#cuatro writes
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for context: i made this edit as a fun little thing. i have a lot of hcs so get ready YAYYYY !!!!
the reason i picked claudia in the first place was just the fire motif around the both of them. both of them strike me as Sun Characters in the way that their passion kills them and they burn everyone around them. claudia burning bodies and spy burning gallifrey to try to escape their issues etc etc
the way i see it is claudia as koscheis daughter but not spydoc daughter. a daughter not born in love or hate but a child he had post-academy and was forced to raise out of obligation. (i saw a poll a bit ago talking ab if kosch would have a favorite child and if it would show and my personal hc is that he would be very indifferent to his children) which is why claudia is. well. “when do you ever pick me” i’m so sorry my love claudia. they both share an obsessive hatred for thirteen (spymaster well.... you know what hes like. and claudia would just hate her bc her father chases the timeless child instead of focusing on his own kids lol)
they r very dear to me.....
#cuatro answers#cuatro writes#spy boy#father daughter duo oat#she might be an oc at this point Should i give her a name 😁😁
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Un romanzo rosa di quelli con un fusto a petto nudo in copertina
Dopo aver perso i genitori in un orribile ed improvviso incidente in dirigibile, Miranda si imbarca in un epico viaggio fino ai confini di Murcia per reclamare la sua eredità. Sotto il sole cocente, tra le serre abusive, inizierà un'appassionata storia d'amore con un uomo misterioso dal passato tragico ed oscuro, dalla voce virile, di poche parole, affari sospetti, sopracciglia aggrottate, addominali scolpiti e con un livello di tossicità degno di Chernobyl.
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La maldición de las cuatro brujas
#Un romanzo rosa di quelli con un fusto a petto nudo in copertina#libri#amazon#slayernina writes stuff#libri in italiano#romanzo#umorismo#parodia#la maldicion de las cuatro brujas#spagna#murcia
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Un romanzo rosa di quelli con un fusto a petto nudo in copertina
Dopo aver perso i genitori in un orribile ed improvviso incidente in dirigibile, Miranda si imbarca in un epico viaggio fino ai confini di Murcia per reclamare la sua eredità. Sotto il sole cocente, tra le serre abusive, inizierà un'appassionata storia d'amore con un uomo misterioso dal passato tragico ed oscuro, dalla voce virile, di poche parole, affari sospetti, sopracciglia aggrottate, addominali scolpiti e con un livello di tossicità degno di Chernobyl.
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La maldición de las cuatro brujas
#Un romanzo rosa di quelli con un fusto a petto nudo in copertina#libri#amazon#slayernina writes stuff#libri in italiano#romanzo#umorismo#parodia#la maldicion de las cuatro brujas#spagna#murcia
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hihi i love your writing so muuuuch💖 i was wondering if you could do a smut work for matias recalt, imagine this:
both of you being high on weed and extremely needy, horny for each other with soda stereo blasting in the living room of the department (it could be in a party you choose), you guys have a steamy makeout session then yknow… !!
i would appreciate dom!mati, petnames, extremely sub!reader <3
you get me so high | m. recalt
summary: cada fiesta sabes exactamente cómo termina, hasta que sucede algo diferente. 3.7k
tw: smut, sexo desprotegido, dirty talking, no sé mas me sinto sucia
"nada personal" de soda stereo sonaba en el speaker de algún rincón del departamento de matías, mientras algunos de los chicos bailaban entre la nube de humo que se formaba alrededor del lugar, iluminado sólo por un led violeta. la mayoría de los invitados a la fiesta ya se habían marchado y eran más de las cuatro de la madrugada, pero juani, pipe y santi, totalmente borrachos, seguían bailando —tambaleándose — por el salón, condenados al mismo destino que blas, dormido sobre la alfombra. te reías viéndoles, rechazando las miles de invitaciones a unirte a ellos, ya demasiado colocada para bailar, cuando mati volvió al sofá, acomodándose a tu lado, sorbiendo algo.
"¡qué idiotas!", dijo, riendo como tú, siguiendo los saltos de los bailarines frente a él. luego te tendió el vaso. "¿quieres un poco?"
asentiste con la cabeza, cogiendo lo que fuera el brebaje rojo de su mano. la bebida sabía dulce y te entró por la garganta, pero estaba buena, calentándote rápidamente. mientras tanto, mati aprovechó para sacar algunas cosas de su bolsillo, y tú observaste atentamente cómo preparaba otro porro. probablemente el tercero de la noche.
observar el trabajo de sus manos mientras sujetaba con destreza la seda entre los dedos era casi hipnotizante y, a estas alturas, ya se había convertido en un hábito. trabajaba en silencio, sólo moviendo la cabeza al ritmo de la música, lanzando de vez en cuando miradas divertidas en dirección a tu. de hecho, esas miradas se prolongaban en la noche.
"mierda, se me ha olvidado la boquilla". mati maldijo, envolviendo cuidadosamente la hierba en el fino papel. "¿puedes cogerla de mi bolsillo, por fa?".
parpadeaste un par de veces antes de asimilar lo que te pedía, mientras él levantaba las caderas para que pudieras meter la mano en el bolsillo de su pantalón. rápidamente dejaste el vaso bajo la mesita y deslizaste la mano en su bolsillo, sintiendo el calor del cuerpo de matías. le diste la boquilla, que te agradeció con un guiño y volvió a terminarse el porro.
mientras mati encendía el porro, observaste cómo las chispas brillaban en la oscuridad, iluminando momentáneamente su rostro, resaltando el contorno de su cara. era raro, pero el mero hecho de verle encenderlo con tanta destreza te producía sensaciones cálidas. sensaciones que la hicieron morderse los labios y suspirar con más fuerza.
el característico olor a hierba invadió el aire, mezclándose con el humo del cigarrillo que ya llenaba la habitación cuando el chico a su lado dio una profunda calada antes de pasárselo. quizás era arriesgado, teniendo en cuenta que ya estabas bastante colocada, pero aun así aceptaste, sintiendo el calor entre tus dedos y apretando los labios bajo la seda que matías acababa de marcar con su saliva.
le imitaste, aspirando todo el humo, inhalando lentamente y soltándolo poco a poco, sintiendo la mirada del actor fija en tu rostro. la música seguía sonando, ahora a un ritmo más tranquilo, y los ojos de matías te observaban atentamente mientras os pasabais el porro el uno al otro. nunca tuvisteis que intercambiar muchas palabras en esos momentos, era un "silencio" cómodo mientras os rodeaba esa sensación de relajación que, al fin y al cabo, sabíais perfectamente hacia dónde iba. no hacía falta mucha conversación ni estudiar el lenguaje corporal para predecir que al final de ese porro, estaríais uno encima del otro, enrollándoos. como todas las fiestas era igual. era casi un mutuo acuerdo silencioso, nunca realmente discutido.
matías se acomodó en el sofá, cogiendo de nuevo el porro de tu mano y llevándoselo a la boca relajadamente. te recostaste contra el cojín, tus ojos siguieron cada uno de sus movimientos hasta que se acercó a tu cara, con el brazo apoyado detrás de tu cabeza, y soltó provocativamente el humo con la boca casi pegada a la tuya. sentiste el vapor caliente contra tus labios y aspiraste, inhalando obedientemente, sin apartar la mirada el uno del otro ni un segundo. era una tensión tan deliciosa que era imposible escapar, imposible no sentir la química que emanaba de los dos.
"me encanta cómo te miran los ojos cuando te colocas". matías dice, en voz baja, pero lo suficientemente audible para los dos.
sueltas una risa, sintiendo como tus párpados se vuelven más pesados y todo tu cuerpo ligero, siendo tomado por la ola de embriaguez. tus sentidos se aflojaban cada vez más, tu visión se nublaba y tu percepción se volvía borrosa, pero sentías cada pedacito de la cálida piel de la mano de matías en tu muslo, simplemente descansando casualmente allí.
no suficiente, su otra mano tocó suavemente tu nuca, las yemas de sus dedos en un agradable sube y baja, haciéndote dejar colgar la cabeza hacia el otro lado, disfrutando de su tacto. entre sus piernas, era difícil ignorar la sensación de humedad que le provocaba.
"tus pupilas se ponen enormes", dijo, todavía examinando sus dilatados orbes con una sonrisa.
"siempre se ven así cuando estoy contigo", su confesión no pretendía sonar tan descarada, pero era sincera, y pilló por sorpresa a matías, que reaccionó alargando la mano para tocar su muslo y apretarlo un poco.
era curioso como siempre estabais sedientos el uno del otro, nunca necesitabais mucho para llegar a esa capa más íntima, más sincera. vuestra compañía siempre estaba llena de caricias, conversaciones pretenciosas y sonrisitas tontas, envueltas en una burbuja que sólo os pertenecía a vosotros.
"¿esto es por la marihuana o por mí?", te pregunta matías, en un tono juguetonamente coqueto, y te pasa la lengua por el interior de las mejillas, esperando tu respuesta.
le das otra calada al porro y te quedas pensativa mirando al techo, como si intentaras encontrar una respuesta. riendo suavemente, volviste a él, soltando el humo.
"digamos que es una buena combinación de ambas cosas", te encogiste de hombros, recorriendo con tu mirada el delicado rostro de matías, inclinando tu cuerpo más cerca de él "ayuda a intensificar lo que quiero contigo".
la expresión de matías era impagable y completamente engañosa de ver, sus ojos en blanco de sorpresa y su sonrisa intensificándose, justo lo que necesitabas para aumentar tu deseo. se acercó un poco más, y sus labios estaban ahora a centímetros de los tuyos. la habitación estaba impregnada de una electricidad sensual, y podías sentir cómo tu corazón se aceleraba. los chicos que bailaban en medio de la sala fueron completamente ignorados, olvidados.
