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optimistic-dinosaur-nacho · 2 years ago
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𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 & 𝐿𝒾𝑒𝓈
Chapter III
Warnings: Language, Adult Themes, War, Fantasy Tropes Summary: Two kingdoms on the urge of bringing peace between their lands. A benevolent princess who finds music as a fun hobby and invests herself in books. And a belligerent prince who takes whatever he claims his and will soon be crowned for king. Relationship: Prince!Ransom/Princess!Reader
Prologue Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III
Huge thanks to @captain-a-rogerss to the edit of Prince!Ransom. Give her some love as always!
I don’t consent to have my work hosted on any second party, app, or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it’s been reposted without my permission.
Author’s Note:  Sorry for delay, I wanted to make this chapter extra special and I also had to gather information I forgot after a year so the plot and character don’t ruin themselves by my absence
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The rest of the night felt like a total nightmare. The Thrombey’s and Drysdale’s completely forgot about the recent comments that you spoke lastly. You were lucky for most of the parts that they never mentioned anything else about you, but the feeling of having Linda’s son sending you a death look.  Not a single second made you think less of him. You were considered a better Royal than him. 
Without a significant other, you could handle a kingdom on your own.
Perhaps you didn’t want to take your father’s throne. If James was able to skip his coronation, could you do the same? Skip the princes and do something better than just sit on the chair and hear about the village's life problems when you could do something huge outside your home. Build homes for those who sit out in the cold. 
Royals always thought less for the poor. If Ransom couldn’t help, you were the generation to do it yourself. He would just have to stay out of your way.
You hear a faint knock on your door and the door creaks open. “Good morning, Y/N,” Brodie says, you turn away from your window, wearing your silky blue gown, giving your dear friend a smile. “Good morning, Brodie. What’s the occasion?”
She grins, “Your mother has insisted on having you downstairs. She would like to speak with you.” You fully turned and nodded. You were the first to leave your room, Brodie following behind. If your mother speaks about dinner last night, you would have to reason with her. And you know how much she loved the family. You felt like you were the bad person in the room when they came. But the real answer was the family. 
Even your town was afraid of them.
Your mother never knew about the incident of punching Ransom. If you did, she may lock you up in a tower. Your father had kept the incident from her because he knew her more than you did. She didn’t know the full reason why he sent you to that Manor. Your mother only agreed to it with no questions. You could hear your mother chatting to one of the maids as she sat at the long table. 
“Morning, Ma cherie. Je vous en prie, asseyez-vous,” Your mother says, you listen and take a seat right next to her. Her gentle eyes scanning the letter, she hums, “How was your ball, yesterday?” You peer up at her, finally grinning. “It was wonderful. I’m sure Angelica would have one for her sixteenth?”
Your mother nods, “Yes, of course. We would’ve done that for yours, but sadly your father sent you off to that manor,” She shook her head while you drew your eyes away, sheepishly. “Also, your father and I were talking about your betrothal. I’m sure that’ll come in a few months, don’t you think, ma cherie-?”
You reach for your face and sighed, “Mother, please, can we-” Her hand lifts up to stop you mid-sentence, “Ah-ah. Miss Brodie, darling, can you excuse us for a moment?” She asks. Brodie’s face beams up, bowing her head, “Yes, Your Grace.” Seconds later, you’re left with your mother in the large room. She taps your forearm, “Don’t touch your face, darling. Hands down.” You sigh, turning to her. “I can’t do marriage. I’m not ready-”
“Och. Darling, your brother was to be crowned 10 years ago and he chose to be with a poor lovely woman, your sister wants to be the fairest of them all and you… you don’t want this?”
“What I don’t want is having to submit to someone. Yes, I wanted to be queen alone, but I found something else-” You drop your shoulders, helplessly, taking your mother’s hand in yours to have her understand. It only made her shake her head, “This is what has to happen.” You lowered your head and shook it.
You hear your mother click her tongue, taking your chin, “The only reason we do this...is to have those who we trust to take our place. And you can’t do that alone. No one could,” She lifts your chin up to look up at her. She grins, “We’ll talk more later on. Go on.” You lifted yourself from your seat and left the room. You figured Brodie was somewhere else, so you headed to the stables just outside. Slowly meeting up with your shire horse, Oliver.
“Morning, Oliver,” You say, rubbing your hand down your horse’s back. Oliver sputters towards you as you add the saddle and situated it before getting on. You pat her side, “Let’s go down the river for a bit, okay?” You take the shank in hand and gently guide yourself down the small trail. Your horse takes you down the trail through the woods with flowers and bright green grass.
So much hadn’t changed since, the creek you remembered when you skipped rocks and dropped flowers, watching them glide down the ripples. 
The amount of bunnies you had in the forest. Your mother gave you a pet bunny once. You weren’t sure how the poor thing got away. Your horse sputters softly and you hear rustling in the brush. Your horse comes to a stop for you to look around. The sound of galloping horses filled your ears and people were shouting. 
Your horse lifts up its front hooves causing you to scream in fright as three men are chasing a couple deer down the trails. You couldn’t help but scowl. “Excuse me!” You call out, one of them comes to a stop while the other two continue to chase the deer. “Yes, milady?” He asked, his familiar uniform gave you the hint of a guard. 
The similar Lion button was on the front of his horse's chest and his sword was gold and the handle was a leather brown for grip. You hear another pair of horse’s hooves. “Head on, Francis. I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?” 
“No, Your Highness,” You hear him say, turning his horse’s head to hunt down the deer. You turn and see Ransom on his dark horse. He ogled yours with disgust, “You know they do have smaller horses for your size. There’s no need to show your pride with that.” You roll your eyes and your horses circled around on the trail. “You know you’re hunting,” You say.
Ransom looks out to the forest and nods, smugly, “Yeah, it’s the season. I have a bigger family than yours, so I’m in charge of hunting.”
You scoff with a grin, “I know you wouldn’t hunt just for food. For your family, you’d call it a sport.” Ransom chuckles at that, lowering his head, looking at the back of his horse’s neck. The ways Ransom had when it comes to hunting, you’ve seen him do it in person. He disgusted you in a way. “And you’re on my land, I suggest you leave.”
Ransom lifts his head up, “Your land?” He asks, “Pardon me, but I don’t think after a day of being welcomed back, you don’t get to command another Royal to leave when you don’t have the upper crown.” You lifted a brow up, cockily, “Ask your men for their sword, I’ll show you.” Ransom’s gaze seemed to darken the second you said that. It didn’t change yours either. Your horses’ continue to circle and you look over to the field. 
“My grandfather always told me how much you beat him at Go. He said you had a lot of strategy. Takes years to master.”
“Why, didn’t you?” You asked, chin lifted up like you had the upper hand of being the tougher one here. Ransom halts his horse and so does yours. Your horses’ noses pointing opposite directions, you and Ransom made eye contact. His dark grin grew, “Even if I told you, I wouldn’t try it with you.”
“I know that’s your way of knowing I would beat you,” You replied. Ransom wasn’t always good at anything he did with you. Except that when you two first had your duel, he only became more of an imbecile. Translation: An Asshole. That day, returning after your incident with Ransom who’s probably feeding his family with Blood Elk they find in the Evergreen Mountain. Blood Elks are the rarest animals in the mountain, their red antlers are wide and tough that stories were told to scare children from running up there. 
Your father was a hunter when he was young, there was never a time where he didn’t have a hunting story to tell. The time he got bit by one of the most strongest bears in the country or the time he shot an arrow at an eagle flying in the sky. He initially taught your brother, James to hunt and eventually James learned how to skin animals and turn them into rugs or just even small things. James had a weird little thing for the anatomy of animals that he became very smart and learned the anatomy of humans, knowing the weak spots and fatal parts of the body. That’s why he joined a sport down in town facing mercenaries or other men who challenge on a horse and a spear. Jousting was his favorite hobby of all and he won every championship. Training his way into this championship in Winter, he is always out in the fields taking down sandbags in armor off a friendly horse chasing towards him while an instructor assists. 
“Yes, mother?” You asked.
Your mother lifts her head up and smiles, “You're going down to the library in town, are you?” You look down at the book in your hands and close the book, knowing you could read another book. “I might.” Your mother puts her hands on her lap, “I wanted you to go talk to the florist, Miss Nora, she has these flowers from the Spain land, Chocolate Cosmos, so beautiful. You should grab some on your way back.” You then thought now you had to go, you can never refuse a Queen’s request. “Of course— AH!” A large thud hits the table and you look up to see a dead deer. You stand up, startled before you collapse into the arms of the same man you met, the boy’s face drowns with worry. “Are you alright, Your Majesty?” You glance at the deer and turn away disgusted that the deer's mouth was open not to your liking.
