#dororo mio
xjulixred45x · 3 days
I am more curious on your thoughts on animes and shows on your master list. What are your thoughts on Dororo? I liked it and my god the temple fire scene will forever not make me cry
Maybe You don't know it(most of the people who follow me i think) but i started writing in Tumblr to make content of Dororo! I wanted to search for material of the series(mainly Tahomaru bc he is My fav)and find NOTHING! So i went all
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And did the four works of Tahomaru that are in the Masterlist of Dororo:3 it's a fun fact that i think You could know.
If we talk about the series, i see it in the whole fiasco of the quarentine(2020) with My sis, and was one of the first series of high Quality i ever seen.
Animation? Awesome! Absolulty love the character desing and how the movements of Hyakkimaru change in the progress of losing/gaining limbs back. The fight scenes(specially the ones of Hyakkimaru and Tahomaru) are SUPER COOL! And in general i really like those stories of the Sengoku Era.
(it's very funny how Hyakkimaru gets used to several of His senses in record time. Specially the smell😂).
The Characters are interesting, they grew in the story, we get to know them to emphatize with them(specially Dororo) and we are happy for the ones who get a good Ending, and heartbroken for the ones who get a Bad Ending(WHY MY BOY--).
My favorite characters besides Tahomaru( how can Nui don't love this Ray of sunshine?? He deserved better) are easily Mio(Bc was the first time i saw those strong topics in a series and it make her superior. Also her song get stuck in My head FOR YEARS)and Jukai(the whole path of His redemtion, His relationship with Hyakkimaru, how he was worried that he could become a monster only for Hyakkimaru to see him as his mother I CANT--).
Even if i really liked the themes of morality(with if it was Right to kill off Hyakkimaru or not BC of the people of Daigo's domain) and how they resolve the conflict, I feel the story could have been longer, but at the same time i'm glad the story didn't get over extended like some others (COFCOFinuyashaCOFCOFNaturoCOFCOF), and either way it's an amazing story.
Hope this is the answer You wanted!
Hope that when i have the Requests Open again, Someone Requests from Dororo :,) for the old times.
(Español )
Tal vez no lo sepan (creo que la mayoría de las personas que me siguen) pero comencé a escribir en Tumblr para hacer contenido de Dororo. Quería buscar material de la serie (principalmente Tahomaru porque es mi favorito) y ¡NO ENCONTRÉ NADA! Así que me puse a todo: "¡Está bien, lo haré yo mismo!"
E hice las cuatro obras de Tahomaru que están en la Masterlist de Dororo:3 es un dato curioso que creo que podrías saber.
Si hablamos de la serie, la veo en todo el fiasco de la cuarentena (2020) con Mi hermana, y fue una de las primeras series de alta Calidad que vi.
¿Animación? ¡Genial! Me encanta el diseño de los personajes y cómo cambian los movimientos de Hyakkimaru a medida que pierde o recupera sus extremidades. Las escenas de lucha (especialmente las de Hyakkimaru y Tahomaru) son ¡GENIALES! Y, en general, me gustan mucho esas historias de la Era Sengoku.
(Es muy gracioso cómo Hyakkimaru se acostumbra a varios de sus sentidos en un tiempo récord. Especialmente el olfato).
Los personajes son interesantes, crecieron en la historia, llegamos a conocerlos para empatizar con ellos (especialmente Dororo) y estamos felices por los que obtienen un buen final, y desconsolados por los que obtienen un mal final (¿POR QUÉ MI NIÑO!?).
Mis personajes favoritos además de Tahomaru (¿cómo puede Nui no amar a este Rayo de sol? Se merecía algo mejor) son fácilmente Mio (Porque fue la primera vez que vi esos temas fuertes en una serie y la hacen superior. Además, su canción se quedó atrapada en mi cabeza POR AÑOS) y Juka (todo el camino de su redención, su relación con Hyakkimaru, cómo estaba preocupado de que pudiera convertirse en un monstruo solo para que Hyakkimaru lo viera como su madre, NO PUEDO...).