"supongo que podemos considerarlo un efecto secundario bastante agradable", dijo, rozando ligeramente tus labios.
sin embargo, antes de que nada más pudiera suceder, un golpe resonó en la habitación.
juani, completamente desequilibrado, tropezó con la mesita, tirándola a un lado y cayendo encima de blas en el suelo, que se despertó sobresaltado. los chicos intercambiaron miradas alarmadas, visiblemente alterados, y volvieron a estallar en carcajadas. matías negó, riendo, y dio una ligera patada a la pierna de juani a sus pies.
"¿vamos a mi pieza?", preguntó, reaccionando rápidamente susurrándole al oído. "parece más seguro allí"
asentiste, medio riéndote de la situación, y ambos os levantasteis, cogiéndole de la mano mientras os guiaba, dejando atrás el caos momentáneo del salón. el sonido de la música se hizo más lejano mientras cruzabais el pasillo hacia la habitación de mati. la puerta se cerró tras vosotros, ahogando las risas y la música, dejándoos por fin en intimidad.
"debería echarlos a patadas a estas alturas", bromeó, mientras te rodeaba la cintura con el brazo.
"son tus mejores amigos", te reíste, y el actor pareció apreciar lo que habías dicho.
"no finjas que no son tuyos también", replicó, y os reísteis, más juntos ahora, con tus piernas entre las suyas.
mati, que seguía sujetando el porro entre los dedos, se inclinó hacia él, sus miradas se encontraron en un silencioso juego de deseo mutuo mientras las sonrisas se desvanecían. la música sonaba suavemente, más baja ahora, al ritmo de sus acelerados corazones. antes de que nadie pudiera decir nada más, matías acercó suavemente su mano a su rostro, acariciándolo con suavidad. la distancia entre sus labios disminuyó gradualmente, y se perdieron en un beso, el mundo exterior desapareciendo a medida que la intensidad del momento se apoderaba de ellos.
en cuestión de segundos, sus piernas rodeaban las caderas de él, mientras las manos de mati la sujetaban por el culo, haciéndote gemir contra el beso cada vez que la apretaba. no tardó en tumbarla en la cama, frotando contra el suyo su cuerpo caliente y empapado de porros, que se había olvidado en algún rincón.
sus manos se apresuraron a sujetar la cara de matías mientras él se esforzaba por besarla y bajarle la falda al mismo tiempo, sin tener mucha dificultad ya que la tela se deslizaba fácilmente por sus piernas. acarició sus muslos, apretando la parte más suave de su piel y acariciándola, tragándose cada uno de sus jadeos en medio del beso repentinamente desesperado. recalt colocó su muslo entre sus piernas, haciendo que la tela de su pantalón rozara su clítoris aún cubierto, provocando que todo su cuerpo se estremeciera. parecía imposible ponerla aún más cachonda, pero le excitó por completo.
"me encanta oírte debajo de mí así, nena", murmuró matías, jadeando contra sus labios mientras frotaba su cuerpo contra el suyo. "eres tan fácil de hacer gemir, ¿lo sabías?".
mierda, cuando matías empezaba a hablar así era suficiente para volverte loca, completamente enérgica, deseosa de tener cada centímetro de él dentro de ti. sus manos subieron hasta tu pelo, tirando con fuerza como reacción a la provocación del chico.
sin perder tiempo en darse cuenta de su estado, matías se quitó apresuradamente el resto de la ropa, con un pequeño deja vu de todas las demás docenas rondando por su cabeza. su polla se estremeció al pensarlo, sólo de recordar lo delicioso que era sentirte dentro, apretándote contra él. estaba hambriento. quería sentir tus bolas golpeando contra su culo hasta marearse, para ser honesto. y joder, le encantaba lo adorable que parecías así, con los ojos medio perdidos y completamente en paz.
le ayudaste a quitarse los pantalones, desabrochando el cinturón de sus jeans, lamiendo toda la longitud de su entrepierna mientras se arrodillaba frente a ti. mientras matías se quitaba la camiseta, tu mano se aventuró dentro de su bóxer, encontrando su miembro extremadamente duro y empapado de pre-cum, y sólo la sensación de abrazarlo así te hizo frotar los muslos entre sí. matías palpitó al sentir sus dedos contra su sensible piel, e incapaz de contenerse, echó la cabeza hacia atrás, murmurando su nombre entre maldiciones.
sus hábiles dedos bordearon la circunferencia de su polla, bajando y subiendo tranquilamente por su longitud, mientras sus ojos se clavaban en cada reacción del chico, que le sujetaba la cara con suavidad, acabando por pasarle los dedos por su pelo. cuando sus movimientos se intensificaron, matías bajó sus dedos a tu boca, presionando sus dedos índice y corazón contra tu lengua para que pudieras chuparlos, y naturalmente, lamiste y chupaste sus dedos, sedienta, sin romper el contacto visual con el actor, que te observaba con ojos oscuros y concentrados. las huellas de sus dedos sabían a hierba y no hacían más que aumentar la sensación de dolor entre tus piernas, suplicantes por él.
matías empujó sus caderas contra tus manos, gimiendo, y entonces sus rodillas casi cedieron, y fue cuando de repente apartó tus manos de él y presionó sus dedos con saliva contra tu mandíbula. le miraste fijamente con mirada suplicante, sintiendo la fuerza de su mano contra tu cara.
"si sigues así me voy a correr", admitió y luego bajó sobre ti, empujando tu espalda sobre el colchón y tumbándose debajo de ti una vez más. "pero quiero correrme dentro de ti, bonita".
suspiraste, sintiendo que tus entrañas se congelaban de forma placentera, y sonreíste perversamente a matías, que ahora se concentraba en tu cuello, chupando con fiereza tu piel, mientras la cabeza de su polla se frotaba frenéticamente contra tu entrada, provocando pequeños espasmos en tu cuerpo, que instintivamente trataba de encajarlo.
"mati" gemías su nombre, casi ardiendo por la expectación que te provocaba aquella sensación, dejándote casi frustrada. pero matías parecía decidido a torturarte, dispuesto a tomar de ti exactamente lo que quería y como lo quería. "matías, por favor"
escuchar tu nombre con su voz desesperada y necesitada le hizo desear correrse en ese mismo instante, pero matías se obligó a contenerse, gruñendo contra su garganta, saboreando tu perfume, tan familiar para él que rondaba bajo su lengua como un sabor conocido. jadeó cuando tu coño se frotó contra su dura longitud una vez más y entonces sujetó tu cintura con fuerza para que mantuvieras tus caderas quietas.
"usa tus palabras, mi amor. sé que puedes hacerlo", ordenó recalt con paciencia, bajando el cuello para mirarte a los ojos. te follaría de todos modos, pero le gustaba que se lo pidieras amablemente. le volvía loco oírte así.
"quiero que me folles", obedeciste a su petición, las palabras salían de tu boca en angustiosos susurros de deseo. "por favor, mati"
"no te estoy escuchando, nena" matías rodó un poco más sus caderas, frotando su polla contra tu clítoris y casi pierdes el control allí mismo. "no seas tímida, me encanta que me lo pidas".
"fóllame, matías", exclamaste en un tono más alto, abrazándote a su nuca, intentando moverte contra las manos del mayor en tus caderas. "es que te necesito".
satisfecho y con una soberbia sonrisa en los labios, matías se acomodó entre tus piernas y mantuvo su polla en tu entrada, rodando dentro de ti con una calma inicial. ambos cerrasteis los ojos con fuerza, y por un momento fue posible escuchar vuestras exaltadas aspiraciones por encima de la música amortiguada. matías llegó hasta el fondo dentro de ti y se detuvo, sólo sintiendo cómo tus cálidos músculos se tensaban contra él, lleno de algo casi parecido al orgullo al ver tu expresión de placer en silencio, o cómo encajaba tan perfectamente en tu coño.
tus movimientos comenzaron lentamente y fueron acompañados por pequeños gruñidos del chico, que respiraba con fuerza en tu oído. disfrutabas de cada sensación con un gemido sensual, moviendo tu cuerpo contra el suyo, capaz de alcanzar tu punto máximo con cualquier embestida más fuerte. matías empezó entonces a moverse más rápido, susurrándote al oído lo hermosa que eras, lo bien que te sentaba estar dentro de ti, lo patéticamente que gemías, y entonces te ordenó que hicieras más.
"abre más las piernas, princesa", te ordenó, dándote ligeras palmadas en el muslo, y luego dejó escapar gemidos guturales cuando le obedeciste. empujaba cada vez más profundo, follándote hasta el punto en que podías sentir el líquido filtrándose entre tus piernas. "más"
cuando rodeaste las caderas de matías con tus piernas fue suficiente para que él comenzara a comportarse casi sin delicadeza, follándote sin sentido. dos o tres veces, su polla se deslizó fuera de tu entrada, perdiéndose en los movimientos, y la cuarta vez, cuando estiraste la mano para sujetar su miembro y ayudarle a entrar en ti una vez más, la detuvo, sacándose de ti.
"no, mati" tu cuerpo se retorció ante la inesperada ausencia, mientras gemías, deseando más.
matías sonreía, cansado y sudoroso, observando tu cuerpo y tu ansiedad con admiración. nunca se cansaría de todas las noches que pasasteis así, siempre deseando la próxima fiesta, el próximo momento, como éste. entonces el actor acercó sus labios a tu cara, besando tu mandíbula, tu mejilla, tu nariz, tu sien, una delicadeza que contrastaba con su siguiente petición.
