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kaelumizine · 1 year ago
Interest check results + title reveal!
Hello, lovely KaeLumi fans ~
I have the interest check results here! There was a total of 20 responses (it says 21 but someone submitted again due to forgetting to checkmark an additional role -- so charts will be off by 1). That may sound really small, but that was a whole lot more than I expected. I was going to go through with a small scale zine if I got just 10 responses (if at least half were interested in contributing), it was stuck at 6 for awhile, then the last week it just EXPLODED all of a sudden because someone happened to browse the KaeLumi tag and found the IC (thank you for reblogging it, I owe the influx of responses to you!)
Now, without further ado, let's take a look at what we have here!
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^ You're all pretty interested, this makes me smile.
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^ We got a lot of writers on board, but a good amount of artists too! No MMD artists, so I guess I'll be the only one in that department, lol (and possibly a friend of mine, if she's not busy during production). I write as well so.... you guys are gonna have quite a bit to read haha.
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^ This was quite a close split, but overall, having solo illustrations of Kaeya and Lumine as well has won out. We will have at least (1) of each of them! Maybe (2), but due to the close split, we will not have (3).
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^ Pretty much everything basically passed but headers. So potential Merch Artists will be able to make anything for the above except headers. I doubt we'll end up with one of everything, but the options are there. Phone wallpapers and Chibi PNGs were most popular!
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^ Medium scale won out! But I must say, bold of some of you to select large scale. We probably won't have enough contribution for such a scale, but I like your vision. This will still depend on the amount of contributors we actually get, but we do have enough for small scale and possibly the minimum for medium if some contributors submit more than one piece (don't worry, I've set a piece limit + you have to finish your primary piece as a safety net to make sure you actually get at least one of your ideas done).
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^ I guess we're all really starving for content, huh? Haha.
Now, as you know, the zine has been currently untitled, so I asked within the interest check for title ideas as well! I received some lovely suggestions, narrowed it down to two, but this particular title stood out from all the rest. I just thought it sounded perfect. This was submitted anonymously so I cannot say who actually came up with the idea, but whoever you are, thank you -- I love it.
The title of the zine will officially be ----
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Frostwind Star!
I just put a background so the words would actually show up against a white background haha. But yes, "Frostwind Star", will now be the official title of our zine! (Made the logo with clipart from Pixabay by OpenClipart-Vectors. Font used is Cougette). Thank you to whoever suggested it, I just thought it sounded really pretty.
Thank you to everyone again for your responses! Again, it was a lot more than I expected. I know it looks like a really low turnout compared to other zines out there, but for me personally, it was a splendid turnout considering how underrated this pairing is. So, I'm just really happy that this little zine can go through! Nobody out there was making one, and none prior seem to exist, so I thought to myself; well, if no one else will do it, I will. No harm trying, right? If it fails, I'll just make a personal zine of them. But it turned out even better than I expected, so thank you ^^
Look forward to contributor apps opening tomorrow! I already have it set up, I'll just be giving it another once over before making it public.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
What is right now so shocking to me, as I am working out vegetarian food options for myself, is that I am not actually a picky eater. It is just that my mother was a horrible cook. Like, she was one of the worst cooks ever. And she found new ways to make food taste horrible.
I should have guessed that much in my youth already. When I was with my auntie for a while and she made cougettes for me. And I thought I hated cougettes. But when my auntie made them, they were super nice.
So, now... I am the point where I will eat the one food I always hated with a passion: Brussel sprouts. Because I never had someone else do them, as I hated them so much that I would not touch them, no matter who made them.
I mean... For the most part I started cooking for myself when I was seven years old. By the age of 15 I would refuse the food my mother made and cook for myself after school.
Does this count as food-related trauma?
