”
“You are not,” he protested immediately. His mouth set in a hard line as he was staring at you. “I-... I like you, Y/N.” 
Taking a sharp breath, you looked away. You shook your head in disbelief, tried to ignore the fact that your heart was beating harder than you would have wished. “I like you too, Bucky, but I can’t fall for you. I don’t want to.”
Bucky took his eyes off you only to put out his cigarette. Then he moved a step closer to you and hesitantly reached for your hand. You closed your eyes, then fixed them on his fingers – he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, and you didn't protest. 
“I know,” he rasped. “But I just need to protect you. So please, let me protect you. Okay? Because I feel like everything is getting out of my control. And I’m fucking tired of it.” 
You raised your gaze to his eyes. He glared into them pleadingly and with some kind of fear, as if your rejection would shatter him into a million pieces. You nodded slightly, unsure if you really did; if you really agreed to fall under his protection.
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taglist: @goldensunflowe-r @nefri-black @vickie5446 @learisa @sjsmith56 @aya-fay @hhiggs @wishingwell-2 @buckysgirl01 @emily-roberts @prettylittlepluviophile @leakingston
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summerblueringo · 6 months
I was watching this interview with Felipe Massa, and here is some trivia about Kimi:
Felipe says Kimi is one of the strangest guys he’s ever met, but that he was a very fair and honest teammate. He wasn’t the type to insist on having things his way, and they could move on easily from any situation.
A big reason why Felipe thought Kimi was strange is that while he was usually quiet and spoke very little, after two glasses of anything he would become extremely chatty and touchy-feely, to the point that you’d have to shut him up if you wanted to get a word in! To quote Felipe: “It happened a lot of times, after a race, seeing him at night at a party and he, damn, he’d stick to you and wouldn’t stop hugging you and talking and telling stories and talking and talking and talking! And you’d be like, ‘Dude, let me talk too!’”
In a separate interview he says that when Kimi joined Ferrari, Jean Todt told him that he could drink if he wanted, but that he didn’t want to read tabloid stories about him falling down drunk in clubs like at McLaren. According to Felipe, Kimi respected that request and the team and no such stories were heard during his time there.
During January 2008 at Madonna di Campiglio, Kimi arrived to dinner a little tipsy, and continued drinking there. Michael Schumacher was also there at the same table (full of F1 and MotoGP drivers), wearing boots, leather trousers and a big metal belt buckle that made him look "like a cowboy" in Felipe's own words. A drunk Kimi decided to mess with him and started calling him “Texas Ranger.” At first Michael ignored him, but eventually pretended to find it funny because everyone else was laughing.
That same night, presumably after the dinner, Kimi cut the queue for the cable car. The trip down the snowy mountain took about ten minutes, and at the end he got out of it… naked. In negative 5/6 degrees Celsius. The man operating it (a ~70 year old Italian man), upon seeing the newest Ferrari world champion naked, exclaimed “Mamma mia! Mamma mia!”
Felipe says that Kimi mellowed out a lot after having kids, and that he’s a very hands-on father. One time Kimi’s son was playing with Felipe's son, and Kimi was keeping an eye on him by himself.
Some other tidbits I found interesting:
When Felipe was a child, Ayrton Senna refused to give him an autograph. That stayed with him for the rest of his life, and he has never been able to refuse a child an autograph. One time he was in a car with Michael Schumacher and there were a lot of people asking for autographs outside. One of them was a little boy, tapping on the car window. After a while of Michael not reacting, Felipe couldn't stand it and eventually nudged him and asked him to give the boy an autograph. Michael did so (and gave more people autographs in the process), and later when Felipe shared his experience, Michael told him he'd been right.
Felipe believes that Fernando Alonso knew about Crashgate. He doesn't have any proof and Fernando denied it when he brought it up (jokingly, Felipe said something like "that time you fucked me over"), but just from knowing him as a teammate Felipe is sure he knew.
One time Felipe peed in Jacques Villeneuve's drinking bottle.
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5mary5 · 4 months
I just learned how to twerk and it was SO fun which is why I just can't help but imagine trying to teach the obey me boys how to twerk too (minus luke ofc) like imagine diavolo showing up with a crop top and booty shorts and trying to shake ass barbatos and lucifer are having an aneurysm while asmo and solomon encourage him
i can imagine belphie doing surprisingly really well
Levi is filming of course because let's be honest you don't see this happen every day
mammon is a pro ofc (same goes for asmo honestly)
now simeon is a little confused at first but he gets the hang of it and ends up having so much fun that he manages to make raphael join!