" gírate", su voz sonó ronca y autoritaria. matías retiró las manos de tu cintura para dejarte espacio para moverte, y oíste los latidos de tu corazón estallar en tus oídos.
mientras asimilabas lo que te decía, sentiste al instante un calor que te subía por las piernas y te llegaba a la cabeza, haciéndote hervir la sangre de deseo. era algo nuevo, completamente sucio y excitante de una forma que nunca imaginaste que pudiera ser.
y una vez más, sin concurso, le sonreíste, embargada por una versión de la lujuria y recibiste una risa perversa a cambio, matías sabía exactamente lo que estaba haciendo. moviéndote lentamente, ante el asombro del actor, te arrodillaste en la cama, de espaldas a él. oíste la bofetada antes de sentir el cosquilleo en tus nalgas, tardando unos segundos en asimilar la bofetada acompañada de perversos gruñidos. matías ya dominaba de nuevo tu cuerpo, algo ya habitual en él que tan bien conocía cada parte de ti, y astutamente dobló tu torso hacia delante, dejándote apoyada sobre los codos.
a cuatros patas, respiraste hondo cuando sentiste su mano recorriendo tu espalda hasta llegar a la base de tu nuca, y luego su otra mano se posicionó en la base de la parte baja de tu columna.
" ¿puedes tomarlo, princesa?" murmuró, inclinándose a lo largo de tu cuerpo para preguntarte al oído.
"yo..." sentiste como pasaba su mano por tu nuca hasta tu pelo, y se balanceaba. "joder, puedo tomarlo".
dándote tiempo para acostumbrarte a la posición, matías empujó lentamente hacia tu entrada, dejando besos por tu columna mientras lo hacía, alabando lo bien que te estabas portando, lo que sirvió de estímulo para que tus caderas rodaran sobre su polla, llevando a matías a agarrarla con fuerza, gimiendo tu nombre. te sentías como si fueras a derretirte en cualquier momento mientras él empujaba contra tu cuerpo, y trataste de ahogar tus gemidos enterrando la cara en las sábanas, dejando que la tela se mojara con tus babas.
"me he pasado toda la noche pensando en este momento". enunció matías, su voz mezclándose con los sonidos de su cuerpo chocando contra su culo, las pequeñas pausas disminuyendo de repente. "y es mejor de lo que podría haber imaginado"
tus gemidos eran suaves y contenidos, reaccionando cada vez que él llegaba a un punto sensible, y cada vez que movías un poco más las caderas hacia arriba, una sensación de calor blanco se apoderaba de tu vientre, transmitiéndose al resto de tu cuerpo, que estaba a punto de derrumbarse en cualquier momento. era incluso mejor que la sensación de estar colocado, más relajante que todo el cannabis que habíais compartido aquella noche.
"me voy a correr" anunciaste, exasperada, inundada por la creciente sensación en el fondo de tu estómago, incendiando tu cuerpo. matías se lo tomó como un reto, ralentizando sus movimientos hasta follarte tortuosamente despacio, golpeando justo en el punto exacto de tu coño.
agarraste con fuerza la sábana, sintiendo como el escalofrío te invadía y provocaba poderosos espasmos en todo tu cuerpo, debilitando todo tu sistema nervioso. matías te sujeta con prontitud, deslizando sus brazos bajo tu vientre, y tira de ti hasta que quedáis tumbados torpemente juntos hasta que tu cuerpo empieza a recuperar fuerzas de nuevo.
matías besa la curva de tu hombro y puedes sentir lo caliente y sudoroso que está, resultado de la locura que acababa de tener lugar allí. subes la mano hasta su brazo alrededor de tu cintura y entrelazas su mano con la tuya, sonriendo satisfecha contra el colchón.
"ha sido... intenso", admites con una risa casi tímida.
"maravilloso, tú has estado maravillosa", te elogia él, sonriendo tiernamente contra tu cuello. " ¿realmente tenemos que esperar hasta la próxima fiesta?"
te ríes, todavía atontada y un poco fuera de sí, y respiras hondo, recuperando el aliento. todo tu cuerpo se siente demasiado sensible, aún ardiendo, susceptible a cualquier estímulo.
"técnicamente, aún estamos en una", te encoges de hombros. no era una regla, pero el hecho de que fuera casual hacía que la tensión fuera aún más deliciosa. pero era imposible negar cuánto anhelabas más, fuera de esos momentos.
siguiendo tu ejemplo, te diste la vuelta en la cama, encontrándote cara a cara con matías. te apartó suavemente los mechones sudorosos de la frente y te encaró con una sonrisa que decía "no vales nada, y me gusta".
el silencio tras la tormenta de sensaciones os permitió a los dos recuperaros, envueltos en el calor que quedaba entre sus cuerpos. matías seguía dejando suaves besos en tu clavícula, mientras tú te deleitabas con la reconfortante sensación de estar tan cerca de él.
se quedaron un rato en ese pequeño envoltorio, disfrutando del tacto reconfortante del otro. tu respiración empezó a normalizarse y la habitación se sumió en una calma post-intimidad. los efectos del porro mezclados con la intensidad del momento crearon una atmósfera casi onírica.
"¿estás bien?" preguntó matías suavemente, dejando un suave beso en tu mejilla.
asentiste, con los ojos entrecerrados por el placentero cansancio. "más que bien".
matías rió suavemente, acariciando con dulzura la mano que seguía entrelazada con la suya. juntos disfrutaron del silencio, como si el tiempo se hubiera alargado para abrazar aquel momento.
con el paso del tiempo, la realidad comenzó a infiltrarse de nuevo. los sonidos lejanos de los chicos en la habitación, las risas apagadas y el suave murmullo de la música más baja llegaron a vuestros oídos. la luz del día empezó a filtrarse por los pequeños resquicios de las contraventanas, y ahí supiste que era hora de marcharse. tu compromiso terminaba junto con la fiesta.
"quédate", dijo matías socarronamente, apretando su brazo alrededor de tu cintura, atrayéndote de nuevo contra su cuerpo. "quédate, por favor".
dudó un momento, sorprendida por el repentino cambio. no era un pendejo, siempre te cuidaba después del sexo y atendía tus necesidades posteriores, ¿pero quedarse? eso era nuevo.
tus ojos volvieron a encontrarse con los de matías y pudiste ver el brillo de la súplica en sus ojos, del deseo y de algo más.
así que obedeciste una vez más.
━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━
tampoco se como llegué aquí pero hola ¿cómo están? 🤰
muuuchas gracias por esta ask, espero haberlo hecho bien <333
solo hice una light prof read entonces díganme si algo esta raro porfaaaa
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i actually ended up getting into it and plotting the entire novel lmaooo now will i ever write it. good question.
hate when i read back things i was plotting and theyre kinda good actually. wish i knew how to write something with any kind of structure and/or narrative sadly im a vibes only kind of person
#i have a bad habit of ending up with really long things i never finish i dont have the gift of brevity when it comes to novels#i never finished la flor de los cuatro and then i stopped agreeing with what i was writing ideologically (😭😭) and couldnt go on#but this seems more. doable? it's got more of a structure#it's less complicated the story is smaller. i should read up a little on ancient war and also get some geographical notions but#i think i could probably write it.#maybe ill do nano this year again!
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miguel x reader where he never knew has back dermals. like one day theyre chilling in the kitchen and she goes to reach something high up and they start showing and it drives miguel crazyyyy he’s all “i never knew you had these carino” ughhh
Special Surprise
ngl i had to google back dermals 😭😭 but they're so cute omg i know miggys a slut for some piercings this is the shortest writing i've made yet so lmk if you'd like more
Miguel x Reader, Suggestive, Word Count: 677
After a tiring week of work, you and Miguel had both decided to unwind for a couple of drinks. He was on his fourth bottle–he downs them down like water–none of it taking effect until maybe his sixth or seventh drink. You settle for a bit of wine and a couple of sips from Miguel’s drinks that he offers. You sit in his lap, his arm around your waist while your arm wrapped around his shoulder. You twirl the red liquid in your glass cup as you chat quietly amongst yourselves, sharing kisses and sweet nothings to tease each other. After kissing his temple, you lifted yourself off of his lap with a grunt. “Okay, I think I want some juice now. Maybe some water. Want some?” You ask, turning your head over your shoulder to meet his eyes. Miguel shakes his head before taking another chug of his bottle. He shakes it around a bit, not hearing anything swish inside. “No, but I do want another one of these. Gracias, bella.” He leans over to place the empty glass next to his chair where his other finished ones stood. You hum and open up the cupboard to grab a regular cup for yourself, standing on your tiptoes to reach the highest shelf. “Dammit, Miguel. Did you place all the cups here to piss me off again?” You groan and stretch your arm up higher and higher.
Miguel chuckles and looks at you struggling. “No, I didn’t. I forgot how short you are when I washed the dishes earlier. My bad.” He was about to stand up when something caught his eye. Your shirt had ridden up with you as your arm stretched up. With it, showed the two silver dots on your lower back where your back dimples would be. The piercings glint in the low warm lighting of the kitchen and Miguel covers his mouth, rubbing his chin as he takes in the scene of you and your piercings. Miguel clears his throat, resisting his mind that had gone wild with desire. He blames the alcohol. “Mama, are those–did you get new piercings?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing when your shirt fell back over the cute dots. “Huh?” You turn your head over your shoulder after finally grabbing a cup and look where Miguel’s eyes were staring at. You lifted up your shirt from the back to see what he was talking about. “Oh. Oh, no. They’re like, uh, almost two years old?” You were unsure, looking up in thought to collect your memory. “Uh-huh…” He mumbles, barely paying attention and instead focusing once more on your piercings. Miguel stands up from his seat and walks over to you. You had just begun to open the door to the fridge.
His hands place themselves on your hips. You bend over slightly to reach one of the alcohol bottles from the bottom. Miguel’s pupils blow wide and he leans back to get a better view. “I never knew you had these, cariño.” He murmurs, using one hand to lift up the hem of your shirt. You stand back up and look back to see him staring shamelessly. You scoff a small laugh to yourself and lean back on his chest. Miguel nestles himself in your neck, kissing you softly while his thumbs graze the small silver piercings and slowly becomes obsessed. “They’re pretty hidden and only really look good in low-rise jeans.” You explain, reveling in the attention he’s giving you. Maybe he’s a little tipsy. You tap the cold drink to his head and he raises himself up. His hand leaves your hip to grab the bottle with a sly smirk. “Y cómo se ven estos cuando estás en cuatro patas? Igual de hermosa?” He teases, his lips brushing up against your ears and his voice deepens to a husky rumble. You feel your heart stutter and let out a chuckle, trying to hide your embarrassment and desire brewing in your stomach. Guess he has tonight to find out.
