#dad is stressed out because he wants to yell at my cousin but can’t because he’s bound by the rules of politeness so HE’S taking it out
daisyachain · 2 years
Absolutely wretched day not happening to me but definitely going on around me
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yunhowifeu · 2 years
Christmas blues
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Yoongi x fem!reader
Word Count: 780+
Warnings: murder and depression
About: Y/N spending Christmas alone at a coffee shop and yoongi working a shift that exact day.
Yoongi’s pov:
My cousin owns a coffee shop but he is spending it with his wife, so he asked me if I could work until 7pm at least. I agreed even tho I’m supposed to meet with bts at 7:10pm. We agreed we were going to spend our Christmas together.
I started at 8am. I already know how to work everything because I come to help my cousin every now and then. Around 5pm, a girl comes in and sighs before ordering her coffee. I made her coffee and she paid. She sat down on a table in a corner, sat her coffee down and laid her head down.
It’s been a while since she has been sitting there. She would look up to take a sip of her coffee every now and then but that’s it. How could someone spend their Christmas all alone in a coffee shop, Christmas is for family and friends.
It’s 6:57pm and I need to start cleaning up. The girl didn’t seem like she was going to move any time soon. She was done with her coffee half a hour ago and didn’t even bother standing to throw the cup away, she just laid her head back down. 
I’m done cleaning up and it’s 7pm. I didn’t want to be rude and kick her out but I had to go. I tapped her shoulder. I noticed she hesitated on lifting her head but still did. I saw her tear stained face. What happened for her to be crying here and right now? I felt bad, I can’t just leave her. I just sat down next to her.
Yoongi: you shouldn’t be crying by yourself on Christmas and go be happy with friends or family
Y/N: What if I don’t have any family or friends?
Yoongi; Are you joking or serious?
She sighed which indicated me that she was serious
Yoongi: i’m sorry
Y/N: don't be
Yoongi: i'm here if you want to talk about it
Y/N: earlier you said I should be with family and friends right?
Yoongi: mhm
Y/N: I don't want to keep you here just so you can hear a strangers problems
Yoongi: I was going out with my group but i'm fine with staying here with you if you need to vent because I know it can be hard keeping it all in but if you don't want to, you don't need to
Y/N: I do
Yoogi: i'm listening
She sighed once again
Y/N: I usually don't tell people but you seem trustworthy, when I was 7 I watched as my mom beat my older brother to death, I tried pushing her away or yelling but I was little and didn't know I could have called the police and he was the sweetest most caring brother ever so I felt guilty. My mom said “I never wanted you guys in this world and your dad is a pathetic brainless and careless man, I'm leaving for good, I would kill you too but Your father is on his way”, then pushed me to the ground and ran out the door with her purse and phone. The police were never able to find her somehow and didn't care much about the case either. When my dad came home he almost fainted. We went to the hospital but it was no use, they just told us we lost him. A few years later and I'm a teenager, my dad was driving us to a light show on christmas when I saw my mom in a car with a different man and saw they had a gun. I tried telling my dad but he was busy on the phone and he got shot. Then they sped out of there. I took the wheel quickly and parked. I called the cops and they came with an ambulance. They still haven't found her and she is definitely coming for me next. 
Yoongi: Wow, I'm so sorry, that's a lot. Would you like to spend these next Christmas hours with me? We can go anywhere you'd like.
Y/N: yes please
Yoongi: if needed I can contact my group’s company ask them to give my friend a bodyguard
Y/N: I don't think it's necessary but if you'd like to do that then i'm up for it
I've gone through alot myself but I felt bad so I texted bts and told them I couldn't make it to the hangout. I would have told her to join us but she has gone through enough and I don't want her stressing over meeting 6 more new people in one day. I also contacted our manager and requested a bodyguard. Later on she met bts. We became really close really quick
 I hope you guys enjoyed it! My inbox is empty so be free to request or ask for anything <3
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Runaway Ride
Fandom: Never Have I Ever Pairing: Devi/Paxton Rating: T Word Count: 4889
Summary: Kamala gets herself into a pickle, Devi needs to go to her, and Paxton has a car. Problem-solving has never been so simple, but that's how it is when your new boyfriend is Paxton Hall-Yoshida. Throw in a little hand-holding on the highway and this family crisis might just be the best date Devi will ever have.
When they finally took a break from dancing—disconnecting hands from hips and shoulders, lips from lips—Devi stepped away in a dreamy headspace. She almost collided with Jonah, but he didn’t tell her to look where she was going, only offered a shrewd, indulgent smile.
Actually, everybody was treating her like that; every eye that caught hers on her way to the table where she’d left her stuff was unjudgmental, admiring, straight up fairy-godmotherly. Devi hadn’t received this much notice since her dad’s death and her subsequent paralysis. And those looks had been pitying, freaked out. Positive attention was new and cool and she wondered, as she grabbed her phone out of her turquoise clutch, whether her socials would show more of the same when she opened them. Would people have snapped stealthy pics of her and Paxton dancing now that she’d been vaulted into the pseudo-celebrity strata of the high school hierarchy? Would the Insta posts be captioned with hashtags of their ship name? Paxi? Daxton? Vishwall-Yoshumar?
Devi never got to check.
Unlocking her phone, she found two missed calls from her mother. Maybe two wouldn’t have seemed like a whole lot to someone else, but Devi knew that, in order for her mom to risk rudeness by stepping away from the company she was hosting at home not once but twice, she’d need to be pretty frantic. Two missed calls from Nalini Vishwakumar were the equivalent of six or seven from any other mother.
Skirting the edges of the gym as she headed away from DJ Humanoid—that nit-witted saboteur of slow dances—Devi was about to call her mom back when her screen changed to an incoming call from Kamala. She pressed her other hand to her ear and answered it.
“Hey. Do you know what’s going on with my mom? She called me twice and, honestly, she knows I’m at the d—”
“Devi, shut up. Sorry,” Kamala sighed. “But I may have kidnapped your history teacher and now I’m panicking a little.”
Devi stopped in her tracks.
“You did what? Why is the sound weird?”
As she was trying to identify the background noise coming from Kamala’s end, her eyes swept over the crowd of her classmates and landed on Fabiola’s. Her friend had been smiling, mid-sway as she held Eve from behind and chatted with Sasha, but it fell off her face like Devi off Dr. Jackson’s roof. Fab disentangled herself from her girlfriend and crossed the room to stand with Devi. She was frowning, silently asking for an explanation for Devi’s distress, but Devi didn’t really have one yet.
“We’re in his car on the highway,” her cousin was saying. “He was a little drunk, so I’m driving.”
Devi had imagined that Kamala was exaggerating, but no, this was really starting to sound like a kidnapping.
“You better be on hands-free right now,” she lectured. Then, because she wasn’t exactly a paragon of road safety herself—barely an hour ago, she’d walked right out in front of Paxton’s jeep—didn’t wait for confirmation. “What the hell happened? Context, Kamala!”
“Well, as soon as I snuck out of the house—”
“But why did you sneak out?!”
“Devi, I can’t talk about that right now!” Devi’s eyebrows shot up at the clear and abnormal hysteria in her cousin’s voice. “I ran out of the house,” Kamala continued, “totally directionless, and the first thing that popped into my head was Manish’s invitation for me to come to karaoke…”
“Ew, what the fuck, don’t call Mr. K that.”
What? Fab mouthed at her, but Devi shook her head.
“That is his name and what he asked me to call him. Anyway,” Kamala said, sounding strained, “I went to your school and met up with him and now I’m driving his car and I think I might have shut my sari in the car door, but I’m scared to pull over and check because if I stop the car, I’m going to have to confront things and I think I’d rather not do that yet.”
“Kamala,” Devi said in a heavy, careful voice. “You have to pull over. I totally get what you’re saying because it sounds like something I might do—minus the part where you kidnapped Mr. K—” Fabiola’s eyes went dramatically wide as she was adjusting her tiara. “—but this isn’t you. You don’t run away from your obligations and elope with my teachers!”
“Manish and I didn’t elope. It isn’t in any way romantic.”
“For sure though? It’s not?” Devi heard another voice in the car ask.
“Mr. K, back off! Kamala’s in the middle of a crisis!” she shouted. “And please be drunk enough to forget that I yelled at you.”
“Devi, what should I do?” Kamala asked, sounding desperate in a sad way now.
“Where are you?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Ok, well, which direction are you heading in?”
“Um, either north or south.”
“You’re a disaster,” Devi muttered.
“What was that?”
“Uh… I said, don’t drive any faster. Try to read the next sign you pass so you can tell me where you are.”
“Alright,” Kamala said.
Devi tilted her phone away from her mouth so her cousin wouldn’t hear her frustrated sigh. She locked eyes with Fabiola.
“Kamala panicked at her engagement dinner and ran off with Mr. K. They’re either headed for Mexico or Canada, but I’ll know more in a minute.”
Fab blinked.
“I know. It’s a lot. And this is me talking,” Devi emphasized.
“I don’t know if you would do anything this big. Mainly because you don’t have a driver’s license.”
“Santa Barbara in twenty-six miles,” Kamala said in her ear.
“Damn, you made good time.”
“The traffic was quite manageable.”
“Try to calm down a little and get off the highway when you can. Don’t go past Santa Barbara. I’m coming to talk you down in person,” Devi said. “Oh, and don’t answer any of my mom’s calls; she’ll just stress you out.”
“That doesn’t seem very responsible. How about I send her a text when I stop to let her know I’m ok?”
Devi rolled her eyes.
“Suit yourself.”
“Thank you, Devi. But how will you get here?”
“Let me worry about that. Text me when you stop so I know exactly where I’m going.”
“I will.”
“’K. I’ll see you in a bit.”
Devi hung up and sighed massively, slumping into the wall and feeling a streamer crumple against her back. She and Fabiola stared at each other.
“What are you gonna do?” Fab asked.
“Be the hero my family needs, but not the one they deserve.”
“Are you misquoting Batman to justify doing something reckless?”
“First of all, rescuing Kamala isn’t reckless, and second of all, the movie isn’t called Batman, it’s The Dark Knight. Young-ish Christian Bale, hello.”
Fabiola pointed a finger at her own face.
“Young-ish out-of-touch lesbian, hello. At least I was close.”
Devi sighed again while Fab smiled sadly at her in obvious sympathy.
“It’s after ten at night. How am I gonna get to Santa Barbara?”
“Assuming you’re not going to ask your mom—”
“Then you need a ride.”
“You need a ride? I’ll drive you.”
It was Paxton, walking up and tentatively taking Devi’s hand while darting uncertain glances at Fabiola. Devi felt her entire face light up.
“You don’t want to know where or why?” she teased.
His expression said those were insignificant details. Wow. Devi’d never had a fantasy where Paxton joined forces with her, bounty hunter-style, to track down a flighty Kamala, but this felt oddly romantic. Passionate even? They’d see where the night took them.
“You wouldn’t wanna leave the dance unless it was serious,” Paxton reasoned. “So, I’ll drive you. You wanna go now?”
“I guess we better. Lemme just grab my…”
“I’ll get it,” Fab said, raising a hand like the nerd she was as she volunteered.
She darted back through the dancers to grab Devi’s things and Devi watched their classmates part for their Cricket Queen. She was so proud of Fab. Also, she felt kinda bad for ditching such a momentous occasion. But Kamala needed her, and would totally do the same for her if she ever went off the deep end and kidnapped a dude while fleeing a proposal. Not that Devi could see herself fleeing a proposal (she glanced at Paxton as she thought this, then quickly away, thinking, Way too soon!). Carrying out a kidnapping? With a sufficiently convincing pro-and-con list, anything was possible.
“Basically, Kamala freaked and drove to Santa Barbara with a drunken Mr. K,” Devi said, because Paxton might not have asked to be informed, but she wanted him to know what he was getting himself into. Beyond that, she wanted to give him the chance to say, No way, Devi. I came here to look hot and dance up on you, nothing more.
“Oh shit,” was what he said.
“Damn right, oh shit. You still want to drive? This is going to take a while.”
She should probably have felt guilty about trying to subtly persuade him with her eyes, but not only was Paxton the least complicated option, he was also her first choice. If she maintained eye contact long enough, Devi figured it might trigger some kind of boyfriend override that made going for a long drive at night just as appealing as staying here and dancing with her butt pressed thrillingly to his groin when the teacher-chaperones weren’t looking.
“As long as we can hit up the bathrooms first. I was going to, but then I got talking to Trent, and then Marcus was doing a handstand…”
“Definitely,” Devi assured him. “Good call. Empty the tank. Oh, actually, that reminds me… how much gas do you have in your jeep? If we need to stop at a gas station, I’ll have to factor that in to the ETA I give Kamala.”
Paxton shook his head at her, smiling in what she liked to think was affectionate amusement.
“I filled it up on the way here. I needed a minute to, uh…” To her epic astonishment, he ducked his head self-consciously, cheeks pinking. “You know. Get my shit together. Up here.” He tapped his temple with his index finger. “I wanted to show up for you, like, completely. You know?”
Right as Devi was at dangerously high risk of sagging to the floor in blissful bonelessness, Fabiola sprang to her side, shoving the rest of her possessions at her.
“Ok, ok!” Devi said, harried.
She had to dump it all on the bathroom counter a minute later anyway, but after she’d done her pre-road trip pee, she came out and gave Fab a better thank-you.
“Your Highness,” Paxton told Fabiola with a nod.
Fab nodded back, smiling wryly.
“I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship,” Devi assessed, “but we gotta go! Say congrats to Eve for me again!”
“Sure. Drive safe!”
Devi and Paxton pushed through the doors together, striding quickly with his hand wrapped around hers. In the parking lot, she glanced sideways to see him digging his keychain out of his front pocket.
“Oh,” she said, “so I wasn’t just feeling that you were very happy to dance with me.”
Until they got into the jeep, it was too dark to see whether she’d gotten him to blush again, but she liked to think that she had. He was definitely smiling.
They got in and Devi carefully tucked her skirt around her legs, mind on Kamala’s cautionary tale. At least it was until Paxton leaned forward to shrug out of his jacket and she saw his shoulder muscles jump beneath his fitted button-down, his narrow black tie swinging forward. Dang. Fifty shades of Hall-Yoshida.
“Santa Barbara?” Paxton double-checked once he was settled behind the wheel, steering out of the student lot.
“Santa Barbara.”
Until they were on the highway and heading out of Los Angeles, Devi did her best to keep her worry about Kamala’s situation contained to the way she flapped her phone against her thigh. Usually, she was stressing about the problems right in front of her (when she wasn’t blatantly ignoring them, only to have that approach bite her in the ass later), but with whatever was going on with Kamala, she kinda had to look ahead.
Had she wanted Kamala to get engaged to Prashant that badly? Well, the best thing about Prashant was that you never knew when having additional hot relatives would be to your benefit. (Devi was already hoping that Mr. K would get over the more nerve-wracking elements of this night and just remember having fun with her stunning cousin… and that this could possibly translate into at least a month of generous grades, if she could somehow spin these shenanigans as an intentional blind date arranged by herself.) However, an engaged Kamala was wholly different from a married Kamala. She wouldn’t be around to watch nonsensical episodes of Riverdale, or be duped into hijinks, or listen to Devi when her mom was too tired, or bitch about her shitty lab-mates in exchange for sitting through Devi bitching about her complicated feelings on the subject of Aneesa dating her ex. She wouldn’t live with them anymore, and the family that had begun to miraculously fill out after her dad had died would be back down to three. And the other two members of it would be old (Sorry, Mom, she thought) and not at all prepared to champion her dating life or the cleavage-accentuating formal dress currently buoying it.
So, yeah, Devi was looking ahead—eyes glazed over as the yellow lights of cars slipped around them to prevent her vision from fully adjusting to the blue-black sky—and feeling more than a little nervous and scared of the Kamala-shaped hole she’d have in her life if her dazzling, dorky cousin left her house for one she might eventually fill with the most beautiful children the world had ever seen.
Thankfully, Paxton was there. It startled her when he took one hand off the wheel and felt across her lap to grab hers, loosely interlacing their fingers. Devi quit hitting her phone against her leg. She sent off their updated location to Kamala and then let her phone fall flat.
“Did she say where she was?” Her boyfriend’s voice was quiet in the car and she realized for the first time that her head had been too crammed with thoughts to put on any music.
“Carpinteria State Beach. Do you know the exit?”
“We’ll find it.”
“And if you want me to drive while you rest on the way back…”
Paxton laughed.
“No way. Safety first.”
“Says the guy driving one-handed,” Devi countered, not that she was eager to surrender the hand warming hers.
He turned his head just long enough to shoot her a look.
“Whoa, pal, eyes on the road!” she said. (She had a half-baked plan to call her boyfriend ‘pal’ a few times and thereby de-weaponize the word in a memory that still felt like a fading bruise, an almost-gone sore spot in who she and Paxton were before they were openly a them.)
“Sorry,” he said, staring out the windshield again. He grinned. “You look gorgeous.”
“So gorgeous.” Paxton’s voice was softer this time, the underlying laugh it had carried since she’d offered to drive his jeep drained out of it. It was nearly a sigh.
“Thanks. So do you.”
“You know, I feel fucking awful for hitting you with my car, but I still think I mighta felt worse if I’d walked in and seen you dancing with somebody else.”
Devi twisted their hands, touching the back of his to her thigh so she was sandwiching it between leg and palm for a moment, aiming for reassuring.
“I wanna say I would never be that flaky, but my previous offenses speak for themselves.”
“So does doing this with me.”
“Uh,” she droned, “to recap, you left a fun thing to do a huge favour for me. You’re talking about it like this is my act of redemption. I feel like if you examine it for a sec, you’ll see how I’m actually kind of a dick for accepting your help.”
“I want us to be together,” he said bluntly. “Here we are. Together.”
“It’s that simple?”
“I don’t see why it can’t be.”
“Huh. I think you’re really gonna be good for my tendency to overcomplicate a situation.”
Paxton laughed and unthreaded his fingers from Devi’s. But it wasn’t to release her for pointing out that this date was, in actual fact, the coordinated response to a family crisis; his fingertips moved lightly over her palm, momentarily trapped when her fingers flinched inward in reaction to how it tickled, then traced along the thin skin of her inner wrist. He wasn’t trying to pull away. He was lingering. Though his touch when he sunk his hand into her hair or drew her closer by her waist had always been fairly gentle, it had often had the faint aggression of hastiness to it, clutching her as they made out in her room, always listening for footsteps in the hallway. How Paxton touched her now was pure, exploratory tenderness. It made the hairs on the back of Devi’s neck stand up as a wave of shivers rushed up her spine and crested somewhere around the nape of her neck.
He must’ve felt that wave break, the foamy aftereffects in some tic of her arm or quickening of her pulse while his fingers skimmed gradually up the inside of her arm towards her elbow, because he chanced another quick glance at her.
“That feels good,” she explained.
Paxton looked forward, nodding slowly, and shifted in the driver’s seat.
She thought it must have felt good for him too, knowing he’d made her shiver.
The miles were flicking past for Paxton—another, another, another, as fast and steady as the dashed lines painted between the lanes, his arms cutting the water on the front crawl. He wanted Devi, beside him, to believe that he was paying attention to his driving, but he was honestly kinda zoned out. Like that time he’d swum to San Diego, he let his body go through the motions (in this case, twitching the wheel, putting on cruise control when traffic thinned so he didn’t have to focus on the pedals) while his mind floated freely.
Where it floated was to his girlfriend.
At ten years old, he’d been the last kid in his swim class to jump off the 10m board. It was optional—a treat after getting water up their noses turning somersaults below the surface and doing egg-beater legs in between—but all the other boys in the group had done it eagerly, shrieking on their way down to sloppy pencil dives. Paxton had climbed the stairs all the way to the top easily enough, even stepped onto the wide platform, bordered by metal railings and rough under his bare feet. He’d walked out to the end and frozen to find himself so high above the pool.
He hadn’t feared the water, he’d feared the air. Being so exposed on his own at the end of the diving board. Eventually, he’d retreated, then surprised the coach waiting down at the poolside by turning around and taking the jump at a run. Few memories felt as good as the sensation of giving himself back to gravity and letting it reunite him with the water. He’d just had to get past the exposure.
Same thing tonight, going to find Devi at the dance. Holding her hand in his had been him reaching the platform, but when they stood together, just inside the school’s doors, Paxton hadn’t known for sure whether he would take the leap or retreat. And not just for a running start this time, but in a way that turned his sixteen-year-old present self back into one of those nervous ten-year-olds who wimped out and had to take the coward’s way down—descending each step they’d climbed. He might not have run, and yet he hadn’t needed to back up and race into their relationship either. Momentum hadn’t carried them inside for everyone they knew to see them. It had been a calm approach, even if he’d been shaking on the inside when he saw Trent staring at them.
So maybe Paxton had learned something in the last six years, or maybe it was harder to feel exposed with somebody right next to you.
She really did look gorgeous, like he’d said, and because he didn’t want her to worry about his focus if she spotted him gazing at the side of her face while she texted her cousin, the glances he stole were of the knee region. Her dress’s overlay sparkled when the high lights of eighteen-wheelers passed them and the specific teal of the dress itself reminded him of a river he’d swum in once during an out-of-state family vacation. Natural and deep and fresh, and exasperating for his parents because he’d accidentally doggy-paddled himself all the way to a small waterfall and hadn’t heard them calling him back for dinner around the campfire. He felt all that about Devi, except for hoping for a different reaction from his parents when they met her.
