#couple getaway
chicagomindedvision · 2 years
How To Plan A Romantic Getaway To Las Vegas
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hungryfacesart · 16 days
Hi Ibiza! Here is the best time to visit, best beaches, paella spots and sunset views for romantic getaway
I’ve had the privilege of visiting some of the most stunning places in the world, but none have captured my heart quite like Ibiza. It was originally my boyfriend’s favorite destination, and over the years, it’s become mine too. We visit this captivating island 3-4 times a year, and each trip brings new memories, fresh inspiration, and a deeper connection to the island’s magic. Whether it’s the…
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sea-buns · 1 year
i wanna say it was in episode 3 after the boxing match when i was struck with the intense need to savor every second of mentopolis.
the mental image of a conrad driving with so much reckless abandon that the car is like half off the ground as it speeds away, hunch and dan bumping around in the backseat on either side of ivana who in comparison looks bolted down to the seats, money flying out and trailing behind them as justin hangs his head out the window...
all i could think was "oh this is the best." like the best. and while i do agree that 6 episodes is a perfect length for the season, what with them running at the speed of thought and all, i could also fully see them working with a 15-20 ep season just as smoothly.
and i don't just mean that as "this season would have been better with more eps" cuz tbh i don't think it would have been better, so much as it just would have been different. they could never make anything more and i'd still be satisfied. what i'm saying is that i think it'd make a great length as a second season.
which would be a great opportunity for brennan to flesh out the world elias lives in, while also allowing for more in-depth character development from the pcs.
this first season could act as a prologue to the world of mentopolis. and then the second season immediately kicks off with elias dealing with the aftermath in some way. maybe witness protection wasn't enough and now he's on the run from gobstopper industries. or maybe it was but now he has to learn how to adjust to living as a person with needs again after being alone and overworked for so long.
and as he navigates this new relationship, the attention from the press, the looming question of what now what next— we get to see how our prefrontal pis are doing as their lives were also flipped upside-down by this change in elias' life. cuz regardless of how positive and welcome a change may be, there is still a rather difficult adjustment period as you attempt to decipher where your place is in this new-normal.
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tianalaurence1 · 8 months
Last year, Anne and Tim had a secret visit to Australia.- Looking back
🌳 They toured the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney.
📸: Denise Ora
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katareyoudrilling · 1 year
Couples Getaway, Part 3 (Kinktober: Partner Swapping)
Series: Couples Getaway
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Reader, Dave York x Carol
Summary: This year, you vacation in Tuscany and change some rules
Word count: ~2.1k
Rating: Explicit (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: partner swapping (everyone is enthusiastically consenting), voyeurism, exhibitionism, PIV, oral (m and f receiving), I’m choosing to leave a little out for the sake of the “plot,” please DM me if you have concerns, but I think you’ll be ok
A/N:  When I saw “Partner swapping” on @flightlessangelwings kinktober prompt list for today – my wedding anniversary lol – I just knew that I had to revisit these four.  Happy anniversary @drillingkat, I hope you like this one as much as the other 2 ;-)  This probably could be read standalone, but would be better enjoyed if you’ve read the first two parts linked below.  Enjoy!
Series Masterlist  -  Part 1 (1.5k)  -  Part 2 (2.3k)
Main Masterlist
Taglist – link in my bio
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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You awake and stretch your body dreamily on the bed.  You smile contentedly to yourself as you take in your surroundings.  To one side, the view of the Tuscan hillside greets you through the doors of your veranda.  Rolling hills dotted with distinctive Italian cypress trees stretch as far as you can see.
On your other side, Marcus stirs and rolls away from you – one long, muscular leg stretching over the duvet.  Your gaze lingers on his tousled brown hair… the expanse of his back… the dip at the top of his bottom as it disappears under the covers.  You’re tempted to run your fingers down his spine just to watch goosebumps rise across his golden skin or slip your hand over the curve of his waist and wake him up hard and wanting.
But that’s when you hear them.
The now familiar sound of Dave and Carol fucking wafts in through the open doors along with the Italian breeze.
You swing your legs off the side and pad out onto your veranda.
Dave and Carol are on a lounge chair by the pool below you – naked and gleaming in the sun.
You lean against the wrought iron railing to get a better view. The warmth of the morning sun heats your bare skin as arousal builds in your core.
In past years on this trip, the sexual escapades took place behind closed doors… except for the one night when you swapped partners.