Raphael is fighting for his LIFE but! His ass jiggles so nicely that every girl withing a 3 mile radius ends up jealous of him
Also mephistopheles isn't amused by all of this BUT he joins because diavolo is breaking his back and he NEEDS to show his lord how to shake ass gracefully
OF COURSE thirteen is there do you think she will miss the chance to gather blackmail material of solomon?! Jokes on her tho because solomon asks her to send him the footage man's doesn't give a fUck!
Also after that thirteen goes ahead and dances with mc
Now here is the thing satan wouldn't originally entertain the idea of twerking but he joins because he wants to piss of lucifer and show him that he is the better twerker between the two, he and belphie end up forming a dance duo
Chaos ensures as the these two join diavolo so all three of them throw it in a circle together
THEN lucifer has enough and joins as so does barbatos
Mammon is laughing so hard when he sees lucifer twerk he forgets to take pictures to sell for grimm
YOU THOUGHT ITS OVER?! The real dumb truck has yet to appear!
Oh look it's beel! And he just came back from doing cardio!
Beel immediately joins when he sees such FIERCE competition going on and let me TELL YOUU even tho he doesn't know what he is doing (since he missed when mc was giving them instructions) his ass still shakes like a leef in the wind
Mans so caked up he doesn't even need to move
On another note mammon gets up from the floor after laughing and he forces levi to join and not just sit around
Levi does join after complaining and he does well (please tell him he is doing well mc)
If any student even DARES to take a peek inside the rads student council they might as well run cause ain't no way this is getting out (jokes on them because michael ends up hearing about it and has the laugh of his life)
Late addition to the party but barbatos twerks so well that earth shakes, Megan the station and nicky minaz style
Last but not least, everyone (mainly mammon) when they see mc throw it back
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Raphael Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Raphael enjoys coming-of-age sports dramas
2. Raphael wishes the war were forgiven rather than it never happening, as evidenced in his ideal hallucinations in season 4
3. Raphael was so close to Lucifer and his brothers that everyone assumed he would join Lucifer’s side in the celestial war
4. Raphael, when having to deal with Michael, sometimes wishes he’d just followed Lucifer
5. Raphael was the youngest angel ever to be promoted to Seraph
6. Simeon claims that Raphael is scarier than any demon when he has a spear in his hand
7. Out of all the brothers, Taphael seems to have a soft spot for Belphegor
8. Raphael chased Asmodeus with his spear after learning Asmo had snuck off to the human world to party
9. The brothers would often rip and tear their clothes while running from Raphael so Raphael learned to patch and repair clothes eventually making it a hobby
10. Not knowing that Luke was compared to a Chihuahua, Raphael sewed a Chihuahua patch onto one of Luke’s belonging
11. Raphael is unable to read the room and caused Satan to flip out after comparing him to Lucifer
12. Raphael never let Mammon in his room in the Celestial Realm as he was worried about germs and other things
13. Raphael has a very unrefined palette
14. Raphael loves Solomon’s cooking
15. Not knowing how others feel about Solomon’s cooking, Raphael made Luke eat Solomon’s food so he’d grow big and strong
16. Raphael did not notice when his hand caught fire during an obstacle course climb
17. Raphael is an amazing singer
18. Raphael was often asked by the brothers to sing to them as they enjoyed it so much
19. When Belphegor got lost in a tree in the Celestial Realm it was Raphael who found and rescued him
20. Luke claims Raphael scolds the brothers so much because he genuinely cares about them
21. As a prank the brothers once replaced the sugar with salt in a cookie recipe but Raphael enjoyed it so much he asked them to make more
22. Mammon once hid a frog in a book to prank Michael but it was Raphael who stumbled into the prank and he demands no one bring it up
23. When Simeon became human it was Raphael who continued to check on him in the human world to make sure he was okay
24. Raphael is described as being meticulous, methodical, and extremely strict
25. Raphael is the one stuck looking after Michael and his ridiculous demands
26. Raphael’s official birthday is September 29th, making him a Libra
27. Raphael is one of the strongest fighters in the Celestial Realm
28. Raphael’s official job is a Hit-Man for the Celestial Realm
29. Raphael does have wings in his angelic form, as Mammon once tried to sell bird feathers to the lesser angels, claiming they were Raphael’s