Ransom peered over the boy’s shoulder and grabbed him, “Let her go,” He growled at his Gillie and the boy helped you back on your feet and let go of you. Your mother and father were more impressed than uncomfortable. Ransom switches his tone, “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.”
“Ransom, I didn’t know you were still in the Kingdom,” Your mother says, your father grins and raises his palm. “I allowed him to do a little hunting for my men. They’re so slow when it comes to hunting deer,” Your father scoffed. You gag and the *Gillie boy turns to you. “Well, thank you, Ransom, this is the nicest thing you could do for us. Should we offer you a room? You look tired.” You shake your head, holding your hand to your mouth. “No, thank you, I have somewhere else to go for the evening.” Your father waves him off, “Thank you, Ransom, you’re welcome to take the deer to our butcher, he shall butcher it for dinner tonight.” Ransom bows a couple inches and turns.  *Gillie or ghillie is an ancient Gaelic term for a person who acts as a servant or attendant on a fishing, hunting.
The Gillie boy mutters to you, “You alright?”
“I’m okay–”
“Ben!” Ransom shouts, the boy flinches and gently rubs your shoulder before picking up the deer and struggles to carry it behind Ransom to the Butcher. You looked towards your parents and saw yourself out the door. You had your gown in your fists, angrily making your way through the hall. You hear large footsteps behind and you gasp the second you’re pushed against the wall. Ransom towers over you and grabs your chin with his thumb. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to see your face.”
“What do you mean,” You grit, trying to pull away from him. Ransom grins and looks down at your gown. “All these colors aren’t going to cover up your secrets, Y/N.” His blue eyes look deep into yours. “What are you?” He asked, your eyes glare at him, bringing up the similar voice into your head when you were little. 
“What. Are. You?” 
You don’t answer that and it makes him smirk, “The thing about deer is that their hearts aren’t close to their chest, it’s more halfway down above their stomach and below their lungs…” Ransom puts his finger on your stomach but you could barely feel it through your corset. “You either take the arrow and fire there–” He gently jabs your stomach, “–Or you take the arrow and strike it to the neck of its arteries.” He points to your neck and lightly pokes it. Stepping away, he smirks and watches you leave, lifting your gown to remove yourself from that hall. Ransom grins and turns down the other way.
 The next day, Brodie got you ready in a relaxed gown to go out into town, and two soldiers chaperoned you to the library on your father’s behalf. Brodie tagged along to help you find the flowers when you stop at the florist. If you were to throw yourself off a course of task, it’s a rule that your parents should know you went to another place. Which you wanted to visit the bakery. You skipped the library causing Brodie and the soldiers to stop, “Your Majesty, the library.”
You wave your hand, “I know, I want to do the florist first.” Brodie sighs and follows along with the soldiers who held their swords hilts in their sheaths. You could barely see their eyes but you can tell their lower faces were a curiosity of how handsome their faces were. You walked up to the small flower shop and saw an old woman fixing some flowers on the display. “Miss Nora.”
“Ah, Your Majesty,” She grins, “I know what you’re here for, the Queen asked for a couple dozen of Chocolate Cosmos, my son, Frances traveled to Spain and found these. I always thought your mother was more fond of blue but she has a unique taste.” You chuckled and paid the woman a couple coins, she was in complete awe. “Your Majesty, I can’t–”
“It’s between us,” You winked, the currency you owned was one of the richest gold. Carved in the coin was one of the first Kings of Saphir. The old lady thanked you so kindly, bowing and blessing you with a couple more flowers. Brodie helped you carry some of the flowers gathered in a basket and you made your way over to the library. The castle had a library of its own but there was more of history than there was of nonfiction. You learned to read French by your mother and there were common French books to read, especially Latin. Latin and French are not very distinct from each other but you wanted to learn Latin and many more languages.
“This book, here… Romeo–”
“Read that, already,” You spoke, searching through the books. Brodie steps over to another spine of a book. “Spy of the Stars?” Brodie asked, you looked over and shook your head. “Oh!” You peep, reaching into the shelf to pull out a book with a lack of writing and over worn. “Game Without Glory.” You began to read the first chapter and you began to feel already pulled into it. You and Brodie walk out with a couple other books and the soldiers stiffen themselves up when you turn to them, “Bakery, next.”
“Your Highness, we were ordered to take you back after your visit with the florist and library–”
You sigh and begin to walk towards the Bakery, “I’ll be quick, besides, I think my father would enjoy a tarte framboise.” Brodie tags along and without argument the soldiers follow beside her. The welcoming sign of the Bakery and the smell of French bread and sourdough filled the air when you walked in. “Stop eating those, they’re not for you! You’re lucky I’m making extra.”
“So I can have some–”
“Stop it, James!” The red haired young girl slapped the hand of the Prince. “Are you harassing her in her own bakery?” James turns still leaned on the counter with a grin. “Of course I am not! I’m just eating her delicious tart…” He slips another tart into his mouth slowly. Quinn rolls her eyes and pulls the pan of tarts away from him. James lifts himself off the counter and turns around, “What are you doing out here?” He notices the soldiers outside of the Bakery. “Ah, mom.”
“She wanted me to stop for some flowers but I wanted to stop for something nice.”
Quinn comes back out and brushes off her gown, “Would you like to take a couple rolls I made? It’s a new recipe I made.” You beam at her with delight, “Of course, I would love to try some!” Quinn smiles and leaves to go grab the basket. “Would you like me to take you back?” James asked, “I don’t like that they’re sending you off with soldiers everyday."
All you could ever do was smile, "I don’t mind them, they’re like friends.” James gives you a blank look and then nods, “Alright, then. Be safe back home.” Quinn came back with a basket of rolls and added some fruits on the side. “Oh, this is wonderful, Quinn, thank you so much.” Quinn grins and bows a little bit. “Of course, I hope you’ll like them and your parents, too.” 
You chuckle, “I hope not, I don’t want my father to make you into our bakery or something.” Quinn laughs and lightly touches James' shoulder. “I wouldn’t let him,” James added. Brodie picks up the basket of rolls and you sigh, “Alright I’m off, thank you again. I’ll see you another day!”
“Bye, Y/N!” 
When  you walk out, the soldiers close in to your side as you step down the stairs. On the way back was a chatty walk, you and Brodie were making plans for the day to check on your horse and as well the garden. When you got home, a maid rushed her way down the stairs, almost out of fear. “Your Highness!” She calls, she stops in front of you and bows. “The King has requested to see you immediately.” You asked Brodie and the maid to take care of the baskets and made your way to the Great Hall where your father and mother sat at, they were talking to a woman in a red dress and another man standing beside her and a smaller one just a few inches shorter beside them with his hand behind his back and the other in front of him.
You slowly walk up, brushing your hair off your face and fixing your dress. “Ma cherie,” Your mother touches your father’s hand and he looks. “Ah, look who showed up.”
“Hello, father.”
“You’ve met the Royals of Romania?” You turn and notice the similar faces from your ball, including their handsome son named Rafael. His mother grins, “We’ve been allies for many generations and I’ve come to an agreement that something should be requested and decided before next fall.”
Your father slightly leans to the side, “That’s a long wait, you sure you don’t want a decision immediately?” The Queen steps up once, “I know after the princess’ return every princess is jealous and every prince wants to take her hand and bear their child but I’m letting–” She glances at you, “–the princess decide what she wants.” You picked at your hands and saw Rafael glance at you with a small grin. “Very well–” Your father said, “I will give you a letter if there has been any changes or requests for this matter. There’s no other Royal Family I will allow my daughter to marry, but it is her decision.” You wanted to say no, but you were worried about the consequences of the arranged marriage. 
You don’t want to get married. Being sent off to a manor that is filled with more women you can imagine that are put through to behave and learn the way of how women should act. But it was different. You got the reality that there can be a change. You hate men. How disgusting and horrible they are, but there was a source of hope that one could come. But you don’t know if Rafael or Samuels are one of those men.
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” The Queen bows, “Bringing our Kingdoms together can break the ideal of war between the others.” The King nods and waves them off, the King and Queen of Romania leave but the son stays and turns to you. He takes your hand gently by giving you a look of consent and you allow him to take your hand and kiss your knuckles softly, still looking into your eyes with gleam. “Do think about it,” His accent was so smooth it had you struck with thought when he walked away with his parents. Your father’s strong gaze ripped you out of the trance. 