Holy shit. He was going to have to introduce his girlfriend to his embarrassing hippy parents. But then, she’d already met Rebecca, so maybe they were set? A sister’s approval should count for a ton.
No, no, no, Devi would have to meet his parents. He was doing this. The two of them were doing this. Paxton exhaled determinedly through his nose and made himself concentrate on the remaining miles he needed to cover. His mind, anyway. His hand continued to stroke and search, covering his girlfriend’s hand with his until he had her fingers tucked away protectively under his own, and then caressing all the way up to the crook of her elbow so suddenly that she made a noise between a laugh and a yelp because he’d unintentionally tickled her. Man, she was cute.
The very end of their journey required the most concentration from Paxton; he finally took back his hand to have both on the wheel as he steered them off the highway and Devi’s got lonely or something, because it chased across to where he was sitting and landed on his thigh. His jaw clenched. He could feel the heat of her palm through his pantleg and congratulated himself on being a driving legend for driving smoothly to where they needed to park for beach access.
Devi had a pink sweater that she put on, but Paxton grabbed his jacket out of the back as well in case she needed it. It was almost midnight and a breeze rolled up off the water, rippling his tie and swishing Devi’s dress. He didn’t have to ask what they should do next—there was just one other car parked nearby and Devi’s cousin was already standing outside of it, raising a hand to wave sheepishly as they got out of his jeep.
“Here,” he said, holding out his jacket for his girlfriend to put her arms through the sleeves. “You guys talk. I’ll be down at the beach.”
Devi turned her back to him as she accepted the jacket, but she glanced over her shoulder with a look of concern.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. You’ll want privacy. I need to stretch my legs anyway.”
“Just don’t swim away, ok?” she requested. “I don’t think I can handle more than one rescue mission per night.”
Paxton could tell by her expression that it wasn’t entirely a joke. He grinned and gripped his lapels, now on Devi, reeling her in.
“I promise. You’d probably take the opportunity to try to drive the jeep home, and I don’t want to risk that.”
“Me committing grand theft auto or me getting hurt?”
“I bet they tested you for smartness,” he said, “but you think they have a test for being a smartass? You’d score high, Vishwakumar.”
“I know, I know, you don’t want me to get hurt.”
She was so infuriatingly flippant, rolling her big brown eyes at him.
“That’s right,” Paxton said plainly. There he was, up on the platform again.
Devi straightened his tie and let her hand rest flat on his chest. He remembered how overwhelmed she’d looked the first time he’d placed her palm there, right on his skin. Even now, it almost made him laugh.
“Ok,” she said, and he was surrendering himself to the sweet strength of gravity, propelled down to the beach while Devi stayed to talk to Kamala.
Devi had heard that there were tidepools here, and she was nervous about stepping into one and spearing some aquatic animal on her high heel. Well, she couldn’t magically improve her night vision, but she could take her shoes off and remove the possibility of impalement. They dangled from her fingers as she picked her way down to the beach.
Her boyfriend was sitting in the sand, staring out at the ocean. It just looked so romantic—with the stars the sky was too bright to see at home, and the waves, and the back of Paxton’s white shirt in the moonlight—that Devi decided to slip into the scene without saying anything at all.
A mistake. Paxton gasped and jumped. Apparently, he hadn’t heard her over the noise of the water.
“Sorry, sorry!” she said.
He sighed and smiled, getting to his feet.
“How’d it go?”
“I think it went well. She was feeling calm enough to drive, so she’s on her way home now. She’s gonna cover for me until we get back.”
“That’s good… but what about Mr. Kulkarni?”
“He was passed out in the passenger’s seat,” Devi stated. “I guess he’s kind of a lightweight? Kamala said she’s going to drive back to our school and leave him and his car in the parking lot. She’s planning to call my mom for a ride home. If it were me, I think I’d take the bus and try to sneak back into the house as quietly as possible, but Kamala still has a lot to learn about how to thoroughly dodge your problems.”
“And maybe about how to climb to the second floor of your house from the outside?” Paxton suggested with a meaningful smirk.
She did her best to return it, but the odds were that it didn’t look nearly as sexy on her. Then again, she had moonlight and midnight and well-displayed cleavage on her side.
“How’d you learn to do that so quietly anyway?” Devi asked, tossing her shoes to the sand and stepping forward to boldly wrap her arms around Paxton’s waist.
He’d had his hands in his pockets, but as soon as she’d begun to move towards him, he’d pulled them out. His arms encircled her, his hands on the back of his own black jacket. Although Devi wanted to offer him the jacket back—he felt slightly chilly through his shirt—she didn’t want the two of them to separate. Besides, body heat was a thing. This was practically what it was for. So Devi just pressed herself closer, breathing the scent of the ocean and Paxton’s fading cologne.
“Trent,” he said.
“Yeah, actually, that checks out.”
Were there boundaries between warming someone up while having a conversation and just hugging them? It wasn’t clear to Devi, but it felt good when they both went quiet for a while. She stood unevenly on the cold sand and listened to the thud of Paxton’s heart.
“You never said yes,” he said eventually, quietly.
“Yes to what?”
“I told you I came to the dance as your boyfriend and you never actually agreed to be my girlfriend. We kinda just started making out.”
Devi lifted her cheek from his chest so she could look at him. He didn’t appear disappointed, more like he was making an observation. Maybe he’d been reflecting, out here in the dark, while she and Kamala had talked.
“In my books, that’s an obvious yes,” she said, grinning. “What more do you need?”
She could see him trying not to smile.
“A little atmosphere would be nice,” Paxton said. “Maybe a long drive, or the beach. A full moon. Romance me, Vishwakumar.”
Devi vibrated with silent laughter. Or her heart was just beating really, really freaking hard.
“Sounds like you’ve got some pretty big expectations there.”
“And stars,” he added. “There should be a shitload of stars.”
With that, he took one hand off her back to point far above them. Devi tipped her head back, the light of the stars a friendly blur as she tried to pick one to settle on, just one. Paxton’s face coming forward to hover over hers blotted them out. Her boyfriend kissed her, light and ghosting and then firm and slow.
“On the other hand,” he said, pulling back a little, “I think we were onto something with the making out.”
Devi smiled and dug her toes into the sand to make herself taller, lips at the ready and realigned with his.
“We did set a precedent.”
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jjackrabbitt · 3 years
That Damned AU
Hey guys (gn), I know you’ve heard me talk about this before, but I’ve actually been working on it now, so here’s part of it. It’s called That Damned AU because it’s been waking me up in the middle of the night to think about it for the last two years, so it’s just me damning it. I will probably change the name at some point. If you have any suggestions, I will gladly consider them. Basically, That Damned AU follows the events of the canonical story line of MPHFPC, but I’ve changed some things around, messed with some details, and added a few things. Mostly to fix or add to things that I have complaints about or wanted to hear more of. I will be tagging it as That Damned AU in case you want to block it
Before we begin I would like to thank @finn-nito for letting me talk his ear off about all this and in turn talking my ear off. It’s been a lot of fun doing this with you and getting to know you.
Now for the damned thing:
Ricky actually goes into the house with Jacob when Abe doesn’t immediately answer. Probably makes dumb comments about the decor or some thing. Goes back to his car for the gun when they see the screen door. Tells Jacob to stay there. Rushes back when he hears Jacob yell for Abe when the flashlight is found. Catches up to Jacob just on the edge of the woods and gives him shit for moving. Tries to lighten the mood and reassure Jacob, until they see the trail of blood. Is there with Jacob when he finds Abe. Ricky tries to keep Jacob from touching Abe because he thinks Abe is already dead. Both of them handle the situation Extremely Badly. We actually hear Abe call Jacob “little tiger” this time instead of just retconning it. Ricky alternates between trying to get enough signal to call the police and crouching with Jacob to try and help him. Abe’s riddle is delivered the same as before and Jacob does see the hallowghast. Ricky tries to shoot it but can’t because he doesn’t even know it’s there. When Jacob sees it he does grab onto Ricky and start shaking him with one hand, still holding onto Abe with the other.
Both boys have to be questioned, together and separately. Jacob sees Ricky’s interview because he gets a chance to snoop through the policeman's notes. He gets mad that Ricky wouldn’t admit to seeing the hallow and Ricky gets defensive about it. They don’t stop talking though because they mutually think the other is having a stress reaction and is seeing things/is erasing things from their own memories.
Jacobs parents didn’t really like Ricky before and they really don’t like him now because they think having him around will remind Jacob of finding Abe, but Jacob almost seems less stressed when Ricky’s around so they’ll allow it.
They don’t necessarily see each other more, but their interactions are way more emotionally charged now.
Ricky does start carrying his gun more because while he didn’t see the hallow, that was a scary night and he did hear something. He brings it into Jacobs house several times without Jacobs parents knowledge. This is a point of contention between Ricky and Jacob because if Jacobs parents find out Ricky will not be allowed back and will be cut off.
Because Ricky is still very much attached to Jacob when he starts seeing Dr. Golan this time, Ricky is in more danger of wights.
Dr. Golan hears a lot about Ricky. Probably significantly more than he wants to.
Ricky doesn’t get the medical attention that Jacob does because he’s poor and when Jacob knows Ricky’s having a problem he asks Dr. Golan for advice for Ricky.
Jacob is more resistant to Dr Golan’s work this time, because Ricky is there to call bullshit when he hears it and mentions that Jacob's meds are making him weird. Golan responds to this resistance by trying to convince Jacobs parents that Ricky is bad for Jacob. It does work but both of his parents are fairly shit at computers and they both have to sleep some time, so Jacob can still message Ricky and sneak out at night.
Ricky does appreciate when Jacob gets advice from Dr. Golan for him, but he does still give Jacob shit for therapizing him.
Both of them are being observed by wights at this point. Jacob gets a series of very weird food delivery guys and there’s like, three different cars that consistently follow Ricky. The food delivery guys aren’t outright weird, they just have the same ~*vibe*~ as Golan and some times they say strange shit. One of them knew his name without Jacob introducing himself.
The cars wouldn’t be weird if they weren’t definitely the same cars, didn’t only stop following Ricky when he A) was near his house or B) took random turns without signalling, and didn’t seem to follow any particular pattern to where he was seeing them. If they were in a similar area at similar times every day then okay, he just keeps seeing the same people on their way to work or whatever, but that’s not what’s happening.
Not much comes of it though. Jacob gets a few weird stomach aches, Ricky gets pulled over by a really strange cop once. Some one breaks into Ricky’s house while no one’s there and goes through stuff but doesn’t take anything or make a mess, the door’s open and a few things have moved when he gets home. You know, normal stuff.
Once, Jacobs parents go out of town. One of his mothers cousins is getting married, and they just aren’t sure that Jacob’s ready for travel and relatives and a party and everything. They don’t want to leave him for the weekend, but they both agree that he’s been doing really well lately (and it’s been months. They want to get out of the house and do Normal People Things). They tell Dr. Golan that Jacob’s going to be alone for the weekend and tell Jacob to go across the street to their neighbour for help if anything happens and they give the neighbour Dr. Golan’s number.
Roughly ten minutes after they leave, Ricky shows up. The Crown Vic goes in the garage, Alien is turned on, Chinese food is ordered and the weekend commences.
They barely even watch the movie, they’re busy talking. They fall asleep on the couch and honestly? It’s the best sleep Jacob has in months.
Until it’s about 4 a.m. and Jacob wakes up violently because this time the scene in his dream changed. This time he and Abe are in Abaton. He doesn’t know it’s Abaton, of course, and though the events of the dream have change, this one feels worse some how. Now he’s missing his grandfather and this place that he doesn’t even know what it is. He feels weirdly protective of it.
Dr. Golan Really doesn’t like Ricky. It’s significantly harder to manipulate Jacob if Ricky’s there to call bullshit. It’s still pretty easy to get Jacob to go to Cairnholm though. Even Ricky doesn’t call him a quack over it. Only tells Jacob to send him a post card of the only place on earth that’s more of a nowhere than Englewood, Florida.
Jacob does have some apprehension over being separated from Ricky, but he figures it’ll be okay since there will be a phone at their hotel.
They do spend a lot little more together than usual in the weeks leading up to Cairnholm. It worries both of them that they’ll be more than a 20 minute drive from the other. Jacob’s more obvious about it, Ricky (poorly) pretends it won’t bother him that much.
Jacob does bring one of his dads less favoured cameras with him, to take pictures.
His dad does try to insist that Jacob spends some time with him to look at birds. It’s funny, they keep seeing this one peregrine hanging around. Some times she, Frank says it’s a she, flies over them. She doesn’t seem too interested in hunting. Some times she disappears for a little while, but she comes back most of the time, unless it’s later in the day.
Kev and Martin are dating. I know it says in the book that Kev has a wife but no he doesn’t ❤️. Kev and Martin are dating and in love and very little will convince me otherwise. Everyone on Cairnholm is completely chill with it. They have dinner with Martins uncle on Wednesdays. Kev tried to take Martin fishing once and it went terrible but it was fun.
Jacob meets Martin on the first day, at the Priest Hole. He’s done at the museum for the day and is getting a drink with his sister and working on his poetry. He and his sister are harassing Kev while he’s on the job. They meet because Martins sister, Amelia, sees Frank and Jacob lugging more than they can carry up the stairs and makes Martin come with her to help.
Amelia is one of the very, very few ocs you’ll see in here, I’m not here to add a bunch of people. She’s here because I don’t want Martin to be lonely, as a plot device to make things move forward, and because I think we  should have more women. Yes MPHFPC already has a good amount of active women characters, yes I want more.
They start talking because both Martin and Amelia are huge nerds who would be excited about bird watching. When Martin mentions the museum, Jacob gets interested, as before he thinks it will help him unravel his grandfathers riddle. That’s it for now, but I will try to update again soon, though it probably won’t be as long. if any of you have any ideas or opinions to add, I’d love to hear them!
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 22
(text under images)
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Jin had just gotten to Hoseok’s house. With Haneul of course. 
He wouldn’t let Jin out of the house unless he came with.
The other two stayed at home. You still haven’t left your room. Well you have, but only when you had to. It was Sunday, so no school for the kids. You only got out for breakfast, Jin took care of their lunch. He was off today as well. It would’ve been a perfect day to spend time with your family but with what happened last night, it just wasn’t the right time. 
“Aww you brought Haneul!” Sarang says, greeting the two when they walk in. She reaches out, asking to carry him. Of course Jin passes him to her. 
“Where’s Hobi?” Jin asks, looking at the empty living room. 
“In Hope’s room,” she says, already walking away with Haneul. “He’s helping her with homework but I’ll switch with him so you two can have your talk. It seems… important.”
Jin smiles at her. “Thank you, it kinda is.”
“I hear you need some advice this time,” she says from the hallway. “So it must be.”
“Honey, Jin is here,” Jin hears her say. “I’ll help Hope with her homework. Go ahead and go.” The next thing he knows, Hoseok comes out of the hallway.
“Hyung!” Hoseok says with a big smile, walking towards Jin. “Sorry my wife took your baby,” he laughs. Jin waves his hand.
“She can keep him,” he jokes. “Are the other guys coming?”
“Yeah, Taehyung’s closing up, he said he’s on his way. Jungkook is picking up Namjoon and Moonji. Yoongi and Jimin will be here soon though. Do you want anything to drink before they get here?”
“So~” Taehyung says, sitting down next to Jungkook on the couch. “Why have we all gathered here tonight. What’s going on with you and your wife..” He suddenly takes out a small notepad out of his pocket. “Does anyone have a pen?”
“What are you? His therapist?” Yoongi asks, but looking around for a pen anyways. 
“I feel like we all are each other’s therapists at this point,” Jimin says. “We somehow always have problems we can’t handle ourselves.” 
“I’m excited for this one, I have never had the chance to give Jin hyung advice,” Jungkook says, looking at everyone with wide eyes. “This is like the first time, it’s usually the other way around.”
“Everyone has problems--” Namjoon starts, but he’s quickly interrupted by Taehyung. 
“Yeah but he never asks us for help.”
“And he never will if you guys keep talking,” Hoseok says, he gestures to Jin. “Hyung, what’s wrong?”
Jin sighs, sitting up. What better way to address the situation than to just go right ahead and say it.
“Yn’s pregnant.”
“HUH?!” They all yell in unison. Surprised… clearly. 
“Wah,” Taehyung says, covering his mouth with his hand. 
“Hyung,” Jungkook says with big eyes. “You’re like… a baby making machine,” he says, smacking Jin’s thigh, even giving it a squeeze. He was sitting right next to him.
Jin clicks his tongue at him, moving the younger one’s hand away from his leg. 
Jimin was just trying to stifle his laugh while the three oldest were in shock. 
Nothing bad, just surprised.
“Wait,” Jimin says with a smile on his face. “Why are you telling us like this? Usually you and Yn do something fun to tell us.”
“That’s the thing,” Jin starts off.
“Wait before you start,” Namjoon says. “Congrats hyung.” He gets up, giving his brother a hug.
“Oh yeah,” the three youngest said, joining in the hug. “Congratulations~ can’t wait for baby #4~” They all sang, making Jin laugh.
“Aigoo, I wish it was this happy when I found out..”
“It wasn’t?” Taehyung asks, beginning to pull away. “Why?” Jin sighs.
“Ah… it was just a long day, a long week. Yn kept that news from me the whole time she was gone. I’m sure she wanted to surprise me with it, in a nice way, but instead I answered the phone and found out from our doctor instead.”
“It’s never fun to hear important news from other people,” Hoseok says.
“Why do you think she kept it from you?” Yoongi asks, now sitting on the other couch. 
“It was my fault,” Jin sighed. “I was ranting to her the other day about how hard it was. You know, with the three kids alone. And I told her how we’re only sticking to three kids, because I can’t handle anymore.” All the boys went “Ah..” in unison. Understanding as to why you felt the need to hold back. 
“Is that the only reason why you want three kids though? Because it’s hard?” Hoseok asks. Jin hesitates to answer.
“Well.. no, it’s just one of the things I guess.. uh.. I never thought that it would be this hard, alone. You know? Yn was gone for a week and I thought I would be able to handle it. But then I had to wake up an hour early just to make breakfast, make the kids’ lunch. Then help them get ready for school, then take them to school, while also getting myself ready for work. Then I take Haneul with me to my office. And he doesn’t even want to be there so I have to deal with his tantrums as I do meetings and paperwork and travel from one building to the next. Then I have to remember to pick up my other kids. Then I take them with me back to work and I have to help them with homework in between working. Then when we get home I have to make dinner and feed them and sometimes I try not to forget to feed myself. Then I have to give them a bath and get them ready for bed. So bedtime stories and everything and not only that, but I have to remember to take care of myself too and then I have more work afterwards because I’m not able to finish during my actual working times because of the kids. And I feel like there’s more, but I’m already tired just thinking about it.” Jin says in almost one breath. He rubs his temples afterwards. “It’s just a lot.”
“Dang,” Jungkook says. He laughs, looking at everyone. “I don’t know about you guys but I think Sian is going to be the only child for me and Rina.” Taehyung nudges his side.
“Hyung,” Jimin says. “If you didn’t want any more kids… then why didn’t you and Yn like… use protection? Or some other type of--”
“We did,” Jin says. “Yn does, I mean. She’s on birth control but on the day of our trip she ran out. We had a long day that day, remember? So she forgot to get more and you know what happened next.”
“Hyung I got Tannie neutered the other day. You should’ve came with,” Taehyung says, doing a scissor motion with his fingers. “Snip snip.” Jin rolls his eyes at him while Jungkook laughs.
“Guys, stop joking around,” Namjoon tells them. The two youngest immediately bit their tongues. “Hyung you and Yn should’ve had a talk about this first, the whole three kids only thing. You know there are other ways other than birth control to prevent pregnancies.”
“Yeah,” Hoseok says. “You or her can get surgery for that.” Jin shakes his head no.
“It’s not that we don’t want kids anymore,” he says.
“You’re confusing me…” Jungkook mumbles, resting his head on the couch as he faced Jin.
Jin sighs, again. He’s sighing a lot tonight. 
“We planned for a big family when we were younger. We always liked the idea of three kids, but we didn’t mind more. Just not like.. Five, I guess.”
“Then four is the perfect number for you!” Jimin says. “I don’t get why you don’t want another one. Is it just because of your stressful week?”
“No it’s not just that--”
“You’re financially stable and everything,” Yoongi says. “You have full family support.” He shrugs. “What could be the problem?”
“It’s not like I don’t want the baby,” Jin says.
The seven boys turn to the hallway and see Sarang standing there.
“Who’s having a baby?”
“Yn,” Jungkook answers.
“But don’t tell the other girls yet, I don’t think anyone knows.” Jin tells her.
“Well, except for us,” Yoongi tells her.
“She’s pregnant?” Sarang says. “Wow.” By looking at her, you can tell she’s trying her best to be happy for her friend. But the smile on her face didn’t look sincere.
“Yeah, it wasn’t even planned,” Jungkook tells her, covering his mouth. “Surprising right?”
“Definitely,” Sarang says, forcing out a laugh.
“Well, anyways,” Jungkook says. “Got any advice for him?”
“What do you need advice on?” Sarang says, looking at Jin.
