#cursebreaker harry potter
hp-fanfic-archive · 2 months
at the end of his tether by hellebored Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: M Word Count: 4k There's a worn page folded in an inner pocket of Harry's robes with a single underlined paragraph. Discrete magical signatures have been observed after the destruction of a Dementor. Some scholars believe this implies that the souls of its victims persist as captives within its form, as opposed to undergoing immediate obliteration, and therefore serve the purpose of providing the creature with sustenance over a prolonged period of time. Harry has carried it for nearly two years.
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falkendreamsxxx · 10 months
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The Best Kept Secrets Are Curses
On Ao3 and FFN
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mllemacabre · 3 months
Leave it to me
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Leaning casually against the side of the low partition between her open living space and modest kitchen, Hermione watches as Malfoy speaks to Crookshanks. Malfoy is leaning close to the orange cat and whispering conspiratorially,  oblivious to her presence. To her chagrin, the great ball of fluff paws at a length of thick jute that the impossibly tall, impeccably, and insufferably attractive man is dragging back and forth across the countertop in front of him, entirely too kitten-like for his advanced years.
It was already quite late; Hermione had been in bed reading when the floo had roared to life, signalling that someone was stepping through the network directly into her home without any forewarning or invitation. She knew her floo was only open to a select few, and not hearing anyone calling her name in panic, she had taken her time leaving her room to discover who was visiting at such a late hour. As no one was sobbing, cursing the universe, or drunkenly knocking things over, the possible list of visitors was much shorter than the total of all who had an open invitation to come and go as they pleased. It became a list of one when she heard the telltale sound of expensive shoes clicking across flagstone, then hardwood, and finally to tile as they made their way to her kitchen.
Malfoy, or Draco as he continues to insist she refers to him as in their daily dealings, had been added to her privileged personal floo access barely two weeks before this unannounced intrusion. He was adamant that it was for the simple reason that it would make consulting with her on their shared curse-breaking research much easier, as owls were notoriously slow in relaying urgent messages, such as they would need during this particular project. Despite her best efforts, Draco was not persuaded to use a muggle cell phone, as the man’s ancient wards made it impossible to guarantee the messages would reach him with any reliability. So far, this had led him to stop by almost daily with meticulous notes, rare reference texts, enough expensive coffee to drown a small village, and enough treats to have won over her aged familiar.  Work on their current project, an artefact locked behind an obscure ancient curse, had kept him over for hours on end, discussing and debating the minutiae of facts and methods, ordering in meals, and keeping late hours as they unravelled the complicated nature that kept the artefact in question beyond reach. He had thoroughly, without apology, inserted himself into her personal space as if he belonged in her orbit on the sole merit of his existence.
“Yes, that’s quite right. This is prey most noble for one such as yourself. Intelligent beast, aren’t you? A chaser to the bone.” Draco keeps his voice low, speaking to her familiar with in a voice barely above a whisper, and yet it carries well through the space; it is soft and deep, sending a not-unpleasant tingle through Hermione’s nerves as she watches him. Next to where he stands in a new stack of what appears to be ancient scrolls, possibly his reason for such a late visit. A discovery that apparently could not wait for the sun to rise. His platinum blonde hair, almost white, sweeps down across his forehead. His forearms flex almost imperceptibly as he keeps the end of the jute length just out of reach of sharp claws. His shoulders stretch the fabric of his white Oxford in ways that make her bite her lip, imagining the expanse of skin and the muscle beneath it. Hermione wonders briefly how warm his skin is. Would there be any resistance?  How would it feel to run her nails along his spine, and would she be able to differentiate the notches between them? All in all, Draco Malfoy has thoroughly ruined her without even touching her.
“That’s not a cat toy, I’ll have you know Malfoy. Honestly, it shouldn’t even be out here in the first place.”
Briefly, Malfoy glances up and away from the cat, cutting his eyes to Hermione and back to the jute cord in his hands as Crookshanks triumphantly catches its end. He does a double take so fast it looks almost painful. Hermione can see the second his jaw goes slack. She registers the slight dilation of his pupils. There is a hitch in his breath, and Hermione swears she hears his brain crashing. It is precisely the reaction she was hoping for. She watches as his eyes scan slowly down from the crown of her head downward from her hair, plaited carefully out of the way, to the slightly parted silk robe she wears, offering a calculatedly teasing view of the lace basque beneath. As she leans, she notices him pause in his appraisal again, further down, taking in the hint of her exposed thigh just above her bent knee. 