“Father, I don’t know if you’ve heard but I don’t want to get–”
“I know you don’t want to, but this is the choice of life or death,” He stands up, “I don’t know if you’ve heard recently there’s a Royal who’s trying to get the throne. They call him the Royal of War. His whole Kingdom was destroyed into ruins by every Kingdom because their generations are considered the weak Royals, but now his last generation is him and he will do anything to get to us.” 
You realize, now. Marrying can stop war, your biggest fear was being in a war. The blood and the dead bodies have been haunting you ever since you heard stories about the Saphir Wars many decades ago. Your ideal of a world was peace. You didn’t argue back and nod once with a bow. “I’ll think about it.” Your father nods with great content and waves you off. 
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tags of the series~
Love & Lies Taglist:
@arianajbb @tonystankschild @orenjineki @im-married-to-chris-evans @karmasabitxh @ilovesupersoldiers @ariesmadness97 @princess-evans-addict @dark-night-sky-99 
Official Taglist
Tags: @chrisevans-imagines @princess-evans-addict @elliee1497 @ifuseekamyevans @rororo06 @donutloverxo @axen-gers @patzammit @bucksgoat @lovepeacefood @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @cheeseburgersstuff @nickysurfer28 @jtargaryen18 @star-spangled-beard-burn​ @mcntsee​ @chuckbass-love​ @sebbystanlover-vk​  @captainamerica-is-bae​ @just-one-ordinary-fangirl​ @bval-1​ @nbarnes @stop-obsessing-over-those-actors @captain-a-rogerss @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @la-cey @void-hoechlin @stargazingfangirl18 @captain-a-rogerss @adriannajackson @onetwo3000
Of your name is crossed out it doesn’t mean you’re removed, it means that you might have changed your user and i don’t know who you are so if you’re crossed out update your user with me! thank you!
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smilexcaptainx · 5 years ago
☆ put this star in the inbox of your favorite blogs. it's time to spread positivity 💜💜💜
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hettiesworld · 2 years ago
I Loaf You - A Drabble Series
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Summary: This is a drabble series which I’ll be writing for Valentines Day. The series will include Clint Barton, Mike McLusky and Jeremy Renner. All of these titles are puns (food and romance - except for one of them). They are all including a female reader.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, language.
Author’s note: Under the cut, there are a few ideas for the series. There will probably be some more when I write them, but these are the ones I got so far. There is also a taglist.
 Oodie-Boogie (Jeremy Renner x female reader)
I Cannoli Have Feelings For You (Clint Barton x female reader)
I’m Your Biggest Flan (Jeremy Renner x female reader)
Thanks For Pudding Up With Me (Mike McLusky x female reader)
You Stole A Pizza My Heart (Clint Barton x female reader)
Taglist: @yavanna80​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ @cavillanche​ @freerebelmentality​ @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ @navybrat817​
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onsunnyside · 4 years ago
𝘾.𝙀. – Famous!Reader
Actress!Reader, Model!Reader
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Read the warnings for each fic.
Organized by author.
← 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘌𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵
@afriendlyblackhottie -
Don't Mess With My... - video vixen!reader
[Risk] [P*$$Y Fairy] - black!pop star!reader
@agentofbarnes -
Jealous, Cap?
@angelkurenai - Pop the question
@angrythingstarlight - Dodger
@avenging-fandoms - I just wanna be costars with Chris and we’re tipsy in a red carpet interview...
@bucksfucks -
just friends
oscar worthy
@buckys-doll-1917 - Jimmy Fallon Interview
@buckyownsmylife -
he tells the world you're dating (when you're not)
Worst Behaviour
you give bff!Chris baby fever
@captainchrisfics -
Endgame Interviews and Special News
Gaps Between Us
@carpediemm-18 -
Baby Fever - pregnant!reader
Match Made on Set
@chanelfaerie - butterflies - age gap
@cherienymphe - None Of Your Concern - dub-con
@chrisskisses - Inked - tattooed!reader
@christ0pher-evans - Variety’s Actors on Actors
@chuckbass-love - Worth The Wait
@cloudednines - Reading Thirst Tweets with Chris Evans
@coolemmasulivan - Sealed with an Accident [1] [2]
@et-lesailes -
thirst tweets
@evxnshoney - luminary - gifs :)
@falcqns -
Age Gap
Lights Up
She - secret relationship
Sunflower, Vol. 6
@fluffymisha97 -
I see you
Marvel tramp
@geniedetails - The Way He Sees You - black woman!actress!reader, dark!chris
@heyiamthatbitch - Convince Him First
@holylulusworld - Burning Hatred
@ilovefandoms102 - I need your muscles to survive
@innocent-chris-evans-slut - [Trust me] [Trust Me - Bonus Scene]
@kiwisomething -
Actor On Model
Broken Water
Fangirl 2.0
Roomies [masterlist]
Stuck With You
@ladyeliot - Show Me Your Phone
@lahyene - Gucci Guilty. - model!reader
@optimistic-dinosaur-nacho -
36. “Fine, just do what you have to do.” - “Can you stop being so freaking cute so I can concentrate?”
First Impressions
I Forgot My Line
Intimate Show
Quarantine Talk Show
@peachyteabuck - eye on the prize
@queensgirl718 -
positions masterlist | completed
spill your guts or fill your guts
@royallyprincesslilly - If You Want It Come and Get It
@speechlessxx - Cherry Chapstick - age gap
@stop-obsessing-over-those-actors - Lights, Camera, Chris
@sylvie-writes - Surprise, World!
@time-for-a-lullaby -
First Love
What A Time... - ex's to lovers
@thecutestlittlebunbunfairy - His Leading Lady - dark!chris
@violetlilysunshine -
Beer Gut
@whiskey-cokenfanfic - Skincare With Chris - model!reader
@worksby-d -
Celebrity Crush [1] [2] [3]
My Best Friend
@you-are-my-sanctuary - Say You'll Remember Me (Even in Your Wildest Dreams) - married sebastian stan x reader later to chris evans x reader
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myreadings · 4 years ago
Chris Evans Library
My favorite fics about Christopher Robert Evans
Started: 08/10/2021
Last Update: 08/10/2021
Total Works: 14
Outnumbered by @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho
My Little Quarantine
All about that beard @angelkurenai
False Fight by @forever-more-never-again
Daddy’s Girls @speechlessxx
spill your guts or fill your guts by @queensgirl718
Home by @darlingsteve
perfect wingman by @celestialbarnes
Dog Park by @angrythingstarlight
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐈𝐭 by @worksby-d
Know Your Spouse by @astranva
Are You Up For The Challenge? Part 2 by @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho
Cherry Chapstick by @speechlessxx
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roamwithahungryheart · 4 years ago
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Well, here it is - the first edition of Smutty Sunday!
Thank you to everyone who submitted stories this week, hopefully there's a little something for everyone! 😉
Usual warnings apply. Please, 18+ ONLY
Without further ado...enjoy! See you next week x
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SACRILEGE / @the-iceni-bitch
MOMENT'S SILENCE / @syntheticavenger (Bonus Frank Adler)
NOW YOU KNOW / @navybrat817
EVERYTHING YOU DO / @kleohoneyao3
EVERYTHING YOU DO / @kleohoneyao3
RED FANTASY / @bluemusickid
LOVING TOUCH / @stargazingfangirl18
TOUCHING YOURSELF / @happygowriting
DIRE CONSEQUENCES / @bluemusickid
INVISIBLE INK / @navybrat817 (Bonus Bucky Barnes)
MORNING LIGHT / @drabblewithfrannybarnes-archives
BEG ME / @jobean12-blog
DAYDREAMING / @ozarkthedog
CLUBS AND THINGS / @marvelmaree
A LITTLE FUN / @whiskey-cokenfanfic
SUGAR / @mxsamwilson
DESSERT / @buckybarnes101
WISH UPON A STAR / @celestialbarnes
PLAYGROUND / @nsfwsebbie
LOSING YOU / @drabblewithfrannybarnes
LIQUID COURAGE / @wintersoldier1989
CAMPING FOR TWO / @theycallmebecca
DISTRACT ME WITH YOUR LIPS / @angrythingstarlight
IS POLO-SEXUAL A THING? / @bluemusickid
LOG OFF / @labella420
THE FLUFFER / @punani
FOR THE HELL OF IT / @syms-things-5
I WOULD DO IT AGAIN (SERIES) / @foodieforthoughts
BLUE / @littlefreya
SUGAR, SUGAR / @keanureevesisbae
TELLTALE HEART / @astroboots
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Permanent taglist: @hiddelstannerbarnes @redlipstickandblacktea @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @djeniiscorner @its-tortle @k347 @ixalit @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @cevansfics @capchrisevaans @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier @musette22 @mcubabydotcom @worksby-d @chuckbass-love @bluemusickid @fallinforevans @hellobeautworld @katiew1973 @just-dreaming-marvel @disaster-dean @rebthom89 @navybrat817​ @just-dreaming-marvel-2 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork ​@navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @what-is-your-plan-today @denisemarieangelina​ @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss​ @brattycherubwrites​ @cherrychris​ @celestialbarnes​​ @the-iceni-bitch​ @caplanbuckybarnes​​ @caplanreads​​ @autumnrose40​ @patzammit​ @mxsamwilson​ @hevans-angel​​ @elvenfforestydd​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @cherry-gemz @buckybarnes101 @libraholland
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bostongirl13 · 4 years ago
Chapter 1 
Summary: She is a federal agent and he is the boss of one of the most powerful mafia.  Fate wanted their paths to cross, which could cost them both more than they were willing to sacrifice. 