#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara x y/n#miguel x reader#miguel o'hara x you#atsv miguel#miguel o'hara#miguel spiderman#miguel spiderverse#miguel ohara#spiderman 2099#atsv x reader#nonie requests ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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╰───► MORAL CONSCIENCE- e. williams smau.
「cuatro」 ⇢ hasta cuando
Pairing — streamer! ellie x youtuber!black fem!reader x rockstar! dina
warnings — sex tapes, strap on sex, weed, strap sucking, idk what worse i think that’s it
a/n i wasn’t gonna write smut but well…..( btw, this is 3 months after chp 3 🧘🏾) this is also not proofread so.. ntm !!
chapter 3 ⇢ chapter 5
ellie had made it to your apartment not long after you blocked dina on everything. you were sick of her back and forth shit. you couldn’t understand how she would just play with your emotions and think it’s a game w/ no consequences.
deciding not to tell ellie anything that just transpired you put on a face of faux happiness.
“hi baby” ellie greeted you with a bone crushing hug and you fell right into it. “i missed you” was whispered on your lips softly as she gave you multiple chaste kisses making you giggle. “it’s barely been two days, girl pleaseee” she rolls her eyes at your teasing and moves to sit on the couch and pull out some pre-rolls that she got off of jesse and lighting one before offering you the first hit. you took it before passing it back to ellie.
“ellie. we should bake a cake high.” you looked over at her and had a wild smile plastered across your face. she looked up at you from her slouched position on the couch questioningly. “why do you look on the verge of a psychotic break!?” she giggled at your immediate pout in response to her teasing. “stop ittttt, i’m serious! it would be so fun, i might even record it since i need new content anyway” you looked over at ellie to see if she would agree to find her staring at you with something shining in her eyes. you rose your eyebrow in question and she shook her head with a chuckle. “fine, i’ll do it !” sighing she got up and gathered all the stuff needed to get you high out of your minds.
you squealed in happiness as she agreed and ran to the kitchen to get everything in place, luckily your camera and lighting was already set up. (you may have planned to persuade her into saying yes but she doesn’t need to know that !!) .
“ellie come on ! i’ve got everything ready!” you yelled out while digging in your cupboards for cake mix and anything else you might need. “i’m literally right here” she said as she slinked up behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“you know you can’t be like this on camera right?” you turned around in her arms with the ingredients in your hands to find her smirking down at you before bending down and pecking you on the lips while grabbing the stuff in your hands and putting it on the table.
“ok let’s start, ready” she arranged the ingredients on th table that looked good on camera as you turned the camera on and started recording.
“hi, youtube! i know ive been MIA for like……. months, but i’m back! and i have a special guest !” you turned to look at ellie who was apparently already lighting a blunt! “psst.. ellie” you smacked her arm and pointed to the camera when she acknowledged you (finally). “ hm? oh. sup, i’m ellie” she shrugged and went back to what she was doing before you had interrupted her. “well then! i’ll just introduce her since she wants to be aggy!” you heard her scoff behind you at your comment but chose to ignore it in favor of telling the people who she was and what y’all were doing for todays video.
“and that’s basically it! so me and ellie are gonna go get… como se dice… smacked and then we’ll be back!”
you didn’t come back. in fact you never even got to start on baking the cake. as soon as the high hit you and ellie she brought up this crazy idea of making a sextape. super risky, i know. but the way she said it made you feel a certain heat start forming in your lower region. the hand rubbing up and down your inner thighs certainly didn’t help with clearing your mind at all. all you could think about was ellie and she made sure you stayed like that.
next thing you knew you were in your bedroom, naked, sweaty and a flash blinding you as ellie put the camera in your face while you were sucking her strap down your throat to get it, in her words, nice and wet so she could fuck you into the bed. just thinking about what was to come made you get all hot and bothered and you were sure the camera was picking up on all your blissed out expressions.
“fuck that’s it baby”
“takin’ me so well ma’”
“deeper.. i know you can do it baby.”
fuck. you were in heaven. ellie was on a different type of timing that day and you couldn’t get enough of it. you dragged one of your hands down from ellie’s thigh and started making little circles on your clit giving it some much needed stimulation. “i think you’re ready baby. you’ve been so good f’me” ellie bit her lip and brung the phone closer to where your lips connected to the base of the strap watching it disappear in your mouth and reappear. “fuck, you’re so sexy baby”
ellie pulled you off by your hair and dragged you up into a bruising kiss. it was sloppy and wet with spit all over each others mouths and tongues exploring. “c‘mon ellie, i’m ready! you said it yourself” you mumbled in between kisses as best as you can when you felt her reach down and spread your lips, dragging a finger in your slit letting it slightly tease your hole and gather your slick. she removed her hand making you whimper in frustration until you saw her put the same finger in her mouth and sucks. “shit y/n you taste so good” she groaned around her finger making your clit twitch as a wave of strong arousal passed through you at such a pornographic display.
“if you don’t fuck me right now ellie.”
“yes ma’am” she chuckled and took the base of her strap to line it up with your sopping wet pussy. when she slid in to the hilt your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you moaned wantonly. “fuckkk ellie” you dragged your hips up and down on her dick setting a steady, punishing and mind-numbing pace. it was so good and you were hitting ellie’s clit just right with every bounce. ellie leaned up and planted her feet on the bed to fuck up into you causing you to scream at the intensity of the sensation. “ look at the camera f’me baby. you look so good crying on my dick” you moaned pathetically and opened your eyes to look into the camera.
tags </3 @brackishkittie @robinismywifee @aouiaa @elliesbitchvenus @vnus-starr
#ellie williams#mariefilms#ellie x fem reader#the last of us#ellie tlou#ellie williams tlou#ellie williams x black!reader#the last of us ellie#tlou2#ellie williams x female reader#moral conscience smau#ellie smau#dina smau#gamer!ellie#streamer!ellie#rockstar!dina#dina x reader#dina nolastname#dina x fem reader#dina woodward
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Mi Felicidad
:My Happiness:
Poly Volturi x Fem Mexican reader
Summary: A little surprise for reader
Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol (i only say what the drink is called), mentions of a dead grandma (my Abuelita's are well and alive i just added this touch for the sake of the plot), Fluff
A/N: Happy Latin Heritage Month to all of my Latinos❤️. Kind of a last minute one-shot but I wanted to work on something that was not a request. And this idea kind of was preventing me from doing my HW so I was okay quick break to just get this idea out of my head and just write it out. Anyways.......Enjoy💙 (forgot to mention I do not see Demetri as a toxic person, i was just joking, please don't come after me😅)
(Los Fantastico Cuatro)
“Are you busy?”
I tilt my head to the side to be met with Alec’s burgundy eyes. They're so pretty, I wish I could stare at them all day without having to worry about blinking.
“Uh no?”
He kept watching me with a deadpan look.
“Come with me cara”
My head tilts to the side in confusion but nevertheless I take his outstretched hand as he guides me out of my room. We walked down multiple long hallways until we somehow ended up outside in what I can assume is a patio. I didn't even know this existed, as we step closer to the patio, a strong smell meets my nose. It’s so familiar. It's a smell that I could never in a million years forget, even if many centuries in the future when I'm already a vampire I know this smell will bring back my human memories instantly. I grip Alec’s hand as he continues to pull me along.
The sight I saw was the most heartwarming thing I could ever witness. On the grill roasting carne asada and other familiar food items was my giant of a mate, Felix. To his left side was my casanova of a mate Demetri chopping up items for what I can assume was for a pico de gallo. Lastly stood my little death flower, Jane, adding final touches to a chocoflan. I felt small tears fall down as I kept intaking the sight of my mates cooking for me. All of their eyes turned to me as if they could hear my tears, which caused them all to gravitate toward me.
Demetri who stood in front of me reached a hand over to my cheek to caress it. “Why the tears cariño?”
Another hand, Alec’s, was on my other cheek wiping the tears away as I composed my thoughts.
“You four remembered?”
Felix spoke up “We could never forget the first day of a month that involves who you are”
That line right there did it for me because more tears came down. Jane, who suddenly broke from her serious facade, snapped her gaze to Felix.
“Look what you did you made her cry”
She pulled me away from Demetri’s and Alec’s touch, and into her arms to hug me gently. She might be the ‘cold’ out of the four but with me, I’m her only exception in breaking through her walls.
“I didn’t mean to make her cry, you know I hate seeing her in tears, it hurts me more than it hurts her”
Demetri slapped his arm “Oh shut it Felix, your not helping your case here”
I smile into Jane’s shoulder while they argue. I turn to them which causes all them to stop arguing as they are met with my small smile.
“I'm not crying from sadness, these are happy tears my loves”
They all answered in unison a oh. I laugh at their unison when I spot black smoke from the grill.
I yell out “Felix! Grill!”
He rushes to the grill fanning it but that only makes the fire grow more.
“Felix honey, air feeds the fire”
I scrambled and grabbed a random bucket of ice and just threw it onto the fire, it sizzled but it did what needed to be done. I looked up and Felix as he looked down to me.
“Are you okay doll?”
I nodded. “Yea and you?”
He nodded in return, we turned to the other three who were just watching like fishes out of water. I spoke up again to break the silence
“So about all this, how did you guys learn to do all these dishes? I don’t remember teaching you”
They all went around saying that it took months and months of reading different recipes and some of them secretly going away to the kitchen to physically learn these skills while I slept. If my heart was not warmed up enough, it was bursting with awe for them now.
“Who made the rice?”