Sure, you heard Dave and Carol fucking in their room, and they heard you and Marcus.  No one made any effort to quiet down.  You all readily admitted to how arousing it was.
This year, the four of you had decided to drop that barrier.  In your rented Tuscan villa, no room was off limits. No audience was discouraged.  It was wanton.  Hedonistic.  Fucking HOT.
You are caught up watching Dave and Carol’s lithe bodies tangle with each other, so don’t notice Marcus behind you until he slides his hands around your middle and kisses your neck.
You moan and lean into him.  His cock is already hard, nudging against your bare ass.  Pajamas have no place here.
“How nice of them to wake us up with a show,” Marcus mumbles low in your ear as his hands move upward to cup your breasts and tweak your nipples.
“Best alarm clock ever,” you whimper as one of his hands drops between your legs.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groans against you as he kisses down your spine, bending you forward to grip the railing in front of you so he can slide into your soaked pussy.
You gasp at the stretch, so delicious without any prep.  Marcus swears as he bottoms out, gripping your hips tightly as you flutter around him.
He fucks you slowly, making sure you feel every ridge and vein of him drag against your walls.  You press back into him with every stroke, chasing friction as Dave and Carol reach a crescendo by the pool.
It doesn’t take long before Marcus’s powerful thrusts have you at the edge of orgasm.  You hear Carol come and follow quickly after her.  Marcus shudders to his climax behind you.
You stand and lean back against Marcus.  He pulls you into his broad chest as you catch your breath.
A quick morning fuck has only given you a little relief from the fire pooling in your belly.  A fire that has been steadily growing as this trip approached.
This year, it is up to you and Carol to initiate the partner swap and your men have no idea what’s in store for them.
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The four of you tumble, laughing, out of the hired car in front of your rented villa.  You and Carol had vowed to make sure the group didn’t go past tipsy on your wine tasting tour, but you certainly flirted with that line, as evidenced by Marcus and Dave bowled over with laughter and bumping into each other as they make their way up the steps and inside.  You don’t want anyone to be drunk, but a little liquid courage might be needed tonight.
You follow them in, rolling your eyes at Carol over your husbands’ antics.  The two men are so different, yet so alike in many ways.  You slip out of your sandals and walk barefoot across the cool stone floor admiring the view of the setting sun out the window.  The beauty of this place will never stop taking your breath away.
The owners managed to preserve the villa’s old-world charm – stone floors, wood beamed ceilings, creeping vines – while adding in modern conveniences – luxurious bathrooms, a gorgeous pool, a plush sitting room.  You head to the sitting room now.
Tonight is the night you and Carol have been planning.
Marcus tries to pull you down after him as you direct him towards the couch.  He’s been predictably handsy all afternoon.  The man loves you in a sundress.
You don’t allow him to pull you onto his lap.  Instead, you stand between his legs and take his face in your hands.
“You good?” you ask, looking deeply into his chocolate brown eyes and… he knows.  The haze of wine and sunshine that had been clouding his vision burns off in an instant and is replaced with a sparkle of excitement.
“Yes,” he replies enthusiastically.  You press a lingering kiss to his lips.  A promise that you are his and he is yours.
You pull back and see that Carol is also stepping away from Dave.  The two of you stand side by side facing the men on the couch.  It reminds you of that first night in the pool two years ago – you and Carol facing your men, about to change the group dynamics forever.
Adrenaline courses through your body – tingling from your toes to your fingertips.  The rush makes you dizzy.
Dave rests his elbows on his knees, eager and intense.  His dark gaze sweeps over you and you shiver despite the warmth of the evening.  Marcus sits up straight and excited at the edge of the couch, like a golden retriever waiting to be told he can have his treat.
You and Carol glance knowingly at each other, suppressing the excited giggles that threaten to bubble up.
You both begin undressing – shedding sundresses, bras, and underwear.  The men wait at attention for their instructions.
Once you’re standing fully naked in front of them, basking in their lustful gazes, you and Carol turn towards each other.
Carol reaches for your arm…
You tuck her hair behind her ear…
She presses her lips to your neck…
“Oh my god,” you hear Marcus’s strangled exclamation.
“Fuck yes,” Dave hisses beside him.
No one ever said which partners were swapping.