“Where should it be then, Granger?” She watches as the pink tip of his tongue darts out, wets his lips, and he reaches his other hand to the jute rope, coiling it slowly as he keeps his eyes on her, his voice low and coaxing. Hermione crooks a finger at him, beckoning, and uses her hip to push off the partition, turning around to begin her walk back down the hallway from which she had previously come. A few steps later, Hermione again hears the sound of expensive soles on tile, and then they transition onto the hardwood floor of the hallway as he begins to follow behind her.
“Right then, Granger. Leave it to me.” After all, some discoveries absolutely could not wait a moment longer.
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sailorwritesstuff · 1 year
Poly curse breakers brain rot.
Theres so many of you you're practically a friend group/roommates who kiss and sometimes talk about a pet dog. (Or human child. Penny would like a human child.)
The place you stay in is small for the amount of people. 3 bed rooms 2 bath.
Charlie has his own because of how loud he snores and his work schedule is basically dawn to dinner. which leaves the 5 of you scattered between the two other rooms.
The Biggest room is MC, Rowan, and Talbott because they're both clingy and attached to mc. Rowan is Trauma bonded and has a little separation anxiety after being together 24 seven for the last 9 years of life. And Talbott has imprinted like a little bird.
Chiara and Penny get the other room and it smells faintly of rain, lavender, vanilla, exotic plants and potion ingredients at all times. Very homey and Hufflepuffy.
Despite all of the efforts to make sure that everyone has their own space. everyone more often than not ends up in the biggest bed (Charlie's) cuddle piled tangled in each other as the broad shouldered ginger roars like a dragon in his sleep.
Chiara likes to knit gifts (the muggle way) in her free time. Scarves, gloves, and cute little sweaters (not for charlie. never a sweater for Charlie)
Penny brews Chiara's monthly potions and let's Reader help most times.
Talbott isn't super affectionate and sometimes with accidentally refer to his partners by their entire first and last legal name. "Thank you, Chiara Lobosca. I appreciate it."
Darling. He meant to say darling.
Seeing as Penny is the only one who knows anything about the muggle world sometimes she'll take you guys to new places (museums, bowling, the movies. Usual date night things)
The lot of you avoid Molly Weasley like the plague. While she was...sweet during your Hogwarts years she was always particularly pushy when things weren't "traditional" (read as: like her marriage)
She sends letters to talk with Charlie to see how he's been occasionally she asks about you. "How's your friend dear, the one from Christmas? With the....brother."
Talbott plays piano
And Penny plays guitar
Both musical gifted
They'll play for you, just ask.
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popnovelspn · 5 months
Bookish key-rings I made!
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briamarie38 · 1 month
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Art by @regretfulcorrine
The Haunting of Hogwarts
Drarry I Mature I 85k I soul bond, angst with a happy ending, Auror Harry, Cursebreaker Draco, Sentient Hogwarts, mutual pining, married but dont realize it (not because of the soulbond but because they love eachother and are idiots), temporary main character death, HAPPY ENDING!
[Mind the tags both here and on ao3!]
Amazing art by @regretfulcorrine (see chapter 6) and @navi1088 (see chapter 1)!!
Summary: Twelve years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter, barely clinging to his reasons for being an auror, is asked by cursebreaker Draco Malfoy, his best friend and not-so-secret crush for the last decade, to help investigate a developing case at Hogwarts. Animals are showing up dead and the ghosts are acting "weird". After some investigation, it seems the concern was all a bit alarmist until the next full moon and they've got a human victim drained of blood and essence on their hands. Before they know it, they're knee-deep in dark magic, and Harry is in a race against time to find the culprit before Draco is taken as collateral.
Huge shout out, again to @regretfulcorrine (who made the AMAZING illustration above) and @navi1088 (who has equally amazing art!) Thank you guys SO MUCH for making something so beautiful and putting up with so much from me!
Link below!