Words: 1.5+
Chapter warnings: murder, a description of a dead body 
A/N: I know that two more people wrote to me to tag them, but I forgot. I'm very sorry....😭😓
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New York City was a vast, intricate, labyrinth of noisy, streets and alleys. You could hear the incessant honking of the vehicles even before the sun rose. Impatient businessmen who had to get to the office, mothers who had to leave their children at their schools, facing the puzzling challenge of navigating through the crowd of parents and children; even some of the teachers who had stopped at the local bakery to get a bagel or two before their morning classes. After every person had reached their respective destination, the traffic congestions cleared significantly as if humungous snakes had eaten their fills and were retracting back into their dark and eerie caves. All this made you know that the city is coming to life. And in all this chaos you were. For several hours you've been awake and just entering your office building.
You greeted the security guard at the front desk, handing him a cup of coffee like you did every day when he finished his night shift and you were just starting your day. Dave was a nice man and always ready to help so you didn't mind buying one more drink.
In the elevator you took a deep breath getting ready for a hard day at work. You tweaked the badge on your belt and took your phone out of your pocket to make sure you didn't get any new information on the new case.
As the elevator door opened, you were struck by the smell of carcass, dust and what you called office odor. You couldn't name it, but it was so specific that you wouldn't mistake it for anything else. In addition, it was only noticeable in the offices of the FBI. But not only that was characteristic here. Most of the people, except for undercover agents, wore suits or very formal outfits. You didn't know how to convince yourself of it, and since you started working as an agent, you wore jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, etc.
After saying hello to a few people along the way, your boss stood on a dais, something like half a floor, waiting for you, still glancing at his watch. Your boss was the kind of agent who'd been born in a suit. He was never a baby or an infant. He was a serious man with a serious gun who rolled off the assembly line in Quantico, Virginia. He was shaved 24/7 and he spoke with a baritone voice and clipped legalistic words. Life had no color for him, no shades of grey either, it was all black/white right/wrong legal/illegal. He was the perfect FBI agent.
"Y/L/N" only greeted you by saying your name, and immediately moved towards the conference room.
When you entered a large room with a large table in the center, where several agents were sitting and with whom you had the opportunity to work, you realized by their expressions that it was not an easy case. So you took your seat at the table and looked at the image projected by the projector.
First it was a case number, then a map, a few photos of the city, a few criminals, and finally photos from the crime scene. Your eyes widened, surveying every smallest element of the projected image. You noticed one of the agents covering her mouth with her hand and running out of the room. It must have been new, or this was the first time she had dealt with this type of thing.
The photos showed a lantern on the docks by the port, with fragments of a woman's body hung on thick butcher's hooks.
"I invited you here because each of you, well, almost everyone worked to some extent on similar things. However, in other cases, we did not know who was the culprit. The situation is different here, because this kind of cruelty is characteristic of only one person. As you can see Vladimir Elistratov is back, which means we have a lot of work to do.”
The term "murderer" was now reserved for psychopaths.  There were those that took life and crumpled under the weight of guilt, even if they'd no choice. There were some who killed when necessary and never lost a wink of sleep over it, that's pretty much where you sit. There are others who have made it a whole new hobby, look at them the wrong way and they attacked with lethal force. That last group are the only ones considered murderers now. Vladimir Elistratov belonged to the latter group.
After explaining, assigning tasks, and settling all the details needed for the moment, the agents went their way. You stayed for a while looking at all the photos from the beginning.
"Memories are coming back, aren't they?"
You looked up at your boss.
"You could say that," you laughed nervously. "Elistratov ... It will be a tough business. You know that well, Jack. ”You got up from your chair and put your hands in your jacket pockets.
“I am not saying that it is not. I want to be sure you can do it. Last time…"
“The last time I had less experience and acted in the dark, not knowing what I was doing. Now, well, now I can do more. "
Jack - your boss - said nothing, just nodded, agreeing with what you said.
"Just remember that you can talk to me at any time."
Although everyone thought him to be a cold, typical FBI agent, not expressing emotions, they were wrong. Jack had a heart and soul, and you saw it perfectly well when you dealt with Elistratov for the first time. However, this is not a story for now. What was over and no one will turn back the time. The mistakes were made and you can only pray not to make them again.
Your first task for today was to go to the docks to look around at crime scenes, see if the technicians missed any traces. Not that you didn't trust their abilities, but it must be admitted that each person pays attention to something else. Especially if they work in various positions.
Upon entering the underground garage, you saw a man standing by a black Mustang. He had a paper bag in one hand and a telephone in the other, typing intently, judging by his frown.
"Y/N" the man immediately put the phone away and came over to greet you. "It's been a long time," he laughed and hugged you.
"What are you doing here?"
"I help. Jack didn't mention it? " You shook your head, "Well, maybe he forgot. He is no longer a teenager. Well. Get in. We're going to the docks. The technicians must have missed something. "
You haven't thought about it now, but your boss hasn't forgotten anything. Never. However, you trusted Clint too much to question his words, so without unnecessary words, you got into the car and drove to the indicated place.
Clint was a rather remote FBI agent. He was only summoned for important matters, and so no one ever knew where he was or what he was doing. A real secret agent after all.
When you arrived at the place, you immediately saw yellow tapes separating a certain area, suggesting that this area is forbidden for unauthorized persons. But now it was no longer necessary. Both of you broke the tape and started to circle the area, each one on a different side, looking for some traces.
“Something's not right for me. Why docks, why not a park? There are more people in the park, and as we know Elistratov loves the audience. "
“I also think it's a bit off his style. It's as if the copycat did it and not himself, ”Clint agreed with you. "Fuck, I have to pick it up, ”he said, looking at the screen of the ringing phone. You let him know it was okay and indicated with your hand that you were walking towards the hangars.
At first glance, everything seemed normal. A huge hangar, riddled with years of etching rust and bullets after numerous shootings. In the past, fishing boats were repaired here. Now it was a large building with a lot of metal. You went over to the other side, seeing that you wouldn't find anything here anyway, but still wanted to be sure that you checked every millimeter of the terrain.
And then you saw him. A tall man dressed in an expensive suit - or so you thought - hair combed back and sunglasses. He was leaning against a car, a black Audi, and talking on the phone. You didn't hear what the conversation was about, though, but judging from his clenched jaw, it wasn't pleasant. You took out your phone and took a few hidden photos and sent them to Clint. You looked again at the man who seemed to be staring right at you….
~ To be continued ~
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Tags:  @worksby-d @sweetflowersforthebroken @speechlessxx @angrybirdcr @patzammit @ivettt @ozarkthedog @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @a-moment-captured @buckysteveloki-me @denisemarieangelina @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Series tags: @kelbabyblue @a-moment-captured @wayward-blonde @peaches-roses-sins @cynic-spirit @redhairedfeistynerd @stargazingfangirl18​ 
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optimistic-dinosaur-nacho · 2 years ago
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Ransom Drysdale x Reader (Dad!AU)
Summary: Ransom Drysdale, a man who didn’t make wise decisions in his teens. Wasting three years of his life in jail, he takes his freedom for another two. Little did he know, a woman he long ago had a thing for, ends up leaving him with a 16-year-old for the holidays. Hazel Rose Drysdale. His daughter.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
This takes place after Knives Out. Family will be mentioned/shown, there will be minor spoilers for Knives Out.
Warnings: Bad parenting, swearing, Ransom being an asshole, minor spoilers for Knives Out, angst, mentions of murder/jail, minor mental abuse, mentions of abortion/pregnancy, Mentions of suicide
I do not consent to have my work hosted on any second party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
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Being free was something he’d never experience after jail. Two years after release, he never felt better. Everything was different. His parents never called him at all, sure they were pissed about losing their will for the house and everything inside. Marta was never mentioned since that happened. Five worthless years with the Thrombey and Drysdale families. 