He shrugs. “I don’t know, honestly.”
“I heard a bit of what you seven were talking about earlier…” Sarang tells Jin. The two of them were now standing in Huimang’s room. Huimang was asleep on the bed, next to her were her two younger cousins, Moonji and Haneul. They were also asleep. 
“I don’t think you understand,” she says, Jin looks over at her. “You think it’s hard for you, doing all of that. But it’s just as hard for Yn. Even harder. And now she’s even carrying your child and you’re not happy about it.” She looks up at him this time. “Being a mother, being pregnant, is hard. I’m not saying being a dad isn’t either but, right now the only thing you can do to help Yn is to be supportive of her. You acting the way you did is already making everything harder than it should be.” She looks away from him, looking down at the three kids sleeping in front of them.
“I think you should be happy,” she says after a while. Jin looks at her. “You don’t know how lucky you are.” Jin can see a tear rolling down her cheek.
“I wish I had that problem,” she whispers. “Then it would mean I’m finally pregnant..”
“You know…” she says, with a small laugh. Jin watches the tears roll down to her chin. “Hobi and I have been trying for so long, but nothing... “ She shrugs. “The doctor says we’re perfectly fine. There’s nothing wrong with either of us, but for some reason we can’t get pregnant.” She looks up at Jin now. “Huimang has been asking us for a sibling actually. I told her we’re working on it and she’s wondering why it’s taking so long. And I don’t know what to tell her.” She looks back down at her daughter peacefully sleeping. “Then, You and Yn have a little fun on your trip and she comes back pregnant and it causes an argument between you two.” She shakes her head at him. “It hurts to watch people you know get something you’ve been wanting and they don’t even want it.”
She sighs, wiping her nose with her sleeve.
“I’m sorry Jin, I love you and Yn so much but I can’t help but hate you two right now.”
Jin didn’t know what to say. Instead he puts a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry.”
Sarang shakes her head.
“You should be saying that to Yn, not me.”
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
expect the unexpected
♡ part twenty-two: hate you ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: 😐
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @Chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @justinetingball  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @ygbubs @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
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My Patriot
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*Gif not mine
Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: Slight injury, One curse word Summary: Your high school was able to allow girl’s to join football. Being around a football fan who happens to be your dad, he taught you the ropes in your freshman year, you made it to the Varsity squad your Sophomore year and your last game turned out to be a disaster at first but you made it a win.
A/N: I’ve wanted to join football after being in marching band and hearing from my guy friends (football players) who offered me to join. But I think I rather play in a band than be a low-life football player. Basketball is better along with baseball. Marching band may not be a sport to some but it is to me.
Amazing dividers by @whimsicalrogers​ I guess I lost the fan for 49ers and Raiders, I became a Patriot. 
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Senior year was one of the most stressful and overwhelming. The season was at its end and it was gonna be one of your last games before you take on your wrestling season in February. This last game was gonna be one of the most powerful games of all. The last ones should always make it worth. Show that the Boston Reds were no match for the Spartans. 
You took football since you were a freshman.
One of the worst decisions you made but you’ve learned to become the first quarterback as a girl. A woman if you might add. Living in a family who were into football, you were the only oldest grandchild in the family. And only one person out of your family approved it. Your dad, Chris Evans.
Your grandma, Lisa didn’t like the idea and almost slapped the back of her son’s head while Scott came to every game with a box of bandages and water. 
Your dad and Scott were part of the football volunteers. They would stand on the sidelines, help your teammates with water, Gatorade, courage and support. Chris wasn’t your coach, no, but he did coach you at home if you needed it. You two on the weekends would go out jogging, try out new healthy foods, always took you to your school and practice some throws out in the field, since they did allow the field to be a public place at some times.
You loved your dad, more than you loved football. There were times where he wasn’t there, but Scott and your aunts were there to record your touchdowns and take downs. 
You had a couple friends on the team, almost half of them were part of the marching band up in the bleachers.
The boys on your team always supported you. Not only because you were practically Captain America’s daughter, they knew you were the best out of all of them. They treated you as an equal. Which was a good feeling to have. You were tall and strong. You weren’t positive this was gonna be a career after you graduate. It was something to do and have for the rest of your life. Something to have fun with.
Chris didn’t expect you to continue this football thing, he knew you would start something better. He was just proud to see you out in the field doing something to prove anyone could do any sport no matter what they looked like. 
School was just about to end and you pulled out your phone after you felt it buzz. A message sent towards you, you opened it and saw the message.
Dad Few minutes away. 
You grinned while shaking your head. He always wanted to be there for your training just after school. You assumed Uncle Scott would be there before your game starts. Your dad was there early to make sure what the team had and didn’t. He was a volunteer anyway.
The bell rung and you stood up, walking over to your locker. Once you got it open, someone pats your back. A random guy who nods at you, “Good luck at the game!” You smiled softly with a nod and reached in to look for your large water bottle. 
You cursed under your breath. You must’ve left it at home. You closed your locker and made your way to the side building where the footballers were gathering up. Everyone wore their jerseys with their numbers. On a game day, every sport player should wear their jerseys through the school day and you had yours on.
Your coach comes in and claps his hands, “All right, everyone. Let’s get out there fast! The other team is coming in few minutes, take the field. Coach Henderson will be separating groups and I want good spirit out there! Let’s go!” Everyone in the room went their own ways, most of them heading to the locker room for their gear. You went to a separate room and got your things on alone. 
Even for a girl, you couldn’t get ready in the boys locker room, of course. You slipped on your shoulder gear and slipped your jersey on over it. Your skin tight pants with pads over your knees, your cleats on real tight. You put your phone in the locker and closed it, taking your helmet and rushed out to the field. 
“All right ladies! Let’s line up.”
You rushed around the corner and almost bumped into someone, they shout, “Woah. Easy there, hey!” Your dad says with a grin, your eyes widen and you let out a laugh. “Sorry. I didn’t see you.” Your dad takes your helmet by the bars of your facemask and lifts it up to see small strands fall over your face. He grins, “Maybe put on your helmet after you get to the sidelines.” 
You smiled and saw in his hand that he had your water bottle. “You found it!” You said, Chris lifts it up and nods. “That’s not the only reason why I came.” You furrowed your brows, “I thought you had a flight to Los Angeles?”
Chris lifted up his shoulders, “I can’t miss a final game in your lifetime, now could I? Besides even if you did NFL, your grandma would be pulling at our ears.” You smiled and took the bottle from his hand, giving him a large hug as he lets out a huff. He lightly chuckles and hugs you back just as tight. He shakes you a little, “Now, go out there and practice. I’ll be around, Scott will be around before the game. I love you.”
You pulled away and slipped on your helmet, “I love you too.”
Your coach called you in and you made your way over. With a nod of approval, you took that and followed your team onto the field. Warming up your shoulders, tossing your throws and kicks. Chris stood on the sideline, arms crossed as he chatted with your coach. You stretched your legs and slammed into a couple of your teammates to get yourself warmed up for this last game.
The families began to stack the whole bleachers, people with balloons, you knew your whole family will be here. Especially for your last game as a senior. They would start introducing the seniors. Half of your team were seniors and they were really supportive of you.
You thought they just liked your dad around. You saw what looked like your family. Lisa, Scott, and the sisters along with your cousins. They were waving at you from the bottom of the bleachers. You look over to Chris who waves you over from the sidelines and you rushed over to him and walked over to the fam.
“Hey! Sweetheart!” You smile big and hugged Lisa first, who gave you large kisses on your head. You hugged your two aunts, Shanna and Carly, your cousins Ethan, Stella and Miles. They started to admire your gear while Stella held onto you like a koala, ‘cause she loved you. Being her only girl cousin, you always did dolls and makeup while you did football and tag with the boys.
You started to hear the marching band play and you turn around. Chris nods, “You’re up, #4.” You grin and slipped on your helmet while the family waited. Usually on Senior games, they’d always read off what these seniors wrote for their last year and the family follows them down the row with balloons and large posters.
After the short time of the marching bands introduction to the field and the national anthem, the band makes a aisle for the senior families to walk down. They let a couple cheerleaders down the aisle, everyone following behind the senior friend. 
They did that for more students till it was your turn.
Your team were very chaotic so they began to cheer your name. “Evans! Evans!” They shout, you couldn’t help but laugh at them. “Now, quarterback on the football team, number 4 on the field. Y/N Evans.” You feel a couple of your team chant your name as you walked down the aisle with your dad by your side. The man on the speakers began to read your last words for your senior year and you were just lucky to be here.
After they represented every senior, the game was starting. You felt like your dad in Not Another Teen Movie, Jake Wyler, quarterback asshole jock. It was a hilarious movie. Chris stood by the sidelines and watched you stand behind your teammates. 
You hear your teammate yell hut and you run forward to catch the ball i your hand. Guarding it in your arm, you head to the right. Then you feel a harsh jab to your back. The referee blows his whistle and you stand up. Okay, you knew some were quick. 
Your teammate helps you up and you glance across the field, watching your dad give you a thumbs up while shouting, “You okay?” You replied with a pair of thumbs up and he gives you a nod. The team sets up by the yard line where you fell.
The teams began to line up in their positions and you bent your knees. Breathing slowly, you focused on the directions you could go. Maybe throw it to one of your teammates who could be open. “Hut!” You catch the ball and aimed it, your defenders are slamming into the others.
You catch your teammate with his arms open. You imagined him being your dad in your backyard. With a large throw, the ball darts towards your teammate and he catches it smoothly before charging for the end of the field. You see him reach the end and the crowd in the bleachers cheer on. You couldn’t help but grin.
This was gonna be a good game.
Halftime was gone and you were slightly behind the other team. A couple touchdowns, you could make an easy win. A kick to the goal post could do you some good. You were almost close to exhaustion. You hear your coach call you guys in and the referees give you guys two minutes. 
Running over to the coach. He began to explain a plan and you followed every single order. Once he broke the team, your dad hands you your water bottle. “You need to hydrate, sweetheart.”
You grin, lifting up your helmet a bit to pour water into your mouth. You gotten a lot of sips in and slid your helmet back down. The referees call you back in and your team positioned on the field.
You see that the team had slightly larger guys than the last ones. You needed to run pass them. You hear the shout and the ball comes into your hands. Your feet pick up and you took a sharp turn that causes your ankle to lock and you feel someone tackle you to the ground.
A large hit to the ground, your helmet bounces off the ground and you feel the player get off you. You breath in harshly and hear someone say, “Are you okay?” You roll onto your hands and knees, instantly feeling someone’s hands on you. “Hey, hey. Don’t stand up, yet. Take it easy. Honey, are you okay?” You hear your dad ask, you nod your head, not bothering to speak. 
Your arm gets pulled up and Chris helps you onto your feet again. He leans over, “Hey? Look at me? Are you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah. Can I just sit down for a second?” Your dad didn’t refuse or hesitate. He helps you over to the bench and gives your family a thumbs up to know you were okay. He cups your helmet, “Can I take this off? It’ll help you breath better.” You nod and he slips it off your head. Your coach calls in a replacement onto the field and you lowered your head.
You lift your head up, “Coach, I’m sorry, I-” The coach gently shook his head. “It’s okay, Evans. You did good. You rest.” You felt embarrassed, being a woman and falling on the field made everyone lose hope in you. Your dad puts his hand on your shoulder, “Hey. You did good halfway through. I’m proud of you.”
You smiled up at him and watched as the team struggled to push through. No one scored and it just kept going back and forth. The coach calls out the last break. You needed to jump back in. Taking your helmet, you stand up and run over to the team circle.
You lean in, “Coach. Put me back in.” Your coach stared at you in disbelief till Chris jumps up. “No, you need to rest-”
“Please, dad. I know I can do this. I’m okay, now.” Chris looks up to the coach who does as well. Silently the two nod and your coach looks over. “All right. Y/N’s back in position. Stay strong and remember the plans.” The team breaks and you slid on your helmet. Standing in position, you breathed in slowly. You felt the memories come flooding into your head.
“You got this,” You hear your dad’s voice.
The shout breaks your position as you dart for the ball and grab it. You turn to the side and see a player in front of you. You realize he’s going to dive. It felt like slow-motion once he began to dive toward you. Your legs lift up and you hop over him like nothing. The crowd screams as you run for the touchdown yard line. 
Your team runs over and almost tackles you to the ground. They chant your name and your dad runs over. “Yes!” He shouts, too proud of a dad, he takes you off your feet and holds the back of your helmet, laughing uncontrollably. You laugh happily as he takes off your helmet and pulls your head to his chest. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you!” He says, you pull away and your team gives you a large hug. The team ended with a win and you were proud to take step back into the field. And your dad was happy to put your trophy on the fireplace.
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battle-of-roses · 3 years
When Rome Burns : Part 1
TW : Logan Roy's A+ Parenting, Manipulative Logan
By @your-gay-cousin-clover
With a certain hint of trepidation, Tom starts dressing himself to meet up with Shiv in downtown New York. The plan was pretty simple for the day: meet up with Shiv, find a gift for her father, put on his best Midwest honourable fellow personality and charm the pants of all her family. He stopped for a moment in the middle of his bedroom, standing there in his white button up, boxers and black socks, biting his lip on whether to take the gold ring, he’d picked out a week ago, to the party. After all this time he had spent with her, ever since their whirlwind romance in Hong Kong, he was sure that she was the one for him. His soulmate, the-one-who-he-got, his loml. The question was of when?
The party would be a good place to propose. Lavish surroundings, her entire family, and a pretty pricey ring to show his commitment to her. All eggs in your basket, he’d say if- when she said yes. And it would all be fine and okay. He starts to daydream for a moment, his dreams flying higher than just becoming Logan Roy’s son-in-law, maybe he’d join in the business himself. He would swoop in, take over one of the main branches of Royco, maybe ATN and continue the family business until he had his own billionaire kids à la Shiv.
Beep! Beep!
His fantasies suddenly dashed down into the floor. He jerks and reaches to the phone on the table to receive the call. It’s Shiv.
“Hey honeybee,” he says in a sweet-syrupy tone that he hoped conveyed his affections accordingly.
“Where are you?”
He immediately frowns. Her tone is clipped sharp, a razor’s edge, threatening him to not speak a word off their usual script.
“I’m … ahh… just getting dressed. Oh, oh, how formal is the even supposed to be? Do you think I could sneak in a tartan tie pattern to impress your Dad?” He tries to detract from her irritation.
“The fuck, Tom? Don’t be silly. Just wear whatever you want, you’re not a pre-schooler. It’s a formal event, but don’t wear anything weird or embarrassing.” Her words just kick up a latent anger in him that he press down as per usual. It’s alright, maybe it’s her job that’s got her stressed.
He tries another jovial voice for a size. “Ok, love-,” he continues, but there’s no Shiv on the other side of the call. Just him and the dial tone mocking him.
Nothing weird or embarrassing.
He drops the ring into a drawer of his bedside table and shuts it close.
The day goes in its own pace and Shiv makes a hasty apology about her signal getting dropped in the elevator. He waves it off, he always goes. There’s no use holding on a grudge with his future-wife-to-be, on silly things like one too many passive aggressive words and brushed off endearments. And so, here he is now. Standing in the middle of an opulent penthouse living room, chatting pleasantries with Marcia, hands sweaty as he tightens his grasp on the gilded box with the watch.
It had been pretty expensive to purchase on his own. He and Shiv were comfortable, sure. But they - no, he wasn’t Olympus rich like the Roys, America’s number one conservative messiah. He hopes it’s enough. Enough for a job at ATN, enough for Shiv, above all, enough for Logan.
His fucking future hung on a balance because of a little ticking metal machine.
There. The elevator’s number stuck still on their current floor and his breathing picks up. Everyone else collects around the door to waiting as the metal door open, but he stands back, alone. For a split second, he’s swallowed up in all the gold, gild and glamour around him and he simply can’t breathe.
He sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of all this. No matter how brave, how much of a fucking asshole he pretends to be. He does not deserve to be here. He’s what? Got a few hundred thousand in his savings, while collectively in front of him stands the 3rd richest family in America. He just wants to bolt and never come back.
And in the same fleeting moment, the doubt hastily vaporises as Logan Roy himself steps into the view amidst loud yells of “Happy Birthday!”.
The moment he sees Logan, it’s something of oh, that echoes in his head. Like oh, he’s just an old man. And he indeed looks frazzled, startled by the sudden cheers. But he whispers something to Marcia, who takes his coat and hands it off to one of the numerous maids hurrying around the house.
And then he straightens up to face the crowd. There’s something in his eyes that makes Tom want to shrink back against the patterned wallpaper. Something fierce, something very calculating. He watches as Logan makes his way through the crowd of his children and nods absent-mindedly at everyone’s greetings.
“Shiv,” Logan says, turning to Shiv, his back to Tom “Where’s Wambsgans? I thought we invited him.”
Shiv’s expression falters for a second, perhaps debating whether her father’s joking or not. It’s clear, he’s not, when the beat of silence extends between them. She smiles back again, radiant. And gosh, Tom loves her so much.
“He’s behind you, Dad!”
Tom didn’t have much time to be mortified as Logan turned to him and stuck his hand out to shake. Awkwardly balancing his watch box on one hand, Tom tries to make grip firm and solid. Logan gives him two shakes and quickly removes his hand.
“Wambsgans, you’ve got a strong grip. Trying to break an old man’s hand, eh?”
Fuck. Of course, Logan Roy would be above all masculine handshaking bullshit that the Wall Street posers were really into. Logan knew he was the king of the world, didn’t need to prove it to any Tom-Dick-Harry on the street.
Logan’s already turning away from him, but Tom tries to swallow his foot down the throat trying not to make his first impression even worst. He lets out a laugh, but winces internally. Too braying, too harsh, too corny.
“Well, you’re not that weak, Mr Roy-“ He tries. He does. But Shiv already looks disappointed and Logan’s barely listening to him. His time to prove himself is running out.
Everyone turns to look at the elevator again. Kendall Roy steps out the lift with his ex-wife and children in tow. He’s wearing that same black blue outfit combo, just like the one on Forbes, proudly declaring him as the HEIR WITH THE FLAIR. Tom has read Kendall’s entire wikipedia enough times to know that the stress marks and the lack of the photogenic smile was simply because of his age.
Drugs - Divorce - Demotion.
Yet like every American hero billionaire, Kendall got the second chance that could only be afforded to the rich and now, most probably, he was going to the Successor to the entire media conglomerate. Even then, Tom wouldn’t say that he exactly envies the other man.
“Ken!” Logan’s voice somehow sounds surprised as well as disappointed. “I didn’t think you’d come. Did we close the Vaulter deal?”
Kendall’s stance becomes a bit wooden as he reaches down to accept his father’s embrace. His ex turns to Marcia and hands off a wrapped box with a pleasant smile. The kids run off with Grace’s kid and Kendall stands there looking a bit unsettled as he answers “oh, no, no Dad. They’re still hammering out the details. I took a break to wish you on your birthday. Not sure how many more there might be.” The conversation mills a bit around the two, everyone leans in a bit to hear.
“You did?” Logan repeats with furrowed brows. “Well, where’s your cousin? I thought he’d rather come than you.”
Kendall looks taken aback for a moment. Everyone tries another round of conversation, but Tom simply nods along to other’s words as he tries to figure out information about the cousin. A cousin? Shiv’s never mentioned a cousin being involved in … well, anything.
“Greg?” Kendall asks, his voice uncertain. Logan looks him in the eye and shares a sardonic grin. “Yes, Greg. Unless Marianne happened to suddenly stop by. What’s he doing? Wasn’t he with you this morning?”
Kendall seems to shrink into himself under his father’s gaze. “Greg’s..” he starts and stops for a moment. “Greg’s with the team in the building. He wanted to finish the deal before joining the party.”
“Shame.” Logan says, “But good for him, as soon as we wrap up this deal the better. Anyway, kids, can I talk to you alone for a moment? I just want you to sign something.”
All of them exchange glances with each other, the meaning of which Tom is too novel to understand. All of them quietly follow in the steps of their father. The rest of them stare.
“So,” Marcia says, clapping her hands together. The sound echoes in the eerie silence devoid of birthday wishes. “Let’s get started on lunch shall we?”
On the way to the “game” which was highly requested in a cult-like chanting, Tom abruptly turns to Shiv and asks “I didn’t know you had cousin working at Waystar?”
She ceases typing on her phone and looks up with pinched brows, seemingly in thought. Tom watches the city go by in a blur from Shiv’s side of the window and waits. “
“Oh,” She says “You mean Greg? Yeah, he’s like my second cousin. Uncle Ewan’s only grandson, although I don’t think he’s seen them since he was ten? He’s chief strategist at Royco. You’ll see him soon enough when you join.”
A when, not an if. And immediately, Tom’s heart lifts. He fights a grin on his face and catches Shiv’s eye. She smiles a bit, the stress from her face falling away for a second and turns back to her phone.
All was well.
All was not well.
Tom kind of looks like an idiot. At least in his own head, he’s been lugging around the watch box the entire evening. Right now, he’s standing behind Logan and Shiv like an obedient puppy waiting for Shiv to call upon him. The rest of the family is setting up the baseball game while the groundskeepers looking on fascinated.
Tom pretty much feels like them.