30. Raphael is the angel that Michael trusts the most
31. Raphael is one of the most respected angels in the Celestial Realm
32. Raphael is worried that Michael may want to attend RAD
33. When Michale snuck off to the Devildom disguised as Raphael, Raphael took over all of his duties
34. Raphael knows Solomon as the man who fought the Devildom all on his own
35. Raphael was the first of the new characters to make a move on MC
36. Raphael starred in a short film Satan made
37. Raphael asked Solomon to create a camera that would always take pictures from the best angle
38. Raphael accidentally saved everyone from certain death when he ate all of the food Solomon had made as a surprise
39. Raphael believe everyone is very kind and generous when they offer him their portions of Solomon’s cooking
40. Raphael mastered Kung-fu just by watching movies
41. The only thing Raphael said in his introduction to RAD as a new exchange Student was “Hello.”
42. Raphael used to drink heavy with Lucifer and Michael
43. Raphael doesn’t care how food tastes as long as it looks appetizing
44. Raphael keeps all his important keys on a Zombie Iguana keychain Luke gave him
45. Raphael has the power to call forth a rain of spears from the heavens
46. Raphael would usually punish the brothers by calling down his spears upon them
47. Whenever Raphael would chase around one of the brothers with a spear, the other brothers would gang together to go fight him
48. Raphael nearly smited a demon with his spears when he thought he was being ignored
49. Raphael believes Luke is a shining example of what an angel ought to be
50. Raphael enjoys watching true-crime
51. Raphael worked with Satan and Barbatos to surround a sleeping Belphegor with spears and crime tape to recreate a scene from their favorite show
52. Raphael worked together with Mephistopheles to throw a Christmas party
53. Raphael believes a few spears is an acceptable replacement for a Christmas tree
54. Raphael dropped his Student handbook while chasing Mammon for pulling a ridiculous prank on him. When MC gave it back he was so grateful he offered to help them with anything they needed
55. When the laundry machine overflowed with suds, Raphael didn’t know what to do so he called down his spears upon it
56. Raphael believes Simeon is a handful
57. Raphael’s immediate answer to stopping a problem is to call down his spears
58. Raphael has to retold the laundry after Solomon does it so it will look better and seems distressed when he is called away and Solomon is left on his own.
59. Raphael praised Mephistopheles when he saved Luke, likely the first time he’d complimented a demon
60. Raphael’s excuse for always calling down spears on the brothers is they were “simply too unruly”
61. Raphael once went sightseeing in the Celestial Realm with Lucifer but they recall the most memorable part being Michael’s face when they forgot to buy souvenirs
62. Raphael believes most Devildom products look dodgy and is concerned by the amount of skulls
63. Raphael enjoys demonus
64. Raphael prefers quiet places and if you cannot find him he is somewhere quiet
65. When Belphegor was attempting to make Raphael smile he didn’t until Belphegor gave up and feel asleep as it reminded him of the old days
66. It’s hard to decipher what Raphael is thinking since he doesn’t talk much
67. Raphael often helps Luke study
68. Raphael is offended if MC accidentally mistakes him for Michael as he believes Michael is a socially inept weirdo
69. When a chimera attacked Simeon, Raphael was so enraged he immediately sought vengeance
70. It is said Raphael rarely smiles
71. Michael and Lucifer are the only people Raphael is said to respect
72. The room in Purgatory Hall Raphael stays in used to be used as a storage room by Leviathan
73. When Raphael is in a dream world where the brothers are back in the celestial realm he refused to wake up until Lucifer was summoned to bring him back
74. Whenever the brothers would ask Raphael to play with them he would deny them by telling them if they had time to play they had time to pray
75. Raphael is said to have a snarky attitude to the point Lucifer used to find him unpleasant to be around
76. No one is safe from Raphael’s harsh remarks as he even insults Michale who, he deeply respects
77. Raphael used to scold Beelzebub for his lack of control of his powers
78. When asked about his level of cooking, Simeon tells MC it’s better not to know
79. When Raphael attempts complicated recipes he causes chaos in the kitchen to the point Luke started screaming in fear
80. Raphael is a sleepy drunk and if he has too much he can fall asleep mid-sentence
81. Raphael has an eye for detail
82. Raphael sometimes does not notice anything in his surrounding, once not even realizing Belphegor was speaking with him
83. Raphael ignores non-verbal cues