Incluso si realmente me gustaron los temas de moralidad (si fue correcto matar a Hyakkimaru o no por culpa de la gente del dominio de Daigo) y cómo resuelven el conflicto, siento que la historia podría haber sido más larga, pero al mismo tiempo me alegra que la historia no se haya extendido demasiado como otras (COFCOFinuyasha COFCOFNaturoCOFCOF), y de cualquier manera es una historia increíble.
¡Espero que esta sea la respuesta que querías!
Espero que cuando vuelva a abrir las solicitudes, alguien solicite algo de Dororo :,) para recordar los viejos tiempos.
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mic-check-stims · 11 hours
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Hyakkimio board for anon
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numerolock · 2 years
Mio and the kids live
This is all I ever wanted
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amayadrawz · 9 months
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Hyakkimaru and Mio redrawn from Klimt’s The Kiss (if I think about these two too much I go crazy)
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cable-salamder · 3 months
I keep coming up with aus where it’s a duo replaced with Garmadon and Lloyd, but they are literally never biologically related, at most found family. Anyways in this essay I will talk about a Dororo au-
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xolliwritez · 6 months
Can you write something with lee!hyakkimaru & ler!mio? Not in the fandom but they look super cute!!
Finding His Voice || Dororo Tk Fic
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A/N: OMG LYNNETTE I FUGGIN LOVE YOU AAAAAAA (please watch dororo I need people to talk too)
Summary: After Hyakkimaru slaughters yet another demon, he's taken back under Mio's care.
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"Hyakkimaru!" Cheered out the brunette, embracing the mainly prosthetic boy into a warm embrace. Hyakkimaru merely looked down, seeing the white outline of her silhouette. "Come, come, you must ve exhausted!" Chanted Mio, guiding Hyakkimaru into the hut.
Dororo had been busy taking care of, totally not playing, with the other children around her age, letting herself let loose and play after ages of worrying about herself and Hyakkimaru's safety.
Suddenly, Hyakkimaru snapped back to reality, as he heard the soft singing of Mio, something he cherished oh so much. He felt himself swoon for the woman, despite being unable to see her, he'd bet she was a real beauty.
"Hm hm.. Hyakkimaru, you're hurt." Mio said, hand raising his left leg. Hyakkimaru hadn't noticed, but a bruise was forming along he's calf, just below he's hind knee. "Oh gosh.. You've been into trouble again, haven't you?" Mio sighed, watching as Hyakkimaru simply cocked his head to the side in dissapointment. She merely huffed out a soft laugh at he's adorable behavior, fingertips strayly tracing around the small bruise.
"No matter, it's merely a small bruise, it should heal in no ti- Hm? You alright, Hyakki?" Mio turned her head up, watching as Hyakkimaru's form tensed up underneath her feather-light touch, head ducking down as he's prosthetic hand came up to his own lips, covering whatever noise he was emanating out.
Mio took a moment to process this, watching he's reactions. She had taken care of many children of her time, so she was rather experienced with reactions like this, that's when she proposed.
"Oh my.. You're ticklish? Hyakki.. That's so precious!" Mio laughed strayly, sending butterflies through the mainly prosthetic boy's stomach. He's efforts doubled, as Mio changed her tracing to stray scribbles underneath his knee. "Come on, I want to hear your voice! I bet it's gorgeous!" She teased in a low voice. She knew from Dororo that Hyakkimaru had gained his hearing not long ago, so he was sensitive to noise, aswell as having gained his voice before he came back? She was desperate to even hear the smallest of sounds!
She watched in awe, the other taller male's body quivering as new sensations took over he's heightened senses. "If it's bothering you, just hold up your hand and I'll stop. Promise." She reminded, her heart fluttering in awe at each reaction. He hadn't let himself go yet, but the fact he was trying to stay still, all just for her to continue? It made her swoon for this man. She decided to up things just a small notch.
"Round a round a garden," She muttered, tracing around his bruise again, "like a teddy bear," she opted, fingers still tracing around his bruise, "one step," her pointer finger crawled up his leg, settling behind his knee, smiling amusingly as Hyakkimaru flinched, "two step," her middle finger reached behind his thigh, watching Hyakkimaru quiver, "and.. Tickle you over there!" She finally ended, squeezing against the rather soft flesh along Hyakkimaru's thigh, and right then and there? He bursted.