Arousal tingles across your skin.  Your nipples are already incredibly hard when Carol closes her soft lips around one.  You throw back your head and moan.  Her hand travels down to your mound and you wobble unsteadily on your feet as blood rushes from your head.
She guides you back gently to a chair and encourages you to sit.  Your eyes flicker open.
Dave stands before a still seated Marcus.  He has taken off his shirt and his pants hang open and low on his hips.  You can’t hear what he’s saying over the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears.  Marcus stares up at him entranced as he unbuttons his shirt.
Marcus nods.
Dave lowers himself to his knees.
Your cunt clenches.
You know Dave has been with other men and Carol with other women.  They both speak freely about it.  You and Marcus haven’t had the opportunity to explore those desires yourselves, having only discovered your adventurous sexual sides since you’ve been together.  You were both pretty vanilla when you met, but as the trust has grown between you, you’ve been able to indulge each other’s curiosity.  It has only brought you closer together.
Carol pulls your nipple back into her mouth as she brushes her thumb over your clit.  Just the tiniest of touches sends spasms of pleasure through your body.  You have been so worked up thinking about tonight that you’re already on the edge of orgasm.
You manage to open your eyes as she sinks a finger into your fluttering heat.  You want to see what the men are doing.
Marcus grips the couch cushion, panting, as Dave stokes lightly up and down Marcus’s long shaft.  He then lowers his head and takes Marcus’s cock in his mouth.
You clamp down on Carols’ fingers as your orgasm crashes into you.
“That was too easy,” Carol teases as she strokes you through it.  She watches her fingers disappearing into you and licks her lips.  You swear as she presses her tongue to your still pulsing clit.
Carol reduces you to a puddle of need with her tongue and fingers.  Marcus’s moans and the low rumble of Dave’s praises provide a swirling backdrop of need as you edge closer and closer to another climax.
When it does come, you surrender fully to the pulsing and throbbing of your core.
Shuffling sounds from the couch bring your back to yourself.  Dave stands fully naked in front of Marcus now, cock bobbing between his legs.  He runs his fingers through Marcus’s hair as Marcus looks up at him with puppy dog eyes.  He is once again a golden retriever waiting for his treat.
You watch transfixed as Marcus grips Dave’s hips, his thick fingers digging into Dave’s muscular ass.  Marcus drags his mouth the length of Dave’s thick cock before taking him inside.  Dave hisses and rocks his hips forward.
They’re so beautiful that you hate to look away – Michelangelo would have been inspired – but Carol has been so generous with you, and you want to return the favor.  You climb off your chair and direct her to lay back on the plush rug.
You run your fingers down her body, teasing her nipples, feeling your own tighten in response.  You swirl your tongue around the pretty pink peaks, sucking gently, then harder as she responds to you.
You taste your way down to her pussy, already glistening with arousal.  This is a new experience for you and you want to get it right.  Circle, press, suck… you find your rhythm and lose yourself kneeling between her legs, living for the sounds she makes and the way she rolls her hips.  
You startle when big, warm hands grip your uplifted hips.  The men have joined you on the rug.  Marcus is behind you, caressing your ass, looking both blissed out and desperate.
“Don’t stop,” Dave instructs from his position near Carol’s head.  “Make my wife come.  You’re doing so well, isn’t she baby?”  He caresses her face, and she nods.
“Let me suck your cock while I come,” Carol whimpers.  Dave positions himself so that she can take his weeping cock in her mouth.  She moans and he swears under his breath.
The desire to wreck Carol the way she wrecked you burns low in your belly as you resume your ministrations.  Marcus slides deep into your pussy and you whine against Carol’s wet folds.
He thrusts into you deep and slow, building friction gradually as you focus on Carol’s pleasure.  The debauchery of it all stokes the fire in your core.  The four of you reduced to tangle of limbs and primal urges.  Your very own bacchanal.
Soon, Carol is shuddering beneath you, crying out around Dave’s cock.
Marcus pulls you up and back against him, ramming himself faster into your wet heat.  You twist around to face him, pounding hearts touching, friction building, and dive in for a kiss.  The four of you mingle on your tongues.
It’s frantic and desperate.  Your bodies so familiar to each other, so good at finding the perfect angle and rhythm.  You drive each other higher, gripping hips and shoulders, searching for your release.
You reach your peaks together as Marcus babbles thank yous into your skin.