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hogwartsfirebolt · 7 months
yes, and
It was a no for so long. A rejected handshake, long years of tipping different sides of a scale. No, Harry wouldn’t talk to him. No, Harry wouldn’t look at him even though Draco sought his gaze with a mindless desperation only possible because they were so young. No, Harry wouldn’t try to save him, even though he saved everyone else. No, no, no.
Yet fate’s puppeteering hands acted in mysterious ways, beyond anything he’d ever been able to comprehend. No, he wasn’t saved, but he was … pardoned. No, he couldn’t take back everything he’d already messed up by then, but he could atone. Community service, two years of it in the kitchens of the Ministry, with the long tables and magic dictating every move, every stir of a spoon. He did his time at first grudgingly, sick on the scent of spices that clung to his apron and the way the still air would make the back of his hair stand on end, but as months passed and he became familiar with the intricate, purposeful magic he needed to master to cook, and the people working beside him, he came to love it. The twin chefs who were his bosses, Poppy and Aspen, were outrageously funny in a foul-mouthed way, and halfway through the year they were already inviting Draco and the other sous-chefs to their flats to have game nights and sparkly drinks. No, his friends from school wouldn’t even hear from him, his letters would return unopened and no, his parents weren’t home, but abroad, exiled, forbidden from making contact. No, he had no family left. But the mismatched group of five who spent their mornings charming potatoes out of their peels with him began to tug at his heart.
No, they didn’t have much in common, but they got him, he got them. This was a connection that was unblemished, for the first time in his life, untainted by his background. It was brilliant, sun-water bliss, and in it, he had the chance to nurture parts of himself he’d only peripherally known about and let them bloom. What he found was that, stripped of the need to be cleverer than everyone else, his opinion was seen as smart, valued, and taken seriously. What he found was that, stripped of ill intent, his jokes and drama were actually quite well received, with loud laughs and occasionally clutched stomachs, tear-streaked cheeks. They loved his theatrics, would go hysterical over his imitation of the stand-offish inflection of the Unspeakables when they came to get their lunch, the brutish tone of the Cursebreakers, the loud laugh of the Auror force.
And well, no, it wasn’t all sunshine and flowers; no, they didn’t entirely get him sometimes, wouldn’t understand why he didn’t want to serve the Aurors their meal, ever. They could understand that he hated serving in general, why he much preferred staying safely inside the kitchen over spooning food onto trays and handing it to Ministry employees who all looked at him like he was a joke at best, or pretended he was entirely invisible at worst; but they couldn't comprehend why he’d serve the haughty Unspeakables and daft Cursebreakers with mild irritation, but went pale when faced with the generally well-liked Aurors. No, they definitely didn’t get it, so no, he couldn’t always avoid it, had to bribe Cooper to trade his serving day for her butter-churning day, had to beg Luisa out of her dish-washing week so she’d mind the counter, had to promise Pip a bottle of wine whenever he took over his serving duties, but there were times when no, nobody wanted to trade, and no, he couldn’t do anything but suck up and do it.
One such day, queuing in between a group of arrogant Unspeakables and a pair of thick-headed Cursebreakers, came Harry Potter. No, it wasn’t the first time Draco had been forced to serve him but no, it never got any easier. Draco tended to avoid his gaze, to pretend the bowl of pasta he was holding was far more interesting than the wild man standing in front of him in blood-crimson robes for a few short minutes each day, hoping he’d just go away as swiftly as possible. But no, Harry had never let things be simple between them. Because no, Harry wasn’t like the others, but not only for the obvious reasons. Despite their — frankly titanic — history, the truth was that no, Harry didn’t look at him like he was a joke, wouldn’t pretend Draco was invisible, and honestly wouldn’t even look at him with derision anymore. He just … looked. No, he didn’t stay quiet, not content with pretending Draco didn’t exist. Instead, he asked questions. He’d say “hey, how are you doing?”, he’d say, “hey, bit cold today, right?”, he’d say, “hey, do you think we could talk, maybe?”
And no. Draco most definitely did not think they could talk. He opened his mouth to say as much, because no, what did they even have to talk to each other about? But Harry must have sensed it, because he added, “Please?” Open and earnest, one word dripping with the easy confidence he’d carried for a lifetime, the unassuming kind.