Jane raised her hand and I went to the rice to inspect it, to say I was shocked, it was perfectly made and it seemed it had the perfect amount of a red hue to it. I grabbed a nearby spoon to taste it and I turned to her
“Jane marry me”
She raised her eyebrow in question. “You are aware we are mates, marriage seems useless compared to the mate bond we have”
“I know but in a joking matter even if this is true in my culture but if you know how to make a proper rice then technically you are set to marry”
She rolled her eyes as the others chuckled quietly.
“I still can’t believe you all did this for me, who told you I was in the feels lately?”
Demetri gave me his cute little lopsided smile “Nobody did angel, we just knew from the way you been acting, we thought of doing something special and coincidentally we happened to do it on this day”
“You have no idea how I am feeling, to even think you guys learned to do some of my comfort foods just for me says a lot”
Felix pulled me into his arms. “We would move the earth for you if we could, anything really to just see you smile”
“Felix, I'm going to have to stop you there or you will make me cry again, you are just feeling your own inner casanova today, huh?”
He smiled at my words. “Only for you my little rose”
I turn to the other three while still being in the giant's arms. “So is everything ready or…?”
As if on cue Felix carried me to a nearby table that was decorated with a variation of colors of rose petals. While Demetri prepared me a Paloma, and just seeing him making it makes me think he would make one very sexy bartender. Jane and Alec focused on serving me a plate with every dish that was made. Soon they were all sitting with me and Felix at the dinner table waiting for me to take my first couple of bites. Again absolutely flabbergasted how these four who have not eaten human foods in centuries manage to make the best Mexican food, my Abuelita would be rolling in her grave from shock. They would definitely be invited to the Carne Asadas if they were humans.
“You four always create a whole new reason to love you guys”
They all gave me smiles and I admired how beautiful they all look with the sun setting behind them. But as my eyes landed on Felix I noticed his apron which totally caught me off guard.
“Felix mi amor, why does your apron have a Don Ramon loteria style art with the caption being El Toxico”
They all laughed along with me.
“I thought it was funny”
“I mean it is but you are not toxic, if anyone here is, it's definitely Demetri”
“Hey! Why me?”
“Demetri the way you love to start drama makes me think you are”
“I do not start drama as you say”
“Oh yes you do, remember how the other day you were spreading a rumor that Master Aro wears a wig and everyone for a while believed that, even his own soul brothers believed it”
“Ok well you got to admit you thought it was true” “Well yea because you were very convincing but remember the consequences that resulted from that”
“Yea I was forced to train the newborns on my own and I didnt see you for 5 days”
“And now you know why you are El Toxico”
He huffed while the others were chuckling at our banter.
“So is this all you guys learned to do, not that i'm not grateful for this, but I wouldn't mind being pampered like this again by you four”
Alec was the one who answer me “We might of not been looking at recipes for a nice authentic Birria and or Tamales to make with you for Christmas”
“I think I just fell in love all over again”
They are, Mi Felicidad.
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spymaster, becoming the doctor, and gardening – a little character study
anyone else obsessed with the master and margarita short story?? no?? just me?? oh well you’re getting a character analysis anyway, long rant about spymasters obsession with the doctor via mushrooms under the cut :3
tw for dissociation and substance induced hallucinations (weird ahh mushrooms as torture)
for those of you who haven’t read the master and margarita (i def recommend its super fun) it’s about what dhawan!master was doing during his 77 years on earth in that time skip during spyfall 2. he’s a mushroom farmer in russia, crazy hijinks and thoschei references ensue. maybe i’m going too deep into it but i really love the idea of him as a gardener and what that implies for everything we see in ttc/potd
i’d like to start with the fact that out of all the masters, dhawans is the one least confident in his identity. classic who masters and saxon held their title with pride with their “he’s the master and you will obey him” shtick. missy, even when she was debating her morality, never saw herself as anything other than missy. her title wasn’t being questioned, it was what she chose to do with it. meanwhile, spymaster just... loses himself after looking into the panopticon. he’s faced with the reality that the doctor is more important than he could ever be, and given that he sees his worth as interwoven with hers (the history between us, constantly refers back to their past/when they were equal), this makes him lose all sense of self. it used to be theta and koschei. the doctor and the master. now it’s just the timeless child and….. that’s it. there’s no significant place for him in her life. what’s he supposed to do now, when he’s based his whole history around her?
easy! fracture himself into different personalities, hide behind disguises (i mean, THREE disguises in one episode? calm down dude) in an attempt to hide his unimportance. while the timeless child is the story of child abuse and colonialism, a hurt the doctor will have to live with even if she can’t remember it, the master sees it as a triumph. he is lesser. she is the timeless child and she has existed forever and he is some dumb timelord who fell in love and meant nothing to her in the long-run. he feels like he’s not deserving of being in his own skin anymore so he hides behind whatever name and personality he can find.
but the thing about all his disguises is that they are so human. agent o, a shy little analyst at MI6 with the wide eyed stare and wits to be the doctor’s companion. rasputin, famous bachelor and a piece of history the doctor would notice. he says he despises humans but he dresses up as them because well, do you know who does love them? the doctor :(
which is why his name and intentions in the master and margarita are soooo so interesting to me. first off, his human alias is mikhail (“son of god”, writer of the og master and margarita) afanasyevich (“immortal”, also the og writer of master and margarita) gospodinov (roughly translated to “lord” and “master”). he steals a name, just like rasputin in potd, with a lot of weight on who he is right now. an emphasis on “immortal” “time lord” when hes dealing with the pressure of ttc. hes basically copying the doctor and making a title for himself like the ‘timeless child’ to feel equal again. it’s not the only time he copies the doctor either, hes basically working for “evil russian unit” in this short story.
(remind you of anything?? yes im talking about the doctor-master. super cool foreshadowing on how hes been trying to become/be one with the doctor before potd)
and it’s literally in the text. the whole reason he spends months cultivating mushrooms for russia is to change history a bit so that jo grant’s marriage will be ruined. such a Doctor thing to do, kind of parallels clara and danny. to love a human is to be overly dramatic over them. the master, again, uses humans for his own benefit but has never been overly fond of them, with the exception of the doctors little companions. hes copying her again.
but the thing is, he keeps cultivating them. he gains a love for caring for them. mushrooms are just mushrooms until they arent. in a time where he thinks he’s the doctors opposite, he begins farming mushrooms bc of jo grant, a detail the doctor would remember just bc he misses her. he couldve spent his time escaping and getting back to his regular timeline to defeat the doctor, but he stayed. because of a human attachment. very doctor-y.
and if that bit of nostalgia wasn’t enough, he even hallucinates the third doctor in this. Which. okay. give me a non-thoschei explanation for this.
i just really like what that short story has to offer as far as the masters obsession with other people and his disguises go. and what it means for him to spend months of his live caring for something, like the doctor would, when all hes done before is kill. what does it mean for the champion of death to cultivate life :(
nyways, if you made it this far, i really hope you enjoyed !! i just love talking about spymaster can you tell lmfaooo and if you liked any of this id recommend reading the gardener by ritheh on ao3 which expands on his whole “killer heals for once” thing its soooo good <33 ok bye see u guys next time
#doctor who#cuatro yaps#character study#spy boy#dhawan!master#spymaster#thoschei#spydoc#why did i write this#i just really like the master can you guys tell
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Adjective Placement in Spanish Overview
With regards to adjective placement, I know I linked that bigger post I made about what the placement of adjectives generally mean but I'll give a very brief overview and if anyone has any specific questions please let me know.
IN GENERAL for like 70-ish percent of the time, adjectives go behind the noun in Spanish. These are your basic everyday adjectives that just describe nouns; el gato negro "the black cat", la mujer alta "the tall woman", los datos importantes "the important data", las tormentas peligrosas "the dangerous storms"
And again, IN GENERAL, if an adjective precedes the noun it is as if you bolded or italicized the adjective. It makes the adjective really stand out because of how out of the ordinary it is. It's very commonly used in poetry, writing, or for hyperbole:
La cruel realidad = The cruel reality La fea verdad = The ugly truth Mis sinceras disculpas = My sincere apologies Mi más sentido pésame = My most heartfelt condolences/regrets
If you were looking at it more poetically you could think of "blue sky"... el cielo azul "the blue sky" is everyday Spanish, very typical. Saying el azul cielo "the blue sky" draws the eye to azul making it seem like "blue" is the most important or noteworthy thing about it
You typically see this kind of construction in everyday Spanish with expressions of gratitude, grief, horror, deep love, or any very strong emotions or when you're trying to make an impact
(More below)
Note: This will impact certain aspects of grammar, such as the nouns that are actually feminine but take a general masculine article such as el agua, el arma, el hada, el hambre, el águila etc.
As an example:
El hada madrina = Fairy Godmother La buena hada = The good fairy
To further explain this rule - el hada is written with a masculine article. This is because it has its vocal stress on the first syllable and begins with A- or HA- [where H is silent]; and treating it as feminine would cause the sounds to run together, so the el adds a kind of phonetic break to preserve the sound; but in plural it will be las hadas "fairies/fey"
A word like this would still retain its normal functions as a feminine word, thus el agua bendita "holy water", el águila calva "bald eagle", el ave rapaz "bird of prey", and then in this case el hada madrina "fairy godmother"
By adding a separate word in front, you interrupt that la + A/HA construction and create a hiatus in the sounds already... so you can then treat it like a normal feminine noun, la buena hada "the good fairy"
You might also see this with grande "big" and its other form gran "great/large", el águila grande "the big eagle" vs. la gran águila "the great eagle"
Moving aside from the normal grammar, we now enter the exceptions. First - determiners.
There are a handful of adjectives that are known as determiners which come before the noun and they provide an important function in communicating things like number, possession, and location
The most common determiners include:
Definite articles [el, la, los, las]
Indefinite articles [un, una, unos, unas]
Possessives [mi, tu, su, nuestro/a, vuestro/a]
Demonstratives [este/esta, ese/esa/, aquel/aquella]
Interrogatives [qué, cuál/cuáles, cuánto/a] (Also work as exclamatory determiners which just means ¡! instead of ¿?)