“So, about Tom,” Shiv says and Logan seems to be considering her words. Tom’s ears pick up, his hands turn sweaty again and he fidgets with the box in his hands. He imagines he can hear the watch tick inside like a time bomb.
“Hmm…” Logan replies, peering out into the distance. Kendall’s already gone into the wind, about half-an-hour ago, his ear glued to the phone talking to “Greg”. Tom waits for that syllable to end and simply waits.
“What do you think about putting him under Greg?”
Despite the short distance between him and the duo, he hears an undercurrent of something sinister his way. Something almost amusingly cruel.
“Wh-why Greg? Isn’t that - like isn’t he already busy with the buyings and everything else? And surely you don’t expect Tom to be his assistant? He’s much more experienced in business.” Shiv’s protest add a bit of tension to his mind.
What was the deal with this Greg? It was almost as if he was some kind of a boogeyman to Shiv and her siblings. But someone that Logan clearly approved of, but there was something very odd about the whole missing cousin.
It was as if being put under the cousin would somehow be bad for him. Geez, was he some kind of a hardass?
“No, no. I’m sure Greg’s not to busy to welcome your boyfriend into the family business. He can help guide Tom and put him in a fitting department. Not to busy to help family.”
Tom expects Shiv to say something. To put off Logan’s plan and for a moment, she does. But instead, she stops and frowns.
A beat.
Tom takes it as his cue to step in with the box.
This better work.
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troop-scoop · 4 years
Youth VII
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Chapter Seven -  Upside
Word count: 1.5k
Series Summary: On a family trip to your dad’s home town of Hawkins, Indiana, you make a series of decisions that result in you ending up in the year 1983 with more questions than there are answers presently available.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female Reader ( slow burn )
Chapter Summary: After the day in the woods, you tell Jonathan the truth. 
It was dark. Yet another day spent doing something you’d never be able to explain to people in the coming days. Wandering the woods surrounding Hawkins in search of a creature that you were familiar with. A thing you used to hide from for an unknown amount of time that you were sure was a dream just a day ago.
“What, are you tired?” Jonathan asked, making you stop and turn, seeing Jonathan looking at Nancy who was the furthest behind in the group.
“Shut up.”
“Oh, still fighting,” you mumbled to yourself, shining your flashlight onto your watch. 8:30 pm on a Friday. You should be in bed at the motel, doing your homework while the Tv was on.
“What?” Jonathan asked in response to Nancy.
“I heard something.” Nancy’s voice was low, but you could hear it, even from how far away from her you were. The three of you kept quiet for a second, just long enough to hear a distant whimper, like an injured animal
Jonathan turned to look in the direction it came from, and Nancy took the lead, with you and Jonathan following.
What the three of you came to find made your stomach churn. You didn’t know deer could whine like that. You didn’t know they could make any sound. The doe was on the ground, bleeding from her neck
“It’s been hit by a car.” Nancy kneeled down, gently touching the dying animal, avoiding the wounds she’d acquired. “We can’t just leave it.” She spoke, pulling her hand away.
“She’s right.” You agreed. It was inhumane to let someone or something die in such a painful way. You’d dwell on it if you did leave the poor thing like this. No one deserved a painful death.
Nancy looked at her gun, hesitating. “I’ll do it.” Jonathan offered, reaching out to take the firearm.
“I thought you said -”
“I’m not nine anymore,” Jonathan responded, taking the gun. The two stood up, and Nancy stepped back to stand next to you. Sighing you shifted what was in your hands to hold both your knife and flashlight in one hand, and reached down to grab Nancy’s in your own.
Nancy squeezed your hand, and as Jonathan raised the gun, aiming at the deer, both you and Nancy turned your heads away, trying not to look. Before the sound of the gun could go off, you heard a loud growl and looked up seeing the deer be pulled away into the dark by something. The three of you jumped back, and your grip on Nancy’s hand got tighter.
“What was that?”
“Follow the blood.” You spoke, nodding to the blood left on the leaves. shining your flashlight on it. Nancy nodded hesitantly, still holding onto your hand as she began following the trail. Only moments later you were finding parts. First, the spine of the doe, covered in blood, but the meat completely peeled away.
“Where did it go?”
“I don’t know,” Jonathan mumbled. “Do you two see any more blood?”
You shook your head, looking around in the dark, using your light to see. Jonathan stepped away, continuing to look, and you went with Nancy, your grips on each other’s hands tighter than before.
“Y/n,” Nancy mumbled, grabbing your attention. Looking over at her you saw where she was pointing her flashlight. There was a hole in the trunk of a tree. Blood at the front of it. It was dripping with a clear goo that almost reminded you of snot.
Nancy let go of your hand, walking over and kneeling down in front of it. Your stomach was in a bad state, making you feel light-headed almost. If what you’d thought had been a dream, wasn’t, then you knew exactly what was on the other side of that hole. A place cold, and empty, a place like Hawkins, but not quite.
“Jonathan!” Nancy called. No answer. “Do we. . . do we go in?” She asked, looking at you.
You gave a hesitant nod, slipping your bag off and setting it on the ground by the tree. “Be careful.” Your own voice was quiet, fear radiating from your bones. “Follow my lead, okay?” Nancy nodded, scooting back and taking her own bag off, letting you go first. You were gonna regret it.
“Oh, my God, you’re such a bitch!” You yelled, shaking your head and turning away from Torrey. Olivia groaned, grabbing your arm to keep you from walking off.
“It’s me that’s the bitch? Okay, sure.” Torrey scoffed, pointing her phone at you, as you turned to look at her again, practically blinding you for a second with her flashlight. “For someone who’s never afraid of anything, you’re sure being a coward right now!”
Howard mumbled something under his breath, sitting down on the leave covered ground with his other sister, Sarah. The two were annoyed with the bickering between you and Torrey, the entire time since you all left the motel, it had been like this, a back and forth even though everyone else was fine and calm  
James shook his head, grabbing Daniel’s shoulder, pulling him away from the two of you, watching as you tried to step towards Torrey.
“I’m not a coward, Wheeler, I just know where the boundaries are!”
“Who cares?” Torrey shouted. Derek and Issac trying to help her calm down. The Sinclair children all split up among the group, Olivia with you, James with Daniel. Derek and Issac with Torrey. “In case you’re forgetting, this town used to be our parent’s home! We’ve known where my grandparents lived since I was born! They’ve always been in that cul-de-sac! We’ve always known where their grandparents live! They’ve been in the same house since 69!’”  You shook your head, ready to go back to the motel. “We’ve never known where your dad used to live! I finally got it out of my mom and dad, and you don’t wanna go?”
“People live there, Torrey! It’s not my dad’s home anymore! It hasn’t been since he was like our age!” You screamed. “It’s the middle of the night, we all agreed to go to the liquor store, not the middle of the woods!”
“Clearly it’s not the middle, because I can see the house!”
“Just drop it!”
“Are you okay?”
“Hm?” You were snapped out of your own thoughts. The memory playing back in your head in the absence of noise. The last thing you’d ever said to your cousin, and it was an argument, in the middle of the woods.
“Are you okay?” Jonathan repeated. There wasn’t one clear answer you could give. Physically, you were a bit shaken up. But mentally? You felt like everything was crumbling around you like you were close to having a breakdown. But emotionally, you felt. . . angry. Numb in a way.
“I’ll be fine.” You responded, pulling on the jacket Jonathan had handed you. It was his own, and it was warm enough to keep you from freezing.
You could remember it. One second you were arguing with Torrey, the next you were alone, none of your cousins with you, and in the middle of the woods. You’d gone to find them, and when you took one step in a certain direction you fell into that place. You couldn’t remember how long you’d been there. And you couldn’t remember much, just that you had to have crawled out of something similar to what you and Nancy had crawled into. But you remembered waking up in the woods, with the sun shining and you had been starving.
That’s when you walked into town, and bought a bottle of water from a convenience store and saw the date on the newspaper. ‘1983’
He nodded and looked away. Nancy had gotten into the shower a few moments ago, and you could hear the water running, the distinct humming in the walls from the water running through the pipes.
“How did you recognize it? How do you. . . How do you know Will’s alive?”
Sighing, you looked down at the floor, before looking to your bag that had been dropped by the door of Nancy’s bedroom. Walking over you kneeled down and opened it, pulling out your wallet, like you had done with Joyce, pulling the photo of you with your dad and uncle out.
Looking back at Jonathan you saw him staring at you.
Standing back up you grabbed your bag, holding the photo out to him. He looked between you and the photo, hesitant, but once given another second he took the photo from you.
“I know he’s alive because he’s my dad.” You answered. “That’s him, to my right. To the left, that’s you. . . Our common interest is that you want him alive and home. I need him alive and home. And clearly, he will be. Because I’m here. I’m alive, I’m breathing. I haven’t disappeared yet.” You joked a bit.
You were trying your best, but the longer this was happening, the more stressed you became. “I should go.”
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neptune-stars · 4 years
hey darlings it’s samhain today so here’s a little fic i wasn’t sure what to do w for the occasion!! mwah sorry for the angst
when sirius was eleven, he walked up to the hat and requested gryffindor.
“your ambition will be the end of you,” said the hat, but put him into gryffindor anyways.
sirius, while in school, could not figure out what that meant, because he wasn’t particularly ambitious. he supposed he liked pranks well enough, but they weren’t his entire life, and he liked pissing off his parents, but he wasn’t going to make a career out of that either.
it came to him suddenly, and when it did, the world stayed the same.
james potter met sirius black when they were barely eleven and defended him against some snotty greasy boy on the train. james potter didn’t care that sirius was a black, didn’t care that sirius’ family was dark - he didn’t mind that sirius wasn’t all that light either.
see, sirius would lay down his life for just about anyone really. but there were only two people that he would kill for. that he would love until the end of time.
and one of those people were james potter.
when james died, all the bright and happy and good things in the world died with him. sirius was the one to find him first, his james lying spread eagle across the stairs, wand still in the living room. but james looked peaceful there, like he was ready and happy it was finally over, and sirius wanted nothing more than to go to the afterworld and yank that peacefulness away.
lily is upstairs. her usual bright green eyes are cold in death, red hair surrounding her head like a halo. her collarbone is bleeding something awful, and when he pulls down her shirt a little to see - to stop the bleeding, to stop the blood from sinking into her shirt because it was lily’s favorite sleep shirt, one of marlene’s old ones - he finds a rune, a cross between algiz and six he’s never seen before carved into her skin. her blood is sprinkled around the edges of the room and there is a matching rune on harry’s crib.
harry is alive. he is bleeding sluggishly from the forehead, and he is wailing something awful, but he is alive. sirius picks him up, closes lily’s eyes and closes his own when he walks past james. puts harry carefully into his sidecar, and then hagrid is there and sirius trusts him and and and
he is filled with a vengeance so deep there is nothing that could possibly stop him. he think he would kill dumbledore, voldemort, Lady Magick herself if they got in the way, and he goes after peter with reckless abandon-
he is tricked.
it is such a slytherin move, such a slytherin move for little, mousy peter pettigrew that when the aurors find him he is laughing and laughing and laughing and then he is crying.
alastor is there, staring at him with nothing less than absolute disgust. his mentor, his and james’ mentor, thinks sirius killed james, and that just makes him laugh harder.
he is thrown in azkaban without a trial. it’s cold there, and they only give you one meal a day, and the vengeance still burns but not as bright as his grief.
bellatrix, his big cousin bella, takes him under her wing. she’s a little bit mad, and she tortured his friends to insanity, but she knows he didn’t betray the potters and she know he didn’t kill all those muggles and she still loves him. she protects him, with their cells right next to each other, by telling him story after story until her throat goes dry and she can’t speak another word, like they are children again and walburga and druella are screaming and banging on the other side of the door while they hide from their mother’s rage.
“why did you do it, bella?” he asks her one day, when his brain is particularly loud. “why did you kill all those people? those innocents?”
“i didn’t mean too,” she says, and she sounds terribly small. “the dark - it’s seducing, sirius. it pulls you in until you can’t get out.”
the death eaters all come from broken homes, homes where there parents were still together in loveless marriages and their mothers liked to scream and slap and fathers like stone cold silence and quiet crucio’s. the dark arts is a savior, a winning, something to help them get away from suffocating under the stress of it all.
it doesn’t help, sirius thinks, that muggle studies is so behind. sirius thinks a lot in azkaban and he thinks that muggle studies class should be mandatory, because most of the death eaters are convinced muggles are still burning witches and wizards at the stake.
“will you kill him?” asks bella another day. “the man who betrayed you, and cousin james?”
sirius thinks of all the people he killed during the war. he thinks about the small part of him that thought it had been fun, literally ripping out spines and burning them from the inside out and back again. he had insisted it was for justice, justice for marlene and dorcas and mary and gideon and fabian and benjy, but now he isn’t so sure.
“yes,” he says. “i will.”
when the ten year mark hits, bella screams in her cell, screams and screams and slowly the rest of prison fills with it too. the next day, in the courtyard, she shows him her arm, the tattoo that was almost faded and now is turning black again.
“he’s coming,” she says, but she does not sound happy. she sounds tired.
“promise me something,” she says later that night. “promise me, when we get out of here, because you know we all will - promise me you’ll aim to kill. i can’t keep going on mad, killing people just for their blood.”
he stares at her, his cousin bella. he remembers when they were just kids, reading in the library and skating on ice in bella’s back yard in the winter, and then later, in hogwarts, when he would find her cursing muggle-borns and half bloods and blood traitors alike. he didn’t recognize her then but he recognizes her now, as his scared, tired big cousin, more like his mum than his mum ever was.
“i promise,” he says. “now promise me the same.”
“you have a godson,” she says. “you must protect him.”
“promise me,” he insists.
she does.
the day before he escapes, he hugs her tight in the courtyard. she hugs him back, hands shaking, and when he sneaks out in dog form she gives him a shaky nod.
the ambition to protect james failed, so now he will do so with harry. the last potter.
harry flies like his dad, maybe even more, with completely recklessness and only the smallest amount of control. harry throws witty comments at draco malfoy and winks at cho chang in the air and all sirius can see is james.
“he’s a werewolf!” hermione granger explodes, pointing to remus, and sirius thinks he is the only one who sees harry’s look of yeah, obviously.
(later, harry will confide in sirius that he figured it out the moment he saw remus’ boggart.)
“i don’t think my dad would’ve wanted his best mates to become murderers, thanks,” says harry, still sarcastic and still so james even as he protects the man who made him an orphan.
sirius does not have the heart to tell him he already is one, and apparently neither does remus, but they back down anyways.
sirius thinks the next two years pass in a blue he barely remembers. he went to the caribbean for a little while, ate good until he was almost healthy and glowed with a light tan. he went back to dreary Scotland because harry was being hunted, again, and he remembers, distantly, living in a cave, watching harry in dog form as he slammed into the ground, a dead boy held tight in his hands.
dumbledore sends him right back to the dursley’s, and sirius wants to kill him. harry does not get grief counseling, or therapy, or to be surrounded by people he loves, because he is harry potter and it is not easy, being him.
sirius moves back into his old, childhood home, and stares at the spot on the living room floor where he had been tortured before he ran away. he throws up in the bathroom where he and bella used to hide.
he cleans the drawing room, where he and andi used to stare at the inter crossing lines, andi promising “i won’t be on there one day, just you wait.” he cleans the kitchen, where he and cissa used to flurry around with kreacher, throwing flour and sugar at each other while they attempted to make cookies.
he walks through the halls, where he and regulus used to chase eachother, to the stairs, where he used to slide down the curling banister, to the cell, where he used to get locked up.
harry comes to grimmauld and he yells at his friends - rightfully so - and then yells some more at dinner, and then he cries. he cries in the living room, in his bedroom, in the kitchen, in the drawing room, on the staircase. he cries when sirius hugs him and he cries when remus pats his shoulder and he cries and he cries and he cries and sirius just has to sit there and listen, because he can do nothing else.
it is quiet when harry leaves for school. sirius drinks a lot of firewhiskey and smokes a lot of hidden cigarettes and it is lonely even after harry comes back for yule time because then he leaves again.
hermione writes him a letter and says harry doesn’t cry anymore. now he’s angry all the time, at dumbledore for ignoring him and cedric for dying and his friends for not understanding and his parents for killing themselves so he could live, at himself for living-
on june eighteenth, sirius wakes up for the last time. he brushes his teeth and uses whiskey as mouth wash for the last time, eats blueberry pancakes for the last time, pets buckbeak and kisses remus for the last time and-
he hugs harry for the last time. there is a voice whispering in his head that he knows it is today, today he will finally rest, so he hugs his godson extra tight.
bella is there. she looks insane, with her hair spiked up and eyes bright, but when she looks at him her smile softens a little bit.
“you promised,” she mouths.
“so did you,” he says back, and they duel.
she doesn’t want to kill him. she hits him with a stupefy, but the veil is just behind him, and he falls through it.
harry is screaming bloody murder, heartbroken and pleading, and wrestles with remus who is trying to hold him back. it’s like the whole world stopped, and bella is looking at him, meets his eyes one last time, and says loudly, clearly, “i promise.”
he says thank you, i forgive you, i love you, with his eyes, and then he falls faster and lands hard on the ground.
“blimey, mate,” says a voice. “you really are clumsy, even when you’re dead.”
james potter grabs his hand and pulls him up, regulus holding his shoulder, and sirius begins to cry.
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Perfect ||Yang Hongseok (Pentagon)
Pairing : Reader(fem.) X Hongseok
Genre : Angst,fluff.
Warnings: Mentions of insecurities and self doubt.
Word count : 1.8k+
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They say that actions speak louder than words but I know from experience that sometimes words cause so much damage that even actions aren't able to repair those damages.
Hongseok says I am the love of his life and that he wouldn't trade me for the world, and I believe him because if I were to list all of his good qualities, being honest would top it. Besides being honest , he was practically good at everything. Singing, dancing, sports, studies, you name it. He is perfect , and even perfect is an understatement sometimes.
"(Y/n), Did you forget to buy milk yesterday too?" my dad asks me as I am eating breakfast, phone in my hand and earphones plugged in.
I sigh , pressing my hand to my face out of guilt. Why am I so forgetful?
"No, I'm sorry, pa. I'll go and buy it right now." I say and stand, leaving my half eaten breakfast behind.
He shakes his head in disappointment.
"Leave it, I'll ask Hongseok to buy it. He's coming to meet you today right?" He asks .
I don't know why but I was disappointed to hear him say that. I should be happy that my father got along so well with my boyfriend and adored him so much but I wasn't. Not even close. I felt like a horrible person at that moment for feeling that pang of jealousy.
"It's okay, pa. Hongseok probably has other things to do too. I'll buy right now. He will be coming in the evening anyway." I say, insistent.
"We can wait until the evening. The last time I sent you to get milk ,you bought everything but milk and this time you didn't even go to buy it. It's alright honey, Hongseok is more responsible. He'll buy it. "
That's when the realisation came of not being good enough. It was a small incident , some light words my father had said in the spur of the moment that I could have easily forgotten about it, just how I forgot everything else, but I didn't. I kept replaying the words in my head 'he's more responsible'. It drilled a small crack in my ego but with time the crack became a gaping hole, waiting to swallow me.
Hongseok invited me to his parents' anniversary party that they were hosting at their residence. I was unwilling to go honestly , not because I didn't want to go but because I was afraid of embarrassing Hongseok in front of his friends and relatives.
You see, I didn't fall into the category of pretty girls. I was just average. In a room full of pretty girls, you would never expect someone to have their eyes stuck on me. I am also too hyper , too talkative, too loud. And there is a whole list of other such things that would take me forever to jot down.
Hongseok didn't say it out loud but I just know that I embarrassed him in public, a lot.
"What are you going to wear?" he asks me over call the night before the party. I stare at the three dresses on my bed(the only dresses I own) and sigh, still stressed about limited choices of dresses for a fancy evening party. I hate wearing dresses but I know I cannot show up at the party wearing a pair of jeans and my black hoodie.
"I don't know, Hong. I'm confused." I say as I flop on the bed, nuzzling my face into the pillow.
"Oh god,(y/n). You should have told me earlier. I would have taken you shopping." He says with a hint of excitement in his voice.
But I fail to reciprocate it.
My ears turn red, embarrassed at his comment. I've been very sensitive to everything he says from the past few days and many times, I even tried to ignore his texts or calls . I know he didn't mean to make me feel this way but I couldn't help it. With each passing day, I feel myself becoming more of burden to him than a girlfriend. Truth to be told, I really wanted him to find his happiness in someone who was better than me.
Not to mention that it would break me to see him with someone else , but I am ready to bear that if it means seeing him truly happy.
" It's alright. I'll wear something nice so don't worry about being embarassed because of me." I reply, the words sounding harsher than I intended.
He keeps quiet for a few seconds before talking again.
"(Y/n), is everything alright? I've been observing you since the past few days and you're acting weird. And now you snap at me like that. You wanna talk about it, huh, baby?" he says in the sweetest voice ever. He always knows what to say, doesn't he? It makes me even more angry.
"He does not deserve you. He deserves someone as perfect as him." a voice inside my head says.
"I'm sorry but I've always been weird. Sorry for the goddamned inconvenience." I yell, sarcasm dripping in my voice. But before he can reply I hang up the call.