It had been a no for so long, for so many good reasons. But not all of those reasons remained true, not even most of them — they’d been swept away by the stream of time, by life allowing the pieces that had held each of them slot into their fated place, no longer on opposing sides of a scale. Draco heard the sound of his own voice say, “yes.” He said, “yes, alright.”
And suddenly, a lot of things shifted, things that had been a firm, unmovable no.
And then they were yes.
Yes, he went to get drinks with Harry and they talked. Yes, he promised he’d hear Harry out without fighting. Yes, he was sorry too. Yes, he wanted a fresh start.
Yes, he was free next week at the same time.
Then, as a knit jumper catches on a nail and unspools, a friendship with Harry was pulled out of him, accidentally, irrevocably.
Harry kept asking, and Draco kept answering, yes. Yes, Draco was free that night, yes, Draco liked Japanese food and would love to get some, yes, Draco would hear the speech Harry had written for the function and tell him very, very honestly if he thought it was shit (it wasn’t). Yes, he’d be at the function himself. Yes, fine, they could match their neckties.
Their back and forth became an exercise of yes, and. They’d always connected in a way that went beyond logic, only now that they were using it to work alongside each other instead of against each other, they were unstoppable and unbearable and so much fun that Draco’s ribs hurt from how hard he laughed most days. He’d imitate the cretin Unspeakables and Harry would say, “yes, and how about this caviar?” while poking the Ministry’s rice and beans. Then Draco would say something purposefully daft and Harry would whack him over the head and ask him if he was a pea-brained Cursebreaker.
Harry would have Draco over at his flat and show him the thread-board of his latest case and work through what he knew out loud in case Draco could spot something he hadn’t, and most of the time Draco didn’t even have to say anything, would only open his mouth to say, “Have you thought that maybe —?” And Harry would exclaim, “You’re so right, I should interrogate the reporter.” And when he solved that case with absolutely no real input from Draco whatsoever, he had him over at his flat again and clinked their wine glasses together with a huge smile and said, “Couldn’t have done this without you, really.”
Yes, Draco’s help had been non-existent, but oh yes, he adored the appreciation. And yes, those glasses of wine flowed incredibly quickly and yes, Draco had tried mezcal once and he was very open to trying it again and yes, he was one hundred percent sure he could knock back that shot quicker than Harry and yes — they were spectacularly drunk a short two hours after getting to Harry’s flat.
Yes, it was insane that this should be happening, but it … also wasn’t. They were friends. They were good friends. No, he hadn’t wanted to show the rougher sides of his personality at first, even if Harry had at one point known them better than most people. Draco was hesitant, their budding friendship felt delicate, and he knew he was a bit much, much too coarse, much too rude most times, that anyone would think so, that they’d be right if they did. But there was something in Harry that made his resolve to hide crack open like an egg and he found himself just being. It was something in the way Harry knew who he was, knew exactly why he was there, yet he seemed to want him, continuously. Want his opinion, his support, his ideas and conversation, his jokes, mean as they occasionally were.
Most of their free time was spent seeking one another or trading barbs and anecdotes through quick-floo notes. Cooper and Luisa had a field day with it, made fun of Draco relentlessly when Harry came in for lunch and they’d snatch the three seconds he spent queuing to chat, would call Harry his man, his boyfriend. Chefs Poppy and Aspen would draw chia seed hearts on Harry’s toast and wink, acted as though they were doing him a favor. And yes, Harry found it hysterical. He’d blow Draco kisses over his toast, call him sweetie pie and bonbon where the others could hear and yes, Draco pinked and raged and returned it by bringing Harry’s tray to his table the next day, where he sat with his loud Auror bunch, and saying, “For you, pumpkin.” Yes, he savored Harry’s spluttering thanks, walked back into the kitchen with a grin.
But yes, that night at Harry’s flat, when Draco settled in on the big green sofa and Harry handed him a cup of homemade sangria saying, “here, love,” it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
It was a no for so long, but Harry’s wine-stained lips grazing his felt not like a first time, but a hundredth, a thousandth, a lifetime of a connection that had shapeshifted but always existed, and probably always would. So maybe, going back around to it, giving it some thought, peeling back the layers … it had truly always been a yes, deep down. A yes, and.