Cardinal numbers [uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco etc]
Ordinal numbers [primer/primera, segundo/a, tercer/tercera, cuarto/a, quinto/a, etc]
There are also a few determiners of quantity such as mucho/a "a lot/many/much", todo/a "all/every", cada "each", vario/a "various/many", poco/a "few/less", tal "such", tan "so much" / tanto/a "so many", algún/alguna and ningún/ninguna etc.
And it will generally apply to más and menos "more" and "less", and sometimes mejor/peor "better/worse"
Note: With possessives is that there are two forms depending on adjective placement:
mi amigo/a = my friend mis amigos / amigas = my friends un amigo mío = a friend of mine una amiga mía = a friend of mine [f] unos amigos míos = a few friends of mine unas amigas mías = a few friends [f] of mine
All the pronouns have their own version of this possessive pattern
mi(s) and mío/a, tu(s) and tuyo/a, su(s) and suyo/a, and then nuestro/a and vuestro/a are the same but the adjective placement is different
As an example - nuestro país "our country" vs. el país nuestro "the country of ours", or nuestros familiares "our family members" vs. unos familiares nuestros "some family members of ours"
A common religious example - Nuestra Señora "Our Lady" and then el padrenuestro "the Our Father prayer"
The possessives that come after the noun are usually translated as "of mine/yours/his/hers/ours" etc.
You can also see a few determiners/adjectives in different places in a phrase like - un viejo amigo mío "an old friend of mine" vs. mi viejo amigo "my old friend"
As mentioned in the very beginning there are a handful of exceptions
Most notably:
viejo/a = old / elderly
antiguo/a = ancient, old / antique, old
mismo/a = same / self
gran = great, grand grande = large
And includes propio/a "own / appropriate", as well as bueno/a "good" or malo/a "bad". I discussed a lot of these in more depth in the previous posts and in the one linked above
In many cases the exact meaning is different, even if it's slight - such as el hotel grande "the big hotel" vs. el Gran Hotel "the Grand Hotel"
bueno/a and malo/a are generally either "good" and "kind", or "bad" and "unkind", though the meanings can kind of blur together... as something like la buena hada "the good fairy" isn't so far off from el hada buena "the nice fairy"
When places before though bueno/a turns to buen + masculine, and malo/a turns to mal + masculine
As an example - un buen augurio "good omen", un mal presagio "a bad omen/portent"
.....but in feminine it looks like you'd expect: buena suerte "good luck" vs. mala suerte
Similarly, and one I didn't include the first time is cualquier/cualquiera
cualquier persona = any person una persona cualquiera = an ordinary person
cualquier in front - regardless of gender - means "any", literally "whichever"
cualquiera in back comes out as "ordinary" or colloquially "any old" [such as un beso cualquiera "an ordinary kiss" / "any old kiss"], or in the case of people it could be like "a person of dubious/unknown background" sort of like "they could be anyone"...
And then you run into what I would consider "collocations" which is another word for a set noun or expression
There are some words/expressions that have the adjective in a specific place and you can't really change it or it sounds weird, so you sort of have to learn them as specific units to remember:
las bellas artes = fine arts [lit. "beautiful arts"]
(de) mala muerte = "backwater", "poor / middle of nowhere", a place of ill repute or somewhere very remote or inconsequential [lit. "of a bad death"]
a corto plazo = short-term
a largo plazo = long-term
(en) alta mar = (on) the high seas
alta calidad = high quality
baja calidad = low quality
Blancanieves = Snow White (the character/fairlytale)
la mala hierba, las malas hierbas = weeds [lit. "bad grasses"; plants that grow without you wanting them to or that grow in bad places etc]
los bajos fondos = criminal underworld [lit. "the low depths"]
el más allá = "the great beyond", "the afterlife" [lit. "the more over there/beyond"]
buen/mal augurio = good/bad omen buen/mal presagio = good/bad omen
buena/mala suerte = good/bad luck
...Also includes all the greetings like buen día / buenos días or buenas noches etc. they're all considered set phrases
There are also many collocations that use adjectives in their normal place that also can't be separated such as los frutos secos "nuts", or el vino tinto/banco "red/white wine" etc.
A collocation just means that they are treating multiple words as set phrases or a singular unit
And again, some history/geographical terms will have these as well:
la Gran Muralla China = Great Wall of China
la Primera Guerra Mundial = First World War
la Segunda Guerra Mundial = Second World War
el Sacro Imperio Romano = Holy Roman Empire
la Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece
el Antiguo Egipto = Ancient Egypt (el) Alto Egipto = Upper Egypt (el) Bajo Egipto = Lower Egypt
Nueva York = New York
Nueva Zelanda = New Zealand
Nuevo México = New Mexico
Nueva Escocia = Nova Scotia [lit. "New Scotland"]
la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple [aka "New York"]
Buenos Aires
There are many such terms
#spanish#langblr#spanish language#learning spanish#spanish grammar#learn spanish#long post#spanish vocabulary#vocabulario
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OFFtober 2024 Day 23: Happy ending
This fanfic is part of a little series I'm planning to continue, due to the dinamic of offtober, I couldn't finnish the series as one, so for now, please accept Part 1 of ??? This fanfic is in SPANISH, because it's easier for me to write.
A casa (parte 1 de ???)
Al despertar, las mismas paredes blancas de su claustrofóbica habitación lo saludaban, pero esta vez era diferente. Al fin dejaría de ser suya.
- ¿Listo para salir, Hugo? –
El pequeño niño miro a través de la ventana de su habitación y poso su vista en un pajarito que se encontraba en la rama de un árbol del camino. Llevaba tanto tiempo en el hospital que podía identificarlo. Este pajarito era su amigo, uno con el que podía entretenerse y contar los cuentos e historia que su imaginativa mente fabricaba, o al menos eso hacía hasta que su enfermedad volvió a postrarlo en cama. Recordó lo débil lo había dejado en ese momento, tanto que acercarse a la ventana le era imposible. Paso tantas semanas así, que cuando vio a un gato intentar treparse al árbol de enfrente, creyó que su amiguito había desaparecido. Pero aquí estaba, de nuevo visible por el marco de su ventana.
En el trinar del pajarillo, Hugo creyó escucharlo decir "¡Felicidades, lo lograste!". Movió sus sabanas para bajar de su camilla y acercarse a devolverle el saludo, pero antes de poner un pie afuera fue detenido con suavidad por su nervioso doctor.
- ¡E-ey, tranquilo! Primero hay que hacer un chequeo de rutina ¿ok? Se que estas emocionado, pero nunca es malo ser precavidos. –
Hugo hizo una mueca, después de todo, no puedes pedirle a un niño que esté quieto, y menos a un niño de 8 años tan mentalmente inquieto como él. Afortunadamente, sus padres lo educaron como un niño obediente. Después de ser examinado por lo que sería su última vez, el doctor se retiró, no sin antes decirle que espere un poco, que ya volvería su mamá a recogerlo.
Para la desgracia de su nervioso doctor de cabecera, la obediencia de Hugo desaparecía como el humo si se enfrentaba al hambre. Con cautela, Hugo bajó a de su camilla y se dirigió su puerta, la abrió y dio un paso afuera. La felicidad lo invadió, era la primera vez en meses que salía de esas cuatro blancas paredes. Bueno, no es que el pasillo fuera de otro color, era un hospital después de todo, pero para sus pequeños ojos, este nuevo blanco era mucho más bonito.
El dulce olor de la cafetería dentro del recinto llegó hasta su nariz. Pastel. ¿Hace cuanto que no comía pastel? Los dulces recuerdos vinieron como un torrente. Las tardes con su madre, los paseos con su padre.
Aferrándose a esos recuerdos, corrió por el largo pasillo en dirección al olor. Como era pequeño, los apurados doctores no se percataron de su presencia, a excepción de su doctor de cabecera.
- ¡Hugo, espera! ¡N- no deberías estar corriendo! –
El doctor intento perseguirlo, pero la congestión del pasillo le dificultaba correr. Un niño no debería estar solo corriendo en un hospital, si el director lo encuentra, seguro que esta vez sí lo despide… ¡No, no deberías pensar en eso Elsen! ¡¿Un niño que acaba de recuperarse de una enfermedad terminal está corriendo en medio del hospital y tu prioridad es tu trabajo?! ¡¿Qué clase de médico eres?!
Los piecitos de Hugo sonaban contra el piso y su respiración era agitada, sus manitos se movían a los lados para mantener el equilibrio y su cabeza solo tenía un objetivo. La cafetería.
Hugo cayó al suelo luego de impactar contra alguien. Fue un duro golpe, pero no tanto como sus ilusiones quebradas, adiós pastel. El pequeño intento mirar contra qué o quien había chocado. Era una figura muy, muy alta.
Era un hombre alto con una gabardina, tenía botas grandes y una presencia muy aterradora, como si te fuera a gritar en cualquier segundo. Hugo no pudo contener las lagrimas que amenazaban con escaparse, y comenzó a llorar. Era un señor demasiado aterrador.
- ¡Oh no no, no llores pequeño! No quise asustarte. –
El señor alto levanto a Hugo del suelo y lo puso frente a si mismo, intentando desesperadamente de calmarlo. Estaba levantándolo por los aires cuando llegó el doctor, muy asustado, pero quedó aún más cuando vio al mismísimo director del hospital sosteniendo al niño.
- ¡A-Ah, s-señor Dedan, lo lamento! Hugo solo salió de su habitación solo por un momento, lo regresaré ahora mismo. No se e-enoje con él, es s-su último día en el hospital, e-esta muy emocionado. – Mientras hablaba, Elsen movía desesperadamente sus manos, como intentando disculparse por siquiera existir. Esto pareció tener efecto en el niño, ya que detuvo su llanto para poder observar mejor los curiosos gestos del doctor.