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years ago
i wanted to cook courgette soup but i don't have onions (second ingredient out of 2) so i guess i'll just eat blended cougettes then
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latabledesintolerants · 4 months ago
GRATIN DE COUGETTES sans lactose - Recette du 30/10/24
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Virginie MARTIN (@latabledesintolerants)
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kawulak · 2 years ago
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Cooking a vegan smoky Lentils with Butternut Squash & Chimichurri #butternut #butternutsquash #chimichurri #cougette #lentils #pumpkinseeds #chilliconcarnespicemix #babyspinach #chives #brownonion #garliccloves #celerystock #mindfulchefuk #passata #salt #blackpepper #cooking #sundaycooking ##cookingathome #cookingathomeisfun #newport #wales #gwent #cookingfromscratch (at Newport, Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-evuDoCNt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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growallotmore · 5 years ago
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#growallotmore ‘a first #cougette cant wait to harvest it in a few days. Can’t wait 😊 #allotmentuk #allotments #growwhatyoueat #growingfood #greenfingers #greenthumb #vegpatch #vegetablegarden #ediblegarden #gardensofinstagram #gardentotable #veggiepatch #veggiegarden #courgettes #thehappygardeninglife #gardenlife #gardeninguk #allotmentgarden #gardenersworld #instagarden #instagardeners #homegrown #growyourown #growallotmore #makegardencook #growyourownmag #the_rhs #thegrowshow #veg https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHTdIMF9Ez/?igshid=1o0i1g2eyn1j3
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koremosoremoparis · 5 years ago
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簡単そうで、なかなか難しいズッキーニ。年中売ってまーす! #ミニチュア #ハンドメイド #パリスタイル #パリ在住 #パリ好きな人と繋がりたい #miniature #handmade #cougettes #paris (Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B70r0LhodUL/?igshid=a6ppkfuglb98
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askwhatsforlunch · 3 years ago
Springtime Chicken Pasta Salad
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Yesterday was chill, but today is a proper Spring day, warm with an expense of blue sky and heaps of sunshine. It’s a day to enjoy lunch in the garden, amidst the fragrant blossoms and the pop of colours blooming flowers paint on the grass, enjoying the light and observing the birds or reading a good book. This simple, hearty and bright Springtime Chicken Pasta Salad makes this even easier, turning Sunday’s leftovers into a generous and flavourful quick meal! Happy Tuesday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1/2 cup frozen broad beans
1 3/4 cup cold, cooked whole-wheat pasta (such as penne, farfalle or fusilli)
leftover Rosemary Roasted Chicken and Cougettes
2 tablespoons Lemon Dressing
freshly picked chervil
Bring a small pot of salted water to the boil. Once boiling, add broad beans, and cook, about 5 minutes. Drain broad beans, and immediately plunge in a bowl of ice water to stop cooking and cool. Set aside.
Spoon cold penne into a medium bowl. Add leftover Rosemary Cougette slices (about half a large courgette).
Peel broad beans.
Remove Rosemary Roasted Chicken meat from the bones, and cut into small chunks. Add cold Chicken chunks to the bowl. Add reserved broad beans, and drizzle generously with Lemon Dressing. Toss gently to combine and coat in Dressing. Garnish with freshly picked chervil, if desired.
Chill Springtime Chicken Pasta Salad, at least half an hour in the refrigerator, before enjoying, with a glass of chilled white wine, like Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.