Read on ao3
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Hey do you have any Drarry fic recs which basically have Draco completely changing in 8th year/after the war, like he's dyed his hair and has tattoos and just has become more friendly and changed and Harry basically loses his mind? Kinda tired of the grovelling Draco or animosity fics atp.. Thanks :)
Hi anon! Omg yes, love me confused Harry losing his mind over a changed, hotter and confident Draco. This trope always delivers even when Draco doesn’t go through major physical changes (I love it when he gets extra though 🤌🏼). I have a few recs but they’re all post-Hogwarts, I hope they still work for you!
Enjoy the Silence by @shealwaysreads (M, 3.4k)
Draco stops speaking, gets some tattoos, and discovers that Harry’s happy to be quiet with him.
Under Your Skin by p1013 (E, 4k)
He initials another section and flips the page. Being a junior Auror is a lot more grunt work than he expected, and the paperwork isn't even the worst of it. He's also managed to catch intake duty. It's getting close to 2 AM, there hasn't been a single arrest brought in tonight, and he's still got another six hours before his shift is over. Rubbing a hand over his face, he prays for something, anything, to make the interminable evening better.
The Study of Change by p1013 (M, 4.3k)
Harry's going to hell. He's going to hell immediately. Even with all of the good he's done in his life, he's never going to overcome the impure thoughts racing through his head at the sight of Draco Malfoy looking like an academic wet dream in a room full of barely legal adults.
Starstruck by phrynne (E, 4.5k)
Yeah, Malfoy has pink hair. Or sort of. Half of his hair is shaved short and dyed an aggressive pink. The other half is still white-blond, a strand falling over his right eye, only the left side of his face visible at all times. He turns it slightly and spots me beyond the moving bodies. He doesn’t stop dancing, a smile plays on his lips. This time I don’t look away like I used to when all this began.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley (E, 9.6k)
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
Dream by the Fire by GallifreyisBurning (M, 11k)
When Draco Malfoy resurfaces in England after eight years abroad—tattooed, pierced, and wanting to take over a corner of Harry's coffee shop to work on a writing project—Harry can't help but be intrigued. Where has he been? What is he working on? Why here? And why does he have to look so stupidly hot with all those tattoos?
Cold Like Fire by QueenofThyme (M, 12k)
Head Auror Harry Potter had no problem with mandatory consent training for his team. He’d actually been looking forward to it, that is, until he discovered who the teacher was. Now, he had no idea how he was going to get through the training without throwing a hex at Draco Malfoy. Or a punch.
In the Shape of Things to Come by @academicdisasterfic (E, 15k)
Existential angst and chronic boredom are plaguing Harry Potter in his cushy post-war life. However, a chance encounter with a tattooed, pierced, disgruntled Draco Malfoy in the middle of Muggle Camden seems to spark something in Harry again—and he never could stay away from Malfoy.
We Might Be Too Old for a Bildungsroman by @wellhalesbells (T, 21k)
Harry finds something he’s been looking for since the war’s end. Admittedly, the packaging’s a bit odder than he expected.
Ink (My Skin With Your Name) by Kandakicksass (M, 22k)
Several years after the war, an ostracized Draco Malfoy covers himself in tattoos, becomes best friends with a muggle, and debates abandoning magical society entirely to work in a tattoo shop. All in all, he's having a hell of a time trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to do with his life. The last thing he needs is to run into Harry Potter, who seems intent on becoming his friend, even if he has to get a lot of ink to do it.
All Bets Are Off by dualwieldteacup (M, 31k)
Harry Potter's latest security assignment brings him to Las Vegas for the International Wizarding Casino World Series. At a magic underwater hotel, he is tasked with guarding the legendary and mysterious gambler known as Snake Eyes. The stakes are high when both Galleons and emotions are involved. Not to mention peacock pool floats, secret pizza, and most importantly of all, second chances.
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Jealous by lvmosology [?, 1k]
►Harry is pretty obsessed with Draco.
2. when i look in the mirror by falconns [E, 14k]
►During a night time round as Head Boy, Harry runs into the mysterious sight of Draco Malfoy confiding into the Mirror of Erised. As he investigates further he comes to see Draco finding solace in none other than the magical mirror’s version of Harry Potter.