Thank you for helping him explore…
Thank you for trusting him…
Thank you for taking a risk…
Thank you for loving him…
Thank you for being his…
The world around you disappears as you look into the eyes of your husband – blissed out and adoring.  You trace over his gorgeous features with your fingers.  His angular nose, his sharp jaw, his swollen lips.  You’ll make plans for next year soon.  The four of you will travel somewhere exciting and have a week of glorious sex, but until then, Marcus is only yours and you are only his.
You couldn’t be happier.
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Series Masterlist
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🤍 ‿ Why think separately of this life more than the next, when one is born from the last? Time is always too short for those who need it, but for those who love, it lasts forever.⁀🤍
~Dracula Untold
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aquamarineglow · 2 months
For those who ship Rook and Bishop:
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Feel free to explain your thoughts in detail, I love reading what you think!
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misschunlee · 2 years
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THE GETAWAY Director: Chet Thomas
Featuring: Derek Cruise ▪︎ Mark West
Marco Rossi ▪︎ Zak Spears
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animeweeb115 · 1 year
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"You're important to me. Of course, I should be the one protecting you."
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A Cozy Weekend In The Cabin
In the world of Joey and Brianna, the year is coming to a close. Three hundred thirty-one days, that’s how long these two have been putting in work. For Joey, the year was all about finishing up his debut album. Long nights where Joey could have been at home, snuggling his girlfriend, Brianna, were instead spent in the studio, burning the midnight oil. While Joey was working away in the studio, Brianna was away at the school library, writing papers and finishing assignments. So now, as the trees shed their leaves and snow and ice coat the ground, life begins to slow down, and for Joey and Briana now is the perfect time to put a pause on work and get in some much need quality time. But what will they do with this time off?
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tennessoui · 2 years
It's the anon with the pregnancy ask in the cheating au. So sorry, I didn't mean that obi-wan makes him pay in a unhealthy way but more like he is flirting with others people in front of him like he did with the waitress. Bad choices of word on my part.
But I love that it is angstier for everyone involved. Anakin trying to be the best husband and father but suffering about it. Obi-Wan trying to act like he is fine but definetively dying inside. I think that may be one of the period where the pain/angst scale is tipped towards them and not Padme (tho her husband still wants someone else).
Does Satine sees that something is amiss?
ahhh yes!! yeah absolutely i think when padmé is pregnant, their relationship is still so new but intense that it's really hard to be normal about how much they're obsessed with each other but they absolutely have to hide it and now anakin has a thousand more duties and obligations taking care of his pregnant wife, who obi-wan genuinely respects and has mentored for years before meeting and sleeping with her husband
we see later on that obi-wan definitely starts to own it (in a snippet flashback he literally insinuates that anakin was thinking about him when he got padmé pregnant and the twins are theirs which is very gross sorta hot and something anakin notably does not disagree with)
but at the beginning, when anakin and padmé announce her pregnancy, probably at a large celebratory dinner, i can see obi-wan just....seething.
would be in character for this au if that's the last night he and satine sleep together and afterwards she's like dang youve never fucked me like that and it's because this time obi-wan was thinking of anakin.....
and that night across coruscant, anakin stayed up til dawn staring off into the distance and thinking about how satine and obi-wan left early.....together.....after many touches.......and anakin didn't get a chance to talk to him >:( no congratulations were offered or celebratory kisses >:(
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queenbasila · 1 year
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Cleveland Ohio 07/13/2023 ❤️
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rinnysega · 7 months
I love that feeling of booking a vacation 😌
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katareyoudrilling · 2 years
Couples Getaway Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x Famale Reader, Dave York x Carol
Summary: Partner swapping adventures with Marcus Pike and Dave York
Series Content Warnings: Partner swapping.  Additional warnings are listed for each chapter
Rating: Explicit (18+ only.  NO MINORS)
Part 1 - the private pool
Part 2 - the ski resort
Part 3 - the Tuscan villa
Main Masterlist
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getoutofthisplace · 7 months
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Mom and I worked out this morning together, then got cleaned up and went to brunch. Afterward, we went shopping to get me some much-needed updates to my wardrobe. Mom dropped me off at the Rogers Convention Center so I could start the judging process at Soup Sunday. It was nice to see Beverly & Gary, Missy & Bill, and Sydney & her boyfriend. As soon as the event ended, we hit the road for home. Mom will pick you two up at Nene's in the morning.
Bentonville, Arkansas. 2.18.2024 - 12.00pm.
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