84. Raphael believes Satan is so similar to Lucifer is uncanny
85. Raphael quickly noticed torn clothes or loose threads as he immediately noticed when MC’s shirt had frayed and fixed it with great skill
86. When they went to a concert together Raphael learned all the lines beforehand and everyone enjoyed hearing him sing while he enjoyed singing with MC
87. Raphael owns the Peeking-Out-From-Behind-a-Pole Diavolo Cup-cutie
88. When they swapped rooms Raphael seemed confused that Simeon spent the entire night trying to clean up his room
89. Raphael takes meticulous notes in his Student handbook, highlighting pages, leaving sticky notes and more to help him study
90. When solomon got an extremely comfortable sofa, Raphael warned against it as anyone without extreme self control may laze about in it the entire day, but it quickly called out by Simeon for having fallen victim to it
91. Raphael requests dishes from Solomon
92. Raphael enjoys Moe Moe Animal cake, Stewed Orthrus, Death’s Door hot sauce, and food with flavors too strong for most people to handle
93. Raphael made outfits for his cursed doll after seeing Leviathan do so. Everyone says the outfits he made were very cute.
94. Michael asked Raphael for so many souvenirs when he went on vacation that Simeon and MC had to help him get them all as he barely made a dent in the list even with his arms full
95. Raphael prefers getting souvenirs with Logos, that way everyone knows where you’ve been
96. When Solomon accidentally froze Raphael’s demonus, Raphael seemed so sad that Solomon immediately poured him another glass
97. When assigned to make thank you cards for his friends, Raphael made everyone the exact same card and was forced to redo them
98. When Raphael is really enjoying himself he will start humming
99. Raphael says he could spend days in the the most expensive Devildom boutique due to his enjoyment inspecting all the high quality material used
100. Raphael is not good at doing his own makeup, it was described as a mess on his face
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iluvmegantheestallion · 11 months
(This story is inspired by another writer @scaredofbrits)
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Summary: You've been a good girl all your life. Never party, did drugs, have sex, drink alcohol, or smoke until now. You tried smoking until your boss caught you, but instead of firing you, he joined you and taught you how to smoke.
Living in this small town has it perks. Y/n did not like staying here since her parents decided to move here, but you didn't complain. You worked at Freddy fazebear's pizzeria. You do enjoy working, fixing the busted games, and smelling the greasy pizza. Y/n only worked here to save up some money so she can leave this town and enjoy her life. Y/n is best friends with Michael.
Y/n first met Michael in school. He was a popular kid, and you'd see him in your math and science class. He's been suspended a lot. You first got a chance to talk to him when you first became a tutor for him since he was failing his classes. You helped with work, and he started to actually understand, and his grades went up, and that's when you guys became best friends.
You were walking with Michael, and he couldn't be more thankful for you helping him with his homework. "Thanks y/n for helping me, I couldn't do this without you, seriously." Michael looked at y/n sincerely as he smiled at her. "No problem, anything for a friend." Y/n smiles back at him. Y/n saw Michael reached inside his Jean pockets and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He took one cigarette, and he looked back at you. "You want one?" Michael asked. Your goody two shoes mind would clearly say 'no', but you somehow wanted to say yes. "Uhhm, no, thank you." Y/n said, passing on the offer. "Suit yourself." Michael shrugged, nonchalantly placing the cigarette between his lips as he took out his lighter lighting the end of the cigarette.
Y/n stared at intriguingly as he huffed the smoke out. Y/n seen her mom smoked in the house whenever she was stressed about something. "You're missing out, y/n. This shit is relaxing." Michael smirked at y/n as he continued smoking. "Uhhm, trust me, I'm fine." Y/n said back as they continued walking.
Y/n looked down at her watch, and she was late, and she had to go back to work. "Oh shoot, I have to go, I'll see you later, Michael." Y/n says as she hugged him goodbye as she walked away.
Y/n urgently rushed inside the pizzeria. "You're late, y/n." One of her colleagues said to her. "I know I lost track of time -" "Chill out, y/n I was just kidding, I don't think they care. You've been employed of the month, I don't think they give a fuck if you're since your Mr. Afton's favorite." Y/n's coworker said to her they cleaned the messy tables.