1. The Haunting of Hogwarts by @briamarie38 [M, 85k]
►Twelve years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter, barely clinging to his reasons for being an auror, is asked by cursebreaker Draco Malfoy, his best friend and not-so-secret crush for the last decade, to help investigate a developing case at Hogwarts. Animals are showing up dead and the ghosts are acting "weird". After some investigation, it seems the concern was all a bit alarmist until the next full moon and they've got a human victim drained of blood and essence on their hands. Before they know it, they're knee-deep in dark magic, and Harry is in a race against time to find the culprit before Draco is taken as collateral. [...] ★ Drarry Mini Bang | @drarry-mini-bang
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littlewinnow · 4 months
HEAR ME OUT with this shrek au...
after having scorpius, draco is cursed to turn into a werewolf every night. he's not like other werewolves or like an animagus. he's mostly in control of his wolf, but full moons overwhelm his senses and he feels more primal instincts. 
gentle little scorp loves his werewolf father so much! he loves nightly rides, the warmth and soft fluffiness of his hair, the deep soothing rumbles that lull him to sleep. but he also sees how tiring and painful it is for draco to be in this weird state. so he enlists help from kind, cool, smart cursebreaker Mr. Harry Potter (scorp meets him while sneaking out to buy groceries when draco was sick, cause he's such a good kid! but harry was like, why is this child by himself, let me look after him- WAIT, MALFOY'S KID??? 🫣😳)
draco is grumpy, annoyed, disturbed when harry shows up. he does not need help, especially from The Chosen One! his life is fine! living in the woods alone with his son is fine! go away POTTER! 😤  
harry deduces the curse is, "by night one day, by day another, that is the norm" (draco: no shit potter 🙄😒) until it's broken by something... he just doesn't know WHAT yet. so he spends more time with them. and welp, that makes draco LIKE him more. they still argue, but harry isn't scared of his werewolf-ness or his spiky personality. he was frightened when draco lost control and went feral, but that's only because some BEAST threatened to hurt his family! he has to protect them- wait, WAIT. does he consider harry his family now??!!? part of his pack??
the revelation is devastating, but draco doesn't act on it, scared of what might happen. but harry kisses him while they watch the sunset on the night of a full moon. says he's been waiting forever to do that and wants draco to go into wolf mode with his heart knowing that harry loves him. "we'll be at home waiting for you, so come back safely, my love." draco's heart is VIBRATING out of his skin with love and want. the sun sets, yet draco remains human - the curse is broken. 
the curse finally finishes, "until you receive true love's kiss, then take true love's form." and they lived happily ever after! (they mourn the wolf but funnily enough, draco's animagus is the same gigantic white wolf 😆)
This is genuinely so cute OHHHHHMYGOD 😭😭😭😭😭😭 AHHH I LOVE IT SM!!! i never knew i needed a shrek au so bad rn.
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drarry-mini-bang · 1 month
Drarry Mini Bang - Week 1 round-up
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On Our Side (M, 46k) by 🖊️ PhantomGrimalkin 🎨@sweatersinthesummer
Summary: The war is over, and Harry is trying not to be obsessed with Draco Malfoy. Which would be easier if Andromeda’s desire to reunite her family didn't result in Harry and the Malfoys being invited to the same events. After a few months without insults or fights, Harry recognizes his attraction and figures out how to ask Draco on a date. Their relationship is surprisingly easy, unfortunately Harry’s life is still complicated. They're stuck navigating past traumas, the press, Black family drama, a child that no one knows exists, and a quirk of wizard biology that was left out of his sex education.
like a wheel spoke (T, 34k) by 🖊️ justdistress (ao3: harDeehar)🎨 @stazvlt
Summary: When Andromeda is hospitalized and three-year-old Teddy's temporary fate is left in their hands, Harry realizes he and Draco are not as incompatible as he thought. The exact opposite, actually. Somehow, this makes everything worse before it gets better.
Fake Happy (T, 10k) by by 🖊️@a-sentimental-man 🎨 @anzukero
Summary: Happy birthday, Harry," Draco told him, his voice soft and fond. Harry blinked, taken aback for a moment because⁠—because Draco never sounded like this, apart from a few moments where Harry could swear he dreamt it. If he thought Draco was handsome before, he was breathtaking now, gaze soft on him. "Didn't think I would forget, did you?" Harry's just broken up with Ginny⁠—if months ago could be considered "just"⁠—trying to get through his job while hating every minute of it. The only highlight of his job is Draco Malfoy. That is, until he wakes up on his 21st birthday with a small dragon tattoo on his wrist, the unmistakable mark of his soulmate.