That night I turn and toss in my bed ,debating in my head whether or not to go to the party. A part of me wants to go because it feels bad for yelling at Hongseok and genuinely loves him and another part of me hates the idea of the party and just wants to stay in the house, not be an embarrassment to anyone. Ultimately, by the time the sun starts rising and my alarm goes off, I decide to go to the party.
I wear a red dress that reaches a little above my knees, pencil heels and some accessories. I put on some light make up and head out for the party. I've been ignoring Hongseok's texts and calls yet again and even though I am really tempted to talk to him, I just patiently wait till I reach his house.
And When I finally reach , I find him standing at the gate, busy on his phone and looking around as if searching for something. And that something is me.
"Hongseok." I whisper loud enough for him to hear me, as I slowly walk towards him, his eyes already on me. His face breaks into a smile on seeing me and naturally,mine does too. I haven't met him in person for a long time and right now, looking at him in a tux and perfect hair and with his beautiful smile, I realise how much I missed him.
He wraps his arms around me and it makes me forget about everything else , though just for a moment.
"I missed you." he says to me , nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.
"I missed you too. " I say, placing my arms around his slim waist, " About yesterday-" I am about to complete my sentence when someone , his cousin if I recall properly , interrupts us.
"Hongseok, they're calling you inside, come on"
The party goes on smoothly . Hongseok and I are together almost throughout the whole time and for once, I didn't feel like I was embarrassing, maybe those feelings would come back but right now I am enjoying his company way too much to let negative thoughts ruin.
He would steal kisses from when I am blabbering about something or he would caresses my cheeks or hold my waist. He is all about PDA and I love it. Neither of us talked about yesterday and I know that the issue is resolved without me even having to say anything.
"I'm going to get dessert. Do you want anything?" he says, getting up from the table a little while later.
"I'll come with you." I say as I stand up too even though my feet hurt from wearing heels for too long .
We walk along the outdoor swimming pool, kids playing around and everyone else busy in their own little conversations and for once, I didn't feel out of place. Sadly ,all of that was short lived. Everything that happened next feels like a blur to me, like a video that is fast forwarded a little too much for my liking. I only vaguely remember a kid running right into me with full force, me tripping over and falling right into the swimming pool with a huge splash.
At that moment, I really wish I had stayed home.
My ears are still ringing from to the splash and I feel horrible, embarrassed, sad and anxious all together. I've been holding in my tears all along and I know it isn't long before I snap, horribly. I have never felt so humiliated in my entire life and moreover, I wonder how much embarrassment Hongseok will have to go through because of me. I imagine a better scenario in my head where he is dating someone better than me, someone who'd have never caused so much humiliation. Someone who was more well behaved than me ,someone who wasn't me.
"Wear my t-shirt and pants till your clothes dry out. It shouldn't take long to dry them though." Hongseok says, handing some of his clothes to me.
I don't say anything, afraid of bursting into tears anytime.
I quickly wear his clothes .
"Are you in a mood to go downstairs for lunch or do you want me to bring our plates here? I'm fine with whatever you want, just name it" he says. He removes strands of hair from my face and tucks them behind my ears. His touch is like magic, giving me goosebumps but I force myself to swat his hand away,not being able to look him in the eye.
"I just want to go home. I can't embarrass you or your family anymore. " I say in a choked voice. I didn't want to cry right now but even before I could do anything, my eyes fill with tears.
"(Y/n)! You didn't do anything, sweetheart. Please, don't say that . You could never do that." he says, sitting beside me. He puts his hand comfortingly on my thigh but I move away .
"Why, Hongseok? Why are you lying? I know I have caused you nothing but humiliation and trouble . Stop denying it . I disappoint everyone, you, dad, my teachers, friends. You deserve better than this. Than me, " My voice breaks. "Let me go"
I say the last part in a small voice, unsure of how he'd react but he hears me, loud and clear.
"Okay, stop it now." he says in a tough tone, clearly angry. " I don't know what delusion you're under but let me make one thing clear ,you are more than what I deserve. You are smart, funny, bright, supportive, friendly, romantic, you're perfect. Other girls wish they're you. But they aren't because there can only be one (y/n). And I love her. With all her flaws and perfections. I'm not perfect either. I make mistakes and that's why we're more compatible than anyone else. Do you understand? "
Hearing these words as if breaks a wall that I'd been building from the past few days, and I feel relief wash over me. I start crying.
"You really mean it?" I ask in a small voice as his arms wrap around me. He places a kiss on my head.
"I mean it with all my heart. " He says. "Don't ever say that you're not good enough for me or that I deserve better, because I don't care. You're the one I want and I know you're more than enough for me."
And I believe him, like I always do.
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literaphobe · 4 years
Im so sorry...is your sister a minor
yeah she’s 17. i really don’t blame her it just sucks. anyway i think i needed to work through this but its also way too long so 
lol like that was supposed to be my birthday gift but it has now become a romantic getaway for a man and his gf (who is 18 years younger than him) and my sister and one of her friends. at like. one of the most expensive hotels in the country. the same man who guilted me into giving private tutoring to 8 students at a time while i was a student because he apparently is super poor and has no money and no job. (i started tutoring for extra money and to just. have a job. because he has also given me shit about that before too. if i don’t have a job i’m like a useless baby child who he can never trust to be responsible for her own life. turns out that was just a load of bullshit to trap me. and yeah i was teaching 8-9 students at some point and i think i was like telling him hey i don’t know if this is a good idea. its a little crazy. and he was like no u should keep doing it. its money u should just earn it. we aren’t doing great financially and at some point we might need ur help paying for ur sister’s tutoring classes. and so i did and it hurt me SO much last semester. + covid but also. it was tutoring mostly lmao) 
anyway i just. the thought of everything made me cry a lot in the shower lol. like that. quiet cry where u are sobbing uncontrollably but u have to mute it as much as possible so that ur mother who’s washing dishes in the kitchen doesn’t hear it
today we had some ikea furniture delivered. and i was assembling it. and my mom told me “when we were married i was always the one putting together the IKEA furniture. ur dad would always get frustrated and give up” and then in the shower i realized that’s exactly how my dad treats me lmao. i am.... his ikea furniture
so like. i can actually trace the most recent incident of abuse i faced from him back to when. i allowed him to “help” me with my university degree transfer issues. u know. because i couldn’t do the coding degree he pressured me into doing. and wanted to do something else (i could’ve gone to my uni open house w my friends. who ended up entering the arts faculty. and i WANTED to do psychology in the arts faculty too. but my dad and his gf were there. and they just. told me if i did that i would have no future and no job prospects when i graduated. which is SO fucking funny because both of them individually. their grades were super fucking shit and they were never good enough to get into the school that i did. so they had no fucking business telling me what i should or shouldn’t do. but i didn’t know that because they lied to me. my dad lied to me about so many things to scare me into thinking i couldn’t do anything. and at this point in my life. they were still monitoring my internet usage. and there were restrictions set on my phone. mere. months. before i was meant to be a university student. even getting restrictions off my phone was a big fight i had to have. i bought my own laptop with money i made from this f&b job because i knew if i waited for them to get one for me i would be waiting forever. and i was just so fucking scared of them so i got a. ‘practical’ degree. and then slid off my adhd meds because even that felt like part of the trap they kept me in for years) 
i decided i wanted to do linguistics and become a linguistics major but my school wasn’t letting me. and it had been a year. so i let him and my mom get involved. which i had SUCH a bad feeling about. an awful awful bad feeling. i was right lmao. i should’ve known his involvement wouldn’t have done shit and would also. set me up for yet another Major Traumatic Incident. which i have spent the entirety of 2020 trying to avoid. do you know how stressful and tiring it feels to just like. every moment around ur own father is u just trying to walk on eggshells praying and hoping that nothing bad will happen. i tried so hard and it fell apart in the end anyway. he couldn’t fix this problem so he took it out on me
my school essentially texted us back saying “we get a shit load of transfer requests every year, even from students from other schools. ur grades from the classes u took aren’t good enough to justify a transfer” and like they were right. i had been off my meds. various things in life had happened. my commute situation wasn’t helping matters either (to and from was 2 hours each) and it has just. not been great. grandad passed away like 2 weeks ago or something at that point. which. may have been an underlying cause for the situation. or maybe he was always going to blow up at me and get violent and crazy. idk
anyway. i guess u could say it is ‘my fault’ for cutting off contact w my father n not speaking to him. but also. he threatened to throw me into a mental institute. and also. violently refused to let me leave the house so he could keep yelling at me. he physically would not let me. i yelled at him to just let me go but he implied that he would actually hurt me if i tried to get past him again. and he said all sorts of shit like he can be crazy too and he can be crazier than me which is something he’s said before. what triggered me to leave was. ok so in the beginning he was giving me the same thing he has yelled at me about over the years. i am super super fucking smart but i waste it all away on purpose and refuse to get my shit together and that’s somehow a personal attack on him. i can’t remember most of it by now. but anyway. i was tearing up and keeping absolutely quiet just waiting for it to be over so i could leave and go to another room. but then he started to. yell at me for crying. its so fucking ironic and weird because in a separate previous incident i was complaining about my school and how much it all was. and i was barely raising my voice but he was like woah woah stop being so emotional!!! as if he doesn’t regularly scream and shout and punch walls or whatever the fuck over the SMALLEST bullshit. anyway. he started to scold me for crying. and then he said ‘if you go out in the future and get a job are you going to cry like this too when ur boss scolds you? or are you acting like this because i’m family and you think its okay?’ as if. i have never had a job. as if i have never had to deal with a boss. bro i swear to fucking god. i am dead to most things now because of him. he can’t do shit. but. in the moment i found this so ridiculous and just SO fucking stupid that i left. i had had enough. i started laughing and i walked out and went to grab my bag so i could go. i didn’t. get very far obviously. and when my dad started threatening me i genuinely thought i was going to die. he was so angry and deranged that i thought he was going to murder me. my heart was going just. so so so fast. even tho i was just standing there. and i told him he was terrifying me (to which he said “GOOD”) and i just NEEDED to get out of this situation and get some space (to which he said “NO” repeatedly). he refused to admit that he would use actual violence to prevent me from leaving the house. he told me he would NEVER let me leave. which was fucking ridiculous. i stay at his house. 2 days out of the fucking week. he literally shoved me backwards so hard when i was trying to leave and he wanted to stop me. he also refused to admit that he used violence or was planning to use violence. i tried to point out this flaw in his logic to him. i said ur going to hurt me. he said no. i said ok then if ur not going to hurt me then let me walk past you and leave the house. he also said no again. and then our cousins rang the door at some point. so then he started to come to his senses. he was like. ‘the reason i don’t want to let you leave is because i’m afraid you’ll hurt yourself.’ which was so fucking stupid. i have NEVER threatened to hurt myself in front of him. i have never shared ANY thoughts of self harm in front of him. he’s the one who would get into massive fights w his dad and threaten to jump out of the window in anger (and i don’t even mean when he was younger. he would fight with his 93 year old dad. fucking stupid bitch). i made this clear to him that i was never ever planning on hurting myself. and then he said fine and let me leave. meaning i had to answer the door to my cousins in tears while he got to walk back to his room and lock himself in
he also. at some point during this argument, told me there would be consequences to me leaving. i guess i know those consequences now lmao. and like. i went home to my moms house. my cousins walked me there. i still haven’t told them. idk if my dad told them. my dad texted me to gaslight me. said that when he said he was going to put me in a mental hospital he meant it as a friendly suggestion because of ‘the state i was in’. and that it ‘wasn’t meant as a threat’ and like. oof. healthy suggestions aren’t meant to be yelled. anyway. i might be texting him. just to inform him about developments and to like. i guess set boundaries maybe. idk. i can’t carry on like this. i hate him and am terrified of him but. cutting him out of my life is basically inviting ostracism from his side of the family. and it’s putting so much stress on me. so. lol
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In all of these interviews, I’m obviously going to have to make things up about other people’s characters! Don’t take it too seriously if you feel like it’s not accurate, just how I picture things being :) 
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what is your current career now? “I’m currently a teacher at a dance school. I mainly teach ballet at the moment, but I’ve started moving in to more commercial and contemporary styles. Eventually, I’m hoping to open my own school, but life is hectic and always throwing new things our way, so we’ll see!”
are you enjoying it? “I love being a teacher, especially when I get to teacher the mini-classes. They’re about four and it’s been such a long time since I’ve had children that age around; I miss it!” 
where do you currently live? “We currently live in the Springs, it was just convenient because that’s where the three of them went to school but we do make an effort to visit Italy a lot. That’s where Dom’s family are from, firstly, and it’s just always had significance.” 
are you married? “Since I was 18! Younger than Daisy!”
what is one thing that’s stayed the same with you since st judes? “My connection with my family. I’m still really close to them all, especially Disney, Florence and Park.” 
what’s the biggest change you’ve experienced? “I think I’ve become smarter. I hope? Helping with impossible maths homework for years changes a person. I now know all seven continents. Proud of me yet?” 
now that you’re older and have had a successful career, what’s your biggest goal in life? “To make sure I’m present for my family, especially my children. I never want them to look back on their lives and think; well, where was my mother? It’s the reason I gave up work once Carter was born, too. I’ve never missed a sports game, a school show, a birthday, a parent’s evening...It’s not how everybody chooses to live, but it’s important to me that my children know that they can fall back on to me if they need to.”
would you still consider yourself famous? “Only by association, and that’s fine by me.” 
what was the first thing you did after your graduation? “I went on tour, would you believe! I choreographed for Ruby’s tour, who was signed to my Dad’s label at the time.” 
do you have any regrets about your time in st judes? “Not speaking my mind more often. I feel like there was an awful pressure on girl’s too be sweet and not come across as a bitch, which meant people could say what they liked and you’d have to grin and bear it if you wanted to be seen a certain way. I wish I stuck up for Dom more, and myself.”
who are your children? list them in age order. “Carter, Peter and Daisy. My babies.” 
if you gave birth, who was the easiest pregnancy? if you didn’t, which pregnancy did you feel most anxious about. “Carter was the easiest pregnancy. It was the first, so I didn’t know what to expect and probably took it for granted at the time, but I had no morning sickness. I got up every morning and went to this mother-to-be yoga class and had a ton of energy. I feel like I had the glow everyone speaks of? Being pregnant with Peter wasn’t the worse. I think it was more that I was pregnant and still had Carter to care for, so I was tired. Daisy’s birth definitely had the most complications and she was early. We knew from early on that things weren’t ‘normal’, so I guess that was the one with the most anxiety.” 
did you have any baby showers or gender reveals? if yes, what did you do? “I can’t remember if I did gender reveals! I don’t think I did, honestly. I did have baby showers, though. It wasn’t anything major. Just gatherings with close friends and family. It was cute when Peter and Daisy were born because Carter was more involved in the pictures and stuff, and then of course Peter too during Daisy’s one.”
what kind of parent would your children describe you as, do you think? “God, I don’t think I want to know! I think if we’re being honest, they’d say I’m almost overbearing and they’d be right. I wouldn’t be offended. I just like knowing they’re okay...” 
which stage was hardest: baby, toddler, child, teenager or young adult? “For Daisy, toddler-slash-child. She wasn’t very well and that was hard on all of us. I think Peter was the trickiest teenager...and for Carter, probably young adult, honestly! He’s coming into his own and it’s harder to get him to open up to me because, you know, he’s an adult! They’re all amazing though, so don’t think for a second any of that means they’ve caused me massive stress in any way.”
what has been your favourite memory with each child? “There are so many! One of my favourites that involves them all was the first year we went skiing with their cousins. Seeing the boys help Daisy out with the skiis...and then also ambush her with snowballs until she got stroppy and ran to Dom, was fun. Seeing them all get along like that never gets old and makes it all worth it.”
be honest, do you think you’ve had any failings as a parent? “Definitely. I constantly blame myself for Daisy being sick when she was little. I’ll forever wonder if I could’ve done anything differently while pregnant or if I did anything to contribute. For both of the boys, I sometimes worry that I didn’t sit with them enough when they were younger and help them talk things through. They’re both such ‘get on with it’ types of people and it’s admirable but I just wish I gave them more opportunities to vocalise their feelings. It gets harder the older they get.” 
what do you think you do well as a parent? “I hope it’s being present! Again, that’s something that’s really important to me. If they all know that there’s no such thing as a mistake too big or a problem too bad to bring to me, then I’ve done my job. I don’t want any of them to ever think they have to suffer in silence about things in fear of being told off or yelled at.”
how much involvement do your own parents have in your child’s life? “Quite a bit! My parents used to take them on holiday a lot over the summer along with their cousins.” 
as a parent, what is something you’re still learning? “That they grow up and they’re entitled to have thoughts and feelings they don’t share. I think I always have the urge to fix everything for them when in reality, they’re at the age where they’re figuring things out alone which is just as important.” 
what’s the funniest memory from parenthood so far? “Carter takes this one. We were on a plane going to, somewhere. Daisy must have been tiny. Anyway, Peter was sat with Dom and Carter sat with me - Daisy on my lap with the baby seatbelt on...and suddenly, he just became overly excited. I’ve never seen him so happy. When I finally got his attention, he was like “Mummy, Santa’s on the plane!” and wouldn’t stop. Well, we looked down the aisle to see a person in a dress...A woman, mind you...And she had long white hair, which to be fair to a little child could have been seen as a beard. Anyway, after the embarrassment and a journey of death glares from her, it’s definitely one of my favourite things he’s done.” 
when do you feel like you were needed the most? “Now! Life gets harder as you get older. But, I need to learn when they need me to back off too...I’ll get there.”
JUST FOR FUN, WHICH CHILD… if you have just one child, you can just say if they’d do the stuff or not.
which child is the most sensible? “Carter and Peter are two different types of sensible and they’re both important qualities, so I’m going to say those two. Sorry, Dais.” 
which child is the most independent? “Peter. He always has been, too.” 
which child did you always have suspicions about being famous one day? “They’re all so talented, typical Mum comment! Maybe Daisy, though. She’d stand in front of the boys while they were playing their video games and belt out Frozen. If that’s not star quality...and bravery, then I don’t know.” 
which child was the hardest work as a child? “Daisy, only because of the complications with her health.” 
which child have you cried/stressed over the most? “Daisy or Peter. It’s too close to call.” 
which child has the tidiest room? “Carter. That’s the easiest one so far.” 
which child do you think likes you the most? “I hope they all like me! I feel like Carter’s the one who’ll still pity me and laugh at my jokes or has the patience to show me how to set up crap on the computer too. So, we’ll say him. I know the other two love me too, but I tend to get a few more eye rolls!” 
which child is most likely to forget your birthday? “Daisy! She’s been spoilt. The boys have always been nice enough to put her name on cards and organise it for her. Perks of being the youngest? I remember my siblings doing it for me too.” 
which child is/was the most academic? “Carter, I think.” 
which child is/was the most athletic? “Peter.” 
which child tends to be the most annoying? “They all give it a good go, believe me. I think Daisy’s the most unintentionally annoying and again, it’s because we all spoil her. She went through a stage where she would not leave Peter alone and if the poor kid tried to do something by himself, she’d have a full blown tantrum. It got to the point where I had to start giving her time outs! If we’re talking about being intentionally annoying, then the whole family will agree on Peter. If he’s in that mood, he knows exactly how to wind you up...which is funny unless you’re the target!” 
which child asks for money the most? “Daisy, but from Dom. That’s his problem to deal with!” 
which child is most likely to move in back home? “Deep down, I don’t think any of them will and as much as it pains me, it also makes me really proud. I feel like it means we’ve given them everything they need for the next chapter.” 
which child helps out around the house the most? “Either of the boys. Are you noticing a pattern?” 
which child enjoyed disney the most growing up? “That’d be Daisy.”
did you have a say in the academy(s) your child(ren) picked? “I didn’t! They all made their own decisions and I deliberately didn’t comment because I wanted them to have that.” 
how did you feel when your child decided they wanted to go to an academy? “I felt hopeful! I know it can be intense but they all have what it takes and I’m so proud every single day.” 
do any of your children study the same as what you did? are they less, equally or more successful than what you were? “Daisy studies dance and she’s miles ahead of where I was at her age. She’s a star.” 
when your child(ren) were younger, what did you THINK they’d end up working as? “That’s a good question! I always thought Carter would maybe do something like, helpful? He’s quite social and so caring. I always saw him as maybe a firefighter or teacher, y’know? With Peter, it was obvious from when he was tiny that he wouldn’t be sat behind a desk or doing anything office-like. I did always have a feeling it’d be sports related, or something that lets him travel...Maybe with my brother out in the canary islands. I don’t know! Daisy was in dance from when she was tiny, so I always had the feeling she’d do dance...”
have you met any of your child’s friends or partners? “I’ve met Callie once, I think? And Aurora a few times, yes. Beautiful girls. I won’t say too much or I’ll get texts from my boys saying I’ve embarrassed them.” 
what’s your biggest worry about your children being in an academy? “Their mental health. I don’t think anything can prepare you for people suddenly being so interested in your life and wanting a piece of you all of the time.” 
what’s the one piece of advice you’d give your child as they start this journey that you wished you had? “That it’s okay to slip off of the radar, you’re allowed to decline that invite to the exclusive party everybody is buzzing about and if you decide it isn’t for you, you’re allowed to leave. If it’s not your thing, there’s a whole world out there and your thing is in it. I just hope they always see the big picture and don’t feel like they’re stuck if they’re unhappy.” 
what tv programmes/films were on repeat as your children were growing up? “Paw Patrol when the boys were younger...Power Rangers was a thing at one stage. Daisy had a frightening obsession with Dora the Explorer. We’ve done it all!” 
have you ever lost your child/had something happen that’s made you panic? “Holy shhh. Yes. I used to take all of the kids out a lot during holiday’s and stuff because like, Brody and Disney both worked. Park worked. Imogen worked. Even though they have their own businesses, it’s still work. I was unemployed from when Carter was born right up until when Daisy graduated, so I liked to get them all out and away from their parents for a bit. Anyway! I took them swimming one summer - all of them! - Jay, Daisy, Dixie, Fleur, Pippa, Peter, Carter, Emmett...I turned my back for one second to let one of the younger ones - maybe Pippa - into the pool, when I turned back Peter and Dixie had gone. We searched the changing rooms, the toilets, the sauna. I was on the brink of tears. Anyway, they were hiding under the slide in the main pool which we never went in because it was too deep for any of them at that point. Needless to say, we never went swimming again. It was play dates in our garden pool instead.” 
what was the first holiday you went on as a whole family? “Italy, I believe!”  
can you remember a time you’ve ever been called to the principals office? “I don’t remember the first time but, let’s just say the principal and I were on a first name basis.”
say one thing about your child that you think they’d like to hear, but wouldn’t expect you to say. “...Let’s see. For Daisy, I think it’d be that she’s so much more than pretty. She’s been complimented on her looks since she was little - including by me, I’m guilty! And it’s because she’s beautiful! But, I hope she knows we all see how smart and generous she is too. And funny, there’s so much more to her and we value it. For Peter, definitely that we’re proud of him. Out of the three of them, he’s hardest on himself and holds himself to a painfully high standard but he’s constantly surpassing any expectations I’ve ever have. He amazes me everytime I hear from him and I just want him to remember to be kind to himself. He’s so much more than he gives himself credit for. And, with Carter, it’s similar but not quite. It’s more that he’s perfect just as he is. I think he grew up as the sensible, and possibly softer sibling. Daisy and Peter are louder by nature and from my experience, I know it’s hard to not feel like you’re forgettable or have faded into the background if you’re not as bold with your personality. But, I can put my hand on my heart and say I couldn’t imagine a better older brother - he’s kind, thoughtful, intelligent...He’s been a great example to them and so selfless. He’s had to endure and put up with so much growing up and not once has he complained, or felt sorry for himself. He’s a blessing and I just hope he knows that he doesn’t need to be more like anyone else to make me proud of him. I love them all!” 