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simmedaway · 4 years ago
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SAEC Milo x Cougette E
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chefskapasja-blog · 7 years ago
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Ready for today’s vegetarian bbq??? Vegetarian skewers. . . . #eggplant #grafiti #cougette #skewers #cherrytomato #buttonmushrooms #sweetcorn #bbq #cheflife🔪 #chefs #kucharz #grill #polishchef #cooking #instalike #foodporn #foodie #foodgasm #picoftheday #passion #eat #fresh #vegan #vegetarian (w: Kingston upon Thames)
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gl360tv · 8 years ago
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Starting the day the right way #myvitamix : #banana #cashewnuts #cougette #raspberry #blueberry #chaiseeds #oats #coconutwater #ice #linseed #sunflowerseeds #pumkinseeds #spiralina #organicfood 😋😋😋 💪 #genfit #mindbodyconnection #exercise #healthy #lifestyle #fitness #inspiration #workout #HIIT #instafit #instahealth #instadiet
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sagkag · 8 years ago
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#maldenseasaltflakes #newpackage #botanicalart マルデンシーソルトの夏のパッケージが期間限定で可愛い😍#cougette #yellowflowers (at London, United Kingdom)
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lsdq · 8 years ago
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cuisinepassion · 8 years ago
Flan de courgettes
Courgettes : 500 g Crème fraiche épaisse : 60 g Oeuf : 3 Préparation de la recette :
Faire cuire les courgettes sans enlever la peau. Battre les six œufs en omelette. Mixer les courgettes cuites. Mélanger les courgettes, les œufs et la crème fraîche. Mettre dans des ramequins, après les avoir enduis de beurre (environ 12 ramequins). Faire cuire 30 mns au four thermostat 6 (180°C).
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recettesfacilesrapides · 3 years ago
Methode simple pour Preparer Parfait Lasagne aux cougettes
Methode simple pour Preparer Parfait Lasagne aux cougettes
Hé tout le monde, bienvenue sur notre recette page, si vous cherchez recette de Lasagne aux cougettes, ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Nous ne vous proposons ici que la meilleure Lasagne aux cougettes. Nous avons également une grande variété de recettes à essayer. Avant de passer à la recette de Lasagne aux cougettes, vous voudrez peut-être lire ce court conseil sain intéressant sur Les bases d’une…
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ludovic-delion · 3 years ago
Les conseils de Ludovic Delion pour creer son premier potager
es gestes essentiels pour créer un potager bio
Pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats, il faut s’assurer que votre sol soit correctement préparé. Évitez les traitements chimiques qui peuvent non seulement s’infiltrer dans les légumes, mais aussi éliminer les bonnes bactéries et organismes, comme les vers présents dans la terre.
N’hésitez pas à faire tester la qualité de votre sol en déterminant le pH, les niveaux nutritifs, mais aussi les recommandations de traitements.
Par exemple, pour vérifier sa richesse en argile et en limon fin, un test simple consiste à prendre un peu de terre dans la main, à l’humidifier légèrement et la malaxer. Si la terre colle sans salir vraiment les doigts, c’est qu’elle est riche en argile et en limon fin.
Tous les jardins profitent du compost. Étendu autour des plants, cet engrais naturel nourrit vos cultures et réduit les mauvaises herbes tout en permettant de donner une seconde vie à vos déchets.
Pour commencer, mesurez un carré d’au moins 1 mètre dans votre jardin pour placer votre compost. Celui-ci pourra être un tas simple à même le sol ou contenu dans un composteur ou un bac à compost.
Puis, mettez-y tous les éléments qui permettront de former le compost : déchets des repas (épluchures, coquilles, pain, croûtes de fromages…), copeaux de bois, journaux déchirés ou encore les coquilles d’oeuf, les fleurs fanées et les excréments d’animaux. Pensez à retournez de temps en temps le tas de déchets pour optimiser le processus.Vous obtiendrez un bon compost en 6 mois environ.Il est important de choisir des variétés de légumes adaptées à la lumière disponible dans votre jardin, à l’humidité, au drainage et à la qualité de votre sol. Des plants bien placés sont des plants plus résistants aux agressions extérieures.
Pour choisir vos semis, cherchez des variétés 100 % naturelles, qui n’ont pas subi les ravages des engrais chimiques et des pesticides.
j’y ai mis de plans bios de cougettes, de tomates-cerises, de grosses tomates, de potirons,. C’est un rectangle divisé en 6 carrés séparés par des planches de bois, sur lesquelles je peux marcher, j’ai aussi un carré d’herbes aromatiques,un autre de salades.
J’ai un coposteur en bois et avant les prochaineslantations, je nourrirai le sol. J’ai eu beaucoup de courgettes et de tomates, délicieuses, j’en fait profiter les amis, pour les potirons, il faut encore attendre.
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