Thorns (E, 68k) by 🖊️@orange-peony 🎨@itsphantasmagoria and @pocketlessdruid
Summary: Harry looks at his reflection in the mirror and starts his morning routine by putting a Glamour on. After a moment, it’s not Harry Potter who stares back at him, but Gustav Meris, renowned magical portrait artist. Too bad Draco Malfoy has returned to England after ten years to ask for his portrait to be painted. 
The Haunting of Hogwarts (M, 84k) by 🖊️@briamarie38 🎨@navi1088 and @regretfulcorrine 
Summary: Twelve years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter, barely clinging to his reasons for being an Auror, is asked by cursebreaker Draco Malfoy, his best friend and not-so-secret crush for the last decade, to help investigate a developing case at Hogwarts. Animals are showing up dead and the ghosts are acting weird. After some investigation, it seems it was all a bit alarmist until the next full moon and they've got a victim drained of blood and essence on their hands. Before they know it, they're knee-deep in dark magic, and Harry is in a race against time to find the culprit before Draco is taken as collateral. Featuring lots of banter, an irresponsible level of cuddles, and drarry shippers Ron and Hermione. 
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falkendreamsxxx · 3 months
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volchitsa-writes · 12 days
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Arcanum by volchitsa - Now complete! Rating: E Warnings/tags: Explicit sexual content and BDSM themes - this was a PWP that took on a life of its own, please mind the tags before reading! Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Summary: Cursebreaker Draco Malfoy is visiting London for a few weeks for a job. While there, Theo Nott convinces him to attend opening night at the Arcanum, an exclusive party where revelry and debauchery take hold and never let go. One masked witch captures his attention in a way he never expected, but he has no idea who she is, or that she has ulterior motives... Word count: 6/6 chapters posted, 31,214 words
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sailorwritesstuff · 2 years
Poly curse breakers would be so cute idc HOW impractical it is.
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In my head: MC, Charlie, Rowan, Penny, Chiara, and like maybe Talbott live in a little place in Romanian. Charlie goes to work at the Dragon reserve and Rowan works at the Romanian equivalent Gringotts. Talbott keeps a job to fill his Time and Chiara is a healer part time it's no st. Mungo's (yet) but she's getting there. And One day a letter comes for Charlie and MC picks it up while he's getting ready in the morning (he always liked the company in the morning and is hopeless in the kitchen so he simply wouldn't eat before work without you there) as he pulling on his heavy work boots he asks mc to read it. They read it over in their head first and a wicked smile plays on their lips. Charlie asks what it is and MC just grins even harder.
"oh you've got to go save your brother." They laugh covering their mouth "Hagrid and those friends of his are going to get him in trouble. Minnie 'll have a heart attack, my love."
"well what is it then?" Charlie frowns tying his hair back.
"a dragon. They've got a baby dragon. 'Names Norbert"
(McGonagall did not catch a break for 14 years straight.)
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mintawasalreadytaken · 11 months
i saw in ur pinned post that ur into horror & am curious if you’ve extended that into fics at all? do you have recommendations?
i recently got SLIGHTLY into drarry + horror-ish vibes in fics and only read a few but i fell in LOVE with “Yours Is The Earth (Hold On, Hold On)” by chickenlivesinpumpkin - and it was like just the right amount of fucked up & just the right amount of like ‘holy shit??? DAMN’ with normal drarry in it.
was wondering if u had any similiar spooky time recs for drarry fics- maybe??
(‘: thank u so much ( ur works are so large they scare me a bit but i’ve bookmarked them for a less coward me in the future )
hullo and THANK YOU for this rec! i am dearly thankful to get 100k+ of deliciously dark writing to sink into!
unfortunately, while i know i've read some really great drarry horror, it's lost to my AO3 history instead of bookmarked, so i'll be damned if i could remember or find any of it ☠️ my bad.
instead, i asked some fandom buds for their spooky drarry favs. in no particular order, here they are:
🔪 cruel blade by @wheezykat
Drowning in his grief after the murder of his husband, Draco will do anything to bring him back.