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bts-reveries · 4 years
daddy duties | 7
~ Jeon Residence ~
“Babe can you go wake up Sian, it’s time for breakfast,” Rina says as she places Sian’s breakfast on the table.
“Yes ma’am,” Jungkook replies, running to Sian’s room. He opens the door slowly, turning on the lights, making the little boy stir. 
“Good morning buddy, it’s time to get up,” Jungkook says, walking over to his bed and placing a kiss to his son’s forehead.
“M-morning,” Sian says, rubbing his eyes with his little hands. “Is cousins coming today?” He says in a little voice.
Jungkook laughs, “yes, they’ll be here. That’s why you have to get up and eat breakfast so then we can get ready and they can come over.” Sian nods, getting up slowly. Jungkook smiles, reaching out to mess up Sian’s hair. 
“Let’s go to mommy, she has your breakfast,” Jungkook says.
“I’m going to get Sian washed up and changed real quick. Namjoon, Byul, and Moonji should be here soon,” Rina says, holding Sian’s hand and walking with him to the bathroom. 
“Okay, I’ll tidy up,” Jungkook says, turning around to the mess Sian had made in the short time he had after breakfast. 
Ding dong!
“Oh she meant soon soon,” Jungkook says, dropping the toy cars on the floor and walking towards the door.
“Uncle Kookie!” Moonji yells as soon as Jungkook opens the door.
“Hey princess,” Jungkook says, bending down to give her a little hug. 
“How are you? Felt like forever since we saw each other,” Namjoon says, pulling Jungkook up to give him a hug. 
“I’ve been good. It’s been a month at least right?” 
“I think so, but way over a month since we all were together,” Namjoon laughs. 
“Oh I miss everyone so much, I can’t wait until they all get here,” Byul says excitedly.
“Me too! Me too!” Moonji says, jumping up and down.
“It seems like she got so big,” Jungkook said, looking down at Moonji.
“She did, I think she’s getting my height,” Namjoon says.
“Where’s Sian and Rina?” Byul asks, looking around.  
“Rina’s getting Sian washed up and changed, they shouldn’t take long,” Jungkook responds. 
“Sian oppa!” Moonji yells running down the hallway, making Jungkook and her dad laugh.
“It looks like she missed him a lot,” Byul laughs. 
~ Kim Residence ~
“Mommy let’s go!” Soojin yells, running towards the door. 
 “Not so fast little lady,” Jin says, grabbing his daughter before she reaches the door knob. “Before we go see your cousins you have to eat breakfast with your brothers first,” he says, carrying her back to the kitchen table.
“Sweetie you haven’t even brushed your hair, or your teeth yet,” Mae says, tying Soojin’s hair back as she starts eating. 
“Mommy is all our cousins going to be there?” Minseok asks, chewing his food. 
“Yes, they’ll all be there,” Mae smiles.
“Yay!” They all said, even little Haneul.
“Will baby Mingyu be there too?” Soojin asks, looking up at Mae.
“Of course, we’ll all be there,” Mae says, walking off to the kids' room to get their things ready.
“So don’t take too long in eating so we can get ready, okay?” Jin says, ruffling Haneul’s hair.
~ Jung Residence ~
“Hurry up baby girl,” Hoseok says, knocking on Huimang’s room. 
“She’s changing, she’ll be out soon,” Sarang says, standing next to her fiance. 
“They grow up too fast, last week I was just helping her get dressed, and now she wants to do it on her own?” Hoseok says in a sad voice.
“It’s just this one time, maybe you can help her get ready for bed tonight,” Sarang says. 
“I better--”
“Done,” Huimang says, opening the door, interrupting her dad. Sarang and Hoseok looks, her up and down, giggling a bit.
“Sweetheart, your shirt is backwards,” Hoseok says. 
“You also should really change into pants Hope, it’s too cold for shorts outside,” Sarang says.
“Come on princess, let’s help you get ready properly,” Hoseok says happily, glancing at Sarang with a little smirk.
“Hana!” Huimang yells.
“Hana?” Hoseok says before gasping, “YOONGI HYUNG!” Sarang turns her head to where they ran off and it was her turn.
“Sohyun!” Sarang yells before running off as well.
“Oh my gosh,” Sohyun says, as Sarang runs into her arms. “Didn’t know we’d run into you,” she says, giggling.
“Ahhh hyung I missed you,” Hoseok says, rubbing his cheek against Yoongi’s, making him groan. 
“Missed you too,” Yoongi says, pushing him away. 
“Let’s walk together,” Hana says, grabbing hold of Huimang’s hand. 
“Okay,” Huimang responds, walking off with Hana.
“Ugh, look at our daughters hyung,” Hoseok says, putting his hand over his heart. “We should hold hands too,” he says, looking at Yoongi. Yoongi laughs.
“My hand is occupied,” he says, raising him and Sohyun’s hand. 
“No problem hyung! That’s why you have two hands,” Hoseok says, taking Yoongi’s right hand and walking off.
“Are you sure you don’t want to give him my engagement ring instead Honey?” Sarang says. Sohyun laughs letting go of Yoongi’s hand and goes to Sarang.
“I gotchu sis,” she says, making each other laugh.
~ Park Residence ~
“Where’s all his things?” You ask, looking around the living room. You got everything ready to take to Jungkook and Rina’s place and you had them all out on the couch but suddenly they went missing. 
“In the car,” Jimin says, carrying Mingyu in his arms. “Are we ready to go?” 
“I think so? Or should I pack more things?” You say, walking back to his nursery. Mingyu began to whine as he saw you walk away.
“No I think we’re good,” Jimin yells out, “let’s go while Gyu is in a good mood.” You walk back towards your two boys and nod, the stress was clear on your face.
“Hey,” Jimin says, getting you to look towards him. 
“What?” You say, slightly out of breath from walking all around the house.
“Calm down,” he says with a light laugh. “We’ll be okay, if anything happens, everyone will be there to help us.”
You nod, “okay. It’s just, it’s the first time we’ll all be together again, and I don’t want to ruin anything if we have to leave early because Gyu is not used to being around so much people I--”
“Shh Shh,” Jimin says, putting a hand on your cheek. “We’ll be okay. If you worry now, we really won’t have any fun when we get there. Just relax.” Jimin leans in to place a kiss to your lips. “He’ll be a good boy, right?” He says, looking at Mingyu. Mingyu giggles, reaching his arms out to be carried by you.
“I’m taking that as a yes,” you say, placing a big kiss on his cheeks, making him giggle even more.
~ Jeon Residence ~
Ding dong!
“Mommy is that uncle Tae Tae yet?” Sian yells, running towards the door. He reaches up and opens the door by himself, a little gasp comes out of his mouth.
“Who is it Sian?” Jungkook asks, walking towards the door, his mouth full of food. He gasps when he sees who’s at the door.
“Tada!” Taehyung says, holding Mingyu in his arms. 
“Oh my-- come here,” Jungkook says, reaching out to carry Mingyu. 
“No,” Taehyung says walking past him. He makes his way to the living room and everyone that was there gasped or squealed when he walked in.
“Why do you have him?” Jin says, reaching out for Mingyu. Taehyung pushes his hands away.
“I parked my car and Jimin parked behind me--”
“Oh yeah, where are they?” Sohyun asks, looking towards the door.
“They’re bringing Mingyu’s stuff in, I think they brought a lot of things. They also brought some food and asked me if I can help so I took the best snack they had and brought it in,” He says, gesturing to Mingyu. 
“We should go help,” Namjoon says, getting up from the couch. 
“I’ll come with,” Hoseok says, following Namjoon.
“Let me hold--” Jungkook tried to say, standing next to Taehyung.
“No.” Taehyung says, walking away with Mingyu in his arms and sitting next to Sarang. 
“Aww he’s so cute!” She says. Jungkook rolls his eyes and sits next to Rina, pouting like a baby. She laughs at him and pulls his head in to rest on her shoulder, patting his cheek.
“Okay, I know it’s already so obvious but--” Sarang says before Huimang walked into the living room, pulling on her shirt. “What is it baby?” She leans into her mom and whispers in her ear. “Okay, go get it from Daddy,” Sarang tells her. Huimang nods and runs off.
“What was that about?” Mae laughs.
“She wants to use her iPad so her and the girls can watch a movie.”
“Aw, I love how our girls are such besties, they’ll be just like us when they’re older,” Sohyun says, leaning into Byul on the couch.
“Hey, about that, when is it okay for me to call Moonji like… my daughter? I feel like it’s too soon? But she kind of calls me her mom already but I don’t know whether to refer to her as “mine” although she’s not really mine and--”
“Sweetie, you’ll just know. I know, I was in the same situation as you--” Sohyun starts.
“But, you two have different situations with the biological mom part,” Rina reminds her. “Hana’s mom left her in a different way that Moonji’s mom did. I say part of it’s knowing when, and the other part you’d have to wait until you know you’re in a serious serious relationship with Namjoon and also talk to him about it too.” Byul nods.
“You’re right, I’ll wait, and I’ll talk to him about it.” The girls nod at Byul’s response. 
“What were you trying to tell us Sarang?” You ask, remembering what Sarang was saying before Huimang came in.
“Oh yeah! I totally forgot, thanks Yn,” Sarang says, putting her drink down on the coffee table. “As I was saying, I--”
“Mommy!” Sian yells, running to Rina. 
“I am so sorry,” Rina says to Sarang. She laughs and gestures for her to go ahead.
“Daddy and Uncle Tae Tae are fighting,” Sian says before running off again. 
“What?” Sarang says, watching Sian run past Jimin, who walks in holding Mingyu in his arms.
“Taehyung and Jungkook are fighting?” You say, taking Mingyu from Jimin as he passes him onto you. 
“Arguing. Yoongi was carrying Mingyu and Taehyung wanted to hold him again but Jungkook was whining that he was holding him the whole time when we got here and Taehyung came back saying that he ruined the date he had with Mingyu by coming to the cafe.” Jimin explains, leaning over to kiss Mingyu on the top of the head before walking off to go back with the boys.
“Rina you really have to give him another one,” Mae jokes. Rina lets out a sarcastic laugh.
“I will if he gives me a ring first,” she says, looking down at her left hand. 
“Speaking of rings,” Sarang says. She turns around looking if any other kid would come by to interrupt her. 
“I think you’re good,” Sohyun laughs. 
“Okay, so,” Sarang says, reaching down for her bag, taking out little pouches. “They’re not exactly rings but..” She passes them out to each of the girls, you getting your own. “Open them up!”
You all open it at the same time, Mingyu reaching out to put it in his mouth. 
You all gasp at the same time.
“Sarang this is so cute!” Sohyun says, holding it close to her chest.
“Oh I love it!” Mae says.
“Oh-- Even me Sarang? We haven’t known each other for long, I don’t want to ruin--”
“Byul, you’re one of us now. I want you to be one of my bridesmaids! You have to be~” Sarang says.
“Where did you get this idea? This is so cute,” Rina says, looking over the necklace Sarang got them. It all had their names written on the backing card. Rina held hers which said “Rina, I can’t say I do, without you! Will you be my bridesmaid? -Sarang.” 
“Pinterest, I spent all day looking for the perfect one,” Sarang says with a small laugh, then nervously asking, “... so is that a yes? From all of you?” The girls all nod and scream yes excitedly, making Sarang cry.
“Why are you crying!” Mae laughs, pulling her into a hug.
“I don’t know I’m just.. So happy I met all of you and.. Oh my gosh I can’t stop now,” she says, laughing as she wipes her eyes. Mingyu looks at her with a horrified expression before crying as well.
“Oh-- Gyu what’s wrong?” You say. He cries harder while looking at Sarang.
“I think he’s sad that you’re crying,” Rina laughs. You look at your son, then at Sarang and decide to pass him to her.
“Hi baby,” she says, holding Mingyu. “I’m not sad, they’re happy tears! See?” She smiles. “I’m happy!” Mingyu stops crying and smiles at her.
“See! Oh my gosh, he’s the cutest!” Rina says. Mingyu reaches out and squishes Sarang's nose, making her laugh.
“Babe--” Namjoon says, walking back into the living room. “Uhh.. what’s going on?” He asks. You all were currently standing around a red Sarang who had red eyes and wet tears on her cheeks. Also with Mingyu’s little fist around her nose.
“Sarang asked us to be her bridesmaids!” Byul says happily, running up to Namjoon, showing him the necklace she got. 
“Aww that’s cute. Do you want me to put it on you?” He says. Byul nods, turning around and lifting her hair up and out of the way. 
“Aw look at them, how cute,” Rina says. “Put it on for me Sohyun?” 
“I can do it, I can be cute too,” Jungkook says, walking towards Rina. 
“We didn’t get a groomsmen proposal from Hoseok,” Yoongi says, walking towards Sohyun. 
“I checked pinterest, they didn’t have any good ones that you guys would like,” Hoseok says.
Jin walks over to Mae. “Let me put yours on for you.” 
“I already have it on,” Mae says, showing him the necklace around her neck. Jin gives her a face.
“Well take it off so I can be cute and put it on you like what everyone else is doing,” he says, unclasping the necklace, making Mae roll her eyes.
“Jin hyung’s such a loser,” Jimin says jokingly, “want me to put yours on babe?” You look at Jimin and hand him the necklace. 
“It kinda has some slobber because Gyu kept trying to put it in his mouth.”
“Oh, ew,” he says, leaving to get a wet wipe. 
“Can I have Mingyu, noona? I have no girlfriend to put a necklace around,” Taehyung pouts, reaching over to pick up Mingyu.
“So what brings you boys back here? I thought you were playing at the dining table?” Rina asks. 
“You know what happens during Uno,” Yoongi says, wrapping his arms around Sohyun. 
“Plus, we got bored,” Jungkook pouts.
“Mommy,” Minseok says, walking into the living room, holding Haneul’s hand. 
“Yes baby?” Mae says, leaning down to pick up Haneul when they walked towards her. 
“We want to stay with you guys,” he says, climbing on the couch to sit on Jin’s lap.
“Okay, what about your sister and your cousins? Are they still watching the movie?” 
“They’re coming,” Minseok says. And as if on cue, all the kids started coming out of Sian’s play room.
Moonji ran to Byul, Soojin ran to Uncle Taetae, Hana ran to Yoongi and Sohyun, Huimang ran to her parents, and Sian ran to his dad.
“Aigoo~ When did we have so many kids?” Taehyung says, pulling Soojin on his lap as he sits down on the floor.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll have a whole soccer team in the future, because I’m sure we want siblings for our kids and you're left to have your first one,” Hoseok says.
“Oh my gosh,” Jin says. “They’re going to out number us.”
“I can’t believe how good Gyu has been,” You say as you and Jimin both walked to the kitchen to get some drinks.
“I told you we’d be okay! We have all our friends to help us, what better people to help than those who have so much experience with kids right?”
“I know, I know, I just didn’t think Gyu would get so comfortable so fast, he loves them,” You say, looking over to see Yoongi behind a curtain while holding Gyu, playing peekaboo with Hoseok. You could hear his little laughter all the way from where you were standing.
“Well that’s good. Because he’s going to be seeing their faces all the time now.” Jimin says, leaning over to kiss your forehead. “I don’t think we should be stressing out much anymore. Let’s go have some fun with our friends.” You nod, walking off with Jimin back to the living room. 
“Can I hold Mingyu next?” Jin says, looking over at the second and third oldest. “Haneul wants to play with him.” Haneul was sitting on Jin’s lap and he looks up at his dad and smiles when he heard his name. Jin smiles at him back, the one smile where he looks like a quokka.
“Do you want to go to Uncle Jinnie?” Yoongi says to Mingyu in his baby talking voice.
“Yes~” Jin says in a small voice as well.
“Here you go hyung,” Yoongi says, placing Mingyu on Jin’s other leg while Haneul sat on the other. 
“Aigoo~ You’re a hyung now Haneul!” Jin says. Haneul looks up at Jin and laughs before looking back at Mingyu.
“What do you think he’s gonna do?” Rina says, everyone was staring intently at the two youngest. 
“Give him a kiss Haneul!” Hana says. Moonji looks at her and then looks at the two before she made a kissing sound.
Haneul first pointed at Mingyu’s nose, making him cross eyed. Which made Haneul laugh again.
“Give him a kiss,” Jin says, making a kissy face. Haneul looks at his dad and does the same thing, leaning over to kiss Mingyu on the nose.
“Mwuah!” He says, everyone said “Yay!” afterwards making Haneul laugh and clap.
“Good boy,” Jin says, kissing the top of his head. Namjoon leans over and caresses Mingyu’s head. He turns around and smiles as he sees Namjoon’s face. Namjoon couldn’t help but give him an open mouth smile back. 
“Aigoo~ He looks so cute. Looks exactly like his dad,” He says, making you scoff.
“He looks like Jimin but of course got his cuteness from his mom,” he corrects.
“That’s better,” you say. 
Moonji runs over to Mingyu and Haneul and he looks over her dad. 
“Daddy I want a baby brother too,” she says, making Byul’s eyes widen.
“We’ll get you one next time, okay?” Namjoon responds, making Byul shake her head, before slowly blinking, head turning towards Namjoon. 
“I already have a little brother,” Soojin whispers, making Mae laugh.
“Maybe I can write little brother on my wishlist next year,” Hana says, coloring her coloring book nonchalantly. “Daddy always gets me what I want on my list.” Jungkook burst out laughing. 
“She’s not wrong.” 
“I want one too daddy,” Sian says, running towards Jungkook, fluttering his eyes to appear cuter.
“Ask mommy, not me,” Jungkook points.
“Ask daddy to propose to me first,” Rina responds. Sian pouts, slumping his shoulders and walking back to his hyung. 
“He didn’t even have to ask,” Taehyung laughs.
“Maybe mommy and daddy will get me one after the wedding?” Huimang asks all of a sudden.
“Oh- you want one too?” Hoseok asks, not expecting Huimang to want a younger sibling.
“Yeah, but a sister would be good too. But if not that’s okay, I have Moonji, Soojin, and Hana. They’re like my sisters,” she says, continuing to color with Hana.
“Wait that was so cute,” Taehyung says, jutting out his bottom lip. 
“Me brother too,” Haneul says, pointing to Mingyu. Jin laughs at his son’s comment. 
“Hahahahaa, Jimin take Gyu back,” he says with a blank face. 
daddy duties
☔︎part seven: little brother☔︎
pairings: newdad!jimin x wife!reader
a/n: i finally started writing it today and managed to finish! it was actually pretty fun and i enjoyed making it so i hope you all do too~
also, this is more of a whole group thing and not just jimin and yuna, i kinda like seeing all of them ??
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hopes4gf · 3 years
Thievery and Mischief (a marvel/ descendants crossover)
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TW: (applies for series: discussions and mentions of rape, underaged sex, cheating, suicide, mental health)
AN: hi! this is a work in progress fanfic i’m uploading in advance of 15 chapters, so please show this some love, also sorry in advance for typos and spelling errors, my grammar is shit ;/ please enjoy!