He was fine after his three years in jail. It was hell, he made a couple friends with just a few punches. Being the most charismatic and asshole, he made himself stand out more and he didn’t fear that. He kept his distance between certain men, almost half of them were murderers like him. But theirs were gruesome. Many of them called him the Amateur Senior Killer.
Just like he said to Detective Blanc, his lawyer got him out of a life sentence. So he spent his time going to bars and meeting women as the usual thing he did since. Linda still had Ransom as her son but she never had the guts to speak to him. She’d send him money if she wanted to. Ransom made some off of things he can’t explain to others.
With a swift push for his front door to open, Ransom stepped in and closed his door roughly. His lights were all on, the orange sunset light-like lights dimmed the home as warm and welcoming. His floor to ceiling windows looked out to the trees and other homes that were all large spaces apart from each other. His was at the end of the road and happened to be one of the most expensive homes there. Boston wasn’t cheap. Though he could afford the house.
And then his phone went off. 
He groans and slips his coat off, dropping it on the head of the couch and digging into his pocket. The third ring was cut off once he pushed the green button on the unknown number.
“Hello?” He blurts into the phone. “Hugh?” A female voice says, Ransom furrows his brows and closes his eyes shut. “Who is this?” He asks. The woman on the other end sighed softly. “It’s me.”
“Who?” He was really getting irritated by the lack of answering the damn ‘who is this’ question. “Y/N.” Ransom turns his head to the corner of the room, brows aching by how long he held them furrowed. He chuckles softly, “Is this the blonde chick? I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m not interested anymore.”
“It’s Y/N L/N,” You said into the phone more forcefully. You turn to Hazel who sat on the couch listening to your conversation. You quirked a brow at her. Hazel really wanted to be with this asshole? 
“You?” He asks, sounding surprised yet sounding sarcastic, “Well, it’s been a while.” You look at your fingernails, sucking on the inside of your cheek before grinning sarcastically that he couldn’t see. “It has,” You replied in a monotone. “So... where are you now?” He asks, you slightly turn your head to that question. “In San Francisco.” 
“You’re living in a shit city, you know that, right?” He asks, you slightly laugh. “The city’s nice. So far for 16 years, we’ve been doing pretty good.” 
“How are your parents?”
“What do you care?” You asked, you could tell Ransom was grinning on the other end. Who knew you were feisty these days. Ransom stares out his window, imagining where you’d be standing. Watching across the country to see each other as if you were just a few feet away. Some kind of force pulling you two in. A negative one.
He shrugs, “Just starting a conversation.”
You turn away from your window and stare at the mirror in front of you. Ransom shoves his other hand in his pocket and sighed softly. “How is she?” He wondered. You turned to sit on the edge of your bed, “She’s fine.” Your eyes look down into your lap and your other hand pulls the edge of your shirt.
“She wants to see you.”
Ransom scoffed a laugh, “See me?” By his response, you already knew it was going to be difficult for him to not refuse. It would have to take years for him to accept it. But with the amount of thinking of it, it could change his mind. “She wants to fly over to Boston and-” Ransom chuckles again. “-She wants to visit.”
“Believe it or not, I’ve been a hell of a lot busier than I was 5 years ago. So, sorry to crush a little girl’s dream.” Ransom turns away from the window and heads over to the living room. Ransom then heard you scoff. “Bullshit, you sat on your ass all day and night while your mom shined your damn shoes. I’m guessing you would have some hooker do that now, huh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t do relationships,” He deadpans. 
“Yeah, after what we did.”
“After what you did,” He replies. Ransom was just about to start pushing your buttons now, so you stood up, “It wasn’t my fault. An asshole like you wants to pop his cherry, not me.” 
“You’re the one who said yes.”
You rolled your eyes, “How much are you willing to do it? Name your price.” Ransom smirks confusingly, he laughs, “You’re that desperate to get rid of her.” You shook your head, “No! I’m doing this for her! Sixteen years and you’re scared to be in the same room with her.”
“I’m not scared of anything, I could care less. My father has been a dick to me since I was born. So why be there for her?”
“You’re her father, Hugh,” You replied, “If anything you’re an asshole.”
“That’s nothing new to me. Try another,” He taunts, you realized how much he loved to hear you shout at him. Like he had a bottle for every argument you had and he could sell those bottles a dollar each and get a couple hundred bucks out of it. It could be some turn-on for him. So you scoffed, “Oh, I have more. I rather not say it while she’s in the other room.”
“She doesn’t know?”
“I didn’t bother her to look up your damn name.”
“She would have the chance now if she knows my name. Not everyone lives a happy life, so tell her her father doesn’t want her around and that she will never see this face.” You inhaled sharply to let out more words till you heard the click of line die. Pulling your cell away, his number disappears and your phone returns to your home screen. A picture of you and Hazel at the park with smiles on your faces. Who knew if you didn’t have smiles on your faces if Ransom was still in your life. His family who were completely crazy and every get-together was a total freak show.
You’d be tugging out your hair every day and night, having to worry about someone who was controlling and only cared about what he had in his bank account. Only cared about getting laid every night at the bar. But if you were with him, maybe rent wouldn’t be this hard for you. You’d probably have a better job than a journalist. Became a writer instead. Wrote about something similar to your daughter’s grandfather’s stories.
Though he no longer existed, the company Blood Like Wine Publishing was given away to a young woman. You believed her name was written in the article years ago when the police closed in on the case and arrested someone from the home. Ransom.
He attempted to murder his own grandfather or have someone take his place murdering Harlan, but didn’t get him far with a blackmail and the killing of their housekeeper. Arson for the small clinic and this was something that shocked you years ago. Ransom was the black sheep of the family, you knew it from the first day you met him. 
A quiet kid at first, but weeks later he became a spoiled asshole who pushed every kid into dark pits. You remembered how many times he got you into trouble when you simply just followed him around like a lost dog. He was suspended almost every week. He was never expelled and the rumors spread that his family threatened the school if they ever did expel the boy.
In high school, he got more quiet. The rude comments never faltered. Every day, his face was always dead stare. For hours, he’d go on about how mad his family was. Ain’t that the truth. Never in your life saw Ransom kill someone. You did think of it but never thought he was that crazy to do so. 
Desperate for money. That’s what he wants and you tried to offer him some just so your daughter could see him for once. You worried if he would threaten her and she’d do something irrational and it’d be his fault. But for the most of it, it would be yours. Letting your daughter stay with him. You would consider being the worst mother in the world. If Ransom doesn’t call back, then there would be bad news for your daughter, Hazel. You figured Ransom would say no and it disgusts you that you called him for an answer you knew he’d say. You open the door to the small living room sharing itself with the kitchen, you realize Hazel was in her room with the light on. You almost forgot about the dinner you planned to make so you pulled out the pasta and began to make macaroni and cheese. 
During the dinner, you two ate at the table and began to finish up until Hazel cleared her throat. “So… did you…?” You peer up at her and softly breathed through your nose. “I…” You began, but the words weren’t ready to come out, but you had to think, “...did, but there was no answer. He might have changed his number.” Hazel looked down at her plate and took a spoonful of pasta. “But I’ll promise you, I’ll show you what Boston looks like.” Hazel was starting to almost pout but she kept her emotions to herself. “Rosie, baby…” You reached for her hand and gently held it. “Your father was not a good person years ago even when I was your age. His family is just as bad. I want to do what you want to do, but I also want to protect you because they never protected me.”
You let go of her hand and sighed. 
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Ransom was throwing off his coat after noon and felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He picks it up, “Hi, I’m a little busy. Can you call me another time?” He asks. “Mr. Drysdale, you can’t just reject the help.” He smirks and adjusts the phone, “Uh, yeah, I don’t pay for a therapist, my mother did, her money not mine, so I can reject it.”
“That’s not how that works, Ransom. After your release, the judge suggests you look into treatment and coping with your family’s problems with someone who can help you.” Ransom sits down and sighs, “Gwen, I just don’t feel like talking about myself or my family. Fuck them.” Gwen is Ransom’s current therapist after his release and in the first weeks of it, his sessions with her were the worst of his life. He felt like he was forced to talk about everything and he didn’t share a lot of it. Everything was about his family and his grandfather that he didn’t want to talk shit about. 
“I’m assuming something bad came up in your week, Ransom.”
“Fucking ex called me last night about a our daughter wanting to come to Boston, but fuck her.”
“A daughter?” Gwen asks. “Not my kid,” Ransom scoffs. Gwen hums on the other end, “Have you been intimate with this ex?” Ransom drew his head back into those days of high school. “Like a horn-dog.” Gwen responds with a soft okay. Ransom realizes he’s been pushed without thinking, “But that’s not what I want to talk about.”