The prosthetic boy threw he's hear back, right arm reaching out for her, but not feigning for her to end it just yet. That's when she noticed he's laughter.
"M-Mihi-o! Feels- feheels fuhunneheheee!" His voice was music to her ears. He sounded almost angelic to her, voice soft, and giggles bubbly. She could listen to this all day and night if she wished to.
"Do you like it? This is what we call 'tickling'... It causes you to laugh, and ot feels..?" She opted, leaning her head down to listen to his reaction.
"Fuhunneheheee!" He repeated, curling inwards just the slightest, even opting to hide his face against the crook of her neck.
"That's it.. Keep giggling, just relax into i-"
"I think I walked in at the wrong time.." Spoke a younger voice, causing Mio to squeak and stop her playful attack.
"Dororo- I swear, this isn't- No-!" Mio flushed, face bright rose red, as she rubbed her face into Hyakkimaru's neck, the other giggling still.
Dororo laughed, walking in, "I knew he had to be ticklish! You're a big liar, aniki!" Dororo pointed out. Boy, this will be a long night indeed.
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r0bitadraws · 7 months
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I wanted to draw these two in something cute, as well as reference that one scene from Young Black Jack along with Bachelor's Day. I missed the chance to post this on the 29th, but It's still the leap year and who cares?!
I personally believe that in the long run (if possible) Mio would be the one to take the next step. Especially with all of Hyakkimaru's interpretations being either socially awkward, emotionally reserved, or both (even at his most cheerful).
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They've been waiting for this day to finally happen...
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hashirama · 1 year
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Halfway done with this color wheel challenge!
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randomanimehoe · 1 year
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M’kay so I just finished watching dororo and I just want to say that Hyakkimaru is baby and I’m opening up fic requests for this fandom. So if the dororo fandom is still alive feel free to request headcannons, drabbles etc.
characters I write for
maybe others just ask
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ansatsu-sha · 2 years
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Mio / Dororo S1E6
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ladies-of-fiction · 11 months
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hinamikyoukachan · 1 year
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
watching dororo… i love mio so much. having many many thoughts.
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johannepetereric · 2 years
He’s in love! Ao3 had something!
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selene-lunette · 5 months
Comparison between Shadow of the Colossus and Dororo
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I've been a Dororo fan for years now and I just recently played Team Ico's games for the first time. So, here I'll try to list things that Shadow of the Colossus and Dororo have in common. My theory is that Fumito Ueda was inspired by Osamu Tezuka's work and, vice versa, Ueda's works inspired the 2019 anime adaptation of Dororo. Now, if this was common knowledge, then my bad! If that's not the case, these will be just lots of comparisons. Spoilers ahead!
First of all, both Wander and Hyakkimaru have a goal, and they are determined to reach it, no matter what. Wander wants to bring Mono back to life, while Hyakkimaru wants to collect his bodyparts, that were taken by evil spirits at birth due to a contract his father made to gain power. The demons in Dororo are 48, which is the number of Colossi Ueda initially planned to have in his game.
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Now, we know that within the colossi lie severed segments of Dormin's body. As Hyakkimaru defeats a demon, he collects a body part back. So, both the fiends in Dororo and the Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus hold a piece of body. But while in Dororo once these creatures are slayed the body part goes back to its original owner, in Shadow of the Colossus Wander is the vessel of Dormin's body, which is collected through those dark trails that pierce him after each battle.
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At the beginning of Dororo's original manga from 1967, Lord Daigo, Hyakkimaru's dad, enters a shrine and finds various devil statues. Here, he makes a contract with the evil spirits, the 48 devil gods. He seeks power, but the price to pay is the body of his own child. Doesn't that sound familiar? Wander also enters a shrine adorned with various idols, where he asks Dormin, the being that controls the souls of the dead, for Mono to be revived. But Dormin warns him that the price he'll pay would be heavy. Both the evil gods and Dormin, while promising what the human desires, ask for something important in return. They are also kind of making fun of the mortals for their requests.