I was so young. Too young. I didn’t understand why anything happened. I grew up in Agrabah with my parents and my brother, Aziz. But it wasn’t the dream vacation destination everyone in Auradon sought it out to be. It was a wreck. Jafar and Hades had invaded Agrabah and fought against my parents for revenge. Agrabah was damaged after their attack and our government had struggle to repair itself. So we had to live in a semi-permanent safe home for quite some time. By the way, I was also cursed by Jafar as a kid and I could shape shift into a tiger and develop other powers in the future. In my home, Mom was always stressed. Yelling and screaming how we needed to be better than they were to protect our city, especially me with my powers. My brother and I both took fencing classes, martial arts, learn how to shoot, every survival skill in the books before taking boys and girl Royal etiquette classes. Mom was the one who was particularly hard on me and my older brother throughout our childhood. Dad, not so much. He spent a lot of time in meetings in Auradon City. That’s how my first friendships began. He was great friends with King Adam and Queen Belle, elected leaders of Auradon. Ben, their only child was shy around me at first. He was intimidated by my mature stature. He like horses, painting, books, and food. I liked singing, fencing, and dancing but I also had a love for food and books so we got along through those things. We would always talk about the different ingredients in our cultures foods. His French pastries and my Arabian comfort foods. We were an inseparable pair of friends. And then I was introduced to Audrey. She joined our group soon after King Adam and Belle has decided to promise my parents and Audrey’s parents to a trust bond. A promise that would have one of us marry in the future. 9 year old me definitely didn’t want ANYTHING to do with dating my best friend. Neither did Ben. But Audrey, she was so persistent. She would constantly try to grab his attention. She was such a cheeky little girl. Raised to be such a lady compared to my more loose and carefree attitude. Somehow, Ben was happy around her. Our group soon expanded, and I met the greatest person ever. Li Lonnie, my greatest friend ever. Daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang, she was like me. Mature, strong, intelligent, and such a beautiful kid. Sure, she didn’t have my hazel eyes but she was such a pretty girl. She spoke so intelligently and when she spoke it was law. She was one of my inspirations as a kid. And still is :)
Time passed and we realized we weren’t kids anymore. My brother had to go away to a school in Auradon. And I was alone soon again. But I had my friends. But my child-like manners went away when I realized it was soon my turn to go to Auradon. So, I ran away. But you’ll hear more about that in the future.
Freshman year of high school. Audrey and Ben has broken off from our group and started dating in High School. Audrey has changed so much. She was such a sweet girl with a big heart but had begun to morph into a self-absorbed teen. Lonnie was still the same kind-hearted best friend. When I arrived in Auradon, I had a familiar face to help me. My cousin, Jordan. Daughter of the Genie. Everyone in that school was so nice that it hurt. My mother had raised me not to believe everything in front of me. But one particular thing or something changed that. A blonde boy with short curly hair and beautiful blue eyes had captured my attention. I still remember when our eyes had locked for the first time in the school courtyard. It was a whole new experience for me. I suddenly felt happy inside. Like a new found confidence in me was discovered. But my cousin Jordan advised me not to approach the boy. Chad Charming, son of Prince Charming and Cinderella. The most popular boy at Auradon Prep. Every girl would fawn over him endlessly. One day I had found a note from him on my lunch tray to meet him in the gardens. I swear we talked for hours about everything. We talked about our dreams, our experiences, our hopes. He made all my dreams happen. I wanted my first date to be at a carnival and he made that happen. I wanted something from the mall and he got it for me. I thought everything with him was just fine. Until that party. Ben had thrown a party for all his friends at Auradon Prep and Chad and I were there. Everyone was drinking except me. Imagine, prestigious kids of Royalty breaking illegal drinking laws. I didn’t know at the time but the punch was spiked heavily with Vodka. I never drank Vodka after that damn party. Jane, the headmistress, Fairy Godmother’s daughter had come to my dorm crying. She kept saying “I can’t take this anymore”. She had gave me the worst news of my life. She had seen Chad take me upstairs while I was drunk and touch me in explicit manners. Essentially, my boyfriend decided to rape me at my best friend’s party. I was sickened by that. And when my family pressed charges and got a restraining order on him, the case ended in a settlement. He didn’t even serve time. Because the judge was a family friend of the Charmings. I was devastated. I cried for weeks. I didn’t eat. I didn’t sleep. I just cried. Lonnie visited me every day while I was out of school. She had told me that Chad had moved on and was doing perfectly fine. I was miserable for all of Sophmore year.
By the way, my name is Adri Ababwa and I’m the world’s stupidest masterpiece. But you’ll see why later.
“Adri,” My best friend, Ben called out.
My eyes widen, suddenly alarmed from my name being called.
“What’s up?” I say striding over to Ben’s side as he looks out the window of his parlor.
”I spoke with my parents about the proclamation,” Ben says.
I roll my eyes, realizing what’s about to happen.
”I told you your idea was stupid. Your dad would never let you bring Villain kids over-“
”They approved it,” Ben says, stopping me between my sentence.
My eyes widen in disbelief.
“Oh. Oh! I guess that’s good for you I guess,” I say nervously.
Ben takes both of my hands in his.
”Listen, I know things were rough for you last year, but this year we need change in this world. And I’m gonna be the one to establish that change,” Ben says.
”Even if that means bringing the daughters of Maleficent and the Evil Queen and the sons of Cruella de Vil and Jafar to Auradon Prep?” I ask nervously.
”What did I say about that?” Ben asks cheekily.
”They’re not their parents,” I reply in a mumble.
”Right,” Ben says, patting my shoulder. Ben opens his mouth to say something but hesitates.
”What?” I ask.
”That‘s why your going to be my advisor,” Ben says.
I take a step back.
”Your crazy but okay,” I giggle.
Ben chuckles softly and goes to the phone to ask his secretary if Audrey is on her way to the room for her Coronation fitting.
I walk through the door and wish Ben good luck.
As I stride down the hall, I hop onto my sticker filled skateboard and race down the halls. I greet the guards surrounding the castle and slide the down the handlebars of the stairs. I see Audrey and stop to walk the rest of the way.
”Adri! It’s a pleasure to see after so long. Out of your depression, I see,” Audrey says snarkily.
”Sure! I’m fine. And I see your makeup is looking as creased as ever,” I reply in the same fashion.
Audrey huffs and rolls her eyes.
I strut off.
”Fucking bitch,” I mutter to myself, hopping on my skateboard and skating back to my dorm.
As soon as I reach my dorm, Fairy Godmother is standing by my door.
“Can you please give me the board?” Fairy Godmother asks.
”Can’t have any fun around here, can I?” I ask, giving her my board for the fifth time this week
“Not for the first week of school. Remember we have-“
”Press coming in to report on the school, I know Jane told me,” I say at the same time as Fairy Godmother.
“Good. Then I’ll see you soon,” Fairy Godmother says dismissing herself.
I turn around and head for the courtyard where I spot Jordan under our gossip tree.
”What’s new, pinky-Lou?” I ask.
”Hey, cuz. Just doing some newspaper projects. I writing about the secret camera web series of our school and the new kids coming to the Isle,” Jordan says.
”Damn, news does travel fast,” I scoff.
”Ben posted an announcement a couple minutes ago,” Jordan says.
I roll my eyes in disbelief.
“What if one of them is cute? You gonna go for it?” Jordan asks cheekily.
”HELL NO. I am never making the same mistake of opening up to a person ever again,” I yell.
”It’s gonna happen...” Jordan says in a song-like manner.
”Shut the fuck up!” I say.
The night I sneak out of my dorm and go to the kitchens to get a snack for Roxie, my baby tiger.
”Insomnia?” A voice says behind me.
I’m startled by the voice and I turn to see Lonnie standing over the counter.
”Yes, you asshole,” I sigh.
Lonnie laughs silently.
”You know someone’s gonna find out that it’s you recording the videos at lunch,” I say.
”Stop it. That’s top secret,” Lonnie says.
”Who cares? Everyone knows that they’re asshole and dickheads anyways. And your very lucky that I haven’t ratted you out to Jordan. She’s persistent,” I say, grabbing some bacon from the fridge and putting it in a pan
”That’s for Roxie, right?” Lonnie asks.
”Maybe not,” I say.
Lonnie laughs and I take a piece of cooked bacon and put it in my mouth.
I hum softly at the taste.
”Hey. Don’t be afraid to talk to me sometimes. Especially after what I saw,” Lonnie says.
Ah. The thing. After some time in my self-quarantine of Sophmore year, I decided it was time for everything in my life to end. So, I grabbed some pills and I did something I regretted. Lonnie saved my life that day. That’s why I love her so much.
“I know, mama,” I say softly as I cook the rest of the bacon.
”You have no idea how much I care, Adri,” Lonnie says, hugging me from behind me.
”Thats probably why I love when you’re around,” I chuckle.
Lonnie lays her head on my shoulder.
”By the way I signed ya up for the welcoming comitee with Audrey,” Lonnie whispers.
”What!” I yell.
Two weeks later...
Someone starts banging heavily on my door. I open my eyes and the sound in my ears clears.
”ADRI! Wake up! Your late for the Vk’s welcoming,” Audrey screams from behind my door.
Maybe I should have stayed asleep. Damn you, Lonnie.
I put on this:
And I walked out my door.
“Ben shouldn’t have made you his advisor if you were gonna sleep in,” Audrey says.
”I’m here aren’t I?” I reply.
”Shut up, let’s go,” Audrey says, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs to the courtyard.
Oh god this is gonna be terrible.
Ben sees me and Audrey coming up next to him.
”What happened to you?” Ben asks.
”Slept in,” I mumble.
Ben chuckles and Audrey takes his arm.
”It’s fine by the way, it’s actually the first time in a while,” Ben says.
Fairy Godmother begins to greet everyone in the small group of band kids and cheerleaders until she reaches our trio.
”Ben, Audrey, Adri, how are you?” Fairy Godmother.
“Good,” We all say.
The limo pulls up and the band starts playing. The limo stops and two boys pop out fighting over a scarf.
My eyes glance towards to girls who come out of the other side of the car. One has short plum hair with a plum leather outfit to match. The other girl has long wavy blue hair with two crown braids at the front.
“Why do you want whatever this is?” One of the boys with gray hair says.
”Because you want it,” The other boy in a red beanie says.
Right off the bat you notice who’s who. And the boy in the beanie is definitely Jafar’s son.
“Leave it where you found it! And by that, just leave it.” Fairy Godmother says.
”Just cleaning up!” The boy with the red beanie says.
He puts the scarf back in the limo and his eyes immediately catch mine.
He catches me as I stare at his frame. His brown hair, his dark brown eyes, his muscular form and his leather outfit all catch me off guard.
His frown turns into a smirk and he strides towards me.
”Hello, foxy~ The name’s...Jay,” The boy introduces, attempting to flirt with me.
I laugh softly at his action.
”Your quite the catch aren’t you?” I remark with a smirk.
“Welcome to Auradon Prep,” Fairy Godmother says, stepping between us.
I whisper a little thank you to her and she nods.
”I’m Fairy Godmother, the headmistress,” She curtsies.
”As in, the Fairy Godmother? Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?” The girl with plum hair asks.
”Bibbidi-Bobbidi, you know it,” Fairy Godmother says.
“Does she ramble like this much?” I ask Ben.
”All the damn time,” Ben says.
We snicker in unison.
Audrey nudges Ben.
”It’s so nice to meet you all. I’m Ben,” Ben introduces.
”Prince Ben. Soon to be King, right Bennyboo?” Audrey interjects.
I fake-vomit at the nickname and roll my eyes.
”You had me at Prince. My mom’s a queen so that makes me a princess,” The blue haired girl says, fawning over Ben.
”The Evil Queen has no Royal status here and neither do you,” Audrey smiles cheekily.
”Yes she does, otherwise Snow White would cease to be Royalty and she is her step-sister,” I comment with a smile.
Audrey raises a brow to stop me and I wink in the girl’s direction. She gives me a smile in return.
”This is Audrey. My-“
”Girlfriend. And future queen,” Audrey says.
”Last but not least, this is Adri. My advisor and my best friend,” Ben says.
”Your new wickedly cool best friend,” I say with a smirk.
”These three are going to show you all around and I’ll see all tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut! Except library hours are 8:00 to 11:00 and you know I have a thing for curfew,” Fairy Godmother says, excusing herself.
”She tends to drag things out of proportion. Don’t mind her,” I say.
Ben chuckles and Audrey nudges his arm.
“It is so, so, so good to finally me... meet you all,” Ben starts as Jay hits his chest with a light punch.
“ This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... Is that chocolate?” Shaking the gray haired boy’s hand that is covered in chocolate.
”As the day our two peoples began to heal,” Ben finishes.
“Or the day where you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are,” The plum haired girl says.
“A little over the top?” Ben asks her.
”More than a little,” She says.
”So much for my first impression,” Ben says awkwardly.
“You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping...“ Audrey starts.
”Beauty! Yeah I’ve heard the name. You know, I totally do not blame your grandparents for not inviting my mother to their stupid christening,” The girl responds.
”Water under the bridge!” Audrey fakes.
”Totes!” The girl replys in the same tone.
They laugh together pathetically.
“Jeez, can we get this over with?“ I scoff.
” OK. So how about a tour, yeah?“ Ben starts.
We start to move towards the front of the school.
“Auradon Prep was originally built 300 years ago before my father turned it into a high school when he was elected King,” Ben says, clapping his fingers to morph the statue.
The gray haired boy jumps into Jay’s arms.
”Carlos, it’s okay. My father made the statue to remind us that anything is possible,” Ben addresses.
I laugh at the boy’s banter. Jay sees this and drops Carlos to the floor. I can feel him lurking by me as we continue inside the school.
“ So do you guys have magic here? You know, like wands and stuff?” Mal asks.
“All that stuffs pretty much retired. Most of us are just ordinary mortals,” Ben says.
”Unlike me. I was cursed so...” I say clicking my tongue.
”And you happen to be kings and queens?“
“That’s true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds and hundreds of years,“ Audrey says, placing an arm around Ben.
”Doug,” Ben calls Dopey’s son down.
“Doug, will be showing you to your dorms. If you have any questions-“
”Ask Adri or Doug,” Audrey says, whisking him away.
“Um, hey guys. Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho.,” Doug starts, his eyes landing on the blue haired girl.
I take the clipboard from him and read their names.
”Mal Bertha. Evie Grimhilde. Carlos De Vil. Jay Farr,” I read to myself.
I interrupt Doug as he talks about classes.
”I’ll be showing you to your dorms,” I say, walking up one staircase.
”Guys, it’s actually this way,” Doug points towards me as the go in the wrong direction.
They follow me until we stop at their dorm rooms.
”Boys, you have the larger dorm here,” I point.
”Sweet!” Carlos says, hopping inside.
”What’s in it?” Jay asks, me
”Two full size beds, a flat screen tv, mini fridge, 3D printer, gaming console, a bathroom for two, fireplace, and double closet,” I say off the top of my head.
”Thank god, that’s enough to keep them busy for hours,” Mal says.
Me and the girls turn away from their room but someone places a hand on my shoulder.
”Hey, can we talk after?” Jay asks.
”Why?” I ask, raising a brow.
Jay gives me a pleading looks and I roll my eyes, walking away.
”Girls, this is your dorm. With roughly the same things as the boys except a bigger closet and bathroom and no gaming console,” I say.
”This room needs more-“
”Purple? I supposed you would agree. Love your outfit by the way,” I compliment.
”You don’t look to horrible yourself,” Mal smirks.
”I made it by the way,” Evie adds.
“Fashion Designer, huh? You could make some bank with that,” I comment.
Evie smiles.
”If you need anything, I’m the first door down the hall,” I say.
I close the door to the girls dorm and turn to see someone completely unexpected. My smile turns into a frown as I see Chad Charming at the end of the hall. As I try and stride down the hall to Jay and Carlos’s room, his gaze meets mine.
”Well, well. Look who it is. Little miss court case,” Chad says, his lips curving into a smirk.
”Your lucky my restraining order is expired, Charming,” I snark as he draws near to me.
”You know, you’re lucky Ben and Lonnie are friends with you. Otherwise, everyone here wouldn’t give a damn about your little charity case,” Chad says cockily, running a hand through my hair.
My body tenses and my teeth clench as he touches my hair.
“Don’t do that,” I say through my clenched jaw.
”Or what?” Chad says, pinning me against the wall. His frame towering over me.
”You gonna sue me again just so that I could give your pathetic ass more money?” Chad asks.
”Get your fucking hands off of her,” A voice says from behind Chad.
I look over Chad’s shoulder to see Jay standing behind him with a scowl on his face.
I can practically feel my eyes change shape, pleading to Jay to help me.
Chad gets off of me and walks towards Jay confronting him.
”Is that a threat?” Chad asks.
”You gonna punch me if it is, Princey? You know, you probably shouldn’t mess with someone you barely know. I’m sure it’ll have serious consequences,” Jay growls.
Chad backs off, intimidated by Jay.
”Whatever, man,” Chad scoffs, taming a step back.
He turns to me, his smirk returning.
”I’ll see you later, babe,” Chad says, winking at me.
He walks away and I can practically feel the tears coming to my eyes.
”Who the hell does he think he is?” Jay scoffs.
My legs start to move down the hall, trying to get away.
”Hey! Where are you going?” Jay calls behind me.
”Leave me alone!” I choke.
Jay’s footsteps chase after me and he grabs my wrist.
”Stay out of my business and leave me the hell alone,” I say in a serious tone.
”What was that about though? And why do you look like your about to cry in any second?” Jay asks deliberately.
I growl under my breath.
”Because he’s my abusive ex-boyfriend who raped me while I was blacked out at Ben’s party! And now everyone pities the hell out of me and treats me like a child because I tried to commit suicide. Is that what you’re so desperate to get out of me?” I yell.
Jay is taken aback by my words. His brown eyes widen as he looks at me. Searching through my eyes and seeing the pain in them.
”Shit, I’m so sorry. Look, I will never ever do that to you ever again,” Jay says, concerned by my action.
”Listen, don’t make promises you know you can’t keep,” I say.
Jay turns to leave but I grab his wrist.
”You forgot you tell me what you wanted to speak about,” I say with a smirk.
Jay scratches his neck nervously.
”Sorry. I was just so concerned about the way that guy was talking to you that I didn’t even realize,” Jay explains.
I chuckle lightly at his concern. How is he so chill after that? After I just yelled at him?
“I was just wondering if I could learn a little more about you. I mean-since we know a little bit about Ben and Audrey so,” Jay says.
I giggle lightly at his question. Then I hesitate, remembering this is the son of my parent’s enemy. But suddenly, my new found confidence tells me “Fuck it”.
”Well, I’ve lived in Auradon for 3 years. I like Art a lot. And um, I’m the daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine,” I say shyly.
Jay erupts in a light chuckle. My brows furrow at his actions.
”Did I say something wrong?” I ask.
”No, but that does explain everything,” Jay says with a smirk.
”Explain what exactly?” I ask, confused by his action.
”The comebacks, the way you roll your eyes, the outfit, and the way you act around danger. You have that “I really don’t give and shit sometimes attitude”. I’m assuming it’s family trait,” Jay laughs.
I roll my eyes at his banter.
”Sure, dipshit. And you know wanna know what gives you away?” I ask cheekily.
”What?” Jay says, playing along.
”The fact that you prance around me, eyeing me just like your father did to my mother when she was my age,” I say with a smirk.
His eyes widen, catching him off guard.
”And I promise you, your little concerned or flirtatious act isn’t gonna always cut it with me, pretty boy,” I say, tapping his shoulder and turning to leave.
I look behind me and see him smirk behind me as I walk to my dorm.
That boy is gonna keep trying to win me over. And I’m in for the long game...
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Maybe James and sirius adopting a kid and being all cute and protective..
((A/N: Mentions of past abuse for both Harry and Sirius, and a discussion of bullying and racism here at the beginning))
"Hey Haz, how was school?" James asked. It wasn't a completely innocent question because Harry had been having trouble recently, but he hoped his tone was light enough that Harry wouldn't feel like he was interrogating him. 
"Fine," he muttered, in that way that always meant it hadn't been fine. 
James looked up from the essay he'd been reading. If it were Sirius, he'd ask if Sirius wanted to talk about it. If he said yes, they'd start talking, and if he said no, that meant they'd talk about it later. But Harry had been neglected before he came to live with them, and letting him have time alone when he was upset didn't feel the same that it would have to another teenager. Watching what he said around Harry was different than watching what he said around Sirius. He and Sirius had been figuring out what bothered Sirius at the same time, when they were both teenagers. It was a whole different playing field now that he was an adult and it felt like Harry was still a kid. Seriously, hadn't he just been ten yesterday? And now, somehow, he was fifteen and dealing with shite that James had never had to deal with. James swallowed, trying to think of the best way to phrase this. "Was something bothering you?" 
Harry clenched his jaw and stared at the floor moodily. 
Wow, James really didn't miss his teenage days. He'd been a pretty happy guy, and even he'd been fucking miserable compared to being an adult. "Was someone bothering you?" He might be way off base, but he remembered getting shit for being Indian at the prep school where pretty much everyone else was generationally British and pasty skinned. 