“I think we should,” Gwen says, “There may be something to resolve with it.” Ransom shakes his head, “I left her when I was 18 after that I didn’t have any problems. Except my mother flipping over that I have a daughter roaming around but I’m sure that bitch cheated.” Gwen hums again, “We can talk more about this daughter of yours on Thursday. So I’ll set the appointment and I hope you come and drop by, Ransom.”
“I don’t think s–”
“Goodbye.” Ransom stops and the line dies, his hand falls to his thigh and he stares at his phone. His fingers grip the edge of his case and he yells, throwing his phone across the room. “Fuck!” Ransom didn’t know why he got angry, was it the idea of his therapist knowing his daughter is roaming on this earth or that his ex is still alive?
You were in the office, typing away on another paper about the ideal of financial planning and it was due in the next day or two. “How’s the paper going?” Charles asks, peering over the small separating walls. You jump at the slightest, “Oh, it’s going well, I just need a couple more sentences and it should be able to go into the papers.” Charles gives you his softest grin of approval, “Fantastic, Eddie will be so pleased.” Charles stayed there until you made your way to the copy machine and printed out the papers. He leaned on the counter. “Are you doing okay?” He asked. You look up to him and pinched your brows inward.
“Yes? Why?”
“I can tell by how tense you are.”
“I’m fine, I just didn’t get enough sleep,” You chuckle it off and staple the papers together. “Maybe you should take the rest of the few hours off then, sweetheart.” You smiled softly at him and shook your head. “I can’t do that.” Charles shrugs, “Not if I say so.” You peer at him. He nods you off, “Go take it off, or allow me to get you some brunch.”
“My lunch break doesn’t start till 12.” Charles takes the papers out of your hand gently and hands them to Susan. “Can you slide these into Eddie’s bin, please?” She nods and walks off with them allowing you to somewhat relax. He gestures. “Come on, I’ll take you to Homeroom.” You follow Charles down to the large parking lot and see his car parked in the Reserved Area. 
He opens the passenger door for you and you politely thank him as he hums and closes the door after you. Charles was always a man with a king heart, you never noticed if he has a wife or his own kids, but you never see a ring on his finger. “Alright,” He sighs, sliding in the driver’s seat. “I hope you like mac and cheese, Homeroom is known to have such good food.” 
You didn’t reject his offer of choice because you were there before but so long ago. You couldn’t help but admire Charles as such a great person you have ever met.
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Want a Tag? Just ask!
Bad Blood Taglist:
@just-one-ordinary-fangirl​​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @js3639​@perplexed3001​ @rebthom89​ @honeybearbarzal​
Official Taglist
@chrisevans-imagines @princess-evans-addict @elliee1497 @ifuseekamyevans @rororo06 @donutloverxo @axen-gers @patzammit @bucksgoat @lovepeacefood @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @cheeseburgersstuff @nickysurfer28 @jtargaryen18 @star-spangled-beard-burn​ @mcntsee​ @chuckbass-love​ @sebbystanlover-vk​  @captainamerica-is-bae​ @just-one-ordinary-fangirl​ @bval-1​ @nbarnes @stop-obsessing-over-those-actors @captain-a-rogerss @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @la-cey @void-hoechlin @stargazingfangirl18 @captain-a-rogerss @adriannajackson @onetwo3000
If your name is crossed out it doesn’t mean you’re removed, it means that you might have changed your user and i don’t know who you are so if you’re crossed out update your user with me! thank you!​
Want a tag? Just ask!
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smilexcaptainx · 5 years ago
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!! 💙✨
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hettiesworld · 2 years ago
Hettie’s Love Hearts Challenge
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I have made a challenge. A Valentines Day challenge.
Rules are simple. There will be a bunch of dialogue prompts and love songs. You can choose any Marvel character to use in this challenge. Pick any of the things below and write a drabble/one-shot/series for this Valentines Day.
More Rules Below...
You can choose either a prompt, song or both of them.
You don’t have to follow me as this is for anyone and everyone. But I’d appreciate it!
There is, however, a limit of two prompts per writer (unless you’re doing a series, then you can have at least 4).
There is no limit of songs but there is a limit of 2 stories per character.
There can be smut and dark themes, just put a warning for them before you write the stories.
They can be either reader-insert or OC stories.
Ethnic, interracial, LGBTQ+ and polyamorous stories are welcome and encouraged.
Minimum of 500 words (unless there are drabbles - then that’s fine)
It must be an original work and not apart of an existing series.
No sexual situations with minors, no bodily functions and stuff like that.
Deadline is until the end of March.
When you have your stories written, tag me in those fics, and use the tag #hettieslovehearts2023
Valentines Day prompts
“How fitting that we met on Valentine’s Day”
“I’m trying to tell you that I love you!”
“God, you’re beautiful”
“I hate to tell you this, but I’m allergic to those flowers”
“Good morning~ I love you.”
“Roses are red, violets are blue…You will always be my boo.”
“I set up the blanket fort. The password to get in is three words.”
“I’d be perfectly happy walking around and holding hands.”
“I love the presents you got me, but nothing compares to your hugs.”
Write your own!
Love songs prompts
At Last by Etta James
How Deep Is Your Love by Bee Gees
Late Night Talking by Harry Styles
A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You by Frankie Valli
My Favourite Part by Mac Miller ft. Ariana Grande
Still Into You by Paramore
There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back by Shawn Mendes
Love on Top by Beyoncé
L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole
That’s the Way Love Goes by Janet Jackson
Kiss Me More by Doja Cat ft. SZA
Be creative with your stories remember! I will also participate in these!
@navybrat817​ @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ @freerebelmentality​ @cavillanche​ @raewritesfiction​ @averyrogers83​
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork · 4 years ago
Ambie Bambi babie you gotta help me out. I started Defending Jacob last night and finished he whole damn thing in one sitting. So, you know, I'm feeling all tingly thanks to Mr Barber. Oh, the unprofessional things I'd do with him... HE COULD BEND ME OVER HIS DESK AND TAKE ME IN HIS OFFICE, IF HE SO PLEASES- With that being said, got any steamy Andy fics to recommend? Help a bitch out, PLEASE!
Oh Babes... Andy Barber is a whole god damn mood. I would move in with him and NEVER leave. I love him so much. I would be encouraging him to bend me over his desk 7 days a week. Morning, noon and night. 
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Some of my personal favorite Andy Barber fics- 
Good Stuff by @avintagekiss24, also she has several other excellent Andy stories on her masterlist worth checking out. I just read One Cup Sugar, One Cup Spice... Excellent writing. 
Pull It Harder by @angrythingstarlight. She indulged me with this one and I reread it frequently. 
Dynamite and Whiskey by @jtargaryen18. She also just started a series called Barber & Weiss which is incredibly hot and fascinating. Worth checking out as well. 
Soft Landing by @what-is-your-backupplan-today. A nice smutty one-shot done for a challenge. 
 @stargazingfangirl18 has several Andy Fics. They are all excellent.
@navybrat817 also has several Andy Fics that I highly recommend. 
@ozarkthedog has several Andy Fics and Drabbles that are all smutty delights. 
Then Im gonna shamelessly toss in my own Andy Pieces, they are mostly just smutty thoughts, but something there might hit just right. 
other writers that have done some Andy Fics @donutloverxo @tropicalcap @andybarberslxt @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho  @imanuglywombat @mypoisonedvine
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onsunnyside · 4 years ago
𝙎.𝙍. – Fluff, Soft fics
soft!steve, meet cute, crushes, established relationships…
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Read the warnings for each fic.
Organized by author.
← 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵
@ambrosiase - Stolen Sweaters
@angel-spidey - Lover
@angrybirdcr - Dream Of Me
@bonky-n-steeb - drunk in love
@buckysharmony - under his touch
@buckysknifecollection - The little spy
@carpediemm-18 - Moment(s)
@ciarawritesmarvel - a worthwhile catfish - tinder au
@cloudystevie - drunk steve talks about your sex life
@crispychrissy -
Robotic Heart
Star Spangled Scare
@dxisyrogers -
i thought i lost you again
holding hands
@egcdeath - finders keepers - neighbours
@fanficimagery - Imagine chaperoning your little brother on a field trip of his, only to end up chatting with Captain America.
@gotnofucks - The Airport Cliché
@honeyloverogers - [Babies! Assemble] [Alternative: Baby Self]
@howardpotts - Café
@imamotherfuckingstar-lord -
Imagine meeting Steve at the grocery store - personal trainer!steve
Imagine mentally undressing Steve
Imagine messing with Steve’s shirts
Imagine Nat & you teasing Steve
Imagine Steve asking you out
@itsallyscorner - Steve's First Valentine
@itsjustmelainey - New Pillow - nomad!steve
@jamalflanagan - Let Me Upgrade You
@jesuschristtakethewheel - Wanna Bet?