"Why do you think I'm his favorite?" Y/n asked curiosity getting the best of her.
"Well, you listen to the rules. You're a workaholic. You fixed the games, and he's never rude to you like he is with the rest of us." Y/n's coworker said to y/n blandly, not focusing on her.
Y/n never knew she was Mr. afton's favorite. He does seem a bit less intense when he was around y/n. He pays her very fairly, and he congratulates y/n whenever she does a good job at fixing the games for the kids, works overtime, and covers other people's shifts.
"I know this may sound crazy but do you have a pack of cigarettes and a lighter?" Y/n as her coworker looks back at y/n surprised with a little smirk on her face.
" Is Miss Goody two shoes asking to smoke?" Y/n's coworker jokes as she rolls her eyes. "Look, I know I'm uptight and never do what teenagers do, but I wanna see what it's like." Y/n answers back. "Ok, fine, but on one condition." Y/n's coworker says smirking, knowing they want something. "You have to cover my shift while I'm gone, I'm going to a party and I don't wanna stay here." Y/n's coworker explains. "Deal." Y/n says as they shake hands with each other. The coworker looks around as they hand y/n the lighter and pack of cigarettes. "Knock yourself out, princess." Y/n's coworker says as they give y/n the rag and walks out of Freddy's.
Y/n has been cleaning, fixing the game, and making sure the kids don't get too close to the animatronics. Y/n checks her watch and decides to take a little break. Y/n went to a secluded room, Michael told her that this was his favorite place to smoke in. "Cmon y/n you can do this, stop being a chicken." Y/n told herself. Y/n pulls out the pack of cigarettes as she puts them between her lips. Y/n started to think about how Michael smoked. Y/n pulls out the lighter and closely puts it at the end of the cigarette, but she is interrupted.
Y/n was startled as the door flinged open as she knew who it was. Mr. Afton. Y/n urgently places the lighter in her pocket and the cigarette in her hand and hides it behind her back.
"I've never knew you were a smoker y/n? You don't seem like a girl to do that?" William says camly making y/n a bit nervous.
"I wasn't smoking?" Y/n lies as William chuckles.
"Oh love, I'm not blind I saw you." William smirks, coming his way over to y/n.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Afton, please don't fire me. I just wanted to try. And how it feels like -" y/n was rambling as her heart started racing but William cuts her off.
"Nonsene darling, I just came here for a smoke break myself. It gets tiring running this establishment." William told y/n as he comes closer to her.
"I see you wanted to learn how to smoke, I can teach you if you like." William smiles. Y/n felt a bit weird about this situation since her boss was teaching her how to smoke, but she was Willing to learn.
"Don't be afraid, darling. I don't bite." His whispered as he smirked. Y/n nodded her head as William smiles at her.
Y/n places the cigarette between her lips as William lights it. "Take your time, darling. Inhale and let it out." William explains as y/n follows his exact words.
Y/n inhales the smoke as she lets it out all out. Y/n coughed a little bit, but it was actually quite fun. "There you go, darling. Now you're getting a hand of it." William congratulates. "This quite relaxing, actually." Y/n smiles as she continues smoking.
William pulls out a pack of his own cigarettes and puts in between his lips. "May I borrow your lighter, darling." William asks his soft British accent, rolling off his tongue so perfectly. You give him the lighter as he lights his cigarette as he inhales the smoke and lets it out.
"Come closer y/n, I want to show you something cool, sweetheart." William says as he smokes but holds it in his mouth.
Y/n comes closer to William as they look like they were gonna kiss. Making y/n have butterflies in her stomach. The two of you connected your lips together, and the smoke went into your mouth as you both didn't take your eyes off of each other. William chuckles as he inhales and blew it out. You both started smiling, which turned to laughter.
"This was really fun, but I have to get back to work, darling." William says making y/n frown, but William notices.
"Don't be sad, darling. we can still do this again." William holds your face into his hands. Y/n smiles as he looks at William.
"This will be our little secret." William says as he kisses the tip of your nose as he smirks at your flushed face. William walks towards the door, winking at you, leaving you alone in your room.
Y/n smiles to herself as she continues smoking, and she smells the strong and toxic smell that fills the dim light room. I guess y/n isn't goody two shoes after all.
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