"It's no big deal," Harry muttered. "I can handle it." He shifted his bag on his shoulder then shuffled off to his room. 
James set the papers to the side and wondered when Sirius would be home; he was always better at dealing with these issues when they came up. He blew out a breath and rubbed a hand through his hair. If he wanted to be a decent father, he was going to have to have these talks without Sirius doing everything for him all the time. He pushed himself up and walked to Harry's room. "Hey," James said, leaning against the door frame. He didn't want to invite himself into Harry's room without permission-- Sirius had made sure to tell him about respecting private space because it had never been an issue when it was just them. "I- erm. I don't want to pester you, but I also don't want you to think that I don't care. I know it's been bad at school, but I can't help unless you tell me what it is." 
"I said I can handle it." 
"Taking people's shit because you think you can stand it isn't the same as being able to handle it. Or- maybe it is, but I don't think you should have to." 
For a minute, he thought Harry wasn't going to answer. "She said you're not my real dad," he said quietly, like he was ashamed of what this other girl said to him. 
"Well I mean, I'm not your birth father, and that means a lot to some people." 
"Sirius only puts up with me," he said, wiping at his face in a way that meant he was starting to cry but didn't want anyone to notice. 
"Sirius loves you," James corrected. "He was the one that saw you first. He told me I should meet you because you were amazing, and he was right." Tentatively, he took a step inside, walking over to Harry and putting a hand on his shoulder. When Harry leaned into it, James put his arm all the way around him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "We can switch schools if that's what you want." 
Harry shook his head but leaned into James's side. "She was in a bad mood, it'll be fine." 
"Okay," James said slowly, wondering how he was going to broach this next part. Bugger, he'd never been able to manage subtlety. "I. Erm. I'm concerned that people are bullying you. And that you're not telling anyone because you think it doesn't matter." Because at Harry's old school, his cousin had encouraged that behaviour in the other students. No one could be Harry's friend back then even if they wanted to, and James remembered what it was like to be in school; Harry looked different and he didn't dress right and he didn't care to try and be like everyone else. That meant people were going to notice, and they weren't going to keep their feelings about it to themselves. "I- I don't like bringing this up because you probably don't want to think about it, but if that's happening, I would really like it if you told me." 
"It's not- no one's beating me up or anything. It's not like that." 
"Glad to hear it, but that doesn't mean they aren't bullying you." 
"I'm not weak." 
James swallowed. "You remind me so much of Sirius. I love both of you, but that's also pretty scary. His parents... they were abusing him, and he never said anything because he didn't think it was bad enough. I would really like to not wait until we get to that point with you. Being a teenager isn't the greatest, but I also don't want for you to look back on this time and only be able to think about how much you hated everything." 
Harry kind of broke down crying, and James couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 
In other news, Sirius went down to Harry's school-- soon to be his old school-- to get some record or summat that they needed to transfer him, and they tried to convince him to change his mind. Sirius ended up yelling at a few people, which wasn't really anything new. They almost called the police on him, which also wasn't anything new. 
Harry thought it was hilarious. 
"Nobody told me being a parent was so bloody stressful," Sirius mumbled, his face smushed against James's chest. 
"No offense, love, but what did you expect?" 
"Your parents never seemed that stressed." 
James snickered. "I brought home my boyfriend when I was sixteen and asked if he could live with us. Believe me, they were stressed about it, even if they never let us know about it." 
"Not to mention that one year you had detention literally every day." 
"Yeah... they weren't too thrilled with that. Let's just be happy that Harry isn't more like us." 
Sirius groaned loudly. 
"He only got in trouble once," James said, and he was kind of surprised that, yeah, it had only been the one time. 
"And that was defending his friend so it barely counts. I can't believe he has a bloody boyfriend that he never told us about." 
"He told us about him tonight; that was the whole point." 
"Sod off," Sirius said, shoving weakly at James's head. "I want to whinge, and I can't do that if you're being reasonable." 
James yawned widely, then threw his glasses at the night stand. They skid across the surface and fell to the ground. He was going to regret that in the morning, when he couldn't remember what had happened to them. "Don't let me stop you. Go right ahead." 
"He said he's planning on living with him when he goes to uni. He's way too young for that." 
"Mhm," James said, even though him and Sirius had done the same thing when they moved out of Mum and Dad's house. Technically, with Sirius moving in with him and his parents before they'd graduated, they had done it younger than Harry. 
"He's going to get his heart broken. Harry's too good of a person to deserve that." 
For most people, getting your heart broken at least once was expected. James hadn't had to deal with that because he'd fancied Lily, gotten over it, then immediately fallen head first for Sirius. The closest Sirius had gotten to heartbreak was when he thought James was going to marry Lily and they were going to have five kids together-- never mind that Lily had loudly and repeatedly stated that she didn't like children and later come out as a lesbian. But James had agreed to let Sirius whinge, so he hummed again. 
"I take it back, you're no fun like this." 
"'m tired." 
"Big baby." 
"Says the man curled up on top of me." 
"I'm only half on top of you," Sirius said. 
"Much better. Listen love, if Harry is going to get his heart broken by this Draco bloke, the best thing we can do is be there for him. By which I mean that I don't want for you to freak him out with another sex talk." 
"The first sex talk went fine, you arse." 
"Uh-huh." It had, actually, but admitting that was less funny. James yawned again, snuggling a little closer to Sirius. 
James started to drift off, but he was still aware enough to hear when Sirius whispered, "I can't believe he's moving out soon. It feels like he barely moved in." 
"Yeah, I know." James kissed his head. "He's not leaving us forever, just cause he's moving out." 
"It won't be the same." 
All James could do was hold him tighter. 
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wolftraps · 4 years
Do you have more Shay in human school stuff?
So, technically this does include stuff with Shay in human school. Mostly though it’s Del&Shay... yeah. Also, as always, this got longer than intended. Uhh, warning for mild homo/transphobia.
Del knows fear. It’s not that there was anything in his life to cause that fear. It’s just that for as long as he can remember, there’s been a sense of wrongness in his life that he couldn’t identify. And without a source for that feeling, something to point to and say “That. That’s what’s wrong. That’s what scares me.” he’d just become afraid of everything.
Fight or flight, people say. That’s how humans respond to fear. Instinct. Even at six, when his dad says that instinct is broken in Del, Del thinks that’s dumb. People react to fear in all kinds of ways, and there are all kinds of fear that they react to differently. It’s not an either or. 
We fear things because we don’t understand them, Del’s mum says. Like sharks. Or wolves. We see sharp teeth and we think “danger” because we don’t understand that the creature behind those teeth doesn’t mean us any harm. Fear is a misunderstanding. Del spends a lot of his childhood trying to understand everything, so maybe he can stop being scared. But understanding that the water isn’t trying to hurt you doesn’t make anyone less afraid of drowning.
It’s his cousin, Nel (short for Nelson, but Del always liked that, Del and Nel), eighteen and rebellious, that ends up helping the most. He takes Del out to the cinema and they meet his boyfriend there. Del likes Gavin, but his aunt and uncle don’t- something about “bad influences”- so they can only meet up other places. It’s after the film, as they’re walking out, that a couple guys seem to have an issue with how Nel and his boyfriend are holding hands. They say things Del knows are supposed to be mean, but Nel doesn’t get mad or scared. There’s no fight or flight. He just sighs and asks Gavin in a quiet voice to get the manager.
While he’s gone, Nel says nothing. Not until one starts getting in his face, yelling at him to say something. Then Nel sticks the hand that isn’t holding Del’s in his pocket and leans back almost casually.
“You hungry?” he asks. The guy just… stops.
“We were planning to get something to eat. You can join us if you want.”
He doesn’t want, but he and his friends walk away without a fuss when the manager comes.
Later, Del asks in awe how Nel did it. Wasn’t he scared? How was he so brave? Nel laughs, but it isn’t a happy laugh.
“It’s not ‘bout ‘brave,’” he says. “It’s about compliance.” Del doesn’t know what that means. “Fear’s a really messed up sort of power when it’s done on purpose. And it’s just a bad warning sign when it’s not. Lashing out won’t help no one, and running away’s not gonna work forever. So instead you gotta be contrary. Figure out what that fear wants you to do, and then don’t.
“Those dicks wanted me to fight, so they could keep thinking I’m wrong; the enemy. So I offered to be friends. Ma, pops, they’re afraid of Gavin. They’re afraid he’s gonna get me in trouble ‘cause he doesn’t understand that I can’t get away with the same things he can. I can’t buy my way out of my mistakes. They make this a real unfriendly place to be ‘cause they want him to be as scared as they are. But running away won’t help, no matter how much their fear wants him to. We’re still gonna love each other. So instead of running away and breaking my heart, he stays and takes care of me. He learns the world how I see it, so instead of pulling me into fear by accident, he can protect me from it on purpose.
“Look, cuz, there’s a lot in this world to be scared of. You just gotta figure out what’s behind it and get good at arguing. Fear says ‘there’s something hiding in the dark,’ you say ‘then why can’t I hear it?’ It says ‘you’re running out of air,’ you say ‘if light can get in, so can air.’ It says ‘they’re going to attack you,’ you say ‘not if I distract them first.’ It says ‘you can’t do it,’ you say ‘watch me.’
“But most important, and I need you to listen to me here, kay? You listening?” Del nods with all the gravity an eight-year-old can muster. “You remember nothing else, you remember this: Fear tells you ‘you should be ashamed of what you are,’ you say ‘I should only be ashamed of what I do.’ If you not hurting nobody, you got nothing to be ashamed of.”
It doesn’t always work, of course. When Fear says ‘you’re going to get hurt,’ you can’t just say ‘no, I won’t.’ You have to ask ‘will it be worth it?’ But it helps.
So when Del is eleven and a new kid comes to school, Fear yells ‘Danger.’ and Del looks at the distance everyone has put between them and this serious-looking kid with eyes like storm clouds, and at the extra sweets his mum had packed, and he thinks back ‘Yeah, but dangerous to who?’
It’s not always easy being Shay’s friend. It’s pretty hard sometimes actually. And there’s a fear that Del recognizes from his aunt and uncle. He’s afraid that one of these days, he’s going to get in trouble because Shay doesn’t understand that they’re different.
Shay is… Shay is a wildfire. A whirlwind. Shay is something that sweeps you up with a force beyond your comprehension, and if you’re not careful, you’re going to break or burn before it passes. 
Del had thought them serious at first, and they are sometimes, but he wouldn’t describe them that way. Passionate, maybe. Restless, definitely. Impulsive, unfortunately. Terrifying, yes. But serious, no. And wrong, never. All Del’s life, something has been wrong, and he fears both what it is and that he’ll never figure it out, but he thinks ‘I’ve lived just fine so far without knowing, and at least it’s not Shay.’
Even when Shay gets stressed over History class and their teacher’s house floods. Even when bullies repeatedly trip and break their noses. Even when Mrs. Patrick sends Shay to the headmaster with mutters about expulsion and a strong wind sends a rock hurtling through her window. When they break up with Lisa and it storms for a week. When Chris calls their parents freaks and the ground shakes. When they’re in one of their moods and a teacher snatches their fidget tool from their hands, only to drop it with a cry of pain as the smell of burnt flesh fills the room. Through it all, Del knows that whatever is wrong in their life, it isn’t Shay.
That doesn’t make it easier when Shay is annoyed and he feels like he stepped on a Lego every time he tries to talk to them about it. Or when they’re excited and the wind near them is so strong it’s hard to breathe. Or when they’re upset and Del has to walk all the way to the Blackwood Institute in 40C heat because a series of accidents have slowed transit. Or when they take up freerunning and they laugh at Del’s worry every time they take a fall that would send anyone else to A&E. Or when Shay realizes how these things affect Del and they get that stricken look and avoid him for a week.
It doesn’t make it easier when Shay acknowledges none of this.
They never lie about it- Shay’s a terrible liar- but they talk around it or laugh it off. And it’s the only time Del ever sees anything like fear in their eyes, so he doesn’t push it.
‘You’re going to get hurt,’ Fear says, time and time again.
With Shay holding his hand as he tells his family he’s gay. With Shay threatening to burn down the stage if he doesn’t get the part. With Shay staying up late to tutor him in math. With Shay offering to unleash their parents on the teacher who calls him stupid. With Shay backstage, very carefully learning how to apply make-up because Del’s hands are shaking too hard from nerves. With Shay laughing and laughing as he cringes over their puns. With Shay always, always stepping in between him and the dark. Del replies, ‘Yeah, but it’s worth it.’
Shay had sworn they’d be there opening night of Del’s first lead performance. They were going out of town for a while, but they’d sworn they’d be back for it. The wrongness has been getting worse and worse, and the only time it seems to get better is when Del’s on stage, but that doesn’t matter if it’s just replaced by the wrongness of Shay not being there. They’re supposed to talk tonight. High on Del’s success, they’re supposed to talk and Shay is supposed to help figure this out and then maybe, hopefully, they’ll talk about their thing too. But they can’t do that if Shay isn’t there.
They aren’t there before the play. They aren’t there after. They don’t respond to any messages. They don’t answer any calls. Over and over people come up with congratulations. With praise. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because Shay isn’t there. The cast goes out for the afterparty, but they all give up on talking to Del quickly, and it doesn’t matter.
At 3AM, unable to sleep, Del resorts to messaging Shay’s dad, asking if they’re okay, breath held until lungs scream in an attempt to beat back the panic.
‘Something is wrong,’ Fear says. ‘So what?’ Del asks.
‘Shay is hurt/dead/wrong,’ Fear says. ‘Even if they are, they’ll recover,’ Del says back. ‘Shay always recovers.’
‘You’re going to get hurt,’ Fear says. ‘It’s worth it for Shay,’ Del snaps.
Mr. Blackwood messages back “They will be.” and “I promise they’ll call as soon as we get them back.” As if that isn’t utterly terrifying. It’s okay. It’s okay, that’s just how Shay’s dad is. They’ve always said he never realizes he’s being creepy until someone tells him.
‘There’s no air,’ Fear says. And Del’s eyes are hard to force open, but open they do. ‘If the light can get in, so can the air,’ Del replies.
Del messages Mr. Blackwood “When?”
“Soon,” he says.
“Can I wait with you?”
“Of course.”
Del doesn’t have to ask where. Shay’s dad is always at the Institute. The doors are locked, but someone is always there. It’s not the night guard but Mr. Blackwood’s cat that opens the door, though, somehow, and leads Del down to the archives.
‘You’re being watched,’ Fear says. ‘I really don’t care,’ Del replies.
The office door is open. Mr. Blackwood stands when Del walks in. He’s not big on touch, Del knows. Or eye contact. But he puts his hands on Del’s arms and looks in Del’s eyes when he says, “They’re going to be alright, Miss Jackson.” and doesn’t seem to mind when Del throws her arms around him and sobs into his shoulder, because something just turned right in the world and it doesn’t matter because Shay’s still missing.
“Jon?” someone asks from behind her. Martin. Del can’t bear to look up.
“We’re alright, Martin,” Jon says, rubbing a hand over Del’s back.
“Right… I’ll make us some tea.”
Martin gives better hugs than Jon, so it’s him Del is sitting with on the couch half an hour later, talking about her options and one of the Institute therapists who can help if she wants to think about transitioning, and it’s all a bit overwhelming honestly, but it’s a good distraction until the sound of a door creaking open has them all falling silent. There’s a door that shouldn’t be there. Sasha comes through first, inhuman hands depositing a man’s head on Jon’s desk. The rest of his body seems to be draped over Ms. Tonner’s shoulder. Her eyes flash in the light and her teeth seem a bit too sharp through her grimace. And Del really couldn’t give a shit about any of that, because there’s Shay, smiling an exhausted smile, and it’s actually kind of nice how warm they are when she hugs them, even if it would worry Del on anyone else.
“Oh shit,” they say after a second. “The play.”
“It’s fine,” Del assures them, wiping away her tears. “Wasn’t my best performance anyway.”
“Fuck that,” Shay says. “I bet you were perfect.”
“So,” Shay says later as Del lays in their bed beside them, struggling to keep her eyes open. “You’re a girl.”
“So,” Del says through a yawn, “you’re a monster.”
“Yeah, but you knew that even when you thought I was human.” They laugh as Del fails to blindly smack their arm. There’s a long moment of silence, and Del is almost asleep when they finally say, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” she asks. “Being a monster? Or not telling me?”
“Hey.” Del waits until Shay finally looks over at her. “Never be ashamed of what you are. Only what you do.”
“Then I’m sorry for lying.”
Del laughs. “You never lied. You’re a terrible liar. I would’ve pulled it from you way before now if you’d lied.”
“Apology accepted. Now shut up and get some sleep.”
“You know I don’t actually need to sleep?”
Del forces her eyes open one last time, just so she can roll them. “Well I do, so you might as well get some anyway.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too, arsehole.”
‘You’re going to get hurt,’ Fear says. ‘Fuck off,’ Del replies.
Her parents don’t take it well. Being gay, they can understand. For some reason, being trans is harder. They try, she’ll give them that. They do try. It’s still uncomfortable being home, though. Instead, she spends more time with Shay, who doesn’t care. With Shay’s family, who just knew. At some point, even Ms. Tonner tells her, “You can call me Daisy, Del,” and they let her blame the hormones when she cries.
When Chris laughs at her, the floor below him mysteriously crumbles into a sinkhole. When she gets denied the first female role she auditions for, lightning hits the theater and the play has to be delayed for repairs.
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” she tells Shay.
“Freak accident,” they lie, terribly.
When the Dark reaches out for her, it touches Shay and burns. When the walls start closing in and she can’t breathe, Shay crumbles them and all Del feels is a breeze.
‘You’re going to get hurt,’ Fear says.
‘It’s worth it,’ Del replies. And when a terrified man starts raving at Shay as they’re trying to show him out of the Institute, Del doesn’t hesitate to get between them and shut him down with a harsh order to leave. He still doesn’t go of his own volition, but he’s taken back enough for the spider on his neck to get a solid hold.
Martin goes to all her plays. Jon helps her apply to uni. Sasha runs lines with her. Basira reads all her books to help her study. Daisy shows her how to pin someone twice her size. Shay grins.
It’s worth it. 
But the summer after they graduate, Shay meets Willa. 
Del won’t deny being a bit jealous, but that isn’t why she doesn’t like Willa. It’s because Willa would never tell Shay “You shouldn’t have done that,” even if she was secretly pleased. Willa would never step between Shay and an angry man to keep Shay from doing something they’d regret. Willa wouldn’t do anything she could to pull Shay back when they got too close to the edge. Willa is fuel to the fire, and the problem isn’t even that.
The problem is, she makes Shay forget they don’t like fire, and they love her for it.
“I’m worried,” Del says. “I’m afraid. Shay, you’re going to get hurt.”
“No, I won’t,” Shay says. But that’s wrong. That’s not how you respond to the fear of pain. They smile at her, and it hurts. It hurts. “You’re wrong about her. It’s going to be fine.”
But it isn’t.
‘You’re going to get hurt,’ Fear says. ‘It’s worth it,’ Del replies. Will always reply. It’s worth it for Shay. Now and forever.
‘They’re going to destroy themself,’ Fear says. ‘And there will be nothing you can do but watch.’
And that. That’s not. Nothing is worth that. But what else can she do? She can’t keep them safe from themself.
As long as Shay never told her they were a monster, they’d thought, then maybe to her they weren’t. They were wrong, of course. Shay isn’t a monster to her even now. Shay is her best friend, her family, and nothing less.
‘You can’t help them,’ Fear says, and Del says ‘I know.’
She goes to Jon before she leaves.
“I can’t stay,” she tells him. “I can’t watch them walk into this knowing there’s nothing I can do.”
“I understand,” he says, sad but honest. “We’ll still be here. You aren’t leaving them alone.” And she knows. That’s the only reason she can do this.
“Just… I don’t know what I’m going to do without them.” Jon’s still terrible at hugs, but he tries, and he still doesn’t care when she sobs into his shoulder. “They’re going to make it through this, right?”
“They will. I know this is hard, but we understand.”
“You can still call us, you know,” Daisy says from behind her. “We won’t say anything. You don’t have to be alone either.”
“Are you joking?” she laughs. “You’re all terrible liars.”
“Okay, call Martin, then.”
“No. No, I- I think I need to try, at least. And, you know, if sometimes it feels like I’m being watched… I won’t mind.”
“Good girl,” Daisy says, and makes Del lean down so she can kiss her forehead. “If you try to lose our numbers—”
“Martin will just add them back in, I know.”
“Good. Come on, think you still have some things at ours. You’re staying the night. We’ll take you to the station tomorrow.”
“You’re going to get hurt,” she tells Shay just before boarding the train that will take her to university. To the next chapter of her life. Without them. “I hope someday you can show up to one of my plays and tell me it’s worth it. But until then, I can’t bear to sit here and just let it happen. I love you. So much. But until you can say, with absolute certainty, that this is worth what you’ll lose… please don’t contact me.”
‘Well done,’ Fear says. ‘You got yourself hurt.’
‘If it makes them reconsider,’ Del replies, ‘just enough that they survive… then it’s worth it.’
‘You’ll never see them again,’ Fear says.
“Yes, I will,” Del states, because anything else is unthinkable. Yes, she will.
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