@jtargaryen18 - How to Dismantle Steve Rogers
@just-one-ordinary-fangirl - Protective - pregnant!reader
@jurassicbarnes - Love Him in the Morning
@kidney9-9 -
Gen Z Slang
Wrong Guy - cop!reader
@kiwisomething -
Back To The Future
Cookie Dough Ice Cream - pregnant!reader
@lilbabycee - all good
@mischiefsemimanaged - “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
@mrslilyrogers - Fall into Love - scientist/doctor!reader
@movedvalkyriesryde - We’re Married - modern au
@nev3rfound -
girls night
you came home?
@notyetneedcoffee - Glasshouse
@oliverwxod -
Burning with your touch - touch starved!steve
Use Somebody
@optimistic-dinosaur-nacho -
Countryside Home
It’s A Baby
Long, Long Time
@pies-writes-and-more -
A French Kiss - modern au, meet cute
Imagine Your Boyfriend, Steve, Crashes Your Vacation Because He Misses You
Take A Hint
@river-soul - Dating for Dummies
@rodrikstark -
s. rogers + giving him a cool rock
s. rogers + his endgame hair
s.rogers + singing in the shower
@sagechanoafterdark - What's New Pussycat? - bucky x reader, steve x reader, werecat!steve, crack humour
@searchforanotherway - Star Beat - dark fluff (?)
@slyyywriting - Nice Guys Finish Last - avenger!reader
@speechlessxx - invisible string
@starfleetstgmgr - Taste Test
@stargazingfangirl18 -
Captain Handsome
Laser Tag
Touch Starved
@stop-obsessing-over-those-actors - Got the Hots
@storiesofthefandomlovers - If I Loved You
@sweetlyscared - Like One of Your French Girls
@thighs-of-betrayal-blog - Setup Gone Right
@trillian-anders - the howlers - drummer!steve
@winterseba - one coffee please - coffee shop meet cute
@waiting4inspiration - The Flirt
@you-are-my-sanctuary - Red
207 notes · View notes
myreadings · 4 years ago
The Avengers Cast Library
My favorite fics about The Avengers Cast
Started: 08/10/2021
Last Update: 08/10/2021
Total Works: 8
Handmade with Love by @capsicletho-archive
Sleeping Beauty
In Character(x Chris Evans) by @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho
False Fight(x Chris Evans) by @forever-more-never-again
A Different Kind of Family
Memorable by @winter-james
Volunteer by @slytherinchevy
tic-tac-toe by @cherrycheridarling
Hell’s Kitchen by @yourmcu
Y/n Youtube Compilation Masterlist by @theblueprintshawty
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roamwithahungryheart · 4 years ago
Two birds, one sexy stone
Okay, so this was a request from @mcubabydotcom and I thought I'd ease in gently (no pun intended....or was it?) and then I got a little carried away and wrote more than expected...what can I say? You read one article and one forum thread and you get more ideas! C'est la vie.
It's time to introduce...cockwarming with Chris.
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Lazy mornings never really meant anything until you met Chris. Over the past year, you’d learned to slow down. To appreciate the time you had together. When he came home from working away, there was nothing you loved more than waking up to find him next to you again. Morning sex was just a fun bonus.
Last night he’d come home and you’d had – by your own admission – the slowest, laziest sex you’d had in a while. But it didn’t really matter, because you were together. However, a shock came in the morning when you woke to find him snoring on top of you. Still inside you. You shifted against the mattress, trying to wake him up. Nothing. You slapped his back and he jumped into consciousness. The way he jolted made him push lightly against your walls.
Maybe you didn’t mind this after all.
When his eyes were fully open, he looked down and let out a soft moan.
“Okay, time to move.” He started to roll away, but you grabbed his shoulders, keeping him in place.
“Is it weird that this is actually kind of comfortable?”
Chris chuckled. “I’m not gonna complain.”
“We’ll get dressed in a bit, just give it another minute.”
“I’m getting the feeling you wanna try this again sometime?” He shifted again, hips bucking slightly.
“Oh yeah.” You panted. “Absolutely.”
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A week after what became known – thanks to a quick Google search - as ‘The Accidental Cockwarming Incident’, you found Chris in the living room channel surfing. Dodger was stretched out beside him on the floor, his ears pricking up as you entered the room. Looking up from your phone, you fumbled in Dodger’s toy box for his favorite plush lion, tossing it into the hallway. He leapt into action and obediently followed his friend, leaving you alone with Chris.
You’d come prepared, wearing only one of Chris’s many plaid shirts, slightly unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up. Making your way over to the couch, you straddled Chris, He didn’t respond. He was distracted by some low mumbling Discovery Channel documentary.
You were about to embark on a discovery of your own.
As you settled, the warmth from your core finally made Chris look up.
“Hey.” he dragged his hands up your thighs and over your hips, giving you a gentle squeeze.
“Hey.” You didn’t look up from your phone. You continued to scroll through your social media as you subtly rocked against him. It didn’t take long for him to catch onto your wicked plan. The grip on your hips tightened. You could feel him growing to meet your arousal. You shuffled back a little to release him from his sweats, then re-positioned yourself with a shaky inhale as he slid inside you.
“What are you doing?” He smirked, reaching for your hips again, desperate to buck up against you. You clenched against him to keep him still.
“Just chilling.” You shrugged.
He changed the channel again.
Oh no. Football. You were gonna lose him.
You slipped a hand under his shirt, grazing his skin, pressing yourself a little further into him. When that no longer worked, you stroked his cheek and laced your fingers together, hands clasped languidly over the edge of the couch. Every so often, you would give him a gentle squeeze to keep the Captain happy.
For the first time in a long time, Chris turned off a Patriots game.
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Permanent taglist: @hiddelstannerbarnes @redlipstickandblacktea @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @djeniiscorner @its-tortle @k347 @ixalit @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @cevansfics @capchrisevaans @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier @musette22 @mcubabydotcom @worksby-d @chuckbass-love @bluemusickid @fallinforevans @hellobeautworld @katiew1973 @disaster-dean @rebthom89 @navybrat817​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork ​@navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @what-is-your-plan-today @denisemarieangelina​ @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss​ @brattycherubwrites​ @cherrychris​ @celestialbarnes​​ @the-iceni-bitch​ @caplanbuckybarnes​​ @caplanreads​​ @autumnrose40​ @patzammit​ @mxsamwilson​ @hevans-angel​​ @elvenfforestydd​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @cherry-gemz @buckybarnes101 @libraholland @bigsisromanoff @madbaddic7ed @foodieforthoughts @henrythickcavill @hlkwrites
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iguessweallcrazyithinktho · 5 years ago
Imagine your son thinking your so beautiful and he doesn't want Chris to see you
Gif not mine. Credit to the owner
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smoothing out your blue dress, you looked in the mirror. You and Chris were going on a date, for the first time,in a long time. You wanted to look beautiful and that was proven when Oliver walked in.
"oh Mama!" You turned towards the door, seeing your 5 year old. "Hi bubba." You kneeled down to his height, hugging him when he walked up to you. You kissed his cheek and pulled away. "What are you doing?" You softly asked him.
"I came to see you. Mommy, your so beautiful." His little eyes lit up as he looked into your eyes. You blushed at his cuteness. "Thank you, buddy." He laughed and hugged you again.
In that moment Chris walked in. Oliver walked in and gasped. "No go away daddy!" Oliver quickly walked to the door, closing it before Chris could even walk in. You laughed at him.
"Oliver, I'm supposed to be taking mommy on a date." Chris shouted from the other side of the door. Oliver opened the door and frowned at Chris. "Not yet daddy. I look at how beautiful mommy is."
Oliver was about to close the door, but Chris stopped him. "Can we both look at how beautiful mommy is?" Oliver looked at you and then Chris.
"no." With that he shut the door on his face. Chris groaned on the other side of the door. You giggled softly, as he walked back into your arms.
@chris-butt @princess-evans-addict @patzammit @bval-1 @denisemarieangelina @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @london-dreamer71 @enn-j @starpangled @la-cey @rynabarnesrogers-reading @harrysthiccthighss @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @captainamerica-is-bae @raveviolet
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pagesoflauren · 4 years ago
Money’s Worth - Harlan’s Firsts
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Summary: Harlan Jr. is reaching some important milestones, and Ransom is a little too excited about them.