Dedan estaba muy molesto por la negligencia de su empleado, con su mirada y un gesto con la mano, le indicó que se fuera, después de todo, no quería que el pequeño volviera a llorar. Cuando el doctor se retiro de su vista, Dedan cruzo su mirada con la de Hugo
- Agh… qué voy a hacer contigo, niño. Supongo que tu madre aun no viene por ti, es una mujer ocupada ¿lo entiendes, verdad? – Le dijo con un toco menos brusco que el habitual, no era el mejor con los niños, en especial si apartaban la mirada de él como lo hacía Hugo.
- ¿Por qué saliste corriendo de tu habitación? –
Hugo le indico con su mano la dirección de la cafetería, solo volver a pensar en dulces hizo que su estomago sonara. Dedan pareció entender la situación, y cargándolo con una sola mano se dirigió a la cafetería del hospital.
Era un área mucho más tranquila y colorida, las paredes eran tonos de naranja e impregnaban el lugar con un ambiente acogedor. En una esquina de esta nueva habitación, se encontraba un mesón con escaparates de comida y un cajero. Quién lo atendía era un señor muy grande, pero no solo en altura, si no que también en tamaño. Tenía una gran y contagiosa sonrisa.
#off game#off the game#off (game)#off mortis ghost#off rpg#my writing#offtober 2024#offtober2024#offtober#off hugo#hugo off#off elsen#elsen off#off dedan#dedan off#off enoch#enoch off#off japhet#japhet off#fanfiction#fanfic#based on#the theorie that said#hugo was a hospital patient#and everything on off was a metaphor of his life#español#spanish#fanfic en español
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Hi just wanted to talk about an Au idea I had
Story: Mirabel when she was 9 found a crack in the mountains of the encanto. She told her family she was going on a camping trip(which was not technically wrong). She explored the outside of the encanto, 5 days into her trip she found a kingdom full of magic and non magical people in harmony. The kingdom was run by 4 kings and 3 queens, their all siblings that rule over the kingdom. Over time Mirabel gets close to the rolers and they (not officially) adopted mirabel as their little sister, calling her princesa Mirabel. Mirabel had a personal guard and a room in the castle. Mirabel one day came to the kingdom after getting yelled at by Alma, Isabella and pepa all in one day. She asked to be alone in her room, her guard listened to her request and stayed outside her door. mirabel went out through her window to the garden. What she didn't know was that the kingdom was at war and a soldier from the opposite nation killed her in cold blood. The solder was found and killed. Mirabel's guard felt like he failed his job. The rolers were angry at the madrigal family so they made 9 stitched dolls of mirabel and gave them each a fraction of Mirabel's soul. The dolls were made as a test, if the madrigal family didn't change their ways after the 9th one was gone they would destroy the encanto and only spare the kids. They put doll one in Mirabel's bed and the next day someone that looked just like Mirabel was in the nursery at Casita. The rolers erased the clones memories of the kingdom and her death(the original mirabel). Over time the clones replaced each other as the others found out the truth or Mirabel (the idea) had to look older. Doll 9 (the Mirabel we follow in the movie) was exploring a little bit outside the encanto when she found a person unconscious outside of the encanto. After healing and the person woke up she explained she was a seamstress at the castle and about the original mirabel and what happened and how the rolers believes that the madrigal family lost their last chance to change and where planning an attack.
Side ideas: the original mirabel never got to meet Antonio, the clones that know the truth call the original mirabel "the original", the clones call echother by their numbers, the clones live in the kingdom when they're replaced in the encanto
The other 8 clones personalities:
Una: Una was the first, she lasted the longest at a 2 whole years, she acts a lot like Alma but she will Punch you if you say that to her face. She spends most her time at the originals grave. She looks more doll like now more than human.
Dos: is flirting, guys, girls she don't care. Her and Una are the best guards in the kingdom. She has a few cuts here and there but is in perfect condition.
Tres: she is a book lover and will stay in the library most of the time. She loves to write. She has short hair that looks like yarn.
Cuatro: she acts a lot like Luisa, the only thing that calms her down is sleeping. She has a button eye because she lost her original eye.
Cinco: she is cold, angry, tough and she will attack now and ask questions later. She is missing an arm.
Sesi: is calm, caring. She loves to sing and will often sing at bars in the kingdom. She has the longest hair out of the clones.
Siete: she is always pissed at something, she loves to explore and will have a book that she keeps of all her magical findings. She will always have sticks and leaves in her hair for some reason.
Ocho: she is very restful of the 9th clone because Ocho was replaced the day before Antonio's birthday/gift ceremony. She gets her emotions out by sewing. She is always quiet and gets along with Siete the most. She rerooted her hair teal with light blue highlights.
All: they all hate Alma with a burning passion and will always say it. They would say it to her face to. They don't understand how the 9th can just forget alma
It is actually wild how they don’t see the clones, like ow??? Do you miss something like that, it is genuinely baffling to me. Like wrap it up, all nine of y’all can go home, where’s the og 💀💀 also the fact that og Mirabel never got to meet Antonio is so sad. I’m sobbing 😭 but like. It’s also strange how these more than likely grown rulers let her in during a war, personally I would never. But that’s just me ☹️
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I am more curious on your thoughts on animes and shows on your master list. What are your thoughts on Dororo? I liked it and my god the temple fire scene will forever not make me cry
Maybe You don't know it(most of the people who follow me i think) but i started writing in Tumblr to make content of Dororo! I wanted to search for material of the series(mainly Tahomaru bc he is My fav)and find NOTHING! So i went all
And did the four works of Tahomaru that are in the Masterlist of Dororo:3 it's a fun fact that i think You could know.
If we talk about the series, i see it in the whole fiasco of the quarentine(2020) with My sis, and was one of the first series of high Quality i ever seen.
Animation? Awesome! Absolulty love the character desing and how the movements of Hyakkimaru change in the progress of losing/gaining limbs back. The fight scenes(specially the ones of Hyakkimaru and Tahomaru) are SUPER COOL! And in general i really like those stories of the Sengoku Era.
(it's very funny how Hyakkimaru gets used to several of His senses in record time. Specially the smell😂).
The Characters are interesting, they grew in the story, we get to know them to emphatize with them(specially Dororo) and we are happy for the ones who get a good Ending, and heartbroken for the ones who get a Bad Ending(WHY MY BOY--).
My favorite characters besides Tahomaru( how can Nui don't love this Ray of sunshine?? He deserved better) are easily Mio(Bc was the first time i saw those strong topics in a series and it make her superior. Also her song get stuck in My head FOR YEARS)and Jukai(the whole path of His redemtion, His relationship with Hyakkimaru, how he was worried that he could become a monster only for Hyakkimaru to see him as his mother I CANT--).
Even if i really liked the themes of morality(with if it was Right to kill off Hyakkimaru or not BC of the people of Daigo's domain) and how they resolve the conflict, I feel the story could have been longer, but at the same time i'm glad the story didn't get over extended like some others (COFCOFinuyashaCOFCOFNaturoCOFCOF), and either way it's an amazing story.
Hope this is the answer You wanted!
Hope that when i have the Requests Open again, Someone Requests from Dororo :,) for the old times.
(Español )
Tal vez no lo sepan (creo que la mayoría de las personas que me siguen) pero comencé a escribir en Tumblr para hacer contenido de Dororo. Quería buscar material de la serie (principalmente Tahomaru porque es mi favorito) y ¡NO ENCONTRÉ NADA! Así que me puse a todo: "¡Está bien, lo haré yo mismo!"
E hice las cuatro obras de Tahomaru que están en la Masterlist de Dororo:3 es un dato curioso que creo que podrías saber.
Si hablamos de la serie, la veo en todo el fiasco de la cuarentena (2020) con Mi hermana, y fue una de las primeras series de alta Calidad que vi.
¿Animación? ¡Genial! Me encanta el diseño de los personajes y cómo cambian los movimientos de Hyakkimaru a medida que pierde o recupera sus extremidades. Las escenas de lucha (especialmente las de Hyakkimaru y Tahomaru) son ¡GENIALES! Y, en general, me gustan mucho esas historias de la Era Sengoku.
(Es muy gracioso cómo Hyakkimaru se acostumbra a varios de sus sentidos en un tiempo récord. Especialmente el olfato).
Los personajes son interesantes, crecieron en la historia, llegamos a conocerlos para empatizar con ellos (especialmente Dororo) y estamos felices por los que obtienen un buen final, y desconsolados por los que obtienen un mal final (¿POR QUÉ MI NIÑO!?).
Mis personajes favoritos además de Tahomaru (¿cómo puede Nui no amar a este Rayo de sol? Se merecía algo mejor) son fácilmente Mio (Porque fue la primera vez que vi esos temas fuertes en una serie y la hacen superior. Además, su canción se quedó atrapada en mi cabeza POR AÑOS) y Juka (todo el camino de su redención, su relación con Hyakkimaru, cómo estaba preocupado de que pudiera convertirse en un monstruo solo para que Hyakkimaru lo viera como su madre, NO PUEDO...).
Incluso si realmente me gustaron los temas de moralidad (si fue correcto matar a Hyakkimaru o no por culpa de la gente del dominio de Daigo) y cómo resuelven el conflicto, siento que la historia podría haber sido más larga, pero al mismo tiempo me alegra que la historia no se haya extendido demasiado como otras (COFCOFinuyasha COFCOFNaturoCOFCOF), y de cualquier manera es una historia increíble.
¡Espero que esta sea la respuesta que querías!
Espero que cuando vuelva a abrir las solicitudes, alguien solicite algo de Dororo :,) para recordar los viejos tiempos.
#and yes#that scene? absolulty painfull#dororo#dororo 2019#dororo jukai#dororo mio#dororo tahomaru#tahomaru#jukai#mio#hyakkimaru#dororo hyakkimaru#spanish#español
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Fourth of July
Mi pequeña Versalles, ha pasado tiempo ¿Verdad?, escuché la misma canción los últimos 3 años en la misma fecha, cambió todo en dos años, o un año en el que estuve en mi punto más bajo.