But this is not Harry. This is something else entirely.
🧠 mastermind by @schmem14
Draco Malfoy has been with Hermione Granger, is currently dating Harry Potter, and he's determined to have Ron Weasley at any cost. He has to complete his set of three, after all…
🌊 saltwater stain by @the-starryknight
Seven days stuck on a boat investigating a rogue ghost wouldn't be so bad if Harry didn't want Draco so much. Draco has his rules and Harry's content to follow them, but the air feels different away from the shore. Is it possible that the sea could offer Harry something impossible on land?
📚 i demand a soft epilogue by @the-starryknight
James didn't arrive on the Hogwarts Express, and so Harry hasn't slept in a week. Something has brought him back to the stoop outside a building marked "Library" in gold letters. He's going to go inside. Maybe the Librarian can help.
🩸 in our blood by @secretsalex-blog
Draco is an accomplished pure-blood curse breaker, and Harry is tasked with accompanying him on his latest job—cleaning up the Van Boer mansion, which has been under a devastating fertility curse for seven generations.
🎃 the other cottage by @corvuscrowned If Pansy wasn’t shagging Ginny Weasley, Draco would never have been dragged to Luna’s ridiculous Halloween party in the first place - meaning he wouldn't be sitting in the corner of the room with Harry Potter all night.
But when a strange comet passes overhead, things start to get even weirder than usual.
As the night unfolds, Harry and Draco are forced to grapple with strange realities, reckon with new sides of themselves, and find their way back before the comet finishes crossing the sky.
👻 on the last day by @thusspoketrish
Draco is still mourning the recent loss of his mother when the Wizarding World is struck with the tragic news of Harry Potter’s untimely death. It’s just his luck that Potter not only comes back as a ghost, but seems intent on haunting Draco as he’s the only one that can see him. It’s a race against time to retrace the last few days of Potter’s life in order to find his body before he’s lost to the living or spiritual realm forever. On their journey, they’ll uncover secrets, betrayals, and a horrific truth that will disrupt both the living and the dead.
🏚️ the manor by @kittycargo
There was something wrong with the Manor.
✨bonus points / non-Drarry✨
🐓 tidewracked, sidetracked by @vukovich (Luna/Theo)
A Cursed professor. An attractive Cursebreaker. A hut that grew chicken legs and rampaged around Hogwarts.
☁️ flour & flesh by anon (Pansy/Hermione) The cottage on the hill is shrouded in clouds like a secret. Our secret. In some muggle neighborhood lore, I’m sure we’re the witches inside, granting a glimpse of the future in exchange for a rusted penny. And no one else could find us unless they knew the way.
i'll shamelessly self-rec my whumptober collection and this erotic body horror fic replete with puns for you to sample as well.
do you have a fav spooky drarry fic to share? leave your recs in the comments/links in a reblog!
thx to @prolix- @kittycargo @the-starryknight @fictional @schmem14 @nv-md @citrusses @vukovich & @kittycargo for the recs xo
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briamarie38 · 1 month
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Art by @navi1088
The Haunting of Hogwarts
Drarry I Mature I 85k I soul bond, angst with a happy ending, Auror Harry, Cursebreaker Draco, Sentient Hogwarts, mutual pining, married but dont realize it (not because of the soulbond but because they love eachother and are idiots), temporary main character death, HAPPY ENDING!
[Mind the tags!! Both here and inside]
amazing art by @navi1088 and @regretfulcorrine
Summary: Twelve years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter, barely clinging to his reasons for being an auror, is asked by cursebreaker Draco Malfoy, his best friend and not-so-secret crush for the last decade, to help investigate a developing case at Hogwarts. Animals are showing up dead and the ghosts are acting "weird". After some investigation, it seems the concern was all a bit alarmist until the next full moon and they've got a human victim drained of blood and essence on their hands. Before they know it, they're knee-deep in dark magic, and Harry is in a race against time to find the culprit before Draco is taken as collateral.
Huge shout out, again to @navi1088 (who made the AMAZING illustration above) and @regretfulcorrine (who has equally amazing art which will be posted for all to see V soon!!!) Thank you guys SO MUCH for making something so beautiful and putting up with so much from me!
Link to fic here!
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