A/N: The third of ten things I’ll be posting in response to requests for my Ten Year Anniversary on Tumblr! I got an overwhelming amount of people asking for dad Ransom and what it’s like when Harlan has his firsts, so here are some of them.
The Highest Bidder Masterlist
Money’s Worth Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“Alright,” Ransom says, fastening the last strap of the diaper on his son’s bottom, “There ya go, buddy. You’re all cleaned up. Ready for action.”
Junior emits a few soft gurgles as Ransom bends down to put the baby wipes back where they belong beneath the changing table. When he straightens up, he sees his son’s eyes brighten as the corners of his mouth curl up in a toothless smile. 
It makes his heart feel light as he returns the smile, picking his son up. 
“Feelin’ happy?” he muses to the baby, settling him against his side. “Let’s bring some of that happiness to mommy, she’s been a little sad lately.” 
Returning to work was looming over your head, stressing both you and Ransom out as you prepare for him to be alone with his son for most of the day. Luckily, grandad Harlan was more than happy to let the men of your house visit his estate so that Ransom wouldn’t be completely alone.
“Darling, which leftovers do you want for lunch?” 
Junior coos at the sound of your voice, smiling again. 
“My little sun beam,” Ransom says quietly to him, kissing his cheek before calling to you, “D’we still got the pasta, sunshine?”
“Yeah, there’s plenty of that.” 
You’re taking the containers out of the fridge when they enter the kitchen, your face shifting from one of neutral concentration to excitement. “Is he smiling?”
“Yeah, look at that,” Ransom says, looking back at his son’s face. “He’ll be charming the ladies in no time.” 
“Nice priorities,” you deadpan before rushing to them. “He’s never smiled before! Was your first smile at mommy?” you coo, brushing a finger against his cheek.
“Ah, ah, no,” your husband protests, “His first smile was at me. He smiled when I changed him.”
It doesn’t seem to disappoint you, you’re excited all the same. “Ransom, that’s wonderful! Aww,” you pause, tearing up a bit. “He loves you so much.” 
Harlan Jr. hasn’t stopped smiling, eyes darting between both his parents as the two of you just watch him. 
When he first saw the little grin, Ransom didn’t think much of it. But now, knowing he had never smiled before today, he plays the image in his head over and over again, hoping he’ll never forget it. 
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Harlan had been able to stand for a few weeks now. It was exciting and both of you were waiting for him to walk at any moment. 
Ransom sat at his desk, keyboard clicking away beneath his fingertips as he furiously worked through a spur of inspiration. 
To his left, there’s a flash a movement and he turns, finding his son standing on wobbly legs as he comes towards his dad. When their eyes meet, he babbles.
Choked up, Ransom feels like his heart could explode out of his chest. “Whatcha doin’ buddy? You walking?” he asks, smiling so wide it almost hurts. 
Bending down when he is just a step away, he catches him as he stumbles forward, lifting him up. Harlan giggles and wiggles a little, smiling down at his father. 
Ransom closes his laptop and sets aside the novel for the day, spending time just sitting on the floor, watching Harlan crawl and walk around the house. 
You sigh as you come home, toeing off your shoes at the door. You go upstairs to unwind a bit before eating dinner, dressing down into your pajamas. Venturing downstairs feeling comfy, you find Ransom and Harlan at the table, the baby standing on your husband’s lap. 
“Hey! Sunshine, you’ll never believe this!” he exclaims, almost jumping up before he remembers his son is on his lap. “He walked! His first steps! And I’m so happy, but I’m sorry you weren’t here--” 
“No, no,” you wave your hand, taking a seat across from him. “It’s okay. I’m glad you got to see them.” 
“I-are you sure? I wish I had recorded it,” he sighs.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you smile, making a plate for yourself. “I’ve got two more opportunities to see one of my babies’ first steps.” 
Ransom continues to gush as you watch and listen, not having the heart to tell him Harlan had walked the night before with you as his only witness. 
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With Harlan already walking, you knew it was only a matter of time before he began talking. 
You lounge on the play carpet in the den, the TV of soft din in the background, though you and Ransom aren’t watching. 
Junior sits up, playing with a talking and dancing puppy toy. Boxer, the actual puppy in the house, was occupied with his own toy, chewing and growling a bit. 
“You have two puppies, Harlan,” you point out. “Toy puppy,” you tap the green electronic plushy, “And real puppy.” You point to Boxer.
You and Ransom freeze, eyes tacked to the baby. 
“What did you say?” you prod, “Puppy?”
“No,” your husband protests, “No! He’s saying ‘papa.’” 
“Pupup,” Harlan utters again, patting the toy on its head. “Pupup.” He points to the canine, who tilts his head in curiosity. 
“Harlan, what are you doing,” Ransom questions urgently, “Papa’s here. I’m up here on the couch. Harlan, Har--”
“Darling,” you laugh, shushing him. You reach over and pat his knee. “You got his first smile and first steps. Let Boxer have something.” 
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Permatag: @caffiend-queen​​ @fckdeusername​​ @lou-la-lou​​ @bangtan-serendipity​​ @stargazingfangirl18​​ @lovemarvelousfics​​ @rainbowkisses31​​ @richonne4life​​ @damnndeanndamnn​​ @meetmeatyourworst​​ @tinyplanet-explorer​​ @vivien-1211​​ @unknownmystery22​​ @nerdygirl8203​​ @xoxabs88xox​​​ @mariaenchanted​​ @gotnofucks​​ @denisemarieangelina​​ @myoxisbroken​​ @kelbabyblue @pspice639​​ @maynay43​​ @just-another-wretched-egg​​ @jennmurawski13​​ @avantgardium-leviosa​​ @random-butterfly​​ @rachelderivia​​ @kenzieam​​ @bluemusickid​​
Chris tag: @onetwo3000​​ @patzammit​​ @astheworlddturns​​ @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @maeleeme​​ @tvckerlance​​ @thiskindahotkindamusic​​ @inactivewhore​​ @fizzahocleirigh
Ransom tag: @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​​
Highest Bidder Taglist: @imanuglywombat​ @sapphirescrolls​ @ladynightshade30​ @angstsfordays​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @what-is-your-backupplan-today​ @geniedetails​ @twittytelly​ @an-awkward-human-1​ @fanfiction-trashpile @jtargaryen18​ @donutloverxo​ @princess-evans-addict​ @asiaaisa77​ @my-emotional-self​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @captainchrisstan​ @buchanansebba​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @andiebell2023​ @avengerraven1023​ @dahkness​ @thatonefangirl111 @sllooney​ @sheerfreesia007​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @suzieqsez​ @edge-ofparadise​ @bellaireland1981​ @tinystudentfirepurse​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @siggy85​ @thatweirdwalangpake​ @captain-asthmatic​ @mery-be​ @isaxhorror @everythingisoverrated​ @imboredat2am​ @tsunderebae009​ @arseofrivia @alexakeyloveloki​ @heyarely16​ @empower-bi-women​ @buckaro0 @readermia​ @bubbaduck33​ @ssworldofsw​ @woah-kanda @itgetsdarksometimes35​ @pinkshenanigan​ @sweetwaterprincess​ @mrsenos08​ @flowersnbeer​  @syms-things-5​ @leahedgehog​ @chase-your-dreams-away​ @innocent-chris-evans-slut​ @what-is-your-wish​ @candy-and-writing​ @shayrey​ @princessofdarkwinter @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ @ornella0910​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @justlovelifeblog​ @wxstedhexrt​ @taketimeandappreciate​ @abundanceofcarolines​ @cassim297 @rachellovesharry @orenjineki​ @heyitsmeimdead​ @omgkatinka​ @mandiiblanche​ @mrsdeanwinchester19​ @wtfevenismypage​ @nannies-dont-date​ @cockslut-padalecki​ @buckysknifecollections​ @wth-trippy​ @riverscyberwife​ @capcevans81​ @lunarmoon8​ @nowigetthereference​ @cltex84​ @x-abi-sharp-x​ @miss-jackson500​ @corneliabarnes @rogertaylur @selinakyle373​ @tuiccim​ @celestialblu7​ @miri-est-fou​ @inspiritlikedaa​ @pastathighs​ @capsicle-shield​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @badbo1-evans @wandascarlett​ @saint-bvcky​ @newdaynewyearnewlife​ @arianabrashierstuff​ @goldenfightergir​ @lalalalemonade11​ @actuallygroot @smediumsmeatbae​ @may-machin​ @onelovesr​ @loustan90​ @perplexed3001​ @deafeningwritingtechnologysoul​ @rhumphr4​ @pandawalnut​ @fanngirl19​ @bostongirl13​
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