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I'd also like to add that, as the Dororo manga continues and picks up with Hyakkimaru now being 14 years old, his lover, Mio, is already dead. We just see her through flashbacks, as the boy tells his story to Dororo. We don't know what's the relationship between Mono and Wander, but it's clear that he deeply cares about her, either as a lover, friend or sister.
(While I'm not sure if this is simply fan speculation or not, wasn't an alternative ending gonna feature Mono come back to life but blind, and she would've slowly regained her eyesight? If this was an actual scrapped ending, it would literally reference a core theme in Hyakkimaru's journey).
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As for the rest, the two stories are completely different, but the beginning is pretty similar, at least in my opinion. I feel like Ueda could've been influenced by Osamu Tezuka's work. Back in 2019 a Dororo anime remake aired, a retelling of the story. Just like all the other Dororo adaptations, a lot of things were changed from the original manga. The 48 demons were cut to 12, and another major change is the additional grey morality that envelops the entirety of the show. In the original manga, Daigo wanted to be a powerful ruler and gave his son away without regret. Here, he seeks help from the demons to archieve that, yes, but his lands are being destroyed by famines and epidemics. While he has egoistical ambitions, he's also helping his people. As you watch the anime, you start to question: who is right and who is wrong? Who is truly evil here? Which are questions we all asked ourselves while playing Shadow of the Colossus. While you play, you know why you're slaying the Colossi, but you do start to wonder if you're really doing the right thing. They are just giant creatures, some peaceful if not attacked, and are the only inhabitants of the Forbidden Lands. Is Wander the true villain, is it Dormin, or is it Emon? Is there even a true villain at all, or just characters at cross purpouses?
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In Dororo, you root for Hyakkimaru, deprived of his own body. But, as he kills more and more demons, the lands are yet again subjected to droughts and floods. And, on his first encounter with Lord Daigo, his father asks him to stop collecting his body for the sake of the lands. The morally grey character of Hyakkimaru, I feel like, could be inspired by Fumito Ueda's work. There's a major difference in the ending though. As Wander's journey makes him loose his humanity, Hyakkimaru's is the opposite. Withing him, he also has bits of evil spirits enbedded into his soul, much like Wander.
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But while Hyakkimaru is plagued by doubts, and sometimes lets the demonic part of him loose, he ultimately reaches his goal to be whole again. With the death of all the demons, the natural disasters stop, starting a period of peace. He gets his humanity back, something that Wander only archieves after being reborn.
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Also, this is totally just speculation, but the thing about Hyakkimaru's demon slaying causing illnesses and epidemics might be a reference to ICO. In the PS2 manual (at least in the italian one I own) it is stated that the horned children are believed to be cursed, bringing misfortunes to befall the villages. Another thing added to the 2019 anime adaptation of Dororo is the fact that with each evil spirit Hyakkimaru kills, the idol that represents it at the shrine (where Daigo made the contract) breaks. Which is literally what happens in Shadow of the Colossus.
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I'd also like to add that Dororo also has a videogame adaptation for the PS2 called Blood will tell, that contains 48 fiends to defeat in order to retrieve Hyakkimaru's body parts. It came out just a year before Shadow of the Colossus did, and it's such a fun game. It has some amazing looking fiends and, fun fact, Blood will tell's japanese cover art is also a beautiful drawing (made by Hiroaki Samura), while the western box art is a 3D rendition of the main character, much like ICO. Though, not as ugly ;)
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I can't tell if this game actually influenced Shadow of the Colossus or not, but it's pretty fun to spot the similarities between the two. The final boss, Behemoth, is the biggest out of the 48 fiends, and its fight is divided in various sections. In one of these, you have to stand on Behemoth's hand so that it can bring you close to its face to attack. It reminded me of the Malus fight.
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In another section, you have to climb the fiend's back to destroy its weak spots, which are horns with a very familiar blue tint that shoot lightings. This reminded me a lot of Pelagia (but also of Basaran and Quadratus).
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And the last section features Behemoth charging at you while it flies, which of course reminded me of the Avion fight.
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Thank you for reading all my yapping about pieces of media I love deeply! After not being able to find many comparison between Dororo and Shadow of the Colossus online, I just had to make one myself. This is my first time making a post like this, so I hope this isn't worded too badly—
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