Bien, ya hablaste suficiente, mientras sea abundante aprovecha tu vida, fue gracioso tantos pensamientos, es gracioso claro, tantos sueños y metas en la deriva en aquel mar de promesas y sueños pendientes que nunca se cumplirán.
Perdono aquel que me abandonó y aquellos a los que abandoné, pero fue lo mejor aunque nunca se sintió bien.
Antes de despedirme, mi estrella en el cielo, recordemos los buenos tiempos felices, ahora como desconocidos conociéndonos o no, es complicado, pero es lo mejor.
¿Te parece bien, mi libélula?
¿Por qué lloras?
Todos vamos a morir de todas formas, todos vamos a morir así que... mientras es ligera y abundante, la vida al máximo.
Música nostálgica indolora, ¿Aprendí algo de esto? ¿O del cuatro de Julio?
so, who was he writing to?
~Cenizas del Sol.
#textos#escritos#fourth of july#pensamientos#lo que siento#en tu orbita#en tu radar#interior#citas en tumblr#citas en español#citas#writers on tumblr#photography#my photos#music#comfy#escritos tumblr#escritos en español#un chico escribiendo#Spotify#frases#texto en tumblr#texto en español#texto
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Thinking about that one time I squirted all over a matress (ya boy's a firehydrant) and the girl I was with pushed my face into it and made me apologise for making a mess...
Want Lalo to do that to me and fuck me in that position
OH MY GOD????????? YEAH HI as a fellow member of the squirt squad thanks for the best fucking prompt ever and please tell that girl she can kill me if she wanted to 🫡
also adding petplay to this bc that's the vibe and it works with the fic series im writing 🖤
warning: squirting
anatomical terms: pussy/hole
"Getting close, huh?"
The leash clinked against your collar as you nodded and whined. You were panting and drooling with your tongue hanging out. Just like a dog, just like how you were supposed to be. You took your job very seriously.
"Good boy. Let it out. It's okay."
Lalo must not have known what he was signing up for when he said that. Sure, you probably should've warned him that you squirt hard enough to blast paint off of drywall, but you were too fucked out to think properly. That ship had sailed. Maybe he should've put two and two together considering how wet you were already. It wasn't exactly a secret. Plus, it was his fault anyway. He was the one pressing your buttons, quite literally, as a matter of fact. He had the perfect angle to ram his cock into your g-spot over and over again, each thrust making you squeal. When you started to pulsate around him, he only sped up, forcing more than just some swears out of you.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck fuck fuck!!!"
The pressure of your orgasm was enough to push him out of you. Your back arched and you gripped the sheets as your pussy drenched everything in its path, mainly the bed and Lalo's thighs. By the time you were done, you were laying in a puddle. You slumped back against the pillow, completely spent.
Lalo looked down at you in shock and awe. It was too cute for him to handle. He'd never seen anything like it, but he sure hoped he'd see it again. He let go of your leg and let you rest for a moment, just a moment, before he yanked you up by the leash. You had given him an idea.
Once you were sitting upright, your head swirling and empty, he gave you an order. "Cuatro patas (All fours). C'mon." His voice was firm, but he relaxed his grip on the leash so you could obey.
Dazed and confused from your climax, you still followed the command instinctively, scrambling onto your hands and knees. Lalo maneuvered himself behind you as you got into position. You held your head right above the large wet spot you'd created, practically staring down at it. There was so much. You barely had time to assess the damage before Lalo pushed inside you again, your stretched-out, dripping hole putting up zero resistance. You started to moan, though it turned into a yelp once you felt him yank your hair.
Lalo shoved your face down into the now cold puddle and fucked you from behind. "¡Chucho sucio! (Dirty mutt!) Look at the mess you made!" He spanked your ass hard enough to turn it red. "Bad boy! Say you're sorry!"
In between desperate cries of pleasure, you did. Over and over again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
But you weren't.
In fact, if this was the punishment, you'd be sure to do it again.
#anon#ask#better call saul#bcs#bcs x reader#better call saul x reader#better call saul smut#better call saul imagine#better call saul headcanons#better call saul hcs#lalo salamanca#lalo salamanca smut#lalo salamanca headcanons#lalo salamanca x reader#lalo salamanca imagine#lalo salamanca hcs
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hello again!~ about the xingqiu ask, i've searched as well and there's a mention about him being a young adult? (assuming he'd be around 18-mid twenties at most) I understand your discomfort/worries about it and I understand, would you be able to write slightly? spicy head canons, not full on nsfw but just a little spicy please do not feel pressured, I'm just curious <3
💖~ ok then, let's work in headcanons for Xingqiu!
Warning: spicy, Adult Xingqiu | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
Estoy tratando de mejorar a la hora de hacer estos banners, creo que este es mi favorito hasta ahora 💙
Xingqiu es alguien bromista, tal vez demasiado para tu bien. Después de estar juntos por tanto tiempo ya hay un nivel de confianza en el que las bromas pasan de cambiar de lugar tu libro a dejar literatura erótica entre tus libros de estudio.
Y está bien, tal vez no es nada muy exagerado, pero te hace suspirar con algo de molestia fingida cuando esos libros tienen notas con cosas como "¿Probamos esto?". La respuesta es sí, Xingqiu, pero en otro momento.
Puede portarse un poco malcriado, a pesar de la tranquilidad con la que te pide besos, sabe que te está atrayendo a una trampa.
Busca la manera de salirse con la suya cuando están solos, te abraza por detrás y te susurra las cosas que le gustaría hacer contigo hasta que lo golpeas o lo besas, siempre pueden seguir jugando en otro momento.
Los apodos jamás acaban, siempre son tan lindos y se asegura de llamarte de las maneras más dulces mientras se besan.
Jamás lleva a cabo sus juegos frente a Chongyun, no lo quiere matar. Aunque hay veces en las que juega a que sí, solo cuando tiene tu permiso. Una vez que los amigos estaban conversando surgió el chiste de la razón por la que amabas a Xingqiu, el exorcista se rió demasiado y tu pareja casi le explica la versión tranquila de 50 sobras de Grey. No hace falta decir que a Chongyun casi le dan cuatro infartos antes de cubrir sus oídos.
Siempre tiene las manos encima de ti, tocando tus muslos o te sostiene por la cadera, te deja pasar primero y te ayuda a cruzar con una mano en tu espalda inferior, nunca se queda solo con eso, necesita poner toda su palma y apretar tu piel para estar satisfecho.
A pesar de que las buenas costumbres prohíben actos tan íntimos en público, él siempre roza su rodilla con la tuya, atrae tu atención con sus manos en tu brazo o tu hombro de una manera tan gentil que te pierdes en su toque, y luego sonríe para dejarte suspirando.
Los días más tranquilos son sus favoritos, simplemente se quedan flojeando en casa y duermen la siesta, no antes de que Xingqiu acaricie tus caderas, dice que lo calma para dormir.
A pesar de todos sus juegos, siempre es tan gentil cuando nota que no estás de humor para aguantarlo, también pueden disfrutar de la calma mientras leen algo o cuando espera a que termines lo que haces.
Le gusta formar corazones en tu espalda, en algunas ocasiones usa su visión hydro para crear gotas con forma de corazón y te pide que te quedes quieta mientras te besa.
Hablando de besos, él ama besarte. No le importa besar tus mejillas o tus manos, pero prefiere mil veces besar tus labios hasta dejarlos rojos e hinchados, besar y chupar tus hombros hasta dejar una mancha que sobresale y dice su nombre.
Xingqiu is someone who is joking, maybe too much for your good. After being together for so long there is a level of trust in which the jokes go from moving your book to leaving erotic literature between your study books.
And okay, maybe it's nothing too far-fetched, but it makes you sigh with some mock annoyance when those books have notes with things like "Shall we try this?" The answer is yes, Xingqiu, but at another time.
He can act a little spoiled, despite the calmness with which he asks you for kisses, he knows he is luring you into a trap.
He finds a way to get his way when you're alone, he hugs you from behind and whispers the things he'd like to do with you until you hit him or kiss him, you can always continue playing another time.
The pet names never end, they are always so cute and he makes sure to call you the sweetest things while you kiss.
He never plays his games in front of Chongyun, he doesn't want to kill him. Although there are times when he plays pretend, only when he has your permission. Once when friends were talking the joke came up about why you loved Xingqiu, the exorcist laughed too much and your partner almost explained the quiet version of 50 Leftovers of Grey. Needless to say, Chongyun almost had four heart attacks before covering his ears.
He always has his hands on top of you, touching your thighs or holding you by the hips, he lets you pass first and helps you cross with one hand on your lower back, he is never left alone with that, he needs to put his whole palm and squeeze your skin to be satisfied.
Even though good manners prohibit such intimate acts in public, he always brushes his knee against yours, draws your attention with his hands on your arm or shoulder in such a gentle way that you get lost in his touch, and then smiles to leave you sighing.
The quieter days are his favorite, you just laze around the house and take a nap, but not before Xingqiu caresses your hips, he says it calms him to sleep.
He likes to form hearts on your back, sometimes he uses his hydro vision to create heart-shaped drops and asks you to stay still while he kisses you.
Speaking of kisses, he loves kissing you. He doesn't mind kissing your cheeks or your hands, but he prefers a thousand times to kiss your lips until they are red and swollen and to kiss and suck on your shoulders until he leaves a stain that stands out and says his name.
Despite all his games, he is always so gentle when he notices that you are not in the mood to put up with him, you can also enjoy the calm while reading something or when he waits for you to finish what you are doing.
#writing#genshin imagines#genshin impact#genshin x reader#genshin x y/n#genshin x you#x reader#xingqiu#genshin impact xingqiu#genshin xingqiu#xingqiu x reader#genshin impact x y/n#genshin impact x you#genshin impact x reader#genshin x f!reader#genshin x female reader#genshin x gender neutral reader#genshin x gn reader
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